A. Vlilt ( the llrniiMaKr. Rev. J. AL I'eok, oik.' of the editors of Ihe Biptiat Banner and Western Fwneer, jjives in tiat paper the following interesting account j oj' a vjsit to General Jucktou, at tlic Hermit age: 'On Tuesday wc returned to Nashville. Our route lay by the Hermitage, and we (.'iiibruoed lite opportunity to call mi the venerable ex i'lcsiilcnt of the United States. Having u letter of introduction fromou' of lien. Jack:iiiH particular friends, and who, tliongli of recent acquaintance, wo miiycall our frkiid, we were ino.-t kindly and hospitably received. In poli tics we have the enviable nrivilesre f S-iUiiio- on the fence,' unmoved by all the commotion -of ! pany leelmg that rages around continently ) e had no political predilection to gratify no : party antipathies to disturb n. j 'We found the General confined to his room w fili a cold ami oppression of the lutisrs, lor which he had been bled the proceeding day. j Ilencohe appeared feeble, and looked older thim we expected to find him. Yet his eon wrsatton was animated, and hisopiiiiousofnicn and thing expressed wiTh pr..at frankness. With the view of seeing the workings of a mind of no ordinary power?, and which for many years has commanded the attention, if not the respect, of the world, we introduced the subject of politics. What was said, and what were the views lie expressed about men and things is no business of the reader. Enough vas said, however, to confirm the impression that lien. Jackson, whether right or wrong, poswses no ordmaiy mind. He certainly i,l raok among the great men of thu age. Posterity will so regard him. 'Wc ppenl nu iW.r and a hwlf in 4iis company, w ith unusual satisfaction. V'arioua topics of conversation were introduced the condition of the country, that of England and other Euro pean countries, the Advance of arts, public moral, education, and last thottgh not least, re ligion. Un this subject he spoke freely, and with reverence and solemnity, as the richest Wes-sing man couid enjoy as ike only support the mind can toavc in old age. Repeatedly he expressed his satisfaction atoureallon him, and urged our stay to (Turner. This wc de clined. He is necessarily tinier, thronged, and we ijioukl really suppose annoyed, with com pany. Hundreds, nay t lions amis, in a year, call at the Hermitage. 'On arising to depart, (for wc had engaged to be in Nashville at 3 o'clock,) we gave him the parting hand, expressed the gratification we had received from the interview, and im ploring the blessing uf Heaven upon the rem nant of his days, with the sincere Iiojk; that wc night meet ill Heaven. His voice trembled Willi emotion while he grasped our hand firm ly and said, 'My dear sir, 1 thank you I thank you for this interview 1 respond co yoer kind vixit. May.tlie Lord go with you.' Tiikii lino Incidlnt. Attempt of the Tiger to tlrvuur llcrr JJricsbuch. On Thursday e- vening, us the celebrated wild beast perloruier, Dneobnch, was pel funning with his animals at the llowery Theatre, the Ijeopard and the Ti ger volunteered an extra incident to the perfor mance by a regular set-to while Dricsbach was in the cage with them, which came near cos ting the latter his life. Driesbacli had suc ceeded in separating the combatants, one of wiikii, tho IijiMrd. lie caiibexl to reap upon his shoulders, w hen the Tiger made a spring up on hint alao, and buried bis teeth and claw iulo the unfortunate tamer's face and head, tearing olfa piece of his sculp, lacerated hia face ill a nufct shocking manner, and covering him with blood. The indouiitablecourage and address of the heroic Herman, however, was never more conspicuously displayed t han upon this occasion; and so effectually did he subdue the enraged animals, even while in the most iniinent peril, that some of the audience were not aware of the extent uf the accident. .V. I". Era. A Tb "chink 'oii'i.imi:m . The Richmond Whig contaiuslbe following acknowledgment from a lady of Virginia, .of the effects ot Mr. f larsiiall's speech on Temperance : 'Will Mr. Marshall pardon a lady fur thank ing him, through the ineditin-of the public press tfirliia able and sur passingly ehxpient .speech on Ternpurance ! It has had the bltsod tn-Icd to