3. Resolved, That inasmuch as tho precious me- I tals constitute the basis of currency, which is es sential to the prosperity of any business, and if the balance of foreign trade, be against us, our specie must be exported to pay that balance ; the amount of tarilTought also to be ao regulated as to produce such balimce as will not only pay the interest of our foreign debt, but ultimately to discharge the principal of it, without the exportation of our gold and silver, So long as these metals are sent out of our country, we can have no sound or stable currency; and our homo industry will consequent ly be paralixed. Agreed to. 4. Resolved, That the truth of this doctrine is powerfully demonstrated by the facts, that while the United Stales, stalling ten years ago, with lit tle or no debt, hut with a decreasing laritT in ten years have contracted two hundred and fifty mil lions of Julian of foreign debt, by reason of (he bal ance of trade, besides borrowed money and specie gone from us, and have brought on their own peo ple geneal distress, Great Britain, already bur thcni'd with a national debt of five thousand mil lions of dollars, and with most numerous and vast sources of expenditure, in the same ten years has iH'tuiilly secured herself a balance of trndo of nearly two thousand millions of dollars; and has hereby maintained her credit. Agreed to. ft. Resolved, Tint it is expedient to levy and collect duties upon such foreign goods as d not compete wild the products of our own industry, and are necessary to our own comfort, or auxiliary to our own manufacture. Agreed to. 6. Resolved, That we are in favor of the protec tion of all branches of home industry to the fullest extent, and particularly the manufacture of iron, and the mining of coal, in all their relations, as not on ly of paramount importance in themselves, but as deeply involving the prosperity of very many o ther branches of domestic industry; anil most ma terially affecting the value of our public improve ments. Agreed to Gen. Greexe voting in the negative. ' 7. Resolved, That in order to carry out the views of the friends of home industry, and to ena ble them to act with the understanding and effect which the magnitude of the object requires, a cen tral committee be appointed to receive the reports of county committees and associations, to make such use of information thus obtained as in iy up pear to them best calculate d to effect this object ; iud to superintend the establishment mid support if a periodical publication at llarrishurg, devoted to the i-upport of home industry, skill, cndil and capital. Agreed to. 8. Resolved, That a committee of three be 0 pointed in each county of the Slato, who nre t ain, -rstly requested to organize such county association as they may think most likely to aid the cause of American industry, to obtain the information desi red, and to furnish the central committee with all such statistical and other facts as are likely to pro undo the object contemplated by this Convention. Agreed to. U. Resolved, Thnt memorials to Congress be cir culated throughout the State and tflat the county committees be requested to have them as numer ously signed as possible, .and immediately fji war ded to Washington city. Agreed to. The Chair after the adoption of the resolutions, announced the fdlowing: ' S7VI77-; CEXTHAL COMMITTEE. HENRY K. STRONG, H.irrishurg. CALVIN BLYTHE, Harrisbuig. JAMES M. PORTER, piston. EDWARD J. BITING, Philadelphia. GEO. N. ECKERT.sVhiiylkill county. 8 A M I K !. A LETA N D E h Carlisle. DAVID KRAUSE, llarrisburg. THOMAS C. MILLER, Cumberland en. HENRY Y. SLAYMAKER, Yorkcuumy, LEWIS WAI.N, Philadelphia. WILLIAM HElSTEU, Lancaster ceunty. MAT UK VV W. BALDWIN, Philadelphia. MICHAEL DOUDEL. York, JOHN T. ADAMS, Danphin. J AMES S. WALLACE," H irrisburg. Hon. WM. WILKINS, PitU.urg. DR. JAMES GARDNER, Chester. On motion, the following resolution was passed unanimously : Resolved, That the people of Pennsylvania en gaged in mimifieturing, agricultural, milling, me chanic d and internal eoininercial pursuits, be re cjuestid to assembly in Convention in H arriaburg, OK THE 8d WEDNESDAY, THE 13th DAY OF APRIL NEXT, fir the purpose of taking measures In secure all necessary encouragement of domestic labor, enterprise mi l capital, and thus pro mote the welfare of all classes of society. i'alBlti Itou'a DlMuorlia. Extracts from Capt. Rosa's despatches have been publised in a Parliamentary paper. From the map which accompanies the paper, we gain a more distinct idea of his Hack than the previous ar. tides copied from the AfhetiRum afforded, fcvrulh Victoria I. anil, which he discovered, extends in latitude from TOJ south lo 79; how much farther is unknown; and in longitude its eastern coast lies between 103 and 171. Its jiosition is directly south from New Zea land, at the distance of lf0l) geographical miles. TLc lengblh Of the part seen was fully ftOO miles, t whs girt with a border of iee many miles in breadth, which rendered it inaccessible. The pas cage southward was closed at latitude 1 by a bar. irir ol ice 150 teet high, which was traced for 300 miles east from Victoria Lund. Icebeigs were en countered in numbers after they passed the paral lel of 63, and pack ice at 66. The laud "ruse in lofty peaks from 9000 to 12,. 