Fiom the S t to Yml, Tiihuno. V.VttL.VH 1AV9 LATUlt iJUUl JJO L.tuVU. Arrlvnl orilic rnlamMt. The Jloyal Mail Btennnliip Columbia, t'np Utn Judluns, ariivct! at this port this iimniing til l o'clock, having loft -Livciiool on tlic 19'h int. at 5 1. AL; an-ivcdat Halifax on the lilst, at 3 P. Af. leti same tiny at 7 I'. M coiiso jMoiitly the made the passugo from Liverpool to this port in 13 days und 13 hours. flic brought nineteen passengers 'to 1 lahlo x, landed ii no there, and took in 'five making iiiK'L'ii to Boston. L!y this arrival we linve rcccivpd JkuhIuii papers to I be evening of tliu l-Uli, and Liver pjol to the 19th ulL The Columbia pa?scd the Acadia, hence at 1'2 o'clock last night. The steamship Great Western, from Now Vork 29th April, arrived at Liverpool mi tlio muruiiig of the 11th tilt and the ttritaiiuiu, hence via Halifax, arrived on the Kith. Tlie Cotton Market remrtiiied linn, and prices were iiill.y supported. The sales at Liverpool ori l!ic lU amounted to (1,(KK bulcs. The Money Musket remained about the same ts at the last advices. There continued to be a grent rnaii-y 'fitiliircs in the commurciul business of London, and also malm manufacturing towns. One of the hcavt vt Imuses-rn Atanohostor, stopped payment on the 11th uft. The Southern Counties of "England Irad suf fered somewhat from drought, while in the Northern part the cison was quite wet On the wluile, vegetation was quite promising. The disturbance in some portions of 1 retail J still continued, and were generally traceable to the excitement on the subject of "Repeal." The Country in and about Tipperary, was in a very exeited condition. On Monday forenoon, ICth of Shy, the A iwricanliiie of .packet ship Ilendrick Hudson, Captain Morgan sailed from the St. Katharine Doek, London, for New-York, .with 'nearly 200 emigrant?, chiefly Bgrioultural liiUrcrs, with their families, from the enmities of Susses, Kent, and Essex. rr..sTRioTK)N qv One-Fifth of Tin City or IIaviiiiroh by Fire. The city of Ulauilmrgh, the great Commercial Emporium of Germany, one of the most flourishing on the Continent of Europe, is a heap of ruins. Ilcr merchants were rejoicing etthe prospect lichl out to them by the promised improvements in our Com Micrcinl Tariff : now tla-y are mourning over ahetr richly stored warehouses in ashes, their houses devoured by the flames, and their pros poets of increasing prosperity scattered to the J'oitr winds of heaven. The Ere, which broke out on Wfrincsday niglit, the l lth in.-t. and which, there is every Teason to believe, was the work of an incendi ary, extended to fifty-two streets, most of which were reduced to at'hcs. On a Tough calcula tion, the loss of property was from three to f'jur null ions sterling, hut it is 'believed ti'at thoto 'loss will be double that amount. No person can tell how many lives were lost, but a great number of persons must have perished. The Canals through thc-City were dry, so that no water could be found. The fire raged from Wednesday night till Saturday morning. On the tatter day, at nine (cluck, the Danish, llunovcrian and I'mssmu troops entered the town, and, being well euppiietl with giuiNwder commenced blowing up tlio houses 1o arrest the progress of the flame. This was completely i Ci'i.tcd by Smulny morning. The Senile or dered every person to leave town, ami withing could exceed the heart-rending spectacle ol thousands of poor people frantic with their loss es, and without the uieansof procuring food or shelter. The destruction oflTaniluirgh is -one of those c alamities which will be felt in every part of the Commercial World. Cicat as may 'he tha credit of the Senate and people of Hamburgh with Foreign States a century ill lapse before the City can be replaced in all the prosperity destroyed by this conllagration. in the midst oil lie contusion an incident oi cured character istic of the government and 'the people. A public notice was every where "put up, slating that the vault under the bank, containing the gold aud silver bars, were