II AX 11 ivOTE LI8T. PEWS1XTAXIA. The flowing hai shows lln cum nl value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Notre. The nwl implicit fo il in r may be placed upon it, it Uevrryvntk run-fully compared with 11 d corrected from Hi k Hell's Reporter. Banks in riiuaticipiiiii. Kami. Location. NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . , Hank of iho Northern Libertios . Bank of Pennivlvanh , , Bank of Pe nn Township , , Commercial Bunk of Penn'a. . , Fam er' and Mechanics' Bank . Oj-ard Bunk , Kensington Bank . . Mm u'ncturers' & Mechanics' Bunk Mechanics' Brink . Movamcnaing Br,k . , J hitadelpiiia BorA Ikill Bank Soiithnrark Bank W'csiern Bank . , . Diec. t Painn. pur rr dosed . p-r par . C'ox'd . pr par . par r-' par pjr . p.U par Country Bo ilk a. Bank of Pi'trburg Pi'lsbutg W jtchesfct Chester Ccimantown LcwiMowu MidJIctown Noiiii'nwn pir pt:r par par I Bank of Cherter Connty Bank of Delaware County Bnk of Germnntowu Bank of J.ewistnwn Pack ( f Middlctown Bai.k of Montgomery Co. R .iik of Northumberland par N. ithumltiljt d pit Reiki County Hank iltaJing i u 1 Columbia Bank & Bridge co. Columbia par i pur par par n par pat par par par par jar par par Carlisle. Bank Carlisle Doylestown Bmk Enson Bni.k Ex.-hange Bonk Do dn brunch of Dnylestowo Esston rittuburr 'Hnlhdaysburg FarmrW Bonk of Bucks co Brblol Farmers' B.'tik nf Lancaster Lancaster Futnifis' Bank nf heading Hariisbutg Bank Lmcnrer Bank 1. chorion Bank Merchants' & Monof. Bank Miners' Bank of Putteviile Northampton Bank Towrnr.de. Bank Writ Braneh Back Wyoming Bank Cilice of Bank uf Pcriti'e. Office do do Office do do Office, do do Reading Harrisburg Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Puttaville Allentown 1V.vrai.da Williamaport Wikesborrc par Harrisbutg! Theic Lancialer 1 offices Reading J Jo not Easton J itauen. I 1 8 CO U N T. NOTES AT Bank of the United States Philadelphia ClT.ce of Bank of U. 8. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do da do New Brigbtun Kensington Sav. Ins. A do Pf nn Township Sav. Ina. do Bunk of Chamber-diurg Chambersburg Bnr.k of Gettysburg Gittytl u g Bank of SuFquehanna Co. Montrose Eric Bark Erin Farmer' & Drovers' Bank Waynrshurg Fiaukliu B.ink Wuahingioa Hjiieedale B.rk Honesdale Moi crgihclo Bank of B. Eronnsville Vork bank York n n i n N. B. The notra of those banki on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) arc not purchased by the Philadelphia broker, with the exception of thoae which have a teller of r.fert rice. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia 8a. In. Philadt lj-hia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do f.ilid fchulkll Sav. Ins. do f .ileJ .Vn.ual Labor Bank (T. W Dyott, prop.) failed Ailci-hany Bank tf Pa. Bedford no aale Bark ol Beaver 15ni. i of fcivnlara Bank of Wuahinctoa Centre Bank City Bank Vurmera' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Fai rm is' & Mech'ca' Bui.k Hatmony Institute lluntingdon Bank Juninta Bank Lumbermen's Lt.nk Northern B.ink cf i'u. New Hope Dil. BriJge Co. Nortliumb'd Union Col. Bk. North Westirn Bi.ik of Pa. Othce of Srliulki!l Bank I'a. Ayr. & Mjnuf. Bank Silver L.ike Bank Union Bar k of i'enn'a. Beuver clou d II irriburg clmed 'al.ii.gton failed Belli fonts iK ai J P.tubuig no fi'e Pittsburg t'ui'eJ Fayette co. faileil ('nenrast e fuilid llarn.oi.y no rale HuntingJon i o tale l.eni.iowti noajle Wanen failed UunJulV no mc New llo-e clokCd Milton no tale Meadtille iunl PortCuibon fuilid Carli.le faib d Montusa cloud Uniiniown fiultd lr.n:!urg cLtcd Wilkitbane nomle W etmoreiantl Bank NV'ilkrsharre Bridge Co, 03 All notes puipoiting to be on any Pennyl vaiiiu Bank not given in the above tut, may bo set Jowu ts frauds. KEW JEHSRY. Bank of New tttuosveick Brunawick Bt Kideie Unr.k Belvkleie Burlington Co. Bank Medford Cominticial Bank Ptrili Amboy Cumberland Bank Bridgelon fai'id 2pm tar 1 1 m par Farraors' Bnk Mount Holly par Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk Rahwav l m Forewrs' and M rein nice' Bk N. Biunawick failed Farmers and Mechanict' Bk Middlelown Pi. 1pm Fiaitklin Bark of N.J. Jerey City failed llotiAen likg& urazmg lo Hob,, ken Jersey City Un.k Jersey City ?lcl. nits' B..nk Patteraon Munufadur, r' B.mk Belleville Morn Conpany Bairk Morrisiun Monmouth Bk of N.J. Freehold Micliuruis 13ank Newjik Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris ("anal and Bkg Co Jeisiy City Pott Nolea lail.,1 failed fail, d failed par fail. U S)tn pi no t .lu Newark Bkg &. Ins Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co Lamdeitaville N. J. Manufac. ai d Bkg Co Hotoken spm p..r failed 1 1 led 1 1 in fallld S.m par I'" V, in f , in C,m Elicit la 1 1, tl IJpn Vpr !, fo.i, .; N