XI A X It A O T 12 I, 1 g T. FEXHSILYIAII. TlrctMlowing list show the curr.at value of sll Pennsylvania Bank Noti. Tlie niM impbcrt re liance any I placed upon it, a it Uercry tvrck carefully compared with aid corrected Irom Birk itvN Reporter. UaiiU in I'liunai'ipiiia. JV. LociTIO. Disc, t I'ltlLit). NOTES AT PAR. tlajik m North America . flank of (he Northern liberties . 'onunercial Barak of Penn'a. . Farmers' ami If echanic' Bank Kcnsiiuton Batik . . I'l7i(1-1ptiia Bank . . ffirhiiylkiU Bank Suuthwerk lUlik Western Batik . CoMnfry IlnnkN. par par par par par par par par .ar Unuk orthevtcr County Hank of Delaware County B.wk ir Germantown liank of Montgomery Co. Doy lesion n Bunk Easton Batk Farmers' Bank of Backs CO. Dllice of Bank of Pcnn'a. Office do do 4 Wrce dj do Ollice do do W cttvhesrtcr par Chester Gctmantown Nnrriatown Doylcstuwu Khslun Briol pur par pat pur pur par Harrisbutg""! These 1 .ancastcr 1 offices Leading f do not Canon J Issue n. 1)1 SCO UN T. Philadelphia S5afi0 12al7j :)5a4S NOTES AT Bunk of ihc United States' Ha4ik of Pcini Township Girard Dank Manufacturer' A Mechanic' Bank Mechanics' Bank Moyainensing Bank . 12a 15 B.7J 1015 7 IS 25 10 Bank of Pcnnsvlvanis . . Miner' Bunk of Pottavillc Pnttsville Jiarik of Lcwistown Lcwistown Bank of Middletown Middletown Dank of Northumberland Northumberland 10 Columbia Bank A Bridge co. Columbia 8.10 12 3J 3J 8 Carlisle Bank Carlisle xchango Bank Pittsburg l)o da branch of Hollidayaburg Farmera' Bank of Lancaster Lancaslei Lancaster County Bank Lancaster Fanners' Bank of Reading Heading 8 10 15 liarrisburg Bank Harrisburg 10 a Lancaster Hank Lancaster Lelranon Brink Lebanon .Merchants' A ManuT. Hank Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg Piltsbuig West JJ ranch fStak VVilliamapoft Wyoming Dank TVilkesbnrre .NuUiafmiton Bank Allentowu r 10 3 4 60 12a 17 20 Reiki County Bank steading Ollice of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg Do do do Erio Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. In. A do I'enu Township Sav. Ins. do iWmA trt Chaiiibersburg ('hnmhersburg 12 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 12 Bank of Surqucbanna Co. Montrose 10 Erie Bank En 25 Farmers' & Drovers' Bank Whynesburg 90 Franklin Bank Washington 5 Ilonesdale Bank Honesdule 10 a 15 Monnngahela Bank of B. Brownsville, 6 York Bank York 10 N. B. The notes of those banks on which we oant quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased "by the Philadelphia brokers, with Ibc exception ol those which have letter of reference. BliOKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Philadelphia Loan Co. do Sehuy Ik ill Sav. Ins. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed failed failed failed failed DO sale closed clotcd failed closed no tale failed failed failed no sale Towanda Biuik Towanda Alkghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bank of Swauira Bnnk of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Fanners' A Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' A Mech"cs Bank Harmony Insiituto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Luinlermeii'a Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge 3o. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North WesWrn Bank of Pa. OIF.ee of Schujrkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Batik Union Bank of Pe nil's. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Denver Harrisburg Washington Bellefonto Pittsburg Pittsburg Fayette co. (reencastle Harmony Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no sale Warren foiled Dimdtrtf no sate New Hope doted M ilton no sale Mtadville closed Port Carbon failed Carlisle failed Montrose closed L'niontown failed (ireerisburg closed Wilkesbarre noaale Wilkesbarre Biidge Co. Off All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above bet, may be set dowii aa frauds. urn' jEiisirr. Bnnk of New Biunawick Brunswick fuil.-d 1 Belvidere Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Brink Farmers' Hnk Farmers' aud Meelu .i Belvidere Med lord Perth Amboy Bridgeton Mount Holly par 2 1 par 1 failed 3 15k Kahway Faraitrs' and Mecltumes' Uk N. Biunswick Farmers' and Merchant' Bk Middletown Vt, Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City fulled failed (ailed fulled fulled 2 failed 1 par no tale failed lioboken Ukgdr. Uraxing lo Hoboken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manul'actureta'' It ink Belleville Morris Company Bank Xorristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newark Mrthsnics' and Mannf. Bk Trenton Morris C'tnal tiki Bkg Co Jersey City IW Notes Newark Bkg cV Insl'o Newark iVew llqpe Del Bridge Co LamberlNville N. J. Manufac. and Ukg Co llolioken M J Prolecton A Lombard lik Jerrey City Orange Bunk Orange Paterson Bank Patersun failed railed 2 failed I tjiai par I Peoples' Bik do Princeton Bunk PnneetoM eu!em Bauktug io t..le(u Stats Bank ewark state Bank F.lnb. ihtoarn btaU Bank CvIikUji Hlale Bank of Morris Moni.-iown tlte Bank J'r. nton Halem and Philad Mur.uf Co alem Hustei Bank .Nitwi Trenton Banking ( o '1 iii.iun Union Bank l)nvr Washington Baiking Co. JlaikensiH-k DKI.AlVAIli:. Bk of Wilm eV Biantlume Wi inuf;Uin Bank of Deluwart Wilmii.gluii Bank of buiyrua Smyrna Do branch Miltoid Farmers' Bk of Hlale tj Del l)ovt Uit hunch Wiluiintiton lo biamh (ieo getown 1 par I faile.l 4a.li! I"1 .) fail U par par par -ar pai par l'"r ,r j.ar tram O Newcastle Wdnimgton Umon Bank ti Under 6's dj' On all banks marked thua () there are ei ther counterfeit or altered wilt-t of the various de HoioiAtUons, m auuhUwu. AT LAW, EUITBUny, PA. Bosineos slleitetl to in the Counties of Nor thuirl erland, Union. I.ycoinmg and Columbia. KtOr tt Tho nn !1 a ht A Co l.owra t B a fin ot. r, "il'Afar. Ilanr, Ct'MMtwna cV HinT. IJtt soLKa, McFANtunn cV Co. 1 SfF.ar in, 'Soon A .'o, J TO TilE EUXT(")ivSOF(iUTHUAlBEK-' LAND COUNTY. fllHE Subucrilter respectfully infitrrna the Elee M. tors of Norihutnbrrland county, that he will be a candidate for the offices of Rfgisttr, Recoriltr tmd Clerk of tlie Orphaim' Court, at the ensuing treneral election. Shou'd he le e lecled, he will exert himself to render general satis faction, which his long experience in tho duties of raid office, will enable him to do. May 7. EDWARD OYSTER. to riu: r.lEcroRfs oFXurtji- i whj:r la at? t o hat y. f illE subscrilMT being prevailed on by bis friends, M. respectfully ir.forms the public that he will be a ctiiiliJatu for the office i.f COMMISSIONER, at tlie rnoiiic general eb etion. Ho promises, if cleeied, to lullill I lie duties of ii'l nfhee, with care ml fidelity. JOHN VOUAG, May 7tb, 1442. Jacob HKthi llvtato. OTICE is hereby given that the Register of Northumberland county hst!ii day grnnted letters of Siliniriisltstion iipni the e-tme of Jacob Mock, late of Upper M honoy township, to the suli-crilirr. All (ie sons having deminds sgninst tbs said estate are requested to preat nt them for payment, and those indebted are desired to dis charge their respective dues forthwith. HENRY KLOCK. May 7th, 1842. of Coal township. OHIOADB INSPECTOR. CtAPT. WM. II. KASL, of Rush ; township, Northumberland conntv, offers himself as a candidate for the ollice of Brigade Inspector, at the ensuing elec tion, to be held in June next. He respect fully solicits the support of hia fellow ci tizens, and ttu'ta that his long experience in military inaltirs, will enaMe him to discbarge the duties of sii.l olfice with entire ss'tslaction to the people. March 19th. 1842. T, BRIGADE INSPECTOR. HE tune is rapidly approuclnng when the Bri gade, composed of the counties of Nnrthumber Imd, Union and Columhii, will be called upon to elect a suiiuble peison to fill the office of Brigade Inspector. COL. J. McFADDEN. of Iiewisbnrg, Union county, ofl'irs himself as a candidate lor eaid otfice. As the Colonel has bad considerable experience in military affairs, be feels persuaded that he is fully competent to di-charge thedutiesof the office. April 2, 1842. BRIGADE INSPECTOR. AS an elecnmi will luke place in June next, for the purpose of electing a Brignde Inspector, COL. DANIDL fOLLMER again offers himself to his fellow citizens aa a can. didate for that office, and trusts, as he has thua far discharged the duties of said office with satisfaction to the community, he taay ask them for a continu ance of their favor. March 26th, If 12. JL FOR SEJE. F' OR Sale, a Farm containing about 80 acres. more or less, situate in tshamokin township, INoitbumlierland county, about seven miles from Sunbury, or. the main road leading from thnt place to Petersburg and iShami kintonn, adjoining lands of Win. Farrow, Abraham Klase, Samuel lionser and Wm. Martz, on which there is a good large Brick House, with a well of never failing water at the door, a Urge Barn in good repair, a g.Hxi Or chard, and good seat for a mill or any kind of water power. Nearly a'l the land is cleared and in good cultivation, twenty-five aciea of which is good meadow. The Danville and Poltsvilln Rail Roud runs through said f.rm. It will be sold as the pro perty of Wm. Wsleis, dre'd. Any person wish ing to purchase ran do well, as the terms are rea sonable. Possession and good title can be given next Spring. For further particulais, persons are requested to apply to the widow, who lives on tbe premises, or to tiodfrey Waters or E. Oreenough, Esq. in Sunbury. (lODFREY WATERS, C. R. WATERS, Mav 7 If. Lx'rtaf Win Waters, ilee'J. iHssolutloii of ParVnersiil TiHE partnership hereto fore existing between the JL subscribers, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 31st of March last. The partnership books, and other evidences of debt due the partners, are placed in the hands of Christian Bower, Esq., of Sunbury, for collection, who alone ie authorized to lece.ve payment. The partnership commenced on the firbt day of April. 1840. HENRY YOX'TIIEIMER, HENRY DAWSON. April 16th. 1845. riHE sutscribei informs tbe public and his fr L in. r customers, th .1 although Mr. II. Dawson has withdrawn himself from hi- tore, he still con tinues his business as herd. .tote, and will endeavor to give satisfaction to thoe bo will give him their cusiom. He is thankful to the public for the large klisre of patronage extended to him for the last twen ty vesrs. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Sunbury, April 16th, 1842. MERCHANTS HOUSE, .Yo. 237, .VorfA Third, ahwe CuUowhtll St., PHILADELPHIA. THE subcriliers takes plsasure in acquainting their friend and the public in general, that they have taken the birgn and coinmudioua Hotel, lecnilly built by the Messra. Hart, on the iinm site once oe npied by the old established Hotel known the Bull's Head, in Third slieet above Callow- , brti s j 'I I. is f.4el is finished hi the very best possible ' iiiAiimr. ai d i.f the best materials. It location is . n r ih suable, particularly for emmtry merchants; the airi.iiL't men a tor heating and ventilating laeli ! rimm is inch aa to secure any temperature. The 1 I ili.ioins are all light and airy, all furnished ins ! tieit tv , so as to iiisure comlort. Tl r ceiuig p.irlera are aUo furnir-lsr.l in a su . ierl nle, the windows are on the French s yle t.i.roi. g nil enirauee to a bsleouy in front, whuli i" t. a ( leai.t n cess. Pi.rl rular atti mioii has jlsn uiven to the Uds and bedding, which, with lire luriuture, are en'irt ly new. r rout yiar' iprnenee in hotel pusinrsi, wc trust, l y slriel ass.duily to busineas, to make this boose a desirable stepping pi are. Our table will l .ys lestipplH'd wuh the very ihsI our n.Biket ran url' .rd, and our bar with the beat liquois and wine ol the inii i, proved brands. P. S. I'bera are first rale klalibng and carriage li. ui. ullacne.1 lo tie unlet, attended l y ca.efui and MiU-r hostlers, and ourrbargea Will U) low, in accordance wau tbe present hard tnnea. SHl-'LTZ it DERR. PhilaJ.li-bii, April 16, 1842. ATTORNEY ll SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBTA. CO, PEMMSYI.VAMA. T HE ub"eriber rejectfu1ly informs the public that he lias purchased, sud now occupies the Large and I'ommoiliau Illicit Tavern Stand. Wil known ts the property, Iste of Theodore Wills, and formerly kept l.y Ssnniel A. llimly. H is now prepared to accommodate all travellers and visiters who may favor him with rail, and will use every effort in his power to render every convenience and comfort to hia customers, while under his charge. His accommodations are ample, and his rooms well furnished. His slsbles exten sive and in good condition. His Tle and Ban will be supplied with the best that the market can ail'trd. By pui duality and attention, be feels coi.Cdent that he will meiit tbe patronage of the public. CHARLES HARTMAN. Cu1lawiKa, April 9th, 1842. ITfJIRST Rale Shad and Herring, fat, ard of fine flavor, inspected No. 1 in April, just received, and for sale at the new More of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. May 7.h. 1842. Ianll Zlmiiic-imaii'H F.sfale. TlfOTlCE is hereby given that letters of admin Jl istratioll have been granted to tbe subscriber, upon the estate of Daniel Zimmerman, dee'd , late of Augusta township, Northumberl md county. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment on the 4th day of June next, at the house f the deceased, and those who have de mands against the estate will render tin ir Recounts properly auth. nticated. SAMUEL REESER, April 30th, 1842. Admr. LIME! LZXVXEi! XiXXVXE! flHE subscribers are prepand to furiiish farmers JL and others with any quantity of Lime of a very superioi quality for land, or p'aistering, at the fol lowing very reduced price, viz: 8 cts. per bushel for Land Lime; 10 cts. for the lest quality of pli I. ring Lime, at tbe kilns, below the borough of Sun bury. They will alsodebver, at any place within the borough of Sunbury, Lime for land, at 10 cents per bushel, and Lime for p'aisterii g at 12 cents er bushel. The subscntcrs have alwa a on hand, a large quantity of Lime. Its quality is good, and their limestone is not equalled by any in the neigh borhood. SEASHOLTZ cV BEROSTRESSER. Augusta, April 2d, IMS. IlOIir.HT CIRTDR X. Sl, PAPER MANUFACTURERS, Lombard StrrtU Italtinutre, HAYE constantly for sale, Printing Paper of all sizes and qualitiea. Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double eruwn, crown and extra sized Wrapping Papers Colored Medium and Royal Papers, Bonnet, Binders' and Snaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, and all articlea in their line, which they will sell on accommodating terms. Higher price given for old rags. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 19, 1 842. E!kton, Md. BOLTON & CO. (.nicral Commission .llrri hauls, Fur the Stile of Flour, drain, Stal, ic, Ae. RESPECTFULLY inform their Iriend and the Merchants generally, that they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvrs, with two Docks, north of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, together with the sloie No. 19 South Wharves, where they would bo pleased to receive consign ments of (irain, Flour, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward all kinds of Merchandise by the Sebtivlkill and Union, or by the Chesapeuke and I nle Water I. auals, as tow boats are kept expressly foi the purpose of lowing boats by either route. Merchants will please lie particular to send their goods destined by either canal-, to No. 19 South V harves, between Market and Chesnut streets, on the Delsware, with directions accompanying them which route they wish them to Ih shipped. rrr Plaster and Salt lor sale, at the lowest mar ket price. BOLTON & C. March 19, 1 842. No. 19 South V harves. WEAVER'S HOTEL, Sunbury, .Vurlhumberland County f Pc-nnsyKiuila. frMIE subscriber, respectfully informs the public that he has removeil to that large ami commo dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fa n streets, (sign of the Buck.) fo. .nerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel (jib sou, where be is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By atiicl atten tion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he boiws to receive a literal share ul public patronage. CHAhl.LS WUAVtK. Sunbury, March 12lh, 1842. WHARTON'S HOTEL. Sunbury, orlhuniborlaud County, PENNSYLVANIA. FIHE subscritier respectfully inlnrms the public. X that he has removed to tlu.l large and commo dious Brick House, on Market square, opsisite the Court House, (formerly kept bv 1 1 1 ram Price,) where he is now prepared to accommodate all who may lavnr linn with a call. IJeing tnanklul lor past favors, he hopes by strict attention lo business. lo receive a liberal share ol public patronage, Ac. CUAKLKS D. WHARTON. Sunbury, March 6th. 1842. D.TIS & EXPJCBRIEE. Tt boK-ttale UiuskInIm, HAVB-D-DE-GRACE, MS. HA V E constantly on hand general assort merit of Mil-OS, MEDICIHES. I'AISTS, OILS, YAKMSIIES, WISUUW OLASS, H YE STI FFS, Yc. V., which they offer for sale on the most Literal terms, and at prices as low aa lluae of i'hiladelphia and Ualiiiunre. Faitic uiar attention will be given to the quali ties of such ailieb a aa are selected or Manufactured for sale, as also to packing them for transportation llavre-df-Graee, Marrb hill, 1842. 3m. THF. AMERICAN MEDICAL LIBRARY iTr.i.uca:CTJt. A CONCENTRATED Record of Medical S.-i eiice and Literature, by Robley mnigliaon M. D., Prole sor of the Institutes of Medicine, etc. in Ji lf I si in Medical I 'ullege of Philailelpbia, pub- istie.l inoi.llilv by Atlani Waldie, io. 46 Carpen li r street, I biladelphia. Dubscrtpllon prtoe, f 5 y.ar. Suhsoiipnoiis for the above work received by tlis aubscnber. 11. B. MASStK, Dec. I lib, J r?t I. Age'U Counterfeiter,' Death allow. The puMic will please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine, unless the bos has three la bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) esch containing fac-aimile signature of my tisnd writing, thus B. Basnnaara, M. O. These hi. belsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, nd done at an expense of over f-2,0110. Therefore it will be seen that ihe only Ihing necessary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, ie to observe these labels. Remember the top, the siJe, and the bottom. The following respective peratna are duly auhori icd, and hold CBRTICATES OP AGENCY, For the sale of Brandrtih'i Vegetable Universal nn. Northumberland county : Milton Mackey A Chambeiltn. Sunbury H.B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A Meixell. Northural eiland Wm. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlinger 6t Co. Union County r .New Berlin John Hoffman. Selinsgrove Eyer and Schnure. Middlcburg Isaac Smith. Beavertown J. V F. Bingaman. Adrtmsburg -II. &. A. Smith. Mifflinsburg Swopc ck. l.sird Hartleton Daniel Long. Free burg O. &. F. C. Moyer. Centrevillo Stailey At f.enharl. Lewisburg Walls A Green. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds A Co. Berwick Shuman A Ritlenhouse. Cat tawissa C. A. A C G. Brobts. Bloomsburg John R. Moyer. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. We shington -Kobt. McCay. Limestone -D. L. Schmeck. Observe that each Agent has an Engravid Cer tificate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BRANDRETH'S Manuf.ictnry at Sing Sing, and upon which will also be seen exact copies of the new labels new used vwn the lirandrctk Pill Diure. PhiUdelpliia, olTice No. 8, North 8lh street. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. Janunrv 1st, 1842. FOR SALE. fTOR rale a small Farm, containing about i.ne hundred and ten acres, more or le s, situate in Point township, Northuml erland county, about two miles above Northumberl md, on the main road leading from that place to Danvill,', adjoining lands of John l.eghou, Jesse C. II or ion and others, now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About forty aires of said tract are cleared, and in good slate of cultivation, on which there is a small barn erectid. The property will lie sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars, peisons are request ed lo apply to tbe sul scrili. r. II. U. MASS :!, Aqtnt, Nov. 27th, 1841. tf Su.rburv. Ps. CHP.TGOLITE PCLIRH. , N article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish lo sil ver, (lennnn Silver, Brass, Copur, Bnltsnia ware, Pin, Steel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac, TKl' IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego, J loga county. Is. x . WM. FORSYTH, Agent for Nortbum'd, H. B. MASSER, Agent lor Sunbury. Novemlier 20th, 1841. "Tlitliael Weaver .V .Son, BOrE MAKERS & SUIT CHANDLERS. .o. U iurlt Water tiretl,Jhituatlvhia, HAYE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, Ac, vit : 1 ar d Kopes, r isliiug Kopes, hue Koih-s, .Manil la Roiies, Tow Lines for Canal B.iats. AJso, a complete arwortinetit of Seine Twines, Ac. such aa Hemp Shad and Herring 1 wine, I lest 1'ateiit lull Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twir.e.Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Cnriiet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, Novetnlcr 13, 1841. ly. i'etj ii ni:wi:r,s, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowhil! Street, l'liiladelj-ltia C Three roof ulane Stcimd.J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which hi oilers for sale on I lie lowe-t terms. Country Merchants are particulirly to c ill and judge foe themselves. Philadelphia, Novem er 13, 1841. ly. OF EVERY DEsCRIP'PltlN. NKW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2i) North Water Street, l'hila. M WANI FACTURERS and dealers in Oils of JL every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in tbe city. Any oil sold by Ihe company not proving as represented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of tbe following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spetm s cr o 09. cs L Oil, C000 do do do do do do do Colorless Oil, Fall and Spring Sjiertn Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whsle Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 15,000 10,000 20.000 6000 15,000 8 200 Barrels superior Straits Oil, 300 do Cod Hank Oil, 50 do Neais Fool Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils, frj'Phis Company has a numlnrr of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely Un getting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1 84 1 . ly. G. W. & L. B. T.TLOR. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth and Market Stteels, Philadel phia Nwn t ll-kin Uoota, studied warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Calf-skin do do and upra. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neata do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin do do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Calf do do Coarse do do do Shoes do Fine do do Ktn uo do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and without antes, do Cariiet do do do do Patent Warranted Water-proof Morrasins. 1. allies do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rublier shot a. Gentlemen' do t'ver shoes. With vniy other description u4 boots atid ahoea. r ur - aps el ewry description. Travelling Trunks of every d-wcriplkm. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm I eaf Hats, rhitidelj hia, November 13, 1.41. ly. ' & BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. CJicsnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. "7"EEP constantly on hand a general twaort 1 ment of Books and Stationary comprising Theedogical, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Books, alt sites. Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writint Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they ol fer at the lowest prices to Country Merchant's Pre. fessional Gunilcmen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 13. 1841. ly. TO COinIERCIIANTS. THE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon A Harris, Hat Manufacturers, for New Vork, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, whoso Hats are highly commended f jr tiod enrf duml.ilitif, has ot hand a first rate assottmnnt of HATS and CAPS, suitable fur Spring sales, wh.ch will le sold very low, foi cash or appnverl credit, al the mttd cheap stare, N o. 40, Nortn T'lird airort, oip jsi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. TrlACHER. APvt. N. B. Orders tor Hats i I the -mit.h. promptly attended to. The highest price in msh or trade given fjr Fur tkittn, Philadelphia, November 13, 1941 - -ly Jacob Fi ImiiiiiUi .Son T ESPECTFULLY informs their friends and - acquaintances ge.ierully that they still con tinue to keep at the old stand, No. 246 North 3d street, Philailelpbia, oil V mils of TOBACCO SM :F AXF SEOAKS. Which they will sell n Ihe mji . accommodating and reason! le terms. N. B. AH roods sold will lie guat inteed and all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841 ly. BE TER COITCTEPT" Wholesale ami Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm fcaf Hat Warehouse. Ao. 06 A'rA 2rf street, a fete iloors ubm e ,1rch, Philale-hia. ALSO Trunks, Catsst Bags and Volices, of ev ery description, all of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. j i r WT N WA1"N'T Umbrella and Parasol iManiifaclurcr. A'o. 37 AVoA Thitd street, wo doors lie law the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COCNTRx Merchanla and others are solicited to examine his astotti.tcnt before purchasing elsewhere PhilaiVlphia, November 11. 1841. ly. -- - t 7 s China, Glass and Liverjniol Wareliouse, A'o 164 North Third street, third dour beluw Vine street, Vhiluiltlpliia, VI rilERE they constantly keep on band a large assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rei sotiable terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. THEOPILUS GULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, Sic. So. 5 South Third street, four doors beloti' Market Philadelphia. 7 EEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Lhpttc Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will la? supplied at all times on the most reasonable terms. '1 bey will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purrhnxing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Novemlcr 13, 1841. ly. i!j7yn ,v ( Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Briti.h and American Dry Goods. An. 105 Market street, Philadelphia. COI'NTRY Merchants, and others cun le sup plied at all times with an extensive assort ment of the best and moat fashionable Goods upon Ihe most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novrrnler 13, 1811. ly. LOWER & BAKUON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic llatdwarc, No. 174 Noam Thisi- Stuht, I'HiLAnrt.rHii VITTIERE their friends and customers will always find a large and general a-sortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which ihry will sell at the lowest prices. Phtlcdelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. ESI1EUICK, 1IANSELL &. CtrsT WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. ltitj 1-2 Market Street, Phila. lie low Fifth South side ) A LWAYS keepon hand a full and general as sortmentof Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, Country A7"-.!i.als are respectfully request id to give them a call and examine for them-elvr. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. splringTg6od co. No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia. "VNV1TE the attention of Cotlntry Merchants to their extensive assortment of Brituh r rench aud American Dry Goods, which they oiler for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. IYIcCALLA & HERSE, No 51, North Second strctt, (corhkk or coomb's ILLIt.) Wheie they constantly keepon hand a general assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEXtES, VESTING S, And a great xxuriety of articles of a superior quality, which Ihey offer to dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others will find il lo their advantage lo call and examine Uierr stock before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia.Nov.fi, 1841. ly vsLLo:ai- ft M ESPECTFULLY infotm th citizens of Sun 's (mry Bnd vicinity, that they have taken taSe Shop Ul. ly iH-rupied by Wm. Durst, where Ihey ill carry on the TAILORITrO BUSINESS, in all it various branches. By strict attention and reasonable rhatgea, they expect lo merit a ahar of public patronage. Surtbury. Sept. ith, 1841. JCE1TS CTJMlrlllTGS. WHOLX8AL- M-OE, BONNET, Cap an' I'alm Leaf Hat Htort, No. 10 South itn Stbit. PHILADELPHIA, HERE an eiti.n.iv aorlmeri of lb above article are coiietantly kept on hand, for sals at the most reasonable terms. May 29, IM1.- ly. MrrsrjTDTWiTi AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Inlluenr.a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseai-es of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Horehound, Bon set, Bloed Root, Liverwort and several other vegetaMe substance. Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New York. The innocence nnd universally admitted pectoral viilues of the Heibs from which the Balsam of Horehound is made, are too generally known lo re quire recommendation ; it is therefore only necessa ry to ob-crve that this Medicine contains the whole of their Mnlrcinal properties, highly concentrated, ai d so happily combined with several other vege table sulmianre, as to render it Ihe most apeedy, mild and certain remedy, now irf)se, ri.T the com plaints almve mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammntion and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens lough visid phlegm, en aiding the patient lo expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals tbe injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the dixturled nerves, and gives strength lo tbe tendci lungs, and thus produces S.eeily and lasting cure. IoaaTiTt nr. is the sstisT rniMt in Mi. We are nut among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (t the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale j neither ate we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an itn rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell w ith a sore throat and violent Ci M some few weeks ago. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'8 BALSAM OF HOREHOL'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are afflicted, mny try it upon our recommendation. Leifiston Tflrtrrajih, For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunlmry, JACOB BRIGHT, XorthumberUmd. Also, by Druggists generally throughuut the country. rj- Price, 60 cents per bottle. August 14tb, 1841. ly. VpjjNTION. J . sib.vdy jom;s, 1 Etit- EST-S the attention of his country friends k- who are in want, lo bis verv large stock of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac., thai he has just opened, at his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. July 31, 1841. ly. LIST OF BOOKS. run silk nr ' OL. 113. ---SS23raRrnt VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; A ins worth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and German do.; Ambon's Cressr; Ambon's Grammcr; Authen's ('icero; Mail's l.a'in Reader; OgilLy'sdo.; Andrew's Latin Iesonv; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's Greik Exercises; Davies's Legcndei; Graeca Majora; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinuock's Goldsmith's England; do. t.'reeee; L) ell's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements of Botany; Bridges Algebra; Porter s Rhetorical Rea ders; Emirsous Geography and History; Olney s do.; Parley's do.; Smith s Grammer: Kirkham's do.: Ksv s Readers; Cobl s do.; Cobb s Arithmetics; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; ('ebb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bil les and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S .mi s Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt a No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted lo Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comley' Spelling Bonk; American Clusa Book; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A meat variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28. 1M41. " SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K I l K P A T 11 ICK & SO N. Aii. 21, North Third street, (BETWKKN M1HR ST AMI CHXSKCT STKKITS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Span ith Hides, Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, Ste., at the lowest maiket prices, either for cash, i exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for ale, oi purchased at the highest maiket prices. Qf j Leather stoied free of tharge. April 17, 1S41. ly. lnilort:iut Warninfjr, To those who neglect a Cold. IT i evident, and derided by the most experienced physicians, that CoNii Mr tiom is mostly encnu ragtd by a neglect of a Cold at the first attack. How many persons are there that put oft from time to time procuring a suitable medicine, until the dis ease begins to sssuine a serious character, when in all probability they are past the p.iwer of medical aid. May ihe-e lines prove a warning to those af flicted with the firsl symptoms of Consumption, that they may immediately u-e Dr. Drncan's Ex M.CTosiST RiNcitT, which is expresaly for disea ses of the Respiratory System, It ia rei tain to re move a Cough in a few days, at the same time re lieving the pain in the side and breast, and arrest ing tbe progress of that fatal disease Consumption ! The Expectorant Remedy has a derided advantage over all other preparations. It is entirely free from Opium, and all other violent Narcotica. It regu Inles the ytem, and gives strength to the weak and nervous. For sale at No. 19 North Eighth atteet, Philadelphia, and in Sunbury, at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, May 28ih 1P42 45 Aent. Slk llt-udut lie. IS a very common affection. Its attack are very severe, and characterira'd by spasmodic pains, shif ting from one part of tbe head to the other, fre quently commencing in "he rooming, attended with sickness of the sio:,iacb, nausea, faintings, and sometimes, vu.nitiiig, giddiness, and confusion of s'Jol.Ae Ac. This dcaeaae ia produced fiom va rious causes, perhaps the moat common, is a de rangement of the stomach and digestive organs. FEM ALES are most subject to Ibis affection, par ticularly those who lead a sedentary life. Dr. Hiir lich's Compound Steengtuning Tonic and tier' man Aperient Pills, are watranted to a nest ihia troublesome disease : first by cleansing the alomach and bowels, purifying the hl.wd, and temovirig all diseased and excrementuous humors from the liver and intestinra. By the use, first, of a few dose of ihe Aciieiit German Pills, afterwards two or three doses of the Utreugtlttning Time Pills, which are used to strengthen and invigorate Ihe nervous system, give Lane to the stomach and organ of digestion, thus imparting to their subtile fluid it pristine vigm, this afflicting disease may be entirely removed. This is tbs only mode of treating this annoying complaint, and has beau attended with Micees in thousands of case. PampleU giving gsneral direction, may b ob tained gratis, al No. 19 North Eighth street, Phila delphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Msy 81, 112. Agent,