cheer a friend, und ra-Ae a aviduwjd 'heart j rejoice, aa'lrer only son a well knov.ni Lawyer, j has .pledged Jtimsolt to ''Total Abstiuence," j with sonae geutiemcri in tbuft -crfy, in eimsi-- I iuencc of having read that admirable etddrtt.s. Two of the sons-in-law of the l'reoideiit offiie I'niled Stales, have likewise tpl edged tbeiu- J wive, j May God tdess Mr. Martial ia tune, and ' throughout eternity." Williamsburg, Vu. A PuiLANTiiuoiJBi. Edward I'. I)i"lav.r:nil A bany. New Vuk, has devoted siKloea ears 4f labor, and a fortune ol jvWi.lKH) m proiuitiiio the glorious cause of Ti inpi ranee. W wx a rich and pleasing reward must the r?co.it on ward progress of tlte great r.iaral reform U; k hitn, tor trs phil.inUiropie luixirs! May it-1 pregrees erjual ins uieM sanguinary l.pe. I'irt U Aili ) rtini r. Cats. A rorresponilentof the lAiiidon Morn ing Cltfwiicle htitnaU'S the sumd of cats in linglaud at2,T3-VitH, and fwpewee that tbej be taxed eight shillings each, which would in crease the revenue Xl,U"?7,MKl laoN. Within the last seven years, 10,(1(10, (KiO have fiuav lo England from tlic United Ctalta tor irou. ClirUtlan Phllanlhrnph y. Seldom arc we called upon to record a finer incident than recently came to our knowledge. A gentleman, well known in our city, who had been constrained by severe pecuniary lossess to abandon iIicbuninesH which atone time hade fair ti) enrich him, wan induced toesk bis credi tors to discharge him, on condition of giving up all bin properly. He preferred to do this in stead of availing himself of the boon extended (o hiln in common with thousand of bis fellow citizen.-, by the benevolence of Congress. His creditor?, without one exception, signed hia discharge ; but one of them, whom lie al most tcarcd to approach, having been coin- polled to pay hia endorsement u an "accom niodutkm note" for two thousand dollars, actu- nted by a peculiar)' generous as well as Christian feeling, remarked to the applicant for relief, as he ob.enxH his embarrassment, "Come on, uVnt be afraid. 1 know what you have come for,' and iustaittiy allixed hid nanio to the dis- charge. Not (satisfied with doing thie, after a short pnuse, he seised his hand and paid "Take this I know you must be short of money you have a hirgc lamily to support, and it will help you." The debtor to his utter amazement found it w as a check for one hundred dollars ! There is something refreshing iu such a scene as this. The debtor told us the story, and while narrating it, his eyes but too plainly in dicated bow his heait felt the generosity of one who had sullered by hi misfortunes. The same morning this fine specimen of nature's nobility had discharged another person who owed him nine thousand dollars. There is no romance in this. .V. Y. (-urn. Adv. Tbe great chesmiton Mount Etna is the lar gest tree in the world. Its trunk at the base is X'fl fret in circumference, and an opening in it islargc enough to admit two carriages abrouM. A tradition of the country relates that when Jane, Queen of Arngon, visited Mount Etna, on her way to Naples, and ascended the moun tain with one hundred horsemen, a storm came on and the whole troop betook themselves to this collossal tree where they were lterfectly sheltered. A Pi.FAK.Avr Tows. The town of Cairo, situated at the confluence of Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, is aUitffcJrTf under water. A traveller front thai region states that tire sieam bout which he was in gotlost in a fog, and went up the principal stroK to the tavern, which was hailed by the pilot, who too); it for asleain boat. Having discovered the mistake they came to alongside, and went iu lo liquor. Jal. fSuzttle. Politics and poetry. The cry "to anna" of Mr. John Tyler's man John Jones iu his de claration of war against the Senate, has met with various commentators. The iitlxptkai of one of Vriare's f'abU to it, strikes us as aKiut otic of tbe very best aj jeiidixee to it, that we have seen : thk si ash tue rirm. As thrmigh the field a merry ass. In ar-h of (hiKilschsn. ed to ass, A tflieplw-nl's flute forgolten lay, Ioec(, liy chance, in (itit.le'a wy ; And ai again he stops to feed, His Isreiith by chance iuflaira ihe reed ; Sudden the