Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 23, 1842, Image 3

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    Editorial Miscellany.
Tlie memliere of (he B ir in the United Stiles
re about lo erect a monument to Chief Justice
Marshall. $3,000 have already teen raised to
wards the object, principally by the Philadelphia
Henry K. Strong Esq., bas been elected Sla'e
Don Jocsc Catty, has oMained a grant of the
Mexicans to 0(ien a communication between Vera
Oru and Tchuantcpar, on the Pacific, by railroad
and canal. He is to commence (he work in two
3'ears from the signing of the contract, anil when
completed, for his rccompence he is to receive the
whole income for (ho term of fifty years.
The Legislature of New York hss adjourned,
after passing three hundred and twenty-three acts.
The Kev. J. D. Wiiaiamsas, nf New York,
andJiMF.s i, RinnKLt, Esq., of Philadelphia are
about to sail from New York for England, as
special nvascngera from (he ftateruily of Odd Fel
lows in this country.
A letter to (he editors of the Philadelphia IT. 8.
flazelle, dated Oxford. Butler County, Ohio, April
5, mentions the death of Itev. il, V. Junkin,
1'resident of the Miami University.
Mr. SimrcL CAttnr, of Wilmington, Delaware,
old a cow and calf lust week fir f)00 caidi.
Counterfeit one dollar bills on the SriTt Bask
at Cam iiks, made their appearance in Philadelphia
on Friday evening last. Thev may he detected
by close inspection of the end pieces, which are
pnorly done. They are marked letter B, dated
April 1st, 1841.
The Volunteer Encampment at Trading will
'commence on the ISih of May, to continue one
week- Arrangements have been made to accom
modate any number f troeps. A fine encamp
ment ground has been provided, w ith an abundance
of spring water at hand.
Dr. Dyott his established a paper in Philadclpliia.
devoted to the promotion of health.
(reen peas were in the raaikcl at Neifolk, on
.the 9ib iust.
Joseph Fltnkingloti, Treasurer of rhiladi'lplii.1
County, has resigned h office, and Col. James
J'age h it been elected hi successor. risukiugtoii
as said to be a defaulter to the amount el f 80,000.
There was a great Temperance festival in Phila
delphia Unt week. It is said that the procession
iu inhered upwaids of 10,000 members of Tr'An
jKTancc societies
The ruitnWt of militia nw ergvnircd in VI try
hind ts staled at fi 5, .10 9, and the number ir. 'the II
niled Slates. is reported-to be I Stl,8ST. Tlie num
ber in Pennsylvania is upwards of -'01) ,000.
Fauuy Efcalor hae arrived at New Orleans, ha
ing escaed from Havana in H.atu sUtirc. ft will
be recollected that she was detained "by the Gover
nor because she refused to dance. Hhc Las learned
iiiin a new figure.
Jlfr rfa iml.
Wo h'arn thtit the tteceivets have Irasod tin
Morris C.uihl to Lewis S. Coryell, kl-aj. who in
jiuw busily ;Motio;ud ill cotMpIotoijj' tle repiiirs,
.and expects to have it rencly litr uavioatwu by
llie first of next luonlli. This cnnal runs fr-ow
Eastim to Jcisi-y City, thrnujrh the iiaiu&autic
iron roitinl'.evv Jwsey. It tot-t abte (otir
miHiumi f dollars. The cutkyottny hocntic in
.olv.'iit, asd tke jwojterty v.'fwt into the hands
of linceivers by uriler the ChaiiocJlur of
Now Jersey. The fctftei; issued 1y llte-itnp&-ny
are not fcioeia. able IUr-tuHiii Ue r
I'. S. Gazelle..
Mi tits' U t a. The nHia of-lSii kistitulwn
jiie nn ivnl in ii:iy mint of tolls by the Canal mid
Railroad Companies-, aitd iki all the RaiiMads in
lhc county arid in .p.wui'Hit 'for si I irhaca re
quired in tlHi regjuru Was would tlwrefor rau
it ion our faicntls ui fiiiUdiljihia nut lu lie ilupcd
hy those wMs itf society, tte D rakers, aatd their
organ, liie Ledger, which plays into ti.iri r hands,
to pait wrtto them at a sacrifice. The notes eifthis
Institution ore as good as any sn tthe tsie. aud
we can assure curfhilaficlpkia frieiuU tliat if (hey
wish to trade with place, riirv -will f. ml it
(heir advaittagcto t lie our curieury at jijc J'j.'U
vilk Lihpt'riuiiL.
Tfxis. A meeting was iltl 'the yung
men of litis .place, un Mondy om'ihic e.1 rliis
week, attbe TTowui llatl, to lae iiiM-ni.Vratiou
lhe pio,priety f romWing rke rnfsut itxpublic of
Texas aavitiunoel liur i)vmiio attrniled quite
dumerou-dy, Tind aotce jtloii or twenty of them
resolved to "bend their couise thitherward. They
are to nioet this evening to rompfele their jnuriM'.
Ifsaine twenty-five or thirty of oiu yivung M Ital
ians get fully into 1'rxas spirtt, tUe WeK Jin are
gone yrg for ever ! 5 f La a true hearted
and Vtiju jit net flfjtioj's inihU region of the globe.
Milton lAtlgrr.
As it, my nf our readers, perhaps have wet x
Sicily got theliang of the sulyeot matter in dispute
Iwtw.e n the belhgeient parties in luluxle Island, we
opy 'the following explanation aroinitlMi Haitfoid
A.'uuaut of Monday, which places the mailer in a
iclcar and intulligible tt : Phil. Gazette.
