t.aril Aurruhen's Ltllrr. Wf publish llii.H lllotllijtg, IorJ AbKHDKES'S rfy to Mr. XrtvE.Njo.N's hint note in ti e eor-nv-jioiidfiTCP, already wade public, respecting the of Srarrh. We can nut pt?rce ve that any new nFvTtia given to the question by bis lordship's final statement of it. He tlis ejairiis, a before, all pceteusiims on (be part -of ihe fJntihli tiovcrniucnt to the lighted' srrWi yet insists upon the right of rmtnimilum. The difference here attempted to bo set forth, is that tfe right of search extends to the car po of the vessel and to the object f iter voy while tlie right ttf examination is con fined to a verification of her nationality. Hnt it h raanifessit'iat in either rase the vokc1 must be stopped, entered, and inspected; and that the boarding- otlicer is constituted the jttdge "to determine upon the right of the vessel tocon tinne her voyage. J.ord Ani:Rir-?f also repents a declaration fwrwiwly made that 'with American vessels, whatever lietboir destination, British cruisers have no pretention in an any manner to inter fere.' Vet every vessel bearing the American il.ifr iiiny Ik; brought to &t:d b mrded, wi'hin the limits specified 'by the treaty f the four I'ow i.r?, in order that a IJrilih u'liocT may be sat isfied whether she has n right to carry the A inerican flag or not. The liriiiU wiriiwi w hich lihis surveillance is to be exercised 'include, as w ti)(:ittioned some days ago, the entire ppace between tno eastern coast of the'Unitcd States i beginning at the Southern cxtremrtyof ftouth Cnrolina, and running down the South Ameri ran Const to Patagonia, to the Western Const f Africa, from the 'Kingdom uf Moroceo -on thefttorlh, to the extrumity v. J iindostnn, ten deprecs below the Soutbern evtrcmrty of the African continent. Within this space the chief jxirtion of our trade is embraced. 'Jt is urgodtbnt the rif lie.re claimed is also conceded-, that it is to be exercised mutually, that (Iieat Britain asks form iirore than sle is willing to yield in her turn. Ifwc h.id a na va'l power -ctfHal to that of threat Britain the 'reciprocity here pr-jllered uti teiins inieht exist inflict. Jiut in tliai case t!ie l'f ' is!i lluvrj-n-anent would probably be less d.irpnd t- -cjn-Dumaie the arrangeuieut. At pnont e.vi-y body knivvs that the Llnef searching would be done hy I'.ntidi cruiso mid it is lur the TMirKofe of beiug constituted JNj'ix iuJi Gi:k- j:it ai, of the seas that JjUgkud isjio aiLiious to Ibuve this power of Bcarcli conceded to her. Siie demands it now iu the name ufthe great JNnwersof 1'urope-; md Lrrtnl AwrMmxti bji hoimoes to our AUuwtor, with some emphasis, that he inis Vondudod a joint treaty with France, Austria, Russia, and Foutuiu, hy wJiich the iiiiiltml right of search, withau certain iuti tudor, is Jul ly and cll'ectually establislnkl ilr r.ver.' Ilia LordsihJp was somewhat hasty in line announcement Frajwc, Ihe only nation in the list whose oommcFCC would lie J lively to taller Lroui the cum pact, Jias refused to function it. Shu will stand by this republic in rcpeHing the claims of F.ngland to the office of judgsj and ixeculioiier of their respective laws iigaiiis.1 the klavttrado. -Let Junglaix be content tu-enforec licr own, o!id Jeavo other naltuns totiibil their mri.ivi.Kial obligations. If the American flag is abiisiejd hy tlie adventures in lliwlraflVc the correction of the obuae is our allair.; and 'wc acknowledge our rerpur.stbility to take -care that it be no longer .permitted. But the deck t'l'au American thip must JKt lie Utvldon by a iSriliiilt-uflicial whose cpaulotlc is to constitute the badge tif his authority to pnonuunee upon her uutioiiality. Hull. American. vl liviaietl for War. 7'hc following if an extract from the powca--fill speed i on" ihc H.n. 'C. J Im5v:kmiu., from the third district, in this rtirte, refering to our position with reference to -war. It ia marked by the -peculiarly nervous style df Mr. Ingwsoll and by 'his lucntly of saying tnuch vn few AMirds. Mr. iKcuifcui.L takesthe broutl ground it ul3 Oe x-n,t'nu.1 we are we'll enough prepared for war, wliilelie dxs notrcsirc that wctdioiild be driven into a war. His reference to tlie position of F.ngland abounds in Truth: It't the Kitoi.