VTV Tint Handy Case. Oor. roriTr.n'n rAU-MtsATons nmvr to th wall!! The case of George Handy, I). M. nrnadhrad nil Joseph Solms, charged with conspiracy to tirnrute legislation by corrupt means, rame before Judge Barton rm Thursday last. Mr. Johnson, the Attorney General, in order to prol lie matter to the Kttosn, mjlipirnrrl, among olhese, those Federal eihtors who have Vcti unsparing in ihcir charges of irilery . Among these were Fenn, Wallace d Montgomery of tliia Iplace, an J Richards, af Beading. The two Jitter only were present alt the examination, and h wfll W a, en l.j ihrirtestimony MADE UNDER OATH that ittnrtalbe LIE direct upon all thry hrve published in Tclnfion to tliia trans iclion. We should lilted to haws aeen theae fellows when under examination ! Tbey mss-l have folt r.rthor tin comfortable (wicked and dewpieed a they are in the estimation of the public) when DENYING mndci oath what lliey had prov'nmaly DECL.Y J5ED in their paper to le the truth. "Oh fur a u h p in every honest hnnd to lash the rascals tmked through the world. The follow ing is the testimony uf II. Montgom ery. !H. Montgomery, nfTrrmed I am editor of the llurrishnrg Chtoniclc. 1 have published articles in relation to the ao called $99,imo affair BUT HAVE NO KNOWLEJjfiEF IT. By hia own mouth im Montgomery proved liimsclfa liar of the deest die ! ! HE 8 WE A Its befoiaa legal ttibuntd that he knows nothing 0f -the transaction; hut in hia .filthy columns nulla e JilTi-ren t talc! Richards testified aa fotlowa : John S. Kicharda, swoin I em editor -of the lleika and Schuylkill Journal, publish d at Heading late last summer ( published nn article relating to the $ !)9,(K)0 IransarttoiHi continuing facta in relation to bribejy, Ac. The Attorney General -wanted 1o litww ;rm whit authority Ue. jiuhlitdied the article. Objected to. Attorney General -only wanted 1o -.get at the authors of the information. .Judge. He can stale airy faots, liul no 'hearsay information. All the kiiewVdge T got was from others avXOW NOTWUMi MVSEI.F. Attorney Conceal as'kod nanus of -informants. Ohjccttd to. Thus it will bceen flint l1ifl.se wlio wore foremost in their war upon the Exeoutive, in tbelr editorial cijpachty, ;mip.' viitiing of the transaction in their capacity aa WITNESSES J Cut upon audi base si nd daslcic.lltnavca'! Let their names lie enrolled -in lhe ca4ogue-of 00XVI(JTJ:D CJtUHXALS ! Store uon. Signal. ff-jMf; hll.it If Time. Vrotn our private coneMpuiideut at Providence, sve learn the following ia the plan of arrangement lor the renting week in that rity. The suffrage 'Cuverner and iitcuiWs of llie I.e. j pUl.tlure tn!;e their scats and e.sths of oflic.e on j Tuesday, and (mniriia:ice'Jct,latie action. The j King 'fharlca members mid governor, under their ; constitution corninH:c ;piooetnliiig ou W'ediHs j day, and then will'folluw the iij-hting, if nny is at ' ttempted. The BiiUr.iRC inon are deleriuinnd to ! 'ep :-ession tlfthe H nil of Legislation, if they can gel into it, and iiiiiiu diatcly demind the kya 1 ef the arsenal and all ulhej ISiate joojirny. J f refuned.'they -will ieaa.it lo wll uicui: in th'r ipivue.r .tu ulitaiu '.Ihmii, aud if Anally tiiMstipref jl, will retjiu poMtMi.iu ol the Legiflative ILill. JS'o forcible ill' asurea pe 4o be-cotumenced y the uf- , liage patty, but if ne drop ef blood w hed Va ny ; uf therr npponetits, by the use of llie Htle arnia or ' otter we.ipuitK of attack, the Jilan of the aulTrai-e mien ia to rclutidte by 'the use uDarch, and thus ren der 1'Tovideiioe aaoMd Mtwcow, in lica time than ve are writing ubsut it The King Cliurlt-s folka, u In own 'le lealef lute that entitle tin m under their coiMiVituliou to the uf. outrage will thus, in an iniant, be deprived uf their posneo'sion, and the aull'iage men be revenged for ihe wrongs iuCtch d upon thern, .by ahu-duatwetisu uf that ,propeity that has saouiad lo their (ipponentstbe -right to oji preas thom, under .the old constitution, nhieh thny .have iiidcuomil lo aholu-U. N. V. Hurald. TtMUK Snr Bluidt IxlaiKl. The lcuui iltoat tieoigia yortterday lirounlit up fnirn Old Point Ciufirt two orupauiec uf I'nilrd Stales A'lillery, riun.l'ering about bim-loud red ami ili'ty men. They are Company K., Captain irao ls, and Company II., Captain Sn u twK.lhc whole under command irf Coltmol J'anmihu, 'J'hise troopa have beeu ordcied (ii Uhvde Js'aud if 'the Pie.idtut uf the .L'l.ile.l ISlatea, andJi d -Una city in the mail cars for Fhiladotiihi-i jesteitlay -r- vtning at aeveu o'clock. Halt. Amirirun. WiinM ttv PiiM'iMi The Kew Vorli Hun ays : A large numlur of ruila are uuw .tending aguinst K'raoua, lor violations of iho pout ollic.e l.tn, in writing on uewpapira seut Ky mad. Jf vuu