fire-proof, and that the bank books were all at moved in porlect safety. The llarnouTgor Neue Zeit ung, of the ltliii ! breat, which had no iiurishment f r them, instunt, thus buuis up the resulla of the fud I I'sutuiulles of gold and satin adorned the ram catJStropbe " I jKirt-s, and the ioor, eKhausted fuemen were re- Sixty streets, corrtii'ming from LV.ld to 'JOtKj j poMnrrou them. An Englishman, Mr. Skinner, bouses, lie smouldering on the ground, mid ' v. h,i acted as chief engineer, came into Mud- form a fearful but picturesque nun. Two , inue 's house, w hither he had retired on splendid churches with steeples e.crt:iling ItHI j iVnbiy evenmo;. lie luid iiAtcn iio'hing (or feet iu (light, another churx h with its toWt r, '.nearly forty hours. and devoured what we were the llalh IIhais, where the .Senate hold their ! i.bleto gKe hun for provisons were beginning sittings, the old Kxchuiioe, the resiMtory ol , to ,i suicv und we knew not whereto pro the archives, the building of the J'litriotic So- ,.Kre mor;. eiety, are all destroyed. teii:!isp:i.-1 A m t , nearly all the great linnknelicrs, liie oti'n t-s ol two newspapers, (.tbe HerMuilniirc d:id tlie Cor respondent,) nearly all lle gmut lnteU and inns, (the Old IajihIuh, tl.c lli'lvedcre, lb. h i uY Russe, St. I'ttersburg, SiMH t's ll.Sn l, the Clown Prince, the Wild Mini, the li. nwi r Ainlhaus, tire llljek Elephant,) the magazins des modes and re(o.i't)rit's of fusion, aud nearly all tiie -chief' aS)iliocuries, afe des troyed. The following nru safe: the cel'uc wher the bullion is deiiasited at the IJunk, tho i'utharincn strasseder Wiindrulumc do Uetohui atrasse, &lc. A more graphic account of the 'details is given in the annexed extracts from a letter written by a young lady to her patrons in Eng land : On Thursday morning, Ascension day, 5th inst. my sister, her husband and 1, walked to llio French Church. I1 rf'derick, on taking a wny the breakhW, told vis that since eight or nine o'clock n terrible fire had been raging in the Deich Sircsse. Incoming out of church the senaiit said to Madame l'arish, (who, you are aware, lives in the country, and had come thence this morning direct,) that she could not go to hor town house in the carriage.; that twenty-two houses had already 'been totally burned J that in fact, hers was in great danger and that the fire was becoming more and more formidable. A few hours afterward came the news that the house of Mr. Parish was no more and thai the tlamos were -spreading every in stant. The whole city now began "to show fhe most lively alarm. The bells, the firing of cannon the cries and confusion in the streets, all pie- j wurd a night of'nngnish and terror. It was ' not, however, till night hail spread her sad wings over the scene that wecould perceive the whole extent of the destruction whi- h menaced the entire city. The heavens became as red as blixid -tliu devouring flumes, increase J more and more "ly oirimpetuous wind, rose to a gi gantic higlit. At hull' past 112 I went to -bed, but the noise of the explosions, the rumbling ol carriages and carts, the orics, the lurge flakes off re which every instant were driven im peKiously by the wind across -my windows, threatening to set lire to our house, the exten sive light -of the conflagration, the whintluig of the wind, and as you w ill ii.ily think the idea that the lives sf persons in whom we were interested were t:i continual danger, not to mention the conviction of the numberless mis fortunes that were happening, prevented nil sleep. The windows trembled with the re doubled concussions of the explosions, an J the whole houses seeinui as if it vo!d be a:i;iihi ated. Before 3 o'clock had struck,! fount! myself agiin with my sister, who, like me, had been kept awnke by the dreadful noiec canscd by t'ie blowing up of the Kathlmus. At this -moment j an order of the police was announced to us to wet the r.Hil of cur house, ami to-cause the wa ters'to fliw in gutters. Froderkk had flown to the assistance of his brotheis. We were there