II A Mi NOT 12 1,1 S T. r i:xsvi.vA.i a. The fallowing list show the curr. nl value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notes. The most implicit re li'ticc mny be placed upon it, as it i every week rarMnlly compared with ai d orrected from Biik iill Hi porter. JlnnkM In riillndrlphla. 1)1 HC. I Nam. Location. PAR. Phi lad. pnr . par fail, d . 30 par . par 45 a 50 . par 30 25 25 a 30 . par par . par par Pittsburg psr Westchester fi Chester par Gcrmantown pur Lewistown B Middlctown 10 Noiristown par Northumberland 10 Keaditig Columbia 10 Carlisle 10 Doyleslown pur Easton par Pittsburg 5 Hnlhdaysburg 5 Bristol par Lancastet 810 Reading par Harrisburg 10 a 15 Lancaster par Lebanon 10 Pittsburg 5 ' Pottsville par Allentown Towanda failed Williamsport 05 to CO Wilkesharre Harriuburg"') These Lancaster I olliccg Heading f do not Easton J issue n. D I 8 C O U N T. Hank of the United States I'lliladelphia GO Office of Hank of II. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie l)j do do New Brighton Kensington Sov. Ins. A do I'oiiii Township Sav. Ins, do I .ink of Chuinbersburg Chambersburg I'.mk ol' Gettysburg0 Gettysburg Hank of Su-tiuchuiina Co. Montrose Uric Dunk Eris t'uMiii (' ,V Dt overs' Bank Waynesburg I'tankliii Uunk Washington 5 lloncsdale Bank Houcsdule Moiinuguhcla Bank of B. Brownsville 6 Vork Hank Yoik 10 V B. The notes of those banks on which we until quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiih the exception of those which have a letter of reference BIIOKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed I'hiladelphia Loan Co. do lulled Schuylkill Sav. Ins. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T, V Pyotl, prop.) failed NOTES AT Il-ink of North Ameiica . Ilnnk of the Northern Liberties . I! ink of Pennavlvania Hunk u f Penn Township , . Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . Farmers' and Mcchtliics' Bunk . ii-arj Bank . . Kensington Bank Manufacturers' & Mechanics' Bank Mechanics' Bank Movamensing Bank Philadelphia Bank Schuylkill Bank S.mthwark Bank . Western Bunk . Count r j Ranks II ink or J'Htuburg Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware County Bank of Oermantown Bank of Lewistown Bank of Middlctown Bank of Montgomery Co. Bunk of Northumberland Beiks County Bank Columbia Bank &. Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Doylestown Bunk Kasiou Bank Exchange Bunk Do do branch of Farmcos' Bank of Bucks co. Parmer' Bank of Lancaster Fuimcts' Bunk of Reading Harrishurg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Manuf. Bank Miners' Bank of Pottsville Northampton Bank Towanda Bank West Branch Bunk Wyoming Bank Cilice or Bank of Penn'a, OIice do do I Iflicc do do Office do do NOTES AT 15 10 C Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank ol Beaver Bank of Swatara Hank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Fanners' & Mcch'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mcch'ca' Bunk Jlaimony InstituCo Huntingdon Bank Juniala Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. &. Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bunk I ,'nii u Bunk of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford no sale Beaver closed Hani-burg (luted Washington fulled Hilhfonlo chsed Pittsburg Ii talc Pittsburg failed Fayette co. failed Grecncustlo fulled Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistown no sale Wanen failed Dunduff no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadtille closed Port Carbon failed Carlisle failed Montrnse closed I'nionlown failed Grccnahurg closed Wilkesbune no sale Wilketburre Bridge Co. All notes purporting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set down as frauds. KKW JERSEY. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Number 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia )UBLIC SALES of Dry Uoods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, tStationary, Clothing, Boots. Shoes and Hats, and in short almost every description of goods, arc held at this establishment every evening. Goods are also sold at private sale during the day at the average auction prices. Store keepers and traders will find it to their advuiilage bv attending the snb s. C. C. MACKEY, Auclioneer. Philadelphia, November 13. 1841. ly. KAT &, BROTHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOUKSEL LERS AND STATIONERS, Xo. 122 L'Jicsniit .Street, below -It It, I'lliladelphia. 