Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 21, 1842, Image 1
ir.ims or tug ' amgrivax." HENKV 0. MA8SER, Pvbmshkii aso JOSEPH EISELV. $PaoraiKToas. It. H, rtJSSElt, Editor. orrtct in nihkkt itmket, bear t(c. TH E A M E It IU AN " pu blU?id every Satur day at TWO DOLLAK3 per annum to bo paid half yearly in advance. No paper discontin ued till ALt arrearages are paid. Noauhacriptiona received for a less eriod than si mostii. All communication or letters on business relating loths oiiice, to insure attrition, most be TOST PAW. SUMBUKY AMERICAN. AND SIIAMOKIN JOUUiNAL. IItICi:M OF AIWGRTISISG. I square I insertion, - - .Jo ftfl I do 2 do . II 7.1 1 Ao 3 do - I (HI Kvery subsequent insertion, 0 2.t Yearly Adreitisemetils, (with the prrvirfie ot ultcrsrionl one fobirrm $2.r half column, fls, ihiee -piares, $ i ; two squares, fS ; one sawaie, Wiihout the privilege of alteration a liberal discount will lie mde. Advertisements left without directions as t ihe h'ntfth of lime they are in be published, will bs continued eiud ordered out, and cbfTged sccard inflv. C j- ixtecn lines make a squara. Absolute acquiescence in tho decisions of (lie mnjority, the vital principle of ttepuhhes, from whkh there l no Appeal but to force, the vilal piimiphi and immediate parent f h-sp iibcn.-- I tH Kso. Ity Manser & Flcly. ISnnbtn-y lKortlimWTlanl '. la. Saturday, B'laj- i, isi'l. Vol. ll"o. IT. Time to Come. II T WALTER WIIITHAW. O, 'heath 1 a Mack and pierreloss pnll 1engr, round tficc, and thy future state ; IV n rye -miy free, no mind may grasp 1 ha1 mystery' at Fate. This brain which flrjw sttrrnste throbs With swelling hope and gloomy fear ; This heart with all the changing hues, 'That mortal passions ben This curious frume of human rnonlJ, Where unrriiiited ravings play, This brain, nnd henrt, and wondronclform J-luet all ill ike decay. The leaping Mood -fll slop its flow; The hoxse denth stftidglc pass ; the cht.fc Lav -bloom 'ess, nnd the hquid tongue Will then forgit logical.. The grave will take me ; earth will close OVj- cold dull limb, and ashy fce ; Rut whete. t), Nature, where thall be 'I'ho souTe abiding place ! Will it e'en live ? for though its light Must shine till from the body lorn ; Then when rlie ofl of thtprnt, Still shall the taper burnl O, powerless is ibis stmgtfling W.iu To rend the mighty mystery; 1 ii il.ii'k, uncertain awe it waits The common douin to die. Dcm, Jlci irw Marsliall's TtVnijomiii-c Speeches. .Among the 'inns of 'ANYivcKs.Mtv V:' an New York, the lion. T. F. Marshall, membor -of Congress from Kentucky this year stauds I pre-eminent. Air. Ma relic U is -certainly aiiinn of eloquence, and has already won a reputation at Washington. 1 n tire -early part -UI the ses sion, lie spoke in the House inure than once, under the influence of liquor, llctuibs'jquent 1y joinoU the Tenrperanoe Society. lurmg ithc past week lie lias been in New York, speaking to overfiewing houses nightly, -on the subject of Temperance. The enthusiasm lr has aroused, is spoken of by our ootomporarics in iturms wJiich show that they have caught a "por tion of the enthusiasm of the audiences. We -quote cne of tlte bcuornXle gretrUowau's speech es, in which he gives Lis experience. Ji'-shu--moras more remarkable, .perhaps, than its elo quence, tltltouglj tlie passage, in which allu sion is made to the speaker's mother, is tlrril- Jiug. IIe,prcluced it by observing that lie had .been very frequently -called ou to address large -bodies of the ,cple in Kentucky, in political contests, was often -elected to 'thirl Legislature and during the canvass -it was a custom to cat .and drink freely all round. -Ht did not mean by this he said to Tiavc any one suppose that his constituent wore ei ther an imuiorah or a -drinhing or dissipated people and as tne reporters seemed to yut -down all he said, he wished this fact mentioned -most particnlarly t'hatlic might not be misun Jerstood nnd ho would take this opportunity 1o say that there isn't a man, belie who he may -who represent a prouder, a heater, or t.iarc morid fieoplc than his conttitucnts; still, it takes a heup of eoplc to ma-kc a world ; and a candidate must take votes as they come and not pick "oiii. Well, 1 got i:i tho habit of Uriikk ing with them, ati-1 it frciuctftly happened rhat your humble servant would get most confound edly