Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 25, 1842, Image 3

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    'has been deeply imprrrsed in the mind ever since.
They talk abtrat the Airtight y Dollar hare. We
may talk ef 'the. Omrtiprttcnt Guniea there, A
man may m well be without a mouth as with tit a
guinea in England. Phil iiirz:
Tot mid A Relief Acer.
We are frequently aslted the .neaiion, Will the
Towanda Relief Notes lie redeemed !" It ia a
yrctly difficult "question to answer hat the sjuanti.
ty of thalliiiirf -of corrency fn fail hantt lliTongh
this region, -mitkes it quke an "imp oil art one. We
Van oirry Ue tun own 'impressions fr what they
-ie worth. The spurt tms is-ees of t.Ki. Boyd and
'T.ltyer, wifl fTiiliatily never ho paid. Thecom
muntwalfh ront fay them, and lire hank c Wt -though
there ra rro Aratrtof ifce moral, and bat IK
le of he regal cMrgation cf iIsb latter xo make
good fh-e acts of lier faithless agents, had she the
ability to do so. Those who hold 'fowanda notes
'here, however, wowld ke rfecrty wRing to lose
th. ir Dyer and Bayd papxr if they could get rid of
'other Its questionable at reasonable rates.
The regular Relief notea of the bank, Wing the
proper issue under the act of 4th May, '41, will of
course be redeemed by the commonwealth. The
only difficulty in this matter seems to lie '.o ascer
tain which are f thia issue ; as under the wretch
ed mismanagement of the bank, there see.-tv to have
xieen no regularity er system in its proceeding.
The State Treasurer has announced hia intention
to receive these in payment for duea to the com
monwealth. The next description, and by far the largest
in amount, are the notea issued By order of the
Hoard of Directors." In relation to these, we are
satisfied ost one thing : every cent of pinpetiy
which any Director in the Hoard at the time of this
"order" may have, should I taken to redeem then-;
for they were all paid out liy the bank at par, fur
full value received, and a Kttle more. The obliga
tion of the State to provide for the payment of this
cl.isa of the To wands piiper, will depend entirely,
ve conceive, upon the extent of the instrumentality
of its government in producing their issue. If
they were put forth under the sanction of the con
stituted authorities, it would become the State to
eee to k that they do not prove a loss in the hands
of innocent holders. If we are not misinformed.
Ihey were principally p aid nut upon the claims of
contractors on the public works. If so, then is it
certainly the du'y of the Slate, having received the
lieni'fit of their issue, to adopt some means for their
redemption. Hut there are mysteries in this whole
transaction which we do not pretend to understand,
or ptofeag lo le able to explain. We would pro
pose, however, as a serious duty of the Legislature
l this session, an investigation, to ascertain
whether there ia any responsibility f,,r this species
of currency and if so, where it is tube found.
Wilkesharre Farmer.
The Planet Mi:cirv. The beautiful lit
tle star, whose faint glimmering cun just be
diserned in the western ky, a little to the rirlit
of Venus, nt a few minutes past eight in the
evening, is the planet Mercury. It may easi
ly be distinguished, is of a rcddlslicolor, and no
other 6tar very near it. This planet is sedlotn
seen, on account of its nearness to the sun. In
vert Coiernicus is paid to have lamented on his
death bed, that he hud never been able to ob
tain a sight of it : and Dchiinbre saw it but
twice. Reailing (iatcltt.
Vc learn from a Mr. Morris (III.) paper that
a Mr. Harrison a young man of good character,
was recently murdered by Mr. Hell, in
county : The cause is said to have been jeal
ously. Bell met Ilarrifon with npparont cordiality
shook hands, using his left hand for that pur
pose; and, at the same moment, plunged a
Riwiu-knife to the heart of his victim. He
then rushed into his house, tvizol a double bar
rel gun, and ran towards a neighboring wood,
alter running seven miles, he was overtaken by
bis pursuers, whercii)nn he surrendered with
out resistance. lAiuisiilU- Journal.
OJJicr of the Daltimork Amkricax, June 20.
About 3(H)0 bbls. (Jiiy Mills Flour were sold on
Saturday last at f.5 fi'i.J cash, which very nearly
cleared the market. The Utile tww in store is Mil
l 5 75.
Sales of Susquehanna Flour on Saturday, to the
extent of about 1 000 bbls. at ?32J fur Cash
mock now extremely light.
(RAIN Two or three parcels of prime Penn
sylvania red Uh'at were sold on Saturday at ft
21. No Md. Wheat at muiket. Sales of Md.
Corn at 55 a 5G cents for yellow, and 51 a 55
rents for white. A sale of a lot of Pennsylvania
at5ScU. No transactions in l!ye. Sales of.Md.
Oats at :I2 a 31 cents.
Pit 1 1. A 1KI. I'll I A JIMlliKT
I'xitf.u Status (iizettk, June 21, 1 H 1 2.
DOMESTIC, PRODUCE. The news horn
England by the fast steamer at Boston has not yet
had any effect upon our market for Bread Stuffs,
though upon the .whole it was considered rather
favorable than ollierwisr.
FLOUR AND MEAL. The rates are steady
at last week's quotations, and further sales have
tteen made at f5 02 J per bid. for Penna. superfine.
Itye Flour f3 37J ; Coco Meal steady a. f'i G2J
for Penna. and $2 87 J for Brandy wine,
(JHAIN. Of Wheal the receijits for aome days
have been light. The niaiket price ol prime Penn
sylvania red is 12!lc per bu.hel ; no sales of South
ern. Corn is firm at 53 a 51 tor Southern while,
and 56c for do. yellow, and 5 He for Penna. round.
