Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 30, 1842, Image 4

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    II i IV k. xo n: L.IST.
The following js( shows tlic cnrTi nt value of nil
Pennsylvania It, ink Note. The most iniilirit re
li mre tuny he placed upon it, as il Utrtry irerf,
c at, fully compared with ai J corrcrit J limn Hick
i ell's Reporter.
tanks In l'liil;u1-liltl:i.
Nam. Locatio. I'""'--'
list, I. of North America . ,
Haul. ..I' tin Northern Lilietties ,
1 'omnierriul Bank of Prnn'a. . ,
I Vri't i' anil Mechanics' Bank ,
Kensington Bank . ,
. par
. par
ri ilinlrlj'liiii Bank . .
S,hulkill Bank
t' 'itlnvailt Hank
VVi stc;n Bank , , .
Count rj" IRiuIiN.
I! ii. k , t ''Lester County Westchester
B nl; 1 1 IMuwuro County Chester
I'mkuf Ci rrruiiitiiwti Grrmanlowii
If t.I. of Montgomery Co. Norrisiown
I. vi.hmi Dunk l)oj i atown
J "'ts'oii Hank H-.ston
J .. i itii'r s Bank uf Burks Co. Hii lol
Opte. it Bank ol Peun'ii. 1 1 nrrii-l.u ir"
Ojlite do do Lane asler I
Uiikc do do Rending
UH'oe Jo Jo Hasdm
ilci not
J issue n.
1)1 SCO EN T.
Hind; of (lie United State
Hunk tl IVnn Township
Philadelphia 55a60
Guard Hunk . ,
M.intthu tutcrs' fe Mechanics' Bunk
Mi t itanic.' Hunk .
Moj riiiii'iifting Batik .
H ink uf I't'iinsvlv&nia
Miners' Hank of Pottsvillc Putisvillt
Hank i.f Lewislnwn I.cwistown
Hank of Middletntvii Mi.ldlctown
l;..iik ot Niirthmuliciluiid Noithomhcilatid
t nhiinl ia Hank A llridge co, Columbia
Cai lisle Hunk Carlisle
Exchange Hank P.ltsbtiip
Do lo blanch of Holl.dnyshitrg
1 urintrs D.-ink nf Lancaster Lancaster
Lancaster County Bank Lancaster
Farmers' li:ilik nl Readme, Heading
Huriishutg U ink' 1 1 an isliurg
1 .niimarrr Hank Lancaster
Lebanon Hunk Lebanon
7 a 1 0
7 a 10
10 a 15
Meiihants' -Ai M muf Hank Pittsburg 5
Hunk "f Pittsburg Piltshuig 5
Wtsl Bi.mch II .nk William-p n fiO
V Vi.iniug Bank i h. 20
iSiiitliuinptou U ink ,Vl ,;n ;;0
I'.eiks County Hank ii.idou
i.H'ne of Bunk ol T. S. Ptsti tg
l)j llo l!o I'm.'
Llo J(l tl-1 Hi igl.fuii
Kensington Suv. I ns. A m
IVnn Township Snv. Int Ju
Hank tif Chambersburg t'lnmbersbiirg 10
Bunk ot Gettysburg Xu'itvxl'uru 10 1
U.illk of SuMjUl'llUIHM CO. MlUlllOMJ 10
l.'iii' Hank Krio
Knrnifrs' iV Diovert.' Hank Wuy rut-dura 25
Fianklin Hank WuKliiiigtun 5
Honi-wlafe Ujuk Honci-Jalti 10 a 15
Mnotii;aliela Hank of It. lirouimville G
Voik Hank Voik 10
N'. H, The notrs of thooe banks on w hich we
(mil quotniiotis, ami substitute a (lath ( ) are not
pure liai-fd hy the 1'liilaJt lphia hrokers, willi the
exception uf (Imsc whirh have a toiler ol f.ltiitac.
lilt (IKK .N BANKS.
Philadelphia Nav. Ins.
no aale
no i-ale
no sale
I'tiiliidelpliii Loan Cn. do
brliuylkill Sv. Inn. Jo
M.inuul l.ali..r Hjiik f T. V DviMt. irni.i
'J'owanda Hank
I owuuila
Alleghany Hasik of la.
ll.ii k ol Heaver
li.Hik ol Sualara
iank of Wushiiigton
('entic Hank
City Hank
FartM'-v' & Mpih'cs' Hatik
Fnniit rs'A Mcch'c' Hank
I'aiiTufB' A MethVa' Hairk
llaimony liivtiluto
Jlunliiigdoi. Hank
Juniata Hunk
l.uuil'ernieu'i. Hnk
INorlhern Hank ol i'a.
New Hope Del. JUi lje Co.
N'oithiiint.'d I'nii.ii CoU Ilk.
N.ntti tl.rn Hank of Pa.
Oilk-c ol S, htij Ikdl Kank
Pa. Aur. V M tiiuf. Hank
Silvei Lake Hank
I 'nil. n Hank of Penn'a.
e-;iiroit'lnd Hank
H rd lord
liotti f.MltO
Fayette co,
Huntingdon no sale
l-ewistowu no sale
Waned tailed
Diilidall'. no aalc
New tliic ekMil
Mill '.ill iro Mih
Miadiillo cloMtl
l'i'ly'ar!jn lailid
t'nrli k fuilid
Monn,.te closed
I'illl.llll.W l filled
(wiitsliury tlose.l
llkrtli.i.-le nuaule
Wilki-sharre HndgoCo.
(jj- All iinti pui-Kirting to he on uny 1'i mi-tl-vania
Hank not (jivvn ill the alwve in, may he ict
dow n as IrauiU.
i.u ,u:itsi:v.