-. tioverninent, poople,-wd -1 pttits, know thut war will do us some good, but nr.v( in jure thorn. A Mrict enforcement (I its rules iii' Toroe, much less tLaa that uf war, search of no.Ural ships as, if I aw AKit .tnrs tiiken, Fugluiid was .taught to her coet by .'ie preat Frederick ul Fritssia, in the a-ila.tr ofthe Silesia loan would ipe out, -sponge all'by tlie war btsoin, the two hundred millions of dollars the American States and people nnKirUmntely are in lit debt. At any rate, it would suspend all right to iift.rRvt on that capital durmg war. Vnr would 'lie vhe-moft -pottsituf all tarilTs. In short, 1 own 1 lose that American viitue which Friikliii ttiuglrt anil Jelfersein pTinrtic'ed as one ufthe Vrt reptibiiean remedies for na tional wrongs; w,d certainty "tirfro is u b-giiK- remedial cleineirtui most yuirrrtlt, I conlefcs ' vvou Id pene irate, doing as much diinsge. us I lose -all patience when 1 'bear the want irf' ra'-"nl t.!iot, and, iftl.ey cwpkxled, nnichuese. preparation urged as a reason Har a!ui:oii, i Jlult. Aimr, rvcu fur a moment. Far, far Is y.md the! ... - - - preparations. of tho two former, W!i biicoiu-.ful lbini: .i.i: JIuvmisi Wu lunriilhal ali wars, are the United tatesaniK-d uit'u Willi- the pretty girls nd tiicy arc all pretty) of lhi cicut population ; with capacity tokstlte tlui j etty nul -country- srwind als.ut iJiave cleterniiMed which, in the wur of 11J, was a sleplorable ' to vcur t'heTCHl IIohm1 J,i'ague'bonneti niatiii (leAciency ; with all the raw, and all the com- ! lactued of American materials and by Atueri plele uiateriuls and trt tchinery uf war belter -can .baud We bail ibis iitovcwnt w ith than most 4tier liUtions, und with the meiiis of pleasure, as il ilniionstrites the fact, that the interior iiitorcouriC infinitely stirpuwiiig all : Jel iware ladies oflr-4'2, are ua patriotic as oiutrs. 1 am aHfcurod by the tame expt-ricuc- cd naval officer beturo alluded to, that tltere is nothing iu the llrititli, or 4iny other navy, at all comparuble in cllensive fuoullies to tlio two atcaut friottUs Utcly armed here, and now al most within sound of my feeble voice. All our waters, rivers, lakes, and harbor arc covered with steamboat?, which I am told, may readily be rendered available for coast nervice. A young officer, in whom I take great interest, informs ie thut Ik- would desire imi slmrter road to dit-tiiictioHoiit than the cuinand of out; of tf.em, fated, us it mum may be tor effective an noyance. 1 s.iy again, that I am uot threatening, but dissiiadifig war. The Fnglish press, uml indeed Ixtrd Muiint-rashel, in the House of I Vera, menaced the I'nited States with dis titeinutjrmciit ; and that tiy a ervil? war, hy revolt of ocr slaves, and its shocking catnstro phc. Jdit it these arc tobethe alroci ms means of Compelling our tmbiuission to bo searched, liavo wc no effect no rvtsliatieii ? lias Eng. land no slaves! Wheic are Ireland, India, Canada ! They hang to England by threads of chains ; and the fac.litous union of J rent Brit ain mijiht fail to pieces, liJe onr paper hanking system, if tlj imivoked spirit f pMjmgaJiti" liberty, which e have never yet Rent abroad, hut by example at Issue; it" this brave spirit should beb't J j-sc hy lis, us-their ov; brilliant Canning once threnli-ncil the -continental pow crs, ainlcarritv! ) the llag.-tiilt'ol that striped bunting, wliigh the. a:i.o Canning once ventxt red an unlucky ling at. t inee itlippantly repea ted by the late British .Secretary of State for Foreign Affair., when treating the riLht of search. National power is cither military or foderalive ; in the Old World, oonsihting of tr-ortps of alliances. But iji the ew, Uiere s a priiciple of fierce indcpctidciKX', whicJi M'be called iulo action, has ti'lilmn tailed of sikvcss. I.ha.vc ,no (bibLrc to see (ireat lirituin any thing less than tircat Jiritain ; n l it is in no hostile spirit thut 1 'Wuiture to say she had better not undertake to p-inish the I'nited States of America by u nr. They will always be her best friend, unlutiS .she Jiixke them her direst ciw tny. Tbre k imtliiiiff iiictitious or ouestionu- ble about it; wbi .that.!' CJrcat UriUiin, near I perhaps to her grand climacteric, may prove to be less t-ulrstantial than it appears to be. .ihil nrum mitrlalium tarn intttjulc tc Jluxum tat ijvatHjf'ima pvtritt'w.nan tuu ri jii.vr. The vat colonial and tlisjoinled ,prepoteicy of (ireat Britain may r.ot prove