Data have declined, and sales aflost made at 35 a
:lic r bushel.
Samuel IK Jordan,
FFEIt'S himself to the Electors of Northum
berland Coun'y, as a candidate fur the ullicia
Tin: several coi rts
of said county. He trusts that his experience in
the duties of s.i.l offices willenahle bun lo give gen
ere I satisfaction lo I lie public.
Suubury, June 25,
Fr.raa in At'K. W-e are happy in being a
ble to say lo our readers, that Rrwiiirelfi't Vcffeln
bit Universal Pills are celebrated fit rtrehtlicning
weak stomachs, incteBRing the appdtilc, and a for'
tain preventive and cure Tot ihe'fo'vcr and ague, Ac.
For ihe fc:f and agirfc, & malady ao prevalenl
throughout the Serut'hcrn States, and so atflictmgto
families residing in low countries, Tedundnrtt wiih
mnrstics, I ikea, po.fls, riveta, oVc, these
celebrated and universally esteemed pills have sur
panrd any remedy ever administered, for relief and
core of lhat most ohsrmrrte frppTcssot of lire hitman
frame. Nauiberless instances of their efficacy have
been testified, after lie haiks and vaiious other ex
totkd fsifed, tliey proved successful,
re tire sibmratkm of those who experienced and
witnessed Vheir happy rll'ects. U. S. (r'az,
fXj- Purchase in Sunburv, of If, B. Masser, and
the agents published in another part of this paper.
i i i: i,
In this plare, on Tuesday morning last, RICH
ARD, son of Mr. Henry Pery, aed about 3 years.
On Friday, the loth inst., at tiarrishurg, Mrs,
Je ('axtik of Baltiiii'ire, daughter of James
HeplMim, Esq., late of Northumberland.
ComcUd tctekly hy Henri Yoxthfimtr.
Whkat, .110
Rrc, ...... fin
('iiajr, ...... 40
Ovts, 30
Pobk, ...... S
Flaxsff.d, ... -125
BrTTKii, - - (2
Rkkswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... J2J
Dnmi Acei.M, - . . 75
Do. Pkachks, 2(10
Flt, ... H
Hn'KLHii Flax, 10
Eno, ...... s
Ir. Pails' Sootliiii Syiup.
Hum many titiusimttti nf little ehililrrn ilir annu
ally from thetffret.t of I'rutraettd Dentition.
"IT rt quires no argument to convince you that all
-- "Little ('bililren sutler sooner or later from the
effects of Teething, which the r kind protector 1n.1v
eaily pi-iceivc fiom the following symptoms:
Restlessness, sudden fits of crying, fretful, feverish,
and sleeps but lillle, thrusts its finuers in its 1110111I1
and bites, thereby seeming lo obtain relief, frequent
ly attended with rough, iliMiciil'y of breithing, bow
el coiii la lit, iuil uii'r.ation of the eyes, aid sores
lehinil the ears, convid-ions, A-r. Those who have
the care of tln-se "little ones," should never lie
without "Dr. Paris' ('ilebraled Sootliini;
Syrup," lor Children Cut'ing Teeth, by which tbev
ran prevent many alarming sytntoiiis which uf leu
pr.ive fatal.
Thous mils of modiers and nifses cm t stify lo
the immediate effect of this invaluable Syrup when
appl ed to the gums. If h child wakes with pain
in its gums, the Syrup when applied, gives imme
diate ease, by "opening ihe pores" and healing the
gums, thus preventing convulsions, etc., to the hap
piness and enjoyment of their kind protectors.
(Entered according to an act of Cong res-.)
IvtMKMiit.H, all the genuine Medicine expresses
Ibis on the laliel ONLY place in Philadelphia
where tins Medicine can be obtained, is at the Me
dical Ollice. No. l'J North Eighth ktreet, and ad
veilised ugcuts in the country.
June 25th, 18 J2. Agent.
tlsoliiiioii of litrtnrrKlii.
nHE partneiship hereloloie existing bit wit n the
subscribers, has been dissolved by mutual con
sent. JOHN II. PL'KDY.
Sunbury. June 25h. IS 12.
.lliijor David A. Lake.
INFORMS the public lhat he will be a candidate
- lor the ollice of
of Noithumlierland County, at the ensuing rlcriion.
He respectfully solicits Ihe sull'r pes of his fellow
ciirr.ons, and should he be eliTtexl, he will emleavnr
lo di-charge the duties of said ollice with fidelity,
and satisfiietion to the people.
Sbamokin. June 25th, 1812.
A. Vail' r c Ii amp,
ESPECTFULLY inform ihe citizens of Sun-
a buiy and vicinity, that be will remain a nhorl
time in this place, for ihe purpose of performing;
eper .tion rin the teeth. He trusts his long ex'.
rience in the profession will enable him to cue
general satisfaction to those who may mil on htm.
lie run be found t all time ut the Temerarire
House of Pc'cr Weirner. June 18.
Miaiitoliiii, orlliiiiiilciiaul Co.,
fTIIE sub-cribeis resp.Ttfully inform the public
1 that tbvy have taken thai large anil eummmli
im HOTEL, in Shaniokiiitowu, in the centre of
the great Cost Region, lattly kept by Jacob Kram,
wkero they are now prepared to accommodate all
who may favor them with iheir custom. By stru t
attention lo business, they h pe lo receive a liberal
share of public patron ice.
