i Another Kicltement. The Caroliik Uutuaob Abais Mil J. 8. Ho sin im Kochistkh Jail. April 1, 6 o'clock A. M. Last evening, a warrant wan granted by ivatiee Hiichan of thin rity, for the apprehension of John Shcridnn Hogun, Esq, charged with having been one of Iho destroyers of tlM Caroline, and of tlio party who killed Amos Durfen and other. Mr. llogan whose motions are a-iid to have lerii carefully w itched, both here and in Canada, wan perdily arrested, just aa be was starting fir the country hi a carriage he having arrived in the Uore a few hour before from Toronto, He h carried before Police Jusiioo Warner, -nd committed to jail for further examination till "4 o'clock this afternoon, Some fern nn ex jessed doubts nstr whiilrer he s really the persoN, as he was in mine degree dis guised; liul if lie actually r Uogan, his pnrtici . pation in the Caroline Outrage is a alter of no oriety. He Miaved wiili sprril at the Th.'lice office asked no faran required no friends hut (Placed liia trust and cnntiilcrrco tri fho power of hi ' country the wooden walls itf Old Englund" ; V'''"S "y povcTOnieiitran.iirolect me." "flie compK:rinant was ?oorrirl Tholler, and not AV. I.. Mackenzie, ashr'lieeii wrongly slated. Wc tintletatrmd from seveinl persons that a'love affair has involv. d him in this JilRculry, Which weTy 'prdbable. A t arry rate there does seem lobe a lady -'In the case. Kvt heater Evening VW. DrMf Im States. In reply lo' number of articles m Uric (London Times, attacking the credit of the American Suites, 1.1 n IT Ureen.now 'in 'London, has .published in the Morning Chrorichy'a serins of bi tides, which he conclusively tfhows statistics which cannot be gainsaid, that all 'tho States, arc .abundantly libtc to .pay their debts, and only lack the wtll "to do eo. 'J'o the.foruc ofGenerul Crceii's statistics and argil- menu, the Times 'has been obliged tto .y.id!d. The riudcbteduesg of the diH'erent Ctateaiis aid lo be as tfollowg-: N'cw Ilarnphtrc, Kone Vermont, jVone UliiKle Islnnd, N'one Connecticut, . Js'one iew Jersey, None North Cartiliniv, Tv'one .Delaware, None ."Maine, sll;C 11,027 Massuolnipctte, S.t'lUW .New York, J04G5.2.M ilVnnsylMsnin, .l,101,(rTl Maryland, a."j,l(rl),ij'jij Virginia, Ci.s.TTJf'il South Carolina, y,?(M,7:Vt Georgia, 000,000 'Alalutnia, lO.S'ril.OOO" Misstosippi, "UIOO.HOO J.ouisi.inii, 11),7'),(HI." ToniHWsec, 1,t!).liti ' Kentucky., 4,03o,tHKJ Ohio, 2:),7-M,7.w Indiana, Ti.Ml.OK) ' Illinois, 12,:ilMKK) Missouri, t!,OlM.,000 Micliipin, .O.Ol'UHIO Arkansas -J,7v; l,KK) ll'loiula,, y,!KKI,(mO 'Diana ul Culuiitbiu, 1 ,."": KMWO There is no j Mirnal in -Europe whjeh indulge n morecordisl hatrcd towa'dx this repulilie and its insli utioiis than t'liitckiuimil's Mttgii;iiic. 'But ills vioi;ce xIvfcAts its own ends, aa . extremes n 1 rally do. iia abue' becomes harmless, becuoe the , vvir-uleitee tliat prompts it ,U aecn to ben-srt of monomania. Ve Miay ik-rivc amusement from the .outbreaks of t)i Tory rsik r, and il any good hints appear ill the uiidst of his passionate .invectives, ve can pre rve good temper enough tto profit by them. The inif.tteuce .of the Magazine 011 -the othcr'SMln of the wa'er, where its misrepresvutAtions may be taken for true statements, cannot be other wise than prejudicial. to the .cause of frve gdvern iinent. The fallowing is the latest specimen of the Black wood style in speaking of this country : "The CAUleiKe of the United ttitalos wouki be of use, if it were only to makoithe worlj sick of Ke publicauism. There-never was a more shocking ciidtnee of the absurdity of cut peeling a rubble lo be rulionaVhoncst or moderate ; or the .government . oluten by that rabble, In be anything but their tools. 'But if they kept their follies to thcm.selves, thry .jiiight be suflered lo call names, waale aheir lives in election s;ual;bl( a, oxhaust the public re. . sources in wot thiols speculation, and swallow gin and bad politics to tine and of the .chapter. But the evil of republics never Jiecps. itself within na tive bounds. It ii always boiling over on its neighbors. A field of Untitles is not more obnox ious. 10 the honest farmer, who eos their seeds floating over His fence at every u, and preparing . veialioni for hi. haive.t hour by hour. America is uow a bind of fympalhirers tender , ,ihrae ! A neet of cut-thcoata'staita up in Carta . da. Il is ayrrip'sibytor thurn at the other idoof .iie St, Lawrence. A horde of rufliansalarts up in liflaud, roaring for the Hecal of the I'nion, which every man of common -sense mutt know -to be only preliminary to tho 'e pa rat ion of ilia empire, and scenes of unparalleled bloodshed and mieiy, if not the aignu.1 ior an universal