Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 26, 1842, Image 4

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    11 A X li 5 0TC LIS T.
Tli f (Wing list show the curr r.t ra of all
l'enrie.v3.iiia'U:it)k Not,!, Th most implic.1 rr.
Ii ilice rnty I .plsed'tipon it at it r ettrif w ek
csti folly Computed wilu ai d .itrcitJ from Bi k
nell's )'.. parser.
Jtlankt In IJItaa-!iMi.
. , 'UlKC. lit
-iJ.Xf. LoCATIl'.' .,
1 O T E 8 AT r A n.
Tank iTNunli America' . par
1'ar.k of the Northern . , j rir
TJ'it.k nf Peimavlvani . 10
Pank. cf Jemi Townrhip . , pur
Comm rcial Bank of Penri'a. . pur
IVri tr' and Mcciianite' Bank , par
Vf.rd,Uinfc ... 40
Kens'tgion Bank , , -par
Ma; u aeturw' & Mechanic.' Bunk . pat
Mechanics' Bank . ., .. par
Mcyamcnaing Bnk . . par
Philadelphia Bank . : pat
Pcheivikft Bank . . par
S. nit bus, Bank . . . par
Western Bank . . . par
t'ouiilry Uatitis.
fink of Pittsburg Pi'tsbutg par
lUuk uf Cheater County Westchester par
Lank t'f Delaware County Cheater pur
Bank nf Germentown Get mantown par
V-ank of !cwistown l.ewistown
Bank tf Middlctown Middlctown par
Bank of Montgomery Co. Norristown par
i) ink "I Northumberland VilhutubcrUiid par
Berki County bank Bcadicg
Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia par
I'AllKle Hank' Carlisle 3
Doyleatown Bank Poylestown par
Kts'on Dank Huston par
Tii haugc Bank Piltshutf pur
Dj do branch of Hiithdayaburg 2J
T'urinrsV Hank of Ducks co Uritol p,r
Farmers' Bank uf Lancastci' Lancaster 6
Funnels' BHtik of Heading Reading par
Hurrlshurg Bank Harrishurg A
I.incBg'rr Bank J.aiicisler par
Lebanon Bank Lebanon par
Met. ban's' & Manuf. Batik Pulsbug par
Mu.eis' Pank of PotUvillt Pottsville par
Niiirhnnptoii Bink Alleutown par
J war Brink Tnwanda failed
Wist IJiaiuh D ink Williamsporl f5 to 00
Wymiitre Bank Wi.kcsbarro 6
Oilh e of Bank of Pciin'a. 1 1 arristiu rg These
Oflie do do Lanc.iater I oflices
iftice d J do Mending f do not
Othce do do Easlon J issue n.
F.i,k uf the United States Philadelphia CO
Oili.o ol UetiV. vi U. S. Piiuhurg
Ui do do Erie
D. do do Nc Brighton
Keimmnloti Sv. Ilia. A do
I fun Township S.iv. Ina. do
Uttnk of Ohembersblirg CI.Miib.rstuirg f
Dunk Hi "Ie;lv -t.ur(j Gttrysl urg
':nt tif iru yuelianna Co. Monliaje j
JUrio T;nj
h'littnitx' A Dioern' Batik Wnynfkburg 5
Fiatikliu Iiank WaBhiiigtou ft
l.)iHJ.ilu ii.i.k Iloitt'sdule j
Monntig'ihfla Dank of B. Br.iwr.jviUe 5
Vwik Haivk Yoik 3
N. IS. The notes of thoc-e banks on which we
omit quotatiuitf, and auWttnte a AaAi ( ) ate not
j.uichafid Ly the Philadelphia brokers, wiili the
f.lion ul (how which have a letter ol i iiraioe.
ii R () K E N BANK S.
Philadelphia 6av. Ina. PhiluJeJhia failed
1'hiiudelphii Loan Co. do lulled
fccliuylkill Suv. Ins. do f.ilcJ
M'inuul Labor Bank (T. W Dyolt. prop.) filled
AlU-ghany Bunk of Pa. DrJIoiJ no fdle
hjiX ol Iteatr Beuvtr chised
Uank ol Svvatar Jlunisburg linked
Bunk ol Washington Wasbiiiglou lulled
CentK! Bunk L'ell. foulo ehiSi d
City B ink PittsbuJg no ale
lirri)rr' & MeihYs' Batik Putaburg filled
Kuiuicrs' &. MechVa' Bank Fayette co. failed
Furuieta' &. Mtch'ia' Bank (ireenrasi e failed
Harmony Institute ilamtony no tale
Huntingdon Bank Hunting.iun no sale
Juniuta B:ink Lenialcuu no aale
l.uniliernieii'a Lank Warren failed
IS'nrthern Bank of i'a. DunJotr no sale
Kew Hope Del. Bridge Co. New Hope i lute J
JS'otthumb'U Union Col. Bk. Milton no sale
North Webt rn Bi k of f'a. Meadtille rlsd
OiSca of Schuylkill Bank Port Carbon fuihd
Pa. Apr. & Manuf. iiank CutIUIo fuihd
Silver Lake Bank Munin se closed
Union Dank nf Penn'a. Uniontown failed
V estmoieland Batik (ifiiislurg doted
Wilkesbarru biidge Co. Wilkial'ane no sale
Cj All nctca puipo-ting to he on any 1'ennyl
ama Uank rit given in lha above list, tnay he set
down a frauds.