Hank of New HiuunwKk
iiiunswii k
Perth Alilboy
Mount Holly
fuill d
Hclvideie I! ink
lluilitigion ( '. ll .nk
t.'oinii.i icial Hank
( 'uoiU IJ.n.k"
f dim. i.' L .i.k
Fdin.i i .' uud Michauick' Bk lial.wuy
Farmer-.' and steed a rites' Hk N. Iliuin-witk faihd
I aiu.i r.-. uml .Mi k hunts Bk Mkldletowu Pt. 3
I lank. Hi Hank o! N. J. Jersey City
Ilobokeii Hki( V liiuzing Co Hohoken
Jersey CHv Hsnk Jersey City
MtthaniiV U mk Puttcrson
Maniil.u lor, r.-,' Hank Belleville
Murr, Company Hank Mornstotm
Moninoulli Hk ol N.J. Freehold
iMechiiiiji k' Hank Newark
Mechanics' and Mariuf, Hk Trenton
Moiri Caiu! md Hkg Co Jersey City
Post Notes
Newaik Ekg A Ins Co NewaiV
lio mle
New Jl ope Del Hii.lge Cu" Lainlirisville
N. J. Mauul.ic. m il Hkg Co Hohoken
N J Pioleciioli A Louihaid bk Jersey City
i 1
ulli d
tlrange U ink
I'uU rs .ri Hunk
I't-optub' Hank
Priiii-ttou Hai k
Sub m Hanking Co
State Bnl.
Stale Hunk"
Stale Hank
Slate Bank of Morris
Male Hnk
Sjlern Hint 1'liilad M.iliuiT'.
Susm x Lai k
J'l.Mttirti ti... king V
1 Ii.ioii Hji.k
V a4i i 1 4; I on Bunking Co,
Puli isoll
'ab in
New; rk ll.i..w
i' todi Ii
Mo 1 1. low II
Th moii
Sail III
Ni tti.ui
'I M l. toll
1'ovi r
11 m keiktu.k
Hk of Wjtin A Itr.u.ilvwuic U i n.ingtoii
naiii, ol lLirtiiu ihiiii'Iou
Bunk of So,) riu Sin) ma
Vo lo an. It Millord
Fjrii.t r.' L'k ot State of Del Hovel
Do br.iueh Wilmington
D hid ix h Cieorgiiown
lio biuiitU Newcastle
Li.ion Hank
cy L'ndi r !'
0 j- (Jii nil bank marked ihua () there are ei
ther count, i kit or ulitre.l iioUs uf the vitrioua do
i.ou.Uiktioiik, in rucolutioq.
XniiibiT 29 Ai.rM Tlnxl Strut, VhilmhljJJn
JI HMO SALES f lry (JooJ, Ilnnlvtare
ami Cutlery, H,nik, Htntinnnry, Clothine,
Honta, Vlmea anil IfnIK, nrnl in fhort nlinont every
denrriplion of noiiili, are held ut thi rstalilisliinrtit
every ewnini;. (iocxls are also e.ilil nt piivnle sale
during the tiny at the averajo auction prieep. Store
keeper ami traileiK will find ii to their aJvaiiiae
hy attending the nlu,
C. C. M ( ' K V. V. A net ionrer.
rhihidi'tphia, Nmcmli. t l;t, ly.
wiioi.ksai.i: ami i;i:taii. ikukm:!,
Xo. 122 Cliosinti Street, liclow lilt,
W7"EEP constantly on linnd a qctiprnl assnrl
HWk. "lent of Hooks mid NiHlinnity ; enmpiiinc
'J'lii'ihcii-nl, I, aw, M.diial, Cla..iiral. ,Mi(-elhrir
ous and Sehoul Honk, ll.iV H...k!, all Hi7.i'!", Led
in m, do., I'liinilv I.ildi -.. 1'ih ki t H.hles, Wiiiuu
Pnliers, Wrapping Papi rs. .Vc. Ac, which they nl
Icr hi the li..ei-t piices to ('uuiiiiy Mrrihant'a Pro
fi'ssional (iVnileineli, 'J'eac lietH, ami all others thai
timy favor iheni wild their i'ii-'toin.
Phihul. Iphia, Not.'nihrr 1:1. I S 1 1 . 1 v.
TJILloril.l'S (11. 1'. " j
AlamifijciHi ir iiiul I mpi rtr Jnu.- i
tllcrv. Jlanlwtiif. tVr.
.Vo. S Sim ti ''.'tin! ytittt . f,iur tlnots it '(.'! i
' l'l.:l.:ri.'ll'.
T" EEP eon-t mtlv on In.n.l a larne ninl nerieral
nssortinrnt Coach Lamp--, Carnage Haiid.-s,
A l Arms, llliplie Springs Patent Leather. Ac. I
Country Meichanls -iihI Fuddlers w ill I e Mipplied nl i
all time on the mi's! le.isoi alde leitna. 'I hey wi l
find it to their ndvnntnue to cull and examine his
asfoitnii nt hi lore purchn.-ini; i Isowlicro.
Philadelphia, Nmeinher 1:1,1 S i I. ly.
HHE Suhscriher, Agent ot I von v"t H arris, II
-- MaiH.fntiir. r.-. for N . w Vork, Phil nlelphi
Hiiltiu.oie nnd o'her l iree cilics, :
I lull arc
highly romiin ii.h d I ir r.i-mt t'l'i "" iluru'.ititi,
has oi hand a lir-t rate :is t-,-1 iit -r.l nt IIATW ni.d
CAP.S, mit.ii.le fer Sprmi; mles, wh i ll will t e Fold
very low, fin cy or appi ht.I rn d.t, m iln hi ltd
rlaup .vorr, No. 10, Nmln P'liiJ n'ro-1, i.pi t
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
(H.IVElt N. I t(( 111,1., At'it.
N. It. Ordeis Ifatsi i die tif.'i, j.r'unpllv
attended lo. The higlust j-rita- in ru. r im i
given f ir I'nr ,.!..
Pt ilail.1plii, Noviinher 1:!, IS II - -ly
" 2 fJ a L. "aa
of i; i:i;v i)ix;Kii'i io.v.