drunk half a dozen times during the can vass. This was a source of last iuuesraess to my friends they still vo.ed fur me in it they warned mc oh, how they warned me, I told them they needn't mind my cutting these -capers, and getting into those sprees, that if they atnt mc to Congress, I'd yuit it. My mother too ; and oh, if I've ever seen any mor tal thing that hud not a single taint of original sin, it was that some good old I'rtsbytorian another of mine -, if tSie ovct did have any of it at any time of her life, she had parted with it all before I'd furmed any acquaintance with or knew airy tiling about her. Hhe warned inc. When my elections wereover, I retired ts my tlodet, and was a hard BtudoiR nd fouiautoJ irom lirjuur for a long period. A4 if I ever got into a frolic I slaid away from home from my mother I've pot no wife till 1 got pale, till H the fd "t ofl ; and kinder that parental roof 1 was always sober. Well, 1 pledged myself to toy friendu that if it hey would run iuc fur Congretj", I'd not frolic during the canvass. They run nio and 1 kept my word ; I didn't got drunk during tire can vass. After it was over, however, I pot into one of the mot-t inuaurtaJ sprees. , 1 A'lgbter. J I said my time's cut. I've got my certificate in my pocket, and if I don't make up ft all this lost tune and abstinence, then rt will be be cause I can find nothing to drink. Well, 1 did go into that tpree about as heavy as a man well could, and live. Well, i came from Ixxiugton to Washington in four days and nights, as I wauled to he in time to vote for Mr- White fcrr Speaker; I didn't drink a d rop on the road, I was fco sick after the spree that I wouldn't leave till four days bt tnro (,'ongress met ; 1 came through in four day didn't take ihy clothes off slept in the mail stage and was in time to vote. I resolved then in my new high station to keep sober ; for two whole days I stuck fo this resolve. I then went down to a nice little drinking shop-refectory they have under the housp, and got a horn and another ; nnd that was the commencement there. ( Laugh ter. Well, old Mr. Adams, of Massachusetts, mada most tremendous speech, which I didn't much like, ami I determined 1o answer him. Well, the idea of speaking for the first time in Congress, and answering so distinguished a man as Mr. Adams for you know what a big man he h I couldn't sleep all night, and the next day I thought I couldn't sustain myself through my tsk to speak in that great hip barn of a place, the House of Representatives for it's the very worst place to speak in that can possibly he in this world, without a little glass of brandy and water. Laughter.! So I took it on an empty stomach it went straight to my head, and I felt the smartest a-ad grcii test character living, and able to speak any where and answer to any lody (laughter.) I toastuddlcil w ith one glass. In I went to the lioiise ; and when I first Wgan, my manner, action and speech, showed that I was under partial excitement from liipior. Flul ns I warmed with'my subject, the perspiration rolled elTme, and before I set down I was assolierns n judge. And a tivost capital speech I thought I had made. Well, tliore's a whole parcel of gentleman who crime to Washington ilurinc tirCtWHsion, caJICfl letter writers, (laughter)and aksoa nhole parcel of fellows callvd reporters; Cbw of KiuTso are an.vio'ts to get all tlio news fir their -editors .a ml papers, and they sct-en every thing tlerej some of 'em heiv ikw, I ee,1)ut1 shall -never ay any thing ngainM any -of "em again as 1nig as I live; (roars of lnnghtor)aii;l now F-ve -no kmht at all that "they're tire most taloirted, -most -useful, most gentlemanly, and most valun'ble "body of men in the whole country. (Cheers and nmuanse Imiglrter.') Thrt, 1 suppose, as this wa6 my first session in Congress, and as they'd never seen exactly any such animal as mc any where 'bo fbre, they 'took mc up as a new -cauc, (laugli- ter) and a most roniarlrahlo case at that (Laug'hter.) Now, I'd inadc a good inmry specclies in the Legislature of Kentucky, but none of 'em had ever been reported. We don't .know any'thwrg aixwt those things thnre not being in the habit f publishing a mail's speeches. And this wus qnhe a new sort of thing to me. Ijiughter. Well, gentlemen, wWn tfh fiapcTS came hack containing-the ac count of What I thought my most remarkably fine speoch whether lit was that nry style -of spoaiking was mi entire Sn-w novelty' to iIkih or 'what it is-us, 1 can t sirv tut t'liere ne'er was a H!hjw w ho made such a ttrbitt iixni the floor of that Congress in this world as I did 1 juightcr.