From '.he Hotton Post. tlorroaa of IU Ungllsb CitlilMiri. I'oiiiinisyioners wrre nut long since itppom ituil Ui iinettigata tle situation tf the ooplo employed in the English coUeries (a very nu intous class,) and their report, which has Jur-t Vcti made, is tilled with t lie most heart-rending details. W'c ore told by those Coinmiss.ioners children of both are placed in the o:tl mines t the age of six years; they are employed in digging coul though the' passages vilcn nut more than eighteen or twenty inches 'high, so that they are obliged tocraWl on their Lands find knees in the mud, and even at the ; beyond a!! previous experiments in phrciio-niHg. Tetnler ago named, they arc worked frrm eleven I netisin. According to a correspondent of the to fourteen hours a day. They arc excluded i New Haven Daily Herald ofSSaturdny, marvel from light, and were it not for the passing and j "' things were done at the house of "one of repassing of coal carriages, they would bp, to I olir distinguished public men on Wednesday, use the language of the report, "in solitary con- J ''"he tnaguetiser was a young gentlemen of fincuont ofthe worst order. In some districts j great nioial ami religious wnrtli, connected with fhey remain in solitude and durknew during the College in that place. Tlic subject of his the whole time they are in the pit, and, accord- j experiment was an interesting married lady, ir.g to their own account, many of them never , of high intellectual cultivati n, most respecta eitlie liglit of dny for weeks together during bly ronnecled, and of unimpeachable integrity." the greater part of the winter season, excepting j Ik-re are some of the reported 'facts' and do on those days in the week when work is not go-, vehmmeiita : ing on, and on Sundays." Their lubor requires j the unremitting exertion of all their physical powers We are told that "in the districts in ; which females are taken down into the coal i mines, botli sexes are employed in piecisely the t..nne kmdflf lubor, and work for the sanientiui- her of K'irs; the girls and boys, end the young m;n and the young women, and even married ' women and women with children, commonly work almost naked, and the men in many mines Ctnte naked; and all clutyes -of witneppes bear ter.titnony to tho demoralizing influence of the employment of females under ground, 4)ur readers may readily suppose that where Jalior is carried on so unremittingly, and under tuch circumstances, there is no opportuniry for mental improvement that where the bodies of fJiiidrcu arc not cared for, their minds are totully ! wglected. On thU head the report makes the J most painful developments. The Commission- ' ins examined large numbers of the young peo- I itle, taken indiscriminately, for the purpose of j ;.jcertuiirj!i thecxtcnt of their rcltrriim andotli-' t-r knowledge, tnd the answers which are qno V'd below aSord a fair sample of all that are tfiven in tho report: EHzaU-th Day, a girl f 17 ;4,I don't goto Stindtiy School. Tlie truth is, we are conl'uied bad enough on week days, and want to walk a i.Miut on Sundays. I can't read at all. Jesus Christ was Adam's son, and they nailed him on a tree ; iut I don't -rightly understand these things." William Ucavcr, aged 10 "The Lord made the world. He sent Adam and on mrth to save sinners. I have heard uf a Sa viour ; he was a good man, but he did not die ki re. I think Ireland is atowu as big as Barns-k-y, where there is plenty of potatoes and lots ci' bullocks." Ann Eg g ley ag? IS "I have heard of Christ pcrlbrniing miracles but I don't know what sort of things thesw were, lie died by their j pouring fire and brimstone down his throat- 1 tu ink I once did hear that he was nailed to a : cross. Three times ten make twenty. There re fourteen months in the year, but I don't know how many weeks there are-" Horny Bailey, aged lo "Jesus Christ died for his sou to be taved. I don't know who the apostles were, i don't know what Ireland is, w ht-Uicr it is in a country or a town." 1'Aiinlelh Hp ley uged lit "I cannot road. 1 do not know my tellers. 