Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 12, 1842, Image 3

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    ton Tut ini.aiCAH.
Mr. "Emtob In t preceding communication
I railed the attention of your readers lo hle Impor
tance of sheep husbandry, and if they ha' taken
tho whole subject into thai serious consideration, as
it necessarily demands, I sincerely tresl that every
intelligent farmer will' be fully convinced 6f the ne
cessity of using all the Tnrnns within his 'teach to
obtain more practical knowledge on this all impor
tant subject. With vour permission I 'will now
proceed lo gftre a more minute detail respecting tire
probable and 'immediate prxyftt that tnny be reali
zed from cheep husbandry.
It may not be unnecessary or out of place In
mention here' that it requires considerable skill an'd
experience to manage sheep to advantage; and this
is probably tlio reason why so nwny entered 'into
the business with ssnguln'e hopes, and, owing to j
complete failure, have loft the buinces with disap- one of ths preparations which -graced the outfit of
pointment and disgust. Some suppose all 'that is ,i,e s0Un tea Exploring "Expedilion. It wait
required is to stuff their sheep With dry ro.l, give j Ih,uI) provided wiih row locks and runners, which
them little or no water, but suffer them to go out in was to beiowed till the solid ire Was reecheil,
time of snow and eat li, as they arc dispute J' to do. ! when the oars were' to 1 dispensed with, mid rein
Now, here lies the secret. If you permit -your ; 4Mr h trnessed in wirfi they should it caiti-lil tm
sheep to fill'themselveswUh dry' hay, an'd give them ! the Polar eontiueiit that Uuis tit be discnv.riiL
no water, then the natural conxequenro is an in-1 ftorth Arurriitiii.
suflicient supply of g-istric juice to promote the di-
gestion of the hay' in the stomach, a loss of appe- I The Tost Ort iCE in the House of Represents
tile, and ultimately death by CTposure'to cel. and
. , , , '. . .
rain. I wou Id, thetefore, wdvise every one who is
' -
disposed to commence the profltaMe business of
sheep husbanflry, lo provide his sheep with gooU
'clear water in winter and summer, an'd 'feed them
regularly with Irsy and rutab.wa every ihvthtoueh
the winter.
It is well known to those hn 'h.lve etetienra
on the subject, that the raiding of hheepisv profi:a- :
ble business. The average weight of the fleeces of
a flock of one hundiei! sheep, is from three to four !
pounds per 'head. 'We will estimate ihice and a
half, which will now sell in the market at SO cents
per pound ; hence, a sheep yields in wool, annual- '
ly, one dollar and seveiity-flve cents, or a flin-k ol
one hundred heip, one hundie'J an'u K'veiity-five ;
dollars. Besides, fiorn one bundled eirrs, at teest !
seventv-five lambs maybe expected, and the drop- j
pings of the iiMiiute is also of considerable impor- ;
tunce tn the -fiiriner. Wc m ty -safely ralcilhito that !
the himbs, and the'benrfit of the maiiuie, will com- j
peusalc tlio IiuhIkjii -man for the expense of keep-
ing the sheep, -which will leave him then -yft a
nett profit of one dollar and svventy-fie cent rrr
head. AV.J.E.
t'atluwissa, Feb. 1st, 184i;.
' Cvrrcsiondtnce of the "Snnbury American
Washinotch, Feb. 0, 1643.
' The c ise of Mr. Adams was this -diiy finally dis
po..d of. Mr. Butts moved to'lay Mr. -CJ diners'
refcohttion and Marshall's amendment on the table,
which was carried. A motion was then made to
reconsider the motion to 'lay the 'reception ot
the. petition on tabic ayes 144 noes b'2. Next a
vole, Slwll -the Petition he 'received." This
bronaht the whole fuels ltforo the House, obliging
'them lo vote either against the "Uuion," or, the
-Right of Petition. -It -created uuite a -ecirsutiou
am,.g the Rynl W A membrr asked to 'be
cxcuscU aVura voting, which Was refuted. The fi- !
-nal vote stood aye 40, noes ICti. I think ihe j
'W4il I er.trsylv.inia delegution voled in the nega-
live. Two deuuHJinu from Now York voted with
Ihe Federalists. Adams if. now again il.i.-liing away
iii.ireser.ting petitions, as fist as ever.
Unaril uf Canal ('uiiiiniovibiim.
The, coiisistini; cf John B. Butler, Le
vi Kynolds, end (leorye AI. llolknback, us
ticnibled on the -'.'Id instmil, und oeoanixod by
therrioint(iirnt of -3(iirN Jli Tur.n, Estp, as
l'rt'sident, and Thomas I,. U'ilsfin ns Sncrt-tary.
Since tlicw ofo-uiii.lion, the llluard have
made the following appointou-uts:
John Mi it hull, Siiiorit)tondciit of the Eric
Joiik tStnH;aAHS, SiiporittietiOont jif Mlotive
I'oivcnuinli&Portage Iluil Sload.
J. C. M'Ai.istkr, 1'kuh Go!iinibiH, on the I
I'trtern Division, to MiHersftow n Jin em the i
. Juniata Division. j
J amk Bi ns frotn MriliTrflow n Ditin to the
Dam at New ton 'Hamilton. J
Davm I FtMsws, from the iDam at JVcwton '
'Hamilton to HolUdaybbirrg.
A. Mohbih, lroR)'I1tWbiH-g to Falt.-burg. j
D. 1os(h, Delaware Division.
JtsEi'H;K, 'Praver DKision.
J. B. CritTtii, Sheimngo litic -of tle Eric P.
tension. ''iiws hmuBNirtNr., 'PusqtiplinnTiR Division
Tiioh. Maxwkih, U"?bt Branch Division,
troin Northim'iborUiul to issyalsork Dam.