A'EW Ji iisr.i'.
liuiikulNfw Brunswick Brunswiik failid
Belvidcie Uank Belvidcra Spm
Builixigton Co. Bank Medford par
Comiiitrcal Batik Pnh Amboy 1pm
t'uuihtrland Hank Bridgeton ' par
Farmers' BaiiL Mount Holly par
Farmers' snd Mechanics' Bk Kahcvay Ij.m
FaruieaV and MrcliHiiirs' Uk N. Hiunsniik failed
1'nriiiers' and Mechanics' Bk M id Jit town Pi. Ipru
Frank:in Bank tf N. J. Jersey City faihd
Jlohoken likK & O'ruz.nfr Co Hoboken failed
Jersey City B u.k JetMy Ciiy failed
Mechanics' fj ink Patterson failed
Manufactories' Bank BiUeill tailed
fciorn ioinpany uai.k- MorriKtovsn par !
Monmouth Hk of N. J. Ficthold failij
Meclioni's' Bank Ncwaik 2pm ;
llrchani'V and Msnuf. Lk 'J'renton put ,
Morris and Bkg Co Jersey City I
Pott iNotes ro sate i
Newark Bkg .' Ina Co Newark 2pm j
New Hope ltl Bridge Co l-ainbeitkuUe 2 Jis 1
N. J. AlanufHC. and Bkg Co Hobokcn failed !
N J Protection & l.oaibsrj hk J rMy City failed I
Orange Bunk Orange Ip"1!
Pateron Bank PatertuU failed
IViijiUs' Hunk do 2pui i
i'liiKTlon Bank . Prinoctua par '
falem BankUig Co WaUm jiur j
4Ute Batik Nesvark j.ur I
"Ul Bank Klizabeihtow n 2j,m '
h'talo Bali. Coiileii ,mr I
f.ltule Bank of Mor.i. Xforristown 2pm
State Bank Trentou failed
balem and Phil! Manuf C'u Hulem failed
Sutset Hank Newton lit""
'1 rejitiui Bai kiiig i'o Trenton Vpm
I'lavon Bunk Hevrr lprn
WVhington Batiking 'o. ilaekensaek tailed
lik f Wihn A Us:,d) wkic W'i rnii ft., par
Hank of iMawau W ilinii gum par
Hank i3in)nia tSmyina par
Do Naiuh Xlilloid par
Farmers' fcl of hiat of liti Hover ar
Do hrhlu l. l!in.li4't.u pal
Do hranch lieorgetuw n jur
lo hrani'h Newcaftle par
Union Iiank WUiningluU pur
Under I' 3
gj- On all hanks marked thus () there are ci
ihtr counterfeit or altertd notes of the various de-, in tir ulaUun. 1
Xumhr 2P J'tVA Third Strtet, 1'hiladelphia
BJUBI.IC SALES of Dry (ioods, Hardware
M end Ciitlrrv, Hook', Statimiary, Cloihinir,
toots rihors ami lla'n, and in rhort almnrt every
description nf uomln, held at this establishment
every evening. Cooils ate alto sold nt priva'e sale
during the d ry at the averaa.eauetion prices. Store
keepers and tru Jims will lind it to their advantage
by attending the mI .
V.. C. MA ('KEY, Auctioneer.
Philadelphin. Novemh, r 13, 1841. 1 v.
J . a WAIN,
Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer.
No. 37 AWA Ttihtl ttrret, lien dvort Itk w l!ie
CiVv , Philadelphia.
COUaNTIJ Merchenta and others are solicited
to cxamitm his unvoili.u nt Uf rc purchasing
Phila 'el, lili, N'ovMiihr 11. 1S41. ly.
spiF'lGtwink CO.
Xo. 1GS Maikt Street, Pliiladelphia.
SNVITE the attention nf Country Merchant
to their er.tfnaie a'Sot-'tnent of Britiih French
and American Dry Coods. which they i th't for sale
on the m rial mahle brum.
Philadelphia. November 13. 1H1 ly.
Wholesale and Retail Shoe, liounct,
and Palm Loaf Hat Warehouse.
Ao. CC Xurth 2i shirt, a ftu iluvrs uture .irch,
A ESO Trunk", Caipet Hugs and Valices, of rv-
Jm ery descuption, ull nf which he olleis for
sule on the most rensi 'liable terms.
Philailelpht.i, November IU, 1811. ly.
C 5 0 . H L ,C3o ea
No. 2!) North Water Street, Phila.
MANITACTUKEKS mid deul.-rs in Oils nf
every description both for burning ami
uianutacliiring purponcs, uhieh will lw sold much
lower than they can he procured elHOwhrrC, and
Wurranted in qmility to eipiul any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company nut prtrvhrtr as lepreKi nted,
may he returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the money will le refunded.
Their stock now in store consults of the follow ing
oils, viz:
80,000 gallons Winter Bleached pciin
6000 do do Cnlorlcf Oil,
15,000 do Full and Sprinu Sperm Oil
10,000 do Winter Sea Elephant,
20,000 do do Presavd Whale Oil,
004) do Summer d do do f
15,0(10 do Common Whale Oil,
200 Barrels supciiol Siraitii Oil,
.300 do Cod Bivnk Oil,
60 do N-t a's Fool Oil,
75 Cnxks Olive Oil,
Tanner's Oils.
(Tj'Fhis Company liai a number of Vessels in
gaged in the ('oil Fishery, and 'J'atniers may rely
upon petting at all dines Oil as pure as imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. la, 1 S4 1 . ly.
