T rOH TRK AMXftirAN, EDUCATION. Mb. Em-tor There is nothing w interesting nd important to nun, than the devclopcme nt of our moral and intellectual faculties. This subject Jiaa occupied the attention of the wisest and liest of iur tare, and various method have been published to the world which were designed to facilitate auch desirable object. Mart makra his appearance up on the stage of action, ignorant of all moral and religious truths; he is even ignorant of that Being who hath given him life and breath, and sustains liis animal existence hy continued acts of kindness and mercy. Respecting his physical endowments, lie ia equally destitute and powerless: for whilst instinct leaches the waterfowl to seek ita natural e lenient, and the beast of the field to procure its ap propriate tiiHirrshmmt, mmt requires in tlie first period of hie ex istetroc the helping hand of aiTec ti.mate patents and kind friend. Whatever know ledge he, therefore, acquires in subsequent years, tnust lie the re mi It of severe and continued applic.i Moii. The faculties of the hum-in mind are conse quently altogether dormant ,- they are like the pot ter's clay, which you fun shape and mould into dif ferent form, and impress upon it any thing you my think proer, Vou can then either Vave man on a level with the untutored Hottentot, or make kirn a fit companion of our wisest philosophers and statesmen. From this you will jierccive, that in our primitive state, we hate only the clipiition to ac quire useful knowledge, and whatever we receive in the course of our earthly career, we must obtain from those who have already extensively progressed in the dcvelopement of the human mini. It ia scarcely necessary for me to remind yon of the necessity and importance to make use of all the facilities which are within our reach, thoroughly to train the rising generation to usefulness and active 1i&. We ace dnciuVdJy an improving nation : and that continual discorcries and iinrovemeiit should I'C made in the arts and sciences, and we remain stationary in our methods of instruction, would be beneath the dignity of man, and derogatory to his nior.il cb.ir.K-ler. When I recall lo my mind my own Ml o.4 Jay, and remember the few imperfect hooks which Uien given iuro tiic hands of youth, do not wonder that, at the present time, a bright and iutdJigeiit (toy f ten years has made mnre progress in the acquirements of useful know ledge, than one of tvflocn in former days. The rea e.ui is very obvious: nut bociuse the beys in my y ikunger days had less talent or intelligence, or ks industry or application, but because the met IkkJ.-ioI' instruction are now IteKcr and school hooks ini.t veil; and if a boy at the present time has inertly oitluiaiy intellect, he cann. help but in a short pe. riud to prepme himself for usefukicss and the du ties of active K( However, (icrniil nte to say that, iu one particular, no improvement has been made, ft ithis: in fonnci days the Holy Bible was utcd in common schawls as a reading hook, and thus the first principles of Christianity were imierceptilty impressed upon the tender mind of the scholar. It is true, it is tiie opinion of wim that the Bible should not be thus used, and that a rational being should first receive his intellectual culture, and then in riper years the truths of divine revelation should be presented for his occejitance. We must, howe ver, remember Out man is a religion Lang, and that it is utterly impossible that he can live lo a certain period, without receiving come moral and religious impressions The Bible was my first reading toot, and I can assure yon that, at the age of eight years, I received moral lessons which influ enced my conduct favorably in later days, and also obtained impressions of th divine character and my nioial rcsj'oiiaihilitici which wiU never We eradica ted. That I am nt alone in my opinions, has been illy demonstrated by a pamphlet, lately biibhsbed by Mr, Bat he, Pr. sident of the Oirard College in Philadelphia. The Trustees of that institution sent Mr. llaehc lo Europe, with instruct k to visit the lill'ercut ariuiuaies of learning in England, France jnd (iermany, and to report on the duTereirt methods jf instruction pursued in those institution. 