unusual miuikI be bears Astiiiiished tirrrrle pikls Ins ears, A ml proudly sail, or warned lo say, Oh, ho! how well the flute I play ! Will motiiit st ll our muk sliplii 1 Egad ! I'll bray from mom till night." A foot, without a cWim to wi'. May once auccvt il the mirk lo hit. And should success be crowned with praisr.J Coough the ass forever btay."l'uL Oaz. IJoKgrrel Pottltea. "The tltfunct Whig parly iu 'irpini. JUwitviiiuH. Tire dead ofOld Virginia yet will wake. Leap Irom their graves to arret tbe llto cry. The hills beneath their rallying npudrons alivkc As if an earthquake's f.rm wv tnimiog dy, Wbde breaks ill Uiutob-r tVnm radi iron Vatnl 'J'lutie siyrvsl st.tHit, "Liiud uixl our nrltivc land." Surli AiiitswuH. Tl en ibey nunt ri-e rescue mte S'orh, riuTry Chaptnio, is their fata ; Ho', should they still adhere lo Clay, Thty'll know no resuriectiuu day. MaJinvninii. No miii tf t'bsplain pens this Hue, .Vr prniMNl the olheis which you quote, I'ut one who ia a cave divine, And who ti u I tl learned ibe truth by rote, That when the signal sbxkea the skies The sleepers in their L7y will line. AwA Amtritan. 'Tint vten they wake ihrouah bill ami glen, f mm out Ilie drcdius thiy'ie wrajit in. Who lln-ll shall ir us'er loilb the men, 1" uk w H I (be Cupiin .1AiiVwinn- liiU4ikllulul liluloue -M. LA V II, Ciiina you'iecraoki'd ; you've bad a fill' Vt eVe llirowii you d wn ; so, iKioc tor U, llii In!' 4es.ii by 'l. ivs re le-L, wteii-oiir will ii fun, r r ui'lilv soiasli yno lino I, And Unit ynu then outright. (him, ttVcaiinnt fiiiht ; hut ynu inu-1 trade. And h! your lca-poti sinj arrayed To s ul for us a pb a. The Irf.-t r1i.ii in yimr fw-es elares our eiy el bahet ilei-lires i' must came ujttr 7' ! .on. Lit. Cuz. f'he I U'O fp.h' ins will ionics' m-irceau from (lie Ft a will I'C situ, rulaiwo ways : Mii ! (), imi t me. I impor yoo. M t. wheie uifisl I may udoi )u. '.Veili tlie shadow ef the b.iwer, Mel sue itn'ie at any boor : M el urn there or w here you will, Meet, and pay that little lU. Menage has these two terse and pointed I. nor on the portrait of a lady lo Ibis p trait, my fair, thy Tetemblainre I ace; An uiMiit.bk tLanuw just likcthecl THE AMERICAN. Saturday June 4, '.842. (jjr- GKXF.nkL fmTT pnid this place a shott and hniy visit nn Friday morning a wrrk. Hia ar raiigement were uch that he was oliligi-J to pro ci'oil imineiliutoly on to Washinfiton in the parket. TIip bodt whs, however, iletainrd At Norlhunilx-r-land for an hour, to cn.iUlo him to p iy visit lo tin- tlirec aistersol Ueneral Ura.ty, rvaiumg in tint place. ; Qj The Military encampment at Danville last week, came fully up to the eK'Clati..ns of its friends, while those at Heading and Baltimore wcie in some measure looked upon as failures. Tbe nvlitaiy were generally well rquip'd. and arquiited tbem sclves iu tbe oeiforunrice of their duties iu a cre dilahlc manner. (Jimeral .Scott, who reviewed the j l.iltt'lTS )!llrilin. diffi rent compatiies on Thursday, was highly p en- The May nnmlTf of ibis excellent work contains ed wi ll his visit, and the polite and courteous at- J n number of vnlu ible and iritcn sling articles, selec tendance paid him everywhere. Tlie (ieiietnl is a ; ted from the liost fore pn periolieiils. The article Cue looking man. large, and generally well pr. por- Irom Tail's Magazine, entitled "Miss Burncy's li tionrd. lie measures six feet and fur inches in ' ary and Letters," i replete with useful and i uteres h'ghl. The tienersl, while it llanville, rereived j ting information. Miss Hurney was in high favor considerable iit tiiiioo from the ladies, whose ten der sympathies never fail to 1-tH'oiue uw .k. lied lit the sight of an epaulette. Among Ibe Military companies which atten ded the late encampment at Uauville, the I.ewis liiirg Infantry, comminde I by Col. MiTadden, ap prarcd to a'tr.ict the most attention. This compa ny has been but recently got up. Tha memher arc all elegantly rqu'ppcd. and though but young in "itie icrvce," appear to be Will d.i'ltd. Th company is large, nnd was, we presume, full, or j nearly so, at the encampment. Their conduct and j appearance reflect tbe highest honor upon them- , aelve, na well as upon their aide and skilful com- J