Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 18, 1842, Image 3

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    other li pwilion bfthem to aatisfy the claim of
the domestic creditor.
If any thing belter ran be ilone, it will afford me
Rreat pleasure to co-operate with yoa hm If not,
Ibe provision snggested, might probably save a
remnant, which might be applied to the debts long
due to a da of joat !n.l merit Tious credilors, who
are most assuredly entitled, at the hand of the
legislature, to the apecdiest relief which i'a wisdom
cnti advise, and the means of the commonwealth
will possibly aTo d.
Harrisbu'g. Juno 10, 1810.5
From the U. S. Gazette.
Kxtraet from a Letter.
DutcJ at Cape llaytien. ISM May t o a Gentle
man in Ifiii City.'
' I reached hero few Jjy since, and found this
onre beiutiful city a neap of rain, occasioned liy an
earthquake on the 7th inst. At a aualter past 5,
P, M., the first ahock n felt, which wa ao vio
lent aa to prostrate almort -every thing. Of the
houses not a tingle one is now inhabited, not a
street now to he traced ; and of 10,000 inhabitants,
between 8000 and 9000 (rrranting rlie country
people in on that day) lie buried beneath the nrins.
Our estimable friend .1 am happy to infrrm
you, escaped with Ins I fe, by rushing into the street
upon finding the walls and flout giving way, but
received a severe wound in the heaj from aoine of
the falling materials. Upon recovering himself,
he returned to his house anil a.ived his wife and lit
tle girl uninjured liis othrr two children wore
crushed in the ruins. The shocks were repeated
every fifteen minutes. The hour being that in
which (ho inhabitants were preparing for their eve.
ning- meal, the falling in of the roofs and rafters
wintered the fires, which seized upon them, and in
mi incredible short apace of time the w hole wood
work of the city was in flames; by 8 o'clock the
country people poured into the city, btiiicJ with
nancheltes, knives and gnns, and commenced the
work of pillage and irmrder, killing every one who
olVered any resistance to then depredations. The
houses and tore of the few whites and principal
merchants wer the first to be attacked. These
'were aoon sacked, and every thing in the shape of
movable properly that waa not covered up in the
Tuins, waa taken possession of. Hands of eitit or
"ten of the plunderers wonld meet in the streets and
contend for the spoils, frequently leaving on the
ground half of their number dead or de-peratery
bounded. Such a scene as i am informed liy eye
witnesses, waa scarcely ever be he! J. Beneath the
"Tuins thecr-e of the wounded and dying for succor
were heard in Vain, and in m my cases four days
' elapsed before any efforts were made for their en
Irieation. To day one person was brought out a
live who had lived fifteen days under a bed of wall.
L very" merchant that could escape made for the
shipping, where epwards ef one hundred were
crowded In four vespers. The shocks have con
tinued ever since my arrival, and to-duy nt II o'
clock we had a aevere one. The survivors s'eep
in the country in the fields none during to trust
thcmsi Ives as yet under any trover. The stench
from corrupted bodies, was such, that tit one time
'it at feared some jictt!ence would bieak out ; but
the lire and the lime-stone, (which the heat ha
converted into quick-lime,) is daily purifying the
Mir. The dfsl ruction of life and properly has been
Jerajlie,-ari,1 it will n lie some tinre eTe the poo
i.le can snUicioiitly overcome llnir Tear, to make
any attempt to clear away the ruins, or return to
the placet, where their happy homes no recently
A Merry (Rnui. Dropping in at the A
'inerican Museum on Friday, we saw a nimble
primp of htrangws fnwn Michigan. They con
sist upward of a hmndrerf friirreln, l.lnck and
prey, recently jftHigl-.t frcm Michigan on spec
tiliUioH. Wr irc told by Mr. Rarniim linl tho
twin brought down live hundred of the; little
'tellnwe some four hundred ol w hich have bem
sold X. 1'. Cow. A Jr. S
Ths CcLtKriiAs'f CojFaHsro!.
0 ! it makes my head ache In read Payne-,
And yel I confess 1 like Aiken
I'm deciJedlv partial lo H igg.
But own f'm no lover of Raton,
1 have read (he Descendants of tlatn,
And lMrd ner on HreeceX adore i
Pope, Milton and Byr.m are good.
But oitMhey'a a terrible hour (bore.
5-he spoke of hearts, of darts and doves,
Of music and moonlight,
Of Moore, hrs "angels," and their "love."-
Of first alli-clion a WifliU
The soul's refinement in her eye J
lleamed out, when I said, slopping, '
"l.sviniu, deal, I jusl descry.
A large hale in yitr nlorung !
The Hirer Pai.
JS.ivs Dick to Jack "your neighbors say
You wrangle with your wile cadi day,"
'l'oo. poo," sjs Jack, "they only joke,
'J'la now a fortnight siuce we spoke."
fftce of the Ualtisobk Axsntr June 13.
Kl.Ol.'K. We we abvised of liuilled sales of
Howard srrcet FlouTof good standerd brands lo-doy
fioin bto-cs at $! fi2 J, which i the akking rate now.
9'he Wagon price ia $5 50.
City Mills Flour w inquired for, but we hear of
tio transactions. Holders generally are firm at
f 5 75 ,-tock small.
Hles of altout 500 bbls. BuspuehaRna Flour at
J5 6? J, cah.
URAIX. No Maryland Wheats arriving.
Pennsylvania Wheats hare improved three or four
cents per bushel. We note two sales of prima red
on Saturday at f 1 25 ; and other parcels at f I tl
AW a lot cf Pennsylvania while at fl 25. The
supply of Corn for the last few days h brn fair.