war, Ameri'A instur.tly rxhibits her bympathieg. We are at peace with her, we have offered no provocation, the is bound to ua by solemn treaties, but avlut are ad tli e tilings to a "free and enlightened people!" All ihese githrrinft of ralii le orators, pour out. in her public places, the most fuiious drclumiiions sgainst uur cognlry. But d.ir her governrnt nt ew-r inter fere ; dura she ever protest sgain.t these violences ; do any af her pul'hc oipai.s peiol out lo th-se ;,iAwling ioendiaris I be ii. malice, the fsit'ilessness and the alroi-ity of thsir ip(osr I No. A repun. Jicun government i alwdys a govemmviit (if touU, and the gavernment leaves tlio mischief to t.iko it-) way." If we are disposed to throw back reproaches there would he no lack of matter in the way of retaliation aa a rejoinder to this abuse- Tbe interference of British abolitionists has gono farther in meddling with our domestic concerns than any movement on the part of our people in the affairs of Ireland. British emissaries have visited the United States to stir up divisions amongst m; they have leagued with domestic agitators 4 and one of these fnieign envoys had the assurance to rfl'er a tnemor.al to the President of the United States on a subject which no foreigner faas right to touch. The World Convention at London was presided over by no lesa a personage than Prince Albert, husband of thcjueeuf England j and in thit Convention the delegate of Am erica 8 abftkitionixta sat fide bv fide with Urilwli symf albisers, and joined in the abuse of tboir 4iw-n cnurilry which poured from tlio lips of their foreign ca-afljutora. What bounds would be set la the furious wriiib f Brit-hiLi Tories if ooiisgsrics fiami the t:,nited States shenjld g to EnylainL a agcut ni l great association iier, to stimulate, the ellorts of the Cliartints, to ecpose tlte ityrauuy of the Coni Lwi, to aggravate the 1hler fitdiiiijs if liie pmirlabotir ing lasM.'8iin (ireut Kritaiu, bowed ddwu and tram pled an as they are iukr the A'ct of arK.toer.iwe opprArs'! Tbe system of domestic sUveny ex. ieting in the IT. States, when considered in view cftbe-chniacterisiic of the nee who are subject to it, m nut a ytlt'm wf hardship that could hold no other nnatin in this country, consistently with their ewn good nnd the coiuinon welt'ure. Theeytein of serv itude .io Ureat Briiain i one of hardtdiip, and there is io distinction of races in 'the caycto tendor its continuance necessary. But we need. not pursue recrioiiiuitions further 'Ulactttwott'i Magazine 'ta the organ of ultra'sis and does not spenk the l.tugingR of tlw more li- i licrrfl of the British Tories. The Jmdn'i Iftntrttry is a better representative of -thut party. Il bus ; shown iWrll an-Mous to promote gooil I. cling lie lecn the two countries:, and although .its cnt mi'iita andiidvad are strongly British, nod of c m- seiiuenec linctired wilh soin. lhiiig of uprogan-e j and -sedf-assumttd snpeiiorily, thore .is yet in its bearing ,moie decency, r. nncm.-i.t and '! bendity ' than the Bh.ekwo.Kl brawl., s have any .c .Ke,.ii..n ' of. iIiulL..Annriran. AI.TI!WIfK ntttrKK'n, 'OJJiec df the Balti-moiii: Amchhan Api 1. CATTLE. The ollciings of Beef Callhi at the ('rove .yaids 'to-lliiy wore smullor than 'fir some lime post, nnd -the ptofik was ell infnrior ijtiillilv. 'OI'I20 'head that weie iu market -Titl weie .liriven north, and the Itnlanac sold at priaos langiug 'from ri to f5 per -10U Hs. as in .ipmlity. P.ile of Live Hogs were m .do ou Saturday at per 100 lbs., and to-day a parcel or tvvo in market ate uflued ut FLOLTJ. The demand for Howard street Flour is uite. limited and the transactions sm ill at fo 50 for good standard brands, at which price holders are very firm. No receipts by wagona to.J.iy. Thciast settling wgon price wos f r :i7J. There was ionie impiiry to day foi tilty Mills Flour. Some' holders arc willing to sell at f.it'J wiiilc olUrs relu.ing .that price, J lie stunk H light. ! ged. without regard to, the amount of bis debts. The (GRALV-'A sal,, of mime Md. red, the first lot ! c.""' "fu1" r I'-(exclus.ve of the attorney's 1 leo) wdl.be about IS. of any conscpienceat uwiket, was mr. le to .lay -lor Frm tnue ,ie i(,lic.t1 i..n U filed the appli- sliipiiKoit at-fl 42. Sales of Md. white c,.ru at .r)5 j c.inUcunuot be arrested, nor bis. property levied ou cts. and of .yell iw at 57 a 5 vUi. Md . Oa's wou'd , u"!t''' ras0 f 'liau ,,,,.;. ... , , ..... . Appli-auts nt.-il not l.e present at any lime, as probably Urn;. 4.1 .ots. A lot of A ..rgu.ia j U) iCB(1 ,,,,, ,lo vety ,,in nectary . sold l.kday at 41 cts. Clovereed hits further lie- j IVrsons wishing to appU ore ie.ucsle.l to wriie lo cbned, mid we puo',e prime ,1'enn-ylvaiiiu at ! a 1 inc. ittull will en.l them an approved 'form of pe 1 25 per bushel i ,','"n- which ,it is only ncot-ssary to .fill up arid . - .... , , . 