Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, May 07, 1842, Image 4

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    II A . It A OTi; LIST.
lr..VSl JVI ANI 4.
The following list ahows ths current value of all
Pennsylvania Bttiik Note. 1'ho moot implicit re
li.uicc msy le dared upon it, a it D r very week
carefully cnmpaiej with ai d, corrected from Bit k
licll's Reporter.
IIai.k In lliJlal lililn.
Ttank of North AmnicB . ,
Bank of the Northern Liberties ,
Commercial Rank of Penn'a. . ,
Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank .
Kensington Bank . .
Philadelphia Bank
Schuylkill Bank
Snuthwark Bank . .
W cstem Bank ,
Country linn It.
Bank of Chester County Westchester
B urt; of Delaware County
Bank of (Jermarvtown
Rutik of M..iil-ouiery Co.
Doylestow n flank
"anon Bar. k
Farmers' Bunk of Bucks co.
Olu-c of Bunk of Peiiti'a.
Ollico Co do
Office do do
Oilice 4o do
J I ttrrielurff" These
Lancaster I oflicca
JJcuiling Jo not
Eastern J issue n.
Bank of the United Stain Philadelphia 65.i60
Bank of Penn Township . . . 25
(ii'arJ Bank . . .
Manufacturer &. Mechanics' Bank .
Mechanics' Bunk . .
Movamcrisirig Bank . .
Dank ol reimavlvaniti . .
Miners' Bank of Potteville Pottaville
Bank of l.ewistown Lewistown
Bank of Middlctown Middletown
Bank of Northumberland Northumberland
Vuhitnhia A. Ilridue co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank Carlisle
Exc hange Batik Piltsburg
"Do do branch of Holhdaysburg
Farmers' Bank of Lancuslei Lancaster 7 a 10
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster 7 a 10
Farmers' Bank of Reading Reading Nl
KurrisbiuB; Bank Harrisburg 10 a 15
l.uncaatcr Bank Lancaster G
-Lebanon Bank Imitation 10
Merchants' &. Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 5
Hank of Pittsburg Piltsbutg 5
West Branch Bank Williamsport CO
Wyoming Bank Wi kesbarie '.'0
Northampton Bank Aileuiuwn 20
licrks County Bunk i admg
Oihce of Bank of U. S. I' u-i urg
Do do do Hue
Ho do do New Brighton
Svcnsington Suv. Ina. A t'o
Venn Township Sav. I us. do
Hank of Chambersburg Chambersburg lu
Hunk ol Gettysburg (itttyshurg It)
Hank of Susipuchaotia Co. Montrose 10
Erie Batik Erin
l'urmcrs' & Drovers Bank Wayncshurg 25
Franklin Bank Washington 5
Mouesdaie Bunk Honosdule 10 a 15
Monnnguhcla bunk of B. Brownsville 6
York Bank York 10
IS. li. The notes of those banks on which tie
omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not
purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the
exception of those which have a letter of n fcrence.
Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia
Philadelphia Loan Co. Jo
Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do
Manual Labor Bans (T. W Dyott, prop.)
no tale
cloKt d
no e
110 sale
Towaixla Bank
Alleghany Bank of Pa.
Bank of Beaver
Hank of Swatura
Bank ol Washingtan
Centre Bank
City Bank
I'mrucra' Ac Mech'ca Batik
FariiHr'Ac Mech'ct' Bank
Farmers' A Mech'tY Bank
Harmony Institute
lliintiiiflot. Bank
Juniata Bank
Lumbermen's Bunk
Norther 11 Bank if Pa.
New Hope lb I. Bridge Co.
Noiihumb'd I'uion CoU Bk.
North Wedi r Bank of Pa.
t'll'ice oi Schuylkill Barrk
Pa. Agr.Ac Manuf.liank
!-ilvci Lake Bank
Vniuii Bank of I'cnn'a.
V. eatmorelund Bunk
Ileal er
Belli foiilo
Fayette co.
Uuntiiigilon no sale
LcwUtown no sale
Warreo failed
Wmidiitr no sale
New Hope cloaod
MiIion no sale
Wi-aJville closed
Port Carbon failed
4'arlinlo (ailed
Montn-ee closed
1'niontown failed
lireenaburg tlored
X. i!ki-barra Bridge Co,
Wilkccbarrtj nosslu
(jj All notes purporting to tie on any Pennsyl
vania Bank Mot givtn in the oIkjvc li-.t, Uiay he et
iown aa fruuda.
xct' joisi:t.
