Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 02, 1842, Image 4
II.1AK XOTi: 1. 1ST. mvsvuixn. The following list shows the current value of nil miHV Ivnnia Uutik Noli a. The most implicit re nin may l placed Uioii it, as il U every ti'iek i fully compared with ai il corrected lioin link ll't Reporter. Hanks In I'lilhwlt I'iUIii. LtlCATIn. AT I'AK. I NSC. I I'm N O T E s nk of North Anioiiea . nk of the Northern l.ihertiea inmerriiil Rank of Penn'a. . tn'ria' ami Mechanics' Dank nsinfjtnii Bank . iilali Iphia Hunk . hu Ikill Uni.k uthwark Hank stern Dank . pur pur mr pur pur pnr par pnr pnr Country Hank. ink of Chester Covinty Westchester ink of Delaware County Chester ink of Oermantown Oermuntowti ink nf Montgomery Co. N'n.ris'.nvn ij lestow n Dank Doyleslown is'on Dunk Easton n mers' liank of Bucks co. Drhtol lice of Monk of Penn'a. Ilarrisluni;" lice do do Lancaster I pnr Tho.-r Illl'lCCS .no uo 00 licatling fice do do Easton tin not J issue II. NOTES AT D I COT NT. j ink of the United Platen Fhiladchihiii .ri'abO 1 ink of Penn Township . . 1 nrd Dank . . . tiniilneturers' St Mechanics' Dank . cthanics' Dank oyamenaing Dunk . . ink of Pennsylvania . . incrs' Bank of PolUvillc Pottsville ink of Lewistown Lewistown nnk of Middletiiwn Middletown iI7J 40a4.' l.',alS I :.'S 12al I 7ul0 H Uoallll (ia7 nk of Nnrllinmlieil.ind FfcT .l I 1 . 1 r I oriiiuiiiix'nanu .i:w nltinihia Dank At Dridgcco. Columbia , - 4"0 arhsle Dank xchatige Dunk Do do branch of nrmrra Dank of Lancustet uticaster County Dunk uiiucia' Dunk of Reading irrishurg Dank nicastcr Dank chnunn Dank leulinnls' A: Manuf. Dank nnk of Pittsburg Vest Dranch D.iiik Vyniiiing Dank iorlhumpton Dink ink County Dank ilice of Dank ol IT. S. Do do do lii do do Cei..- melon !Sav. Ins. A '"mi Township Saw Inn. 5 i nit of Chainberebiirg .il k ol (icttysburg (nnk of Susquehanna Co. nc B.u.k -'aimers' A. Drovers' Dank Yanklin Dank loucsdale. lijiik Uui.tiiigahrla Dank of B. 'oik Dank Carlisle Pitlshuir Holhdayiihurg Lancastei l,n lie aster Reading llarrishurg Lancaster I.elmuon Pitlshurg Piltbhuig Williainsport Wiikeshnmi A llentowii s I 7 fill 12.i IS laJO Ri nding Pittsburg Erie New lirihtoii .U do ('hsmhershurg ietlysliurg Monliose I J 8 I0a20 l.'i Eriu Wayneshurg 'ashingtoa Honesdale DrowiiHville York N. D. The notes of those hanks on which we mill isolations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exeeption ol those which have a letter of n (en nee. BROKEN DANK S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Schuv Ikill Sav. Ins. do Manual Lahor Dank (T, W Dyott. prop.) failed failed failed failed failed HO sale closed closed failed closed no sale filled failed failed no sale I owanila Hank 'l'owandu Alleghany Dank of Pa. Dunk ol Denver I!. ink of Swatara Dunk ol Washington Centre Dank Cily Dank Farmers' .V MoiVcs Bunk Farmers' (Si Mech'cs' Dank Farmers' iV Mech'ca' Dank Harmony Instil uto Huniingdoi, Dunk Juniata Dank Lumbermen's Dank Northern Dunk of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge (To. Noitln.iiih'd Union Col. Dk. Noiih Wcstirn Dank of Pa. Ollice ot Schu) Ikill Dank Pu. Ayr. Manuf. Dunk Silvci Lake Dunk I nt. hi Dui.k of Penn'a. eMinorelund Dank illu sharre Diidge Co. Bedford Beaver Ilarrisburg Wasbingloti Bellifonlc Pittahuig Pittsburg Fayette co, lireencustlc Harmony Huntingdon no sale Lewistowu no sale Warren failed Dundair no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadtille closui PortCurhon l.ilhd Carlisle failed Moiitmse closed Uniontown fulled Oreeiibliurir closed 1 Wilkesharie nosule (ej- All lictes purpoitiug to he on any Pennsyl vania Dank not given in the above list, may he set down as frauds. m:w ji:ksi:y. II. ink ol New Dtunswick li, Ivideie Dunk Duihuutoii 'o. Dank ioiiiiiiercial Dank Cuinlicrluud Dank Failiiers' Dank Brunswick failid : Delvidere I , Medford j ar ' Perth Amhoy ' j Dridgeton par Mount Holly pur , Ratmay I 1 N. Uiunswitk failed Middletown Pi. :i ; Jersey City failed : Hoboken failed Jersey (Tily laik-d J'utteraon failed Delleville tailed ! Mornstown 'i Freehold failed ; Newuik i 1 Trenton pur Jersey City , 110 sale : Newaik I Lumheitsville Hoboken failed . Jersey Cily luiUd 1 Orange 'J Patilsoll failed do I Princeton .u - Suhin jur Newark I EliuU ihtuw n 1 Camden pal Monisiuun I Tiililui) failed Salem l.uli.l Nimioii .; Trenton ... r i'over ;) Hackensaik Frunkiin Dunk of N.J. llohoken Dkg & dazing Co Jersey City Dank Mechanics' Bank Manufacture rs' Dank Alnrris Company Dank Monmouth Dk of N. J. Mi chunii-s' Bunk Mccliuiiic' und Manuf. Bk Morns Canal and Dkg Co Poet Note Newark Dkg cV lua Co Vw Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. and Dkg (To j J Prolecton V Lunihuid I k 'lunge PaleisoH Bank People' Dank Princeton Dank Suit in Dunking Co' Male Dunk Slate Dank S'.ate Dank M ile Dank of Moms : t..le Dunk - ..!i in mid Philad Manuf Co .Mise Dank '1 u nion Banking Cu