FFEK FOU SALE., at the South East Cor
ner of Fifth ud Murlctt Streets, thiladtl-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do pegged do
do do do ,waler proof, double soles
ami double uppers,
do Ciilf-fkin do do
snd i!piers.
do Heavy Water Leather Hoot,
do do Neat do do.
do Ilich quarter Shoes, Calf-skin.
do do do Croekers lo
do Fine Monroes wsri.mted
do nailed
do Kip do
do C.lf do
do Coarse do
do do Shoes
do Fine do
do Kin do
do 4 'nil' and Seal Pkin I'uinpR.
do Eint Smks w ith and w ithout solos,
do Carpet do do do
do Patent Warranted Vutr-proof Moecaeins.
I. miles' do do do do
Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoia.
(ientlemctis do Overhl.oes.
With every other description of hoots and shoes.
Fur Cape of every description.
Travelling Trunks of every description.
Venetian Travelling Baita.
Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blarkintr,
Bonnrls nf nil kinds, Patm Leaf Hats.
Philadelphia. November 13. 1 S4 I . Iv.
Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store
A'o. 44. .Vori Fourth nrar Arch St., 1'hiladrfpKia.
WHEKE ('oitntrv Menhnnta and others can he
tu plied, at ll li.neis, with a large as-r rtiinnt
of Hosii ry. ("lovcu, Merino, C-tton, iiiid Woolen
Shuts and is Spixd Cotton. Pairiit Thieud.
Cotton Colds, liiittous, Tapis, Bindings, Hoekx
and Eve, I'irs, A-c. And a general varhty o( u-e-fulannU'f,
which he oiKtsfuf tale at the lowest
Philadelidna, Xnwinhei I3.1P-11. ly.
wiiOLnsALE jioisrnv, olove &
Su. 34 .Vol 'A Fourth tt under Merchant lluliJ,
7HEIJE Country Merchants on he supplwNl
wjiti uii cttensivc variety of cho'ce si tides
in his line, upon the most reavonable tenus.
Nov. 6th IH41 ly
Xo "I, Xurlli SrcoiMl ttlrt'ct,
(niinn or coomb's allit.)
W'bcte they constantly keep on hand a genenl
aioriiiient of
cloths, CASsiMrnra, vxstings,
And a grtut varitti vfurlitlt of a mptnor
quality, which they eller to dispose ot
l pun llie in l irasonablo Urms.
C10UNTHY MEIiCHANTS and others will
find it to ilnii sdvuntage to cull and eiainiue
tbi ir st. k lef.oe purchasing eluew hcte.
Pl.iliid, Ij bis. Nov. 6, 1 (S4 t . ly
A S'I.ILMIII 4s(mi.Ui:.M
S't P '.'. v."y C ft' V Tf "j C "r i ir.
H 1T ar ived from the city of Philadelphia, and j
1 I r at the most reduced iricea, for cai-h,
at ibe new sioie foimeily kepi by John IJogur, as
follows: ( l.'thtig nf all soils and sites, such as
Warm Ox-fu.t., Co..ttees. 1'iinlaloons, Vesta, Ac.
Also, ti l.ouc a-koriinent of Fine Call , kin and Wa
teiproof B, mis. Ladies' Laee Boots, and a variety of
other Boots and Shoes for the winter, trimmed and
untiiiinned lloin Shoe, and Men's, Boys' and Chil
dren's Shorn, ol ail sites.
t- uiit u v o I. 20th Ib4 1. if.
ESI'ECTFULL Y infunns her friends and the
public generally, that he continues lo keen
llml well known Tavern Stand in Msrket street,
Siinhury, sign of (he
formerly kept by John Bolton, her hunband ; and
by endeavoring lo comhicl the establishment in a
mnniirr to give sn'iFlaclion to all, Iiojhs lo tnttit a
libeial nhare of public piitionage. '
Sun bury, O. ioUr 0lh, lS4l.
P 12 ULt CO Ll Uiy C
T3 ESI'ECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sen-A-
lury and vicinity, that they have tnkui the
Simp lalily eceupicd by Win. Durst, while they
will carry on the
in all its vaiious hr.iriehes. By atiict attention and
rcssomibltf charges, they expect to meiil a share of
public pat'onsge.
Snrhury, Sept. 4lh, 1 S 4 I .
TllM K A I v n w '
A NTIION'S ("lassiciil Dictionary; Irnpriir's
do.; Aim-worth's do j Cobb's do; ErjVsh snd
flerman do ; Aniboi.'s Crcsnr: Anthon'a Crnnoner;
Anihen's Cice.o; Mail's l a'in Header; 'ipiJjVdo;
Andrew's I.o'in Less-'ii-; 1). nm pan's i.rnii oi ;
Firk'aOreik Exeie ses; Duvies's L eemlei; (inters
Mnjorii; Aibmis's Romnn Aiitiqoi ie; 1'inr m-K's
(Si'ldsinith's Ei't-t.itid; do On e ; Lj ell's Klrntents
cf Genlopv; Mrs. Lincelii's Itotnnv; Eli men's of
Botany; Bridge's Algelra; Porter's Hhetorienl Hea
i!er; Ernrrson's (iegrni hy and Hiiton; Ob ev's
d.i ; Parley's do ; Smith V ( IrBimnor; KirUinin's do.;
Kay's Rceil-rs (.'obi's do.; Ci lib's Arithmetic!-;
l ike a d i.; him wu do.; Ci l b s Spell. nil Itnoks;
Town's do.; Cobb's Trrble Hunks; Emnirelrriil Fa
mily Lilnarv; ' llibh-; Family do; CJI ,t. r
al do.; Small Eil lis amt Testnient-; Parkoi's Ex-erci-esnn
('innpositinn; Fruit nf the Spirit; Hnx'u's's Kest; American lit volutin!); Marivntt's No
vrti.; Mrs PlK-lps mi Ci.i'inistrv; Iliad; Cativhisni
nf American Laws; l.c'tirson Natural Magic; Che
rnihtry for Beginner'; Enghi-h Exeicisi s adapted to
Murray 's t irnrniiier; Siqm ,i ('omli vV Spelhna
Bool,; Ann iirnn ;,om Hi ok; Dabnll'. Scho,,mas
tei's At.irianl; A fieal variety of Blank 1'oi'ks, eVe.
