11 A A' li O T i: I, I S T. ITAMSHAAMA. The fallowing list shows the rurr. nt value of all Pennsylvania Uunk Note. 'I'lie most implicit re liance may ho placed upon it, an it i every week r i' fully compared with al d correcicJ from Hit k l Reporter. BankR In IMiIla.lcIpliIa . , ,!l'lMK, LnCATIOX. Disc, m PioL.n. psr . par par . par . par . pr par . par par NOTES AT PAR. 'k of North America , , ,ik of the Northern Liliertir , unmcrciul Hank of PennV . , : jrii r anil Mechanic' Hunk . n-ongton Hank . , t iladolphia Hank . . lurylkill Bank . . . t- uthwark Hank . . V csiern Dunk . , 'outiliy ItaiiUs. 1 ink of Chester County Westchester par par par pn, par par p,r Thc-e Bank of Delaware County Bank of Oermantown Hvnk of Montgomery Co. D-j hstown Diuik Eas'on Hank Farmers' Bank ot Bucks co Oilicn .f Hank of Penn'a. Otlice do ilu Oflice do do Ollices do do Chester Gorinautown Nnrrisinw n DoylosliiWU Eastnn Bri-tol Harri -hiiio" Lancaster I trfllcen Reading f do nut Eastnn J issue n. II!K.'(tl'M'. PI, li nk Iphia .ri.V,f,(l 1 2 . 1 7 J n.rii45 NOTTS AT Hank of the 1'niiril Stales' 1 :ll:k lif I'ciltl TuWllllili Cr.trd Hank . Manufacturers A. Mechanics' Hank M. chunics' Bunk i Mo ainensing li ink . 1 5a 1 H 2:i Mal7 7al0 H 25a30 tia7 It 1 1 1 k of Pcnnsilvania M intra' Bank of Potlsvillc Hunk of Lcwislown P.irik of Middle-town B.mk of Nnrthnmbcihind Pnttsvillo Lcwislown Middlctown Northumberland Su7 Columbia Dank &. Budge co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Dank Pitishuig li.) do branch of Hnllidaysburg Farmers' Dank of Lancastci Lancast"! Lancaster County Hank Lancaster Fiitmcia' Hunk of Reading Reading Hnrtbhutg Hunk Hurrisbiirg l.mcasicr Hank Lancaster Lebanon Hank Lebanon Merchants'; Mannf. Hank Phlsburg H ink of Pittsburg Flushing Wist Hranch Dank YYilliamspnrt Wyoming Hank YVi.kcsbaite Northampton Hank Alhntown 4.5 :i 5 4.5 5 8 4 7 3 a CO 12a 15 l, ils County Hank Reading Oifieo of Hank or V. S. Pittsburg Do do do 1'. ni Do do do IScw Brighton Remington Sav. Ins. A tlo Perm Township Sav. Ins. do H ink of Chambersburg Chamhcrshurg It il k ol Gettysburg Giltysluig I! .iik ol Siifquehunnu Co. Mnniiosc. o it 8 t0a20 20 Crip Uai.k Eiiu Fanners' A: Drovers' Hank Wn'ncshurg Fiankliu Hank Y ashingloii 4 lloncsdulo. B.nk Honcsihde. 2 Mounngnhcla Bunk of U. Brow nsville 0 V.nk Hnnk York 6 N. B. The notes of those bunks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are nut purchased by the I'hil.idt Ipl.ia brokers, wiili the exception of those which have n Icilcr of Mcnuce. U ItOKEN B A N K S. I'liiljilrli hia av. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co, --ln !k il I t-av. Ins. M inual Lubnr Hank (T. XV Towanilu Bank Alleghany Dank of I'd, Hank of Beaver Bank of Swatarit Hank of Washington Centra Bank City Uank Farmer' 6c Mech'cs' Hank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Hank Furmria' Sc McchYa' Hank llaimony Insliluto llunlingdoii Dunk Juniata Dunk Lumbermen's ltjnk Nurlhtrii Uank l Pn. New Hope I li l. Uiiilge Yj. Norlhumb'd Union Col. 15k. ISoith W estirn Ha'ikof la. ttdico of Schuylkill Hank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Luke Hai.k I'liimi Bunk of Pcnri'a. estmiiit'lund Hank Philadelphia failed do failed do failed Dyolt. prop.) failed 'I'owHiidu tailed JJ .-ill oi ..I no sale Heaver eloaid llirii-l.urg closed W'asbingtoii failed Belli f.HilO cKmrd l'lttibuig no sale Pittsburg failed Fayette CO. filled (irecncast!e failid ilatmony no sale Huntingdon no rale LenisloMn no sale Warren failed DundaiV no sale New Hope closed Milton 110 rale Mcadvillt) cbisid Port i'ui bull luil. J Carlislo fuibd Montr. so closed L'niolitown faded lirceiisburg closed Wilkiabarre no suit) V ilkexbarre Budge Co, (J j- All notes purpoiting to be on any Pennsyl vania Dunk not given in the above list, may be set down a frauds. jw:v .ii:i:si:y. Hank of New DiunsAYick Biunswick fai!t d I lur o m par par 1 failed 3 II. Ivijeie Bank ISuihiigtun l'ii. Bunk Cuiiimeiciul Bank t 'uinls rland Batik Fainn rs' B..nk Belvidere Milliard I'irih Amboy ltriiLelon Mount Holly Farmcts' and Mechanics Hk I'ahway Fu liners' and Mtchanit s' Iik N. lttunswiik Fanners' and Meiehunls' Bk Middlctown Pi Franklin Bank u! IN. J Jersey City failed HobiAen failed Jersey City lulled Patterson failed Ucllevillo lulled Morristown i Freehold fadtd Newuik 1 '1'rtnton par Jiitiy City 110 sale Newaik I l.uuitif tuvitlo HoloKell filled Jersey City Bank Mechanics' Bunk Manulactur. rs' Bunk Morris Coniany Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Mcchauirs' Bank