Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 21, 1842, Image 3

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    ertsled to warrant iuch proceeding. At it was
the heal waa tcrminati J in 7 46, Button beingjusl
opposite the two mile distance pout.
Thin terminated thia second great dial of speed
lie! ween the Korth and the South, and tictobt
hat once more been ours. It was a glorinua con
tent ; and although Boston was beaten, it must
lie borne in mind that his lime was better than
that of Eclimx. All that can be said ia, that
IiTOff ha beaten hi marl f, and Fashiox has
listen Bostow.
DiPTisra in Dosro. Six hundred and three
rnembera have been added to the several Daptiah
Churches, eight in tiumber, in Dostoo, during the
tnonthsof March and April.
The 44tli British Rkuimfkt. This Re
giment, wliich has been annihilated by Afl
glians, formed part of General l'lickeiiliaiu'a ar
my nt the battle of New Orleans it was
then tinder Col. Mullens and va die-graced
there for not bringing tip the fascine in time
and to this circumstance, the disasters of that
fatal day were attributed. The regiment then
loot their colors, and were sent to India to re
gain them iV. Y. Express-
Office aftht Uai.timosk Anr.aiCA, May 16.
FLOUK. We continue to quote Howard street
Flour at $5 72 for good atand.ird brands, with on
ly limited transaction. The rrceipt price is f 5 62.
No sale of City mills Flour. Holders general
ly ask 6 a $6 12 j.
A sale of 400 Mils, of Susquehanna Flour to day
at $5 75 per hhl. cash.
GRAIN. Limited antes of good lo prime Md.
reds at f 1 25 a $i 30. There is rather less dc
mand for Pennsylvania Wheal. We note aalcs of
prime red this morning at f 1 31, f 35, and
$136. Sub's ofMd white Wheat, suitable for
family flour, at $1 40 a $ I 45. A sale to day of
700 Iuhel Md. tye at 76 els. Si. of Corn to
day at 53 a 56 cts. for both white and yellow. A
lot of Pennsylvania yellow was sold at 58 cts. A
eale of Pennsylvania Oals at 41 cts. We quote
Md.Oats at 41 a 42 cts.
WHISKEY. We quote 19 cts. per gallon.
To the Pcblic. We have experienced the
food effect of Branndreth's Vegetable Univcitsal
Pills, arid believe them to be the most valuable me
dicine everyrt offered to the public, for curing the
pout, crump, and wind in the stomach ; also a cer
lain cure for the dysentery or bloody flux, choleia
morbus; severe griping", and all other diseases of
the bowels. A do.-e never fails to remove a cold, if
taken soon after its fust appearance. They arc al
so celebrated for currying offaupeifluous bile, remo
ving habitual costiveness, sickness at the ssomach,
severe headache, dec. Saturday Cfminice.
(C' Purchase in Suuhury, of H. 11. Manser, and
ihe agents published in another pari of this psjier.
uii: i,
At Newbnrv, Lyconvng county, on the 6th inst.
Major JAMES CUMMINUS, 'Post Master at
that place.
At Williamsport, Lycoming county, on the 8h
in-!., THOMAS HALL, in the 50th year of bis
age, formerly Sheriff of this county, and late pro
Jirielor of the United Slates Hotel. "
In this place on Sunday last, an infant child of
John Laudaw.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtht inter.
Wheat, 110
"KrE 50
Cony, 40
Oats, 30
Pork, 5
Flaxseed, ... . 5
Ul'TTKB, . . . 12
Dskswat, .... 25
Tallow, .... i '
1)hi kii ArrLKs, - . 75
Do. Pkacrks, . . 00
Ftit, ...
Hkcklrd Flax, . 10
Knos, ...... fi
rr ..
Mth llratlachr.
TS a very common affection. Its attacks are very
a- -severe, andcharactertced by spasmodic pains, shif
ting from one pail of (ha head to the other, fre
quently 'commencing in the morning, attended with
eickneas of the stomach, nausea, faintings, and
sometimes, vomiting, giddiness, and 'confuMon of
sight, &c&c. Thisdescase is produced from va
rrous causes, perhaps ilie most common, is a de
rangement of llie stomach and digestive organs.
FEMAl.ESarc most subject to this affection, par
linjlarly those who lead a sedentary life. Dr. liar
lick's Compound Strengthening Tonic and Ger
man Aperient Tills, are warranted to arrest this
troublesome disease : first hy cleansing the stomach
and bowela, purifying Hie blood, and removing all
diseased and excremenluous humors from the liver
and intestines. By -the tise, first, of a few doses
of the Aperient Caerinan Pit Ik, afterward two or
three doses of the Strengthening Tonic Pills, which
are used lo strengthen and invigorate tbe nervous
system, give tone to the stomach and organs of
ingestion, thus imparting 'to their subtile fluid its
pristine vigot, ibis afflicting disease may be entirely
removed. This ia the only mode ol treating this
annoying romplatut, and has hea attended with
success in ihousaod ofcasca.
Psmpsrts giving general directions, may he rb-
lined gratia, at No. 19 North Eighth street, Phila
May 51, 184 1. Agent.