Bank of New Bitiiimvick Brtinsu ick
Itelvideie Batik Bi-lvidi ee
tliirliiigloii Co. Ilaiik MeiUorJ
Commercial Bunk Perth Amboy
CumljerlaiKl Bank Bridgelou
fanner,,' B-i.k " Hooiit Holly
farmers' and Mt-.isnics' Ok 'Hahway
-Finuier:.' txid Mechanics' Bk N. Biujiswic't
i tinners' and Mctthantk' Uk AllJdietotvu i'L
Tranklin Bank of .N.J. Jirsey City
Hobokrii BkR sV Grazing Co Hohukcii
Jersey City Bunk Jersey City
Mrchaniia' Uuvk I'atteisoii
Manufucturifa' Botik BtUlcville
Mirri Coui any Bank Morrmtonn
Monmouth Li. of N.J. l'icehold
Mii-liuoK's' Bunk Newuik
Mechaiiu-i' on J Msnuf. Ilk TrurtvMj
Mortis ('anal a.J Bkg Co Jersey City
fa i hil
Pool Notts no sole
N'uwaik Bkg ti. IusC'o Newark 1
Ntw IJupe Lc Bridge Co Lamtit-rtbtilla
N. J. Muiiuf. c. and Bkg Co Hobokcn
N J I'rotecton A Lombard bk Jerwy t'ily
Orange Bank Oiange
Paterson Bank Patemou
PeopltV Bank -lj
Printeion Bunk I'nncelun
Sak-m Bat.kuig Co -Sub m
.tat Banl Newark
Staic Bunk -:ii7 ,l Uituwu
State Bank 4'i,iie'tH
Sluto Bank ot Morris Mon ii,i a u
bUlo lijuli Tiiniun
Sakiu mid i hilad Mo.u f Co -Ssb-m
Suss, l awk Ntwii.n
Tienton I'm kiii- I'mirtiiu
1'nluli Bui.C llovt-r
VS a-JiingtLU Bankiitgo. HaikcimscV
Pk of Wilm &. Brundy wiiit Wi iniiigtuii
Hank of lii luwa'i Wilmiuguui
BaiJt of ts.i.yri.a "Sinyina
Do Uumh Milord
Furuo rs' Lk of laiu of Del Hovi i
lo Irani U Wiluiington
Do blanch (eoigctoivii
Dti brumU Newcastle
Union Bark Wilmington
rrV L'ndti ii's
1 "'
f ui. .i !
p..r ;
3 I
fat lid
p .r
tXj On ail t auks ms'ktd thus () there are ei
ther countrrteil or altered uotes oi iSt Vuriyus dn
nomiustions, in citoululion-
Number 29 North Thiid Street, Philadelphia
3UIU.IC SALES nf Dry floods, Hardware
niul t ullcrv, Hooks, stationary, Clothing,
oots, Shoes anil Hals, and in short almost every
description of goods, are held nt this establishment
every evening (i.ioiU arc also sold tit private sale
during the day a' the average auction prices. Store
keepers and tradeis will find it to tbeir advantage
by attending the nab s.
CO. M.U'KF.Y, Auctioneer.
Philadelphia, Novemln r 1.1, 1841. ly.
No. 123 ChcMiut Street, below 4lh,
KEEP constantly on hand a general spsort
menl ot Books anil Stationary ; comprisine
Theological, Law, Medical, Cl.nsiial. Misi-ellnue
oua and School Books, Day Bonks, ull sizes. Led
gers, do., Family Bi''le, I'm'ket Bible, Wiitini
Pflrers, Wrai ping Papers, Ac. Vc. which they ol
fer at tho Icaett piices to Country Merchant's Pre
fessional (.tLiillemen, '1'eacbers, and all others that
may favor ibern with tbeir custom.
Philadelphia, N01 Mnbcr LI, 1811. l v. "( Ulp.
Manufucttner and Importer uf 8ad-
ulcry. llanhvaio, Arc.
No. 5 South Ttiril trret.fuur (fairs biiolv Market
rinioiii tpiiu.
KEEP constantly on h mil a large nn.l general
assortment Coach Lamp?, Carriage Bands,
AnloArins, Eliptic Spriniis. 1'nti nt Leatlier. Ac.
('ounlry Mcrchnnls and saddlers w ill be supplied nt
nil times 011 the moat ieaonable It nns. They will
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, IWeml-cr 13,1941. l v.
'T1 HE Subscriber, Agent ol I on vV llanis, Hal
-- Manufacturers, for N w Vork, Philadelphia,
Baltitnoro and other large cities, whoso Huts are
highly coinincridi d tmid tnht and durniility,
has 01 Land a firrt rale nasoitin-iit ol HATS and
CAPS, suitable for Sprinp siles wh ch will I n sold
very low, foi cah or appi ved ciedit, nt the mtfd
cheap sturc. No. 40, Nortit Third strcrl, i pjti e
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
OLIVER N. rt(.('HEn. Apvxt.
N. B. Ordeia Ijt lints i 1 thn -uiiK, n omj't I)
attended to. The highest lice in tath jr tra te
given fjr Fur ikin.e.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1 S t I -1y
new encm.andoil company.
No. 2! Nortli Witter Street, Phila.
MAM'FAC I l.KEKS and dealers ill Oils of
every ilesrriplinii both for burning and
1 niiiulacturiiig purl .ones, ulu-U will be snld niurli
lower than they can lie procured risen hen
ivurratitcd in quality tocuunl any in the citv
oil mild by tho company not proving as icpresriited,
may be returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the money will le refunded.
Their stock now in store consists of the following
oils, viz :
30,000 gallon. Winter Bleached Sieim" 5"
. C000
do Cti1oilf.cs Oil,
Fall and Spring Sperm Oil,
Winter St- LI. pliant,
do Pressed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do
Common Whale Oil,
200 Barn-Is stiperioi Ntmitj Oil,
3( 0 do Cod Bank Oil,
50 do Neat Fool O.t,
75 CaskaOiivtOd,
Tanner's Oils.
(Jj-1 l'18 oinpnnv Has a numlier ol issi is in
gaged in the Cod Fishery, and TanneM may rely
upon ptHiing at all times Oil as pure as imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1M1.-ly.
G. V". & L. 3. TAYLOR.
OFFER FOIi SALE, at the Snuth East t'or
lier of Fifth und Market JStit-tU, FJiiudil
phia Metis' Call-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do 1I0 M'grd do
da do tlo water pronf, dutille soles
and double in -rs.
do Callsiui do do
and up4T,
do Heavy Water Leather Boots,
do tlo N eats do do.
do High quarter shoes. Calf-skin,
do do do Croekers do
do nailed
Fine Moiiruihi warratiU-d
;hot s
do Cojisc
Cnif und Seal Skill I'limps.