Mechaniea' uud Manuf. Hk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Notes Ncstaik Bkg At InsCn New If oj Budge Co N. J. Muiiutuc. and I b u Co N J Proteclon Louibaid bk .1 er i y t 'iiy laded Orange Bank Orarnio Faters.ui Bunk I'atirsuii fill. . I Pcoplta' Buid do I Princeton Bank Pr'neetuii p n Salem Banking Co Sab m par Suite Bank ellrk I Slate Bank F.hz.il ih'.own I S ate Bank Cundtn po Sute Bank of Munis Morimtown I Stale Bunk 'J'n nton faileil Sulein und I'hihnl Muiint Co Sat, m lull. .1 Sussex Bank il.in .1 Tienton Bai king Cu Tui ton p.i I'nion Bank lcr :i W ushinglcu L'ji king Co. Jluckensatk tail, il Bk of Wiliu A lir ui.ij win. W i ii.ii'gtoii p. i liiii kuf Debj'Aaic W iltuii gn u ..r Ual.k tf ili)nu Smyrna par Do I lam h Milloul I ar FaiUiil' PWof State .1 D.i Pmn i Da lr i,d, I'niiin.t.ni .r Do liumU Geo. git in p.r Do bfaiiiU N, ,citle if I',.;.... it W ilumictou inr ey liuYl .'' -Uj On all I auks tn ked thus () ther r plhei cui.tt nait oi l 'd i. ites et the varioua dt- bOiwuiaUub, Id C' u- I". S. IAGOE?., ATTORNEY AT LAW, siwhury, pa. Business .(tended to in the Counties of Nor thuul ci Jan J, Union. Lycoming and Columbia, liefer lot TllO W AS II A HT & Co., LoW'kH A. UBH05. Hart, Ct:MMiina & HiT, W'.'i Hint. HKtxoLiia. McKAnnsn tc Co A O H !De ius. .ioiix phai, & i. i'. Tiiin:s, "BT rPK(rrrULL' atmniince to the cilirenn H.; of fSunbuty, and il vicinitv, thut they have this tiny entered Into copartnership In thp Practice ol .Medicine, in all it various department", and hope I y this arrangement, putic'iial attention to I iiftne-s. nn. I mi. derate chaiges, to teceive a libeial ahare of public pitiniia . (Jj' l'r .1 Mi L ti i di r his critrfnl acknowl edgements fur the very hbernl pi.lron.ice bt re'ofore nc.ivid, and f elii ronrdent that the new nr. nncemcnt, (li e fmn of Pi al Ac Trite-.) will be coi dui ive t. the eomfott nn.l welfare nf il.e pub lie. ho mnst respectfully a.iliiits a coiiliiiiiance ot tl eir colifi.Ylife. 'aiibury, Miy 7th, 1812. Cm. EAGLE! :kl"t 5i5 rtr :m; Corner of Third timl Vine Strcf ttt, wixx.x.A.xvxsroxiT, PA, T 11 1 R subscriber r.snei tfullv aimounci a tithe public, that he h s o er.ed a Hotel in the com modious brick building a mate on the corner of I bird and Pine streets, where he will be hnppv to wait npon those who may favor him nil', their company. The Kagle Hotel is In'ire and conveni ent, and furnished in the I e-t modem le. I provided wiln a large number of well aired and comfortable sleeping apartments, rooms, private priors, Ac. Persons visiting YYilliamsport on bu siness nr pYasure, may rest as-ur. d that every ex ertion w tl be used to render their sojourn at the ' F.antc Hot. 1" pleaamt and agreeable. His Table will lie supplied with the very h. st the maikct af fords), and his bar wbh die choicest wines and other liiiuors charges re snnable. The I'ayle Hot. I iossesses greater advantages in pmnt of location than any other similar establishment in the boioiigh, being situate in the business part of the town, and within a convenient distance of the Court House and Willinmsport and F.hnira Had Po .d I), put. Sufficient .Stabling provided, und good and tiusly ostlers nlways in ntt. mliuo'c. Attentive, accoinmoJuliug and hone-1 Servants have been eini-lineil, nid iiolliing left undone that will add to tie coiufoil und accommodation of his guets. There will be a enrrbee always in attendance at the Boat Lnnditia to convey passengers to and In ni the Hotise, lite of ctoirce. CHAKLLS HOIIHOWS. M iv 11th, H12. ram i l ic liti arl, OKFF.li? himself as a candidate for the ollices litgisttr lic onltr, nml CU tk of the Orphans' Court, at the ensu no iseneral eleetion. Should the prnpff think him c pubY. no nrub ct i n his p ut sb ill pre vent the du'ies ol said ollices from being perform ed at all times. May Mill, 1-12. TO Til F. KI.F.CTOKS OF NORTIIL'.M l'.KU- I.AXD COUNTY. rilUC Subscriber rt spi ctfully informs the Flec .L tors of Nonhuinb. iliind county, that he will he (an.liilate for the ulliees of litgislcr, lltcoultr and Chrh of thr Orphans' Court, at the ensuing general election. Shou'd he Ic e lecled.he will exert himself to render general satis faction, which his lonti i xperieuce in the duties of said ollices, will enable him to do. May 7. EDAVAKI) OYSTKR. TO Till: EfJ.CTOltS OF ORTJl- I MIil'.lil.A.XI) COIM'Y. til K sub-criber bt iiii! prevailed on bv bin fiiemN, resprctfully informs the public thut he will be a candidate for the otlice of CO.M.MISSKfNKK, at the ensuing general election. Ho