Shamokintown, June lstb. 1H4.
EsPEtM'FULLY informs his Iriends mid the
-l public generally, that he ha commenced the
Tailoring II 11 s i n ' ,
in all its branches, in I be hou.-e formerly occupied
by Win. Durst aa a Tailor Stiop, in Blackberry
street, nearly opposite tbe Prtsbylerian Church.
He respectfully solicits a sbaie of the public patron
age, and Irusta by strict aiteulion In business anil
reasonable charges, he will be riiublcd to give gen
eral satislaciion.
Sunbury, June 18th, 1112 ly
A TT EX T 1 ( VN S L H U 1 Xil 1 1 i VS.
70U ate required to meet for
parade in Maikel-sipi ne, Sun
bury, at 'J o'clock A. M.ot Mon
day, the
ltli Jay of July next,
in SHintner uniform, each Meinlar
to lx' provided wirh 12 round ol
blank cailridge.
By order of Captain Dewal t,
h ji fly St 'g't.
June lull, IS 12.
uiiOi Will lslrr rftttipntiT.''
'THE mem'berB of the "Oood Will Fire 3om.
fmy are requested to meet at the Cinrt
House, on Mondiy Evening, Jnly 4th, at 1 J
clock prerisely. Pnuerual attendnnee requiied.
June 25. J. H. ZIMMER M IAN. Ncr
IS hctcTiy givm, that an applicn'ion has been
nude, -al the lat Court of Common Pleas el'
NoitrWimhcrland County, by the members of tlw
"fjoori Will I'lre (ompiiiy.,
in Sunbury, in said County, agreeably to the art of
I3ih October, 134(1, entitled "An act r. latins lo
Orphans' Courts, and for .her purposes," and if no
suluVieiil cause is shown lo the con'rary, nt the
next term, the said company will become a corpo
ration or body politic.
.Tune 18ih, 1812. 3t rmthnnntnry.
" PL OTJP.7' E?.if, febi" '
riHE subscriber leiqiecifully informs the public
bl that site keeps constantly on hand for sale, at
tbe lowest eah prices, at the lower end of Fawn
street, Sunbury, FLOUR by the hundred, quarter,
ce.. BRAN by thcbu-h.l, HERRINO by die doz
en. Confectionary, Ac. She icsjiecifully solicits Ihe
patronage of her friends and Ihe public Rcneialtv.
Sunbury, June 11th, 1812.
'!' Conn! ry
THE Suliscriber, Agent of Lyon rV Harris, Hal
-- Manufacturers, for New York, Phil idelphiu,
Baltimore and other large cities, wI.ihu ir are
highly commended for timd nihil ami iluraliility.
has 011 hand a first rnte nssortm-nt ot HA I'S and
('APS, suitable for Sprinp wiles, wh ch will t-e solil
very low, foi cash or appioved credit, nl the mn
cheap store. No. 40, North Tlrrd str-.-l, i p isi'c
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Orders lor Hals in the mug 4. pr-ioipllv
attended to, Tbe highest riee in 'u.sli i trade
given Fur iltinn.
Philadelphia, June II, 1R12.--Iy
f & 3- t 2 o 3 jfj
C n al rS
5 S C. 3 A I -
o 3
in 2.
r - s
;s i.
: s
z t
.I0I111 liiscly,
1 ESPECTFULLY informs the Electors of Nor-
tbunilie land county, that he will be a candi
date for the ollice nf
He promises, if elected . 10 exnt himself lo render
ceneral satisfaction, which his experience in the du
ties of said office will enable him to do, hating held
it for Ihe term of three year 10 the entire satisfac
tion of the public.
Sunbury, June 4th, 1812.
VLL iersons indi bled to the linn of Lynn ov
Hairis, under tbe sgency oft). N. Tbaeber,
Hut anil Cup Mnnufnrluriri, No. 40 North Third,
street, Philadelphia, are requested lo make immedi
ate settlement ol ih. ir accounts with the ubsrrilcr,
their legally auihorired agent, who is fully rmimw
ried to settle and collect tbe accounts of said firm.
June 4th, 1812. if Ag-n:.
JUST leceived, a fresh supply ot cheap Dry
(toods, ttroceries, Hardware, ike.
Superior Ladies' black kid Cloves,
Colored do.,
Luwns, Chintzes, Mnusselin de luines, A c.
Cloths, t'as.iineres, t'ashmerels,
Linen Drillings. Muslins, A:c.
Suierior Port Wine,
Pure Sperm Oil,
Sierm Candles, Raisins. A-e.
June 4th. 1M2. II. B MASSEK.
lVliv illivri'l
RESPECTFULLY informs ihe Electors of
. Northumberland county, lhat he will be a
candidate tor the ollice nf
He promises, if rlecleil, lo discharge the duties
of said oilier with rare and fidelity.
Upper Mahotioy, May 28th, 1812.
rilHE subscriber respectfully oilers linn-elf a a
I. candidule for the ollice of,
and oilers, should be be elected, to exert himself to
render general satisfaction.
Sunbury, May 2ih 112.
f 111 E subscrila'r tiller himself lo the t lectors of
I Northumberland county, as a candidate for
the ollice of
Should he le favored with a majority of voles,
he wilt spate no exertions to render peneral satis
faction. CEO. MARTIN.
Siinbiiiy. Miy 2Htb, IS42.
J1ISE1M OF nil.Llb UTERATiei!.
( 'nnteiitt of tbe May .Xumlnr.
