Oeorffe Handy, nd t1i $119,000, (ikoriir Haiit win summoned befo e the joint commiite to enquire whether any corrupt means had been used by the banks to Influence the Legist laiure, or any department of the government, and when the committee piopossd to swear him "to t II the truih, the whole truth and nothing hut the truth," in regard to the transaction, he refused to tuke the oath, when the committee through their chairman, Mr. Sharawood, introduced a resolution to bring him up before the House for a contempt On Monday at nine o'clock ho was brought to the bar of the House, and having there Tcfnsed to lie sworn, various nurtioire were made, first to rcpri maud, second 'to imprison in the county jail, third n the arsenal, and fourth in the erct commiite room of the capital, the latter place being the most ' comfortabie, was pitched npon, and Mr. Handy is now a "State Prisoner1' in the east comrnitte room of the capitol of Pennsylvania, The imprison ment, however, is not deemed by some to be j sanguinary as might have been supposed from the speeches on the occasion, fur we leatn that Mrs. H.indy submits to it voluntarily, and without arc- ...I..!.... -T . L ,T i-i . . . - ruiunuii ui me Aiouse. iue reasons lor jvir. Il.in- I dy'a refusing to testify, are that his testimony j tnlhl be used lo his prejudice in suits now pend ing against him in Philadelphia, and wn learn he proposes to make a full disclosure, provided the Legist jture pass a law lo shield him front any evil circumilat ces which might arise from his own tes timony, and the Senate has accordingly passed a bill to meet the case., so that it is possible the truth may yet como out in reg ird t this extraordinary tians iction. Let the truth be told, suffer who mayi Since the aliove was in type the llou-e has pas- a-d the Senatelill, directing tho Att'y (Jen, to enter ! a nolle prosequi, in any ciiininnl prosecution a- ! gainst George Handy, provided he appears before j either House of the Legislature or their Committee, I and testify all his knowledge in rcg.uj to the above ' transaction, and the bill has been signed by the j Governor and is mow a Jaw, and we presume Mr. Handy will have no exca-c (or refusing to give testimony in the ca-e. Keystone. J Tin amu lar tVaii. Iii the Jlouso of Reprc-j si ntalives the sing-alar epectacle of three di.sliuct ' patrics is presented, viz : the wbt party, tlie dewi neratic party, and the Tyler party. It h.ts been s.iid, that when Ihiee physicians are ca.llo.1 in, the pi- ; tii nt is sure ti die and such wc fear, will be the doom of Uncle Sam lor the political doctors who j have him in hand, are more intent tin plundering his I client th.in on cuiing his disease, Hir:iolf uiiy die ! mid his family starve, for ought they care, if they i can but 'put money in their purse.' Leeches drop oil' I the human body when they are filled; but political leeches stick to the body politic as long us bluod j can be drawn. Halt. Clijiier. I A Cehtain Kkmkiji We with greut pleasure ! recommend to our patrons Urandrclh'is Vegetable j Pills as being a ciriuin remedy for cold, and sudden a'taeks of disorder. An early use of these pills often produce the happiest effects and in cases of indi gestion, headach, dizziness, pains in the stomach and bowels, diunhusa, dropsies, fever and ague, sfcc, Tl.ey will be found of incalculable value in remo. ving hese diseases from the body, without produ cin any pain whatever. Famine levin; remote from skilful physicians, ought always to be provided with these Pills, as their seasonable uppliea'ion often times prevents the most ncii.us and formidable maladies.. Saturday Courier. Purchase in Suubury, of II. B. Masser, and the ngcuts published in another part of ibis pijicr. .71 . i is it i r.o , Dn the 21lh ulu, by the Rev. J. P. Shindd, Mr. Aii iuum Uuosil to Miss KtahiiA Ukuoxii, both of Augusta. At I'ott-ville, on Sunday U t, by the Rev, Mr. McCool, Mr. onrn. II ahsisoh to Mrs. Elia u Km Keana, bo h of this place. i i i; i, In Lewi-bi;rg,on the2 1st ult.. 50NAS KELCH MER, furmerly editor of ihe "People's Advocate," printed in that place, in the Sslh year ui' bis nge. His remains were conveyed la Milton mi the 2. Id, xttended by number ol friends siul ucvju iiirtane.es, there lo rest until the tiunip of the, Archangel shall awaken the reposing aslics of the depariiHl. ills euu was peace. On the 18th tilt.,in New Bej-lin. EUWAKD E. SOLOMON, fiwmcrly edilur of ihe Union Times, " in the 23d year ol his age. I., v K,. I .,..1 .,, ,1... :l,1 1, C1TIII'I IXE, wife of AlbaC. Ear.t, E..m'tho 40Ul , rfE lime is rapidly approaching vvUn the ISri-j-. -- gade, couiposi d ol the ciKiuties ot . oribuinher- On Saturday evening last, at k'w resilience, in -Augu-aa lownsliip, DANIEL ZIMMERMAN, in 4 he .r0ih year of his ae. l'RICU CJiJlla.NT. Corrected weekly by lltury Yoxtuiiucr. Wukat, no Rrt, 60 Const, - - - - - 40 Oars, 30 1'uBK, ...... $ J'laxsihi, ... . I;;;, JUri'KU, - 12 l5klSVA, .... Tallow, .... 