Angusi 2S, I "41.
i miiilstiioii and roritnrtUirjr
) ESPEI.' I'I'I ELY inform, his IV it ;..! and lb,
l Mt.rehal t!. pi n, ra'lv, that he c I'liliniM the
'ommi-tiori and Foi wnrJiiift Bui-inee. (it bivvnr,
!ioue, foot of iVl.loli H, ifalli iad, 1 'el iw are and
: m liiivlk.H.
Morc'i inN IimV J);! poods lo t e h'rpio,l, will find
it much to -their advantage, a lo time and piiei s
ol freiphl. vo send their nivr hiini'i-e lo ti t; Di pot,
corner of Fionl and illow utn el liailroml, as they
can -tlien he sent either route by ihe Tide ater
Cunal, oi Schuylkill ami Cnion Cauuls, as boats
will arrive and ilepnrt d lily lor the Juniata and
Sufquehimna ('aiials by Tidc-w tter in low rtf steam,
or via Schuylk.ll and Lninn Canals lioin Fttiinurunt
MiM'rhants will pleate l-e p.'Ttieular lo sci-d all
hook's destined for either route, to the InrRe D pot,
cotiht of Front ami W llow i.trect l.'nilmul, with
din ctioua accompany ing them, which route thry
wish tliem to be shipped.
Coalse line alt and Putter at wholesale
prices, mi the iMaveare or SchuvlkiiL
Phil ad. Iphitl, Jil le A, I 4 1 I V.
MADEIKA WINE. Fust q.ialiiy Ma.he.a
ine, for S'de low Iry
Sept. 1, if ii. H. B. MASSER,
article aKvnvs on hand ajid for pale by
Sept. I, if 11. 11. B. MASSER.
HOLLAND GIN, Ol the best quality always
on tntvid and fir sale by
Sept. I, 1S41. H. B. MASSER.
hand and lor sale Ly
Sept. 1, Mil.
SLOAR. Always mi
S U ( i A R 1 1 OL E M O
quality ulwaya oa Lund
LASSES. Ol the best
ai d for hale by
Sept. 1,
BROWN SCO All. Of a good quality, lor sale
low by Sept. 1. 1841. II. B. M ASE1.
quality always on hanJ and for sale by
Sept. 1. 1641. H. 11. MASSER.
COFI'l E. Juva. liio and I ayuira Coll'i e, con
staiitlv on hand ui.d for sule ly
Sept. l.Jfc 1 1. It. B. MASSER.
SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer sliainid
Speun Oil, ol l ho lest quuhty, ulwuya on hand and
for sale by
Sept I, in . II. B, M ASSER.
STEEL. Cast and Blister Steil. f..r fale by
Sept. 1, 1641. H. B. MASSER.
Ilvlsll SALMON. Of the Ust quality, con
slantly on hand and for sale bv
Sept. I, lf4l. H. II. MASSER.
LKJUORS. Of all kinds and of the U-t quali
ties, always on hand and for sale bv
Sepi. i, isll. 11. B. MASSER.
sPRLVi S I F.UL. Of vaiiousbiw-s fur Ehjitic
Springs, for salt: by
Sift. 1,1811. 11. B. MASSER.
LAROE 0,1' A It'll) BIBLES. For kale at
verv reduced nices by
Sept. I. If 4 I. II. B. M ASSER.
BLAN K" BOOKS. Of all kinds", for sale by
BLANK DEEDS. Bond, Mortgages, Ac. for
sale by St pt. 1.1841. II. B. MASTER,
JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale bv
Sept. I. 1H4I. H. B. M ASSER.
CLO THS, Blue, Black. InvuiUc- Crceu, .Stc,
for si te by
Sept. 1, 184 1. H. B. MASSER,
tale very low by
Sept. I, 1 M 1 1. II. B. MASSER.
Sept. 1, 1841.
-For sale cheap by
BLANKETS. For sale cheap by
Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER.
STt. 1, 1841. H. 1. M ASSKR.
Fot sale by
Sept. I, 1841. H. B- MASSER.
by Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER.
For sale by
Nept. 1, 1841. )I. B. MASSER,
AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds,
Coughs, Ai-lhma,'Iitiluen7.a, Whooping Couth,
Bronchitis, and all disenes of the Breast and Lungs,
lending to consumption; composed of Ihe concen
trated virtues of lion hound, Bonsrt, Blocd "Root,
Liverwort and several other vegetable substances.
