Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, July 02, 1842, Image 3

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    Flrt Settlement of IN lulled Btatr.
Below we give table, which many may eon,
siiler wot thy of premutation for future reference
howing at what time an J liy whom the several
states were original) settled t
States. Dali t. Olilrst Towns, Syvhom.
Florida, 1663 St, Augustine, Spanish.
Virginia, 1G07 Jamestown, English.
New York, 1614 Albany, Dutch.
Massnchuetts, 1620 Plymouth, English.
IS". Hampshire, 102 J Dover, da
New Jersey, 1624 Bergrrr, Dame.
Delawire, 1627 Cape Henlopen, Swedes.
Maine, 16.10 York, English.
Connecticut, 1630 Windsor, do
Maryland. 163.1 St. Mary's, do
Ithode Inland, 1636 Providence, do
iVorlh Carolina, IfiSO Allerniarle, do
Nouth Carolina, IGVO Tort Royal, do
Michigan, 1670 Detroit, French,
Pennsylvania, 1682 Phil delphia, Engli-h.
Illinois, 1693 Ktskaskia, Fiench.
Arkansas, 1685 Arkansas Post, do
Indiana, 1699 Vinccnne, do
Louisiana, 1699 Iberville, do
Alabama, 1702 Fort near Mobile, do
Mississippi, 1716 Natchex, do
Vermont, 1725 Fort Hummer, do
Geotgia, 1733 Stvannah, do
Tennessee, 1756 Fort London, do
Missouri, 1763 St. Genevieve, do
Kentucky, 1775 Boonsboro', D. Boon.
Ohio, 1780 Marietta, Emgs N. E.
Five companies of lite 2d regiment U. S. In
fantry passed through Albany on Wednesday
on their wny to the lines. They arc comman
ded by Col. Riley, and arc as brown almost as !
the Seminoles whom they had been among.
They are destined for Bullulo, Plattsburg and
Breach ok Pbomikk. At ljcknnrt, N. Y,
last week, a .Miss Webster, of Hartford, Ct. ob
tained a verdict of .yJ.OOO damages against a
young man of the former place for a breach of
inarringe promise.
In AnvAMf'K f tiik At ah. A Wisconsin
paper soys, "Wc learn from a foot passenger
just arrived, that the mud may be exjccted in
the course of next week.
An Irishman observed of Alsace, where excel
lent wine costs only twenty sons the bottle, that
"it was jtut the place where a prudent man
might drink himself rich !"
Some love Strong num.
Al H 'Some lure to ruttm.'
Some love strong Rum or the Ale'a white foam,
When the bung-bole whittles free :
And for right good cheer some tipple beer,
Jtut the limpid sir, am for me.
To the forest shade or the mountain glade,
So cheerfully forlh f go,
To drink my fill at the gurgling rill,
When the sun is sinking low.
In the stream I did dip my glowing lip,
And the cooling draught pour in:
I ask no spring of brandy sling,
Or made of Gin
For what nature gave I only er.ivs
The f. iu lit that gurgles free:
The greenwood trees, a cooling breeze,
And a limpid stream for rue.
Ilrgmie, Vile Hum.
A I a 'Regime, ilull rare'
Begone, vile rum, I prithee begone from me.
Begone, vile ruin, thou and I shall never agree,
Long lime hast thou destroyed my home,
Ami fain thou would! me kill,
But, thou monster, ilemon rum.
Thou never shall have thy will.
Too much wine will make a young man run mad,
And too much gin an uM nun ugly and sad,
The pledge is signed, my wife shall sing.
Ami happy pas the day :
Cold waler is one of the sweetest thing
T banssh grief away.
Office nf the Baltimohk Ameiiicax, June 27.
FLOUR. There is very little Howard st. Flour
in market, in consrqueuce of which holders have
advanced the rate for good stanJard brand to f 5,5.
We hear of no sales, however, at that price. The
wagon price continues at f 5,50.
A fide of 200 bids. City Mills Four was m.iile on
Saturday at f 5,87 j cash, which is an improvement
The article is wanted, but there ia none in market.
We also note an improvement in Susquehanna
Flour. Sales were made to-day to Ihe eitent nf
800 bbls. al f5,75 cash, which cleared ihe market.
(I!AI., (In Saturday two parcels of Pennsyl
vania Red Wheal, not very prime, were sold at $1,.