-! 'Such n fu:-s as they innde, and Filch a de scription as they gave til'ny actions, and my words, was perhais inner known before. Well the next time 1 had to spoak, which was soon after on the IjiiiJ Bill, I rfcleruiined to drink nothing ; and I kept my resolve. Cjido, said 1, it shall be riihl, and they shall have no thing to say this time. Well, I made my spoocli, and at tho -clcse 1 turned round and said 'Sleforc I sit down I have one word to say to thereport-ers ; if yon -wish to report speeches report your own, and nit nirne-; Tve been tauglrt at a good "wal af expense and pains to write Knglish, and to speah it.tiw; and 1 do not wish you to write and publish your giblier itili, and pass it otl'-a mine; when -want tny speeches reportexl, I'll do it myself.' And down I sat. Come thought I, I'm oven with them ft-Hows now, at any rate. Roars of laughter But I reckoned that time without my host For if ever there was an unequal contest waged by mortal in the tvorld, it was when 1 then with ny one tongue attempted to contend will these chaps, w ielding their five hundred ipiilis Shouts f langhter.1 At any rae, 1 made the gonth'Mieu mad ; and vcry time that 1 harl any thing to say in the House, w hen the papers came back to Wash in -'ton, such anaccoiuif as they gave of me and my actions you would Hop poke tli at I had Won an ourang-outanp, and drunk at tliHl! Roars of laughter. Well the way this thing annoyed mc no mortal can ooncerve. I Utoralhy thought they would drive me mad. Well, the next time I had to speal -as en the Tariff, ami then it was worse than al), in the account given by one paper. Tlicy wouhfiit rcttott tne anv more; I only wairtod them to give what 1 said, that the public might judge fr themselves, and I should have been satis fied. Hut no: this as the way they did it Marshall of Kentucky spoke to-day' and remember the words distinctly, for hey were at the time seared into oiv brain, as with fir 4aiitl the House listened fur an hour and half to the eloquence of a tippler, who w oftc seeu in the gutter; he drank while he oke and at lust stopt from complete intoxication JNow, it wabiiut true Hat I ttopt from niton cation, or thatt was intoxicated while speak ing. Hut 1 xlid drink most profusely afterward. And partly goaded to madness by this, help ed on fy vld habits, I did drink, and drink, and drink, as I never did before. 1 thought it seemed as if all mankind was in a devilish conspiracy against me that they were bent on nry destruction. And I -was goaded to mad ness to think that these things would go home to think what that aged mother and that lender sister would feel when they read that I had become a perlect boast since 1 left the pa ternal roof! I thought I was mined any how: and I felt for all the world like a fellow W ho has got into a piece of country where the bush es around him are stucl? full of Indians, and they all the time sliooting their devilish fmrbed poisoned arrows into his fellows, and he not knowing from what quarter to expect the w ind and not able to find a toe any where. Such was my situation ! And I did drink, and drink and drink in every desperation, till the infernal appetite seemed growing on me, and rendering it necessary ; until at last I took one of the UKut immortal hard sprees that ever 1 did have in the whole course of my existence. Aud that w as the last It was the morning after this, Mr. Marshall signed the pledge. Mr. Marshall then adverted to some remarks w hk h hud appeared in csh'oI the daily joorwals, Imrging him with having boon a notorious Irutikard. I le denied the charge with warmth lie said that he had never Ieen a confirmed inebriate, that it was only occasionally that he had indulged to excess. In alluding to tin speech be made mt'migtess under the influ ence of Inpior, nnd the rep-xt !' his weakness iu the puers. he sokc in high teruisof his on i si itue.ncv, and said their nstouitdmn-ut must I have hwtigreit in reading the account of his conduct. He then continued in the following strain. 