.It I'iT If EiliUi'riril lllsffllly. Capl. Smith df the 'IT. Ship Columbus, tit ' received pair of fcold pnulelts, and each rif hi Lieutenants one 'for'thir 'eiTicienCservfces in aid ing to remove I tie Siesta 'Ship Cohirrifira lo t place ' of safety from 'ClinTard wharf, at the time the fiie - occurred there 'few mohths aihe'e. The smourit of Moor received end manufactured at Si. Louis last-year, h 'estimated at 1 60,000 bir rola. The Banks of Mary'rahd, in rthswer'to com mittee by the Legislature, aay trrtt thejr rati resume immediately, but that such a course wmll'd be ru inous to the country. Thry would Talher Wait upon the Hanks ofTerinsylvattia and Virginia. The Philadelphia Tew Dual company haveilono ao fine a business tost year, that 'they retomenda - daily line for'the present year. The trial of Colt, "for'the rnGruer of Vdams, Vx cites a great dertl' of Interest ii iew Vbrk. Bennet of the Herald published a picture of the (lead hfitfy , of Adams in his papet, with the'title of 'Nrimur Adams before he tX'Ot'cut iip atitPsnlleti" of which ' the council of Cell cDmphtine'd to (ho court. Bryant, the Poet, hire been lecturing bn Homo pathia at New York. Horace Binneyhns 'befh nominated 'for't)istrict -Judge of the U. S. 'Court, 'implaceof Judge Hop kinson, deceased. Mre. ElrYaheth Cho is'thc oiliest womrtn in Boston. She Was 10S the 27th of October ljut. She had three husbands, hut no-children. According to the Miners' Jonrnal, not miVie than 15,00 or CO.OD 'toirs Df ctiit! will be ircus jiorted on the Rail RoaH, to market this Wittier. The people of 'PutNville talk of removing the eat of Justice'tn (hatiplace, fiom Orwigiburfe. The last HarrUburg Sigrml is charged with an unusual quantum of soft "Sawder!" There is not much difference between a drone and loafer. A -drone is generally too laTy to work, and loo proud 'to befc-slntnglng ahoiit his frienlls without doing any 'thing forahem, or'for himsfclf always expecting to lie heltied Withbdtendesvor ing to help himself, or -showing that he is worthy of assistance. With 'the exception wf a iKile less ! pride of character, a loaftr imprecisely 'the sfcine. From Ihe New York Tribune. lvvri: fROM I'.l ItOIM A Spcilal Emoy from rettt -ltrltHHi Ar il vl of llM-.ltrrl Victory of (he -Otrcas l.us over the lluulkni, fee. i uu sieainsmp URiTtsnu, HJapr llcnilt, Bin- I ved at Boston at 6 o'elut P. 1W. of Saturday, in eighteen days from Liverpool, whence she stalled on the 4th inst. By this aul-.ol, we "nave advices from a'l rfi.rrts-of Europe, including Loudon dates to the 3d ir.st., and Liverpool o the 4th. The intclligonee is cf decided interest. 'Lord AsiisrHTo, TVsitlcrtt of the Ponrd of Trade, formerly Mr. Alexander Baring of tho -rent Banking House of flaring. Brothers, is to ccmeout s a Special Envoy Etranrdinaiy from the British Court to Our Government, with liberal 'powers to 'adjust all differences-between the two Nations, ill is understood that be 'it bearer of a(proposiiior.'from the British Government f.ir the kdjustmertt'df the North-Eastern'Bouudary question ; end that lic it instructed to urge upon out Girvernmnnt the tie cossity of rflccling some aitjustiner.t of ike claims of British citizens on certain of the State compo sing our Union, which have effected heavy Loans of those cilrzcns, and now neglect or refuse to make provision for their payment from "Lord A-'s character anil position, as well as the nature of :the case, -we can hardly dnulil that this subject will be troughr to the nniice df ocr (iovernment ly him. 