Gko. t''BAr, AVett Branch Dn isjion, from
ilyalsock Dam to Farranuvviik',
Jamf t'ATTON.l'oliimhisu
J. Hankr, Fortsmoutli.
D. KuiHTMeK, New-fort.
J. B. Smirt, lrwistown.
.J. CrEswpu, Huntingdon.
H. C. M'Cohmmi, Hollidaysburg.
J. I'otts, Johnstown.
II. Jack, Bluirsillo.
A. Sta-trr.
W. M'fcJv, TrttsbuTg.
D. BoiEti, Bridgewaitrr.
A. J'e ell, junction f Braver Division
with Pennsylvania and Ohio Canul.
J. Yoi'ngman, NorthuniN-rland,
Hat. K. rowFi, VVilliamsport.
J. K. Wn-ei'ii, Dunstown.
K. W. SrvART, Dnncan'e Island Bridg.
J. N. Nssbitt, Kinkeminetaa Aoevinct.
J I,. ARMMTNOtm, I'ltttburg Aqueduct.
J. Uhaemakcr, Junta ta Arjurduct.
J. PifER, Wci?ht scales at Hollidaysburg.
J. Fokd, Weigh f-coles at Johnstown.
Tiiowam l.rvrt, Weigh lock at Johiiiitovvn.
A. C Uarriti, .Northumberland.
TUB T A ttt P V
Irota Mannfaelnrea' State Meeting.
20d February.
A meeting of the Iron Manufactures of Penn
ey tvanra will be held at tlie 22d of
FEBRUARY, instant. Tho 'Iron Maniif ictures
geneialty of the Stats, are invited to attend all
bring ccmsiderej TJrle-gates without live formality
of primary meetings or appointments. A general
meeting is usireJ,' to devise mentis for ihe pro
tection of the 'great interests of the business, and tt
urge upon Congress the importance of fullering tf)
rnestic enterprize, capital -end labor.
8uB-TnKuT.-It would seem from our tl it
risAturg letter, ihhl we are to htive in this Sprite, a
miniature 6f the tSub-Tresiulry -system, ' "for ' the
safe keeping of the public moneys." The difficulty
is we have no money to provide against such a
nosAiMe contingency. 'Bat the affair lit"
i'tivea at Washington, is an expensive affair, for so i
n .- . --..i t. ji , ,
rnnll a number of people. It employs one 'pot ;
ii 1
master and four messengers. Connected with this ;
I dejrsitnient, i public StaWe. the eeptr whereof
' receives f2 per day, and keeps it open for his own
''I'ltvato use, f iling It with hores d carls. Six
horses arc employed in the service of the House, j
pr day. ITie recent invrstigation cotnmit-
tee think it woUhl be better to t'.uy horses at once,
than to pay f45f.,25 per aiinLin hire for each of
Incur Phil, (iuzetle,
Uvnim TumiKn.' John AV. ftlitiort, the
editor of the Venango lieinocrat infonii'un
tlrdt Fitch wrs his enibarrt.'rMiir,nt o:i aeiTOimt
of the watil of punctuality in payments on the
part Olliin FtihscriheTs, that ho Wan ol)li(;i'(l to
rt:ntbr--!hcrITit tlie liiKt election end nttic inn
the jail in Ord jr to fteopot.'Co't'it.
- ...... -
.A 'Ya'nki'V, llov. Tlr 'I.onddti Time srtys
that lxtrd Lyniilinrst istlu-iirnt Knqliithimm who
lias'Titccived'therdls tlfrce limes from his n-vcn-iirn.
Lord Lyndlitlrsfin not an 1-tiyfl irtii
imti. lie is on Atnfttcan, kirn nt Boston,
where hrs staters yet reside. IIw hither, -Co-i
plcy.thc pnititer, left Boston when the troubles
cotuinenced, and brought 'his fniin.y will. Iiiiti
lo England.
To Bad Some of the New York papers
say that the filling1 of the steamer Missouri with
water the other nipfht at the Brooklyn Nw'y
Yard, was hrcortseqiiencc 6f the 'ungovernable
ci KioiTv r3f t?ome'larlies. '1'hey "were visiting
the ship the previous day anil Curious to ree the
operation oFtho stop'oodts of the boilers, 'thi'y
srJt tltetn Tunning. The ship careened, and
when the trouble was detected she whs found
j thc tnud untl water.
Tun NkW- Mr. 1ie:ena is the present
Lion in Huston. Fatiny f.l-)er seertti 'forgotten.
' I .1. ....... ..: SI !i:, .....
Kill, mutl' will, wi.r u mi. I. ii;i r,n,u mi ilti fii
wiih her Vi7., ere now equally pleased with Ho.'s
hfiid. The following from the Journal of Com
ineice is very appropridte.
They'll tone thee Bo7., they'll soup thee IIoz
Already ihey lie pin '
i !
They'll dine thee, Uoz, ll.e'll vine thee Bor.,
Th 'll Stufi" Iheo lo ihe chut !
They'll smother thee with vi.-luals. Box !
With fist:, end fle.-h. and eliiekeiis,
'Our aiilhnrlings will bore thee, Uor,
And ihce '('ourinlKekeiih!"
While ladies. 'spite Ihv belter hall,
'Blue, yellow, fonl, and ttr,
Will coax thee-for thy eulgrsph,
Anil likewise locks dl" ba r !
Ticw.ire Boi'! take care, "Boil
Of forming fali-e cotiL-ln-ioiis,
Because a certain soil of folk
Do mete thee such obtrusion ;
!For they are not -the ftnmle, IIkj,
These temiilsr of the corti.
