It A ML JfOTE LIST. The f lining list shows the curr nl value of all V" Udiiin Hul k Not.. The tmt implicit re lume :my In" placed utioii it, as it i-every wtk n- f i 'v c iinj 11? 1 with ul J correced fiom I'i k in .!' ii- n.ric-. ira'iUq fn l'DHailt U lti.. Pise : Location. ,, I Ul Ml) NOTES A T 1' A H. i i t. ot .n'ltii !iieiica" i 1 : i k nf tho Northern Liberties I'M.k of I tfinsilv&iiin , 1.'i.i!j i.l lYrii iiphii . Rtr.k .1' Pcnn'ii. . VirT' tm' Aii.i M.c'iauics' Bank lirnr.i Uani, , , Kensington Bank . M.n u.nrtiirrrs' (j Mechanics' Batik MiclunicV Hank . pur pnr failed 40 pill par 60 par 40 M riiiicttping 13 ink I'I niid.lphi Hank S,hulki!l Bank Hi.uiliwu.ik IJnnk Western Bunk . Country 'M par par pur par Ilillllitt. 1 ' i ; i f l 1 1 i fr Westchester Che.t.r (irrmuntown Lewistow n Middletnwn Norristown Northumberland Reading Mm k nt ntlsburg Hank nf Chester County i -f Delaware County 1! ink of luink il I.cvvistowii Hunk nf M idilletrtwn Bank nl" Montgomery Co. H.'tik f Northumberland Berks ('.unity Hank ' 'uliimhia 1J mk A; Bridge co. Oarlt-le Hank D.iylistmvn Hank Kas'on Hai.'k Exelungc Hunk Do il.J brunch of Fanners' Batik of Uucks co Farmers' Huik of Lanciistci Faini. is Bunk of liiading 1 1 urr Utm r j; Hank Iiiiiciik ir Bank Lelmnnn H mk Metchetit' ife Mutiuf Hank Miners Hai k oN'oihivillt !i. tili.n"f -en Bank Vl B'ai d. l.dl.k W ,at 1J -nk W'yeming Bank OnVc ofBank ul Pci.ii'a. ;5;co do do ( I (lice do do Ollire tli) dn pir par par pHr 50 10 par 10 Columbia Carlisle Doy hvtown Fusion Pittshuig Htilhdaysburg Bri-lol f 10 par par fi 5 pir 5 a 8 10 10 a If) 6 10 & par failed Laiicustcl Heading Harrishuig Lancaster Lebanon Pitlshuig I'otiHville Allcntowti Towandj, Williainsport Wtikesbarro 50 10 Huiiissuig" These Lancaster ( offices Heading f do not Eastuii J issue n. N O T E 8 A T DISCO UN T. Bunk of the United State I'liiUU Ipluu GuTO I'ltlnliutj Erie Mew llrihton ilo do Ollice of Hank of U. S. Do do do li do do Kensui-inti Sav. Inn. A I'cnn Township Sav. Ins. Hank ot Chamhcrkburg ul Gettysburg ti mik of Su.quehunna Co. 1 tie Hank Pannei.' Sc. Diovers' Hank lVank'iu Uiiiik H.ilKtJnlc lJnk Moi.riiijHlirls Batik of B. ork liai.k Chsmbcrs-burg lit-tiy-kt urg M onti ose Kiiu Wnyntkburg Waahingtua Honefcdala Brownsville Yo.k .. U. The notes of those lunks on nl.ich e omit quotations, and substitute a dah ( ) arc not purchased by the PliilndilpLia broker, wiih tho t xcctiKit ul thuso which have a letter of n i'miicr. H li OKE.N DANK S. rt.;!aiV pli.a isav. Ins. 1'hilaJihia i "1 . it;i(Ji'?i-ti Loin Co. do cctni . ik'l! Sav. Tna. do failed fui'.i d filled Mit J fin rale c'is. d i nil .. M inuj! Lul'or Bank (T. V Dyiitt. prop.) Alirjjt iny L'jnk of iV. bttiloiJ I) . ili.-acr Heaver il r r i I ur? Wui! i'.-toii Hell f Paul Huikiiut Kayttie v i iieen, a. '. c J I. II II. cil, iuiltili)(..i II J.CK'ic'.Ort 11 Waricn Diilnhttr New Hope Allium Mi udtiltc i'oit I 'ul l.Oll Curlilo Moiilioee I'niontowu I-.. i Ci : r?.- a. iii a V ij 1:1 I" i r Hunk Hank, Hank -....I-;. !-: ta:.k l-!J:!i! 1 1 :..e.i's ii.nU Nir'l -rii h'ui.k ol i'ti, Nfw IIl .p V '.. b..iiKC Co. iN.mhuii.i '.i Vi.i n Col. l!k. r..:th V.'ivt. rn Bank of 14. . f 8, lu,!k:!l Hank 1'n. Ait. cV Mnnuf. Hunk S.iW'i I.nke Hai.k I nil hi Hui.k uf i'ciiii'j. W itun'ii laud Lank Vilkmbaire Uiide Co, l.Of.ll. (Ulll ii lio tale , doted r.o hale clow ci f.iil.d fatlid closed filled ili t liSl.Uljt cloned Wilki sbdrre no sale All notes puipoiting to be on any IVnnsyl vauia Bank nut given in the above ha, limy bo nt down as liauila. xkh ji:rsi:y. H.itik ! Jvrtv Hiuntwick Hrunswiik fail d lMvideie Uank I'.eKideie I .r HuiliiiRlon Co. Batik Medlord t'ommtictal Hank Perth Ambny t'uiul i rl.n.d Hat.k Hriilgelon I'ui tin ib' Hunk Mount Holly Falun is' and Mechanics' Hk Kahwuy jut in r-.' and Mi chanics' Hk N. HimiHwiik 1 put I failed a Fanners' and Mechanics' Hk MidJletuwn Pi, Fiaiikiin Hank o! .N. J. Jertey City fad. d la, I. d lulled laded faihd par pur 10 k.llo 1 Hobokeii Bkg A. Uisziug Co Hob,. ken Jersey Cit liai.k JerstyCity Mill anus' Hunk Palleisoii Muiiul.ulur, r' Hunk Helliille Morris Coin puny Hank Momstowii Muiiiiiuuth lik of N. J. Fieehold Mecliulil.!.' Hank Newuik Mechanics' and Manuf. Hk Trenton Morris Cuiia.1 and Hkg Co Jeisiy City Poft N'.i'es ;.i url. ti, t St Ins Co Newatk . .. il.ot i:el llrldee Co .v.. I .V.snul ic. and Hktf Co Hohoken failed lulled N J 1 'inn 1' en A I.otuUuidt k Jersey City Oiai-ae ( ,.k Orange I aier- 11 Hm k Paleisoa