Sales of Md. white at 51 conta, of yellow at 53 a
51 rents. We quote Md' Oats at 35 cents, and
Virginia at 32 a 3 1 cents sales.
WHISKEY. We quote hhds. at 20 cts., and
bids, is 20 cents moderate sales. The wigon
iriee of bid, is It) cents, rirlu.ive of the barrel.
(Jj' Edward-, the great loijjei U cjlivntod.
Thfl Mayor, it will be seen, offers fifty dollars re
ward for the scoundrels that wnntonly injured, by
barking, aotno of the trees in Kittenhouse square.
We have a paternal attachment to thoro trees,
and feel much disposed to think that thcte c.ught to
be ", km for skin." At any rate we should like lo
satisfy the vagabonds that they hid barked up "the.
Wrong tree." V. S. Gazette.
tt!ACKKnY.--The Philologist, Walker, informs
ns that the Word at the head of this article, relates
to "mean or bad ads in Physio." The facnlty
pronounce it quackery to attempt the enro of dis
ease in any way different from regular practice.
Tims a scientific and philanthropic character, after
much study and research, discovers a medicine,
which in every case lessens the amount of human
Buffering and cores many diseases formerly consi
dered incurab'e. Thia is auiely not a "menu cr bait
act nf ThysicP And yet because he floea not fol
low the antiquatcil diigmas of the Facu'ty, his
Philanthropy is called tjuackny. This Plii'an
thropist is lr. Rrandrelh, whose Vegetable Univer
sal Pill--, by purifying the blood, core every kind of
disease; becanso they assist Nature, in eielliug
from the iSody all those iinpnre humors which not
only cause, but produce disea.e.
fXj" Purchase in Sunbury, of IT. Tl. Masser, and
the scents published in another part of this paper.
W J li It I v u ,
On Tuesday evening last, ,y the Kev. K. A Frsh.
er, Mr. J. H. Monmxox. of Ilellefonte, to Mi-
Dkhorsii Ui cHi n, formerly of this place.
A few weeks since, by thesnne, Mi.DAVin
Vansh ki.k 'o Miss Cttz Bt:rii (7hhkk, both of
Aueusta township.
On the 0 h inst., by the TieV. J. P. Sbindel, Mr.
Smi kl ruoit to Miss Ki.i. t Haas, both of Au
gusta. tn the lfith tilt., in TWnsvlllt', Mo., by the Kev.
Wm. (. Uell, Mr. Haiinkt usiis-M to Miss Hal
son a fnr riii nn.
n i i: i,
In ITarrtsbiirg, on the -1th inst., Mrs. FRAN
CKSS A.NNK, wife ol" Henry Muehler, Esq.. and
ilsughter of Alenaniler M ihott.
riiicK :uuii:.T.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxheime, ....
Ciiiix, ......
Oats, ......
r H k , - -
Bl'TTKB, .....
Bkf.sway, -
Tunis', ....
DHnr.n Appi.ks, - -
Do. Pkachv.s, -
IlKCKtin Flax, - -
1 10
WHO are troubled with sick beadm'he.pain in
the side, breast and hack, loss of appetite, fla
tulency, lowne-s of spirits, palpitation of the heart,
fainting or giddiness, sickness at the stomach, bilious
aftecttoiiH, tightness ut the chest, nausea, vomiting,
noise iu'ihu s'loinnch, llushiirgs of heal, an 1 chilli
ness, diseases of the nerves, mid organs of digestion,
iVc. Ac, those who mav be thus all'ected, should
not neglect to procure Dr. Ilarlieh's Ctniijxiund
Strengthening Tnniu anil German Aptriatt I'llh,
which urn warranted to give immediate relief.
Thousands do w e almost daily lehold, whose coun
tenances and pile emaciated cliceks bear occular
wiluc to sickness and afilietion. Could tho-e
persons be persuaded to use this invaluable medi
cine, they would soon find their weak and del ili'a
ted frames strenghteneii, their iniuds composed,
and all pain, and distress driven from the syslem,
wlrcn lite body will again renew ita lost vigor, and
I t r.n a " new life," and deaHh for a whih) f de
irvtved of its prey. What heat I but feels glad to
behold t'.rtHr near relatives and dear friends, snntehed
as if by ntagrc fironi that fatal dest oyer itealh-.
ye who are laboring nnder disease kl not anollrer
day or night pass without procuring this medicine,
sit will in a niaiontv of eases effect a permanant
vure. tiemtifiher dthiys urt danrmni,- and if
disease is neglected, its ravages will doubly in
crease, Qj Princiile Office for tho United Slates, No.
19, NORTH KIUHTH etrevl, where reccommen
detiom: of hiindreits of persons may be seen, all of
which have been cured or benefitted by tire
medicine. ilENRV YO.VTlltl.MKR,
June 18, 1S12. 52 Ag'tiU
shanHikin, HliiiiiitMiInRl Co..
flHC auliscrihers respectfully inlorni llie public
L that thoy have taken that large and eomminli.
ri.t HOTKL. in Murookintown, in the centre nf
the great Coal Region, lately kept by Jacob Kr am,
where they are now prepared to aecoiniiKidale all
who may favor them with their custom. By strict
at'entinn to business, they hope lo receive a liberal
:diaro of public patrnnat;.
BATCH ITI.OR at com:.
Sliamnkintow n, June ImIi, lt43.
eJa b W Mad a4 nJaaj to)
lPKi; rnMA inl miw Itu ttivuA util the
itllKlif r tmri I tv id-it li Ima rnnitnithiiHi
Tailoring It ti n i u v s .
in all its branches, in the hou-e formerly occupied
by Win. Durst as a Tailor Shop, in Blackberry
street, nearly opposite the Prifhylerian Church.