I 'm. i. Dank unhingtuti Bunking Co. IIIXlHtKU Dk of Wilm iV Drauil) Mint Wi mingtoii par pa. pur par pur pur p.r par liar Dai k nl Delaware Dunk nf Sin) riu lo lunch W lllliil.gloll Smyrna Millord l uillii Ik' Dk of Mule nf Del Dj br iticli Dovci Wilininloii (it Oigl town Newcastle Wilmington Do hi inch Da UjihIi Union Dank I'lidei b't (1 j On all banks marked lliua (') there are it i.ltici ruritt rlin.l or altered uuten of Ike vurioua tic nutoiuations, in cin uUiiou. The best method for the Abolition of Disease is to demise and purify the Body. "WIlHall T'N 1MH A VF.ET.illl.i: PllslsK pTiIK .Yurth .Imnitan Client ol Health, Are now acknowledged lo In- the best Medicine in the Vnrlil for Ihe run' of EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. BECAUSE ihey comp'etcly cleanse, the sto mal h and bowels from I It ce tiillinu and cor rupt humor vhieh are the muse nut only of Headache, OiihlincM, Piilpiliition of the Heart. Pu'iis in the 11, , lies, Rheumatism ami Omit, hot every nialiiilv ineideiit to man. SAID INDIAN YEi.ETAUl E PILLS areaemain cure fur in teinnttent, leniitti d, nervous, inllamiiloiy and pu'rid Fevers, because they cleanse the pidy fieni those inoihid humors, which, when Cniilined to the circu l.itioii, are the cause of all kinds of PEVE I'S. So, 1 a'so, when the same impurity is deposited on the I niemln:i.e and muscle, rinsing p. ins, inll.imv lions nml swellini-s rulleil II E I M ATISM, I COl T.Ae. W'riuht's Indian Vecitalile Pills limy he relied i n as aKvnvs erlain In isive n lief, anil il ' per-evried with, nrcoidlnii lo directions will most I ussun dlv, and without fail, make a erfi rt cu e ot ! II... I ti ,.l.. Putrn itiri'P lo six if I said Indian Ve-elnl.'e Pills taken ev. rv nihl p.. In n.l I the h.nly from eveiy thini? that is opposed t i health, ' that l!hetnnatiin, Omit. il p do of ev.'iv deacrip i lion, will l (in tally DRIVEN KliOM THE DO ' DV. I'or the s inie leason, when, Irom sodden 1 H'U III Ol IT. Wl.l III O riii.i, , nil.. w chanties til ntmo-phi te, or any other cause, the pei spiiatiim is checked, and the htunois which should iisotl'lV the skin are thrown inwardly, causinij HEADACHE, Ol DDI NESS, Hansen ami sick ness, pain in the hoin s, waiery aril inflamed eves, sore throat, ho.irsenes, coukI s, consiini lions rheiiniat c pains in various part of the hudv, ami many i.tlnr svmiiloms of CAT Cll INO CUl.D, - . J . . I . .... ... Wriahfi Indian Yruefnfdc I'i'f.i will insariahlv r;ive imincdi. te ri Itet. Erem flnee to six of snid Pills taki n every ninht on going to lied, will in n i . ... , ... o,ii ..... SI nil nine, inn iiiiiy icoiovi- mm uir no". iiiii'm . ., : . . .1. l., I symptoms, cut ine iMioy w.n, in a snon .one, i-v- i restored lo even sounder heal h than hefore. ' ASTHMA, mi DIFUCUI.TY F DliEATII- ! fj. HV'-A's 1ml, tin VtiS'lnln'r I'M will hios I en and cany i ll', hy the stoinuch and Ihmcis, thn-e ! I tonh phlininy humor', which stop up I the air ! I cells ol the hint's, mid are the cause, not only nf the i ; ul oe distressing c uiiplainl, hut when neglected, j i olten lerminales in thai mo.e dieadlul malady culled j ...... ...... . . i i.i i i I l li.NM Ml I in.i. II siiou ii oi" ami icuieiin'cu-u that Ht''. Jiidimi Viiretidilr f'ils arc a certain ' i cuie for PAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau- ; sea. find sicknrss, lo-s nf appititc, rnstivciirsa. a , yi Mow tmge of the rkiu and eyes, and every oilier ' sy 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) 1 1 1 1 1 a torpid or diseased stiitc of Ihe liver ; j hrcuuse they puree from the body those impurities ! w hich if di posited upon this important oriMii, are ', ; the cau-e nf eery laiiety 'f LIVER COM-j PLAINT. When a nation iscoinu'sid hy not-, ouihreaks and ri hellion, the only means ol prevent I ing the dreadful eoiiscquences of a CIVIL WAR, j is U expel ull traitors, und cll ibtiposid ones Irom I the country. In like manner, w hen pain or sick , ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug j glmg with intiTiiiil fix s, the true remnlv is to EX j PEL ALL MORBID HUMORS, (Tiaitor to t heiihli and life,) llculli will lie the certain rttult. j That Ihe principle nf curing disease, by lionising I and purifying ihe body, is sluctly in accordance with the laws winch govern Ihe iconnmy; antl il properly carried out hv the ue of the above named WKIOHT's INDIAN YEOETAULE PILLS, will ceiluinly result in ihe complete Aho I lion ot Di-ruse ; we oiler the following testimoni als, lioin persons nf Ihe highest resiicetahility in ! New Yoik, who have iceentiy Im'i ii cuted of the I iiorl ohrlinutu cnmpiiiinls, solely hy the use nf j Wmiiiir's Imuan Vmiktihi.k Pili.s, of the i Sorllt Aiiu.ricut ddbfic nf lltulth : Juiiii, L. I, June '.III., Mil. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with great sati-fac tiou I inform you of , My having Iwen intiiely cured of Dyspepsia, nf live years standi! g, hy the use of your Imhoi 'u.thi.k Pills. Previous lo meeting wiih your eelehrali d lilnli j cine, 1 h id In en under Ihe hands of several Physi l cians, ami hud tried vaiious nieihcint s ; hut all to j no etli-cl. Alter using one 25 cent box of jour Pills, however, I experienced so much benefit, thnl I te-i.Uid to .itm veie in ihe use of them nccoi.ling i to directions, w hich I am happy to state, has roult ! d ill a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you foi the ! (lent benefit I have received, and also in ihe hope olheis similarly ulllu d-d may he induced to I m .ke tiiul i f your extraoidinny medicine, I send ' you this htati'iiu nt with full hbeity to publish the j same, il von think pr. per. Yours, far, New Yoik, June IV, I si II. O. (T. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright's Indian Vcgetuldc Pills. Deal Sir I have been nlllieted for seeral veins wiih inward weakness anil general debility, accom panied at times with p.uns in the side and oilier distressing complaints. Aftei having Irn-d various mrtlicines w i'hout i 11. cl. I was persuided by a liicn.l lo make trial ( f Dr. light's Indian Vegetuhle Pills, which I am happy lo slate, have relieved me in a most Wi rfu! manner. I have Use, I ihe me dicine, as yet but a shoit lui e, and have nodiiiibt, bv a perseverance in ihe u-e if the inetbci'ie accor ding lo directions, I shall in a short lime be perbcilv restoied. I most willingly recommend said Pills In all per sons siniilaily i.fllictetl. and in 'he lull tieliel that the s line !cneficiul results will follow their use, I re main outs biticeiely, HENRY A. I'OOTE. Waiwaising, Ulster co. N, Y. Nw ViiMK, Sept. V!l. Ull, This is to certify that 1 have used WaiuHr's Ivi'iiv Vii.itibli. Pills with the greatest Imiic fil ; hav ii g in in Iv curetl my-elf nf the fn iiicii at lacks ot Nick Headache, to which I had previously he. n subject. A N N M A li I A TH t M Psi ). , ' y'12 tireenwieh sinai. N. Y. I To Mr. Kirhmd D. tii.i., Agent lor Wiight's In dian Yi getuble 'Mis. f.t r r i o .v. As there are at this lime many wicked persons htisitv i liv'iiged in s. I n.g a counlerfeil medicine un- di r Ihe li .me ul ihe Indian Yrflel .l ie Pills ami as ibese ilesi irale mt 11 are so ulierlv reckless of coll , iuencis, that m iiiy vuluable l.vcs may he 1st in cm s.'ipu nee of using their tlre. tlt'iil enuipouiids, the public ure caulioueil ugauist puiehu-ing any Pitls. unless on the tides of the butts the follow ing w , .tiling is found : URIOIIUS INDIAN YEOETAULE PILLS. (Indian l'urgulire.) i,i i ii k miuiii miNntv ii.ii.ii.t: or iiialiii. And n'se to l e t-pc.ully cult lul against puichu Mil g ul me.iiciue of any person except Ihe regu I i. u.lverlis.'d ageilis, .t'...V.s I li MiHTHUMIIFIil.AMi CO, I ' nnxijliiiuiii. H. B. Masur, Su' iiry Pa) ne A Rose. Nor- ihumbi il-iitil J.tcoli Haas, S' am. .kill Samiii I j Herli, M.thonov Bverly A D. Haas, Augusta lieu, i A Polluter. Milton Iieland A Meixell, , McEwe svi'le P fei ,V Dearmond, Tu.huUvd e J .lies Pen!, Pollsgrove II Kl.ise, St. v ,1. r.nov n II. II. K.ohel, P. M Elj.burg P. O ui. , Lei lining, P M. Union Comer, i Oilice siitl Depot for the sale of ' HVi'tji Indian Ytgelalie I'M, Wbnlcsalf mid Rn.iil.Nj. UiM RACE SPREE P. PHII.ADEL ' I'illA. May SI, 1813. ly J QgTj O I N T IVX 33 N T, Foil TU'l'TKII. UIXOWOHMS, MM PI, PS ON THK f( R, AM) OTIIKU ; . .isow Kni-priow. I (jjf 7ie fulliilfingcrrtijiruit elctci iliet one nj the ' extraordinary runt tier ejected by any i upplieulwn. Pin i. a mi en i a, Fehiuaiy in, 18:IS. IOU twenty years I was severely alllictid with TiiTTKK on the Face and Head: the disease ' comincneid when I was seventeen years old, and 'continued until the Fall of 18'lfi, vatvinR in vio- lence, hut without ever disappearing. During most of the time, great part of my face was covered with ! the eruption, frequently tended with vio'ent itch ! inn; my head swil'ed at timis until it felt ns if it ' would hurst the swelling was o gieat, that I could searci ly get my hat on. During the long period ' I was alllicied wiih the disease, I tiseil a (-rent ' many a plication', (among them aevcrnl celehrated 1 prep ii it ions) as w. II as taking inw.tnl remedies, : including nuinher of lotth s of Sirnhn'a I'tinnrrn. I l'..tlrict f Sitrsitpiirilla, fic. In fact, il would he I iiupossihlc to ennmeiate all the medicines t used. I was ulso under the c.ire of two of ihe most dis ' lini;iii-licd physicians of ihis city, hut w.tlinut re . ceiving 111 ell henelil. ami I despaired of evet heing cured. Ill the fill of lSltf., ihe diea-e nt the time I !' very violent, I conun t.I usmij the ; Oinlirrlil. ( iin ii.iri il hv Vauuhan iV D.ixis.) In - . ....... . a lew applications tlie violent itciiine ciaseu, me swelling aliaied, the rii tii.n began to dls ippear. and belore I had used a ihe ill-ease was riitueiy clued. Il