13 AN It KOTi: LIST, lMiXXSYI.VAXI.l. Tlte following list show the current vaie of hII Pennsylvania 1) ii nk Notts. Tle mixt implicit re liance may ls placed upon it, a it is evert iwir can fully eompumd v?,ih al d corrected flow Biik ttt-H't Reporter. IKacJiN In riilludvlnlilii. ivr i .. Disc. I PuiLAl). pr . pr pr NOTES AT PAR. IWik of North America Bank of the Northern Liberties . Commercial Bunk of Penn'a . Fs'nicis and Mechanics' li .i,k Kensington Bank , Philadelphia Hunk Xchuvlkitl Bank Snuthwark Bank AA'estern Bank . . . fur j par . par J.I17 Country Hank. imiiK ! t her-lcr I nuniy Batik of Delaware Co'iniy Hai4; of (Ji'tnurilowii Hnk of Montgomery Ci. )uy lesion n Bank -Uaston Hank Farmer" liank of Buck ro Office ofllsnkot Penii'a. Ollice do do OffiPo do do Ollice do do Westchester pnr 1 H I pir pa! par par f I4T These i . Dices In not Cluster (if timiutowu Nottis'own Do) hstown Enslon Hri-tol Ilntris-liUf buro iter i '8 f LllllC IHtl I Re ntliug Elstull J Issue n. N T. NOTES AT l) hen i; Tank of the United Stales Bank of Penn Township 1217$ ,!5a45 XiirarJ Bank tdanufacturers" & Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' Dunk . ?1oy a incusing Bank . Bank of Pennsylvania . CialH Sail J4.il7 7aUl 13al6 Co:iO 10 Miners' Bank of PoltsviUe Bank of Lcwislown I). ink of Middletown 'Jlatik of Nurlhuinlieiland Pntisville Lewistown 7.1 iddletuwn Northumberland 10 CoIumhiaBank A Bride, co. Columbia 8al0 10al2 'Carlisle Bank -Carlisle 'Exchange Bank IJiltsbu rg- 2 Do do branch of Holhdaysburg . 3 Farmers' Bank of I.HiicHslei Lancaster 8 Lancaster County Bank Lancaster C.i? fanners' Bank ol Reudmg Reading Halo Harrishurg Bank Harrtuburg 10 a IS Lmcaster Bank Lancaster 6 Lebanon Bank -Lebanon 8dt0 tilmilinnrs' & Manuf. Uaiik PiitMiurg 3 Bank nf Piltsburg 1'iMt.buig a West Branch Bank Willtamsprrrt CO Wyoming Bank W i kri-baire 12al? rSiirthiimpton Bjnk Allt-ntonn lfaUO Tletka (unty Bank jJiadini; OiTice ofliarvi; of U, S. lm.iirg Do do do Kris Do do do ituv hriniilon -ieiioclmi Sv. Inc. A do retiii Township Sav. Ib4. do Hunk of ('hamlierslmig 'liuilK-rs-liurg 12 Uiihk of (leltyaliurg liritviburg 12 "Bunk of Sut-quvIianna'Co. Montrose 10al2 Kris Bunk I'riu 25 FMrmi'ra' & Diovera' Bank WayfesUiTg BO Tranklin Bank Washington 5 Honesdale Bunk Hone.sdalts 10 a 15 Monnngahela Bank of B. Browesville ( Yoik Bank 'York h) N. B. The notes of those bankx on which we omit quotations, and suhtitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the, I'Ml Klclpl.ia orokers, with the exception of those which haw a letter of r. frretioe. BROKEN BANK 8. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. I'hiludi-Ihia I'hiladeljihia'Loan (Jo. do ehus Ik ill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyon, prop.) failed failed failed failed tailed no sale rbised closed failed closed lio sale failed failed failed no sale i mvanila tiuiik 'I ov.BiiJa AHeghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swatara Hank of Wakhingtoi' Centra Bank City Bank Farmers' )k Mech'cs' Bunk Fannnrs'c M'ch'cs' Iimik Farmers' 6c MechVs' Uai.k Haiinonv Institutu lluntiiigilor. Bank Juniata Bank Luniliernien's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Endue Co. Northumli'd I'nion Col. I!k. Noith Veti rn B.i'.k of Pa. Cilice of Hchuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. it MjhuI. tlai.k fcilvci iiake Bank I'nion Bank of Pcrin'a. Wsstmnrclund Bank ilkeuliarce Budge Co. Beilfoid Hiraver ii.on-Lurg Washington l'.ell. fonle Pittsbuig Pittsburg Fayette en. (iieenrastie H annony Huntingdon no sale Lewitovvu r.'osale Warten failed Itundiiir no sale New Hope tinted Milton no side Miadille elomil Port Carbon laibd Carhu! faibd Montiose cloned I'niontown failed t ireensburg closed Wilkesbarre tiosule (Jf All notes purporting to bo on any Punnsyl vania Bank not given ui Llio above list, way be set down as frauds. sew ji:uni:y. Bank of New Biunau tck Brunswick Uebideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Mcdiord Commercial Bank Penh Auiboy Cumberland Bank Bridgeton Fanucrs' Bunk Mount Holly Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Itahvay Farmers' and Michanics' Bk N. Biunswiik Farmers' and Merclianls' Bk Middletown Pi, fuilid 1 V" 'i 1 j.a j failed j Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City iaiKJ tailed I failed I failed failed fail.d ! llobokeii Ukg &. utuzuig vo llinioken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bank Morristowu Minirnouth Bk of N.J. Ficchold Meclianics' B ink Newark M ecli aiiics' and Menuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and 