maiider. Col. Mef'addeei. The rompiuy several ; mouths since fivoied tins place wuh a visit, which at i lie lime lhr,tioh some strange mishap wc tie gbrted to notice, although wc rau a-sure ibeiri they have the tnul wislics of our cituans for their proa peiity and success. j Lieut. Columl John Fursyth Carter, Aid to '.he (Jovenior, and editor of tbe Lycoming Ga zette, has issued his mandate, calling upon all pri vates and officers of the tdit rial corps to address bun by his new title. The colour! is no doubt as Zntlairi a soldier as ever wielded a goose quill. Were it uol that we do not like to pmt wiih him, wc would ad use Captain T) ler to send him to Florida, ta lick Ticr Tud ai d OiUhatchee, and thus put atiulhrr end to the war. ry Kendall of the New ( leans Picayune ha relumed to New Orb iihs. He and six o hers were leleased from captivity at Mexico, Qj Money is a perfect drug ill Eng'and at pre- j sent, und can be baJ at two ja r cent., on good secu- I rity. j fXj- Tlie FloriJa War baa )i,3 ended yet. The rbiet' Oct abalchee and Titter Tall have committed j some horrid buicheries in revenge for the surrcwk'i of llalktk Tuicnii!gc. Lieuten iiit Daker, with six mounted im-u wi nt in search of (lie Indians, and came op.m a parly nf 25 m -n, who fired upon and killed three f bis om'u, Tbe rest made ihciresca: e. nrr V.I (. iv.iilr 1 l.irr iu nt (Tiiii.lt rl,..l (a,,.i ! VkJ - - 'The (io'crrior of (but s ate, it is sal ', will not sur render Doir to the authorities of Rhode Island. From an address of Dorr to (lie propte, jsihli-hed in t tlie I'rovidiiice Express-, it appoars thai he kfi in j order to spare tbe effu-kin of blond, and a civil war j that must neeesssiily have followed, bad be remain- j eJ and a collision between the n irln'S taken i J we. i OTj- Mr. Pettiich, (iie artist w as nssassiuated a few nights since at Washington by three rulKar.s in disguiae. It is doubtful whether Ui will recover, 'The expcted launch the li iritan, at j Philadelphia did not (ake pi uie. Au express from , Wdsbiuglon arrived a few boors before lli lime j and stopped bit proceedings, to the great disapHtiu(- j men l of thousand who wire uu the sjioi lo wiiuess it. 1 I I'otla and Niyder, biluated iu tlie 'Orchard" at The great Western Coke Furnace, near Fins- that place. cnoMih rable sajppjfitd to burg is doing extreme'y will, yielding alwut 1 1 1 have boeii canned by an iiK-t-tsliitry." ions per week. I fjj" On llse wrong track Mr. Farmer. Wa had kj" lire Mitei prising fM-.irietors M" the New .no tajrh lire here, Th apk' of PotlsvilUi haw Wiaid, aic abotuts publh-b iu ! extra naiuh. r : ever may know something about iu Murky i,'rjf ;, a new und interetitig fioval by G. j . V. it Jan.es. I'll.. Mnuke .mires its., or copies for one dollar. Thin vory cheap publication w ill Iw sent ly mail. New Voik. Adilress, No. 30, Aau St., fjj Tlie York (Fa. KepuliHcau saystbat a valua bleVed of Tm ore has lieen discovered oil die S.iuth Mountain in York county. Tire same pa- P''r states ibsl anew quarry of very suwrior Sletc has recently l"eii opened hi York county. rjj Straw berries are selling in great ahundarre iu Dalnnioie at 6 to 12 cents srr quatl bar very fine garden fruit. The Bishop of Norwich has brought Uf.ae ling uf the. coal, and consequently saves considcra Parliament tbe practice employing young children ; ble eipeuse in time aud wastage. The cars are oftiolh sexes iu coal mines, ol'iea drawing liuulles' load, din ihn mines and biouht down upon the of coal through long, dark, muddy passages in j road one hundred ru ilea (a this place, wltere the which I bey ares&ligcd In erawl on (heir hands and J coal inveudul for shipment is discharged into vts knees, harnessed lo iheir hurdles like horses. Ycl I M'k. From ll e length of ihe piers, a large amniber 1 1 e.