'Time was when his wo-ihl haw wounded meto the quick. It was not the first time it was-dune but it did, when first done, wound me -to the very quick not on account af'tity. serf, hilt on aoonunt of others whom I love. That's gone, and thau-k !od it can wound nvc no longer. Cheers. And that sacred and holy pledge of the Wa-iliiugluniaiiis is the bles sed shield that preserves -me harmless t'min these poisoned urrows. 'Cheers. I had re lations and connexions in Kentucky, anil there was clinging around my heart all those tender- est, dearing feelings, and all the hopes that af connected with tlie relations tf brother ami son. These arrows, poison?dand -barbed, aim ed as they wvre at me alone, ( fur 1 cannot be- lwn'o tire man demon enough to have intended them for others.) these arrows glanced all scat bless from my heart, but lodged in the heart of those dear connexions, whore tlrey quivered and rankled in dreadliill agony. I; is ateiriblc thing for a sou six hundred miles from bis mo ther, who clings with all a mother's fondness to him, to see all those paragraphs, unj to know that they wifl all go to that mother. When she is looking out anxiously fur every thing that will say aught of that son's career at distai-!, wbn the sound of the rollitij mail is listened to w ith feverish eagerness, that sIk; may hear s-ir-iotli-ing glorious or useful which tlmt darling sou has achieved, it is a terrible thing that such oil am! such balm as this should be all thirt is poiuxtd ieto ht-T fond heart to re ward her for all her care ami lnlv loe. Then even the drunkard's heart can feel thu 'can leel nothing e'l.-e tne agony t'iiat iiuthui know uti earth can eijual. A silence as -ot death throrigli that great hall attended the de livery of these remarks which were ru-;ooiid-ed to by tears from almost -every one in the bolide. 'But that time lias gone ly, and I feel this no longer. That pUdge is my bhield. That plorigc is a shield which can convert een calumny iirto defence. Cheers. loyon all sign that pledge! Let every man who drinks ti:d who d-es not drink sign it. 1 dare any man to try it. Ilauirhter and cheer.1 I'ut your bond and seal to the thing m the ejesof all men, and friends and enemies will applaud you. It is a put feet talisman agniiist all harm.' Wouan's Ixrii. As the dovcwiil clasp itb w ings to its side, and cover und cx-uoeal the ai re that is preyiwgon its vitals, so is the nature of woman to hide from the world the pangs ol wounded allbction. Folly, says Ixx-ke, consists in Ore drawing oi false conclusions from just principles, by which it ib diutingniiilied (rein raadncss, which draws just concln&ions from false principles. Lift The advantage of living doe not con 6it in length of day, but in the right improve. uient ot them. hmlaigre. Honor anu Uoki v J'he d.llen ni u theie is betwixt hojior and honesty, seems to lie chief ly the unSive : tioj mere honest titan does that frum duty' which the n.aii of honor doealbr the sake of character. Pliyntral IH-Mllly or A hirl inn n IVimin. Uut the second and still greater difficulty, pc culiar to American women, is delicacy of con stitution which renders theui victims to dis ease and decay. Yhe fact that the wonieu of this country are usually subject to disease, and that their beau ty and youthfuluess are of .shorter continuance than t'nc women of othi't trttKM;s, is one which always attracts the attention of loroigncis, while medical men and philanthropists are con stantly giving l'oTfl inoi"tions as to the ex tent and alarming increase of this evil. Inves tigations make it, evident that a large propor tion of young ladies from the wealthier classes have the incipient stages of curvature of the spine, and of the most snd -faithful causes of future disease and decay. The writer has, heard medical men, who have made extensive inquiries, say that probably one of every six of young women at boirding-school, are atlected in this way, while many other indications ofdis cascand ih-hility exist, incases where this par ticular evil canixit le detected. In consequence of this enfeebled state of constitution, induced by a neglect of their physi cal educ itioii. as soow as they are called to the responsibilities nnd trills of domestic lite, their const it uliens fails, aud their w hole life is ren dered a burden. For no person van enjoy ex istence when disease throws a dark cloud over the mind and