J Piotectton it Lombard Ik Jersey C'i'y Orunge B..nk Orange . I'aterson Bank Vateiaou I'eoples' Bank dJ Princeton Bank Fritircton Saltm Banking Co SJt ui bute Bank Newark Utaie Bunk Liileiliio n taie Bunk Cmdiii Btate Bank of Morria MuTiiston Mate Bank Tr. nton ttalem and Philad Mantf Co fa'rin tunaei Bunk Nr a ton Trenton Banking Cu Trer ton Union Bar.k linn r VVa.b.inr. ton Banking Co. .laikeoaaik DIX.1WARL, l.'k of Wilm & Draudyeiiu Wi mirgtow pur t'ai.k cf Delaware V'ikmngtxn par itank of 8.nyma Smyrna par Do branch Millord par I'aroier.' Bk cf Biaie of Del Doter pai Do branch . ilmington psi Do brunch Ceorgitown par I)o biauib Newcatl par L'taaBi Bnk . Wilmington par ty UwJer fi'e Oj' On all banks marked thus (M there are ei ther coonurfeit or eltered aoiee of toe various oV uominauou, ia cirruUtaon. CITY AUCTION AND COMmiSSION STORE. Ifumler 89 North Third Street, PhiLirittph'ia UBI.IC MALES of Dry Cooda, Hardware and Cutlery, Book. Stationary, Clothing;, boots, 8hos and Ha'n, n,l In bort olmol f-vpry descrip'inn of goods, are beld at this establishment every evening Good are aluo sold nt privato aalr during tha day at the tx'ragp auction price. Htnre keepers and uaJera will find it to their advantage by attending the aah a. C.C. MACK BY, Auctioneer. Thllad. Iplda. Nove mbu 13. 1641. 1y. eTe 3. IrSEDArL., Wholesale Variety nd Trimming Store Ao. 44. iVorM Fourth tirnr Archtt., Philadelphia- WIIERU Country Merchants rd others can he mil plitd. at nil iiine, wiih a large aaoortmrnt of lloiiirv. fSlnvoif, Merino, Cotton, nnd Woolen Chills anil Dtaei, Spool Cotton. Patent Thread. Cot'ori Cor,, Buttonf, 'i'apra. Bindings. Hooks and Eves, Pins. &c. And a (jenernl varl, ty of nee ful anclts, which ho otf.'ia for cale at the lowest pliers, Philadelphia. Nnveirhet 13. 1911. ly. 5nX2 cfRbjlCSGSag, oa.it.KAi. riHir.Tt aionv, iVo. 34 Koi'h Fvurth tt., vr.Cer Merchant' AVtf. PHILADELPHIA. TgTVTIir.nK ('ot'.ntry Mi rch n ts on I f inpplied y with on extenvive variety of cl.OTe ailicles in bis line, upon the most rraronuble ttrnn. Nov. Cth 1 P4 1 1 v McCAL&A &. HEIISB No 51, Aorlli Second Klrctt, (coBXtn ot coomb's alls r.) Where they constantly keep on hand a gcu r d assortment of CIiOTHS, CABEIMrEE3, VESTIirOG, Irin' a grtut tcritty of urticltt nf a ruptrv r quality, which they i fl'or to dispone of upon the mrat testonnble tirms. COUNTRY MEKCHANTS and others wil find it to their advantage to call and examine their etnek before purchasing eUewlic:e. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1S4 I. ly A JsrjLi:riii ASsoituii:. r or UST arrived from the city of Philadelphia, and far sale, nt the inont reduced t rices, f, .r c.ih, at the new stoie fuimeily kept by John Bognr, as follows I Clothing uf all soil and sizes, audi as Warm Oveicoat. Coollees. PiinlahM'iia, Vests. A;c. Alan, a largit asrtment of Fine Calf rkiu and Wa terproof Boots, Ladies' Late ltool, and a varirty of other Boota and (shoes for the winter, trimmed and untrimmcd Gum Shoe, and Men's, Bovs'aud C'hil dreti's Shoes, of ull sir.es. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Soul urv Oi I. 30th 1 84 ! . if. MRS. BOLTON, ESI'ECTrULL Y informs her friends and the public gcnera'lv, that -be continue to keep that well known Tavern Stand in Market btrtet, Suribury, aign of tho formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by endeavoring to conduct the cita!li4,mrnt in a manner to give s i'inlaction to all, hopes to incut a Itueial .liaie ofpnlilic pntionBge. urduiry, Oclol. r dill, 1841. MALEIKA WLrJ.Fiit ualny Muoicia Wiie, tor s-ile low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASTER, FOUIiTH PKLMIF BRANDY. A genuine article nlwavs nn hund and for sale by r-ept. 1, i4l. 11. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best quality ulways on hund and for sale by Sept. I, 1541. II. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SL'GAU. Alae on hand and for sale by s.pt. 1, lfcll. H. B. MASTER, NEW ORLEANS frUGAR HOLsE Mu LAmE. Oi thu Ut quality always on hand ot d fir ulv by Sept. 1, 1S41. H. B. MA?SER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, for sale lowby Sept. 1,1841. H. B.MAS.ER. (KEEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwnv s on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. COFFI E. Java, liio and I.aguira Coffee, con atantly on h:nid and fur tale by Sept. 1, IG4 1. 11. B. MASSER. bTER.M OIL. W inter and Summer straintd Spurn Oil, of lire beat quality, always on hanJ and for sale l y Sept I, 1641. H. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cum and BlUtei Steil, for sale by S,tt. 1.IS41. H.B. MASSEU. IRISH SALMON. Ot the boat quality, con sternly on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1641. II. B. MASSER. Llt.'OhS. Ol all kinds and of the let quali ties, alvvava on hand and for aale by Sept. I. 1641. H.B. MASSER. SI'LINU STEEL. Of various sites for Eliptir b'l rings, for sale by Hi-1 1. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. LARGE QUA RIO BIBLES. For sale at very reduced pricts by Sept. I. 1641. H. 11. MASSER. BLANK ROOKS. tit all kinds, for sale by fci.pt. I. le-41. II. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. Bom's, Mortgages, &r. for sale by Sept. I. 1841. II. H. M ASSER. Jl.'S'l It'ES' BLANKS. for sale by S.pi. 1. I4I. II. 11. MASSER. LOTH!. Blue. Blick. Invisible Grtcn. Au. , for t le by sept. i. i4t. H. tt. m ssr.R. I I I'AMMMFHES AND SA I 1 IN LTTS. For ! tat. t t 'o- t v t b. , I si 1. II. B. MASTER C I.CETING. For ssle cheap -v S.t i. I. 1S41. II B. MASSER. bl. N li ETS For kale chrai I y S. i. '.. l. H. M ASSER. VNt'LKCHED Mt sl INS. For sik. by Sept j. ifrjji. H. B. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COTToN LAPS For sal.1 by Spj. I, IS4I. II. DMASSER HEM P AND COTTON TWINE. For sle by Sept. I. 1841. 11. U. MASSER 'J't i v ING LINES, C0KD8 AND KOPE8. For sle bv r-.pt. t, lfitl. II. B. MASSER. SIMFS01T & r) F.SPECTFUI.LY inform the eititens of Sun- bury and vicinity, ihst tbey have tnk n the Shop Intily occupied by Wjn. burst, where they will carry on the TAXZ.OHXXTO EDsnrrBS, in all its various branches. By sliict attmtion and reasonable chuiges, they expect to metit a share of public patronnge. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 1841. LIST OF BOOXtSL 'OH SALli ' ANTIION'S f'hissiciil Dictionary; Lemprier'a do.( A inp worth's do; Cobb's do.; English and fJeiman do.; Anthnn'a Cvsar; Ambon's (irammer; Anthen'a Ciceio; Mait'n La in Reader; Ogill y's do.; Andiew'a Latin Lcfsiif; 1), nmgati's Lexicon; F'rk'a Greik Exercisea; Davie 'a Ltfrndi'i; Crnrra M(or;i; Adams's Roman Antiquities Pinuock's Coidmnith's F.i gl nil; do. dene; Lj ell's Lhrnrtit nf Geology; Mi. Lincoln's Uotnrn: Kh menls of Botany; Bridge's Algilra; Purler's Rhi toiicnl Rea der''; Eimrson's fieouraby and lli-loi; Oil ey's d.i; Parley's do.; Smith' (irainmpi: Kirkhnrn's do.: Kiix'h Reaihrs; Coil's do.; dbli'a Aritbn.eiirk; IM.e's d.i ; Einr rsoti's do.; Ci.l h's Spi lling Books; Town's do.; V, bb's Table Bokp; Exani lical Fa mii'y Lilnan; Ctittnge Bible'; Fami'y do; Colb.n r ol do.; m,ll Billea and 'l'et iment; l'aike,' Ev en i-es on Compositioi.; Fruit of i lie Spirit; llaxiei's H iiit's Ri; Aii.rriran IJ, vohilior ; Manyatt's No Vi It; Mis. Phelps on C:,r iiiistiv ; Ili..il; t'ati'. bii-ui of American I.nui; l.eitrrson Natural Mauir; Che inistiy for Beginner.; EiikIIi Exercikta uilapted to Murray's lir.iininer; Bi quel to Comb v's Spelling Book; American Class Book; Daboll's Sclioolmns tei's Ae-ilniit; A rre.it variety of Blank Books, cVc. Ai guM 28, 141. M i.ilH ol Aafiiif.'. IN a stile ol hin ib ihe intetinul canil may le eompaied to a m cr v. hone Wateia flow over tbesd joining land, thiou(4li the (Imunels tiotme or art baa made, and improvt ll.e,r (lUalilics mid to kci n up the conij prison ,, the nvi r, no loll" n it mriK ' on smoothly the chnmuls aie kept pine ui,d hculibv ; but if by some cnu t the toutm- ol the river i Hop- peit, tlieu ttu w i.tor in tlu iktii!ila u long, r inc. but i-oon beconn' Mngni.nt. Tliere is but one law of circulation in rooiwe. When tin re Is a supei abunilunee of huinorial tUiid (atrocity) in the intes tinal tubt-a, and co.-tivei i s.- takes pine, it fi v.s bark into the bloo I vtsrpls, and infilirates il'eli in to tin; circulation. To eitjbli h the lice Courmt of the river, we must remove ll.n ot at nn lions which stop lis free couit. ,nl tho e ol its tributary stream. iih the body, follow il.e same natural principal ; r move, ly lli.it m-ooble urcalive meilieirie Urmi diethj Unrtjfc 1 1 etub!c l'Uh, which are an ef I"' ctual assist ince of natuie, Ihe su er ibundance nf bumnra in the intestine iNnal. By per.-eterii.g in this practice, the ways of the circulation will thi n be lostored to tbc full ex rcise nf their mlural func tions, and a Flute ol heaitli will be fnnily fHahlnh ed lienirtiibtT, never r-nllir a drop ol blood to l e taken from voir Evacuate the hiiunirs as oftrn and a long u tiiey are dege ne r&icd, or as long as you are u k. Dr. Brandirth's Office in Philadelphia, is st No. 8. NORTH EKiHIII ktu-et. where his pills can le had at S5 cents per box, with full directions. (Jj 'nly aiicnt in Sunl,ury, is 11. B. Matscr Ertjr. Sunbuiy, Sept. 4, 1841. ATTENTION, j . siiiN i: x j o i: s , REljl'ESTS the attention of his country friends who are in want, lo bis verv large stock of f 'urr,i.tinu Oil Cloths. Mattionri. I.'iht Tt iii(tnnTd. Stair RoJs, cVc, eVc, tbat lie has just tipiind, at bis waiehouses, No. It) North Sd ttrei t. and Nn. 2 Church Alley, next door to I hnst t tiurcli, I Inla delphia. ' Jul, ;M. IU4I. ly. JACOB ttXAHTIN, Comniissioii and l"rarllng MEB.CU.aiMT, IT5 77V: t .r&-sr"i 1"ESPECTFI LEY inform his frienda and the Mrrehants Lent ra'lv, that he eontinuiH the v'omiiii.