1 "don't know who Jesus Christ wns, ,tuj. J never heard of Adam ci- heard about Iheui at all. 1 have thcr. I never oticu been .iigcd loitupiu bed all Sunday to rebt myself." "These extracts says the report aflord a fair sample of tho religious kuowledge of the children exmuiiv d, aiid they were taken indis criminately and il may he cosily inferred that I hut tbeir secular Jvuowledi'e is no better. Some d d not know whether Loi'.dou was in 1 England ur Ireland ; and others did not know j en tne luiine of the countty or tlie county in . tn huh tiiey lived." j j The frliHt las of Win. ' Vonn Ladies rend it l'otn Men read it .' Mr. Hiram J. Thomas, in giving some ac count of his history and eperience, related the following thrilling occurrence. When I waB about 1 yearsold,' said Mr. T. 'and u rebkJi nt of Wayne County, Indiana, 1 liecumo very intimate with two yuug men. They were moral and respectable. N'e often met in a social circle. At u party one evening, J baw a young lady and a lovely youuir lady n- i i- I " tlie was offer my Irieud h a "lass of wine. I eaw hint fuller and hesitated, tor he was a total abstinence man, though ho had i.ever rigned the pledge. L'iKiti her insisting ujion his drinking, I aaw ltuii tlirink back from her iiu portiiuity ; jet as bhe coirtuiueJ tj ittsis't, he could not I e In so, for die was his nflianced bri.'e. Two years alter, she w an the mother of an infitnl cliihl, anil u ife of a druukeu huLuind. In the autumn of W, he t-.-.u-Irt a tvfiig from those who hud witnessed bisdegrudution, iu toe wilds of low. i. Only hi-t March, my itii r friend of whom I have sjtoken, was travelling in the territory, ami he thought he would en ipiire aliout our mutual friend K . Wlui do you initgino whec his feeliors on being luld the sad tale ofthe end of K . About a year and i half ago, a neightsirof K cal- K d in one morning to sec bow the. family were, and there within his death-cold hand was a fie tal knile, with which ho had murdered his wile, his child, and himself. They ly prostrate up on the floor, weltering in their blood together J All tli is M'as the result of drinking that first glass of wine, of which ho knew tho dimmer, und to which he wns invited by her whom he loved butter than ntsy being -on earth. Hut the -glass t wine cost the thoughtless, but then guy girl, her lite the lite of her child the life of her hu.iband ! From that single glass of wine he went down to a drunk a Pi's grave, and u buieide's and a murderer's eternity. Am. 'iernp. Union. Another Step iu Plirriio-.'lKgnU Uiit. The Hartford loi ks lime advanced one stop At one time she left lier seal, complaining, that something in a distant part ofthe room dis- turbed lier. She walked rapidly towards a I comer, and not finding the ca'isc of her uncu- , sines., she turned to the table, where some one j had just placed a stick of sealing wax, and was ' putting her hand over it, w hen a gentlemen ! who was aware ofthe unpleasant effects ofeb-e- ! tries I substances upon her, instantly removed ! t I'om the room, und she returned to her chair rt lined. To test this more fully, another gen- tk'tutiu brought back theseuling wax and rubbed ' it on his sleeves not far from her. Nie iustunt- j ly rosecouii!uiuitig that bomethiug still annoy- ed her, and was .not composed until the cause of her discomfort was again removed. An em- j inent lawyer being introduced to her, she be- gan with bim the discussion of some le'iil ipies- 1 i. astonishing us by the clearness of her con- j cejrtion, or keeping us itt a roar of laughter : by the lively sallies of l:r wit. During this conversation, some one behind her pluced his bund near her head without touching it. She instantly evidenced embarrassment, forgot the subject of discussion, and they could not go on until the Innd was removed. The niagne tizor then placing his hand upon hel forehead, her recollection was restored and the conver sation renewed. The tnaguetiser then touch ing the organ of veneration, bhe abruptly termi nated the discussion, assuming an attitude of de votion, and refused all further cominunioation with tlie physical world. Her devotion being ended, she was put in communication with a scientitic gentleman, With whom she held u long and interesting conversation on the bubject of Animal Magnetism ; boldly controverting his arguments and giving her own view of this ox traordinny bcience with great clearness of thought und beauty of expression. And here she teemed like an ethereal being a being of another creation and in the language of the eminent divine to whose church she belongs she appeared perfectly sublimated. Aller this she astonished all by determining wiih wonderful accuracy, tho phrenological characters of vari- ims individuals