21 and f 1,2.1, and a parcel of Pennsylvania white
at f l,27. Corn is dull lo day. We note sale of
MJ. both white and yellow at 57 cK Two car.
goes of Pennsylvania yellow wer solJ on Sam r.l.iy
at 58 cts. Wa quote M.I. Oata at 30 a 32 eta.
Two parcel of Pennsylvania were sold to-day at
35 cts.
WHISKEY. The dem.ind is moderate, and
mall tale of hhds. cnulinue lobe made at 19 cts.
and of bbls. at 20 cts. The wagon price of bbls. is
16 cts. eiclu.ive of the barrel.
Lira is Mono, A 1 1I DlATH II STinliTIO
The Ocean remaina mre so long a the winds
rootinue to agitate anJ promote circulation
throughout its component p irU but in fffolraetcd
calms, the mighty deep has been known to putrify
from stagnation, emitting atlluvia sufficiently noxi
ous to de.tioy animal life. Such is the state of the
humors of the human body that is d. prised of ri-m-ise,
and nothing can rrstoie to a state ofpuiity
its stagnant and corrupt fluids awe powerful eva
cuations with a medicine that shall act as an ussis
tant nf Mature, and conuenlly in accordance
with the human constitution. And such a medi
cine is Ilrandreth's Vegetable Unieertul I'ilU: et-pt-riciice
proves it ; because these pills are known
by the eiperii uee of thousands, 10 ierfectly cleanse
the blood fium all loulness, remote eve y inoib.d
sll.ttlion, and icnov.ite weak and enfeeblid consli'U'
lions to pcifert health and tigor.
(fj Purchase in Kunbury, of II. B. Ma-ser, and
the agents publt-hcd in another pail of this paper.
On Sunday evening last, by C. Bower, Esq., Mr,
T.KWia Hi mb to Miss Ptisciii. Smith, luh of
Corrected ttetkly by Henry Yoxtheimcr.
Whisat, 110
Rth, ...... fio
Cur, ...... 40
Oats, ... .30
Point, ...... 6
FtAtsrrn, ... . 125
Bi'TTitn, ..... 12
llMwa, .... 25
Tallow, .... 12J
llmtu Arrm, 7ft
Do. PlACHKS, 200
Flat, ... .8
HrrtLto Flax, 10
Eons, ...... 8
The Public
, RE directed to Dr. Harlich's Celebrated Medi-
cines, which are recommended by thousands
as a preventive and cure lot disease of the stomach
and nervous system. The Aperient Germtn Pills
are a direct purifier of the blood, and certim to re.
move tnle from the alomich, which is the gnat
cause of Bilious and other distressing maladies, re
gulate the bowels, Ate. The Strengthening Tonic
Pills give tone and vigor to the organa of digestion,
restore the lost appetite, quiet the neives of the de
I ili ated, and produce sweet repose to ihe restless.
The above medicines are fast superseding tho dras
tic mineral prepa'a'ions which some phya cians have
heretofore been in the practice of administering to
their patients. Since the introduction of Dr. liar
licli's preparations into the I'nited States, manv
have abandoned such vile delelerous drugs and
commenced administering the almve medicines
whenever the symptoms indicate their use.
N. B. Phynciana and others, who order the
above medicines, will please direct their orders in fn
ture to the Principal office. No. 19 North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia, (instead of ordering through
other houses,) which will ensure them to obtain the
medicine which thev exjcct to receive.
July 2, 1812. Agent.
Treasurer1 1'olicc.
'TMIE Merchants ami Tavernkeepi'rs of Nor'hnm---
lierland county nre her, by notified that their
licenses are ready for distribution, and ll.ry
can l e obtained at any lime at the Treasurer's office,
Sunbury. They ar reUesed to come forward and !,
siienu io inem on or neiore ineursioi aucosi nen,
as it is the duty nf the Treasurer to return all de
linquent tavern keepers to the court, before the
tirand Jury is d.smisscd.
July 2, 1S42. 3t. Treasurer.
ENI ECl FCLLV infoi ma ihe public that he
has made Nurthumlierland hi permanent
place of resilience, and is to attend to any
c .lis in the line of his profi nsioii.
July 2, 1842. ly.
""ITHF.REAS Letters Pslent were granted to Mr.