He reBclfully solicits a share of the public patron
age, and (rusts by atriet attention to bunine and
reasonable charges, he will be enabled lo give gen
eral satisfaction.
Sunhuiy, June IMh, 1M2 ly
aVrfENT. ona h u itiTiTu i : v s.
YOU are required to meet for
parade in Market-square, Sun
bury, at U o'clock A.M. of Mon
day, the
4tli day of July next,
in Summer uniform, each Member
to be provided with 12 rounds of
blank cailridge.
By older of Captain Dew art,
June lih, IS 12.
1 . kl
S heieby civefi, that an applica ioti lias been
made, at llie Init Cooit of (Joriitnoti I'leai ol
Noithumberlond County, by the meiuln ra nf the
"liooil W l ire oiiii:iiiy.M
in Sunbtiry, in said county, SRree ibly to llie net of
13th Ocloiier, 1310, entitled "An act relatma to
Orih ins' Courts, arid for other purposes," ami if no
sufficient esuro is shown to the contrary, nt the
next term, the arid company will become a corpo
ration or body politic.
June IS h, 1812. 3l Vrnthnmttary.
Pl'MIE Kuhscriber tcspectfuHv infoimstho public
.1. that she keeps constantly on hand fir sale, at
the lowest cash prices, at the lower end of Fawn
atreel, Sonhury, Fl.tH'R bv the hundred, quarter,
etc,. BRAN by the bu 'hel, HF.IiRINO by the d.w;
en, CoirTeciion iry, &c- She respectfully solicits the
patronage of her friends and the mihlie ceneiaflv.
Sutdeiry. June llih, 1812.
To '4imlrv
rPHI2 Subsiirilier, Agent of l.yon At Harris, Mat
Manufacturers, for New Vork, I'hiladelphia,
Baltimore olid other lnTire cities, w:nsn Hutu nte
highly commended for i'r ri!i ami tinr'il,ilily,
has On band a first rate asriurtm-nt of H A I'M and
('APS, snit il le for Sprinp sile, wh ih will Ve sold
very low, foi civH or appmvcil credit, at the nilrd
ehrnp store. No. 40, North Third s'r?l, tpp sie
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. 11, Orders for Hats in ibe rouvh. promptly
attended to. The bighcsl riee in ruh w trade
given t.r 1'ir kin,'.
Philadelphia, June II. 1SI2 --1V
' M
s O
s 1 s
- a
- .-CO
is ' 2. W
S c W
I ? 5
5 Ji
.3 3. H
1 F PFCTi: I I. I. Y informs t be I '.lecnrrs of Nor
' ihumheil md coffnty, that Ire w ill e a candi
date for the ollice of
He promises, if elected, lo run hims-lf to render
general fatiyfsc! ion. which bis exrHneticf in theilu
lies of saiil office will enable him lo do. haMug held
it for the term of three years lo the entire satisfac
tion of tire put Ire.
imbiiTy, June 4th, 1842.
A 1.1. persons nub hied to tlie firm ol Lyon A;
Harris, under the agency of O. N. Thacher,
Hid and Cap tilnmifiutui'irs. No. 4t) North '1'hird,
srrcet, Philadelphia, arc requested lonink linmedi
ale settlement of ill, ir areot.nls with the Mibscnlvr.
their legally auihuricd g'iil,wbo is fullv nnpow
tled to m tile and collect the nceouuts nf sal. I linn.
June '1th, IS 12. If Azrnt.
I SI icoivtd, a fresh sll'0v ol cheap Dry
t iOOiIn, t Jr.Mi riis. lianlware, iVr.
Superior Ladies' black kid lilnves,
t "oloted do..
Lawns, (', MotisHin de lainis, cVc.
Cloths, ('as-inu'res, Cashiueirts,
Linen Didlings. Muslins, A c.
SiiH-rior Poit Wine,
Pure Srm H,
" Sjierm Candles, Rai-ins. iVc.
June 4th. 1H42. II. U. MASSRR.
4 v A 1. 1, i: hi: ii a ii i.
i 1L'SPLCTFI'LLY ilif,ms those who may
t vi j.-h to consult titm In his profession, thnt be
( will lie at Danville niilil the 10th nisi. On the
ttth inst. he will pay a "professional visit to Sun
' Imry. June 4th, IS 12.
Fi'liv lowdmr
Ut-TF.CTFt;LLY informs lire Llect.lM of
Northumberland county, that he tll be a
candidal for the ollice of
11 1 MU FF,
lie promises, if elected, to discharge tire djlrrs
of said ollice with care and fidelity,
Vppcr M.ihorioy, May SKlli, 'HIS.
7'J 77: lll.KCTOIlS or SnliTJIl u-
FIHF. fmhscrilier pe-jNvlfully ollci huu-clf an a
I candidate for the ollice of
and offers, should he bo elected, to exeit hinisell to
render general satisfaction.
Siinbiiry, May 2"lh ls3.
to Tin: I'f.r.trrtHis ttionriii M-
I HI.lil.AM cot r.
1111' suhsiTilier oilers himsiif to the electors of
Northumberland county, Ha a candidate lor i
the ofiicc of
f hoiild he be favored with a majority of voles, I
he will span no inrtions to irml 't eeueral satis. !
facltin. tii:o. MAKTIN. !
Simbury. May 2lh, I ii IC
Misim oi' riii;r.!ii liter hke.
('mitt nt of t'.e May .Xtimbir.