as .statue as the youthful vig,,r ofa!i ndi.Uscent nation ; and, at li events, lvropeat, it will be fafatt to let the fwuiding (juestiou betweejrthat country ui;d tlus Lesct-tled-byiegociatioii. War niay lie extremely Cblairiilous toisith ; bnt it is vivy ltH'sciilt for Americans to perceive how wuran be nf any advniitage iu this hemisphere, to a power, bow ever fanniidablo elsewhere, coming from aiuri It er worJd t ei. force such ilwuau'ltias -w -antiot submit to. Mot only peers and 'ministers, .but the brutalities oi' tlie Fnglish press souietiiiies threatett to punish sja, v'itli .'Wr of exlermi nation. Let them beware of such ferocity, und, rely upon it, it will prove a liming game of bu-voc. LuncMrtif ImI'JHh mct.r, TVav aJ Jtefmu es. Onr Tender ha-vc ikuibtlers ola-'iTved thifl in the House of Representatives ou Wednetiday, tltc bill from the "Senate, u-u-thorisiiuj the con struction of an iron war steamer by Air. J. J. Stevens ;f New Voik, was iussed through Committee of the Whole without objection, and wtll probably become a low forthwith. A report made by the A aval CoutmiUee thus ticaks of tliis veel : The btoainer is to be shot and sltcll jtroof : the engine and prjpelliug apjtarutus are to be soplikccd us thut the la'ter tdiall be Mibmcrgcd, and tire whole citgine ;t of the way of tJiot from ihc vessel of au hmjuiv. Jler guns to be large imiJ to be adaptod to both shot mi 1 bhel!. and htr burdi r not less tltai J,,."10 tjus. Mr. ytevejis' vitsels say-the K'snt, will jmu-m ss many K'antiigesw Itieli it is sjuuiiccssry here to detail. Some uf lliciu however, w-ill be brief ly adverted to. She will scaicely ircsent a vulnerable point to theiire of ilt'eiMHitA fhile Ukiso cciihtriiL-led on the old lucitliod hyve -a large surliuu fXsMHl. The Uill being kw will cau.-e it tlillicult to bit. lev, whereas the lofty bjdessif eventy-limr 'H .mit-ke lur a fair murk. Ueiuir uhle to niuiruttch u iUtin .tsiiut . hl'ik shot blw aw lire tdiclU ai grupe shot into the Jrg. piirt boles flnr autagitiiiijt, w ith terrific efloct. Tle tliinitetsi of her bulwark (only li inches thioii) tll waU' a very ttnali opening for the gnu necessary, aud tlus is to bo -ellt-'Ctua I ly protected Ly a tlrup -curtuiH t4' the sani'j 4.14 tonu.1 as4.be tidesofthc tihi) ; so thill, iu 'truth, her men will hardly be expired tolatiger. 'be. ill cwiubjue iea.rly a.11 t!u; advaiituges of a ship and b.itligy, being a kind tf lloutuio iruu f oi t, ujhI Luvuig no vital je.unts cisiss'il, sikIi as syiarti, suils, Ac. Sbo will be fpoe fruur u ido:its, then, wbich ulV'ti luucs render-u vesid 'tiuiualiugeabh'. ilollow shut or; bell will burnt iu jiieoes ugaiurt tho wa'Js of tins tJeiciicr, which, if i:iale of wood they were their uiothere uf "Jti. U )s, do yon hear that 7 Jicluuart- gills aad Home industry yoed wiviM aud bapi homes Home Lt ague and national prosperity, all po hand in liajid to- - j geil.er. 'i l,iu o:e pulJii oi. From (he Ntw York Exprcsi, l.(lit from Kaaaaii, Tan Catm.c Ntobok skt t Libkbtt. ' Wy an rr.al at Wiliningion, IV. ) we have Iw.-n f.itrnrej with tho pciusal of the f llowing let irf i Nie, N. April I6ih, 1813. A periilsrsiiii (if the admiralty Court CiHivncd thin dsy in fci-tr lire clmrtn of Pirnry agsinut 1i t 17 nern.n im(iiioii(vl fr.m tlm tlteofH." The AtlnMicy liriirr it nile hit motion fur d. I.iy of In il on tlie ground tint it w mposiMe to obtain die ncp ry ci.l;iic' lntr, :niA off' TCil foi the pe. runl of the Court a nu'iibcr f nl&ilvi of (hp c. ip'nin, niati', an I nm-riirin if tlx; ('ryl', !m-w-inctli.t fuilit-iifit cviili-nce cou'd In' jmctir!.l fmui the Knitcd flairs, if limn wa nl'owi'd. After an rxnmiiiaiHm nf tlf tratiniony ofli-red, the tMir1 rr I fcJ, that wrfo ihc c ipt liu, iiv, and p .imi imcru, an get fu th in the i.ffid .vtis, lirre p rsi-nl to tin ify in t hit ra-e, ihi y Mum d con iiler ib m ax lint i lit -lli'il to It In I or en d t, and ilmuM t Iioii- the jury la lli.it i tl'i'ct, nml Hurt n- rvuU'iire Cuul.t tn pru i ured to ninvirl llif prisntirrs at tbrl-it, for tl ry were pi if. rity jii I fic.l in the rmir-e ur-i I an I'Oiir.l dm t.'ieuli', ,nnl wiTi' iow hi lo de i l fn e. 