Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 05, 1842, Image 2

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i nui ' t uulbah r'a uiuia .e t-n.Aii.
-Vim-i Kr kissing (lief, Micinuillo.
My mother scolds mo ell ilie Jiy ,
lit mo undo it quick, my darling.
tiic mi back ray kiss, 1 pr.iy,
71" weliave done aught amiss.
Pel's undo it w lii fo no 1 1 1 n y :
-Quu-kly give me back the kiss.
That kbe may hae naught to siy.
Do she keep ao uveal a pother,
Chide so sh.nply. looks no grave
'Do, my love, lo please my mother,
Give lim back the kim t gave.
Out ujion you, false Miiiguillu 1
"Ot.cytu grip, but two you lnkr :
'lirve mr back the two, my darling
(Jive them fur my mother's fake !
I:i the New Yolk Sunday Mercury, a popn
writer -called 'JDow, Jr.1 weekly exhorts his
leader.--. They are quaint production:, and
hae the air of novelty, an well us originality.
The tultiwiug is a speeiiuen. The iiwral is
piunJ, and the Minilituik is an e;:ty and natural ;
one. :
"My fi icuds, allow rue to shew yon Iiowthe body is Jikened to a house. My text '
i tliis. It fays that the big bones u re
the inaiii timbers: very true. It alto pays tint
the ribs are lath, well plastered ; but I should
. iv Ihey arc rafters that run into the ridge pole,
or back bone. The mouth is the door and the
ijiosi- is Uie tliimnry, cepceially for smokers,
The throat is the entry that leads to the kitchen '
..." it..., i.,mo.!l!nrtjfC,J .mm.-i.!.. I
wi .in. c.un.u.i, i. l.-i yjt iuviu 1 1. i-uvii-
ed ..r,; the Junta are the bellows that blow ;
the tUtue of Me, and icepthe pot of existence
niw.ys boiling; the heart is the great cham-
!if r, here the greatest variety -of gooc's
iiabie tire stored ; some good, niiiiy Lad, aud a
3fv intlicr middling,
'!ii ;his way, my hearers, yen see the house
of lite human body is formed ; and since it is a
hoiiM' id no small value, you ought to be crrr
ful of it ; keep it Well swept, and never let cob
tM'bs tin gather iu the conht ot' itsapm t
nn'iits. 1 beseech you especially, to look n'.cr
ti:ei'reat chamber jf the heart. naJ see that
every ihiug there is arranged according to the
very h t'.er ol immciuliiy. If there is any ue
ics rubbish there, clear it out, to make room
iW goods that are saleable in the markets of the
i.tujtis. 'l'hochamber ol sutne l.eatts prot-ent
iui awful dirty appearance ! I should like to
W ill; into thctn with a bran-new broom ; the
u y I'd brush out sin, and sand the ilocr w ith
virtue, would be a cautiuu to depravity 1"'
The Iiherem'i:. The eontrust between
rho condition of the female population of (treat
lirUain and the same class in this country is j
very forcibly set oil in the follow ing extract !
from a speech at a public meeting in Liverpool,
delivered, bv an EngluhniMi lu.t rctunKxl fruit.
ti,., l",,ood v;,,inc . I
, '
At IVstuti. he went out Iv a lailwav to a
. c- ,u... ii. . t i '
rrtv containing itihab,tants, which was .
. . ,. - ,
not in existence fiilecn year- airo. Iow it It b ,
... , . . " , ...,. i
a capital invetteu in nulls ot more than V.IH.1",- ,
, , ,, , I
000 puiinda hterlm?. He raw the oporativcs j
' , , , . ..
1 .rr. .,t .ml l,n n,, .1 l .t ill. rill. :1, t'.O
. ' , - , , 1
iy gills Irom what are here called young ladies.
They carried piirmuu ' He inquired their
.. If... .1 . 1
wane, iicwns lorn umi in.-j e. ... nu ,
a ha.f dollars per week after, paying - all ex- j
Ve,1Scs of hoard. A spinner pot M,: after ,
paxiinr all cxpetis1 ol bu.vtd. lie letunied
, . .
irom that city to Poston nud in twelve days j
a!er tliat xvus in Liverpool. The fust sight I
he faw here was a woman picking up dung in ;
the HrCt-r j
- -
ThJ Louisville Journal furnishes tlie follow- j
ing sketch of a rather durmg movement of !
yeung ludy :
A Loiisvnu; IIixi.t:. A taw nights ago,
one of the most accomplished belles ol" this cny,
while sleeping i.i the sunie apartment with
Mr3. Charl". V. Thurston,' who is in feeble
hf &V.h, was Buddenly roused by a slight noise
Looking sround lur, nhc aaw a rullian evident-
ly a robber, at a window, in the act of rawing
it. Leaping up, she bade Mm depart. He
hci-itittd a lromtiit ; but, ueeing that the two
hdiei were alone in the room, he r-refefded
Hitha terrific frown m effecting his entrance.