has now I ecu nearly a yuir and a hull since, ninl there is not a vestige of the disease re niainiiu!. except the sears from the deep pits formed hy the ili-e-e. It is impi Ssihle for me to dcscril-e in a tfrlifnaii' the severity of the disease and my still, ring, but I will he pie sed lo pive a fuller ac count to any person wanting further satisfaction. ! v-lni will cull on in ' using I lie 11 sc t)iut , I r I . I . I. II on me. At the time 1 commence. I incut I would have yiwn him beds nf do lais to h' rid ol tin- iloease. Since u- f-ing it. I have recnnnni tub d it lo several persons, (among them my mother, who hm! the di-rtisr bad ly on hi t uiiii.l v ho wi re a I eurej hv it. JAMES DURNELI., No. l.'iti. Race St. (fjj" The Rose Ointment is prepared hy E. D. Vauhan, Son h East comer nf Third and Race strei t-, Philadelphia, unci sold oil aceney ill ry. hv 11. D. MAssE R, M.iy Nth, HI2. j',f:"- llov Oiiiliiiriit, lor TclRr. a moor or its i:rri( Y. P ii 1 1. a n 1. 1. I'll I a , May '7lh, ls:i'.l. 'PHIS i- to cerlilv that 1 was seicrely alll cie.l 1 with Tct'er in the hands and f. et for upwards nf forlv i"at; the disease was attended generally with vio'ent it. hug and swelling. I applied to i, mill., r of ph, ami usul a gn at many uppli ca ions without illeeiing a cure. About a year since, I applie.l tie Rose Ointment, which entirely stopped ihe iteliing. anil a few applicnlimis inline. h cured the disease, which there has been no rcluin of, iillhough I had never Imen lid of it at i ully time for l..ily veins. RICHARD SAVAOE, Eleventh, below Spruce Strei t. (jj 'l'he Rose Ointment is prepared by E. D. Viiiiiihan, S iiitli East corner of Tbird ami Race Streets, Philadelphia, and sold on agency in Surihii ry.l.y il. D, MASSED, ' May I llh, HP.'. -I-"'- IVIEDICAZ. APPROBATION tifthv ROSl) t)l TMi: T, for Teltrr. LTHOU(iH llr superiority nf the prepaiatioii over all others is fully established, ihe proprie tors take ph asure in laying before the public the following cer'.ilicale from respectable physician, a graduate of ihe University of Peuiisj Ivauia. Dr. D.iiigh, having found in this lemrdy that lehef fcr a letlious and disagreeable alii', tion which the means within the range of his protcssion failed to alford, has not hcsiiatcd to pive it his approbation, although the prejudices and interests of that protc-biou ate opposed to secret Remedies. Phi laid I I'm , Sept. Ill, lHMI'i. I was recently troubled with a tedious herpetic erupiioii, w hich coveied m arly one side of my face, and extended over the ear. Mr. Vuiighuu, pioprit -loi of the Rose Ointment, nbseivmg my face, insis ted on my tiying his prep.iratiiiH, nl which he han ded i ne a jar. Although in common with the niein- hers ol my profession, I discountenance und ilisu piove ol the numerous nostrums palmed umhi the public by L'nm nit pr. tenders, I feel in justice hound to except the Rose Ointment fioin thai cla-s of inc diciins, mid to give it my approbation, as it t uliir ly i tired ihe eruption, although ii hid resisied ihe usu.l iipphcaiioi.s. DAM. DAI (.11, M. D. (TV The l!oe Ointmeiit is prepared by E. !'. Yaughan. Smith East corner ot Third and Race Sneeis, Pliilaile'phia, ami sold on agi nev in Suu buiv, bv 11. D. MASTER. May' I llh, IS-PJ. Agent, BOLTON "6c CO. .'ii i ;il 4 iiiiiiiiIsnIoii .lici t IkiiiIk, l'nr the Sale nf I'luur, Grain, Sted, lc., Ac. At 11 E."s'E(TTKULLY inform their fuends and ken those large and coinmoilimis harvi s, with two Doiks, nottli of Chesnut stieet. on the Delaware, together with the stole No. Ill S,,ulh Wharves wheie they would be pleased to receive consign ment of drain, Flout. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, e. ,Vc. Being also well preiareil to forward ull kinds of Merchandise bv the Schuylkill and Union, of bv the Chcsuttenke ami Title Waler Canals, as low boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of lowing boats by el'her route. Merchants will plense lie pailicular to send their goods destined .y ruber canals, 1 1 io. l'Jiiulh harves, Intwei li Market and Chesnut sine's, nil the Delaware, with directions accomp .IIS iug ihem which route they wish them lo be shipped. Piaster und Suit lor sale, nt the lowest mur ket price. BOL TON A d . Mauh IS 13. No. IU South Wharves LirvXE ! LIIVIZj ! LIIVIE ! fllf E suhscrilieis ure preparid lo furnish farmers 1 and others with any t)iiautitv nf Liuienf a very supcrioi uuuhtv f.r Inn. I, in n'ji-tcriiig, at ihe f.d- ; lowing vtry reduced prices, u; H els. per bushel j for 1 uud Lime j 10 els. for lite best uual.iy nf pli- teruig I. line, ut Ihe kilns, below the borough of Son bury. They will alsotb. liver, at any place within ihe I orough ol Sii.iburv. Lime lor luiul. at 10 cents ier i bush. I, und Lime for plaisteriuR at 12 J cruia pri I'U-liel. lie subsenbers h-teulwaa on htii.d, large quantity of Lime. lis tpniliiy is good, und their limestone is not equalled by uny hi ihe neigh borhood. SEASHOI.'PZ A BEROS'l REssER. Augusta, Apiil Jtl, li. WKAVEirS HOTEL, Sunhury, ,'urthiii)ilirrlantl Ctmntt IViiii) l aula. riHE subscriber, nsptctlully informs the public I that he has removed lo III it large i.nd coinino. lious 'Puvern Siuiid, at the corner of Market ami Fawn streets, (sign ol the Duck ) foiuieily nt cu pud by Jonas W eaver, ami lately by Daniel Oils son, nil. ic he is now prepared to uccoiiiiiiudutc ull who may tumr him with a cull. Dv sun t utien tloii to biisi.u'rs, anj his utiiiost endeavor to rentlei saiisfaciioti hoe lo receive a liberal shure ol public pationage. CH ARLES W E.W'ER. Suuhuiy, Muuh l'.'th, IH'.'