-o humane -eopo, who have H-udered llie Condi- of vca-cN aie enabled In I ike ia ibeir cargoes al Uie t ion nf soine of ibeir u lute subjects m.ire degrading than that ol ihe Russian surf, t ilk ubuut the sin of slavery, and spend 100 millions upon a doubtful irojeet iu litiersting thtix black suljetU in I ho West llij.ti. The Crops and the Currency. From prraenl appernnc.M there probably never wnn, in tlii ec ion of country , more fjvorablti indi citions of plentiful cfopn. In some of the adjoining counties (Union and Columbia) tlierc Ins lurn aome complaint of (he ' fly," which it in Mitt, h an somewhat injured the giain ; but thin, we brltcve, ii nut general. The crops of fruit tbia year will Uobe much greater than for a number of year past. We have, therefore, every pnwpoct for an abundance of the "fruita nf the eurth." This is truly rheoring, and nothing appear wauling but a a und currency to restore us to a condition as pronious as in our palmiest day. When our fanner ahall have re ceived their returns for tbe producta of their har vests, we shall teaaonably look for better limes. The merchants generally, in replenivbing their stocks have purchased very nparingly tbia apriug, and on ,)C wj,. we joU,t whether more than a third of tbe usual amount of inercbiiudi-o has been It. Might to tbe valley of tbe Suipiehnuna the present tea- ; aon. A II that we have to fenr is, that the a! lindanes : of the coming harvest will reduce the prices uf grain. Some reduction we may rxpect, but we 1 tiusl it will not be great. wi'h I)r. Joliufon, Sir Joshua Reynolds and their a-si-ciaii . Her record of their 'S .yings "d l)i i ngs' may 'berefore well be regarded as highly enter laiioni!. "The School Mis'less Abroad" and "Tbe Earth-quiikt rs," by Thomas Hood, ulsjund with 1 1 io wit and humor peculiar to the writings of ibis comic author. "The Steppes of Southern Uu-sia, Nos. 3 and 4," contain much that is new and inlir i siing in relation to the countiy and habils of the Russians. "Dost Mohammed," late sovereign of Aflghanistau, "Jack Hinton," and a nimiher of o- ther interesting articles, a list nf which w ill Ik' found in nmitber column, niusl satisfy the most fastidious that the Museum is the cheapest, niot useful and entertaining woik puldi.hid in duo or any other country. lirillllim'.S )il!iliuT. rtTf Mil rioN ts, mi STsr inninv, A peulli in in of this place, v. ho is a suhsc iber (o ; this puhlii aiion, railed on us a few days -incc with ! Ihe June uumln-r, and very jns'ly rompl aim d nf be miseiablo enttaiHg end led " I he Profhied Kiss," which certainly lore a S'roiiger similitude to some nf ibe figucs old n f. un I upun a Chinese fan, ibun should he found in a work enjoying such extensive eirru'ntion. We suppose, however, that the plute was worn out la fee a sufl'e ient number wt re strut k, as the plate of a nuti ber sent here l y a ri siibscrilMT was much stipeiior to th c recei ved I y ti e subsoiiliera residing in this place. Tbe gentb-nian alliKkal to, says he wu induced to tike woik principally on account of (be enur iving, and thinks it hardly f .ir lb t ihe fa end of the edition should have been scut lo all ot tlie subscribers here, whilst the U'ttri ones are retained fn ihe citv. Mrlllury. A fellow stopjied in (l is place a lew days, and undertook to teac h some of our folks, tbe art of memory, lie promised (o make Hit ir memories as bright as a mirror, bul a( (he conclusion of his lec ture found bis own so defective that he forgot all bis iromies. Tho only thing that lemains in j delibly im; ressed tinri the nnudsof his pupils is, i that thev have lixn ueM handsomelv huuibui'i'ed j ou, M, Jo,;ir. - (Jj-Tliere bsve len some serious rjits in New Orb aus. Scveial liiok rs ollicrs were broken into and iWnMilislMHl. Tbe New Orleans Uanks have all resuuied sjysje payment. A school mi.sdcj ill 1. vim, Mass., tied up a small boy by (Ik- Insds. and tvat biiu in such a uian uer thai he dic'J next umruiug. Ol" The following Uautitul Hn.-s are ex ti acted fr'M" teuipei mice wmiR, wiitten by tlw Rev. Dr. j Dethune, and published in the Musical Library. "The ri.sT i f earlblv mix have trod 'Tlie juice from lite hb'eding vine ; Uut tbe stream come pore from Uie makb of God To till (bis cup of Uiiue." "Fire ia Suubifry. ThcSStinbury American (jives an account ot the burninrof the slablcai and tbe carnage lnHisiii, Lu kmi'MIii' to MeK-ra. "''"""a ""'"'f j TlrelranchofihisintHrt4ii( wnrkextcirJitrgfrom I the Falls of the Schuylkill, oa ihe wes( side of the Schuylkill river to ihe river Delaware, ts now very nearly comi4eted, all Ihe ra k having lcen laid j The eastern Krinination of (he load is at the vib i 'age "I RichsMOml, aUut three milis north of (Jie j city from MarkiH street. A large depot has len tToctod at the termination of tlie (aid. A substan rial embankment twelve hundied feel in length. x lend into the river. Each pier ia provided with a double track of rails, from which tho loaded cars dischaige ibeir coal at ance into the vos-els ly ing ulung the piers. 