I No more than a . tin eh terptc Bo).,
4s Boflon er New Vitfk !
Sr.AsoNAatl Anvil's. "Take time 1-y (lie fore
, lock," says the adage. TJke mcdi.-tne at lite pro
j per time, y me. It is a -matter of less dirticuliy
! to ascertain the pinpertime lo Wk Tclit'f fmm Tne
! dlciiie, than it is lo iW.rver 'he prnpei "niedieSne
1 -which is to sJininihlCr comfort lo the sfTlictid pa
tient. Ihandrefh't Yrgr table I'niitnul Pills,
whkli iave obiaiii(d a celebtity in the "Annals ot
Physic,-" nfieuali.d in aiK-ieirt md mmlern Hmes,
have fterlormed such astonishing rurcn, that (tiou-
sands of people, m justice to Dr. have
pubbclv recorded their opinions of llifir T.nnde,'ful
ande.tiaorrlmarv Valth-reMenrtg e.uaritles. J
. . ' f , w. ,...!
I UJ UK'liabe III funnury, m ii. r.
of the agents published in auotlierpart of tbi p'r. '
OTIC 1a !
ETY" will me. I at the prand jury room, -on
Monday evening nmt, at7'oeloek.
JOHN Bl'DD, Secretory
Sunbury, Feb. Kth, 1842.
ALL persons Indebted to tire E.late vf the Wi
dow Mary Myers, dee'd. are requested to make
payment immediately, and persons having cliiinn
against said estate, are requested to pirsent the
barns, inoperly autbenncated, to
Northumberland, Feb. 15li, I94'i. A.'iV.
rREItrroRS TAKE NOTICE, Thai we have
applied to the Court of Common Pleas ef Nor
thuruberl md County, for the benefit of the laws
made for the relief of the insolvent rlebtois-, and
that the Judaea of l said Cimrt have apiiointtd
Ihe first Monday of Jsn'y. to hear us and our
creditors at trie Court Jlouxe in PuiihurV, when
and where you may attend if you think r.'nper.
Feb. li, lU. DAVID .MCL.
.TT. IS It IE if ,
On Sunday evening last, by the Rev. ft. A .'Fi
sher, Mr. W flirt an Ilsovm to Miss Loom BaL
ttf , both of thiaf place.
Corrected ioeeky hy 'Henry Yoxlheittier,
VT, ....
1 vs
'Fla taunt,
'Drmwa'i, -Tittttw,
'Driiau Ai'', -Do.
Hcrtf LsnTtAt,
-t'ortMitiipfinn Sttiii l south.
Will most assured y be lite fate of those who
negltct themselves when rflictcd Willi the
picmonitnry sy'mptmns of consumption, a-i a OfVhl,
CoiikIi, Bronchitis, or "Soreness of the Throat,
'Honrsvnrss, DiiUeult Expectoration, Asthirra, hpit.
ling of It loiAl, ic. Dr. l)i;srA!i'i Kirrt niVtsi
lit MiitT isexpress'y prepsied for Ihe'rcmoval and
cute of these d.inqeroiw nild ttouWeoma diseases
Tnet. fotc, yi u wlio Are felstring under the influ
ence of lhest! complainis, proCuro immediati ly this
medicine before it be too lute. t'us'BoTTtK o:ay
be the'meatis of prolonging your life. Always ask
tor Dr. Dcxcas s r.xi fcthas r l(r.t.iit,ainl ste
that you get it, nrnl not be persuaded by some who
s. - ll different medkirtc-s to'take some nf their niedi.
. .... . .
cine in preference. These persons obtain some
rheap thing, and tnlm it on the public M full price.
It is therefore important for 'pmclnuers to be on
their gnrd.
Dr. TJeri-sVa Ihrtt mniiT RrMi.nv is pin
l:p;lii lirgo st-.-j; bolt'ei, and enveloped in Hue pa
H.r- yhl, ,,., fn., font..ins a One steel piate en-
graving representing "Hope tna Atiirru 1 rice y
per bottle.
I'rinclpil '!! North 'Eighth iStreet, MiiIa
delphia. Also' for snle at '.he Store of
'feb. lt;, IB'fl. -Agent.
JlllIiK' notice in herely given, lh;it I will not
hele.irter lie-responsible fir any debts or obli
iTHiions made by my son SII.AS. S. WOOI.'VEU-
', TOV.hs hu'lus, by his improper conduct forfeited
liny clmliM tn'filrlhei usistniice or protection from
the ofhis psrehts. I theiefme deem it ne
j ce-nry to .-.if'.ion the public net to trust hitn on
itiv ercoui.t.
m.MM.i:s wotiLvnn roN.
Siinl.urv, Kelt 'lib, 142 '4t.
ftcorse llM itbci jtvf's I'MMV'
A -I.T. pi'i sons indebted to the'clite of l.eorRC
norubi'i.'cr, dec .1., snd all trrstiis lisvn g (
claims egatna ..aid estate, are hereby notified 'for I
"e List tune, to c. II mid sn-ttlo the same on or Is--
lore me isi o.iy in tiurcn n.-xi, ai inc laic resilience
of the deceased. Teisrtns neglecting lo ciill at that
time, will be waited upon bv the ('nnt lilc.
OF.OUfji: ,iim;,
'Feb. 12, IS'45. j4in'r.
J AS tAJten sdrifi, rn tl.e huMpi. hanna riv. c,
' at this I'laco, tin Saturday the -nth int., a
I.ARttE ARK. The owner can have the same cn
proof of property, and p.y incut of rearbnable char
ges, by calling upon the Subscriber, otheiwise K
wtl! be dispo.eil o! according'to law.
