ill IMS IIMJllil. .JIIII JlJiU. Illll. ! .1 , ii a k k a o t u e. i 8 t. . im:xsyi ama. The f dlowing list shows the curr. lit value of nil IVriusvlvRnia Bunk Note. The mn-i implicit re linnec may I placed upon it, - it ittvry week can fully omipimd with at d corrected from l!i k lull's Repiwler. Itauks in IMillarii Iphla. . t ,. Disc, t NaMS. LwCTKI!. ,HtAn NOTES AT PAR. Rank of North America . . par think of the Northern Liberties . . par Bank of Pennsylvania . .10 Hunk of IVnn Township . . .40 Commercial Bunk of Penn'a. . . , par Farmers' and Mechanics' Bunk . . pur Gi ard Bank . . . 4.1 a 60 Kensington Dank . . . 'r Manufacturers & Mechanics' Dank . 30 Mrclmiiics' Dank . . 25 Mnvnmenaing Uink . . 25 a 30 Philadelphia Liniik . . pur Schmlkill Dank ... par S.mthwark Hank . . . par Western Bunk . . . par Country Hanks. Rank of Pittsburg ' Pittshuig par Bmk of Chester County Westchester 6 Bank of Delaware County ('heater ' par Rink of Germantown Germantown - par Hank of larwisrown Lewistown AO Hank of Middlctown Middlctown 10 Dank of Montgomery Co. Noirislnwii par Hank of Northumberland Nnrthiimbeilttiul 10 lie ks County Hank Reading Columbia Bank & Oridge co. Columbia 10 Carlisle Dank Carlisle 10 Doylcslown Hank lliiylcstowa pur Easion Hank East on par Exchange Hank Pittsburg 5 ) tl branch of . llnllidaysburg 6 Fartneas' Hank of Bucks co. Bristol par Farmers' Bank f Lancaster Lancaster 8 a 10 Farmer' Hank of Heading Heading 10 Harrishurg Hank Hnrrjjhurg Lancaster Hank Lancaster par Lebanon Hank Lehanon 10 Merehanta' cV. Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 6 Miners Bank of Poltsvillo I'nttsville 5 Nnrtharnptoti Bank Allentown Towunda Hank Towanda fulled West Uronrh Williamfport Wyoming Bank Wilkesbarro 10 Office ul Bank of Pcnu'a. Harrisbuig These Offtee do do Lancaster I offices Ollico do do leading (Jo not Ollice do do Easton J issue n. NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Hank of the United States' Philadelphia CO Ollice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ins. A tlo Penn Township Sav. Ina. do Hank of Chamhcrshurg Chambcrsburg 16 Bank ot Gettysburg Gettysburg 10 Batik of Suquchanna Co. Montrose G Erie Bank Erie I'mmcr' fc Drovers' Bank Wayncshurg Fianklin Hank Washington 5 Hoiicsdalc Bnk lionesdale Mnuniignhcla Bank of B. Brownsville & Yoik Baisk York i" N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception ot those which have a letter of nfcrciice. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ina. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do failed Schuylkill Sav. Ina. do failed Manual LoUir Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed Alleghany Bank of Pu. Bedford no sale Bank of Beaver Heaver closed D.ihk of Swatara Harrisburg closed Bank of Washington Washington failed Centre Hank BelUfoiite closed City Bank Pitlsbuig no sale Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Pittsburg tailed Fame's' tt Mech'ca' Bunk Fayette co. failed !;'a'mcrs' cU Mech'cs Bank Greencust'e failed Harmony Instiluto Harmony no sale Huntingdon Bunk Huntingdon no sale Juuiuta Bank Lewisiowu no sale Luiiil.enncii's Bank Warren faded Northern Bank of Pa. Diiudair no sale New Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope closed Northumh'd Union Col. Bk. Milton no sale North Western Bank of Pa. Mcudviilo closed Oince of Schuylkill Bank Portd.ihon fuil.d Pa. Aur. & Manuf. Bunk Carlisle fuiltd bilver Luke Bank Mont rise closed Union Bank of Penn'a. Uniontown failed Westmoreland Bank Grceusl.urg closed Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. WtlUtsbarre no sale 03 All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bunk not given in the above list, may be set down as frauds. xnv jersi:y. Hank of New Btanswick Helvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Hank Cumberland Bank Farmers' Bnk Brunswick failed Belvidcre 1 Medford par Perth Amboj 2 Bndgeton 1 Mount Holly par t aimers and Mechanics Hk Rahwav 1 Farmers' and .Mechanics' Bk N. Biunswick faded Farmers' ond Mechanic' Bk Middletown Pt. 3 Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City failed Hohokcn Bkg & Graaing Co Hohoksti failed Jersey City Bank Jersey City lulled Mechanics' Bank Patterson failed Twaiiufoctur. r" uank Bellttille tailed Morris Company Bank Mornstown 2 Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold failed Mechanics' Bank Newark 1 Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton par Morris ('anal and Bkg Co Jcisey City Post Notts DO sale Newaik Bkg A Ina Co Nenaik 1 New Hope Del Bridge Co Laiulieilsville N. J. Manuluc. and Bkg Co Hohokcn failed N J Piotection A Lombard I k Jersey City laded Orange Bank Orange 2 Paterson Bank Patcrson failed Peoples' Hank do 1 Princeton Bank Princeton par aleni Banking Co Salem par State Hank Newark 1 State Hunk Klizabetlitown 1 Stute Bank Camden par Plate Bank of Morris Morrittown 1 State Bank Trenton failed Salem and Philud Manuf Co Sjlem tailed Sussex Hank Newton 3 Trenton Bunking Co Tientuii par