'This pie. -ess ireeaiis all liand- same time. 'The deputed points as ( i the pnc.i- cabibty ol'ctrryiug coal ou lite lung railway to compete wuh caind ivig iiinn in cheapness of traispo Istinn, wif now soon b teaard I'hiluJ. j fivrth A iur.taa. From the Hnlliinnre. Amrrienn. TWRNTY SEYENTH fOM'.RESS. WAStiinTOjr, May 30, 1812. tJMTKD STATES SENATE. Itaiikrnpt Law. Mr. DENTON present, d a inenmri ,1 from two hundied citizens of Vermont, praying for a repeal of the Daukrupt Liw. Mr, U. said he had long bern thinking of lli'usu' j ci, and had become more and more convinced that tbe Law of Congress was not a bankrupt Liw within the meaning of the Constitution. Mr. Denton said that he should nt somo early day bring in a Dill for the Kepral uf tbe Bankrupt Law. lie should then stale his views upon tbe subjictin full, and ask the Senate to vote upon the merits of the question at once when he brought in his Dill on leave' The memorial wis I i'id upon tbe table. Corps of Reporters. Mr. ARCHER, or Va , one of a Select Com mittee, to whom a reiluiicn of the Sena'e was re. ferred upon the subject of providing a Corps of Re porters for ibe Senate, m.ide a favorable report to the follow ing effect ; That the Secretary of the Senate be authorised ' lo employ five Rip oters for the residue of the pre- sent session, and for every succeeding session of Congress. Tbe suiierintendine reporter to icce've not more than ffiti we. k, and the remaining (our not more j than 50 ! Tbe Peporlers to have their reports com. deled three hours after the adjournment nf Congress for one of the Printers in tlic District who will iieree to this provision. Tbe 1'iinters of tbe tilnl, it is said will comply and carry out another provision in the Res ilutjon which rrqniies the Piiu'er acceding to the terms to furnish proof sheets the same evening lo the District pasra who will publish them in full, Tbe Reso'ution (m king an appropriation) was (cad twice and laid over Apportionment Hill. The orders of the day were culled fir lictwccn one and two o'c'ock. Mr. Mt-RO DEISTS moved lo reconsider the vote by whxh the Senate had tefuM-d to al.pt tbe lnmi!r of 7 l.n'.H ns the ratio of r. pns. ritaiion. I be Senate by yeas and nays refused 2fi to SO. Mr. DAISKOW of Lou. then moved 7I.CS7 as the ratio and a deba'e sprung up iu refeience to tbe effect oft 'lis number ukiu the House. It was ad vocated by Mr. DAGHV of Alabama, in his lirst speech, upon tbe ground that the I irger the number for a raiio the better for the House and the country. Mr. Al.I.EN replied, and the Senate w. re soon in a lull lute ol tl. bate upon tlie questicn whu h mos, barren point of order, at once Senators, repor was discusssed during nearly the whole of Ihe past j w 9nd spictators arouse their jaded faculti.s, and week by Mr. PRE POX, Mr CRITTENDEN, rjice in ibe confident and never di-appointed ex Mr. WALKER, Mr, WOODDI.'UV, Mr, TALL- ' pecution that they are at last lo hear something MADGE nnd others. j W(ir,, lisieuina to. 'The buoyant spirit in which Mr. HARROW modified his amendment so as (he oiutor speaks is communicated sympathetically M reduce the ratio one thousand. In tbe modified form (he proposition wns as much d, luted as hi l ire ! and beore its conclusion I close, TK Tlior K WI) I.lYI-'s l.ltvT ' Trrinrniluiia Knrt hiiilir In (lie l.lniul of ' . .. "'" liy ine poiitenes 1 1 i,apl. .Morns, ni uie im g Win. Nei'son from Port au Piinc, we have La Palrinie' of the I Ith M iy, published at that place. which gives an account of a s'l.irk ni e irthipj ke that o rmred in that Utaud o i tlie Vih uf.May.al j 5 o'clock in the evening. w, , 1 lie principle destni' tion ot life, of which bate an account, was at Cae Havtiau, which town was entirely destroyed. It contaiiml a'xiut t .r) ( Oil inhabitants, two-lhird of whom a c thought lo be The approach of the earthquake w as indie ited iu Port au Prince by great heat, ami heavy clouds j that covered the neighboring hills, and followed the direction of tbe oSotilh-West lotbe North-Cast, 'The vessels at anchor, some uf ihe sailors reurt stranger doulrtlesc is that a man of ordinary mind rxjierienced the shock before they saw the houses a-.d v.ry little power as a deba er has oUaiod the agitated, which sceaued to indicate that tbe shuck floor. 