000 feet is iueitltt , perfectly covered svilb eternal snow ; the glaciers that descended from near the mountain summits projected many miles into the i ,m ean, and presented a perpendicular fae of lofty ! flifjV' 'J'Uey could not reach the main laud, but landed on an island, which thuv found to consist i tif volcanic jocks. On 2tith Jjn., in lat. 77 I- Jon. 169 E., they discovered "a m ignificent volca no, emitting smoke and fUme ju plcidid profu- . eion," aud named it Mount Ertlt-. , An extinct one was named after the vessel, Mount Terror. At the distance of less than half a mile from tha ice cliffs which barred their pro gress southward, they had soundings with three hundred and eighteen fathoms. These cliffs, no doubt, reached the bottom, and including the 150 above water, must have had an elevation of 2000 feet or thereabout. The observations on the dip and declination induced them to place the South Magnetic Pole in latitude 5, and East long, one hundred and fifty-three; and they considered its position as well ascertained as if they had reached it, though their nearest approach to it was a point 1G0 miles from it, on the east coast of Victoria Land. The polo is probably within that region, though this cannot be positively affirmed, as its wes tern boundary is unknown. The lrghest latitude they reached was 78.4. They were thctcfore only 12 degrees from the pole, anil about 4 degrees near er to it ihnn Captain Wcddel, Ihe most succes ful of their predecessors. Scotsman. Earit Rfsiisn. The late Chief Baron O'Gra. dy, who, like the matutine planets, was grnctally up before the sun, was always in the same prulici ment with reference to his own son, Dennis, whose slumbers were often prolonged far inlo the morn ing. Once, when the Baron was on circuit, and knew that his son was engaged as barrisli r, in the first cause, he hurried into his room, and, waking him without much ceremony, exclaimed, '-Up with yon, Dennis! remember it's the early bird that catches the worm." "Serves the worm right for being up still earlier than the bird," replied the sluggard rubbing his eyes. Dot iu.k.-1Ikaukd. A newspaper is published ot llockvillo, Intl., one page of which advocates whig doctrines, and another democratic. The paper is cal led the 'Olive Hranch.' It has two cdi tors, one whig and one democrat. C'oirnn, Comsi-mptio, ami Difkiicltt nr Uhkath!r Cunr.ii. Mrs. Levy, a very highly respectable lady of Philadelphia, residing in Lo cust street, between Fourth and Fifth, had been la boring for upwards of six months under a very bad j cough, attended with diiriculty of breathing, pains I in her breast snd side, and a siikne-s nt the st.i- 1 mach, having lost nil appetite ; she became so voiy j much reduced in strength, as to be unable lo work ; j she was considered in a consumptive state, and gi- J ven up by the physicians that attended her. In j i tins situation hio unit recourse to ISrandreth s if j j let table I'nivtrsal Fills, and to her great astonish- j merit, befoie she had taken one box, (25 pills.) j j found herself veiy much relieved; she expect. ira- j ted a great quantity of phlegm, which has eased j her of one of the most violent coughs that ever 1 was experienced by mortal man. She has taken . the Pills regularly ever since, and now finds her self completely recovercj, and will certainly f.ir the I benefit received, recommend them as far as she can, ' believing them to be a m jst effectual medicine in the above complaint, j Purchase in Sunburv, of H. B. Manser, and ! of the agents published in another part of this paper. JMMCi: CUUI!E.T. Corrictid weikly by Hinry Yujclhciiter. WllKAT, - - . HO Uvk, .,(( I'iihs, 4u )ats, 30 Pork, 5 Fuvsnn, ... . 'y Bt'TTKR, .- - - . fi Bki.swax, .... 25 Taliovv, - . . . ij Duii.ii Applks, - - . 