failed 1 par pal 1 1 copies' Uiu.k do l'finieioii Hui.k J'rinceloii Salem Hanking Co Sjli ui Htte Uank Newaik Staie Hnk Eliulmhtow 11 Slate Hunk Camden Stale Bank ol Mollis Moriulown Male Hank Tn ntoi, Sulem and Philad Manuf Co SaU m hunMX Hank Newton 'I iinton Hai king Co Tienlon En ion (Junk Dover V aihinglon Hanking Co. llackenstck DLUHAItU Hk of W ilin A Hruuiiy wini W'i iniiigton Hank of Debiwan W ilinii giuit Uuiik of Smy rua fc n yins 1K biiiiuh Milluid Fain els' Hk ol Sia e 1 i !.' Doief 1 la. loi.H' ' illlol gluli I'i. I ri.ct OiOikiiowti I U l.tuUlU N.WCa 111- I'nii'ii I) n iT 1 I'ti J r 5's 1 )ar 1 failed iall.d a par 3 failed par put par pai I-1 p. I p.r pal pr ijj I .. 'i ! la iu mi.rked thua () there are ci-1-. 1 n L...'.i,'i : l. s,.r d LOtssoflk various tit iiuiuiiistUiiii, in tiii'uUtioi). CITV AUCTION AND COIVEttlSSION STOHD. Sumlrr 29 AV-M Third Utrttt, rhilathlphla TTL'l'.I.IC 8AI.KH of Diy Hoods, Hardware 11 nnd Cutlery, Books, BtHtiormry, Clothing, boots, Shois and Hal?, nnj in nhott Hlmosl every l.irri,vion i.f pooi'y. ere held at this establishment irry Oonds are also sold nt piivaiesale ilurn ; Me i'i.t ai the sirrnqp auction pricep. Store keepers a i.d ttrt tns w ill find it to their id luniage bv mtendii a tlie snl. . C.C. MACKEV, Auclloneer. ri)i1sdi.!pMl. Novrinh. t 13, 1841. ly. BrLCTHEP., VVHOLESAl.i: AM) HETAIL HOuK&EI, l.EHS AND BTATIONniH. Xo. 122 ("liesnul Street, below 4t!i, Pliilndclpliia. M'EKP nintniitly on Imnd a getiernl brsihI inent nt Huoks Mini Statiumty ; rninprisinp 'J ln ol,.ic i, Law, Midical, ( 'bowical. Miscel'sne mis and School Honks. Day Rocks, all s ii', I rd ci r. do.. Family I'll lc, I'm ki t H.b'c-, I'nprrs, 'ra pun; I'npcrs. cVc. Ac, which they nl ( r at the h. west p ices to Country Merchant's I'rc. fi'Miioiml Ci tiileiiien, Tcuchcrs, and all other thai may favor them with ibeir custom. I'liiliulelpiii.i, No 'inber 1:1. 1K4 I. ly. ti i Kori Lus ( : i iLr. iManufacttuer anH liupuricr of Sutl tlliTy. lliiiflw nrc, vvc. iVd. .r Suit t ft Thin! ulrrct.fnur foors below Market I'iiatfeiiiiu. EEP coiiit.milv on h.uid a la'cc nn J cfncral assortmrnt ouch I.ntniis, Curii;iie H inds, Axle Arms, Kliptic fe rine?, 1'ntml Leather. Ac. Country Merchants nnd saddlers wiil he iupplicd Hi nil tunes on the most ti mis. 'i hey will find it to their to call and examine his assoilinent before elsewhere. Philad.lphia. Noicml er 13, 1811. ly. TO CCtNTitV mEKcililNTS. rPIIE Subscriber, Aj;eiit of I on it Hams, Hut - Maiiiifn tun m. for N. w York, I'hil ulclpbi i, Hultiinoio hiuI -jther lare itien, w ! o. llnn nie highly ,1 ( ir ioini alii am! (funiLlih, has ot Unit a lir-l rale :isoi tin -nt ol HA l'!5 ai d CATS, mi: ale f. r S.rm(i Mile', wh ih will t sold very low, foi ca-l. or APil rteihl, n the m Iril cheap store. S. 40, Noito T'ntd atrvrt, oipjhi'e the City Hotel, I'liibi.lelpliia. 1)11 VEU N, rr( Hl'll. A'fU. N. H. Oidcis lot Hats i i the 'tuif;h. ptnipll attended to. The highest price in ru.iA or tis-l given jr Fur frn,. Philadelphia, Novmihir 13, 1811 --ly OK KVEKY DESt.'KIP'J'lO.V. M:U' IJXULAiNDOlL COMl'ANV. Xo. -2) Xorllt Water Street, l'liila. M H ANL'FACTL'KEIiSt nnd dealeis in Oils of XTJL every description both for buinino and inuiiut.icturing purposes, whieh will bv sold much lower than they can be procured e'sewlure, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold hy the company not proving as ie resented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the rroney will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz : in mm ..n li ti i i o . ww,wvw Kuiiuii iiiii;i uiraeueu irpcilll 3 lilt, s- 6000 do do Colinless Oil, do Fall und prinii Sperm Oil, do W inter Sea Eh pliant, do do Pnssed VV hale Oil. 15,l'l'0 10.000 20.KJO eooo 15,ilt 0 do Summer do do do no i.oiiimon nine i'ii, - 0 Huricls supi lioi Straitu (hi, i!' 0 do Co J Hank Oil, 0 do Ncu s KiMit O.I, 7 5 Cn-ks O.ivi Oil, Tiini.i r's 1 'lis i'j I n C01 j r ' 1 n number of Wi.ftB tti- : : 'n t t'oi Kishif. , sud Tunner- may 'elj r ' ' . v t.mci. Oil .is pore as imported, ' ' ' . - v- 141 ly. ' ' ' Hi SXi Wa is . I.E. nt the S utli East C01 : i'-ufi und Murkrt Sheets, I'hiladil- Mei.t,' v-'a!r-hiiin Hoots, stilch'-! warraritei'. dj do i'o peui;; d do do do do water proof, doliLle soled and double Uopcrs. do C.ilt skin do do do nailed lii-il uppers, do Heavy W'nt. r Leather Ilonls. do do Neuta do do. do 1 1 is: It quailei, Calf-skin. do do do Cro.kers do do Fine Monroef warranted do Kip do do do C..f do do do Couise do do do do Shoes do do Fine i!o do do Kip do do do Calf and SealSkin Pumps. do List Si tks with and without soles. ilo ( 'ar i t do do do do Patent W'a, runted Wutrr-pmuf Moccikiiik.' ilo do do do Laih. ' tunned India Kul ber sbo. s. ( it i.t't'iiii ns' do t Ul r shoes. W'nh cery other desc iptioii of boots and shoes. Fui Cups ..