MWISS BURNEY S Diary and Letters; Lift
and Writings of 'J'honias Fuller; Tory Item
nl ics lor National Distre-s Eungraiion; Memoiis
of the late J sine 11 alley; The School Mi -I re. A
broad, by T. Hootl; Captain Jesse' Note nf a
Half-Pav; The Eailh-quiiki rs, by Tbouia Hood;
Biitish Overthrow at Airghauislaii; AlK'dilego Ihe
Money lender; Couttship and Luve-iuaking; The
Steppe of Southern Russia, No. 3 and 4; Dost
Mohammed; The Antiquities of Egypt; Jack Mm
I in, tbe tiuatdiiau, ('hapter i) to 12; Sviviic ami
Arti (Hiitunru; I'mlru; Mitvtllunv.
Cj- The MUSEUM ia -old by Messrs. Carvill A:
Co., In8 Broadway, New Yoik, and by the Book
t iler ibrouKhout the United State.
Pan k. Dollar a year, iu advance K,veu
and a half, if not,
I'ustaur, ix sheet, under lllO mile, U els.;
over 1(10 mill s. 15 et.
A Six Dollars '. not a ronvi nitii t remittance,
ili-tint subsenUr will pleuse imI fit iu part; 011
recti, I ofwbith the wink will be sent, larelully
M lapped up, lo any Post I Mice in the I 'uiied Slates
or Biiliah America. E. LITTELL A CO.,
2VU Vlnul strut, flul,,,, jfi.
wiium:i.riMV Rronv; ami pottsmme
117 rnmmrnrr rrrawtrrff hi Unrrn Vhilmlrlphto
ami FnUnvillr ni thr fiillinring ihiyn
tiinl hoitm ;
fx A'rrt a vTv.a M1111MT, Mt n. 18V,
Leaving PotlsriuV, on Mondays, Wpdntsdavs
and Fridays, t 8 A M.
Icaving Philntlelpliia, on Tuenlaya, Thursdiiy
mid Ratnrdays at 14' P. M.
I hum nf pnsnnir Kniffiiig.
ror i t'll iiMplna, nt 1HJ A. M. f
For Pottsville, at P. M. 5
". H K S.
Between Potlsville Phdatla. 'fn.Ml f 2,r,n
Hetwren Reading A , .-J5 V 1,75
Between do A: Pol svillo, ,lo & l.nn
Ext tHsioi Turkts nnim rna RKr Mo
xrtr int.
Between Pottsville Phil idt Iphia, 55 nil
Between Reading eV do. M 1)0
Between do. cV Poltsville, 2 oil
'Ilie other passencer trains will as before, at
tbe following h'-urs ;
Vhihiilelpliiii anil Vult.wllle.
r rem rliiliiuf Iphl.i, al 5JA.M.
From Pottsville, al 2 P. M.
Hours of passing Urinlmir.
For Poitsvilic, at A. M. i
For Philadelphia, at 31 P. M.
All the trains will stop for way passengers al
the usual points.
fjjf' All passengers are requested to procure
their tickets before tbe trains start.
M iy 21, 1812. if.
U.S. Mai I Conch
rose iot tsviili:.
rr- .t. vy'.-e r- & jZli ' 1 3
HIE Mail Coach for Pottsville leaves Northum
berland rveiv morning at I o'clock, and arrives
in Potistille in time for 1 be cars In Philadelphia.
Fahk a low as any olher line.
For seats, apply al Mrs. Withington's Hotel,
Noilhunihc ilaml, al tieorge Weilel's. Sorihnrv.
A. E. KAPP tV CO.."
Norlh'tl., May 21. 1812. Proprietors.
(X ' Pas-eimers coming from Pbibiilelphia will
p'eae secure ibeir seats al Ihe While tvan H0I1 1,
Rare St., before they leave tbe rily. Passei i-ers
rotninit in this line, have lloir seats scrim d iu any
tn;eor Packet I 'oat Irom ibis place. '1 hose coming
111 the tilht r line may Is' left behind.
ItlUIlk ItooK irlilllllliK ItH J ,
(Ipposili prim i'x ,
FMIII". Y are pnparnl to manufacture blank work
I of every description, ruled lo nny pattern, such
as I lis kits beconls, lliv Ibsiks. Ledgers, Asses
sors' and t'ullectors' Duplicate of the finest quali
ty of paricr, in a style equal to any made ill the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New Yoik.
All deseiiplioiis of binding neatly executed.
Scrap Books, Albums and Portliilios made loonier.
Law IKtoks, Music and Periodical bound lo any
pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also filrs of
pijs'is bound.
Qjl' Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ame
rican, will lie promptly attended to.
Miy 211, 1812 Iv.
2 Dai
this day sold out, dell v. red nnd transfericd lo
Mr. John W. Prylini;, nil the richt, tide and inte
rest ol his store, from this time, w ith the bonks fmin
ihe 1st day of April Ust, and that Ihe business will
hereafter be conducted by ihe said John W. Fry
linit, at ihe old stand.
0j All persons knowing theiuselves indebted to
the subscrilier, are requested ami requi'ed, foith
with, to come forward and settle thuir accounts
without further delay.
rJ" r; r;
this day purihasetl fr. ni IL nrv Yox'hi imcr
Ins slote and entire stock of goods, ami lhat ihe bu
siness of said store will hereafter be conducted by
him at the old stand.
He tberelore r. sptflfullv solicit from bis friends.
and the customers of said store, a Continuance nf
tin ir favo's, and htqies by strict and punctual atten
tion to business, lo merit a ronlinuaiice of tin ir JOHN W. 1 IIVI.INO.