12. Dm tu Applls, - - & Do. PiAOita, - - 200 Fla. ... .8 HlCKi.Il Flai, - 10 Rue s, - - - - e Liter Complaint, Ten year standing, cured by the ue of Dr. Ilur. Hell's Ctm pound Strt.ngllicniiig and German Aperient Viltn. KS. SARAH BOY ER, wifoof William Boy- er. North Fourth sveet above Cal:owlulI. 1'hiladeilna, nlire1y cured of the above distressing Ji-ease. Her symptoms wete habitual c.w'ivencM of the bowels, total loss of appetite eicruciuling pain in the side, stomach and lutck, doprewiou of spirits, eilieme debility, could not lie ou her left side without an aggravation of pain, with other svniot. inn indicating creat deiaiiaemenl in ihe iunelio.is of the liver. Mrs. Buyer was attended by several of the first physicians, but recei tred hut ! little relief from their medicine al last a friend of ul her- procured a package ol Dr Harltch 'aSireugtlt- j eniui: aud tiermau Al'erii irt P.lls, which, by the j use ol one package, indued her to commue with tlie medicine, wUn b reau ted in ifl'ectiiig a -nua-iicul cure, beyond the etpoitall -us l ti friends. Principal olliee for tins medicine is ut No. 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also fir sale at ir,- store of JIUNBV YOXTHLIMER. April '.'J, Its 12. -"' BANKRUPTCY. 2'o those who wish In take the hetl'Jit if the HA.hIlll'T LAW. WM. E.AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pitt burg, oilers his services. Office in B Dike's building, 4th between Wood and Market streets. Understanding that niaHy persons who ote deid r.ius of a discharge tinder this law, are riot aware of its nature, it would be well perhaps to accompa ny this notice with a few words of explanation. Applicants 'living in Northumberland county, ran petition in Piltfburg, to his Honor, Thomas Irwin, judge of the U.S. District Court, who sits for the purpose of receiving petitions every day fron 10 till 3 o'clock. The petition must contain a schedule of his propeity and a list of his creditors, ll.eir place of residence, and the amount doe to each so far as pe titioner can ascertain. Any person can he dischar ged, without regard to the amount of his debts. The coals of an application (exclusive of the attorney's tee) will be about f IS. From the time the application is filed the appli cant cannot be arrested, nor his property levied on unless in case of a lien. Applicants need not be present at any time, as the attorney can attend to every thing necessary. Persona wishing to appty are requested to write lo me, and I will send them an approved form of pe tition, which it is only necessary i.i till up and swear to before the Commissi iuer for that county, or if not near the county se it, a magi rale, and send it to me, and I will, when he is disebarced, semi him a certificate. W M. 11 AUSTIN. Pittsburg, April 2d, 1842. ISL WM. E. AUSTIN, Ess.., will give his a't.nli.m to all my unfinished business; mil I recommend him to the patronage ol my trend. WALTER FOKWAKD, Ioc!or John IS. lritr, Cl RATEFUL for the pottonage hithc to ex Jf tended 1o him, begs leave lo inform his friends and the public, that he lias taken his son into partnership with himself, and that tiny will punctually attend to a I1, business in their lino of profession, April 2d, 184C. DIE, JOII II. I'lllt K, HEREUY requests all pcrs.iis imlebted lo him for professional services, to make, sett emeiit hs speedrly a pos-ilile- A nrglect of this uoUoo, uiay cause additional expenses. Sunlrury, April d, 1812. j XiIMIE! LIME I LIPilEI TlHE su'.iscribcrs are prepared to fuinisli f.irini rs j M. and ottieis with any quantity of Lime of a very I stiperioi ipiahtv fr land, oi p'ui-terint. at ilie bil lowing very nvluced prices, viz.: S ets. per luis'rel I for Land Lime; 10 i ts. f tr the lM ipialny of pi u - teruie Lime, at the k bis. below the horouch ot Nun- bury. I hey will also deliver, at any place within ihe, borough of Suribury, Lime k)r laud, at 10 cents per bushel, and Lhne for v altering at 12 o uls iii.r ba-heL The wibserd-ers h ive always on h uid. j large qu utiiy of Lime. Its qu.ili'y is g-ajd, nd j their huifHlone is not equalled by arty in the neigh- ' borhojd. SEASHOLTZ A; UERGSTREsSER. Aegusta, April 2d, 1842. a ATtRAia ui:mi:iv, Suitril lemur constitutions, aittf nmrliU to cin e ol n-vty curable dim axe, will he Jonu J in inuTii:s iiiM.w e(;etadle hlls. Or tiik Nor i n Amekik an ('oM-ttiic oy I Ikai.i n. rjHESE extraordinary pills are composed of L plants which grow spontaneously on our owu soil and are therefore better adapted to our cons'i tutions than medicines concocted from