( c.ry di'M iiplicni. 'J'r.ixell in Titn k of every description. Yei.eli.iii Travelling Ituga. Patent (iulu Elastic Shoe Hlaekiuir. 11. I.'ln is . f ,. kinds, Palm Leaf Huts. I'hiliilrl hia. November 13, 141. I v. W holesalo Variety a nd Triiniiii)!4 Store AVi.4t. Surth I'uuith lit ar Arch ft., Philiidx Iphiu. XWHEliE (.'ouuiry Men hams and other, can be ' ' su ,li..l, at ill times, with a large Hssmtiui nl ol ry, (iliiies, Merino, Cotton, und Wonhn Shuts and Diawei-, Spool Cotton, Patent Thiea.l. Cotton CoiiU. Pultons, 'lapes, Hindings, Hoi k and Eye.-, Pu s, Ac. And a general van. ty ul u-e-ful aitieles, which he otll is for sale at the lowest pi ices. Phils !cl.hin, N'oveinbel 13. 1R4 I. ly. WIIOIaSAZ. hoisehy, a love & I.ISin.L VtklITT SI1.SK, A'o. 34 A'oi 'A J t urth it., under Merchant' Until, PHILADELPHIA. JTTHI'.UE Couiiliy M. iibui.ts mn be supplied y Y vi h an cxleiikive variety i f choice srliites in I is In e, n on ihe must lessouable tirms, Nov. f. b lf-,4 I ly riccKiLitiL & iikrsb7 .j j, .tui iu ri'iuiiii mi t't't, (cMRwrn of contsa's h ist.) W in n the) constantly keep on hand a geni isl o-K.r'iiii nt of OZ.CTXTS, CA ECIIMKIIES, VESTIIia S, And a h'tul vurittu nl v.rttcttu if a itijitruir iiosliv. Mtneh lli.y" . (frr to "dii.p,..e of 1 pi.ii i,e til' st les.onuble tirius. COFN i r.Y MEIiCHANTS and others will find 11 to tl. is advsntsge to call and examine thsir st'ck fcf.i.e purchasing el.swhcje. trLll.iltlilus. Nnv. d, U4I. ly FTE? COlTOTISPs, Wholesale and Hetail Shoe, Honnet, nod Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. 66 Korth 2d ttrrtt, a few tluori above Jtrch, Philadelphia. A LO Trunks, Caipet liagaand Vn lice, of ev 2sJ ery descnption, all of which he ofleia for sale nn the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. -ly. J . W. SWAIN, Umbrella ami l'arasol Manufacturer. A'o. 37 Kwth Thml rtrrft, (wo dours below the Citv huh I, Phitadtlihia. C IOI'N Tli1! Meiehuiits and others are solicited J to rx 3110111; Lis umniti.irnt hifore purchasing Isew here 1'hila elj hij. Nov, ml. r II. isll. ly. M'KlllMJ, GOOD CO. Xo. IKS Maik"t Street, riiiladeli'hia. 1JNV1TE tl.e attention of Coni tiy Merchants Q to their rxtciisiT a-sor:ment ot Hutiili French 'mil Ann in an Dry Coods. which they i.lh r for sale on the niii-t reasoiifble tiims. Philudelphia, November 13, 1 Si I . 1 v. TrKsTiH)Lrr()i7 ESI ECTFt 'LLY i.,f, mis her fiiei .Is and the . pul lie ccnrraWv, that she continues to keep Unit will known Tavein Stand in Maiket stnet, Snnbury, sign of the fiiimerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by 1 mleavoni.g to conduct the establishment in a iinuiiicr to give saiislaclion to oil, hopes 10 merit a libeiul shale of public pattoi ace. Snnbury, Octolir !Mh, 1841. I ) ESl'EC TFI'LLY infoim the eitirens of Pun- bury nn.l vicinity, ilnit they lime Ink' 11 the Shop tut- ly orcupied by W in. Durst, whirethey will carry nn the TAILORING ECSINISS, in all its vanous br iiehes. Hy stiict stt. m ion and leasoiisble chuiges, they expect to met it a share of public I Httoiincn. Snnbury, Sept. 4th, 1S1I. LIST OF BOOKS, lOH SJLk HT ' NTHON'S t l.issi.1,1 Diciionsry; Lemprier's do ; Ainswoitli's do ; Col. I. 's do.; Enclish and (icim.m do ; Ambon's Cn-nr; Anthon's (irammer; Antheii's Ciceio; Mail's La in I'eudei; I igilly's do.; Aii.bcw's Latin Less.. us; Dolinegan's Lexicon; F sk's lire, k Ex. reives; Davies's Lecendci; (iraeea Muj.iia; Aih uis's lioiiiiin Antiquities; Piiuiock's C.liUniilh's Eegliiinl; do. Oreeci ; Lyell's Eh merits of '!. .py ; Mrs. Lincoln's Hotauv; Elements nl 11. t iny;;e's Alilr,.; Porter's tihetoiicat U s-der-; Eun rson'a (!eogru hy and History; Oh ey's do ; Purity's do.; Smith's (irammei; Kirkhtim's do.: Kay's Kesihrs; Cobl's. do; t'obh's Arithmetick; Hike's do.; Emerson's do.; Col b's Spelling Honks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fa mily Lihtary; Collage Hible-; Family do; ('ellnter al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Puikei's Ex ercises rn Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's's Rest; Atiierican lit volution; Mariyatt's No