fore alone, and mounting on the roof scarcely d-rcssed, were soon throwing over it pails of wa ter : and o;ir neiglilMirs wore doing the same. We prcpared-ourseiveti for the woret threw on jut the confusion increased we could not remain. We packed up in sheets ond box es some of our effects. We called for the coachmnu to carry away the things we had pack ed ; but how ridiculous to think we had any longer servants at our disposal. The city, or the passengers, bud become masters of the coachmen, of my brother-in-law and his mo ther, and not a man was to be got to carry away our clli'ets lor love or money ; our hordes were harnessed totlie fire engine, and the greatest confusion pwalleil. The A luster, before our windows, was co vered with barges full of burning furniture; the old Jungfernstieg heaped also with got sis onfrc. -On the promenade e-ven of the new 'Jungterii.tieg, I do not speak too largely when I say there were thousunds of cars full of fur niture, of mnrchumiisc, ond of people, who were saving themselves. Two carts were burning before our house. With our hands we helped to extinguished the flame. A woman was on fire Issfore our eyes ; fortunately 1 perceived it in time to save liar. A tremeudous shower of ashes and of Hakes of fire iteurly sitfiocatod -us, and obstructed our sight. The wind blew with great violence, and the dust was frightful. The fire had now gamed St. Piter's. The horses, v.'illioat driver, wurclragging"ihe carts about in disorder over the E.-platiude. -Soldiers escorted from the city -the ik-ad and the dying, and the prisoners who had been plundering. At last, after the greatest efl'orta, we oV.irined carts and horses to trenspert cur goods, but the CNhaut-'tcd horse as well us tnuii, tret'iism! Iti work. With bread in our hands we ourselves fed thorn. Whole families tell down and faint ed betare onr doors. Along the walls, and out of the I '.outlier anO ethor gates nothing was to he seen but one spectacle -of misery a camp ot uiitiiitunates in bivouac, groaning, exhaus ted, furnishing. I saw some who had bis come deranged 4 tnothers with infants at their AHlmueli the dirrvtmn of t!ie wind htiving i li iti'i-d the flames and tlie gunpowder spread t V -';ib inmse, they have revenged themselves op .n the Holibimm, the i'rrn continuing to ";., o with vehemence, and the city becoming ii. .re und itiore m Ttsolt. One iimfly has .;: Ircnti d rn this munnrr frram four dlrVsrent ""."j .-.i . v iei i,e j.p.niii!e, at J ti oelorn m llm tM og ue Ml ofllur thetHuntry, but t'e ii. ..i i ur:y wit Tfli-'Tiieu m toivn. 1 ' I . a U lleW MttdailK." hits at leuht 'St people n l.i-r Iwin-e Jlie ka-ys tiie siege nl Hamburg w .is no'.liing iiicoinpariBon. The rights uf pto peity have ceiieed. AlterrBjutg tieaily UHl boors the tire slopjuld at the Sleiuu Thor. j Toe n-w exchange has been taved, though . sr-rrii'mded by the confagration. I tantiot dc- scribe the confusion that prevails everywhere. All the gentlemen are patrolling like soldiers, for in no quarter is one in safety. Many of our friends' houses ore destroyed all our trades people burnt out. All our old Jungfernstieg is down. Streits hotel was blown up. Poor Mr. Streit v.'us etill in the house when it was done. He was behind a door, and lias been much injured, though still living. Frederick's sister-in-law, during one -of the terrible nights, gave birth to a child in our travelling carriaga, in which ulic bad reltige Many women were taken in the same way in the open fields. The dying .breathed their last igh in thefetrcctsand highways. A subscription to a very large amount hid been made in Ixmdon for IheTcIief of the suffer ers. It was headed by 'Queen Victoria, who grrve X'2(HI ; Frincc Albert jUKHI; the Queen Dowager S.I0O and others of various sums down to All. Terrllile Hallrand Acelilent. i One Hundred und Turiiy Prrsotw Killed anil I viuny iiiuimcd und Won n tied. ! A dfpliiraMe ncriilcnt took plnre on Sunday ; evening vei4i, on the Versailles MiiuJon railway. by bioh nno h-.ndred and twenty