May 18, 1812.
in n in a n
( THE It A .'. 1 R S V. If I R 1 '.
JOHN & HENRY LAN I). U having rented
ihe Lime Kilns of lleurv Masser, in Sunbuiy,
have now for sale the lst Lime iu thi part ol the
rounliy, anil will toiitinue m keep ly on
hand Iri sh Lime for IM istpime. Building and for
Liming land, on a icasotiahlc terms a call be had
anywhere in the nrighliOilioml.
May 21, IM2. J. rV If. LANDAU.
Stuilt' iiinl 'I'tiliiicoti M.'iiiiiLit'tiirt't's,
.X11. Ill AurA II I rnriir r t;' Rare and Third
Si ret Ik.
rl,IIE niidt-r-iiined have formed a Co partnership
A under Ihe bnii ol J. MAYLAND. Jn. Cv t'... I
lis successor to the litle linn of Jiieuli .Muulund '
Co., and will c miiniie the busmen nt die old ta
hlihimiit, on iheir own aeeoimi. In addiiion In ,
Iheir own rinse uilcniiou and e per 1.1 ice f 1 mi.tiv '
years, in the manufacture of their celebrated snnlV ,
Ac, the long evpcin nee of the senior pailoer of Ihe j
I d. linn, will iil-o Iv ti tbe interest ol tin- 1
new eouceiil and as no evrrtiori and care Will la j
spared lo insure iheir gihsls, al all lime of ihe ve- i
ry U--I quiiliiy, lin y solicit a continuance of the
rnnliilf lite ul the li.ends an. I riisl.Tncr- of Ihe late
linn. Till iM As AD MS,
J. 11 .Y LAND. Ja.
Philadelphia, Mav Hih. lNl2. ty
It E It LA XI t air x rv.
flHE Sul'.-riiber n ss'cttully tilFers himself as a
1. candidate for ihe ollice of
at ihe eiisiiiint general election. Should he be so
fortunate to bet bet id, lie will endeavol to give
general sa'i-lactiiitt to all.
f PHE sub-cribtr Mpet tivillv inloim the lectors
I of Norlliiunbeiland coliuly, ibai be will be a
candidate al the ensuing etiili-'li. l..r the ollice. nf
Rtgirtir, Ru ordi r and Cluk nflhc hphunns
( oitrt.
Hating hud r .bk- i vpcrience in public
life, b tius s, if t left, tl, I r w ill tie able to din haige
the dune of aid nlliee lo ihe en'ire ssii-l.u lion of
ihe ct nuniiv. FREDERICK LAZARUS,
May I lib, It-12.
VriC. HEILIO.IT & 30.,
Oointnissiim ' Vurw at rJinn MitcIkuiIs,
lmt of Uilhw Xtrrn Vuil U0111I,
nn rnr. i r.i tvNF.
IIAVIMI nsxieialisl tih iheni Joseph lliKnel,
A'lalenf U.asloti, Pa., nsivilfulfv inform Iheir
frtei d. and Ilir pnb'h' c'i rrallv, (b it lbi h ive ta- I
ki 11 Ih I l.tepe ninl we I known More and Wharf al
fiM't of Willow Streel Ra hoa.l, lately iHcnpred l y
Jaeoh Martin, where they pi r iloiinj a ttett. ral
C,mniision ami Forwinlmg lloin's-, and f oni
ihe bcal ailvaniaivs cAT trip pl ice Itihl' i-dnturleJ
with all lite pvilibr improvement tlisiT have their
oullel in the cilv, they Halter lhim-eTH they will
la utile to do business to as gre it 110I g eaN 1 ail
vantnge, and upon as reasonable terms as any olher
insiise, ami tliey ss-Miif their f 1 lends that anv rvu
'ii Hu nts tn ale lo them shall have iheir sir'rt al
tentHMi, mid 1111 exertion spared to giveeutiic satis
faction. They are also preparitl lo receive and forwatvl
gnoil lo any point on the Delaware and Lehiuh
rivers, bet ween Maurb Cbunk, EsUm and Phila
delphia, xt Dt l.iw are DiviM. n ami Lvhii;h Can d-;
also, to any ioinl on ihe Juniata, river, or N0V1I1
and Wt si Itinnehes of the Sii-quehanna ia Sehuyl
kill and Union, or tho Chesspenke and l ideVatei
For ihe acennimnilation nf Boats coming or go
ing via Sehuvlkill and Union Canals, Steamboat
will b.' kept t jpTsslv tor toning boats from the
Schuylkill around in ihe Delaware and bark, which
will en .ble niercl.aiils to have their produce deli-
veretl on the Delaware, and tlnir goisls sl ipp. d at
a savins of 50 to 75 per cent. l,o prices I r
I....l... .i.l. .1....- .1.....
sptclfully solicit a bhare of pntr.'iin-e.
William Heilman, 1
W Ibaiii W. Kese., '.
Joseph Barnel. 3 I'hilnd , May II, 1121)'
.u. Wl .orlli Third, aimer Arrh .Shut,
m i iim Mini 1 iim inn M i:vrv pi hminm.
rOI Alil.l's WEISS, Uteol the "Wbite Swan
- ' and "Mount Vernon House," respectfully in-
forms h;s friends and customers, tint be has become
the proprietor of the abovi well known Hotel.
Coun'ry Meicbants will find the above Hotel a
central I ration, and the best of fare. Persons Ira -veiling
with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling for horses, and Ihe best of
ost'eis. Boarding fl per day.