-kion at d Forwarding Business-, at l.iswan- house, foot uf Widow at. Kaitmad, I'cliwaic uud lichuvlsitt. Merchants hnvlni goods to I e h ppe.l, will find it much to their ailvmitaiie, as to tune and puns of fitighl. to smJ their mmhbnilise to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow utret-l Ruilroiid, as ibty can then be sent rither route, by the 'Fide uier Canal, oi Schuylkill and 1 i Ion Canals, as boats will arrive and deport d ily for tbe Juniata nnd Su.quehanuu Canals by Tule-wiilt r in tow of steam, or via Scbuylk.lt and Union Canals from Fairuiuunt .lain. Merchants wdl pleaso he prrtieular to r-erd all gootls desiinrd for e.'.l er route, to the large Di pot. Ci.riur of Front and M How- c.lreM Raihond, with directions accompanying them, which route they wish tr,em lo I sliu rcil. Coutse and fuui Salt and Fia'ter at wholesale prices, on the Delaware or Schuvlkill. Pl.ilailelplnn. Juie . IK'll - ty. JCH1TJS ?r, C"Jl:irC:iTG3. WHOLESALE MI OB, BONNET, Cap Brio' Putin Leaf lint Slurr. No. 10 Sooth 4m STar.rr. PHILADELPHIA. "7HERE an eitu.siv aiortmeni of ihe aloe brticles are c n.btantly kept on hand, for ulr at the most reasonuble tormu. May 29, 1841.- Iv. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 H K 1 A T KICK &. SO a, No. 21. North Third ttrttt, (ritweex maiirkt ion CIIISSCT aTBEtTt.) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for ade a large and exctllent afOilmenl of SdohuA J.icj, rj"a Kirt, Taimeri' Oil, J(C., at the lowi kt maiket price, eitl.f t for cash, U exchange for Leather, or upon ciedtt. Coo. icnnn nts of Leather received lor a ile, oi purchased at the hint.fst maikel price. Q3 l.eaiht r ktoieil tree ol marge, April 17. 1811. I. v. SELF-ADJUSTING LOG BUACE TOR 8 A W.MILLS. Br BkSAtiii N. CrsMWA. rPliE Subscrilers having purchsMtl the light for I vending and liking the aliove valuable inven tion, for NorihuuihejUud County, ofli'i to dispose of the sam to ptrscms who msy deire lo purchase. Tbe al ove invi mioii ia now in ojieiatinn at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, near bunbury, w here it can be inspected by owntrs uf mw mills and all utliei interested. E. GoBIN, March 27. tf. SAMUEL GOBIN. W ARIl A N TED Brass Clocks, l or i:t Dollars, EQUAL for time io any ti ly Clock Pt'l Ian for fid, for sale by March ii. H. B. MASSER. AN unparelleled remedy for commnn Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, leading to consumption I composed of tbe concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bon sit, Blord Root, Liverwort and several other vegi table substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wissluw, Rochester, New York. The Innocence and nniversaltv admitted iiecloral viituea of the Heibs from which the Duham of llorihuvnd is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is tbeiefore only necessa ry to oberve that this Medicine contains the whole of their Muhc nal properties, highly concentrated, aid so happily combined with stveial other vege table suba'ances, as to render it the most siieedy, mild and certain nnndy, now in u.-e, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflnmmntion and "re nts'" of the Lungs, loosens tnunh visiil phli -in, cn abluig the patient to expectorate wiih ease and fiee doin, as.'uages cough, relit ves atlimatic and ditli etilt respiration, heals the injured nrN, opens the pnree, nnd composes the disturbed nerves, and gir strtiiuih to tbc tinder lunw, urnl thus produces a I ecdy and la-ting euie. Ivmt atitcm: is no u vt i ni mi- ix M. We are not ninur g that class of Ivbtois who f,,r a few tlol'ais will, (at the cxper.se of troth and fio nesiy) "cmk up" an article and brinu it into rapid sale; neiiber aie we wilbrg to lemain silent, nfnr having tesied the utiH'y of an in rovemei.t i r di coveiy in science or ait. Our readers w ill recollect we told them we were tiiiwi II wi b a sore throat and violent did some lew week" aeo. Well, we pur chase,! iwn bottles of INFLOW'S BALSAM OF IIOREHOI N D, and so snddi n was the cure, that wu forgot wu ctrr lis, I a eo'd. Tho-c who air ulllicted, limy tiV it upon our n eonur iliilal:on. -- .( -.eiftii" Tflrfrrnj.il. For side by HENRY Y OX THE I XI KR, Sunburn, JACOB BRUill'F, .ortiiiliil,rrluti(. AUo, ly Dius'uisis geuer.lly throuihoui the country. Qf' Price, .'ill cints per bolile. Atittusl 1 4 Hi, 1811. Ij. 17AY6, ELLiOT, liYON & OCSII. Ytlrok-KaU- Ilal i. In Foreign, Itritish anil ,1m,rieun Dry ti'omh. No. 