pt-raeira were killed, or have bluer dir. I iff their woun.'s. ami inn- ny m.iinfd and wntin.leil. In honor of the King's fete, the waterworks in the gardens-of Versailles were playing on Sunday, which attracted iinnit-nxc crowds tif Taria. The train to which the dreadful Occident ri-ured, left Vcrsaillta fr Paris at brflf pasl five o'olock in the, and wa' rrnwdoj with pitsei g( ra. There were,' sa one oceount, 'Sieveilli en ot eigh teen wagons, wirb wu engines before mi J one be hind." The velocity was ruressivn. When between Bcllevuc and ?tleiltii, f!ie ailene eif "the first ma chine broke, anil, stopping, the srrnml ran over it, killing the ftoker, ami breaking the fir't machine in pieret, spilt itafire on the E'ound. 'Instantly an or seven wagons were brnken in pice s, and I be .rest, running over tint live fire of the broken ennines, luirft into flnine. It in the eu-it"m on the Left Dank railroad for ihc iW of lli wagons to U- closed, without ""V P'waibility of epminir them except by ke in the bands uf 'the conductors. No conductor were fort bcorniini, ami thus the in m;rtcs of tlrrec of the wv.i.nn were binned." Prom l his account it is Hear, l!mt but fur the ru-loin of Kirking tbe piBsengers in the carriage, so awful a lovs of life would not have t .ken place. TrirTiiini rRTiefintr Caliunnni' Pari Meseenger furuisliesonie further parlieurara, which are subjoined; We learn thart tbe enf Ttunale widow rrf "Mr. George, the 'Englishman, engineer Of the railway, who lost his life by the late terrific accident, ha' received a letter fmrr. the directors of the railroad, expressive of ihcir sympathy for her sad bereave ment, and assuring her of a provision for life an art of prompt and generous huintnity which re- fleets the hit;Uet honor upon ihe parti. , and wi II merits general publicity. ! Men undertlie superintendence of pnK. e-orficers have been employed in aitiii.g ihe aabes ai Meudon and evry article thin obtained, is carefully pre. serv. d. Tbe operation h i pioduced fragments of linen, laces, ai.d other -parts of drewe, twenty gold rii gn, and pnfls of watehca, eb ons, and orna ment ; glovrs, t Biii f, umbnl! , and vaiious other things, which may, to mnov intances, be recog nised as having hclnngid to sillTtters Already one gentleman l a f tmd among these if! ca a chain and medallion which belonged to Lis young wife, to w hom he bad very rec ntly I ecu married. One of the chief cleiks in the rffice of the Minister of ihe Finances has dii-roverpd hisnlTiance l, by a 'eing among these TerrrnvrK-i the else (if a w'.tch be had prefented to hot. MesMT.arr. l"r. ('a!lytr, in hia leetnre on Ani mal MitgurtMin, at the Temple, on Thursd.iy eve ning, after ialing that he-could mesmerize a -subject ao 'thoroughly tbut bo wou'd l perfectly in mihle to the p.iin conaeijuent on the extraction of a tooth. pr.ceded to magnetize a young lady, and 'hen ranuestcd any nbysician vho michl be lire- nent lo atop on lo ihe .platform un 1 .examine the loolh. Arcoidingly , 'live or six cainc forward, e. auiineJ the tooth, ami announced lo lite audience that it was considerably decayed, but firm in its soc ket. The tooth was then unacted by Dr. J. I. Kimball. The physicians present, who rlo'ely watched the countenance of the young I iW during the operation, inbound the audience tbut there was not tbe lc att movement on the p rtof the patient to Indicate the leurt sensibility lo pain. Ittutnn Trans. Crsitrv Avn almo.t TMfcit L ortnitiivri. The Nor to k Uer.ilil says : A a coloied female, dri-KKfJ iu the heiglit of ll.e fisliiun and sporting a dishing paras.ll, wa pausing along I'ppcr Cumlier land btiet t on -Sunday alternoon, a cow very un ceirriiiiniously inserteil lha tip enrls nf its horns a little below Ihe bustling part uf her drras, and tossed her about n JVel in lha air an exploit which it performed a second lime, and then tramp d on and mouthed al. out the unfortunate darky with a seeming deKnmindtion to make a fmi-h of her. Two gentlemen who witnessed the scene, however, ran to the spot in time to rescue her lioin the ani mal, though aha wwi severely bruistd, and her face (which liad struck upon fhe -pavement in the first fnlll m:.m mileh Isrerslivl. It sii ll.A it,iii.,n nl I the gentlemen, trorn the actions of Ihe cow, that : , lli animal was nut fcO milc-h nnatijslit hv m.liv i ... 