Snnbury, "Fell. 12, rS12. Si.
'IV the llimtirdble Ellis Lewis, Esq., President,
hn'd hh AfstKi'atrs. Judges of Ihe C),urt of Quur
tfr Sissions, of the enur,ty ef fcirthumbcrtai.d ;
rPHE petition of Franklin A.'CL.lii, 'Of Shtimo-
kin, 'in 'county, humbly represents, that he
has rei.l.d well known tavern stand, in Nia
m.tkiril.iTvn. rut. ly occupied by J. Dyer, ahd is Well
pieparetl ff.r'the acc.'mmodaiion of travellcra, &c.
He therelore:pri.ys your honors to grant him a It
i ci nse toiieepii tavern, during the ensuinu year, and
he will prav, vie. TRANKI.l.N A. CLARK.
To Tiir. Ji lifiTS above JfiTioVtii : The sulv
serilters, ifs dents cf Shamnkm, hereby ferttfy, that
Fiaiiklin A. t'laik, the applicant fr ihe liccns.', is a
linn of good repute for honesty Hut! temperance,
and is well provided With house-room and'convcni
cners for the lodging and accommodation of sir ne
gers and travellers, and that t ptibltc hoU'e there
is n. e : they therefore r. comimtnd liiin as a
pi oper person lo be hcenst'd to keep a public houne.
Jacob Bir,
'Richard Woulveiinu,
Jacob Kiam,
. B rd,
Jac.'b 'Dyer,
William (Jlover,
J imea Cunutnghem,
'Ocorge Arni-lrong, jr.
'Elias Eisenhail,
Jacob fnyd.'r,
Daniel Ev. rt,
J hn H. Runvan,
l.euhen r sgery,
Will. am Fugery,
Benj-miii KHtterman, te tieu Bitteubener.
Fiti.uaiy 12, raa.
I' a Virit Im iii
To 'lhe Tlunnrubtt Ellis lswit. Esq , President,
tind'his y.rsiuttt,3udptt vf the Cotirlof Quur
tir Sejsijtls, uf the county of yurlhumbtrlund :
rP-HE pitilion of fi-ler Weikle, jr., o Coal'town
ship, in faid ctlun'.y, liumbly represents, ihat
he occupies Lis old slsiidon the'rnsd leading from
Mismiikiutown to Malion.ry, uttd ts well pre
pared the accomtrodatinn tif 'travellers, iVe. He
iheri'lore prays y our Honors to jVrant liim a license
to keep a lavem, during the ennmg year and he
will pray.-Sic. IT-MHK WE1K1.E, Jr.
To THiJrnora ahotk MsSnoKau: The mb-
teril et-, Tcstdetits of Coal thp., hereby certify,
V((.f NVtlklr jr ,h TH.nnl for the heen.'e. is a
nian f glh,d yepute fit honesty end teeAjMiunee,
nd U well prodded W idi hou,e-room and coiivei.i- far the I-dgmg and accominmlalif.n .tfttran-
g.Ys end ti a vi Ik-is, and in at a public boti ibere is
neeesaar-y : iliey then-fore ncoininend rVirn as a
pinpcr feisf-n to Its licensed to keei t public hoese.
. John,
.a. ob Weikle,
R ben Phillrj ,
Jacob Wagm'r,
3 in KcrnWHer,
Benjamin HaU1,
Thomas HennmgT r,
3 1 dm Buyer,
John Hnufl,
!imy Klock,
lati.l Billnian,
GeoTge Long.
F.b. I, 1842. . j
TOV are required to meet for
parade in Mar kct-sytiare. Hnn-
iury, al 10 o'clock A. M. of Tuia
dsy, the
2d day cf FcL. insl.,
n Winter Uniform, rath Memh.
to lie provided with 12 rhino's of
bin k raitildge.
By order ef Cptvn tiWarl,
Joseph eisely.
Order !j liri't,
feb. mu, 1!-.
To the Hontirabk EUit IliuU, Eiq., I 're dent,
and hit Attncinten, Judrt of the Clmtrt of Quar
ter Sessions, of the toitnty of Northumbti land :
'1MIE petiti n otChrit!in Kah.l of Hhatnokin
town-hip In siid c.iUnty, hutnlrty represents,
that be continues to'kerp hor-e of public enter
tainment, at hia Old stand, And is well prelaied'f r
the accommodation of travellers, eVe. He then fore
pi'avs your Honors to ginnl h rh licensa to k ep a
taverti during the eiismntt eat,aiVd he Will pisv.Ac.
To tut Ji tints a'Iiots rtM'Tinw io The sub
scribers, rciloiits of 8liainokiti t-h'r her by certify,
th it U. Kabet, the applicant for the hccnc, is a
man of good repute for 'honesty and temper nice,
and is Well' provided for boue-Mom' ahd coiivcmen
cvs for the lodging 'and Accommodation of strangeis
and travellers, and that 'a piittftc house vliere is ne
ccssAry : they therefure retomfhend h;m a a pio
per (tt lson to tie Hcenke'd to' keep a public house.
Henry Wasser,
Jacob ll.ins
Uaviil Mirlz,
Kelit I.eich,
Jacob linger,
John r,
I.eonitrJ tiothannei,
Feb ft. 1P4J.
Pnvid N. I.uke,
Ilogli II. Ti'ats,
'Matthias Lewis,
Solomon HuiniiK'l,
Jacob Wirtely.
T'AMii.v lixi'osnon.