the iniliaU uf peinon's name arewr.tten on the J'sper, it eubjiicw him to a penalty of f S, and :), HiUj ciwU Jl the c.te is aued, and 0a to judg-jut-nt, au eipoote of f it) kccrue, 'J'be law ia ve ry alri' t, uud kura4in iition with the Court." IIAI.TIMUUK MAIIKKT. i(Jkrif the Baltiohe AtaiucAMMy '2. Fl.Ol'Jt. SSusqoehanna Flour ishild at f5 87 -ver-y little in liuikct CHAIN. A parcel of good Md. wlie Wheat .waa mid to-day l fj IS. A aniall patccl of prime Penna. red waa sold -on Saturday at f 1 32, and another lot lo a chipper M a hale higher. There is a fair demand and hut little arraying. Sales to- day of Md. Corn at 60aCl els. for yellow and 56 : rta. for white. A aale of J'mna. yellow, quality not prime, waa ma. I on Saturday al Mij eta. Md. I Oats ate wotth 40 iu. ! WHISKK Y fcmall aalea of Whiskey enntinue j tn he made at I S J cts. for hhds. and 20 cts for Phis. ; I'he wagon priec Af Lhlb. ia 10 cU. nclu.nr of ' the barrel. I St.VTnr.St.tirr.nvt:. Judge Kent on Tuesday aenlonced young Cook, of Brooklyn, to the ata e prison for '51 year. "onk h may rememl-end. was tried for the murder of mavliT Phelps, hut ac quitted for the want csf sufficient evidence. He waa and ia still strongly auspected nf havHifi leen one of the actors in that atrocious deed. Ho waa ahuequcnl.y convicted of a burglary, nr.d tln4 waa but mi oflhe Tn.itry crimes rtiit c mid ! roved against nim, alihough ho in still very young not more than twenty or twenty-one years old. He is the eon of respectable parents, to whom Ikj has been curse and not a blearing. K. Y. 5mm. To Ovn Rkai-khk. Hia not often we have any thing to ay ttpon the stjlject of medicine, ul from the etprrience we hive had in wiine-shig tlx iru meroua rurea performed by BrnnilrilKt Ytgftnh1c Universal Villn. we cannot do less than recommend them to the special notice ef the (xiblic In Tcninving pulmonary iifliictiima, nullum, and all disordere of the Imrga, they are the mor-t power ful remedy ever yet I'mniA, and the reliif thiy have afforded, even in the last elope i.f consumption, is without a parallel. With regTrd to their oflicacy in this baneful, and unfoilunate'y too qirevoiling disorder in this country, (consumption,) their supe riority i such as to have supplanted every oilier medicine.. Those in . advanced life, who feel the consequence of youthful excess, will find themselves restored to hc.'.th dnd strength, and nil thoe inelaneholv sytnptomc removed, which are the general ilVnct- of audi cause. Alexander MWZ7y Jfournqtr. (Tj- I'urehase in !uiibury, of JJ. 1J. Master, aud I other, c.r:taniuij Tuo aen-s n relies aim irllow ihn .itnm ruil.tiJie.l in another i.srl f tliis i.nimr i aiice, siinexed on a wairanl to AiV...ldcr Mont " I a ' 41 - l I .ta is n i :rt On the ISth till., bv the Kev. J P Shindel. Mr. Jona liaoss to Miss Maiit tiAicuit of I'emis tmvship. Union enuuiy. Oil the fsamo day, l-y the same, Mr. C it a it l i s IiTr.Ki.i.t lo Misa Rkiikci a Moif.h, of NhHtuokiu, Jn Sunday aW by C. Bower, Esq. Mr fiiwn Oa f. noiur lo M.isg JJj.i nnru iMjnni, lothof August. i. On thetSih nil. in Kush township, l-y tlie-Cev J 1) Jones, Mr. Jouk W .itmr:r, forme. ly of C'hcetei county, to Miss Ma uv iEntukh lin.j:., both of K ush townih'p. In Munry, on the 25ih iih. by the IJev. Mr Natl, the Uev. Knti ix X I.iiiiTi:H lo Mi-s S.ihim, daiighlorof W'd-iuui Cux UUi''., Usq , liuth ol ih.il place. inner. Knunj'A.vr. Corrected wrtd ly by Ih ttry YturtlitinHv. W'kkat, no Etk, ...... f,o "aMr, - - - 40 Oati, ...... SO Pork, ...... .r Flatsfeii, ... - 125 UuTTKn, - - - - - 12 HVhwat, .... -sri Tauiiw, .... 12 J limiKii ArrLF., - - - 75 Lo. iI'aaciiks, . . 200 T l x, ... HuCXiLE II Fl-At, - - 10 UuiHi, ...... 0 '4Vtl fscStf-cl iti the I.impk, 1R a -very common ci.niplaiut, arid -can immedi ately be removed by Dr. Unlit in' "E i,wt toranl Hemedy. . This ili-tease prisluces much sutTeriu-j and tlietres--, ntid finally becomes ulnrming on lie rouirt of ito itbreuli-uiiig aeveriiy. Phj sirinns i.re sent 1r, imiiI niediciiie preset liti i!. 