'Uka' Ci Jersey City Post Notes I par i-0 sale lailid Newark Bkg fi Ins Co N waik New Hope 1WI Undue Co Lan.deilsville N. J. Manufar. and Bkg Co lli U.ken N J Prolecton Al LouiLud Ik Jersey City Orange Bank vtiange l'a'er.on Bank I'aieison l..d. ii fulled : ! failed I pur I 1'eopliV Hank do i'.'i: icetosi Bunk Pr:Mcelo:i riiili ui banking Cu fsalsui Ntate Bakk Newark v-MaietJank l.l , ,t ihtown ISiula Bank 'l .ow.b n t-lato Bank ol Morris tiioi.uiuwu btute Bank Ti. nn n Kalorn and Pbilad Munut Co .:( ui Kusset Bank N.wmn Tirmon Bunking Cu Ts i ton I'nioti Bunk l''ii asliitigtoli -Baukilig ('si. llaikeiisaLk ii:i,av .mi: 1 .pal I faile.l 1.1 1 1 .' t. joir o Jul..! Hk of W tlm &. mainly won i mintiim p.rl p'il par pal I ' Ilunksif IMawate iliinnttnu Bank if Smyrna li'mwi a Do kartell Hll. Faiuiera' Bk of Hi-- -f tVr Jbrt,- Do branch Wilmington Do branch i,i get.iwu Do branch N e cast le I'liimt Bank Wiliuiutou cy lender ft's Cj' On sll banks ma'ked thus () there are ci laer rounterlt.it or alieitJ notes ul the various de AUCiAsliona, in tuculaUoo. ATTORNEY AT LAW, cuiiEvnv, pa. Tinsiinc iitlcnded to in llic Counties nf Nor lluiii'l trlund, Union. Lycoming and Columbia. Hlir lot i nn n 11 1 nr A Co., LslWMI (V II A II till. Hmt, Ct'DMiMoit A Hsnr, 1kiluil. Kk sroi.iis, Mr r . hiax ii A Co. IS ! Kill If!, 'J Hill V Co., III. ,10SJ 1Mt:iL,& 19. X, T1TI;S, "K J) KSPEC ri'l'I.l.V aimoiniRe In the I'ilizcns M.S.' of Mlibnty, and its vicinilv, th.it lin y h.ive lliin iIhv riiteird Into enpnrtlierhip in tlie I'ractice i l !roi'iin', in all i'. varimis dcpaninent, and ' Im' e i y this aininceinetit, punctual aMentiou to I biifino-!! l inndriate cbaipe.', to lecerve a lileiul , sl.ari" i.l r Mir ti.ii'flnsj . (i'yl'r .1 I L Mi timl.'ts his errtcful acktnml e.!n'incT.t Li i be very liberal patronage hire'uforp n ci iv d, mill fi eli. roiipdent that ti e new nr iiiiii'eiiHMii, (ll I'nni of Pi nl cV Trite.) will be cm durie t.i the coiefnit and welfare of the pub lit', he mt resiiecllully niliL!ts a cniitii4unc of t! eir cimfiilcnre. Sunbury. May 7th, Cm. """'"'""eagle" "a :bt ena "js:. Curit r of Third trnd Vint- Sine!, WiLLilAIVI SF OUT, PA T IIE subscriber r. t-Ktfii!l v announcfS tithe puU'r, that he h 'S oi em d a Hotel in the com modious brick building situate on the comer of i hiid and Pine streets, wtwttt he will be brppy to wait npuii those who may f.ivor him wit . t.'teir company. The H.iftle Hotel is huge and conveni ent, and furrishediii the lt nvdi in tli'. L i provided with A laiqr number of well niied and comfort :hle sloepitiK apartment--, r.ienn, private oilore.iVc. I'tjrs.ms visiting Wilhainspnrt on bu Mucus or plca-ure, uny re-t as-ur d that eviTV ex ertion will le used to ti nder llieir Koj,.uin t the "Eaglo Ilitli I" pleasant and agreeable. Ilia Table will be suppliiJ with tlie vi ry b at the mmket af fords, ntid !iis bar wi'h .he cl oicer.t wines ami other liuuors chafces ro soi.sbb'. 7 lie P!h Hotrl posscsces ureater mlvanisos in point of location j than any other similar establishment in the borough. beitii! situate in the business part ot tnc town, anil within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wiiliamporl and I'hnira Kail 1!o.k1 Depot. Suflicienl ttabliiis provided, and good und lrifity ostlers always in utlcielnnce. Attentive, aeoinmodiiting snd hone-1 Servants have been i mloieil, and liotliing b it undone thai will add lo the couifjrl und accommodation of his guer'.s. There will 1'f n carriage always in attendance at tile Boat Landing toconviy pa8englrs lo and from the House, fr of charce. CHARLE.S BORROWS. May 1 IS 1 2 TO TUK F.LKC1X"iRS OF NOIITHU.M BKK- IiAXD C011NTV. fllHE R ubscriber rcstiectfully itiforms the Elee- X tors of Northumbeiland county, lhal Iks will be a candidate for Ihe of.ioes cf Register, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphans' Court, nt the enpuine ceneral election. FTinu'd lie le e lected, he will exeit himself to render general satis faction, whk-li his b-tia mperience in the duties of taid oiTiees, will enable him to do. Mav 7. EDWARD OYSTER. TO Tin: Ki.r.cnnis or .ohtji- 1'MHEliLAM) coi M Y. f W E subscriber In urn prevailed on by bis friends, X rei-peclfiilly ii tonus the public that he will be a candidate lor the ollice of COMMISSlONT.lt, at the rn-nitiB ueueial i hi lion. He promises, if elected, lo fulfill tl.e duties of said nilice, with cure and fidehtv. JOHN VOl'NC, May -ah, 1812, .lacol IvUmU's F.xilutc. TO'i'ICE is hen by given that the Register of Noiihiiinbeiluiid C lili'y has t! is day gmuted l. t.r-iol cdiuinistrai'iiii up Mi tin e.