'We 'hear that he has a prop.ieition to submit, -which is intended to remove the grievance altogether. CntLK Dick h, the distinguished aulhnr of 'ThoFickwiok Pnprrs.'MaKler'Kamj'tirej's ClocV -Atxvwith his wife, are'likcwiNR among 'the -paanen-. grs. ; -ateo Lord Mu'lgrave. Several other eminent Englishmen are preparing to follow and the -mi--gration of'the enstiing spring will be very great, especially of the Murium cotrverta bound for nau voo. From Chin Tiothimg later hat been received than has already reached this port. There had bean several shipwrecks on the -coartt, andtevrral paekem had teen prevented from sailing 'ythe hoiatrmoa weather. The England did -not aaittill the IMh. The Liverpool and T.onAon papers are highly pleased with the attention shown to Lord Morpeth vhHeinthi-eily. Iey are spoken of as Ml df good omen lor the'preservalion of fritfidty rdarinns. lrd M. is to Weybroeghl forward at rnprraeirialrve from Dubhn, the.piace being vacated by the -recnm death of Mr. West. A dreadful accident occurred on the Great West- I rrn Railway on the 18ih alt, -by which eightms engera were inetanlry V filed and ft pen or twenty olhera Vlarigersuely wnrrnde.J, It was canted by the rnlission of 'tbemrine witV a portion of the n ibaukment which faad fallen en th trarV. RrNi ti Ciaetssii. IrttelKenee Vasviefn received t 'Oonslantinopto by way of TVebitoml, of a victory gained by the Ckrasniana over ftte Kus--sians: the moat signal an4 lrti(ie, it is sjid, tfrst has occurred since the beginning of the war. A fergerapeduiim, contiating o4 thirty thousand men had been'tlisemr.afkFj en the toast, with a view of iloalroying the grain, Whiih had been collected by the 'Circassians odor the 'harvest, when a storm having suddenly risen drove the Arps from aircho laga. The Circassians, avarlrag themselves of the opportunity, entailed them fiercely on every aide, nd the Rutaiana,arted from their stores, which had been carried out to sea, were compelled to Com mens a disastrous relre.it through a country con sitting entirely of mountain, forest and defile. With 'the eiception of two thousand wfco escaped to Anapa, the whole of the thirty thousand were kdlrd or made prisoners ; suck are the accounts received from Trabizona. r'urtiier details of this tiemend cut duasler of the tSussiant are eagerly eipectvd t.cte. ' The feleetrle Telegraph. One of the most recent gif't which Science has conferred apon Art, is that of the fctcctric Talegraph, invented by WimtTioir, and now employed in London. He had UevoteU 'to the Subject bf Elcc tricity much time, and'ita first fruits waa this dis covery. The folrpwing descririticn of 'Ihe bbject, 'Operation andtohstructionbf this kimple.'yet highly Irhporterit 'irtvehtion, we flxtract'ftom Dr.'LAa!b ret.1! Third Lecture, delivered in New York, and repotted it length in' the New York Tlihune: 'Ita object ia, by the agency of Flectrfelty, 'to communicate between two distant places' In a very nhbit space of lime. 'In England it'has already been appliod Blotyg'ral!was7,for aome hundred or more miles. Allth.it fa necessary fa logo to the office at one eud and ask his question ; in about 'three minhtea receives an answer. I chanr'eAl mycelf, while engaged in railway operations, tb Witness an operation of thia'kiml, and'I shall 'tint bon -forget my astonishment at lire result. :I vvat standing rtedr'the oltice of the Great Western Railroad when a passenger got out of the train cf cars, which had just arrived, over fotry miles, from 'London, went into the office and told the cleik that he wish ed to-sen(l by-returniittraina nbte lb his 'hotel in London cbhtefnlt-.g a 'cltwtk and umbrella he had ;16fl thfre. ,vYea, air,' said Ihe clerk, 'wait a mo ment and I will give you the answer to your note.' Ho turned a -email apparatus 'in a corner df the room, and iti about three minutes told the maVlhat His'tlofsk and umbrella had been taken caredf, and will be aetit by the nrtt'tralti. The method df (he operation bf this invention is extremely simple, anil ra easily renocteJ iriletli i t ble I have already explained the nature of 'the gal. 