"I A K MOVE LIST. l'i:STLVAI.i Ti e following list showi the curnnt value of all Penury Ivania Bunk Note. The nnwl implicit re liance may be placed upon ft, it is every tnctk i an fully compared with at (1 corrected from Bi. k in ll' Reporter. trunks In Ilillal lilil;i. i . Alii. f . . i'ir. in Pi NOTES AT r a k. Hsi k of North America1 . Dank of the Northern Liberties . Dank i)f I'cimatlvania . itank of Penn Township . , 'nmii.i rcial Dunk of lYnn'a. . I'uiuir' ami Mechanic' Dunk , Oirar.l I!ank , . Kcniriton Bank . , Miinutacturrra' Al Mechanics' Bunk Mechanics' Dank . . Mnynrnensing Hunk . I'liiladulphia Bank . . !S. l.iiNtkill Har k Sotuhwark Bank Western Bunk pnr par fuiied pur pnr pnr failed par par pnr par par par par pnr Country ltauKs. It ink of Pittsburg Dink of Chester County Rink of Delaware County Bank of Oermantown Hunk of Lewistown Bank of Middletown Bunk of Montgomery Co. Dunk of Nnrthuuibetland Fiilsbuig par par pur pjr par par par Westchester ( 'hosier Gcrmantow-n I.ewistuwn Middletown Nnrrislown Niirthuinhcrland Sending Columbia Carlisle Do) le stown Uerka County Hank lolurnhia Bank &. Bridge co. Carlisle Bank Duylcstown Batik I'aeion Bank Exchange Bunk Do do branch of Farinc.m' Bank of Bucks Co. runners' Bunk of Lancnstci Fanners' Bunk of Reading Harrisburg Bank Lmcns'cr Bank l.chnnon I), ink Merchants' & Mnnuf. Bank Miners' Bank of Pottsville Northampton Bank Towanda Bank 10 10 pur pnr par pur 6 par par par par pnr bunion Pittsburg Holliduysburg Bristol Lancaster Rending liarrisburg Lancaster Lebanon ' Pittsburg Potisvillo Alleutown Towanda failed West Brunch Bank Wyoming Bunk OHire of Bank of Pe nn'a, Office do do tfl'ice do do Olfice do do NOTES AT Williamsporl f5 to CO Wilkesbarre liarrisburg These Lancaster I oltices Heading f do not Easton J issue n. D 1 C O U N T. Cnt.k of the United States Philadelphia Pittsburg Erie Mew Brighton do do t 'himhershnrg ( it-llysbuig Montrose Krio Wnynesburg Washington Honesdule Brownsville Yoik - CO Oliice tit" Bank of U. S. Do do do I'd do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A Penn Township Sav. Ins. Bank of Chamhcrsburg Bunk of Gettysburg B.ink of Surquehunna Co. Erie ll.ii.k Farmers' V Drovers Batik 1'iaiiM'ui Bank 1Iotiisd.de Bitik Motinnguhcla Bunk of B. York Bank N. B. The notes of those hank on which we c iiiil quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased iiy the Philadelphia brokers, widi the exception ot those which have a letter of I ferctico. B U O K E N B A N K S. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia fuiied f.iicd f.ilcd fnlc! no sale closed I'biludel hii Lonn Co. t"'hulkill av. Ins. Manual Labor Batik (T..W Allightiny Bank ol Pa. Hank of Beaver H.Hik of Svvolura Bdiik of Wushiiiton Centre Bank City 15. ink Parmcra' & Meih'cs' Bank Punuers' ot Mei h'cs' Bank Puimers' Sl Mech'ca' Baiik Haruioiiy Institute Huntingdon Bunk Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bunk Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Norihumb'd L'uion Col. Bk. North West.rn Bank of Pu. tttlice of Schuylkill Bank Pu. Aar. Sc Manuf. llunk Silver Lake Bank l'uion Bank of Penn'u. estinoreland Bank do do Dyott, prop.) Bedford Heaver liarrisburg Wu.ibiiigtou lit lb Ionic Pittsburg Pittbburg Fayette co. (ireenca-t e llarmoi v closed failed ilosid no sale tailed failed failed no sale Huntingdon no sale l.enistown no sale Warren Duudiill' New Hope Milton Meadville Port ( 'aiboll ('arlilo .Muiitii.se 1 'iiiniitown (rccnsliurg ilkisbane faded no sale closed no sale elosid failed faibd closed failed c losed Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. no sale ffj All nolis pui porting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above list, may be set down as frauds. Bank of New Biuutwick Brunswick Belvideie Bank Belvidere Burlington Co. Bank Medford Commercial Bank Perth Amboy Cumberland Bank Bridgelon Farmers' Bank Mount Holly Farnnrs' and Mechanics Bk Kahway Farmers' and Mrchsnics'Bk N. Biuuswitk Farmers' nnd Mil hunks' Bk Middletown Pt, failed Spin par lpn pur par 2 pm failed . lprn Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed fuiied failed failed failed par filled Sinn par HobokcD Hkg 6l Liruilirr 1 o Hoboken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Palleisou Munufjctur. rs' Bunk Belleville Morris Company funk Mornstown Monmouth BkufN.J. Freehold Mechaiiiis' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Mauuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and Lkg Co Jeisey City Pott Notes DO sale Newark Bkg A Ins Co Newark New llopelM Bridge Co Lambeitsvillo N. J. Manufuc