'J f:e Chii-f Jituli Mwmi aildrrrsrd tbo fn'erors f me b'iii! ia llii slvle: It pleased (Joil lum-l you fn-e frmn ilw Iniriiln nf alavriy, m iv ymi here after live ttie ru of pood ,iid f.iillilul ulji'i'l of tier M.ijf'lv'a Umenmiciit, 'I'hcy were ifieti i t at bU-riy by nor'am oiuii. The wl.r. "J,iii l'ower" urrivi d bre from ltl irr.iore mi (he tlh i-t. The wnei'k of the Cluri on wtinhiia a fioit tejioitid : the iKiiliT niKleoncn hate not yti Ihx-ii mvciI. Ural t-lt riilli(( 1)1 mi ('-. TtvKT-riirn I.ivk l.nsr. We cnjiy the follow ing acrmint of a nin-t dig tri-siing disa-r, 1'rixH thcljos'on Courier f f arur- d. iy A party of Iwrtily-sevcn irTlhe boys of li e Firnn Sihonl, on Thoinpsnii'ii Islniiil, aeconipnni' d by tcaclirr n.n.o.it kit, n,t out yoi,.May morn- inp on a fi-bing excursiin. After WnigsHit nearly all diy, vhile n Hirnirif, iibout four o'elock, . M.. tire limt wrrs sTip.iiid uy a vi wind, when tie Iween Fort Inilependeiice and Thompson's 1-hiiid, a ipiarter or hall mi'e from the hitter, and nut of si on boaM smly 1hrfl irf tlie buy are Vnrm-n to be saved. These la d hold nf n box which had Wen used to hivld ikert bail, and which oa1ed uway from tlie .ii.it, and rkmg lo it mr'wl rls-y veie t il.en i trby a boat tVont thesekoonerJI.il. Fser, of Mai hia, iben rnn.ingp tlK ImtKir, from Trinidjd. f'he nuioes ol ihe drown-d r 'i'bomas Peatioilv, ' school mastor; lo-lr;m liskor, bostmau : . VV. Chase, lfnuy Mcl.ane, Stephen V-oe, Jas. Tracy, Jen uiiali Lynch, Thomas F. Illake, Patrick Slssini, James M. CMiauJier, Surntrel W'ulker, Henry liur hutn, K. (!. White, Johnson, Ctiurles Ai tin, Thomas DoIjii, lolrii Hall, James Walker, lloury Lucas, Is .ae Major, .losot4i VjIIiiiotc, Abram ! Spence, Kotierl Walker, and William S. tT irk. 1'he names of the three lioya saved are Fr-eArr iek W.W urinous, W. Wa'lae, asult..!". Viould. We saw the fi at named last evening, lis Mates that tbe tojt msik sonu after lit capsized. The boatman, Mr t)i.ks, tbrew a cIist and tho toimMst j irf rile tioat to some of (I c wiys.to'bi'Vp'lo -ave lUm. Tbe KiK'her gave a shiick soon alier tliey nn over, mid imnssdiati ty souk. He gK iirto ttn- bex, mid his viKiipisiiioiis, who where e,id swrmnters, lieUl ini totUe ridis, and though it was turned over Hevectd Htoes, iIh-v were toiloiitSe euougk to iog:ii lls'ir p t-ilioss each t me. One of thu hoys, Isaac M.ijor, swam nearly lo Tliainpsnn's Jsljnd, wlten he Lecatwc. exbausliil, kegan to c.iy out, and weut down. The II. II. Kos'ci was b'libd by one of (lie boys i.fter lie bad been nhout loilf an lio-ar in ihe water, when tltc eapt.un boiu.muly despttvhid a boat to tin ir K-lief. Ttiey uVe tuucll ciliilud wben taken i.a:i tle wati r. P. S. e leaiu that Mr. Mirrrison, the sujrer. iiihtid iirt if tbe Farm Softool, put i!Va lat, aier (lie ilkister, irtnl 'piiked 4ip Ike t.o.lies ef lite lo of the boys, one f which, Jerenti ih Lynch, s still alive nd wus icMH-ilted. The other w as be yond K'csveey. Sit, Amt:NT. YeaN'rflay nnwning, 'by ihe I'bi'adi Ipliia train at tt o'chsk, a fwtc frtilutinv. -l eut J(l years old, Wtt-wmt, sou f Mr. J. SK'wiirl, of Pearl U, k ft here for (lis schixd at K lixubedilowji. About two ruilee on ibiksiile of tlio town.jbe tKite ly fKpK'd iHU on (he forwaid platfsNi of lU ciws in whiihbcwas lift ufthe t ain lo look l some ebjeel, a Im'ii, by a suildeu jerk, tie (. thrown forward, t'll betwi on lltu ea s, uiJ the wltctiltj passed over bis li ft breatl and shoul der, kiUug iims.il the sjmt. Tbe itr were iiioiie- cli.itely slopieil, the lifeless tioiry 'taken up and con. -vciied 1o I'lktbotblisvun, aud by llie retui-u train at H .'eliH k sui.ler 'm charge ot kis afflicted inslructec. Mr. t, T. Hulsey, brouiHlt back to tkei.irents 'I A few hour. Ii-tore bud tied lesve of lU ir cloKI, 'biiouLt with bfe itiid hope. Wkiv heart dots nut tJetd for th ui A'. J'. .iimriruii. (It vt uil Jr K.NOV. We have Ik-hfJ Jt ru mored that tlie MSA. and t rresp,iiideuce of (ji'IK.thI A udrew Jackson lire about to be cum uiittrul to tbe'editoiial charge cf Gcorre Ban croll Ksj who it is said, will prepare tlieui for piiblicattou, together with a bMgraphical me mow of the life am! public t vices of the gene ul. J I tins be sii, no hisUtriiUi could have been M-lecti'd better da.jiled for suoh a task aud (he history -irf" few individuals now living will a wake so grneral an in lore at as tliat of the venerated hero of Now Orleans. Langley't I.iU rary AJcsm "g'"- The U. S. brig ISainbridge w aa laiim betl vrsterday at tlte Navy Yard in Charleston. r-'he sits beatititully in the water. Her Hiasts were stepped thw forenoon -and in a lew days she can be got resdy for sea. Ihitvn Mm: Jour, THE AMERICAN. Saturday, Jtay 7, 1842, 33" Our rradi-ra will perceive, by reference to our ndverti.