6tHI lo uf . llf I I bran iu the girl's bustle 1 So we earnestly advise j w, w, -them tilings," to keep out i.fihe way of tlie cows, for seine isf ibem will go their t'Wiidial'h bswiII as l!mt if liitiiitin't for their ptog. And peihapa it would le well for tbe corpo rate authorities to prohibit lese mithirvous era. j ture from going al large within the Imuu otftfi . Boiajs1:, wtis.-a busilua are all tbe go. THE AMERICAN. Suturilni, June 11, 1842. (JJ SrsBtrnT Cawhi Compact. We ere in debted to Mr. W. McCarty of Philadelphia, f.n- a map and pamphlet, descriptive of the intend. 'd work -of f hta company. The water-power -and manufacturing facilities possessed by this company, are probably iiperior to any oilier in theSlutc. rj" Ve have received the first number rf the "W'tmhiHtrfonian" a new Trmperjnre piper, just c munciieed at HarrHi'niirjr. !y John S Ingram late J ctl.tor of the Pnttsville Emporium. The per i ! handg'iriielypiin'ed ni' ably Cilileil. V'v are mm-h ' (ilt a-rl to see friend !nt;r:itn battling in the rat k ! of the le-t'lVlar. lie upenks from exjieiience an'l with feeling upon the -eiitiVrt c.f Tempt ranre, mid 1 the rviie ineitli'irt to a liro of intemperance, "the el- mo?, inoviL.iMe result f ilr irn diiirkrng (j- We ate informed to lilile btwiiieM is , now doing at Horrisburg in the way of dram ', thinking, thot tho landlord of the largest hotel now fbut tip at 10 o'clock in the evening ; thai pece and qui. tne-e pervades them all ; I lit ihtt this t ute of thing would continue only until the ' meeting of tho legialattire, which toik place mi Thursday hist, when gimbling and drinking would again for time reign triumphant. Ii s.em ome- 1 wlie.t strange that in tlri enliglitenefl aan, fhiwe who ; are elecl?d by the. people as their Ihw-iii ikers, and ' the concprvalors of the putlic morals, should be the ' first to violate them. rj- The fond of (he aemliy of the Preihyterian ' Church originalty auiounlid to ftH'.I.OOO, wliiih consists in stock of bink. ineiinmee 'companies. I cVc. These storks were eiimaied during liie pre- , ; sent es.'ii'n of the asarm'-ly at 'Philndelpbia. Iy , tbrre btnkers, who have v ilue.l tliem at 5 ffi.TO.'S. Tbe:r par value wa fnii.OOII; thus shov.i.-tg a clear loa of more than f ? ,tmO. rrj- There hsrst l.een grc it bribery in the late e- i lertions iiiTlnebmd. Mr. Hoel ink, in bis plare hi j!iBmerrt,ThirBod oborrt a memter'wiii bribery anil corruption in the, which he a d he was ready to prove on an investigation. A com- ; m'ttee of inquiiy was then appointed. j rj Herier' bnrfk esiablishmrnt in Xew York wa discoierej lo be on fire, and thethird and fourth stories consumed. It W;ia supposed soine one had enteied the tuiilding to g.iiu possession nf a riev novel, "Morely Ernsiein," in the course ol i publication. ! Q3 Col. Carirr of the Lycoming 'fiir.ett", in 'his ! last paper furnisbea bis rtaders with tfnritcd ac counts of hi jourti'y "fimn Williamsport to the : Keading Encampment. 'On Tding the ariiele, we vainly imasiiitdtbat H the-tjobmel w-uld -aay, I and had suid for two yesia past ttm a- true as holy ' writ, and we-were not a little surprised -when we ; came lo that part, in which the Colonel charged us , with having "invitid hini lo drink a brandy cock tail," which he"dicliiied in. an indignant and in- 1:uirifTiiU manner. All our inlli However evawraeJ instantei el the .ijibt tif these myiari,.u w or Js, "brandy citk-tail" To think that a man otour t.mpriaieiiai.its simuiu oner a ir enu sue. a mys erioua compound, was wholly improbable, but then to think tlmt our tri. i d, '.be Culont I, should drrlifi" s jeh an offer, cem lo cap tlie vh max of imjioliab!itie. Thr Tariff SuNiHiitiioiixf Irou TVorKs. The tSlmmokin Anlbracito