incapacitates her lor the discharge of every duty. It would sec in as if the primeval crse, that has written the doom f pain and sorrow on one period of a young mother's life, iu this country has been extended over all ; that the hour lie- i tvr armcs li 'tJieforgetteth her sorrow fir j joy that a man is iiorn iu the wyrrid."' Many a mother will testify, with shuddering, the nsr-st exquisite sufferings she ever endured, where not those apjioiiited by nature, but those which, foT weeks atu weeks have worn down hearth and spirits when nourishing her child. And medical men teach us tlmt this iu most cases, results frjm debility of constitution vmseqHent on the mismanagement of early life. And so frequent and so mournful are these and the o- ther diseases that result from the failure of the female -eons1 itV'ioiL, that t lie writer has repea tedly heard mothers say "thet tlK-y had wept tears of bitterness over their infant daughters for the sufferings which lin y were destined to undergo ; while they cherished the decided wish that lhs'j daughters sin mid never marry. At the same time, many n reflecting young wo man is looking to her future piospect v ith very difVeroiit feelings ant! hopes from these which Providence -designed. American wo-ik-h are exxsed to a far grea-tor amount of uit-cUci tual and moral excitement than those of any other land. Of course iu or der to escape the danger resulting from this, a rreat-r amount of evercise in the fresh eir, and all those uiethids which strengthen the constitution, arc imperiously required. Hut instead oft his rt will b found thirt owing to the clmiatc and the customs of this nation, there are no women vho secure ho little of this healthful and protecting Ttgiiuen. Walking, and riding, and gardening in the on-n air, are pract iced by women of other lands to a far grea ter extent than by American females. Most Fnglish women iu the weahhiiT classes, are a ble to whlk six or riyht mih's in a stretch, with out oppressive fatigue ; and when they visit this country, always ex pr'si, their surprise at the iii..tivc kauits of the American ladies. In England the regular daily exercise, in the open air, is very commonly required l.y me mother, as a paitot daily duty, and is fought by young woirn'R at" enj-rj'iiient. In conseipieiiee o'f a dilf. rent. physical trnin Hig, Knglish women ill those circles that enjoy competency, present r.n flrpeiirr.nce which al ways strikes American gentlemen as a con trast to what they are at home. An Engli.-h mother at thirty or thirty-five, is in full bloom of perfect womanh-iod , as fresh and he-jfihy as her daughters, ihtt nfiere are the American mothers who can Teach this reciotl infilled and unworn ! In America young ladies in the Weulthio-t clatses aro yrrrt ta ti:ho d from e;. childiiood, iiHiiiier f.Arents nor teachers make it a defifrto el cct to secure a prv.per amount of fresh air and exercise, tu counter balunoe thor hitvllrctu-il taxatuxi. Areoori as they pass tin ic w-h.K,; c'uys, dres sing, visiting, t-xeuiiiS: parties, ami htiinulatiug ainiisynu-iits, t ile the play of study, uhihj tie lio: t iinheaUhful mod-s of dress adj to the physieal jijiisurcs. To make niurning cal's, or do a little tlrtpping, io all that can be.called thfir exercise in the tVe.-si air; and this, com pared to what is needed, is ahailutcly nothing, and on soiite accounts, i wor.e than nothing. In dniseou? ncc -f tliese, and other evils, the young women of America grow up with uch a delicate constitution, that pruUbJy eight out of ten hecome subjects of disease, either te. lore vr us h.oii as they are calif d to the rei)ou tiihihties i-f doinei.tic lite. I'.xlracli J'roin Miss Dm hit' Trial uf on J)u iutltc I'i ouvimj. A Manliry'm Memory. Authors peneralW seiii to tl-mk that tin tnonkey race are not capable of 'retaining la-ting impressions, but then memory ' reiuai kublv tenacious when striking evonts cull it to action. 