-late il Jac. b K'oil., late of I.'j-per M honoy townh'p, ui the Hub-cri'-i-r. A'l pe so-- having demands against t! Paid estate are requested to presint tin 111 for patmeni, and those indebted arc desired to dis charge 'heir icspictive dues foithwith. HENRY KI.OCK. Mav 7lh, lr".C. -of Coal tmviiship. IHsMiluf Ion tl I'arf iH'i'slil. "BlilE pannersl ip beret fore existing beiweuii the X sub'cr.bi rs. was di-solved by inulu d consent, on the :) Islet March last The parinorship books, arid ether evidences of debt due the partners, are placed in the hands of Chiiutiau liovror. Esq , of Sunbury, for collection, wlni ulone is authorized to leceive pay mi ni. The partnership coinmein ed on the first day of Apr I. lMit. HENRY TOXTJIEIMER, HENRY DAWfcON. Ap.il 16th. 18 ' Jf -r J .. i.-;' i -, FjlHE sulrriUi't ud'oriiis the jiutilic and his for X nn r customers, th .t although Mr. H. Dawson has witbdiauu himself from bis More, he still Con tinues his business as heretofore, and will endeavor to give sat '(.faction to those who will gie him their rii.v.i.n. He is thankful to trie public foi the larp,e sbaie of patronage extended lo him for the last twen ty yer.rn. HENRY YOXT1IE5MER. Nunburv. April WUh. 1I2. HOUSE, .Y"."7, .YorA Third, above Cullou h 'iU St., i'iiii.)i:li'iiia. riHE si. h cula-ra takes plessuie in acquainting jS tU-ir f.ii nils and ILe pol lie in genual, iht ili. y have ni.;. n the laige and commodious Hoiel, i ei nt y I uiii bv the M.ssis. 11 oil, on the same site one ocri; id by the old eslabii.hed H.nel known a tl.e Pud's 111 a. I. in ThtlJ islM-et above Callow b.l. s'. 'I bis Hotel is finished in ihe very !rt possible manner, ai d id the Le-I u.kteria's. i locat.oll is m .1. suable, pariieiilarlv tor I'liiinliy nn li bants ; tie ;rn ,'ol'i mi los lor In allitj! hikI MeiHibitiltg tach i. .in s uch lo -nre any lemperulUK. The la.l ..ins are nil heht ai .1 airy, ail fudiiol.ud iu a to i' -H . so as lo lii-uie con. toil. "l i i r. teivu parlors are also fiiinisbed ill a sll l n i e. tl.e w uul-.ws are on ihe In neb ayle. I n... a an eniiiiure to a b .Icoiiy in front, nvlu. h i . - s ( ie i-m t ric.-ss. I'criiivilar atti ntinn hna vi.ii t i the ItiIs an.) In Jilu g, which, Willi ' li ore, are t-u'li ly hew. ii v.a's' iiiience lu hoiel bnsinrss, we v sinrt ass duily to business, lo make this a .!i so utile slepplli4 place. Our table w ill b. I mm l-li-l. by lli.nse a dt v .vs supplied with the very best our isrkcl can .ui i.l, no, I Ui lMr wi'it Ihe lst buuois and ,..r , i.i 1. 1 it., in. si up; loved biands. P.. S. There are first rate slablunr and r arriaue par , .ar h. U - - alt .( bed tu tilt) Lutel. allen.t.'.l I. ri.,el.,il and sok-r ho-ib'ri, and our chariie will be low, in accordance wuu lae present haul lime. SHCL'IZ At DERK. I'biladi Ij'hia, April 16, IOH Sale, a Fstm containing about BO acirs, ' tnoio oT lefs, situnte ill Khannkin township, iNoithumlierland county, alu.ut seven miles from iSiiiibtiry, or' the tun in roinl lekding from that place lo I'etei'burg an I Mmm. Vinlowti, 'j ii ine lands of Win. Farrow, Abinham Klasp, K.niiuel Con-er and Wm. Martz, on which (here is a uood large Brick II on -c, wiih a well ol never failing water at the dour, a larg.i Barn in good repair, a good Or chard, snd a pond feat for a mill or any kind nf vat r power. Nearly I the. land is chared and in good cultivation, t.veii'y five toes of which is fowl mead.uv. The. Danville and Pnitsvil'e Kail Road runs through said f rm. It will be fold ai tl.e pro petty of m. Waters, dre'd. Any person wish ing to pin. base tan do well, ihu tifui aie iei liable. Possesion and a good liilc nan be given next S'prinr. For further pailirnlais, prtsona are eip.esud to app'y lo Ihe widow, who lives on ti e pr. mi.cs, or to Uodfiev Wat rs ar E. (t.eennugli, Esq. in iSunbury. (iODFHEY WA J EKS, C. K. WATEIM. Mav 7 tf. lux'rsttf Wm Wutrrs, iltc'd. I KS I" Kali- Shud ai d Herrini. fi', an! of fine j flavor, in-Hii cted No. I in April, j. at reciiwd. mid (or s.ite at tl.e new tt. re iA JOHN L'llAMBEUL.MN. Mav 7 h. 1 812. HOTEL, CATTAWlSSA.COI.trr'jnXA CO, j'r...SYL..IA. 1" 1IIE snb-ciibit re petlfully informs the (mblic Ihut he has piin hasi d, und now occupies the I. n r tie and Cunirnodivvs Uriels. "jL''r '" Stand, Well known ns tl.e pr. p. r'y, late of Theodore Wills, and f.rni'rly kept tynioel A, Hi dy He is now pie;i.ted t i accommo la'" nil travellers and visiters who m-y favor him wi h a cal', and wdl use veiy i H ut in bts power to render every convenience und rnmf.ut tJ his customers, wh.ie under his chrje. His nrnm mo 