H. W. Cast, in October, 1S34, for anew
and useful improvement in the descending Ki.rr
Cii.ikiki Srovr.s: I have understood one HATH
AWAY is using my said improvement under the
name of "Hut Aia Stoves," which atove involves
the principles secured to me. This is to caution
all persons sgainst making, vending, or using said
"Mot Air Stoves," as I shall prosecute all who in
any way infringe my rights; and I hereby consti
tute Joshua W. Comlt, Esq. of Danville, my law
ful Attorney, empowering him to bring suits scainst
any person who shall use mv improvements in any
iminner whatever. HEN RY W. CAMP.
Oswi go, Tioga county, N.' Y.
July 2. 1842 3m. S
"C.ootl Intent Fire Company."
K STATED MEETING of the Company will
A-lie held on Thursday evening neit, al 7 o'clock,
at the Court House. Punctual attendance is re
ques ted. J. B. PACKER,
July 2, 1842. Sreretary.
";ool Will Fire Company."
THE member of the "Good Will Fire Com.
piny" are requested to meet at the Court
House, on Mond.iv Evening, July 4th, at 7 o'
clock precisely. Punctual attendance ia required.
J unc 25. J. H. ZIM M ER M A N . See.
Dissolution or Pui tnorhlilp.
THE partneiship heretofore eiisltng between Ihe
subscribers, has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. JOHN 11. PL'RDY.
8unbury, June 25th, 1 P42.
fllHE subscriber respictfully informs ihe electors
X i'f No thuinbeil..nd county, he will be a
candidste at the ensuing election, for the offices of
lirgistcr, Recorder and Clak of the Orphans'
He trusts, if elected, he w ill be able to discharge
ihe duties of said office lo the entire satisfaction of
the community. JAMES BEARD.
J une 25. 1W42.
Samuel 1). .lorlnn,
FFERS himself to the Elector of Norlhum
beibnd County, 4 a candidate for the offices
Tilt: ST. YF.RA L ( O ( R TS
of said county. He trusts, if elected, that his eipe
i lieuce in the duties of said i ll'n es will enable him to
give generel satisfaction to the public.
Suubury, June 25, 1842.
Major Davitl .. Inke.
INFtHt.MS ihe public thai he will be a candidate
lor the office nf
of N oilhumberland ("oun'y, al the ensuing election.
He respectfully solicit Ihe suffrages of his fellow
citizens, and should be be elected, he will endeavor
to dl-charge the duties of (aid olliie with fidelity,
and satisfaction lo Ihe people.
Shamokin. June 25th, IK42.
bSU Za -
Miaiiioklii, orllunnlKilaiul Co.,
flHE subscnliet respictfully inform the public
1 thai they have taken that large and con-mndi.
ous HOTEL, in Shamokintown, in the centre of
the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kram,
I wkeie they are now prepared to aecommmlaie all
who may fvor them with their cusloin. 11 y strict
atteiiliun lo business, they h pe lo receive a hhiral
share of public patronage.
Shauiokintowu, June 1 8th, 1012.
7"01T are required la meet for
parade in Market-square, Sun
bury, at 9 o'clock A.M. of Mon
day, the
itli day of July next,
In Summer uniform, each Member
to (e provided with 12 rounds of
blank cartridge.
By order of Captain Dewart,
Orderly Scrg't.
June 18th, 1842.
1 RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and the
public generally, that he has commenced Ihe
Tailoring II u i 11 cw,
in all its branches, in the house formerly occupied
by t m. Durst as a Tailor Shoo, in Blackberry
street, nearly opposite the Pn sbyterian Church.
He respectfully solicits a share of Ihe public patron
age, and trusts by strict attention to business and
reasonable charges, he will be enabled to give gen-
em! satisfaction.
Sunbury, June 18th, 1812 ly
A. V a I 1 c r c Ii a in ,
O F.SPECTFULLY informs ihccilizena of Sun-
1 limy and vicinity, that bo will remain a short
lime in this place, for the purpose of performing
epilations on the tecMi. lie tiusL hts long cxre-
rtence in the proli'sai in will enable him to give satisfaction to ihoae who mny c ll on him
lie can tie lounu al all limea at Hie remperancc
Mouse of I eter Wetmer, June 18.
S beieby given, that an application has been
maile, at Ihe lal Court of Common Plea of
Morthu'iilierUnd County, by the members of the
';ool Will Fire Company."
in Sunbury, in said county, agree ibly to the act nf
a.h ,,. .n,i,iP,i .. a .r, ,...ii
Ornhins' Courts, and for other purposes," and if no
sufficient rsuse is shown in the con'rary, at the
next term, the said company will become a corpo
ration or body politic.