1 hereupon the young lady instantly seijd a
: -rrro oittc! that clunccd to be in the atnrtuu -nt.
cckr-l if. Trear-nt:iti it at him. and declared
, r- 0 dfctertnicatior. to bicw his t rains out if he ;
did not inbtuntly f y. lie knew from her coun- i
tfciiance that she would cc as good as hr r v.- rd,
and snatching some small articles of dress frnm I
a chair widiin arm's length of the wii.dnu. In;
fed with precipitate n. Meare u-id Lai ti-f
young heroine would huve fired if sh'- I, d
known that tlie pist.d was cctuiiiiy loaded; bo!
i.hc feared that it v-as empty, and that a m.:.;
v.otild bt t ray her d-f.:ne-:es-s;ioA
Om.V IJi:ai Him '--'. i i.'rer ti. , of t.'.c
P- ton Post says :
"Old lkfttoii can jtli.ij- u It'!, l-.. Iter, m
t ie way of limine:-.'-, '. an any olhtriify. il. r
. oinmunicatiou with J.iv i;-.jI Vy I'tmaidV
ttean.ers, her raih-aj.:, In- iiigt-ai'us ineeJian
u's, her eoterpriaing infcii.i', and h -r '-a..-
(.red" smart editors, place competition out ot no le.sou wt.y they ). mid lu cfiiiihj -i'.Un I and
i!.e oueetion ; so the reumii.der of the Lore's , 11 m ( i.n. d e l,' unle.a it be im am that ... thin liui
cestion may es v ti1 Inock under. It :s ol iu ' ti" b -i.i c i.iroien'y he i ctucti. 1 mr .ij ..n. tc talk ' .ca cit;t c.u.c .t." " .. I.t .-j.. i.t sir.t . i .'u:. .''. .:.'."
i Ti... ...... ,.rii. ... iv i... I
I iiu rn ij vi i-.r- ri u.'uii i'. n- .inui i;ie -
i p,lrtiinjn'! CirreU? :
'l! is trrnerallv tho rase with editors', that
when giving nceoc.ncs oflliu destruction oflivb.-, ;
'and piopertv l-y lire, rh.-y f.isl mention the !
particular, nlwi.; rhe lo: s t,f propcly, a.,J the.
ill i , ,. , , -
merely allude to the el Mo. Ihisulwaysi
, . . . ,
remind., mi ol tilt iiicint lit t.'.ut lmouened to H 1
, r :
neighbor ot nurs down I
i ,
I Ueucon yet-t wii ! at. cvin trtnpered, I'ood i
' t.c.rte.J nil. of a ....., nd Mr,. S. was .ht,
l-vcd he, Lu ,1 d(,,d was v,rv comical in
tit.-r huhits. the Urei'on 'took n catiUk' mid tt !
, t,voq.,,t p.t, (,. piicliur thit't .Mrs Sweet !
had kept whol,, mc,for ton yeUr,.) i
. .... .11 . i .1 . . , 1 ... . I i . ,m 1 u .1
I'llO Cold Ul!tu, UIIU StiKt'll lj L'n dim lothe '
,,,,11,,, . r . , .... ., ,.
.eliur to dnnv ..ue cider. 1 ho old gentle- ,'s IU,t sl.peed t the tup ut ll.e An in. and
lie went tlown, hetid first. Mrs. Sweet heurd noifH.. n:it. Mil, very nuiel. iiliinned, to see
what happened. I he deacon, in the j
time. JiadgMilcred himseK up, and wag rubbing .
llIM sllillst. : Muis; .ciunrn'o irs. o., wuais .
".he matter ! have you broke (he pitcher ! '
'No!' replied the eld man, grunting; and
then gmwil.g furious '1 huiut it, but led ;
darned if 1 don't do it now, thoui;!.!' and he ,
.1!. it ... .1..;.-. .1 II.. v .. . '
.-nmslit.'U ll:C lon clierisiicu p iclior against, ilic
. .
Owioism. Sin. In one of Mr John Adams'
lettcra to his wile, is the following anecdote on
original sin :
"Why," sny.s the Doctor, "I .satisfy inyscif
about it in thi. manner. 1'itlK-r rniua! tin is
divisible or indivisible. If it is divisible, eery
deecendant ( f Adam and Kvc nnist have a part
and 'the share which liills to each indiviilual at
tlnsday isso tfn.&Il a eatliele that I think it is
not worth considering. If rndiviible, then the
whole quantity must have descended in a riyht
.,., ...... i 1. .l l. ......
inn, ut. a ii.lisv r.ui. I'l. ii'i r-.tu uv luit-ii,
' "
only; and the chances arc millions and millions .
to one, that that pern is now in Asia or Af.i- ;
ca, and that I have nothing to do with it." !
DislKAl.M.NG I'Oi: llL.Nr. ''Sjn liking of 'J'ur-
key," we liearJ an extensive tale yesterday.
It was told us by the doctor. A man up tow n,
on going to dinner a d.y or two ago, found a
, , ,. .... i, t.
iimwi.i..ent luiiiej, ii:iiiii iiiive.i oi niiiuy
pounds, smoking hot on the table. As he
wnnckod his lips in anticipation of his pleasure,
he happened to recollect that he !md himself
purcliused a pair of ducks in market that morn
ing, and began to wonder how they became
tram-formed into (he dish before him.
iJvi!,"isaid he to the boy waiting upon him,
"where the devil did this turkey come from !"
'Why, sa," replied Ben.datar turkey is bin
roostiu' on ourfence dis tree night, an' dis
' morniu' l sux him ion iiik Kt-str or Dr.
A great nitrger that ! We have a shrewed
ii . . i i.. it... l
I ill, in, iinut ii.iuur. inu iaa ui 111-
v ii I-, !