1 swear lo beU.re the Commissi jut for .that rouulv, VUm !5iIDN!. I here is-nolumg domg, ami ! ur if Ilit .,. he Cl)UIlW prices are noinimitly without .clunge. AVe .jii..te New llioss Pork at 60 ; tv'o. 1 at 7 a 7 50; PrUae at n,.$t;:60.; New Ncsb Kvnf ut JO 50 ; No. 1, at f 0 60.; Prime t 1 50 end family Mow in half barrels at $15 50. New Western as sorted Bacon ranges frum IM IJ cents ad in iuali ty ; Hams ot l a 8 cents.; Sidus al ft a 4) cents ; -thoulJoFs at !IJ cents.; Joles at 2 cents; lUIti more cured Hams at .?! 1 cents ; Sid.ittt t cents, and Shoulders at t a Jj cent. We are d- , , , vuedofasileol l,5keNo. 1 catcru I ard on eUutday-atT, cents full. W-iilNlCnV. Isve.ydull ut ill cents, in h'tds. and 0 cts. in bl.ls. Tbe wagon price of bb!. is IC cu. exclusive of the birrtl. I ilu RX7. a -This disease, which i making uch f.ightftil ravages iii.rngland and France, and id Uuinniug to dUiday itself in this country, lll , , ' . ! immediately give -woy to powerful purgation.! Whoever, then fore, cxiieiieiu-e tightness of chest, ' accoiupanicd wilh sore throat, have nothing to do but put tiieir feel in warm water, and lake eight 01 ten oftbeWnM Yegetuble Vnmrsul Villu. If thicoure be.adopU-d and, persevered in, Ihe con- ilweiuent of tbe attack w Ul not last metre than a .lay or two. Kememlw?r, no Chemist or.D;ugc; tells . . , . ihe Brandreth Pills. fjT Purchase in Sunbury.of II. B. :a,er..aid the agents published in another part of this paper, t OllN, C UIIKltJI. UUtK'OtlMlllltlOH. f JIIE-SE universal complaints we find in almo.'. 4. every family, alteuded with 111010 or Jose seve rity, al the same lime rcgirded by 'some wiih very little attention, until (hay begin to assume a r.uu rPilE tune is rapidly approaching when the Bri character. Why are pa leuls so neglectful of them- I cade, cornti ised of the counties nf Northuinber- ji.lves, when they know that their ha.dih is all in all ! Are they iiotuware lluit it r.ipures much longer time to srre.t a ihiese when soil, ie.1 to '.nil its threads upon the vit.ls ! Will tho,e who de.ire health lake .good sdvice, and alwiys be provided wilh few luittles of ' JV. Human tt i rJtrfurunt ljemrdyr wh.reby they ran immediately ar.e.l the fatal progress of Conaump Ion, and Not be i-o.iipel- I.'il to itn. ml ui'itrd ,11 1111a.ru unti 11.1111. ne.-idt's ina- King an ' Amiritcuri .simp en rneir s omaens ; This Medicine is cert,, in in its 1 fl.-i ts, if ustd 111 due se.tbn,4i.d mwsys produ.( 10I1. 1 ui 'he muiM I.Oh - Nss ca.es, liy tts s .01111114 and palliative eii.cts. J'his is a coinuilaiiiiiiAvlii. il iioiuv api leci.te. Otlice and Wboh-snlo Upa, No. ttf Noith Eighth st ie', PbiLili'tpbia. I'll, e (1 per-lolltc. Fur k.ulu ul the store ut IJE.NRV OM'HEIMF.R, April 'Jth, HVi. gnt. I'llICH CURRENT. Corrertcd werkty by Henry Yoxltrimer. W U KAT, 110 lt, Ml lions, 4(1 Oats, 30 I'ORK, 5 t'LAtSKKB, ... - )V5 BuTTKIl, 12 Hkkswak, .... 85 Tallow, .... rjj DniKii Applks, - 75 Do. Teach ls, 2(1(1 FtAJt, ... .8 HKeM.Kn Flax, - il) Loos, ...... H SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATrAWISSA,COtt7IrlBIA CO THE sobscrilirr respectfully informs the iullic that he bus purchased, aud now ocoupita the Large lUlt'U and M,,tAL tkwmtHliuv iliggTi-ri-M Slaud, Well known as the properly, late of Theodora Wells, and foruiorty knpt Ivy tauioel A. lli'idy. He is nw ire.ircd to secoinmodaie nlltiavellors .and vkiileis who in.ry favor him with a rail, ami wiH use eveiy i tl'irt jn bis power to render every 1 convenience and eooifortio his customers, while under his ehnroe. Mis aeenmmu latious are ample, and bis romuo well iuoiiislied. His stuldes rxcn sive and in good .condition. His Tad i.k and llvin will be supplied w.ith the best thut the market can nH"r!. II v puitctnalily and attention, heicela con(id lit.lhat bo wid merit the patronage of the Aiublic. ( lIARI.t;s HAiRTMAN. (iollavvissa, April Dill, WIS. Nclcc'l I'irciilatin MAhrary, AND JOUKNiL OF J'OUTE IJTJJIIATLUK. f 1 1 10 l.ibrtiy is published on a double roval .1 sheet, sixteen pages quarto each, on new type. and prioted .in the bent style of bonk w.nk. The weekly Journal ol Belles Lettres will be printed as formerly on tie cover. J'rice I'ive Diili.ahs a ynr, if paid at, or re- 1 mit.ed to, .the olliee. dollars if collected by an i ue -nt of the ol'.ii.-e. ul.-ripii.,ns commence with January, and no siilm.-nplions taken dor less th iu a year. Letters ",,,!,t ' B" p"-t-pnid. I'ostmast. rs aie al owed by I .w lo forw.ird aObsc lotions fiee. As p stinje b is , j f nvea. wo urC.