present, and describing wi'h most niiuiito exactness their several tlisrases, acute or chronic, incipient or confirmed. In another room, the niagnelizer directed her to go to sleep for just tiro minutes and a half, then to wake for half a minute, and then go to sleep again. A down watches were iiistuntly no ting the tunc that ofthe magnetize r being ta- ken from him to prevent tire possibility ot col- lussion. The lady placed her head in the natu ral attitude of a person reposing in a rocking chair, and in precisely the time designated be gan 0) rub her eyes, which she partially opened tiir precisely 10 seconds when the closed them und relapsed into the magnetic sleep, .Many other experiments were pcrhVmed du ring the continuance of her magnetic state, iu w hich she reinainitl irnin S o'cliK;k to 11; but I can give only a description ot the last one, : which was to me peculiarly gratifying. A gen- tlernau present was requested to sing und play (joruiiii song for her. The first note struck . . ... . , . .. , , ., uiwgiiv ner u uie pi iiii, w lieu uuriny iiib pre- !ude fclie persisted in standing, but the iustunt he commenced the song, bhe sat down by him, and with a full, sweet uice, him iu tl.e very words he sung, although in her natural slate bhe bus no knowledge of thai lan guage. She then accompanied u French gen tleman in one ofthe songs of his countiy, at'ter waid began gin the lierihau song, w hich tlie JnailJst had bl-lMI ronorstod In Kimr itn.',-. vitrtr. ,. .. , ,a , i'uring the K;rloruiance ot tins, she was demag netised, und i f course, discontinued her accom- pauiiiient. Ueing asked by the writer why she stopped, Utld ll'elio Would Hot Still UCCollipiiliy t. .outiior voice, she replied that she knew nei ther the words nor the air. Theso Messrs. 1'xlitors, are fuels, witnessed by several uf our c u citizens fuels w hich c.iijiiot be denied, however skeptics may try to account for them ; ami us such I give them to ton m ilhuut farther comment. I'riTiiWi. It is now ciiiieutly reported at .i.-hiogtoji t hut ( 'hi t it r 'i'ions wi.iik fcent oil ir iinihi: L'uioti Course iiiiiued lately after the , ina.ii.-ii tel'.vecn FiisIikmi und tloston. W'lK'thor : "ueti wmm ttie 1 act or not, it is certain that long the uewscould reach the seat of (iovern- , iio ii' by ordinary cIimiiih Is some pretty exten- bive o; rutiuiis were made on the nice. o loss than jI.iIm'I were pu ked up by one party in the hide city of Georgetow n, while the den.zeiis of Akvxaiiuri "aufliued some."' Spirit of the Tinut. THE AMERICAN. Saturday Jime IN, !H'I2. (X j' Mr. McCarfy is now in lliin place, making prep, rations for the iinmcdinlo commencement und early n mpli lion nl the !utibiiry ("m at and Wi lt r Power Compani Thin work will afford tbebcit wa'er Power in Pennsylvania. The Canal will be less 'Inn a mile in length. The water wi I be taken out of ibr Susquehanna at nemo point in tho town. Wilh the Sham,, kin lnnin for a fnrvbav, aiwl the North and West branches ofthe Pusqnehnnna for feeders, tin fin r wad r p wcr could he desired fur any purpoio. fj" Theie are a number of counterfeits hi cir. cube ion mi ll.e Commerri d Dunk of Vt mm , altered from the Con mcici. I Tank of M illington, of the dei omit ntiniiof $.r and $10, und nptoflOO ami ?'on. (Tj- T ir re nre aim a iniml er of rounterfeit 52 B iks county Hank Kelii f Notes in circulation, c.d- cul .led to deceive the in. xpi rieiu-ed iye. The editors of i!ie Missouri Ifeg's'er and the lo.oi'pxiUi', (Mo.) Oiisoi ver, c ic!i acknowledge the receipt of a fine cake, arcomi anVd hv the nrir. r due nolt.-e uf our humble self, "from a friend of die ; blide." We tender our w.irinet (hanks to lint neaily dry, with scarcely siiU'icieiit water to d lute I'litnd iu the west, not only fir hi compliment to , it. This mixture was alteiwads us d bv (!.e rn 4t, hu( for the kind n meinbinnce o! our brother e- gines to put out the fire, wbi.-h, of C(urse, w..r diturs, tlie mo( useful ami mrritoiinus, yet the poo- j wo-se than putting oil in the fl ime, nnd only iir rest paid class of ciiizcns in the I'liinn. We shall ' (Tensed tli fury of (be element . To secure the eiileaor lo pr. fit by the kind advice and prelly 1 new I' xch .nge, the doors and w indows were wall stanzas of out" of (be editors. I e.l ii)i with bracks. An old man of seventy, who DtlliiNtry. l)n. V a 1 1. 