Furnace i slill in blast, notwithstanding the lute fro which partially destroyed the building, but will blow out in a few weeks, in consequence ejf the want of -protection a- g.iinst the impoitation of foioign iron. J be fur- ! nace has thus far'been doing well, yielding pig me- tal of a very superior qirolity. The three Anthra cite Furnaces Of T).inville have alao'been stopped, and hundreds of individuals have been thrown out of employment. After the first of July, when lite reduction of duly takes place, the Drhith manuf.ic tureri w ill have every thing in tin ir own -way, and will be enabled 1o supply u with pig metal at our principal eiiies, at about f i2 per ton, which i at least Ave dollars ner ton less than our iron nianu fauurera. in tbe infancy nf fhe, can afford to supply it. The consilience is, that all our fui nat es nd foruea must stop, and thouaxnds of hands will 1 thrown out of employment. The dsmand for ihe grain and provisions of the farmer will greatly diminished, and the prices must nece sarily fall. "We ask whither the people, (and when we ay people we don't mean po'ilician, who Would j There have been several great fires recently, one The Liberty Jarlilreiist was the largest compa barter away their country's U'st interests for politi- new yor lnj on, tl K.nioili.V,, ny on par ule daring iIh; Encampment, and i com. cal jisefnseiicrs.) we ask w hether they w ill consent to this svstem ( -1 free iratle as it Is ca led, wbiub ue- ktioys all tur manufictories ami places us at the met. ey of foreign capitalists ailh pa o per laborer. And yet, trrange as it may appear, there are a few pa jsers in renns) Ivania, and we are pleased lo say that 'they are "but few, who advocate this doctrine. It is true when you pies these patriots too closely, they tvill tell you that our iron and c.ul should be protected, which is virtually admining the principle aird Hiliry of pioieriion. Ilul w ill Kentucky agree lo this, when her hemp trade la left unprotected 1 Will Louisiana agree to this, when her sugar trade is prostrated ' Will the Norlhern states agree that iberr swool trmle sliall be destroyt-d ? Will the o her stales airrte to this par' vyctcin of protection 1 They wr'l say, H ilievoal aud iron interests of Penn sylvania are to be protected by a duty on the for eign atttrle, thru ft is but light tbst Ihe products of rhe other vtsr thcrjld be protected by a snuilsr dutv. Tlir. Etrrtionx. The lute Military elections in the dilrict, were more warmly-contested and a heavier vote pulled than we hud rtlicip iled. Col. MTadtltn hat bean circled Biigide Inspector. We have nru been able to get the full and correct returns, but undeistenJ tliat bi majority wi I le over 10C0. 1'he Colonel, independent of hi n.ilitary qualification it a gentle man highly esteemed by his neighbor and felliw citizens, and we are sntixfied ihit his election will give very .general aitrflf iction. Gem nl Hammond h alo been ie-clected by a large m ijnrity. Thomai Bnyder w elected '-Colonel. William L.-Denrnrt was elected Major of the militia, and also Mrtjnr of the volunteer Dnltalioiia. Krliirm; uf WHrttiry tlcflion, IkUJuneUh, lHI2,ir lr Unmade, Hth fh'vitivn, Pennsylvania Militia. 1UUUADLEK CKNKKAL. .53 U. - ! v 'E a- Z I 2 5- I ! 5 ? " I a7 bit l?l 3 K3 AA "Elmtio T)iTarcT. Sur.btiry Tlalt ilion, M.ihnnoy Ha'tnlion, Xorthuui'd Volunteer T5:ift.ilion, JJKIUADK LNSPECTOK. s . 2 P EC iELKi Tum Hist. r. Sunbtiry Tlifttalion, Mahonny llitrtalion, Nor'li'd Tol. Uattiilion, Cntiawirsn Itnttalinn, Illoom Daitabon, Waahinuton BtHalmn, fHlTIVlllf U.ilijlioii, Millull, 1 36 B-U TO n 4 1 23 .137 Mm 408 12 1) 15 11 tit) 7 9 1 f5 tm 3 1 4 'CO 00 8i0 US 3P'J nil Oil h'.l 4 1 ;1 '.':!! Co i o.i;r. "Siitil.iii v, 1 .." "rTaboiiov (KUI ' tlOt) T..I.I, (Mil) lino Thom.ta nyler, Jacob lliltt.h, lii;i t. c( tSoiiburv, Mabnnoy, Total. ! Fein "T.I.nvrer, ZV (No Opposition.) umj MAJOK. William I.. Dew.rt, If.uC t'.ike, 05 Pewatt'a Majori'y, ; .Norrrm Mnt;ri.M Vtrr.wr ker Trr vi.hjn. I -LIEUT. COLO.NEL. John Emmit', 1 James Taggart, -9!l i 3 Emmitt's Majority, MAJOR, William 1. Lewart, Elias lluinmel, Dewart's Mj rily, IC ijj IUrii Tl mi.s. Irwi'l be seen liy file f illo.i ing extract, that the people in the western p.irt of the sta'e sinTered more siveiely from the pressure of the times in 1821 than now. It should be re collectej, hir.vever, fhat produce was much lower then, than it w ould have been if our present line of public Improvements hail then !oii in existence . , Piitl,,,,., M., a m.,.,.... j piour, a -barrel, !1 ; "whiskey, 15 eent-J n guMjn gotal me?rchuntalile pine boartls, i0r .