foieign drugs however well ihev nnv be c.)iupouuded ; and as the INDIAN VEAETAIiLE PlLL-s arc founded upon I be piiu-iple that the huuiau body is in titnh nnly'tet tn tint mie ' .nc, viz: coirupl huni"rs, and that snid medicine cures tins di-ease on piilu ml prinfiplr.1 by demoting unit purifying: the bujy ; ll wi'l Lie mau bsi that if tlsi' A-oiiKlilu'ion be not cniiri ly exhausted a ersvrv.,nce in their ue, according to d recti m, is i.bsoloiilv eeil.im to drive disease of every name fioni the body, 'l'ltt. Indian Vtgttulik l'ilt.i will be found one ef the best, if u, .t tho very l-est ntedieiuti in lite world i t cauyiug out this gruntl purifying jirinripU, lie cause they cxie Irom the body all m mid and cor. rupt humors ( rut. t Ai'sa; ok MSKAse)in any easy and nati'haL manner; and while they every day givceuxe and phitsurf, deaie ui every name is rapid y driven from the body. The at'ovc named (udi in Vepetalik- Pills have lieen ihn e years before the Ausnican public; and we can uo.v say with uit fear nf comradiction, that of all tho various uiediejnes hich have heretnl. re l)'ii popular not one ha" eiven surh a pennaiunt hold upon the off ctions ol the people. .Not onlv do all who use it iuv.irial ly experience telief, and recoiiimeiid it in the strongest lor urn, but it has i llected some ol the most nsiouihiiiu cures i v, r peiioimcd by jmdicine. r or sale by H. D. MANSER Sunbury. Airil 2d, 1812. EaiGADE INSPECTOH. liinl, Uutou and Coluiubt c will be called upon lo ele, t a suitable person to iill lite ulluc of Bii,;ade Inspector. COL. J. McFADDEN. of Lewis!. org. Union county, oil. rs himself as a candidate for ud i.tUce. As tlie Colonel has had coiisi.leral4e experience in mili ary all'airs, he leels persuaded that he is fully competent to ili-rliiire the dut.ee oi liiuoHicu. Arril 2, lrS42. ' BKIOADB III&rECTOR. A an election vHI lake pi ice in June uel, fur I the purpose ofclectilig a B'igade Inspector, ! CtU.. DA MEL POLLMEi: : again nfl'eis himself to bis fellow citizens as a enn- ; didate for that nVicv, and trusts, as he has ibus far discharged ihe duties of said i.tlicc with s oi-l u lion to the community, he may .-k them for a contiuii auce of their favor. March 2t'th, I SIS. Morcy Ann riiaiuua-ii'M Eslalc, NOTICE is lierdiy -given, that the Ri gister of Nortbuuilierland county h . ganted lettefs tetaweiKiry upon the estate ol Meiey Ann 'bp- man. late i lha borough ut NoriliuiutHsrland, dee'd to the sulaicribec, te-iding in said llurouglu All persona having uy deuiauds against saal estate, aie lequesled to present them, and those luJel.led to make payment lo tlie vubscnU'r. Maoli.26,liw. JOSJAH CHA1IMAN. ":ooil Iiitfut I'irc (iiiiviii).'' STATED MLI'.TINti iifthc Cnmp.uiy will Mie held on Tbuis.ljy evening lies I, at ti o'clock, at the Court House. Punctual attendance m tu quested. J. M.YOIiKS, April 2. 164t. S,c,tlary. 'Rood Hill l ilt' 4 oiiiaiij.M rPJIE lueinUiis uf tho "l 10J Will I'ne Coin. -- pmy" are requested lo meet at the ' ism House, ihi M iii.l iv .Eve-niiiK, April 4 ill. Ml 7 o' clock pret iss lv. I'juuctu it atseudkiM'e is it quired. Maith l. W . SHIN DEL, -c. BRIGADE INSPECTOR ( 1APT. WM. II. KASE. of Rush township, Northumberland county, offers himself as candidate for the nlVice of Brigade Inspector, at the ensniiiR elec tion, to be held in June next. He res ect fulls solicits tire support of tiia fellow ci lir. -ns, and hurts that his long experience in military matters, will enable him to discharge the duties of a. id office wiih entire satisfaction lo the people. March I9ih, 1812. Vrom the Union Timet, Mb. rniToii. Understanding that f!apt. Wsi. H. Kane, of Hush township, Northumberland Co., will bo a candidate fur llrigade Inspecto-, wc lake pleasure in urging his cl lims, and rcrommemlint him to the especial notice of every militia man in the Brigade. Were we not inlininlely acquainted with him, and were we ignorant of his capacity and worth, we would not undertake lo speak of him in flattering terms or even recommend him for this office, but owing to our knowledge of the man, we unhesit tirigly sny, his rqiiul, in every tespect, is not to be found amongst any of the other candidate for this office. We trust his claims will bo duly considered, and that we will have the pleasure of seeing him almost unanimously elected. We hopo that a general support will be accorded lo him at live polls, on tho day of election. MANY VOTERS. lalTTIilalN MISEI.TI OF FUKEIGN LITER HIRE. ! CONTENTS OF THE MARCH NUMBER. kttxws from the Baltic; Viscount Pslmerston; Mr. Serjeant Talfouril; Right Hon. Charles Minw I, fere; (Speaker;) CroK'hnty Men and their Counterfeits; Lifo and Poems of Margaret Miller OavkLor; Letters of John Adama; Inipolu os; I'ho j University Fend, a Poem by