(l TWO TOt.otrs.')
tONTAll.G the Ord nhJ New Tesfamei.t.
with iirticiics! exuoitins sndexni innlory notes,
by Thonia Willtama, Aullior of "the Ai;o of Infl
tlrlity," "Diction irv of all Religi.'.vJt Denomina
tio1is,"'"cxC. To which are .idiled the r. f rcuces and
mnrgin il readings of the 'Polvglotl Dit le, toge hi r
with niiginsl notes onV kilccli 'tis futtn Baxter's
Comprehensive Bible, 'and other stnndaid work
ilitrn'uiidlory and concl Vding remarks on each book
of the old and new Testament, bud a vtluatile chro
nological index. The w ho's carefully revised and
adapted to the use of SiiikIjv School-, Kible cl inses,
an'd'Chrisiians gtnerallv. embelLshed with tntrps
ii'i'u tngrdvinf.nWU'A by the Rev. Wi.ham Fat.
ton, and puhlibhcd bv't'ase, Tlll'auy Buriihani;
HartforJ. :oiiii 1841.
Tilts work h is been lltglily rccornmenUed by the
fol.tV.-itit, Rinmig other distinguished divine:
'Rev. Stephen Remington, p rstor tlf the Mciho
di.l'Episeopai'Church, Brooklyn.
Rev. NV. 'C. Hrownbe, pastor cf the Middle
Dutch Chuich, New Vorl:.
Rev. Lemuel Miller sri.1 A. AVx nd' r, Prnfes-
sOis iu Senvirfcrv. N. Jersev.
R.'v. C.'P.'Cril'jlh, lLre il. nl ol Fcnnj vani
College, at'tirityshurf;.
'Rev. t!. ' Scbn. Her, pjslor pf ".ho 'I.Utlwrraii
t'liuri-h, Nanreburg. F.i
Cj-'Tor "tfa'c by II. 1J. Mas'er, A cent fir the
I'nliii her. ' S9ih lt4-i.
1.1. pernons are ca'tuoi cd Ir.nii i.ur.-h.t-inn or
v r.c. l-'i
iitg a note of lirt-ul. iriven by me lo David
MiHer lor Ti s -I)li.a us. ! tcfcited no val-
y.e g, ,10t .rJV ,lu .j.e
Nhtm.tkin. '.' in'y. Otd. 1S42.
the toad, buiwnrn this place and Notthutn
be Ian J, a Woisted Reticule, containing a while
linen handkerchief. A reasonable leward will le
given tt) the f.ndc'.'by leaving it at this office.
Jnn. 33d, 1842.
To the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Est., President,
and his Atsoeinte Judges of the Court if Quar
ter Sessions, of the county of korthumberluud :
rilHE petition of Guoige mith cf Jackstni town-
.1 ship, in said county, humbly lepieSonts, that be
continues lo keep lavcin at his old aland, in the.
Brick House In said toWn-bip, mid is well prepared
for the aecointn 'dation .if iraVctlcrs, etc. Ho there
fore praya vour 'Honora'to grant h in a licerse to
keep a 'tsv!ru during the ensuing y'eir, ami be mil
prsv. &c. GErl!rE SMi'iTI.
'F.i the Jrnnr.s imrt mxmt'ios rn : J'be suit
fcrilier, re-iili nts of Jackson tap. hetolty certlfj ,'that
(Je-.rge Sniiih, ilie .tpplicant for ihe bceose.'is a man
of good repute fir honesty and Temper nice, and is
well piov'deil with housi'ioom and coiieiiie. res
for the Udging and sccoiunioiiatinn ortrangers ami
travellers, and that a public house theie is nei issarv:
liny therefore recornimud him as a proper per
son lo be licenced lo keep a publis house.
Win. Deppen, Jeretuiah Wefiil,
John Haas, Henry llruun,
Dsniel Hilliush , F'roilei ick Treon,
Jesse 'Uridyl, Hniry Gurlnan,
JohtrFolk. Jdnatban fliniih,
John Snyder, Jacob A. Malith
Philip Hetrnh,
J an Sth. 1843,
riHE New Quarld Volume of the "NEW
I WORLD" acknowledged on all hands lo be
Ihe Lands niest, rhHkpest, and must popular and
enti rt lininjt periodical in the world comn-.eucing
January 1st, IS I., will contain, siiiiubaueoua wr.h
its publication til England. Ibe (trund NeW Military
Novel, by tiro a-utho. of ' Chaiie. O'Mat.ev," eoti
lied tXyl'Il MESS,
('otnuienchig with the slory of "Jack Hrnl.rn, the
Life Guardsman."
So commend ition of this new work w ill I r e
rs.nry lo those who h:ive icaj the delightful Novi I
of 'Charb sO Malley.'
AUo, a w Novel by Miss C. M. Sedgwick, sl
ready commenced, w hich due reat credit to lha.
dislinguished AutnoTtss.
Many Oiiglnal Tslcj i f g'reat inteies, aniong
which vte may nrer.tfi'-n, m hand, "Mary
Tud r, a 'Pole of the P..-iors," by Edmund FLigg.
Esq , author of the 't'ar West,' 'The lrrtche.-l nf
! Feriaia,' BeaUrCe,' 'Arm a work of deep i.ud list il-
j l'"U i "M P-J-ons.'' a Tale of ibe g.e.t
1 ork m Icem.ier, 1S.JJ. .bounding
in poweifolly wrnught pastg.s; "The Kin-lisnoih
ol Antwerp, ly a poitHr ongmnl vnitiioutnr.