1 in ii imp is iimv ill town, re i.'y tn wsit upon l!ne who wisti to Inve imv oper.i' perfumed on tin ir teeth. We can cheeilullv re commend Dr. Vrerchamp as a nkil'lul nnd excel lent Dentist. He can te found during bis 31 y in j this place ut the hnisi' of Peler W rimer. I fiitvcnittr's cssitpr. W had ui.derstuod thai (Jov. IJorter bad sent a message lo the legislature, bill in l inking over ibe jiapersfromH nisbog, we could find n ihing con ceiuiug it. Tie I'hilnb 1ph;a pnwrs of Monday, however, eoi laieed the documeui, wb cb our ieadrs will find in another column. Cp to Wednesday last the menage b d nut reached (his place fiom HarrinbuTi;, Out early newa from that place gen erally reaches us by tlsn Hul.idVlphia papers, 'i'ho message, it will tie seen, earnoily recommends the b gisl.itme (o provide means lo pay ihe in'eicst on Ihe public deU, and funhi r lie miiieuds (be as-iiiu-im'iit of the Umifc atock owned by the state f m (he use of the domestic credities. The suggesiiou, we think, I a ro. d one. It i, tiili time thnt sne th.iii; was d 'lie Cur Mid', ring ehiss ul'our leilow citizens. Tinics, Tailors iiml the Tariff. The wentlier tiiis seas.-n has tieeii uiuisindly C. Id and backwaid, and u fire in ihe middle of June has . bcin found Hot imly coinl, iila1 le but neci ssary. Il ' . 'I has been exceedingly uuconifoitablu for those en- j llugcsl in sedentary y inenis, who have reims. ved tin ir stoves. A tailor, it is said, w ill freeze in Auausl without bis (S..O e. How our briihren ol j verliser has ihi ideil that when a lady seeks i ntranee J mencciiieiit of the iov. rnineiit, the Urge pinr (he shears (not ,if die seis as) (:et along ill thew mto a pew the Reiuleinaii on the seat Hear thedooi non uf 7 l(i,0rtlt!00 hid been collected by import hard time, win it (lure is great wsnt of should move inward and bt the lady take the s at . du ies, may l reg irded &s sutScHtit proof of the and but btile enitoyniei.l for the goo e, r any o- near the aisle. ' general opinion on this sutject. iher in ph ini nl of liaile, we caimol ell im ic'lie. j The N'Olh American aiUisi s the Repealers in Yt'rth icgnrd to die principles lh il oii((1il to regu SlmuVl our "fee trade" fiimdn, however, succeed ibis country lo (jivv iheir mon. y to the poi Irish ' ,,C (he imposition of dot es of imports, Mr. Fill in destioy iin the taritl, whieti would en aide lliem emifraiil instead of sending il to l.eUud fur polili- j UHK sjieaks with iiuhIi propriety and disrrethvi lo import shirts nm.le in London at three cenla a j c at ugitalois (o dissipate. When protection to home manufacture Could w pbee; p .nta. vests and rouo.laliouta from ,x lo j The U. S. bnk building is to he aold by the miks iiici.lcniul to toiiuc it oujiht ! he-exlci.JeJ. twelve cents, tailors will have but little use riereaf- ; Sheriff on the 2d of July next. Our friends hate j 'i' july f taking ore sf our own interest ws tcr foi lhal important article, the goose. Iu lhat now a chance for the cae of (he uiolister. Specie i one wikh no nation would attend to for U. if we event we would lecommeiid (hem to send one lo ( taken at par in payment. j ,.Bt.ct,J it ourselves. To say that duties for the each of our patriotic "Irce trade" editors aa an evi-i One w aon kad of (jo.mIs was taken from U.ilti- ' prutection of manufactures gave inaiiiil ictures a of the deep wtihu they entertain of iheir pio I'oui d wisdom and great sagacity, in de-1roj ing the business of the manuf cti.rera, uurbaiiica and labo rers ot this country, and openii.g a inaik. t for the pau.tT biborcrs of Knlaud. ' ritiinu of Vilittirv 1'lerl ion. ., , .... i7 Julie (i.'i. In4 .. tur 1st iirn'init. fdh Jhrium. I '( iiy!rtftia Mi litia. uuiuADicK (;km:ri.. II iiiiuioml, Iteh. r. Sunl ury Itattalinn, ."1,7 ti'.l Mabonoy liaKaholi, til il .oiiul 'ol. Ks'taln n, 41 Miliou II atial i,.:i ;j Wasliuiet,, lloi iliin, tnO uisj. Ki le r-, (,i:.ot llotlaloe.) 1 I t 467 (oittawissa iUllaboii, - t "7 III lotiisliu'g Itiltalioll, o"'. 70 Danville Haii.ilion, 0 ;l Middleburg Halt dion, COO (( Kreelrtir Its'tslioii, t i I I I Mitlliuburg llatalioii, null tHKI liKiuAi'i: j..-i'i:t:TO!. -. - er k r f pe r 3 b Z- 1 7 a Ki.tiTioJi lisr. " E. t- a ? 