May li b, I S 12. if.
roit ti:tti-:r.
KlVJVt HUMS, IIMI-I.I-. UN Tllf: I l :, AMtrvtlllK
I TANI'OI H Kit t frit 1N
CT"7" The fidloh'ing rrrltfiru'e dt sen' one of the
most ijlriiordiiinri runs rrvi- tj',cttd hy any
Pnii.tlil 1 run, February 10, Ism.
11 )IJ twenty yeais I was sevt-iely iilllicl-d with
-1 Ti.ttkh on the Face nnd Head: Ihe disease
c. mimetic. .I when I was srw-liteeii years old, ami
continued until the fall of 18:10, Vary ing ill vio
lence, bill without ever tlisapiearinij. During ri-t
of ihe lime, ureal part of my face was covered with
the eniptton, frequently atlcliiltd with violent itch
ing; my head swefed nf linns until it IV It a s if it
would burst ihe swelling Was so g-eal, lhat I rouM
scarcely itct my bal on. During the oti prritvd
lhal I was Hlllicird widl the disease, I use.i a grt-ut
many h pbi Hliais, t .1111.111; Iheni scxeral eehbrated
prep ii .ti"0-) as w. II as takmu inwanl remedies.
1111 Itidini: a number ol boltb h of Siraiiti' VfiTlffrn.
Rj-trart if Sarsapurillu, Ac, In fail it w.-uM be
iinpo-sil-li-lo t numeiuU! all l,r nied cines I used.
I was also under tbe c.tre of two of itn- rno-t ill
ttngiiibed physicians of this eiiv, lit tn-a ut re
ceiving in-ch benefit, and I detaireil of ever tn ir g
cured. Ill tbe fill ol 1:10, tne ui-ea-v ;,t the time
Ih mis veiy violent, comnmieeil using the fern,
Diitlmnil, (prepared by Yatnitum , Dtv'i.) In
II fi w applica'iotis the viobut itching V. Ased, the
swelliinc abaU'd, tlie 1 niptloll hecau to ihsiU'cnT.
and In fort: I bad used ajar tile ill-ease was elilut-lv
ciiied. It has now It-en nearly a viar ami .1 bu'f
since, and there is not a ve-tige of Ihe ilisenrf re
niaiiiini:. except the sears from the tkvp pits formed
by llw dt-ase, Ittis Hipi-KsibV- for me to ilwril-e
ill a cerlifn-aie the severity of the disease and my
sutfiTvng. tnil I will l-e pleisetl h give a fuller ac
count to any person wantii-e; further salislacri.-n,
wha wfd c.ill oti ine. Al tK- nine I cvo Tflicnced
usint; lle j"we ttni'intiil I wxuld Iwive given bun
dvds of dollais to In rid of ihe tlisease. Since ri
sing it, liave rccumtn.rrdcd it to si-vi ral persons,
(aiming ttiem my mother, who had ihe disease bad
ly on Iter ami,) w ho wi re a'l cured bv it.
(Jj- Tbe Rose lintnielil 1 jut-pared by V.. B
Vauhan, Sou'h East corner of Third and Race
clretts, Philadelphia, and sold on ai-eucy in Sunbu
ry. bv H. B. MASTER,
May Mth, 18J2. Aeut.
Ktisc OinliiH'iil lor 'IVn r.
1'HHiiii.l.rmi, May 2'nh, lS:t(.
rl',HIS i to certify that I was severely allbi-ied
- with Tetter in the hands and f.rt for upwards
ol forty V ears; the diseane wasallended i nerally
with t in cut itclnnit and swelling. I applied to 4
! number ol physicians, anil used a Brest many appit
' ca ions without elleciin a cure. Alanit ny.iir
I since, I appl ed the Ivo-e Ointment, which ei.HTelv
, .lotqs-tl ihe ilchitiH, and a few applicali tis 1111111e.l1
i adly rund the dicar, which then- has been no
; relit. n of. iillhouish I had never been rid ol it nt
any time f.iM.irty years. lilCHAHH SAX'At.E.
r.ltvenlb. Is lotv Sprtn-e Stieii.
C T The Rose Ointment is rep lied bv E II.
Van. ban, S mill East conn r of Third1 and I! in
Strei is, Philadelphia, and s--kl on auencv 'n
i) l-v II II. MAi:ii.
Mav l lih, IMi, t- .'.
Of the ROSE Ol ''!.' A 7", ." ''' r.
LTIIIiUtill ihe sop, riority tit 'be pi.jaia' n
s & tieor all otbi r. is I'nllv . s iiMi-hcl. lb.- i.t.u.r 1 -
) nirs lake pb a-ure in lay tij
: follow mil fer.rth ale In-u. a
In f. re ihe til-he the'le pbv "'fi.t-i.
a t; 1. id u Of t.f the Unitersity ol Pi nn.-t b aois. ti.
tl .tigb, having foun t III ll I- '-ini-dy ll'ti .eliel I r
a leiboiis anil tti'Ui. i-ahb- atb- lion 1 1 it h die inr.1.1-.
I w itbui Hie range of I is r.-h s-i .i f ole.l lo nil !.
j tnis not bei-l'sled to civ. 11 tils .ippiol-ali -u. alii. Imli
I tbe pi. jtiiln e and inn n o-nf that proli- i-l -n an
1 i-pn.-ed to set rt t Rem. dies.