11 did so Ui the satisfaction of those who sent him, and, iu his enumeration ot the different tell books, the Bible, with few exceptions, sUuds at the head of every list. Now, notwithstanding the aupeiior learning of I he European teachers, still, they think it indispensably necessary to retain the good vltl l.itJe, and, at least two or three hours a wuk, leach their pupil the divine principles it inculcates. (Jaliawissa, May 12, 1842. W. J. E. W i H It t HI , On the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shindrl, Mr. Dasir.1. Dkislkh (o Miss Emxa Lkuch, of I.y- ketisvailfy. On the 15th inst., by the aame, Mr. AnTiinttt Hinrkb to Miss Cat mini Dins., of Sliamokin town. On the 18th hist., hy the same, Mr. Joh Mills. to Misa Sinnsr Ann HuRTtiNAfca of Augusts. On the 19th inst., hy the same, Mr. Abraham Vkaoeh to Miss SUKASMA Km: Hit, of Union co. On the 22d inst., hy the same, Mr. (Julia Fbkstrr to Miss Hahmct Hotter, of JSunhury. .MUCH CUIlllliNT. Corrected icedilybif Henry Yoxthcimtr. WKAT, - - .110 Rrs, M Vmnn, 4(1 1 1 ATS, 3tt Pan. ft FLAisr.M, ... . 155 Ilirrrr.n, 12 ItrKSWAX, .... 25 Tai.lw, .... ttj Dmikh Arri.r.s, - - 75 Do, Purms. - - 2(Mi FlAT, ... - Hvrmr.n Fi., W Eus, ...... ft Important Wai-nln?, 70 those who neglect a Colit. IT is evident, and decided by the mostexjierienced physicians, that CosncvirTiosr is mostly encou rngixl by neglect of a Cold at (he first attack. How many persons are there thit put off from lime to time procuring a siidaMe medicine, until the dis ease begins to assume a serirm rhuracter, wh.n in all probaliiliiy they are past the p.wer of ntidieal aid. May lhee lines prove a warning 1o tho af-flii-ted with the first symptoms of Consumption, that they may immediately ue Dr. Di hcas's Ex rtvrxxiAST iSt.mi.nr, which is expressly for disea ses of the Respiratory System. It is ceitniu to re move a (.'ouch in a few days, at the same lime re lieving the pain in the side and biesst, and arrest ing the progress of that fatal disease Consumption ! The Expectorant Remedy has a derided advantage oMpratl othir prensTati.ms, It is entirely free from Opium, and all other violent Narcotics. Ungu lates the Fyflem.nnd gives strength to the weak and nervous. For sale at No. 10 North Eighth street, Philadelphia, and in Snnhurv. nl thcst.Te of HENRY YO.VTHEIMER. May 2ia 112 4A Agent rillLADELrHIA, READING AND FOTTSYlLLti RAIL ROAD. ISM. AN EXTRA ACCOMMODATION LINK IV commence running brtwrrn Philadelphia and t'olttville on the following days and hours : Os !n AfT; Mojiiiat, MAt 9, 1842. Leaving Potlsville, mi Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at A. M. I.eavins; Philadelphia, on Tucsdaya, Thuisdayi and Saturday , at 1 j P. M. Jloiirt nf paining Heading. F,, Philadelphia, at 101 A.M. r,UwetU For Potlsville, at G P. M. ) I '.f It K S. Bel ween PoltsviHe V. Philada. $.t,50 Ar 52,riO Uetween Kiading V do. - 2,25 A. 1,75 ISetwcn do A Pot'sville, 1,40 A I 110 Eci'HMO! Tick tTs oiion roR satl'smno ixr iiai. IVtwe.m Pol1svtlb A Philadelphia, f.'. 0(1 Bitween Heading A do. it (HI Between do. A, Potlsville, 2 till Tlie other pawenger imins will as lefore, at the following hours : rnihhhlphia and I'olltril'r. From Philadelphia, at fiJA.M. J ,, ., From Pirttsville. at 2 P. M. y llottrxtif pinning Heading. For Fotlsvilie, at J A. M. , For PhilalelJ.ia, at 3j P. M. $ ,llv- All the trains will stop for way passengers at the usual points. cfj- AH passengers nre requested to procure ttK-ir tickets before the trains stait. Mnv 21, 1842. if. ATTKNTION SUNHUIlY CUCYS. YOU are reqnirej to meet for parade in M nket-squate, Hun. bury, at 8 o'clock A. M. of Satur day, the 'J8tli dixy of May inst., in Siiinmer uniform, each Member to be provided with 18 rounds r,f blank raitndge. By older of Captain Dcwail, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Orderly Seig't. May Uih, Hit. i' to th The Lent tnrtknj for the Addition of )isra.ir i to et'ane and purify the Body. WIIH-Jl l 'S iivniAiv vr.4iri-Aiti.i: phj.s OF TUB VorfA Jtuitrlean toKcge nf IfcetHi, Are now acknowledged to be ihe best Miclicino in the World for the cure of F.VT.R V VARIETY OF DISEARr. ECAlJSE ihey ronii'etcv rbaiisi- the sto mal h anil bowels from ill si b II ai d eor- rii t humors wlireh are ilie c ause nol only i f ( Iteadmhe, tiiiloinrs, Palpit -lion nf tlte Heot, I'stis in the Hones, bill um .Ism mid t .', bu' every mlidy ineident in mm. SAID INDIAN VUliK I'ABI E Pll.I.t areacnain euro f ,r in- j teimiiient, leniitted, nervous, infl.imr.ioty Hnd u rid ; Fevers. hrc-.u- they cle iiiso .he p nlv firm tbo-e moib d hi m.irs. Mbicb, ihi. cnlineil loitic cirru- , 11 Dt:l'l)Rm.G VILUASY M OKE.lDFlXSACm- i.i.oe. A gentleman from Br'nal informs us Hint during the violent thunder t-virm which , ;;md that nlarj; TUucsdav cveniilff. tho , , din of tho vanlt, in llic huryiiii; ground, was libjwu tunm witlt gunpowder, by sonic pcrti or persoiui unknow n, and the nil vcr plates t'rom two or three coffins -stolen thtrelrom. Jtwasat first thought thut the vault door rniirht have bpen riven oprn ly the lightning traces of burnt powder inducing such a conclu sion but n -entering the tbode ofdeatli, the theft wg dif-cxnered.arid the dreadful and tc- voUuig truth divulged. Whatnfxtl J'miidtme Itl.touicle. AeiHSA rrmn.