List S.K-ks with und uiliiuut soles.
tlo Carpet do tin do
do Patent Warranted Water-proof .Mnceasins.
I. adies' do do tin do
Ladita' taniH-d Imlju Eublier shots.
Ociitk-niens' i to iver shse.
Vib vcrv oiImt desc iptioti ol tioots and shoes.
Fur Caps if every deetiplion.
Traveli ng Trunks of every deacriptiou.
il. en. Hi Travelling It si 41.
Patent fiuiii L'l isiu- Siioe l'lai kine.
itiamels i.f all kinds, 1'i.lin Leut Hals.
Phlbidelphia. No-einlier la, I s4 1 . 1 V.
Wholesale Variety nnd Triinniins? Store
A'o. 44. Nurth Fuutlh timr Arch st., J'hiludi Ijihia.
' IIEliK County Menbitiiis and otherscun be
' ii' (iid. at ill times, wn'.i a largf rmsorlrm nt
nf Husii ry, fii'ives, Merino, Cotton, und Wool, n
Sbwts and l)r,teis, Spool Cotton, Patent '1 hieud.
Cotton Colds, Buttons, '1'spis, Bindings, Jljtk
und L; i , Pins, Ac. And a gi nerul tan.ty ol u.-e-t'il
an.-i In, which he oiK-.s lor talent the lowest
j IICl s.
Phila 1, ll.liia, Ntiwinbei 13. 11 1. lv.
'ioux.i'S: irorcEiiv, olovc &
I.l 1 Hi 1. ViB I I I V k I oHK.
7'j. 31 'f-'.'t Fi.'irfli rt.. under K.rchuiili
-TT.r i t: C u.
f y i . !t ,11 ' Vl.
in in- !o.t , i:; n tbv
N..v. i: b K1I1
unliy Mrrt!ii,u t an le sup liej
liKlie vaiirty of rhino a 1 1 It' Its
j i n ttiv in )t reueoiiji It utiiid.
I K 1 I 1 y
Nu oi lli S toita klu t l,
(i iikhi ii ui- i isimb's sllst.)
W l i u- tbev roiiiidiitiy keep on iiui.J a goner d
ussortmeiit of
ud ii t''i., rtiriit, nf article if a mpernir
quality, which I hty , tl-r to disptiMJ of
cipon the most lu .-riiis.
tlOI'M JiV MEKCHANTS and mheis will
ft ml i; tc ihtti advantage lo call and txaiiUiif
llnir stock Uet'.sw purchasing elsewhere.
I PUilu.litlj.hij, :.v. , 441. ly -
Wholesale and lletail Shoe, Honnet,
and l'ahti Leaf Hat Warehouse.
A'o. CO North 'iJ itrrrt, a few ilnur.i ulovc .Irch,
A LSO Trunks, Catpet Bags and Vnliees, of ev
cry desniptinn, nil of which he offers for
sale on the most jusiinable terms.
Philadelphia, !vvrmher 13, ISII. ty.
"rrwTs vx"r?r
Umbrella and Parasol JManiifacturer.
No. 37 AW A '2'luxl tlnrt, ivo ilt,irs l.elow the
X'itv H;itel, l'hUtiihhiliia.
OUNTH und others are solicited
to f XHiiiilii? Lis ui'n.ili.ienl bifme puichusing
elsew here
Philadelphia, Noveniler 11. Hit
No. 1 :JS Market Street, Philatlelphia.
NVITE the utlention of Couiihy Mercbniits
ti their extei.Miic a-Fur.uiiut ul lliitnh I'n 1,1 h
snd Ameritan liomls. which the ollei lot nab
on thfl 111 t rns"tiibb' t. tins.
Philudelphia, ,oveinber 13, Ibll. ly.
"MiTsT TioTf 6 a ,
EsrECTFULLY iiif rms her fiiei i!h an. I the
public generally, that he eutitiiii.ei to keep
tlial well klmwii 'I uveru Stand ill Maiket .-.tnet,
Sunbury, sign of the
formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and
by eudeavoiiiig to conduct the establisliiiieiit in a
milliner to give satisfaction to all, hopes to merit a
libeial share of public, patronage,
Sunbury, Octolf r 9lh, 1H4 I.
JTt ah J
I LSI 'I.t . I t I infiitm the citreiis ol Sun-
bury anil vieimty. that they bate t.ik' 11 the
Shop lati lv occupied by Win. Durst, where they
will carry on thn
in all its vaimns br.nebes. By stiiel attiniion ami
reasonable ehdiges, tiny expect to meiit a sluic ol
public patronage.
Sunbury. Sept. 1th, 111.
f v t srv r -; r.yc-s- rt-'r
' m r 1 ' ' i
NTHON'S Classical Uic'ioniiry; Lemprier's
do.; Aiiisworth's do ; Cobb's do.: I'nclif h and
(teituan do ; Autbon's Ca sar; AnthuuV (irammrr;
Anthi ri's Cieeio; Man's I.a'in Ke.uli-i; I'gilly'sdo.;
Ambeiv's I .mi in Lessons; 1). 11111 g. ill's Lexicon;
Fick's (ire. k Exercises; Uavie-'s Leirendei; (traeea
Majira; A (finis's Komau Autiqui'ies; I'iiimu-k's
(inldsmith's Ei gland; do. tireeee; I. jell's Element
nt t,f-ol.nv: Mis. l.inri.ln'rt Itolniit 1! Ii'tiieiif s i.l
I Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's hhetorical Iti-a-ny
ilers; I'nii rsoti's (icoerai bv and llistorv: Olnev's
do.; Purity's do ; Smith's ( irnmim-i: Kirkham's do.:
Kay's Headers; Cobl 's do; Cobb's Aritbiueiick;
Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spi lling Hooks;
Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa
mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do ; Collater
al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikci's Kx
eri i-t-s on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Bat'ciV
S. im's Hfsi; American Uevolulioii; Manyatt's No
vi Is; Mrs. Phelps on Ciiemisti;; t '.itivbisni
of American Laws; Letters on Natural Mnnie; Che
niiftry for Beginners; English Est'irisis nd.ipted to
Murray's Orainmer; Setucl to Comity's Spelling
Book; A tin r i an CUss Book; lbibull's Sehoolm is
tei's Assist.inl; A creat variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 2H, IM41.
MADEIKA WINE. Fiii-l .,uality Madicia
Wine, lor s ilo low by
Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSEB,
Mr l if U- alwavs on hund and for wilt- bv
Stpt. I, t'sil. II. B. MASSlJi:.
HOLLAND l-'LN'. Of the lust quality always
on and for suit- ly
Sept. I, IS II. II. li. AlASSEH.
LOAF AND LUMP Sl'OAli. Always on
band stid for sule Ly
Sept. t, 1MI. H. B. MASSF.K.
L.sSi;s. Ol l) it-best quaiity always nil hand
hi d fir rab by
s,pt. 1, 141. H. B. M ASsEE,
BliOWN St"i.M!. t)f a good quubtv, for sale
lowby Sept. I, 1H41. 1 1. B. M ASsE II.
(.KEEN AND BLACK 1 'HAS. Of the best
quality uiwavcon hanil uil fur sale by
Sci't. 1, lr-ll. H. B. MASEK.
CttFFI E. Jsis, Hio and Ijiguita Colli e, con
Klsnly on hand and for sale l-y
Sept. 1, 1m4 I. II. B.
SI'F.liM OIL. Winter and Summer .tmiiutl
Speim Oil, ol ihe lu-st quality, ultvays on hand and
for ule hy
Sept 1, 1641. H. B, MASS Ell.
STEEL. Cast anil Bli.-4ei Steel, for sale by
Sept. 1. 1811. H.B. MAs-SEK.
llllSJI SALMON. Ol the best tiiubly. con
stuntlv on hand and lor uulc l-v
sept, t, V. li. B. MASSF.K.
Llljl t'L. (t all kinds und ol the I et qn.ih
ties, ulas on hand sjtd for s ik- bv
Sept. 4, lxll. II. II. MAssi.t;.
si'lilNti sl El.L. Ut vuiii.ussi.xs lor Eliptic
Springs, for sale by
Sc r i .11 M l U 1 1 . B. MAs s F. J .'.
LAhOi: yUAK'IO BIBLES. For i-a ut
very lediK'til pik'ts y
Sept. I. Ic41. II. B. M ASSF.K.
BLANK BOOKS. Of all kinds, for saU- by
S. ptl, IS4I. li. B. MASSEU.
BLANK DI:1:D. Bonils, .Moil-.tis, Ac. for
sa'e by Sept. 1 , I ' 1 1. 11. 11.,
Jt's'l ICES' BLANKS. f,.r sole bv
Sept. 1. 141. tl. B. MAssKU.
CLOTHS, Blur, Black. lnvh-ibU- Cioen, &c,
for si le bv
Sept. 1, IH I. 11. B. M SSF.It.
CA.-sM Eli E
sub- very low l v
Sept.' I, 1-4 !.
Srpl. I, lpi4t.
AND SAT! l.M.'l'TS. For
-For sale ctsi'up by
BLANKETS. Fur sule cbinp by
' Sept. 1,1841. H.B. MASHER.
I N III EACH ED Ml Sl.tNs For shU. by
S;,t. I, J-41. H. B. MASSE it.
Foi sale by
sept. i. it4i. h. b M.r-.vnR.
ly Stpt. 1,1811. H. 11. MASHER.
For sale by
:.i, I, 141 ' ?. M .""'?" H.
AN unpnrelleled remedy for cnininiin Colds,
f'r.t..!i A.ltinin TiifliipiiTit. W'hi mniiifr f Tnupb.
Broneliitifi, and nil diseases of the Breast and Lungs,
leading to consumption ; comport-J of the conceit-
(rated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Bloi'd Hoot,!
Liverwoit and several oilier vegi table substances. !
Prepnicd only by J. M. Wisslow, lu tlienkr, Kcw !
York. !
The innocence and universal! admitted pectoral 1
vinues of the Ileitis from which tho liakum of
llonfmund is made, nie too generally known to re
quire rcci'ininem'aiiiin i it is thetcfote only necessa
ry to ob-erve that this Medicine coutaiua the whole
uf tbeir Medicinal properties, conct'iitrattd,
ni it si 1 happily combined with aeveial other vrgc-
table 'substances, as to rendi r it the most speedy, :
in ild and cerl.iin runiity, now in ue, f. r the com-
laints above mentioned.
The Balsam removes all imflnmmation and sore- 1
nest of the Lung, loosens tough visid phlegm, en
abling the patient to expectorate with ease and bee- j
dom, us.-uages cough, relieves nthmattc and dilli-
cult iccpiration, heals the injured parts, opens the
pores', and composes the disturbed ni nes, and gives
stringth to the t. tulei lungs, and thus produces a
8) and la-ling cure,
Imiiiatitihk isthe cm mk ir Man.