Prepared only by J. M. Wisslow, Rochester, New
The innocence and tinlvcrsnllv admitted pectoral
viilues of 'the I let ha from which the Dukam of
llorthound is made, are too generally known to re
quire reconimeni'ation ; it is theiefore otlly necessa
ry lo oh-erve that this Medicine contains the whole '
of their Mi dtcinal properties, highly concentrated,
aid so happily combined with sevcial other vege
table substances, as to render it the most speedy,
mild and certain remedy, now in use, f,r Ihe com
plaints above menlioncA.
The Balsam removes all imflammnlion and aore
nrss of the Lungs, loosens tough vi-iid phlegm, en
abling the patient lo expectorate wrh ease and free
d"in, ossuages cough, relieves nthmatic and diffi
cult riNpirotinn, heals Ihe injured parts, opens the
pores-, slid cnni rsrs the distuibed nerves, and gives
stnliiiih lo the Inidei lungs, and thus produces a
s, redy and lasting cure.
We are tint nmong that cbiss of Editors who for a
few t'o!!ais will, (nt the cxeneof truth and lio
iieny) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid
sale; i cither me we wilbrg to icinain siletit, alti r
having tested ihe Utility of on irn) roveinent or di
covety in M il lice or uit. Our readers will recollect
we told them we were utiwi II wi'h n fore thioat and
violent c hi some few"weiks npo. Well, we pur
rhased two bottles r.r IN'Sl.OW'.S BALSAM
OF HOREHOl ;ND, and so sudden win. the cure,
that we forgot Ave ever had a cold. Thore who
are RtHicled, nuiv t y it iij.on our rieoniineiidaiion.
l.teiflu'i Irifttijih. Vorsnleby
JACOB BRUiHT, yorfhumtnr,,,!,.
Also, ly Drupcixis pener.llv ihrouphout the
country. fjj' Price, ftt) cents urr bottle.
Autusl Mm. 1M1. ly.
j . s in i: v ,i a i: s ,
11EO.UKSTS the attention of his country frinids
k who are in want, to his verv I irpp stock of
( ,'iirpf tinps. Oil Clotlrs, klattinps, lings, Uindings,
Stair Rods, Ac, c, lluit be has just dpi in it, nl
hi w art houses, No. IM North 2,1 slrci I, ,iud No. 2
Church Allev, next dour to Cluist Church, Philu
de'phui. ' Julv 31, 1841. ly.
V;r una' Vi.lm Leufllnti-ltrrr,
No. 10 Sovtii lni Strut, PHILADELPHIA,
'HERE tin cttil.five Oitorlmeiil of the above
' articles oic c r r taiilly kept on build, for sale
at the must rca-onuble ti-miL.
May 2'J, Is 4 I. ly.
I). K 1 P K P A T Pv 1 C K vV S O N,
A'o. 21, A'7( Third htm t,
HAVE for sale a large ami excellent assortment
ol Syxriiii Hnfif, l'ulnu hijtn, Tnnutrt Oil,
4r., at the lowest market prices, lor cash, ii
exchange for Leather, or upon credit.
ConsipmncjiiH of Ix'.illx-r received for silt, oi
purchased ut the highest market prices.
Q j' Leather stoied free of thuic.
April 17. lS4l.-l.v-
DAVENPORT'S Improved IWnt Thrvshing
Machine and Horse Power, wliKh lluesbes
soil cleans at the same time an invention for
which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which
renilers the above iiiacliiue crfoct and past furilu r
impron intJiL '! hiwe who have It en waiting for
something bitter than heietoloie otl'ered fa: sale.
will hud this to bo the article. Cuiue see it and
ftulge ,r youisclves,
'J'he subscribers have purchastd the light of the
above Machine and Ilore Power, lor the coun
ties of NliaTHl'MBFtLlSIII, I.UOMlNfi, CLIKTOSI,
and Umo.n and alt-o, Ue privileges of ventling
llu m in any other places for which the right has
not been lucviously sold.
'The a J vantages which this Machine baa over
all olU-rs invenlt J are many and obvious. One
boy and three mi n can do all the tbret.hing and
cleaning ol ISO bushels of wheal in one day and
this usually lakes seven hands iH.e day und three
the next. For field tl rct-hing it tukes the lead of
any thing in this woild no grain is scattered or
Sjih is the superiority of the Horse Power,
that thrt horses cun tbreth as much w ith it as
four can w ith any otlit-r.
'The Machines and Horse Power will be sold
tnpether or t perate, lo suit un hahc rs. Made und
sold ill Milloii, by tho subscribers.
Milton, Aptil 17, 1841.
Having hud in use, one of Davenport's Patent
Threshing and Winnowing Machines, and being
rcicatfdly called upon for our opinion in regard to
their value, durability and advantages, we make,
free to state, that tiny xctt il in our opinion, any
Thrching Machine we ever Ixfjic witnessed in
use. 'They will thresh und clean, fit for market
-00 bushels of Wheat per day, and this with the
aid of thrt hands besides (he driver. 'The Straw
is passed off from the grain on un incline plane, ex
tending ttlxnit 12 feet from Ihe Machine. Scarce
ly a grain is lost. hat ia nf some iiupoitunce
and greatly so, is the fact that no dust sm-s from
the Machine to the man who it cds it. 'The Hurse
lower seems lo he perfection itself three horses
may woik it with ease and then fastest gait need
only lie the ordinary lough guit. We must
cheerfully n commend (he Machine It) Furmers
ihey are maiiufactured in Mihtm by Messrs. Welch
Pomp and Flick. PHILIP IIII.GERT.
Chilisquaque t..bp., Nurl'i'd co, March SO, 1841.