U.S. Mail Coach
rpHE Mail 4Joach for Potteville leaves Northum
M. berland every morning at 4 o'clock, and arrive
in PoruviKe in time for the cara lo Phdadelplsia,
Fabc as low as any other line.
For erat, apply at Mr. Wiihington' Hotel,
Northumberland, or at George Weitael', Himbury.
jS'orib'd., May 51, 1842. Propria.
ry Passengers eoiaing from Philadelphia will
please aecure their seats at the While Swan Hotel,
Hace Si., before they leave the city. Passengers
r. uning in this line, have their seats secured in any
Mage or Packet boat fiom this plan. 1 hoae coming
in the other Una may I left behind.
IN Shsmokin, a pair of light framed SJver Spee
tacl.i. 'I h finder, by leaving thrin at this of
fice, will be amiably rawarjed. May SI.
Will commence running between Philadelphia
and Pottsiille on the following days
and hour l :
On Ann AfTna Mordat, MAt 9, 1842.
Leaving Pottsville, on Mondays, Wednesdays
and Fridays, fct 8 A. M."
Leaving Philadelphia, on Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Saturdays, at I j P. M.
I faun f passing Reading.
For Philadelphia, at 10 A. M. n. . ,
For Potlav.lle, at 6? P. M. J1 '"we'y-
F.I R K S.
Between Pottsville iV Philada. $ 3,50 cV Jt2,50
Detween Reading dc d . 2,25 dc 1,75
Ueiwcen do dc Pot sville, 1,40 dc 1,00
Exct'usioM TirKRTs noon ron iiTunmiio PAT.
Between Pottsville dc Philadelphia, f5 00
Between Reading dc do. 3 00
Beiween do. dc Pottsville, 2 00
The other passenger trains will aa before, at
the following hours :
Philadelphia and Pottsville.
From Philadelphia, at 5 A.M. J ..
From Pottsville, at 2 P. M. $
Hours of paisivn Reading.
For Pottsvilie, at 9 A. M. ? n ,
For Philadelphia, at 3J P.M. J V"y'
All the trains will stop for way passengers at
the usual points.
(fj- All passengers ore requested to procure
their tickets hetore the trains stait.
May 21, 1843. if.
ItlanK Hook Muiitif'iif-tory,
Opposite Prinrc't Hotel,
f1HEY are prepared to manufacture blnrik work
A of every description, ruled to any pattern, such
as Dockets Records, Dty Books, Ledgers, Asses
sors' and Colleclora' Dupiicatca of the finest quali
ty of paper, in a stylo equal to any made in the ci
ties of Philadelphia or New York.
All descriptions of binding neaily executed.
Scrap Books, Alliums and Portfolios made to order.
Law Book. Music and I'erio.licuU bound to any
pattern. Did Books rebound, &e. Also files of
p4iers bound.
fl3" Work left at the office of the Sunbury Ame
rican, will be promptly attended to.
M.ry 211, 1842 i v.
Mflfi 'JT.B Z2 E iz -
rilHE ubrriber hereby gives tiolice, ih l he has
L thin day sold out, deliv, red and transferied lo
Mr. John W. Fryling, all the right, tiilc and ime
rest of his store, from this dale, with the books from
the 1st day of April lft, and that the business will
hereafier be conducted by the said John W. Fry
ling, at the old siuud.
(CT " person knowing themselves indebted to
the subscriber, are requested and required, forth
with, to come forward and set lie thoir account.'
without further delny.
JVlay 18, 1842. HFNRY YOXTHEniER.
TIlHE autisciiber hereby gives notice that hr- has
JL this day purchased from Henry Yox'ln imer
his store and entire stoi k of goods, and tbsl the bu
sinet of said store will hereafter be conducted by
him at the old stand.
He therefore r. specifully solicits from his friends,
and the customers of said store, a continuance of
tin ir favors, snd hopes by strict and punctual atten
tion to business, lo merit a continuance of their
patronage. JOHN W. xRVLINO.
May 18. HI2.
WMllt.WTi:) SPPKItKHi TO .4 .VI'
JOHN dc HENRY LANDAU, having rented
the Lime Kilns of Henry Masser, in Sunbuiy,
have now for sale tbe best Lime in this part nf the
country, and will continue to keep constantly on
hand Iresh Lime for Plastering, Building and for
Liming land, on as reasonable terms as can be had
anvwbere in the neighboihood.
Msy 51, 1842. J. & H. LANDAU.
riHE SulifCiilier n specifully nfTtrs himself as a '
X candidate for the office of I
at the ensuing general election. Should he le so
fortunate to lie elected, he will enilca'or to give !
general salifartioi! to all. j
to tiieJ:u:ctors 77rA7777rj-,
'PHE subscriber nespectfully inform the electors
of Northumberland county, that he will be a
candidate at the ensuing election, fur the offices of ;
Register, Reeordtr and C'rrfc of the Orphans' I
( '0UTt.
Having had considerable experience in public '
life, he trus's, if elected, be will be able to discharge '
the duties of said offices to the en lire ssti-faclion of '
the community. FREDERICK LAZARUS, j
May 14th. l-42.