Kuoi k Isiakb. tiurreaders are lurl. ably aware
itbat within a year, Ihnre hwe boen two conven
rtions hi Id iu Khode Island, each for the purpose
uf framing a ne w icunstitution fur the Sine. One
convention was held accoiding to law, and he
fonsliiulion submitted ly them to the people has
been rejected by a majority of about COO voles.
The other convr iitiou waa held without warrant of
law, and as composed ofdelegtus chosen al par
ty meetings., l b constitution kubmi ted by the
illegal conveiili'Hl (called the bee suffrage conven
tion) to their constituent., has tuen apirovd by
llitui, and AlecWrd to be the paawuiijil law u! iu
land. The party are prep iring to hub) 1 lections
under it. determined, as tbey say to enforce il at
lhe point uf the bayonet, if nrcr-iaiy. 'l he consa-
quence is, that there it great excitement through
out the State. It has risen to sn alarming height
and each party, the old government and the suf
frage, are preparing to settle the puestion by f rce.
The U vemor has issued his proclamation, calbng
on the military commanders to call out the militia
ann hold them in readiness to act at a moment's
warning. On the other hand, (he suffiagc party
are organizing and arming ihemiilvea for the eon
Office of the BitTiNOBK America April IS.
FLOUR. There is but little demand for
Howard Street Flour, and prices are without change
We quote the store price of good standard lirands
at fft.C'Jj with limited sales, and the wagon price
at : M
The hurt sales of City Mills Flour were at $5
?.r, but holders to-day are rum at f6. Stork veiy
Sales of Susquehanna Flour to-day at 75.
GRAIX. Small lots of ptime Md. reds were
sold on Saturday at f 125. Sales ofMd. Corn to
day at 5(5 cts. for whi'e, and f7 cts. fur yellow.
Sales of Md. Oats to day at 40 a 41 cts. Sab s of
Virginia Oats on Saturday at ilS a 40 cts. for Vir.
ginia money. No Pennsylvania grain in market.
ITivitkr Statxs CiAf ettk, April 1H.
Since ourreview of the market Inst Saturday, (he
weather has heen such a 1o prevent nearly all out
door operations. Of the large eaaiber of arrivals
iUiin a few days, most of them have hocn unable
discharge ftom (his cause. On the return ef
clear weather, we hope to see some revival in busi
ness, as there is evidently an improved fccliug
growing up in the mercantile and tiading com
munity, with an increased confidence in n B ink
ing institutions, and of a consequence, a more easy
meuey market.
The market for Biieati Srrrrs is tnme firm,
and a slight improvement ha taken plsre. Flour,
whii-U cloned liwt week t f .'t 02 1 jier bbl, is now
generally hell! at fo 35, with aji arUre demand for
home consumpliou ; iJc export sicmanJ i v, ry
moderate, extra brands ?G Sales .SO hhds Brandy
nine &va Xual at f 14 About IIUIO bushels Pi n
113. and IlliitHis Wheat have Uien sojd J'roiu st.e
at 12'c jie.r bu !.. W e yuote Southern jcllo
Corn at Wc 4 whii do SI a 5oc; IVnna r.uod
yellow at 00 a tjlc. IVutia. Oats 4.) cts ; S iu hern
43c er bushel. 'I'liV rooeijils Ixith of Uruiu uid
Fdnir are very lii-lrt.
(jitrrckrou Bark is nominal at fit fir fist N 1.
WliiaLey unal'ab!e at 17c iu liluU aid IHciu
4'lover and Flaxsnei arc dcrll uf sale at 1a.t
week's jrkes.
Tnn WnAnRF.TB I'4Lts. Arlious ot law, en
nlties, impriHonrketrtc mid dingrarc have uA hitlinr
to Kuccoefied in preventing the endeavors of diie
putaide erHns to dncrivc the ulilic wilh misera
ble cnunterfeiis i'dist ftnpular and universally ap
proved tncriiiaiie, tAe tirtmririlh 1'iltt.
' SuHi has hi'i-nme the iinpudene of rt.ese Miirt r
; li-iters, that they VMty tbnir juiisoiis l';oiu hou-4- to
j hotKte, iNjg m!I (hen cndcavuiai to rub tlie jmi and
; neeiy.
j In order, llteri-fore, io the nediciiH in il
. purity, the pubUe will observe that ea-t'k tx ba
j throe of hi f.c h:Ic sustnres liiiiiMii one np-
on the lop (he iit, hh' uxi 1h.' M.le, and niu
' upc tiic totUin ofaid box each of which luul
: also cnrkesxirid with tV-" lab' Is on the iN'rtitjc.sti s
j of A-iicy IwlA 4h every duly authori-d Agent,
by which the)' will he fully imi.
I I a it 1 borne in niiixi, that H I'M s4d for
j IkandrelliV, without three um' mwrle Mguituie el I
hi (utile being ujhiu lhe box. maf lie 4'oust.ieretl
coiiiitefejt, and be very I'eful l ubs. ise ihal the j
signature biraitd.'Ctli" i nut X'H ui auy 0U11 r
letter lha.a IS.
l'ur4ioe in Smrburv, iff 11. It. M i-ker, and
the agou-ts lu'.dUlwd iu auoiher jartf fcLis jmor.
..i;uf i:u ,
On the 3d iost., by the Kev. K. A. F4-Ier,
Mr. Mahtjk Ot iHnoitr, to Mids isa Evkht,
both e( AtiRusta.
(in the Kih inst,1y the sanv, Mr. Vm u r
to Uit Si.kamcth S r. i n, lns;W f Sliaunikiii.
OuTuctduy the 12 lb inxt. U- the Kev. Jou J'.