promises, if elected, to lulliil the duties of said otlice, willi cue and fidelity. JOHN YOUNG, May 7th, IS 12. Dissolution r I'ai I iK'isiliip. ritllli partnership beret f re existing betweuri the I siib-cribi rs, as di-solved by mulu il consent, en the 31st it Murch last. '1'be pannerslnp books, and other t viilencis ol debt due the partners, are placed in the bauds of t'hiisiiaii Bower, K-i , of Sunbury, lor collection, who alone is authorized to leceivo payment, 'J'be pjitnrrliip coininc'iKcd un the first day of April. IS 10. HF.NKY Y'O.YTH F.IMER, MENKY DAWSON. Ap'il lf.th. 1S42. rilHE subsciibet informs the public and his for 1 m r customers, that although Mr. II.D.iwson has withdiaun himself from his store, he still con tinues his business as heretofore, and will endeavor to pive satisfaction to those who will give him their cus'om. lie is thankful lo the public for the large share of patronage extended lo him for the last twen ty year. HENRY Y'O.YTH E! ME It. Sunbury, April lOlh, 1842. MEIftCIIANTS MOUSE, .Yc -':i7, Xorlh Tliird,,d,oieC,illouhlH St., J'l II LA DELPHI A. f 1111 E an li.ciil i rs lakes pleasure in aeipiiinling H their fiiends ai d the public in reneial, that they have lid.tnlhe lart-e uud commodious Hotel, lecinily t uiil by Ibe M.fsis. ll .il, on the same site oliee oe. 0.u d by the ol.l enUhlished H.itel knouu the Hull's Head, in Third sliecl ubove Culb.w bill j TI'.im Holt I is finished in the very Vst possible manner, i.i d it llie hest materials, lis location is n iv ib suable, punieuldi ly tor cuuiit'y m. u hants ; ; li e .iir.ni. in, ins lor hia iraiol vt niilating each j . ioi in is oii h as to secure any temperutiire. The j i ! i ti. wins aie ull ut:lit tit it nirv, all lurnndiid in a in il stv e, so as lo in uie eoinfoit. 1 I I e i. ei-ivii'K parlors aie ubo luini-bed in a sii-it-sii c, ll e windows aie on the Fn in h s'vle, , t i -1 i mi entiance lo a h ile niy in Imnt. uhl. h i i j j ; 1 j . i- U.'s pleasant nei-s Puil cubir am n'i. u ba t c.-ii t!'vt n to the bids and Udding, which, mill 1 i..r:uli:ie, are eiriply new. I ioiu via'' rxerience in hotel business, we i-usl.l v rt rii l assiduity to bus ness, to make this b u-e i dr-ii ilile stepping place. Our t.blo will .( v . I -up.li.. wiili tl.e v.ry In .lour maikil e-ri i d i I. n r,. , in lrwi'li the be-t lnU 'is und wirt- "I 1 1 iois.1 i i uved loan. .-. P. s. I iieie are lii.l isle si ii.im, sn.1 e nn ige li .u-e utt a bed to llie 1, stfeud. d I V ft etoil uud so'sr ho-llf r, and our charges wdl l low, in ai-eorJuiic ltl the present haul tunes. Mil LIZ A DEItR. PbiUJ.Ii hia, April 16, ibii. A FOP. ITOK Side, a Farm containing about 80 nctes, more or less, situate in Shamokin township, Northumberland county, about seven miles from Sunbury, on the main road leading front that place to Petersburg and 8ham..kiiitowti, adjoining lands uf Win. Farrow, Abraham Kluse, Samuel Goner snd YYm, Murtz, nn which there is a good large Brick House, with a well of never failing water at the door, a large Ham in good repair, a good Or chard, and a good sent for a mill nr any kind of watir power. Nearly a'l the land is cleiired and in good cultivation, twenty-five ancs of which is good jneadow, I he Danville nml Poltsville Kail Koad runs through said f Tin. It will be sold as the pros perly of W'm. W'ateis, d.-e'd. Any person wish ing to pun hose tan do well, as the terms aie res s. liable. Pusses-inn and a good title can he given mxtSprine. For further pailicchiis, pt tsimsare eii es td to apply to the widow, who lives on ti e primises, or to tiudfiev W'utirsur E. G'eeuough, Esii. in Sunbury. GODFREY" WATERS, C. H. WATERS, Mav 7 tf. Lx'rxof Win W'uhru, died "S'liuil! Sliati ! ! 7Hi:ST Pati Sh d ai d I lerrin'!. f i'. in d i f fine flavor, iiistw eti l No. 1 in April. J. si reciived hihI lor sale al the new re of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. Mav 7ih, lx 2. SUSQUKIIAKNA J10TKL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMEIA CO., 1'1'..XS 17,1 A i. IIE subseiila-r respectfully inl'oims the public thut he hus purclried, and now occupies the Large and Commodious ell known as Well known as the propirty, late of Theodore Wills, and formerly kept .y Samuel A. Bidy. He is now prepared to accommodate ill travellers and visiteia who may favor him wiih a call, and will use eveiy effort in his power to render every convenience and coinfoit to his customers, while under his charge. His accommo latinos are ample, mid bis looms well furnished. His stables xien sive and in good condition. His Ta ni t and II til will be supplii d with the best that the tnatkel can afford. Hv punctuality and ntter.tioii, he feels c r.lidtiil that he wl I ine.il the patronage of the pnMie. CHARLES II AR I'M AN. ('attnwissa, Ap.il ')th, IS 12. LI1VIK ! LIME ! LIIVIE I T II li sii1.