'This is a J.-cided mistake. Mr. Wright is came from ibo w?.-4. the Ajax nf plausihibiy. Im noveaMy cab and There wire '.wo ifcocka at Port au Prince very ; tmpassltile, the Talleyrand of Use Forttna, lie would disrrtetly fit, the first riot so long as tbe veroiitb argue a second-rate point of order and announce which Last endured abiait tm-e tuinules. Every i an i ivasiou nf the country in the same unimpas persen strove to ge( out of the h'HJses, and llss sioned tone and manner. This inflexible ca'mness street,'! were filled with Ihe affrighted fopulalittn is iff great value not merely tot tiimaelf and his A hide longer, sys the Patriot, and Port au Frinco j cause, fcut to tiro Senate. Fiercer spirits are re would have been the theatre of a disaster similar nuked and rhask'ned by it, and I lie torn per and to that of 1710, of which diststtotis year (here- dignity of Senatorial dicussiui guarded and pre membrance was rushing into all minds. ; sa-rved. The Patriot also saystbat there is hardly a hou-e I So keen a rausist is ip( to lie unfair in bis state or a wall that has not sutTered a little. S .mo have j menu and notation; t Mr. Wright's manner Income almost uuinbahitthte. Tbe front of the ; rars'ty rails int unfairness, neer to a palpable mis. Senate House, whtrctbe arms of the Republic are ; sUtement f l lie (mint at issue or an iponent's sculptured, is detached and broken. The interior was uninjursil. On the Saturday night succeeding and on Hun day, there were other shocks- Mas was inter rupted, au I the ersoiia present ran hilUet and lluther, white many women fainted. On Monday looming at 12 o'ckx'k (hew was another shock. The wcath.t all tbe while wa J changeable, now rxlremr beat, uiiw rain, now fair, and now signs aa if of a storm. On Tuesdiy again ihiTe was another shook and silica then, say the Patriot, it verms to via that we walkupntt asjuakitig earth' Ssivr Mm, A letter from ibis town aija that the eartquake w as felt there with vbsVuor. Many tiousos were seriously damaged, and some deslroyid, but iw lot of kfe is inentHmrJ. Al tioKAtvxs the th icks were yet mora serieus. The greater part of the houses were overthrown. A fire broke out at tlie same lime, and there was not a drop of wa'er iu town. All the house that were, not burnt ruflend from the earthquake. It was in the streiU that ih writer ef the letuv giving this Hceoiiut whs inditing it. Tbe Church, the Prison, the Palais National, lh Treasury aud the Arsenal were all ib-sttoyvd. Thw k-tter concludes at 8 A. M. by saying ; "It is only half an hour sjime that we fell a very great eomoiotion. Al present, we are ignorar.t of the liUii.U'r of prisons killed or wounde.L All ihe prisoners whs are not buried in tlie ruiiM, are es raped, tiod grsnl that Port-au-Frinoe may lust fcave experienced inch a J ussier." Cr HTTt. Thelnwn nf Cape Ifiiylian ha eitlinly disappeared, ant tvtfi it Iwn thirdt if tht. pnjmhilhn. The families that could cs. e ie are fled lo Fos-ette, where they were witlioul an cylutn, cl i'hing or provisions. The President of llayti has given orders to Ihe physicians and officers of the hospitals to leave tho city immcdiaiely in order to give succor to ihe dis tressed. Other aid of all kinds was about tube dis patched by water to Ibe distressed. L ATE It. In addition to tbe above disastrous intelligence from the Cape, a courier arrived from tho city a few hours previous to the depaiture of Capt. Monis, who stated that a fire broke out after the eaithquakr, which on Monday the 9th, destroyed the powder nngatine, and w ith it the miserable remnant of tbe inhahitanta who bad escaped the earthquake. The towns of St. Nicholas and Port Paix are also said to be destroyed. Other parts of thn Island had not been heard frem when