7EEP constantly on hand a general assort ment of Books urn! Siatinnaiy ; comprising 1 hcologicnl, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellnne ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes. Led gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writint Papers, Wrapping Papers. cVc. Vc, which they ol fer at the lowest ptices to Country Merchant's Pre fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others that limy favor lhem with their custom. Philadelphia, November 13. 1811. ly. ti usopTlus (II . Manufacturer nixl Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. No. 5 South Third ilreet.four doort below Market Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on hand a large and general assort menl Conch Lumps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, V'liptic Springs. Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merehunls and saddlers will be supplied a I all times on the most icjsoiiable li inn. They will find it to their advantage to cull and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. Iv. TO COUNTAY MERCHANTS! HPHE Subscriber, Agent of Lyon iV Harris, lint -- Maiiufaetiirers, for New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large cities, w l ose lints me highly comminded fir qoud col-it ami durolility, has oi, hand a first rule ussoitm "lit ol HATS and CAPS, suitable for Spring Male., wit ill will le sold very low, foi cash or appi ved credit, nl ibe tvtid cheap store, No. 40, Nortu 7 'ind strcrt, eppjsie the City Hotel, rhihijelplim. OLIVER N. I'M A( HER, Apent. N. B. Orders lor Hatsil ihe ttuf. promptl) attended to. The highest price in tosh or tra-ie given fjr Fur sti'n.. Pl.Mladelpbis, November 13, 1S11 --1.V j.B::nL. OF EVEKV DESCHIP'l ION. NEW L(;i.AM)OIL COMPANY. No. 2!) North Water .Street, Thila. W ANl'FAC'I L'KFKS and dealers in Oils nl f every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil ecil J by the company not proving as lepresented, inny be relumed without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will tie refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Uleactied Speim Oil, do Culoilcss Oil, Fall and Spring Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pressed Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels superior Straita Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Nea's Foot Oil, 75 CVks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. Cj 1 bis tympany lias a number ol vessels in gaged in the Cod Fishery, and 'Palmers may rely upon petting at all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1841. ly. g. v. &, l. 2. :r:Lc?M OFFER FOR SALE, at the Suth East Coi ner of fifth and Market Streets, I'tiludtl phia Mens' Calf-skin Bools.slitehed warranted, do do do peuged do d.) do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Culf-i-kiii do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Calfskin do do do C rockers do do Fine Monroes warranted cooo 15,000 10,000 20,000 cooo 15,000 do do do do do do J - Bank of New Biuntwick Bruuswiik Belvidcie Bank Belvideta Builington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank IVrih Amboy Cuin'icrland Bank Bridgclon Farmi'ts' Bnk Mount Holly Farmi rs' and Mechanics' Bk Rahway Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk N. Diunswick farmers' arid Mechanics' Bk Middlctown Pi, Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City llobuken Bkg iV lnuzuig Co Hoboken fail d 1 par Jersey City Bank Mechanics' Bank Manufacturers' Bank Morns Company Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mechanic' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf, Bk Morris Canal and Bkg Co Post Noles Newark Bkg V Ins Co New Hope Del Bridge Co N. J. Munufac. and BLu Co Jersey City I atterson Belleville Morristown Freehold Newark Trenton Jeiscy City 1 pur I failed 3 failed failed failed failed lulled n failed 1 par no tale Newaik Lain beithvillo Holoken do nailed do do do do do do Kip do CM do Couisu do do Shoes Fine do Kin ilo do do do do do do do Calf uud Seal Skin Pumps, do List Sucks with and without soles, do Cucpet do do do do Patent Warranted Wt.tcr-pr.iol MutCasins. Ladle' do do do do Latin s' luuned India Kubber shos. ('eiit!cmcn' ilo ( Ivi r shoes. With every nther desciiplinn of boots and shoe. Fur Caps i.f every description. Tr iveil iig Trunks of every description. Ycncii.in Travelling Bugs. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe 11 1 ark inc. BulilielN i.f all kinds, Pulm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia.. November 13, lhll. ly. M faded lulled 2 failed I pur par 1 1 par N J Piotcclion & Lombard bk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Pater,'ii Bank Puterson Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bunk Princeton Sulem Banking Co Sulein Sute Bank Newark Stale Bank Elizabelhlown State Bank (Jannlen folate Bank of Mortis Morritun Statu Bank Trenton Salem and Phllad Manuf Co Salein Sui-stx Bunk New inn Trenton Bunking Cu Tit i. too I'niuii Bank l'owr Washington Banking Co. iluckeiuiack DIILAHAItlX Ilk of Wilm cV Brandy wint Wiimington Dank if DcUnart Wilniii.gttMt Bank ol Smyrna Smyrna Do bianch Mdlord Farmers' 13k of Stale of Del Dover Do branch Wilmington 6 branch Oeoig.towu Do biancb Newcaitle L'nion Bank Wiliumgton Under "fjj- (Jn all banks marked ihua () ther are ei tut countsilut or altered uules ol lh various de r.cnunauoas, in circulation. FETE?. COlTOTEPs, Wholesale and llctail .Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat W'archousc. No. CO North 2 ttrret, a few ilvor$ above ,1rch, Philadelphia. A I.SO Trivnks, Carrwt Bags and Voliccs, of ev Jm. fry desciiplinn, all of which he ufTers for sale nn the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 18-11. ly. J . W. .SWAIN, Umbrella and l'arasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Nxih 7'hitil ttrret, two doors below the City Hotel, Philadelphia. COCNTRN Merchants and others are solicited to examine his aflMitmenl before puichasing elsewhere Philadelphia. Novrndr 11, 18-11. ly. .sT i::u i ncT, I'Ooi 1 No. 1.1S Market Street, riiiladt lhia. INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive Bssor.'melit of Britith French und American Dry Ootids, which they offer for sale nn the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, NovemlieH 3, 1811. lv. 1 Fiis i7t 6 n , ESIT.CTFL'LLY informs her fiiei.ds and the &V public generally, that i-be continues to keep Hint well known Tavein Stand in Matkcl street, Sunbury, sign of the ne aa :b BBjDcr, founeily kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by rndeavotiiig to comliict the establishment in a maimer to give subsist lion to all, hopes 10 merit a liberal sbate of public patronage, Sui.btitv, Ociol.r Olh, lull. SIIFCC1T & F?.T, 1 FSPFC I F! I.LY infoim the citizens of Sun- buiy anil vicinity, tbnl Ihev have lnk 11 the Shop Int. ly I'cciipicd by Win. Durst, w here they will catty on the TA1LOIIINO BUSINESS, in nil its vittiiius br iin bes. By stiit l altintion and ira.ontthle chalges, they expect to luciit a sh.iie of public pstronsgr. Sunbury. Sept. 4th, 1 II. LIST OF BOOKS, mil HHK M .A. ' ' WMMaWMH. Lis I U.Tb1II Wliolesalc Variety andTriiiiriiitiiX Store No. Ai, North fourth near Arch st., Philadelphia. AHEKE Cotinlrv Men hauls and others can be " ' supplitd, at ill limes, with a large ks-orlineiil of Hosit ry. Cloves, Merino, Cotton, und Woolen Shuts and Diavveis, Spool C0II011, Patent 'I'hiead, Cotton Cords, Bulimia, 'J apes, Bindings, Hooks and Eves, Pins, Vc. And a general vainly nf Use ful articles, which he offi-is for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, Noveinltei 13,1841. ly. WHOLESALE 1IOISEHV, GLOVE & CMtHAL VARir.TT aTOHK, failed ' 3 Nni'i fourth ft., under Merchant' Jlottl, rtlll.ADI.I.PitlA. 'll'H7 " PR'" Country Merchants ran be supplied y whIi an extensive variety of choice atlich-s in bis line, upon the must reasuiiable terms. N. v. bit. n-i I ly lull. J 3 pur 2 fulled par par par par par par par pur pur i BIcCALLA 8c IIERSD, Ail ,M, ll 111 t' lll ail let-, (rmvi.it nr rnnvi'i n 1 11.) When- ihey constantly keep on hand goneril assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIJ.IEHES, VESTING S, And a i;rei,t variety of article vfu mpermr quality, which Ihey oiler to dispose of upon the inokl leasouable linns. lOI N THV MERCHANTS and oibers will J timl it to On " advantage lo call and rxamine tin ir slock before purchasing elsewhere. Philudelphiu. Nov. , iHll. ly NTHON'S Cl.tssical Dictionary; Lemprier's s- do.; Ainswurth's do; Cobb's do.; English ond fieiman do.; Ambon's Cn-sar; Anthon's (irammer; Anlheii's (.'iceio; Mail's Latin Reader; tttilhy'a do.; Antltew's Lnlin Lessons; Donneg.ni's Lexicon; Fisk's (ireik Exercises; Ditvies's Lt-irenilei; (i races Majorn; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnrnk's (ioltlsmith's Engbiml; do. Greece; Lyell's Elements of Gcolnev; Mrs. Lincoln's Botanx; Elements of Botany; liri.lgr's Alcebra; Porter's Kheloiical Rea ders; F.nii rson's (iefuraphy anil History; (Hney's do; Pnrliy'sdo.; Smilh's (irammei; Kirkhum's do.: Ksy's Readers; Cobt 's do; Cobb's Aritbmeiick; Pike'a