VT1C. HSIL1I.1T & CC, !
CommisMtm ft Forwarding Merchants,
foof of W illow Street Rail Road,
HAY1NU associated wi It them Joseph Darnel,
late of Eastou, P k, n siectfully inform their
friends and the public generally, that they have ta
ken that large and welt known store and wharf at
foot of Willow Street Railroad, lately occupied by
Jacob Martin, where they purpose doing a C'emral
Commission and Forwarding Business, and from
the local advantage of ihe place ling connected
wilh all the public improvements that havo their
oullrt in the city, they (latter themselves they will
be able to do I wines to as greet, if not greater ad
vantage, and upon aa reasonable terms aa any other
huuae, and they assure their fnomls that any con
signments made to them shall have their strict at
tention, and no exertion spared to give entiie satis
faction. They are also prepared to receive and forward
good to any point on the Delaware and Lehigh
river, between Mauch Chunk, Easlon and Phila
delphia, via Delaware Division and Lehigh Can d;
also, tii any pomt on the Juniata river, or Nurih
and Wtat Blanche of the Sui-qorhanna via SchiryL
kill anJ Union, or tho Chesapeuke and Tide Water
For the accommodation of Boats coming or go.
ing via Schuylkill and Union Canals, a frreamlioat
will b kept expressly for towing boste from the
Schuylkill around to the Delaware and back, which
will enable merchants to have Iheir produce deli
vered on the Delaware, and their goods shipped at
a stv'u.g ot 50 to 75 per cent, on lb pi iris for
hauling iciok, with these advantage they re
spectfully solicit share of patr iiace.
William H-ilman, )
William W. Keyse-,.
Joaeph Barnei. irhilaJ.Msy 14, 1842. !y
The best method for the Abolition of Disease
it to tleanse and purify the Body.
or tub
.Vr mltnericem College of Health,
Ara now acknowledged to be the heat Medicine in
tho World for the cure of
BECAUSE I hey completely cleanse the sto
mach and bowels from th. se billious and cor
rupt humor which are the cause not only of
Headache, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heut,
Pa'ns in the Bones, Rhcumstism and Gout, but
every malady incident lo man. SAID INDIAN
VEGETABLE PILLS are a certain cure f.r in
termittent, remitted, nervous, inftamatory and pu'nd
Fevers, because they cleanse the pody from those
morbid humors, which, when confined to the circu
lation, are the cause of all kinds of FEVERS. (s,f
also, when the same impurity ia deposited on the
memhiane and muscle, causing pains, inflamn
lions and swellings called RHEUMATISM,
GOUT, Ac Wright's I ndim Vegetable Pills may
be relied on as always icrtain to give relief, and if
persevered with, according to directions will mo-t
assuredly, and without fail, make a iierfccl ru e of
Ihe above painful njnlsdies. From three lo six nf
ssld Indian Vegetable Pills taken every night go
ing to bed, wi'.l in a shmt time so completely rid
the body from every thing thai ia opposed to health,
that Rheumatism, Gout, and piin of every descrip
tion, wUt be literally DRIVEN FROM THE BO
DV, For the samo reason, when, Irom sudden
changes of alimvphcie, or any other cause, ihe per
spiration is checked, ami tbe humors wh eh should
pus off by Ihe skin are thrown inwardly, causing
HEADACHE, GIDDINESS, nausea and sick
ness, pain in the bones, watery and inflamed eyes,
sore throat, honrsenei-, coughs, consumptions
rheumatic pains in varioua parts of the hodv, and
many other symptoms nf CATCHING COLD,
Wright's Indian Vegetable PiUs will invariably
give immediate relief. F'rom three to six of said
Pills taken every night on going to bi d, will in a
short time, not only remove all the above uuplcas ml
sjmptoms, but the body w. II, in a short time, be
restored to even sounder health than before.
ING. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills will loos
en and carry off, by the stomach and boweis, those
tough phlegmy humor.', which stop up all the air
cells ot the lungs, and are the cause, not only of the
aliove distressing complaint, but when neglected,
often terminnles m that moiedieadful malady called
CONSUMPTION. It hou'd be also lemeinbeird
thai Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillt are a certain
cure for PAIN IN THE RIDE. Oppression, nau
sea, and sickness, low of appetite, costivenrsa, a
yellow tinge of (he rkiu and eye, and every other
symptom nf a torpid or disessed slate of the liver;
because they purge from the body those impurities
which if d posited upon this important orgsn, are
the cau-e of every variety of LIVER COM
PLAINT. Whin a nation isconvu'sed by riot ,
ou breaks and rebellion. Ihe only means nf prevent
ing the dreadful consequences of a CIVIL WAR.
is to expel all trailors, and evil d spostd ones from
the country. In like manner, when pain or sick
ness of any kind, indicate that the body is strug
gling with Hit. r. al Iocs, the true reniedv is lo E.V
PEL ALL MORB.D HUMORS, (T raitors lo
heiibh and life.) Health will be. the certain result.
That the piim iple of curing disease, by cleansing
and puiifying tho body, is strictly in accordance
with the laws which govern the animal economy;
and if prorly cariied out by the ue of the above
PILLS, will reitaiuly result in ihe complete Alw.