Union HsnL Dover a Washington Bar, king Co. Huckensick failed m:i,tw.uu:. Bk of W Mm & Brandy wine Wi -mingion pur Bank cf Deluwaii Wilmington par Bank of Sin) ma tMnyrna pai Do Itanch Wittoid pur Farmers' Bk ol Sia'e ol Del loer pur Do branch W iluiitigton pji 1)6 branch Georgetown pur Do biaucb Newcastle pal Union Hunk Wiluiington par CJ Uodi r S'a 2 fXj' On all banks marked thus () there are ei ther counterfeit or altered note, of iho various de nominations, in lirrbrution. CITY AUCTION AND COimniSSION STORE. Numlirr 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia 1JUBL1C SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware anil Cutlery, Bonks, Stationary, Clothing, Hoot, Shoes and Hats, and in short almost every description of goods, are held at thi eslnbli-dirnent every evening. Goods are aNo sold at private sale during the day at the average auction price". Store keepers and traders will find it to their advantage by attending the sales. C.C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSEL LEI'S AND STATIONERS, No. 12a Cliesnut .Street, below 4tli, riiilnlc!liia. KEEP constantly o hand a general assort ment nf Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classics!, Misccllane ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led eer, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Wiitini Paers, Wrapping Papers, cVc. Ac, which I hey id fer at the lowest piices to Country Merchant's Pre fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, andall others thai may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, NWmlicr 13, 1811. ly. tYie6piTatsT:u m iManufacttircr and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, tScc. No. 5 South Third slrerf, four doors heltitn Market I'hiludrlphia. KEEP eonstantly on hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied at nil times on the most reasonable terms. They will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Novemler 13, 1841. ly. TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. rrMIE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon eV Harris, Hot Manufacturers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, w I nsu Hats are highly commended lor I'mid edit and durability, has oi. hand a lir-t rate assuitm-tit ot HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spring s.les, wh ch will Ve sold very low, foi cask or npni ived credit, at the tu trd cheap starr. No. 40, Nortn T'lird sticr-l, oppwi'e the City Hotel, Philadelphia. OLIVER N. rMACHEIt. A!:tnt. N. Tl. Orders lor lists i i the oup,h, prornptlj attended to. The highest price in tush or trade given far far Philadelphia, November 13, 1841 --ly OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. XCW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2! North Water Street, l'hila. MANUFACTURERS and dealera in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can he procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, nay lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the mnrvy w ill Ui refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz : 30,000 gallons Winter BleacheJ Sjieinri a Oil, fiOOO do to do do do do do Colotless Oil, 15,000 10,000 20,000 tiOOO Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter S-a Elephant, do Pre-sed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, -5 15,(HH 200 Barrels superioi Straits Oil, 3li( do Cod Bank Oil, SO do Neais Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's 'Ills. tXjThia Company has a numler of Vessels rn gsged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon petting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 3. 1 641 . ly. G. V. &, L. B7T.7LCP. KFFER FOR SALE, ot the South East Cor tier of Fifth and Market Struts, Philadel phia MriisCall'-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles anI double uppers, do Calf-skin do do and uprs. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calf-skin do do do dockers do do nailed do do do do do do do Fine Monroes warranted Kip do Calf do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kin do do do do do do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sucks with and without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent Warranted Wuter-proof Moccasins. Ladles' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber sinus. Ccnl'cmcn' do liver shoes. With every other desciiption of boots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Traveli ng Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leaf Hat. Philadelphia. Noember 13, 1841. ly. Wholesale Variety andTrimniin' Store Ai. 44. North Fourth near Arch $1., Philadelphia. ViniEKE Country Merchant and other ran be ' ' supplied, at Ml limes, with a large assortment of llosit ry. Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen Mints and Prawns, Spool Cotton, Patent Thiead. Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tar, Bindings, Hooks and Lyes, Pins, Ac. And a general vainly of use ful articles, which he ollei for tale ot the lowest prices. Philadelphia, Novembei 13, 184L Iy. WHOLESALE HOISrilY, GLOVE & ckihii VABikri sToar, No. 31 .V,w 'A I'ourti it., under MtrchauU' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. W7" II i;it II Country Merchants n be supplied Y wiih an extensive vaiiely of choice ailicles in bi line, upon the most reusuiiuble terms. N, v. fi h 184 I ly XTCcC AIiL A &. IIERSEs ,ll .'l, Ollll SV4 OIKl Ml4''t, (e.iuxrn or coomb's siitr.) Wheie they coiulanily keep on hand a genenl asiirlinent nf CLOTirs, CASSIMERES, VESTING S, Auil u jsirut variety ifurtick i fa superior, which liiey ,r!er to dispose of upon tlie most ressonable Urrus. t1f)UNTRY MERCHANTS and other will J find it In their advantage to call and examine their st-ek before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Nov, 6, 1841. ly PETEP. CClTOVEFs, Wholesale and Retail Shoe, l'oimct, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. No. 6G North 2i street, a few doors ubuvt .Irch, Philadelphia. ALSO Trunks, Caret Bags and V slices, of ev ery desciiption, all of which he offers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. J . W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. Ar. 37 Noofh Thud street, two doors Mow the Citv Hotel, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited 1o examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. SPI,Ng7g001 6t cd No. 1TS Maikrt Street, Philadelphia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive assortment ot Urilbh French and American Dry Goods, which they offer for sule on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, 1841. ly. liiTsT'BoiTfo RESPECTFULLY informs her Irici.ds and the public generally, that she continues to keep tbat well known Tavern Stand in Maiket street, Sunbury, sign of the formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by cndeavoiing to conduct the establishment in a manner to give sinislactioii to all, hopes lo merit a liberal share of public patronage. Sunbury, Oelols r 9th, 1 84 1 . SI1FSC1T & PP.7, T)ESPj:CTFUI.LY inform the citizens of Son--l- bury and vicinity, that they have tnk n the Shop latily occupied by Wm. Durst, where they will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all its various branches. By stiict attention and reasonable chaiges, they expect lo me lit a share of public patronage. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841. LIST Or BOOKS" rH sslk sr ZJLl. 133. V f, ?9MnHrr VNTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier' do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's do.; English and Geiman do.; Anthon's Cresar; Anlhon'a (irammer; Anthen's Ciceio; Mair's Latin Reader; Ogilly'sdo.; Andiew' Latin Lessons; Donnegan's Lexicon; Fisk'sGrcik Exercises; Davies's Leeendei; Graeca Majora; Adams' Roman Antiquities; Pinnoek'i fSoldsmith' England; do. Greece; I .yell's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elements ol Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea ders; Einirson's Geography and History; Olney's do.; Parley's do.; Smith's G rammer: Kirkham's do.: Kay's Readers; ('obi's do.; Cohh's Arithmeiick; Pike's do.; Eini rson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible-; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit;Maxter's S.iiot's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyalt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism nf American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Grammcr; Sequel to Comity's Spelling Book; American Class Hi ok; Daholl's Schoolmas ters Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August 28, 1811. ""MADEIRA IN E. FuTPquality Madiera Wine, for sale low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A gmuiii. article always on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 184 1. H. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Alway on hand and fur sale by Sept. 1, 1841. If. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Oi the best quality always on band a I d for sale hv Sept. 1. 1841. 1L B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, for sale low by Sept. 1.1841. H.B.MAS.-ER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwavson bund and for sale by Sett. 1. 184 1. II . B. MASSER. COFFI E. Java, Rio and Laguira Coffee, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H.B.TtASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, ol (he tesl quuhty, always ouhuiid and for sale by Sept I, 1841. H. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Steel, for sale by Sept. I, 184 I. H. B. MASSE R. IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. Llyl OKS. Of all kind and of the test quali ties, alwavson hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841, H. UL MASSE R. SPRING STEEL. Of vaiioua sizes for Eliptic Springs, for sale by Sift. U1841. H. BIASSER. LARGE gUARTO BIBLES. For sale at very reduced price by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. BLANK BOOKS. Sept. 1, 1811. -Of all kinds, for sale by II. H. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. for sale by Sept, I. 1841. H. B. MASSER. JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, fur side by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. M ASSER, CASMMF.HES AND S ATT IN ETTS. For sule very low by Sept. I. 1841. H. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. 1, 1841. . II. B. M ASSER. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. For sale by Sept. 1, IMI. H. B. MASKER. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS For sale by Sept. I, 1841. II. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sule by Sept. 1,1841. II. J jF-R TOWING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Kept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER. AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, snd all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegr table substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wutsiow, Rochester, New Yoik. The ionocence and universally admitted pectoral viitues of the Herbs from which the tialsam of Horchound is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it I theiefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table eulistances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammatinn and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages rough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, oiens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength lo the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy ond lasting cure, IsnRJkTITl'nR IS THK a. A F.ST CTIIMKIS MW. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few tlollai will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither aie we w illing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were unwell wiih a sore throat and violent Cold some few weeks sgo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BAIJSAM OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. 1 hose who are olllicted, may tiy it upon our recommendation Leviston T' lrirruph. For sule by HENKY V OXTHEIM E R, Suvtmry, JACOB BRIGHT. Northumberland. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. rrj- 1'rice, 60 cents per bottle. August 14th, 1841. ly. ATTENTION. j . s i u m i: y jom:s, T EQUESTS the attention of hi country friends -1 v who are in want, to his very large stork of Carpeting, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just opened, at his warehouses, No. 18 North 3d street, and No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, l'hila delphia 'L,Lly 31 1H4 1. ly. J CHITS & C"JMMI1TGS . WXIOXiZ SALE PHOE, SONNET, Cap and Palm laf Hat Store, No. 10 South 4-th St a set. PHILADELPHIA, 1 INHERE an extbiisive ansorlment of the alK)c articles arc distantly kept on hand, for sale at the most reasonable terms. May 2'J, 1841. ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 11 K P A T 11 1 C K & S O X, No. 21, Nm th Third street, ftlETWKKM MAHRVT A II CMrsWUT STer.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. II AVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Snnni'sA Hides, Putna hilts, tanners (hi, Vc at the lowest maiket prices, ettht r for cash, it exchange for Leather, or UKn credit. Consignments of Leather received for -tle, oi purchased at the highest maiket prices. fjj' Leather stoied free of ihaige. April 17, 1811. ly. THIS MACHINE ACA1NST Till; WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. DAVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes and cleans at I he same time an invention for which Farmer have long looked in vain, and which render the above machine ierfect and past further improvement. Those who have been waiting for something better than heretofore offered for sale, will find this to lie the article. Come see it and fudge for yourselves. The subscriber have purchased the right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of Northi xssaLAnn, LxcoMixn, Ci.istoh, and I'moi-and also, the privileges of vending them in any other place lor which the right has not been pieviously sold. The advantage which Ihi Machine has over all other inventej are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ol 150 bushels of w heat in one day and this usually take seven hand one day and three the next. For field threshing it take the lead of any thing in tin world no grain I scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse Tower, that three horse can thresh a much with it as four can with any other. The Machine and Horse Power will l sold together or seperale, to suit purchasers. Made and sold ill Milton, by the sulscriliers. WM. WEi CH, W M H- POMP. HE.vui" MUCK. Milton, April 17, 1811. It K t O. W.Tf iV. Vi7. Tl .v. THRESHING A WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport' Patent Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion ill regard to their value, durabiliiy and advantages, we make, free to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threshing Machine we ever before witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 bushels of Wheat er day, and Ihi with the aid of three hands In side the driver. The Straw is pasted off from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain i lost. What is of some importance and greatly so, is the fact that no dust passe from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power aeem to be erfection itself three horse may work it with ease and then fastest gait nted only be the ordinary plough gait. We must cheerfully recommend the Machine lo Farmers they are manufactured in Milton by Messrs. Welch Pomp andFiiik. PHILIP HI I. GLUT. JOHN B HELLER- Chilisquaque tshp., Norlh'd co, Match 20, 1811. II A Z A II IB 'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STVI ISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc uments, fact and nthi r useful infoiuiatioii. illustra tive of the history ami resources of the Anuricaii Union, and of each Stale; euibracii g commerce, manufactures, agiii u'ttire, inti rual improvements,, tiiiuiuej, education, Ac. Ac. Edi ted by Samuel Huaid. Pubh bed eviry Wednesday, at 79 Dmk street. The price to si.hrcnl'crs is f5 per annum, psyabUi on the liist ol Janoa.y of each year. No subscrip tion received for less tli.n a year. Subscribers out of the principal cuiu. to pay in advance. IMPORTANT TO fllHE Undersigned take pleasure in submitting A. to the public the following Itecommendattons of Pratt' Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain Duller lo all dealers in Grain and manufactory of Flour, be lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind ever off red to the public. All orders addressed to Col. J. M'Fadden, Lewishurg, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEEZER SQUIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. CEIlTinVATF.St Mootz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. J. M'Fnnm Si a : I cheerfully testify to the goodness snd durability of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill ard Grain Duller, a being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I wave leen engaged in the manufacture of Flour fur a great many years, and have always tried to have the best apparatus for manufacturing that could he got, snd do say that the above machine is the bist apparatus I believe now in use. Jon Moatz. Jiloomshurg, Dec. 26, 1840. Col. J. M'Fininw Sia : In reply to your favor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fact of my having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the lest evidence I can give you of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M'Kratr. Milt;n, March 17, 1841. J. M'FAnmit Sia : I do heieby certify without any hesitation, that Pratt's Smut Mill and (train Duller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain of smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen all the kind that are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will Ci me in competition with it. Geo. Lckf.rt. Cot. J. M-Famus Sim : During the past 24 yeara I have been constantly engaged in manufac turing flour, and during the lust 12 years have been the owner of a grist and flouring mill, and among all the contrivances lo remove impurities from grain I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt a iron ma chine is superior to any with which I am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen month. r aKiitnicK it aas. Yorkture Mills, Dec, 1840. I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus to prepare grain for flouring, as Xhtbest, and I want no lietter thn Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. ClKASOS. Sunburn, December 22, 1840. Cot. J. MFaiiiiiw Star I have in my mill one of Pratt's csst and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills and Grain Huller, and am confident that in regaid to simplicity of construction, and durability of mule rial, it is superior to any I am acquainted wiih. II KURT MaSSCK. Bear Gap Mills, Dec. 22, 1840. Cot. J. M-Faiiiu i Sir : I hate in my flouring mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the best machine to prepare grain for flouring that I am ac quainted with, and a such cheerfully recommend it to all who are engaged in the manufacture of flour Jacob Lmsksriki). Aaromburg, March 23, 1841. Cot. J. M-Faihus Sia : I loke pleasure in say ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has yet come under my observation, ami that I believe it far superior to any thing of the kind ever invented. You may use my name in any way you think proper. O. I . Di m ax IWroi Mill, Jan. 11, 1841. This is to certily that I hate had Pratt's Cnst ai.d wrought iron Smut Machine and Giain Huller in use lor better than 12 months, and find it lo answer every purpose that it was intended for. Smut can Iks taken out of wheat I believe eveiy particle of it can bo taken out without bteuking the grain ul the wheat. Juiix I um k. Aarumluig, Much 21, 1811. Cot. M'Fadih Sir : I have been engaged in manufacturing Suiieiline