do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Bonks; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Collage Bible; Family do ; Collater al do.; Small Bibles ami Testament-; Parket's Ex ercise nn Composition; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxter's S.iint's Rest; American Revolution; Marryatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; lli.nl; Catechism of American Laws; Letters 011 Natural Mf;ir; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Grammcr; Sequel to Coniley's Spelling Bool,; American Class lti.uk; Duboll s Selioolmas let's Assistant; A uieal variety of lllai.k Books, Ac. August 28, 1KJ1. MADEIRA IN E. I 11 si quality Madiera Wine, tor sile low by Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER, FOURTH PlilMiF BRANDY. A g.iiuiii. ailicle nhvhvs mi hand and for sale by Sept. 1, I'M I. 11. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. M ASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUGAR. Alwoya on hand slid for sale by S.pt. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Ol the best quality always on hand ai.d for sale by Sept. 1, 1H41. 11. B. MASSER. BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, for sale low by S.pt. 1,1841. 11. BMAS.ER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwavsou hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. COFFI' E. Java, Rio and I.aguira Coffee, con stantly 011 b ind and for sale by Sept. 1, 181l. II. B. MAssER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sptim Oil, of the I -est quubly, ulwaya unhand and for snle bv Si-pi I, 1811. H.B. MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Steel, for sale by s.pt. I. 1841. H B. MAssER. II.IMI SALMON. Ot the best quality, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1811. H.B. MASSER. LiqUOKS. t)f all kinds and ot the best quali ties, ulkvays nn hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H.B. MASSER. SPRING STEEL. Of vaiious sizes for Eliplie Spring.-., fur sale by Seri. 1,1811. LARGE O.UARIO BIBLES Fur sale at very reduced piiees by S.pi. I, loll. MASSER. BLANK BOOKS. Of nil kinds, for sale by S.pt. 1, 11. B. MAssEK. BLANK DEEDS. Ifjiuls, M 01 1 gages. cVc. for sale by Sept. 1,1841. H. BMASSER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, for aide by Sepi. 1. 1841. H. B. MASTER, CAf-SlM ERES AND S ATTIN ETTS. For sale very low by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. CAR PETING. For sale cheap by Sept. 1, 1M1. H. B.'MASsKR. BLANKETS. Sept. 1. 1811. II. B. MASSER. -l or sale cheap bv II. B. MASSER. UN BLEACHED M LsLINs. For sale by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS For sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by Sept. 1, 1811. It. BMASSEIL "TOWING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Sepi. I, 1811. H. B. MASSER. AN unparellolrd remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influent, Whooping Couuh, Bronchitis, and all diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption; compos-ed of the concen trated virtues nf Hon hound, Bonset, Blond Root, Liverwort and seveial other vegetable substnnces, Prepared only by J. M. Wixslow, Rochesur, New Yoik. The innocence and vnivprsally admitted pectoral viitues of the Herbs from which the llahain of llorehautid in made, are too generally known to re quire reciiiiiinenratioii ; it is theiefore only liccrss'i ry to ob-erve that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speeily, mild and certain remedy, now in use, Ux the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and aere nesi of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expectorate w ith ease and fire dom, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disunited nerves, and gives strength to the tender lungs, and thus pioduccs a speeily and lasting cuie. j ImiIUTITI UK ISTIIK HASKST em MK IN Max. j We ure not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and his- 1 nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid snle ; neither aie we willing to imaiu silent, ufter ' having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis- 1 coveiy in science or ait. Our readers w ill recollect i we told them we were unwell wii'.i a sore throat and ! violvnt Cohl some few weeks ogo. Well, we pur- chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HORF.HOl'N D, ami so sudden was the cure, ' that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who ure alllicted, may tiy it upon our recommendation. Li-.eiito" T'leirrajih. For snle by HENitV VOX Til ELMER, Sunbury, JACOB BRIGHT, Northumberland. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. Qjr Price, 50 cents per bottle, August 14 tli. 1841. ly. I IMPORTANT TO BT-a B "B2 flHE Undersigned take pleasure in submitting M lo the public the following Recommendations of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill and (.rain Holler to all dealers in Grain and inauufactnis of Flour, be lieving it to he superior to any thing of the kind ever ollVreil to the public. All orders addressed to Col.. I. M'Fadden, Lcwisburg, Union countv Penn sylvania. EBEN EE.ER SQUIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN, ATTENTION. j ,1, snui:i joi:s, j 1") EQUESTS the attention of his country friend : k who are in want, lo bis very latge stork of, Carprlings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Binding, Stair Rods, cVc, iVc, tbnt he has just opt m d, ul j his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 ; Cliuich Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila delphia. ' Julv 31, 1841. ly. I WHOLESALE f.HOE, BONNET, ; Cap and Palm Leaf Hot Sorr. j No. 10 Sticni 4ni Stbkkt. PHILADELPHIA, ; "WHERE an extensive ansorlment of the above j articles are c.niManlly kept on hand, for sale : at the most reasonuble tt imu. May 20, 18-11. ly. ' " SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 1! K 1 A T It 1 C K S U N, I No. 21, North Third street, f XF.TWC&X MAIIKIT A Mi I II rs! IT SIB F.I.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large and excellent assortment of Spanish llidm. I'afna Nipt, Tanners' Oil. ,r at the lowest inuiket prices, either for cash, it exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for 8 tie, 01 purchased tit the highest maikt-t pricts. rj ", Leather stoied lieeol t hinge, April l i. If 1 1. ly. THIS MAClIlNi: AC.MNST TI1K IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. DAVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Powei, which threshes uud cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and w hich rentiers the above machine i feet and past further improvement. Those who have been wailing for something U tter than heretofore tillered for sale, will find this to le the article. Come see it and fudge lor yourselves. The subscribers have purchased ihe right of the above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of NoHTIIl M BKHLAMI, LtCOVIMft, ClIN IIIN, i and Uniom and also, the privileges of vending ! them in any other places for which the right has not been pievioiisly sulil. The advantages which Ibis Machine lias over all others invented are ninny ond obvious. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ol 150 bushels of wheat ill one day and this usually takes seven hands one day and three the. next. For field threshing it tskes the bad of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. Surh is the superiority fcf the Horse Power, that three horses can llncrh aa much with it as four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will l-e sold lopelhcr or seperale, to suit purchasers. Made and old in Milton, by the bulacnbers. WM. WELCH, W M . H. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17, 1841. it mo.it.v j-.wm tjo.v. THRESHING St WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Tbieshing und Winnow ing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regard to llu ir value, durability and advantages, we make, tree to slate, that they exceed in our opinion, any Thie.h'itg Machine vte ever W-foie witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market JU0 boshi Is of Wheat per day, and this with the aid of three hands besides the driver. 'The Straw is passed off fiom the graiu on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lust. W hat is of some importance and greutly so, is the luct that no dust passes from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power seems to be n-rlectioii itself three horses may work it w ith ease and then fastest gait need only be the ordinary lough gait. We must cheerfully recommend the Machine to Farmers they are manufactured in Milton by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Flick. PHILIP HII.GERT. JOHN B HELLER- Chilisqtiaque tshp., NoriVd to, March 20, 1841. II A Z A It l 'S UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc umeiits, fuels and other useful information, illustra tive of the history and resources of the American Union, and of each State ; embracing eoinint ice, munulaclures, agriculture, internal improvements, hunks, currei cy, lii amio, education, c, Ac. Edi ted by Samuel llu. 11. 