Uud-oui, Ml n. L'i jjc -to Mum Vtiuiiui r
I'sTrwK, daughter of Mr. Joseph i'stl.!, l Ituxli
4u Borwick, on the (iih iiit ly the licv. M.
Pi'bioo, Mr. Aj lkk M. (iinin ih, one of thee,
odimrsof rho Beri(.k rt'eajym-l, to Mi.s Ani M
daughter uf Mr. Ihm O. Jlortoti, lp. f tins
In Philadilihia. -on the 1 nth inst., by the ftev.
Mr. Neville, 'i ter F., fonneily o Nor
ttiuiiilterlsnfl, to Sarah Jx l'oAi,ui Ikat -oily.
1 I i: l.
In this borouuh, on Tuesday morning last, i'l.l
'AUEI'H BI.OOM. daughter of Mi. John Bloom
of this I lac, aged J 4 ye irs, (i inoulhs and 20 d iys.
J lu Northuiuluvl md, on Monday the 1 1 th inst.;
after a painful ami lingering illness, Mrs. Na x,
I ceiworl vl das. DiotVenbat bur, agej M years, 10
. .luiiuths and IH daya.
lf. Iuii( an'w i:H-luruitl Jtc
incUy. ('cuuiisiijUiuJi ran CitriJ .'
Bowers, wa. fur a length of tiuie altlictod
witti a "Pulnuarn 'unirfnint?' which defied the
united skill ui seriil einnienl physicians, (she
heariug of the "Expi rtoranl Remedy," wat induced
to give it a trial. Her symptoms wire iboe of
Phthises Pnluionaks, 01 Pulmonary Consuiiitwn,
viz: a dry hacking cough, pain iu the breast and
side, impaired appetite and great thus! , fcncUc fever
and night sweats, wwh much debility aud weak
nesss. She ic happy ill sying that using
three bottles of the Kipui'toiaiil Remedy, L be
gan lo bav holies of a iiecdv recovery ; In r
irengifc gradually uicreased until sua hail
three hollies more, when khe fell entirely restored
it now beujg eight month, mace, and no i-yuipUiuis
uf the Complaint apring.
Ph lade lh is O like No. IU N'tth EigUJi street,
wheie the above inedieiiie c ill siways Is- "Uaitied
Price ft per bottle. AU. a( ihe si.e of
April 23d, Ihil. .4".;i
Corrected weikly by Iniry Yiixlkiimer.
HKAT, ....
(7nar, -Oats,
Bkkswa, -
lllllRII AfPI-KS, -
Do. Paacrks,
IIki'klkd Flax,
"7"OII are required to mee( BBt
H parade in aiket-Mpiare, Sun.
bury, at I o'clock 1'. M. of Mon
ljy, the
iiil ihy of May ncv.!.,
in Winter unifoim, each MciiiImt
to lie provided with 10 rounds of
blank caitrfclge.
By order of Caiitain Dew ail,
Orderly St'rg't.
April 53d, 112.
Dissolution of Iarli(crslil.
f I11IE parinerMlnp Iveret fiire existing tielweun tlie
J subscribers was dissolved by mutu it coiihcnt,
on the Hist of March Jast. The partnership l-oolis,
and other evidences of debt duo the psrtuers, are
4iced in the hands of Chiislisu Bower, . ol
Suubury, for collection, who alone s authoricd to
receive payment. 'I'he paiinershfi commenced
ou (Iu; Jay of Aprd. 1N40.
April Iti h. 12.
rUE snhserilH-i intorms the public and his for
Jl. niir ruslomers, that although Mr. II. Dawson
has withiliawn himself frota his store., he thll con
tinues hi business as heretofore, and will endeavor
to cive Kalisfat-tiun to thope who will give him their
ens oin. He is thankful to lite public foi the large
Ahaie of patiouage extended to him for the last twru
ty years. H E N U Y YO -V I'll E i M C R.
Smii-urv. April tCth, IK42.
.V". 2:17, .Vnrf Third, iilmvr Ctitlowhill St.,
11 E sub-cribers lakes pleasure ill aciiii iiiiting
tlieir friends and Hie public iu general, that
tbey have liikeudw laKe and commodiuiM Hotel,
recently IsiiltUy tlie Messrs. Hart, 011 (he same site
once occupied iw the old establislMid Hotel known
as the ISulTs Head, in Third stieeX above CjIIow.
hill st.
This HiKel is finished in the very V'st jiosmble
mainiKr, and of the best iiinUf ills, lis locution is
vory deaiirable, pariicularlv for country inirhaiits ;
the arnuigrtiicnis for heating and ventilating raeli
room ia such as to secure any temperature. The
bidrooinsare all liubt and wry, all turiiistied ilia
lie jt style, so as to intuie comfort.
Tlie receiving parlors are aUo fuiiiislved in a su
wrb style, the windows are on the French stvle,
bowiiig an eutiaiice i a balcony in front, win. h
m.Jtes a plea-ai.t ro-ss. i'urls utur atteriiioo has
been piven to the beds au.l bedding, which, wkh
1 lie furniture, are entirely new. J
r roni yea's exH-rience in h.itel businre, we 1
lrut, by stiiet assiluiiy to business, to uiuke U11
house a ilr-iiable sliipin place. Our t idle will
alwivs be Mjf plied with tlie very li tl our market
e.iu all'tfil, s.ud nut bar wi ll the Ih'sI liquors and
iin'.vl (lie un.t ,ipJ.i'rt brands.
P. S, 'I'brie me Cr.t rte (.tabling and carri-j;e
hou-e. irtt u-lied to the Itotel, iitieiided by cail'iill
ami ber bn -il'r, and ii charges will be low, in
acx-ofslnuiw 4ib iite present haul limes.