No. North Wat-r .Street, l'hila.
AM FACH l;i:i:s and dealers in Oila of
every de.eriplion hoth for hurnii.i; no. I
inauulaeluriniT porHiseK, w hii h will he n, .Id much
lower than ihey can Ik! procured elsewhere, and
wnrmutc.1 in ipmlity to eijonl any in the rity. Any
oil sold hy the company not proving as leprexeiited,
may be relumed without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the n.onry will he refunded.
Their stock now in store consists ol the following
oils, viz:
30,11110 gallons Winter Bleached Spcim
(10(10 do do Coloiless Oil,
!5,IHI( i!o Fait and Sprinu Sperm Oil.
10.000 do Winter Sea Eh hant,
20,000 Jo Jo Pie-si d Whale Oil,
do Summer do do do
Jo Common Whale ( hi,
2lW Barrels supeii.-i Snail-. (
ytnl ki C..J I'ank Oil,
fid do Neam Foot
;r Ca-ka oiivt (id,
TaniM-r's tiks.
Q This Company lias a nund er of Vi s.-t!h i ii
gaged in the ('.id I'ishiry, mid Tanners may lely
upon I'.'t Ur c l all l.imstlil us pure as imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1 :), 141. ly.
G. W. ftrjL. 2. T-TL0P,.
Ft" Kit FIK SALE, at the Sulli East Cor
ner of I'iftJi and Murtat Streets, I'hilutlt I-
fill tit
Mens' Calf-skin Hoots, stitched warranted,
do do ik) (n-upcd do
Jo do do water piool, douile boles
and doulilP ujiH'r.
Jo ('nlf-skiii do Jo
and upcrs.
do Heavy Writer Leather Hoots.
Jo Jo Nrata Jo do.
Jo High ipinrtei Shoes, Calf-skin,
do do do Crocker do
do Fiiit' M.mroes warnoiied
Jo nailed
Kip do
C.df do
Coaise do
Si. in s
Fine do
l:(i do
( all' and Senl
'kin I'imips.
do List S-sks with and without holes.
llo ,11 s l il.l .1,1 do
do 1'iilent airanled Wati i-piool Moci .i. ins.
Ladiis do do do do
Ladi. s' laiini d India Bui her sho. a.
ii'lillillK'tih do 1 Iver sh-Mti.
W i h every olhir di sc iplion ol'liools anJ sb-iec.
Fur Caps I'cvirv description.
Travel!. ng Trucks of every description.
Vcncii.iti TravelliiiK Hags.
Pali nt (i'ui)i Elastic Shoe inaeking,
Honnels of all kinds, Puhu Lent Mats.
I'lul idi lohia. N oenilH-r 13. Is-il Iv.
j. s. iErp.,
Whtilesalt! 'ariet aiwl 'I'litiiiiiiiiL; Slnre
A'u. 44, Xnrttt I'liititli mtir Arrh 1,1,, i'hiindi tjil,iti.
A J II EKE Country Men hams and other can be
' ' kuppried. at Jl Uines, with a large ns-ortuit 'it
of llosi. ry, (ilovex, .Merii,i, Cotton, ;,nd Woolen
Shuts ami 1i .ei-, Kpool (.'i.l'.m. Patent Thiead.
Ci.tloil Colds, Htllloliii, 'J N(k, Binding-, Hook
and Lyes. Pins, Ac. And a general tariity of u-c-4ul
artitkn, which he title. a lor sale at the lowest
Phil i '.el.hiH, NHVelnhel 13, 11. Iv.
I I kHII. IlKll.Tr kliHtk,
A. 31 Am 'A t't.ttrl't ft., uutltr M,rt limits!.
7 I I,' E Coo nl ty Merchants run be supplied
wuh nil i Mi ii.-ive vainly of choice s
in I.l- In e. n oil the iiio-t rtui.oiiahlc- It I in,.
N.-. IMI lv
o Aoi III St tintl ttli t f ,
(i oiixi M or coomh' h i rr.)
V hcic I hi) constantly keep on hand a gs'iKTil
assortment if
.Im il it,l vtniity tJ tirtifltt , f a tiiitrnt)
ijnnhly, whi.'hthey ,,11'er to "dispose of
14...11 the in. .kl irukouul.le terms.
OINIHV MEliCH AN I S and other win
find il lo theii advautuge lo cull and nan. Hu
llo li stick ta-loie pun basing elsetvhcre,
Philadelphia. Nov. b, lull. ly
Wholesale and Retail .Shoe, Uonnet,
and Palm Leaf I fat Warehouse.
So. (iC Xorth "J nttnt, afiw tltwrs abnvt .Jrch,
A I. SO Trnnkf", Carpet Hiirs and Valirfp, of cv
JtL 'y ile.ciiption, nil of whicli he ofl'era for
ale on the most reimonnhle tr rniR.
Philadel) hin, Noveniher Hi, 1SII. ly.
UmliR'lla and I'arasul laniifactiirer.
Au. 37 Ktmlh Tflittl itri-rt, tiro ihittrn hclvW the
f'iv hit, Vhihultlfifiia.
ClOl'NTin Menhui'tH nnd oilier nie toliciled
J to txamiii': hia umkmii.i nl hi lore puichutiiiig
i Ucw here
Phila !rl(.liM. N.-vmil.r IT t 1 1 . ly.
.sim;ki.c;, cuod ,v co.
No. : 31.ii K"t iStrcot, rhi!a.kl;lia.
NVITE the t.ltention of Country Merrhjin'
to their H iiMie n -mr.iin nl ol HrilUh I"r i.c Ii
and Amiricnn Dry ( 'o'id.. v. Inch lhe i lVt I lu n.ih
on the niM-t n nsi ii ddi t. mil.
Pl.ihidJphia. IV.Miiilicr l:t. I (-11. I v.