We ere not among that class ol Editois who for a
few dollais will, (at the expense of truth und ho
nesty) .'ciuck up" nu article and hiiiiu it iulo rapid
sale; neither aie we uillii'g to leniain silent, after
having tested the utility of an in roveim-nt or di -cove.y
in science or art. Our readers will recollect
we told them wc were unwi II with a sore throat and
violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased iwo bottles of W lN'SLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOIiEHOL'ND, and so sudden w-ns the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
arc uflliclcd, may try it upon our rccnminc mlutiuii.
Lewittun 7 It'grtiph. For sale by
JACOB BKKillT, Northumberland.
Also, by Ibugcists gener,.lly throughout the
country. (Xj' Price, fiO cent per buttle.
Ain-'ust lliti. lSlt. ly.
j . si i i: x j i: s ,
1 EljL'F.STS the attention of his country fiimds
k who are in want, to his vcrv Luce stock if
C'lirpetinus, Oil Cloths, Mattings, lings, Bindings,
Slair Bods, Ac, Ac, that he hits just o.i In d, at
his warehouses, No. IX Nortli 2d street, and No. 2
Church Allev, next door to Chiist Church, Phila
de'phin. ' Julv 31, It-It. ly.
wCKlTSTt, ctrittlCZlTGS.
Can una' Fulm l.euf lint Store,
No. 10 Sovni 4-ih Sihikt. I'HILADLLPHIA,
A HI'KE an e.ctn.sive anaortiiient of ibe above
' articles aie cii fctantly kept on hand, for sule
at the most reasonable ti run.'.
May 29, 1st 11.- ly.
1). K 1 H lv P A T MIC K vV: S O j,
Nn. 21, Ninth Third r7,
(kktwii.s mahkkt An i hum t striii.ts,)
HAVE for sale a larr-e and CMil'ci.t as-ortmenl
ut'fjiuiiih llnttK, I'd ml hipK, Tinnier Oil,
JjA, at the lowist maiket price.-, eltl.f r lor lash, it
excbaiiKO for Leather, or upon ctcilit.
Consignments of Leather foi silc, oi
purchased :.t tbe biulo-st maiket pricts.
Qj- Li atlit r stolid lue of ihuige.
April 17, 111. ly.
- r ,;n;nv f- y p ;rj g vrr 3
THIS .MAtlllM: AliALNJST Till:
AVENPOKT'S Iinpr.ivid Patent Tbrtshiiig
Machine and llor.-e Power, whicb tlirtvlits
niul cleans ut the same tune an invention for
which Farmers have King looked in vain, and which
remit-m ihe above machine -rltct and psst furihtr
iinproit nu nt. Those who have I ecu waiting for
something bitter than heretofore- oth red for sale,
mil find Ibis to be the article. Come it and
j jutlun lor yourselves.
Tbe subst r iliers have purchased the rtht of the
I above Machine and Horse Power, for tbe coun-
lies of Noin 111 MMt;nLAM., Lvcowim., Ci.imiiji,
i and L'niiix and ul.-o, the privileges of icitdiug
I ll.em 111 hiiv oilier places for which tho rigtit has
j Hot bi l l. llt'V h'U: ly sold.
I The advantages which this Machine hag over
'all others unci. IcJ are many Mini ultioii. One
; iov and three men can do all the llweshiug and
cleaning ol loll bushels of w heat ill uno day and
this usually takes seven hands one duy and three
llui next. For iiekl threshii g it t ikes the lead of
any thing in this world no grain is scattered or
Such is the superiority t,f ttie Horse Power,
that ill rce horses call lb it h as much with it as
four can Willi any other.
The Machines and Horse rower will I sold
together or sepernte, to suit urchuscrs. Made and
sold in Milton, bv the su I scribe rs.
11 EN BY FlilCK.
Mill. m, April IT, 1F11.
i:t t wlviwiki tioa
Having hud in use, one of Davenpnri's J'utent
Tt. tolling und Winnow ing Machines, and being
rt'l euietlly calletl upon for our opinion in regard to
In u value, durability and advantages, we uioke,
lu e to Ktule, that ibt y i xcieil in our opinion, any
Thiisli'iig Machine we cur before witnessed in
Use. They will thresh and clean, tit for market
200 lmshi Is of W hi at per da), mid that with ihe
aid ui three hai.Js hi sides the dii cr. Tlu) Straw
Is passed oil' In m the grain on nu incline plane, ex
tending about 12 feel from the Muchiiie. Si-miv-ly
a grain is losL W hat is i f some impoitiuue
und grcutly to, is the fact thut noskist passes from
tho Machine to Ihe man who Iced it. The Horse
power seems to he ptnlceln.ii itself tluee horses
may woik it with ease ajitl iheu fuetest Kail lined
only lie the ordinary bmli W e imist
cheerfully tt eikuuuelid be .Machine lo Farmers
they aie inanut.ictuiid in Milton by Misis. Welch
Pomp and Fiick. PHILIP HII.l.EUT.
Chilisqiraqup tsl-.p., Norlh'd CO, March. 0, l! I .
II A Z A l J )M
w-.V-l.T!!w 'A l '-'"MMERCIAL AND
SI I IS 1 1( . KFatHtfTEK. Containing din--uineiil
f-,cts und other um ful inf.timution. illusira
'.ivo ol liv hMoiy and resources jf the Amoru-an
I 'nion, and ol e.u ii Siutt ; embtacii g commerce,
i.i.iiiutiit -lines, iruiii uituie, iutt rnsl Iinproit uienls,
bitiiks.ciirit-i et, liimiii,, tdilvUtluii, A.C eVc. Edi
led by Surnu-el ILuuid.