MISS W.K.NEVS Diary and Letters; Ltle
and W filings of Thomas l'uller, 1'oiy Item
idle for National Dislre-s Kinigiarion; Memoiis
of llie late James Halley; The School Ml tivs A
broad, by 'P. Hood; Captain Jesse's Note nf a
llalf l'sv; The Karth-quakers, by Thomas Hood;
li i Ho h Overthrow at Afghanistan; Abtslnego the
Money lender; t'ourtship and Loye-inukuig, 'Ibe
Siejirs of Southern Kossia, Nos. 3 and I; Dost
Mohammed; J'he Antiquities of t'evpt; Jack Hm
Ion. tl.r (iDaidsuiau, Chapter 9 lo 12; Scienc and
Art; Obituary.- Poetry,- Miecetlany.
Z3" The ML'sF.DM ia sold by Mcskis. Carvill A
Co., 10H Broadway, New Vork, and by ibe Bisik
sellers throughout the I 'nited States.
Phick. Six Dollar a year, in udvance Seven
and a half, if nol.
Pottage,- Sij sheets, under 100 miles, 9 cts.;
over 10(1 mites, 16 cts.
As Su Dollars is nol a convi ment remittance,
ili-tant rs will please sir d 5 in pari; oil
reeei,! of which the woik Will be sent, rsrcfullv
w ii pi .1 up. lo any PiM t liiiee in tin- l ulled Snu
or lit in h A iitem-a. I' I IT I'l'LL A: CO.,
'Hi f'.fni!) S(, tit, PhiL.d li hm. I
rillLAIil.l.riJH, R!:.UMMS AMI nirmiLu:
11 1 cnmmriirr ttinniiir h -lirrm I'lulaih
find t'ottsvillt' tin fiiiloirimt dnin
and ho it is :
On am aTtkh Mhiiut, Mat 9. lrt-12.
I.eftMng I'ntt-vitle, on Moii, lavs, Wednesdaya
ami Fiirlnys. at R f A. M.
l.e ivn q I'hiladelphin, mi TiiCfdaA h, Thtitsd iy
and S tturdiiy, nt I J P. M.
J Inure if las.nrifr lie.udinir.
t or I'lnl ulelpliia, at Id . M. f
For Poltsvitk-, nt CJ P. M. v,"
t-'.l It K S.
Between Potlsville V Phdads. f S.MI .V f2..n
Bi tween Readum cV d . 'Z.'::t ,V 1.7ft
Between do V Pot'stille. 1,10 ,V 1.110
KxclHslOM TllKITH l.ooll IOH II k n'1l Ml Nil
MtT IM T .
Between PottAille .V Phil uhlpliia, ft 00
Ut-t ween R' tiding A do. :i 00
Between ilo. cV Pottsvilb, 2 00
The otlier passenger trains will as Ivfore, at
Ibe follow li g hours :
Philadelphia and Prthvi'e.
Front Philadelplria, at 5JA.M. ,, ..
Fiom Potlsville, nt 2 P. M. 1 '
Hours of pun sinr; Hi ndu,
For Pottsvi'ic. at 0 A. M." ) n .
For Philadelphia, at ..j P.M. S V"
All l he liains Will stop for Way pasnijigera at
the ti .u il p 'ii Is.
0 J" pawnee's nrc requested lo piocun
then tickets In tore the ttains start.
M iV 2), I Si 2. if.
U.S. HI nil Coach
T11HF, Mail ('ouch foi Poils illr leaves N orlhiiui
1 hi rl.tiul evci v nun nun; at 1 oMock. innl arrive
in i tl.- io linie f. I the eats lo Philjdclplri.i. low as any other line.
For mats, apply at Mrs. iihinnton's Hotel,
Noithuinlif llaod, O' Ut tiOli!r I ilel's. SiuiImUV.
A. V.. KAI'P - I'O..'
North'd., May 21, IH 12. Proprietors.
Cj' P'--nmTs coming from Philadelphia will
plea e secure iheti scats at the While Swan Hotel,
Race St., belote tliey leave 'the city. Passengers
coming in ihis line, have lloir seats si cti'ed in any
. ,,.i..i .1.: .1... 'I, :."
I .lageor i in hi i ooni iioni ioih piare. i uor.e cominu
iii the otloT line may I b ft behind.
ttl;mk Hook ltiniili lorj ,
ippviti Pr nu t's Hotel t
FlHF.V are ri,iirid lo manufacture blank work
1 of eveiy description, ruled lo any fftlleTn. audi
as povkeU becords. D,y H.H.ks, Ledgers, Asses
sors' aie Cidleclors' Duplicates of the finest quali
ty of paoei, in a style eipial In any made til the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New Voik.
All disenptions of binding itcatty executed.
Scrap Books, Albums and Poiitolioa made to older.
Law Books, Music and Periodicals bound to any
pattern. Old lWks rebonnd, Are. Also tile of
papers bound.
Work h it at the ollice of the Suubury Ame
rican, will be promptly nlttudid to.
Mv 21st, HI i tv.
TSaj k nr h a xl u i:
11 1L siibM-riber hen by gives nolice, 'h il he bus
thi - day sold out, dilivi-nd and iraiislVned to
Mi. John W. Fivhng. all ibe rii'M. tide and nile
lesl ot bis slote. this dale, wttli 'he books from
the 1 -i day of Apul b t, end tl .it the bu-ini ss will
hen-alter le conducted by the said John W. Fry
hug, at live oi l Man I.
(1 7' 'I P' r oii j Lnowins thein-ilves indibtid lo
the Mibsenher, are reque.ted and rcqui'i'd, lorth
w itb, to come lorward and settle tboir accounts
vMtlioiil fnitber delay.