I.tion ot Dircuse ; we nfler the following tctimoni
uls, from persoiit of the highest respectability in
New Voik, who have leceutiy been cuied of the
most olMirmte complaints, solely by the use of
Wmioht's Isiiiav Vkuetablk' Pills, of the
AorM American College of Ikalth :
Jamaica, L. I., Jun 9th. 1841.
Doctor William Wright Dear Sir It ia with
great Halt-fortion I inform you of my having been
entirely cured of Dyspepsia, of rive years standi! g.
by the useof your Iviiiak Vio stasis Pills.
Previous to mceiing with your celebrated midi
cine, I had been under the hands of several Physi
cisns, and had tried various medicines; but all to
no effect. After nsirg one 25 cent box of jour
Pills, however, I experienced so much lnefit, that
I reiolvid lo persevere in Ihe use of them nccotding
to directions, which I am happy to slate, ln-s result
ed in a jierfect cure. Ingratitude to you for the
great benefit I have received, and aUo" in the hoc
that other similarly afflicted may Ik induced lo
make tiial of your rxiraoidinvy medicine, I t-ewA
you this statement with full hln-ny to publish the
same, if you think proper. Yours. A c.
New Vork, June 19, G.C. Itl.At'K.
Mr. Richard Dennis, agent for Wricht'a Indian
, i . ,,
ri'iinM fins.
Dear Sir I have been afflicted for seerst years
with inward weakness and general debility, accom
panied at times with pains in the side and other
distressing complaints. Aftei having tried various
mrdiciries without efftel, I was persuaded by a fiiend
lo make trial of Dr. Wiigtit's Indian Vegetable
Plllf, which I am happy to slate, have relieved n.e
in a most wonderful manner. I have in-ed the me
dicine, as yel but a short tune, ami have no doubt,
by a perseverance in the use if tbe medicine accor
ding to directions, th.-t I shall in a short time be
. - L .1. . ,
pcmciiy renoieii.
I most willingly recommend said Pilla to all per- i
sons viniilaily sjllicted, and in ike full belief that
ihe same beneficial result will follow their ux-, I re- '
main yours sincerely. HENRY A. FOOTE. !
Warwarsing, Ulster co. N. V. ;
Nxw Yoaa, Sept. '.'9. 1X41. !
This is to certify tlist I have used Whioht's j
IvniAM Vital PiiLa with the grestest bene- I
til; having en ire Iv cured myself of the fnqurnt at I
lacks of Sick Headache, to w hich I had previously
been subject. ANN MARIA THOMPSON, I
Jil2 Greenwich sinei, JV. Y.
To Mr. Richard D.nnis, Agent for Wri-jht'a In
dian Vegetable Pills.
A there ara al thia time many wicked persons
busily engaged in selling a cnuriietfeU medicine un
der the name of the Indian Vegetable Pilla and as
these desperate men are ao ut'.erly rerkless nf con
sequences, that many valuable l.vrs may be lost in
consequence of using Ibeir dreadful compiajnda,
ih public are cautioned against any
Pills, unless on th tideaof the boxes the following
wording is found ;
Indian Purgative.)
And alse to be especially careful against purcha
sing sid medicine of any person except the regu
lar advnrtised sgent.
H. B. Masser, Suril.nrj I'syne dc Rose, Nor
thumberlandJacob Haas, Sl.amokin Samu.l
Herb, Mahonoy Byerly & D. Ha . a. Augusts
Heine, & Fi llmer, Milton Ireland .V Meix.ll,
McEwansvilU p fa & Dr armond, Turbulsvdle
James Reed, Potlsgrove 1. Klase, Snydi rto n
H. H. Ki coh I, r. M.. Elval urg P. 6. Wm.
Lei ennng, P M. 'ii..n Corner.
Ollire M,d ( Depot f.r the rale of
W'.(iiiifiM VtettcUe I'Uls, Wholesale su.l
k.'.ii.Nj. ion race urnrE r, i hiladel-
' ,J,A- May i'l. If Iv
Siiull" ond Tobacco ISianufacturfcrs,
A'o. 1)'J Aorfn West corner of Race and Third
THE undesigned hsv formed a Co partnership
under the firm of J. MAYLAND J". dt Co..
s successors to the late firm of Jacob Jtay!and 4
Co., and will continue (he I umneta at ihenlil esla
blishment, on their own account. In addition lo
ibeir own close attention snd experiftice f i manv
years, in the manufacture of their cefcbralcd rnnlT ,
Ace., the long experience of the seni ir psitnrt of the
late firm, will Uo be devoted to the inlerest of the
new concern and as no exeition and care will le
spared to iusuro their goods, ai all times ot the ve
ry best quality, ihey solicit a coiitirumce of the
confidence of the li.enda and rutomir nf III" late
Philadelphia. Mar 14th, IM4 J ly
Y virtue of orders of the Orphans' Coulol
the counries ol Northutnbeil md anil Colum
bia, the subscribers will otTi r st public vendue, on
Wedm .luy the 15 h day of June next, at the Man
sion House of the laie James ('smphcll.dec'd., lie r
Petersburg, in Sh unokin townshi)-, Northnmbcr
laud county, two tract of valuaUc land, via:
One thereof situate in Mi imokin township, ad
joining lauds of Dnvid Mc Williams, Lhha B irton,
and Ohadinh t'nmpl ell, coniaining 25 acrea more
or les, on which are erected a large and commo !i
oiib two story Frame House, with a cellar kitchen,
fountain pump nt the door, good orchard, a conve
nient barn and other out houses, and in a slate nf
enod cultivation. This property is on the Danville
Turnpike, and within sit(hl of Petersburg.