-, nbi rs are renar. d to liin isli firim rs and theis with any (iiinuiitv i f Lime of a verv supeiioi qiiubtv f r land, oi p'ui-tering, at the fob lowiuu v. rv r.-dure.l prices, viz: S cts. per bushel for 1 ai d Lime; 10 els. I. r the best iptahty of pl.ii- t. ring Lime, at the k In. below the '.u.rointh ol Sun I my. Tln v wdl .ils.nb liter, at any place itl in the I oroiii;!i of Sunbury. Lime lor laud, at 10 cents per bush. I, ai d Lime for p'ai-lerir tf al 12 J. cents per I il-hel. The subser.bcrs II .e iilw.l' s on hand, 'i l.uue il uitity of Lime. Its ipiality I- i!"od, and their limestone is not equalled by any in theiuigh borhood i:asiioi.tz a- rekgs'i i:isi:i!. AiiifUsta, April 2d, I 12. ItOlU'.UT 1' IKTF.R .S. SOY, " PA TEH M ANUF ACTUHEKS, I.tmibiirU ftrrtt, tlaltimorr, HAVE constantly for sale, I'moim; Paper of all sizes and qualities, Cap Wrilina Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain, Hantting Paper, tine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double etonn, crown ami extra sie.l Y nipping Pa ers, Ctdoii d Medium and Royal PapeiH, Bo.iint, Hinders' and Siiaw Box Hoards, Tissue Paper, and all uiticles in their line, which ibev will sell on ace. mmndaiiiig terms. Highest price given f I old raus. ROBERT CARTER A SON. M .rch 19. 1812. Elkton. M.l. BOLTON & CO. (4'iiri al oittniission Hants, 'or the Side uf t'luur, Urain. Sttd, .c, cc. F.sPF.ti I'l l LLY' inform iheir tiii nds and the Merchants cencjl'v. 'hat they hate la- ken those hire.1 and commodious Wharv.s, with two Doiks, ninth of I'lnsliut street, on the laware, to'jcther w ilh the st.oe No. lit South Wh irvc-, wheie ihey would be pleaded n receive consimi n.enls of Grain, Flour, Seed, Whi-kev, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of Mi rch'indise by the Si huvlkill mid Union, or by the Chesapi nke and Tide Water Canals, us tow- boat are kept expressly foi the purpose of lowing boats by t i'l.er route. Metehants will ple.se be particular to send their good destined by either canals. It No. lit South Wharves, between Mutkt-t and Chtsnut sine's, on the Delaware, w ith directions aceomp my ing iliein w hich route they w ish them to be slup e.l. fTj- Plaster and Suit for sule, at the lowest mar ket price. Hi ETON A C . March 19. IS 12, No. PJSou'h W harves. WKAVKfrS IIOTKL, Sunbury, tWirllmmbrrlunU l oiinl, I'ciitisx It an i a. TIIIE suh-'Criber, nsptctfully intorina the public I. that he has removed to that lure and commo dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (icu of the Hitek ) fonuerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, ami Lilt ly by Diniel (iib son, win re he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hopes lo receive u hheral share of public patioiiace. CHARLES W LAYER. Siiuhury, Mulch 12th, Is 12. WHARTON'S Simian-) , oi IIiiiiiiIm i laml 4'ouuty, riNHSVLVJl ITI A. 11 E suI'Miila r nsoi c'licly inn nus ibe i u! lie I li -tl he bus it mote I to ilit large and coiiiino- ilioiis Itnck House, on Maiket square, opposite tl.e Couit 1 1 - 1 1 - e . (loiineiU kept l.y llliao Pnee.) wheie he is i.cnv pieparnl lo nee ooiuo.l.ile all who ui-y favor hiinwiilia call. Ile.nu thankful fit past ftvots, he hopes by strict altei tiou to business, to reiene a libel il share of public patrouae, tVc. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunl ury, March 5th, ISl'i. IvhoU'Hulc li uatiisls, IIAVflE-DE-enACU, HO, AYE constantly un hand a geneul s-s.ut meiit of jjiu cs, Mh iuriMis. vAixrs, oils, YAIiMlll-:s, UAMnf f.7..f.s.v, 1E SI I J P S, etc, c. wl.'n h tl.pv t !f r br si'e on the ino-t hb r d teims, and ul pritt us b.u, s ihtst; ol I'ln adelpbla uml tialuiiiore. Paitici.lar attention will be given to the nuali ties ol such ails-Its as are stJe. l.d or Manuf .dun d for sle, a !