II A Z A It l 'S
umcutH, fads and other useful inf.nitirtti.m, illustra
tive of the history and resources of the American
Union, and of each State ; etuhracing commerce,
manufactures, agiicultute, inn rnul improvement,
banks, currency, finances,, Ac, tic. Edi
ted by Samuel Hazard,
Publi hej every Wednesday, ut j'J Dock street.
The price lo suhc nbcis hj fi per uniiuin, payable
on thetiist ol Jamiaiy of eath year. Nosuhscrip
tion received fur less tluu a yar. Subscribers out
of ihe principul cilies ro pay in advance.
ta 'Di n a:
FMIIE Undersigned take pleasure in submitting
I lo the pilb!ir the following Recommendations
of Pratt's Cast Iron Stmut Mill ai d Grain Huller lo
all dealers in (train rind manufuctora of Flour, be
lieving it to he superior to any thing of Ihe kind
ever oil' red lo the public. All orders addressed to
Col.. I. M'l'aJden, Lewisburp, Union county Penn
f i-iirincufs:
Moutzi, Mill. Centre Co., March SO, 1841.
J. M'Fiiiilfr Sib: I cheeifully testify lo the
goodness and d. liability of Pratt's 'Cast Iron "Smut
Mill rd Drain Duller, as being a far superior arti
cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities
that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged 'in
the manufacture of Flour for a gtent rnrtrry years,
and have always tried to have Ihe IicbI Apparatus for
manufacturing that could be got, and do say thai the
alove inuchino is (he heat apparatus I believe now
in uio. Jon, Moiir.
rJmmhtirg, Dec. 26, 1840.
Col. J. M I'miina Sin : In reply to yocr favor,
received a few days since, I hsve only to say, thai the
fact of my having introduced into each of the foui
mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Oast
Iron Sinul Mills, is the best evidence I can give you
of their utility, Yours trnlv. Wit, M'Ki.i.vr,
M lt'i'n, March 17, 1811.
J. M-Feinnx Sin : I do heiebv cerlilv without
any hen tation, that Pratt's Smut Mill and Oram
Huller is Ihe most (erferl ms-hlne to cle ,nsp grain
ol smut and all i lhrr impel fections, that I have ever
seen, and 1 believe I have seen ull the kinds that fere
now used in Perriiitylvuiihi, and I must say that there
is milling of the kind ever been invented that will
c, me in competition with it. Cm. Kckmit.
Cot.. J. M-l'iinu n Sin: the past "I
ye-irs 1 have been coii-laiilly engaged in munufnc
luring Hour, and during the last Vi y ears have been
the nwiii r nl a prist snd flouring mill, and among
all th Cinilrivances to remove impurities Imm grain
I nm decidedly uf the opinion that Pratt's iron inn
elm e is superior to any with which I am acquaint
ed, having used one in luy Toiil about tii;hieen
months. I'm or hick litis.
Yorkshire MilU, Dec, ls-10.
I want in my flooring mi I us pood an puratiis
lo prepare pram for flouring, at tin and I want
no U'llor tlnn PrVlVCusl Iron Smut Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M . ( 'i : a son .
Sutthuri, Dicmiher If 40.
('oi.. J. M 'Fa no is Sin: 1 have in my mill one
nl Pralt's cast and wroupht iron spiral Sroul Mills
und Grain Duller, ami am confident that in repaid
to simplH'y of ci listroctinti, and durability of mate
i;al, it is HU-erior to any 1 uui ai'tpiniirtcd wiih,
lli.sur Mtsstii,
liuir Cop Mil!.-; Dec. Ti, IMtl.
( 'in.. J. M'Fa nut Si u : I hate in n y flouring
mill one nf Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills,
audi am ikviih-iTry of Uie that it is the best
iiitchiiie to prepare grain lor flouring that I am ac
quainted w ith, und its such cln-otlully rccomni ml it
lo ull w ho arc citgnged in the mauntacture ol flour.
.1 tl II II I, I s KMI Mi,
Aurtiiiflittrif, March ill, 1811.
Col.. J. M-1 a it ill N Sni: 1 lake leisure in say
ing that Piatt's Cssl Iron Smut Mill is one -of the
best improvement for 'he cleaning of grain of all
kinds, that has yet come unJiriiiv nbservation, and
that I lalieve it fir superior to any thing of llie knid
ever invented. You may Use my name in any way
you think pn pet. O. P. lli sn,
Fni-m Mrl. Jui. 14, 1841.
'This is to certilv Hint I have had Pratt's ( 'ast and
vvroiipht iron ?mul Machine ami (iiuiii Huller in
use ior better than 1 monlhs, and find it lo answer
evciy purpose that it was inlemU'd fr. Suivit cun
be taken nut of wheat I believe every parlich' of
it can If taken out without breaking the grain nt
the wheat, Jons k.
AuniHsliuif;, M iuh'J.i, 1,-41.
Col.. M'Faihun Sin : I have been engaged in
manufacturing Supeitiue Flour for rnstiy years, and
have at this lime one ol Pratt's Sunlit Mills in euch
of my mills, and I do hereby reeommt i:d them as the
most vultiuble miprovt mi nt In cleaning wlH'at nl
smut and all other inipuiities, that 1 am acquainted
with. Jamis Dim ah..
Cou M'Fahths Smj 1 have Invn engaptd in
tl.o iiianuf.ietuiing of flour for 'iH years, und most
chicrfully recomnicn J the ubovc machine, as being
by far the lust apj aratus fur cleansing grain that I
have ever usul or seen. ( consider il an indis en
siblo article lor any mill that pretends to do any bu
siness. John Pismeh.