'tanic current which 'is produced when 'zinc md 'coppct Cr bthcr metals are brought in cohtact. Tho clectficitv evdlved at the surface of a 'cbntact it de composed, 'the ipjfiUive trtking one direction and the nrgative tht oilier; huncc If two wires lie provided and put in contact, the one with the posi tive and this other with the negative fluid, tlwxe two ctfrrcnts will flow t-lor-.g (hem for any distance ever, arnfcnd the glole. Nc -.v if a ma5nrtic nee dle be pluced (Ker the Wire, alohg which thrs gal vanic current 'flows, it will be iinmcdi.iteiy turned at right angles to the Wlre--no matter What waits former direction. Now suppoie a wirc'bc enVllised I in (ir, iu-b fi wuiromiT-n uy iuinu oiiiur iiu.i-roil- J iluetitlg Sttlistsnce, and pnwcd tho whole dhiaiu-e from New York to New Orleans ; a needle placed above the wire at New Orleans will inst intly turn at right angles to it 'Upon vending along it the elec tric current. This woilol be Ihe case with any number of wires. Tims we have a method ot comniuilicating 'instantly httween distant places. The in-xt thing is lo devrse some rheatrscf render ing the r.nmmuiiK atinn tntidliciMe. A variety of signals have been employed Tor tilts purpose. In Whcataton'a'ielegrnph the letters or the alphabet were employeC ; r.nd the mode of conducting the communication was this; at each end of the route was piovidej a lotenge marked off into psrollclo grams, M the aiigl'- of which were rplsced the dif 'ferent'lt'tters of tho dlphebet. Wagnrftic needles were placed abort the wires in sorb a position with respect to'lhe figures (h: any two bf the needles may be made to point to each of the letters by the action cf 'the fluid, wh'fh on being .passed along the wire causes them'toturn at right angles to the wires. Now in cninmuni eating from end to end, Ihe pernon who m.rkes tho T.rst a(Kancr,ip.mes a cuircnt klong a wi-e which lers go a bell at the other extremi y : thus a "wire touched at New Orleana would let go a bell heie. and ita language is, 'I'mNgoirij; to send you a inee sage so look abdtit you? The person 'receiving thh warning sends back a current, which 'lets go a bell at the other end, saying in 'reply, Go n, sir. Tin listening to you.' Then they begin lo spell out (he words if that is the method adopted. If E I the first letter., then two wirea sre'teuched, which will cause two needles at the other end to point lo that letter, on the lorcnge, aiiH ao for all other letters. In a general practice fewer letters are necessary than tlioso of thu alphnhct. The manner in which these telegraphs are con structed tn England is this: the wires, of which (hero are frve or nil, are placed in glass 'tnbee and buried several -inches 'in the ground beside the rails. "One ia now nearly finished from London to Liver pool, and by It messages are transmitted with as tonishing rapidity, for commercial paspnecs theso telegraphs are ef espeda! importance. Pcwns) Iva-stla (lins lw-wCnl tK.-roi wf Tolls anxt Frt4jht. We find in the Harrhthm-g Inte'lligerrceT the fol lowing annunciation of a -contemplated reduction in lite rates el' tolls and freights lo be charged on the PennsyKansa woAcs. rrrputed Reduction if Toll Bitd Freight on our Public TWAr There are al .present in Harris burg, delegation Irom the hoard ef Trade at Pitts I 1 L-i: 1 . a stLii. , , L I mm we nouevo eisu r.oni i imancipnia, also a ntmber oTfotwarfiing men 'from the cities, and representatives of the transportation companies up on the canals and raitroads. The object is to ef fect a reduction of both tolls an freight upon the Pemisylvaifia pulihc works. We understand that these gcatVemen have had several conferences with the cmal commissioners ana that a