'but lo jio elV. cl, when tliey at once pronounce the lungs to lie in lirol. gone, and the cise hopeless ; that the patient mu-t (lie of JOKJ'MP'I'OX. u Ibis In firing situiition 'bundreiks aie left und-r the nii-lcken i.lea uf their. disease t( 'to le -t 'nusiimitiou, ) "In n it is nolliHi m. ire than 6 "Cold eith d on the lous," when the .patient is thus i-eg'eelod uiit.il the lunus do actually become diseiaed. W'lr. i l rhul no many pronounced) hoped i-a cavs hw.e (rn re slured lo jierf"! heahhl The reasonas very pLiu and obvious. They r-onmienci d uing Dt. l)un Ciiu's Ptiu'ciiTranl Pemeily, and wHu-n (be lungs were not enliu'ly cone, Ihi-y 'tlnally rei oveied. A f.iir triul of this Medicine wii! con', nice ull ul this fact. Foraaleat 'i. 1 9 North F.ijjhth Htreel, Phila- dilphio. Puiocfl per'lion'.e. A fresh supply of tliia -valuable Medicine hns just i been iccciivid, wild can always t- ll:rin. ! . tit the atore of 11 E N 11 V' V ( ).V 11 1 K I M VAi . ! ftay lh,'!612. A'nt. lltfi. .1. W. IT. 4 la & flu T. TIIITHS, RESPJECTl'L'LUY anuoiince ta the ,-ititwris of unbury, and its icinitv, that tlnA' have tins day entered kilo copartiien-hip uj tlx. Practice I M .'neine., in alt rta varioiw deparinieiits., and hoe by this arrangeuieiil, punctuul attention to biwiiioti, Miiil'tnoklershi chaigt-a, to receive a libeial chare of public ptr-ons Qfj' )t i. W. Peal li-ndcra hi gnrteful aoInow. edpemenla for the -very liberal patronage hereiofore reci ived, and filling conlideirt lhat t!w new ar ranpement, (Ihe firm of Peal A. Trrte-,') wrll he conducive to rhe -comfort and a.i'lfare of the pub lic, -be most res-cilu1ly culicita a -c out ii it: an re of their confidence. Sunhury, Man- nth, 1 812 . tirn. HCKKHY notify all storekeeriera and oilier that -they ro 'iirt lo trust my aon, ISl Mil iJltliDO'ltr, on my acc.mnl.aii I amdeiermiHcd mil to fmy any debt or debts coiitractn.l hv Nm from this day JOHN OBKKDOKF. May 2d, 1-H12. F illtS P ip.utc-'h id and Herring, f.ii, ai d of fine favor, illKfiocled No. 1 in A.pril, jotft received. and for ule at tlte new st- re ot ! JOHN CHAMBEItLAI.V. I May7.h, 1812. ; to rm: hiuicrons t)r .xoutu I i MHi:itL,yj hoi ttv. , TIHK suhseriber Is ing prevailed on by hitfiiends i L respectfully informs the iiublic that he will ta 1 a candidate fur tlte nihec of j COM.MUSSIO.NKR, I ( al tike ensuing general election. He promi-es, if Ailected, lo fulfil! tlie duties of aaid office, with raie mid fiih-lity. JOHN YOLNU, May 7lh, 1S2. TOTUE KUXntiKSOt' NOltTllU.MBrUl I.A.M) COl'NTV. Subscriber rcspcctlully informa llie Flee- L lora of Norlhuiribeiland county, that he will be i a au.li.late for the itl';ce uf ' Itff-Utir, Uuunltr and (tirhvfihe (hjilinns" (Uittrt, at the rnuing B'ueral clis'tjon. Shuu'd hH le c lecied, he will eaeit hirnn II to tender general t-at I faction, which hut long aa iH'iice in ll.e dulna of raid i. Ilices , will enahle b io to do. May 7. JJHWAHl) OYS'l FU NICHOLSON LAND roil TN pwrsiinnce of a writ ismcd by his ncellenry A l)av A J. PortiT, Jn-efnor of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, lo tlie iMidersigned, !mi. minsioner on the pari of the omrnonwf alth to ai. tie iho etal'Ca if Joint Nirlurlson Vt U't Maynton there ill te ofl'-ied at Public Sale, at the Court Honsein K1,'!U1JHY, onATI IMA Y, Ihe U.h day of JUNK next, the following de-ciitied traits of Ian. I, 'uato in NorlliuinlxTland c ajnty lo wil .- A trait i.f land Mtuato n Money Hill, in Tur In I or IVrry town-hip, NoithumlH-rlaiiil rviurity, near the lute of I.yeimHng and IVoithuniberland Conty, adjoining JaM'ph (Salbiealli, Jdm t;,i(, ri and ollici, roiriaiiiing 11H acres and aKowaiii e, ssrvrved nn war an lo James Hepburn dated 4th March. IT M A Iracl of land itiate on I.iHirel Uun, in Mun ty township, Nortltiuuibeiliiid county, ailjomiua conl lining 3VJ acna 1MI prrcheji, nurvcyrd on a warratil t lio! ert Mont gomery dated June, 17!'S. A Iract of land -on Montour's tidire, tKiith of Xoithiiiiibeilnrid, adjoining Andrew Upple mid others, containing 442 acres peicbes, surveyed on a warrant lo David Jni-ksen dated Apiil, 1V9:1. A trad of land -on Montour's lidge, near N.n lliumlieitaiid, adjiriimig Ahrani Uiutying, jr , con taining 4111 urns, surveyed oh a warrant to John Uarrui dated ?h April, i TUX A trurt of land on MniilotiMi tide, adjoining A bin. Kinlzir. g St .loin, U.itron, eontiiining 2 St I a cres ttt -riches and iillowance, aurveyed on a war runt to Ri.lSra.ty dated t.ritli Mardi, K.Ct. A trict of land i-itua e in Point tonliip, ndj.iin ing Tliomas t.n-kins and oilier.-", coiet.nuiug -Wh acres 10 ieM-hea and allowance, wnvi yr.l en a warrant toCharles (J. 'J'k ichle, d.kicd -J-'ilh April, 17.IX A tract of land situate on I.aur. I luin, in Mon ey township, adjoining llanoa MnniU'iinerv and ,. . ,, . , it i i i 1 r v il 1 1 1 1 T 1 1. K mery naled Slstjuue. I'i.i.I. A tract of laud situate in Schuylkill county (late Beiks conit) on the waters of Swatar.i, conlnining 4tlf seres 12fl perchea nn.l ullinvance surveyed mi a wanaiit to .Michael tiui.kle, dated 1st O'ctober. lH?i. T'e ulmr-r iditrht m nl4 ttr farmer Cntn niixxuintrt tntd ihe jntrrhuxcrs lim-ivg vthrhil lo nit tin- )urilmcr. minify Ihe miles have htm rti ratn, e. A eiedil w ill -ls gin n, and term made l;nwn on -the d.iv ol h.ile. JX. ni'XBAK Clil'.KiH. oinuiit.iiier. omiiirSioners tlfliee, Harriabnrg, March 7. 