-Mr. James Ward, residing at Si 1 4 Sou'h Frftii stel, I'lula4etmia, w as for more ban four yeatu badly afflicted with the Asthma. From ila efEecIa ip-an the ayt-teju. We was reduced j to a meie tfkelutoii, and a ax triought beyond tlie ft.tit of aJI 1-uMMi asS; many -Wkines ti-i Iteen 4w-Duneafle4 as a ause -neaaedy , Imt on wisi p raved lo le of i'miew tx servKM', until fmatry he was .through Ihe pereo naons of a friend, indoord to try the Itrandreth YtgrialUt f'nimW I'iU, hth in less than five weeks Mi.wed.sl ariaking a per fect Are. Mr. W. is a highly lespoclahU citUrn fcf f toui.lelnbi, and well known as ling a aaaa of truth and fcunoi ; and in order to satisfy llie inqui ry of any pirson, ii vitl, with pleasure, give them t very into rostmn ruilt. la li eiuie, by applying s above. rrV Purchase in Runbur. of II. B. Maser, arul 4;mm1 Intent Fire Companv."' STATED MF.I:TIN(J llio C.wp.my will ! Iwld on Tliucwl iy evening licit, at 7 o'.x-k, nt the ( lourt Houfe. Puncltial ntteiulance is re quested. J. B. PACKER, May 2t, IH42. S,rrlari. ;nmI W ilt I'trv 'miaiij."' THE memWra of tlie "C 1 Will Fue Corn pHiy' nre requested lo meet at tin Couil lloune, on Mmid.ty Eveniuc, Juno tilh, at 7 o' cloi k precisely. Punctual iittendance is reqiii'ed. M ay 2. J.I I- Z I M M Bit M A . .Vc. IVliv .llowrcr RESPF.C TFL'I.EV informs llie Elector of .NoithuinlM'rtand county, that lie will be a lai.dhlato lor the ulficc of SHERIFF. He promises, if elected, lo discharge the duties of said olliee with caie and fidelity. Irfiwer Mshonoy, May 2Pth, 1 S12. to Tiirrr.i.rx rons or .ortjii m- IILIILA M) COl'.XT r. fllHF. subscriber respectfully offers hirn-elf as a candidate tor Ute oltice of COMMISSIONER, and offers, should he le eleclel, to eiert himself to render (,encial satisfaction. U II, MAM M. t.li.tt . Suiibnry, May 2th 112. TO Tjil. ELECTORS OF SOUTllVM lir.RI.ASD VOVSTY. THE suiwcrilier orT- rs himself Ut the electors of Northumberland county, as a candidate for the utiice of IMIOTHO.NOTARV. Should he be favored with a majority of votes, he will spaie no elections to render trci.eral satis faction. OEO. MARTIN. Sunbury. Mav 2ih. 1H12. CLYDE & WILLIAMS' llIanK I took !tfniiuru'lor.i, Opiiositr 1'rince's Jltili t, UAKKISHL'KII. FltHEY are prrpund to manufacture blank wotk J. of every desciiplion, ruled lo any pattern, such as Dockets liecords. )y B.ks, Ledgers, Ases sor' and Collectors' Duplicitea of the finest quali ty of paiier, in style equal lo any made in the ci ties of Philadelphia or New Yoik. All deseiiptions of binding neatly executed. Scrap Books, Albums and Portfolios made to order. Law Books, Music ami i'erimlicau bouiiU to any pattern. Old Books rebound, Ac. Also files f paH-rs houi.d- fj- Work left al the office of the Sunbury Ame rican, will be promptly attended to. May Slat, IS42. ly. U.S.Mai. Coach roit i'ott.h villi:. STICK TO THE MAIL COACH! riHE Mail Coach for Potlsville leaves Norlhum X berlandcA'ery morning tit 4 o'clock, and arrives in Pottuvirltf in time for the ears to Philadelphia. pANKaslow as any oth.r line. Fi seat, Bily Hi Mrs. Wiihinglon's Hotel, Northumberland, or at (ieore Weilel's, Sunbury. A. E. K APP A CO.. Nocthl.,May 21, 1812. I'rapritlarn. Passencers coming from Philadelphia will please secure their seats al the White Swan Hotel. Race St., before ibey leave the city. P.issenceig coming in ibis line, have th ir seals s- cii'ed in any St.igcor Packet boat from this place. 'I hose cominu iu the i.thi r line may I e left behind. TO Till' I.I.IICTORS Ol' SfWTIIl M- nr.ui.Asn ror.v'V. rplll, Subcnlier iispeciluMy niters himsill as a I candidate for the olliee of PUOTllONOTAUY, at Ihe ensuing general election. Should he f so fortunate l.i be elected, he will endeavor to give general saiii-htction to all May 21. J(ll. r .MI.oi('lil It. TO 77: ELECTORS or SORtu M- HERLAM) COl .STY. rPHE subscriber mssvtfully informs the electors 1 of Northumberland county, that he will be a candidate at the ensuing election, for (ho ollices of Rigistir, liicordrr and Cltrh of the Orphans' House of the late .lames CainpMl.ilec'd., ne..r Court. ! Pelersburi;, in Shauiokiii townsluii, Noithumber- EAGI.E Comer of Tfrrd and nm Streets, WlXLIAMSrOHT, PA. riVIK subseiils'r ri'Kiie.ilullv aniioiiiirrs l public, that be b is oui d a Hotel In the com modious brick building situate on the miner of I hiid and Pine sln-els, wbem ho will be happy to wait upon those who in iv f.tv.ir bun wit ilieir company. The Eagle Hotel is l'e mid eonvrni eul, ami furnished in llie N' t m. .bin stile. Il is provided will! a huge number of well aired and comfortable lcepiui Hpaitmeul. rooms, piivaie parlors, Ac. Peisons visiting illiinsstrl on bu siness or pleasure, inav reit as urxl llml every ex erliim will I used lo render llieir sojourn st the "Eaule Hot. I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table will be supplied with the very b. st the maiket af fords, and bis bur with ihe choicest wines and other liquors charge re is.mable. The Fault' Hot. I possesses greater advantages in point of l.s ati.ni than miy . ilbet similar est ihlit-Uuirli! iu the IhiioiirIi. being siluale iu the business part of the town, arid within a convenient distance of the Court House and Wilhamsporl and Elitura Rail Ko.d D. pot. Snllicienl Siali ling pro i.led, slid g..od and tiii.