'nt ions are ample. and bis rooms well furnished. His stables xien sive and in good condition. His Tsni.K and IUii will be suppli. d w ilh the best that the miuket cm nlfird. By pin ctualilv and attention, he feels o t.lidctit lhal he will meiit the patronage of ibe public CHARLES HARTMAN. Caltawissn. Ap'il !tth. 1SI2. LIME ! LIEriME ! FllllE subscnbrr.i ore refHr.sl to f-uri.ts'i f iriio rs 8 and others with any quantity of Lime of a very superioi quality for land, or p'ni-teriii'', at the fol lowing very reduced firices, vii: cih. pi r bushvl for 1 and Lime; 10 i ts. f..r the best quality of plai lering Lime, at Ibe kdn-. below the !i. r.iuah of Sim I ury. Tin v w ill also d- bier, at any place w ilbin ihe borough of Sunbury. Lime for lend, at UI cents per bushel, and Lime for p'aistcrina; at IS. cents per bil hcl. The so'-.sciers haealwaa on hand, a large qu .ntl'y nt l.ime. lis quality is g o.l, and llieir limestone is nut equalled by any in the neigh borhood SEASHOLT7. V 1!ER(JSTRESER. Augusta, April 2d, 1S12. ItOlH.HT ( iEMi.R V. S, PAPER MANUFACTDP.EES, honilxird Strut, itulttmoir, HAYE constantly for sale. Priming Paper of all sizes und qualitn s. Cap Writinu Paper, rub d and plain. Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and lain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Euvilope Paper, do. do. medium, double cuuvii, crown and extrasi'.Pil Wrapping I'S'rs, Coloicd Medium snd Roval Pairs, Uo.iiu 1, Binders' and Suavv Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all art cits in ibeir line, whit h they will sell on sec. luiiiodaiing lirms. ILgheit price given f i old rajs. KoBUKT CARTER A SON, March It). 1812. ElkiomMd. BOLTON & CO. Ct'iK i ai 4 OniiiiUsloii lit r hauls, 1'urlhe Sale nf I'l.mr, Oraiu, S-.al, Ac. FPECTFI'LLY inform their fiiends r.n.1 the Mercluints generally, that they iie la- ken those large ami commodious Wl.arv s, iili to Docks, ninth of Chesnut street, on the D. l uvsre, loiiell.er w ilh ".he Mora No. W S.e.ith Wharves, whr re thev wuuid be plca-rd lo receive coiisiun nienls of (irain, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared lo forward all kinds of Merchandise bv the Schuylkill and Union, or by ho Chesapeake und Tide Wat.-r Cimals, as low boats are kepi expressly I'oi the purpose of towing boats by el l.er route. Merchants will pie se be particular lo send their poi ds destined by vilber tanuls, to No. 19 South Wharves, l.cniicn Mnrk'i and Cn.snul sine s, on the Delaware, with diiectiotis Bccomp inv ing ihein which mute ihcy w ish Ihein lo be sbip e.l. fjj-' Plaster and Salt for sale, at the lowest mar ket price. Bnl.TON A C'. March 19. ISI5. No. HI Son. h Whuves. wirx v Kirs" 1 1 otei Sunbury, .Vitrttninibrrltiuil Count yt l't-iuiVYlvnitia. rilHE stib-criber. r.-n cifuOy inlorms the public 1 that he has r. moved to that lare.e f,nd commo dious Tavern Stand, at ibe corner nf Market and Fawn struts, (ign of the Buck ) f.mneily oeeo pu d by lonss Weaver, and lately Viy Daniel Oils sou, w in re he is now prepared lo m commodate all who may favor him w ith a call. By siiict atten tion to fulness, and his utmo-t endeavor In render atisfaelion lo all. he tinjies In receive a hbi ralsbsre of public pationag'e. fH MILES WEAYER. Konlniry, Maich I2lh, 1812. WHARTON'S n ejt era ra J33 jt. Suubui-3 , tlitintlx i land loiinly, PENNSYLVANIA. ritUE auhsenber resnrcifuliy inlorms the public. X that he has removed lo ihut large and commo dious Brick House, on Maiket square, oppoette Ihe Couil House, (formerly kepi bv Hiiam Piice.) whi le he is now piepared lo accmino.laie all who may lavor tuiii w.Ui a call. Being thankful for past favors, he hopes by sine: attention to business, to receive a liberal share nf public patrouaue, Ac CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunt my, March Sib. ISI i. zjltiz x":?.:j5e sllioltalt IMtipKisIs, IIAVIlE-DE-GHACr:, I1D. AVE cousiunlly cu hands geneial assoil iiient of JjKLUS, MEDICISF. PAISTS, OILS, VAKSISHES, Wl.WOW it LASS, STIFFS. V, 4c, wbick ihey oil', r for sa'e on the mosi I b. r d terms, and at prices ai low as these i f Philadelphia and Baltimore. Paiticnlar attention will he given to the quali ties of such articles as are selected nr Manufscluicd for stir, us also to pa.kmg them for trunspiotjlion Havre de-(7ract, March 6th, 1M2. 