AL-o, a series nf suprrb FngiaVings cn Wood, by
the jest arlikis in V'tigland Sud Am in s, will cm
liA'lbi.h the coming volume,
(Jj All lbe No've ties, an'.l a multitude pY o
ihere, for Osi.t TnwVa Dolxlms, rnrirnt mmirV,
remitted fiee of pohlsne. til the uh'j.iI boirk foim
they would cost ten t.mea that an ouul.
ciiAHt ns bnAi r?r, untikp,
Can tie lial by all new tul Arr;biis who wtkh this
poir.lar Work, y ordi-Tig thiir stalsviTpfone lo
comrni-rr.-e vn"ih ihe 3J XjnfcYio Volume, July 3d,
IMt. f'ut tSne dollars on my solv'elit ih iilered
Bai k in ihe Cnile.l flares .iy Canada, Tree .f pos
tage, tho Ne World Will be Setil one year, fmru
the cornmei.'cein'ent of 'Cha';li-aj',1 alley iuciuding
the 1st voWii gtari, Viddished tncxtia iiurnetrK.
, .jjrc
30 Ann t-trsi I, New Ynk.
A CHOKING SFO YE. sad few Coal Htovce
f I sab, cheap, by H. B. MAbbEli.
Jan 1.
"'lo U, or uot to bo HihU,
9 a uiMwtion that we s. tioukly submit to ibe
eonatiit-ruiion of a'l ho nre injehted lo the 1
.uli.cnti.TS, and who i'o nut, in a slum lime, c one
firwarJ an j stltla their accounts !
Dtc. 19, lftl. II. B. MA'fLR &. LO.
aKiiisaxoAN MBOidAia XjIdharv '
A" Cf) O E M TK A I' E U K.eord of Medical Sci.
elii-e suil 'I.iterainre, hy Rohlev Hunglison,
M. T) . Profeaor of tbe'lrtstiiu'es of Me.licine, etc,
in J.-ff'ison Ycdical College of I'hilade pbi. pub
lished inontlilv by Aiiiin Widdie, No. 4f Carpeo
t.ratreet, I'hll nl lv!iia M ihciiji i in price. $5 a
y 'ar. Siilisctilioi.s the jbove work rcei-fd by
ttre -subscriber. II. B. MAb'EK,
Dec. 11 tb. IS 1 1. 'Al-ent.
Khsti tJheee, Keg Itsi-ilis,"' i-t. per lb., bv
the 26. 1841. II. II. M XSxEll.
roiinterrcitcrs' 'lt'fir Dion,
The pu lie will plctS" otiServi- iiinl no Bramlrrtli
Pills are genutt , unless in l-x his three 1 1-
liels npou il, (ir.o to) ,' tin- s,. e and the Lottom).
eii b -oiiiauinip 'a'fe-sVmile signature ol niy h ind
wriiing, Bins ti. lis i Vim i; r ii, M. D.--'l b" la.
liets'ate 'etigraved on steel, leiiitilutiy destgm d.
and ibine at an eipensc ,,l ei f i.OltO. Tbi rrfme
il'willbe reen'lh'K; ihe onlv iIiiok n ie-siry to pro
cure the m Jtcioe in iis purity, is to ubsarva these Is.
IieinertilnT the top, the side, end 'the bottom.
Trie full. living respective pi-isons . duly auh.m
lid.'snd hold
f or the halo uf Uruiid nh's TegtldlU Universal
Northunibcilat d : Milton Mickey At
Oh iinheilin. Siinhuryi-H V. M asser. M'Evieiia.
ville Inland &. Menell. Nrtnliuni' eiland "Will.
Forsyth, GcoigeloWu F. Mttlltng'-r &. Co.
Union Ciunty: New Berlin j 'hii Hoffman.
Selinsgrove Ever and Sclniure. Mid.lleburg
Isaac Smith. BeavertSwrn J. & F'..Ulng.mnn.
Adamsburi! -II. A. A. Smith. Mifilinsbing
Swops & l.iird Haftlctdti -Daniel Long. Free-
hurg G. &. T. C. Moj'er. Ccutrevil e btailoy
& Lenhirt. LeWisbure Walls & Gieen
Columbia County : Danville E. B. Reynolds
iV Co. Berwick Shuinnn St it Henhouse. Cat
lawissa C. A. &. C. G. Urol its. Et.MiiiiSburg
John K. Mitver, Jeisiy Town Levi Bisel. Wa-
shinijlon Uobt. M.'Cary. Limestone -.D. L.
Obsarve (hrit each Agent has an Engrav.d Cer-
tificate of Agency, containing a representation nf
Dr BKAN-DKETH'S Manufactory at Sing tStng
anH upon Whieh will also be seen exact copies nf
the iie'.u labels now usa! upon the Brandrdh Pill
I'hlliJt li'bia, office No. 8, Noith Rth street.
II. BliA.NDIiE'i'H, M.'D.
J.inunrv 1st, 1H 12.
"OK u!u a tuna I Farm, contsining about une
' Inn. died and Mi acres, more or le-a, situ ite
in Poiiit'td-.viishlp. NorihuniiH-i'.Dnd'c.i-Jnty, ebi'nt
twomibs uhove NoMhutnl-eil md, on ibe main
road leading from that plai-e'to'D.iriviih-, isdjiiinlng
Itiuds ol John Legboo, C. lloitoit and uther,'in the occupancy of tuimi. l Payne. About
foitv kin-B of tfod 'liSiit are'clraird, and in good
stale of cu'tivaliou, on winch there ia a small tuirn
i-recL d. The pioperty will be sold un r. asonble
terms. For further eartic.uriirs,,peisons are requtbl
cd lo apply 'to the f ulcn!i. r.
II. B. MAbSR, Agctit,
Nov. 27th.'lfi41. if. Sunbury. Pa.
AN article uheqbiilb'd for cleaning and giving a
highly ddr'nMe and most brilhunt polish to sil
ver, Germ. mi oilier, Bras, Copper, Brilliin'a'WAre,
'Pin, Si el, Cull, ry, and for restoring the l'jtre on
varnished crlfriase-. &c. TRV IP.