-ly oslleis always in attendance. Attentive, accoinniahlnling and hone-t Servants have Ih cii emloved, and n. .tiling b fl undone lb il will add to the coiuloil and accoiiiinodiiiiou of his gue-l'. There will I n cairi.nj" always in alleiidancn nt (he Boat Landing locoov.y paasciigci to aiidtrom the Hons-, lice of rhaige. ( II MILES BORROWS. M iv lltb, :. GOLDEN SV A N Ao. li'J .orth Third, uhtre Arch Strut, 1MII I.AII'.I1'11I A. a imviiiimiiini nm M.t:.viv rriisais.M. (MIAIH.ES W Elss, Ute !' e "White Swan." and "Mount Ve.non llou-e," respeeifnllv in forms h s friends and customers, lhal be has becoi.ie the proprietor of llie abov well known Hotel. ('t.uirry MetchauH will lind ihe above Hotel a cenlial I cation, and the best of fare. Persoijs tra velling with private conveyance will find n laige yard nud coenl stabling lor horses, and the bet of ostitis. Hoarding fl per day. May II h, 1 8 IV.. If. HOSE OINTMENT, for Ti:rn:n. HtvtlWCtHMS, MMriXN O.N TIIE fAf K, A5D OTIIFIt I t rANroVSl KRUPI tONS. QCj- The ftdlirtvivg ccrlfira'r doeriltes ont of the tnn.il extraordinary curt ec effected hy anjf xippleatiun. Pnn.Aiir.ititA, Pcbmary to, 18. IOR twenty yea's I was aeverely alflictefl with TtTTEii on the Face and Head: tiro disease, commenci d wTieii I w is seventeen year old, and continued until the Full of 18:16, varying in vio lent e, but without ever disappearing. During most nf tl time, great pan of my face was covered with ihe eruption, frequently attended with violent llch u it;; my head swrl eil altimra until it felt ns if it would hurst the swrHing was ao great, (hat t could -irri ly get mv hat on. Durii g the long pcrtod th .t I was sffiictvl with the diseie, I nsetl a greit in my nj plications, fam.'ng them several celebrate! Ulinn. ars the ennse of l k.nil" of FL VF 1!. S also, when the same intiiutilv la d. istsneil on t' e ; prep n alion-) ss wt II as taking- inwaid n-medm. ii.eiiibiais!- anil tnusr-,., c us ng p . ins, iiiS una l.t.ns and swel'inca tdred RHBtTMA'liSM, OP! T,Ae. Wrigbl's Indi.il Veuetuble Pills may ItreHtii on at sKvavs nt am to gin relief, Hnd if iersevf.cd with, Brcntdlng to diirctions Will mo t i itsuitd!y, srtd w ith.mt fail, make a M.rfecl eu e o( j the above pninf. I ti.itladies. Fiom lbrielosixt.fi sjld Indian ViRlab'e Pill- t tk. n evt ry nigbt go ing In bed, wtM in a sbo.t tone so completely rid ' the body fi.nn every thing that is opposed to health, j that Rheumatism, (ml, and pain ..('every .It'scrip- tion, will helm tally DHIV EN FROM THE BO I DV. For the h inio leasou, when, Irotn sudden iin biding a rm miter of bottles of Swaim't Patwetst, F.rtrart nf Fcrsnpnrifla, Ac, In fact, it would lw iinpo-sibh to rnumeinie all tho medicines I used. I was alstf under the care of two of ihe most dis tinguished physicians of this ciry, Intt wrth'ittt re ceiving in eh benefit, and I despaired of ever being cured. In the fill of 18:16, the t.eae at the t'nne hems; very 'violent, I commenced using the J?re 0!ntmen (prepared by Vaughun &. Davis.) In n f, w applications Ihe violent itching ceased, the swiping haed, the rii.linn began Ho disappear, and lief .re I hid used a iar Ihe ilisease Was rsitiroly It has now been tiearty a yrar and a Hall llietl. changes nf .Mien phcte.w nny other cause, the p-r- i since, ninl there i-i not a vestige of the diseesn re- spi'atimi is chei' d, and llie bumois w b ell should maiiiUtg, except llie sc.vs irom me treep pus iti.iii.j pt-s oil bv th skin sre thrown inwardly, causing by the di-ease. It is imp. ssilde for me to descril HEADACHE. OIDDI Ess, niusea and sitk-lntn ei nificuie the seventy or the diseare and my . a . 