8;n. Clountrrfit'ltrrit loatli Itlow. Hhe public will please observe that no Brandieth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three hi bels upon It, (the top, the sine and the bottom) nich containing a f ac-similesigimturo of my h ind wriling, thus B. Bmajhibxtii.M. D. '1 heso la. bel-aie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipensc of over f 2,000. Therefore it will be seen thai the only thing nreef-snry to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the fide, and tie bottom. The following lespeciive persons are duly auhori zed, and hold CERTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of lirandrtth'a Vegetable Liniitrsat ViUs. J Norlhumbeiland county : Milton M ickey & Chambeilin. Sunbury 1LB. Masser. M'Ewens-. villc Ireland iSt Meixcll. Northurnl eiland Win. Forsyth. Ceurgctown F. Midhtiger A. Co. Union County: New Berlin J liti H oilman. Seliiiscruve Ever and Schnure. Mid.lleburg Isaac Smith. Beavenown J. & F. Bun; in. an. Adamsburg II. ft. A. Smith. Mdllitisbiug Swi.pii ct Laird Ha tleton D inicl Long Free buig O. & F. C. Mover, t entrevil e Slatley & Lelihart. Lcwisburu Walls A. (Jreen. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Remolds it t.'o. Berwick Shnman At K ttenhouss". Cat tawissa C. A. A C. (. Brobts. Bloomsburg John K. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi B.sel. W'a shinlon Kobt. MiCay. Luueslom D L. Schnicrk. Obseive thit eifcli Aeent has an Engr.ivul Ci r titicale of Agency, er taming rcpu s lita'iuu ot Dr BKA3DKE I ll'S Maiiul iciorv at Siiu- Sing, and upon which will a's.i be seen exact cop es .. the nK7 lul'cin mw utttt tijtun tin Hrun-Jnlh l'i'A Host .1. Phdadchihia, oHioo No. S, N'oith 8ih n'reet. B. BliA.NDKETH.M. D. J uiii'.rv 1st, 1K12 Tiir AIIE2.ICAN IrTEDICAIi ZilEr-AT-Y iti:MiU;i:xc i.i. COCE.THATF.D K.ci.id ,l M. dica' Si i. -- - ell nee and Lileraiure, bv Ivublev llnni'l.s.ui, M. 1) . I'rulcssor of tl.e Insii u'es ul Me.'icnie, .1c. In Ji if is, ill Medical Colli u'e ol I'lii ade pt la, pub lished montl.lv by Ad nn W .ldie. No. l; Car. en. t r street, Pbilaib Iphia. NubM-riptton p' ice, ; 5 a r ar. Siubsciiptiol.s I'.tr tho above m ik f ni ed l v the subscriber. il. B. MAS.SEH. ' Dec. 1 1 lit. HII. Am nt. 1' W- kjJ-.liLi. DRsale a su. ad Faun. cm. I i.ninir ab. ul i nc hundred and ten aeies, im.re or le s, situ tie in 1 Hint towusl.ip, .v or linini i roiml c utrt . , an. ut two units ubove Noiti.umbeil mil, on the m on rad leading from lhal pluee t.i Danville, ailjoinmc lands nt John l.eslinu, Jesse C. Horn u and others, no.v in theoccup.ucy of fSniiu. I P..yi e. About forty acres of said tiait are cb and, and iu good stale of cu tivalion, on winch there is a small barn erect, d. The property w ill be sold on ra.u able teims. For further particulars, peisonsari requcs: cd lo apply to tl.e subscrib r. 11. Li. MASS.;!',, Aiim!, Nov. 27rh, IM41. tf Siiidiiiy. Pa. tii. iJwXisnisj rw.i.k..i VN anic e unequalled lor cleaning and g.vuig a , bit; lily durable and most buHiant p list, lo nl ver, (ierniiin Silver, Brass, Copper, Bntt..ni:i ware. Tin, Steel, Culhry, and for reslorii g tl.e lusire on i varnished carriages, Ac. TRY 11". , Prepared ami sold al whoWa'e and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, , Tioga county, N. Y. 1 WM'. FORSYTH, Agent for Nortbuui'd, H. B. MASSER, Ag.nl lor Sunbiuy. 1 November SOlh, IS-1I. LAST MAKER, No. 7 1 ('allouliiP Soecl, I'hi'uidcipliia ("Fhrtt ti'r.M uht'Ve Second. J OIIOE Findings always kepi on hnud, which hi oilers for sale nn the loe-t terms, ('..uutri Meich mis are particularly lo c ill an ljude lo, themselves. PbilaiUphia, Novcm H-r 1.1, 1S11. v. fF EVERY DI'sCRll'TIOX. m:v i:.c;j..M) oil ("o.vir.wv. No. X!! -Voi ih Valor Slret-I, J'Jii!a. MANCFACn HERS ,,d dealers in Oils ol lury description both for hunting ami inaiiul.iciur.im purposes, which will lie s.Jd much lower than liny can la) ptocui. d e'sc where, aid wierranti d uiunlity to equal any iu the city. Any oil stud by Hie company not proving as lepri seuleil, may he returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money wi.l le it li.nd. ,1. Their slock now in store consists ot the following oils, viz; 30.0HO gallons Winter Blcuched Speitu" till, Cnoo 15,0110 10.000 50.KII r.otHi do do do do do do do Colo'less Oil, Fail and Sj ring Sperui Oil, W Hiter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common WhideOd, 15,000 2011 Bands slipeiiol Slraita till, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, f.O do Nea's Fool Od, 75 Cosks Olive Oil, Tanner's Ills. j This Companv has a numlfi of Yessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely Upon gelling at all Lines Oil as pure as imported, Philudclphia,JWJ, ! 