The other tiact ia situate in Roaring Creek town
ship, Columbia rounty, adjoining lands of Obidiuh
Camptall, John Thomas, Wm. II. Say re and others,
containing sixlv-foiu acres more or less, of which
filtecn acrea aie cleared. The remainder is well
A portion of the purchase money will be requi
red down, and Kit1 bidaueemay remain on reus. ma
ble pavmciils. OBADIAll CAMPBELL,
May 14. Ad" ins. of Jnnirs Campbell, dee'd.
Frmu'i 1. Kcliivnrlz,
KFERS himself as a rmdidute fur the offices
Register Recorder, and Chili of the Orphans'
at tbe ensu:ng general election. Should the penp'.e
think him capal, no neglect on his put shall pre
vent the duties of said ollices from being perform
ed at all times. May I4lh, IK43.
rm TLiTi:it.
ri TANKiei'S I Ktn tONH
fXj" The f'iiiti'ing cirlifca'e ihr one nf the
most irlmordinary curts ever effected by any
Piiilaiii.i ritiA, February in. 18.1i).
r,"OR twenty yea's 1 was severely alllicti d wilh
TkTTKu ou the Face and Head: tho disea4
commencid when I was seventeen years old, and
continued until the Fall ol IH3G, varying in vio
lence, but without ever disappearing. During most
of Ihe time, great pari of my fice was covered with
the eruption, frequently attended with vio ent itch
ing; my bead al linos until it feltaa if it
would burst the swelling was so great, thiil I cou!d
scarcely get my hat on. During the lung peri.xl
that I was ..filleted widi lha disease. I use.i a great
many plications, (anii iig llicm Several cehbruled
prep ialion) as w, II as taking inwaid remedies,
including a number of bottle of Swain's Panacea.
Extract of Sarsapnrilln, &e. In fact, ii w.iuld lie
imporsil'le 10 eniimera e all the medicines I used.
I was also tinder the c ire nf two of the most dis
tinguished physicians of this city, but without re
ceiving III' ch hencni, and I despaired nf ever being
cured. In tho fall ot 18J6, the di.ea e i,t ihe time
being very violent, I commenced us ne the Ruse
Ointment, (prepared by Vaughan dc Davis.) In
a f vv appiicadona the violent itching cesaer, Ihe
swelling abated, the i rutioii U'gan to iiiapiear,
and la lore I had used a jnr the ill-ease w a rNllrciy
cured. It has row lavti nar'y a yrar and a ha!f
since, and there is not a vestige uf tho disease re
maining, except the sears from the deep pits binned
by tbe ili.-ease. It is impossible for me to descrila
in a certificate the sevrnty of ihe disease and inv
sufl'i ring, tint I will te pleased to give a fuller ac
count to any penion nantii g turther satial'sction,
who will call .n me. At the tune 1 coiumenceJ
using tbe R. se Ointment I wouki have ,-iveti hun
dirds of do'lais to If ml of iho dis'ar.e. Sioce it
sing it, 1 huve recommended it to text raj persons,
(sinong them my mother, w ho had the disease bad
ly on her aim,) viho w. re al cured bv it.
JAMES DURNLLL, No. 166, Kace St.
(Xy The Rose Oinlnunt la prepared by E. B.
VaUfcdian, Sou h East comer of Third and Race
strei ts, Philadelphia, and sold on aceiicy in Sunbu
ry. by II. B. MASER,
May 14th, Agent.
IloM Oinf iih iiI, lor '1't'llt r.
A fliinil- in- its i:itjjavy.
Philaiii i.rHiA, May S7ti, lH:i'.t.
rPIIlS ia to certify that I was severely alllicie l
mill Tetter in the bands and fiet for upwards
of forty years ; the disease was attended generally
with vio cut itching and swelling. I applied to a
utinihernf phj sicmiis, and used a great many appli
cations without effecting a cure. About a year
since, I applied the Rose Omtment, which entirely
sloipod the iiehing, and a few applications immedi
ately cured the disease, which there lias been no
return of, although I had trover Is-en rid of il at
any time for forty years. ((It'll A HD SAVAGE,
Eleventh, below Spiucc Stioet.
Cj" The Rose Ointment is prepared by E. 11.
Vailhan, S iu'Ii East corner of Third and Race
Streets, I'hiladcltrlna, and a dd on agenrv in Suubu-
ty.hy H. B. MASSER,
May 14th, 1S12. Agrt.t.
Of it- KOSi: OI.TMH.T,jor Tetter.