I'mi ii''i. .s, pi. 1:1, is:lti,
I I was retenlly lioubbd Willi 1 It illou- hripcllr
I eriipii.-ii. width C'.veietl marly o.-e of nit I tv.
und extended over ihe ear. Mr. Vuughuu. pr.ipri-
loi ot the Rose I liutiiiPtil, ohkcivilig ni) fner, n
led 011 ruv tiytug hi prep.oattoH t-f which he han-th-l
me a J tr. Although in common with lite mem
ber ot my pr. li'-sioii, I ilisentiuii nance mid
pmve ol the numi-ii'U noslitims palmed upon Ihe
public by iunoiaiil pr. lendrrs, I fel l iu jus ice tiotuu the It. e ( lintui. Ill fiom lhai r'a a of ini
d.ri,.i. anil lo give it my approbation, a it iIIMt
ly ured ihe erUpllou, allhougn 11 lud ir.i.nd die
li-uil spphrati.Mi. DAM. BAI't.H, M. D.
Uj' The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. Ii.
ui.b'iii. Soiuh l'a-l corner of Third ai d Race
Sne. is. PiiiUde'pbi, and oiJ on ag. ncv in !nn
bmv, l-v 11. U. .MASTER.
May I lib, 1412, Aeut.
Tin- lrst mithml for thr AM Man of Distant)
is lo ebaiise and par if if the Hot!. -
WltHslI I '
iii 4 i:i;iii' a ni.r. pin,
,rth .Imrrii tln f allege of Health,
Are imw acknowledged to be fhe best MediriOf! id
tile World for Ihe Cure of
Kt'V'SE they coiiipK'lely ileausc ihe hlo
tnai h and bowrls from ill -ve bdliotls and Cor
rupt binnOrH vbK-h are the cause Hot only i f
I Headache, Cid. lines, Palpilalion of the Heirt,
i Pa ns in the Bones, Rheumatism and '(tout, hut
j every mala-'y ihrider.t In man. SAID INDIAN
YElii; I'ABI E PILLS are a n'riarti cure for in
, teirn itenl, leinitltM, nervous, iml niibloiy and putrid
Fevers, brcnie tbey clemse the p.idy firm hnn
i moibid hilhiors, w hich, when cnlifled to Ihe ritcir
1 brti.iti, are Ihe cause nf nil kinds of FEVERS. S.i,
j a'.-o. wit 11 tbe same impuiilv is depntiiled on tbe
j membime and mu-e, canning pains, ir fl.irna.
lions Bd swelline railed RHEUMATISM,
I (it 1 T, cVr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may
I It relied on as always .crtain to gio relief, and if
persevered wilb, arcnidlitg lo directions will biost
MMun'dly, a'ntl wilhont fail, make a perfect fine of
tlie above painful n.aladies. From three to six of
sjid Indian Vrgetab'o Pills taken every night go
ing lo bed, will in a shnrt time so completely rid
the body fmrn ewrv thing'tlnit'ts oppnAed to lleulth.
Thai Klfeutnatisin, tioul, and piin ol every descrip
tion, wift be Im rally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DY. For the s iinr. reason, when, from suiMcii
cbnnses of atiiio phcre, or any olher cause, the per
spiration is el eilicd, and the htttnois which should
i . ..... .... wamiy. cnusm,.
I 1II-..AI.AI-III.. I.IIMM.M..".". ll:llsv ami Mck-
nes, pan iu ihe bones, wateiy and inll micd ryes,
sore throat, lio,ir-cne-s, cout;bs, rnnsurtiplion, r pains iu vaiintis pari of Ihe body, and
many .-lb-r symptoms i f CATl'HINtJ COLD,
Wright's Indian Yinitolih I'i'ls will invariably
giVe m rdiili le relief. From three to six of sai 1
Pills takincvfiy niulit mi going In bid, 'will in u
short lime, in-t only remove all ll,e above uuplc'a.-. .i t
symptoms, but the body w II, in a abort lime, It; to even sounder heal h than before.
INtt. Wright's huh'tn irtt,iidi Villi will loos--en
uiidear-v off, by tbe stomach and bowels, tho' e
I loncb 11I1I1 cmv humors, wbieb sl--n up all the
cells ol the lungs, and are. ti e cause,' not only of lb
a hove distressing c rnpluint. I' v. ben 11 -clo-ii .1,
often ern.triates in tlnii mo e d . a. m.i'in'v rn'l. !
CONSUMPTION. 7, 1,,,,,'d i. , o'.iei. I
that Wright' Jndiijn Vtgrfnh'e l'i"s aro n cctla 11
cute for PAIN IX THE SIDE, Opprcsfion,' nau
sea, und sickness, l.i-s of nppi tin-, costiviTirpa. 1
yellow lingo of ;he tkiu ai d eyr-'. nnd every oil 1 r
symptom of n torpid or diseased state of l!ie liv.r;
because tl'.e.y purge from tlie Knly those impVirilit t
which if ib posited upon this important organ, a-e
ih.- can e of ei-rry variety .f LIVER COM
PLAINT. Win n a 'nation is convu!ed by riot
nuibri aks and r. hcltion. the only rV.eans off reteii'
ing I're dreadutl conseiiciict s of aTVIL WAI:,
is Ui expel all traitors, and evil d spotted once fiom
t'.ie couii-ry. In like in inner, w In n pain or'siel -lies.,
nf any Vind, indicate tltnt the body is siru. -gling
with mler ul foes, ihe Inn- remedy is to'E.
PEL .VL1. MORBID HUMOUS, (Trailers 1 1
health ninl life.) lliullh ic'll he the Certain rriutf.