84 1 . ly. Gr7w. & L. -..TATLC?.. FFEK FOR SALE, at the South Eal Cor ner of Fifth und Murful i'cci, J'tiladcU phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, doutle sole and double uppers, do Cult-skin do do end uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Pools, do do Neuta do do. do High quurlei Shoes, Calf-skin, do do do Crackers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do "Coarse do do do Shoea do Fine do do Kiji dn do ( 'alf and Seal do do do do do do :kili Pi.mns do List Socks w ilh and w ithout soles, do ( 'art, el do d.i do do Patent Warranted Watrr-proof Moccasins. Ladies do do do do La, Iu s' lanned India Rulher shoi a. t ienlU dici.s' do I vor shoes. 'iih every other tiesc iptiim oi'i oois and shoes. Fur Cups i f every description. "J'ravell ng Trunks of every description. Venetian Traveling Baga. Patent (iom Elastic Shoe BU.-king. Bonnets of all kinds. Culm Leaf Hats. J't,nui-lj!.il.,'oit..'::t; J3, J K I . ly . tuj7 & b?.ct::e?s, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL HOOKSEL LEHss AND STATIONERS, No. 122 Clresnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. T7"EKP constantly on hand a general as. rl J2k ment of Books and Siatintiaty ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellone ous and School Bonks, Day Books, all sir.es, led (its, do., Fumily Bibles, Pocket B.bles, VViituik Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac.,whk.h Ihey ol ler ai the lowest pikes lo Country Merchant's Pre fessional Cntlcmeii, Teachers, and all uthera that may favor ihein with their custom. Philadelphia, November 1:1. I (111. ly. litlincl Wt'.'ivcr X- Son, HOFE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. An. I '4 Hurt ft Wutcr Street, l'iiludeldita. fTTAVE ciwistantly on hand, a general assnrl gj ment of Cordage, Seine T iries, Ac, vi : 1 ur'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil I.i Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Tw ines, Ac, such as IIliiiji Shad and Herring Twine, Best 1'ntcnt (iill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Heriing Twice, Shoe i.. i .i. ii.iii i. i.i i I nreacs, vxe, ore. ."isn, lieu vuius, i i.-ocn inn's, i Halters, Truces, Cotton mid Linen ('i.rpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of cm reasonable lelms. Phil.Mte'phi.i, Novrnibcr 13, 111. ly. Jat ol) I'l tsiinntli & Son UEsl'ECTFl LEY inform tluir frnnds and j Bequainlances ge lerally that they still con tinue lo keep at the old stand. No. 210 .Niu.h !ld sirei t . Philadelphia, i.H mils of TuiiAcco .v.M . r am- si:c;ai:s. Which they will uell n ihe u. .t aceoinmmjatin . and icis nil le tor nisi. N. B. All Hoods so'd wdl be gu.r, nilced i.lul all orders proniplh ilt.ndcJ lo. i I'hiladilphia, Ncvembei 13, 1 SI I -ly. "i"r 1VT715 ,"iT'"TT7T5 Wlmli'salu ami Retail Slme, Rmiuet, ' and l'iihn I .oaf lint WarfJimiso. .Vo. t.'j Xurtlt 2if r. , u ft.- ih.urs uLvtc ,h:h. 1'hiiiileif'hiii. A l.SO Tri.liks, Carpet Baps jnd V ahcs. of ev J cry dcscitptioii, ail of which he do is for sale nn Ihe most ieasoi:.ble terms. Philadelphia, Novenilier 13, 1H-1I. ly. .1 . W. SWA IN, 1'uilirrlla ami l'arasul Ianiifacturer.. A'. i. 3i .Yi.-.i'A '." il tti-tit. ten dtfun Inline the I'itt, Itutil. l'hllinlilj.l.la CtL"NTi Men hauls and others are solicited to l ail.ilo- t.ia i ,oilj.nt ht lure lochusing Isew here Pliila rlj bin. Novrnd.er 11. is 11. ly. " i. .v a . itovonn-'s" China. Cilnss ami Livcrptml Warehditse. No ltil Xii-th Third street, tlihd diur Liluw Vine street, Fhilnileljiliiii. THERE t!.ey constantly kn-p on hand large assortment of China, Class and Liverpool Ware, which ihey will dispose of on the most iei soliable lei ins. I'hil idelphia, Noven iber 13, 1811. ly. TI lLUl'Il. US (JJU'. Manufacturer ami Importer uf Sad ! tilery, Hardware, vVrc. .Vo. S South Third treit. fi,ur dums belwn Miirhtl I'hiludt tiiiu, f7 EEP constantly on hand a huge nn.1 ecneral j inily Lduarv; s'litlavr Bible-; Family do ; Collater igy Bs-orlnient Coach Lamp-, Carriage Bands, J al do.; Sm.,il Bibles and Testament-; Parke. 't Ex Axle Arms, Eiiplie Sn rings. Patent Leather. Ac. I eni-esi n Composition; Fiuil of the Spirit; Baxter's Country Merchants and saddlers w ill U-s-upplie.l at all times i n the most ie.i-oi.able leitns. 'I bey wi'l find it to their advantage lo call and examine Ins us-. ii Inient before purchasing i Isev, !e-r. 1 Philadelphia. Novimber 13, 181 1. - ly. UKYNOLDS, M r.RliA.M) vV CO Wholesale I)oalers iti l'tiroiiin Riiti.-h and American 1 h (Id.uIs. .Vo. ltlfi Market lreet, I'hiUidt lidiiti. Ol'NTRY Merchants-, and others can be sup plied at all innes with iui ext. iisive assort-i men! rf Ihe beet and most la.-loou.i.i!i t.oods upon Ihe most reasonable, leri'is. Piiil a.!elphia, Novrnder 13. 