A LTHOl'GH iIk' soperionly ol ihe prepuiutinn
- over all othtrs is fully es abltshed, ihe I'
lors lake ol, s-urf in Isvng la fore ihe l uldic the i
following cer'.ifica'e from a rsTtable physician, j
a graduate ot iho l iuversity ol IV nnsv Ivaina. Dr.
Baugb, having found in this lemedy that relsel f.r
a tedious and disagieeaMe ulloi which the means
within the range of I is profession failed to atl'ord,
has not hesitated logive it his appiohalton. although
ihe prejiidiiv and ti'.'eretts of that j'reto sua aio
opposed to secret Remedit s.
I'm l a nxLea t a, Sept. 19,18:1(1.
I was recently tsoubltd witri a tedious heiuc
erupih n, w hii h cove ed ni arly one ai.'e of my l .cc,
and extended over ihe ear. sir. V aughan, proprie
tot of the Rose Ointment, olucivuig my laca1, msis
led on my tivmp tns preparation, of which he han
ded me a Jir. Although in co:iiooii wilh the iriHiu
I'eis of my profession, I dutcouuti-naore and disap
prove of ihe miorrroua nostrums palmed upon the
pul.lrc by inoiant pr.ten.lers, I feel in jus icebound
to except tlie Kuae Ointment liom thai c a s uf me
d.riues. and lu give it inv spprobatioo, as il tniiie
ly iure.d ihe eruption, ahlioimli ii h id resisted Ihe
u.ud aj plications. DANE li A I (.11. M. Ii.
'J he Rose t iintmci t is puared by E.
Yauhsii, South East i hi cr ot Third Ki d K n e
Si-eeis, Pliilade'phis, ai:d uld un sg ncv in Suit
burv. i v H. b. MASSEK,
May 14ih, 161!. Agtut.
YOU ara nulred to meet for
parade in Market-square, Sun
bury, al 8 o'clock A. M.ef Situr
day, the
29tii day of May inst.,
in Summer ur ifirm, rich Membtr
to f provided with IS rounds of
blank caitridgr.
By order of t',ipi,.u I;, i-. ntt,
OrJttlj Scg't.
y 1 1th,
UJf TS "in"' 63 a HT-at 3
C'orn r of Tb rd tend Vine Sin els,
U'jriaX.IAMSPORT, Taft.
THE anhsi nher rpc llullv anuoutiCi t the
public, that be Ins ojentd a Hotel in tin com
modious hm k builJiiig s 'uat" on the coiner of
Third and I'ine slreiMs, where he will bi" bnppy lo
wait up in those who m ivfivor Liin wit their
CoiiiMnny. The E orle Hotel is lu ge and conveni
ent, snd furnished in the lc t modern al;o. It is
provided with a large number of veil aired and
comfort idle sleeping spur t merit', rooms, private
parlors, Ac. Persons visiting Williamsport on bu
siness or pVa urv, mav revl ns ur d that every ex
ertion will I used to render iheir sojourn st tint
"Eaelo lloti I" pleasant and agreeable. His Table
will be supplied wilh the very bi st Ihe maikct af
fords, and his bar with the c' oicest wines and other
liquors charges re isonable. The Engle llotrl
possesses greater advantage in point of location
than any other similar establishment in ihe borough,
being situate in the business rl oflhelown, anil
within a convenient dial nrirn of the Court House
and Witliamspori and Elmira Rail lioid Depot.
Sufficient Siabliug provided, and good and trusty
ostlers always in attendance.
Attentive, accommodating and honerl Servants
have Irecn em (-loved, ami nothing left undone that
will add to lire comfort and accommodation of his
There will be a carriage always in etlondanrc at
the Boat Landing to convey passengers to and from
the House, free of charge.
May 14110642.
BT H J TaC . H l2 JIL j
aVo. ti'J Ai) Third, above Arch Street,
CHARLES WEISS, late.d the "While Swan,"
and "Mount Vernon House," reapectfully in
form his friends and customers, that be has become
the proprietor of ihe abov well known Hotel.
Coun'ry Merchants will find the above Hotel a
central location, and the best of fare Persons tra
velling with private conveyance will find a l-nge
yard and good stabling for horses, and the hest ot
ostleta. Moulding Jl per day.
Mav 14 h. 1842. if.
lrs. J. W. l'CAL & li. 1 . Till 1 US,
RESPECTFULLY announce to ik iii7ens
, of Sunbiny, and its vrcinitv, ihat thry have
this day entered into copartnership in the Practice
t Medicine, in all its vaiious d nariinei.t'. and
hope by this arrarigeiueiit, punctual anc l.on to
t'tiaiuess, sinl moderate chaiges, toieceivva hLeiul j
share of puhlic palionag.'.
fXjr Dr J. V. Peal lenders hia grateful ncknovvl
edgcinenta for the very liberal pationaiie hrreiuforo
received, and feelinu confident that the new nr.
rsntrernenl, (the fum of Peal & Tr.te-,) vill lie
conducive to the comlott and wellaro id the pub
lic, be most respectfully solicits a cuniiiiuanri; of
their Cotilidence.