ai d Bkg Co Hoboken N J Protection A Lombard bk Jersey City "pm failed laded 1 pin failed Spm Orange Bank Orange Putcrson Bank Pateison Peoples' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Banking Co Sjlein Sule Bank Newark Stale Bank Elizabelhtown State Bank Camden Stale Batik of M ori.s MorrUtowti State Bank Trenton Salem and PhilaJ V ai.uf Co Salem Surst X Bank Newton Tn uton Banking Ck Trenton l'uion Bank Bever Wt.hiligtui Bai kin- Co. Hackeusaek Bil.iUAIlU Bk of Wihn A Brandy int W'i'ininrro par pur Spin fuikl failed I jpm Spin 1 pm failed Bank cf D ! urv W ilmii.gtuii Bank of Sirjrna Smyint Do biamh M.ltorJ Farmers Bk of Stale of Del Dover Du l.ianch Wrlmingtoii Do branch (Jeorgitowii Do bunch Newcastle I'nion Bank Wilmington err L'ndcr 5's Cj On all barks marked thus () thert are ci ihf r counterfeit or sllrrtd BuUs el li.e Tarisus de r.otuiiiations, iu liiiuljtiou. CIT1T AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Similar 2!) Xarth Thb-d Street. Vhiludefoh'm EUBLIC SALE of Dry H. mill Cutlery, Boohs, St ttioi , Shoe mul Hals, and in alio Goods, Hardware onnry, C lothing, ihort almost every description of goods, nrp held at this establishment every evening Goods are nlso sold lit private snle miring ttie ilny nt thcmcruRO auction puces. Store keepers and trailers will find it to their advantnge by attending the Miles. C. C. MAC KEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, Novnutn r 13, 1811. ly. TO COUNTxY MEIICIIATJTB 'T'HE Subscriber, Aent of Lyon & Harris, Hut Manuf'mturer. fir Nw Vork, Philndelbis, Baltimore and other large cities, 'aIiwj Huts are highly comintmled f.ir ftrnd Cil'ii iiml duralility, has ot hand lir-t rate nsoi tin- lit l HA Vfi and CAPS, suitable fur Spr.na ailes, wh ch will e sold very low, foi cnh oi nppi ived credit, nt llie nr led cheap store, Sk 40, Noitn T'lird sire-l, oipini'e the City Hotel. I'bil.i.k li.hin. OLIVEU N. I'tf AC HEI1. Artnt. N. I). Oidersl.it Hats i i the oiit,h, prooipll) attended to. The highest i ri'ii in rush or tra !e giwn fjr rut ilein. Pl'ildilclphh, Nov. niber 13, I S I I 1 y jT w7rw Alls' lTmlrella an l'arasol Manufacturer. -Vo. 37 Suvtfi Tiitil street, tiro dnors btluw tlie C'iVv Until, I'fiiitdtiiftia. 'lOl'NTItN Merchants and ulliprn are solicited to examine his assoili.ient before purchasing elsewhere Phila 'clj hia. NoveniUr 11. Ill. Iv. .sim:ui.(;, uoud co. - No. UlN Maik"t Slrc1, l'liilatlcljiliia. SNV1TE the attention of Country Merchants to their exieiiMe acsorimeiit ot Brilith I'rei.ch mul American Diy (foods, which they otl'cr lor sale on the most reusi-nable ti mis. I'hiludelphia. November 13, 1811. ly. Wholesale and IJctail Shoe, 1'omiet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. ATo. CG Xurth 2d tlreet, a few doors ubove .hcfi, J'ftilmlelittia. VI.O Trunks, Cnipet Bags and V nlices, of ev ery desciiption, all of which he ull'era for sale on the most rensnnalile terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. OF i:fuv DIX KII 'i NEW JJNULANDOIL COMPANY. No. 2! North Water .Street, Phila. AM'FACTI'REKS and dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and iiiaiiut'acUiiin? purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, ard warranted in quality to eijunl any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as icpn senti il, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, mid the money will be refunded. Their slock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached SpetnA Oil, 6000 do do do do do do do Culoiless Oil, 1 5,000 10,000 20,(100 CO00 15,000 Full and Spring ipcriii Oil, niter !ea Lb pbnnt, do Presed Whale Summer do do Common Whale Oil, Oil, do 200 Barrels superiol Straits Oil, 300 do Cod Bank Oil, 50 do Noais Foul O.I, 7 5 I 'asks Oitvc Oil, Tanner's tils. Tj This Company hn-i a number of Vessels mi- i gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely : ui-ii: oetiini! at nil times Oil as pure as iinin.rli'.l. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. 