. C'ouiilfl liltrin' l'(itli ltlow. rPhe public will plrane observe that no Drandrelh Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon il, (the top, the aide ami the bottom) ciii h containing a fac-siniile signature of my hand writing, thus B. Bhasiinktii. M. D. These la brlsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expense of over fi.OliO. Therefore it will he seen Ihul the only thing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Rememhrr the top, Iho side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhori, anil hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of llrandmh' Vegetable Univtmul I'M. Northumheilaml county : Millon Mai key & Chamheilin. Sunhury II. D. Manser. M'Ewrna ville Iieland &. Meixell. Norllniml'etland Wm. Forsyth. (Georgetown F. Mitllinger .V Co. Union C. unity : New Berlin John Holl'mnn. Selmsgrove Ever and Sihnure. Mitl.llebiirg Isaac Smith. Deaveriown .1. & F. Diugnmaii. Adamsbiirg II. A. A. Smith. Mitilinsbinc Swope t Laird. Hmlleton Daniel Long, pree- i Iturg (J. iV F. C. Mover. Cnitrevire Stailey a: Leuharl. Lewisbuig Walls cVOrccn. I (Tolumhia county : Danville E. D. Reynolds j iV. (To. Berwick Shuman Ar R (Tat tawissn C A. iV O. (.'. Drobts. Dlnoinshiirg .loliu R. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Disi I. Wa shington Robt. MiCay. Liiiie-tonc D. L. . Schmeck. Obseive that each Aeec.l has an Engravid Ccr- ' lilieati' of Agency, Containing a representation nf Dr DRANDRE ill's Manul iclnry at Sing Sing. ' anil upon which will also be wen exact copies nl . (he ntir ,'uliti m,ti' un it iijiim the ilmndittt I'M 1 Itlt.VtS. I Philadelphia, office No. H, North Pih street. B. RRA.NDRETII.M.D. January 1st, , Hit: ! AMEIIICAIV MEDICAL X.IBHAHV V II ivn:i.Mi;i.v( i:u. j CONCENTRA TED f Medical S,i-! - ence and Lileraiure, by Rohlev Dunglisou, M. D., Protessor nl the Institutes ot Medicine, etc.. ; in .Ii lit is, in Medical College of Philinle'phia, pub lished monthly by Ad un W.dilie, No. 4(i Oatpeu. nr street, Philadelphia. Sohscriplimi price, ."i a y-ar. Suhsciiptions for the above work n reived by ; the suh-cr.bcr. II. D. MASSED, I Dec. Mill. ISII. Agint. nc .7&n. 111! Lot,. to, -.11 I-'.,,,, I . . i.or a tiot.l ...... ' bundled and ten acres, more or le s, situ ite in Point township, Northuml I'llaml cotnit' , uhotit ' two miles above Noitl.limbeil nnl, on the uiaii. . road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining nd- of John Leghou, Jesse IT. Ilotion and nlhers. now in tin; occupancy nl Mamui I 1'ayne. Al oul ; forty acres of said tia.t are (hand, and in good ! state of cu'livation, on which there is a small burn ' i reel, d. The property w ill U-sohl un r asoi.uhle . teims. For further patliculars, peisous ure retiuest ed lo apply to the sut sciib, r. II. 11. MASSED, Agent, Nov. 271.1. ISII. tf Sunhury. Pu. ' TPiT TT'TT' TST T1" VN artie'e uncit!allcd tor cleaning uud g.vmg a : highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sit- : ver, ( ir in it li Silver, Brass, Coiiimi, Dnll.iiia ware. I'm, Stiel, (Tilth ry, and lor restoiing the lustre on varnished cumage-, Ac. 1'liV IP. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by ihe Susiiuehaiinu Chrysolite Polieh Company, Owcgo, Tioga count v , N. Y. M. FORS I H, Agent lor Norihum d, 11. B. MASSEK, Aguil lor Sunhury. Novemla-r 3Uth, If 1 1. vjti.u ru:Vj:iT LAST IrZAKER, So. 7 1 ( 'allow hii! Si reel, Philadelphia C Three dw.ra ulmre Scennd.J T4HOE Fiudiiiga alv.ays kept on hand, which hi for hi.Im t.n 1 1 I.ia-p.I lrtorf fTit.ntlrv ?' . . ' . . . ' Meich iola are purticut nly to nil and judge lot to i ill ami themselves, Philatlelphia, Novem net II, I Kit Iv. OF EVERY DESI RIP'IION. m:v !,anioii. caMPA.w. .No. .". Noitli Water Street, Pltila. ,NUFA("I'URERS ami dealeia in Oils of every description hoih for burning ami iiiaiiiilaciuring purposes, which will he sold much lower than ihey can be procured elsewhere, ami vv, .minted ir. quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company lint proving us represented, may he returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will U icfumletl. Their Block now in store consists nl ihe follow ing oils, vi. : vtO.OOO gallons Winter