M S . U)LT()N,
B J 1IM i:t;'J PI 'I.I.V inf. rum her Imci.iIk aim the
K I ii' lie Lr i i r it I ' v . that -lie r.. to keep
Hint well knmvn T,.vcin MunJ in Mrici,
uiit.uty. ii:ii ol the !
sl :n s le n es cb:",
t niiieilv kept hy Julin Hollon, In r l.ii-l.ninl ; mid i
hv t iideavoi Inc In conilucl the cMtihlisliini nt in a '
iiumner to uive fi'i-'ai lion to all, hopea lo mint n
lili. itil ihnie of pnhlic piilroii:ii(e.
.vni, l ory, t tel. il l r !lih, I f-l I . j
4 Li ij;., a J Lrv-fcc'i... I
1 1 I
will r;
M'KCTl'I'I.LV inform the citizens nt Si n
11 r y nnd virii, hv, lluit they lime Ink-n the
Int. ly i ceiipi. J ly Win. Iluis', where (hey
airy on I he tusiTiErs,
l?s .u ioi.s hr nrl.i s. H v Htiiet u Hi i, I ion nnd
id le clniires, liny expect lo Haul Ii bharr el
in id!
hury. Sept. 4 lb. HII.
loll SAI.k 11 T
r s v r 4.
V NTIION'S ( lissical Dii -lioniiry;". i
do.; A uiswoiih's d.i : Cobb's do.; llr glisli and j
Ocmiih. do; Ambon's Ca-sar; Anth. m's (irammei; 1
A ntbi n's ( ' u-.-i o; MaiiV La'in l.' i; Ogill y 'sdo.; i
Anibew's Latin Lffsoiis; D, tun's Lexicon;'stiie.k llverises; I hivies's Legeudei; (iraeea
M.ii ir.i; Admiis's lb. mini AiitiipnUi'-; Pinimck's i
t .lil-tntlli a l.i gl.iiid; di. (Ireeci; Lvell s Lb mriits
nt (ieol.xv; Mrs. Lincoln's Hotanv; Eli iiieiils ol
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's lihi loricnl Hea
ders; I'.ili-rsoli's (ieographv and llislorv; Oloey'a
do ; Parh 's do.; Smith' (trammer: KirLhain'a do.:
Kav's Headers; (Jobl 's do.; ("obb's Arithniclick;
Pike's J.i.; Emerson's Jo.; CoLIi'm Spelling Hisiks;
Tow n's do.; Cnhh'a Table Books; 11 vnnpelical Fa
mily Lihiurv; ('ullage Bible-; Fumily do; Collater
al J114 Small Bibles nnd Testumenl.; Puikei's Ex-crri-cs
on Couipositioii; Fruit of the Spirit; Bax'i l's
S .im's Best; American l!i volution; Manyatt's No
vels; Mis. Phelps on Chemisltv; Iliad; Catc. hi.-iii
of American l.w; l.ettirsou Natural Magic; Che
mistry for Beginner-; English Exeicisis adapted to
Murray's ( iratniiu r; Sequel to Coniley's Spelling; Aiiuricaii ('last. Hi ok; Dab.ill's Schoolm is
tvi Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac.
August 2, )K.
M AD Kill A 1NE. -Fust quality Madiera
ine, f.n silo l.,w by
Sept. 1, Is, I. IL B. MASSE It.
Fot'KTH i'HOt'F HHANDV. A guiuui.
arliclc nlwi.vs on hand and for sale by
Sept. I, is M. H. B. MASSEK.
HOLLAND (ilN. Ot the best qiinlily ulw ivs
on hand nnd for sale I V
Sept. I, IS11. " II. B. MAS.xEIt.
LOAF AND LUMP Si i;AB. Always wi !
linnd and for sale hy
Sept. 1, IMI. 11. B. MASEEH.
LASSES. Ol the brsl quality ulwuv on hand:
,H d lor sale by
Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASE It,
BI.'OWN Si '( i" Alt. Of a go.l, for sale
l..w hv Sept. I, (4I. H. B..MAS-EK.
(.KEEN AND BLACK 1 E.s.oi the bos
otikhiv iilwiason hand uud for rule by
' s,,'t. I, IMI. II. B. MASSEH.
I t IJ'I'I E. Jav n, bio and I.aeuua Colli c, coii
stantlv on h mil and lor sale 1 v
S. pi. I, 14 1. H". B.MASt-ER.
Sl'EKM OIL. W intir ai d Summer slruiiud
Sin un ( Id, ol the Is ! quality , always ou hand and
lor "ilr by
Sept I, 111. . II. B, MAsM'.K. I
STEEL. C-t and Bll ti i Steil. for sale by I. IMI. il B. MAssEIt. I
IKJ-MI SALMON. tit the Vst quality, con. !
ktauttv on bund ami lor alc bv
Sept. I, 141. JL li. MASSl'.lt. !
L10,l"Oi;S. Ol all kinds and ol the let qiiah- j
lies, aiwuv s on hand and for sale by
Sipi. I, IMI. 11. 11. M AssEfJ. j
spHINO STEEL. -Of vuiious iea b r Lhptic t
l"! ru g.-, lor kale by
Se, t. 1, 1SII. 11. B. M SMI1!. j
I.AK(;i: U.l'AK10. BlLiLl. For a!e ut
v i ry n doced pri, t s by I, 111. H. B. MAssEI!.
BLANK HlltiKS.) l kinls, f .rsMe bv
S, pi. 1, IMI. II. 11. MAf-sKK. '
HL.V.Mv DEEDS. liandb, M .rtgagi ,, Ac. for
.u'cl y Sept. 1.1811. 11. U. M AssEK,
JI S I ICEt' BLANKS. for kale by
Sept. 1, IM I. II. B. M AS!E It.
( LOTUS, Blue, Bla.k. lavi.ilile fjreen, Ac,
lor to lo by 1, 111. II. H. MAsSEK,
sale V el V low by
S- p'.'l. I'll. . II. M ASM-! It.