1 s-ll . ly. G-. V. &, L. 3. T.TTLCPs. FFEIt FOR SALE, at the suth Ei Coi ni r of Fifth und Market Slnets, 1'hittidet- pliiu Mens' Calf-skin Bouts, stitched w arranted, do do do pegged do do do do water proof, double soles and double uppers, do Cull-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neuts do do. do High quarter Shoes, Call-skill, do do do Crotkers do do nailed do do do do do do do Fine Monroes warranted Kip do C.df do Coarse do do Shoes Fine do Kiii ilo do do do do do do do Caif and Seal Skin Pumps, do List Socks with und without soles, do Curpet do do do do Patent Wai ranted Water-proof Moccasin. Ladies' do do do do Laihis' tunned India Rubber shots. ( if i.tlcmc us' do Over sliocs. Wiih every other desc iption of hoots and shoes. Fur Caps of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Ye i.eii.m Travelling Bags. Patent (ium Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of all kinds. Palm Leal Hat. Philadelphia. Nmcinlver la, lHll. ly. Wholesale Variety and Triiiuuing Store Su. 44, Xurth Fourth near Arih st., I'hihidt Iphiu. M1ERE Country Men hauls and Olivers can be ' supplied, at sll limes, with a large nsirtrni nt of Hosii ry, Cloves, Merino, Cutton, ond Woobn Shuts and Drawets, Sjmol Cotioii, Patent Thread, ('utton Curds, Button, Tapes, Binding', Hooks and Lyes, Pins, Ac. And a general vaibty ot use ful articles, which he oil' 'is fur sale at the lowest (rices. Philadelphia, Noveinbei 13, IS 11. ly. par I par j i ' , : I WHOLESALE HOISEXIV, CLOVE & I.IM.IIll VAUILTT SIOIIE, No. 31 Xoi'h Fourth st uudrr Mcrctaut Jluttl, PHILADELPHIA. IM'RE Ciuiiiliy Merehunts an be suppl ed with an extensive vaiiely of choice ai lick. w In bis bee, i:pi n the most reusoliab.e terins. N.-v. fi'h lull I y ltIc.-CAX.Xi A Sl IIKRSI3, u .":t, AlU lh Si u! fclrrt I, ( I III M It OF COO.M b's 1I.LII.) W here ihey const inilv keep on hand a genervl assoriim-nt of CLCTIIS, CASSIMERrS, VESTINCS, Aid a itrn.t vuritti ifartickt if a tuptrinr qnul.ty, whnliliiey i tier to dispose of i poii tl.e in. l leLi.onat.lo ti rms. C"1orN'll;V VEKCIIANTS and olhcrswill J fin. I it I i lloii advanlsge lo cull and examine iti. ir stii k U'foie piircbasing ehewbeie. Fbilud. Ij l.ia, Nov. C, lfe tl. ly par pur par par par par par par pur 2 MRS. BOLTON, ESl'EOTFULLY informs her friends and the public generally, that she continues to keen Unit well known Tavern Stand in Maikel street, Sunbury, sign of the formerly kept by John Bolton, her husbnnd; and by i iidenvortng to conduct the establishment in a mnnner to pive satisfaction to all, hopes to merit a libeial shnro of public patronage. Smhnry. Oetoli r '.lib, 184 I. 'O.Jn. It a !l O ?i -f Cf' ... I ESPECTFL'LLY inform the citizens of Sun- bury and vicinity, that they hnve taki n the Shop Isti ly occupied by Win. Durst, where they will carry on the TAILOnilTO BUSINESS, in nil its various hr inches. By strict altrntion and reasonable chuipcs, they expect to limit a share of public pntronagc. Sunbtiiy, Sept. 4th, 111. LIST OF BOOKS, Hill S A Ik lit 7 A KTHON'M Classical Dictionary: Lemprirr's J-- do.; Ainsworth's do; Cobb's do.;' English and fiermnn do.; Aiilhon's Cresnr; Amhon's Orsmmer; Alithen's Ciceio; Mail's Laiin h'endei; t igilby's do.; Anibew's Latin Lessi-n-'j D.nnegan's Lexicon; Fisk's liroik Exercises; Davir-'s Leeendei; (irnera Majora; Aibmis's liomnn A ntiinitie; Pinnock's (ii'ldsmith's Enitbiriil; do. tireece; Lyell's Element of tieolocy; Mis. Line. In's Bolunv; Element of lb tany; Brider's Algebra; Porter's 1,'bi loricsl h'ea ders; 1'mirson's (Seocrnphy nnd History; Olney's do.; Parley' do.; Smiih's (irammei: Kirkhnm' do.: Kay' lieaibrs; Cobl 's do.; Cnbb' A rithmeliek; Pike's do.; Elm rsnli's do.; ("i.l b's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evnnpeliciil Fa mily Library; Cnifnge Bible; Family do; d. later al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Parkei's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S .im's Besi; Ainerienii Bividutiou: Many-all's Ni vets; Mr. Phelps on Chemistry: Iliad; Catechism of American Laws; Loiters on Satutal Mngie; Che mistry for Beginner-; Eiichsh Exereisis adapted to Murray's (iraminer; Sciiii I to Comity's Selling Book; Aiinrienri (,'lass Bi ok; Daboll's Sehonlmas ler's Assistatil; A ureal variety of Blank Books, iVe. August 28. 111. JACOB ttlARTIN, oiiimisxluii siikI I 'oi ai elint? XVEKCIIA3Srr, l."xi'rv .vr.v I .J.L.J Jr-.T i 1 lESI'F.CTFl LI.V tff.irm. ! Milehanls gem ra'lv, thai his trie ills anil the ml he ci niliiins t tic Ci'inrni'sioii ni.d Foiwardiiig liusiiuss, at l.i-wari-!.nue, font t'f i.hnv si. Ivalluud, 1. el .w a:e and tVhuvllill. Merchants linving goods tole shipped, wiil find it much to their advuntane, n to tune und piicis I Inly hi. to semi their mi'ii hi.iu'ise to the Depot, ci.rmri.f Front and illow utieet Rjilroml, n tiny can then be sent either route by the Tiile ater Canal, ot Schuylkill ami I 'nii.it Canuls, as boats wdl arrive nnd depert d uly lor tl.e JuniuM nlid Susijueh.uiiia t 'mnils by Tule- i. ter in low of steam, or via Schuylk.il and Union Canals from Fuiirnouiit dam. Merchants will please be pirtieular to send nil goods destined for I'l.er route, to the huge Di pot, Cormr of Froiii ninl 'How wliei t Ivjilio.id, with dinetioiis accompniiyini: thun, which oule they w ;sh t, em to 1 c shipped. daise cud fine -.dt sin Pi i.ter at wholcsule prices, in the Dilauaic or S, hnv ll.iil. Phil id. Iphix .In ie 5, 1 ll "ly. MADEIRA WINE. Fust quauy Madiera Wine, I'.ii sale low ly Sept. 1, istl. H. B. MASSE R, ForiiTlI PROOF BRAND V. A g.nuoi. article nlwuvs on liuiu! and for sale bv Sept. 1, l'f-ll. II. II. MASSF.R. llOl.LA.ND (JIN. OI llie best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. I, Kll. H. B. MASSF.R LOAF A N O LI. 