June IS h, 1842. 3t Vrnthimtttaiy.
-LCTJPs, E?fcAlT, &C
flHE subseritxr iesMCtfully informs the ublic
M- that she keeps constantly on hand for sale, at
the lowest cash prices, al the lower end of Fawn
street, Sunbury, FI.OI'R by the hundred, quarter.
Ate. BRAN by the bushel, HKUKI.Mi by ihe iloj..
en, Confectionary, Ac. She resiectfully aolictts the
patronage of her friends and the public generally,
Sunbury, June lllh, 1842.
" To oiiulry
THE Subscriber, Agent of l.von At Harris, Hal I
-- Manuf.iclurera, for New York, Philadelphia,
Baltimore and other large cities, whowi Hats are
highly commended for gmtd enl-it and durability,
has on hand a first rate Hssnrtnvnt of HATS and
CAPS, suitable for Spring siles, wh cb will le aol.l
very low, foi cash or appioved credit, at the nr ted
cheap stare. Tin. 40, North Third atrcrl, oppsi'e
Ihe City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Order lor Hats in Ihe much, promptly
altendod lo. The highest rice iu iA or ta le
given for fur :iim.
Philadelphia, June II, 1812 --ly
o f
ff I
- r H
oo 2.
n i 3
e x.
3 r
2. c
- - N
s -
C g- Y' sS 9
I 2
o -
R E.
C u
m 1
? ST C
5 s,
3 g
.loli ii r.itely,
"I ESPECTECLLY informs the Electors of Nor-
ihumlaj land county, thai he will lie a candi
date for the ollsce of
He promises, if elected, lo curt himself to render
general satisfaction, which his experience in the du
ties of said office will enable him lo do, having held
il for the term of three years lo the entire satisfac
tion nf the public.
Sunbury, June 4th, 1842.
jaa,Tc 'r:'H a zrn2 -
A LI. peison indibled to the linn of Lynn &
Harris, under the agency of O.N. Thacher,
Hut and Cap Manufacturers, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested to make iinmedi
ate settlement of thi ir account with the subscrilier,
their legally authoiieed agent, who is fully emiiow
eted to settle and colbvt the accounts of said linn.
June 4th, 1N42, if
A Sent.
l elix .llowrer
ESPEC TFL'LLY informs the Ek-clor of
IB, Noilhumberlaiid county, that he will be a
car.didatu lor the office of
He promisT, if elected, to discharge the dutie
of said oflice with tare and fidelity.
I'pper Mahonoy. May 2Hih, 1842.
TV Till: F.LF.VTORS tF .ORTJH M- c(h: ty.
rilllr. stiliM'ntH'r resiH-eltully olleis him-elt as a
1 candidate for the office or
and offers, should he be elected, to exert himself to
render general satisfaction.
1 1.1.1 AM M. GRAY.
Suiilmry, May ?8ih 1812.
to rim i : 1. 1 :c tor slit's n i it vm-
IIIE sulwriU-r offers himself to the electors of
Northumberland county, as a candidate for
the olfi.e of
Should he be favored with a majority of votes,
he will spare no exertions lo render general sans,
failton. GEO. MARTIN,
Suubuiy, May 28th, 1812,
riiiLADEf.rnM. rkauim. An mttstillu
Will commence running between Philadelphia
una I'oltsvule on IhP Jolloirtng days
ami hours :
Ow an a?tkh Ma nut. Mat 0. 1842.
Leaving Pottsville, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays at 8J A. M.
Leaving Philadelphia, on 1 uesdaya, rhuraday
and Saturdays, at 1 P. M.
Honrs of parsing Reading.
r or rhilidelpliia, at 10 A. M
For Pottsville, at o P. M
f.f ( ; s.
Between Pottsville cV Philada. f H.50 A: $2,fi0
Between Reading Ai do. 2.25 At 1,75
Between do eV Pofsville, 1,10 At 1,0(1
Exci asioi J icklts niiiiD roa msti xmsn
wrtT hat.
Between Pottsville A: Phil idelphia, f 5 00
Between Reading At do. 3 00
Between do. At Pottsville, 2 00
The other passenger trains will as licfore, at
ttie loll.nvn.p h'-urs :
VhSluilrlnhin uiul I'nttfrille.