-. to pa. king tin in for traiif poiijtion. Hsvie dc-l.nce, Munn aib, lsi'V. 3in. C'oiiiitcrlVHcrs' Ieaih Wow. rPho public will please observe that no Brnmlreth - Pills are genuine, unless (he box has three li bels upon it, (the top, the aide end the bottom) each containing a f.ic-aimile signature of my hand writing, thus B. BnA!nnTH, M. D. Theso la bels aie engraved en steel, beautifully designed, and done at an expenr-e of over $8,000. Therefore it will he seen that the only thing mcessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, ia to observe these labels. Remember the (op, the side, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhori zed, and hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For the sale of Brandrcth's Vegetable Universal Villa. Northumberland county : Milton M ickey A Chumbeilin. Sunbury H. H. Musscr. M'Eens ville Ireland & Meixell. N'oitliuml eiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlinger cV. Co. Union County: New Herhn John Huffman. Selinsgrove Ever and Sehnure. Mid.llcbutg Isaac Smith. Heavcrtown J. ct F. Rinnan. an. Adamshure 11. A. A. Smith. Midlinsbii'g Swnpe ft Laird Ha tl.'toti Daniel Lung. Free hurg (i. A F. O. Mmcr. (Yntrevil e Siailey A Lenhart. Lewi-huu Walls A. Gieen. Columbia county : DalitiHe E. B. Reynolds A. I'o. Hirw.ck Shumati A E Henhouse, Cat tawissa C. A. A C (!. Hmbls. Blooms'. tin; John R. Mover. Jeisi y Town Levi Hisi I. Wa shuutoii Root. Mvt'.iy. Lime-tone -D L. Sell nn ch, Ohscive that each Acent bis nn Engravn! Ci r lilieate of Aaeiiev, conlaii it g a repres-ntnlion of Dr HKA.NDIIK ill's Manuliciory at Sma Smj, and upon which will n'so be seen exact copies ol ibe ntic tahiif in, if until um i the Uruiidnth J'tl Hun Philidclphia, oJl'.co No. S, Noith Pih street, B. LiK A.N DKl'.TII, M. D. January 1st, 1S43. ant: AIvTEIlICAIM MEDICAL IIDIIART A Ml i.Ti:i.i.ic;i:rr.n. CONCENTRATED Hi cord of Medical Sci - Y etirc and Literature, by Rohley Dunglison, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine, itc, inJilliison MedieaM iullece of Philadelphia, pub lished tnonlhlv by Ad im W .ldii, No. 4fi t'arpen t. r street, Phihub Iphia. Sub-eiiptiou price, 5 a y.nr. Subscriptions for the above work r. ceiied by the subscriber. H. 11. MASSER. " Dec. Ilih. is 1 1. Aurtit. t R sale a small Farm, containing about i lie ' hundred and ten iiras uinie or le s, situ tie in Point township, .V r hum' . il.m.l count , ub. nt two milis nl oe Noil: uiol i 1 lol, on the triniti r oad leading from 'hut ,i!.n e to D.inville, a.lioinn:g bind- of John l.o.'liou, .lesc ( '. Horn n und others, iio.v in the i.ccup.nry .fSaiiuul I'.yie. Afoul tolv aires ol said tint an 1 1. an d, and in uo.ul state ot cu llialioll, on wloch there is a small ln.rn ireel-il. The property will be sold ill r asm able toiin-. For further paiticnhns, peisons are rt ijucsi- e.l lo apply to the tulscnb 11. B. MASS en., Ait,t, Sin, bury . Pi Nov. 27 th, 1x4 1. if w...t n)vs..x rvl;siki... ; VN aitic'e unequalled tor cleaning and ij ving a 1 highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sd- j ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, Riill.iuia ware, ; Tin, Steel, Cutltrv, and l..r rc-loiu g the lustre on varnished carriage, Ac, TRY 11'. , Prepaied an I sold al wholesaY and retail, by the Siisqiiehanua Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, Tioga county, N, Y, Wt'. FORSYTH. Agent lor Northutn'd, 11. B. M ASSF.lt. Ag.ut for Sunbury. November 20th, 1811. i'iiT j .IT nKWKi'.s, LAST rSAILKR, Xo. 7 1 Callow I. it! .Street, l'liiladeluliia C Three dtmra above Scrtmd.J CT1IIOE Findiiiiss utt'-uys kept on hand, which he oil. rs lor sale on the loAe.t terms, ("ountij Meich tula are purlicuiuly to c ill an I judge tut themselves. Philadelphia, Novemier 1:1, IS 11. I v. cii a ta es "F EVERY DESCRIPTION. NKW J:.t:K.M) Oil. CU.Ml'A.W. -No. V-'ll .Noilli Water Street, l'hila. AM FACTl RLRs Hud dealers in Oils uf every description both for burning and inaiiiilaciuriug purposes, which will bu sold much lower than they can be procured e'sewln re, and warianied in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as ie resented, may be returned w.ilnnU any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be it funded. Their slock now in sturu consists ul the following oils, v it. : :H,nui g illoiis Winter li leached Spenii OH. f.ooo do do do do do do do Coloiless Oil, Fall and S,ritm Sperm Oil, W inter Si a Elephant, do Pie.st d W hale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10.000 20.000 otmo 15,000 200 Barrels supeiioi Snails Oil, oillO do Cod Hank t til, Ml do Neat Fool Oil, 7 5 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. This Company has a number of Y'essela en gaged in the Coil Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon getting al all Lines Oil us pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 1:1, 1S41. ly. 3. W. &, L. B. Ti.?LC?k. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South Ea.