Sonhory. May 7lh, 1H12. fim.
flHE Subscriber resHCtfully informs the F.lec
I tors of Northumbeiland county, that he will be
a candidate for the pftices of
Register, Rccirrdtr and Clerk nf the. Orphan'
at the en-uing ccneral election. Shou'd h' le c
lectvd, he will exeit hunsell to render general satis
faction, which his long cxiericrce in the duties of
said ollices, will enable him to do.
TIIH E subscriber being prevailed un by hia friends,
JL rcs-ctfuly ir forms tbe public thai he will be
a candidate for the otlice of
at lira ensiling general election. He promises, if
elected, lo fultill tin! duties of said nliice, w ith care
and fii'elity. JOII.NVOUNG,
May 7lh. Yl.
2. POPs SALST", u Farm containing nbout M) acres,
more or lers, situate in Sltamokiii t ownship,
Noithuml rrland county, about seven miles front
Stiiihury, on the main road trading from that place
lo Petersburg and Sham'.ktutown, a.'joj, in lan a
of Win Farrow, Abraham Klase, !s unoi I t Ion-, r
and Win. Msrti, on which there is a good large
Buck House, with a widl of never failing water at
the door, a iargH Barn in good repair, a gind Or
chard, and a po id teat for a mill or any kind of
water power. Nearly a t tbe laud is cleireil and in
good cultivation, twenty five acics of e. hiili is Rood
meadow, I he Danville and Poltsvil o RnlR.nd
runs throtiuh said f mi. It will le sold as the. pro.
perly of . m. W'al. is, dre'd. Any ers,,n wish
ing to p,in base esn do well, as the Ii mis me lea-
iiahse. Posji and a good Idle can he civen
next For lui'lier paiticnins, peisuns are
eii.e.ud tj apply to the widow, who lives on H e
priiiiises. or lo liodfiev Wal.rsnr E. Iii-eei.nugh,
Esq. in Sunbury. GODFREY WATERS,
;. R. WATER.-.
Mav ? if. Fx' r of Wm Wuters, tl.c'd.
Jnrob hlot k's i:.ali.
"IfVTOi'lt'E is her.l-V giv.-n I'lar the Register of
Noribumherland cuiny has t is day granted
letters of dtriiritsiiB'son ni hi tht e taie if b
Klock, late of Upper M honoy '.rn h'p, 'o lbs
sub-TiVr. Ad avsoiis bav ii g dem .rids sfjau at
t ie said estate are rcqoe-ied to irsnt ih infoi
pavlll li', ai d tleaw tialehird a e desired in dot
charge iheir lispccUve dues l otlnv ii
IIKNIiY Kl.tit K.
May 7tb, IS42. of tVil l owisb .y.
Uanlcl Zliiiiiit'i iiihu'n Ilmtatr.
"JU I'ICE is heiely g ven that letters ol ado in
istralion tisve betsji grant d to lot sul'.C n's-r.
U. the eslaie of Dai.iel Ziininernian, ilee'd , Ut
of Augusta townalnp, -Noilliuiul erlnid coin ly.
IVisous ii.Ji 1,'eJ to said estah ure leqm te't !
mare p-yicrt on "le 4hd-v.t Jmr !.(, .1
1'ie holts.- f die i r.-f .rrtl, i .,. - , e ''
ir.ands i-ii on t ihe is ,r,. w i l in. ler th. i: scu nnis
property soiie a ed. SAMtEL hs-EX,
A,ri! cOih, 184V. AJ ;:
aVtfi s
f 71
dAZ-tX1 Ma
IN pursuance of a writ issued by hla Excellency
David R. Porter, Governor of the Common
wealth of Ponn ylynuia, to tlie undersigned. Com-ruis-i
nrr on tbe part of ihe (Commonwealth to set
tl ihe estaies of John Nicholson 6t Peter Bayniort
tbeie will ha ofTtoed at Pufdic Sale, at the Court
House in SUNBURY. on SATURDAY, the Uth
d of5L'NE next, the following dascrrbed tract
of land, i u.te in Nur humberland c muty to wit :
A tract of 1 in I situate en Muncy Hill, in Tun
b t or Derrr lowif-hlp, Northumberland county,
ne. r the line nf I yeming and Noithumborland
eoU .ly, adjo.ning Joseph Calbrealh, John Cowdrn
end i lbi.", ci iitiiriing 418 acres and allowance,
'.in eved on a war, ant to James Hepburn dated 4 ih
Match 170.1
A tract of lirid rituate on I.ailiel Run, in Mun.
c-y towmlitp, N .rvliurnhp.l'ind county, adjowng
cunt uning 352 acre 20
perches, surveyed on a warrant to Rol.ert Mant
fconiery dated 21st June, 1799.
A tract of land on Montour' ridge, noith of
NVnhuniberljnJ. adjoining Andrew Epple and
thers, conlainniR 442 acre 80 perches, aurveyed
on a warrant to David Juckson dit. d April, 1793.
A tract of lend on Montour' ridge, near Nor
tliuuibcrUnd. adjoining A bram Kin'iitig, jr , con
laming 41(1 acres, surveyed on a warrant to John
UnrMn dle I So April, 1793.