I'hilsdephia. Ail 40, (H42.
FI1IIE Htrbhcrila-r, resitlniR in llie Three Stmy
I Buck Kouse 1" Win. Mi-.irty, iu Water slid I,
ha opened a puhhc house, ou
rv.ysPKuawK I'Hixcipi.r.s,
and is im pared to ttccotnmndiite boarders and Irt
Kunlniry, AuM6lh, 112.
Q-jr The Harrisburg Inti lligenrer wiM pt atc cWe
Ihe above three insertions, and forward (heir bill.
TlllE auh-srrilH'i fe-pectfully iuloiws (be. public
that lu hits purchased, ud now ocoupu's lhe
Lore, fiViVA ill it k
and nriiA
j Well ku own as (he firiqierty, hite -vi Theodore
I Wells, and formerly kept hy Samuel A. Biady.
He is now piepared to accommodate all ti.tvt-IIcrs
and visileis who may favsr lion with a esll, and
will use cvn-ty etTirt in his ower lo rcnoVr ewry
I coovenience and co nlort (a his cusloiiers, while
under his charge. His acconuno laiiotis are aiupb,
aud Ids looms well tiiriohtid. His Htables exten
sive and iu good condition.
His Tale and Bar will be supplied with the
lest thsl the market can afford, tty punctiiatity
aud tlteiiUon, fie fivls confident that tie will menl
tlie 1 atioriagr of the public.
Cattawissa, April ih, 1812.
S?l:-4 4'ir iil;iliii Jalirary,
1IIE Lihr.oy is publislstd on a darnble ro al
sheil, sixtien pages quarto each, ouricw type,
and printed in the best style id bowk work. I'he
weilly Journal of Belles Leltiva will be printed as
formerly am the cover.
Price Fivi IUillahs a year, rf paid at, or re
mitted to, the office. Sic dollars if collected K an
agent uf ihe oHioe,
Subscriptions coiumeiu-e with January , and no
'subscriptions taken lor less llun a year. Led, rs
must he all inM-laid. Posloiafilr-rs are al owed bv
I ,w u fur w .ul Mib: intions free. As innLitr Las
Uien a vory heavy iti oi of expense, we u't'-utly re
quest s'jhsc i!n is' at enlion to this.
Prtniiuhi As llie e swi mine ell a copies lr
iH jti, t:t7. Im'i. and lH3(, two of lhee years'
laUary ai d the 11. w ye.r are off. red for Tru Hol
lars. Al ibe same rale lu old sribtcriht rs, w ho wish
lo co ri I te s s.
rjj' Subscrtptiona received al thisofhea.
kh ski .'h (ik foupjcn ijteratibc.
II.Trr.nn of llavid llumi'j Debates of the un
J rcuirted House of Commons; E. O. Wtikc
In Ill's Means if National Ernigration; Letters and
Journal ol lioliert Baillie. ( 1637-1002;) My Life
mi 'Piiiiftsi. Iitr rV iiiiriitft 1tiirrnu A i'a-lil 1 il if ihn
Cvpsies of Kpaiir, Sir Edward Si,Rlen; I) oiiel !
O tofinell; 'l he EaMj Mnrpe's Etiracis f.nm I'a-
rish heuisters; Tiie Stei.pes of Southern Rus-ia. !
No. 2: .lack liiulori. the Onanisms,.. Chim. 'i to !: !
Kohl's Ski ll lies of S. Pelersbu'g; I.elei's (ilory
ainl Sliame uf England; Felon l.iier ltun ; ( Consi
der uions uhmi England; The lrulb Blow.
SeirMer sun A iit Report on M. Isnanl's New
Musical lii-liuineiit; Musical Festivals; New Ills.
rovi ry in Piloting; Thorwabl-en; liiiirnveineiit i i
rinitiitfiiiphi ; Brandy fioin W'h.irtlels trie-; I'na.
tic Blocks.
Oiitutiry, Poetry, and HiercHitny,
(ft- The MI;m;DM ia -old by M-i, t.'arv II A'
Co., I t)M Bioxlwav, New Yoik, and by !' Book
elleis throoehoiit lhe I . 'lilted SlaUvs.
Piiu k. Six Dollars a year, in tidi'.nw Seven
ainl n half, if not.
Pintlire, Six JiciIh, under 100 inih's, 'J rl.;
over lllll miles, l.'i cts.
As S.x Dollars is not a ronvi iiient remi( niu-e,
ill lant Mibscnbcrs will please set l f.'i 111 part; on
recei,( of winch tlie work will lc m-iiI. caretnlly
Wiapped up, la any Post (Mice in the I'niied Sin ea
or liruih Americi. E. I I I'l KI.I, At CO..
2711 ChtMiut turret, I'hiUitjdiin.
To those u ltnwixh to take the brni tit of thr
,;. AI.'STIN, Attorney st Law, Purse
I urn, oilers hi ser ices. Otlice in B Hike's
buibliniT, 4th llweeu Wood mill Market utieeis.
I lidersiiiudiug (hat many per-oi.s who ale desi
rous of a dischaige under this law, are riot aware
of its nature, it w 41M be well peibaps to uccompa
ny ibis (i iee wnh a lew winds of rxplatiatiori.
Applicants living iu Norlliuriilierland .county, can
pi'ii i 11 in rnii-ljurg. to bis Honor, Thomas Irwin,
Judge of lhe i'. S. District Conn, who s Is for the
purpose of receiving petitions every day f'oii 10 nil
o'clock. Tlx siioii must contain a nchedule ol
his piO'i(y and a lot if hi- creditors, tbeii place ol
residence, and the amount due to each so f r bs pe
titioner can ascertain. Any person can be dischar
ged, w ithout regard to the amount i t hi debts. The
Ciwts ot nil application (exclusive uf tlie altonuj's
tee) will lie about 12.