' ' r i- i
koy tiiui'li hotter than hi-j master.
envune. A TniKt.i.M. t a aim. and Track- 1'np. A
man named Durham hos been coinmitlod tojnil
in Mercer county, New Jersey, tor killing his
wife in a qmiriel as In tho mode in which the
toa should Le made, "he insisting iiiH.n its beiny;
. . . : . . n.
maoe as Ins moth, r made it, and the n lii.sod ,
toniitiole it in anv other than Ihe vay lira inn- I
. ... , , , . , !
thor her. excited, he strtn k
, ... . ,. , .. . , , . ,,
lor hi j list, and knocked her down, llor
, , . , . ., , , , ,
head struck a''mil.-t snmethmg hard, and her i
skull was Ir.ictnreil. She imgerctl m distress
about leu days. 'J'he husband communicated
the facts to l.oone, but some neighUirs visiting
, , .... ,-.,:.,..,.....'
, h mi hl have bccn
prevented by proper treatnu'i.t.
The New Voik Son thus deserilioa a scene iu
"'' ( ul"1 " (,,f " '""B'"S lo.war.i .
of Adults, wlu Utily iiiurdcrid his wile while
TIk- Court Adams, have you any counsel !
'J'i.e pri-otn r shook his head and said iu a low
voice, no, and he did not want any.
'J'he coutl assigned Mr. Clinton lie Wilt us
CI. ik Jamrs Adams, do you demand atrial!
Mi. Do Witt t-dd prisoner lo uy that be did so,
but l.e shook hi head und exh bdi-d much en.o-
! Pus.mcr-1 am gudiy, .r th..f ad I sy-l do
n- want any counsel.
: J.elge Kent Mr. He Witt, you had Ifi'cr tell
; him whui io ..y.
'r-1'- ' "' r"'a '" s". " -','"'
; h"t -lh-ct. I hof vou.t will allow plea
"' "", Wu-
' J"dgi
lxei.i. Adams, listen lo me. Mr. Do
Wi,t bus been asfignt d to you a your counsel, at
tend (o . Ii.d I.e. basin iiy , .uni be willdoevei)
ibinc ll at i. mper and e.irti ct in rega.d lo ) mi.
'I be p'i on r teemed Unt upon the plea of gudl
!;e slioo. k hi head di spnn.linly when asked by
1. is e. .iiii-i I to demand a (rial, I ul finally g ive a
Inn.t u.iwd Ing cm. lie. it lhat it shii.itd Is! to.
Ciini.iL Sniuiir, Some of -the religious
I ;.. lim- li'.eine nib ceil ih the Iti.gc nit
, , , , , ,i .. ,
...dint l.itoeieli ntl.-r
.: I
I I lb!
I- I:.
lo ad ll.e f liowii.g ii.vtou
K..... . -!.. - In a of lu-o .Sttcim
ni.lix. uii,-tiuiin i di pin betwtei.
tl.o Venom, I the ( 'niM" .l:s, r.cently pub.
h ! i .1 ! i I..- lb v. Mi. Cray, pa.;',.r of ihe Cbun h
n I-.
I h
dor ii kHit-i, ibe Cliiisiiun ulchi.ijii say
.-inn ...i. air will wfitl.n, but we e in Ihcl
i... i.. in. i.... i -
.-..,. .......-..... ...
We letrii frnm the KulimnnJ mui n it met
Moody namely occurrod in that city on I'ndiy. A
enl.ler named l'lctchcr Hcalh, ... a lit of jealousy. ,
,,is ''-""" a'ul th''n f,ft,'mll"' " ,,,! t,,um
"' Wu '""'r' ' '"'I' 'n'tM:ti j
me su:iJ lo he these. J'lic man-lint, (.'artel Mills, !
, , , ,
hail ixcitid Heath il iil"ll-l V I v iiUclillolu lo hi
, . , I
kfi.t iii-Miif.-n. Ilnlhe night limited, ells went !
,. , . , . . . . .
lu iiic ii.-nrru ofhi icillllli:il lli lici, HUH llll'.l
. .
! 11 V! ''T '" ? Tr '"l
, " n"A '. ;
ng a kI ihi nt liiUiir, llealh rnmc liehind, mill i
. . . . ,, . ,. .. ,,. . .,
, . r ' ' " ,"'" 1
J"'"1 'W " '-""'
nr"r l"" l,B '' ''Vr' ' nf't,rwirr'ls ,:,k, n ;
r ,l - n . ,i . . . ... 1
f"'" ''' NNellnraii into the street, mmn-lm
..,, ,.,, . ,mUaH ,akrn Into-Onr House." !
Hf)l1 lhvii:iuI1J .,,, , ,lim. lu w3a nfrlw.-d.H j
, removed to Lin hoarding limine, and .eniiiliM in a :
mt - criiicd -imation. II wound i n d.e..d!ul .
After shooiin Well-, Heath rushed the !
UUise ,...d Tan to the ll.nia where his n,.-lreH ; j
, named Dili a Harria, l.v.d, on a cross atteil, near I
i;any,llc ilaslie.t r. p.mi.el l .lour out ,...,1
cuwl.d through the aperture, which U very s nail. ',
Ho ran oplr.irn, and ns beci.iered her room be :
ncieamed mnulei" he then stun k In r and she 1
crinl 'murder ricelior," (.ho-gsrvc but one mure '
..... . .
s.Kain wnei. a Mnw upmi the nile ol tier head,
cielule-p nto the ,kuil and she, rmk dead. Heath
then ran down sttiits; and crawl -d out throuch the
1 liken paiiiii 1 ii.d ran Jo .. Ca ry lreel, which i
the last kuiAvn ufhim. 'i. Sun.