1H 1 "g yY Hi s ic. u l ..nil i.oiiaiiiing ati ui Ml wns, JSl " .,1.,. ..r l.t- .-it.i .1. ft. Sli..,ii.iL iti l,kn.-itl.i,i &i ni ne it ii'Mi, An. lhuiiil.nrli.ii. I Coinirt.-, about seven m. Irs from ' Slli.tanri. .A lli. ti.iiii r..:.il l.-uitiim lr. .tli 1 tint lit ..-I lii IVler. hurg mid Sham, kintow n, a 'j'l mi; hind- ' of N tn F.rrow, Ahruham W ise, Samuel tiou-er i and Win. Alarlz, on which there is a gued large Ur.ek JJou-4-, with a wtcll of nh'ver failing water al the door, a large Barn ni good repair, a gmni Or chard, and a o d t-rat for a mill or any kind of Witt'T power. V eat l-y all the land ia cilmred and in good v-cltivaniou. twitity-tive acies nfwliii h as good meadow. I he 1) inville and Pott-vil'i' li.iil Ko.nl runs ibrotn-li tmt f nil. Il will be Mild as the pro perty of Win. Wnlera, drc"d. Any person wih i tig lopurehasc can do well, as the terms are rea a nable. Posses-Hon inl a good liile r.au be given nexl Mtirine. Fur further pariirulna, persons are reipieau d to itpply to ''ne widow, who lives mi the premises, 01 lo oJfny Wuli-rsoi 1J. tiieenoiih, Ksq. in Sunhury. !( IDI'MOV WATIHJS, it. watui:.-, May t if. Kjc'rmf Win V.'iilern. the'd. TJOTIC-K isIh iiI v gin n that tlm 4!egister ol N.lihiiti)beiliUnl county hast'iis day granted inters of admiriisliaiion up m the etto if Jut-oh Klotk, late of 1'pper M itionoy lowtishqi, to I ho siih-erilier. All a sons ha ing dom mils against tli aid 4'rl.i'.e we requested to restart tin in foi '.l mi lit, and th'ii-e indebted are desired lo dls tharge ilioir nupcclivc dues furlhwith. il i:KY KJ.OCK. Mav 7lh, Hfli. of Coal towitshii. Jiiuls 1 y.intriM'j iiiiiii'm 12s(;i(-. "PW"I I) I K-'i; is heiehy given -thai lettero of admin jjl iotratioii have la in franli-tl to Ihe ubsriilr, Uwli Vhe estate of llaniel iiimoMinui, dee'd , late ol AuiMita lowi.a!ii, Noithinnl erl uid county. Persons ii dotiled lo siid estate we tequerled to mule ,pa inent am the 4 h day of June lint, al the house of the ileceused, and thiMte who .hate de mands against the estate w ill einlcr their aocouuts ! pio.erly nutlii nticated. SAM L'Wi UJiESl'.Jf, Apnl :H)ih, IHVZ. Atlnr. f Jill V, public are liereby nolitie.l, that on the 2.'nli i jt. day f April, 1842, the aubsciiher Mirchased al cousliihie'a talc, the following, as the property of William t'rulchley, sen., 1 1 wit : one Sorrel Mate, one set of Harness, one Hug, ' Sliemi, Iwoeisws, ! five seres ol irui ail Ihe ground, one 4'liNjk, ami j one Bureau; and rhe said William CiuicIiI.t, aeu holds tlietu us a Ioimi. and in nn nfher v. ttll.l.lAM CKl TCHI.KV, jun. Noril uinheihiiid, April 3IHh, 1 3t ' IHkMtltitioit til l'ai liit-rkliiji. FIlllE p.wHierUii lieret- lose eAh.ting U-lvtccn the A. aubrcr Kkts, waa ill -solved by inlilu il coiim-iiI. on llie '.list i f March Ja.t. The ariia-ri-hip I'm.I. and wilier elilencin of del due Ihe psi loirs, me plaoed in the hands of Cbiistuu Bower, j:q , ol Sunhury, lor etilbction, who alone is aiirh.ined to , leceive payment. The partnnrahi eoiiuneiiefil ! un the first day uf Apr. I. 1N40. HP.XKY YOXTHFIMIMI, ! HJJXJtY UAWSON. April Jtiih. IS 12. " i"r:'r" r tt ; . r Ilin sulicnU'i informs llie pulilic and his for- iii' r customers, th.it alihough Mr. II. llatvs.ni 1 1. withi!iuW4l hiuiM-!f frniu his store, he still con Unties hia husines as bereloioie, and will endeavor to eje satisfaction to those who will gie him their cos om. Ileis thankful lo the public foi iIk large shate of patronage eilcndi d lo hint foi the last Iwou ly yeaia. HKXKY YOM IIFIMEIS. Suiil.rv. Apiil IPth. 1812. VA7jMirx ?m1cI ir ulalin liili'ary, AMI iJorK.VAi. of i'oi.itj; i.itku.vitim:. fltHK l.ihruy is pubhi-hed on a double loyal 1 1 sheet, aili-eii pages irnarto each, on new H x', I and piinled in ihe Inst style el' book wmk. I'he ' wciA.lv Journil of Hellea Leltuja will be prmKvl as I lorrm rly oil (tie cover. Price Fir a Hiiii iui year, if paid at, or re j milted lo, the ollice. Sic Jolrs if collected by an ! age nl of the orlice. Subseriiiliiuia rommence with Januaiy, and no . aiihkcripiioua taken lor less ths4i year, l.i in j must he all pol-paiil. Postmiiblirs aie allowed by I law lo fotw.,id subsi-.iplioiM fri-e, Aa postage has j ; iin a very heavy imni of i Kpen, wo uigiully re- j , qiict ayliM- iln t ul entimi lo ll is, 1 j I'rtmiuih Astt.ee are mine etl'a cop'n's for I ln:t(i, I:i7, Ik'Ax and 1m;!I, n of lln-e vcari' 1 Library and the in w ear areullerid for 't en 11. il- lars. Al the ratne imr to old aubacriLi-ra, w ho ish . to cornpb le sets, j SuUrnjrtjQiis received at tki uU. 11EUC1IANTS1 IIOUSI5, X. .Xnrth Thinl, nhovi ( tillowhill Sl i'llll.ADr.l.JMIIA. f 1111 1 sub i nlwis lakes ileaire in acquainting 1 then f, imjs and the pubHe n nciiera!, that lliey have liiken the lnrn and coininoilioua Hotel, leceiilly I dill kv the M-srs. H.irl.iin tin- same site oner m-i iq.ieil ly Ihe old est.rhliiheil Hotel kuoivn as llie linil'a Head, Mi Thud slioot aliove (fallow hill s'. 