7 T, 5 c- s SunbiiTv Rnttalion, I'M 317 9 0 3 Mahonov Halts, ion, 70 77 IS N 1 .Nor'b'd" Vol. Haiiution, 41 'it 14 tH 4 CaCawissa Uatulioo, IM7 100 15 t Oil UUmi lUiubon, 4111 A7 44 II uliiufctiMi Itiltalioll, Ulit) tt) I'M ii-i Oil Danville Uallahon, OS HO 44 Oil (III Milton U.ltalion, oVi 6K SJI 01 4 It. tier.. (Kast Uiiftaloe.) li'J7 :isD'l ( 0 Middleboig Kattallon, :I4 24 6 f t.'i'J Freebiirx llaHaliou, 15 40 00 0 1 Miflliilbuig tlatluhnn, S7 12 U 377 10 Total, S('U7 eO'J 6Jt 654 'i.r.0 Ma. KunoM 1'erniit me to recemiurnJ Mr. Conrad J. I'iy, of Smibury, a candidate for Au- d lor. lie in, heaidra being a fcuod rlemoeitt, well tjiuiifitd tu4 the ollict. Alf-l'tsTA. Trnvrlling on the Rending Rail Road, Mr. John Trego of tShamnkin, ami another high ly respectable gentlrman of tbiii ilaee, '.nmpl lined to nit a few d tyssiiire of (he rude and uneiitleinin !y trentmi'iit rerrived by them while tmvHrrnR m the lailroi I iTlween Puilaville and riiiladi'lpbia, fiom the ciiiidiirt of a Mr. Keciey, tlic ronduc- tur of the penrer cars, llaviim pnid their fare fur the No. 1 i tr., (hey attt'inpled lo et into one of the best, but were rudely thrust back by (he ron- j duetor, who told (hem Unit (he car tiny were about ! to enter was de igned fir aymtlemen accompanied ith ladies. Not more, however, than three or four ladies entered the car, and with (hem about twenty or thirty Rentlornrn. As the ear was but little more than h ill filled, our friends also alte.miiied to get in, but were ac.ain rudely icpubed at d iii'ulti d by the overnment. Of this amount, Iwetve millions have insolriue of the imprpei.t ror duetor, who t, .1.1 ! U en ri,i81"'1 J,r,,rt taxation, Ueenty two minion them if the other car wns not Rood rnoue,h fr i '7 ficise duties, and savt:!f nrnnarn ?ii ronTT ibem.tbey mipht stay bick. S4 he did not rare w he. ! Mt ""u,", hy impi st duties. From the pubtir iher they travelled on die road or l ot, or words to i x'crr' have been derived one hundred and nine that i fleet. j millions, and from the dividends and Vonusseg of The Heading Hail TJoad one of the best and ; tlie '"' etl s,atcs Bank, twenty millions. These most pleasant roads in the Vi.b n fur irav.l'ins.nnd ar" tl,e rou"' n"m,l,,f- The Post Oll'ire depaTt we nre confident that the direrturs wou'd not know- i out of the account, since it is ao arran- Hgy keep in their employ a rondiirtor who knew S-d to supply the means of defray iug its own ex or care I so liulo about conduction hi mm If as a ertitlcimm tewardt those who arc placed under bis cbaige. Iiiiiili'iits al llif (in nt Fire It appears from Mr (Jrund's letier in the New Wurld, (h it during tho preat fire at lliml urg, a large quantity of the biijlo t p-nof v irit rpbded in the e c-k, and run into tin- ransl, which v e'i was ftatiulicd in tlie steeple ot tlie I tiurctl ot ft. .Nicholas, which is provided wiih a set of iniisii nl bi II-, w hu h play al 1 oVIm k and in (he cveliini'. Was not lh uu'it of until the w.nlU ! ckd to shake, and w lien (he bel s souni'ed llie well know n (ler man choral, liieh u-uilly cine ud. s 'he Protestant m'i vice, "now lb oik ye the Trd." (nun dunktt n'lf ('iJt .') In anoilier inoriienl iheie was a crash, w hen ihe hi IN nnd n.u-iiiaii were buried in the same fiery grave : the I e'l player was iu the pie. sence of hi flod. I llitUfial WiSflllllliy, ein I'enn ylvmiia went into rebellion to resist the dj-Tliere was a slight fill oS'miow nnlhe 11 inst. vtri-r on wln.key. The lesults of such a system in Ciiiol eil in I county, mid ab..ut :j inches near : ar.-that the cuuntiy U'cornes oven un by swurms ol Ilocln ster, New York. i ollimrs who, in the execution of their du y, nre o- I'aanini cleared upwards of '.'00,000 ming- ' bliged lo pry in (he affairs of citizens with some land with his violin. j minute inspection as lo render this mode of levy- A bill is befoie the legi-la'iire to enable (he banks j ing money (he moat odious that can be dev sed un to redeem theii Relief notes in sjnvie. J der a e institutional g .veninnint. Il is moreover a SS. Schcruierh. ru, S. c'y ot the O.ei.n Tusuoince I viTy cxpenvive Mr KMioi.en, when Company, in New York has ali-tricl.d lhat is. si - , chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means, len fiomUiat institution in ten ycrs time !.", referring to the statislics of ihe excise Uw as it was IMM1. ! carried iu'o elVect in Wsnixro's aJ'iiini-tra- Young Setnmea who shot Profos-or Davis, is a- i ti.,II sU10J ilgt expenses of collcctiiig the du nionn the niisinu. Hi bail have paid into couit t rs were to about 3o per cent, on the whole i.r),0H0, the amount of bis bail. j amount colliTtcd. Tlie Maine Cultivator thinks the Rohan, the l est , J, i tlirr. fore taken for crantcd lliat the svsleni pomtof we Inve, nxvre prolific and bettei for the t ilde than nnv other. The leve ue rais-il fr on our toll ieeo id mn in l'urope amounts to 'I'.' mill oils. This is only miti branch of our "free trade." The nlitor of ibe New York Commercial .VI- moie lo Lailisle, wtigbmg 10,1 U lbs. Ao mouii- tains to cross, we (iresvune. Tbe l'lnladiri.hiatiaKtte decides (hat a gentle- man lidmg with a lady should take the b ft side, provided the is pretty ; but tjie Mind side if ugly. t'rum the llalliinurt American. ! Tliti Kr venue lllll.