1 : 1 I ! il' I . I ... Ill l. ...1 t. ta ta fuller nvfS. l am IH lUt" I'oihs, wntTV mu iMt nm'u fc. sum mm, tni i win i: SALS CP LAXTD. KV virtue of orders of the Orphans' (Joints of Ihe counties of Northoinberi.ind mid Colum bia, the subscribers will offi r lit public vendue, on Wedntsday the I .nil day ol June next, at the Alan Having had considerable experience in public j and county, two tmcis nf valuable laud, vis.: life, he tius s. if elected, he will I able to discharge the dunes of said olliee to the entire satisfaction of (be community. FREDERICK LAARCS. May Mill, 1M2. Fi'.iiiri 1. Nt-Imnrlz, OFFERS himself as a cindidate for the efiiccs Rigistir Recorder, and 'Ink of the Orphans ( 'onrt, al the ensuing general election. Should ihe people think him capable, no neglect in hispait shall pie venl Ihe dunes of kaiJ ollices flora being perform ed st all times. May Mih. IH12 -nvi. HSILlAlT & CO., ('ommissinn vV FtirwarJittij Meritlnmls, lt of W illme Strttt Rnl Road, us thk i.r.nwmc, UAVLNIl 8ss.icii.tetl will iht m Joseph P,nniel, lale of Easton, Pa., n Htavtt'ully infnrm their friends and the public generally, that they have ta. kt It til it large and we'l known store and w barf at foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately i,ccupied by Jacob Marlin, where they purie doing a (ieneial (Ji.miuissioii and Forw arding Busiuvss, and fiom ihe local advantages of the place la ing connected with all ihe ubhc iiiiprovemeiits that have their outlet iu the city, ihey Halter themselves they will le able to do business lo a gre al, if not greater ad vantage, and Ukiii as reasotial.lt'. term as any other house, and they assuie their ftteiuls that any con signment made lo tin in shall have thi ir strict at tention, and no exertions spa red to give euliie satis faction. They arc also prepared lo receive and forward goods lo any point on ',he Delaware it ml tehgh rivers, between Mauc'.i Chunk, Easton ami Phila delphia, via Dcluvvs.re Division ami I'bigh Can .1-; also, to any point on ihe Join tla river, or Nonh and Wtst Itniurhesol the Sn-qn. baiivta viaScbuyl kill and I'uiuii, or tho Cbesawi,ke aid I ide Walct Canals. For ihe eentnmndation of Beats coming or go ing via Schuylkill ami Lnnm CminU, a Sie.tiiiboet will bo kept expressly htr towing boat Iroin he Schulkill around to ihe Delawaie ami back, w hich will en .hie merchants to have their produce deli sted on the Delaware, a id their gmtd sl.pH-d al a saving nt 50 to ?f per cent, no llie prices I it bailin g sens, with these udtairtagea ttiey rc spvclfully solicit a share of pair .nate. W.HEILMAN ACM). William II. ilmni, ) W illiam W. Kejser.t. Jose ph Barnei. 3 Pbilad .May 14. lS4t. ly J. MAYLAND, JR. & CO. Siut' and TuLtoco MunutacUirers, Ao. M Aori Yest conirr of Race and Third Sin eta. . PHILADELPHIA. i rPHE ucidersicued have fomd a 1 itartnershin .RR ASTEH Nf VERiOK TO AAV I under the firm of J. MAYLAND J.& Co.. OTHER SEAR SVSHI'RY, as successors to ihe lale firm of Jucjdi Mayland- "(tUN ti HENRV LAXWAt', having rented l Co., mid wiM c utttiiue the lusmeni at ilieol.l esla mm li, Kilnsof HTirv Masser, in Sunbuiy, IdisbuuiK, m lhe:r own account. In addition in IIOW for fcale IIe IS SI ljlllin ill .. ...i-ii I , nw .in-iinuii inu rummer . .,,.... One ihrienf situate in Sb mi. km town-hip. s.l- joining lands of David Mc lliiaio-, Lbsha Il .rtoii, anil Ol.adiah ('aiupt'eil, containing 2.ri acres mote or less, on which are elected a la.ge ond couiino li ons two slory Fiai-.ie House, with a Cellar kitchen fountain iiuinn at the door, good orchard, a cone. iiiei.t barn and other out houses, slid in a slate of g.i.Kl cu'livaiit n. This pio-rly i-on the Dauville Tiirniiikc.niid within stglil of Petersburg. 'I'll'; other tract is situate in Roaring Creek lown- -hi', Columbia couniy, adjtiiiiing lands of Ob ..hah Cuil.U'll. John Tbouius, Win. ll.S.nreund others. containing sixly-fnui acres more or less, of width tilleen uties aie clcuiil. I he leuiaiinicr is we tinil'ied. A p.iilion of the purchase money will le requi red down, and the balance mnv ii ui nn on reasona ble iMMiiein. OBADI XII tJ AM PBIVL'L, WILLIAM PEKMNO, May 14. .L"rtiA. tf Julius Camphtll, der'd. A CARD. II N. J. W EsPEt l'IMI. X II. T. Till 'I'lW ri'I'LLV aiiiiounce to the .tliens fllllE subscriber hereby gives notice, that he has L this day sold out, deiivrred and transfened lo Mr. John W. Frvlmg. oil Ihe right, tide ami iutc rest of Ilia slVte. from ibis dale, with the bttnks from the 1st day of April last, and that the business will hereafter I conducted by the said John W. Fry bur. at the old suiitl. dy AN iicrsim know'mg lhem-Ke imlehtetl to the subscriher, are requested ar.d requited, forth with, to come foiward and settle their accounts without further Jelay. Mayt8.i42. HENRY YOXTHEFMlL ffHE sulatciiiter heiel-y gives nonce that he has 1 this day purttiaseil Iroin lit nry loxi- nncr his store and entire Ho. k of got da, and that the bu siness of said EloM will hereafter be conducted by him at tlie U1 stand. He therefore n speclfully aolicils from his fiiends, aad the customera ui mi .luie, a continuance of 1 their favo', and hope. I7 slitcl and pumlual atten tion to Iwsttics, to merK a coiilinuance ol trieir pMrmiage. JOHN W. t R Y LINli. Hav t", ll. . I m. of Suiibuf v. ami its vicinity, that they have Kits tlav enleied nilo copsiliK'iship 111 the Practice et Medicine, in all hs various departments, and hope by this anmigeiueM, punctual attention to I .is!.