A Tnlt of I lol l or. i
The Cincinnati Chronicle i. indcVedlo a friend
for the liillowing :
U-Koit-ro-no, Indian li r. 'f ;
1 r. 1 1 1 .
1 .1. 1 .- 1 . 1
' '
Me-srs. I'lHTons : Mo.-t u.el ncholy intelii
tenre lias just been reei ivej by the Osage Iiidijns,
who have recently returned from the Bull'do Coun
try. They late that about ihe last ol'Cclobir.
. , , c . ,. ,
Ibev met a veiv l.nge company ol 1 ham.ii.chee
u wat ;c n.M ,,ivilij iu uir ,,...
w.8i1 voun8 womall ,., cllld,en of le,.
jlUII,.rej ubiie fa:.,i:i.s, , .t..ens ol Texas, win. h
bey hud lak.l. p::s-jners h iv.g put to death Ihe
"''" ''"l "!J women.
It is said they l.ent loetr pusoners .nnt uil.u
",a"l-v- ', h'' ""-'ed to sell ibe... lo the O.age
f r u blanket for each.
The principle chief of (he i-iu'es (White llaii)
lijj now in his a little while giil, about
tijiht years of which he purchased of the ;
Vours Ac. j
S. (!, I'ATTKRSON. '
Iiiitinii Murder lu . i Uiiiimiis. J
V'e eopy Ihu foillowirg from the Little Iiuck '
Tunes, of tho lOih inst :
Afoul and unprovoked murd.T has been com-
initted near the line iu the Cherokee Nation, upon
a woithy and respcclublc citizen ot Madison coun- ,
ty, A'ksns.s, by the n di.e of If coign Long, by u
Cherokee named Moses Albert, Jr. No provoca
t'oii was given by Long bei'uro tl- fat .1 Mr, ke was
given wilh roik, which term.nitd ui citstciRC
in a few hours.
The Uovernor of has maih a ryjtiiri
tiou upon (iov. li.dler, the Cli lo'keo agent, t
have bin. i.pprel.euded and delivered over to ihe
Cum d SlaU't marshal I r trial.
The (ini. ruor has hI-o ordered Major d'enenil
s-,t-id to oiea.ue wnhout delav, a rigiment .l vol
0,,'eers. lo hold iheiiisehes in rt'.diness to inarch
. , .,
t a moment s wurning lo protect the citt.ens ol 'he
, . , ,, . , . . ,
c.lircns.m the lmMnr, should the authouty ol the
,. , . , ., , , , ,. .'
I ti.ted S'atCs fail to aecompmh that oi'iect.
- I. s. Muee peimun; ibe above, xve learn Ironi
Hoxcrnor Huilet, Cherokee agent, lhat AtNany was
, arreht.d by the Indian au', a fi w days after
l.., ,lkl .,,,..1 I I'.hw ill. d.-bvrred .. I., one
liC liHuiy i ,,a, country, ,o be u by
! the U. Sutes d.sir.ct comt.
j lloitaiaLi: I uai.khi. e learn lu it on Satur-
, Ji)y lwHW. ul.j e .,.,, ,t! f,,lh,wing
painful t.-goly occurred ut NVwp..rl, Herkimer
Co. A young man named Wathdigion Harris, in
a fit of uniilal deraiigeu.eiit, made an us.-iull upon
ail elder sister with a ink k.ill'e, and stabbed her
severely in the nJe of the neck, but u.i-se l the ju-
gul.iraiw.ry. she ,-.( aped, and ran into an aibninuiij
houae. Wh.le the sister was ese.i(i':.ig (he young
' man lur. ud upon Ids ...other, and stab'.t'J her in
the throa:, parii.xlly severing the main arte.v, and
ft u m ,(. $ l)t i.t.j;,,, .,, ,,ft..-fl v, and soon
, ,tcame i,,sn.-ilile. He ihen lh-d from the room
; wht.,e tfce wa enacted, through the kiuhen
jf (() 8 t)iJ i(Ki(i bii) u(milll? uillls,.ir ,, ,,,,,),
: rrjK.,,h.j!y s,ai,bi UinwU in ihe neck nd ihn.-at
ail WS! hl(r rt(lir ,i)UliJ J( jlii A .,l(in,(r
ter iscape.l. The t isti r is doing wi 11, and expected
to recover, but fear are euteit.iiiied lor ihe life of
ihe ...oiIht. I 'tica llnirj .V. n-i.
Sim. i lia Paci. A I. w daj ago a woman
roi.ln.g in ihe vijl ige of S vcuson, who had for
onto lime been utfeci. d with a severe spelling in
the thigh, applied to lr, Hioiin ol Sallcoals, In ol
der In i;et the pain lb v int. d. Alter mii.utelv ex.
,i t .... t - i
aminlug t ie .vnden pari, the din lor eoi.nnei.ecd
to operate, u. id tUCCCcded, atlel con-ider iblu labor,
in extracting a sewing needle, about an in. hand
half long, which Ihe patient had swallowed neaily
; (hifiy yi ar ago. Fn!!, pitjiir.