-.vir. Kitliuoic'a Siiet-eH. . Thc Tarill bill reported fom the Cuinini tee of Ways and Nfeans dot-s not d.lfer greatly from ihe them on any foreign nation, it could not i-e said bill sul milled some w ei ks ago from the Treasury , that duties for the protection of such articles enu Kepartmenl. The object of both being (o piovidu r,J to (he benefit of those engaged in the produc- Mr. I'lLtMoat, in bis spies h on Thuisdny, on :' the subject ol his bill, went into some interesting r suit to the whole community. If in view of i details. The Secretary of Ihe Treasury iu uh (hrse contingencies and iu apprehension of iIkimi ! milting bis licport esliioaosl the oidinary expiu- iho prices of such articles are somewhat enhanced ' ditures of the (oveniuieiit for the present year ut , for a lime what then ! The priucij le is a plain I something over 2n,00 ,1100 with au additional one ; it is prarlisej up n continually, 'l'be iner ! amount of more thin f i .000,000 for liabiliiies, chant acts upon it when ha pays a premium to in. j debts, and the redemption of Treasury notes, in- ! ure Ins hhip ibc allien when he iiisuies Ins I iludinj; iuteresi making the apuregate deuiand on ' house the government when it pays millions an- Ihe Tie.iMiiy for the present year upwards of (hirty nually to kivp up an army and navy in time of three millions. Similar statements wero uude lot ' peace; (hey all look to the possible happening of 1st;! and 1814. I contingencies, and provide accordingly. It is then- Taking another mode of estimating the probable : fore nothing but a simple measure of prudence and cipcndi wes of the (overiiiuenl, il apear that for ' of w i precaution lo protect and encourage such the four yeais of Mr. Va Hi iivn's aduiiiiiirsti,.ii i brancliea of domestic production as are Useful for tho aveiae annual ripriiditurcs, independent of j national defence, national independence and the any payments of public debt, wero lieur f'JS.OOO,- 1 sure promotion of the general welfare, when it it 000. I 'pou this basis of calculation the annual apparent lhat without protection such interests expenses of the (iovernment mijht be n koned, for would beat the meiey of contingencies a iiii.-t some tear to come, at a similar aia uut. i which no mcurity can be had. Uul thrie aiccll'ofH al retieiichmciit now in pro. , Aa lo further details iu reference lo the modes of gre whether for ihe public good or not is a qus- layioR impost, Mr. Kill voav'a bill enibr.ieea bolh lional.U- niull r, and in oiiieca-ia not uuesti 'iuble, specific ami nd valorem dunes. '1'he laller are be but plainly Nevertln less, a reduction of ; hrved o tie in point of tbeoiy the best hut dilficull ejipeudiluies is to be made, w hich Mr. FiLLMoat j of application ill many cases, and in some imprac esliniates al some thiee or f oir mi lions a year. The ; ticalila, '1'he Ai uilualiun ia consideied out of uiiuu d ordinary t xpue then may he set down the question. In some instances in which ad vulo at three or four millions Ies, lh in the avciege ol run dulus are imposed ihe value is alii ned iu the eapeinhtuira under Mr Va Hi ais aay at fit,- j bill as in die rase of mamificlured rotlon; and 000,000. "I o iliin ( ihre millions be added on j whereever this ran be done we believe it to be a ve- j account of the. public dibt, foi the payment of in- tore-t and (ho rMahlixltincnt of a sinkinit f ind, iml it will hpprar that an aggregito Tevrnuft off 27, 000,000 it watited for (ha necessities of Govern, mcnt. '4'lrere are but ttiTec modc of ruining revenue ; nd in providing for the amount just named it U proper tolunk at tliem all, to mreit liu which is best There is nun mode by direct taxation ; knotlirrby ''ise i and the third by impost dtitics. All three have been tried si.ite the establishment of the imminent yet the Utter only has been adhered to. Fiom tbe commencement nfV'AHt?i(jTO!'s ad ministration down lo I40, inclusive, the gross a mmint of f !) 