75 Do. Put mis, - - 2(10 Flax, ... - 8 11 n K Ll.ll Fla x, - 10 Ecus, - - is , io flic A:ii i TIIIOSE who arc suffering from various diseases ! I incident o the human family, would do well to procure Dr. Harlich's Cnmjitruml Strengthening and German Aperient '.. which are so pre eminently reccommended for Dyspepsia, Liver ' Complaints, nine in the side, back and breast, i .Nervious Affections, Head-Ache, and all Ihe dis j eases ol the Siomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may he obt lined gratis, which contain full and expbeite directions for Using. The reader is referred to sev ; cral very interesting certificates of cures in this ! paper, w hich may be relied upon, as they are taken i from tha original. For sale at No. 1'J, NOUI H ! EIGHTH street, Philadelphia. HENRY VOX THEIMER. March 5, 1812. Agent. LIST OF CAUSES, ' IOK trial in tho Court of ('ommnii Pleas nf Nor tbuint'erlaiid County, to be held at Sunburv, i on the first Monday of A pi it next, being the 4lh. Joseph Trego Edmund Badger lor Win BadgiT Elijah Ciaw ford t 'om'tli foi B Say re Henry Frick Andrew Turk llartlel for Piper Thomas M Itcsscl Yates V Mcliuyre John F Deuiltr William Fiy John Green et al Edwaid Uiighl Will mi McCoy Levi llobait Henry II Burr William Moriiz Luther liis-et vs Mjrtiu A Stock vs H ugh Bellas vs .les e Paiker vs John Flick vs S ephen Wilson vs John A Lloyd vs Henry Fiwk vs D md llaitni.in vs Edvvnid Y Bright vs David Watson vs Win A Lloyd vs Samuel SwiueliiHt ii J U II Nours s Levi llobait v William McCoy vs John B Uoyd vs I) P Duncan vs John Si Phdip llbcrJotf B LGrovemor & wife vs Daim l ."Snvdi I &.c J C B Nuuise vs John J.loyJ George Sliiley vs (teoige Long Com'tll for E (iobin vs Hemy (ios.ler tl al Nancy Hunter', aduis et al vs Dsuiel Robins Robert Miner vs Williaiu ilibler et al Wilson lor Hound &c vs Wm II Pomp Henry Eckerl vs Ib nj imin C Clayton Gtiorge Armstrong vs The Sliainok n Coal Cu HAMLEL D.JORDAN. rrolhotiotary's OlTice, Frvth'y. uuhury MarcU 5, ls)4U. 5 r,V-l Vslll Viti' llllUll.V., r HE members of the aid Will File 'on: piny" are requested to Mwvt at the I Vint House, mi MonJ.iv Evicting, Maich lh, al 7 n ' Joe.k firocisc by. Vutli liul ailendauee is le.piired. l'cb. ' D. U . SI1INDKI.. .V,-. WHARTON'S HOTEL, Sun bury, Roi tliuiiibci IuihI County, PENNSYLVANIA. fllHE subscriber respectfully informs Ihe public, A that he has removed to thnt large and commo dious Brick House, on Market square, opposite the Court House, (formerly kept bv Hiram Price.) where he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Being thankful for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business, to receive a liberal share of public patronage, &.e, CHARLES D. WHARTON. Snnbury, March fith, 1812. TAVi:itIT It'OTICI?. Tu the Honorable Ellin Lewis, Esq , President, and his Associates, Judges of Ihe Court of Quar ter Sessions, nf the county of Korthumberland : f 111113 petition of Scliaslian Boughner of Shamn- I. kin township, in r-sid county, humbly repre sents, that he continues to keep a tavetn at his old stand, along the rail road, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, &r. lie there fore prays your Honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing vear Mid he will pray, Ac. SKUASTIAN BOUGHNER. To THE.IrnnKs above MKNTnijtr.n : The sub scribers, residents of Mliarnokin, hereby certify, that Sebisti.iu Boughner, the applicant for the licen.e, is i man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house-room and conveni ences for the lodging and accommodation nf sir an. gi rs and travellers, and that a public house there is necessary: they then-fore recommend him as a proper person to no licenseil lo Keep a putuic House, Geotge Kiick, Ira T. Clement, Henry Klase, Win Farrow, jr. George Gonsert, John Mar z, filas S, Fat row, March 5th, 1812. Daniel Smith, Joseph L. Snyder, Wm. Farrow, W. W. Waters, John Smith. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Honorable Ellis I.ru-is, '.si., J'trsidrnt, and his Associates, Judges of Ihe Court nf Quar ter Sessions, nf the county of Xarthuinlit i land : Tt E petiti 'ii of Henry Dindinger of Rush town 1 rdiip in siid county, humbly represents, that he continues to keep a public house of entertain ment, at his old stand, in Rush township, and is well prepared for the uccommodatioti of travellers, eVc. He then fore pras your Honors lo grant hitu a heense to k' ep a tavern duiing the ensuing jeai, and he will pray, cVc. HENRY DINDINGER. To tiik Jrnms abovk mi:itio kii : The sub scrihers. residents nf Rush tsh'p, hereby certify, ill it Henry Dindinger, the nplirant for the license, is a man of good repute tor honesty and temperance, and is well provided for house-ronm and convenien ces tor Ihe lodging and accommodation of Mr. niseis mid tiavellers, mid that a public house there is ne cessary : they therefore recommend h in as a pro per person to be lieenscd lo keep a public house. Joseph Sharpies, Aaron t'umtibcll. George A. Dixon, Naae Hewitt, Wm. H. Ruse, Wm. Willed, John Andrews, Maich Sih, IS 12. Ah xatnler Mcore, J. J. Vasiine, John t;. Iket, Wm. B. R gg, William J jhmon. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Esq., President, and hit Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar lie Srssions of the county nf Xurlhumherlund : rilllE petition of George Brosjtis nf Georgetown, I Lower Mahonoy I vvn-h'p, in said county, ie speclfuliy represent-, tint he continues to keep a tiverii, at his old sland in Ginrgeiuwn, and is will prepared for the ao ommodation of travellers, Arc. lie therefore prays your honors to grant him a li cense to keep a tavcin, diirimr tlie ei suinc vear, and ho will prav.&e. GEORGE BRUSH'S. Tc i hk J i ix. i s ARnvKMk.NTioNt.il: The sub scribers, Mideiits ol Lower Mahonoy township, hereby ceitity, ill it George Brusius, the applicant tor the license, is u man nf good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and Conveniences for the lodging and uceom. nioddtioii nf stiangers and travellers, and that a pub lic houe ihcre is necessity : they therefore recom mend him us a pr per peisoli lo Le licensed to keep a puMic hou-f. Mii lnel Mi ilfer, Michael Lahr, John Ldir, Paul Iihr, Jo.-eph Fenster-iiachir, Solomon Res-ler, Jacob Suyi'er. March 5, 1842. John Feiisterni nher, William Shut,-!, Abraham Toney, Pcii I Winner, Nicholas Brosius, John Seder, Ti-TEP.1T 1TCTICIE. To the Hnnoruhle Elba Lewis, Esq., President, ! and his A ssoeiates. Judges of the Court of Quar i lee Sisiinns of the count), of Xortliumbei lund : f IIIE petition of Solomon Resslcr, of Georgetown, j Lower Mahonoy lowiudup, in .aid county, I respectfully represents that he continues to keep a i lave in, at his old stand, in Geoigetoun, and is well ! prepared for the accommodation ol Iran Hers, &c. ) He there!" re prays your honors to grant him u Ii I cense lo kcp a tavem duiing ihe ensuing vear.u'nl he will piay, ike. SOLOMON KESSLEK. 1 u tiik Ji in. ts sum HLvriuvi.il ; The nn . l . . e l , , a . , . .i .rd ers. r,,,,l,,ib of 1 .ower Mahonoy towr.th.p,do . ueri ny certiiy, tnni eoomoii lieler the ii piieant lor ihe license, is a man of good reuuto tor houe.-tv and temper nice, and is well pi ovule,', w ith house room and conveniences for the lodging nnd accom modation of slr.itigers and travelle rs, and that a pu'.i lic house there is ucccMiary ; t'oey iheiffore reoun meiid him as a pioper pursuit lo l licensed lo keep a public In.u-e. Michael Leaker, Phdip BohS, jr. Nieholis Biugaman, Jncoh Sp,,t, tieorge Brusius, G'eorge Spulz, Joseph Fi iisteruiaelirr, J. hti Smith. Wi ham Shall' r, F. Neidlinger, Mich a I Shatl'er, Jscob Snyder. March 5th, lis 12. Ti-VSP.1T 1TOTICE. I 'Tu the llonoruhie Ellis Lewis, Esq., Prtsident j his Assueiutes, Judges of the Ctnfrt of Quar I ttr StsswNs, of the county of Xurlhumbirlund : jflHE jietilion nf Jacob Npatz, of Georgetown, ' L Lower Mahon y town-hip, in said county, ' humbly represents, that he continues to keep a pub t lie house of entert.iinrnent. at his old stand in Georgetown, and is well ptepared for the aid m- I moilaiion of travellers, Ac. He therefore pi ass i your honors to grunt him a license to keep a ta vern, during the ensuing yeai, and he will piay,ec. To ihe Ji nuts laovK msn rioNF.n : The sub scrdiers, res dents uf Lower Mahonoy, hereby certi iy, lliurt Jacob Spalz, the applicant for the Uoense, is a man of good repute for honesty ami (empeisuea, and is well provided with huiiBe-roorn and loy n;. euces for the lodging and accommodutio', 0c Mr Kv.. ..lu ..uvenrrs, ana mat a puif.c ,nuw Dm. s n. tesary : tliey iherelure reic.jmi.lu i,,,, Mt , proper person to be liceiiwd to f.eena nuLlic hon J J - v''jllieiiu iper person to be licenwd to 1 , en a pub Mi. hael Lenke,, J '.'.in Br, stus, Joseph Biugiuiaii, inusiuan, V. Nii lliuger, William sU iJl r, SoluiliuU lil .ilil, John Sim h, .Muh..rl ."-,., H".-r. .ilicirael l.n.i, Jacob Viiilm. l, Sibasiian s-t-p Pcur Wiinuu, Itsnh C.th, Is 1 Wholesale IM-uaul"!, HAVK E-D B'QRACB. II D. AVE constantly on band h general assort ment of UJtUGS, MEDJC1XES. rAlSTS, OILS, lAliXISHES, WIXDOW GLASS, DYE STUFFS, Vc. which they off r for sale on the most hhird terms, and nt prices aa low as these of Philadelphia and Baltimore. Particular attention will be given to the (poli ties of such articb s as are selected or Manufactured for sale, as also to packing them for transport .tion. Havre-dc-Grace, March 6ih, 1812. 