-uily re- ipie-t '.iticltieis adenlion to tins. t rr iniuum As the. e aru some ext a copies for i!K:10, let.i.7. .183. and 1I88U, two of lhe-e years' .Library ai d the in w year are off. red for Ten L)ol- I l .rs. At the aiiie tale to old subscribers, who wish I to compl tc sets. j 0 Jf -tiubsnripliorte received al this oflice. j BAN KKUFTC3T. i 3f'o those who wish to tithe the bi mlil nf tlv I HWKIllPT WM. V,. At'STIN, Attorney at Law, Pitts burg, oilers his services. 'Oll'i-ein Buike's I buil.hnc, dill between Wood and ntaikel Ktieets. fJiidcrMandiug that many persons who ate ih'fi roua of a discharge, under this law, nro not awaro j of its nature, it would be well perhaps to oeroinpa- uy this notice with a few words of explanation. ' Applicants living in NorthumlivrUind .county, can j petition in i'ittrburg, to his Honor, Thomas. Irwin, ; Judge of the U. S. , District liourt,.tvhn sits for ihe J purpose of receiving petitions every day fron 10 till 3 o'clock. The petition must contain a srhedule of his projK' ty jindii 1 1 t of his ureditors, their . place of resilience, ami the ainonut tluo lo each so-.f .r as p. tuion.-r t in ascertain. Any iiersou can be dtn-hur scn.l it. to me, and I will, .when he is .disehareed, 'n.l bim a certificate. WAI. K. ALaS lllN. .I'ittbur;, Apiil Vd, :l-8 U. lit. WM. K. Al;S riN.T'sa., will givc hia a'tenli.ui lo all my unfini-hed business; and I rcomuu ud him to the. patronage of my friends. -WAI.'l'EU FtHtiWAIiy . I Iluclor J0I111 IL lVic.4 .fA UATKFliL -for the jiatronuce hitheito ox- j 1. Jf wndrd -U bim. beg leave to inform bis I Ii. end and tbe public, that he ha taken his sou j y , .4 . JN 'ff;, m() p;,,,.,,;, ;, j,tl" j,,,,,,, 411ld ii,a,",v will punctually attend lo ol! business in their line of '. pr.ilession. April Sd.JSPJ. ' JK. JOU II. llll4'.fL I f KRCB V ro,ustii all peisnts iinlrl. J A for professiuiul servieei,.to nuke rl I'ted to bim rll.tole4:t as pecd:ly as pot.-iUle- A u. gleet t,f lliu notice, may e '" additional expenses. Sunburv.'April S.l.ilUIS. ' . . . IiHtlE TlIIVIlG ! XlIIXS ! .FjHlu subscribers are prepared to furnish farmers i "theis wile any quantity ol I. line of a very r!"' ," "' or I'''-"". . low.ng v. ry rnluced price, viz.: -S cus. .per liui.bel ,,or 1, ,jm,- . It) c ts. for liie bc.l quulity of pU j t rm Lime.ai ihe k Ins, Mow the borough of-Mun- i Uury- ''"I"? w.ll ab,o d.hver, at any place within the borough of huiiburv. Lime lor land, al 10 cents per j-bmihi-l. and Lime for .plai.tcring at 12 J cenis per hu-hel. The ubscr t era hivolwa.s 011 hand, a i large quantity of Lime. Its quality is .good, and mt ir iimcsioiie i iioi etjuainu by any in ineniigli- b.irho.id SEASHOLTZ A BCRGS'f RF.Sfr'ER. Angii-ta. ApfiiLi8'1''. BKZGAXMS INSmCTOR. j Im,), Union and Ctdumbu, w.ll ! called upon to elert a suitable person lo fill Ihe idl'ice of B.igade Inspector. COL. J. McFADUEN, of .Lewihurg, Union county, uffcra hiitoelf n c.injiilale for Sii.l otlice. Vs tho Colouei bas bail . t.n.ijera!,0 eerieuce in mili ary Tai.a, be feels , ,,erKludej lh ,g fu W1 ' nl , .li-cbar-.. .1.. .1... 1 . " . .. ..... Hie dot t of the oince. April I S I'J. BaiQADll INSPECTOR. A an alecnon will uke pi ce in Juno ro-xr, (or --- the purpose of elect rig 4 brig .do InofHC;ur, COL HANIEL FOLLMIR aaain oPi is hini.e'f lo his filn .v citix -ns as a can-didata-f ir that otlice, and lru.it, as be ha- thus far .bselurir.ed the duliiai of .aid nlt'ire will) s,tifntiou Ui the community, he l.uy ask them f ir a continu ance ul 'their favor. Match '.'tit',', ISF DIIIOADB IN5PECTOH. a I I 1. ' ' ' rv.ic..., in ri.isu Ql lownship, Nortbombeilaml county, I APT. WM. II. KAMI.:, rf Hush J-l J oiiera iiimseii as a caii.lnlaln tor I he nftice Jh- f 1, 1 f , . ., , fWjli ' "t,'de Inspector, at the ensuing cleo ly.t 1 ,. . , , ... , ,, IZiHW "on, tube held in June next. H-rcsi'ec.t- H.U r..ll., ...t. ii. .1.. .. . r a r 11 n 1 U rulty sulielta the support ihT (us fellow ci. tj I w ... j ... . .1 . , 1 I I I tin ns, and Uuts thai Ins ong experu-nee If, I. H,:i:,n.u ... 1, . . W !l i li 1 im ilii'" 1 r 1 X ' V : 1 .;! " ..