vels; Mis. Phelps on Cbemistiv; Iliad; Catechism of American Law s; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry lor Beginner; English Exercis.s adapted to Murray's (irumiiier; Siquel to Comley's Sjadltiig Hook; Am. lican Cbiss Hcok; Dnboll's Schoolmss tcr's Assistant; A rreulvar.cty of Hlui.k Hooks, Ac. Ai gost .!, 1H4I. MADEIKA WIN E. First quality Madicia Wine, for sslo low by Set. 1, IMI. H. B. MASSE II, FOE HTM PlitioF HHANDY. A gtnuTii. aitlcle hIwhvs on holid and for sale bv i-cpi. U, fsll. H. B. MASSEK. HOLI.A.N D (ilN, Ol the best quality always 011 b ind and for tale I V Sept. I, isll. ' 11. B. MASSEK LOAF AND LL.MP Si (J A K. Always on hull. I slid tor side by IjjMI. 11. BIA.SSEH NEW OIM. FANS MdAi: lloiElti LAssES. Oi the best quality always on hand ul d for sale by s, ,.t . JtL 1 1. B. MASSE U , HHOWN Sl "t: Al!. Of a good quabtv, lor sale lw by Sept. I, U4 I. H. B. MAS! EH. i.liEEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the lest qualttv h whvs nu hand und for .ale l y S'tl'filL ,Ji,- M ASSF.K. t OFFI E. Java, bin uti.l I.aguuu Collie, coti stiiutly on hand and fur sale by s. pt. I, 18-11. .H. B. MASSEH. Sl'EHM OIL. Winter and Summer straiuid Spi nn Oil, uf the lest quality, always on hand and lor sule bv Sept l, 1811. H. II, MASSEH. STEEL. Cast and Blistei Stei I. fi.r sale by Sept. I , I s 1 1 . B. MAssl'.lL llilSH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly u hand and fur sale by Sept. I, 14 1 II. B. M 1.10,1 OKS. Ol all km Is and of the Lest quali ties, always 011 hand and fur sale by Sept. L 184 I. 11. B. MASSE It. sPlilMi S 1'EI.L. Of various sizes l..r Eliplic Springs, lor sale by Sefl. 1. 1841. H. LAhtii: IjCAltiO HI H EES For sale al v ry reduced prices by Scpt. I. 1841. H. 11. MASSE It. BLANK HOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by 181L U.Jl. MASSEK. BLANK DEEDS. Bonda, Mortgage., Ac. for .ale ly Sept. I, IMI. II. B. MASSEH, Jt SI ICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1. 1841. 11. B. MASSE It. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Uncii, Ac, for si. te by Sept. 1. 1811. 1LB. MASHER, CAssl.MEKES AND BATTEN ETTtf. For sule very low by Sept. I, 1811. H. B. MASSEH. CA1! PE TINU. For .ale cheap by Sepl. I, 1841. II. B. MASSE It. BLANKETS Sept. I, 1841. -For sule cluap by H. B. MASSE It. UNBLEACHED M LSl.lNs. For sale by Sept. 1, 1841. 11. H. M A ss E It. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS For sale hy Sept. 1, 1841. H . B M A SHE IL HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASS Fit. "fowl NO LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by lept. I, tfctl. H. B. MACi;ER. A N unparellclrd remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, lufluer ta, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtuea of lion hound. Boost t, Blood Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegi table substances. Prepared only by J. M. W 1.1 slow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universal) admitted pectoral viitues of the Herbs from which the Btihum vf Hortliuund is made, are too generally known to re quire rec nimen.'a'inn ; il is therefore only ticcrsaa ry to ob-erve that thia Medicine contains the whole of their Medic nal properties, highly concentrated, ai d so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render il the most speedy, mild and certain run. ily, now in u.e, U r the com plaints st ove mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, ens aiding the patient to expertotate with ease and five dnm, assuages cough, relieves nthmatic and diffi cult tcspiralion, heals the injured parts, opens the potes, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives sttiiigth to the tender lungs, and thus produces a S cedy and lasting cute. IvuniTiii 111: is thr n sr.sT enmr. in Mam. W'c are not mining lint class of Editors who f. r a few dollars will, (at the rxense of truth and ho nesty) "ctaek up" un nriicle and bring it into rapid sale; neither ate we willirg to icmain silent, afii r having tested the utility of an im rovement 1 r db coveiy in si ience or ait. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwt II wi'h a sore throat and violvut cold some few weiks sgo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW 'H BALSAM OF HOIiEHOL'ND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever hud a cold. Tho:c who are nlllicled, may tiy it upon our recommendation. .cu'.s T-ftgrtijih. For sale by HENRY VO.YTHEIMER, Suntntru, JACOB BRICHT, Surth u m bcrlund. Also, .y Druggists generally throughout the country. fjj- Price, 00 cenls per bolilo. August 14th, 1841. ly. . ATTENTION. j . siUi 1: v j i 1: s , I EyUF.STS the attention of his country V who are in waul, to his verv Luge stock of Carpctings, Cil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stan Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just npemd, at his warehouses, No. 18 North Sd street, and No. 'i Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. Julv 31, 1841. ly. JCH1TS ft, C'JIiliTGG. WIIOLZSALE fnOE, BONNET) Cap aitul Palm Leaf Hut Scire, No. 10 South 4 hi Strikt, PHILADELPHIA, 'lirHERE an ettu.sivc a:tortmeul of the aboie ' artiiles ate CJt.btatitlv kept oil hand, for sale at the most res.sonul.le leiuis. May 2'J. 1841.- ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNEItS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 U K P A T II 1 C lv & SO X, A'o. 21. A'o Third rlrcrt, (atl W'tLX MAHkST AMI ClltsMT kTRKITS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAYE for aalea lnrge and excellent assortment of Sjiaiiith Jlidts, Putnu Kipit, Tanner t Oil, Ac, at the lowest maiket prices, utl.rr for cash, it exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of l eather received for s ite, 01 purchased Ml the highest maiket prices. Leather stored fice of thaigc. April 17, 1841. ly. LLjCOT r'f? ttn fra-i 2 THIS MAnilXF, ACA1XST T1IK WOULD. irnronTANT to f a r ivi e n s. BAV EN POR T'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes and cleans al the same linn an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which renders the above machine perfect and past forth, r impiovcmenl. Those who have I eeu wailing for somi thing Utter than herelofoie off. red for sale. w ill find this to be the article. Conic see il judge lor youtsilves. and The subscribers have purchased the right of the i above Machine and Hcr.-e Power, tor Ihe conn- : ties uf N'oH i Hi'M aruLAMi, Ltcomi.vo, Clitos, and IMiiv mill also, the privileges of vending j II. 1 11. in any other places lor wliicti the light lias liol been )lf viously sold. The advalituges which this Machine has over all others invenli J aie many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ol 160 bushels of win at in one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three tho next. For field threshing it lakes the lead ol any thing ill this world no grain is .canned ul lost. Such is the sujieriority of the Horse Poer, tliat lline horses can lb roll as much with il as four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will l sold together or seperate, to suit purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, by ihu kulscribers. W M. W ELI H, W M. H. POMP. HENRY FR1CK. Milton, Apiil 17, 1811. THRESHING A WINNOWING MACHINE Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Threshing and W innowing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion in rcgaid to their value, durability and advantages, we make, dec to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any 1 hre.h i'g Machine we ever Islore witnessed in use. I hey will and clean, III lor maiket 200 buklii Is of W best per day, and this with the aid of three hands besides the driver. The Straw- is passed oil' from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending alxiut Pi feel from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. W hat is ol some importance and greatly ao, is the fact that no dust passes from die Machine to the man who feeds il. The Horse Kiwer seems lo be perfection itself three horses may work it with ek and then fsstc.t gail nted only bo the oidinsry plough gait, nt must cheeifully r commend the M si bine lo rsrmers they aie iiiunufui-luicd in Milton by Messrs. W elch Pomp and Flick. Fill!. IP lill.l.r.K i . JOHN B HELLER Chilisq.iaque tshp.. Norih'd co, March 20, 1841. II A Z A IK II '.S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc. uiiic ntx, facts and othi r useful infoimatioii, illustra tive uf the history and resources of the American Union, soil ol e ii h Slate; embracing commerce, uiHiiufuciuies, aiirii u:luie, inli rual improvements, hhiiks.c urrency, fmaiixs, education, Ac. Ac, Edi ted by Samuel Huutul. Publl lied ev.ry W'ediiesilsy, st 7U Dot k l reel. The price lo suWcrilieia is t srr annum, payable on the first ul January of each year. No subscrip tion received fur less than a year. Subseiibcis out of the pnnni aluiu. to pay in