reduction il ttrVefitace which will en able oirr public woikt to -compete with thoso of New York, ao that we may eipect next year, an iiiori ase -et btnineRt arid a consejuenl increase of Theran.il commissi oriers liave agreed to reduce the tolls, only n the condition that there thai I be a corresponding redaction of freight. Thittiaibeen acceedi-J to, the redsciien to comnmnce on ihe iistity of May next, and that after that day a regular standard of ledaced freight ia to he main tained throughoat tVe yar. This we deem highly iiniortant, aa ascertain)? in price, almve a lair standard, is sure to drive the western merchants off of our public works. We nndi rstand that iiolh toll and froight Will he reduced one llirrd of ita pre nt price. Thai nour will oe rarrveil nuoiigh for f 1 per tnirrel, and that As e,lMclioii will be so greal that bnuminoils totl will las tamed from J'ui.buig to Philadt Iphu. Ir.tivois Bovns. The New York I'ribune Aiya, '-Eighly-nine ihMtitand dollara of 'llllliois "Sites, 'hypothecated with 'Ihe Mechantee' Banking InsUlution, by Messrs. Macalee1er& 8tcbbina were aol'd yesterday at auction fS.OOD brought lVj ; ff.OOO biought 17, "and $30,000 brought 15 At the Beard, at 'the a'ame time, Bohits were set ing at 50 'W, This sale Is stated to have boen conducted with get h ike, without sufficient no tice being given, and Messrs. Macaleater at Sieb. bins have raid and injunction on the proceedings.' trnirr IrK BLbttb. At Ihe Blbod.'ln ita'life. pt'eserving course ia subject 'to continued wsate, nature has provided for the Supply of tho'f'xhauat 'ing fountain, by the 'cohveraion bf our fobd into new blbod. 'But Whilst slich ample means are provided for'the manufacture bf heW blood, nature has been ho lest snltcitbUs'in providing for ihe ex pulsion of'that which, is useless and decayed. This important bffice is performed by thebowel, and When Naturo (who is always atrug'jliug to t'hrow oll'i'fl'entling matter,) requires assistance in her benevolent intention. Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pdr will be found sihgularly adapted to the purpose, because they remove thrbugh the stomich and bowelsall corrtipt humilrs'fmrh'tlic body, in 4h easy, s ife and ehucttial manner, producing no cfTect but What will finally rondure to the prirfect purification of the Blood, and thereby cure tho disease, (by whatever name it mry be 'called,) and give jietfect health to'the Whole system. Purchase in Sunbtlry, 6f H. B. Masr,anJ of the rents published in anoiher pan of thia paper. :tzJt "K 'in Lockport, on the 7th November 'last, 'by the Rev. Mr. Porter, Mr. Charils Gii, of I nckport, III liitis, formerly of Sutil'tiry, to Mws TiAHr A. AU rv, bf Norwalk, Conn. :PMCE OO'RR'EXtt. 'Corrected weekly by Henry "Yiurtheimer. Whkat, - - - - - 110 K rs, ...... ;,t I'llHV, . 4( O-ats, .... - ao I'llKK, ...... ft 1'iAVsr.rh, ... . 15;, Hc'T-ritH, - - - IIki.swax, . . "S Tanow, - - - - . IS J Dhimi Arri ks, - - - - 75 Do. Psachkh, ..... ','1 Ki.ax, .... . S 'Hit'.' 1 an I'la, .::, - 12 IMIos C tu iHl, ( Ihe ttzt iif fir. llurlicIC Compound ttrength- rning and Cerman Aperient Pills. YXn. HAKLrtH, Deer Sir: Shortly after I re- ceivedthe Agency from you for the sale of your medicine, I formed an acquaintance with a latly of this place, who was severely nfTircted wiih the Pitas. For eig'it or ten years this lady was subject to freouent painful attacks, and her phyi cian considered her cae ao complicated, that he ve ry aeldotn prescribed medictire for r. Through my persuasion, she commenced H-sng yonr Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yonrs, eVc. . JAMI5S R. KIKBY, O.-l. 3. 