3m. tZtep.it itcticeT" To the llimoruhie Ellis I .eivis. En., 'rciikit, and hit AiUtrinies, Jurists of the Court nf Q'tur. rtr vmmn oj I lie county oj Northumberland: rilHE petition nf David Herb, s, n'r, nf Upper JL Mahonny townslrp, in said county, humbly re.re-ents, that he continues to keep t ivern at his old stand, in the Ilriek H.iU-n, in said township, and is well prepared f,ir Ihe accommodation nf tra veller". Ike, He therefore prays your honors to grant him a license to keep a I ivern during the en suing year, and ho will prav. Are. DANIEL HERB. sn'r. To mr. Jrnnvs a nov k mkxtionkii : The sub scribers, residents of 1'pper Mabo iciy township, hereby certify that Daniel Herb, scn'r, I he applicant tor the license, is a man nf good repute f,.r honesty and letuperanco, and is well provided with hnu-e room and conveniences for the Induing and hccoih modation of strangers and travellers, mid that a public house there is n cessary : they therefore re l commend him as a proper peis m to Ire licensed to keep a puMic house. .1. G. Renn, George Shiley, John Kiieir, Isaac Heib, Nathan Zerllng, Ellas Schualiel, Felix Maurer. Daniel Dunkleberger, Danie l Howerder, ( Ml tries Scbli gel, Einaiiuel t Imst, John Sehminkev, March full, 1812. tavi:i. orui:. Ihe Honorable Ellis Leu-is, F.stl , l'rcidcnt. To and his Associate, J'ii.';i of the Court nf Quar ter Sessions, of the Cnunty of Xorthunditrlatid : TIIIE petition of John G. Wells, ol N'ortlium'x-r 1 land, in s iid county, liutuMy repiesents, tlut he continues to keep a house of public entertains men', at his old stand in Noithumberl uid, mid is well prrpared fur the accoinniodition of travellers, cVe. He therrfim; prays your honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern, dnr.na the en-uitig venr, and he will pray. Vc. JOHN (. WEl.Ls. To tiik .Irniir.s aiiovk m fitiojikii : The sub scribers, resident nf Nnrtbumber'niid. hereby certi fy, that John G. Wells, the applicant for the licence, is n man of good repute for lume-iv and teinier anee, and is well provided with house room mid conveniences for the lodging and accommo htion nf slrrincers and travellers, nnd thnt a public Ikiii-c there is necessary : they therefore rf coniineiul him as a prop, r person lo be licensed to keep a public house. John Fliek, Wm. II. W a pies, Win. Forsyth, Daniel Weimer, J inn s Taggait, C. Woods, March 5th. 1S42. Hemy S. Thomas, E. P. Shannon, John Wheitley, 1). Brautigain, John Lei enring, Joseph Hoffman. TjLTEP.1T ITCTIdE. 7'u tlf Honorable Elit Iswis, Esq., President, and his As.-ocinte Judges of the Cintrt of Quar ter Sessions, of the county nf Soithumbtrland : rililE pet ti m nf James Li e of Nor'humheTland I. in sod county, humbly represent-, that he Con tinues In keep a hon-e of puhl c entertainment at his old s'and, in N rthurnbi rland and is well pr?. pared for the accommodation of travellers, io, He then fore prays youi Honors to ui.int him a liccn-e to keep a tavern during the eiisuins vear, and he will pray. Ac. JAMES LEE. To nit Jr not s aiiovk mvntiom.ii: The sub senbers, nsidents ot NoribuinberUnd hereby certify, j Itial James I.ie the npplicanl lor I lie license, is a j irnn of irond re ute for honisry und Tempi rnHi e, ; and is well provided with hnu e room and cniivt-ni- euees for the lodging and aceoinm. d.ilion of hii.ino. era arid travellers, and lit it a pubi c house there is necessary : they therefore rccc niniHiul liuunsa proper person to lu; licenced to Keep a public house. John Tauiiarl, John Fii. k. William For.-vth, John Sliiinrr, William McCay, Daniel Weimer, Henry S 'l'lioiiins, Mai. h full, Jo'jii (i- Wells, J iitnes Tugaert, John Ie is, tiring, J mob Leisenriiig, D. Biautiam. TAVTjRN NOTICE. To the Honorable Ell.s Lewis. Eq., President, and h's .ssociute Judges of the Court of Quar ter Sei jions, nf the county of Xurlhujofitrmtd : r"ill fj petition of J tines Shortle, ol Shmiokui. M. (own, in said county, humbly lepresei.ts, lh.it he continues to keep a house of public i n'eitain- I merit nt his ol I stand, in Sluimokint nvn, and is well I (rrepared for ihe iiccomm ulati in of travellers, &c. I He I lore tore prays your Honors lo giant him u Ii- veni-i- iti ivt-i-o a i.ieiit viurmu no- t-iitniiiii; vear, aiil1 w , ,' ,v. &e. J AMES IIR I Li ..ur i',,.u v. ncriioMi. 'l'l,.l,. serila rs, re-idi nts of Sha.iiokiu, liereby cirtify, llmt j James Shorlle, the applie tnt for the license, is a iikui ol'gnod repute f.ir honesty and Temper nice, and is j Well provided with I.ouol'-ioohi und couvrliiences lor the lodging and lu coiiiiuoihitioii ot straugvrs and travellers, and that a public hi. use there is necrssarv: ihey iheri fore lecniuun lid hioi ns proper pi r- soii lo ln lii enceil j keep a pul'lic house Robirt Philhpi, D.iiiiel 1. vi it. 1'eler en, Daniel t 'hiistiau, J icoh Krain, Peter mi merman, Jacob Bair, Feb. I Ii, lumber CUaver, Peter Fasidl, J aeo't Dyei, S. John, Miih.ul Gsgin. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Ibiiiuiubte Ellis Lewis. Esq., President. and kis Assocuile. Judgts if the Court if Qutlf. ttr Sssioiit nf the County of Xortliumbei tan i : f 1111 E tetiiinn of John Specie, of Sui ',urv, in sard J. countv, humbly repiesents, ilii he hiis rniied dial well known tavetn stH,,d n,.ur ih.. Sh.i.X:ii l)am, formerly ocrupivd '.,y fjcrge t'lsrk, and i. preinrtu lor i', t-inui..iltimi l tisVcllors, Ac. He ihercfoiQ prays youi honors to grant him a license K ki .p u luvurii, dui ihr the tsisuing year, and ho nil; t.ray, JOHN SPEECH. ''o ;ni; .li iM.i.s asote ni:THitii : The sub. set iners, lesidcHils, ol Nuiihury, hereby certtly, Ulal j . John Sp.eee, the applicant for the lene, is s man ! of goihl repute tor honesty and temperance, and ii j well provided with hoti.e room mi l co venieticcs . ' f.r the lorfging and accommodation of strangers . n, i,yrb rs. mid (hsl a public. hoiK.e ttn ie is ne- ! e.-.sirv : lliev iheref.ne recomiuoi.J bun ssa liro- i. r nerson la be liremd to ke. n a nuhlie hou.ie. Samuel 1). Jordan, C. D. V haiton, John G. Fry, ('voige Marliu, ti'.o. Biiuln, F. A. t'lsik, 1 ctr V. Gisy. Heiry Buchrr, llenjainin Kiohn, ('bri.-ii.u Bower, !eo. W eini'r, ileu y Haas, lb' :', i TAVEP.1T 1TOTICE. To the lliinnriihle Ellis l.ncis, Esq., 'resident, and his associate Judges of Ih (,nnr( nf Quae fee Session, nf the. county nf Norlhun.heriand t THE etitio'i nf t'iniil.l: S rors of No thuinber I m l, in sai l county, humbly represents that he continues, to keep a house of puMic rntertain mifli, at bis old st mil, and is well preparer! for the uenrurnndation of trav-llerj, iV' He tlieref.ri' priys your Honors lo griiit l.ini s license to ke-p a tavern, during the eliUjina vear-, ai d he w ill prav, &e. OH U'LKS SPOES." To Tin: .Icintrs tinvr. iuvtiiishi: The su' scrdi r. ro-i den's o' Nor hiim' i ' I i , I ereby cc tily, that Chillies Sloes, ihe npplieant for Ihe license, is s man of no.al repute lor honesty and tempi ranee, and is well provide I with linu-c-ro.irn mid ronveni cure for the I ding mil Hren nuioil iti m of str in gers an I travel crs, ,in I ilm a puhl c house there is ii' ie-sarv: tl.ey tln-iif re r eo mil lid him m n proper person to tie iiceiisiil to keep politic House Jiiiuns IlllUi.urn, Win. A. Llovd, Josi di Ohnpm in. W. E. McDonald, Wm. H. W.,ple, John Wheallev, Alexander Cub, John Frick, Win, Wilson, 1). Hr nit g. no, J. R. Priestley, Henry S, 'I hoinss, E. P. Hi mi. On. Fell. 10, 1S4S Ti.TEP.1T ifCTICJE. To thr Ilnmiru'ite Ellis Isle's Esq., President, and his Asieinten, Judges of Ihe Court of Quur fir Session if the County nf Xurliumbtrland : f 1!IE pelm in of laiac I'lioiu jison tit Shamokin, JL in s ltd countv, huiiilily n presents that he has leu ed that well known tavern stand in Shainokin town, lately occHjiied by J icoh Krain, and is well prepared for ihe accommodation of travellers, Ac. lie thotifoio prays your hoiio-s t i gr.n.t him a li c.i use, to keep a t ivern dining the ensuing ycai, and he will prav, &c. ISAAC THOMPSON. To tiik Jrnrii.s aiivk m k.ntiom hi : The stib eril eis. r si h n's nf Shamokin, hen-hy certify, tlist Isaac 'riioinsou, (he nppbc int lor license. Is a man ol good repute for boin--ty and temperance, and is well provided with li oue r Mini and eolive.. rrenroi for the lodging and i conimodation of sir.uigi rs and iravelk-rs, end timt a public, hon-e there is necessary. They th ti bte reeimiiieud him ms a proper person to bo luennd lo keep a public house William Kiubtcr, Elijah I., litinyan, Henry Kiser, S ilciition Ei kert, Danivl Evert, Solum hi M irt7, Jaeirli Kr.uil, Feb. 20t!i, 112. hli Trego, Jacob I Iyer, V in. F i!;elv, Stephen li. neiibcnder, Jos H. tSnviler, Iti tij iniiii K it eitn in, t'h illcs Ml.ilell. TAVERN NOTICE. ; To the ll oiorahlt Eilis ,", 7.'y . President, ! and his Associates, Judges if the Court if Qutir- j trr Srxsiwit, nf the Count u of Sorthuinbcrhmd : 'PHlj isMillon ot 1 -alherine u.ibmgton, ,-f .he A- ImUiIII' I km oil o 1 1 of Noithumberlaii humbly repri sents, that she : onlinues to keep a public house of enteit linineiit, in her old s'and, situated ill the town of Xordiumberl.ii d, and is well nreiisrid for the accommodation i f travellers. i i -N:e. She therefore pra', s your Honors to grant her a license tokiep a t.iveru, during the tnauiiig year, and she will prav. Ac. CATHERINE WiniLNGTON. To Tit r. Jrrtnr.s a nov k m fntionkd : I ho sub aeriheis, resi 'ents of N'orth'd., hereby certify, thut tJatherine Withii.glou, the appl caul lor license, is a woman nf good repute for hntie-ly and tern; erancc, and is well provided with house-room a d conveni ences for