advance. IMPORTANT TO rilHE Undersigned lake pleasure in sulmutting X. to the public the following Recommendations or Pratt's Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain Duller to all dea'irs in Grain and msnufactora of Flour, be lieving It to he superior to any thing of Ihe kind ever ofT ted to the public. All otdera addressed to Col.J. M'Faddin, I.ewishurR, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEKZER SQUIRE, JACKSON M FADDLN. CEItTIUCJITESt Mmilz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. J. M'FAimtn Situ I cheerfully testify to ihe goodnes and d, liability of Pratl'a Cast Iron Smut Mill arrl Grain Duller, as lieing a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour fur a grett many years, and have always tried to have the (test apparatus for manufacturing that could he got, and do say that the above inuchiue is the hist apparatus I believe now in use. Johm Moatz. Ulotmifliurg, Dec. 26, 1840. Cnt.J. M'Faihum Sins In reply to your favor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fact of my having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt'a Cast Iron Smut Mills, is thr best evidence I can give you uf their utility, Yours truly, W, M'Kf.lvt. Mihit, March 17, 1841. J. M'Faihum Hi a : I do heieby certify without any lies. latum, that Pratt s Smut Mill and Grain Holler is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain of smut and all other impeifections, thai I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that ate now ustd in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will ci me in competition with il. Gnu. Col.J. M'Faihum Sir: During the past 24 years I have been constantly engaged in manutac luring flour, and during the lust 12 ears have been the nw nt r of a prist and flouring mill, and among till the contrivances to remove impurities from grain I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt'a iron ma chine is superior to any with which I am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen months. r KKiitniiK Ihis, Yorkshire Mill; Dec, 1840. I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus to prep re grain for tloiiruiK, as the bent, and I want no better ttir-n Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Clkasom Sunburu, December 22, 1840. Co i. J. M'Faihiim Si r i I have in my mill one of Pratt's cast and w rought iron spiral Smut Mills and lirani Duller, ami am confident thai in regard to simplicity of construction, and durability of mute, rial, il is superior to any 1 am acquainted with. lIl.MHI MaSSKH. Rear Gap Milh, Dec. 22, 1810. Col. J. M 'Fa ii m v Sir: 1 Ini.e in my flouring mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the best machine la prepare grain for flouring that I am ac quainted w lib, and as such cheeifully recommend it to all who arc engaged in the manufacture of flour. Jacob Lkiskmhimj. Aaronnburg, March 23, 1841. Col. J. M'Faiihi m Sib : I take pleasure in say ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has yet come under my observation, and that I believe il fir superior to any thing uf the kind ever invented. You may use my name in any way you think proper. O. P. Dcmcam. Union Mill, Jan. 14, 1841. Tl is is to certify that I have had Pratt's and vroniilit iron Smut Machine and Giaiu Hullrr in use lor heller than 12 months, and find it lo answer every purpose that it was intended for. Smut can 1 tukcu out of wheat I believe eveiy particle of it can le taken uul without breaking the grain ol the wheat. Jons I'iimk. Amumbuijf, Much 2:1, 1811, Col. M'Faihh! Sir : I huve been engagid in manufacturing Supcitine Flour for many years, at d have sl this time one ot Pratt's Smut Mills in each of my mills, and I do hereby rccomtm nd them as the most valuable improvement fur cleaning wheal ot smut and all other impurities, thai I am acquainted with. J a M r. a Dcmcam. Cot. M Fappim Hir: I have been engaged in the manutactuiing ol flour fur 28 yeais, and most cluerfully recommend the above machine, us It'ing by fir the hist apparatus for cleansing grain thai I j "H e r rr uwa or Mr- consoler it an iniiisj en ! sible article for any mill that ptetends to do any bu- siui ss. Jiiiim 1 1 siw:u. .IjUfduet Milh, Dec. 24, 1840. Coi. J. M'Faihum Sir: Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill alaiut three years since, and I lelieve it is the list article uf lln.t kind now in use. It will not only remove smut en'eifly, hut is a most valuable apparatus lo