13,000,(100 has been collected in these United States, fur defraying the expenses of the ' I'urrt Tu.rr nerre resorted to inUDS.when there was some apprehension uf a war with Krmic : A law wis passed directing the valuvion of real istnle and negroes throughout the f'nttod Mates. When any one ' looked into that bill," sas Mr. 1'ilhn'ire, ".oi I saw how the estimates w re to be made, au (.ink into coo-ider itinn lhat the value of the I amis und ncsTois lo be taxiii was ron'inuaMv i lian..'ins, ami cons queully that the valuation would have lo be made once in about three yeSrs, he would be aware ofthe tremendous power which the appointment of these officer gave the appoint ing power. These ollicers Wi uld lie s numerous (hat tliey would lie worse than the frog-" ol l-jp', .Old le found m every man's bedchamber,'" So iej tignant is iho system of direct tax ili in to lh" habits and fefliiiz of the An.e icau peoj le, that no such mode of raising revenue ran he perm i ni nl'y relied on in (his country, while rcrour.-e can be had to any other system Vet some ueri'Iemen from Couth Carolina, Mr, 1!hi it in part culur, huee rrcriitly edvocaled direct tiXatinn iu pit lercuce to duties on imposts. K.ii.e tltitics, or duties on articles made and consumed ill the country, were tried at an early '. riod in our ttoveniment. On thai occasi in Wes- of iuiiest duties on Imported ank le is (he sjMcin of revenue be.-l adapted lo (his country, most in consonance w ilh the republican babils uf our pco pie, (he most simple in its application, und the leas! rvpiii-ive. The fart that out of an nccrrij.ite of f'.M "1,000,(100 raised for revenue since Ike com- prelereuce over others was not a fair repieseiitation ; because whenever iho m.Hiuf.oure of un article be- I caiIl0 prolilal le tlie re was no limit io the number i ,tut mign, engage in it-nn d the competition would i then be so gi.'at as to tender it no mon profi able 'ban any other business. Again, if there are cer- lain articles so essential to national independence ' , that the countiy ought not to be dependent for i lion ef them. The benefits of a steady supply, tin- atlected by conliui;encies of foreign origin, wouKI ry g'xd mode. Il wnua to embrace ut prinnple bolh plana nf specific and of valorem il'itiea. Spe cific duties have been imposed whorevrr practicable, for the belteT prevention of frauds. The bill, accord. ng to the recommendation of llm Secretary of (he Tieasury, adopts to a considerable extent the system of crtjVi duties a very important provision. Mr. Fi llotik expresses himself as in fivor of a modified ware housing syatcm, yet the coinmlttea did not consider it their duty to go into a full examination of thit .subject, aince it formed no part of the project submitted from the Tieasury Department. The only provision in the bill recog nising any piincipto uf such a system, U the one providing that when good) arc imported beyond lh Cape of Good It'ipe, they may remain in store nil1 ly days before the duties are exacted. MESSAGE. To the Senate and House of Representatives : I rnnnot reconcile it to my sense of duty, to per' mil this occasion lo piss, without renewing, in the most earnest minor r, the appeal already made to the'i-I lure, in behalf of the public creditors, j and especially of those who have labored on our I iintirovTinent, and furnished materials for iheir re ' and construct ion. Prostrated as the pubi c j credit in a great degree is, ami Overwhelmed as the bvi-iiii s energies- and enterprise of the community ' are, it is iiudeuleedly an nnprop ti u time to im- poe addition d burthens on the people, and is an unirracious duty lo recommend or to sanction il. But the al;i rna'ive admits of no qoal ticarjon. We must act in conformity to tl.c dictates of stern and un 1 weleoine dii'v on the one band, or disregard and set tl.i m at naimht on Ihe other. We mu-it seek and desiie the coirmi mlalion nf the honest and ho i nnnble, or we most earn and bear their contempt , R .d derision. If we f d-r in this dilemma, we can not escape one or t'oe oUn r of these judgments in the ccs of the world. I do hope arid tru-rt you will m ike some provi sion for Ihe -put'lic creditors cither by increased lixalion, or some ether available tmaiis. The bur , tin n may be