-tltsa him- ; - . ..... i . .., - roreign ginsis nr. me oiu prices, une niisuei " " i aiid-n half of wheat will buy a of ct.floe; three erne anies who honored us with their pres. I ami a barrel of flour will buy a pound of tea, ; erne, Lycoming county cu produee as tine a di l twelve and a half barrels will liny nn.? yaril of M(, f i v.valrv. and a cooJ soldiers, a am- couu- superfine hroaddutii."" Tilt$' Ilrislrr, Aluy I.QKll, i .. " ! j i lie jcgiMaiurt' asscinuieu ot imrrtaiiurg un i j ' bursuay last. j Nome of our bro'her edinrrs speak f a poimtn ealfrd, tarute of iulliniute, a new -mine .probjbly j for corrosive sublimate. On our fnt page will be found a sensible article on the slavery qutation t.'ircua-na 'Our country abroad, and several other interesting articles. Dr. ('banning was on a at VVitkesl.arre a few weeks since. It is said that 4,0Xr() persons perished mirrng fhe bite earthquake al Si Domingo, and that the moon- lain in the rear of St. Mare, wa rent asonder. ao that teams might pass through'lhe apertures. Themumber of -streets and nlseea destnvveel in i ,hf' !' f" Hnburg, in Eur.., i. 4. 'I he - "uu" '" A comptmieniasy tlinner was tenitereil to ash- ; ''6'on by tlie c.tzcmi ol J.i.rpool, -on , j arrival in KnglanJ, j The Lancaster Uauks hive resnlwd to rtsirme J on the first day of September next. j rlnnp -tllii rt:irv fn 4li Pa..nlAw r.i .1 a utur mi- -mj tur nic irupir i uuiiiiuaif. K. Y. liatoHT haa ronnted lo be a c.ndidjte for the offices of REWSTER. RECaKDER and CL'ERK of the Orj.hans leurt, at fhe appro.iching election. Should lie be favoied with a majority of your vote, tie pledges himself to perform the du ties of fhe said office w it'll care and fidelity. G'T him "a long poll, a strong fsull, and a pull aboge tlier." Maut DtMocaata or i'caai'T. A Tavi Tatbiot. A man in Waldo eounsy, Maine, who for lwnty years, by the advice of his physician, had used ardent spirits fat some "Mily infirmity?' waa at a vmperance mertnig. and concluded to sign th pledee. When be wa about Vi do ao, tbe doctor slatted up and asid, "I'licle Waid if you sign that pledge yau will die." Hecamly replied thai ba bad been a soldier afthe Revolution and ifeougM ho w willing la die for Ais Timntr'- lie signed lha tiladce, and iu one I fortiiiglrt after, his bodily infirmity left him- 7V(7w Ihe Danville JntflVmeer. .'amp MaahlngtAfla A Military Encampment was formed near Din ville, on Tuesday, the 21lh of May, by the Colum bia Volunteer Duttaliou. VV VIC EH. Lieutenant Colonel V. BEST. Major DAVID N. LAKE. Adjutant PETER HAIIOAWOITT. Quarter Master SAMUEL 8. WILSON. Assistant Surgeon T. E. VASTINE. Same ond furre nf "Compmrrs. First DvuTH.Lt: Troop, Capt. HaMy, 65 men. Com; itirtA T3cais,'Cat. Wilson, 45 mnn. SHtMOKi (jt-Asn, Lieut. 1 1 off, SO men. It can rat, Cspt. Kase, 30 men. l)A-!rvn.i,BTorrjiTK:Rs Rrn-K Compact, Carf, Urandon, 3S men. From Lycoming County. Fist LtroMisu Troop, Capt, It. F. McCor mick, 3.i men. Ltciimiig Cava tar, Capt. If indies, 4(1 men, MfMt r DaAnoins, Lieut. Itissel, 4S men. From Union County. Vxmx Tnooe. Capt. Vanvafzih, 30 men. LxwisniKH IwrAsnuT., 'Capt. McFadd ii, 43 men. V it in herland County. Nutinnti smwiiii ISioup, apt. Dennett, 58 men. Columbia County. Coi.cmbia Troup, Capt. fhearei, 30 men. Likkrtt An rn:i.i:Rins, 'Capt. Mc Williams TRS men. Makiog-in nil 13 Companies, 51 9 men ; 2T5 of boro, and 2.VI of foot. It is proper to observe, however, that the Northumberland Troop had not arrivid when Oen. Phitt was escoited into Dan j ville artfl the I'oliurlhia Ttoop and Liberty Artil i ItTists hail t iken Icitvc pievious "to the grand re 1 view on ThursiWy. -RiajorTnllnieT, fhe Rr'gaile Inspector, inspeCteA and rs'viewell the Tlatlalion on Tuesday the 5'ith. fien. (SirKr.x anfl (-Sen. Himiovii houore.d the Ttiiitnlion wi'h their presence nn Wr.lnesihiy and Thurol iv. ihe tm prmciprrl irirys. ien. Chi it v.