'A monkey whkh was permitted to run tree. had frequently seen the men servants in tho threat country kiHien, with its huge fire-place, lake down the powder horn tiiet utiKid on the chimney-piece, and throw a few grams into the lire, to make Jemima nnJ the re-t ef the maids jump and scream, Which they always dil on such occasions very prettily. Fug watched his opportunity, and when all was still, and he had the kitchen entirely to himself, h.J clabered up, got possession of the Well-filled powder horn, perched himself very gingerly on one side of the horizontal wheel placed for the support of saucepans, l ight over waning ashes of an almost extinct wood fire, screwing off the top of the horn, and reversed it over the grate. The explosion sent him halfway up the chim ney! Before re was tfiown up, he was a sneg, trim, well conditioned monkey as you may wish to see in a summer's day ; he came down black, carbonated nigger in immature, in an avalanche of burning soot. The thump with whi-h he pitched upon the lsut ashes in the midst of the geReral flare up, aroused him to aense of his condition, lie was missing for days. Hun ger at last drove him forth, and he sneaked in to the house close singed, and looking scared and devilish, lie recovered withcare, but, like some other personages, never got over ins sTjihlen elevation and fall, hut became a aiddcr if not a wiser monkey. If -ever Fug forgot himself and was troublesome, you had only to take down the powder-horn in Ins presence, and he was olf to wis hole like a shot, scream ing an3 clattering his jvs like a pair of cas tanets. Mine liii'if Oi turif ncr' IIourium: Attempt at Mi iiulr; Ivite on last Wednesday evening, our citizens in tiic ncighWhood of the corner of Water and Jackson-streets were startled from theit slumbers by tlie uio.-t frightful shrieks for help, accom panied wilh appalling cries of murder ! Several persons, hastily armed with bledgeons, hurried instantly to an old out-building in the vicinity, whence the alarm proceeded. t)ne oftlioso who hud repaired to the scene of terror was tr rushing at once to the rescue ffthe tiwJlbrine individual, but was forcibly restrained by his companions, as ih their haste they had tffgdititi a light, aud were apprehensive that the murderer was amrcd with pistols, dirks, and other deadly instruments, which, in the dark, might Ik; turned against themselves ! In the meantime the shrieirs feaffully -increased, now accompanied by the aonnizinf entreaty. ()a! 4-OME quick!! HE'S EATI.MJ MK I7P '. ! !' A light was at length procured, am', all rushed forward to the sccne-of action, and, j oh'horror ! what a spectacle presented itself! The iiutortunatc victim lay Wretched upon the earth, with palid countenance, teeth chattering and eyeballs starting from their sockets. One side of his face was covered with slmi'r. lbs only conpari ions were found to be a pair of black and while twin calves, -one of which was engaged in mirkiiSf his car, while the other was very quietly inspecting thentwrat'on, probably wondering which of the twain wa most badly suckrd. Upon inquiry, it appeared that the iiidk'idmil in question a loafer who had been hanging about the place for sometime had gone into the i'liuding in search of quar ters for the night, and had composed hunse !l to Test, from which he was awakened by the tt'g- ! ,,,,, at his ear, when be couiiiieno-d uie i pruhove noticed SumluthyOUi-io.i. ip- ihi..iiim; tiw riiim i' 1011..1. 'i r ease-liardoncd, could not be filed ; At lteavrr lam I'epot, Virginia, 0:1 I'ri-h.y only methods of gelling rid of it hist Mr. James llumi. ion, formerly of Un-h-( were either by cutting the mouth, or ad nioml, shot by a Mr. Musgrove, Jn va-' s ci tising a reward for the key. These engaged to Mr. I lamilton's daughter ; but tie- . pears were alo called jears ofagony. engageuK-nt was broken uffiu iKSiseijoeiice -t' Dostoti C-OUriCT. iwf inisuudcrstaiidiuL'. trrowhi oiitt-f h i.Jv 1 feelings and r.vciteuH-ht. Snoe a!le;;l 111- j ustice tow aids her, on the pari of Mmgrove I incensed bet ftiier highly, l:id au interview i took phu-, in which the charge w js denied. I Hamilton then went for a witness toil v. roy; j U Altitgrove that Ite would come, bringing I the proof withhiu, aud tlireate.-jng the )tuug . t . .it. inaK s nie. in consequence ol uus, .iusgroie prepared !'