-, '7, '" '-'; lli'ia himself as a candidate for the otlice of Brigade Inspector, at the ensuing elec tion, to be held in June next, lie respect fully sulieits the wipport ,f tiis fellow ci tir. ns, and tiuts that bis long experU'nee in military uialtirs, will ena'ile him to discha'ge liie duljen of s id ollico with entire aiisfaclion to the ueoidu. Mareii 10th, ISIJ. a iv ati ik ai. itt:in:iv, j Suilrd to tmr coMlttutums, and mmjirtent to curt of rvtty curuliU tlisrasr, will Up found in j WIMIirS IDMAN VEKETABLB VIUS. ; I l TIIK N'olt J II A.MKKIM AN Cot.l .W K OF 1 IkaI Til. f j'a.llli: cxLTaiwdinaty pills e composed ol ' I plants wbich grow spontaneously ou our own J soil and arc liieicfore tetler adnjited to our isiin I lutiunstl'au hiedieiiies coucovted from foreign drug liowever well ilnsy miv be compounded; sod as! theiiVlliW Vr.AUI'ABI.H PIl.t.M are found, d ! upon the piincipleth it the human body is in truth ! xulijict tn but one ilituusr, viz. : corrupt humors, j ntiit tint sat.l medicine cures th s lUsei.s.) on pulu nil jitHriptrs by cJcttiK-iin etui purifying the luidy ; it will be iua.ntf. st tbat if tlrf coimtituiiou be not eutirnly eabau te.l a pi.rservunre in their use, ne-oiliug to d rcclioii, is mIisoI'iI. Jy 4-ertain l irive disea-e n! every riaini' finui the body. The lilduiu i'rgrlaltle t'ilx Wl lie found one of tbe best, if, nut the very bent weilioine iu dm world f r 1 carry ing out this grand iiurifuing iirincihU, be cause ilie.y expel iioui ihe body idl ui ,rlnd and or rupl humors (-bi. tai m. vi iiikkaic) in any easy and NATitiAi. manner; and whilethev every ily tiif eitnc out! ftkaKHre, d seasc ul' c.ery name is rapid y driviui from the body. The bImivo num. d In.li 111 Vcgetahle Pills have been three years before the American public; and we ran now say with Hit four f contra. lii-.tion, that of ti VI the various inedioinea which have heretofore been, popular not one ha" p'tven such a ,peimam ut hold upmi the alV-ctious .rf the pcqple. Not only do all who use it invariably experience irli.-f, ami recommend it .in thn strongest tcnua, but 11 has etlitcled some nl Ihe most astonishing cures ever performed by uvdiciuc. For sale by li. ii. MAas'liKSonbury. April 2 I, 19-12. I 3Jt'--.v Ann f liuHi;nt'K i:tlalf- j JO PUT: is hereby given, that Ihe Ji.gisierof Noilhuuiheilitid county b s united 4ettrs ted.illient ny upon the estate ol M. rry Ann t'hi'p man, late of tbe borxwith ol Nor.buuili. rlai.d. d. c'.1.. to the subscriber, ic Ming in suid Buiouuh. All persons having any demands ngain.st said i's'c, aie ruipiested .to present lliein. nn.l tliose indeliled lo make pnyrneot to ihe subscriber. Mi cb.ilU, C.w. JtlslAU C1IAUMAN. L1TTI.LIS wi slu m UK imms wmmi. j CONTENTS OF Till: MALCJI NUMBER, j L:t.i aits fiom tl.e'JB.tltic; "Viseount Pslmerston; j Mr. Serjeant Talfour.'.; Right Hon. .Charles I iiav Ltfovrc; (Speaker;) Cro;chcty Men and their t'ounterfeiN; Life and Poems of Murgnrrt Miller j Uavid.sOii; Letteis of John Adams; LnpostU'es; I'l.e I I'uivuisity Feud, a J'oem by Hood, Polities of the , Old .Wotld; Cuptain (.ray's Jouri ul of Two Lvpes ! dilions in Auotralia; Alison's Expedition, No. ; : Mrs. Dimes' K.idciKC in the Family r.f Mural; Dr. -Parkin on Epidemic liucasts; C.dlu.r's Rea ' sons for a New Edition of Sbukspeare; Petre's Ac count of the New Zealand Company; Luc 1' Trans lation nf the Maid of Oil. au,; The (jilt of 1S12; The Stpes of e'oii'n.'rn liuss a, No. 1.; .Memoirs of iMa.lauie Enlarge; Essays written in the Intervals of Biuinc-s; lKkkcr's Cnuictiie of the P.ittmt (iris sell, ( I lil i:t; J ick llinton, the (ji.a'.dsiiiaii,. Chap. 1 to 4; 'Handy Andy, Oluip.,1 to ;l. Si.-ikm k ami Art. Fie.'i. I'ainliin;; Thunder; New (ialvatiie Halt. -rv; tieob-gieal Map of Fiance; Silk Worm; II itnis of Swaliow?; lliscovery of Puiut'ng by Rubens; Flouting Breskwner nil" Brighton; Compressed Air iippheil lo ihip-; Mr l.y. ll on Ihe Pennsylvania ( 'iuit flint s; Snuw on Kail Kouds in. lied by Steam; Round Tcu ers of In land; Fossil R, mains ol a Sloth; Marks of Mao.uis in the Middle Ages; J111 prussioii of a (,'iucili.x on a Tree; Diseovt iy of Fresco Paintings; Da-u. riotype and Elect'otvpe; Paintine by Paul Uvlaroche; Piincess Royal's Pol trail; New .'i-list.irical Picture; Itoiiian AntiquitieH in Loudon; Sir F. Chantrey. O111 riARV. Admiral Sir John Well-; Ujnran Mjnr..; Din nejkei, liie Sculptor; Fait of Wdsimnrel ind; l'r, Han lay; Mr. Mnlur, Ljueeu'e t'ouinel; Mr. W est, M.iP,; Eail af Egmoiil; -E.irl ol Falmouth; Rev. J .lines lih.inlM'rs,'fi.rmer'Pmvot of tho-lfuiversity ol Penn-vlvaniii; Col. t 'uy let; Lord llalybuituii. .l'llKIKV. The Pi arl- Weavi r; Kiel! .Me N it; Lovo Never Sleejui; Tuo S llks of Old; A llmu.. Scene; The Ohio, Kin.lni-Hs; A Child to his Sick trandlathe; A Pfahn of Life. ..MlSCKIJ.XV. sPl-.lue of Pousstn; Population r.f (;vit Britain; Cookery for the Fooi; (irk Tragi-.lies ou the (ieroiai. il gc; Rohsrt Burn-; Mjdune .Lalar.-; ''ook'a Vnysgi ; (.'lim ,te of South Aoslr.ha; Enn liration; The Power thxl (ioveriis I tie World; Chess Players Chronicle; Mr Lye; II. roll's Foil J i 111 in iFieiieb; I.eUer nf tiaiM 11 Charlot'i ; Singular (irowih u! I " 11 1 1 ii i ; .Pobhc Feeling iu Itumiv.r; Ciave uf Mo. iri; Uas .Lights in Australia; -Vi-cal MukIC (.'on.htcike lc lle.