'MP Si (JAR. Always on hand slid for sale by S, pt. 1, 111. NEW ORLEANS 11. B. MASSER. M 'OAK HOI E MO- LASSES. Oi the best ul d for sale bv Sept. I, 1 S 4 1 . ,ty ulwnvs on Luii J 11. B. MASSER. I BROWN Sl (JAR. Of '..why Sept. I. 1811. a good qualilv. for sale I H. B. MAS.- ER. ! (JKF.EN AND BLACK TEAS. Of ibe best quality always on hulid ami for sale by Sept. 1, l'o-ll. H. B. MASsF.R. ('OFFI E. Java, Kio and l.aguira Coll'ce, con stantly on hand and (or sale bv Sept. I, lH-ll. H. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Spurn Oil, ul the lest quality, ulways unhand und for sale by Sept 1, 1H4 I. H. B, M ASSER. STEEL. Cast ami Blister Stei I, for sale by Sept. 1. 18-11. II B. MASSER. IRISH SALMON. OI the best quality, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, ls-ll. 11. B. MASSER. LIlrORS. Of ull kinds und of the lest quali ties, ulwavson hand and for sale by Sept. I, IMI. 11. B. MASSER. SPRINti S TELL. Of vuiioiis sies for Eliptic Springs, for sale by slf t. 1,1811. II. B. MASsER. LA ROE O.CAKTO BIBLES For sale at verv reduced prices by Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. M ASSER. BLANK BOOKS. OI ull kinds, for sale I y S.pt. I, ti. II. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. for solely Sept. I. ILU. MAssEK, Jl s l li cs' BLANKS. for sale bv Sept. 1, 1811. II, B. M AssFR, CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, for si-le by Sept. l'. 1M1. II. B. M ASSER, CAsSlMERES AND S.V1 "1 IN ETTS. FiTr sale very low by S, pi. I, 1 8 1 1. CARPETIN'li Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MAssF.R. -For sale ehei 11. It. p bv MAssER. BLANKKTS- -For s.tle cheap by 11. B. MAS Sepl. I. 1811. It. It. M ASSKK. I N BLEACHED MI Sl INS.-F..r s.le by ' Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSF.R. COTFON YARN AND COTTON LAl's For sale by Sept. I, 1811. 11. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. F.r sale bv Stpt. 1, 1841. II. B. MAsshR. TOWINO LINES, CORDS AND ROPES.--For sale bv Sept. 1,1811. II. B. HSSER. AN unparelleled remedy lor common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Couph, Bronchitis, nnd all disease of the Breast and Lung, lending to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Boot, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisstow, Rochester, New York. The innocnee and nniversallv admitted pectoral virtues of the lleibs from which the ltiiham if Hurehound is made, are too generally know n to re quire recommendation ; it is theiefore only necrss i ry to ob-ervn that this Me.licine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild nnd certain remedy, now in Use, f. r llie com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes nil imflnmmntion and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en ubling the patient to expectorate wnh ease and free tbim, ussuoges cough, relieves nthmntic and dilli cult respiration, heals the injured parts, open the pores, und conq oses the distiirl-ed nerves, and givps stnngth to the tender lungs, and thus produces a speedy nnd la-ting euio. I.vurtATiTi nr. isrita nsv:T cut mk t M. We uro not among I hat class of Editors who fr a few dollar will, (it the expense of truth and ho nesty) "ccac k up" an article nnd bring it into rapid sale; neither me we willing to remain silent, afur having tested the utility of an im rovement or dis covery in science or nit. Our renders w ill recollect we told them wc were u;iw II wiih o sore throat and violent cold some few weeks nco. Well, we pur chased two bottles of WINSl.OW'S. BALSAM OF IIOREHOL'.N'D, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are ntllicied, may try it upon our recommendation. Lewison 'I'l lrip-iiph, For side by HENUV VOXTHEIMEK, Stmbury, JACOB BRiUHT, Xurlhumherlund. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. Price, !0 cents per bottle. Aut-iist Mih, 1811. ly. ATTENTION, .i . sin i: v j c a i: s , 1) EQL'ESTS the attention of his country friends ; V who are in xvnnt, to bis vcrv large stock of j Carpetini's, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Binding-, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, tbnt he has just opened, nt ; hi- warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, nnd No. 2 . Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila- ' de'phia. " Julv 31, 14L ly. JCHlTS t. CJ JlrCiaiTGS. WHOLISALK HIOE, BONNET, Cup anu I'l lm l eaf Hut Snrr. I No. 10 Soi tii -1-r ii Stiiikt. I'll II.ADFLPHIA, ' (Hr.RE nn e ttiiisive a 'orlmer.t of the above artii les are r.'t.Mnntly kept on hand, for sab at the most reasonable ( rmu. ' May 20, I "I I. ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 l K P A TIM C K A: SU N, No. 21. NiirA Third .-tint, (llHTWKKN MAIIKfT A Ml ril I'T ST II CKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for s de i largo nnd cxnltcnt nseoitmctil of fipmih.h II. dm, I'litnn Kijis, 'Jiiniirr' Oil, ice., nt the lowest maiket price-, either for cash, ii j exchange for Lra'her, or upon credit, j Consinnnii n's of leather rrceivod for s de, ot ; purchnsed at the higl.fst market rii-es. f V L( atber ston d fiie of i h'Hge. i April U. ls-ll. ly. j ' r . r j.t )' r 5 nir'nl J i THIS maciiim: ac.mn.st Tin; WUK1.J). IWrOHTANT TO FARMERS. WEN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine nnd Horse Power, w Inch threshi s ami cleans at the same time nn invention for which Farmers have long looked in vuiu, ami which renders the above machine peiftctund past further , unprovt incut. 'Those w ho have I t en w ailing for1 something In Iter thiiii herctofoic elh retl for sale, w ill find this to be the article. Come see it and ; ludne lor youiselves. ' 'The subscribers have piirchnstd the right of the shove Machine and Horse Power, for ibe cnun lies tlf Noll I III MlllHLAMI, LlCoMIMI, 1,'l.HTIltl, : and I'mom and also, the privileges of vending! them in nny other places for which the right has not bet n pievioiisly sold. 'The advnutages which this Machine has over ull others invented are muny and ol vious. One boy and three men enn do nil the threshing ami j cleaning ot 1M) bushels of wheat in one day anil this Usually takes seven hnuds one day and three j the neit. For field threshing it t ikes the lead of cnmlal cxummutioi. ami Innl ol tbe ninchine, in re any thing in this world no grain is featured or 1 to coiistruclion, neatness and despatch in cxe u8i, j cution, economy in price, and power lo sit in ope- Such is ihe sunerioritv of the Horse Po-vcr. ! mlion. I urn fully coiivinctd und sutisfiid, that the that ihrt c horses can thresh as much w ith it ss four can with any other, The Mat bines and Horse Power will 1-e sold together or sepernte, to suit purchasers. Made and sold ill Milton, bv the sut sender. WM. WELCH, WM. II. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17, 1811. It t: i tK fl.V f.'.fiW TI o.w THRESHINt! A WLNNOWINO MACHINE. Having hud in use, one uf Davenport's Patent 'Threshing und Winnowing Machines, and being repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regaidlo iheir value, durability and advantages, we make, Iree to state, that they cicicd in our opinion, any Thiceh ng Mai bine we ever U-foie witnessed in use. 'They will thresh Slid clean, lit for market 200 busht is of W heal per day, and this with the aid of llirte hnuds btsides the diiver. 'Tl.e Straw- is parsed oil' troui the gruin on an incline plane, el tendinc alsiut 12 let (from the Muchiue. Scarce- ly a grain is lost. hut is ul some nnioHiince and greatly so, is the fact that no dust passes doiii . ...- .1 , . I :. . 11 mo .vi iciiine 10 me loan w ho ict us u The Horse power seems to be perfection itself three horses may woik it with ease and theii fastest gait need only l the ordinuiy plough g..it. We must cheerfully n commend the Machine lo Furmers iht y me in anufactuitd in Mibon by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Fu.k. PHILIP Hll.CERT. JOHN B HELLER Chilisqnaque l.