-.. and inodeialo l hallos, lo uceive a llltcial share of pirbllf palioinig '. tr "r lr J. W. Id len.lers hi grateful arknow edw'tneiils fcir (lie very lllwrsl putroiidge hi reit.lore recti ved, and ft cling e.tulalent thai the new ai rangenieiil, (ihe firm ol Peal A Ti lies,) w ill be conducive lo ihe-comt-wl ami welfare of I be pub lic, be most Tevieclliilly ikcils a coiitinuaiuv ol llwir confidence. Sunbury, May V'lh, 1842. Cm. 'I'd Tl IF. r.UX'T IRS OF N( )IiTl lL'.MHER I.A.NJ) COI N TV. KK SdliwrilM-r resptellully iiibanis the Ehc- l.ns of Norihuiiibi ilautl couitlv, Ibal he vt lll ne sore lineal, uonrsenes, rongiis, eonsinii uon, j rbe11111.it ic pains in various parts nf Ihe body, mid 1 many oilier symptom nf CATCHINti COLD. : Wright' Indian Yigctade I'illa will invariably I give ittimedi .le r. lief. From Ihtee to fix nf said ' Pills taken every night on going to, ,, d, will in a short lime, not only remove all the above unpleasant , svui.toins, but ihe body wdl, 1,1 a sltorl lime, t I resloie.l lo even sounder hen1, '.iihan U-fore. I ASTIIM X.oii DIFI ICLLI'Y OF BKEATH I.N'IJ. Wriiiht'n Indian Vegttatde J will loos en Hiiilcany ell, by the aloiiiach and Isiweis, those tough phlegiuy liini'.or-, which stop up all the (lir cells ot Ihe lungs, ulid are the cause, not only of tho alue tlisiressin'; eonipbitnt, but when neglected, ollen l. riiiinal" . in that moie tl.eaillul malady culled CONSCM I I'll .N. Il shiiild lie als.1 leuirtiibeifd lhal Wrigtit'n Indian Vegetable Villa are u certain cuie for VAIN IN THE SIDE, Oppression, nau sea, ni'd sickness, lo-s of 111. in tile, crtlivenrsa, a yellow, tinge of ihe skin mid eyes, and every other syiup'.nin of a torpid -or diseased shite of the liver; he dtise thev purge from the 'body those iiiijiin ities v hieh if deposited upon ibis imiorltint orgui. Bre ihe can e of every vaiiety of LIV ER COM PLAINT. St hi 11 11 nation iscoiivuWd by not-, ..11 breaks and rebellt u. the only means ol prevent ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR, is to expel all Illinois, and evil dirpostd ones from Ihe country. Unlike manner, when pain or sick ness of nry kind, iialicute that ihe body is strug gling with urt. ri til lot s, the true remedy rs to b.v PEL ALL MORBID 111 MORS, (Traitors to beabh and life.) Health will he the certain rtnult. That the (..lucllib. nl curing tli-e.e,lty cleansing and pii'ilving ihe body, is strictly in accordance with ihe laws which govern Ihe animal economy; and if properly ciriied out bv the Use nf the uIhivo named WIUOHl'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, will ceilaiuly result In ihe complete Abo blionol Di-ease ; we oiler llie following testimoni als, from person of Ihe highest icspectatuli-.y in New Yoik, who have leccntiy been clued of the iiiosi ohrlinate conitu nuts, sulci v ny tne us in t 1111.11 r's Iii.im VrcKrTirr Puis, of the Sorth Ameruan Cu'.ltgc ef lliulth: Jamc,1,."I , Junc'Jtb. lPll. Doctor WiHiatn Wright Dear Sir It is with grt ut saii-f action 1 inform vou of ;ny having been . Iilirt ly cured ol Dyspetsia, of live years standii g. I.y ihe use ol your linv Visitibu Pitts. Pitvious to mee mg wilh your celebrated m.di cine. 1 had Ik en under tlie hands of seveial Physi ciuis, and had Hied vaiious u.edtciiies; lait sll't i no ellect. Alter u;ing one 25 cent box of joui Pill, however, I rxpt rit need so much Item-lit, ilnl I reovtd to istm-vcic in llie use of them aecoiding to directions, which 1 am happy to slate, has result ed in a perfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the gnat 'liciu lit I have leeeived, and ulo in (be h. pe thalotbtis similarly alllict.d may heunluteil in make l.ial of itur 1 xira.udiuiry inedi.-iiie, I send you this statein. nt wilh full liberty to 'puh ish ill satiie.il yon ihiuk pr.qter. Yours, A:c. Ne Yoik, June 19. Nil. O.C. BLACK. Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wright'a Indian Vegetable Pills. Dear Sir I have'been afflicted for never,-.', years with inward weakness and general debility, accom panied al limes w ith pains in the side and other disliessnig complaints. Aflel having IikmI various m ,ln ii.e without 1 ft.cl.4 was persuaded by afiiend 10 m ike 11ml if Dr. Wiighl's Indian Vegetable Pill-, which I am happy lo stale, have relieved me in a most wonderful manner. I have used ih me dicine, as yet but h siuil lime, ami have mi doubt, by a perseverance in the ue of the medicine accor ding to diiecti.iua, llitl 1 shall in a short limo be (-tl. cdy ies.u..l. i I iiiosi'Willii glv rwommend said Pill ! ll per sons siuul iily i lllicted. ami in the full belli I lhat I ihe line Is-ni fuial lesulls will follow I heir um, I re inari you. smcctly. HEN KY A. FOP IE. AVaiwarsing, CUiei co. N, V. count to at.v person wanting lunher satislaction, who will call mi me. A I the time I commenced using the 'R.. we Ointment I would havo given hun tbeds nf do'hns lo be ri.l of the disease. Sinco u shi tt. I have recommended it lo several persons, (among them tiry mother, who hail ihe diseuse bad K on her aim.) who were all cured by it. J AMES DCRNFL U No. '156, Race St. (jj The Rose Ointment is piepaied by K. B. "Vaughan, Sou'ih 'East corner of Third 'nd Race streets, Philadelphia, and sold on aecney in Sunbu ry, ,y II. U. MASSE R, Way H th,' IU 42. Agent. Jto"i? r6TiilMi4'iit. lor lVI4 r. A PROOF -or ITS EFFICACY. PiiitAiu trHiA, May 27th, 1839. rPIIIS is 'to certify thai I was severely alU.cted w ilh Tetter ri, the hands and feet for -upwards I of forty Vvars; the disease was attended generally wilh vio cut itching and swelling. I applied to a nnnihirof physicians, and used a great many appli cations wiihout elleciing a cure. About a year since, I applied the Rose'Ointment, which entirely stopped the itching.tnd a fi w applications immedf atiiy cured the disease, w hich there has been no return of, although I had never kscn lid of il at any time for fotty vears. RKJIIAIlD SAVAt.E, Eleventh, Mow Spruce Sirt-ei. Xj-The Rose Ointment is prepared hy E. B. Yauuhan. S nitli 'East corner of Third and Race Sireets, PhiladclMira.tuid oH nnygency in Sunbu ry. hy 'II B. MASSER, May Mill. l!42. Agiht. MEDICAL APPROBATION Or the ROSE OI.TME.r,Jor Titter. LTHOU(HI the eHrmrity of the prepaialirm over all others is fully established, tho proprie tors take pleartirc in laying before the. public -tho lollowing ew.ilicate from a respectable physician, a graduate of the University nf Pennsylvania. Tr. Baugb. having found in this lemrdy that relief for a lediftts and disagreeable affection which the tnesna within Ihe i.iugc nf his profession failed to aft.ird, has not hesitated lo give it his approbation, although Ihe pietudit es am? interest of lhat prulession aie opposed to scorrt Remedies. Tuili.h.chi, Sept. 19, 1?85. I w.s re.-enlly troubled w ith a tedious hevjielic erujiii. 11. w hii h cove ed uearly one side of my face, and exlenJnl t.vcr the ear. Mr. Yaughati, proprie 101 of llie Rt.i' Ointment, olstiviug my face, insls ted on my tiying hw preparation, of which ric han dfd me a jir. Alth.High in eonunon with the mem bers ot my profession, t drjfouuirnance and duap piove ol ihe itiimerou nostrums palmed upon the put. lie hy ignorant pretenders, 1 feel in justice bound to except the Rose Ointment from lhat class of me dicine, and to give it my approbation, as il entire ly tured Ihe eruption, alihough il'h.id resisted tho usii ,1 applications. IJAN L. H A I " v H , M. V. (j;' I ne Kot-e (iiiitmeui is prepi.rej ny l. u. Vj South 'Ea- Stteets. Plnlade'phia l l. 'V, , - Mus'l-ltb, II2. corner of Third and Race il sold on og iicv in S mi ll K MANSER, Agrii!. TO T estuntiy, and will conliuue to Veep roiwlaniiy o hand frekh lime for PUnning. Buildmg nd for l.immg land, on a. reamaMe terms as can be had anvwhrre in ihe neighlstitioiMi. May t, I Mt. y A V. 1-ANDA! . IN Shamokin, a ir of light fiamcd Silver Spec, larbs. 'I he finder, hy Iratilig litem at ibis ef. u-J ' 1 ' , - tha agents raablished in another fan of this paper. lie), will 1 tuitsldy rewaidtd. May 21 yeara, iu tlie manufacuire of their ivMiati d atiulf , A;c., the l.aif evpt tievrce of tire senior paitm'r of the late firm, will also la devoted lo Ihe uiserc-l i f ihe new concern and ns no etervtnn and eaie will l e spared In insure rhtir r.hsltt, at H tun. sol ihe ve ry lte-t quality, liny solicit a roiitii.uaiire nf the cnnliileiue of tfw tueiuts ami entonit r- of the late linn. THOMAS ADAMS, 3. MAYLAND, Jk. Philadelphia, Mav Mlh, ISL.'.