May ih, hi :. ' hi:ni;y vox thf.jmkk.
v-jj jj jzd'-lli
FIlliK sulisc. ibri lieiel'V givcatioliie that he has
I Ibis day -ir.1i k.,1 from IL nry Vonhi miir
bis store and eiitue stock of gmiis, and thai the bi-siuei-s
ol said Mom will In realtei bv colidoiled by
him al llie old stand.
He then lore r spi rifollv s obi its fiom bis friends,
and the customer of said store, a rontinu nice of
thiii favo's, and itojies by stitct and pimi tual atlvii
lion to business, foment a continuance of llnrr
pAiiimauc JOHN W. IKVLIN'd.
Miry IH, X4C.
. P ?OEI B Se.
Mill..Ti:i) St I'l'.liloli TO ASY
oTiir.n a: ii? NJA iiiuY.
"MOHNiV IIF.NKV LAND.tC, having p-iited
99 'he Lime Kilns of Hemv Sunbuiv,
have now for sle ibe la-st Lime in this part of the
( ollnliy , and iv ill ,,0ooje Ii keep, ciinslantly on
hand trcsh Lime lor i'lastenug, IJtulduig and for
Liming land, on as n ason ibe tonus n ran lie t ad
anvivheie hi ibe netgltboi hood.
May 21. IH42. J. At If. LND M'.
J. IM A YL AND, JR.. & CO.
Sntttl ami Tuiiai'i'ii M antilafliirfrs,
An. B1) .Nol 'i ( rvinir r r;' Hint and 'Third
Sin i t:i. '
rI,lll tiiidersigui-il have fornn-d a Co pailuer-hip
under the til in ol .1. Mll,l Jn. ,V 4
us successors to llie ll.te In m v( Jaruh .Matland -
Cii., nnd will c intiniic the business al ilicnld vsta
blisliiiietit.dll ibe r nv. u ace unit. In a.l.lnion lo
ili. ir own clo'.e alliutioii and expern m e to nianv
yiars, hi the inaimt n",t:re oi then celebi at d suufl-,
A I'., the loiio i x,, i nonce ol the li'i.l.n paiti 1 1 ol H e
late Iii ni, will also Ve devoted lo llie inlere-l of llie
new coiiieiu and as no i Vfiii in sod care will Ii
spared to insure tin li gooi!, at nil Iit.i. ol the ve
ty Ih-i quality, thiy solicit a coiitinnamii ut the
confidence ol the li.ct.da e'i.1 en tonu r of the late
Philadelphia, Mnv 1 lib, IM2. ly
to Tin: i:i.i:cTon or oit pm M
;:a'L.4 H (irvn.
Mlll'. Suhsriilicr nspivtlully oilers bim.i II aa a
JL ( alululale Tor ibe othce of
at the ensuing general eiei lion. Should be be so
foituuate to be ilectrd, he Will indeavoi to give
general sai'li-factloli lo all.
to Till' Ei.rirrints or .oi;thIm
in:iii...i col . TY.
'I'lIM siib.-i riln r se.q.ei Itidly uiloriiia the ilertora
of IS i r 1 1 ii i r r 1 1 1 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 County, that be will be a
candidate al the eiiniing elciti t, for ths ollicra of
litgistvr, Recorder and i 7 t A of the Orphan'
Having had coii.i.Ii r.ib'e eipericnro in public
life, be Inn, , if eh cli d, Ir will la-able lo dm barge
the dunes of .sid olln e I the mure tiou nf !
lie lonunuiiiiv. FKLDLhU.'K I AAIU'S
My Mill, IH..
DutiimisMioii ir. Knrwnrdiiirr ISIcrclrints,
'oof (' 1 1 .i.i .Vrerf K i t Jioad,
on till: in IWBV,
T 1 AA'INf! Ps-ociitrd vi h thi m Joseph llamet. j
-l ii;of K ulon, Pa., riS i etfolly lul..r;n tin ir
fruv lis tind the ptdi'ie pei era'lv, that tlo v have t i.
k'ritli t large sti.l we I know n store and w harf at
f oi t of Willow Slice) Ka.lron I, lately oi Copied by I
JsioS Mattin, wheio they u poo dniuj a (Ten'-ral I
I .'i.muri.-sioii and Foiwanhog llili:ies, and !
llie local advaioacrs of the plate being eonrn etej j
with .11 li e public iinproVetiieuls that luiv.! their
outlet in the citv, they 11 aid t tliemseln's they will j
be able to do business to ai gie it, ii not g rater ad-
milage, and lln as riMsoirible tiYtlls as any olio r
liilise, and thev ssstlte then fin mis that iniv roi 1
Niai mrrits nude lo tin in shall have ilo ir ir el at- 1
trillion, mid no exerlioiis ppaied to give flirt e salis
ftelion. Tiny lire nisi j-repaed lo receive and (oiw.nd ,
goods to any point mi the 1). Inv oe smt ! ebu-b
men, "lietwei ii M.ioeb bunk, Kasirni nnd I'lnla- I
del, bia. Ma Dt l.iwari Dim -i. ii and Lehuh ' ' hi l;
also, I.i any point in the Juniata river, or North
and Wi ft H Mill. In s ol the Sn qtieh.ninn via Seliovl. i
kill and 1 titou, oi llio Cln sapeake trnd I'idu Watei j
Canals. j
For the iieroinrnodaii n ol Boa's corning or po. ;
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, n Srn .rnl'iint j
will tie kept enprcssly Iot lwtni Imais I'rorn the
i lmylkill .iiooi.d to the Delaware and bark, which j
will en l ie tinaehants lo hine their, r deli-
iced on the De'Hwaie, nnd their goods sl.ippid at
j a saMou ol til) to 1 6 per cent, no (he prices for
j h n.lii'i; ac o s,--yy nil tins- iidiro l iges liny le
. f pi cllul.'v solicit a i li ne of atr n i e.
i W HLILMAN & t.X).
i William 11. ilium, )
in y K . . .... i
Jos. ph Ivonel. ) Phiiad ,M iv 1 ( , !''! 2 - 1 y
-No. I'll .oith Third, oIhui: rcli S'lirt,
I'lin. i)i;i,i'in .