'Z North Tkiiiu S'i iu i i , Pin i.a i i i-hi t C"M)UNTRY Menbants can be suppl ed nl nil -' times w ill. an extensive .issoiin i nl of l lit- ubovc Goods, on tbe n.ost ii-.is. i.able i.i.d atisfaelory terms. Msy 2U, 1841. ly. this maciilm: auai.n.st tiii; woki.ii. IMPOItTANT TO FAnMEBS, AY EN PORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine pud 11 one Power, uhich llne.-his and cleans ut ihe same tune an invention for w hirh I' armers have long looked in vain, und w bicli renders the above machine pcilict and pal fiinhir ini'ioviTnent. Those w bo lime I cen w siting for something better than I ctclofoie olh red lor sale, will find this to be tbe article. Come no it and fudge lor yourselves. Ihe subscriber have purchastd the right or I lie above Machine und Horse Power, for the coun ties of No H Til l M 11 F. R LA II, I.VCOMIM., CLINTON, and U.iion and also, the privileges ol vending them in any other plat es for whicti the right has nut been ineviomly sold. The adviiulagts which this Mai Line has our ull others invented aie many and ol vieus. One boy and three men can do all ibe tliriahiog and eh aning ol if0 bushels of wheal in one day ai d this usually takes seven hands one day und three the lu ll. For field threshing it t ikes the b ad of anything in Ihia woild no grain is tcutnred oi los't. Such is ihe superiority of the Horse Poner, lhat three horses can thresh as much with it as four can with any other. The Machines and Horse Power will 1c sold toeelher or sepcrate, to suit uichast rs. Made and sold in Mll'.oli.bv the sul acribers. WM. WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FRIC'K. Milton, Apiil 17, 1811. I MtKi O.V.TIiWJ.l THKV. j THRESHING & WINNOWING MA HINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport's Pad nl : Threshing arid Winnow ing Marl ines, and lii g . repeatedly called Uioii for our opinion in regard to, iheir value, durabiluy and advantages, we make, I free to stute, lhat they rxcied in our opinion, any Threkh ng Machine we evir before witnessed in j use. They will thresh and clean, fit f,r market ! 200 bushiis of XYheul er day, and this with the aid of three hands besides the driver. Tl e Straw ! is passtd off from the grain on an incline plane, ex- ' tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce-j ly a grain la lost. W hat is of some importance j and greatly so, is the tact lhat no dust passes from the Machine lo the man who feeds it. Tbe Horse iiower seems lo lie perfection itself three. hores j may work it w ith ease and their fastest uait need , only be the ordinaiy (longh gait. We most ! cheerfully rt commend tbe Mai hine to Farmer ; they aie manufactured in Milion by Messrs. XX'elch J Pomp and Fink. PHILIP HII.GEKT. ; JOHN B HEELER- Chilisquaque tsbp., Norih'd co, Maich 20, 1841. ' BRADY'S HOTEL. UA.WILLi:, COM SIItlA C'UIWTY, i'r link) IvmuIu. THE SUBSCRIBER .cspeetfully informs the public, that he has removed from ihe town of ('utlawiMi to Danville, and that he ha purchased in lhat place, the Large and CoinimA'wus II H I C Iv. II II I M U AT THE CoHSIR Of MILL A Ml MAIIKET STRILTS, COppimiU the Court-lloute.J a4 W liich lie has lilted up by Ihe erection V.l"' "r ADDITION AL BUILDINGS, and '"il extensive M'AHI.ING. for the f-'uer- -Iti, ..- ...j . e- it i t':... -vi'imrill .' J ruroicif uau ifuvio. ., . , " .a He is now prepared to accommoda e all who may e l- :.L-"-ll -.11- II .-.!.-- lavor mm w un a can, anti nr wnuia ii.ie inn nis ... ' t n i i .-. i i l thinii in bispower shall be It II l ndone, 10 lender his lnl thl n.u. cusloriHTs confutable and hu py while undt I his caie. HisucconinKxIatioiis are ample, and his room turuikhed in modern style, and lite proprietor is tie-leftnim-d thai his rslablishmrnl shall sustain ami keep up with the (trow ing reputation and impoi lance of the town in which it ia located. Ilia 'Fas is will he supplied with every luxury of the season, ami the text in id chnicett variety the market tan afford. His Bar will l stored with all thtbttt nrttf'm that tan be furninhtd by our cities, and the whole will be biicti us lo give u. faction lo every one, Well knowing thai an enlightened public will always judge f, litem elves, tic leela confident thai they will la voi linn w ith iheir p. ironsga. SAM I LL A. BRADY. ranville, Jan. 30, I IMPORTANT io rilllE Undersigned take pleasure in submitting JL lo the pub ic the following Recommendations of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill and Grain Duller fo all dealers In Grain and manufactora of Flour, be lieving it to be auprrior to any thing of the kind ever oil", red to the public. All ordcra addressed to Cid. J. M'Faddeii, Lewisburir, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEEER SQUIRE, JACKSON M FADDIN. I KK Til t c.i r:.