-hp., Nort'i'd co. Mulch 20, 181 1. II Z A It II r.MTF.D M ATES COMMERCIAL AND STVIISTIOAL KEOISTER. Con-aining doc umt nt-, facts and othir ustful information, illustra tive of the history und resources of the American I'nion, and of e ich State; embracii g commerce, manufacture--, aiiiit iillure, int, noil improvements, hunks, currency, liuatues, education, A.c. eve. Edi ted by Samuel Ibrnril. Publi bed evtry W ednesdsy, at l'J DiKk street. The price lo subscribes is i-'per annum, payable on the ti i st ol J muaiy of each jrar. Nosuliscrip tioii received for b ss than a year. Subscribers cut ol ihe principal cities lo j ay in advance. IMPORTANT TO fllllE I'ndersigned take pleasure in submitting 1 to the pub ic the following Recmumenilations of Prntt's Cast Iron Smut Mill and Grain Duller lo nil dealer in Ornin and manufactory of Flour, be lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind ever oil' red lo the public. All orders addressed lo Col.. I. M'Paddcn, J.cw'ishurir, Cnion county Penn sylvania. K BE NEE Ell StIIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. I r.MIHC.ITKSt Moidz'x Mill, Centre Co., March HO, 1811. J. M'Faihu 3 Sir : I cheerfully testify to llie goodies and diirnbility of Pratl's Cast Iron Smut Mill nrd Ornin Huller, ns being a far superior nrii clc for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the mnnufacture of Flour for a prcit ninny yenrs, and hnve always tried to have the best apparatus lor mniiulucturing that could be got, and do sny tlml the nl ove liiucliiiio is the hist apparatus I I eiieve now in use. Join Moat. i RtiHmmfmrg, Dee..2C, 1840. I Cor. J. MFaiiiii! Sin: In reply to your favor, I received a few days since, I have only to say, that the 1 fact of my having introduced into each of the four mills that I nm concerned tn, one of Pralt's Cast ; Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can uive you j uf their utility! Yours truly, Wm. M'K M.v . Mit'iii, March 17, HII. J. M'Faihiiji fin: I tlo hereby certify w ilhoiit nny be liitioii, that Pratl's Smut Mill nnd (iiain Duller is the most perfect tnni hine to cle insp grain of smut nnd nil other impeitectiuns, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen nil the kinds that arc now used in Pennsylvania, and I must sny thnt tht re , is nothing of llie kind ever been invented that will j ci rne in competition with it. Gko. Eckkht. Cm.. J. M'Faiihin Sin: Dur ng the past 21 yenrs I have been constantly engaged in mniiufac ' luring (lour, nnd during the last 12 years have been ' the owner of a crist and flouring mill, mul among j all the contrivances to remove impurities from grain I I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron inn ; chiie is superior to any with which I am ncquaint I ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen i months. Fin tir.iucK Haas. j Yorkshire Milts, Dec, 1810. j I want in iny flouring mi.l as coed nil n paratus ! to prepare grain for flouring, as their, and I want ; no better lli-n Pratl's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smul entirely no mistake. M. Cl.KA0!r. Sunbury, December 22, 1810. Col. J. M-Faihh Sim: I have in my mill one nl Pratl's cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills and ('rum Huller, am! flrn confident that in rcganl lo simplicity of construction, and durability of mate rial, it is superior to nny I nm acquainted with. lliMir Masskii. lira Cup Mil!, Dec. 22, 1S10. Cor.. J. M-Faiiih Sm: I have in my flourini: mill one of Pralt's Ou"t lion Sp ral Smut Mills, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the le-l mael ine to prepare grain lor (louring that I nm nc ijuainted w ith, antl as such cheerfully rteominend it to ull who aie engaged in the manufacture ol Hour JtCOIl Ll.lslMIIMi. Aiirimfl.inx, March 23, ls-ll. Coi.. J. M-Faiii'.h Sim: I Hike pleasure in sav ing thnt Piatt's Cast Iron Sinul Mill N one of the best iinpron nietits for the cleaning of praiy of nil kinds, 1 1i ut has yet eoii.e limit r my i !s rvatioii, r.nd tint I believe it f ir siijit i ior to m y thii -g of the kind ever invi-ntt d. Vuu may me iny l an e in nny wnv you lliii.k l r. per. O. P. Bi nca.v. Fnii.n .1(7, Jin. I I. 18 11. TI i is to certilv tl.at I hnve had Piatt's Cast ai d v rouulil iron Suu.t Maebine mid liiain Huller in ie lorl etnr lb-Hi 12 mont'os, and iiml it lo answer every purpose that it Was intended lor. Sn.ut cm be tiikeii out of wl ent I beheve tvciv particle uf it cm bo lukiii outwi.hollt lucking the grain ol the wheat. J.iuv I'umk. A(irun.'!,ux, Mirch 2:1, Isll. Coi.. M-Faihus Sin : I ,.ie I feu engaged ill in.iiitil.il liinnn Supeiline Flour for many years, ui.d have al ibis time one ol Prult's Smut Mills in each of my mills, nnd I tlo lieu by rcromim i d tht in as tlie most valuable impiovt nieiil for cleaning wheat ol sinul und all uthtT impurities, tli.it I am acquainted Willi. JMIS Dl'M'AN. Coi.. M-Faihus Sm: I have been engaged in llie uiuiiubn lining ol flour for 28 ye. us, und most chtt rl iilly leciiiiini nd the above unit lime, us being by fir the bt sl apparatus lor cleansing grain thul I have ever Ustd or seen. I consider u an iin'l-cti sible urliclc for any mill that pretends to do any bu siutss. John Fimii.ii. .I'uedtiet Mills, Dec. 