Prepared an t 'a tld"t wholesa'e and retail, By the
Suseiet.anna 'hrysnlite Pdlish 'CiJtrnTariy.'OweVj,
'1'ioa county, N. Y.
V,'.r FORSYTH, Agent" for NorlK'ioi'd,
H.U. MAysEU, Agriu'lormid'ury.
Nnvemtier 20th, 1841.
Wliolesals and Retail TShoc, Bonnet,
and Palm Leaf Hit Warehouse.
So. 68 Forth id strref. a few doors above .t.vh,
h I.SO Tiuttks, Carpel Bags and V alien, of ev.
L ery dccirr;ion, all nf which hvj ofTers For
sate on the Ihosl reasonable tfrn.r
PhilhdH!i'.hia, Nove.nhei 13, 1S4 1 . 1.
2 X ss a i
of e ekv i'iroN.
No. 29 North Water Street, Phila.
m WANL'FACI CREliS ar.J d.aU-is in Oils of
jm every tteK-ripfii'ii tjih for burning sn.l
inaniitacturirs purposes, which will be sr)d mu-.h
lower Ihm they can be procured elsewhere, ar.d
wurrartled m jonlty to i-tttial any in the city. Any
oil told by fbr company not proving as lepTcset-.trd,
may be returned without any expense to he per
ib iwr, and the n.oney will be refunded.
Their stock now in store consists of the foTtoWT:ig
ui!. viz:
JrC.COO 'gallonh Win'lci BtcacTied .peiml
. Oil,
6000 do do Colorless Oil,
1.1,000 loi FaTiandSprinuVSiierm O.I,
do Whiter I'ea Eb- b'a!il,
dj da Preed W bale 'Oil,
do Summer do do "do
do Common Whale Oil,
etlt) Barrels aupi rioi Niaita Oif,
3o0 do Cod Hrik Oil,
6!) do Neats Fool Ott,
75 Casts Oiive Oil,
1'trtne.-'a Oils.
QjTtis Company has a n umber 'of Vcsel c-n
gicc-d in the t'od Fisberv, sud 'Fiinners may lely
upon getiiug at all idnesOil as pure as iniorfuj.
Pbilidelpriij, ..v. t3. 1S1I. ly.
Tmi S Sr"
Lr. V. (Z. J-). Ji. i iil JjwXi
Ft r.ii r )K A 1.1-;. al Hie M. iilli Last l or-
. p ,.r llf
, iia
! Mens' Caif-k
fifth ttd y.trlut Utrcefr, Phihdrt-
loots. d:ifchvd-w Jtyav.lifi'.
d.t c"o do legjt-il !t
do i'ki do w-altir yx'nA, doutlu aoles
aid .louri'f i'ttTr.
do Vs'T'ft .to n-i
knd ipp'er.
do Heavy W at. Leilbit Bi" ti;.
do f?o K.Sts ,1,. do.
Ho llich sj'iaftri Si.-, t'n T. I in
to do do 1'rn.kers do
do Fine Monroe wsrrsn eii
do n-tr-d
to Kp
do C.dl'
do Coaisd
do do Fboea
tW Fms do
rfo Kip do
Ho Calf and Sell Skin Pumps,
do List Pocks with and without ivi.
dn t'sVprt do do do
do Patelit WaiVanted Water-proof Mnreasitis.
Ladies' do do do do
La. In s' tanned India Rubber shoi s.
(irrt'clneis' do t'v.rrhoea.
Wi'b every other desc iptiun of beol ahd shoes.
Fur L'Ss of Cvrty uWtipllOn,
Trav.ll hg 'Prill. ks of ev.ty description.
Veneii in Tlavelling Bag.
PsisntOem Frssiic Shoe Blackini.
H. linelA uf nil kinds, Pslrn Leaf II N.
rhtliJelrhie, No tuaUi 13. lfci'. ly.
ATTORNEY at law,
euirstniT, pa.
busirtsti stVn'de'J to in the Odunlies of Not
uulcnnd, Union. Lvcoraing and Columbia.
Tt Cat 4 A I
Thokas Hart & Coi,
I.nwrn &. BasroK.
Hart, CvMNtaft & Hart, 'MlaJ.
lUtnoLDft, Mcr sai.Asn & t. i
KrKRiso, noun St. Co.,
P. & A. flOVOUDT'S
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse,
A'o 164 North Third )rrn third door betnw Vint
f':;e!,-Ph:.. .-cWw,
f MEKf. tii-i i. .ti . r -:. ' and a larg"
'iis-niiiii. lit nt t ii a, lii-ss ii -tl Liverpool
Ware, w!ii-'h they will diiyo. nf un Ifte uus'. rei
a nVle terms.
Phil del I ia, November 13, 1S4I. ly.
Jacob I'listnutli
& Sou.
ErspliC I FULLY iiiiorrrs th.ii'fn- mla ar.d
beuuattitances generiillv ihil tin y nti I Ccin
timtn to keep at the old stand. No. Z46 North 3d
street, Philadelphia, till kinds of
Which they AtiII sell on the m jt uccuiuinodnU'!
and leas .nable terms.
N. B. All aoods sold will be cuaianleed, and sl
'orders promptly attended to.
Philadelphia. Noveniler 13, 184 1 ly.
l"o. 74 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia-.
( l liree doors aSuve ."second. J
SHOE Findingj always kept on baud, which he
nffcm for sale en the towe-t leims. 'Country
Meichints4re particularly lo call and judge 4'it
Pliiladclphfa. November 13, 1841.' 'ly.
importers and Dealers in Foreign nnA
Domestic Haidvidrfe,
No. 174 North Tmai. 8tbht, IV.tADiLeBiA.