- ,Vrf' Mill. Centre Co., March M, 1841. J. M'Faiihih Sir : I cheerfully testify to the gooi'ne'a nnd d, liability of Pratl's ('est Iron Smut Mill aril Grain Holier, as being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning uf smul and all other impurities lhat I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a greM many years, and have alw avs tried to hnve ihe best apparatus for manufacturing lhat could be got, and do say that the above machine is the btat apparatus I lelieve now in tup. Jnii-t Mu itk. Hhxmmburg, Dee. SG, 1840. Col.J. M'Faiiiiis Sir: (ii reply to your fevor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fuel of my having introduced into each of tho four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratl's Casl Iron Smut Mills, ia t'ie best evidence I can pile you of iheir ulihlv, Yours Irolv, V. M-Kni.vr. Mill-m, March 17. 18 1 1. J. M'Ftimis Sin : I do heiebv certify without any bet latioii. that Pratl's Smut Mill and (train Duller i the most cifect machine to clc use urain ol smut and nil other imperfections, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen ull the kinds thai are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is i.nthing of the kind ever been invented that will cine in competition with it, Gio. Eckiiit. (.'ol. J. M-Faiiiun Sim : Dur ng ihe i ast 24 veils I have been con-tanlly enjicid in mnnufac lin ing llour, and during the last Vi j ears have In en the owiiirnf a grist and flomir.g mill, nnd arm tig all the contrivances to remove impurities fi-.m (iraiii I am decidedly of ihe opinion that Pratl's iron ma (biie is superior lo any with wbirh I am iicipi iint ed, having used one in my null about ligbieen mouths. I'u mimiii K II mi, Ui W.Ve MM. Dee., ImIO. I want in mv flouring mi. I us toid an .i pir iius lo prepare grain for (louring, as the brl. and I want no better tlinn Prill's Cost Iron Smut XI ill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Ci i oiiv. Stuiliuri, Dtcember 22, le-ln. Col.. .1. XI'FtiiiUN Si n : I have in mv mill one of Pratt' cast nnd wiouglit iron spiral Smul Mill and Grain Duller, ami am coufidetit thai in icgnid lo simplici'y of construction, nnd durabiliiy ol mate, rial, it is sueiior to any I am .icip.uinted wi ll. IIi.vhi Massmi. limrt;p .1A, Dec. 22, If 10. Cut.. .1. M'Faihhi Sin: I have inn y flourini! mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Sp ral Smut Mills, and I am decidedly ol the opinion that it is the liesl machine t, prepure grain lor Homing lhat I am ac quainted with, and as such cheerfully reci'Uin.end it to till who aie engaged in the manufacture ol llour. JaI Oil I.I 1-lMIIMi. Atirmitliiiris, Marth 2:!, IS II. Col. J. M'Faiihis Sir : I lake pleasure in say ing that Piatt's (Vt !i"ii Smut Nl ill is one of the lust iinpiovi mi'iits fi.r the cleaning of gram of all kinds, that has yet come undtr mv observation, nnd ihat I believe it far supeiior to any thing of the kind ever iuvi nn d. You mny use my name in any way you think piopei. O. P. Di m an. Viilon M,'l. Jin. 1 1. It'll. Tl is is to ccrlifv tbut I have had Piali' Cist and wrought iron Smut Machine and Oiain Duller in I use for U'tier than 12 months, and find it lo answer j every purpose thai it was intended lor. So.ui can be taken nut of wheal I believe eveiy particle of it can be taken out without hicakinn the grawi ol j tbc wheat. Jnn- Plam k. Aiirifinbim;, M iieh 2:t, l4l. I i'.it M.l'.i.i.i vShi I ItitVa Iti'cfi riiiMiiM iI in 1 niHiiutaetuiinn Sunei fine Flour for mnnv Mars, and have .it tins tune one ot Trail s niuul .vims in eucu of my mills, and I do hert by recomuu i d I hem as the most valuable improvement for cleaning wbent ol smul and all otlrcr impurities, lhat I am -.icqutiiuted vith. JaMI'S DlM'AN. 1 Coi. M FAtini! Sin : I have been engtigid in ' tbe itinnul.ii tuung of flour for 2S vears, ai d most ! chierfullv recommend lite u'.mivc iir.iv'.iiite, as being I bv fir the best apparatus for cleansing urain that I , have ever Usid or seen. I onsnUr il an ini'isjcii j sibln article lor any mill that pietcnds to do any bu- kintss. JoH! Fi-iitB. ! .Iquriluct Mill. Dec. 24, I84n. I Col. J. M'Faihii Sir: Frail's Oa:t Iron : Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three ' years since, and I believe it is the Iw-st aititle of that I kind now in use. Il will not only remove sn ul , ei.ierely, but is a most valuable appaialus lo clean I wheat and rye of any character, and prepare it lor I flouting. Bkjamiji Boosr.. . Uwnburg, Uec. 22, IH40. Col. J. M-Faoh! Sir: After