SA.inirr am r'l nfcn iv oi a io... The jew-.
, ,"T-y "''i3r- 1 ,""', o)ley, ol I. lies,
: WJ" "i"l'S' ' . "" NtWs
fl'1""'" ou l",,,1:,Jr "'J1''' l'' J" ' ' 'he
........ .. ; i. i.. -ii,. i.. . i
3 "
; ,he U".,,"k,''B ""u,,1,l'' l'ul ioUs ol ibe
tau"c' d'd t"t move u'ltd he sprang upon then bed
The Poi'.iee, in (.'ti ll Hula... U ;
id f. o..i ef il...v !e t'.oi ,HhC.
. ol to i-c la s-
I Mil I Wl:i l. -On Tl.iusl.iy llir "nth i:i.t.,
about !l o'clock, A. M, young (i. nniu in ihe
employ of Dr. Hawks, went down into (he well 0f
j .las. Hawks, near the mount Hi pe Garden, to
' k I it Inicke'. When within 'i feet of the l dloni
j mnl "i feet hciielth the ui-f.tcc of the ground, the
, Hones anJ Jilt caved in lt the lur j ini iiiiu
I literally in the bowels of the earth. Mr. Hawk"
lieing a spectator of the nrrne gave the a I icm, ami
n ... ... . ,
ftl.jrt waa mmle to exfn.ate a
,,,ick M M X" 'V'My '""",1'
...J .bout titty ,.,,. lubo.ed f, hi, ,e-
1,0 'eM ",kr" 1 oVUk'
!-ingt,en c..,,,b,ely wedk-e,! in on .11 .de, by
ll.cinaM of utone four .....I a half l...m, Und though
,ruiri ; H,U!t rVr,y inch of his budv, no butic
...... .. ' . . , ...
hhi firitu.'ii in, Hill i mi" .Willi tirni h i ii'trd
extended, 1iin body bent over t-idewny, one liund
,isl,rr flinnliU head and one font rfuhe water
mum have been painful hi file extreme. A l.irfie j
iUl Bll),ir,(,f glne Odf. ibe., lav over bin hend and 1
.vithin hnlf m, inch of .t. He ev. he he .r.l .ben, I
.IrMrtt- nails when ninkinn irreriaiiniiins to di.r him
utillmj ..l,.,,,' mu have kept -ibe heart whole.'
jIe wa, V( tv ,mlth chilled, and under nil Ibe cir
cuinslnneea his preseivafion U truly n me. kable.
Uuchottr Dciiiuo:it.
A .MioirrT i.r.oi.T. ll.e A. ur.
The Ke. Mr. Taylor of Ho.,.,m, in l.ia prayer
.Sunday afernoon. in .illudini; to the deiiarlnre of ;
i " ' ,
-Mr. Mallit for Wa-hinc'''!., f aruestly s.ipj heated !
the A tniihiy to give him "puwi r to wiesile sucee
fu'ly wiih the Congressional devil."
Tin: Vai.i r. fir. C.i.rK. An Apa'.iehicol.i pu.
per says, there is a planter in Cid.sdoi comity-, who
works one hundred gee-e, and sas that it. ill
... . 1 . ....
VV.1V tl. LrfOHtl.T .Til rr.ics fllnl -i . Is itllt nl In. iv it
I --- f i
ton, tl ey a c equal to ten negroes. It will
ger we presume, re eonsuieted oi-r.MatO'y to ,e ;
c died a (loose. ' ;
' i
'J'o en r s i n v .. i mi: won n ne sviii' i. woiik
Let the wood remain a wlnle in Waiei hi which ul- !
uni, or other sabs have been dissolvid, i
lioil.i.g the spokes uf wbeelri u wh.le lu villi, ! tvj.
ti r will r-ecu.e theni lion, decay where ihey enter
die hubs.
A giiiios dow n wer.t lifts discovered a rm ih.'d ol
rn.i.rot.ictun.ig, troio t.itr dandy, a t.ionkev . an ape.
and baboons, so as to hue enough b It lor a ,
-mall xellow do;.'. A. V. Aurnru.
'ri; fieavone ms : There is r man in lhi ci- '
ty who n hes solely on i, n.. n tiiJ lo si. pott him- ;
"'f-'nd f-irni'Iy. He is a fru teier and dials in no.
thing but lemons,
" '
Ine The iron produced m IVniiiylvniiia and I
labor bestowed on it in that by mechanics amount
to more than $!?,(i(H,(ii.(l uumnillv. Mole than
"0 0(H) wurkmau are enipl.yid i. all ihe Israi.chcs.
of its niamil .c'.uie.
Hy the code ol Napol. on, no pe.son c m le in- ;
: ea.ce.aled fo. del.t. utter the u-e of fill veats, a I iv f
i . ...i i . . . i
w hich is still iu, and very hunt .tie and pro
per law il is.