-ly a ian.lt. late for (he office of R. gisttr, JvVtt'i dt r and f 'iViA of the Orphans' 'tau t. nt the ensuing ctieral el.ctiou. Sliou'd he le e- i U'n hubjecl bvled.be will iaciI himself In render gcneial all I taction, which hi long i vh is nee in (he duties ul aid eltices, will ena' lr bun to do. M .y 7. F.I)V ARD OYsTER. rm: ei. r.i Titus or orfh- rUHERLAMl C4H .STY. IHE subscriber l mg prevailed vn by hi (riends, ' resilfully 11 forms tl.e puhlic thai lie will Ivj a candidal lor llie i.lliee of I COMMISSIONKK, I at the ni-uing ucneiitl ibit on. lie promises, il i riffled, to fulfill llie Uutlis nf said olliee, with caie ! and fidelity. -'Oil N xOl NO. ! May 7th, ls-12. ! Int uit I4Im K's I'Alatv. TOTICE is bertby biv, u thai Nor hur.ililand couti'y hast' is day gtainc.l h iters.il aduiliitslrallou l. u the e-lale 11 Jac li Kits k, lata of Vpper M honoy township, re the subrcriher. All k"soiis having rlemand against th said c.l.ile are regiiesied to pies, l.i lh. ni for pavnu iH, and tbrn-e indtbhd asr ilesired lo dm (barge rtnir uspccliw du" fmlhwiih. HENRY KI.OCK, Mav tilh, 1 S 4 2 . ( Coal township. Ntw YollK.Sepl. "JO. IH-U. Tim. is to certify lhal 1 have used WinsHr's !. v A noTtmi: I'llt with ihe grea'esl l. ne lii ; lui a en'ireH euied iny-elf of ihe li.s.'imt al latks ol Sirk "tleadaehe. to whit b 1 hail p.evt.msly ANN M ARIA THoMJ'sOX. (ireenw ich .tit'. S. Y. To Mr. levhatd Drums, .3cnl Or V right's -lu- dl.HI 'lgll.ll.f Pill. V.-1 f T I .A. As llier.' ato al tbi lunr inaliv wn ked ersr.n. Inisilv en.aed iu M-lhug a unli 1 lei diciiie Uit- I. r lite ii .iiie of die Indian Vi gt-i Ir Pill and as ll.r.e deserale u.tri are tiHe.K- riekles t com srq. tenet s, lhal m n y valuable l v s may b.- lost in consequence el i.smgileir i n tllnl vitinp. ui.iL, ihe public are 1 atili ne.l ng .M.( puieha-ii.g ny IMIs. unletts mi the ti.ie.. o1 ihe I nv the f-llowing woi.hi.g is found : WRIOlil'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PH. Us. Indian Viefi,:lrr. ) iitn.'i tv IHEREIiY nolily all aioie L.ept 1 and nihera that tltev are not to ttut tny son. SIMON llUERDllllF, 011 my s.-cuul, a I mn Jfimwiail not to pay any debt ir d. hi contracted bv I im Irom ihisdav JOHN OIlElii'OliF. May :J, DOS. the Register of ; " V" " ' " ' .11111 aise 10 i s ..-.. ...... , - i-iiie said medicine ol wry person eaivept the regu lar advertised aen'n. AVESTS I OH oKTHC.IIirUI.AM CO, l'i mwijU ania. II. U. Maswr, Suuhiiry Pay ne Al Rose, Not thuiiibtil and Jai olt II a. Siiainokin Samuel lleib. M.1I1011..V Byerly V D. Ila.., Au.usia Heiii'f A F-iboer, Miiliwi Lei iiol Memll, Mi l'.wvnsvi le I tot A Dturinolid, TtiibuUvillc James I'Veii. Pitsgrovr H. Klae, Smdtcsiown II. lLKittbel, P. M F.l.vbbiaig P.C). W ro. Lei eniing,)' M. I'ln-.i Corner. Olliee ltd timer. 1 Dtp'.l for the s.dii of ' - lndiuH X, Jit mile Tiiit. Whobiwle and lieti.il. Ne If . 1 RACE S riil'E I". I'lllLA I't L rill. May HI. Ii2.-ly NICHOLSON LAND I Oil SALE. IN pursuance of a writ'istaed by hi Excellency David R. 'Porier, Oirvernor of Ihe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, lo the undersigned, Cav missinner mi the part aft be Commonwealth tJ v lln the estates ef John Nicholson A. Peter Baynktn there will ! ofterrU nt Public Sabs at 'tb" CtHlK House in SL'NBLHY, on SATI'RDAV, the Ilili dayof'Jl'NE ne-xl, the following descritred Irart . of land, situalo hi NorlbumlierUnd c.Uuly to wu : A tr ie! of i.iad siluale on .MunCy Hill, iu Tut bt tor Deny town-lnp, NortbunlH: rlan.l county, near the line of Lycoming and Noithuinbciland county, adjoining Joseph (i.dtireih, John (Jnu-dcu mid oUk-is, coiiUiining IIS acie. and allowanor. suivev vtl on it wan ant lo Jamc 'Hepburn d and llh Maieh.!7'J;l A tiHv-t of Lmtl situate onl.uurel Run, in Mun i-y nwiuhii, Noilhumbcri.iiid county, adjoin inn VOnl tilling 3."2 acres 2i perches, nilfveyrd' tin m Warrant to RoU'rt Mont gomery dateil 2 Is: 'June, 17US. A tract ol land -en Monloui's livlge, rmitai nf Noiihiimberisnd, ad.oiuing Andrew E(1je urvd ' others, containing 442 acres 80 "nbe, uurveveJ j 011 a warrant tovtd Jackson datiM April, I7S. A tract of rand 011 Montour s ridge, near ioi ('iinnht'rlsiid, tkljoiiiuig Abram Kiutr.ing, jr., va laining ! Ill setts, surveyed 011 a warrant JwIiai Barron dated 2.S Apiit.iiSJ. A tra.'t of lun.l on M.M4t ill's ridge, adimi"nr Ahui. hti.uiug i!kt John Uarron, containing S I 11-.-re. Ml Mihcs and alktwan.-e, surveyed on a W r isut to W 11. Brady dated Colli March, 17113. A tract ol laud siitia'e in Point townaliip, -siiiiiin-iiii Tho' nan Oaskius and others, contaiting -lOi aciea 4(1 petchia n. allowance, surveyed on a warianl to Cha U'stS. Tnii'hle, Ja led 25th April, ivj;.. A irael of land rliuate 011 Laurel !un, ia Muo ry t.vwnsbip, adjoining Hani. a Monigomery d other. ciUHsiiiiug ISft acre 3S perches and allow ance, surveyed en a warrant to Aliunde Ntl gomery laiev.1 2 1 l June, 1733. A Itact of land situate in Schuylkill conn? (lute Berks county) on the w a lew of Swatara, i.iiilaiiuiig 403 rs120 rche. and arlowanc stcvev eJ on wurtant lo Micliael .K.r.kie, dattJ lstVmlier. I74. T6e iiiitirc land was ohl by tlx former Cnm k vi-.rrj and the purrhayers having leghrttj 1j pa if tke pvnfuit tenuity Vu- Adits Have learn la. eut'd, Ac. A cieoil will Im grvort, uud lersns aaado krvewai on le. day of tale. JN. DUNBAR CKEIfiH, Ooiuuiissiouet. C(iir.mis:enri' OllVr, Hsriuiburg, May T, Vi S