Publi bed i-very Wetlne.luy, at 70 Dock s'.ree.
The piiee to diiliscribeia is f j per snnuui, payable
on the fiist ul J .noaiy of each year. No subscrip
tion revwi.ticl los (!i,,n j yrjl. Si,,srriNr uul
of tbe prni, i, itj u, adtsme.
ronr b "srnisSi: dc w.
f IH E I'ndersigned take pleasure in submitting
1 to the pub ic the follovving Keeoiiimendations
or Pratt's Cast lion Smut Mill atidOrain Hnller to
all dealers in drain niul tnanufactors of Flour, be-
licvina it to be superior to any thing of the kind
ever oil red to the public. All orders addressed to
Col.. I. M-Fudih n, Lcwisbiirir, Uninn countv Penn-
CKU Til H .1TES:
Monti's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811.
J. M-Kahiiin Sins I f-heerlully testify to the
gomlne-s ami dittability of Pratt a Cast Irin Smut
,f ill at d Grain Hnller, as being a far superior arti
, ,. flr the cleaning of smut and all other linpuritii
ibal I have ever M-en, and I have been engaged in
ihe manufacture nf Flour for a nreat mnliV vears. I
and hive always tried to have the best apparatus for
maiiufacturii'i; that could be got, and do say that the
nl ove machine is the hist apparatus I lelievo now
in u-ie. Jniii Moxi z.
nhionif,hurr, Dec. 2fi, It 10.
Col. .1. M'Fiiiiim Sni: In reply to your favor,
received a few days since, I have only to say, that the
tact of my having introduced into each of the four
mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast
Iron Smut Mill, is the best evidence I can dive you ;
of llieir ulililv, Yours trulv, W, M-Kki ti.
Miltoh, March 17, 1 Hi 1.
J. M-F.t inn Sih: I do heieby certify without !
on y lati. in, that Piatt's Smut Mill and (iiain
1 1 oiler is the most (eifect inai hii.e lo cleanse grain
ol smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever
seen, and I U-licvc I have seen all the kinds that are
, now used ill Pennsylvania, and 1 must say that there ;
is i.othing of the kind ever been invented that will ,
, in competition with it. (iso. Ecki.iit.
Col. J. M-PxiiniM Sin: Dur ng the past 24
' years I have been constantly engaged in manufac
' tn.'ing Hour, and during the last 12 jeais have been
the owner of a prist and floui ing mill, and among
. all the contrivances lo remove impurities from grain
I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma
i chine is superior to any with which I am aciUaiiit
I ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen
' months. Pit mi muck Huh.
; Yorkshire Mills, Dec, 1810.
I want in my flouring mid us good an apparatus
to prepare grain for flouring, as the ., and 1 want
no better tb"ti Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will
icuiovc smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cl.KtSOX.
Snnfiuri, December 22, lH-tn.
Cor.. .1. M-Faum Sun I have in my mill one
' of Pratt's cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills
and (iraiu llulb-r, ami am confident that in regaid
. lo simphri'v of coustructii n, and durability of m.ite
. rial, it is su-enor to any I um acquainted with,
lltar MtssKii.
I Hear Cup Mill, Dec. 22, 184 0.
Col.. .1. M'F I. in i Sik: 1 hate in my flouring
mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills,
and I am decidedly of the opinion thut it is the hot
' machine to prepare grain lor flouring that I mil ac
quainted w ith, hiiiI as such fhcftfuHy recomiueiid it
to ull who ate engaged in the ni.niut j lure ol dour
J II oil I.l.skHINl.
i Aurtini-hurx, March 23, IS4I.
1 ('oi.. J. M-Faiiiin Sih: I lake pleuaure in say
ing that Piuti's Ca-t Iron Smut Mill is one of the
best improvements for tbe cleaning of grain of nil
' kinds, that bus yet conic iiudi r my observation, and
thai I believe it far superior to any thing of the kind
ever iiivei-.ttd. You may n.-c my Hume in any way
! you think pr. per. O. P. Di m am.
miDi .V.-', J-.ii. II, Ls-ll.
; This is to certify that 1 have had Piatl's Cast and
wmu;h( iron Smut Machine and Uiaiu Duller in
use lor belter ib.Hi 12 months, und find it to answer
evi-iv purpose tl:at it Was iiitei.deil lor. SinUt can
be taken out of wheat I btj'tete eveiy panicle of
il can be t.ik. n out wkhi'iil bicaking tin- gram nl
I the wheat. Juiix I' K.
Arnold! ui:, Mau h 2:i, 111.
Col.. M'Psuni Sni: I have 1-eeii engaged ill
niul. lit it turinn Supt ilinc Flonr liir many ) cars, and !
have it this time one ol Pratt's Smi.t Mills in t-nth -of
my mills, and 1 do hi riby ret oniiiit i.d them as Ibe i
most valuable iinpiovi ment lor e'eauing wheat oil
smut aitd ull oilier impuiitics, that I um acquainted
with. .IamksDimjk. j
Ooi. M F inn s Km: I have btvn engaged in
. the iiiaiiulai lining nt llour for '.'S yens, and must '
chit iti.lly reconiiiicnd (be uIm.m- uiai liine, us U-ing ,
by fir the l ist ajquratus for cleuiisiu grain thut 1 j
have ever Used or seen. I consult r li an imlistcn
sibli- article lor any mill that pretends to do any bu
si loss. Jon FlsllbH.