1811. lv. ""hOWKll X: RARRON, Iinjiorters and Healers in Foreign and Honrestio llaulwarx, No. 174 NoiiTii 'Tiur.ii Sthhit, r iii i a hi i.imi a A'l THERE their liicndsand euslouiers will always ' find a large and geneial a-,ntment of Foreign and Domestic Haidwaie, which they will sill al the lowest prices, Phdedclphia, November 13, 1841. Iy. HS11HR1CK, HANSKhh A. COS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. IC.li 1-' Market Street, l'hila. (lit low Fifth Snutmidr ) A I.WAYS keep an hand a full and general as jyj. si rtment of Ho-iery, Lace, and Fancy (ioods, I Country Merchants are respectfully request .'d le give them -c' s 1 1 srul cjr amine for them -elves, Philadelphia, NovemU-r 13, 181. ly. ; si'inilNC., GOOD & CO. ; No. ins Market Street, riiiladtlpliia. 1NYITE the attention nf Country Merchants t.i their extensive assor;miut ol Britiih French j und American Dry fio.als, which tU'y otlir for sale ' on the most reasonable t, mm. j Philadelphia, Novenilier 13, 1841. ly. ZttcCALLA 6c HURSB No 51, Aim 111 Set und dilrt-ct, (caixu or coomb's silec.) Wheie they constantly keeji on hand a generd .assortment of CLOTHS, CASSriMEBES, VESTING S, 1 .Jria a ureal i (truly tjurticitt oj a tuptrunr quality, which Ihey oiler lo dispose nf upon the mosi leasonuble terms. COUNTRY MEltCHAN'IS and mhers will find ii to ifuii advantage lo call and examine tin ir slock before purchasing ebewt.eie. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1841. ly V Il ESPEC'TFL'LLY inform the t itweus of Sun t bury and vicinity, that they have takm the Shop Ian y occupied by Wm. Duist, where ihey Will carry in the TAILORUIO BUSINESS, in all its various branches. By sinci atinition and .rasnnahls- chsiges, they expect lo ment a share of public patronage. Sunbury. Sept. 4th, 1841. J CHITS a C JlllrCIlTGS . VIIOLrSALE MIOE, BONNET, Cap ami' 1'olm leaf Hat Snre, No. HI Soi'M 4iu STtT PHILADELPHIA, WHERE an itei.siv ajari'mer t of tbe atiovs articles ai cor.Msntly kept on hand, lor sals al tbe most vetsnnable terms. Mjy if, ;m:. ly. VN impart 1'clid nmrdy for cemmon Cold--, Coughs, Astlima, Infiuenr.n. Wboopinij Cough, Broiu hilis, and all diseases ol the Breast and Lungs, leading lo consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hun hound, Bonnet, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prep-aicd cnly ly J. M. Wisstow, Rncheslir, New Yoik. 'I he innocerrre snd i.niversollv admitted pectoral viiluestif the Heibs from which the liuham nf lloreftuiiiui is made, oie too generally known to re quire recnniineiii a'i..n ; il is theiefnre only necessa iy lo observe thai this Medicine wuitaina the whole of theii Midiciniil properties, highly concentrated, aid so happily combined with scveial other vege lable witieaiice, as to render it ihe must speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, fof ihe com plaints above mentioned. 'i lie Balsam rcmovts all imflatntnalion and sure ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abliiig the patient lo expectorate with case and fiee d 'nt, assuages cough, relieves athmalic and dilli cult nspirulion, heals the injured parts, opens ihe pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives sir.ng h lo the icndei Jungs, and thus p-roduces a s; t.edy and taxiing cute. I v.m avi-i rnf. is Tin: hkst cm is) Mi. We i.re not rmioi g lhal class ul Editors who for a few dullais will, (at Ihe Xl.se of truth and ho nesty) "eiack up" an srlicle and bring it into rapid ; sale; iilUi aie we wilbeg to lemain silent, af'ur i I uvu g teslid the utility ol an imi lovement or die j coveiy in sciiliceur art. Our readers will recollect we tout tle iii w e were Uiiwi II wi'h a sore Ihroat and i violent ci Id some lew weiks i.go. Well, we pur ! chased I wo bottles ol UINSLOW'S BALSAM i)V JIOI F.iK CND, und so sutltb ii was the cure, ; that we lorgui we ?vir had a cokl. 'i'ho.-e who are udiiced, may t y il upon our rceoiTuiwnihuioii. 1 l.e-airtu" Ttlrtrrnjdi. For sale by i HENRY VO.XTHEIMER, Suitburt, j JACOB BRUiHT, AiiilhitiuUrluntL Also, l y Diuggi-la gem r. Ily throunlioiit Use country. (J'j Pi ice, J-d cent... jssr bullle. ....Jci-t Uiii, 14 I ly. attentionT j , s 1 1) m; i j .m:s, -) J'(tT'.S TS tin iittcntion of his country frunds who ale in want, to bis very Luge stock ot C arncliliHs, Oil ' lollis, .Mailings, lings. JSinuings, j Stun Rods, Ac , A., that he has just opinid, at i hi, us rehouses. .No. IS North d stieit, and No. 2 l.'buicli ph". Allev next doer to Chiist Church, Phila- Julv 31. 1811. lv. LIST OF ECOKS, I'llll SALS 11 X tT'.5 VNTHON" t'lr.