1840. Cnambersburg, Pa. Office and General lepot. No 19 North Eighth Street. HENRY YOXTflEl.MEK, Jan. SOth, 1642. Agent 4;ood Iitlrnt Fire fmprtiij.' A STATED MEETING of the Company will -1 'lie held on Thur.1.iy evening next, al 0 o'clock, al the Court House. I unctual alteiiiiance is n . M. VOKKS, SeCi etttrp. piested. Jan. 29, 1842. "C.oort Will rire Coiiipany." rPHE membera of the "God Will Fire Oom--- piny" are reuestud lo me! at the Court House, on Monday Evening, Feb. ?th, at 7 o' clock prccin-ty. Punctual attendance is icquired. djf The annual election of officers will tAe place, at the above time and place. Jan. 29. DANIEL SHINDEL. Jc. THE COTTAGE BIBLE rAMIIY EXPOSIIOH. (is two voLi'ast.) pONTAIMNO the OIJ and New Tes-ament. with piaciical exposilinna and explanatory notes by Thomas Williams, Author of "ihe Age of Infi delity," "Dictionary of all Religi rus Denomina tions," cVc. To which are added the referencra and marginal readings of the Polyglc.it Bible, together with original notes and selections from Baxter's Comprehensive Bible, and other standard works introductory and concluding remarks on etch book of the old and new 'Festement, and a Vatuatde chro oologies I index. The whole carefully revised and adapted lo Ihe uae of Sunday Schools Brbhs classes, and Christians generally, embclittked with maps and engravings, edited by the Rev. William Pat ton, arid published by Cate, Tiffany A. Buiiihtm; Hartford, Conn., 1841. Thia work hat been highly recommended by the following, among other distinguished tiivme: Rev. Stephen Remington, pistor of ihe Medio dist Episcopal Church, Brooklyn. Rev, W. C. Brow 11 lee, pastor cf the Middle Dutch Church, New York. Rev, Lemuel Miller and A. Alexinder, Profes sors in Princeton Theological Seminary, N. Jersey. Rev. C. P. Crauth, t'resiileiit of Pvnnsylvania College, at Gcliyahuig. Rev. (' W Schaeller, pastor f the l.utlrertn Cliorch, Harrisburg, Pa. fXj For sale byll. B. Mas-ft, Agent fr the Publishers. Jan. 29lh lS'J. LI. xraons are raulioned from purrhasipg or receiving a note of hand, given by ni to David Miller lor Tan Doliams. Maving received no val ue, I thall not pay thu tame unless compelled by law. JACOB KRAM. Shamnkin, Jan'y. tSd, 1642. Icer lllci'kj Uitutc, LL p rtont knowing thrmsrlvet indebted to the fistale of IVter Piter, late or Liitle Mthonoy township, Norlbumbeilaud County, fur goods pui chased at the vendue of Ssid deceased, or fir debl contracted during his life, are requested to call and settle the same, at ihe utiles or Abraham Rod.trn.el, Esq., in said township, t u or bt-fore Tur day. the first day of Felmaiy next. Persons who neglect to ailend at tht lnn, will be a,iod upon by the constable for setllnni nt. Jonathan i iri: Jan, 8th, IMi. Ji, ON the load, heiween tins place 'and frorthum beilan'j.a WbfstW Reticule,' containing a while linen handkerchief, A reaaittiahle re Ward will given to the fn'iler, by leaving U at tlihrofljce. be Jan. 23d, '1M. TAVfiTXN NOTICE. Vu the. lUmoralilt 7-7' Ifit i. President, and hi Atthciate Judgi: Af I fie Court nf Qtiar 'ter TSrttir.ni, if Ihe county of Northumberland . fslHE pctitioti'bf Georee Smith of Jackson tnwh JL sliip.'ih Sitid' coUlity, hUhibly ierretciit, that he eontiiHi'-H fo keep taverti at his nM iitsnd, m'the Brick Houiteiu said IrtVrh-bip, and in well ireHred for the accommodation of travellers, Ac. lln iherc fttre prsvs your Honors to grant him a hVertse 'to 'keep a 'tavern during' the ensuing; year, ahll'lle will pray.cVc GEOIiGE SlfltH. To ritt .li'TiorTs'ABovR isrxTiovrh . 1 he suli scrilicrs, teni'derltK'tif Jackson p. herely ce'rtify,' tlmt Geot'ee Smilh 'the applicant for the'tlf ense, U a man of good r'epule'for hoursty and TeWipcraitce, and ia well pruvtUed With h'iuarioom s-rid convcnteiircs fbr the ldjJ!rVg and Sccnrnmodatibtrbf atrtingera and travellers, '.Vj tlmt a pn.blic houre'thetc'is hett'ttary: they therefore reco.umcnd trirh as a proper per son to be. licenced to keep a pbllllc hotlse. 