Dlcachcd Spcinri Oil, noon do do do do do do do Ooloiless Oil, l in, unit Co, (ton (.000 i:.,(Hio Fall and Spring Sperm O.I, Winter Sea Elephant, tlo Pie.scd Whale Oil, Summer tlo do do Common Whule Oil, n "00 Dariels siqieiioi Sun 's Oil, anil do Cod Dank Oil, fill do Neu's Fool (Id, 75 Cusks Olive Oil, l miner a nts. j ij 'Phis Compitiiv has a liutnber of Ycssels til gaged in the Cod Fishery, and 'Panners may rely upon gelling at all Lines Oil us pore as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. LI, ISII. ly. G. VT. & L. B. PEER FOR SALE, at the South Eat Coi ner of I'lfth und Slrtitu, Thiludil- pli in Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do wuler proof, double soles ami double uppers, do Call-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Waler Leather Boots, ihi tlo N'cats do do. do High quurlei Shoes, Call. -kill, tlo tlo do Crockcrs do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip tlo do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Pint) do do Kip do do do tlo do tl.) tlo do Calf ami Seal Skin Pumps, do Lil Socks with uud without soles, tlo l'jrjct do do do do Puli'iil Warranted Wuter-proof Moccasins. Ladies' tlo do jj tj Latins' tunned India Rubber shots, Ccutlf incus' tin Overshoes. I'll every nlher dec ipliou ot boots und shoes. Pur I 'ups of every description, Tr.ticil ng Tan ks ol every description. rrawlling Dags. Patent (ililll Elastic hoe lllaiking. Doiinels nl all kind.. Pdh.i Lent Huts. 1'hiUdt Iphia, November IJ, Isll. ly. 71J.T & BP.CTHEPs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, Nd. l'JT (.'licsmit Street, below -llli, l'liilmlclpliia. KEEP constantly on hand a general assort menl of Books and Stationary ; compiiaing 'I heologieal. Law, Medical, Classical, Mieccliann ous ami School Books, Day Bunks, all, Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pockel Dihles, Wiilinv Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac., which they ol ler at the lowest piices lo Country Merchant's Pre- l fcssional Oeiitleiuen, Teachers, and all others Ihul may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Novmlier LI, IKI1. ty. .11 iili at-1 Y(a(i' X. Son, ROrE MAUERS H Sllir CHANDLERS. No. 'A Anrllt VI nter Jsierel, I'uuii liina. AVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw irics, Ac, vi. : I ur'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la hopes, J nw Lines for Duals. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Tw ines, Ac, such as Hemp Shut! am) Herring Twine, Best Patent (iill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Ileriing Twice, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, II alters, Truces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains. Ac. all of w hich they will dispose of on ri asou.ihli teims. Philade'phia. November IH. 1 1 . 1 y . Jut ol) I l islllllt 11 Soil- 1) ESPECTFULI.Y inlotrns tin ir friends nml ncniiaintanecs ge lerally thai they still run tinue to keep at the old stand. No. " Hi Norih ibl slrri I, Philatlelphia, all V 'lids of TOIIACCO .SA I ' AM SIC G A Its. Which they will sell n llie in A . leoniuiodbtin and le teims. N. D. All iroods sold w'.ll he gu.u intceil und oil orders prompllj all, ruled In. Philaih Iphia, Nevembei HI, IM1 -ly. PSTE?s CClTCTSPs, Kik'salo ami ltetail Mine. IJoiuict, w ami l'alm Leaf I lat Waielumse. A.. ti(i N'o;7i 2i ttrrrt, a fun ttvnrs ubux .lich, I liiliiiltllihia. A' I.SO Tninks, t'uipet Bags and V ulirrs, of"rv cry ile.-ci ipliou, all of which he ulleis for sale un the most teas, nahle terms. Philatlelphia, November 13, 1811. ly. J . YV . .s W A IN', I'lnlnella and Parasol laniil'artmer. -Yu. Mmitit lli i til tlrrti, in ii dour Inline tlit Cr'v itv, I'hitmlilnUin. V 10UNTR Meiihanls und uiheis are solicitctl 1o cxumiiiu his uo.-oiti.niil before puichasing elsewhere Philacelt hia. N'ovfiuher 11. IS II. ly. P. Al A . K o v or DT ' S Cllilin. Class tllnl Liveiltool Ward Wlise, I'af'i.v's do.; Smilh's Orammrr: Kirkhan.'s do.: A'olCI AVA Third tr,et, third dm,r btiuw Vine H'a.l. r,; Cohl 's do.; Cobb's Aiill.meiick; lrt, I'hilu.Lljihiit. FikeV do.; Enters,... s do.; Cull, s Spelling B.-.ks; AniERE Ihey constui.lly keep on hand a large ; Town's d...; C bb's Table Books; Evangelical I u usst.rt. t of Uliiiia. Cl.iss and Liver. ,ool ' '"i'v I.ih.arv ;( 'ullage Bible-; Y amily do ; Cnllaler- assoitmeiit of I hnia, (.lass and l.tveinool Wure, which they w ill dispose nl on the most lei souable tornis. Philatlelphia. November II, 111. ly. Tiii' cl i.i'. Iainifactiirer ami Importer of Sail tllery, I lartlw are, S:c. Ao. I Smith Third tlreel '.fnur dunrs Inh.w I'hilndi liiliiu. T EEP constantly no h ,n,l a large au.l general assortment Coach Lamps, Carnage Hands, Akle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Pali nt Leather. Ac. ('ountry Meichunts and sudtlieis will he supplied ul ull limes un the most lejsniiahle teims. 