Ul M.I IIS WFISlS. laie.t Ibe " W bite Sivan,"
and "Mount oiihui House," rcspeeil'iillv in
f.TOis Ins friends and customer, that be ba become
Ibe ptopiietor ol the bov well known Hot. I.
Coun'iy MeichanU will tind the abov,- Hotel a
eeotial bi'Ktioti. and the besi of fare. Persons Ira
wiling with private conveyance will find a large
yard and good stabling lot horses, and the best ol
oslleis. Boardiuu 1 perdav.
May 1 Mi, HIM. tl.
rim i r.ri i:it.
Ri.rjyritMH, phii-li:' on ink kai k, ami nititn
t l AXtltt H l Kt riiiiss.
fTj" The fol'oii'insr eertifirii'e dc.rrib:i one of the
must extraordinary cttit.s ecur rjf'icled by any
PillLAIiFirnlA, r.'biuaiy 10, I'M IS.
lOR twenty years 1 yvss Kevrrclv afilretnl w th
- Tl.TTKii im the Face and Iliad: the disease
commivrid when 1 w is seventeen years old, and
cimtimied until the I all nf H:I6, varying in vjo-
iciiii, i'iii nooiiiii riri iiibapi-aion;. j-rurnii; ill 'si
of the time, great part of my face was coven d with
the eruption, frequently aitetideu with violent 'itch
ing; my ueail swi iea ut tun's until iltelt as it it
would burst tho swelling was so, that I could
M-iirei ly gtt my hal on. During the long period
that 1 was tifilteted with the disease, I UFe.l a gTeal
inair,' ii pbeiittili ', (among th"rn vevenil celebrated
prep nation--) as Will a- lakiim inw.nd remedies,
no Indinit a iiiiinber of bi ttli a ul Sn.aiin'g Panueen,
'.,rtr,icl "j t-ai,poi!bi, fir. In fact, n would he
iiiipo bl' le to eniimeia'e nil the medicines I used.
I iss nls.i iiuilei the Care ot two of die n.o t dl-
I tmgiit.-bed physicians of litis ci'y, but yv tin tit n
! cetv iim ru cli bei i tit. and I d. sp tired of i vi I hi li g
! cutrd. In t'.e fill of IH t'i, the di-ea-e it the tone
In ii g v. iy violent, I eononeiieed lision ihe liotc
Oi til mi ut , (prtpared liv iv Divls.J lo
a few applu a'lons the violent itching cca-id, tl.e
swelling; ghaied, the fruplioti began to i!i-.i pea.',
nnd hvlore I had used ajar ihe di-ease was iwlue r
cuied. It ha now been nearly a vnr find a half
since, and tin Ii; Is not a vestige of Hie di-e iM re
mamma, except the from the del p pits formed
by the ill-ease. It is impossible for me to i!cs ril e
III a crrtitieate the severity of the disease and uiv
sufl'i ring, bul I wdl be pie .aid to give a toiler ac
count to nv person wautii g further satislaition,
who will r.dl on me. At the time I con rienre I
u-ing the U so Oiniineiit I would have given bun
d.rds of dollais lo bu rid of the disease, teincc u
sing it. I have recommended it to teviril peions.
(among them my motber. w ho hid the dieate bad
ly on Vnt airj,1 who w. re atl enr.-d bv h.
J.WILS DI K.NL'LL, No. 1M1, Kaeef-t.
rrj" Tl'e Kose Oinliiient is pnparnl by L. U.
Vauban, Smoh lvisl comer of 'Third and It ice
freil-, Pflt'udelpbta, r.nd f.old on agetirv in Sunhu
iv. by II. B. M I ASSLK,
' May 14th, IS 10. Agent.
Itt Oiiitiiit-iit, for 'I'l l 11 1'.
j ,i nun)' or ri s nine ac :
I I'm unarm, M y 27th. IPdf.
I 'PHIS is to certify lhal I was wverely alllictod
nh Teller in Ihe hands and b el for upwards I
j of Iot I v yeaiki Ibe disease was attended generally
j with violent ilihing and swelling. I applied to
I iiui.ihiYof physicians, and used a gieat many sppli
'cations without elVecting a cure. About
siu.e, I appl e. I llie Ko.-e Oil, lou ot, which entirely
! -topped the itching, and a few tipplic ati. ns
aii tv i ore I ibe disease, which here I.3 hern no
lellllll ol. lillliollll 1 had lieyet IsCII I I.I of it ftl
i an) lane for (oily yeaif. Itll'H AKD S.N Atifi,
i'.b velilli, Isdow SpuiiT Stieet.
It ' I be iiose Oioloient l pi.paro.l li L. II.
V aii!iii, s ooh Ua-I corner of 'I hinl and llace
Siii'en:, rinla It Ipliia, and od on a n - m Sm.l.n
iv bv 11. II. M s:i;,
1 ' Ml 1 i III. 1os.
raciMCAii ArrnoBAtroN
tit il Httsi: tl TMi: P, i-c Tttr.