1. Puhli-hfd every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street. The piit-e to st.bseribeis 1. f.'i per annum, payable oil the fust ot J.tiiiMiy of ench )far. No subscrip tion leceived for less than a year. Subscriber out ul the principal ctlit lo pay in advance. fKHTim1TKSi Montz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811. J. M-Faihii Sibi I cheerfully testify to the goodness and durability of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill aril Crnin Duller, as being far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a greM many years, and have always tried to have the best apparatus lor manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the above machine is the btst apparatus I believe now in use. Jonr Moat. liloomthurfr. Dec. 2fi, 1840. Cm. J. M'FAnm Sm : In reply lo your (avor, received a few days since, I have only to ray, that the I fact nf my having introduced into each of the four I mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast j Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidenco I can give you i of their utility, Yours truly, W.m. M'K i.i.v t. I ' Milton, March 17, 1811. I J. M'Kaiiiu Sm: I do hereby certify without ' any hesitation, thut Pratt's Smut Mill and Grain ! Holler is the most terfect marhine to cle.tnsc grain of smut and all other impeilections, thut I have ever seen, and I Mieve I have seen all the kinds that are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will ct me in competition with it. Geo. Eckf.iit. Coi.. J. M'Faiiiiim Sin : During the past -1 yens I have been constantly engaged in manufac turing flour, and during the last I'i years have la en the owner of a grist and flouring mill, and among all the conirivances to remove impurities from grain I am decidedly ol'lhc opinion that Pratt's iron ma chine is superior to any with which I am nopi tint ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen months. Fmuhbick II ah. ! Yorkshire Mills, Dec, 1810. I I want in my flouring mill as coed an apparatus ' to prepare gram for flouring, as the best, anil I want ' no belter thnn Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will 1 remove smut entirely no mistjke. M. Clfasox. Sunbury, December 22, 1840. ! Cm.. J. M'FAnniH Sim I have in my mill one of Pratt's cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills ! and Grain Duller, nmi am confident that in ngard I lo simplicity of construction, and durability of mute. riul, it is superior to any I 11111 ocquuintcd with. I Hksiit Massi.ii, j Pear Gap Mills, Dec. 22, 1 8 10. 1 Col. J. M'Faihui Sib: I have in my flouring ! mill one of I'rutt's Cast Iron Spiral Smut Mills, ' and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the best - machine to prepare gram for (louring that I am nr- : '"juainttd with, und as such cheerfully recommend it . ' to all who arc engaged 111 the manufacture of Hour, i ! Jacob I.M-ivki vi j Aarutitburiz, March 23, 1841. Col. J. M'Faiihi s Sir: I take pleasure in sny- , ing that Ptatl's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one ol the j I best improvements for the cleaning of graiu of all : j kinds, that has yet Come mult r my observation, und j that I U-licve it fir superior to uny thing of ihe kind ' ever invented. You may use my nime in any w ay ; voii think proper. O. P. Ilrvus, i ' t'm'nd .V', J in. I I, 141. I This is to ccrtily that I have hud Pratt's Cist and wrought iron Stunt Mat bine and Giuiu Hulirr in ' use lor better than 12 month. Mid tint) it lo jnswt r 1 every purpose that it was intended lor. Smut cm ' be taken out of wheat I believe eveiy pariii-b- ot it can be t aken out without lueakiug ihe gram t.l ihe wheat. John Pum k. ' Aan,nd,wK, Man 1.2:1, !!!. i Cni, M'Faiiihn Shi: I have been cng-igul in 1 miiiiuf: tetiirilig Supeifine Flour for many years, ur d j have it this time one ul Pratt's Smut Mdls in each i of my mills, and I do hen by recommend tin 111 as tlie 1 most valuable improvement lor cleaning wheat ol ' smut and all other iinpunties, that I am urquaint.