Hood; Politics of t.',io I Old World; Captain ray'a Journal of Two Expo iliiions in Australia; Anson's Expedition, No. 2; Mrs. Daviea Ke-idenre in the I umily c t Mural; Hr. Psrkiu on Epidemic Diseases; Colin r's Ke i suns for a Ney Eililion of Shukspeare; Petre's Ac count of ihe New ealand Company; Lucys' Trans lation nl" the Maid of Oilcans; Ttie tilltot ls42; I'l Nirppes of Southern Rusa , No. 1; Memoirs of Madame La large; Essaya written in the Intervals of Uusine-s Uiliker's Coruedie of the Pativnt (iris sell, ( U'iO-1;) Jack llinton, the (juaitUiuan, Chup. 1 to 4; Handy Andy, (hap. I to U. AM) Akt. Fresco I'aiiitint;; 'I'huiider; New (! anic Baiti - r; lieob.gioril M.iji of Fiarn-e; Silk Worm; Hiibils nt Swaliiws; lliM'oifrv of I'aiiito by Ruliens; Floatin'r Hreskw.iter i IT ilrighton; Compressed Air nppbi'il lo Ship-; Mr. Lyell on the I'cnnsvlvmna Coal Mines; Nnuw on Kail Roads un Itc.l by Ntc mi; Knuud Tovtrrs of Inland; Pnsil Knunii.s ut a Slutb; Marks of Masnus in the Middle Ages; Ini- pressi hi ol a ('tucifix on a free; Uiwoveiy ,1 Fresco Paimiiigs; l).i;ui rrotyW and Eleclmts pe; Painline by Paul lielarocbr; I'mieess H' Vid's Poi traiu New Hist, meal Picture; Roiuu.ii A lit 1411 1 ti ill Loudon; S11 F. Chaistrcy. Om 1 1 AHV. Adiniial Sir Jciliu Well ; Duncan Munro; D in-in-cker. the Sculptor; Eail of Weslmoreland; Dr, Barclay; Mr. MiHer, IJucen'e Ciainsel; Mr. West, M. P4 Rail if Eginoul; Ilarl of Falinoutb; Rev. James Chambers, fi rmer Provoa tf the Uuivrr.ty of Penii ylvania; Col. Cuyler; Lord Halybuitou. 1'lll.lUV. Tin' Pearl-Weaver; Recall Me Not; Love Never Nleeiw; The Monks of Old; A Home Scene; The I Ohio; Kindness; A Child lo his Sick Grandfather , -V Psalm of Life. ' Statue of Poussin; Population of tin at BrKain; Cookery lor the Poor; tjreek Tragi dies on the ' tierniau Nfe; Robert liiiru-; Madame Iiafnrge; I Cook's oyages; i.'liiu ite ol South Australia; Run Krai ion; Tlie Poi r that loverns the World; Chess j I'lsyers ChroiiM-le; Mr Lyell; llvroti's Don Join , 111 French; I.ivlier of ljuewi Charioti,; Ningolar I (irovvUi ot Fungi; Public reeling ui Hauovir; I tiiave el' Moart; (ias Lights in Australia; Vocal j Music Cnudueive to lie.Jdi; Mr. t'arlyb; Anocoulu 1 of the late Karl of Wesluiuivlaiid. (Vj- Tin? MUSEUM is sold by Messrs. Carvill iV Co., HIS Bioadway, New Voik, and by Uie Hook sellers throughout the Lintsd States. Piuck. Six Dall.rs a year, in advance Seven and a half, if not. l'oslmzr, Six sheets, under 100 miles, tf cts over lOi) iniU'K, 15 ets. As Six Dollars is not a convenient remittance, di-4aut suWrihera ill ph ase end i-i in part; on recei, I of which the u oik will lie M ill, carefully w iappi d up, to any Post Oilice ui the United States or Biiiiab Ameiie.i. E. LIT i'ELL dc Ca) , Chejiiiut Strut, J'hibiililphui. BOLTON fit CO. GriM'iitl I'oiiimtkttioii .lcriiiuiitM, vFor tin Sale of t'Uiur, Grain, Heed, 4'C- c. EPECTFL'LLY iirfomi ihtir ihe Merchants generally, lhal they have ta- keni those large and commodious XX'harvrs, with two ! Doiks, 1101th of Chtwnut street, on the 1) -law ire. i touethcr with the storo No. li S.ilh XVlmrve-, j where ihey would be pleased lo receive consign- '. i ments of drain, Fluui. StM'd. Whiskey. Iron. Ac. j j Ac. Being also well prepared to forward alt kinds , of Mi ri band ise by the Schuylkill and Union, or by ' I the Chesapeake and Tide Water Canals, us low ! basts are kept expressly for the purpose of lowing j boa's by ea her luute. j j Meicbauls will please he particular to schd their I goods declined by ejllier canal.-, to Nn 13 South XVharves, hetweeu Market and Chesuul sin e's, on i the Delaware, with directions accomp oij ing ihem ; which route ihey wibh theiu lo be siiipped. I C J' Plastrr and Salt tor sale, at the lowest mar 1 ket price. BOLTON vV C'. j March 1'J, U42. No. IV Suih X Imves. i TAVERN NOTICeT 7o die JJauorutde Litis l.twis, T.t'j.. i'reaidit't, tiud hi AuMie.iaUs, Judges if the Court of Quui ter Session of the county uf Northumberland f IHE peliiionuf John Hauac of Sunlnjiy, in said JL county , humbly repreae-ut, that he liaannied lite tavern siaial ii'iv,' occupied byt-'haikis D. XVhui lou and 1'orniei ly kept by Henry Shatter, well .pie pared lor the ac coiniu dutniti of tiavellers, Ac, He theiefoie prays your honors to gf.uit luu a I eense to keep a lavuril, duimg the ensuing ear. and lie will pray, &c. JOHN 11AUSE. To i'H k Ji i.i. ks miria KjinoNth ; The sub scriU'rs, icsijeirts, of Suubury, hereby certily, that John liause. the nvplicaitt lir the license, is stnau of itood repiilo for hoiiesiy slid U-niperance, and lo wi ll provided with house room aud 10 veiiiinic. it the lodging and ait oinHiodatioii of strangers mid Have'.l.