CAUI'ETI.Xt;.- I'oi sale i !w..pby
Sept. I, IMI. II. B. .MAsrEK.
HI. NKE'J'S For sale chiaip bv
Sepi. 1. 141. II. B. MAS'SEIt.
Sept. 1, IMI. 11. B. MASi-EK.
For sale I y
Sept. 1, 111. II. II' MASSEK.
by Sept. I, IMI. TI. B. MAsl-:.
For side I v
Kept. 1 , 1811. U. U. MASSE!!.
A N unpnrellelid remedy
Couglip, Ai-thum, Intlueru
for common CnlJp.
ghp, Asthma, Inllueri7.a, Whooping Couch,
Bronchitis ""d all ihsrnsen of ihe Breast nnd Lungs,
leading to consumption ; composed of the concen
trated virtues of Hon hound, Boiiset, Blood Hoot,
Liverwort nnd t-evcial oilier vegi table Kuhntrmcrs.
Prepared only by J. M. WtNauiw, Knchester, New
The innocence nnd universalis admitted pectoral
vinnes of the lleibs from which the lltil.'iim uf
llonhmntd ia made, arc too ri nerally know n to re
quire recniinoni' ; It is tbeieforp only nrcesaii
ry to ob-rrve that ihia Medicine ronlnina Ihe whole
of their M. dicitinl properties, highly concentrattd,
ai d so happily combined with sevcial other vrge
table fubsiarices, as to render it the most upeei'y,
mild and certain rcrm Jy, now in Use, f. r the com
plaints above mentioned.
'I he Balsam remove nil iniflntiiiiiatinn and dure
lo ss ol the Lung', lnoscna tough visid ihhgm, en
nl. ling the patient lo expi clorule wuh case and free
dniu, iisFiinges cough, relieves nlhuiatic and JilTi
cult respiration, Iii hIs the injured purls, opens the
pores, and composed the disturbed nerves, nnd gives
sir.ngdi lo the ti inlet liiugK, and thus produce a
sj ccdv and Insiing cure.
I m; ii ati Ti-ii r. is thk n rm vr: im Mil.
We nre not among that class i t Ed. tors who f , r a
b iv dollnm will, (ut the cxense nl truth and ho
nesiy) "ciai k up" an nrii le nnd biing it into rapid
mle; . either aie we willing to lemain silent, afii r
having ies!cd the utility of un iui rovement or t'is
enve v in sci. m e or ml. Our readers will recoiled
we told them we were unvvi II with a nre throat nnd
violent eld some It w weiks ago. Well, we pur
chased iwo botiles of WINSLoW'S BALSAM
t IF 11 OK Kill H'.M), nnd so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot wo eter had a cold. Thoi-c who
are alilicied, may try it upon our n commendation.
1a.u i,!oh 'i' li ritjih. For sale by
JACOB HliltillT, yoilhumbaluiiii.
Also, by Hruggisis gencr.-lly throughout the
coiinlrv. Piice, 50 cents per bolde.
AuJusl 1 l;ti. 1 1 . Iv.
.1 . si i i: v .1 o i; s,
1 Etjl l'.S'l'S the uttu.ti.iti of his country frit rids
A who are in want, lo his verv large stork of
C irprtings, Clolhs. Mailings, Hugs, Bindings,
St:nr, Ac, Ac., he has jusl npiiud, lit
Ids warehouses. No. IS North 2d stieet, uud No. 2
Church Allev, next door to Chrisi Church, Phila
de'phia. ' Julv 31. 111. ly.
Cap ant ' l'i;lm l.ttif lltit Snrc,
No. 10 Sm in I in Stbikt, I HILADELI'illA. j
At'HEKE an e tti t.sive a!oitmei.i of ihe alsjve
articles aie c.H.f-talilly kept on hand, lor sah
nt Ihe most reasoiiiible leiniu.
M iv 20, is II. ly. !
1). K 1 1 K V A T U 1 C K - ,S U N,
No. 21. Am Tliinl .-tmf,
( .Mtiikr.T ixnnitixiT stbrkts,)
HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment j
tif Sximi llidt.t, l'titim Hiif, 'I'tnnitrt Oil,
r., at the lowest muikct price-, t ill.t r lor cash, 11
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
Consignments of Leather received for s ile, oi
purchased i,l the highest mat ki t prices.
ij y Lent her stored Irce ol I bulge.
April li. IMI. ly.
r iiOiry '" rgoni'Nirn 2
AVE.NPOKT'S Improved Patent Threshing
Machine and Horse Power, which threshes
an. I cleans at ihe Mime linn nil invention tor
which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which
renders the above machine perfect and past further
improvement. Those who have been waiting for
-orni thine hi tier than hereliibiie olh red for sub-,
will find this to br the urticlc. Conic sec it and
judge lor ymiiM Ives.
The siibx ribers have purchased the right of the
a'.Kive Machine uud Horse Power, (or the coun
ties of .Noll l ilt M BHIltMl, I.tCOMl St., Cl-IN IOM,
and IMo and afso, the xivileges of vending
tbtin in any other plai ts for which (lit: right has
not hei ii pn vi.iitsly sold.
The advantages w hich this Machine ha over
all others invented ate many and tibvioiik. One
boy and three ukii tun do all the threshing and
cleaning ot 150 bushels of w heat in one day and
this usually takes seven hands one day and three
the next. For field threshing it lakes the lead ot
any thing in tins world no grain is scattered or
Such is the superiority of the ll-orsf Power,
thai lints- hoist-k van thrush as much with it a
I. -or can Willi any other.
Tlic Machines and Horse Powvr will l-e sold
log-'lin-r or kfpt ruH, to suit purchasers. Made and
sold in Milton, by the subscribers.
11ENKV FltlCK.
MiImi, April 17, 1811.
It A: 'W.W.B JV. VI7.1 77 .V.