'Win.'peppoii, Vrertiiah Wetzel, 'jlihti'Haas, . Henry Briin, DAf.iel HiH iisli. Vrederick Treon, 'Jeste llcd-yl, ffeilry 'Garl'n 111, 'Jtihn Folk, Jonattimi fniilh, 'Jtihn Snyder, Jacob A. "Malich. Mnlip lletiicri, J 111 8th. JS42. A V" OFJatb EELIGHT. nirOATAM TO THK KEADIXi PIBLIC fllHE New 'QuHrlo VMume of the "NEW L WORLD" aVknolvledr'fd on all hands to be the h:inds mrest, cheapest, and rnost populhr anil enter-(uiningpi'riHlical in tho world-i-oinir.ciiciiH; Jan jary la), t9ltS. will 'corittrfn. siriiu'ltnneout with it publicai1! in 'in Engbiiil.fhe'Grarid New Military N.wel, by tho huiho, of ' Charlet O'Mallev," enti tled fXj-v'3ITK MKfvS,"3) CommrrtcirtR Tvlth the ttory of "Jack Hl.'iton, 'the Life (TfiUfihiinan." No xommerifl ilion of thia neW wcik will I r.e eesirtv to those Who have read the fielightful Novel of Charles O VMIry." A'rso, a new Novel bv Mis C. M. Sedgiriek, al rcudv cflrjimeruvd, -bich doea g'eat credit to that iisttnffrished Aiiib"rers. Mirny Original Ts'ea 'of great intercK, among tvliich we miy rrteift.en, as already in hand, "Vlary Tail.r, a Tale of the Paslo,"bv Edmund H.igg. Esr.. author of the -Far Wes',' 'The lltiebe-a of Fmar,' Pentru-e,' A.C., a work of deep mid thril 'ling 'iinVrciit ; " AIk-I Parsons," a 'IVe of the great Tire in New 'ork in December, 1HS, nbounding in poeifufly t.rcm(;ht pasagee ; "Tlieltlackuiilh of Antwerp," by a popular o'iffttil cohtributor. AUo, a st'ries of unperh Engravings on VVcod, by Itr Ik-st arltsrn in Kni;laiid and Am tic, Wiltcm bi'llish the eorninc vohvtte. ijj" All tbee Nove'tiea. and a multitude of o I hers, for Omt Turks Dollar, rum tit money, reinille.1 tree id postage. In the usu d book form tlKy would coat tfn times that amount. CHAntES O'MALLEY, ENTIRE, Can be had by all new sDlwetibera 1l(i wish ibis poptilar woftk, ley entering their sVjbscriptions to commence with thu fid Quarto Volume, J-nly 3d, 1841. FVrt three dollars on any fcolrent ch. iifered Bank in the United States ft Canada, free of pot itge, the New Wortl will tie tent one year, from irwcoiiimencenient of ChmiesO'Malley,' incfndmg the 1st volomo graris, poMtslrer hi exua nTtmlx-rs. Addresa S. Wl.NtUlESTER. Publishrr. 30 Ann street, ew York. COOKING SPOVE, slid a few Coal Slovea fit sale, clreap, by II. B. MAssEK. Jan t, tMt. AT PUBLIC SALE, AT ARM, GRIST AND SAW MILLS. U I I.I, tie exposed to pulrbc stie, on the 7lli ot Fob. 1811, at 12 o'clock, on the Premises, the very valuable Property biiefly deitcribed as tolbnv having Ven part of the Jenkins Estate, viz : 2 15 acres, ?S pcrvhea, with allnwsnce, of which abont tM) acres sre in cultivation, with a large Apple Orchard ; the ic.idue W'omlland, inchidnig Litncstoire Land, snillirge veins of Iron Ore. I be preinrsts are situ ited 111 Last l!urnlo town ship, I c 1 1 1 n coin'v. Pa., nn ihe west side of the West Branch of Sdsipiehanna, about five miles frO'n Nortliu'Bl'cr and, and three from Lewi.hurg. adjoining lands of Mia Jenkins, and Messrs. Sitook A. Peieny. There e two never failing Wtr prwtrs form ed by Turtle ('reek, which intersects the tract, at one of which there is a Clover Seed Mill on Bur rail's patent, and a Milters Hon e, and at the other a Msrttiant Flouring G tst Mill of stone with o-ver-hol wheel hiii three run of stones, and a Saw Mill. A good brick and fVame Dwelbng House, with a Millers House convenient, and a large log Bank Barn are also erected. The liact is well watered by springs and streams, and eligibly situa ted in a populous neighborhood. The lmn Vrenf Montour's Kidgt, expending into the premises, apjvears to be in great abundance, upon the liver bank, where it it laid open, and is believed to pervade ihe continuous rtJgo scroti the Proieity. From nil adjacent tract, tho Shainnkin Iron Company now procure the Iron tire fit their Furnace, and hold iraeta atf-iid coinmi.dioua and frrt navigation, promoted by the ai k-water of ihe Slismokin Dam, 10 the Rail Road at Suubcry, wbch bade to the Slumok-.ti Coal -Mines and Lou Woikt. Purchasers are Invited lo view the premises carefully and upon inqiiy they will find the li:le free fiom all d oiUand d lficolly. 