From the time ihe application is filed (ho uppli- i
cant cannot be anested, nor bis pnqu-ity levird on ,
unless incase ol a I. in.
Applicants need ixit Imi pre-ent at any lime, as
Ihe aitoine can attend to every thinR necess.ny.
J'ersons ibing to appl .ire requested to write to
me, hii.1 i will send them an npproaid form of pe
tition, which (t is "lily necessary ( till lip and
swrir to tiefure (he Commissi.. in t for (hit county,
it if not near the county e it, a ru igisiale, and
send it to ine, and I will, when lie is diiehargcd,
send liiw xiliu. ale. UK E. A I SI1.V.
Pittsburg, Apiil 2d, 1812. St.
VV'M. I. AI'STIN, I'sil., will givehis a'teiilion
to all my uiitiuMicd business; and 1 recoiinueud hlin
to the patronage ul uiv friends.
f IIIE suli-crrbrrs are prepared to furnish farimrs
.1 arid otliers wrth any juantKv of Lime of a very
superior quality f land, or p'nitering, at the fol
lowing very reduced priMs, vi?. : 8 els. per bushel
for 1 ami Lime; 10 cts. for the best quality of pl.iis
tering Lime, at Ibe k bis, beb,w the !x trough of Sun
burv. Thev will alsod'-lrver, at ativ irlaen within llie
borough of SunbiKV. fime foi Uud, at lOcenr '
Iniihi I, and Lime for p'aist. riiig al 12 rnta prr '
lUshel. 'I'he subset iVurs kiveulwaya on hand, a I
large ipi uitiry of l.itue. Its quality is g od, and -their
buieatoJio is not euulli d by liny 111 the u l(;li-
borlMind 1
Augusta. April 2d.
MPT. W.M. II. kAM;, of Rush
-' township, Northumberland coorriv.
olleis hiuiself as a I'aiuildale for 1k' it lire
ol Brigade Inspector, U the enduing elec
lion, lo be held iu Jitue iu'VI. Her. S eel
lully soliciiii llw soi)..rt ot' lia fellow ci
li.i us, and UUsis thai his long ex per n in e
in iijihiary Aiialtirs, will enable tiiin to
discbsrue the du'les ol a id wllke uilh
entire -a isla. li.wi I.) the jieople.
March t Wirt, tisfi.
rlIIE tune is ra'idly approaching when the llri
a- gadi', composed ul ibe counties uf Ni.rthuuiber
land, f iiiki and ('ohllubi i. Will be called upill lo
ele. t a siulable iiemon lo till lhc ullicc of Bugade
of Lewislsirg, t :imin county, oilers hini-clf as a
eaiididaletr 'id iriVicr. As the 4'oloiK'Hiss h id'ialik' epriA'iH' in ii'ili'ary i.ll.iiis, he feels
jM isiiade.l that In' is fully cornpeU'iit lo ili-ebare
lU'dota-tiol : iheolliiv. April?. If IS.
VS as 1 1 tVcii'-ii w ill 1 ke pi u e 111 June next, for
(he puipoae ot electing a tsig tde4iiaperur,
01, DANIEL fol.l.MEU
Cikiii ofii'is liinr-erl' to his fellow en ' lis as a can
didate fur -that ivfl'ire. and triibts, as be has thus far
ills: haigi'J Im dutns .alii otliiV with s itrst 11 U.ill
10 tl.e coinmuuitv, be may a tbeui for a coot nu
ance tit then l.ivor. March Sdth,
A AATl ICAfa IClIi:ilY,
Suitrd to ittr ronstttutiitiis, and lit to
1 art- ot iff 1 1 euriildf diseasi , trill lr Jou ad in
WlilliHrs IM)1 lEI?ETiBLE 1'ILLS.
Ot 1 lit: Nun 1 11 Ami:kb an Cut.t.KGk or lit: 1 11 11.
)HEE exlraordinary pills a'e coitipostd f
plants which grow t-poiiJanrouly 011 ur ow 11
soil ami are thesdore bctk'r adapted (o s'Ur c.iisM
lutioiis than luedlcioCk J'oiicia n I fnHi fonign li u's
however we'.liln v 111 iv be c iuKvuudeil ; .md as
the LM1. V EA E TABLE 1'JI.I.H a,e
upon ihe principle lh .t the human hedy is iu tru'h
nulijr-ct tu Lut une dimtiw, 112 : coirupt hiiucas.
an I 1 1 1 1 1 said medicine cures id ili-e.,se mi rtitu
ral jiriiicijlrt hy cb.atiiimr Uhd iifii'!f lv3
budi , It will be niin (' ll.atjl the eor siiiuii in
be not euiiiily ixbau ted s t-i u one 111 (In u
use, siC 'iJinR lo d is'cii 'ii, is 1. lis,. tut. Iv ei rt 1 ji to
di ive disea-e of eterv luwj llie tiodr. W.c
irf.rin I'tgrtuldr i'Jix -wiit be Vtinil one of Ihe
la st, if nut lhe Kny I est ui' ilicuie in ibe world I it
car rvmg tul this grand I'WiftiiiiJ '".icj., be-
I c.tuse they expel Iroui ibe hotly ,d in 101J and col
rupl buinnrs t Uk t Ai i o iuj asc) lu ai y easay
and mih hil innliiier ; and w lute lIx'V every day
give4iie und fihawre, d t,e.ue ul evry tiamu is
I i.ipnl y driven tiom lb'
I The a!'oe n.uui il liuli 01 'ea-lu! le Pills hle
I heco ilina.' years Imfore the Ameucau pi.l I c ; ami
j we can now say without tear of coulra oclion, that
I id ad the various uiednines which bate loreiiJ j.'
bet 11 popular not one has given such a (u i hi:uji a. '
hold the all. ctrons i,t the peie .Vol only
do all who use 11 invariably e'ru'iicj) u-lief, am!
reeotniiK'inl it in lla t.oiige.l tvrms, but it ha
1 (I'ecied seine olthe imitl si.aju.lung uie. ivir
per for III. d by 1111 ilu iiiA'. For sale bv
IL B. M fcERSurd urv.