Having hud in Use, one of D.ivcnpoii's Puliut
Threshing und W innowing Machines, and being
ri pcnlcillv called upon for our opiuion in regard to
iht ir value, durability and advantages, we make,
lite to, that ihey rxcted in our opiuion, any
Thlish lig Machine we ever befme witnessed ill
use. Tl i v will thresh ujhI ckaii, fit for lliarkil
200 luishi Is of W beat vr day, and this with the
unl ot three lini.Uk lickiots me Oliver, 1 he Straw
is ust d oil' In in the grain on mi incline plane, ex
lending about 12ttt lfrutu the Machine. Scarce
ly a irratu is lost. What is of koine important e
slid greatly so, la the. fact that no dust passes from
the Midline to the man w lm teen's it. The Horse
power seems lo tic pet lection ilself three horses
may woik II Kltii east) aiul tlteil faslctt guit I.ced
only be the ordmaiy lough gait. W e niiibl
cheeilully riconmitiiJ the Machine lo Furnitr.
Iht y are iiianullictuied in Milton bv Messrs. Welch
Pom., and Fuel. PHILIP 1111. (.HUT.
Chilisquaque tsl.p., Noilh'd to, March 20, 1811
ST'l ls'lCAL KEIilSir.H. Coiuainiiig doc
uincnis, nnd othiT useful in!', itnatiun. illusira
live ol the hist, ny nnd resources of ihe American
I'nion, autl ol etch State; embracing commerce,
iii.iiuil.iclu.e-, agiii u'lu.e, niiproveiiM'nts,
b.iiiks.curreecv, liuaiici,, K.c.-Ac. Edi
ted by Su'iiocl Ha-.i'i 1.
Publi ht d every-Wediiesdny, ot 7 ft Hock street.
The pi ice to n.h-cril ers is f 5 per uiuiuui, payable
on the fust ol J uuijiy iU -at ii year. Nosubscrip
lion received lor bus limn a yrar. Siihkvrihcrs out
of the piimijal citltb t.j j.iy in ajance.
to n in ;nL.3aL- B3 ne
ri"(HE Undersigned lake pleasure in Kuhmiliatig
I to the puhdc the following Recommendations
of Pralt's Cl Iron Smut Mill and (train Huller to
all dealers in (train nnd manufacture of Flour, be
lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind
ever oil", red to the public. All order addressed to
Col.. I. MT'nddtti, Lewisbnrg. I'nion county Penti
"ylvania. EBEN EEEll SQ.CIKE,
Mtwtz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841.
J. M'Fiuii ! Sib I I cheeilully testify to the
goodne-s and diitnhility of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut
Mill ard (.'ruin Huller, as being a fur superior arti
cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities
that I have ever seen, and I have lrcn engaged in
the manufacture of Flour for a great innriy years,
nnd have always tried to have Ihe best apparatus for
manufacturing that rould hr got, and do say that the
above muchiiin ia the hint apparatus I believe now
in use. .lull -i Miiit..
llltiomdiurg, Dec. 20, 1M0.
Cor.. .1. M'Fxiiiiim Sm: In reply to your favor,
rrn ivrd a few days since,! hate only to say, that the
(act of my having introduced into each of the four
mills tlint I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast
Iron Smut Mills is the best evidence I can give you
of tlit'ir utility, Yours truly, W'.m. M'K i i.v t.
Milt-m, March 17, IS II.
.1. M'FtnmM Sm: I do Iteieby ct rtify without
any I e latino, that Piatt's Smut Mill and (iiaiu
Huller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain
of smut nnd nil ether imperfections, that I have ever
seen, and I Ix'lieve I have seen nil the kinds that are
now used in Pennsylvania, nnd I must say that there
is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will
c. me in competition with it, (iio. Ecki ht.
Coi.. J. M'Famhn Sm: Durug the pnst 21
years I have been constantly engaged in manufac
turing llour, and during the lust I'i years have been
the owiu r of a grot unci flouring mill, mid among
nil the contrivances to remove impurities from grain
I am decidedly of the opinion that Prntt's iron ma
chine is superior to any witli which I am acquaint
ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen
mouths. FiiinrniiK Htxs.
Yorkshire Mills, Dec, 1M0,
I want in my flouring mi:! us good an apparatus
to prep re grain for flouring, a the V.7, and I want
no better llcui Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cl.A0?f.
Suulitiri. December 22, l.Mu.
Coi.. J. M-l'ti.M Sin: I have in my millolie
of Pratt's cast nnd w loughl iron spiral Smut Mills
and Oraiu Huller, ami run confident that in trgard
to simplicity i ci nstruetioii, nrnl durability of mate
rial, it is n:ctior to any 1 tun acqt.iiinled with.
II i:oir M tssi.n.
lSturCip Mill,, Dec. 22, IS 10.
Cot. .1. MFaihh Sm: 1 hne in my flouring
mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills,
uud I am decidedly ot the opinion thul it is ihe best
imicbine to prepare gram lor flouring that I am tic
qiiuinled with, and as such chcir fully recommend it
to nil who are engaged ill the manufacture ol llour.
.Ik on I.nsiMiiMi.
Atirotitlitirg, March 23, 1S4I.
Cor.. J. M'Ftiini- Sm: I lake pleasure in say
ing that Pintt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the
la st irnpr- cinents for the cleaning of grain of all
kinds, Unit has yet come r my ols rvatioti, and
that I believe ii fir superior to any thing of ihe kind
ever invented. You may use my name in any way
you think proper. O. P. Dcscam.
1iV Mi 'I, J in. 14, K41.
This is to certify that I have had Prutl's Cast and
wrought iron Smut Machine and Giuin Hullrr in
use lor heller than 12 months, and find it to answer
every purpose, that it Wus inteiskd lor. Smut can
lie taken out of when! I believe eveiy patt'icle of
il ran be taken out wilhotit breaking the grain ot
ll.v wheat. John I'um k.