.Ijueducl Mill. Dec. 21, I --1H. !
Cm. J. M-Faiuh n Si ii : Piatt's Cast Iron i
Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about thiee '
years since, aiu.1 I believe it is the l est article of tb..t i
kind now in use. Ii will not only nmovc smut j
ei.ieit-ly, bet is a most valuable appniatu Ui clean
wheat and rye of any character, and prtpsre It lor
iloUllllg. Bl-.NJAMIM BOOSK.
; I.t u'sfciiro-, Dec. 22, 140.
; Col. J. M Fahuin Sin: Alter a c.tulul and
i candid and trial i f the uiuchiiie, in re
i gaid to construction, neatness a:ul despulch in exe
cution, economy in .rice, and power to set in 0e
ration. I am fully cuivincid and satisfud, that the
; mat bine e ulluded to, is mcoi.i1 to no on in
' use. J. MomiiiiW',
Mill. r and Flour Matiufacturcr.
CattawisMJ, Dccunbcr 5, 1 S 10.
j Cni J. M'Fami Ku: Pratt's Ca-1 and
i Wiought Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Hullcr,
' I ctwisi.ler to be the l ist mat hiiie to i move smut
! ami other huputitics to which giuin is subjm-t, that
I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re
I gaid lo ol lilati rial, simplicity uf collairui
lion, iii ainissji.d dc.-palih in caih utk.n.
Josj:i-h Paxtiin.
N. B. The uhovc machines are manufuilund at
1 ihe Lcwisburg Foundry, I ninn county and ut the
1 BloouiHbuig Foundry, Columbia coutny, Fa.
1 Li i.tbuig, June 10, 1K41.
j ImiI(s:iIc I't alci H,
In F'irrigit, Itritiih and .imericun lri iiuudt.
No. It N'uht:i Tiumo Hruxxr, Pun ntu-HiA
LMIt'N I'KV Merchants can be ipphed at all
' times wilt an extensive aa..wtn ml of the above
(oods.on the iik,t! and satisfactory te 'JUK
Muy 20, 1841 ly.
I'CK i'.AV,IlLI.s,
I B( tiiynuiii N. Cl'SHWA.
1 rPllE ru!i.ilu-rs having purchased the light for
, Muring and using the above valuuble iiiven
; lion, for Ntwthumix-ilunJ County, offer to dispose
of ihe same lo persons who may desire to purchase,
i The above invention is now in tierulion ul the saw
mill of Mr. M'Caiiy, near Sunbury, where it cuu
he inspected by owners of saw rmlhi and all others
interested. E. OOHIN.
March 2?. tf. SAMUEL (JOBIN.
.Brass Clocks,
lor 1.1 Dollars
r Ql'AL fir time to ctiif sold lu CUk Fed
U Lid far 25, lor sale liy
.March I t. II. II, MAfll.
llHIits Not IIcaKh.
f pllOSE who rnjoy health, must certainly feet
blessed when they compare themselves to those
sullerers that hove been afflicted lor years with vs
itous dieasea which the human family are all sub
jrcl to lie troubled with, Disemrs present Ihetn
selves in various forms and from various circum
stances, which in the commencement may all he
checked by Dr.O, P. Harlich's Compound Strength
ening and Oermnn Aperient Pills, such an dys
pepsia, liver complaint, pain in the side, beunia
tism, generil debility, Female diseases, and all din
esses to which human no'ure is affected. Direc
tions for tl-lng these Medicines alnaya accompany
them. These Medicines can be taken with perlecl
snfi ty by (he most delicate female, as they are mild
in their operation, and pleasant in their tili cls.
Principal Office for the United Stales, No. lit
North Eighth stru t, Phllaib tphia.
Also for sale at the store of
April 30th, 1812. Agent.
Dr. Iiiik au's l'.x-(1ortiiit Itc
nirtly. Cemsiiwiition ran br Cured!
HS. MAHY BOWERS, wile of Henry
Bowers, wa- for a length of time afflicted
with a ' I'uliiioiiari Cunidiiint,'' which defied tho
united skill of several eminent physicians. She
hearing of the "Lxp. ctoranl Ilcmcdy," wa induced
to give it a trial. Her w.rc those of
Phttii-ics Pulmonale, or Pulmonary Cunsumptiou,
ii : a dry hacking cough, pain in the breast and
side, impaired appetite and great thirst, hectic fever
and ircjit sacuts, wilh much debility and weak
nesst. .she is happy ill saying that afier using
three bottles of the Expectorant liemedy, she be to hate hopes of a speedy recovery; her
strengih gradually increased until she had used
three bottles more, when she felt entirely restored,
it now being eight months since, und no symptoms
of the complaint appearing.
1'lnl.t. I. tphia Oilice No. 19 Noith Eighth street,
while the ubove medicine cm always le obtained.
Price I per bottle. Also at tbe store of
April 2:M, 1842. Atfiit.
A A r E have frequently witnessed the ravages of
this disease, and have heard and read of ma
ny Teroed'e.-, but far oftener saw them fail than re
sult in success. The writer, however, of the letter
to tho aiii-nt of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strength
i eiiiiii; and Oeiinaii Aperient Pills, has long been
known to us, nod fr in an invalid, as he is delinea
! ted, we now kt ow and meet him daily ns a hale
I hearty man. Though no advocate of nostrums of
any kind, we c.lii ol withlitilJ a notice we
considei the i llicacies and viituesul Harlich's Co'n
i p. und StrenailtC. i. g and ti.riniin Aperient Pills,
i the case before us is a l.vilig IlloiiUIIIt'lil to both.
j Spirit of the Tunis.