'I bis Hotel ts fniir-hed tu Ae very '. possible manner, and of rtie hivi mak'rinls. lis Imnlion ii very desiiatrU'. particularly tor onutiliy iio k hauls ; the iiiiaiigenii li'H liir healing anJ veuiilalmg each room is xit h as to secure any rempi-inliire. 'l lie Wrfrooms are nil light and any, hi I liirni-lie.l ma neal stye, m a to iu-uie voii.toit. 'I'hr f ceiving p.ithni arc also loinil e.ini a hi perb M4e, the w indows are mi Hie I'n in h s'vle, lonuii g i n I'titiain'e lo a b ak'oiiy in lioiit. nhi. Ii lil:kes a plea-at.l recess. Pin Is-nlar atl- tri 'll has been grvuri to the bi ds ajitl In ilcln.g, which, with the lurniliirc, lire eu'in Iv tii''. ' 1" rnwi yen's' cxperienco in h"e biisines, we l:tsl, l-y sliiel ass dully to Uis-iii-sh, in m.ike llii-li.iilt-e a ilrsiiable sli pfiin place. Our tilde will always le supjilud Willi the very his! our maikel call uiV.ird. mi. I our bar w i ll tin-.e.-l liqiiots and wines ot the lit.. st upptova'il Wandi. V.&. There are lit l rate staliling and carriage hoti-e.- utlii lie. I o thj' lintel, attended hv ca elull BUtl soN-r hiKlk r. ;nd out charges will be low, in aocorditiice with tUopnmnt haul limes. mii i.r ,v l'i;ii;. Philad. I.hia. April 111, iXA i. S Bouse. f pHK wilwrrrber. residing in the Three Sloty 1 llriek House of Win. Met 'arty, in W m r sltci t, has opened a put he house, on 7: it't:itA mt. rnixciri.i's, and is piepaie.l lo iic.oii.tiio.lrtlelMiaiileiiai.il In vellers. PJM'I'K WEIMKK. Sunhury. A pril 1 Tnli, (J j' "I'he IJarrisburg lot llitieucer will pli-aae dive ihe abme three inelloiis. mid forward tlteir lull. SUSQUEHANNA UOTEJv, CATTAWISSA, COLU1YIBIA CO V.Y.N J 7.U 4 .V l. IIC ub-c.iliei te-peclfidly iiil'orms the public that he 'lias piinthused, and now oecupita the " A. llrltli and ( 'niiiu:i'linlt: m'jT;-hi M;iiiiI. Well known as (he property, late of Theodore Wells, and formerly kept by Samuel A. Iltady. He -is ikiw pM iiied to aocoiiiiiiodaie all travellers and visile who tn.-y favor him with a rail, and wdl u-e evety flint ju his power lo render evety coiivenioiK-e and co ntort m hw ajuatomers, w hile under Ins charge, llis aeeotiinio Intuins are ample, and liis to. mis well lus:iislH:d. His stables exten sive and in good condition. His Tiiti.i; and llsn will be su;i;ilii.d w ilh the Is-st (hat the moiket ran allord. By .punctuality ami intention, he feels confident that be, will inent the riatrotiage -of the public. cn aim.t;s n akt.m a x. Cuttawissa, A,ptil ".lh, 1812. Ml SKI 11 W J'(IJ!KW! JJTKItAH ItK. CONTENTS tF Till: AIMJIL Nl'.MIH'.K. Smr.HS of David 31 lime; LM.ates of Ihe Ull J reported Hou-e of Commons; K. ti. Wake In l.l's Means if National Ilniiitr rtior.; Letters mi l Journal of K.il ert B iiihe. (1'6:I7-1 t;G2;) My Lite and Times, hv Nimiod; Burrow's Account of the !yiii- ol Siain; Sir F.d-ward SugJiii; Daini I O'ConneP; The Fast; Sharpu's Emracts fiorn Pa rish Lcgisler-; The Sliqipea of Souibein na-ta. No. 2; Jack 1 1 uil n, the ( MianUma'i, Chap. 2 t-t K. .hl's Skeldn s of S. Pi H-ri-l u n; Lt-tei's lilory and Sluune of Lnulau.l; Felon Literature; fui-ai-der iiioiis upon )iiulod; The Dralli Blow. N iiM t asji Ana-. Ueporl on M. IsoanfaNi w Musiral Instrument; Musical Feslivala; New Dis covi ry iu Priolme,; Tborw nlden; Improvement i i Photoijiapliy Itramly fiom Whortlcheiric.-; Ltia tic illiK-ks. OLiivnry, Pot try, and MifrtlUtny, Cj The Ml'SH.'M ia Mild by Measrs. Carvill e. Co., -HI8 Broadway, New Yoik, and by fht; Book- selleia throughout the I nited Slates. 1'iiicK. P"ij ! till Lira a Jvur, m advanc. Seven untl a half, if net, Pottni;! , 'Six stiecls, tnnU'r 100 miles, 9 els,; over 100 miles, IS els. As Six llolhirs in tiol a coiia'i nient remrttntice, di-taul huhscnhers will please send ill tail ; on lei el, I ot'wl.nh tin- wmk will be miiI, caiefully wtll Ji. d up, Ul any fosl t llliee HI rhe i 'lilU'il Sluit-s or Biitish Ameriei. F.. J.l I'I'FJ.L eV )., 27i VhfMiul Stru-t, Plutiil.lfhia. LIME I LllVirS ! LIME ! f I Vl suli crihrM are prepar.d lo fnrnii.li fmun rs 1 and .-tlie.s ilh any Ajltanld v of 1 ,iiue of a verv M.H-riiii ua'olv fir laud, oi p'iiiloring, at ihe fol lowing v. iv redueed pr lees, vt: 8 cik. jut IiihiIk-I lor 1 and 1 .tine ; 1 0 els. t-r llie la--t yoalov of il.rt lering Lime, at llie k In-. bt l..w the !iirough iff Son I'lliy. They will al.