-sical Dictionary; l.empricr's do Ainworlh's do ; Cobb's do.; El'ghsh and tieimin do.; A nib .i "s Cii-sar; Anthoii's (iramus'i; i Anthill's Cue o; Man's Lain Readei; 'gill do.; ; Andrew's Latin Less, ns; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's tire k Exercises; Davies'p Legciulei; Orali s. I Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pititiock's j lioid-mitirs Eiml .n.V, cl.i. tlreece-, Lvell's Elements I ..f Ceologv; Mrs. Line, lu's Botany; Elements oi' B..tanv; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rca- iter.-; F.no rson's Coogrnphy and History; Olney's dojj Para y's do.; Smith's irammer; Kirkham's do.; ! Kay's Reader-; (Gobi's do; Cobb's Arilhrneiicl.; I Pike's do.; Enur. n's do.; C. I b's Spelling Bocks; Town's do.; Cobb's 'Table Bonks; Evangelical F ! S inf., Itisi; Ainnietin l.evi.luliun: itarryatl s .o i vels; Mrs PI'.elps on Cleuiistiv; lii.sJ; 4'aVi-hisin . f American Laws; I eilirson .Valtual Magic; C'be-ini-. tiy f.r Uegii.M-r--; English Exercises adapted to 1 Murrvs tiraini.ier; Siqui'l to Couiley's Spelling ! Bool ; A me r icon Class Bi.ok; Daboll's Schoolmas i tei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac Angus! 28, Jh41. !'' I'l'ttolVi (if Dr. Iliirlicli'x Cuiiiinitfd Stri nsthening To nic mid (ie limn Aperient l'id. TR'g R. JtIIN ROBERTSON, of Columbia emu ty Ohm, is ln'tpy to stale to the ul llnl. d the greai benefi'S be ioeivd IVom the use ot :he-e inv double niedi. ii.es. Being alTlicled for five nr six veirs with 4 liil nu.i und Sennit affection and its natur .1 c 'iisequences, during which time I pmciir. d ni.ii . v ui ilicn.es, but always found them lo Bg.r-iv.te the diseases in a greater taeasure. Seeing these uie.liciies pTrfoitc tig cures on many of my Irnn.'s, I wa induced to give ihein a trial. Happy ami tj say ih.t ibrt good results were soon visi! U' which en'iu ly curisj me of that dre ui 1 ul ahd peace de l ) 'n g di-eise. 1 really K.qie thax those similarly till, cted will see the necessity of qu tting tlie use of such vile and dra-tic compounds assume ih.it up e .r in the pubbc prints-, w hich I am fully peisil .dcd almost cost my life, la-sides bringing on the pili, which far Bene increased my diseas . I heard s ty by tna.'iv of inv intimate friends, that the same vile compounds fixed them ihe same way. I feel confident I lint if persons use th.e "Drastic Me dicines" according to their directions thai Ihey will give any pi roti tl.e p. lis. Win ti coin ncnciiig with Dr. Ilarlich's Medi cines, I found them tote an invention, viz: an Aperient Medicine, lo carry off ail diseases and im purities from the system, accompanied with a Sireiiglhi i.ittg Tonic" ii ied cine, to give elreng'h and tone 1o the system an l reanimate lite functions of the animal econ. in v. These medicines are tru ly invaluable, and the liest extant. JOHN ROBERTSON. At est' VVm. FiTreiTiticK, A. S) AIIUOOK. Columbia cuniv, Ohio, May 10, 1810. Prriiieipal Othee for the United Stales, No. 19 North Eighth streti. Philu'tebihia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. June 4th 1812. lfi Ayent . liiiixirtaut ai-nlns. To those -iti welxt a Cold. IT is evident, and decided by Ihe most experienced . physicians, that Cvsist-MrrioM is mostly encou- nigtd by a neglect ot a told al Hie lirst attack. How many persons are theie (hit put oil" from li'tse lo time procuring a suitable medicine, until the dis ease begins lo assume a serious character, w hi n is all jnoha'slity they are past the p .wer of nndical aid. May the e Inns prove a warning to those af llicled w.th the first svuqitoms iA Consuinjition. that they may immediately u-e Dr. Drxcis's Ex enroBAS r Rxmiht, which is expressly for disea ses of the Respiratory System. It is cei tain lo re move a Cough in a few days, at the same time re hi ving the pain in the side and breast, and arrest ing tbe proinf ibat falsi disease Consumption 1 'The Exsretorant Remedy has a de.'idid advantage over alt other preparaii 'iis. Il is enliiely fiee from Opium, snd ad other vHenl Narcotics. Il rrgu bile, the iv-lem, and gives s'renglh lo the wrak and nervous. Foi sale lit No. I'J North Eighth sliect, .Philadelphia, and in Sunbury, at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Mav ".'8th 1S4J 45 Agent. THI Tlfwn L riiEVIAl.. Dr. Ilarlich's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and waul from any but fair trial to establish their worth. We hva a communication in our colu'i ns to-diy fioni a person long afflicted, wnirh is but one prunv vourhers for Ibis msdi tina. .Sp.rit if fit Timts,