From Philu.lelphu, at 5.) A.M. 2
From Pottsville. at 2 P. M. S
Hour nf patting Untiling.
For Fottsvilic, at 9 A. M. i
For Philadelphia, at 3j P. M. S
AH the trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
(TT All passengers ure requested to procure
their tickets Im fore the trains stait.
May SI, 1812. if.
U.S.Mil Coach
i'or roT-rsviiiij:.
fllllE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum-
1 lierland every morning nt 4 o'clock, snd arrives
in Pottsville in lime for the ers lo Philadelphia
Faiik as low as any other brie.
For seats, apply al Mrs. Wellington's Hotel,
N jrthutnhciliiiid, o at George Weitzel's, Kunbury,
A. E. KAPP At CO..
North'd., May 21, 1842. I'raprietars,
rr'r Pas-engers coming from Philadelphia will
please secure their seats at the White Swan Hotel,
Riice S Iwtiire tbey leave the cilv. rasseiigers
coming in this line, have tin ir seats si cured in anv
Stage or Packet boat from this place. 1 huee coming
in ihe other line may lie left behind.
U I'ST lercivcd, a fresh supply id cheap Dry
9Jt (ui.mIs. Grooms. H ar.lvv.irr, iVC.
Superior Ladies black kid tiloves,
t' do ,
Lawns, ('hintTes, Moiisselin de laities, Ate.
Cloths, Cas-iiucies. I'ashmeiets,
Linen lr Hings. Muslins, Ac.
Stiierior Poil ine.
Pure S?rm Oil,
Sperm Caudles, Raisins. Arc
June 4th. 142. H. B. MASSER.
rT irnr c. iittt.t.t a tvtcz'
flunk Hook .Manilla lory,
(hnmsite I'rincr's oft,
fF4IIEY are prepared to manufacture blank work
A. of every description, ruled to any pattern, sucli
as Docket l.ecords, I),y Uooks, Ledgers, Ass
sors' and Cnllcclors' Duplicates of the finest quail
ty of paper, in a style equal to any made in the ci
lies if Philadelphia or New oik.
All descriptions of bin.liriK neatly executed
Scrap Boks, Albums and Portfolios made to order
I. a Mooks, Music and I enodiculs tiouiid to anv
pattern. Old Book rebound, A.c. Also files i f
paK-rs bound.
fTT W ork left at the oltice ol the .unliury Ame
nesn, will be promptly attended lo.
May 211, 18-12. ly.
TIIHE snbscrilier hereby give nonce, that he has
I this day sold out, deliv! red and Iransfened lo
Mr. John W. Frvling. all the right, tide and inle
rest of bis store, from this dale, w ilh the books from
the 1st day of April last, and that the business will
hereafter be conducted by Ihe said John W . r ry-
liug, at the oi l stand.
fr7 All persons knowing them wive indebted lo
the subscriler, are requested and required, forth
with, lo come forward and settle the r accounts
without further delay.
I1HE subsenber hcrvhv gie nonce that he
I Ibis day purchased from Henry Yoxiln inter
bis store and ei.lne stoik of gnmls, and lhal the bu
siness of suid store w ill hereafter lie conducted by
him at the old stand.
He iherelore r- eiiecifully solicits from hi friends.
and the customers of said store, a continuance of
tin ii favo-s, and hnis-s by strict and punctual alien.
lion lo business, lo merit a continuance of their
patronage. JOHN . I l( 1.1.VU,
May 18, 1842.
f OHX A. HENRY LANDAC, hating rented
3 (he Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Suidniiy
have now for sale the best Lime in this pari of the
mutitiy, and will continue to keep constantly on
baud Iresh Lime for Plastering. Building and for
Liming laud, on as reasonable terms as can be had
anvwhere in the
May 21, I842. J. A; If. LANDAU
Stiuir nittl Tobttcoo Manulaclurcrs,
A'o. !! Arii West corner of Rat1 und Third
Sim Ik.