-od Ii wr. at any place wrtliin ihe I ir. in:;! of .Kiinlinry. Lime loi land, al It' -cents per iiiisnei, aim i. line lor paisieiing ai tii cents .et 1-11 III L The fulisei Ii rs h.vealwats oil hand, a large qu mtuy irt' Linn-. Its qimkiy is g sid, and their tnoestone h not eqiiallid ly any III llie r.i ij; n h.nho ul SF.AsllOl.'IV. IUJCOSIMUv- SUIJ. Aocii la, Apnl 2d, I8J2. URIC ADK INSPECTOP.. tAP'P. WM. 11. KASK, f Push lowiiship, No'lhui'ib.-rlatid cuiNitv, ofVeia hiaii-ell as a caiiiln'.ate for tlie otlii e ot Brigide Inspector, althc en iiimg elec lioit, to he held in Juur next, lis1 risavt fully sidiciia the support of km follow ri In. ns, and liusta thai his .mg operit-nee in mib'aiy uiattirs, will -ilh: Io trim s-i discha'ge the duties of t.l ollicu with entire satisfaction lo llie is in k'. March I'Jth. 181J. DBICADXl INt5PJaCTOX4 r1",llE tune ia rapidly tpoachM'.g yhen il.e Bri- gsdi:, i amp. il ol coiuit.iti ot N'-rilKiinlii r liud, I 'in . .ii and t'ohiiol-i ., w dl l- c.tle.l upon to elect a suitable j eison tu fid Ihe nl!ice of Brigade Inspector. COL. I. MvFADDl'.X. uf Lewi-burg, Cliloli roilnly, eth ra luril-tlf aa a citi'lidale lor and i line. As the ( Yl"ticl liaa hail coiisi.leial k' i x e i ienve i l luili aiy iillms, he lei U peisuaile.l thai lie is lully con pe ei.l lo tii-i harge the diil ol ihe oll'ice, Apnl 2. 112. BRIGADE mSPECTOSl. VS afi eli c'l.ni will t.ke pl .ee in June m yt. fur the purpose ofetecling a Brigade Inspector, COL. DANIEL FOl.LMEK at'iiin cft'eis hiin-ftlf to bis ti llow cilicns as a ean ilidale f.tr lhal oll'u e, and Irm-U, aa lit- has ilms far iliH'tia'gi d the dutu a of said nlliee with a itisl.u lion to the c .1101111, ov, l.t t.i.iy a. k thrm fir a coM.nu auir ul ll.eir laxor. Manh Hth, 1842, a aah hai, hi;iii;sv, Xuitril lo Dtir rviistittjlmnf, rtnil rotnjiclent to currot tvnycurahlt ditrasr, trill bejtiundin WinCim iNinw vrriETABic pills. Or Til K Null I'M A MKKBTAN Col.l.KU K OF Uk AI.TII. riHEE entraor.Iiiiary pills a'8 conp?ed of 1. plai't which itrow sioutancouly on our own sod and ara iljeii fore ta-tier a.lai'letl l.i oor eons' i lot mil" I an no dieines cone cled fr on fiinign ilrnga hoitevi r will Inv "hv b e- iOioiioileil ; and as ihelM'IW VEAKIAHI.I: PI 1.1 .H a.e found, il npi.ii the pit ripb- t.'il fie hn ii.in body is in truth fulled lit hut one iiieroe, xi coirnpt humors, an. I that said itie.tieoie ure-i lips .li i-.ise on falm nil priiir:plf hy cleansing anJ purifying the I mill , Il will be nno I. s' ihai it lie constilution (if mil county i vlrnMc.l a (icrserv .mm in their '-', aee 'idiiii! in d rvti hi, is .tisolui. Iv reitt-n drive tli-e on- of in r name f ii lrw 1o.lt, The Imliiin liy." ( 1'illx w-jil l.c li.iind ot.e of the ta al. il not the verv I ei rm dn hie in the world f l eairv nm out this ffami jiurififiin; ninrif't., be cause they exe It. no the lioily .l in -im. and eor rupl buiiiora ( i at. ' t,'--i ol' inf Ae)iii any ey at d nai'I'MaI inani er ; uud while Ihev every itav il f fitfe mid ih.t,mr. d seasn of every name ia i i.i.l y driven trotu ih- body. The atovr mimed loili hi Vegelu'du Pil'a have heetl ihri e t ears lit loie the Ameitcali (C hi ; and we can now s-iv with ait tear of contra. lo tion, that 1 n'. (he various inedt. lues which have heretofore U-i ii popnl ir tint mie has given sindi a pennanerit hold up.'li llie all. rl Kins of t lie peojibe JS'ot only do all who use ;l inv niably en perM-nce telii-f, and K'e.aiiiin ml it in the slrongiirl lenns, but H has i lli'i litl some nl I lie most iistiiiiisbiug cures ever pet lot no d I y uu dicine, 1'or sale ).v 11. B. NMMiHSutibury. April 2.1, 1S12. BOLTON & CO. sl,ll -;il Mlllllitill l4'l llUlltM, 'or the fair uf l'luur, Uruin, Sitd, if c, c. FSl'FCTFl l.l.Y inform their friends and the Merchant generally, that lliev have la- ken those large rind commodious Wharvm, w ith two Hoiks, tint tli of Chiviiiit street, mi the ll.lawire, together w rth tlio sloie No. I.t S.iuth Wharves, where they would fit pleased lo receive consign ments nf lira in, Flotn, Seed, Whiskey, Iron, fir. Ve. Being also well predated lo forward all kinds ol Merchandise hy the Schirylkilf mid Union, or by the Cliesat'cirke atid Tiite Water 4 'nnals, as tow - I tioats are kepi ekprs-HsJy for llie purpose of towing ! toats lay i lier imire. j Men-hauls will please lie particular lo acrid their I coids destined by eillier rauuls, to No. lit South Whatves, between Mark- I amM 'In-snut stR-ets, on j llie llelawnre, wild ilueiiimia iieooinp itiy ing litem 1 w-hii h route they wish litem lo lie shipped. I $y Plaster and Sail 4ir sale, at the lowest mar ! km pitee, BOLTON ci C . ! March t :, 184t. No. Ill South Wharwe. HtMtr.it r c'iiiti:k miv. PAPER MANUFACTUnEIlS, I,oiHbtu-a Stmt, llattunorr. UAYF ronsiaritly for sale. Printing Paficr nf all aies