There is a great excitement in Havti. arising eel ' itianufaenu. d more at home, we woukl not be con
of a diU'.cuby I e ween ihe French Consul and .' stanlly in fear ol I eing dunned e' our spei-ie for fo
president Doj.r. Matteis lo.J. pielty serious. - r-i;n cmmtiiest Tire result of the tariiV has shown
....... ! conclusively, that by protection to our infant n un-
A printer in aetliug up the sentence, we arc but
parts of one slupeudous whole,' by the mistake of a iiiKlance been able l compete ruecesslully with
It iter, made it rca-1, 'we are bul part of stu- j lhigland ill foreign n.a.keU. W e cat. now manu
peudous i7;c.'. .' l.ielure cotton shillings cheaper lh in she dois.
i .N'a'.l-, In forr the lur IV, emil 1 not have bicn ii.iporl-
It is shown, by accm ale calculation and seieinilie
analysis, that the consumption of water ... London
is not less thin 411,0011,000 gallons per diem, and
; ,,jt ,lc w-t.ij,rt c cu k rout uiiod in this lare
piantily is not h"ss than '.'1 tons a day, or hdlrt.
tons per aimuin.
- -
The orders from the Spanish government t'i sell
the Church prorc.ty in Cuba, and to reduce the in-
come of the nr.csts. is regarded as the death blow
t0 (;at,olicisrn in that Island. Keligiou (olera-
j tjou wj probably follow.
j '-, hit raunlrv rhin r.ent lo Port-
Bj unj tllh., slIl,ar i,ox and reluming
,l)r ,t) ; at ,.Very door and very
, Kr4Vt.y cmiuire : "Nobody ha'nt seen nothiii' o'
no old sugar box nor i.othiu' iu it, no kiver on nor
iioth.ii,' ye lia'in have ye Mat-1 vi r eye t"
The woman who regularly lead the iiewspap'r
will tie u much lire more suitable a companion lor
a well iufoimcd husband, and exert far inoio inllu-
ein.e in the family than he oihc.wise could.
A western editor, speaking ol the new doctrine of
' .
repud.a.ion, iah.ii.lly nay Pitiht the Hrltish.but
il.m'l f'uut !ieni pay every cu.l we owe them,
and ll.e. . lick them like bl.ues.
A mm named Hayden, who commuted a mm
del ut Pillion, Missouri, hn been M-nteuced to for-
Iv-iiine vrat iu the ni.i -n..rv
! I-aho Ho .. Mr. John A. P Rh'y, of Hrothei
' Valley. Somerset county, (Pa.) lately killed a hog
weighing T4t pound.
To incorporate lebgiou into rveiy action of life,
w,, ,ve us ,. wounding o.r conscience, Iron,
dishoiioru g our p.olr. lou ; II will calm Us amid
tlus pirphxe.e. of hie, and gicatly angmiul our
....... ....
icbaiou enmy uitnl na lcllowi.l.ip Willi L.od.
Huw rn Jcio.k M ak v i in n.. Judge t man by
anion a poet by bis rj ean idler by hi finger
a lawyer by hi lei i a b..x. r by In .inewt a
justice by hi. l-oi. a prvo mm by hi mode dy
an d. Oi I 'I.. ...! tjii.-r by hi. ugiiit a
e.:ict I--
a worn in liy hci
Satitnlitu Iibri ary fi, !6 J'2,
C j ("in our fi.Kt p.iiro will lie fmnu'1 tin intrrest
ing tale, from Chambers' Kdinburg Journal.
fj- VVe nndernlurid that thd Tienurer of the
('ommnn School fund in thin place, refuse t,i re-
ciivefiom the eollertor of the m-houl tax, fm .ll
noira of Bank, w'hnw larce tinle are only S pei
rent, under par at Philadelphia.- These are issued j
under the autboti'y of the stale, onJ arc current cr-
ery where. i
Qp On Mn'ndiy IiihI the Primpy'vauiti flank '
closed its door. The (iirard liat.k was dosed a me
d iy a previous.
iZj There has been (Treat ditl'eulty in relijtion J
' to the D .r.ks nt I'hil nl lihia. They have at lat ! me; New Vmli ws'h wa'er, has al.eudy cost l! -1
agreed to unite toge'her, for the purpose fif sustain- ' waidn Jf seven iiuli'uins of doll .r. and w ill cost one
"a' ' .! ...:.,.. iVo i .. I.. ic ....;... ........ ... i :.
,0 enl(.rtil!n rnfidenee in the
.. , .. . n, i .
they tlieu.selves i!irriult eneh oilier.
ii. iuitii-( mi . a ".T """ j ..-v. .... j...- i
ill, when ,
.. . .
(J I e K M It P- A N .M 1. II 1 1 A I. i.llllllllT AMI
In i t i.i HiKMCKii, edited by l.oblev lh:tu;'sim of
I'hrl nlelphi i, contains much useful and itorestnij; for the medical practitioner 31 id a '.Cent. It
is published monthly, at foxier artnetn.
r r lilt U.AM s, mr reii'uary, was
. , ... e I i .....
rec ived last week. The proprietors sreni deter-
uim.j , nilk(, Uli, ( ,0 r , , ,.1 U im 1 , in point of lit ra-y
fi 1t)(1 p( .)rluyu rll,. li,,ii nts, superior to any
.,..-.... A.. . . .
i wnrl; ol tlie kind u. lint, couniry. i lie viirrnviiigs
! of ll.e ii sent iiuti.' er ate fu'ly dpi d to M.ose thai
nave l.iti v tireceileii it. 1 lie extensive eireui ii on
of this (v.-lk.ia a iroffie'cnt t x ideirf ' lh it its nie.its ,
I are jm f r'y appieciat d.