.iijUfduct Mi!!, Dec. 24, 1840.
Coi. J. M-FaiiM Sir: Pratt's Cast Iron
Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three
years since, and I believe it is the best article of that
kiml now in use. Il will ma; only remove smut
('Merely, hut is a most valuable apparatus to clean
wheat and rye of any character, and prepare il for
flouring. Ri.tjAMix llouvi:,
luisiurg, Dec. 22, 1840.
Col. J. M'Famu Sin: Afier a caielul and
camhd examination and trial nf the muchiue, in re
gaid loconstiuctsm, neatness and des etch in exe
cution, tcunomy in price, and power to set in ope
ration. I am fully convincid and satisfied, that the
machine above ulluded to, is stcond to no one in
use. J. Moit now,
Milhr und Flour Manufacturer.
j Cutlt'.H'iisa, Deo ndit r 25, lf -10.
Cou. J. M'Faiuiin Sin: Pratt's Cssl arxl
Wii.upht Iron fpiral Smut Mill and Grain Duller,
1 coiisIiUt to he the best machine to it move smut
and oiht-r impurities to which grain is subject, that
I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re
paid lo durability of material, simplicity uf construc
tion, ueaiiicss and despatch in e xecution.
Joi:rH I'avtox.
N. B. The iihovo machines are manufactured al
the I.ewUburg Foundry, l iiion county and ut llie
Bloouisliurg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa.
Lewisburg, June 10, 1841.
It iMlW'HitW' 14 alt l lt,
hi Foreign, Itritibh and .Imtrirun iry Cm!,
No. 12 Nohtii Tuiuo SriieiT, Phiiaiulimi a
"COUNTRY Merchants can lie supplied at all
times with in extensive assortiijent nf the above
Goih1s,oii the inotit res, liable and satisfactory terms.
May 20, 1841. ly.
sKLF-AiursiiNii" lo( i ijuac;v,
l'r BI..NJAM1.VI N. Ci-iWA
rrilE Subscrilrs having .jnhastxl the rtlit for
v uding and using .,. ai.. valnabl.. itiven-
lion, for Noilliuuir.ianj Coulv 0.r ,,,p0.e
of the same to, persons who may desire lo purchase.
1 he ahot ,. jhVl mi,, j4 i ow in oe ration al the saw
null of Mr. M'Carly, near Sunbury, wlttte it can
inspected by owners of saw nulls and all others
interested. ... E. GOB1N,
March 27. if. - SAMUEL GOBIN.
ISrass Clocks,
l or III Dollar,
I?4 V'.l . fr lime In obi mid by Ch-k Fid
f lum fur f'ib, for sale by
March 1J.
I.lvri' C'nnilalnl.
Cure it by l)r, llrlich't Compound Strengthen
inv unil Amrii-nl I'tlln.
Pa., entirely cured of' the above distressing
tlisease. Jlis symptoms were pain and Weight in
the It It side, lost of appetite, vomiting, acrid eruc
larions, a distension of the stomach, sit k headache,
furtcd tonguo, rttunlctunce rhanrred to cilroti
eohir.dimculty ol breathing, dirfurbed rest, atten
ded with a counh, great debility, with other aym
loms indicotitig great derangement or the functions
of the liver. Mr. Kichanls had Hit advice of several
physicians, but iect'ird ho relief, until Using Dr.
HARI.ICH'S Medicine, which terminated in ef
fect cute.
Street, Philadelphia.
Feb. 10, 1848. Agent.
CoilMlllllllloll UIHl ICltlt
Y HI! most assured y bo (he fate of those who
neglect themselves when afllicted with Ihe
prrmoni'nry symptoms of consumption, as a Cold,
Cough, Bronchitis, or Soreness of the Throat-,
Hoarseness, DilTicull :x pectin .ition, Asthma, Spit,
ting of Blood, Ac. Dr. Uiiscah's rtA roasst
Klmciit is expressly ),repaied for the removal bud
cure of Ih'se dangerous ond (rouhlesome diseases
Tlien fotc. ynu w ho sre tailoring under the iiiflu
ence nf these complaints, procuie immediately this
medic'tie before il be too late, ( Kg Botti.k' tnay
be the means nf iiriilonpinp your life. Altvnvs ask
i lor Dr. Di-ivrA!'s Expmtohast R, and see
I lhat you get it, mid not be persuaded by smne who
j sell d lleietit medicines to lake some ol their medi.
: cine in preference. 'These prrons obtain soma
1 cheap thing, and palm it on the public at full price.
; It is therefore important far purchasers to be on
their gii-ird.
Dr. Jti vi-n's ExrrcTotiAvr RrMrnr is put
, up in I irge si.e bott:es, and mvcloped in blue pa
i per. 'The outer form contains a fine steel plale en.
graving rej rest ntiug "7" in It Worm." Piice fl
' per biittie.
j Piincipal Oiucc 10 North Einhlh Street, Phila
delpliia. Also for side nl the Store of
Fe'.. 12. 1811. AumU
tfy vi.i nl Ten ViaisMiiiuliii.