and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, ruled ami plain, 1t-tler Paper, while and blue, rnled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. do. unvlu jn, diHrlik-riowu, erown and lira sieil Wrapping Papers, Colmcd Medium and li'oval Papera, lJonni-t, Btnilers and Sitaw Box Boards, Tissue Paper, ami all articlea in their line., which they will sell on accommodating terms. II ghe.at price gtvrn f, oi l raus. KUUFKP C'AIM'F.R A SON. M irch 10, lh-12. F;klon. Md. htmburti. m'ortltnnibrrtand fount IVnns.t Ivmil'.i. flllF s-uhrcriber. n s-peclfully informs the ublic 1 Hurt lie lias n moveil lo that laree ainl cotrnno li'.UH Tavern Stand, at the corner of Msrk-et and ' Pawn streets, (siuri of the- Buck ) foiiiierlv occti pied ly Jonas Weaver, and lately by 1)iii-1 (id-. inn, sliiii' he is now prepare. I lo aix'uumioilato all who may favor him with a call. By strict atten tion to l.ustiicsti, Mid his utuiosl endeavor lo remlrr satisfaction to all. he hopes to receive a IiIhtuI share ot public jiationage. CHAKLErJ WF.AVEK. Sunhury, M uch 12th, 1812. SimlMiry. !ii f battitK'rlriiid C01111I3 , rENKSTLVAW.A. flHK subscriber respi ctlully iitlerms the public. M. that he has removed to timi laige aud Cummo dlous Brick 1 1 on sc. -on Mattel .pinre, opposite the ('oinl lloit'e, formerly ke,l hv Hiram Piicc.) wheie'he is lis ptepated In accuiMiiislale all who may favi.r lt in wi'li (--.i,. Being liiaoktul for past favors, he hopes by Miict aUeutiou to business, to H-coive a'libeial st ae of public pMronage, Ac. fw'H.AKI.FS U. WHALTON. Simlmty, Manh fiih. I81J. ri TIG &, 2I2.2SP.IEE, itoicsuit ii ii-tKisi, HA VRE-DE-G RAC. 1S.XX. ll coiisfanllv ou hand a ti'ia-inl assorl n.enl of hiil r..v. Mi:iICl,j:s, P AIM'S, Ull.S, AUMSJJLS. J.J)U til.AKS, J) i: Sll rt.S, ,Vl, w'aleh thev f lor sale on the lnol l.tier il terms. mid al pi in s as low u these ol Phi I'delptiia and t llallnjiisre. 1'sitn iil ii atveution will he given lo the quali j lies iW sucli aiticba as are seleeted or Manufactured , i.n saJe.a ulo lo paekmi: lh m for transport iliuti. j ilavic-de-Oraec, M.uih ilh, 1812. ui. i THE COTTAGE BIBLE" A Ml poiii.v i:rosnoK. (O Till I 11 1 I'M I .) MJXIAIMM.' live OIJ and New Testament. : Willi pis. n,-.(! enj.o-lti.iiis Hn.U'xjil.iuul.iry noles, 'bv Tlinina- Wifhaiiis, Author of the Auo of -luti-' dehty," "I'll lion iry i4' all li.livi'iw llennniina ' -lions," i c. 'J'o which are added the r b wneee and i marulutil readings of the lol glotl Bi k logcihir j with oii:issl Holes aud m-Iih-ii it fiom Baxter's I Cuii'prel ei.idye Bibb, and o her s' u.laid works ; iMirisltii'tory aisd coiieltnling r- in i'is on each Isiok i of the o d and new Tesiaim nl, an I a vi lca'-lechro-: iiej.'uii al In. U l. 'I'he who'e canJullv revised and ii.1.iHi .I m Ihe use of Kuud.it Scln. I , Bible clisses, and l.ristpsus gmiiHfclly, fn,iftlt--i l with Imifis mill iwrrtniiif;, edited by ihe K . i.'.i ,oi J'ai l.iii. a: d published bv Caue, 'J'lll-t y si eiundlsio; ilaill.ird, 4imiii., 14 I. Tlua-worti has been higMy eecunimelileil by llie folb'Wini!, among other diii.tuihcd divine,: Kev. Steplsen lii-nniigloli, isloc uf the Melho ill .1 Fptscopxl Church, Brooklyn. lie'. W. C. Brownloe, -psotor uf the Middle Dutch t hiiiih, New Yoik. Kev. Lemuel Miller and A. A !c .!. r, Piol'i -sois in Pi mi ton Theologir .1 Seni nan , N. ietssv. Kev, C, P. Claulh, l ie. idem ill Peiiusy Iratlia (-' Meo, at ietiyliuig, Kev. C. W Svha tier, pastor nf tha J-Utheian t'linieh, 11 inhuiii. Pa. (t y For sale by II. B. Mair, Aeenl for the riil'ii hitr. " Jan- S'-hh IVl'i. H. 3. 1TA3SSP., ATTOKNEY AT LAW, suirBtrnv, pa. Bnaincta ktlendcd to in ihe Cuuntiea of Nor thurvl irland, Union. Lvcouiing and Columbia. Itrfiir tm TnnwAa Hakt it Co, l.owtn V BAaoH, Hbt, CrxMiaot & Hart. l'Mlad. KttKm.es, Ncr a a likii &. Co. Kpirai in, 'itMin ot Co., (iiinf t rrt ilriM' Dculli Bliiw. 'T'he pu' Jic will plraeo observe that 110 Brand e'H Pills nro ffenmne, ttnleos t'na box haa ihren li liels iifton it, (the tiqi, the aide and llie linttom'i eich conlaituna a fir-simile signature of nsy h md wriltug, Ituis 11. IlaAtriRETrt, M. I). These la. bob am engraved on teel, 1-eatHifully deeagned, and ikine al an expense nf over f'i.OOO. 