(l.h; Mr. Csrlyb; AiiceJotti if the, late Earl of Wiiiiit,ielau.. Tne iMOEI'M is .old l.y Messrs. (,'arvill .(',.., KM l!ro.n!H, IVewA'ork, and by liie Book i lieis ihroujjllout the l ulled )tale. l'uicK. fix l)i'.l rs a year, in advaiic Seven im. I a half,. if not. l'u.tuzi ,. Six heels, molar '100 miles, 0 cl.; over 100 mile, lo cts. As Six Dollars 1- mil a conv. nici t lenut ance. di-tant subscriU'ra will j leae s.-i .1 pi' iii pwnt; on receij.t ufwhvJi the o k imII ne seni, carefully iviapped up, to uny I'o.-l Otlice in lb.- IJ c.l a'c or British Aaienci. E LI II ELL. V CO, 87 'J -Chn-mit .v,-,,7, .';;.... ''''';. BOLTON & CO. fieral liMiimUtiitiu Iti i iianiN, For the ''alt nf Fhr.ir, (Jru. n, -.-tJ, .'(., c. nESPECI FLLLY inf.nm ih. ir tri. rids and ; the Men-ha;:ts .ivier4ily, tiuit they h te la- 1 ken iliore large and ronim,aiious h.irvi, with two I'o.ks, 1101th ..I Ciusuui blr.i t, on the U lawire, I together with the l,.ie No. I'J Sjutli V.'haive-, j wbeie they would J).. pha-ed to r.veive eonsiitn inents , f ( Jin, -Fl.iiii. Se, d, Whiskey, Iron, Ac Ac. Eein: al.so well piep ueil to futwsr.l till kinds j ol M.-ri huiuiiM. by the cluiyiliill and Colon, or by ihe Cl.i.fup. uke tip. I I ).: an r Csi.a s, s t.ov - ' bou,s uia kept expi. n.ly foi the puipu.'' uf towing boats by vi her rou'e. Meicliants will pir. se be p.il.cilljr lo send ll cir I g mds ilcjili.ed by cither -oiul-, t No. I'J S.mili Wh irves, bcliv.irri n!i,r!.,- and Cb.-siiut sin e 011 Ihe D. liwafH, wiiii .hie. U,. ns in coinp J.y 012 lliein whieli route limy wish them lo be hi,. ij Plan, r and Suit for sale at ll..' .low n-l mar ket price. aloi.TON A C'". nt 1, fi isi'i jn:., its I. u'1,,,1.. itoiu:u i' jiitTr.K & mo. Jr A J. x. H UrJ A 17 T A O T U BE TL 9, l,v.Ht,ttril Strett, Haltimort, t 1 lire 1 r 1 i . 11 t n I I A r e .npiantlv for sale, 1 r ntitni P iper of a J.J ,. , 1 ... ,-, Ur . , si.ps ami limit t. h, Cot Wriniic Paper, rub d ... ... , ' , . , 1 , , , ami plain, 111. r Paper, whjle nd l ine, ruled mid .a.; ' 11.. ; .11 , , laio, li inging I'nper, fine and . 010111 01, liovil .pe p,..,.,. .1.. .1 , ... .,1 ... . 1 11 1 taper. lw. .lo. u.i'itium, rtoub'n eiown, crown nnd W FHrers.Col,,ed Med.um I M.VI Pape.a. Homn t limits' and S.w Bo, I boards, I iHsue Pap.-r, and all art cleain their Imp, I wliub they will sell on srcoiuiuod lUng terms. I H gbt-ct pruv given f t old tuns. . I . ;;ouEii r'4:AKrivit a- sox. MrehtS. L'klon.Md. j tii:yuiin m i:imuc ks, ' T 1 FRE ! V g .ves notice to -ill w ho are indebted ! l 1 Jinn. 10 . nil mid sell!.' tU-ir accoutits, on nr j U4 ne ttie rts ,J iy ,4 Aj.iy up xi, f Pr which time, , those (nb rh uro 1 ot si-nied villi be pi ,eed in ;be ! b inds of a rnig strs'e lor coll. rli.m. He will :,t I lend in ,cr mi until the first ..f April next. I Stmlairy, Mar. h JUih, In42. WEAVKirS HOTEL, ,S(ui6ir;yr, ,'nrthvnibrrliind fvvntf 'f'lntiM.Ylviitila, fflit: subscriber, respectfully ijiforms the public I th .t he ba.s removed to (hut finy: anl coairno- dious Tavern Stand, at the rimcr of M irliel and F 11 strer ts, (sign of the iiuck ) formerly oi cu- pnt l.y Jonas Weaver, a 11 4 lately by U.iritel (!ib sou. win re be .is rn,w iircncrnil in flrromrtifwhitM a'l who may fvor him with a call. By strict i.tten- ti.in lo business, and his utmost endeavor to render salisfaelioii to all. he hopes lorcre ve n lit eral shurc ol pulilie patronage. CIlAKld-S WEAVER iSunlmry, Minch I2lb, Ixlg. HAVRE-DE-GHAOE, MD, AVE coiirrUiutly 011 band a general assort merit of DHi cs, aii:iicii:s. rAism. oils, YAKKISUKX. Vij)OW -CLASS, DYE HTVFi-S, iS-r., dr.. which Ihcy off rfnr sale on the mol liber d terms, and nt prices as low as these of J'hiladelj.liia and Baltimore. Particular attention will be given In tiie qnali lies of such nitidi s as are selected or Manufactured for ale, ns nls. lo paok'ng -tin m -for transport tnni Wavie ile-tirai e, M .nil 5:b. 1S2. ,1111. WHARTON'S HOTEL, Smibiti ) , Nui-f liiimlii i liunl louiil . PENNSYLVANIA. '1 '1IK fubscriliur resp. c'.lnilv intoruis the public. ilia! lie has rimove.l to itn.l Isrg.i and coinino- .lioiis Brick House, on Market square, oppositu the Court House. (fnriiHirly hep', bv Jliram Piice,) nheic he is now piepurcJ to ncc urmodatc all who m iy f.ivur hi in with a call. Being tbai.kful fir past favuru, he hopes by nic! atler.tiun to bualueas, l i icccivc a liberal share of public patronage, A c. (UlAKLLri U. .WHARTON, vsonloiry, March 5ih. 1Su2. DUHIRTANT TO THE JlEUUMi -Pl'BLH'. T HE New Quarto Vinut.'