Flour for many years, ai d have t this time one ol Pratt's Smut Mills in each of my mills, and I do hen by recomni) nd them as tlie most valuable improvement for cleaning wheat ol smut and all other impurities, that I am acquainted with. James Dunca Cot. M-Fannm Sia : I have been engaged in the manufacturing ol flour for 28 yeais, and most cheerfully recommend the above machine, as being by fur the best apparatus for cleansing grain that 1 have ever used or seen. I consider it an indispen sible article for any mill that pretends lo do any bu suit ss. Joim r isiita .1,iueduct Mills, Dec. 24, 1840. Cot. J. M-Faiiihm Sir : Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and I believe it is the best article of thst kind now in use. It will not only remove su.ul eu'eiely, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any character, and prepare it for flouting. Hkmjami Moose Lcuitburi;, Dec. 22, 1840. Cot. J. M-Faihun Sir: After a cateful and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gard lo construction, neatness and despatch in eie culion, economy in price, and power lo set in oik- ration, I am fully cunviuctd and satisfied, that the machine above alluded to, is second to no one in use, J. Morhow, Milhr and Flour Manufacturer CattoifUsa, Droinbcr 25, 1810. Cot. J. M'FahiiI!! Sir: Fran's Cast and Wiought Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Gruiu Huller, I consider to be tlie last machine to remove smut anJ other impurities to which grain is subject, that I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re gard to durability of material, simplicity of construc tion, nearness and despatth in execution, JoSKPH PaXTOM. N. B. The above machines are manufactured at the Lewisburg Foundry, Union county and at the Bloomsburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisburg, June 10, 1841. HATS, ELXaXOV, la YON fc GOSH. Wliolrtiule Dvalci-ft, In Foreign, llritish und American Vry Goods, No. 12 North Tsui Strut, Philadelphia COUNTRY Merchants can be supplied at all times with an extensive sssortnenl of the above Goods, on the n.ost reascuable and satisfactory leruia. May 2'J, 1841. ly. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG I1KACK FOR SAW-MILLS. Bt BmjAMia N. Ccsmwa. rPHE Subscribers having purchased the right for vending and using tlie abova valuable inven tion, for Norihumbctluiid County, offer lo dispose of the same to K-rson who msy desire to purclmse. The above invention is now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, nesr Sunbury, w here it can be inspected by owner of saw mill and all others interested. E. GtUIIN, March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBI.N. WARRANTED Brass Clocks. Tor l Dollars, EQl'AL for time to any sold by Clock Fed Lirs for fifi, foi sale ly March iJ. H. B. MAsfcER. Liter f'mitntilliit. Ten years standing, rured by the use of Dr. liar, lirh's Compound Stnngthmitig and German Aperient Pills. MRS. SARAH BOYER, wife of Willi. m Boy. er. Nnrlh V... ,K is, .!.... l'.ll,l..ll m uu.,,1 .LJiiotT, nirirvu u.nun Philadelphia, entirely cured of the above distressinrr disease. Her symptsms were habitual costiveiies of the bowels, total loss of appetite, etciuciating pain in the side, stomach and back, denression of spirits, extieme debility, could not lie on her left side without an aggravation of pain, with other symptoms indicating great deiangement in the luncilona of the liver. Mrs. Boyer was attended by several of the first physicians, but received but little relief from their medicine at laat a friend of of hers procured a package of Dr Harlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Fills, which, by the use ot one package, induced her to continue with the medicine, which resu'ted in effecting a perma nent cure, beyond the expectations of ber friend, Principal office for this medicine ia at No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. April 2d. 1842. Agent. I'atlilNli'g lMiliiioiialls) or I'uluio narv C'oiiMimntlon. IS a very prevalent disease, and carries Mtttto to the cold and silent grave. Delicate lou.vo rr.M a trs" commonly fall a prey to this tell distroy er of human life This disease commences at first with a dry hacking cough, pain in the breast ami side, los of appetite, and restless nights. At length a ws-ting or decay of the whole body ia perceived, which is called by many Corsumptio, "ooiho iito a iM'tiE," a complaint that thousands are laboring under with faint hopes of ever recovering, not knowing that there is a medicine existing which will afford relief even in the last stages. This ia L'R. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REME DY for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of the Liter and I.uns. A full treatment ia given of diseases in a small pamphlet, which can be had gruti of the Agent, where the Medicine can always be obtained. Price ft per bottle. For sale i.t No. ly North Eiglvh street, Phila delphia. Also at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, March, 20th. 1842. A'jent. DyNpciiKia! Iy8tiu!! More Proofs oj the F.Jficacy of Dr. Harlich's iticiHeS. MR. JONAS HARTMAN, of Sumneytown, Pa., entirely cured of the above disease, which he waa afflicted with for six years. Hi symptoms wete as-nsxnf distention and oppres sion alter eating, distressing pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, loss of sppetite, giddiness and dim ness of sight, extreme debility, flatulency, acrid e ructatinns, sometimes vomiting and pain in the rifjbt siile, depression of spirits, disturbed rest, faint ness, and not able to pursue his business without causing immediate exhaustion and weariness. Mr. II irtman is happy to state to the public, and is wil ling to fcive any information to the afflicted, re-peeling the wonderful benefit he received from the use of Dr Hurlich's Compound Stiengthening and Ger man Aperient Pill. Piincipd Office, No.' 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale at the stre of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, March 19th. 1.142. A"''"! Spitting of IMimmI, - IS another dangerous symptom of "Pulmonary AJfeeiim," and dillicult to arrest when neglect ed ; it commences with cough, copious expectora tion, which consists of bright frothy matter, or black, and clotted with blood ; there is in istly some fever, headache, palpitation of the heart, flushes of heat, and tedness of the cheeks; d.fliculty of brea thing, soiene.-s of the tlnoat, and saltish taste in the mouth, eVc. "Dh. Dcncas's Exi-kctorajy Rr. m rnr" w ill le found to arrest this complaint. One single buttle, in many cases, will answer, if used at the first attack, but when neglect' d, it may require many more. Those who may be afflicted with ' Spitting of Blood," should lose no time in procu ring the above medicine, as this disease mostly proves serious when not early attended to. Price f 1 per bottle. Ollice for the sale of this medicine, No. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, also for sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. March 12, 1842. Agent. To 1 lu4lllic t'l. " TIHOSE who are suffering from various diseases ,L incident lo the human family, would do well to procure Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening anil German Aperient I'ills. which are so pre eminently reccommended for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. ains in the side, back and breast, Nervious A flections, Head-Ache, and all the dis eases ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may lie obtained gratis, which contain full and explicite directions for using. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificates of cure in this pa er, which may be relied upon, a they are taken from tha original. For sale at No. 19, NORTH EIGHTH atreet, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. March 5, 1842. Agent. Cure jour t'oussli W-torc it Is too late. DR. DUNCAN'S ExrECToRAK-r RsMtnt is the only medicine that peifi ct confidence can lie relied upon foi the imnvdia'e removal of this troul lesome complaint. 1 his medicine always re. lieve a cough in a few days, and when the disease is seated on the lungs, it causes it to lie discharged by expectoration, thus restoring sound health to the happiness and enjoyment of those who long have been afflicted. For sule at the Principal Office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also at the store of HENRY YOYTHEIMER, Feb 20. 1842 .'gent. Consumption and l?atli "VI fill most assured y be the fate of those who neglect themselves when afflicted with the premonitory symptoms of consumption, as a Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, or Soreness of tl.e Threat, Hoarseness, Difficult Expectoration, Asthma, Spit ling of Blood, 4c. Dr. Di'rcan'i Expictorart RiMini is expressly prcpaied for the removal and cure of these dangerous and troublesome disease Ther. foie, you who are tailoring under the influ ence nf these complaints, procure immediately this medicine before it be too late, On Bottle may l the means of prolonging your life. Always ask for Dr. Durcar's ExricTOSAKT RtMXDi.audsre thatyou get it, and not I persuaded by some wbc sell d fferent medicines to take some of their medi cine in preference. These persons obtain some chesp thing, and pslm it on the public at full price It is therefore impi riant for purchaser to be ci. their guard. Dr. Ducan's EirtcTftRART Rrrrr is put up in irge siac bottles, and enveloped in blue pa per. 'The outer form contsina a fine steel plat en. graving representing "Hue in a Storm." Prit f I per botile. Principal Office 19 North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. Also for sale ol the Store of HENRY YOXIIIEIMER. Feb. !2.I8'.U ft 'hiTu will pkf.m'al. Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and want from any but a fair trial to establish iheir worth. We have a communication in our columns to-dty fiotn a xrson long afflicted, wnich is but one of many voucher fr Ihi weJi cine. : Spirit f tht Times,