7'ie terms of piiment are : when the Proper ly is si' uck oil' $5011, and as toon as the deed ia lendi red. which will be within five d.iys, the flintier sumofflTOO. Of the readue. 5,0t)0 may ie. main unpaid for three yeirs, and the rest m equ.il yeaily instalments of f,000 a year, from the time of tale. All not pal J st the d livery of ihe d.-. d, to be secured by bond and mortg ige, Im triii iuter crt. Further inquiries mav l msdo nf HEN BY W. S.NYDEH, fk!ingroie, Aasiitneeol' S.imuel Knnl'i'i ; or of IH'GH BELLAS, Sunbury. Jaiiusiv. Is', s44. lift: AMHHICAN aMEBIC A 1, tlDBARV A Dill iTr.i.t.t;i:trjt. TI tlCE.TRA I ED Kirord nf Mrdiral Sii. nice and Liteiatnre, by Rub lev Dunglisnn, M. ! , lotvsiir of the Institutes of MciHrine, etc., in Jtffi 1 son MedieaM'ollee of Phtlsitu'phiS, puli. Itahed ninntlilv by Adam WsKlie, No. 46 Carpen. ter at reel, Pbiladi Iphia. Subsx'rip'lon price. a y. ar. Subsciiptions for the above Wmk ! ci-ted by Hie subscriber. H. B. MASSER, Dec. Ilth, 1P41 Apnt. I70H I.t, Fi.-sh Ciaiit-elries, Fi. B En ghsli Cliwse, Keg b'ai.ins, H cts. per Hi., by 1.t. S5, 1S4I. 11. B. MA83KK. 'To b?, or not to lie" fcut'tl, a question that we seriously sulmit lo ti e I CoiU'deralion of a I who are indebted to lha siib-rriliera, and who t'o noi.iti a short time, come forward and settle lluii aicomns Dec 18, 1841. II, B, MASSER A, CO C'otiiiterrt-llri k' "Doatli Won: The pul.lic wdbple.tHe observe that rrb Brttrd'eth Pills are hdthe. tlnlrss the box has VorcVla bels upon H, (the 'top. tbn aide and the btAtom) earh containing a f ic-simile stgilnture bf Tfly hand writing, thus B. BaA'tvllrls-nf, M. 'I). These la. helsaie '('hgrsved on steel, lintifilty designed, anil dime at h n peirsc rtf rtter i.OOt). Thrrefore I. Will be Men that the' Otily thing hecesaary to pro cdfe the rticilitMie rtr'tis purity, ia to obsene these labels. Renl'en-tber'rtte lop, the side, and the bottom. The following tesieclivs persons are duly auhori led, and hold CERTICATE3 OP AGENCY. ;l"or the sale of liruiulreih't Vegetable Universal Pills. Northiimbeilard countv ; MMtnn lackey ck Chauiberlin. Sunbury H.'B. maiJEer. M'Ewens- ville Ireland cV. Merxfll. Noifftuihl-ciland tV'di Forsyth. GehiijitoWri T. Mldllhger &. Co. Union C iOrrrv : New Berliti-Jithn IlolTnian Sclinsgro'e 'Eyer and Schiiilfe. Mid.lluburg lirc Mnlith. Be.rvcr bWn J. Ac F. Bibgamsn, AtlifitisllUri! H. cV. A. Smith. MihlinabUrg Swdhe At Laird Ha tleton Daniel Long. Free Intra tl. At F. C. Mover. CVntrevjPe Slailey xV Letihart. I.etvislnn v alls a titeen. Columbia county : Dnvt1!e E. B. Reynolds Ac Co. Birw ck i sltmhaii v R Henhouse. Cat tawissli C A. V t'. G. Brobts. Bloomsburg . John R. Mover. Jeis'-y Town Levi Bisel. Wa shington iio'ot. MvCay. Limestone -D. L. Sc.huieck. Ohseivc that each Acent has !n Engraved Cer tificate of Airencv, containing a representation of Dr BRAKDKE f'H'S Marttifnctdry Kt Sing Sing, anli tipiKi wll'.cli b ill h'so be rteeh exact cipies ol the nt w labeu nuto uteil upon the lintttdrcth Pill Boxes. Plnl'dclpbia, nffieo No. 8, North Rlh street. B. BRANDRETH.M.D. Jnnu-try 1st, 1S42. 'yaZla nr FOP. SALE. FOR sale a small Farm, containing about one numbed and ten acres, more or les, situate in Point township. Norihumbcrlsud countv, about two riiibs above Nortlfuuilicrl and, on Ihe main road leading from t lib. I place to Danville,' adjoining lands of Jolin l.egliou, Jesno C. llorlon and others. hS.v in tho oectjp'incy of Samuel Pnyrlo. Al out forty acres of said tract are clean d, "and in gn.ul state of cu'tivntion, on winch there is a small barn f recti d. 