WHERE their friends and cnStortiors will always
find a large and gCnerHlVsffrimcnt of Foreign
and DoVnestic Hlidivate, whW h ihey will aiH at ti;
Ibwesf prices.
Philedelphia.S'oveinber ?3. 1S41. Iv.
niEoriLts c u lp.
Manufacturer and Iniporttr of Sad--
dlery, Hardware, &c.
.Vi. S "South T'iird street, four dofrs btlitu Market
KEEP constantly on h ind a large an3 general
assortment Coach Lump-, Cuii-.tfc Bands,
Axle Arms, Elipttc Springs-, Patent 'Leather. &e.
'Country MfrchnnW and surKIIers'w'l! be supplied at
nil limes on the most reas4t'ab1e tc?.'iis. 'J bey will
find it to their ndvantage to ca!" and examine his
assortment before purcbsslnu eV-ewhcro.
PbKadelphia. November 15, 1941. ly.
No. 12'2 Oliesnut Street, LeloW 4th
, , Philadelphia.
KEEP'bonstuntly on. hand a general assort
ment of Books ami Statinnaty ; compiiaiu
'I'beuloyl.-al, Law, MetJtcal, Cln.-iictil. Miscellane
ous 'Bnd School Blinks, Day Bottktt, all'aixes. Led
per, do.. Famils Bibles, Pockel Bibles, Wiitinar
'.ilicrs, Wrapping Papers, ito. &e., which they of
Irr at Ihe pilces to -Country Men bants trc
fessional Gfchrtemen, Teachers, and all others that
May favor ihem with their custum.
Philadelphia, Novmber 13. 1841. ly.
Wh- lS5lo Dealers in Foreign British
arid American Dry Goods.
iVn. 1 0ft Market htreet. Philadelphia.
Clolu'N'l RY Merchant", mid others cu'ii be sup
) plied t nil limes kl an eu niie afmt
m-iit of the Lm-sI ui;d most fasl.ion.iU Guods upor
the Must lessor-ii!e ..-rn?
Pkil iVlp'ou. Nvem'-rr !3, 1 9 i . ly.
JvMiiinci Weaver JL on,
r.ors r-iAHEcs &. rtnrcHaiKDLF.ii
.Vi. 13 Xurih W'u.-.r 'ir:W, Phiiudt: ,.V&.
AYE cniis'snlly cn hand, a gene; . I cajort'
ment of Cordag'-, Siine Twinca. tee., iz :
I'ar'd Ropes, Fishing Rops. White Rnpcs, Manil
la R (..'3, To Lines for Cinal Boats. Also, a
ronplete atmrtrnpiit nf S.ino Twines, .'.t. such a'
fle.ii.) Si. ad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gils
Net Tvuno, Cc.ltou 8had and Herring. 'I wri s,!5!i .
Vbieads, &e. Ate. AUo, Bed Cord-. Pi. uch I.i.KS)
Halters, Tracia, Cotton and Linen C rpel ChuL.S'
cVc. all cf which they wAi disM so cf on rusonnHM
Philmleli.hia. November 13. 1 4 1 . ly.
No. lt6 12 Market Sweet, Phila.
Be low fifth Souf.i side )
A LWAY8 keep on hand k full and general aji
sc'Ttrnent of HutieVy, Lace, and Fancy Goodet
CuDi.try terctinnfa are respectfully request d Id
give th. m a cs'lt srfd ekamine for tbi ni-elvt.
Fbiladelpliia. November 13. 16-4? ly.
'"THE Subscnt-rr, Agent ot Lyon & Harris, Hsl
Maniifclurers, for JLwYurk, Phihidlphis
Battirriore and other laege cities, -ao- Halt artt
liighly vnminendrd li neW C"-,r and dambiHtyt
has rt Laud a lir.t rale sssuittnnt ot HA TS end
CAI'8, suitable for ISpMif s .le-, will be oU
veiy low, fat sasfc ni a v f - ve.l lbs mtrii
cht up stort tirt, 40, Nortti T'ltnl strett, t pji-tf
the City Hotel, PhtlsJilphia.
OLIVER N. I'll AtHKfl, Afrinl:
. IT. Order lor Hate 1 1 the -ou V ptonipllV
aetide-. lo. Tbs highest j rice 111 ruth or trl
gtvrn lar fur ftiins.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841 --1
J . V. S W A lls
Umbrella and Parasol IManufactutri
.Vo. 37 Aco.'A Thitd street, tuo doors btlow tht
Citit Hotel, Philadelphia.
C10UNTRV Merchant and others are aolicitr &
) to rttiuine Lie aruoiturnl before putcbasinal
Fhila e!j Ida. NovemUr 11, 1S41. ly.
io. 13S Maikt Street, Philadelphia'
INVITE the attention nf Country Merchsnti
to their cilsnsiie assoriment ol Britith
si-.d American Dry Oooils, which they offer fms.lJ
on ihe m -t reaeonsble W-r.ns.
Philadelphia. November 13, 1641. ly.
TJ ust received and for sale by II. B. Man
0j .s Bot-n Syrup, Sttgsr llou and N. O.
Motssaeei Loaf, Lamp, Crast ed.Bruwn and ChrynJ
s'ited Sugar; Crsiiberri. , Rs sihs, Creeki fa, Kt,
K'eiiih and Eagli.ll M.rin Merino artj elht-t
8hatls Clolba. Caesiitiere and Cas:inrttt f
(iools, lUulwsre, Hadkrv, dec of ell kinde.
Nov. :0th, IP 1 1.