-is, and that a public house thru' is i.e ceMtary ; ihey tbereloie iccoinmerd bun as a pro- pir person 10 I licensed tu ke. p a public house S tllillel D. Jordull, Thomas ti. Hi gins, tieorne Maillu, t.'. D. XV bailon, John Bop. ir, Charles VV, lie, ins Daniel tiibson, Malih I '.'ill, IHI-.'. 4 'hut lea X ravir, J ie...b Rhawu, Jo-e,b Eisely, XVeisei eigli-r, Ptler XX'. Oiay. Iriends an I ttOlir.UT I'iKTOl & M, PAPER MANUrAOTUHnH3( Lnmhnrct Street, italtimort, nAVfJ constantly for sale, Printing Psper of all aires and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, Letter Paper, white and Woe, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine and comnvm, Envelope I'.ipor, do. dii. medium, double crown, crown and extia sired Wrapping PBrs, t 'oloted Medium and l(ov,il l',iiflrs, Doniiet, Hinders and Suaw Hot llosrdtf, Tissue Paper, and all ortxlea in their line, which they will sell on acennuiiodMitig terms. II ghest price given f, r old raiis. KOUEKT CARTER .V SON. M rchl9, 1842. E kton. Md. iti:xjA9ii iii:muk us, T TEKE1IY givei notice to all wlm are indebted , - to him, lo call and settle tlieir accounts, on er I bef.iic the first day of May next, afer which timo, thn-e which arc not settled will be plaeed in the ' h inds of a magistrate fur collection. He will At tend in per-on until tlie first f A ril next. Suubury, March 19lh, 1812. WEAVEIl'S HOTEL, S anbury, ,'iirthiimberlanil County, l'cnnst ivuuin. ! fHE rtibscriber, respeclfiilly informs the public ! I that he has removed In that lare Mid cotnmo- j dioiis Tavern Siand, nt the corner of Market And Fawn streets, (simi of the Buck ) foriiterlv oeru- i pied by Jonas WeuVer, hiu) lately by Dniel (iib- ' son, where he i new prrpaicd lo accommodate all , whs may favor him with a call. By strict uttrn- lion to business, and his utmo-t rtuleavnr to render ' satisfaction toall.hu hopes torece ve n ltl-r r.il slnre of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Suubury, Match 12th, 1812. 1 If litilrNalH llriis&lslM. IIAVRE-SXI-QIIACII. MX). AVE constantly ou hand a geueial assort ment ul Dines, mldjcim:s. vaists. oils, r.lA'A.s:.S, WISDUW ULAitH, DYi: ST f ITS, Ac. 4,:, w hich they nil', r lor sale on the most liberal lei mis. and at prices a.i low as these of Philadelphia and Baltimore. I'm tieul.tr attention will be giv. n o ihe iprili ties of such aitich s as are selectnl or Mnnnf iclun d for sale, as also to par king Ihi in for Ir.-rnspoit .11011. Ilavie-de-tirace, Manb 5,h, 1812. 3m. Ti-TSr.lT 1TC TI3E . To the Honorable Ellin I.eiris, .''.. I're.ndent, and his .issoriiitr.s. Jw'gi, oj the t 'jiurt of Qunr tr Sissiuiis for die uninty vj itrti'iitiberlund fHlHE peti'ion of Charles I). Whaiton, of Sun bury, in said county, humbly rejifesorils. that he has leuteil ihat w, II known tavern stand in Sun bnrv, formerly orcupietl l-y Hiram I'r.ce. opposite the court le u.e, and Is well einr,d for Ihe uccoin ui.Klnti.wi of travelleiu. A.C. He therefore prays y, ui Honors to grunt him a license to keep a ta vern dining the ciiaiiiuii year, and l.e will prnv.eVc. (JtlARLES I). WHAIM'ON. To tkk irnro vitini. sitiomm The sub scnlcrs, residents of Suubury, hereby certify , that C'.iarb's I . Wharton, Ihe applicant for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty arid temperance, and is well provided with house-room and c riv, ni- ; dices tor the lodging and acconiMiislatioH of strun- ! cers and travellers, and that a pul lid house lliere is neressiry : tl.ey therefore recommend hiui as a 1 proper ernii to be licenced to kepa public house, S imiiel D. Jordan, William Vouugmau, John W. Peal. Charles W. Hegiiis, John Bogar, Charles (J. Donne'll, Win. L. Dea.t, H. B. Masser, Maicai Ulh, IS12. Fiedeiiek L'lzarus, tieo, Munui, Win 5. Martin. (,eo Br gl.t. Henry S. (iubin, Peter L naius. T.TS?wlT 1TCTICIE. 7 'a the tloiiuralile t'llit I.rwi, L'si., President. and Ins Aniiciattx, Judges tifttr i'ourt if Quur. tir Sessions, of the county of Xorlhnniherluiid : f iHE petition uf Paul R.ah, of Coal township in I said county, humbly represents th it h- in tends to keep a public hou-e uf entertainment in the house now occupied ly Solomon F.igely, in Coal township, and is well prepared for the iccommods tiati of travellers, Vc He therefore prays jour Honors lo grant him a license to keep a tavern, during tlve ensuing veai, and he will prav.eVe. , PAUL ROTH, j To ink Jrar.is Aiiovr. mlmiomd: The sii1- J scriturs, res, dints ol Coal township, hereby oe tify, 1 that Paul Koth, the applicant lor the license, is a i man of noiad repute for honesty and temperance and is well prt.vnltd with li.HisP-room and conveni ences f.f the I aUing and accommod itioii of slran eeis and Iravi Iters, and that a public house there in utiesoary: they lherefre recommend him as a proper person to be licensed to keep a public house. 