H'MIE undersigned bate formed a Co partnership
A under Ihe firm of J. MAYLAN D Jh. A Co..
as successors to the late firm of Jucuh .Maijland A
i'o., and wilt continue the business at the old esta
blishment, on their own arc. nun. In a. Union to
their own close atn-niion and experience f t many
years, in the nisnuf ulnre nf their eeft brat. .1 snuff-,
e ihe long experience nf the senior partner of the
late linn, will also lie devoted lo the interest of the
pew conevrti and as no eXeitiOn and rare Will he
spared lo insure their go.sls, al ill times of the ve
rt !-! imnliiv. ihi V solicit a rnnliiiUance of Ihe
I rniilidi-iira ol I tin Ii lends and Customers of the late
J. -MAY!. AND, Ja.
Philadelphia, May 14th, 1842. ly
llFAlLrSl) ClU .XTY.
HllE Suhsciiiier nspivtfully ntfera himstlf a a
X candidate for the ollii e of
at the ensuing general rlerlion. Should be 1-e so
fortunate to be elected, he will endeavor lo give
general satisfaction lo all.
n n 9 nr m
No. 09 Xorth Third, almti Arch Hired,
ArroMMnnATlosrsi Fon ar.vt:iTT M:roms.
pHARLES WEISS, late of the "White Swan."
and "Mount Verno'n House," respectfully in
forms his friends and customers, thai be has become
Ihe proprietor of the ahov well known Hotel.
Country Merchants will find the abovn Hotel a
central I. Cation, and the best of fare. Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and pood stabling tot horses, and Ihe bint of
nst'ets. Hoarding J I per day.
May 14 h, 1842. if.
n n: clj ru? :na a
Vorm r of Third and Vine Sin els,
TlHE snbscrilier resis-el fully annonnces to the
JL public, that Me It a opened a Hotel In Ihe com
modious brick building situate on the confer nf
I bird and Pine streets, where be will be hnppy to
wait upon those who may favor him wit1, their
company, I he tviglc Hotel is la-Be and conveni
ent, and furnished ir, Ihe be-t modern stvle. It is
provided with a laige number of well aired and
comfortable sleeping apartment, rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting W ilhainsport on bu
siness m plea-ore, may rest as-uri-d tlint every ex
ertion wdl l e used to lender iheir sojourn st the pleasant and agreeable. Ills I able
w ill be supplied with the very ! at the market af
fords, and his bar with the choicest w ines and oilier
liquors charge re laonable. The Eagln Hot' I
possesses greater advantages in point of location
than any other similar est -iMishtnent in the thorough,
being situate in the business part of Ihe town, and
within a convenient distance of Ihe Court House
and Williamsport and Elmira Rail lioad I), pot.
Sufficient Stabling provided, and g.iod and trusty
ostlers nlwavs in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honet Servants
have been einftoved, and nothing left undone that
will add to the comfort and accommoda.ion of his
There will be a carriage always in attendance al
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, frtc of charge.
Miv 14th. 1842.
CoiiirnisMnn vV h nrwarilincr Au i f haiit?,
Fool of Willow Street Rail Road,
THE nr.t.AWARF.,
HAVING nssncinled tsi-h them Joseph Barnet,
late of Eastnu. P,., r. st eetfiillv in'orm their
frtei.ds and the public generallv, ill i thry have ta.
kinth.t large and we'l known store and wharf at
font of Willow Strrel Railroad, lately occupied by
Jacob Martin, where they pirpose doing a General
t ontrnission and forwarding Huiites-j, and fiom
the local ailvaritaL'es of the place being connected
wilh all the public improvement that have their
outlet in the city, they flatter themselves they will
le able to do business to as gre it, if nol g-ea'cr ad
vantage, and upon as reasonable terms a any other
house, and thev assuie their friends that any con
signments made to them shall have iheir strict at
tention, and no cicitiiiuii spared to give entire satis
hey are also prepared to receive and forward
goods to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
rivers, between Mauch t hunk, I.aslon and I hila-
delphi, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can , Is;
also, to nnv point nil the Juniata river, or North
and Wist Branches of the Susquehanna via Srliuyl.
kill and Lnion, or tho Chesapeake and 1 tde titer
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go
ing via Srhuvlkill and Union Canals, a Steamboat
will b? kipt expressly for towing boats from the
Schovlklll around lo the Delaware and back, which
will enable merchants to have their produce deli
veied on the Delaware, and their goods st.ipp.d at
a saving of 50 to 75 tier rent. o (ho prices for
hauling across, with these advantages they re
spectfully solicit a share nf parmnaL-e.