'J l ey w ill lind il lo their advantage to cull and examine his assoitiiifiil Isidore purchasing ebewl.ere. Philadelphia, NovemUr 13, 1811. ly. KK V.NOI.DS, Mel AKI.A.M) & t ( I Wlmlesale Dealers in l'oiei'.'ii Jlrilish ami Ameriean Dry (looils. Ao. 15 Market tlrttt, l'hitudi Iphiu. : y-OI'VTI.'V l-...l, .... ....I .!... ... I.. ...... . . , """.". : --..,.- y ut Ull !... 1,1, n,. J.,eu r.,... itieiit of ihe U'st und in. st fu-htoiiable Ooods upou ! the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November Ul, ISII. Iv. LOWKli iV JJAIIKUN, ImjHiiters ami Dealers in Foreign ami Domestic Haul ware. No. 174 Noh i n Tm K i Sra UT, I'HI Ll III 1 Cll I A A 1 r 11 ERE their fiieuds and i iistomers will always ' lind a large and geneial a-sor.menl nf pnreigu and Domestic lluidnaie, which they will si Hut the lowest pricen, I'hiledeli hia, November 13, MIL ly. r.Slir.UK'K, HANSl'.U. ('(VS. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STORE. No. Hi5 larket Street, I'liila. (liemi' I'iflh Smith fide ) A IAYAYS keep on hand a full ami general as Jty st rlinent of Hosiery, Luce, ami Fancy Ooods, Country Men hauls are respectfully -rqiicstjd le give tin in a call uud examine for themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1S4L ly. spkimni:, t;ooD vv cd. Xn. l.'IS Mai ket Street, Philadelphia. SNYPPE the alteiitiou of (.'ountiy Merchants to their extensive a-soranciil ot Drili.h French and Ai'iciKun Dry (ioods, iv Inch they oiler loi sale on llie most reason;. hie terms. , Philadelphia, Noveuilirr Ul. IS1 1. ly. IVIcCALLA & HERSE, No AI, Not III Net oiivl sli i t t, (e.iMxi.H or coomb's AI I.I T.) Where they coustutiily keep on hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIJMEIiES, VESTINOS, Ami a geiut variiti nj tu licit if a nijiitmr quality, which Ihey oiler to dispose nf upon the most icu.onuMe tirins. C10UNTRY MERCHAN TS and nlhers will find it lo tt.tii advantage to tall and ixun.iuc III. ir slock Ix loie purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. fi, 1HIU ly GIlrCClT &, F?sly, 1Il'E(''l'FULLY infoiui ihe ritiateus of Sun- bury ami vicinity, that they have t.ik.n the ''hop lattly occupied by W in. Duist, wheie they will cuiry nn the TAILORING BUSINESS, in ull its vunous brunches. Dy si net silt nl ion antl ' irasotiuhlH ch.oges, they ex put lo inn it a shuie ol public pationage. Sunbuiy, Sept. 4th, Ull. jc:-:iTs'a ci"Jiicc:iTGS. WHOLISALE f.IIOE, BONNET, Cup un..' I'ulm l int Jlnt rehire. No. lOSoi iH 4i u Sruixr, PHILADELI'tll A, W 'HERE an e iteit.tve atiiilmeiit nf ihe above ' srtltles aie c UJlaiilly kepi on hunil, lor sale I ul ihr most reasuuuble terms. May S'., 1 9 1 . ly. AN impute lie ltd rc'iit-uy lor common Colds', Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Dreast and Lungs, leading to consumption ! composed of the concen trated virtues of II on hound, Donset, Blood Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wmsiow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral v'nlues of Ihe. Heihs from which the Ituham of llniihimnd is made, ore too generally known to rc c,uirc reeoniinent aiioii ; it is theiefore only necrssa' ty to ob-erve that this Medicine contains the whole of their Midicimd propeities, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vegc table substances, as to render it the most speedy, ' mild and certain n medy, now in use, f. r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all iniflainmatinn and gore' I ncss nf the Lung.', loosens tough visi.l phlegm, ens I nblhig the patient lo expectorate with ease and fiee i d.'in, Hs-uvges cough, relieves Bthllialic and dill'i l cull le.-piralion, hi als the injured purls, opens the , pines, and composes the distuiheil nerves, and gives i stnng'h to the teiidet lungs, and thus produces . S eedy and lasting cu e. r I l; It ATIT t' 11 K Is Till: II l).ST t Hi MK 15 Ml. I We arc not uiiioi.g that class of Editors who for a j few dollais will, (at the expense of truth and iW ncsiy) "crack up" an artic le nml bring it into rapid 1 Mile ; neither oie we willing to icmiiin silent, after lavtr.g tesletl the utility of an im rovement or dis- coveiy in scimcenr ait. Our reatlers will recollect I we told them we were unwi II with o sure Ihiout and j violent Ci Id some lew weiks ago. Well, we pur- j chased I wo 1 lis of WIN'SLOW'S BALSAM I Op HOREllOl'ND, and so sudden was the cure, i that we foigtii we ever had cold. Those who ure allhcled, may try it upon our recommendation.'i '!' grnph. porsale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunburif, JACOB BRIGHT, Xurlhnmhtrhimi. Also, by Druggists gtncr..lly throughout the i country. Price, oO cents jicr hollle. j Ai.gust Mill. IS 1 1. ly. LIST OF BOOKS, I tu sai. t it r VN I'lloN S ( 'l.i.-sicil Dietimiiiry; Limprii r's tin.; Aiiisvvoitl.'s do ; (.'ohl.'s do.; English ami (ieiuian tlo.; Auihmi's Cii-.