k esieful and candid examination and trial i f the machine, in re ' gard tocooatruction, neatness and despatch in exe 1 culion, economy in price, and power to set in ope j ration. I am fully convincid and satisfied, tint ihe J machine above ulluded to, is second to no one in , use. J. Mom how, I Mill, r and Flour Manufacturer, i Cuttuwitta, Dec. inbi r 25, 1840. j Coi. J. M'Fauois Sir: Prall'a Cast and : Wmugbl Iron Spiral Smut Mill and (.ruin Duller, ; I consider lo be the last machine lo lemove smut j and other impurities lo which grain is subject, that I have used, or with which I am acquainted, in re I gard to dura' ibty of malt rial, simplici'y of construe 1 tion, neatness and despatch in execution. I Josri-H Paxtom. N. B. The above machines are manufactured at ; the Lewisburg Foundry, Union county and at the 1 Bloomsburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. I Lewisburg, June "l 9, 1H4I. j ATTIINTI bTTiEuri i S . XTS . fco. 1 E.P.&0.H.miCK, j WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING A ! raont'CK commission mlrchamts, i No. 29V, Market ttreet. fiiv ikmr idxne Swath, I PHILADELPHIA, OFFER for sale, at the lowtsl maiket prices, a aeiitial asaortment of 'It tit, Coffttii, Sugars, Moliutrt, Wines, Ltquort, Stiictt, Tobaeeo, r.. Cui'XTRf Phoimiic received and sold on commis sion. Merchants, Hotel keefiers, and others, will find it lo their advantage to call and examine our , . , c . . . . ,llHK, INIIMV I'UIVIiasillie I Ikt IS III I IT. JMllil , . . , . , . MiTi hunts WIIH11IK till II UIHKII kUIKVlTU III till 1. 1. J , l-J .-- auino . ' . . ,, .1 .. li an order, will have hem promptly tocwardvxl, vy . ' ,. , ' 1 the most expeditious hues. ! hiwim r. raick, johm h. run I Feb. 6 1841. ly. II Z AK1' , UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL N"D STM ISTICAL KEt.'lSTEH. Con'aicng din-. unM-nts, facts and othtr uulul infoiins'.ion. lllusira lie of the hietoiy and resources of ihe Aimeicau Union, and of est h Slate; embracing commerce, munufsciutes agriculVate, in I. rnal itiieov-etm-nta, baiiks.euriency, tLiance, rducalron, &c See. Edi ted by Samuel Ilsxard. Publl bed every Wednesdsy, al 79 Dock street. Tbe prwe lo subscribe! i f6 per annum, payable oh ihe tirkt of January of esri year. No subscrip Hon received for less than a year. Subscriber out of the jmiuij-alciutkto pay m advance. IV8rpNlA of Tom Year Mainllntt. I A.M truly happy lo sla'e in the afflicted coinmu' nity that a member of my family as alllicted for tv-n or twelve years with the aboe distressing disease. The symptoms were great oppression al ter eating, aridity at the stomach, a acvere pain in the side and breast, sick headache, menial despoil dency, with other symptoms, during which lima numerous remedies were procured without obtain ing much relief. Having heard of the good eft'ecl of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and Germm Aperient Pills, I was induced to give them a triul, which 1 am h ppv to state that by using one box of the German Aperient I'llla, accompa nied by tbe Strengthening Tonic Pills, that they have nearly eradicated the disease. 1 consider it due lo those afflicted lhat I make this acknowledg ment, thai they may likewise procure the same in1 valuable medicine, and hi fned from those dislres sing diseases. With gratitude and re-iect, WM. M. SPEAR. No. 13.5 Old York Road, Foi rale at No 19 North Eighth street, Philad., and at ihe store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Feb. 5, 1842. Aiimt. IMlrs C'iii'CmI, Ily Hit n.ve i Dr. Ifurlirh't Compound .Strength' enrnif anil tiermun Aperient Pills. H Haiilicii, Dear Sir: Shortly after I re ceived the Aginey from you for the sale of . voui r.ifdicior, I honied an acquaintance with a lady of Ibis place, who vv ,s scv. rely allinied wi h i tbe Pilis. For eight or ten yean this lady was subject In friipient pai ful ottat k, and her phyn can cniisidend her cisC so complicated, thai he vc j ry s Idoin prescribed medicine for In r. Througli ! my pr-u ision. she commenced u-iug your Pills, ' and was pcrltctly cured. Yours, Arc. , JAMES R. KIRBY, I Oct. 3. ISIO. Chitnbersburg, Pa. Olli 'e and General Depot, No 19 Noilli Eighth ! .street. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, j Jan. 2!lih, 1P42. Acre.nt. Ii. Duiuaii'N I'.p- torant lj staiuls Aloof IROM ihe tjuaek Syrusand Paragoric Com ' pounds which have of late become a buiden io me public beallh, and a sii-penston to (lie purse. W Iw i it that these iiiidiciues are luken legated ly by the sii k without n moving ihe complaint in iiiesiion ! The reason is plain and simple, viz : lb c . use they ate compo ed chiefly of opium arid its spirit ual prepnratiuns which acts on the system a- u poweil'ul simulating anotlyne, and by using ri pi tiii illy, the system becomes h ibituated to its narctic influence, as uf those who are given to intemperance. 