0 V The '. S. Hot.l at WitliatiispiH', kepi by j
'I hos. Hall 1-lsij, was lust we k ore..ed for I'lisi. !
ness. It is a sj b inhd bni'ding, d 5s! leel front by
l"(l feel diep. Its prnj ri. toT, M .. 11 .dl, i" one ol
lire most obliging laudlordr; in the coin. try.
; One ol ll.e l"t visible itnis i-fu v ell kepi
I loli 1 , Mnl a good aud obligii.g l.o dlord, is tot. ml
iu the number of newspapers he IkU.cs for the ae
c iinrt. d.itiou of his customers. W e hue neve,
jet in our travels, found a good nd w. II kej't house
with-ul finding on it tnlili.s a good supply of new -pipers.
A good la'i.llo.d wdl supply food fo. the
mind, as well us for t'.e body. We have in our
in'lnr eve.M'ven.l (and we w ish there were imia )
who come under this classifirati. i. We t.i'ghl
t.oiice, parthcl dry, Mr. S. A. Hr.i.'y of Danville,
who liberally pa'.ron'iM'i ihe I't.'.i, and xxfr have
icjson to bchive, he looses nolhin i-v it.
(fj Thee seemi tube a movement in
favor of the Tatilf, throughout the state. If we
' ufactures, we have by skill and exicTicncc in many
; ,d (. cs. than 10 or It cent lur i.oulnl. Thev
! ri, 1;inv mauuluctuicd at home for lers than six
Coffees since the reduction of the tai . if, has
' COnliiiUt J lo ell as high as before.
fry- Tho New Voik 'J'ribune, pulli-bed daily'
j the proeeediiigs of Ibe lital ef t,.l'. Ihe daily
; 'I',i.une is not onlv one of ibe best, but we believe !
j 10 cheapest daily in the 1'n'toti.
i - - - - -
lliullWilJ' Klllblt MlOt.
j A gentlenian dir.ct from Tioga county, inform
u ,ns, travel!, r who hud a conaid. ral.le sum of !
I mnnt-o mid. Mm. left Willslnro' on horseback.
! ul.oul ten days nee, on hi road west. Al out 1': ;
i miles west of Smetbporl lie ctoppvd at a hou.e kept i
: I v a nun nuined U.Ush, 'of sus.iiciou character,,
' but the only houc on .he road, aud hut a few mill
! before rnlerinq; ihe wilderness. There ivn nothing
that occurred in the house lhat excited hi suspi-
, tioii. but he hud scarcely entered into the woods.
' when a rabbit came running into ll.e road. Me
! Jrcw ,,is I1'"1"' lo ahool it, but it missed li.c. Me
then t.ied another with the same ellecl. J hi ex
I cited in hi mind some suspicion, aud on examiu-
i ing bis pistols foiled lhat the charge had been
i , . . . . . ., ,.
I .I.4...I1 fr..M K..I 1. n.,.1 Cl I...1 ULIlll l.r .11. Vl IIIlllll'.Il-
alcly re-load, d lioth pittols, and before he had pro-
reeded mile on hi road, a man with I.i fare j
painted black, rushed out the woods, and sei- i
I ed the bridle of his hoise. The l.av.-lli r drew a :
pistol, aud told him he would shoot him if l.e did ;
! not let go. The robber replied lhat he wa not '
i af.aid of hi pistol. The traveller then fired Upon
; him, and shot him through the heart. He imti
' dulcly rode back to ihe house for assistance,
, which the robber was sjsrrdily lemoxed, and oi.
! washing hi f ice, discovered to be the laudlorj.
i 1 erjixlntiie.
j 'l iie legislature, not knowing exaellv what lo do
nt pr,.,,,, ,e receiving peiitlotl. and dise-us-iog
i llie ...oorK-ty of ctill.D? up ihe state and making
' '
about a dozen of new coontiea. i ol them lo l
)pJ .. ou o( fMfth , iniIM9 Armstrong
. ml Weslmoreland, another fr. m Luerne and
, Columbia, the .eat of jus ice (o 13 at lt. rwu k, a-
noiher lo I culled MudUun, anotlu r to be called
Wivming. anolbei lo b called I'utium, anotlu f
: 0' t called Curtmix. and another cjlled L'tu rnu r.
I Mr. liibums r.or.ed a bill lo il..- lab-
' li.hllllUl ot ilUliUlastUI.S. I ll liulll
i or Ni ua'o.H to !.( fur a lanl), w! id. we know
they wotdd gladly do. 'J'he Senate coninultee re.
pornd .iKiiiiist tlio bill nlulihliiiiH cautul puniidi
l.ient. A bil! foi resumption forthwith has been
fi purled.
?:ilitorial Jlisrrlhuy.
TKe real arid rrJtnhl properry in Me.k eonntv,
Subject 'to taHnfii n, han been ttHnemicd at f?0,C7!l,
"b.r)7, und.'r the net of LSI I an increanouf f5,00tl,
COO on former aenient. ; .
The f iriri! fCn'j ('omliifriouera is now com
pomd of John B. Bfltler, I.eVi U. lieynolJ', and (J.
W. llnllenliack. XI enure. PdCuei anil Hubly, it U
fai-1, di clinej a rrappointmeiit.
The Philadelphia Hanks oreendenvorinij to mal a
""angement to .enuiiie rjicie puymonts, on ihu ls
A uVistt next.