-ar; Anlhoii's (.laiiimer; ! Aiitheu's Cie ; Mail's I.utin l.'eatlei; Ogilly'sdo.; , Antiicw's l atin Le.-s. n-; ll. run g in's i.evieoi.; t Fisk's (irei k Exercises; Davies's Li gendei; Oiaeca 1 Maj.ira; Adams's Roman Antiipiities; Pinnoek's Ooiilsinith's England: do. Oreect ; L ell's Elements i nf Oenlogv; Mis. l.iiicnlii's Dotuiiv; Elements of llotutiv; tiriilg.'s Algebra; Portei's Rhelorical l.'ea I tier-; Eon rsoit's Ccngiuphv and lli-loiv; Oh.ev's ul tlo.; Small Dil'les und 'Pcstamt uls; Paikei s r. t. erci-es nn t 'oinpositioii; Fruit of the Spirit; Daxlt'l's S .ini's Rest; American Revolution; Mauyutl's No v. Is; Mrs. Phelps nn Uhcmistiy; Iliad; Catechism of A merit un Laws; l.eittrson Natural Magic; Che mistiy lot Degililiers; English Exeicist a adapted lo Mu.rav's (irammei; Setui I lo Coinley's Spelling Bunk; American Class llt.ok; Daboll's Schoolm is lei's Assitaiit; A vuliely ol Itlank Books, Ac. 2, HI I. ATTENTION, .i . si i i: i jon i: s, 1 ElJI.'Es'l'S iin- utlenlion of hia country friends who ure in want, lo his very large slock nf Carprtings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Dimhngs, j Slaii Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opt, at I his warehouses. No. 18 Ninth 2d street, ami No. -j Church Allev, next door to Christ Church, Philu ! ilelphia. Julv 31, 1HI1. ly. ll. 1111 K' Mtittliill Sjllip. Iluir inn in tliiiimiinih uj Utile children die oloii ally rum thrtjftrtx if t'rntraclrd Ikntition. I'V rtquiies no urguui' nt t.) convince you that all "I. Hie Children sutler sooner or later from iho ilbels of Teething, which their kind protector may ea-ily p.-tceive lioin the following symptoms: Resiles ncss, sodden fits of crying, fietful, feverish, and sleeps but little, tin lists its fingers in its mouth uud biles, thereby seeming to obtain relief, frequent ly attended with cough, t'.illieiitiy ol breathing, how el ci,ui la ul, lull iiti'iial on of the eves, ai d sores U hiiit the ears, co.iviil-ions, Ar. Those who the cuie nl these "little ones," should never be without "Dr. Paris' Celebrated American Soothing Si mp," bo t 'lid lieu Cul'iug Teeth, by w hich they can pit-let many stunning synitoms which otieu prove l.ttdl. '1'hous.iuds ol mothe.g and nurses can testify to the immediate i (b it of this invaluable Syrup, when .ippl ed lo the gums. If a child wakes wiih pain in its gums, ihe Sjruu when applied, gives inline tliale ea.-e, I v "opening the pores" and healing the gums, ihus preventing convulsions, Ac, to the hup piucss and enjo)iiiei.l of their kind protectors. (Eitleied atcorihiig to an act of Congress.), all the genuine Medicine expressea this nil the laoe' ONLY place in Philatlelphia iv lu re ih s M.tlicii e can be obiaintd, is at the Me dical Oilier, No. l'J North E'ghiU stieet, und ad vettiscd ageuia in thp eoiiiiiiv. HEMRY YOYTHEIMER. June il.'jih , l P.. Agtnt. I'ciiialcM, HO are trouhletl wiih sick headache, pain in ihe side, breasl ami buck, loss of appetite, fla itilcm y , low lie s ot spirits, palpitation of the heait, hunting ui giddiness, sit kucss at the stomach, bilious iilliitions, lightness ut the chest, nausea, vomiting, noise in the stomach, flushings of heat, ol d chilli- lit'ss, tliseases nf ihe nerves, und ol gans of digestion, Ac. Ac, those who may be thus allcctt-d, should j lint in get tlo pr-cure Or. Ilnrlnli't CoiHminuf Sin ngllit ning 'limit and t.ienian Apcrit nl J'ill, which are warranted to give,' relict. Thousands tin we almost behold, whote. loun I tenui tees anil pile emaciated checks It-ar niculur J witness to .ickness uud ulllictioil. Could ttio.-t i persons be persuaded to Use this iiivuluuhle inetll ! cuie, liny would soon lind their weak and dehilila ! l tl Ir. inn s .tienghleiieil, their minds composed. I mill ull pain, und ilislrrss driven from the sistrm. j when the hotly will again renew ils lost vigor, ami ut on a new lite," n lid death lor a while be de ll lived nl its pny. What hi a1 1 hut fieis glad ! In holn li eu nt ai n lutivt s and dear Inei.ds. siiatchcil as il by magic from that fatal dest uyer Ihutli I ve who aie luhoring under ihsease let not uiloiher . day nr night puss without procuring this invtlicine, Us.i will ill a nntiorilv nf rases etlecl a pciinanaut I cuu I.i iiifiiilnr lilnit are dtiiigt rims ; and if ll-ta-e is neglei'ted. Us raiagia will doubly in crease. (7 "i Piini inie Ollice for the United Males, No. I Hi. NllR I'll r.lliliril siiicl.whciercccouinicn- tlaiioi s ol hi litlift's of persaiis In t y be seen, all ol which have been rnie.l nr U nel'it'i d I'V the in., hen... HENRY YO 'I'll El MLR. j June H, tSPJ. ftS Agml. nrni un. i. I'Ki.viM.. ', Dr. H.irhih's uiedicilii's ure dally Hit leasing 111 ' public f.tvor, uud want from any but a fur trial to ' establish their worth. We have a communication in nui column, to-tl ty lioin a per.oi. long allliete.l, w iih h u hut one of n. iiiy vouchers for this iiiikJi- tun . Sjurit f the Time: