Congress fr.-im the great central Northern District by aometwraity majority in more than twenty thoua anil vote. Belcre this he had hcen aometime Comptroller of tb State Finance, and in 18W he wis choeen United States Senator, which post he rias since filled with credit and abiliiy. Ilia second term etprrea with fhe firescat Congress. Mr. Wright has thus fur been content to net as Oiculcnant and confident. 1 aid In Mr. Van Dure, though the latter m far hi iulerttM' in talent, en "tgy, and every manly attrilaie of the Stati'sinan. Now it is Mndrrrftmxl that the eminent Senatoi is about to lake vhe field for fcimscl The TartfT. The intelligent Washington correspondent tif the New YoTk K.prei writes aa follow on the uhjec.l f ike Tafi IT question hef.a-e Congress: There are three report now before the House upon the aulgcct ef the Tariff. They come from the administration proper in the form of the report of the Secretary of (he Treasury, from the North nd the Committee a Manufactures in the Report of Mr. SaKonstall of Massachusetts, and from the South in the report o Mr. Habersham of (Je.rrgia. The centre and the rrueme af tire Fin, there fore, have spoken. I do not muck aapreltenil any action anfavoraMe to any clesa ef fteroens rn disposing ef this mpor tant subject. While Ihe mnnvT.irturefs will get all they tskT.w, the free trade men will git no thing. Revenue will be the great object of all, trot sufficient Rcvotrae fsrthc aepprrrt ef the Govern ment, emharined as the Treasary aiow is, and (burdened with a heavy debt, as the country is, must senlc tire seMton of an imposition of duties far 1eyond 20 per rent. All rron article, it is imposed, -shall pay a 3uty of 20 per cent;; sifk and wars-ted goads ihcaame; 1iats and bonnets of Leghorn, -chip, straw, or grass, flats, braids. Ac also, those of fur, wool, leather, 'the same; oojot, brass, tin, fiewler, Jead, iuarblu aud wood manufacture, the same. So, alsa, Near ly all kinds of wan s and furniture, pig irsr, and dlil scrap iron, pays alnty of fifty cents; bacs nad Sionts from 14 oetitsta f 1 25 c pair, and se on. The Bill of the Secrelary of ll Treasury, ts which I am r Wring, is mast likely to conform to the v. Kibes uf the majority iu Congress ihun anv other. VounsAc, C. 11. Speck. Within the last week aheut r2f0,00 has -hoeat d.iwered an ilvw-cfty -an accuuut of the iSairta F traders. We presume a cousidcrehle (mrtioii of tin's sum will find i s way into tlie Hck- Is uf uurmonulitclurei fur PiturWrgh goodh. Fillnlurf-h Atlc. T)r. Lnrdner is making "bin fortune otat of his scientific Jeotmrefi. lie was Letter patronized Jiere, it appears, than in any ether city. His receipts are stated to have been as fofiowsi iHoston,-.?! lectures, prooeeils g;l,rKK ; i'luladul nitia, 13, f4,f1M ; TJaltiniore,..T(K; Wiwliin ton, 0 KTrriO ; Providence, 4, !4"i New York, ijttUMHI. .Airgreoat'erooeipte iu six uiontbs, JI'i.llolL Phit-ud. JU-miug iiuzettt. The advertising .custom oftlic Isiklou Times aicwspnper., is ttatod to annrant to nrtllion two hundred audJillv thousand dollars per an- 3111111. IIAI.TIMOltK .MAIUCKT, ?ftl" Bitimuu.: Awinu n, May 30. KLyCJt. We note sales of came f aicols ol Howard Btrvet llour rff g.jrul etimflard brands from tore to-day at 5 tiSJ, which we quote as the store jirire now. Sie wagiin price -is fh iti. Kaie rtfOiiy MilUTlour on S-'atujdaj at Jlfi.on iiut, without in teri-rt. J-imileJ Kill, of tsqucbanna Door mi tN.timluy at f 5 G'JJ, canh. The uiakot is ttfrntwl iare. ;UJK There 'is n-.-ry 1mle M.L Wheal Huiruht to maikct. A email lot was sold la-diy at Jl 20. SaU-a l(f srvtial.rrci-U if IVniNi Ivauia red ou Saturday and to-day, at f I 20 a f ! tS and ? I IS. We Cu,rk. Md. Corn -to day at 22 a 51 cU. for yi llnw, mid 53 a T4 ct. for while. Sales of !uim-ylvania yijl.w on Saiuiday and today at 53 a M eta. ShU f M.L OaW on Saturday at 40 ct. aud of reuiH-jOvnuia to-day at thecajue lrice. rUOVISWrXJ.Thc price of good to prime ueslorn Uarvm ranges from 3 j to 4 cit for as sorted; Hanw are held at & a eerrts ; Kideo at fc;' 4i i oonts, and Shoulilera at 3 a 3 J cents. No. 1 W estern l.ard in keg ta Wd noruiually at 6 J cents No salea. WHISKGY. WodcMte wIm of hlnls. at 1 8j cts. aud of Md. at I OJ eh. The wagon price of ibbla. is J eta. exclubke of the barrel. Acroktlo. Weed if ymtmill'! ukepounds f Calamrll liiely on all the tales your liticlorstrll : Ak them if they can't cure you by the rules No douht rhey Irirve arquir'd in learned h IiooU, lcny no shrugs (hey give you all thirif try, Jiest catiffied with this you -can but die s (Except you rathorehun the hand which kills Then try then try what ! Why, thejj try firrrn- aVA'A'a VilU. Hundreds, nay thousands, cow of health ioaacased -Saved from untimely gravea tleir.woHh allewt. J'ay cheerfully and oft .your doctor's fees Onhaliit atill the iuanaiou of DUease ! vuu had lather ahuu.ex,p)iiie billn, J.oiig ivuU of aickneaa, and all .human ilU. .Sp nd, then, two.ltwiia tiid get Jirandrelh't Pilh. Qj - Purchaae in Smibiiry , of II. B. Mmr, and ithc agiinU ubhxhud in another jiarl uf thin taper. 1 ESITCTEUI.LY informs the Electors ofNor- thuuilie land county, that he will be a-ciuih-date for .the ot!'u-e of He proin'n:es, ifelecird, to eitrt himself to render general na'tsfai-liou. whirh his rtrperieitce in the du ties of said nhice will enalile him to da, having held it for the ti-rm of three je.r to the ciiliia u.l st'ac tion of the public. Suitbury, Junt lilh, 181V, jr t nit: , On Tuesday the SI st tilt-, by tba Re. C. A. Ilewelt, Mr. l.nNRXtn Mr.tLta of Kush township to Miss ra'.M Woot.rKRTo, daughter of Mr. Charles Voo4verton, of Shamokin, tn this place, on the S3d uH., by the Rrv. V. 8. WalVer, Wti. A. Smith, M, D., of Ebensburg, Pa., to Miss Unarcc C. lWtm, of Milton, daughter uf Mr. lames It el I, is, of Union county, Pa. In MilKm, on tbe 19th ult., Mr Philip Knrta to Mas. IUjihau Da a lima n, both of this plaoe. U 1 li 11, Tn Northumberland, on Mondav the 30th tih , KMEUNE, daughter of D. S5. Dodge, aged V years, 0 months and 14 day. In MiHon, on the 21st till., ANTHONY Wll.. HKI.M, aged f years, 0 months and 1 day, tn ChnVrniaqne, on the 23d ult., of Consump tion. THOMAS VANKIRK, aned about 35 years, leaving a wilearnJ scxeral rhiblren, 1MUCE CUItllE.N T. Vorrcefcti 'weekly by Henry Yuxtheimtr. Whkt, no - .NO 3D 5 - 125 1-2 55 - l'ij Rrv, Conw, OtTS, . PoHK, - Fl.AtSf F., UrTTKIt, BKt:swA, - Till., I1nkh Arntd, 1. l'kca.s, H kcvirii Fiat, Ennii, - r5 10 .lloic lrour Of flr. Hnrlicr Comfmifd Ktrrnirfirninf Ta nk ami German Aperient I'iMs. MR. JOHN ROBERTSON, of Columbia county Ohio, is lmpy to slate to the af fluted the great bencfiis Ire received from the w of ttie-ie invaluable mt dii-irres. lleina afflicted for five or yeira with a BHumt and S'l-rvuut afleriiiin and its natural iineq nonces, during which tine I procur. d many medicines, lt always found them to aiiuravatc the diseases in a greater measure,, Seeing these meilic'nes performing cures on many itfmy frieii ls, I wa in, lured t. give them a trial. Hapjiy ami to say tin i1e geod Trsults wire soon viaidle wbicti m'iu-ty cured me of th rt trrejilM and fii'aoe-AV.trivii die-ise. I really hope that tliom; imthirty afi chsl wrll see the nccemqly f ii time, the use of such tile and drastic C 'rHiipwnik as souie that appear in the pul'lic prints, which 1 am fully prru:nlfd almost cost my life, liesidcs bringing mi the fi'rVfs -whieii fir timie int'iea-nvl my di-eaa . I be.iril siy by many f my intimate frieuda, that the same ,ire cutHfioimd fined theaa ihe same way. I foel roufirfiirl tliarl if pitting use flne "Drntic Me iVii'ine'" aoeonkng tolVeirtltrecUoua laKbry w dl give any pirmtn tlie pit. Worn cominericing with Vh. Harl'rrVs Medi cines, I found clicni to Ui an indention, vix: nn Aperient Vledirine, taanry nffall dieas and im-piKrilk-s from tire svMem, accompanied with a "Sirengthening 'Ponic" medicine, o give cineng'h and tone to the system and reanimate the functions of the oconnrny. Tlteae medicines ure tru ly iuvaluuble, aud the best extant. StMIN KfiBEKTSOX. M eslj War. Fitpathick, A. Scas HOOK. Columbia county, t)hio, May 10, 1M0. Psnncipal OlTice for the I'uitoJ Mates, No. 19 North Eiglah street, Philadelphia. HENRY VO.YTIIEIMER. lime 4th lfi-12. 4C Jgrnt. Jl ST ieceied, a fK-sh supply ol' clieuj) L'ry (raMuls, Grocrriea. Hardware, c Superior !adie' lilack kid Ulovvs, Colored do, Lawns, ChiBttes, Motiwlin dela:ucs, &c. Cloths, t'as-irnrres, Ca--lrmeret, Linen HrJIiikg. Muslins, Ac, Superior fort Wine, Ture SjK-nn Oil, " Srm Candles, Eai-ins, Arc. June lib, lt42. H. U. MASSCK, A IjI. pora.uie mdi bled to the lirm of I. yon V Ji arris, wnder the ngeury of (. N. Thseher, U ft-uni C7: Manufacturer. Nn. 4l North Thinl, street, Philadelphia, are rcipM-.rtod to maVe iinraedi ate ertlitnent of thi ir accuutits uih the sulrcrilKr, tboir k'ially aubuiied ugnit, who is fully empow oied to scttlo and riillii't l Hccounts of caid firau. EOBCKT U. WtJKiNSON, Jiinc 4th, 1P2. if Agent. DENTiSTRTafT" 4 V i I, I, i: It ! 11 A M t, 1")CPEC1TI I.LY informs those who may - wish to ci-nsult him in bin profession, that he will le at lianv ille until the 1 0th inat. On the 14th in.-t. he willjiay a profissinnal -vis't to Sun I wry. June th, U-f.42, Kim.ll (IF I-0RFJu LITEBiTl'BL (Jvnleitttnf flte .May Kvnebcr m.WI BUUNEY'S Diary nd Letters; Life XfJl and Writings of 'I'bomas rutler;Tory Rem edies for National s Emigration, Memoiis of like late Jawt Halley; The School Mllrct A brod, V' '1'. Hood; Captain Jiase's Notes of a Half- Paw; The Earlh.jiil;. rs, by Thomas Hood; Itiilihh 'Overthrow at AllLanialan; Aliednego the Money hwilei; Ciwrhihip and Love-making; The tojipes of Sonthern Knsia, Nos. 3 aud 4; lot Nlohammed; 1'he Antiquiiiea of Egypt; Jack 11 in. t"n, ti e CJuacds i an, (Chapter 9 to 12; Science and Art; Obituary; l'mlri; Miu-etlnny. dj- The M I.SEUM la uld y M.wrt.C'arvill A Co., Ittfi Broadway, Ketv Vork, and by the Uiok sullerti'tliroughout the I'uited States. TacK. six Uoll.irs a year, in advance Keen aud a half, if not. Postage, fit sheets, under 100 milos, 9 ctt over lot niili-a, 15 ct. Aa Sii Dollar in not a rnnvrnierrt remittance, dintairt kulwcnlwrs will .pleaac-tiriid 5 in.pait-; oil receipt ol which ll Work will be tent, -caielully Wiapped up, to any Post OHii e in the I'nilcd "Slaics or Britiafa Amorica. E. I.l l'TEI.I. cV CO., 279 Ciemut Street, Philadelphia. TO 77: I'.l.l'.CPthlis ' XOH'iUl'M- II URL A. J) CO l.X'PY. ftnWU suliaoriher rerpectfully otlera himself a a M. canilidate lor Ihe office of COMMISSIONER, and nlTers, kIiouI.I he be cIikIoJ, to eiert hiinscll to , render genera! kutialaclion. I WK.MAM M.4;R.Y. I Kuiibirrv. May Cfilh IMJ. j ro Tin: r.t.wTons of'outuvm- I miui.AM) co i:ty. I flHE subsorilier id!' t hitio.rU to the electors of 1. .Northiimheilaud county, as a candidate for ' the olliu) of rUOTIIONOTARY. Should he be favored wiih a majority of voles, he wi! spue no eiertiuna to lender griiwd! .ni '""' -i:. MARTIN. Sunhuiy, May Iffi., iHl;. U.S. Altii I Conch van roTTs vi i.i.i 8 TICK TO THE MAIL COACH! t IIIR Mail Coach for Poltsville leaves iSortliorn JL lierland every mornmg at 4 oVIock, and arrives in Poltsville in lime for the cars to Philadelphia. Fabk as low as any other linn. Pot seats, apply at Mrs. WiilnngtonV Hotel, Northumberland, or at tSenrgn Weil.el's, Snnlmry. A. E. KAPP & CO., NorthM.,May5l,l12. Pnyri,-trr. Cj Passengers coming from rhilailcldiia will please secure their aeats at tire White Swan llfltrl, K tceSt lr4nrn they leave the city. Passengers coming in this Hue, have their seat secured in any Stagcor Packet boat from Ibis place. '1 nose coating in Ihe other line may le left behind, CLYDE & WILLIAMS It lank Hook MiiMiifuciaprj, Opposite I'rinrr' Hotel, HARRism'Rf;. FIHEY are prrpared to manufacture blank woA M. of every description, ruled to any pattern, such as Dockets lieeorki, l)iv Bonks, lilfjem, Am. sors' and Cimectors Duplicates of Ihe finest tpiali y ofpaiier. in a style oviual to any made in the ci ties i Philadertihia or New York. All discrrptimis af binding neatly enecnted. Scrai Hooks, Albums and Portfolios made to older. Law Rook Music aud Perioilicals bound to anv paltiTn. Old Books K'Umnd.Ai-. Also file f pajieas houi4. CO WrVk Vft at tire office of tlie -"unlajry Ame rican, will be promptly rrttended to. Mny SJst, lttlS. iy. friHE suhsoTllieT hereby gives notice, ih it he has I. this day snkl rmt, lelivc reil and transferred to Mr. Inhn W. Fryling, all lire richt. ttile ami ink', rest of his sture. from this dale, with the 1i,h1(s from the A day of April and tl'at rtre business will horeafier l conducted by the said Xolia V. Kry him, at the old stand. fj All pernons knowmg themselves indebted to the subscriber, Hre reipiesteil ar.d rerpiirpd, forth with, to come foiwirrd and settle their account without further delay. May ls,lVi. HENRY flIIE suliseitber Ih-mIiv gives noiice rliat he Inn M. this day puTchaxed fr.rn, II nrv oX'1i iini r his eliire and entire Moi k of goods, and that lire lu-Kino-s rf smiil slure will heneafu'r le conducted by him at the old stand. He therefore r sjierlfiiny si.licils Tumi bis fiiettds, and the cnifimers of smd stme, a eontiiru nice of th. ir favors, and hoies hy fIiH'I and puiulul a(li tiou to ljstitc4t WtiK-iit a rouiiiiu.iiice of tin ir f.irtronnre. JOHN W. tRVJ.l.MJ. May lt, tti4t. vo Ttavn ui:. YAiutAri:n sfpi:uint to yv 1rriir.1t m:k simu hy. JOHN cV HENRY I.ANDAK, haxing rented tin- IwrncKilns nf Henry Masscr, in Sunbuiy, have now for sale tire last l.iine in this part (4 lire country, and witl rorrtinue to keep constantly nn band fresh lime for Plastering, Building and for I. lining land, on as reasonable terms a cati le had unywbe-re m lire iieighhoihorHl. May 21, 1812. J. & If. l.ANDAiT. I i v .11 on rrr WKSPECTF111,1.Y informs the Elector of M Nnrthunricrlanil cnjnty, Jia( be wdl Ik- a latididalo for the ollire of SHERIFF. He promises, if eh-iteit. to 1,4iarge rlie res ol Kaid oll'ire with rare and fidelity. I'pper Mahonoy, May tsth, 1S12. to thi: i:u:ctohs or tntTiiru- lii: It I. A .l) '1H'. TV. riUIE Subx'rriK-r iiiHctlully ttfTora hknim-'f as a X candidate for tlie ollire of FRlrTIlOMfTARY, nt the ensuing general election, Shuuld he W so fortunate to e tlected, he will rudeavor to give general satifrtuHi to all. May 21. JOHN TARNKWORTH. to tiu: Kuitmuts or simrm m. in:nt,A.i tin ty. rPHE strliMxilier sesMctfully hitonns the clertors 4 NorthurirlH-rliMid cnunty, that le will lie a candidate at tlie enduing ck(li-n, tor the nllVces of Kfgintcn, IteerdtT mid Clerk of tlie thphanx' tnrt. Having had cotisiilerablc ciecienrv m imblic life, lie tras s, if electeil, lie-will tvnl.le to disWiarue the dunes of said ullioesto vtienre li.-Jl.,clim) irf the community. FREDERICK I.AZARI'S. May 14ih, lh!2. I'm iu i 1. icimarli!, OFFERS hiinaelf a a caiiiliilute for the ofliccs of Itrgiiter Eic.onh r,rnd ( T tk of thcthphuiis' Court, at the ensu'Kg, Shnuld rbe fieuple think him capable, no neglect nu bistort khall pre vent "the duties of aid ollire tmta U'liig erforiu d at alUimes. May l lih, 1S1U GOLDEN SWAN An. ti'J AorrA 77i, above Arch Sheet. rillLAUELPlllA. AK OMMODAIKINH FOU SUl'MT t't'KMI. CHARLES WEISS, lateif the -White Swan." and "Mount Vernon Hou.," respectfully in forms his friends and cunlir-ueis. that he bai beoniue the proprietor of the abov- woll knuun Hotel. Country Mt-M-Jianu will liml the ahorr irfokl a central lia-atiim, anil -tlie het of fare. Persons Ira wiling with private ciinvevance mil find a Uige yard and good vulilmg fm huisca, and the Uat of lutlets. Ituardiugfl perdav. Mjyjtrh, 184S. if. KY vinue of orders of ihe Orphans' Court of the counties of Norlhumhcrl I ami Colum bia, the suliscrilier w-i!l nil', r ti public -vendor), on Wrdnek.lay the 15h-(lay df Jiiueiiett, at ihe Man sion House of the late Jaiue ( 'anipU'll, dee'd re-ir PeterstiuiK, in ihituiokiu township, Northumber land county, two tracts uf valuable land, vig: One thereof situate in Slmiinkiu town-hip, ad joining I inds of David Mc Williams, EbJha lt..rtou, and 'Oiiadiah CainplH II, roiitaiinug 25 acres moie or lesa, on which are elected a large and ous two story Frame House, with a cellar kitchen, fountain pump at the (loor, good orchirrd, a conve nient barn anil ntln r nut bmwes, and u a stale of bo.hI rultrvainiii. Thin pioa rty i ou the Danville Turnpike, aud ith.n Mght of Pelershu'i. The other tract is situate iii4ioaruiD I 'r.k inwn. hip, Columbia county, adj.iiiiiug' of Obadmh i I diupla-ll, J.ihu I liniuas. Win. H. S.rjfeand olhi rs. coulaiiillig kixiy-foui acres more in lift, nf wbnh fifteen aiitu ate cleared. The leuuindi r la wtll tiinbeied. A of ti e purchase moiny will be ire, Hi red (lonn.and I lie hub nice may leiuaiii iui Maxima- l-le pav iiieuia, t MIADI IJ i ' A I'll El. I., j v II. 1.1 M 'i;i,MMi, May II. AJ nm. of Jann unj in U, ii V. piiiLiiiKinin. UKAniMi am. mivtmiu-L RAIL ROAD. AN EXTR A ACCOM MOMATION LINE ill tmttnriH-e running bvhni n Philadelphia and PoltKi illr on tlir folbnriiiff ,1,,,k haiei : Oa am, ai-rra Mih, Mr fl. 1st?. Leaving Pnlville, nn Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Bi -pi f ' leaving lliilaiih'lphia, on Tuesday, 'riiuisilay and Sutvjrdays, nl p, JJ. ItfHr nf passing )'nidii'ir. ror I'lul nlelplita, at 10A A. M For Potiille, at f J P. M 'l'ri-w4ily. J1 li K S. BHween Pottsville- V Philada. f l.r.O fifio Between Reading A- d . eV l,7.i llelwoen do - Pot sville. 1,1(1 c- 1.(10 ElClMMOX Tll'fcKTH muni rori if.n IIMMi rr rr. Between rollwille V Phil olelpbia, fStHI Between Rrai'iiig do. :(0(l Meiwecn do. Potlrnille, 2 (Ml Tlie otler paosmcer traMis will as before, at tlie 4'olfowiirg h'Hirs : Philadelphia and Vi'ttr l'r. t I'liilailelplii i, at 6JA.M. ) From Pottvirie, at 2 P. M. Hours if petidng lltnding. Daily l or j-oiiMvilte, at n A. M. i Foi Philadelphia, Alt the train wiH tire nal p nnt. lit ,- I'SllV. Ti.... . . .... ) way .'arsengera t4nji foi All passengers their lii-k.t.-i t.i lore the re rcv)iics!cd t tiaais h t. 1'rocure May 21, IMS. if. A CARD. ir. joiix iM.ii.ii i. t. Tm rr.s, UESf'EC rri'LLY to Ihe ciim-n 4' Nnnbiiiy, and il vicinity, that they have this ilay entered tirto cpnitiFCihip m the Practice I Medicine, in all it v rrimm department, and Inipe try rlii anangeriM in, ainclual attention to biiMtrea, and axndeiate rba.ges, loitcrivt-a hbeial share of p ilmi.n," . a"'lr .1 PEAL lenders ,is eri,.f arJinowl edfeineirts Ur lire very hlicr , prnn.iee li.feti.fore lie. iv.d, and 4ifliriK ciiilideut that (be new ar iiMipement, fthe linn i.f p,. - Ti ite-.,) will he conducive to ihe comfort and welfare of ihe pub lie, he nm-l rep; ctfullv solicits a c.Mitinuance of llcr collfi.lence, Sinibiiry. Mny -,'ib, l'4t. fim. EAGLE B D d DS -z n m ( 'or hit of Th'rd and Vine Stn i U, U'lLLIAMSrOUT, PA. f 111 1" TulwriU resfN'etfullt aniiiKHrCes t the I fiuMtc, thai he h i.peneil a Hotel in the com H.biMis brick Lurlding situate on the coiner of I liir.l and I'Hie streets, wlrere lie wdl be haiv to Wait li.. tli.we who may fivnr him wRti tlieir eiinipany. 'Hie 1' igle H.te1 is laige and ciHiveni ent, sod fomisheil k. ihe lv-t nvilern stvle. ll is I, v,h'. I wiih a huge number of well aired and comfortable oleepiug wpartrncitt-i, mums, iirivate parlors, Ac I'cim.iis viKitiug W illiamsporl ui bu sines or p'ea-nve, mav re-t as-ur d that every ex writ be used to render ih.-ir s.ajourn at the "Eaule lloti I" pleasant and agrcenlde. 4 1 is Table will be supplied vrrh (he very l. st the maikct af fi.rds, is,'lltii birr with ilie cUiccl wines and elber liipiors 4'lungea re 'sonable. '111.' Kanle Hot. I pometMes gr-ak-r Hdvaiiiace iu tioiut of location than any uthei similar c.-t ibbrhiiient in the KniKigh. bemg smiale in the business p:iri r.flhelr.wn. and witlrin a cusvenioiit ilit:triee ia" the t Joint House and WiMiaoi-pml aod V'.lnnra Karl lie id D. put. Kuflirient Siabling f.rov iilcd, slid aisJ liu-ty ostlera alwavsin aveudaa.-e. Atk'ntive, occorr.rriiHlnting and hone-t Serva?rit have lea enifHoxed, and nothing left uuil.iH-thal will n.hl ta 'llrc conifjrt and acciminiiKlaii.ia uf his guests. There will 1-e n earei.rge always in attendance at tbe linat Landing to convey pas.--iiger'to aiidfr,an the IIoum', frie of chart;.'. CIJAM.ES i!4tKOWS. May Uth,lM4i. J. MAYL AND, JR. & CO. Stn;' :i i i c t Tobacco Mcttiulttcttirrrs, An. !W .nri JVi-a cimirr of Itaec and Third 'Sir"' i. PHII.ADEI.PHIA. r1',HE tinderigied formed a Co partnership under the f.ruM.f .1. MAY LAN D. in. A Co.. a successors to the late firm (d J.iaih Alaylond A Co., mid will intinuo tho busuicr wt ih.-nld .f.ta blishuteirt, n their ow n neemmt. In addition to iheir own close uttentiou and vsperience f.t many yrars, in the matnificluru iff their refebrated smill'-, Ac, the l..ig i jpriieiK i. vf the si-nior paltrier of the l ite linu, w ill also I devoted to tho interest of the new concern and as nn r-;eirinn rrnll care will le spared to insure tin ir goods, at all times of the -very best ipiiihty, they solicit a fontiirtanee of the confidci.ic xlt!lt fi tends an. I riistoiuers of the late liniu THOM4.S ADWtS. J. MAVL.ND,3a. 3'hilu lclphia,M.iv 11th, IS-l'J. ly Vlra HEILlt-lT & GC. !j1 6 -( kimiiiisMitutV l Vm:tr.linrr Mcrclinnts, Pool of 11 illnw Strn1 J'ail Jtoad, os Tin: niuu iki:, I I AA INO Msao-'idlel vvi h them Joseph ll.irnrt a. m lute of "Ea.'Ioii. VH r. si ectfullv inform their, and the public generally. th.M they lia-.e ta. ken th .t large an. I we'l known store and wh trf at I foot of Willow "lieet i:.i;roa.l, lutelv m copied I v Jamb Mariiii, w'h. e ibey pu pnse iluuig a j ii. ial ! Cii-.umUsi.iii and I'orw iiilu.jr lui:ir-s, and f.orn ! Cue local a.lvuiiina', 'l the place U1112 conneeted wiih 1. II the public 'impio.t-inri.l that In. ve ll.ii. millet ill the-cllv, they Halter lllelllselics lllcy will 1 be ..!! to (lo business In as greil, if not giifii. i ail- 1 vantace, and -upon a ic isouable lerrn as any nlher j b.'l'se, iui.I ll.ev iissuie tin it-liieioU that any coik s.i nn nls m.t.le to Ihom hal havr their rrrict hI iti'iitimi, and no cm r;ion. sj aicJ to give eniiic atit I.ICtM'11. 'J'tu y are nls.i prepaie.l l receive anl forwaid good lo any p.. ml ou tlie Velaware mid rivers, Iwlwe. ii Mauch ( bunk, Earlon and Phila ilclphiaii Del.iware Dnisjon and I k'itv Can . Is; also, to anv point on the 'J omnia rivit, or aud Wi si Tlian-.'hi s I the t-o-ij.n banns via Scbnyl. kill and -Ciiion, or t!io t 'liesnpcke and Tide V'ilci 'Canals. For the acrommoilaliiiii of lloals coining or go ing lia li li ii v Ik l II and I'm, .ii Cau.i!-. a Siciiul.oat will he k pt lpicsly lor towing imals Irom 'he Schuylkill around lo the D.-hiwaie and hark, which Will ru bin in, ilIisiK In have then piodinedeli vcie.l ou the Dc'awaie, and their gomli sl.lppi d al ii s.iiiiiK ol ,r)ll to 7 .' .i r Ji.irl. on Ihe prices I .r hauling aciosa, w ith llo si- a l milage they it--ejucltully aohcit a sliaie of pair nate. W. 111.11. MAN A CO. ilium 11. ilinan, ) illiam W. Ki er. JjM'j.U IljlllCl. J I'JuUJ , May 11, IclL'. ' I The best met hod for Ihe Addition of Ihsuasr s to t erri.e and purify the lludy. n iiHsir. - imh ax v i:i.r.T tui.i: OF THE ,yrth .ImriletKi t nlle$e of Health, Are now ih know 'b-dued l.i In: I he best Mt-diciire Ml tin- Wmld tin the cure nf EVERY VARIETY OF DISEASE. VECAIsi; they fiitipeiely eb anse I be stn- J5 nneh and lewrs Irooi ill se4i Ibcnjs and cor rii t humor which are the cause not -only itt Iteail.v, tie, I iidiliui t.., Palpit.ithoi nt tin- I'te.rt, I'a'iis in the Ibmes. l!li urn it m iok1 Cm', but every niilaity incident tn mm. SAID INDIAN Vllt.E I'AOI ?.' HI.LS tie a i- T am mr.-l.r mi tennittenl, einiited, nervous. Hid imnloiy ar.d u nl Fevets. tircofe lliey r'e mse ih- i lily li tho- moibid hi aims, which, when c.mlined iittienr,-a-latiiai. ate iheca-Hienf all kinds 1 ''. VK US. S,i, Iik.ii, wlim tlie mime iiiifnu Ay t deposileil ont'in tnembiniio ami iikimiI., '.uirig fnins, urtiiim lions and aw.4lit.aa t illed l'J I EF M A Tl1. (iOJ T.Ac. W iiuhi's ludi hi Yrgetable Pills mav be relied nn a alwavs erlain to kivc relief, and it I perseveied with, aerniillue to direction will mo t sfsiu.d y, mid without fill, nuJie a Hf(ict e ol the above paMif' l uhIi.Im . Fioiii lla-io to six if ad ImliiHi Yrgelah'e. Pilli t rk en every ttiuht g u ir; tn tied, will iu a rdioil lone so completiily rid the hmly finui i-crv thing that i opposed to health, tliat Rlirimi.ilism, I2,iut, ami o nl -very descrii tion, will be lit. uillv DKlVEN FROM THE BO ! DY. For the s itne leasmi, when, Irom sudden changes ol atn.o phire, or any other cause, Ihe cr- ! since, and there n not a vestige nf the disrnvo rc spiraliiai isehix4ted, and the humor which should reiiirvine. except ibe srars'froin the deep pit formed p i- u1i' tv th- skw are thrown inwardly, causing . by (lie disease. It is imp. asibk for me to doaerihe HE ADACHE, 4.1DD1 N F.SS, naiiKM and airk- in a crrtificate the severity of lite disease end my nesM. pain in the buties, watery ai d ierlaiiMid eyes, sufl. ting, but I will bo p!e .si d to nite a fuller ac iwrre tHrorft, hoarseue-s, conglis, ronsuinption-', rlKtim.rtic pains in vaiious parts nf the b.idy, and many nlh.r symptmn. nf CA I CHINti COLD, Wright's Inihnn Vegetable i'i bi will Hivariabty eivc immediate n lict. From tlnee to nit of said Pdla taken every night on going lo bul, will in a short time, not only remove all tlie al"ve voplras nit symptoms, but ihe body wil, in a short time, be restored tn even Fiiun.lcr hrahhtban before. ASTHM , oh DIFFICULTY tF JJbKATII INli. Wrirht's lniium Vigtttdde Pills wiil loos en and cany i ff, by tlte siomarh and bo a. is, those tough phli gniy humor-, which stop up all the air cells ol the Junii, and arc the muse, not only uf the aUne disires'ng coioplatot, l:l when neglccled, often lerminates in thai mo.c d.eadlul malaily called 'ON'l WI' TlON. It shoii'd he also leineiiiberrd thai Wright's Indian Vegtlub'e P,lt arc a certain cure for PAIN I.N THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, and sick in s, lots of appi tite, coMtivc.ursa, a yelloiv of the skin ai d wis. and ivery other j vinpt.iin o a l.rrpid or drseased state of the liver; U'c:UKe tlrey purge Irom the body those uupuiltie which if de.poMled ujmiii this iiufinrtaut organ, are ih.1 cu of e.ery variety of LIVER COM PLAINT. V hen a nation is convulsed liy rio;--, ou bri nks and rebellion, the only means of prevent ing the dreadful cou-.ipjeiices ot' a CIVIL WAR, is to er. alltrailors, sod evil d eposed ones Irom Ihe rouirry. In like uianuer, when pain or sirk-II.'- of any kind, indicate that the Imdy is snug gling with internal foes, the true remtdv is lo E.Y PEJ. ALL MOR11ID HCMOKS, (Traitors to heiil h and life.) i it tilth n-il be therertain result. That the i lm iple of curing dl-case, by i and rurily-Hig tlie builv,i- bUictly in accordance with the laws which govern the unmirl economy ; nud il KO("rly c.tni.-d out bv tlie use i.f tlie above ii. mini AVIUliHI'S -INH! V I'.UIM'AHLE PILLS, will certainly result in ihe complete Abo. I t.onot IH-ertMi-; we Oiler the following leilll.Mii -sis, from h m .nt of the htghist M?-i.'cialiri y iu New Yolk, Im have leienliy been cuted of the iiiost obstinate complaints, solely by tlie use of Win. .iir's Iiiia HiETAim; Puis, of tin Surth Aim ri un 1'tdligr.oJ limit It Sam m a, L. 1 , June llth. 194 I. Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It is with izrints.u-l I inform v. oi of .. iy having Win . cursl of Dyspria. nf live year, stumln.g, by die use ol your Imoian 1'm tai i . P-ii.l. Cies rou to mee'ing w ith your ceb hrati'd muli riiK'. 1 had h, en under the haiHr of several Physi ciuns, and had tried -various' medicines; but all 1 1 no ell'ecl. Attor -u-iug one 25 cent boa of tour Pills, however, ( capcrieneed so much benefit, thit I lesolv.d to M-rsfVfie in Ihe use iff them acciuding tod rectioiMi, w hich I am happy to stale, h.'.a remit cd in a fa-rtect cure. Ingratitude lo you Lo the (real liencfit I have icceived, and also iu the hope that other sviiilarly afllirt. il mu-y Ik' tiidurml to ni.Ac tiial of your exiraordiiriry uieilirine, I scud you -this sluloinrt.t w ith lull libeil y to pub ish the sjine, ilvyon think 4iroier. Yours, A; c. New Voik, June 19, 111. ti. C ULAC-k. Mr. Richard Dennis, a;;eut for Wright's Indian Vegeialdo Pills. Drarir I have beon nlHicted for seeial yeara Willi uiwortl wcakucss and general debility, a'-roin-ptti.ird at limes with paint in the side and oilier distressing co.nplainis, Aftel having tried various mrdiciues w ithout ell. ct, 1 w as per.n ul. il by a ti ieii.l to iinrke trial if Dr. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, which ' uin happy to slate, have nkeved me iu a most Wonderful manner. 1 have u-oJ ihe me I iliciue, as yet but a shoil tuiso, and Iruve no doubt, . bv a perseroraiice in ihe use oi the medicine accor ding to directions, tbt I shnll ;ii a alum time he perl, crly re-.toie l. j 1 most will. i t-'K rwonimend said Till to all per ) son- -imil.iily f.'u ie.l. aud in the full belief that ' the sun.- hem fU-iiil result will follow their u.-.J re ! inani youts siru-erijly. HENRY A.-FOtlTE. j WaiWaiing. L'Uter co. N. Y'. N in Yetiic , SefH. Mi, -1 X4 1 . This i-i to certify ihat I haio ose.1 Whuiht' Iviiia ti.iTii.Li. Pill with the gnansl U-ne- lil ; ban- a i ii in l cure.) my -ell ot tlie lu-ou. ill at ! Ul . .s k II. adael.e, to whirh i h..d p evimislv U...H sullied. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, (irocnwuli snri. N. Y. To Mr. Rb'hnrd Di linu, Aftenl lor W right', -lii-di in l' V.I J Ti I A there are nl tin mam nued persons busily i-.i.'iit;. .! iu sel'ing a l. med . itie ins .1. i the n .in e ol the Indian V. oel O'le Pill. arid as these di sp. rale ihcti are so ii'ieiK r.-ck'.-'s .l con ss'jueiices. that III oiv xalu.ible h-.i li ny he lost in I'oi.M.ipience ol using il-e.r I're. liltil rompi'iir!-, ilxi pubbc are camt.'i.e.t ai; in : ;uiicha-n.i; ..v Pills, m.les nn Ihe i lid-sot the b -xis ibe loilowii g w ..i.lii.U is 'found : W KluJITs -INDIAN VKt.ET MILE PILLS. I liii'um pnrgntif ) Ol 1IIK SOUTH AMhM'IIA COLIM.S II f MIALVti. An. I aae to la eupcrullv eaieful acainut pureha vim; iid iiie.rieiue of any -r..n i liie li nu I ir a.lverlisnd nt'eil's, AVLSTS FOIt MWTHt Uliriil.AMrCi, Pt niisijivuuHi. II. H. Masscr, Snni.iuy Payne A Rne, Noi ihfiinht ibiiid Jacob H iss. S: sinokin Samm Herb, M.ihonov Uverly A 1. Ha .a, Aullsll lienor A I''. ll.ii. H, Mlllou In I in.! V Mi i ell, McEweos.;e P'fei oV Deiiiiuoud, Tuibulsv u:e James Peed, Polts-jrovf II vbis.', Sot d.-rsinw n II. 1J.Ki.u-U I. P. M., Elishuig J'.ti. A in. J,ei ei.rjnc, P M . Jinioti Corner. Olliee snd tiri.i-r.J for the sale of Wrigii' hid ii. t li,'fi.,'.ir Pill. WhoUsile si.. I lieuii. n.. inj j;cj: sJ'Ri:j:r. philaiifl- i'lli.V. May 21, In-K. Iy ROSE OINTMENT, roit Ti:rn:n. S.t.tlWOKtH, I-IMPl.RrJ O.X THR FACE, AND Ol II HI CliTANtXlt; tM HtriM, C3" 7V,c fnll,ning certijica'e dttcribegnnt nftht tnn-t extraordinary cures ever effected by any I '(nan itat urn. Pan AiiriraiA, Felmiary 10, 1SHH. j IOR twenty years I was severely afflicted with ! 'I'i-Tteu on Ih Face and Head: the -disease jcommmcid when I w is seventeen year old, and i cotrtinircd tnrtil tlw Fall of ISM, varying in in j leree.'hiil wiihoul ever disnppearing. During most j of the lime, great part af my free was covered with j the eruption, frequently attended with violrmt itch ! iig; my Imm.1 swr l ed at tiima until it felt aa if it Wild burst the swi lling was so gseat, that I cou!J j scarei by get my hat on. During I lie long period , th it I wasaiflicied wtih the diseare, I uaerl a great i mauy aj pbrali,.n, ( them several oeleliralril ri . latum-) as w. II a taking inward remedies, ' in. luding a number of l. t 1 1 a of Swaim'$ fanacea, ; I'.ilrart of Surtupnrilln, Ac, In fact, it Would bo iuipo-sihle to miuuieiatc all the medicines I used. ' I was also under the -earo jf two in" llie moxt di ' tnii-iMhed lysiciana uf llri city, but without re : een ing m ch beui fit, aitdf drspairnd of etr .being ( -cured. Iu the fill of I8;iC, the lieae irt the time . being very violent, I commenced ntiiig the Kate I (t.'ntiiirnf, (prepared by Vaughan A, Dans.) In i a f-w applications the VK.htit rU'bing . ased, the swelling abated, tlie i riiitiou hegan to iVisapear, an.l lief. if-1 had used ajar the di-ease was ealiiely I ruied. ll ha now laeii marly a y. ar and a half count to any person wanting further sattafaction, who will c..l! on inc. At tire time I azommencej using the IC sc Ointment 1 would have given hun ibeil nf ilo tn he rid of the diaeaaci, Suico U sing it, I have recommended it to several icrsori, (am.vng them siy mother, who had tlte ditcaso bad ly on her ami,) who were ntl cured by it. J AMES -DrriNELL, No. 156, -Race St. efj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. B. Vaujhari, Sou ll East corner rtf Third and Race i-tre.t-, I'hiiadclphia, and sold on spencv in Hunbu rv. by li. V. M ASSER, ' M..y 14ih.-i12. crir. SlM' Oiiitnit-itf, for IVIIerT a pnot)P or us r.rriCACY. Philati i.i-Hi a. May 2?th, IS3H. 'IRITIS i lo certify tliht 1 whs severely alllicled wnh Teller in lb.- hands nuJ f.-ct for upwards of forty years; the ditease was attended generally w ith vio'ent itch'iig pnd swelling. 1 applied to a i. umber of physician, and us.d a great many nppli ca'ions wiihout cj'ecting a cure. Aliout a year siiire.'l tippbed the Rove flintinent, woich entirely stopped the itchiiiK.anil a few applicattiat ttnmedi at'y cured the disea!, which there ha been no return of, although I had never 'boen rid of it at any lime for folly years. RICHARD SAVACE, Eleventh, below Sp uce Strerl. XZj" The F.nse 'Oil t merit is prepared by E. J3 Vau.hari. S iulh East corner of Third and Pace Streets, Philadelphia, nd s.dli on aaenrv in SiiiiUi ry. by JL 11. MASSE II, May T4th. 1S12. Agent. VTEVXCaL ArPTTOBATION Of the itOSi: i)l.TMi: ', for PrtUv. Vll'llOlICH the snneriority of the prepaialii over till others ii "fully esiabrished, like ro?u tors take phasure in laying 'before the pw I Ave tie following certificate from a respectable physician, a graduate of ihe alJniversrty at Pennsylvania. J)r. (Suugb, having found m this thai relicffi a tedious and disHgreeslilc arTertioii which therneafi within the range of Lis , profession failed to (4, fwis not-hesitated to give-it bis approbation, although the prejudices and interest a4" that prolesatuu aia ..ppo.ej to aeeret Reimdiea. puiLAi.a i.wti, Sept. i, aac. 1 was recentW trmrhleil wit'i a Irdioua hertie eruption, w luVb covcird nearly one side of my face, iih.I eriendud over the ear. Mr. Vaughan.jiroriric lm ir the Ointment, obseiv ing my face, ius led on toy trying hi preparation, of which he han ded me a j ir. Although m common with the mem ber -ul " my profession, I discountenance and disap prove ol the -numerou rwstrum palrneW .upon the public by iunoiant pretenders, I feel in justice bounal loencvpt the Ointment from thai-claims of ata (bctn. s, and to giv i: lay approbation, as il entire ly iurcd the eruption, although it h ul resisted the usu tl apiilu-atioiis. DANE UAlHsH, M. D. The Rose ointment i piepared by E. P. " aughan. South -Eaat -corner o I Third and liaoe Streets, Puiladeljihia, and aold onngrncy in Sjai burv, bv ii. 01. MASSEIt, May llvli, 1S43. Agent. NICHOLSON LAND i on sAiaiL IN pursuance of a writ Uaued by his Etcefteaac David R. 'Porter, (jV.erimr uf tho Conocv wealth of -Penn-y Ivauia, ta the undersigneil, Coas iiissjiiner on the part of file Commonwealth la dl t! thec-iates nf John Nicholson oV I'otor iSayniwa there will Iv ofl'ered at Public Sale, at the Csaurt House in SI NH-CRY, on SAT! lick day ofal'N'E net, the following -tloscirhcd tracts nf land, situate in Northumberland cnuly to evil : A -tract ..f 'l.rnil situate ou Muucy Udl, in Tor Let or 'Deny town-hip, Northcnilierland ecamrty, -near the line of Lycoiiting and N'oilhumborland coUurV, cdniuirig Joserh albK:elh, John Corniest and i.tU'is, containiirg 4 Irt acres and alliMratiee, surveyed o. a wanairl loJaiutu Hepburn JakoJila Marfii.-ITU:! A tract of I md .ititale an Laurel Rip, in Mwn cy u.wiis op, Norihumheil .ml county, aljoiniaut containing 353 arris 2w perches, surveyed on a warrant to Rolcrt 12-mM-goinrry dated "'!; June, IT'.IH. A tract of Unrl on Montoui'a ri.lge, twiith ra Norihuuiberlaud, adioiuing Aisbew I'pple ana others, coii'.aitnng Hi acre tk) peu hc-i, aurvetxiji ou a warrant to David Jaekson tlatej April, 1793. A tract of land on Montour's ridge, nea,- Natl, thurulierl iinl, inljoiiiiiig Alani Kiniaing, jr , cuav Imnitig lilt sens, niri-vod on a warrant M JiJta ti .rron date I Sft ApmJ, 1 Tf t. A ti irt of land i n Mont ur' lidge, adiiana A ' in . Kintrine A .lohn liarron, coiilaining Sill a- res s0 porches so l nil.. w ance, surveyed on a wr rui.t 1 1 W mi. flrady dated t.'ith March, USX A tract (.1 l-rrnl siiua e in Point onalnp, adjirirv ing 'I hoinas tiwkins aud athrrs, cotrtaiuing tilli n.'.es ail I'Cii and alknA'ance, surveyed on a w.rinnl to Charles i. Tn ichle, dated 25th Ajul. IT"3. A -tract of land simate on J.aurel Run, in Mm cy t-.wus'iip. adjoining Haunt Monig incry ai.4 ol be is, containing 44i5 acre 2H perches aud allow ance, si rveved en a warrant to Alcauder Jtlaiat-g.-iiieiy dated Slnt June, 17H.I. A Hart irt" laud situate at Kdio lUdl county (late lleik coutilv) on the water uf SwaUr. coiilaining 4Ui ai'it 4-0 perclua and allowatioa surveyed ill a wariaul to Michael utjik', datul I.I Oclolier, 17K4. !f"'c u.'na Id nd fas . by tlte farmer Vtit. fuixsinneri aud the purehaert hating mglttttd In fitiy the purehurt mtmey the toits Arct tri ixa. ivs,, Ac. A cieilil will 'lie givi-a, and terms made kjituv 141 the day ol kale. JN. DUNBAR CREIGH, ConimUaiuuer. Cisumissii.iiei'ii Older, Haiiinhuig, May ?, IfU. J