-ns aceonrjstnii d iiy 1irs, Col. Samuel IJeber, a' d Capt. W atson, officers of experi- nre end mer it, all in uniform. The deportment of fien. l'iar.Er, at the" pment it the reception of Ren. -Si e't, and diirinit nil the piinricl rrrrmonie on Wed lesdny and Thursu.iy, waslughly creditable to him as a penllrmaii and an olficer, and hon irat le. I to h-s dii-iisn. Anil tlK-'Brtue.i1e was represented wuh cipial cia. e, ability ud spirit, hy (ion. Ham movp, who, by Teciiest, assumeil the command. ilti rinii the piincipal ceremonies, ami perform Hires, on Wednesday nd Tlmrgilay, tien. Hammosii is an ofiirer of m.ich prnfiicol exi?rien?e. has long en- j.iyod the respect and confidence of his Ilrigade as I a military man, anJ pcrhaiie never acuuitted himself lietter rhan on the Ute occasion. The thanks of i the oll'ic. rs of the Columbia Volunteer H ittlion are 'CO j due to t:im fir his prompt and efficient aid in com j maud and the deep interett he took in 'having eve--jH tv thing up in the right way. Aud it atTirJs f"0 ' us pb asure to ai'J, lint our ilistrnjuished visitor. (ien. Scott, and his Aids, were highly gratiCed ; with the d portincut of ihe (ienerals of out Divi- aiim and Brigade. The l.vconiing''fiom Williamsport, had a Mounted llund of excellent musicians wirh'them, whose performances gave est to the martiil snit of tlie right wine of the Dattalion. The First Lycoming Trooji, from V.'kite Deer, for ktejdy and soldier like deportment, veere tin urmwJ 4 iav an tha nnimJ. ; i TiieT.loncy -Orag-ons lo.-ked, m.wej and behjved ; M,ii.rj h,1( centlt iiien . , , , . . . ,.-,.,,. flm rt-nortment of the ... i1' ' j 'J'he I'nion Troop, is quite an old company fie- gautly uniformej and rquiMd, well drilled, attract ed much notice, and aciplitlcd themselves gallant ly on ihe f.cld of parade. The NonhumterlanGlroep hti now beea m ex istence 2 years, and no troop in Pennsylvania, perhaps, was ever kept up whh m.tre pitnotic ar- dor, ml complete soceess. eit to tne Uinvilld Tionp, it presented ihe formidable arr.y ofmemtH-ra. . nd its members embrace tbe most respectable and ' useful ciliaeni in Ihe vicinity of it- I icaiion. It is I alwaya ready for actual service, j Tin-' Troop ia now onpn-pared far a ! I-arade. the time of most of it member having Intrfy expire.1 ; yet the life and spirit of the compa ny is preserved in 'he lank of its memliers, wtio were out m uniform, and rondacted themselves like veterans in tbe service, alle and wilting to contribute to se grand a -military ii splay in Ca- ! rusnbiasrcir.ntr. . ,jPWl,,,urg llM1,rtr , wel, fim, ' looking company, and admirably diille.1. They . mtli ,.-lt the most favorable impj-cssinn upon out soldiers and Crt-roiw ; sed of a noiks a set of young farmer nnd me- ' i ,h,nic, , OUT ., Mt produca. The whole j( y i(utkeJ wff ind couIJ no Jbu1), elliu0 j ,,m c(u,, rice l0 eoiIlp in the Hrigade. The Fir I Danville Tsaep, in nuissbeT, ore and dull, sus'aincd their kh tepulation, and reflected credit upon the Dattalion, of which ibey form sa conspicuous a part. The Columbia (.Juai da acquired nWrr.selves J-iima'-ty, appeared and drilled Itelter than tbey have done for some years past, elicited the highest praise, and we are plea ad t 4J tiai tte spirit flibprtsve meat is ti'4 sbroJI in tlsesr ranks, and tbal ii.eyre delnrmim d ta "ga-ahead," Tlie Rush (irtys, owing In ths uy season of the year, did not turn out a full company, yet ihe turn an duty disrharged that doty in camp and on parade, pvamptly, eorrecly, with noble military spirit and bearing. J be tshtrnokiii Guild, ware likewise thin in