-inj columns, that a number if tracts of A' cAioi l.indsarc lo be sold in this place, on tlie llth of Jurwnett. CZj" WebiTe received a nmjile i4 pajier munii fmiurd at the nrill of J'aKtun and McKeby, Cat. tani-aa. It in erpMl hi rpialiiy and finish to die hest (hat can be bad in the city. 07j The Lycoming (Jurrtte cornrg to us rrk, enUrfoil and in a new dirw. ibis Cj' We refer otir readers to lire corrcspondi-nr heiween ihe Jinn. Ellis Lewis, and the roinmittee inviting h m to 1 pres-nt ( W cerebration of tire ! a''eveu ny our heruc anreatoia. ... "ccs.on. wormy me of the Thames, at l.nv,He. The allusion l"' lXU " ". 'd Jril- j '7 " "Mory of the Valley of the Wyo na.le l.v H.e ,,.mmii,r lo I... -.,.U. ....I con.p.my uv,d it l.yoml cavil. The , ' 6. and the Su.qne hanni ; an occ.ision too, de- d -t privations, liisdistiiiguifihed publ.c services and h'gb character as a jtirint, are just ind apposite, and rto se jjiricd with a kind lies it, benevolent disposition and aA'ihln depoTiment, have rightly endrored brm to the Democracy of Northern IVtiusj Ivania, aiul marked him as a Jtivunle Kin. Xj' I)EsrTn . The nposilioii line Iraves here ai 5 n'eloisx, A. rVi.and arrives in Philadelibia f lb rtlfrville, and tie ml inn mil road at 7 P. M. Thus we can leave lm:e in the morning, sup with a friend in the city nrtd return next dity in lime f.rr lea. Fare through, fC. fXjr" Tmk 1'hisiio:ci. A el.ile convention to nominute James ifuchanan has een reconme nded ty mettinRS laleJy held iu ( 'uinberJjnJ ikd (uluin bia couiili-. gjf The MiiMletown Dunk p iys specie fiw all her iiiXcs, rtliif nnttt MK-luJfil. Ttits biiiili will tic lemoveil to Harris' uig sinietinie next fall, en ac of A'seuibty firr tlie jrurposc buving Iwn passod at lite I. ist cession. (jm A Lcti'iic. To i-il down al oVIorJ;, with a rup of strong tea, and tons , lo lle pc u-al a p er 4ibhhluJ that nnfiiii; in Plnldelihui, slid I riuiful of itena. Mid bave tbo New Vorli Jimraals of llie pieviiMts evening tiy way of an bovy Jlww it gxulifii s artd sati-iics out tylitorial digistion. fXj- Ttie New Voik aivd Eiw. K til Koad Com p.iny, under Ihe presure of the times, have made an assignment. This will most jirwhably Jelay the coimik-aiiat af this freat wort (m suiito yeass lo come, in tlie meantime we Ujwt tbet the resour ces of reuih.ylv.uiia will lie siii.'iiii nl'y reciuitcd to warr.oit tbe eonmieiicemeiit mid conn.li tton d the Suiilniry ami t le lull tToati, lben!y mews by which Philadelphia cn suctvs fully confute with New York for lbs? traile oftlve wxvt. Dim HiUKtw. 'llie ease T Messrs. UiMIe, ('owperlhwaile aihl Andrews, charged wilh a con spir.rcy to defraud the stookhoblers of the t'urted Slates Itjidc, which was krougltt before the tieoe rt Sessions of l lula Ji l(iliia by Hobfut Cordis, was decided on ihe ith tilt Tlie spinion of the court was di tiicred by Judge Barton, Judge Con rad concurring, nod Judge Dor an dtsMMitrng. Jt was dtv-ilml that ihoro was imI sixTtcient ground ! "1 the Motnras and a.sftness of itstoaes, lo thai I UjNntr: J hrvetVta C y, received your W !e charge, anj that under the eirpumslancea J f the spheres, of which ike poets ratke frequent j K"-y kind invitsti.w u be present at the celebra they could not ie held to answer cruniniUy. They mntton, yet from ils igeat variety, w ith nn occa- j l"" t !ie lhrlle of tbe Thauies, at JJuiville, on were thwifoic ili.charged. Qy 7Va-s. No news of iui eitai.ee tirtoe our I .riti. iouor 4 Houston will not iuv.ide Mexico until afier the niei-tiug ef Congress, in August next. The rumors as lo tba intentions nf Me x ice in raising troops are various aud unoorlain. FhriSa. Thrte waa a small fight on the 19 ill of Apiil, 'between our troops under "ol. V.'o'th, anil I lallcck Yuslenuggs-e" band of Indians 'Hie IniHana wire rouiod, tlteir baggage and food taken, one V'lled, twe wounded, and one prisoaor. ur loss one killed and three -wounded. The In. flians fought -with dcterniined courage, and only gsve ground at tbe ,i.n f the layo.KU -Olir EttPin'h Cltr1i6ll r ' on .iroiinay iai, was ciun ucieo wun eonsiaer- able spirit. There was quite an aniimitod conlett lietwi-eu the young men and the old men, for the lire, lion of Liinaieb AtKiirn. lliM J.itler however Hike. , , . . . .. ... , 4ii(liil ev ajiiaioiitv ol otte vole. t e Lave a tet. , . r , . . : liellioua Mt of youugi-ters in our borough, ihe: , ,. i.j i following ate tlie uniesjf Ihe pets. ma olicled. , iSuris.na J.uinsil. llusieil, J'reih rs k l.saius ! Asunlanl lltirgrfgt J, hn i'oung, George j j - j ' " ' " 'oriiMon 4'uuncH IJeniy YoxdHiutor, Cfi Itieiner, (wKe P. Uuvers. 