AiiTfiishtit a, March 23, IMI.
Coi.. M'FauiM Sm : I have hern engaged in
manufacturing Supciline I'I. .nr .r many years, anil
have nt Ihi tunc one ol Pratt's Smut Mills in rnch
of my mills, nnd I do hen hy rcconiuu ml them as the
most vnluahle improvement for cleaning wheat ol
smut and all other impurities, that ntn acquainted
With. JaMKS Dl'M'AN.
Cm.. M-pAnnis Sm: I have l-een engaged in
the maiiulacttirtng ol Hour for 2S years, and most
cheerfully tecoinnu ml the nbove machine, as being
bv fir the best apparatus lor cleansing grain that I
have ever Used or wen. I cousidiT it un indisrn
sihl- article lor any mill 111 it pretends lo do any bu
siness. Jtui Fisuia.
.Itjuetlurt Mill, llw. 24, 140.
Ctit.. J. M'Faiiiiix Sm: Pralt's Cast
Smut Mil! was introduced into my mill about three
years sincf, ail I U heve il is the lust article ol'thi.t
kind now iti use. It will not only remove smut
cn'eielv, but is a inoit vakjablc apparatus to clean
wheat and rye of any character, and prepare il lor
tlouiing;. Hkvjamim Hoosk.
I.rnnliurx, Dtc. 22, 1M0.
Cut. J. M Faiuum Sm: After a catelul and
caudal examination uud trial of llie machine, inrc--gard
to coiistiuctioii, iicaliicss and despatch in exe
cution, tcoiioiiiy in price, and power lo set in ope
ration, I am fully coininod und satisfied, that (he
inuihiiif above uliudcd to, is soc-oia! k no one in
use. J, .Molt How,
' Mill, r and Flour Manufacturer.
Callmrhsa, Dm mbcr 25, 1M0.
Cm.. J. M'pAiini Sm: Pratt'a Cast and
W i. .ught IrtHi Spiral Smut Mi Hand (iraiu Huller,
1 consi.tcr to hetlebcs4 machine to remove smut
ami other impurities to w Inch grain is subject, thut
I have used, or with which 1 bin Bcquuinled, in re
g'lid lo dura'ul.ty of matt rial, simplicity ofcous'.ruc
ti.ii, iicaliicss and dc-patch ui rxoctition.
Josti'it I'axto.i.
N. It. The above ma bines are manufactured nt
the Low bslmg Foundry, 1'nioii county nnd at tin;
Bkiottisbuig Foundry, Columbia county , Pa.
l.cwisbuig, June 10, is 1 1.
t 1miI's;iN- Hs-ailt-i'M,
hi t'urcign, tlritiih and inicrUun l)nj (.'oik.v,
No. 12 Nohtu Thikii S rat it, Phi i nil a
HlCN'l'KV Merchants can he supplied at all
time will, an rxteusite assortn rut of the above the n.o-t reascnahle and satisfactory terms.
May 21, IMI. ly.
si :i.f-a i ).i i NTiNir i xh; un ace
Kilt s. W-MILLS.
Bv HkNJtMii N. CrsiiwA.
rPllE Subscrilavrs haviug purchased the right for
- vending and using the above inven
tion, for Noilliiiiiibeiland County, oiler to dispose
ol the same to person who may desire to purchase.
Th above in vein ion is now in oH-ration at the saw
mill of Mr. M'Cuity, near Surrbury, where it can
be inspected bv owr:i: of saw mills and all othei.
interested. " E. :oBLN,
March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBIN.
IJrass Clocks,
l or i:t Ilollait,
71 Ql'.iJ. ft time o any mid iy CUk ftd
114 ".'" t"'1,
, for bale bv
March 13.
H. B. MASSE t.
Dr. Duncan' r.cclornn( Uc
iiirtly. Consumption ran be Curat!
m"l:s. MAItY BOWERS, wife of Henry
XTJl Bower, was for a length of time aflltctej
with a "I'ulmmmry Cvrnplnint," which defied the
united skill of several eminent physicians. She
hearing of the'Expi ctoranl Remedy," wai induced
to give it a trial. Her nymptoms wire those of
I'hthi-irs Pulmonulis, or Pulmonary Consumption,
viz: a dry harking cough, pain in the breast and
side, impaired appetite and great thirst, hectic fever
nnd night sweats, with much debility and weak
nesss. She ia hnppv in aaying that after using
three hollies of the Exiectorant Remedy, fhe he
gan to have hopes of a speedy recovery ; her
strength gradually increased until she hid used
three hollies inort. when alie felt entirely restored,
it now being right months since, and no symptoms
of the Complaint appearing.
Philadelphia Office .No. 19 North Eighth street,
where the above medicine cn alwaya be obtaincc'.
Price f I per bottle. Also at the store of
April 23,1, 1M'2. Aj;enl.
7E have frequently witnessed the ravages of
' this disease, and have heard ami read of ma
ny remedies, hut fir olfener saw them fail than re'
suit in success. The w riter, however, of the letter
lo ihe agent of Dr. Hnrlich's Compound Strength
cuing and Geininn Aperient Pills, has long becli
known to us. nnd fr 'in an invalid, as he is delinea
ted, we now know and meet him daily as a hale
hearty man. Though no advocate of nostrums of
any kind, wc cannot withhold a notice w.i
ronsidei the i ll'icucirs ami viituesol Harlich's Com
pound Sirengthei ing nnd German Aperient Pills.
Ihe rase hi fore us is a living monument tj loth.
Spirit of the. 'i'mir.
For ourselves we cannot withhold a notice re-.-q
ci ting the viilues of Dr. Hntlich's celebrated me
dicines ; We hclicve ihem lo belong lo a very supe
rior rl is. Tlicy are said to be a very safe and ef
fectual rein'ily, for many of the distressing diseases
of the present day. A fair trial will convince the
sceptical of their viilue. Sat. Cliron.