V . I1LU,.MA. iV IU,
William lL tlman,
William W. Kcyte', V
Joseph Barnet, S, Philad .Mav 14, 1842 -y
! . JOHN &. I. T. THITi:s,
KEsPF.t'TFDLLY announce to the citizens
, of Sunbury, and its vicuiitv, thai they hsve
tins dav entered into copartnership in the Practice
ot Medicine, in all its various department, and
ho Vy this arrangement, punctual attention to
business, and moderate charges, to receive a Itbcial
share of public palronsg .
trr Dr J. Pr.AI. lenders Ida gritelul acknowi-
edgemeiils for the tery hliernl patronage heretofore
receivtd, ami feeling continent that Ihe new ar.
rangement, (tire linn of Pt al A; Trite-.) will he
conducive lo the comfort and welfare of the pub
Ii.-, he most resHclfully solicit a continuance of
their c.'nli.leiice.
SuTihury, May 7th, 1842. 6m.
l'i-ancis I'. Kcliwai'lz,
OFFERS himself a a cxmlidate for the oflices
Rtgisttr Rccordcr,and Clak of lite Orphans'
at Ihe ensii'ng general eleelion. Should the penple
think him capable, no neglect ell his p ut shall pre
vent the du'ie of said office from being perform
ed at all time. "Lli'' l14'
lll.RLASt) t'OC.YVV.
'PHE subscriber sespeclfully lulorms the electors
of Northumberland county, that be will be a
candidate at the ensuing eleeti n. lor the olli- ol
Riginttr, Itreardtr and Clerk of the f plums'
H iving hud coTisii'er .b!e cjpvrieit e in public
life, he li'us , if elected, be will In-able to dli barge
the dill es nf said ull'uVs lo the en ire sai i.-f.n lion
Ihe coinmunttv. FREDERICK LA'ARl'S.
May 14th, U42.
To Tin: Eiir rousor nouthcmbku-
LAM) C'Ol'.M Y.
f MIIE Siiliscriler nspict'iullv tn'ornis the Ehe
I. tor of Nonhuinb' ilan.l coiiiiiy, that he will be
a amlbtate for the tii'tices of
Rtgisttr, Rccurdtr and Cltrk tfthe Orphans'
I 'ntirf,
at Ihe ensuing general el. i lion. Miou'd he le e
levied, he will eXeii himn If to tender general satis
faction, which lot long t ia'r'ence iu Ihe duties of
said llicc, will enable him to do.
Ill E subscriber bring pievailed on by bis friend'.
respectfully ir forms the public thai be W ill be
a candidate for the oluce of
al tbe ensning general election. He promises, if
eleeied. to lutlill lb duties nf said t'hVe. will care
and li.lcliiv. JOHN YOL'NG,
May lh, 1812.
H. B. lASSEPs,
Business kttended to in fife Counties of No
ill u ml erland, Union, LtcOming arid Columbia.
ItelVr lo
Thomas Haht At Coj,
L.IWf.H lV llAtltlOM,
Hast, Ct HMtirns A: Hart, yi'rlutl
lUfvoi.tis, McFxai.ttvn A: Co,
S.Ktiivr),''iio'ii At Co.,
Iji )R S,de, a Farm containing about 80 avrci
" more or less, situate In Shamokin tow'nshii
Noithuml-eTlanil county, aboot seven miles 'fror
Sunbury, on the main road leading'from that plac
to I'cter.ibtirg and Shamt.ktntown, adjoining laud
of Wm. Farrow, Abraham Klase, SalitUcI Gonsc
and Wm. Marlr., on which there is a good 'larg
llrrrk Hon-', with a well of never failing water
the door, a large Barn in good repair, a good Oi
chard, and a good scat for a mill or any kind o
wat.T pnWer. Nearly a'l the land is cleared and ii
good cultivation, twen'y-five artes of which hi gno.
meadow. The Danville and Pottsville Rail K.m.
runs through said f .rin. It w ill be sold fis the pro
perly of Wtn. Waters, dee'd. Any person wish
ing to purchase ran do well, a the titms are rca
S'.nalile. Posaession and a good lillo can be givei
next Sprlne. Yut further pattlculais, persons ni
eipfes'ed to ip'y to the widow , who lives rtn 1 1 1
premises, or ttt Godfrey Wad r nr E. f,reenfiiigb
Esq. in Sunbury. GODFREY WATERS,
C. R. WATF.H3, 7 tf. Fje'rsnf'Wat W rife rs, rlcc'a
171 KM' Rale Shad And Herring.tat, at d oT'iim
fl rvor, inspecti d No. 1 in April, just received
and for sale at the new store 01'
May 7,h. I$12.