Cnpt Morris left ; but it is conjectured that all the oren.i nf the nwth are a mrr-.s n ruin. .V Y. I'rprrss. f'urrrxpondriice if the Snv Ywk Tribune, (ilancrs at I lie Seli-e. Wasslicitoji. May 2.1, Jonx .1. tHiTTKMlir.jrf Kentucky I consider ihe most biilliiint and f iiciblc debater on the fl or, In l""'onal appearance, be is of medium bight and cheerful and alfible demeanor, strongly in- ibcalive nl le nevdlencn and good nature. He fust became known to the country as a member of thn Kentucky House, of which he was for several years Sp( aker, until thence chosen a Senator of the U uiietl St lies some six oi eight year ago. He re in lined iu the Sen ite till the 4th of March, 1810, j when be we.s selected as Attorney General by Pre. j sideni Harrison, which post he resigned in the Au- ! gu-t following, nnd was unanimousfy re-elected to the Senate iu January last, his political opponents uniting iu his suppoil. Few public men have ever enjoyed a mote gemrd und hearty esteem from all parties. Mr. Crittenden is neither a frequent nor rcmar- k .,, v Ull(ri,,),.llt speaker; but wh n a question is pr. senied wbii Ii be feih ronslrjiiietl todiscuss.be lUruws his w hole. s.iul into the effort. Argument, M-(su iion, e!opience, humo and sarcasm aic puu- nd futh iu an animated, impetuiais torrent, yet a grace and finish rately surpassed iu the capitol. His spaikling wil is blended with a manly sense, n keen shrewd: ess, a kindly heartiness, which render bis s,eeelies at once elfective and racy ; and when he ri-es to discus ll'.e dryest abstraction or tho to heners; grave Senators uppo.-ed have hard t work to smother a laugh at the exposure of their own absurdities; and Humor lubricates the undcr standini!, while tigorons, piercing Argument f.d- j lows rlosely nnd will not he resisteiL Mr. Ciittcn ib'ii's ellien ncy as a debator is a striking proof not , onlv nf bis own tare alali!y, but of the boundless intlin nce of good nature He sits at the extreme 1 right of tin- Chair, the fouth angle of the Chamber. ' Mr. l has reached the full maturity of life; his 1 i . i i ,:i .1, u l.:- f : Illir is sireuhF'J wnu sinrr, iiiuui;ii ma iidiiic im t- j r.ct and bis step elastic. His age is probably near a,;,y- ' W mc. n T of New-Vetk is probably the k' ""' log-cian in the Senate. As lie rises, tall i und pisrily, and his ruddy countenance becomes ! prominent at ihe West side of tho Chamber, near tbe entrance, directly in front of the Chair, and i you he ir linn drawl nut in a lame nasal Yankee twang, "Mr. PresiiVut," the first impression ofa ; argument, ilia skill lies in that easy, impereepti ; Ue gliitiug over Ike weak poiats of his own and the str.uig ones of (he adverse oition in sliding from the e.-sentixl gr.Miud (hat cannol U' defended lotbe non-es-euH d wImcIi can bo, wi'hout seeming U move at all. He will pnrve you die Sub-Treasuiy, ; or HMancr, lo io aouM-thmg, auy Uuug, milling accdrug lo tho igcitciV of (lie case. Tolonius I could only make a shilUiig aud impaJpable cloud ! psesent the tonu ot a whale or any thing else ; mil I sd; would do llse same with the Palisades or tha : Capital. The Public Iliads are accessary or not j necessary lo the Treasury, as suits live necessities , nf "the party ;' ihey have been a aouroe of Revenue or a Tax on ibo couiilry.as will kelp the argument. J And all this is put forth with a sweet cowboy sim- i pltciiy, a bland deference of manntT, Kiit edifying 10 bcholiL 'J'here is no piide, na assumption, nil bluster in lite part th Senator plays. You Would iver Jreaai fiom hia niinner, though you might from his matter, th a he ia one of thai ablest anJ shrewdest uen on ine floor of Uie American Senate. Mr, Wright has been a fortunate politician. I recollect him aa an able and unfiinchiug coadjutor of Mr. Van B irr-ii in I SSI, in tbe attempt lo give ihe Flrr-toral Vote of New Vmk ts Mr. Crawford, ttnlVn tviriu,' and sf I U not gieatly mistake, he waa a leader among the notorious Seventeen Sen itors who defeated the bill gtviug tho choice of Electors to (lis People. The consequent indig naKl uprising of tbe People thtew him for a lima into ihe shade ; but bs soon rallied, and in the tii'icc slrulc f I' Ik's was elected a Mciiiluy ajf