Ajd 2d, lft2.
GrnprHl CninmiMloii ,11? r linnH,
Fur the Sate uf flour, Grain, Seed. tc, Ac.
EM'Etrn'l I.I.Y inform their friends and
I ) he Merchnnis Keiierallv, that tbey have ta-
1 eo.nin.Hti.iiii. liarv. s, Mh two
,,'KkH' "" '"' " I'hrsnut Hr-,1, on (be 1 lawire.
"t'ell'r itli the store No. 19 S..utli W h-irves.
w l"""' m-v woni.f 1. plea nt 1., ree. ive consign.
men!'. . f Cram, I'loni. Se d. hi-kev, Iron, A e.
Ac. l'einc aU.i well pripiied to f.irw.ird all kind
ol Merchandis e hv lhe Si ho 'kill Old I liliin, or by
the (?hp-api ake mid Tide Water Canals, ss low
bn.its ale kept 1 ipiisrly foi the purpiwe of lowing
boats by ei bei unite.
Verebanls wib pie ,s' lie p iriii'iilar to send their
IT od destined by eilluT canal-, l No. Ill South
Wli .ne, In tin en M ok' I and (.'h'suul sine's, on
Ibe Delaware, w nil directions iccooip ny iug them
winch route ihey wish ibeui to be hhippe I.
q3' I'lasln 101J Null Jor sale, at th lowest niar
ke( price. Bt'l. l'O.X & C .
March lit. IS42. No. IS -S oib Wharves,
lien j' 4 mi f h:iiii;iii' r.sUttc.
Nlll'lt'Eis l.erehv givn, thai the Register if
Noilhioiiheil nut county li s gaoled letters
livl.uoetil ny upon the eslaln ol M rcy Ann Cbnp
III 111 late of the li 11 oh ol Norihlliuherlaud. dec'il..
I 1 (he Hiihsi riher, te idiug in said BoroUL;b. All
peisous havuie any demands sgains( said estate,
ate irijuesled to present them, and (hose indebted
to make paymei 1 to iliesubscriUr.
Ma ch.liri.tiw. JOSIAH CHAIIMAN
ii4iu;it i' i'4ii ri:it & so,
i.iitnbarit .Street, Itatttmnre,
HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of all
si7Ps and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rub d
and plain, letter Paper, white and blue, ruled and
plain. Hanging Paper, fine and common, Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, douhW; ciowu, crown arid
extra siied Wrapping l'aj. rs, t'olmed Medium and
Royal l'nieis, Bonnet, Binders' and Snaw Box
Boards, Tissue Paper, and all nit cbs iu their line,
which they will sell oil arci'iuinoduiiug tcruis.
II glict price given ft old rags.
Mo-ch 19. 1842. E kton. Md
iti:,i i.iix iii:mhickn,
TTEREllY gives notice to all who ure uidrbted
- to him, lo tall and settle their accounts, on or
Uf ne the first day of May next, nfer which time,
those which an; not settled will be pl.cerl in (he
hands id a in iRislrate fur C"lh tj,,n. lie will i.t-
tend ill ier-iiU until the first i f April next.
SunblMV, Mar.ii jHth, ISI2.
AVER'S 'iTrrfKL,
Santntry, .VorthuiitlirrlmHl Cumity
IViiiiii Itttiiiu.
f1HE siib criber, respicifullv informs the public
1 (li'Ml lu' has removed to that large mid commo
dious Tavern (Stand, at ibe corner ot Market and
Fawn slri-ets, sign of tlie Buck ) formerly occu-
pnd bv Jonas 1 aver, and lately ly Danul (nt
son, win re he is iiuw repared 10 ac-ommotlate all
who may faiur bun with a call. By strict atten
tion Ui I usiiuws, and his utmo-i endeavor to render
satisfaction to all.he hopes to rece ve a liberal share
ol public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
Siinbinv. Match 12th, 18-13.
Niiiiliur.v. oi'(IiiiiiiImi-Iuh1 f'Hiiity,
r(IlE suhserihor respectfully inturms the aihltc,
lb at he has lenioveilto ibitt large and cumiiio
dioiia Brn k House, on Market squiwe, opposite the
Couit H 'U- (formiMlv kepi bv Hiram Price,)
lu'ie In l '" pieiiai
ed to nee
urtaie all win
lltiV favor
"! f.,V.l!'
!-. ' i -' t'
Soni.ii v. t. i' ' 1 -
iiulcnuU DnistKiftlM,
A E colittfiiUy UJi hend a general assisrt-
inen( of
. as. Mt:i)tciM:s. paists, oit.s,
J .li.Vv. U (' tl LASS,
itri: sn i rs, .sr., Ac,
which ihey oil. r lor sale on (he most hlu rd turns,
and at prices as Liw as (hi se of I'bila.lel'liia and
Paitu ulai atleulirni will be given to lhe quali
ties of sAich aite bs as are sa le, led or ManuJ .ctuied
lor s!e, us arlso (o pa. king tin ni for Ir nnqiurt ilion.