-t Coi ner of Fifth and Mi.n'at t-titets, t'hiludit plita Mens' Calf-skin Bouts, stitched warranted, do do tlo pi L'Hcd do do do do w.uei ntou!, th ulle soles and double uppers. do Calfskin do do and uppers, do Heavy Wuter Leather Pools, do tlo Neats do do. do llii-h qo.iiti i Shoe., I 'alt-skin, tlo tlo tlo Crockeis do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip tlo Calf do Coarse do do Shot's Pino tlo Kip tin do do do do do do do till Calf and Seal Skill l'uni s. l.tsl Socks Willi and without sobs. Carpet tlo do do do Rati ul Watraiitt'd Watt r-proot Moccasins. Ladies' do tlo do do 1. ados' t inned India Rubber sll... s. Cc i l'cii.t us' d.i t'ttr shoes. W i li et. iy other d.-c iptn.ii of bouts and shoes. Fur I 'aj s i I eti ry description. TruVeil ns I I in.ks of evtry dew ripliuii. Y'ti.eli ii Travelling lings. Pa'ent t .'liiu LI as i ic Shoe Ilia. king. Bonnets , f l kinds. I'.lm I est lists, i'blladtlphiu, NoMliiblf 1st, 111. ly. "ZL1.T & BP.OTHEPs, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DOOKSEL LER3 AND STATIONERS, No. V2'2 Chcsnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. "7"EEP constantly on hand a general assort Jk ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous ami School Bonks, Day Books, all sizes, Led Bers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, YViitinc, Paers, Wrapping Papers, Ac, Ac, which they ol fer at the lowest prices to Country Merchant's Pre fessioiial Gentlemen, Teachers, and (II others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, No-'mber L'l. 1S41. ly. .llitlini'l Weaver X. Son, ROrC IV1ACERS & SHIT CHANDLERS. No. :i Jnrlh Water Street. I'itladrlphia. n.WE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of ('ordaire, Seine Tw ines, Ac, viz : J ar'tl liopes. Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines tor Canal Bunts, Also, a complete assuitinent of S. inn Twines, A c, such m Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Ileriiua Tw ii e. Mine Threads, A'c. Ac. Also, lied dud, t'loiieh Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and I .inen Cirpct Chains, Ac. till of which they will dispose of on r a--otialie teims. Phil.iib-'phia, N'nvrni! rr 1 rt, 1 fi 1 1 . 1 y. .lat oh I i isimitli A, Son. 1 ) EsPECTFI LLY informs tin ir Iru nils am! ; acquaintunri s ge lernby lb at thiy still con-' linue to keep at the old tand, No. 2 Hi Norih ltd j si ret t, Philadelphia, all V in. Is of TOllACVO SM ; F AM' SFdAKS. Which they will Bt?ll n the m a , accoinmudiitinfc und leisi.nal le terms. N. H. All coeds sold will be guai tntced and all 1 orders promptly atti ruled lo. Philadelphia, November 13,1641 --ly. I PETER COlfCTERT" j Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 00 AorA 2J itriet, a few iloors above .Irch, l'hitailelfihia. ! A I'SO Trunks, Catpel Bags and Valices, of ev- cry description, all of which he olleis fur j sute on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 1.1, 1 H4 I . ly. i J . W . .S W A I N , " I'mhrella and Parasol iMatiiifartiirer. No. Hi A'iwii '1'liml tlrnt. ivn dn,r Li h,iv the Citu Until, I'hihidifp.ia. j iOL"NTI! Merchants and ulhers are solicited j ) lo t xamine l.is assoitt.icnl btl'oie purchasing I tlsewhere I l'hila Yip bin. Novrnihcr 11. IS II. ly. ) P. A: A . H O VOUDT'rT j ("liina.tilass and Liverpool Warehouse.! An llil y'lith Third ftrrrt, third d-mr hi low Vint I -., I'hihiilili.iii. A7'11F.RE they constantly kep on hnnd n large ' assoilmeul of China, (ilass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei-son-il le terms. Philadelphia, November 11, 1811 ly. TIIKUPH.US CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, -c. An. 5 .SukZi Third slrnt. four doors below Marlitl Vhifadrtphia. KEEP constantly on hand a large an.l ccneral assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands. Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Pati nt Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied al all times on the most reasonable tonus. 'J hey will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 1.1, I SI 1. ly. ilEY.XOLD.s, McI'TkLANI) vS: l) Wholesale Dealers in Foreicn Pi itii-h and American Dry C'oods. An. 105 Market street, Vliiladelphia. (COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup J plied nt all time with nn extensive a-sort-nient of the U'st and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable lerm. Phil idelphia, Noveint er 1:1. 1SI1. lv. ; "i.