the Iodising and accommodation of stran gers and travellers, and that a public house thfie is necc-saiy : they therefore recommend her us a pro per person In be licensed to keep a aiblic house. John W. Mdes A. E. K ij.p. J i-i.ih 1.. Chapinuii, John Shrimr, John TiiEaart, John Youngrn.in, M' ill. 11. V 'pies, m. it- ii. .1 imrs 1 angut, 1). l'r ui 1 1 am, Feb I'd, ISIJ. J tin he.illey, Jo-eph II. Leisi tiring. J- ra- OREDI'I tills TAKE -N I it.'E, I hut we have applied to the t.'ouit of Common Pleas of Nor thu nticrl no! t 'utility, f.ir the Item tit of the laws ina.le lor the relief of the insolvent ilehtois; and that the Judges ol the said Court have, uppoiutid the first Moiidiy of April r.cvt to hear us and our creditors nt thet'oiut House in Sutilnlry, when and vvhr ic you may attend it vmi think proper. DAVID Nit E. Feb. 12. l4 J S AMI EI. G MILE. I.L rs'isons in Id led to die E-late i.t the Wi dow Mary Myers, dee'd, arcrcijin sted to make paviueiit iiniriedisiflv. an I persons hnv ing claims against nnd e-t i'e, are reque-tid t t pusei t the same, properly unthentii at. d, to D. BR U' Tlfi AM. X rthnm'erlaiid, Feb. 1?. 1ST.' Or. Err. T2 71ICfa7SilV g L HLIt tinue. is hen ly gven, ih t I wi I nu liere ider lie re-)oiisil'le i r unv net t or iitili uaiinns nude by mv u SILAS S. WOOI.VEIf- TON, as he lias, by his nni roiier conduct lorfi lied any claims to luriher ti-i-ititaiH-e or protrcliiiu bom lie bands of his parents. I theiefoio deem ii cessary to caution the public not tu trust bun on my account ( II MILES WOOLVERTtJX. Sunburv. Feb. 4th, l4i- 4t. Ciatiiilc'i-lk'itt'tt l'atli ltlnv. Mhe pui lie will please oliM-rve ihul no lir.indielll Pill are genuine, unless the !hx h is th'ee 1 1 Ih Is upon it, (the to , t'te side and the IvIt.inO e ii b eoiilaimui; a I ie-similc siunature of mv hnid vv r it in:; , llilis IJ. Hit v mil. ril, M. D I !ieo la be I. .ute ei'LtiaveJ on steel, beantilully designed, and none nt i: evpeiiM-of over ?i,0iH). Tlurefue it w.llbe mcii lii. n iho only ihnn; li'n aiy lo pni ei.ie ihe in. ill. iuo in lis j unty, is to ufsfive these l.b.N. Reiiiein'i I 1 1,0 top, the sSdc, und the bottom. The t dlnvv i,.f, ii spu live p-lholl uie duly aulinri t. d, und no , CrivTIOATTS or AGENCY, For the .die t tSnrndrt ?.' VigHabk' Universal P-f.s. Noetlu'inbeilai d eom.lv : Villon Mickey A. 'h mit'eibn. Sciu'.ui II B. Ma.sisr, M'Ekcsih vilie tiel uid iS; Meilell Noilbum eil.nd W in. Forsyth. Georgetown F M ulbli r A ( 'o. l.'nion U unity : New Berlin I hn Hitfluian. ; Selmsgrovr Lycr and Sschi.ui Mid. U-buru F. Itiuuainan, Mitiliii.burg I Long Frei"- Isaac Smith. Heivir'own J. A Ail.iiin-hui.: II. A. A. Smith. Sivoiie cV L aird Ha. tlf ton D mi buro It. St F. C. Mover. t'. ntrevrl e Siailey A Leuhsrl. I.ewisbuii: V ills vV lueec. ('olumbu county : Dainillc E. B. Reynold. Jt Co. Berw.ek shuiuan A- l Iteuhouse. Cai IsvviMia C. A. vk t'. l. BioU.. Blooiusburg Jolili R. Mover. Jel.ey Town Levi Bisa-I. Wa bhuinlon -liol'l. ALCay. Luui-tonc -D. L. St'liliici'k. Ilbserve (hvt eacli Agent has an EiigraVid Cer-iiiii'-cte id Agency, containing a iepi - ntaiion ol J)i liRA.NDICE I ll's MauuUi inry t stng Smg, ai.Q upon nhirli will a's.i be seen evaet ciuc. ol ihe niw tubus now Usui upon the liruiulrtth Pill lt...iet. Fudidthibiu, uiTiko No. 8, North Bth street P. BU A.M'l.L i ll, M. L. J.lliuaiv let, lsj.'. A T T O U N E Y . A T L A W , 6UITBTJRY, r A. Business iiltetided to in the Counties of Not iIiuimI erlatid, Union. Lvcomitig and Ctilumhis. Itrfer to I Tho ias Haiit V Co., 1. IWUI V 111 HO, Hart, Ommmos & Haiit, WViiiW. tt rvnLiis, McFarlamd k Co. Sl'K'.IIlo, 'ioon Ac Co., "7iaC :fi KsZti (el 'J&bl iD FOP. SALS. , fTTOK unle n sinad Fauii, conl ilnll'C nhotit nne llj liuiidied and ten acres, more or le s, ritual in Point township, Nor humberland counts, 'nu:t two nubs uliove N'orti umt.erl ind, mi the m .in road leading from i h -t ;li e tu D-nvill.-, adjoin ntj hurl, nf Jo', 1 1 I .cirl i or i, .! t '. '! r n and ether , nov in the oefuptiuy I saiD'ii I P i '. A'Oot lo'ty arnsnf said trai t are cb'Di d, and in go d s'at nf eu'iivalbm, on which there is n small barn i reet d. The property will bo snld on r asnrnh'e renns. For further particulars, peiwns ore rcqun od in spplv to l e ful fctib r. H. B. MA!