- bun w ith a loailex! gun, and a six barrelled pl.Mol. When lU-- -ais sioppeii, ilauiiltoH and his friend eot ud aprojohed tire plaoe where Misne h. J his gun und called to him, warning him that if he ppro.ich td le would t-hoot hsn ; to !ichhe pnJ r,i attention tnt hept on. telling I to shoot, or s-mie.hing to that efVect. When he was w ,th- in about fitly yards Mssgicn e tired, and I Urn- iltou lelitiocKingiy woun.H, naming rcveeu the fi ll charge in his face, Weast anJ arms The wounded until was tuien jnh a house ; aud Musgrove, tellin- the peraons 1 keep off at their pen!, went and surrendered himself to Mr. I lam- iltoii was alive t the W accounts, but was llot expected tu survive lung. t'xiLauf. A (VnE von Consumption. Mr. A dun Molt gives the following statement in llie Maim? Farmer: "A friend of mine who resides m la clrMry, in this Sfnle, loIJ itio lliat his u iP; wks sick of what the doctors tval Icd Consumption. .She was visited by four physicians, who gave her over. 7hc was very sick was unable to sit tip had a very severe -cough and i?, few no better, 'but rather worse' she tailed very Inst. She recollected that she had before received benefit from the use of Sl. John's wort ; her Inisbaiid procured some of it, it was steeped, and slic mads it her Constant drink for four or five days tltcre appeared tolm but little alteration ; but after this she grew better very fast ; her health vai so much 'improved that in the course of six or eight weeks she was nble to re sume her customary occupations she commenced weaving, and wove about 40 yards of cloth. During this time she made constant ttsc of f$t. Johns wort tea. What has been done may -a gain be done. It helped lior: it may hdf o tliers. The tea may foe made as you would make jicppermiiit or any herb lea to drink by merely steeping the herb in water. The herb may be gathered any time after tt is Urge emmfh lut the best time for gathering it is duti-ng the seventh month. A supply nny now doubtless lie fourtd in almost every hay mow where there ts a-ny nay. I much njrprove of litis simple reined v. A. MoTr." Evaporatjjh; toe ISssektml Oils rv licFCTRln i v. .Sotne very itit-crcst-ing experiments have lately been tried by Mr. J. A. Powers, in evaporating the essential Uuid. A metallic ctip, partly filled with spirits of turpentine, was pla ced on the prime conductor of a large ehjetrical maehinc, and after a few re volutions of tlte eylender the room be came so itnpregnatod with the turpen. t'uie, that the bystanders were obliged to -lose their eyes from the most excru ciating pain. In ficrforming a seriesof expenntets, Mr. Powers ascertained that the evaporation would be materU ally increased ly partly filling the cup with water, and uiting the turpentine or oil om -the top. By connecting the prime -conductor w ith the inside -of a Lcydcn jar, aim holding one end of the discharger -directly over the cup, it was iund thru a discharge could be obtained nf -several times the ordinary striking distance, a circumstance which at iirst j sight appear verv remarkable. In iljoin ihe mad. 71 between the snec tutor and a strong liht, as for instance x window, the spray could be seen ri sing from the fluid in the cup, gradual! expanding and presenting the most beautiful aperrance. N. V. Sua Choke Pkr. This tevrn is used fi guratively to denote an unanswerable objection. We are also told that thi name h uite.. to a machine formerly used in Holland by robbev! and In ri :us. It was of iron, and ';i. shaped like a pear. This was fc ."'d into llie mouths of persons from wi-on they in tended toevtort money, ami on tuniin; a key, certain interior splines thur1 forth a number of pjintsin all directions. i which soemlarged it that it could not foe t;ikeu out of llie mouth ; and the iron. A .1 u a Tars iii:a or a LiM OMonvt-'Why, , l!.ist the thing, says he, there is nothing tlua sb.ipe above boxrJ, or manly about it Wutck a ki now nil l r cauvass bellying out, lay in;; down to it jiut enough to slww site fct-la i ihe breeze, tossing the spray fioui the bow, and Jit'ting lnH! head over the sea as if she pteppeJ ! ovt-i'em : there's something like life there, j There's something noble about a horse; h ; step as if he was going, and proud of his duty and aide tu do it. Ih;t tlmt bibber bah ! that mere cousarn comes insinivating, sneaking a lonjj crawling on his belly like a thundering kug Btiakc wilh a pipe in his mouth.' one j n,(Mrk(.j t(mt tU dinrence bot ween a grrat , ig . formw , fo EnroN. Tcxaa, lJie latter g(R- to Uia jieiiiteiitiaiy. Ar ip lit dfurd JlcgUtrr, j I's ji ik t 1'rejmlice is an eqmvotal term j ud may "gl't opinions taken i- on trmt, uuJ de piy rooted in the mind, as ! false and alsurd opinions so derived aud grown inlj it.