1'ior k oil in. Win. M. , 6 " "S ""IH,I ' v.... j... ,.i, i.-;...i., i..i .. it tiray, lacoh Khaun, Henry IVtery, Silas FngiH. Meh unslatk Edwirtd Lycu. Clerk Feter W. Gray. hf Tariff. from aH paits of lite country we hear of Iron woiks aha-ndoiii d, f.ictortca stopped, ai d hundreds of industrious mechanics discharged frsui employ nient. The necessity far a protective arift' is so apparent, that noonecan any longer doubt aloul it. The action of Congress upon ike subject is dulayed for ihe imrpose 4if rceeKtng an important report from lira 'IVetsury deparlinenU When lb it is ebtaiurd, we hope ihe bill befote them will tie considered at once. Nothing but prompt and de cided action w ill save our iron exUhliahmenU from ilestrui-lion, and tt-.tme ttie bus rtes nid prosjiority nf ihe tounlry y-rter ally. A Spec of War. We have frequently lieen gratified by (be soldier ly bearing of the mfrilia, the bulwark of the nation, but never an much 4, lighted with a display of mili tary tactics aa on Monday last, the day of the annu al company training. Although wc never fancied the smell of "vtflainoin saltpetre," achave a ww.1 big with fijht, arid ran look upon ' war's direful front" without terror or dismay. With our apirita enlivened, and our native enmngn naked up by the laj.it of drum and flourish of trumpet, we stepped forth from our murium lo look upon the martial sctne. The broad green bank of the river in frmt of nui town forms a beautiful parade ground, and Cap). De.vart'a company of (joeys were ll.cie exhibiting (heir prefirirnry in military Frience, ntn nded by the band, wliieh p tired forth struin s rf music enough you"0", and entire saiiufnctinn to the people. It to neive the faintest heart. The conip my, though i ' indeed a proud cnn.iJcrition, that at this day small, eornpriates for the paucity of iiumlicrs bv ' ''"f ' but one party in rclition to the merits of its rppear .nee and drill- Cupt. Fi tier's Corps f I the late war with Kimlnti.1. He who would de iiiTtucihirt were thrie too, armed with cone and ,rarl r",n ''le serviiTs of the soldier of this war, is umbrella, bronnistiifc and hoohnndle, tn&uirfurmed i "", " American in feeling or in prinrp. Wa v ith a gro cijie v rirty f stuff. cut ai d finish. We j "rr P',BW,' ' H''le to unsure you, and do most ol seiv.d a solit.iry rusiy n.uskei, wliieh looked as ' Cl,r,,'a!!y congratulate the friends of the late war, if it I shI been in many a campaign, borne aloft by i lnal '"'"ison h is accepted the inriiatioit to 1 one of the rorps, to remind them, we suppose, nf P,e,,,"t w i ll the peopb- of Xoithern Pennsylvania, Captain, although a llrof.ogh bred soltlier, is some- "'g'K'd to do justice to one nf the greatest Cap. tiiinj; of a wai, and gave m no exhibition of his j f 'be ae, to a statesman and philanthropist, di position fo fun, which was very amusing, after i second to none which this, or ony other countiy, the number nf '-lii'led wotjnited and missing j or "ff0' ri,n boast. Northein Pcnn-y Ivania is lion was knoivn. Tlie ('aptain, by a series of skillful ofcd ''b being selected as the place for holding tnanu-uvres, contiKed ti conqilelely surround the "('reya" under the cosnmmid of Lieut, dimmer m m. The Lieutenant fmdsig tris conipnuy at Mikcd Ml front, flmk and n ar, without tlie least prrvioes nKiec of kostilittcs, empiired vtfjit the thing ntoiWit,and was very crvHIy mfiirmed thai he and bis company were "prisoners of war, and there was noosi of uu.V ng aiy taxk a'oiMit it" Wlienu i)i i the Lit tit. nant grew wmtby, swofe like a troo per, end in juck succc-r;ioo e heaid lis? com mandi outer armt.Jijr li(iiii tt,fJiniiliiT ... Du ring the ulleiinn of thtse nminous ami iHiiVeotious wonts, the invinribres stood fi-iu and ood smaved not an umbn ll.i