-d i with. Jami: Dcsca. I (.'111, M'Faiim Sin: I have been engaged in the manufacturing ol flour for 28 years, and most j cheerfully recommend the above machine, as being by fir the best apparatus for cleansing grain that I huvc ever used or seen. I consider it an indi-q en silde article for any mill thut pretends to do any bu siness. J0111 Fistua. .luucduct Mills, Dec. 24, 1840. Cor. .1. M'Faiiiiix Sir: Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and I believe it is the best article of th..l kind now in use. It will not only remove sa.ut en'erelv, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheal and rye of any character, and prepare it lot flouring. !!. J ami Boons. Lrwisburg, Dec. 22, 1840. ('01. J. M'Faiiiiin Slit: After a cuieful and candid examination and trial of the machine, in re gard to construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power to set in ope ration. I am fully coiiviuctd and sutisfitd, that ihe machine above alluded to, is second to no one in use. J. Mob bow, Milhr and Flour Manufacturer, Cattau ista, December 25, 1810. Cot. J. M'Fadiiis Sib: Pratt's Cast and Wrought Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Gruiu Duller, I consitler to be the bt-sl machine to remove smut and other impurities lo w hich grain is subject, that I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re gard lo durability of material, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and despatch in execution. Josi.eit Patto. N. B. The above machines are manufactured ut the Lewisburtr Foundry, Union county and at the Hlooinsburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisburg, June 11), 1841. "ullilslr riilmomill t nr lulnio uuiy ( oiisuiiiptloii. IS a very prevalent disease, and carries millions 1 to Ihe cold and silent grave. "Delicate toi nu rRMAtrV commonly fall a prey lo this tell distroy er ol human life. This disease commences at first with a dry hacking cough, pain in Ihe breast and side, los of appetite, and re-tbss nights. At Ici.gth a wa-tii got decay of the whole holy is perceived, which is calltd by many Comsumptios, "oom 1 s to A HKCLi.MR," a complaint lhat thousands are laboring under with fuint hopes of ever recovering, not knowing that there is a medicine existing which will afford relief even in the last stages. This is DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REME DY for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis, Asthma, and all diseases of ihe Liver and Lungs. A full treatment is given of disenses in a small pamphlet, which con be h id gratis of the Agent, whercMhe Medicine can alwavs be obtained. Price f 1 per bottle. for sale at No. 19 North E gh'h street, Phila delphia. Also at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, March, 20th, 1812. Agent. n.VMM'iisia! Ilymprpsila!! .Vore Proof oj the fjlirary of Dr. llarlich's ,1e iiWe. MR. JONAS HARTMAN, of Sumneytown, Pa,, entirely cured of the abovo disease, whicli he was alllicted with for six years. His symptoms wete a s nse of distention and oppres sion alter eating, distressing pain in the pit of tho stomach, nausea, loss of appetite, giddiness and dim ness of sight, extreme debility, flatulency, acrid c ructations, sometimes vomiting and pain in the right side, depression of spirits, disturbed test, faint ness, and not able to pursue his business without causing immediate exhaustion and weariness. Mr. Hurtman is happy to slate to the public, and is wil ling to give any information to the afflicted, re-peeling Ihe wonderful benefit he received from the use of Dr Huilich's Compound Strengthening and Ger man Aperient Pill-.. Principd Office, No. 19 North Eighth street, Philudelphi 1, Also for sale nt the store nf HENRY YOXIHEIMER, March I Jlli, 1542. Agent. Siittlll-JT ul I Mood, IS another thingprous symptom of "Pulmonary Affirtion," and difficult to arrest when neglect id; 11 commences w ith cough, copious expectora tion, which consi-ts of bright Irolhy matter, or Mark, ami clotted with blood; there is mostly some fever, headache, p.-dpitation of the I. earl, flushes of heat, and ledtiess ol the cheeks; d fliculty of brea thing, sorene.-s of (be tin. .at, and saltish taste in the mouth, Ac. "Dn. Dc.xcan's E er.cTonAST Re m rnr" w ill be found lo arrest this complaint. One single hi tile, in many cases, will answer, if used at the fust attack, but wlien n gleet' d, it m..y rcquirt! many mute. Those who may be alllicted with 'Spitting of Blood." should lose no time in procu ring ihe above mtditiiie, as this disease mostly proves serious when not early attended to. Price il per bottle. Office for the s ite nf this ineilichie, No. l'J North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, also for sale nt the store of HENRY YOXI HEIMER. March 12, 1812. Aent. I T11 llu tlllWttd. HOSE who are fullering fr m various diseases incident lo the human faniilv, would do well to procure lr. llarlich's Cuioinund Strengthening ami ('rrinaii Ajorient I'ill.'