Havre dc-tirace, M Kch ftih, 1S4?. dm.
fltllF. New (Juarto Volume of the "NEW
1. WttRI.D" aikiiowledged on all hands to he
the lininU .inest. clieutiet, uud Hiont popular ami
cnti'-rl lining periodical in the world loinir.ericing
January 1st, it 12. will contain, hiinulianeoos nub
iti piiblicati 111 in Englan I. the ( Jraiid New Mililnry
Nocl, by lhe audio. of "Chalks t)'Malley," t nu
lUd fXj- ! I l( MDS,''
I'uinuieiieing with lhe story of "Jack Huitou. (he
I. lie (iiianlsuiaii ."
.o commend nion f this new wuek wrll l' M'
cess try w tin have read tin1 deligbtluj Novel
ol Charles O'Msltey.'
Al.-o, a tiew Novel by MissC. M. Sedgwiek, al
ii a. ty commenced, which dots g-eat ciedil lo that
distinguished Authoress. ,
Many Oiiyina! Tides of grca( interest, among
which we nisy mention, anabeaily in baud, "Mjry
Tcd-r, a Tale of the Passions," by Edmund Fl -gg.
Esq . uulbor iT (lie -Far West,' - i 'lit' Duchcs ul
I'enaiH.' -Beatrue,' Ac, a work of Jeeii ibid (liril
hug iirteie-J; " Abel Par-ons." a Tale of the great
3r'ne ui .New Yolk in DeceinU'r. isa5, ribotllldillg
111 .powerfully wrought pjisifes; "Tlie Blacksmith
d Auloeip," I v a pupjilar oiiginal cuil-ihutor,
I so, a in s of su.uiti Fng'aMiigs 1.11 oixl, by
lie I esi aM i.i 111 1'naUiid aid Am-ina, w ill clu
1 1 llidi llw 1 omii g v.iU;ii,e.
j ll (ln-i-e Now tu . sn I a multitude nf o
ih.i.. tor 1K11' I tnn t ll..ii ius, rurr, nl money,
lelllltted Ijii'i-I poslaue 111 lhe I sU d book tonu
IIm v wikiIiI e.isl ti n 1'iui s that aii oonr.
Can be bad l-y all ik'W suhscnU is who wrsh ibis
p.. pnlai wmk, Ky xiiUr ii4 tt-'' sAilciipiions lo
1 nice w.lli ihe 3d Aosioi Voluiiie, July 3.1,
Ixilt. For liut-4' dolltr ' -"lcli( 1 II niered
Bank III the 1 .11 ted Mates or I "a .Is, free of pos
lage, llw New Wnil.l will be s i.l one veal, from
lhe couuneiiceinenl ol Cbaaii s ( Mailey ,' includuig
ihe 1st vuliime giati-. pnbl i-bed 11 e-xna injnsb. Is.
AJdre.-s J. 1NCHJ I LU. Pubbshir,
:iG Aiui sUia, Ni w York
I Ti:i.ij;r.4
CONt E.N I RA I ED R.coid .1 Mc.Uca
euce ami Ltleraluie, hv I'olrlev Dongbsoii,
MD, Pruletsor of the liisli-utes uf Medicine, 1 Ic,
III Ji lli Mi'dicul CoUr'ge ol Pluladd plua, pub-h-bed
liiondilv liy Adiili W idn N .. ti t'aipen
li r strut. I'loLdi 'j hi 1. hi it-crip 1 '- ' a
ar. fii.bscrii.lioiis for lh a'aive woik i r r lit
toe Mih.-c ,wr
1 f s ssl'l!
Dec. lllh, Utl.
Businesa bltended lo in the Counties of Nor
thuml vrlaud, Union. Lycoming and Columbia.
Hrfrr toi
Thou ts II a iit rV Co., n
I.nwtu V BaBnoa,
Hart, CtMiiifi cV Haiit, V.'u'lutt.
Rxf Noioa, McFalsii Al Co.
Ki-fhi vo, rjnu fV Co.,
'Ollllfl'l't'lt('-N IH'Ulll IIIOTV.
rlhe puhlic will please observe that no Bratulreili
- Pills arc genuine, unless the box bas three la.
dels upon it, (the lop, Ihe side and the bottom)
each containing a f ic- simile signature of my hand
writing, thus B. B a an nax rii, M. D.- These In.
bels aie engraved on steiH, beautifully designed,
and done at anexpenw of over f 2,000. Tin refo it
It will Is seen that the only thing nrcessary to pr .
cure ihe medicine in its purity, is to obstne these
iveiTieinber the top, Ihe side, and the bottom,
The following respective persons are duly auhno
zed, and hold
For tlie sale of lirandrrth's Vegetable I'nircrstil
Pills. "
Narlliitinboilai d county: Millon-T-M.ukey f.
Ch rwlieiliu. Suubury II. B. Masner. M'Ewens.
vilU Ireland A. Mem II. Norlhiimlieiland Win,
Forsyth, (jeorgetown F. Midlmiier sV Co.