trembled in the brei ie--caue tiroom sliik and boeh.iridle, like the un)ii-h!iiig o .k, refu ecd to bcid Ik fore the threutening stonn, aM the IJ oiiihki t, with its grim visiuc, proudly frowned defmnce to the o-iosiig seirii d columns. It wa a )i4iKnit irf awful NUrju-nse, and the north wester bb-w cVlilet and more chiling, at 1et we thought st, an I then the Lieutenant fiercely g 'e the coin- uartd, tirt .' tlrat fatal command, tbal has been itr dealh kntlluf tbirtisands; aitd the "imiiicilkk-s" iled ? no uot exactly Jk j, but wnuiled tlKU-'-il- luitriou predecessors" of Ulmk-nslmrg, with Ihe sliglx ditli relict that they joined must hearlily in ibo deafenrog shmrt ol kjiplause which followed their ciptain's brave slid okilli'ul niaixr nwrsig. Tlie Ueutenajst wid his orp sloite looked war like, aud ly thei4 ronijil resort to the bayonet they .'ublk bud blank carl) igrtA owed lii tt they were denned to be worlhv iux-esirs of tlie heroes . -.S..,y lou,t. Nirtiiin.f lAlra, ! Living frMinatcly, (we are no longit a bache lor, ) Klipied into (lie inmse toatiiiieiiii il a few wissxs sinie, mid asur young fisnds T !. Ca lilhtmijtUin iituij bail then tio opportunity to I us the accntstoKied tiitbalaniium cois-ert, thtrem 1 luacod lite tsirasiui is" ouc retina f m Plnla- ! blibia a few si(;hts s'ece, Mid aocordiiiBry si- j kittd as with one of their most masterly i Hurts, in a Milcjoouliar to thi-r8-elvcs. ! Although the Ktusic could uiit well bo compared, sional touch of ihe "trump t, droia and CJille," and j the lib of Ocli ber nml. Tbe very high estima the "ear pierciin; frfo," it was Vuly adruiratde, and "on ia h-ch the luembeis ufthe Committee arc highly iirtoresting. We were particularly pk-ased ! oWrsc.Uy hiHd for tlteir integrity, procluJes me with that j'art of the perf rmaocc, when a lumiHg j Crow presuming 'that they have any other object tit tar barred filbd with squibs and crackers, hailed be- ' view lin s.hal Jiselol in your communication, lose our window; and slthosiuh we were at tlte ! I h.t oli'ect I cordially concur. Much as I de time discusskig fiie nterru of an excellent stipcr, i sire to see the claims of Pennsylvania advauced. 1 wiih an appetite as keen as a raior, we could not j can nevei forget the duty which every patriot owes help rii-ing from the table lo witness this tew sceue j ' those who have p riled their lives auJ shed their of oK?rations, an addiliimtl honor, which, we pre- . bhud in ilefence ufthe Fniou. ! faliihumpitmtt only aocicd to editors ! "r W'hicb, as wen as fir llieir p.rtietrt endurance ttr our 'durn, and ihcir prompt and ready atlon- x,on return litem oar hearty thanks. The l,ami"1' "" - TheColnnt- Anthracne Furnace, which we stated u our i ' ''" K'" elon ou', ismi perfect aoJ sound I eoinlition. f-lie ka wxUl-nd nothing during tlte fifteen niontha she has been in blast, aud -e vu lorstariil, that kf she should be blawn in again to wards full, it wt'd be done on the sainc lie ink, aud ' witliout autv alteratHtus or repaiis iu the stscii. i 1 -fi . .1 : i . r .1 i... r i nw is tnoioer vioeittic oi iur-ooioriuuoon.-s oi ihe ik'w iiH'thod of smelting ion ore with authrs- C"e' (liPinilK. I rwHjtLm -rUc ba.is of North Crolia to- , . ., ., , . , . . . i sumed Mpccie paynteirls on the Sil vist., aim it is I . , . i r , 4 ,, u:riil ttAt I,A Vllltia tlilllVd Will CH.tn V than tire lime fixed by rite Legislature, The Tuto Admiral. Coopers new novel is . value tuutt be left foi the psbltc ethmite. t pronounced by tbe F.ditor of the New World to be clstia no otke; niejtt than that of having been ac one of the best that he has w iilieu equal, if not luatod bv pure motives and a si'-cc re de-ire to dis. upciior lo the Pilot and Ked Kovor, JV'k Ben- ihaige with t.iuhtaliK ss tlte duty which ws due j mine, is jest iv cclelnsted as one of the best eritict to our country. in tho country, and as be cannot be accused of any prrlijlity for Cooper, his opinion may I relied on. lr. Juukins writes to ihe editor of the V, S.tsj- , , , , jette, ihst lie t tivt ileau, A aoe is to ! run over th- Long l,l ind course, on tbe 16ik tnst., kelwea the eel. braled Northern uag Fsshiott and Houtheui,iac.r Bostou. for a stake of 40,01)0. Haid limea and .comuietcial distress. Every paper b nigs accounts of a lira in Bttetuil, supposed to be tbe woik olnioniaisr.. Hnttle nf the Thames. r.kr SniTHM tn, Pa., April 12, 1812. 