A tract of lan4 on Montoui's ridge, adjoining
Al'in. Kintting cV John Barron, containing 291 a
cres r?0 perrhe" anJ allowance, surveyed on a war
rant t Wm. Brady dated S.'dh March, I79S.
A tr ict of lind situa'e in Point township, adjoin,
ing Thomns D isk ins and other', containing 305
acres 40 peiche and allowance, surveyed on a
wnriant to Chatlrs G. Trtichle, dated Zolh April,
A tract of land siiunte on Laurel Run, In Mun
cy township, adjoinini! Harina Montgomery and
others, containing 465 acres 33 prrches and allow
ance, surveyed on a warrant to Alexander Mont
gomery dated Slat Juno. 1793.
A tract of land situate in Schuylkill county
(lale Beiks count) ) on the waters of Swatara,
containing 405 acres 120 perches and allowance
surveyed on a warrant to Michael Gut.kle, dated
1st October, 17R4.
The above land was sold by the former Com
mitsienrri and the purchasers having neglteted
to pay the purchaet money the sales have been ra-eatd,-4c.
A credit will begivm,snd term msde known
on the day of sale.
Commissioner's Office, Ilsrrisburg, ?
Mav 7. 1942. 5
(HEREBY notify all atore keepers and oihera
that "they are not to trust my son, SIMON
OBEKDORP, en my account. a i am determined
not to pay any debt or debts contracted bv Km from
May 2d. IB 12.
THIRST Rate Shnd and Herring, fit, ard of fina
' flavor, inspected No. 1 in April, jual rectived,
and for sale at the new More of
May 7'h.
DlMHotciti.t ol" lai Inorsliip.
rBIlE par'nernhot heretofore existing belwrsn the
I ecb-crihf r, was dissolved by invitu ii content,
on the M 1 3t . f Mstcli last. The par i'ers;-. ;i b,.,.k4,
and oilier evidences of ib'. djo '.'iff j-srtssra. sr
piacr.l in the Vanda of Christian Lovter E"q , iif
Sunbury, for colli ction, who nl i-ie is authoiizd to
eceive paynunr. Tb pai iro rsh.p commenced
Hi ihe fcri day of Apr I XiO.
April 16 h. 1S2
.r :Q-rrvt
f VUE sul si nher iiifoinia the public atnl his fcr
JL m1 r etistoiiiera, that although Mr. H Dawson
has witiidiawn himself from his store, he :ill con
tinues his fusii, ess si- heretofore, and wul . t:-;rwit
to give sal'sfactiort to those who w,!l gie him ' : cir
ens im. He is thankful to tlie pui'hc for the larja
sl.aie of patronage extended to hun for the last twen
Sui.hury. April I Oth. 1842.
.Yo. 237, yorth Third, above Callowhill St.,
Til E subscribers takes pleasure in acquainting
their friends and the public in general, that
they have taken the large and eoinmndioua Hotel,
recently built by the Messrs. Hsrt.ou the same ail
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Bull's Head, in Third stiect above Callow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in the very best possible
manner, and ot the best material. Its location is
very desirable, particularly for country merchanta ;
the arrar.gemen'a for healing and ventilating each
room ia such aa to secure any temperature. Tbe
bedrooms are all tight and airy, all furnished iu a
nett sty'e, so as to insure comfort.
The rereiting parlors are also futnislied in a su
perb style, the windows are on Ihe French style,
forming an entrance lo a balcony in front, whivll
makes a pleasant recess. Particular attention has
been given to the beds and bedding, which, with
the furniture, are entirely new.
from yea's' experience in hotel trcainrax, we
' t-uxt, by strict assiduity to business, to make Ibis
house a desirable stopping place. Our table will
uKvivs he supplied wilh the very best our market
can afford, end nor bar wi'h ihe best liquor and
w ines of ihe most spiiroved brands.
P. S. There are first rate alabhng and carriage
ho!.r. attached to the hotel, attended by raiefull
and soer hostlers, and our charges will be low, in
accordance with the present hsrd limes.
Philadelphia, April Hi. IN42. '
flHE nhscrilMt re-pectftdly inlormi the publie
that he has purchased, and now occupies iho
large h?.h Hrlrk
and ,?
Cumodivus HlVJ&Tawm Mand,
W i ll known aa the properly, late of Theodore
W. Its. and formerly kept by Samuel A. Hisdy.
He is now prepared t accominodsie all ttavellrrs
ai d v -ne s h m.y tsvor him with a call, and
w II uc ivsiy elTot in tns power to render every
. ouvoi ieiiru snd co 1 1 m to his customers, while
under his charge. His accoii.ruodations srr ample,
so I I is Ion. is!, td. Hi stables exten
sive and : -, f o I c l i' o i
M s I ih'.! and ! va i.l be supihd with tha
!.st et 'Me r'.a V '. , ,m nil' rd y pui ctuaht
a . i . t.e ti . ,s i i t. in.l thai ho wi'l
t!i. i.-oi.r.fS ol ,.r , ..' :.'
Cit'.lawissa, April Uth, 1H12,