'lMnref.ee it will be seen that the only thing necessary In pr- cute ihe jomliriuc in its purity., ia to observe these (.Ills. Kenicmber the lop, the aide, and the Imtloin. The following respective pnrsons are duly auh'.ri. zed, and Instil cniiTiC ATES or AO ETTC V, 1'ot tlw sale uf 'JJraiidri'tt's Vegetable Unkcistil l'ills. NiKiktiinbeilat d county ; Milton Mackei)- At Ch iiuhciliu. Snnliury 11. Jj. Masaer. M'Fwen-villi- belaud Meixell. Northumleiland Win. Forsyth, ti'eoigolown F. Midluiger it t'-o. Union ('.iiiitly : New Berlin J.thn HolItAian. Selmsgrove Fyer and Schnure. Miibrleburg Isaac Smith. Bcavertswn J. eV. F. Uingnuiiii, Adunsburg IL Sc A. Smith. Mitflinsbii-g Swopc oV Laird, llaitlston Daniel Long Fee burg 1. i. F. C Mover. -Ccnlrevillc Sua:ley A, J.enbart. Lewi-burs Watl & Green. t'lHuiiilsa oociniy : Danville F. B. Jieyfiolda iV I'o. Berwick Shuman A. KitleiihiHise. "ai tawissn C. A. A C. O. BroUs. Bloomshurg John 11. Meyer. Jcisey Town J.evi Biavl. W shitiiton Roht. lluL'ay. Limestone -D. 1,. Schmick. tlhseive that each Agent has an I'ligravi 6 Crr liflcate of Agency, containing a representation of Dr BBANDKE TH'S Manufactory at Sing Sing, and upon whicii will also be seen exact copies nf llm new 'iiheit now used upun the Brandrttk Pill linx.i a, Phil idtlplsia, office No. . North Blh street, B. UUANllUETH, M- D. J.nnixry 1st, 1842. POP. SALE. Flit sata a small Farm, containing limtt era hundred and ten acres, more or le , situ im in Pol tl township, Norlhund erland countv, about two unlra above Northumberland, on ihe maiii road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining (iMtds n John Ueghou, JesseC llorlon ani other -, now in the occupancy of Samui I Psyne. Al-out Cirty acres of said tract are cleared, and in good state of cultivation, on which there ia a sain 1 1 tiam erect, d. 'I'he property will be sold on reasonabUj teims. For further particulars, pi-taona arctetjucsl- ed to apply to tlse aul scrlliir. H. B- MASSKR, Agent, Nov. S7th.841 if. Suiibury. Pa. CHE.YSOLITE PCLITiH. AN article unequalled for cleaning and -giving a higlrly durable and most brilliant lulluJ) to sil ver, (Siirinsaj Silver, Brass, Copper, Btrllaitia ware. Tin, ISteel, Cutlery, and for restoring -tho lustre on varnished carriages, 1V.C. 'J'K If IT. tVpared and sold at wholesale and -retail, by tha Kumpirhanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owrgo, Tioga county, N. Y. WM. FOKSYTH, Agent "h Northum'd, H. B. MASSEK, Agint lor JsSunbuiy. Novem'.ipr 20lh, IKII. FrA7'ii o v u iiTTts Clihin.dlnssand Iivci-rool Wareliousf. fo 1 04 NorA 7imJ street, third dinar UIciv I titt ttrtit, PhilatUlphia, 1 XfHKRG tl.ey ccm.taiitly keep on hand a largst assortment sf China, Ulasa and Liverpit 'are, which lho-will iIisjioac of on ihe tnoat taiu sonable tprma. iniiUdelphb, November 13, IMI.-y. Jacob I'lismutli & Son r F.SPECTFFI.LY intorma their friends an4 arqiiainlaneea ge leraPy that they cat-ill eon. timie to keep al the oM at. Hid, No. 2Ki Nortb 34 atrrK, Philadelphia, all V inda of TitllACCO vS'.Vt" F i4NI SKVA1W. Which they will sell m the in a aironiinodaliriv ainl rcis.mal le lerms. N. B. All eoods sold will be gunttntocd ajua all or.lsrs promplK attuided lo. PhiUdejj.hia. Nevs-mbei IS. 1841 -1 v. rjJTI-.U DFAVEIIS. LAST MAKER. No. 7 1 Cuilowhil! .Street, l'liilatJeljiljia, C Three dotitt atrntt Setimd.J SHOE Fitidinga always kepi on ham!, which ha oilers lor Kale en Ihe loaest leinss. Country Men h nits are particulxily to c ill andjudA) lor tlieinselves. Philadelphia. Nosremier 13, 1841. 1 v. low i nr:Az 'TiATnibx I mj 'ot ters aud I le.'ih'rs in IVn-eign aiul I ) iiiie tic. Hai-duane, No. 174 Nonra Tin hi. STanc, PaiitafifiMii a. I I nitZKE their fiti nd a'ld ruttoniers will always In id a larce and general asorlmi nl of Foreign and Domestic Hifdwaie, nLiehthey will sal) at tha lowost price. Philedelphia, November 13, 1841. Iv. liKYNOLDS, McFAltLAM) A: CO W'liiilesalc lealei s in Foreign Hritisli und Anxirican Dry Goods. No. loi Market utreet, Philadelphia. CO I'N Tli Y Merchants, and otheia ran 1 sw re plied at ull limes with an extensive asaoiu Nient of the lieat and inisl fashiounble tiooda upoa) the most leaatMioble lerms, PUilaih l)bia, Nosteml er IS, ltsH. ty. .HitiuM'l W tavcr V oii, BOrB MAKERS & SJIIT CUAaVDZJBBS. No. 1 3 Sorth Water e-Vrwl, PhiludelfAia. nAYE constantly on hand, a (ranoral aaeort ment of Cordage, Sein Twttiea, Ax., vit t Tar d liies. Fishing Kopea, While Kopea, ManiU la T?0as, Tow I.inea for Canal Boata. Ahw. a complete assortment of Seine Twinea, Ac. aox-h at Hemp Sliad and Her ring Twtne, Hest Patent i Net Twine, Oil ton Shad and Herring Tw ire, Shoa I'hri a Is, Ac. &. Ak-o, lied Colds, Plough Lines, llallers,! race. Con.m and Linen Carpet Chatns, A i . all of wluih nh7 will dispoae of Ala u aanAUabk leims. Pbilatle'pbia. Nvemlr t3,m41 ly. KSllLnytnTrHANSJifJ. A'. C-O'S. WHOLESALE Dltf GOODS STORE. TVu. Ut l-i! MaikctaStrec't, 1'liila. (JieLw pipit nithidt) A LW AYS keep (Ni bund a full atid geaiersj aa i .linenl f llo-H'ry, Loee, and Fancy (io,l Cuuntry Meichauta are respectfully raxqittiaiad ia give tin in a call and t-iatiitue fir theuisekvea, Phdadelj'hia, Nuvtmlor 18, )bil. ly.