j I AM truly happy lo sta c to lb" ntlhrted conuiiu
1 ni'v that a member -of my fjmily was nlllicted
for It'll or twelve years with the above disliessing
1 tlisia-e. The symptoms were great oppressi,,n af
: ter eating, ueidily at the stomach, a severe pain in
j the side and breast, sick headache, mental despon-
dc irvy, with o''ner symptoms, during which lime
numerous r nn tin s weie procured without ol t iiri
imr linn h relief. Having heard ol the g,j,.d ellVels
ot Dr. Il tiit.ii u"s ;ompouml Strengthening and
Germ in Apeiienl Pills, I Was iudbred to give them
a, w l.ii h I nm hipv to state that bv using
one li.ix nf the Ocrm in Aperient Tills, accompa
nied by the Strei ptheninp 'Tonic Pills, that they
have ire.i'lv (-.radical-d the disee. 1 consider it
tine lo those ul'llicud that I make this acknowledg
ment, thai they may hkcwisc procure the same in
valuable medicine, and hi fried frorn those distres
sing disea-es. ith pratitade and re-pect,
WM. M. sl'E.Ml.N'o. 12.') Old Vork Ro.vl.
Foi sale at No l'J Norih Eighth strort, PhilaJ,
ond at tire store of
IVh. 5. isii. Aiit.
I'iK s llinl.
y tin lire of l)r. Ilnrlieli's Coutpimnil Strength'
tiling tiud thrman Aperient I'illt.
u lltiiin il, Dear Sir: Shortly alter I re
ceived lite Agincy from you lor the sale of
your nredicinr, I lormcd an acquaintance with
lady nf Ibis place, who w,,s severely all'iicled wi ll
the Pins. For eight or ten years this lady was
subject to frequent painful attai-ks, and her phv-.i-ciau
considered her case so complicated, tbsl he ve
ry sildom prcscnlied nirdiciiie for hi r. Throucti
my n r.-u isioii, she comuienced Using yuur Pills,
' and was perfectly cured. Ynurs, Ac.
j Or. :l, H10. Chimbersburii, Pa.
Odiceand General Depot, No 10 North Eighth
I J in. 20th, If 12. .4yr.ii.
, li. IIiiim tin's l'M' forant Ki iiu
!y slamN lloul'
"TROM the lunck Syrusand Paragork Com
' pounds which have ot late become a buiden
lo the public hehh, ami a suspension to ihe purse.
Why is it th it ihe.-e medicine are taken repeated
ly by the sick w ithnut mnoving the complaint in
question 1 The reason is plain and simple, viz:
Because fhey ute composed chierly of opium and
its spiritual preparations which acts on the system
as a poweiful stimulating anodyne, and by using
rrp, stfllv, the system Incomes habituated to its
narcotic influence, as uf those who are given to
'This fact his become apparent to thousands who
have ixpt rienccd the fatal effects of such med'einra,
and commenced using Dr. DvacASi' Exrtcro
a a t Kemtut, which is entirely free from opium
and all other poisonous ingredients, and is used
with perfect sifaly ly all under any circumstances.
It immedi.ili Iv relieve ihe distressing cough
strengthens and invigorates the nervous system,
causing the tcttl. d contagious matter to leave its
hold lr.,m the lungs, and be tlischsrgid by the pow
er of Expectoiation. Unless this is done, the lungs
will soon become contaminated from noxious mat
ter, and ulcerate, and fail a prey to the fatul worm
Consumption. Price 1 pn buttle.
For sale at No. 10 N'nf.h Elyhth street, Phila
delphia. Also at t'ie st re of
Jan. 22.1, 1S42. .4;';i.
4 oiiMitiiDliou iiinl ItUi-diu: ill tlio
l-iuiU iiicd,
Ri the ur o fl'r. Ihuicans F.rti cturitnl II erne d
ISS EMII.INE VEAGER, aged 17 years,
was taken when al the sgn of si teen wntj
a sbglit cold, which she neglected until the lung
fell a prey to that setking ilestroytr, consumption,
when apphrntiou to a p! wag made, but to
no clltx-L He considered hec dose a hopeless one.
and pn sciihid but lutle uiodiciTie ,or l-r. In the
meantime she disehargvj greV quantities of blood,
wi'h much expcvlor;,,-.,,,, ol- ,,,.1 ( tilgni and
cough. Her bod.;;-, irnue at length b. came reduec.I
to a living skc'.tfMn" Her hist was anxiously looked
for l y Uer iiiends, thai her sutiertngs might end by
the pang,! f ,), atrii During the tune her phyi:iui
frtqoeiaiy calletl, and as the lust resource, deU rini
' .o to ti-si the vir'ues of Dr. Dim am 's Exi te ro
iiaxt RrviniT. tniving noticed some exliaordinury
cure perl itiinrl by the medicine in similar eases
He at once obtained two bottles and udmtniiU'redj
it lo her. 'The foiwth day ho lound earns change-,
whit h g tve hopes. He continued giving ihe medi
cine for eighteen days ; at lhat time she was render
ed able lo be walking in her bed chamber, lo th
ast-inishmeul of her friends and relatives. She con
tinued using the medicine for eight wetks, when
she d.c'ared herself entirely free from disease ami
pain, and now pursues her daily occupation in -er-ii-ct
A small pnmph'et accompAnies this medicine,
w hich gives a full description of diseases, Ihe man
m r ol treatment, Ac. Ac For sale in Sunbury, at
the store i f HENRV YOXTHEIMER.
TK i Tll WILL F J!F VI i L,
Dr. Harlnh's medicines are daily increasing in
public favor, and want fiom tny but a fair trial lo
establish their worth. e have a communication
in our columns to-diy fiom a person long atlliclvJ.
wiiich is buiotiool many vouchcs for this meJi'
cine. Spo il uf the 'filing.