.e of the "NEW -WORI.U" aek now ledc-d on all hands lo he Ihe bnniW .mest. eheapesl, nnd most popular and out. rtaining periodical in the world comihcucing J.inuurv lsi, 1812. will contain, simultaneous with its publication in l'nuUnil..lbe Craml New Militury Novel, by ils auihor of Cbarles O'Mallev," enti tled fTj- '-o i'it irc :, .0 Commencing with the story of "Jack lluitoti, the Life liuardsiiiaii." No -commeml ilion of this new tvoik will U- ne reasary to those w ho have read theduhghtful Novil of 'Charles O'.M alley.' Also, a ii''A Novel by Miss C. M. Scditwick, 11I-r.-aily commenced, whieii docs g'eal credit to thut distinguished Ainh..rivs. Many Oiiginal Tales of great interesi, .'among which we . may mriitjun, as already in hand, "M.ny 'Furl -r, a Tale of the Passions," by Edmund Fl ,g. E.-q , author of the 'Far West,' 'Tho iLuhek of 1'errara,' 'Beatrice,' Ac, a ivoik of dccpiul thril ling interest ; "AIm-I Parsons," a Tide of the great Fire jn .New Vork in Pecemlier, 1 S:i, ubou ruling 111 poweil'.illy wiought passages ; "The Blacksmith of Antwerp," by a populc.r original c mlribulo', A bo, a series of nui'i'b Fiig'aviugs.on Woi.il, by the lest artists in England Olid Ann rira, will ca bellisifthe coming volume. All these "N cvi'tUr s, nn.l a mnltilii.le .0 o ih. is, for O.M.r T11 Hi'. k l)n.LAHa, curr. nt won. y, rernilii'd free ef ' pmtnge. .In the usu .1 h-iok form they would cost ten tunes that amount. CHAHLJ33 OVMAIXEV, ENTIRE, Can be had l.y all new uhscnlHrs who wish ibis popular work, hv ordering llnir su!iscu;,tions In commence with the 111 Quarto , obujie, July od, is-ll. For three dollars on any sulvent ch.i(eccd Bank iu the I nite.l Slates or Canada.!, free of pos lage, iho New oil I will ,be ill one year, from the commence incut "l -Cba I. O'Mulley ,' incbiilirig the lit volume gr Hi-, pool shed in ex.ua numbers. Addrot J. WINCHESTER, Publ.slnr, CO Ann street, .New joik AMI IViMH.V r.MMrSITOU. (I M TWO VOLl'.M KS.) ON rAlMNC the Old and New Tiblametit, ' J with praeiieu! est.i'':tioiis and e.'ipluiu.t iry notes, bv Thoma' Williams, Author of "the Ae of Irrti- i il, l.ty , "Uutioii iry ol ail t.eu,i uenomma I tioiis," Af. To vbiih are added the r, f, rencec and i marginal leadings nf tbe Volyg'olt Eil K', together ! with oiigiiuil notes uild icbn li uia from Baiter' ! C'omprcl.eiuive Bibi-, iiu.l o liei standard wnrksnr- ililiuJuctorv and conrl.,d.iig r.matks on each book . ,11 the ted and new Tcs'u.ii'-nl. and a vulualde chro- ;:!' iii. nl iu. lex. Tbe wlu.'e c.iiut'ul'v revi.ed and 1 ad,i t-il lo tne udc.ol timid i Seljool , Bibk' cIissjW, - ..n.l.Cl.risii. hs iteneraiiv. .einltlli.-hcd u ilh limps i ti't'i rS. lUrcing. e.tiled bv tlie iU v. l.hanl Fat ! ton, si.d poldislud by Cu.-e, .'I'll! toy 4':. Buritl!am ; , il .mlorJ, Conn., Iri I. I I'l.i ivoik lu lain I114I Iy letoiniiM-uded by the f.f.,11 WJou, sinoiig ..titer ilunnm jit'u d divines: I Ri v. Siepl en Rt mn gi.,11. p....or of the Medio 1 !i-r F,.i. opsl Chinch, Fooivlyn. I hi v. W. C. lirownb e, pi.-t 'r of the Middle li.i'i ii I lunch, Nt iv. Voik. I Kev.-ino'l Miller ..in! A. A ex uider, Pu.fe i ! in I'rin. clou Tbtologic I Sen. nan, N. 4'VJy. j I.'ee. C. l'..Ciaulli, 1'ies .lellt of Feimy Ivsuia 1 C.'llcae, M Ce'i.'bnig. .Rev. (.'. 'W Schai Iter, pal,or ol he i.u'.l.erau Chordi, II irrishurg, Pa - For sale by II. li Mas-ir, A.-.-i.t I r I,. Pid'u hers. aan. 'J'.:h I en 1 v . 1 iu: AMEHIOAN JCyliiDICAI. LIBRARY AM' lvnii.i.ii.r.M i:it. ClCL.M R 'l t.U K.c i.l . t Medic ' Sc an. I l.it.iu i In I,! . i; ..ti .sir ot rl.r. in J, If is .ii l il,. ji C li-hi-' in i, 1 . :v -. ,. l,,r ni.ev!, I'1 , ..I. : . 1 J a,:. Suh-i ip'ioi.. I . fie hiih-rr.hcr. le. I Sth, lull. Ills I J ji. 11. ;.!. it. H. B. MAGSEPa, A T T OIJN 15 Y AT LAW, gUNBUBV, ta, Bosiners attended lo in the Counties of Nor thuiut triaud, IJnjon, Lvroining and Columbia. lieb-r 101 Tim i Haht A. Co., " Low in At I)Annoi, JIart, CuMMisna AH a tit, VVi7uip R.xoi.iis, Mr Fa n i.an n A Co. Srr.ai iu, 'o.w ic Co., Counirrrtiu v pr;iiii iti. rPhe public will please obtcrve that no Bmndieth -- Pills aic genuine, unless the box has three li bels Upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) encli cunl lining a fac-aimile signature of my 'hand writing, thus B. likANlijUKTil, M. 1). These la bels uto (n.'rived on steel, beautifully designed, and done a.t an expenfce of over If 2,000. 'i'b. refo-o it will la seen that ihe only thing nrrcsnry to pre-i-ure the ruidiciue in its purity, 1:1 to obfeive tbeso lil.els. Kemrmber the top, Ihe hide, and the hcUom. The following lespecllvc peffuXis are duly TtllWi zed, and hold CBlVFrOATES OX AGENCY, For tli t U; of kravfjruh'g Yfiielnlile VniU'rjul nits. ' ' Norlbiimbeilari4 co.unlv : Mdlori 'jnTakty A Ch imheilin. Supbury ILB. Masscr. M'Ewr,iis ville lrejnnd & Meixc'l. NoiUiUmlieiLinil Win. Fomyth. Georgetown )t &liJiViig.'r Cu. LTiM(u C uuiy: New Berlin J..hn llotlium. SeliiiKgrove Eyer ami Sihnure. Mid.lleburg Isaac Smith. . Beavcrtown J. A 'F. Bingatnan, Ad.unliurg ill. A A. hnith. Alitrlvaibuig Swope'A Lirl. 