'Fl.is fact has brconn- appnrent to thousands who have optrienced the f.,tal ell'ecla of such med:cines, and couimiiiced usinn Dr. Dcncaji's Exrtcro navt IW.il hit, which i entirely free from opium nnd all other poisonous ingredients, and is used w itli perfect s ifaly l y all under any circumstances. It immediately relieves the distressing cough streogi liens and invigorates the nervous system, eausiuu tbe settled outagious matter lo leave its bold Ir in the lungs, ami be tlischirm d by Ihe pow er if Expecioialion. Unless this is done, the luin?s wdl soon b come contaminated from noxious mut ter, and ulcerate, and fall a pley to the fatal worm I'nnsompiion. Price fl per bottle. For hjIc at No. lit North Eighth street, Phila delphia. Also at t'ie st re of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Jan. 22,1, 1 S Ii. Aenl. I. It - Complaint 'PHIS tlisei.se often lerrnmates in another of a iinoe serious i, aline, if prnr remedies are not n s, rn d io in I me. In all forms of this disease. Dr. II t II Lien's ( 'ovi l-i.l'MI S'TllKKIiTHIiXIMH Bin) (ifcll- s iv AesniLMT Pills, will erfortn a jierfect cure lir.-t, by cle.insun the stomach and bowels, thus ii inoving all diseasts from the Liver, by the use of the Geruui'i Aperient Pills, after which the Com noiiud Streimtheiiiiig Pills arc taken togvestrenglh 1 and lone to those tender organs which P quire such lieatmt nt avir lo ell'ect a permanent cure. 1 hes pills are neatly put up in simill packages, witli full d ice iocs. Fot sale at N i. I'J North Eighth St. Also, f,,r s ile al the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. lo. 1812. A-nt. COiivtiiittioii antl III--4liiig at llio Iiiiiks ciir-l, Ily the mr if Dr. Duncan Expectorant Remedy Ti J! iss KM1LINE YEAGER, aged 17 years, H was laken when at the age of sixteen wilh ii si gin cold, which she neglected until tho lungs fell a prey to that seeking ileal royir, consumption, when application to J p' ysici.in was made, but to no etlict. He considered hei case a hojieless one, and priscrilnd but In lie medicine for her. In the meantime she discharged great quantities of blood, wi ll much expectoration of thick phlegm and cough. Her bodily frame at length 1 came reduced to a living skeleton. Her lust was anxiously looked for by Uer friends, tbat her sufferings might end by the pangs of d. ath. During the lime her physician frequently called, and as tbe last resource, dett-rmi-ntd to le-l the vir ue of Dr. Dcscaa'a ExncTo HAST RsMinr. having none, d some extraordinary cure pert' rmed by the medicine iu similar cases. He at once obtained two bottles and administered it lo her. The fourth day he found some change, which g ive hopes. Ho continued giving ihe medi cine for eighteen days ; al that time she was render id able to be walking in cr tied chamlci, to the astonishment of her fro nds sod relatives. She con tinued using the medicine for eight weeks, when he dic'ared herself entirely free lioin disease and pain, and now pursues her daily occupation in per fect health. A small pamphVt accompanies this medicine, w hich gives a full description of diseases, the inuii ni r of treat incut, Ac. A; c. For sale in Sunburv, al ihe store, f HENRY YOXTHEIMEK. Jan. cith, 1812. Agent. To (lie Public. DR. ILflLllLICII'S PILLS The superiority of Dr. HARLICH'S PILLS o vei any oilier medicine lhat has ever been otVcred to Ibe public, is. t'.al they tteanse and purify and ttrmgthtu. These am imported! items ud their impoilauce should not be overlooked. The system i liable, from improvitlence and nigl. ct, lo accu mulate bile, and a variety of disease humors. 'Fo purge the system of these irr.puritirs, should be eai ly attend.' d.to. If it t neglected, the patient may licsulijccted to pr.inful diaea-e and protrae e.l suiti-riog. THli UEHMAX APERIENT I'll. LU are admirably suited to this purpose but more, thin this while they cllavsk the sys tem tiny piaint the a Loon, and assist natue 'siudly in her o rations. The Coaeotsn SrRv.xbTHS.xiKC Pills gives lone lo tba stomach, w bile tin y uopail vigm lo the w bole system ; benco they area de.idcraluin, and no fatally shoulJ res main w irii.iul tliein. In fct they are a aort ol 1'sRiily Pbvsieian," but uidake tbe -st hool men" for these Pills nvay iw aafily consulted in Al l. ciists iley nmy be tak-n without injury in any, while they afford positive relief in lusuy. Wa only ask tor a fair trial of ihcil uie(il,iui are will ing to abide the issue-, F. W(HH,MAN, Burlington, N.J. Foi sk at ihe thw of HENRY YOXTUEt.MER. Jlt. Ut, 1813, a4fj