For our-e!ve- we cannot withhold a nolice re
I sj ei ling the vi tues of llr. llailich's celebrated me
dicines ; We believe I hem to helmg to a very rupe
nor el i.-s. They are said to be a very safe and el
! fectual rem ilv,for many of the distressing diseases
i ol the present day. A fair trial will convince the
sci ptuul ol their vi.tne. ,tl. ( null.
For sale at the store of
Apiil lfith 1842. Agent.
oDIs, oiiiiliN. ami oiitiniiUoii.
IIILSK iiuiiersul complaints we lind in almost
cverv family, at'eiide.l with more or less seve
rity, at the same tune regarded by some with very
httle attention, until they hesin to assume a serious
character. Why are patients so neglectful of them
stlvea, when they know that tbeir hs.iHh is all in
ull! Aie they not aware that it requites a much
longer time lo arrett a disease when suffered lo knit
its threads up- n tbe vit ds ! Will those who desire
henlih take good i.dic'M and always be provided
I with a lew bullies of '-Dr. Duncan' FxpecJnrHiit
Jiemiili, whereby they can immediately arifst the
fatal progress of Coiisump ion, und lo be compel
led to spend years in misery and pain, besides nin
kiug nn 'Axillierari .Sho" of their stomachs!
this Medicine is certain in its itl'etts, if used in due
season, and alw ays produces icli. f in the most hope
less casts, by its aoulhing and palliative t-lh-ttu.
Thit is a coi.sol nion winch many appreciate.
Olbie and Wholesale Depot, No. t'J Noith
Eighth st it-.t, Philadelphia. Price fl per bottle.
Fur rale at the store o(
Ap-il Oih, 142. Ai;en!.
I. U-i- Complaint.
Ti n itniidinK, rurtd bi tin: tine of Jr. liar
bilis (.'niiiiuiiud Sir ngtluiiiug and Herman
Aperient J'lllx.
At i;s. SAHAII BOY5R, wife of Wiliinn Boy--1t
er, Nonh Fourth Strei.-t above Callow-hill,
Ph ilade I phi i. entiiely cure! of the above distressing
di-ease. Her symptoms were habitual costiviiiesa
of the bo-.vets, total b-ss of appt-lile, exciuciating
pain in the snW, stomach and back, depression of
' spirits,
extieme ilet i ity, cuuu inx lie on lier ieit
ide wilboul an aucravatluu of pain, with other
symptoms iiidicutiiig ileiungiiiu-nt in the
functions of the liver. Mrs. Boy et was attimli-J
by several of the first physicians, hut received but
! little reliel from their medicine at last a friend of
i of hers priu-iirt-d u puikageof Dr Harlich's Stri'ngth-
eniiig and Herman Aperient Pdls, which, by the
j one package, niOiK't-d h.r lo continue with
' the inediiine, which nsu'led in ttU-cting a peruui
' ut jit cure, biyond the t-x peclatiotis of her frieuds.
Principal olhce for this medicine is at No. 10
North Eighth street, Philadelphia, Also for sale at
the store of HENKY YOXTHEt.MEU,
April 2.1, 1S42. Agent.
I'athitW' I'uliiioiiall j or l'nlino
naiy ( oiittuiiplioit-
IS a vi i v prevalent disease, and carrius millions
t i the cold and silent grave. -Dn!icale toi'au
rr.Mtt-i.s" commonly full a prey to this tell dislroy.
ci ol biiiiuni lib;. 'Ellis disease commences at CtstA.
with a dry backing cough, pain in the breast and
side, loss of apH t.le, and iclhss sig-tils. At length
a waiting or decay ot the kvhoie ho-!y ,s perceived,
which is calhd by itany CosscMrriurt, "oom
ito iii'i'Mhii' a complaint i.'ai thon-iods ai
hd'oriue tinder with hunt 'opCs f en t wcovering,
not snow ing mat ir,'.rc Is a iiurdk-ine existing wlncti
wid ollor-l r. I., even in the last staires. This is
' ''V for C.'ti-umptioii, Cmrghs, Cult's, Spiumg of
1 li'o.kl, llioni-hiJiS, Asthma, und all diseaus ol thai
i Liter and Limes. A full tnuimeiit is given of
diseases m a small pamphlet, which can be hui
! iativ of tin- Agent, where ihe Medicine can alwy
tie ofiiaiiieu. rnce ri per untie.
For sale st No. 19 Noith E-gh'h street, Phila.
de'pl.ia. Also at the store of
Ma.-eli.fith. 1P42. -Vrtr.
'!' I lie AHIi('frk'
rMHOSE who are sulTenng from vjrious diseases
1 iuoident lo the biinmii family, would do well to
procure Dr. IfitrtL-Ji't Compound titrengthening
and Herman Aperient '.. which tire so pre.
eminently rccc.immen.leil for Dysiepia, Liver
Coinpl.uii's, uiny in ihe side, back and breast,
N'erviuus A '.fictions, Head-Ache, and all the ilia-
eases ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may
I obtained gratis, which contain full and explicit
! direclioi s for using. The reader is referrej lo sev
I eral very inU-rcjling certificates of cures in this
pai er, whith may he reload upon, as tbey arc taken
j trorn tha original. Fur sale at No. 19, NOR ill
EIGH I'll street, Philsdclplua.
March I 42. Agent.