That the piim ipb- .f cnring Hi-ease.1iy elelning
bihI purifying the 'fiody, is s'liictly iu nrv.ord.lin c
with the Isw-s which govern ihe iinini.1 ecoiKilnv;
and if properly rariied oul by Ibe'ti-e of the fit ov---iiamed
"WRl'till I'S INDIAN V Et. MM' A ULli
PILLS, w ill certainly result 1n ihe complete Al'-o-I
lion of Di-e.ise ; wt oiler the following tcstitniirl:
als, ti -in person, of the h'gb. sl rr-peclnbility 'in
New A'ork, who have i.ventiy been euted M ihe
most otislinate roniplainls. solely "by tire Jse t-t
M mk. ni's Iim H. : i tit.K Pill, of 'the
Xnrli Ain'riwi i'olh y,t if lit tilth :
J IM tie 1, L. I , June H'h, ISil.
Doctor William Wright Sir It is wllh
gr.-..1 siti factimi I inform vou of my having been
eiitiiely cured of 1vsprpia. r-f live yars standing,
r ilic ti-t-ol otir I mii Yvr-tTtnra Pills.
Pis vtotis to foee'mg wiih your celebrated tni'di
rine. 1 b id lii-en under the hands nf several Physi
ctnns, and Iried vaiious tiietlirines , but ell 'to
no filed. Alter 11-ii g one 2.r cent lox of von;
Pills, howi ver, I ep. rieneed so much benefrl, fii t
I resolved to pers. vete in ihe use nf them areniillnc;
lo ibrtH-tions, which I am happy lo slate, hss resul;
ediii a peilei t cure, ingra'ir-.nle to you for ll c
cfvai Is-nefil I have received, and also in the hH v
fh it otti.'rs Mrwihirly atfirted nuiy lie induced i.v
m ike tnal of vimr cxiraorditiary medicine, I ei A
you Ibis staifmiil with full libt-ity In pub!ih t'...i
same, ifvou think proper. Yours, xVff.
New, June t'., Isll. (J. C. BLACK.
Mr. Richard 'Dennis, fcgent for Wright's
Vegetable Pill.
Dear Mr I have been aflllcted fdT sereruVyVai'
with inward weakness ami general debility, accom
panied at fitrtc with fain in "the side anj eiV 1
distressing com; tain's. Aftct having tried Wi.n
medicine wi'hout cffi ct, 1 was a-rsu nled by aTlVr 1
to make trial r-f Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetal i 1
PHI, which I am happy to stale, have relieved 1 e
iu it most w onderful manner. 1 have used the. rn -tlictne,
a yet but a short tune, and have nodo'id-n
by a persevcr nice in the use if the medicine avc-"
ding to directions, iht I shall 111 a short time Ir
peilectly retore.l.
1 mosl willinfly recnmmtnd said Pills lo allpn-
! sous siiiid 11 ly i.rilicled. and in (be lull belief I h'
j Ihe s .ine beni liei .1 n suits w ill lollow Iheir use, I n
I main our sincciily, HENIiV A. FOtVI'l.',
J Waiwaii-ing, Ulster to. N, .
i N1.1v YoiiK, Sept. !). 1N11.
j 'IliU is to certify that I have used Walnai 's
i Nt. 1 tv 111ti Ai.1t Pm.s with the grealt-Ml In-t
I'll; hli ciiied my-elf of tbv fretpl.-lil 1
: latks ot Sick He al lebe. to w hich I bad prrvioln 'r
! le. 11 sid-jecl. ANN MA b' I A THOMPSON,
:.;I2 (ireenw ieh street. N. -To
Mr. Rich ml D. lints, Agent lor Wrtjjlw' In1
,!i 01 'et. (..l'!e ''i '-'.
'. ' '
O .V.
s iliere .11 c at . i
m int wn ke.l .o
litiHiiy 1 nga.-tl in 1 11.; u r u rricii u
del the n line of the lud, an Ycgciile Fills and
llit's1 .1. spetate null a.-,. 30 uttfrly rctklcss of con
s. qiii'iici s, that m-ny Vh!iii.i.i lives may he lo I i '
cooseqiienct- of using their dreadful coinpnlinc .
1I1.1 publ-C ?re eautioiied uf.aili.-. puaha.-ing ai t
i'llts, unless on the tide of the bull the lollowii-!'
t ,0. ling is fotiu I :
(hitiitin Purgiitin.)
i. Tex M111111 ttiiHicta cot. lack ot nrttn'
An I a'se lo le e-pcti-lly rareful sgaintt ptirrb
sing said me IU ine of any prnton fexcept the tegC
I .r advertnieil apem.
.Hi EM'S tdli XXUiTllt AlliFlil.ASO fd,
II. B. M j&er, Sunbuiy Pay lie .V Rose, No
Ibulnbell Hid Jacob II. la. Shainokitl Samu. I
lleili, M..h. tiny Byerly cV D., Augtisia--1
li'iii. r & Foitmer. Miilon Ireland .V Meix.lh
Mi Ewensvide P lei A D arinon.l, TuibuUi dlt -J
lines b'eetl. Poller., vt II. Klae, Snydttslown
II. 11. Ki obcl, P. M.. Elisburg P. O. m.
Lei enring, P M. Union Corner.
Otli- e and Omer..l 1. p-'l f-r tht sale ot
Weif-hi's I'idiuM VigelaUe Pills, tir.l.-salt aut
PIllAi Msy 21, 1842,-ljr