'Olomoli Fagely, John T regis Jacob Kram, John Thompson, Jacob Baird, John II. I'onym, tli-o'e KfK'i'.t, Reuls u F .grly, William Kuel.ler, SammM Eiaeuhart, James It. Paxleu, 1'ie lerick (raw, Jlinnd Keistefer, E i is E'soi hart, Jeieiui.th .unmerman. March 11, I si':. TAVBUN NOTICE. Tu the lluivjubk TU I wis, .', J'resident, and Irn, AsKiiciatejs, Judges if the VuHrt of Vuor irr .ScAiiaiui, eftiie Cuunty of Xorlhu-niUrlujid . FIII E petition of Ceorge Conrad, uf Augusta 1 I iw iilnp, in said county, humbly repn senls, that he L.oitu Me, to keep a public li . use of t utei tatiimi -41 : , in his old si and, in A ugusta tow tiship, and is w -i! arewriHt f vr the as ceuiiiioilaliuii 4 it' iravt lit rs, iV.'. He iheieloie prays your Hon us tu ftihut bihi a li '.elite luki-ep Ijvciii, during the uuaine. V.'s', and Ue. will Jirav, 6ic. ;eoi:ce con r ad. To TUK Jl l.ulS a .1V. W ,.k 1 jom u : be sJlb scri'oeis. rt si It ins ut A uusta tn i.shoi, I. en hj it h fy, that e,Wi;e Coin ad, tLe appbc ml br li..'Ci,s '. 1- .1 man of good icpuU lur luuie-ly und tm eraiii .'. and its well provided vvtui boos, -ro,i,. .,d una 1, -ilicca for the lodging ai d ucnimit.od.i'iroi air 111 geis and travellers, cud that a public In-u-e iheie is iicre-s.ny : -tin v then l.ne ici .'iiu.'tcii.l miu us t (.ri per person lo le licentd keep a pul he house. t.'sleb It.iriett, X ili'sui Kramer, iienige R iker, Al.rab.iui XVoit, Henry Bveilj , Div.d Hit. el, Samuel LaNkr., March li b, 1 M I John Sterner, i ieoige Keoft r, David llautk, Sarnuul Mine, Nicholas XVolf. WHAIITOICS HOTEL, suuhury, -ui (liiiitilH'ilantl Couuty, X'ENriliVljVAiriA. riHE sub.cnUr itsptcilully uitorois riie pill lie, 1. Ihat lie l.aa it move I to ihut laige und cuaimo- tlious Br ck Houc,i Marl.et square, uppos'te thu j Buh( l''4 1 aril fir ta'e lv II. 15. Mas Couil ll.us, (tormoily kept by Jliiam Puce.) fjp ser Bot ai Syrup, Sugar Hoil- sn I N . O. wla'ia he li now prepared to ace iinunithiie oil who ! Mieastuts; Loaf, Lump, Cruslied.B own ana v.', rvs i ju.iy lavor Uioi wi li u call, uemg isai kiui in j past lavors, Lo bojaa by nit atieirtiou to litis m ., : to Kjceise a l:tHtal share .'f p'rblii' pilrti.ae, Ac. j CHARLES D. XMlAliFOA. I bunbury, Mauh 5th, isii. LIST OP CAUSES, TOR itial in Ihe Ootul of Ooffitnnii Pleas of Nor- thorn erland Ooontv, to he held at Suubury, on the first Monday of April next, being Ihe4lh." .loneph Trego E Irnurid Bidder for Win Pada T vs Martin A Stoik. vs Hugh Bellas vs ,ls e I'srker vs John Fiiek vs S e(ihen Wilson vs J dm A Lh-yd vs Henry Frick vs D ivi.l Hailninn n r, iiviini v iii iittit ' F.ljah Ciawf.nl ' Cnm'th foi B Sa; re i Hum y i ii'k , A' tr vi Tu k Bun'et I. r Piper Thomas M lius,d ; V il s ov Mi Intyro John t Denthr I W.lhrtin Fry John lieen e ui vs s I livid atsi.n Wm A Lloyd M .111 iel rtivinehart .1 H Nourse vs vs F.diviul Y H-ittlit William 1cU , y Levi Mal a I Hi lirv II Burr dle.lll Mon t I u her II is-et v vs 1. vi II j. 'ait Will, mi McC. y v John II l) )d vs IIP Do can vs wile a John V 1'h hp O' erdorf Daniel Snvdi t Scu It L (Iroveroo &. J (' II Nou se (fiO'go ShlleV tom'th f.r E (iiibiii Nancy Huntei's adms el al R dn rl Miner Wilson I'. Bound &C I lenry Ecki rt vs John Lbivd vs tii org Long vs Hairy (joisler rt al vs Jlaniel Robins vs William Hibter et al vs Win 11 Pomp B. i.j until C Clavton vs The Slmniok n 'osl Co SMI EL D. JORDAN, Ceorga Amia'ioug Pruthotit'it.iiy's Office, I'rotU'y. Suubury March ft. st42. 5 CMlKDITtlRS TAKE Mil ICE, That we have , applied to the Couit of Common Pleas of Nor thumberland bounty, for the benefit of tho laws made for t! a relief of the insolvent dcbtoia; and that the ,'udges of the aid Court have appointed tho first Mondiy of April lo hear us and uur creditors at ihe Court House in Suubuiv, when and where you may alicnd if you think prof er. DAMP NICE. SAMUEL IMBLE. Feb. 12, H42. WILLIAM HARRISON. A I-E persons indented to tlvu Estate of the Wi dow Maiv M vera, der'd. are requested to make pavrneut immediaiely, and pcraucis haviog claims auiiut said estate, ore leqttdsled to piebei.t the name, properly authenticated, to I D BRAUT1GAM. NortliiimlHJrland, Feb. t2. IS42 Gt. Eir. i 1 iIPORTAXT TO THE READING ITliLK. 'I MHE New Quarto Volume of the "NEW I I WORLD" ai know ledaed on all hunda to lie I the hoiidsomest, cheapest, and most popular and I entert .ining periodical in the world coninr.encing ! .Istiuary 1st, H I2, will contain, siinulinneons with ' its publication in England. the firand New Military Novtl, by ihe autho,- of Charlei V .vlulley, enti lied (Xj- OI'Il M CSS," Jp) (.'ommericirvg with the story of "Juck lliriton, the Life GuaidHinaK." No commend ition of this new wntk will l e l.e erassry to those who have read the delightful Novel of 'Charles O'Mslley.' Also, anew Novel by Miss C. M. Sedgwi,;k, ol ready commenced, which dots g'cut credit to that distinguished Authoress. Many Original Tales id" great interest, among which we may mention, as already in baud, "Mary Ttid.r, a Tale of the P.ina," by Edmund Fl..uir, Esq , author uf ill" 'Far YVes'.' 