clean w heat and rye of any character, and prepare il lor flouting. Bkmjamim Boome. l.tic'Lurg, Dec. 22, 1840. Col. J. M'Fa niiii Sm: After a csicful and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gaid to construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set in ope ration. I am fully Convinced and satisfied, that the machine ubove alluded to, is second to no one in use. J. Mohnow, Milh r and Flour Manufacturer. Caltawhia, Dec. mher 25, 1840. Col. J. M'Fapuib Sim: Fran's Cast and Wiuiiglil Iron Spiral Sniul Mill and Grain Duller, I consider to be the hi si machine to lemove smut and other impurities to which grain is subject, that I have used, or with which 1 am acquainted, in re gaid lo durability of material, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and despatch in execution. Jostcii Paxton. N. B. The alsove machines are manufactured at the Lcwisburg Foundry, Union county and at the Hloonisbiirg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisburg, June 19, 1841. HAYS, ELLIOT, LYON COSIX. WlioU'Kale Dealn-ft, In Foreign, Hritish and American Dry dixit. No. 12 North Third Strebt, PniLAiitLrHiA "COUNTRY Merchants csn he supplied at all lime ill. an eitensive sssorlnnl of the above Goods, on Ihe n.nst reasonable and satisfactory terms. May 29, 1841. I y. "si XF-A DJUSTIXC. LOT. UKAClT FOR 8AW.MILIJS. Uf BCMJAHIM N. Cl'BHWA. rpilE Subscribers having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Northumbeiland County, offer lo dispose of the aame to persona who may desire to purchase. The above invention ia now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunbury, where it can be inspected by owner of saw mills and all others intcrcsicd. E. GOBIN, March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBIN. WARRANTED ISrass Clocks, Tor III Dollars W7 Ql'A I for time to any mid ly Clock Ped U. A tars jor yo, lot ssle by March IJ. II. 13. lilASSEIt. ColIi, ('ought, nnd Consumption.. fiHESE universal complaints we find In almost JL every family, attended with more or lesa seve- rtty, at the same time regarded by aome with very little attention, until ihe henin In assume a serious churn ter. Why are patients so neolerlful of them selves, when Ihey know that their health la all in all ! Ate they nut aware that it rrquires much longer time lo arrest a disease when suffered to knit ila threads upon the vit ds! Will those who desire health take good advice, and always be provided with a few bottle of l)r. Duncan' i Expectorant Uemedy" whereby they can immediately arrest the fatal progress of Consumpiion, and not he compel led to spend years In misery and pain, besides ma king an "Apothecary Shop" of their stomachs t 1 his Medicine is certain in its fleets, if used in due season, and always produces lelief in the most hope lesa cases, hy its soothing and palliative effects, This ia consolation which many appreciate. oiltre and W holes-ale Depot, lo. 19 JNoith Eighth st eel, Philadelphia. Price $1 per bottle. For tale at the store of HENRY YOXT11EIMER, April 9th, 1842. Agmil. IMvcr Complaint, Ten years nlnndiiiir, cured by the use of Dr. liar lich's Compound Stringthcnitig und Herman Aperient l'illn. A 1 RS. SARAH BOY E It, wife of Willnm Boy er. North Fourth Street alaive Callowhill, Philudelphia, entin ly cured uf the above distressing disease. Her symptom were habitual cosliveness of the bowels, total loss of appetite, excruciating pain in the side, stomach and back, depression of spirits, extreme debility, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of pain, with other symptoms indicating great derangement in Ihe functions of the liver. Mrs. Buyer was attended by several of the first physicians, hut received hut little relief from their medicine at last friend of (if her' procuied a package of Dr Harlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Pill, which, by the use of one package, induced her to continue with the medicine, which resu'ted in t fleeting a perma nent cure, beyond Ihe expectations of her friends. Principal ollice for this medicine ia at No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of II EN R Y YOXTH ELM E It, April U.I. 1842. Agent. 