ItlsMilutloti ol' larliirrslili.
f IHE partnership beret. f.RTe exiting lictwcifi tin
A sub-cribr rs, was'diss.ilved by muluil conVnt
on the :ilsl of March last. The partnership bdok-i
and tuber evidences of debt due the partni rs, nr.
placed in the hands of Christian Bower, Esq , n
Sunbury, for collection, who alone is aufhmi?,'"d t
leceive payment. The partnership comrrenccJ
on the 'first day of April, lslft.
Ap-il ir,ih, 1812.
TIIIE sut siTiber informs the public am! hi:, f 'r
J. ire r customers, tln.t nltboiigh Mr. H . D iwkoii
has wi'h.lmvn hitnso'f from his torc, he still con
tinues his business 3s heretofore, and w ill tntleavi t
to give snt sf n tion to lhoe who will give him tl r if
cits'om. He is tlrinktul to tne tiulilic l.n the larue
share nf putntnagc extended to him for the lust twen
Sonluiry, April P'.th, 1812.
.Vn. 237, orlh Third, abort' Catlou tiiU &r.,
f 111 E siib-cribers lakes pleasure in rlcrjnnintin-j
JL their friends and ttte public in general, that
thry have taken the large nnd commodious Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hart, on the same site
onie oei upied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull Head, in Third street above Callow
hill rt.
This Hotel isTinishrd in the very Vs?r.t possible
manner, and of the best materials. Its location Is
vrry dcsnable, particularly for country merchants;
the arrangements for healing an J ventilating each
room is rtich as lo secure any temperature. Tho
lirdroomsare all light and atrv, all futnUhed irt a
neat st V, so as to insure comfort.
The receiving parlors arc a lo furnished in ft su
perb slvle, the windows arc on the French style,
foimii'g an entrance to a balcony in front, whiJi
makes a pleasant recess. Purticular has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely ticw.
1" ruin years' experience in hotel btikinrsa, tilt
t-ust, by strict assiduity to business, loTtinkethis
hoose a desirable stiTptng place. Our table will
always be supplied with the very beat 'our niotkil
can afford, and or.t bar with the best lnjuors und
wine ot the most approved brands'.
P. S. Thete are fust rate stabling and earrt ago
houses attached to the hotel, attended by cateftfl
and sot-er hostWs, and our charges will be low, in
accordance Willi tbe present hard times.
Philndclpin'a. April If., 1842
"susTuEH anna"
fHllE lubscriucr 'respectfully informs the puUio
that be haa prjrcbascd, and now occupies thit
Ti rrn Stand,
Well known as the properly, late of Theodora
Wills, and formerly kept by Samuel A. Biady.
He is now prepared to accommodate all traveller
and visiters who may favor him with a rail, and
will use every effort in his power to render eve-y
convenience and 'comfort to his customers, wh rt
under his charge. Hi accommodations are ample,
snd bis room well furnished. Hi stables exten
sive and in good condition.
His Tahle and Bab will be supplied with the
l-est that tbe market ran afford. By punctuality
and attention, he feels confident that he Wl'l merit
I ,15,roll,gc of the public.
Caliawissa, April Dili. 1842.
itnm:u t
IKTI'.lt & S4,
t.imiburil Street, Ualtimorr,
HAVE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of all
siTes and qnalitn , Cap Writing Paper, rub .1
and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled si d
p'ani. Hanging Paer, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, double ciow n, crow n and
: etna si7.e. W rapping Papers, Cnloied Medium an I
Koal Papeia, Bonnet, Binders and Snaw Ho
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articles iu their tin--,
which thev will mil on accrminodating terms,
II ghest price given I t old rags.
Man h 19. 1842. Eikton. M.I.
a as r n -
Miiiltni'V. orlliuiiilM-i land l ouiily,
fpllE subscntsr respectfully intornis the public.
I ihst he b reutote.l to lhal large and commo
dious Brick House, on Market aiptare, opposite Ihe
Court House, (formerly kepi by Hira u Ptice.)
where he is now prepared lo accommodate all who
may favor him with a call. Being thankful f r
post favota, be hope by strict attention to business,
to iciute a lilxrul sl.sie nf public patronage, Ate,
Suubuty, Match f ih, ISW.