; I.'l lli'l O
V ovii ,t
1, Tilt 'I till ihe snpellollly o ifie plepiol'l n
til l-- is fully i s atili-he.l, ihe pr .pr e-
Inr- t.-kr pb a ne in biyinj bible the iiblicilie
I.. How ma i ' :i'e fr . in a r--- e. t il.le plusH-nn,
a gud l ire rf ihii Uiiivcisily ol Penn - aula. Dr.
Hitith, bavil'i; bniud in ibis ' (but telicl I t
a f.-di. Us and di-.ign cable ad'ci tiou iv hich the means
Within Ihe I mge ol I ts pi olc V n laded to atlot.l,
has not hesiiti d lo give it his sppiobatioti, although
the pn judii i t and in cle-i ot thai joule-slon Bie
i ppofC I to set let Ki no dies.
PHHAi.HMi,etil. I HMO.
I was recently lioubbd w it.i tedious hi rpelle
eillpii. n. w huh cove ed m ally one si te of my t .ce,
atl.l extended i VFI the ear Ml. VaUithan. piopr i
lol of the Lose Oiutmeiit, ob.'eiviiig tin fact, nol
t't on my li) ing bis pit pnatiou of whu I) lie han
ded i ne a j ir. A lihoiiiih in common w ilh ihe menv
ben id my profession, I utid ili-s
pmve nl ihe li'ioieioii iiosliums palmed upon the
public by i jnoi nt pri tender-, I fi el in jus'lce bound
to rci pi the oe Ointmem fiom thai c'a-s of me
d Clin s, mid In give it my apptol. alioo, ns it i iniie
lyiured the eruption, althoiigu i li id n-sisied the
u'su .1 iipphcations. DAM, It A I (.11. M. D.
dj' The Kose Ointment ia pu-parcd by ! B.
Vatnihati, South Last corner of Thud and It ice
siieris. I'niladc pliia, and old on agi i cv in SSnii.
buiy. t y 11. b. MAI.H.
Mjj I4'b, IS1 '. '"
- - 'j ' -aj.i t ' ssi 1 yijus1 ayo'.
The hfirt method fir the Ahnliliun of Disease
in to clrtime and purify Ihv lioihj.
iii ir ikii.r, I'iij.s
op i ii r
Vwfi .tiitcHrtin fall ft etf ilmtth,
A e now Hcknnu b-.lged to he the best Medicine iff
ibe World for Ibe cure of
WLCAUSl thiy roinpletely elrnnae the slo
B IS "l ii h and bowels from rh Ve b lliiltts aril cor
rupt humors v.bich are the cauc not only of
Headache, (iid.liui ss. Palpitation of the Heart,
I'n'iis in the Bones, Kh, uinatiam and (tout, but
every malady incident to mnn. SAID INDIAN
Kl.K I'ADI L PILLS are a ci r ain cure for in
tenri.tient, icuuiti j, nervous, mil imutory pud putrid
Fever-i. hrc.iu.-o tin y ele itise (he p.idy ficm tlnvn
moibid honors, which, when e m fined lothe circu
lation, are ibe chiis,' ol all kimlsof F1JVEHS. So,
altio. when the same tnquirity is deposited mi the
tin nibi u e htnl muscle, cius nr; p-iins, inlUina
tioni and swillin,.i railed KIICIJ.M ATlSM,
lil'l T.r. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills may
U-relied in as always , erlaiu lo give relief, and if
pen-rvi rud with, Rceonlhig lo dltecliutis W ill mo t
flisMirrllv. and W ilhotit fail, incke a K-tfect CU o of
llie above painfi I n .slailres. I mm llitre lo si of
said Indian Vi b'elah!i; Pills taken cviTy night i
ing tubed, will in a tdiort time so romj It lely lid
the body from every ll.'tig tint is opposed to beahli,
thnt P.hrum ilinn.'G nil. and pain ot every deeri)
tion, will he tin rally DUITLN FROM VHU BO
L)V. For the s me reason, when. Irom sudden
I changes of fttrro plo'te, 'or any oilier cane, fire per-
spnaiion isebeik.d, and the humors wVcri VaulJ
. pi s nil I v the sl,-p nre thrown inwatd'y. f ausinij
i If HAD Ciri-:, CIDDIM'SS. nausea anil nick
I in ss, pain ni ihe hones, watriy nnd ii.fl mi-'d eye,
i fvoe t: ro.ii, h.r.iri-ne s, coi.g!:'-, ronstltnpjiunn,
j rheum it e p litis in v n ous pnrts of tho body, and
ioiiiv oth. r FvinptouH ( f CATCHING COLD,
l'ro;',',y Indian Vec,ah!i: Pih'n will infiriably
him- iinineiii le. n liel. Pii.m thiee to sit of said
' Pdls t:,ki n ei'ciy nibt on n i i ' li bid, will in n
nboit time, not remove all the above unpleasant
i symptoms, bill fho body yv.ll, in a short time, 1h3
restoicd to even sounder be d h iban before.
I INC. Uoi' ind an Ttiretahle Pill will loos
I en and cany oil', by the stomach and bowels, thoRO
lough ph'igmy humor-, which slop op '.l 'llie sir
' Cells ol the Tungs, mid are the cause-, not only -of (li
I above disircsisiin; complaint, bnl wben necilCiV,
' oltm tetniinites in thai a.llul malaifj- called
! CONSUMPTION. It shoard bna'snio.nembrto!