1'utliMf I'itlmonalls; or Pulmo nary CoiiKiiniptlon. TS a veiy pr valent disease, and carries milliom to the cold and silent grave. Delicato tocmii fkmalks" commonly full a prey to this tell distroy er of human life This disease commences at first with a dry hacking cough, pain in the breast and side, lo-s of apM tite. and re-lb as nights. At length a w a-ting or decay of llic whole body is perceived, which is .a h. I by many Cumsi'mptiom, "hoi mo imto a nnuvi;," a complaint that thousands are laboring under with fui i it hopes of ever recovering, not knowing that there ia a medicine existing which wi'l afford ri b. f even in the last stages. This ia I'M. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REME DY for Cnii-umptiou, Coughs, Colt's, Spiixiag of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of the Liver and Lungs. A full treatment is given of di-i oscs in a small pamphlet, which can be had grali. of Ihe Agent, where the Medicine can always be ob:uinetl. Piice f per bottle. For sale at No. 19 North E gh'h atrtct, Phila delphia. Also at the store of HENRY YOXTIIEIMER, March. 2(ith, 1842. Arnt. Dyspepsia ! Dyspepsia ! ! More Pruoft pJ Ihe F.Jficacij of Dr. Harlich's .Me tlxcih es. R.JONAS HARTMAN, of Sumneytown, Pa., entirely cured of the above disease, whicti he was arl'.iiied with for six yiars. His svmptoins weie as nse of distention aid oppres sion alter eating, distiessing psiu in the pit of tho stomach, nauca, loss of appetite, giddiness and dim ness of sight, extrune debility, flatulency, acrid o una, sometimes vomiting and pain in the right side, depression of spirits, disturbed test, f.iint ness, and not able to pursue his business without causing immedia'e exhaustion and weariness. Mr. 11 irtm iri is happy t . state to Ihe public, ami is wil ling to cjve any information to the nlHfcted, respec ting the wonderful bene lit he received from the use of Dr llailich's Compound Strengthening and Ger man Aperient Pill'. Piuicipil Ollice, No. 19 North Eighth alrcct, Philadelphia. Also for sale al the store nf HENRY YOX1HEIMER. March 19th, 1543. Agent. SpiUiii of lllootl, IS another dangerous symptom of "Pttlmnnary AJfirtion," ami difficult to ariest when neglect ed ; it commences with cough, copious expectora tion, which ennsi-ts of fcighl frothy matter, or black, ami clotted with blood ; there is mostly some fever, headache, p ilpitation of the heart, flushes of heat, and redness of the cheeks; d (liculty of brea thing, soreness of the throat, ami saltish taste in ihe mouth, Ac "Da. Dumcam's E x cf.cto rami Hk suit" will lie found to arrest this complaint. One single bottle, in many cases, will answer, if used at the first attack, but when neglect' d, it may require many more. Those who may be afflicted with 'Spitting of Blood." should lose no lime in procu ring the shove medicine, as this disease mostly proves serious when not early attended to. Prim f I er bottle. Oftice for the ssle of this medicine, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, also for sale at the sioret.f HENRY YOXTIIEIMER. March 12, 1842. Agent. To the Alllictrd. riHOf'E who are suffering from various diseases L incident lo the human family, would do well lo procure Dr. Jlarlieli's Compound Strengthening and (irrman Aperient Pills, which are ao pre eminently recommended for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. aina in the aide, back and breast, Nervious All. ctions, Head-Ache, and all the dis eases ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may be obtained grans, w hich contain full and explicite directions for using. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificates of cures in this par, w hich msy be relied upon, as Ihey are taken from lha original. For sale al No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH treel, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTHEl.MER, March 6, 1842. Agent. Curt jour I on? It lxTore It Is too late. DR. DUNCAN'S EirtCToaiMr Rir.nT i the only medicine that peif. ct confidence can he it-lied upon for the immtdiate icmoval of this trout I. some complaint. Thia medicine always re. lieves a cough in a few days, and when the disease is seated . n the lungs, it cause it to be discharged by expectoration, thus restoring sound health lo the happiness a-d enjoy ment of those who long have been afflicted. For sale at ihe Principal Office, 19 North Eighth street, Philad.lphia Aln at the store nf HENRY YOYTHEIMER, Feb. 26, IMS .Igent. THUTll WILL PJit: VIAL. Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, snJ want from any but fair trial la e.tsniun tQ.'ir worm. s uave a eomraunirati .n in our columns to-slty from a person long afflicted, wrut'h is but nus of many touchtr tor thia DteJl tne. Spirit of tU Timts,