()WK.T"aT llvuPxOX, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and 1 )oiik stie 1 1 a ul ware, No 17 t North Tin is n rutiT, I uii.Aiiri.ruiA " A 'II ERE tin ir ft iced and t ustomers v ill always ' find a large and general a-soittnent uf Foreign and Domestic HanLvure, which they will sill ul the lowest prices, l'hdt dcli hia, November 13, 1811. I v. ESllLPH K, 1 1 ANSKLL A ( O'S. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STORE. -No. ltiti 1-12 Market Street, l'hila. ( llehiw Fifth South side ) VLWAYS keep on hand a lull and general as si rtment of Horiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, t ountry Merchants are respectfully rciuel :d to give iliein a call uml examine for ihcm-chi s. Philadelphia, November 13, 1S4 1. ly. SPi:iUNi:, GOOD Ai CO. No. 13t Market Street, Philadelphia. 1NY1TE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment of Bruit h French sod American Dry Goods, which Ihey oiler lor sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. lyiALLA Sl HERSET No Tl, Aui tli ScioihI slrt'i t, (CUSXIH or ClHIMb's ALLIT.) Wheie ihey constantly keep on hand a general assornneiit nf CliOTIIS, CAEEIIVIERES, VESTINCS, And a greut ruruty vj ' urt'dtt if a tuptru r iiuahty, which Ihey t,!i-( to dispose nf upon the m,.st reasonable, turns. C10UNTIIY MERCHANTS and otbeuwil imd il to I lit il udtuntsgc lo call ul.d txauilue ir stock liefoie purchasing clsew hcie. Pl.ilad. Iphia. Nov. ti, I S 1 1 . ly I I EsPEl' I FI'LLY' infoiin the eiiii. tis t l s'un- l iny and vicinity, ihat Ihey have lak-u the Shop hii.ly t ccupied by W in. Dutst, w hue they will carry on I ho TAILORING BUSIMrSS, in all its vanot.s It lu lu s. !y sin. I am mion and icusiiiint.lt! rh.iigcs, tlit y expect to nielli a kluir of public l ationage. Sui.l.uiv, Sept. 1th, IHII. W1IOUSALE rMiOE, liOIINET, t'op aim' 1'i.lnt l.iif I hit S()rr, No. 10 S.iitii 4m H-makT, I HILADF.LPU1 A, A 7 HERE an e (tensive a iottmenl of ibe almve srtiebs aie cai.Manily kept on hand, for mI at th most reasonable terms. May 2f, IS4I.- ly. AN unparclleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast end Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtuea nf Horehound, Bonsrt, Blond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M, Wisslow, Rochester, New Yoik. 'J'be innocence and universally admitted pecloral viitnes of the Heibs from which the Ilalxam if Itinehiiund is made, are too generally known to re tpjiie reci'inmen. ari.'ii ; it is thiiefore only nercssi iv lo oh-roe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Mtdicinnl properties, highly concentrated, ni d so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, Ut the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes nil imfia mmatinn and sore liess of the I .noes, loosens tough visid phlegm, en-, nhlilig the patient lo expectorate with ease and freei ibim, assuages cough, relieves nthmnlic and diffi cult re-pitatioii, heals the injured parts, ( pens the pores, and composes the disturbed ui rves, and gives sin lor li lo the tcn.hu lungs, and thus produces a sj eedy and la-ling cine. I i, li a I itc ni: is -no; r..ll:T i nir, tx Mas. W'e sire not amoi g th.il class nf F.ditors who for a few dollars will, fat the expense of truth and ho nesty) "ciaek up" an article and bring it into rapid .-ale ; neither ate we willing to icmain silent, after huving tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in scitnecor ait. Our readers w ill recollect we told them we were unwi II with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. YYell, we pur chased two bottles of INSLOYV 'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure, thut we forgot we ever had cold. Those who are atllicled, may try it upon our recommendation. Ltuittu't Telegraph. For sale by HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, Xorlh u m berland. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. fXj" Price, 50 ccnta per bottle. August 14 th, 1841. ly. LIST OP BOOKS run sals ht ' NTHO.Vs do.; Ainswoitl I.issical Dictionary; l.empricr's mill's do; Cobb's do.; English and German do.; Amino 's Cn sar; Anlhon's Grannner; Anthen's Cicero; Mail's Latin Render; Ogilly'sdo.; Arnheyy s Latin Lessons; D. ritifgans Lexicon; F.sk's tire, k Exercises; Davies's Legendet; Grueca Majira; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's (oldsmilh's Et gland; do. (ireece; Ly ell's Element of Geolotrv; Mrs. LiiiColu's Hotanv; Elements nf llolauy; Bridge's Algt l.ra; Portei's Rhetorical Rea ders; Envrson's (icogrnhy and History; Oluey's do ; l'..riiy's tlo.; Smith's Grammci; Kiikhani's tlo.: Kay's Read, rs; Cold's do.; C. hb's