'ir. HO it f.f wit, Williamtptrl, V 1)ab Sib : The undersigned, "Stale Central Cornruitt e nf Corn spomlence," herewith tender to you vi-ty reKertfully an invitation to be present t the reMiralion of the b.itlle of the "Thame," which is to take place in Octoher next, at Danville, PemiK) Ivania. In extending to you this ajieci.ii invitation lo te present at the celebration of a battle and a victory which "cloned the bloody, ctuel and ravage war in the north-west,'" wc are iudueuced only by a desire to evince our respret for your charae'er, no less than for your services to the country, in (he various high and important tiu-U i hicb you hove filled with distinguished cr dit to this national jubilee, and welt do her citizens merit the distinction. Sir, in conclusion we must be per mitted lo say, ibat your early history and association--, Ihe privations and hardships which you en countered, all point you out as brloniiing emphati cally to the"toiling millions." The high reputa tion w hich you bav iCipiired as a statesman, the abihly with which you reircscntcd not only your own particular district, but the interest of the whole commonwealth, in the Legislature of 18:12.3, your eloquent and uiiaiistveruble defence of the 1,'nion of the St ites, ng insi the revolutionary ordiance of 'nulldiiatiiKi" advocated by South Carolina, thetUbty with which you JishaigoJ the high and ie-Kiulile duties of cabinet coumellor and first liw otfiivr of the S'ate, under Uovermtr Wolf; the purity of i our jadici I decisions, the acknowledged ability with which you niaiutjiued the Am ricau side of Ue vjw.'-tioa in tha c.ise afAlennder M'. ' I,,'H' ' "".M.rft but rwt feast, the integrity and j ori'lancy wi.li which you. in coihiaon wiih llie democratic parly of the United States, ha always j sustained ihe lepublicm adm nistralion of Pre-t j deat MjmIisimi, during the existence of which, parly j ''ne iff turn inbtmuL All these things have i indcd s to sol cit you to nniie with yo tr fell iw ! citizeus in doing h mor t the k. ruic cotHinand. r. ho bas -sited mare M for kis count y thus any Khnr man n iw liring. Witk asH -ance of higti censiile ration, acccot out b.-4 wishes for your i heakli auj happiness. i ('"' F.TI1 SAJJi WRY, f Bradford county. i JOHNS . (iJIJDNS, of Lehigh j JOHN D.tiOODWLN.of Phil... i ALFNTJNi: 1IKST. of Columbia ' W M . ' liWl KL , ot Monroe SAM'CL Mi Kit. ol lierks JOHN II. STUCK, .'Iaiipliin LKVI KflYNOLlts, of Mifflin V.V.W 4. J XCKsOX.nfDiupliin JAS. JiHI.VsrtlV.ii" Wcsfd JOHN C HI CJJUil. of liauplsiH Stale CtnUai C ommitUt. 1 WiuutssrimT, April IS, I S 12. I To Bits Slismiii t, John S. ('iuos, V. j llt.sr. and others, S;,ae Centrd Couiunttee of Cot- responilewe. Il will be .i uianer of high gt itification to the citwens ,if Nonhern Peiinsykaui , to learn th.U C'sl. Iticbaid M. Johusou, tbe conyueror of the 10- ; new no. 1 sud loreible 'fecumseh will visit them, at ! Danville, en the intorestiug aerasioa to which you tefer. hontMy ,d.ni,, rihi. njMe he.nti d benevolenc. is proverbial-his tilenta as a sintesmvn are evinced by his ofTuial acts, runiung through a long course of public life tnd bis patri otism and biavery are almost without a parallel. Tints endeared to bis fcMnw ci'itcna, and thus en titled to lltei' gratitude, all will I tejtiy to render 'honor to whom honor is due," and it will atTrd me rlessnrto be among those who shall assent! le al Danville to ceb Isalr the Vattie of the Thames, and to do honor to the patriotism and to the deeds of noble dxring exhibited iu that hlooxly conflict. 1 cannot close this cemmuntc ition wabout offer ing my heir Melt uokiiowledgenscnls, Itiithe flatter ing manner iu which yau tiav alUldcd to some of my jHibke services. Tbey wese iuutJile cfl'oits Is discbix ,e duues intKMcd by oxlicial stations. Thtse l,y ''ieiiuiiy yir ; ELLIS LliW IS. ! A , . "Ai t on Notr; .Vr, fliicnanau i rerent , . . . . , njntch ti the rknHle.t.e Ihls he the motto in our ,,.,u.ri,1IM1 Wi0l Kl)a,IK. l,ei iU ses'iona wtl,,.j ifWMn two touulri.f, ,r none. oc j, ,y ,i intporlartt, and to yield any af hftn , ,r rtsfj on the fouaJstion ot Bight, waujj he execrated by tha whole country. AU grew isit of England's arrogartca and ambttion ; and , we uiusl insist, thocrlors, opiui all m none !"