2-1, 1810. Cot. J. MFaihii Sm: Pruti's Ca-t Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and I U lieve it is the best article ut that kind now in use. It will not only remove smut ei.'eielv, but is s most valuable uppaiatus to clean wheat und rye of any character, and prepare it lor flouring. Bkvjavhv IIoo.nk. l.euisbiir, Dee. 22, 1810. Cot. J. M'I aiiihk sm: After a c.nelul and mat Line ubuve ulluded to, is stcond to no one in use. J. Moit now, Milbr and Flour Manufacturer. CultiiwhiU, Dtciniber 25, 1810. Cot. J. M'Faiiih x Sin: Pratt's Cu-t nnd Wrought Iron Spiral Smut Mill and ('rain Huller, I consider to be llie btst machine to n move sinul and other impurities to which grain is subject, thai I have used, nr wiih which I am acquainted, in re gard to durabibty of matt rial, simplici'y uf construc tion, neatness und dcspalth in execution. Justeu I'avto. N. B. The uhove machines ure manulacturtd at the Lewisburg Foundry, I'nion county and al the Blooiiisburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pu. Lewisburg, June l'J, 1811. HAYS, ELLIO'l', LYON & OOSII. t luilsal' Dt'llU'l'H, In Foreign, llriti.sh und .lmerieim l)ry Cmnh, No. 12 Nobtii This ii Sent it, Phi tAiti ru; a C'Ol'NTRV Merchants can he supplied at all ' limea u ill. an extensive ussnrln pio it,. ..I ; (;,VMsm i,e most reasciiuble at .d sati.-.fac lory term, , May 2'l 1811 Iv - - HIT (WIIC - .SKLF-ADJUsSTlM; I.OC. HUAC i: FOR SAW-MII.I.s. Bl BCXJAMIX N. ClbllWA. WARRANTED BSrass Clocks, Tor l Dollars W7 QVAl. fir time tn uny told by Clock Ftd jfUJ uirsjur f.z, tor sale by March LI. II. U. MAssER. riIII'0..1 i l , ... . r , i 1 . v i .Ti in strerglliens nnil invigoraies the nervous svstein. 'ending and using the above va uub c inven- . . ! .: r ii,.. ... .- causing tl.e sell nl con anions mailer to leave ita i turn, for Noilhuiiiheiluiid Coiiniv, idler to dispose , , , . . . , , , , . ,f the same lo r, rsons who may dt .ne to purchsse. '. ',ulJ " J h e '". " J"flirg J by the pow- ! The a e i.iv.niiun is now inopera.,.,,, at ihes.w ; " ,7 "i'V ?he ,un null of Mr. M'Ca.tv. near Sunbury, u lore it can ! . ' ron-ammated lrm noxious mat- he inspected by owners of saw mills and all other. at J ri' ' the Uui wor interested. ? K. (iOBIN. Lonsump , on Price f I per bottle i "7 ,r SIMI HI. litlHIV. 1' or silo at N . II Nor h Eighth street, I hili- . . , ; uiipiuu To the AlHUlrtl. t IIIOSn who are sulWing from various disease I. incident lo the bumnii family, would do well to procure Dr. llarlieh't Campmnd Slrenirtheninit und Herman Aperient Vilix, which are so pre eminently rccroinmcnded for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint. sins in the side, tint k and hrenst, Nerviou All'.-ction, Head-Ache, and ell the dis ease ol the Stomach nnd Bowls. Pamphlets nmy (e obtained gratis, which contain full and ctplicite directions for Using. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificates of cures in this paper, w hich mny be relied upon, as they nre taken from llin original. For sale at No. 19, NORTH ElOHTli sireet, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTHEIMKR, March 6, 1812. Aaln'.. Cure .tt nir (unuli lirfurc It I I op iate. DR. DUNCAN'S Etpkctora-vt Rfmhiit the only medicine that perfect Confidence can ne ie lied upon for the imrm diaie removal of this" troll I lesome complaint. 'This medicine always re; lieve a cmigh in a few days, and when the disease is sentetl on the lungs, it causes it to be discharged by expectoration, thus restoring sound health to the happiness and enjoyment of those who long havi been alllicted. For sale at the Principal Office, li) North Eighth street, Philadilphia. Abo at Ihe store of HENRY YOYTIIEIMER, Feb 20,1812. .1gtn(. I.I'M r oiitlaiiil. Cuml by Dr. Ibirich's Cimipnunil Strengthen inn und Aiierient Fills. R. WILI.IAW RICHARDS, Pittsburg, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressinir ttista-e. His symptoms were pain nnd Weight in i the leftside, loss of appetite. Vomiting, acrid eruc j tHtion-, a distension of the slorn:ich, sit k headache tuned loi.gne, counti nance changed to a citron ! color, difficulty ol breathing, disturbed rest, altcn I tletl with a couith, great debility, with other sym I loins indicating grc.it derangement of the functions of the luer. Mr. Richards had the advice cf several physicians, but icccLed no relief, until Using Dr. HARI.ICH'sj Medicine, which terminated in ef fect cine. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 19th North EIGHTH Strict, Philadelphia. HENRY' YOA'TIIEIMER, Ft b. 1!), 1812. Agent. ( oiisimiplioii and Death. V Till most assured y be ihe fate of those who ' i.eglccl themselves when ntllictcd wiih the preinouimry symptoms uf consumption, as n Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, or Soreness of the Throat, I lloiirseress, Dillicult Expectoration, Asthma, Spit. ' titiur of Bio. d, vSic. Dr. DrscAx'a Expfctohaxt Ri.mliix isexpress'y ; repaied for the removal and t ine of ihrse il a, genius and Irouble-nme diseases Ther foie. yi u who are !u' oring under the inllu : ence of ihe--e con plainls, procure immediati ly this ' medicine bt fire il be too late, t'jis BoTTts may 1 be the means of prolonging your life. Alw avsask ; for Dr. Di m-av's Explc rom r Rkmeiit, nnd si o j 'hat yon get it, and not be persuaded by s- me who . sell d tl'eitnt medicines to take s.ime ot Iheir medi. ; cine in pn lert t:ce. 'These persons obtain some i cheap thing, und p. din it on the public at full price. Il is tht ri fore imp riant for puichasers to be on i their cu ird. j Dr. Diwc.i 's Exi icronvT Remkht is put ; up in I irgc siz.e bott'es, and enveloped in blue pa- per. '1 lu- outtrform contains a fine steel plale eu i graving rej rt si tiling ".yr inn Virm." Pi ice $1 per buttle. ! Piincip.il Odice 1!) North Eitthth Street, Phih- dclj hia. Also tor sale ht '.he Store of HENRY Y'OX'I HEIMER, Fe'i. 12. Ill. Agent. I8p i'sl,i of'Trii Yotrs Staiitliii:;. 1AM truly happy to sta e to the alllicted commu nity that a member of my family was alllicted j lor ten or twelve years wiih the nbove distressing dis a-e. Tbe symptoms were great oppression af ter catine. iicidity at the stomach, a sevt re pain in , the side and h.cast, sick he.ularhe, mental despnn ; dericy, with o'lur symptoms, during which lime I numerous i mi do s weie procured without obtain i iug much ribef. II iviiig heard of the good ellects ' ot Dr. 11 a in. i en's Compound Strengthening and i ("ennui Apeiie- l Pills, I was induced to give them i a tiial, which I am h i pv to slate that by using j oi e box of the (ieriiiali Aperient Pills, accompa j iiied by the Strengthening 'Tonic Pills, that tliey , have i.ejilv erudieated llie disease. I consider it due to lb- se nlViieted that I make this acknowledge I mi lit, thai they mny likewise procure ihe same in j valuable medicine, and be fried from those distres sing discn-ifs. W itb gratitude and re-pect. W M M. SPEAR. No. 125 Old York Road. Foi sale at No l'J North Eighth street, Philad., mid ut the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Feb. 5,1 S 12. .lorn. iMU'Trurci!," ly the rr if Dr. Jlurtich'x Compound Strength ening und (iremiin Aperient Fills. H IIaiii.ii il, Dear Sir: Shortly after I re ceived the Agtlirv fiom you (or the side of your medicine, I formed an acquaintance wilti a lady of this place, who was severely a dueled wih the Pitts. For eight or ten year this lady was subject to friquent painful attacks, and her physi cian considered her case so complicated, that he ve-. ry si liloin pre-cril ed medicine for btr. Tbrongli rny per-uasion, she commenced using your Ptlla and was perfectly cured. Yours, oac. JAMKjS k. kirbv. Oct. 3, 1840. Chaliibersburg. Pa. Oll'iceund Oeneral Dcjiot. No 19 North Eighth "if"'!. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. J,n. 2'.tih, 1812. Agent. Di. l)iiiiaii'.H i:iMftorant Ittinr ly staiuN Aliiiit TROM the tuack Syrups and Paragoric Com- poumU which have of lute become a burden to the public heitllh, nnd a suspension to the purse. W by is it that these medicines are taken reieated ly by the s'nk without removing ihe complaint in question? The reason is plain and simple, vu: Because they aie compo-etl chiefly of opium ami its spiritual preparations which acts on the system us a poweiful stimulating anodyne, and by usin rep.a'cdlv, the system become h.tbitualol to its narcotic influence, as of those who are given to intemperance. 'This fact haa liecome a parent to thousand. whi have exptrienced ihe fatal riled of such mej rim, and commenced Using Dr. DrM As' EvrtiTo sast llrvinv, which is entirely free from opium and all other poisonous ingredients, and is usej with perfect s ,faly by ad under any circumstances. 11 inimc.liult ly relieves the distressuie couub Mso ut t'le st re of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 22d. 13 PI. .4,,,,,. Tlil TH WILL FifFYJAL. Dr. Ilsr'uh's medicine are daily increasing in public favor, and want from any but a fair trial tit i establish tlu-ir worth. We have a communication i ourcoluri.ru t.wl iv fium a person lone afflicted, iwnichis I ul one of many voucher for this nicJi cine. Sj tint (f tht Timit,