onerou-, bnt it ran only Is; temporary, N ith the re .orce, vir and enterprise of JVnu sylvjnia, the present pecuniary embarrassment can only he of short dura ion. Let us then struggle ! manfully agiinst it, if: the hope of speedy relief, j The burthen borne in behair t.f the State are ' lis'h', in c imp.irison to those imposed for county, town-hip, boiouah and oilier purposes. All the tax es paid by the people of Pennsylvania lor all pur K)sea amount per annum to the sain of four mil lions of do'.lar as ueui.y as can te ascertained. (If j this va-t sum only seven hundred thousand dollars i is levied and p o I lor the use of die Si ate. his j therefore manifest that whatever may be (he grosg anioioit of thud paid hy the c nn nuniiy, but a smalt : p.irtion is applied to the bs's of the 8 ate Treasu'y and on this score there is little just ground to com pi liu. Three per cent on the a-esc.l value of ihe real and personal property in Pennsylvania assessed as il nrcessar'ly is far bel iw i's value, amounta to I upwards of f.sty-two millions of dollars; a sum sulfrc cut to pay off our entire public Jelit, and leavj i a surplus of live or ?ix millions in the trea-ury. , And yet, sn.h is the general apathy or aversion to : enter into an examination of a subject of this kind, i that there arc some to he f .und, who seem, al times, almost disposed lo dou'it (tie ah:l,ty of Pennsylvd- nia lo pay her delits. j I can scaiajely fiud'angung strong enough to com j vey to you in a suitable mniiner my ideas of the importance of a ftitirfel adherence, on the part of the Pirate, to its solemn eiiircments. I h ive i dwelt on ibis subject in my coininnincatiou to every i I.cfisl a'u'C that has assembled since the duties of i the Executive vrv entrirsteii to my care. Allow i me therefore mofit fcpecifully to ask yoin atten tion lo my annual message on this subject. So far as resjH'cts what are usually denominated the "Domestic Creditors,1' sought in my annual messcge, at yor.r assembling, to place iheir claims on the true giouuds. I have yet to hear the first word ag liiist the justice of their u inands, Or the extreme hardship of iheir case. They are our own ciiizens, who, on (he faith ofthe public, have de voted tin it money, iheir means, the sweet of their brows to the public service, and have thus far been denied 'recompense. N ay, some of them have ex peinktl the last dollar they can command have I contracted large debts to enable them to prosecute their work ; have just demands on the State amply 1 sullicient to meet all the r liabilities, and to supply , iheui with the means of recommencing business for : their support, and yet are compelled to see the whole i of their ptopeiiy under execution, and be thein selves, dragged to the very door of the j til. Is this , not crying injustice 1 Is il not a disgrace to tho fta'e th il thus Ivepars its own citizens and then suffers them to be s.ici ili.'cd for d. bt contracted on , behalf ol the St ,t ti.cin How can any honest man, who has the power to correct such evils, stand ' by and witness such a slate of things, wiihout the i blush of shame on 1 For myself, I should : feet ill at ease if I h it uutiiid a single eXjedicul to U fiord relief. j I can add little to the details of my former re commendations, or the means of discharging these 1 debts. It is for the Legislature now ro act upon them, I will ho'-vever suggest lhat the Stale pos aesess a fund which might be applied to the pay ' inent of ibesc debts, if other resources fait ; and al though it may not he at present available, it may ' ultimately become ao, at least in a considerable ex : tent. 1 refer lo the Stock held by the Common ! wealth in the Hank of Pennsylvania, the Philadel ' phia Hank, and the Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank. For these slocks the Stale paid two million one hundred and eight thousand seven hundred dollar. What ihey may ultimately le worth I know not Mv opinion of this investment has been communi- ca ed in the legislature lime and again, and il would be ua, le.-s lo reiterate now. Hut I must le allow j ed before closing the subject lo express my opinion j formed on Ihe most thorough conviction, that un. 1 less ihe interest of individuals be enlisted in this mailer, die State will never realize a dollar from iu Il serrns lo me iheiefore lhal it would he advisable j lotraiisftr thtM'kioik, to tiuiiies, or make some