'Tlie Ductic a nl Fenaiii,' 'Beatrice Sir., a work of deep and thril l.ng interest; " Miel Par.ons," a Tale uf the great Fire in New York in December, 1S3.1, iiboiinilinij in poweilully wrougbl passages ; "Tim Blacksmith of Antvveip," by u popular oiigitinl contri'.mto'. Also, a series of superb Engravings oil Wood, by the 1-est artists ill England and America, will em bellish the cciriiioir vulume. AH these Novelties, and a multitude of n. iheis, for Omi Tuhi a l)..iLas, ruir. nt money, remitted free uf postage. In the usual book form they would cost ten tunca that amount. CXZAntJBS O'MALLET, EXTTIHr, Can be bad by all new subscribers who wish itiis popular work, by oiderUig tin ir sillm'tiplious 10 eoiitiuiiiee w.lli the 31 Ijnarto Volume, July 3d, 1841. For t li rt e dollars mi any solvent ik irtered Bunk in the United States or Canada, free of pos tage, the New World will be a. nt ono year, Ir the commencement of 'CliHrhs O'Malley,' including ;b.: Ut volumo grain, pidihshej in extia ixnibera. Addre-s J. WINCHESTER, Publisher, Sit Ann street. iScw Yoik. TIIS COT TAGS 3I3LS FAMILY i:IOSIT01t. (IX TWO VOLV.MI.S.) CONTAINING the Old and New Testament, wr,h praciical expositions and explanatory notes, by Tboiuas XX'itliaiiis, Author of the Age of Ii.fi ihbtv," "Diction irv of all Relipiotis Denomina tions," oxc. To which aie added the references and marginal readings of thti I'olv gloit Bible, toge. her with oiii;i:ial u.vtes and s:'!eei ma from Baxter's Coriipiehcnsive Bible, sod o-her stun. lard works ilitrodoetory and 4-oiicloling remarks 011 eaeil book uf the ad niid new Testament, und a wlualde ciuo 11.. logical in. lex. The whole caivfully rs ii.j.l and adapted 0 tlie use of Suud it Schtitds, Bible classes, si il Chrisiisns generaHy. tiubcll.shed with maps aua etii(rariiigr, edileJ by tlm Kt V. W ntiaiu Pat ton, ai.ti I iibtisbed bv Case, TlU'auy i. Boiidijiii ; H.iitb'rd,Coun., Ifill. 'I bis WArk has been higl.l; recommended by the f II wing, uiiioi g other ilisiinu'alied div'tite: Ift-v. Stephen 111 imi'rfl st, pastor of thti Melho. dl-l Eus 'ii t Church, lliooklyu. I:v. W. C. Hiownbe, pastor uf the MklJIe Duteli I huicli. iNt-w Yusk. fj.-v. L.'iii .i l ; Miller and A. Alex Uidr, Profes-soi-iu l'iiin4H.vn Tbej'.igte .1 S m naiv, N. Jersey. R. v. i'. Ciinttli, I'.. .d- i.i uJ Peunylaia C. Ilea''. i '.'iivliu;. Rev. C .XV !. ' itn, pist'.i uf tha Lutheran t'liul.'H, II tiilot.ori!, 1'a ,;" T01 bite l il. P. Mus-tr. Atfent fir tha I'll'. l her-. ' i 1.1. .'. tl 142. l.irlj,l.tl Mint, o.il 1' .1 sub-, 1 heap, le H It'vv I'usl Cloves 11. MASSKR. Jan - I, Xtif AI-:IUC.AN Mi tlC-T, X.UJKAKY imf!j.m.i:m u r.. COt RM RA TED Km. ! ol Medical Sei - V 11.nu a. ..I Liti'ianne, l y K tilev Duiig itton, M. D , PruU-s.nr tvl I'ss Insii utrs .rf Me.tieo.f, tic, in it tl' is. 111 Medical Cllsyr t.f Pttiiade p' ia, jm!,. li-iied inoistldv by Ad no XX' Mie, No. 4ti (';, . I s Mint I, Philadelphia. SubwripHon price. r a i year. oubM'iiplions lor me ataive a or m.pm v j thesubMi ber. 11. B. MANSER. Jloe. llth. U4t. -Iff 111. ! m im ngar; 1 rauia-rrii s, lis sins, t rsriiers. 11 , Fieneh 11 d E114I1 h Merinis; Meriu aid ottu 1 Shuwis; Clniha. Cas-imers ainl Cas-inrtt ; L'rv Ci.v's. Hardware. SadUry, ic. of all kuids. Nov. Soth, Kll. H. S. IfCASGEP., ATTORNEY AT LAW. SUJTBTJHV, PA. Biiaiuena iittended lo in the ('ountiea of Nor ihuii'l erlind, Union. L coming and Columbia. llrfer loi Tit'iMvs Hamt A. Co., Low hi V Uahiioit. HaUT, tt7MMiaoS RxixuLoa, Mi'Fari.asii JtCo, Sexat so, 'Joon Ac 'Co., C'ouiitt-ifVltrr' 1h(Ii lllow. rPhn pu' lie will please observe that no Brandieth Pills are genuinr, unless tlie box has three la bels upon it, (llie top, the side and tho bottom) each containing a fsc-aiinile stgnrture of my hand writing, tl.us B. Biinnrti, M. D. These la. bels -e engraved on steel, bcMitifully designed, and dnnent an expense of over J2.000. TherefoiH it will lj seen that the only thing nscessaiy to pro cure tlie rtit iliciuc in its purity, id Ij observe tLe:0 label. Leoiemher the top, the si le, and the 'hntiom. The fallowing lespecrive p'-rsona ure duly sub i lu.l, and hold OEUTIOATES Or A.GUNCV, For the sale of Hrandrtih'i Verita'de I'tiirer-i! j 1 ... . NiirthtimbeiUri) county : Milton Mar-key it Ch nnh"ilin. Suubury H.ll M tsser. M'Enei.s. v 1 lie Ireland At Meiitll. Xoilhuiu' eilaml Wiu. rorsyth. tlenrgiHoivn F. Midbng -r &. Co. Union County : New Ber'in J. hn IIolTm-m. Solins(;rove Ever and Schntne Mid.llcb.!r, Inuc Smilh. Beaver. 