'Martlet.vi :Da,i,.jel Lorig. 'i'e; burg (I. & 'F. ,C. Mover. Cc.treviHe Stiiey A Lclihart. 'Leyriaburg Walls A. (irern. Clul'obia county : 'l)anvUle j:. B. RcjfcsMf A Co. Berwick Sliumsn F- nchonsc. '..Cm lawissa C. A. &. C. G. Bru'.m;. Bloou;.jni: g John R. Moye.r. Jetsey TowuLrvi Bicl. -,Va shinglon Robt. McCay. Liinc.-tonc V 1. Schmeck. Observe that each Agent lias an nnrdvi'd Cci tificate of Agency, contniniug a repreje ntiJion ot Dr BIlANDRETII'STHwiuraciory at ifing .Sing, and upon .which will nlso be seen exact cjdes of the lino iubcU biaui un.4vpun tie UfMidKih I'iH HoJCIg. I'lnlulclphia, oflice 'No.' f , "North cih stjejj. B, BRAMl;ETIL,i.D. January 1st, IS-,'.'. 'iak- ",VLs-si7-Aar i?v?i SALE". TIOR sale a sum Farm, coii'sin.aiiiujt on 1 hundred and .ten acres, more nr.Je. s, situate in Point township, Northumberland cout-ty, abnni two mil. 3 iiluve Noitt.urulicrl ttid, pti liie a.mn road leading fmui that ;..ictf to lliinviiie, adjoining l-iriji of John L.islinn, Jese C. Hnrtva and otheri. new in the occupancy ufSamuil P.1J11. About foily acres of nid tract aru clean V, anil in good stilt.' of cultivation, on which thes is a small bam erectnj The properly will bs said on reaaonabbi tcim.5. For further pariiculars; j.eifous are revues'.; ed to apply to the julscribl r. IL'B. MASSZR, Agent, Nov. 7th, lH41.-;r:, CHP.IfSOflTS A N aiticle une.ualli;d for cleaning an. I ;ning highly durable iiud most brilliaiit p i.st. to .l; ver, Gcruian Silver, JJrass, Copper, Britt. nia waref Tin, St. el,' Cutlery, and for restoring tho lustre on varnished carriage?, Ac. TKy LP. Prcpaicd knd fcold at wholesale and retuil, by tba Susiucliunna ('hrysoltte Poyith .Company, pweg-: 'Picgi county, N. Y. AVM. FORSYTH. Agent for N'onl um'd, 11. ti). MASSEB, Agent lor Sunbury. A'oven.lr t!(lth, lb4i. CUinu, Clastj ,aia(l Liverpool M'arjiousc, j lti-1 Murth f'hird strrtt, third door Jituiv Vi'"t fi'ett, Vhiladtlphiu. rilEIIi-: tLcy constnntly Iti-cp on Invd a largo. ' usso;V.ueiit of China, Class end Livcrpoiy Ware, uiuii thcyA'.j,!! d;sposc nf ou the tposl ret sonablo Acr(lis. . Philadelphia, Novemiivj- IU, 181 1. Iy. Jacob Vilmutl.Av Son. l'.s:'ECTFl?LLV infojm.Ui.ir friends an V act,u:iiiilancea generally thut ibey r;ill con tinue in keep at tbe old :u:d. No. Sit N.o.nh 3 street. V'bihiilelphia, all kinds of TOUA CC t .v NLF F A N' SF, OAK X. Which they w ill ell on the post ac:oiiiii)o,duiii and irasnnahle toruis. N. li. All voods i-olu will be guarautced, uui! orders promptly Bttet.di J to. l'hiladelphio, November 13, 1811 1 v. LAST MAKER, No. '.Ciiiio'liill Strict, jMnladelpIiut, ("Thrte dirnri alvre &cuinLJ HO E Findings always kept on hand, which ho oilers for sale on the lawei-t terms. Country MorcUitila ae particularly $ xa a.udjuJrjo fey themselvca. Philadelphia, Novcajber 13, 1841.--.lv. l.OWKR .At AKUON, Iinp&rtufs ajid Ionic rs in. iofQign a,ni Donicslie Ilauhvarc, No. 171 N'OR.TH ThIWH SlKl.kT, ril.LAIlF.l.llirA. T HERE their friends and tuntmuera will always tind a large jiud general asoiUent of Foreign and Uotnestic U:i!w a:c, w hich -tu.ej.wrill sell at Xlf lowiest prices, Philedelphia, November Id,- l-ML lv. Wiia'.csalo Dealers ,i.t I'Vuoign Urili ami American Pry Clouds. A'o. 105 Market ttrci-t, l'liiUtdtphtl. "OL'NTRY Menha.-its, and others'caii lejp plied at all Urn with an ejaensive ass.ii!,-. inent of the best and most fashionaUt.Oodis uporj. the most reaspnolJo terms. ' Phil .delphia.-Novcmlsyr 13, ;)H4le If. Ilicttiiel U cav, c Mi, rOE blAKBRS V. SUIT CXIANDJ1.ER3. 13 NorA WuUr Street, I'hihdtljtLiii. W JJAVE constantly on hand, a genend spsoii M H mi nt of ('p-di;e, JScine 'i'sim-i, Ac., vii : I si d Lopes, Fishing Lopes, WLitOrKopts, Mani la Kopcs, I ua Lines for .C iiial 11, iiits. Also, it complete arus,ii(ineut uf Si pie Tuincs, Ac. such a 4 Hemp Shil Mid lLrring Twine, Ue.l Patent (il Niv 't'oii . Cotton Shad and Herring T.i: eMh.jo I'm. .v.- A Also. Be l Colds. Plouah Linw-. II . ' : ,'. , Ar a.l . : tei ni-. r. il.uic s. v ,11: .11 Pm Linen (C1r)et,('hainv . oi. li they w ill dispose of oii r ajoriablf Novci.iber 13, 14L Iy. I'.sni'.RJCK, ,iiAsi:i.f. A (1FS WUOLRSALB DHY COODS STORE. Xti. Jtitl i-'j MarKil Slr.iot, j'.ftila. It h v iyth tiaUhiidt ) I ' : ,.i l a lull and general ): : ti' 'tc ' v. Laie, mul Fai ey l5coJJ( i. . i . r. sjveifully reUdrfNl (J, gi.e im in a . sii uiul examine lor ihcniselves. Pl.iL-Hr1"'-'. 3YciHbf i 13, l'll,;-h Snbury. l a