-S.:n, Agent, Nov 27th, 141. tf Sin bury. Pa. i; Oil S tl,t. Fresh f.ian' etrie,, Fi e Rii- -X- elisti t bi ep. Krtr Kut-ins. M rt-. fiir '.!i. . bv D.T..JM, 1841. II. P. V. ASSEfL I'T & A . It O V O U D T ' S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, Xo iti l X'n lt Third street, third door bclou; Vint street, I 'hiladtlphia, V17HERE they cnnstuhtly keep on hand a large. ' iissorlmcnt of China, (ilass nnd Liverpool Waie, which thoy will dispose of on the m:t i8i sotiahle terms. Phihulelphia. N'ovember 13, IB 1 1 1 y. j .la77lTFliiiiitH V o. 1 ) EPECTFI LI.Y infoims th. i' fnenda nnd iiciuaintanees generitlly tint tl.ey still con tinue to keep nt the old stand. No. S46 ISorth 3d j sire 1 . Philadi bihin, rdl kinds of TOBACCO SXUFF AXD SEGAF.S. Whirh they will seil on the m 'St uccomuiodBtini and icis iiiable terms. N. 1!. All eonds rld will be f!'.i-iranteej, nnd idl orders promptly nttetided lo. Philadelphia, November let, --X 1 -1v. LAST r.i A 1 Z XI , Nil 7 1 Calloulvill .Street. I'h Jri'Jelptjia, ("Three doors above. Second. J CHOE Findings nhvays kepi on hend, which lis olb rs for sale on the lowc-t X'-hp. Cour.uy .Meichirils are parliculuily to call un I jude f t theniM'lves. Pl.iladelpbia. N'ovctnber 12, IW!.-b. LOW VAX & BAIIUON. ! iniportcrs aj Deol.'rs in r.'ici'rn and J ' I liilllAlrl w Domestic Ilatdware, X 174 North Titir.t- miu.it, I'm i.:ir.t.rniA. HERE their ftii rdsond customers wi ! always find o larae and general a s ntnient ot Foreign j V and Domestic Haidwvare, w Lb h they wiUnUnt tl. lowest prices, Philedelihia. November 13, ISII. ly. TIIEOriLUS CI LIV Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, ckc. Xo. ! South T'urd street, four dijis beicv M'jiket Philnritlhhia. 7" EEP constantly on h nd a latg" and grncrsl Ik ossnrliTirnt t'onch Lamps, Cani.'ge lisnds, A ile Arms, Elirtic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and sarlt'lers will be stippbrd nt all times on the most ic.i-ohahle terms. They wi I t'nid it to their advantage to call and exsniiliG hil assnitmeiit before purchasini! cl-el ere. Piiil.ub Iplna, November 10, 1 S4 1 . ly. WIIOI.F.SM.E AND RETAIL FOOKfeEI. LERs AND STATlDXERs, No. 1'J'J t'hesnut Street, below 4th, Philadelphia. "PJJEEP constantly on hand a general assort fj inent ot Books nnd Siattunary ; comprising 'I heologieal, Law, Mcdicul, Classical. Miscellsne otiu and Seboul Bitoks, Day Bocks, all sizs. Led. 2i rs, do,. Family Bibles, Pocket B.b'es, Wiidinj Paper.!, W'rajping Papers, eke. &c, which they of (er ai the h. .vest pi ires to Country Merchant's Pre. tt sKiuiial Cvntlcmen, Tenchers, and all otlieru that mav favor iheui with their custom. Philadelphia, Noi Miiber l:t. 1841. 1 v. KCVAOl.DS, AlcFAliLAD vSc CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British atiil American Drv Goods. Ao. lti.'i Murk; I iti iet. Ft.UuJ-.hhia OI'M'liY Mereh int', .i-.d others can be e'.!p pl'ed at all tune, u all mi extensive a.s rt- meni ol r tie best ami n o.-t l.i-.'iiniijtilc Uooda up oil (he Most iea-onahle n ;(n . P..il o'e'phij. Nov, ml . r 13. 1S41. lv. j .TE K'ltai'l l '.l Cl V fOU, i norE MAKERS & SHIP CIIANDLEIIS. .Vo. 13 Xorth Water Street. Philadelphia TI A VE consriiiitly on hand, a genernl ewrt j Si mi nt nf ('ivnbiee, tseine Twines, etc , viz: I, it d li'ones, Fisbinn Rop's. While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines tor Cin;d Boats. Aim, a complete ii'-soitnient of S. inc Tw ir.es, cVe, such as Hemp K hd and tl vrinsr, Twine, Best Patent (5:11 Net Twine, Cotton Miad and Heriinc Twite, Shr Threa's, cic. Ac Also, Bed Cords, Plough LitifJ, H alters, Tr ie, s. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chitu, c. all of which they will dispose of on Hjjjoilub lei ms. Philade'phia. November 1 rt. 1 1 1 . ly . i:siii:iuck, UANSLLJ, A, CCS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. Ao. ICG l-'J AlarU't Ntreet, Fhila. (Ihfnif Fifth South side ) A IAVA S kicpou hand a full and general as Jtii rtmetil of Ho-ierv, Lnce, and Furry Goods, t'oNiilry Merchanls are re.pectfully rejtitt 'J t give tin m a c.dl und riamine for them clvn. I fnl idelpbia. November 13, 1 84 1 . ly. TO CCURvlviEHiLNTlb rJ,Ili: SuI'Mnlier, Agent ol I yon Sd llsrus, Hit -I Munubieturers, for N.w Vcnk, FlulaJelj liia, llaltiiiiore und ot her large ilies, u I emu Hats ma highly comiin tided I r quad t-tl-n and durclihty. U ot baud a lir-t rale-.iKoilm 'lit id DAIS avl l'AI i, suitstde fir Spriiip a dm, wh'ch will l e nU very low, loi cast or sppi ived credit, al lLo n; lii cheap store. So. 40, Noilli '''ind sircrli prfijJ ihe City Hotel, PbiliJclpbla. O! IVFK X. TiUClUIR. Afirt N. II. Oideisiui Hats ii ! -cuf.:h. promptly HttendeJ lo, Tl.f liihctl j rkfl ia tush or Us g.veu I 't Fur ikins. Pi iliilelphia. November U. I F 1 1 n uil ra t'i i'U '"' un bv 11. B. Mw. Qj? sir Bol ti Syrup, Sugar ll.u- and X. Mosis; Loaf, Lump, Crushed, Biowu sud Chry la. lied SugiK; Cranberries, Ra aius, Cist kefs, &i ; Frenc h ai d Ehk'"-'' M rm.-s; Meiin and ottuv Nhawls; Cloths I'as-imcra and Cus-unUa' V.f Goods. HunUnre, Ssi'ikty, &C- of all iuua. n -h, ISU.