'own J. &. F. Biiiititoaii. Adatnsbufi! -II. A' A. Smith. Miilltnvbuii: fcwope cV" Laird. Ila'tlel. ti D iniel Loiii;. F'ee. burg 1. 6t F. C. Mover. Crntreville SWiley i5t l.eiiharl. Lewiiinir Walla tV. (rm. Columbia counry : Danville E. U. ReyniUW A; Co. BerwickShumnn Sl U tti'iilumse. ''Cat lavvissa C. A. At C. C5 . ttrobt-s. Bloomsbvrg John R. Mover. JnseyTown Levi Bisrl. AVa aliiiigton Kobt. Mi Cay. Liiueslone -D. L. Schnteck. ttbseive lhat each A cent has an Engravrrl Cir tifieale of Agency, containing a rvpies nlntUiri of Dr BRA.MlRE Tll'S Manulscn rv at Sing Sinp, and upon which will also be teen eiact copies t.f the nt w 'labels now uieJ upon thi Brandrtlh J'i.'l Boi't. Philadelphia, offiv.i No. Nm'h Sih street. B. BKANDliE I'll. M. D. Jalllinrv 1st, 142 my .:Sk 'H5.. lm. Ft"!" sal- a sii.i I Farm, cont-iiaiiiig hh. ut tr.s h'jrd e.l and tn:i acres, more 01 le a, Mtuam in i'oi. t to'.vtiih.p, Nor bi.ii.bnlsiid coutiti, alu ut tarn mil. -i Lt.ove Nuilbutubeil'iiJ, on the nism road lea ling trom t!iat pbuu to Daiivd!', edjonui.a; lands of John l.tglmu, f.-sn C. H 't'o.T and other-, now in the ottupn ty i.l Saiinul i'ljne. About forty acres of s.id ir.i t arecbstnl, and in goed state ol cu'tivation, on w h'ch there is a small l.si'i erect, d. The property will be a.JJ on r. asoi.abln leims. For further particulars, jieisons are reuttt. ed to apply to the ful srrihi r. H. B. MAsR. Agent, Nov. 27th. 1841. if Suubury. Fa. CHP.TSCLITE PCLIOH. AN article unequalled for cleaning and giving a highly duraMo and most brilliant p. lish to oil ver, German Silver, Brass, Copier, Brittsnia ware. Tin; Steel, Cutlery, and tor restoring the lustre oit varnished carriages Ac. Tlii' IT. Prepared and aold at wholesale and retail, by tho Siiseriiebarina ( 'hrystililir Polish CumpHtiy, Oweo, 'J'loga county, N. Y. WM. FORSYTH. Agent tor Norihuni'd, II. B. M ASpER, Agent hjr Siinbuiy. November 20lb. IH41. V "i. A . K O V U U D T ' S Cliinn.Claqs ami Liverpool Waifliousc, Ao Ifil Ai7A 1 bird ilrr:t,Jtir,t lUiur UluiL' I mt ttite-t, 1'hiludilphia. T THERE they ciiustHiitly keep 011 hand m hirpa assoitnieiit of China, Class and l.ivorp.nl Ware, which they fill dispose of oil the Uioat ia sonablu terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. Iy. Jacob Fi ittiiiutli At Son- r E?PECTFULLY informs their fuej.ds ami acquaintance s generally that they still con. linue t. keep at the old stand. No. 246 North iii strett. Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SMFF A NZ) SUGARS. Which they will sell ou the most accoutiuodatuig ami reasonable terms. N. B. All soods sold will he guaranteed, and all orders promptly attended to. Philadelphia. November 13, It'll ly. veTlr )i:y: j:s. LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowiiill JStreet, I'liilaJclpJiia, ("Three doers eibove Sieond. ) CIIOE Findings always kept mi hand, which Lo i lfers fur sale on the lowe-t terms. Country Merchants ore purticuiaily to cull and judk'o fj the nuelvea. Philadelphia. November 13, 1H41. tv. LOWKlt iV BAUUO.N. InvJorUTs and Dcale-rs in I'orciL'ii and. DomesTic- llaui-vare, No. 174 Nou tm 'J'uiFt' STai xt, I'll: LHTLri a. "tl 711 ElvE their fin nd and lustotuert, will always ' ' find u large and geusral s.-soi luieiil of l'oieiii and Domestic llaidwaie, wLiiJllhey will sell at list lowest prices, Philtdel( his. November 13. 1(411.- lv. REYNOLDS, ItuTlTAFtS: CO. Wholesale Deoleis in 1 'cn eign Uiiliili ami American Pry Good;!. So. 10ft Xirt.et strtit, i";.'iJt'phia. COUNTRY Merchants, uid ethers can la ssip plied nt all tunes with an extmsive ss.r mi nt of the best and moet (ashioiiuble Cooda lipoai Use most reaaoiinhle terms, Pi.il nlelphia, Ni.veiol.t r Id, 1 1 1 . ly . .TJii h.'iol Vi;mr cV Hon, norn makehs ,v smv ciirVWDLtr,. No. 1J S,.tth W ater Street, Philadi'pkia. V. eciisiHiitly on band, a geuei s! usort meirt t.f ConlaLC, Seine Twines, 4 e., vi : i ar'd J'opcs, Fishinu Ropes X bile Ror.ea. Maiiil- hi Ropes, Tow Lines lor Cmal Il..als. Also, a eo.npleie assoitment of Seine Twines, tVc aiuli at I Heir.p s;,ad and Hertiiif; Twnie, Best Pateitt til l Nf Twine. C..ti on Nhn.1 and Herring Twice, Khcs ! Tt,r. s .-. ,V. Also, Bed 4'ords. 1'l.xigh Line-, I Halters, T.ac. s, Co'tou and Linen 4'arpet Cb un ' Ac. all ol wiiii.li they udi diepoat) of ou n.Sudu.Uis titles. I l.ibiVploa. NrrveriVer I.I. 141- ly. ! ks i iT: i : u ; k", i: li co s, j wi"?Ln.!:Ai.'C iocv auoss store. No. if.o I-' .Ai.ul.et Street, l'lula. I ( bri .U' ' South tide ) I A I.W.XYS ketpo.i buiid a foil und genersl as I a " 'tment of llo iery, i.nrf, and Fancy U.o.ly, j Counlry Mercliania are lei-pectlully re)iiS4rl id v ive tin ni a call nr.,1 1 Asuine lor theaselves. ; PLdtdelj.hu, NovemU-r I'd, iSil. ly.