The Hon. Thna. F. Marshall, member of Con-
trees from Kentucky, lately delivered an excellent
hdJrcFs on temt c anee nt VahinRlon. He ii a
neohew of the I.ile Chief j.,sti, . M..r.l,.,t 1 l.,
t e. i.tly took the temperanee pledge, lie slated
th it but lour mode, jte rs Were left in the
. i'y of Lexington.
The Cro'on Aipiedjrt.' the puri.o e of euppiv
ii, i ii ii, mi u lis nut; i- hi loinjiirii; n.
(',,it's T.inl. Thr jury in this exciting trial
brought in a vi rdict of niltii vf murthr, on Sun-
day morning last. The case will be carried to the
Supreme Court on a bill of exceptions.
Tl.c ISill to repeal the Bankrupt lj.ll was lost in
the Senate, by a vote of ti to
At the dial of CoTt, the emt'ii el read hi, ((odiV)
conies. nr. cVf the murdi r, to the jury, h necorded
; uirouanoui n nil lesinnonv. mil lie a cues. Unit
.1.. .. .1 . ...:.. .1 . . i . .. ...
he w as obliged lo kill Ad una in self di fence.
There are on ihe Coa-t ol'dieat Uiitain 1:13 hght
hoiises. In the LiiieJ S ales there aiol'Jl. In
all, t.l lamps,
A Sliiun i'..rciivn!ur nf I'.urth. A machine of
this kind is now in operation .it T.oy, .. V. The
i arth is vxeav'i'ed by a soil of iron ladle, which lakes
up about one Ion at each dip, mid the tune occupied,
lo seconds.
The JJosto.iia s are f .fl stii. ; Diek..K mo t suaip
, luniivy e.i ry il iv. lie is 1 1 hue a great Corpora
. tin. i di oner at New oik so m.
j Tne I'hda lelpliia (i.r.ettc of Tuesday afli rn ion
says, Kxika g on NVw Voik is 7 a X il-. (iinr.l
J 1!. ink stock 1 notes Co In SO r!s. dis mint. Penn
I sj Iv nia J.'O i.otei, "0 to :i(l cts. di -count. S, ceic
I III et-. Mate Mo.ks fli (he Kr- ker' board .r0.
The iieer.v-t on the slate wa due on the 1st of
1'eb., and has not l ei-n paid. The li ink ol' lnu-
sviv.inta lias a'Miut jm'.i.mii ol inn state lullds in
its vanlts. The ( ioveruor has laid an injunction
upon it, and closed its doors.
Since the (lid of Colt tor morder, at New York,
the n xl of import nice are Col. M mroe LdwinU
fo. J'irriry, and Hemic), of ihe Httal.l, for a iitirt.
Frnm ll 'rl.iicli's Hijitirtr, Ft f; 1.
I S T S V It I I T.
'I lie llnnk of I'eiinsj aula ( loai il.
(j- .V iiitUit in.irning. The llauk of Pcusjlva.
nia did not open this morning.
rjjMlxir ipiotalions ol this week are not to be
j Jvpcnded upon. IJvery thing is in confusion.
This Bank experienced a very con-lder.d le run
ve-terdiV r.'orivin ; bu. it was promptly met, uni
I l'ie liank closed, ihe run had nearly abated
The annexed irocecdings will be read wi'h deep
intrr. '. Il w ill be seen that (lie Banks of llto City
nuJ County have united together, end ll.ut they
lii-day utaJ f.-i the future, will reeviie the notes of
each ollnr, aud pay out their own of a higher dc
noinin.dion iha.i J SO. 'J'his is an important move
ment, at d will gna'dy tend to inspire coi.l'.Jencc.
It is to be hoped, however, that an arrangement
will speedily be made, calculated to secure to our
community, a safo small note cu.rcuoy.
i vxitii riirut H Kimvunt.
The Hanka of the City and Counur of Philadel.
( phia assembbd by delegate on SatnrJay cve.mi!;
Jail, at the Philadelphia, llatik, and organic, d by
j appointing
; J. HEAD, Y.' , President,
j J.)r,.i Ji.m. Secretary .
j 'J'bere were in atlCodauce, delegales feiil lh
- - following institutions :
Tho rhilad.lphii Dank.
Parimu' and Mechanic' do.
The Mi-.h iiiic' do.
North America do.
Commercial do.
West: ru do.
Penu Township do.
Soutl.warfi do.
.Manufacturers' and Meehiuie' do.
The following Hanks weie not represented, in
e- ' cotiseu.n. e of not hiving received timely notice i
to j The Hank of Noitheru Libettresi
'J'he .'oymCTl-ing Hank.
The Kensugt.TTt flank,
O.i motion of Mr. the Comtnercul
' It ihk. n r.rfancemei.l to the foll.nvinif l-flecl wa
' egncd upon, .-uljecl to the decision of lire resin'.--
t,v. Hoards, at special meetings to 1 held tins
' rr.or..ip :
o . I. The H inks lo issue lh. ir own notea eielu-
!, of ll.e i!e..omi..ali...i of fiO and upward.
! 8. Tho Hank to make daily exebanjee vuh
each othir.
j ' Ha'aie-eo to be setthd weekly, or oftener, at
j the opiioit ol ilio rn dit.u bank; lo bo paid in pe.
' c.e, or up to the l.-l of March, hi cnmtilc icl bii!
not bavmc iiiou linn 4 d ij-. In run l er lua
Mol M:ih. not tCltdll. .1" duja to IUI1 i lo Ic