. which are so prc t uiinently reccommended for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, ains in the side, back mid breast, Nervious All', ctions, Head-Ache, and all ihe dis eases ol the Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may l" oht.iiiifd gr ttis, whicli contain full and explicite d.tcetioi s for u-ing. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificate of curv-s iu this pajer, wbith may be relied upon, as lin y lire taken from tha original. For s tie nt No. Vi, NORTH UK.il I'll street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, March 5, lis 12. .4l'CIi. iii c 3 our C'ouli lu loi e It is loo laic. I!. DUNCAN'S Expkctorant Rr.MKlH is be only medicine that perfict confidence can t.e relied upon for the imiiit dnne removal ol tins Iroul lesome complaint. 'Phis medicine always re lieves a c ii-li in a lew days, and when the disease is scaled i ll Ihe lungs, it causes it to be discharged by expeclor.iti.in, thus restoring sound In ulth to the happme-s at.d ei.j lymcnt of those who long have he.-li alllicted. For snle at the Piincipsl OlTice, 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia Al-o st the store of HENRY YOYTHEIMER. Feb 20. is. 12. .Uent. Liter C omplaint. Cured by Ur. Harlich'i Compound Strengthen ing and Aperient Ptlb. MR. WILLIAW RICHARDS, Pittsburg, Po., entirely cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight iu the li ft side, hiss of appetite, Vomiting, acrid eruc laiioris, a dimension of the stomach, sick headache tuned iniigiie, counti nance changed to a citron color. dilEculiy t t breathing, disturlied rest, alien ded with a couh, great debility, with other sy in lorn indicating great di rungt ment of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice cfsevci.d physicians, but icctivcd no relief, until using Dr. llAiil.K'll'S Medicine, which terminated in ef fect cure. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. 13th Norlh EIGHTH Strict, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Feb. 19, 1812. Agent. t'oiiMiiiiptioii and Ufutli. VI Till most assured y be the fate of those who ' neglect themselves when alllicted Willi t!ie premonitory symptom of consumption, as a Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, or Soreness of tie Throat, Hoarseness, Dillicult Expectoration, Asthma, Sjut ling of Blot tl, Ac. Dr. lrl tv', Epr.cToA!T lU vti titr 1-expressly j replied for the removal and HAYS, ELLIOV, LYON & GOSH. t liolcsaU' I-al i, la foreign, llritish and Aincricun Dry floods. No. 12 Nobtii Thikd Sthlat, PiiiLAHtLeuiA cure of these dangerous and troublesome diseases 1 lien lore, you who a:e laboring uooer ine iniiu- ence i t these complaints, procure mimrtlialetv tins medicine before it be too lute, Cxi Bottlk may be Ihe meons of prolonging your life. Always ask for Dr. Dcncan's Expactobant Remf.dt, and sco that you get it, and not be irt-rsuaded by some who sell d fit-rent medicine to tuke some of iheir medi cine in preference. These prisons obtain some cheap thing, and palm it 011 the public at full price. ' It is theiefore important for puicha.ers to be on ! itifir gu trd. I Dr. Di-nca!.' Exrn-TosAT RrxtnT is put I up in l.rge sire bottles, and envcloed iu blue pa ' per. The outer foim contain a line steel plate en I graving representing "Hope in a Storm," Price $ I per buttle. Principal Office 19 Norlh Eighth Street, Phlla dtlphlJ. Also for snle at the Store of HENRY YOXIHEIMER. Feb. 12, 18 1 1. Agoif. 7 A' ( 77 YILL PKE VIA L. Dr. Harlit h's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and want from any but a fair trial to establish lh ir worth. We have a communication 111 our column to-Jvy from a person long aftlitied, wiiich i but one of many vouchel foi lUls uicJi i iuc. Sptnl of the 'finus, - 1 COUNTRY Merchants can he supplied at all 1 times w ilk an extensive assorln cut of the above 1 Goods, on the n.ost reasonable and satisfactory terms. May 29, 141. ly. FOR S A W-MILI.S. Br Bcmjamim N. CrstiWA. 'TMIE Subscribers having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Nor ihuiiiUi land County, offer to dispore of the same to persons who may desire to purchase. The above invention is now iu operation at the taw I mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunbury, where it can , i. :.. ....1 1... A.. ...... ..r :u- -.1 -tt .i IU lllf' V!t-u I'jr un III IM o. . (lull. a. 11, an ttliu is 1 interested. March 27. if. E. OOBIN. SAMUEL GOBIX. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, l or l.t Dollar, I4 Ql'A L fur time to any ,,, by Clck Ptd lj lars for f 25, Kir sale by March Id, II. B. MASSER.