F. r talc at the sture of
A p il lf.tli ISI2. AzeitL
Coltls, oiiIis, iiuI 4 oiiMiinplion.
f I "ill ESE universal complaints wc find in almost
X every family, attended with more or less seve
rity, al the same time reg irded by sonic with very
little utti ntimi, until they begin lo assume a serious
character. hy are patients so neglectful of thein
selvts, when they ktmw that their health is all in
all! Ate they in t aware thnt it requires a much
longer tune to arre t a disease when sutl'ered to knit
its threads upon the vit .Is Will those who desire
health lake good tdice, and always be provided
wuh a lew ImiuIcs of "J)r. lirictii's !'ri rtorunt
lit iitidt," whereby they enn iuimcdiati ly arrest the
I'uliil progress of ('..n-uii.p ion, ond nut be compel
led to spend years in misery and pain, besides ma
king mi "Aiothreuri Slmji" of their s'oin ichs !
I bis Medicine is certain in its t fleets, it Used in duo
season, and iiiwny produces icli. f in the most hope
less cases, hv its soothing and palliative ilTirts,
This is a consolation which many eppri chile.
Olliee and W hole-ale, No. 10 North.
Eighth st i et, Philadelphia. Price $1 perhutile.
For tale ut the s'ore of
Ap'il !lih, IS 12. Azrnt.
I.l-r lompiaint.
Tin yturx sltiiidiitLC, curid In the u.-e if Dr. ir.
teli's ('tun loti nd S'.rt ugtlit niiig and Her man
Apinrnt I'M.
MRS. SARAH BOY5R, wife of Willi .tn Dov
er, Noith Fourth Street above Cullowhitl.
Philadelphia, (min ly cuted of the nlmve distressing
di-ease. Her symptoms weie habitual costiveness
of the bowels, total loss of appetite, eictucrating
pain in the side, stomach und back, depression of
spirits, exlieme debi ity, could not lie on her left
side without an aggravation if pain, with other
symptom indicating great ilriaiigcmrut ill ihe
fundi. ins ol the liter. Mrs. Buyer was attended
by sevtVt.l of the first physicians, but receive J but
little rebel from their medicine at hist a fr'iend of
ut hers procured a pai kage of Dr II arWch's Strength
ening and German Aperient Pills, which, by the.
Use of one package, induced hT lo continue with
the medicine, whi h rcsu'tcd in tfTecting a perma
nent cure, beyond the expectations of her friends.
Principal office for this meJafine t at No. 19
Nonh Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at
tlu store of II E.N K Y YOXTHEIMEIt,
April 2d, IM2. Agent.
l'allil! I'uliiKUialis : or l'nltiio
nai loiiMiiiiptlun-
IS a very prevalent disease, and carries nitnovt
to the cold and silerjt. grave. M.le1icate toi nb
h.m i ii " 'oiiiuunW tall a prey to this tell di.lroy
er ol (lurnaii lite This disease commence at first
with a dry hacking cough, pain in the breast and
side, lo- ol 'appetite, and re-lb ss nights. Al length
a wa-tii.gor dirsy of the whole body is perceived,
which, tt talltd I v many CixscMr rtox, "boixiti
imo a luci.iM," a complaint that thousands iro
laboring under with taint hopes of ever recovering,
not knowing that theie is a medicine existing which
will afford r. hef even in the lat stages. This i
DY for Cu-utnption, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of
Blood, Hronchilis, Asthma, and all diseases ot lho
Liter and Lungs. A loll treatment is f,i"n of
diseases in a small pamphlet, which carl l h id
piatii of the Agent, whore ihe Methcioe can always
be ohiuinrd. Price 1 per (unite.
For sale ut No. i'i Xorth E gh'U street, Phila
iklilMa. AW ul the store of
March. 5tith, 1852. Azrni.
Hjspcpsla! ljM-kk;!!
More Vrttft oj lite i:jliraru of lr. I tar lick's ,1f
tlieines. "ft I!. JONAS J A HTM AN, of Sumnrytown.
yj Pa enlirely cured of ihe atsivo diease,
wlucii he was afftictY-d with for six years. His
syipti4na weie a s nsc of distention and oppres
sion a'ter eating, disiic sting pain in the pit of the
stomach, n.uiscu. loss of appttKr, giddiness and dim
ness of sight, extreme debility, flatulency, acrid e-ruc-ta-tviia,
sunn limi vomltiug and p un in the
tight side, depressktn of spirit, distuibed itrt, f.tint-
ness, and not aide lo puisne his busmets without
! causing iniinrdiaie cxhuusiion and wi-vine. Mr.
lLiilmau is happy t state le the public, and is wil-
lu g to live any ioAirmstion to the uilhcted, re-pet-!
ting ihe wonderful iH'nrfit ht received from the u-e
i f Dr llaihch's Compound Siiengthtiiing auJG.
man Acricnt Pills.
Piuuip.l Wice. No. 10 North Eighth street,
Philudi Iphia. Also for sale ut lite st.v uf
March I'.ith. 1542. Agent.
Tu III AMU ti ll.
I'I'IIIOSE who ure suit, ring froiu vaiious disia-es
1 incident lo the human family, would Jo well to
procure )r. Uarlieli Compound Strengthening
and (triii.ii) Aperient V.V.. which ure o pre
eminently rt ccominciided for Dyspepsia, Liver
Compljiiits, j uius in the, ba.'k and breast,
Nervious Arl'.vtions, Head-Ache, and all the dis
ease ,i i dr Stomach and Howls. Phiiiphlels may
he nht.iinrd gratis, which contain full and explicit
direction for Using. The reader is refi ned lo sev
eral very interesting certificate of cure in this
psjer, which may be relied upon, as they are taken
nun lbs original. For tie at No. 19, NORTH
HIGH I'll aireet, Philadelphia.
March 5, 1842. Agent.