Arilbmeliek; Pike's d.i.; I'iiii rson's do.; Col b's Spelling Hooks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Ev angelical Fa mily Libinry ; I 'ullage IiiMc-; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Hil'les and Testaments; Puikei's Ex en ies on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Haxn i's S .hit's Res'; American Revolution; Marryatt's No vels; Mrs. l'helps on Chemisttv; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginner-; English Excrcists adapted to Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comhy's Spelling Hook; American Class Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A great variety uf Blank Books, Ac. August 'S, 1H4 1. ATTENTION, j . 1 1 i: j i: s , 1 EliL'ESTS the attention of his country friends 1 V who are in want, to his verv large stock (if Carprlings. Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opened, ot his warehouses, No. 18 North Sd street, and Nn. -Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila- ... - I .1 1 1 a t t I .. nelpnia. uuiv ut, inn. it. IViiiaU'. JIM) are troubled with sick headache, pain in the side, breast and back, loss of appetite, fla tulency, lowne-s ot spirits, palpitation of the heart, faulting or giddiness, sickness al the stomal h.hihous ulleeltons, lightness at the chest, nausea, vomiting, noise in the stomach, flushings ol heat, and chilli ness, tWase of the nerves, mnl uigans of digestion, Ac. Ac, those who may be thus affected, should not in g't ct to pr .cure Dr. Ilirlieh' -Compound Slrnnftheninir Tonie and Herman Aperient I'M?, which are warranted to give immediate relief. Thousands do we almost daily Is hold, whose coun tenances and pate emaciated checks bear occular witness to sickness and nllliclion. Could tlio-tt persons be persuaded to use this iuvaluublo medi cine, tiny would soon liud iheir weak uud debilita ted Iruincs sire lightened, their minds cotnposej. and till pain, and drslre-s driven from the system. when the t ody will again renew its lost vigor, au.l ul nn a ' new life," and death for a while be de- rived of its priy. W hath, ml but ftcls glad to behold t! cir near relativt s and dear friends, snatched as if by magic from that fatal dest'oyer Dnth. ve who sre laboring under disea.-e let not another day or night puss without procuring this uisdiciue, a it w ill in a majority of eases i fleet a permanent cine. luntiiibtr tUloifS are diwjftrou ; and if do. a-e is neglected, its ravagta will doubly in crease. Zj Principle Office for the United States, No. Ill, NORTH EIGHTH street, where reccoinmen dutinns of hundreds of rsons may be seen, all of which have been cured or benefitted by the medicine. HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, June 18, 1S42. ,V4 Aifent. C'oli), C olin h ti ml I lie I r l'nlul t on- NVIIUCIItrN. J"K7"EN we behold the hills of mortality, and y y the vast number that die of that fell de stroyer Consumption, we cannot hut feel for ihoso who mount th ir loss, when we know that secular dciponsiralions are di.iy made visih'e to the public, that )'. Duncan's Expeclorjnl Remedy will in nine cases nut nf ten completely eradicate lbs first symptoms of that fs'al disease. Will patients or tl.e r l ean sl friends any longer delay procuring th s medicine, w ith tl e expertitiion thut the dtscaso will naturally rem .ve its. Il ! The vast number that the am. u . l.y i f Coiisuinption, and the v. ry many of our frieiuls uud acquaintances who are dai geroiisly alllit ti d thut must ere long pay the d. 1 1 of r.aiure, (-(.oul.l convince all allhcted that it I is U'st lo he rid i l the t a Iv mnl evil seeds as s .on ; a- i t.sMl le, Ih loie lb. y lake loot and "dtstrou the tiji , win n in tl e I. loom and beauty of health. Always ssk fur Dr. Duncan's Expocloiaut Re medy, and le sii e you obtain it, us there are some peisons base onugli to palm some tit lit r medicine on tho-e woo u'c imI on iheir gii.ud, which Ihey buy at a vi iy lulling price, ul the same time si II it ul full pn. e, thus lliceui the ullluled ol iheir mo ll, y and ht abh. Piineipd Or'n e, 19 North Eighth street, where the in. .I.i n r is sold whose .le ami retail. Forsila alihesioreol II I'. Mil Y OX 1 II El M ER. June I lib, IS42. 4'J Ae-it. TF rtlf Will VlfFViAL'. Dr. Harluh's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and w ant from any but a fair trial tc e.ubluh iheir worth. We have a eomrounu atior in our columns to-dvv from a person long afflicted wnieh is bul one of many voucljerf fur this mJi cmr. Spirit rf tlir Timet.