Cuion Cuitity: New Beilm John Hoilinan,
Selinsgrove Ever and Schnure. Middleburg
Isaac. Hiniih. Beaverlawn J. k. F. Bingunui",
Ad mi-burg IJ. A. A. Suitlh. Mitiliu.-burg
Swope Ac l.aird. llailleton Daniel Lung. 1 r
burg (. & F. C. Mover. Ccntievilljc-tuili y
et l.enhart. la-wishing Wails &. (Jreen,
Columbia county : Danville E. B, iiVytiolda
& t'o. Berwick Shuman A R.I ten house. Cnt
tawissa sC, A. rV. t', C BioUs. Bi.ionivbajrg-.-Juhii
IL Mover, Jeisey Town Levi Uuiel. W
sliinnton -liobt. ildL'ay. LiiiK'ntuuc rp, J,
Observe that each Agent lias aa I'ngraiid Ci r
tif,cate of Agency, enntaining a repres-ntjiioii of
Dr BRANDRETH'S Manufaciory at Sirm Kinf,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies ui
Ibe if iu 'ubcit ru w used Ufxm the UranJrtth J'itt
Phdidelphia, tiffsre No. 8, North 6th slrrt.
i mu'irv 1st, 1842.
FC?t J3i-LE.
jktOR sale a small Farm, containing about mi
2.' bundled and ten 11.' res, more or te , Hinain
111 J'oinl township, Norihuuil erland cntuitt, alu ut
two ioiles above Noilloiuilwrt md, on llw niton
road baduig Coin that place to lianville, adjoining
lands ol John l.eghoti, Jesse (.'. Homai and other-,
now in the occupancy of famm 1 Payne. About
forty acres of said 4rot are clean d, and hi good
state ol cultivation, o which there is a Kiiail bnnt
erecti d. The property w ill be sold on rmsonal lu
terms. For further particulars, pcituMis wer.'.quesU
ei to ayiy to the ful fciilnr.
II. B. MASSi'R, Ant.
Nov. 27th, 1841. f Siinbuiv. Pa.
VN article unequalled lo cU'aning and g.vmg a
higiily doralvio od most hrillianl pi4ish to srl.
ver. tierninn Silver, Brass, Copper, Biithuiia .ware,
Tm.tSleel, Cutlery, and for restoring the lustre on
varnished carriage-, Ac. Til if JT.
Prepared ainl si.ld at wholesale and retail, ly tha
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Jitego,
Tioga county, N. V.
Wl". FORSYTH, Agent lor Nortbuin'd,
M. B. MANSER. Agent Ur Suidmiy.
r: Slit" It-ll.
l)T S
r In low i 11 1
r." J .' stn
Tllf.Rh tl;ev ronsl'ilitlv
k- eo on hand a iarga
nssiiiiine.nt of China,
tilass and Livefpoi(
Ware, which tliey will dispose of iv llieiuost icu
Philadelphia, Nownrir Id, 14I. ly,
Jut ol I'l isilllllll A Sojl.
1y ESPBCTFL'LLY informs thoir fricinls aii
a- acquaintances generally that lin y i-tid con.
Imue to keep al llw old Marid, No. Siti N 01 ih HJ
street, 1'wla.MplHa, all kinds of
Which Ihey w!l sell ou the 1101 iu ixjiui.sjkiii't.
and b-asonal le terms.
N. B. All anods sold will Lu guaranteed, uijd ill
orders xoniitly atlciidi d Kt.
Philadelphia, November 18, I84M -ly.
Nu. 74 CaUowhili iStrcct, litibck'lpliia,
(Three doors above Second. J
S1UIR Findings always kept osi liajid, wbufi h
ifi rs for sule on the lowest teems. Counttv
Merch nils a.-c p.nlicultiily to cjiJI ajid judj' f.
Philadelphia. Nove,utnv U, UIL iy
" i .OW I'.iT k f A U HO."
Importers and IK-alors iti Jt cign :wi4
lKirve.tic I litnhvato,
No. 171 N'oiiTu TuiR Srat.t.r, I'uiLASiriA'uiA.
1 Til fcRE llietr fr lends and uoAucra will always
' Cud a large and gent al a-sorliuut of Foreign
and Dotuestic Hatdwaie, nWli they will nil ai Out
lowest prices.
Philedelphia. November 13, lll. Iv.
H K V NrOLl)S,"Tlc F A K 1 . A.lT Hl
Wliolusale Dcalfrs m Fmo'vn litili-ii
ttiul Aiiwt ivan i iy jUawkIs.
iVi. 105 ihrkH areft, PliiUidcjihia.
COIN TRY Merchants, and others rsn he sup
plied t utl times wtih an extensive asoit.
mi nt of the la st and nu st faahionalle Uoojs aijuma
lhe most (easotitthlc terms.
PUiladelpliia, Nivveisl,er 13, 1X11. ly.
5Iicliacl IVt ait r V
A'o. 13 North W'utir Strcst.Phiiadij'iia.
n AVE const ant ly on hand, a gerierd assort,
iiient of Cordace, Heine Twines, Ac, viz
1 ai'd hopes. Fishing L'tqies, While Ropes, Mani
la l!oa, Tow Lines for Canal Boats.
courlote assoitinent of Si iue Twines, Ac, such
llenip Nhud and Ht-rcrig Tw,ue, lU-.t Patent tii!
Net 'i'wiiie, lutou Miad and Hi rriog Tw ice, Mum, Ac. Ac. Abo, Bed l.'oids, Plough lane ,
Halters, i'racis, Cisuou arid l.uun Carpel ( ham-,
Ar. nil of ulhiih (lu-.y will dispose of on 1 aojju.bLs
tei ins.
Plobidelptiia. Nisviber I H, 1 K4 I . 1 y .
No. lt'.ti l-5f Maikti St(cl, rijitj,
(tit lino Fifth South aide )
Jk LVVAYS keip on bind a lull ua.d gene, at a,
- rlmei r ,,(' f. , rv, I. ace, and Fancy tjondf
I'lmiilri ' -..'its are lespeclludy request id l
fcne iln ui s cil slid evaiiuue f ir ihcui-eiw s.
tXddljihia, Noxcuncr 13, 1S1L ly.