'. 1ht Wight's Indian V, t;,:r I'llt are h certain
j cure for PAIN I.N TIIK SIUF.. OppressiorMiau-
sea, anu sickn'-as, los of appetite, eoativenf sa, a
yi How tinge of the rf;ui in d eyes, and every olhet
symptom 1 1 a li.rprd or dwased state of fire liver
because they purge from the body those impurities
which if Ji posited upon this impoi'lant orgafi, are
the cirti'-e of every vatiely of LIVKTi COM
PLAIN I'. Atufi a nalien'is convulsed by l'rot ,
oudiriuk- and it belliuii, the only means of prevent
ing the dreadful coii-rtjiioiicia of a CIVIL AVAKy
is to expel all trnilora. and ev il d sposrj ones Vror
the country. In like manner, when pain 'or sick
ness jf any kind, ii.dii ate that I he body is strur
filing with inter, hi foes, llie tine lenndv is lo LX-
LrnEili and bte.i feui will be Ihe certain ttclik
That 'the piim-rple oi'ciiring rlein1nii
and puiilying the body, is ttiiclly in aCcoidanrt
with the laws which govern the animal iconorny,
nnd if properly carried out by the use of the above
PILLS, will ceitaiuly nsult In the couqilete Abo
lition nf Di-eaae ; we ofli-r the following le'tirftbiii
ids, fmm pirsrns of tho highest resjieclabilify In
New Yoik, who hnve lecentiv been cuied 6f tli
rnoKt ol. -in. ate complaints, solely by the use ot
Winiiiu' lniAN Vioetablk Pills, of '.h
A"f American Colli ge of Hea'th .
Jamaica, L. 1 , June Uth. 1S41.
Doctor William W ru-bt I).-ir Sir It ia wrdk
gn at snti faction I inform von of my having bee'ft
i ntiiely cured of Dy spepsia, of five y ears standi) gy
I y d-e ue ol ynui Ivni.y Vn, i, r t lit. Pills.
P.-ivioos lo nee "nj with your CelebrB'ed midr
cine I h id l en un.'e. Ibe hand of sevei.11 Pbysi
en. i s, and h id m il various medicines ; I lit all tf
no el'.i'et. Alter usii g one 25 cent box ol" ovo
Til's, hiuviver, I i xp rii need s i much be. efit, tin
I re-ovi d to pi r-i veie in the use of them flermdHit!
io d.Tii lioi s, w hich I am happy lo state, 'n is reu1t"
id in a eitect i ore. Ingratitude to you lor ihe
griai benelil I h ive leceived, and ulsi) in the h !
thato'lius siinilariy affliited may be iinluiTil le
make trial of your extraordm nv tneilicine, 1 senrl
tun tlos statenu tit t.':'h (ull bbeity to publish tHr
same, if vou think pmper. Vours, &c.
Ncv Vyik, June 19, Hll. O.C. BLACK.
Mr. liichsrd Dennis, agent fot Wtiglil'a India:!
Vegetable- Pills.
Deai Sir 1 have bien aflicted for setetai yi
wiih iuwaiil weakness and general debility, acroru
rtiiited nt Unit a w nh pains in the s de slid olVi'T
dli,ire.sini coiuplaiii's. After having tiled vaiious
niedii-iuea wi'houl effil-l.l wan perfOided by a fib I
tfl make li tut ef Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetabt'
Pills, I am happy lo slate, have relieved me
in a most wi.ndciful in anniT. I have used the me
dicine, a yet but a shoit tune, and have no dc'oViti
by a perseverance in the iie of the medicine aecor
ding lo directions, t shall in a short ttui h
perti rlly ietored.
I most willingly rccommi nd taid Pills to all ye -avuis
similaily iddicted, ai d in die full behrlthrr
the a true beneliei il results w ill follow Ihl irnse, I rs
main youts Ktiiceie'.y, HUN 1 1 V A. FOl)l'i-.
Waiwai.iug, Ulster co. N. Vi
Ni w Voiik, Sept. 29, IN4I.
This is to certify lhal 1 have used Wuir.itV'
Im'IW h.itiMI I'i i is w ilh llie grcalttsl btHil -til.
Iiani u in cuied my-ell of the fuiUefil al
links ol Sick Head ii he, to which I had pievioUslv
I bc.n subi.vl. ANN MA 111 A I HoMP.siiN, "
tirfciiwuh aireal. N. V
To Mr. Lichnid Dennis, Agent lvr Wiiyiht'a I'.v
illatl tgelal le I'lds.
. i ti a .a.
As there ie al tins rime niiny wicked pr.lnf
busily ill srl'lng a e. rli II inedlcitie uii
di r llie tisine of Ihe Indian Vi-gel ible Pills and
tle'-e des i tale lion aic an utterly teikless nf curt
s. i-ni'iH. s, that tn inv valuable lives may be loot in
i onseiptenve of using their dreadful compounds,
he pchlrc are cautiotivd against purcha-iiig any
Pi. Is, unless on ihe title of ihe bolts the following
vvor.line is found :
(Imliiin Purgative.)
or tnr. Koarn viihici ruiiut n fitittit
And also to I especially careful against purvhs
m.g arid medicine of any person eirrpt the teg it
I ir advertised sgiiia.
I'rn nsihania.
II B. Mat J-r, Suii' niy Pavne A Rose. Nor
Ihumlirland Jacob Haa. Sliamokin Samuel
lleib, M ihonov Uyerly i D. Hj is. AUgllsIa
Heincr A Fullmer. Mil'lon Ireland ,V Meixill,
Mctlwensyi'lr P lei Di armoiul, Turbutaville
Jsines l.'i'ii!, Potlsgrove H Klase, Snv di rslow II
II. H.Knuh.1, P. M Llysburg P. O. Wnn
Lei enriiig, P M. ITuon Comer.
Oll'n-e and timer. I Depot for the sale if
U'r "'n' l tdian Ytgetaldt PilU, Wholesale aisl
Plll. May 21, 11-42. ly