'Ilie property will lie sold tin t ksonablo terms. For further particulars, peisons fcre request ed to app?y to the rut'rcrih, r. H. 11. MASS2R, n, Nov. 27ih, IR41. if Puril-u-ry. l's. CSF.YSOLITE POLISH. AN artie'e oneqohtled for cleaning and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil ver. German Silver, lirssi, Copper, Bntt.inia ware, Tin, Suel, Cutlery, and for reslorii'g the luaire on varnished cathagpi-, Acc. TRY IT. Prepared an I a dd at wholeta'e and retail, by the SurqnehSnna f ,'hrys.ditc Polish Company, Owego, Tioga cimnty, N. Y. ' W.M. FORSYTH. Agent for Northum'd, H.'B. MASTER, Agnit for"Sunbery. November Stllh. 184 1. CITY AUCTION AND COIYIMISSZON STORE. Sumbcr 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia 13UBLIO SALES of Dry Goods, Hnrdware and Cu'ltery, ftooks, Stationary,4 Clothing, Boots, Shoea and Hals, and in short almost evety description of goods, are held nt this establishment every evening. Gootlt are also aold ut piW&e tale during tho day al the average auction pttces. Store keepers and nadera will find it lo ihcir advantage by arteiichng tin; sales. C.C. MACKEY, Arctirneer. PhilarVlphia, November 13, 1841. tv. rE T ECOIT eSSET" Wholesale and Ketaii Shew, BoTinct, and Palm Leaf Hal War'Chvrtisc. So. 66 North id street, a few duors ab-a e .irch, Philadelphia. VLSO Trunks, Cninet Bags and Vnliccs, of a ery desciiption, all of which he offers for sale On the most TeftsonaMe terms. Philadelhia, Novcnbcr 13, 1841. I. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW KM; LAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2s' Norih Water Street. Phila. M ANUFACTl'RERS and dealer in ttils of every description both ' for burning and manufacturing purport's, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and wiirianted in quality to cquul any in ihe city. Any oil sold by the company nol proving as represented, may bo returned without any eipense to the pur chaser, and tho money will be refunded. Their trock now in item consists of the following oils, viti 30,'OO gallona Winter Bleached Speim Oil, tr c n m sr s 6000 do do Colorleja Oil, do Fatl and Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter Sea Elephant, do do Pressed Whole Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, lfJ.tiftO '10,000 so.oou 0000 15,000 200 Barrels superior Straits Oil, 3u0 do Cod Bank Oil, A3 do Neata Foot Od, 75 Casks UliveOil, Tanner'a ' tilt. 3 rs 5 3" rXjThis Company has 'a numln-r of Vessel' rn. gigtpj in the Cod Fishery, and T anners r,ay rely Upon fetiinf at all times Oil as pure as imported Philadelphia, Nov. 3, livU. ly. GTVTStTL. 3. TL OFFER FOR SALE, al '.'ne South Ea-i Cor ni't or Fifth und Market .Vr, '.'Y.iVuu'c-ph.:a- Metis Calf-tk'n lioots, stitched warranted, do do ,i0 pegged do d) io do water f lOof, dj'-hle soles and double iipftrs. du Call'-skiri do do do nailed Bod uppers, do HtfaVy Vate LealheV t vus. do do N'eait do do. do Yiich quarter Sbrcs, Ca'f-kin. do do du CriN'-Kera do do Fine Moi.rotf wairamed do Kip It.t do di ('..If drt do tin CVarun do do, 'iln flo Shoea do do Fine do do do Kip do co do Calf and Sel Skir..limpa. ti) List Suck with aVid without soles, do Carpet do do do do Patent M'arr intei! Water-proof Moceas'hs. Ladies' da Jo . do do Ladies' tanned India Iubbr tho.s. lieiil'ijn.ens' du 1 iver shoes. Wi.n every rr.het Jesc 1ptim of toott an-? shoes. Fur Caps if evr description. avelbng Trunks of every description. Veiieti.m rr'.veinnt Bags. PaieritGum Flasiii: Hhoe Blacking. 11. lir.ta nf .dl kinu'.. Palm Leaf Hats I hd. Iitns, ember 13, lfej I. ly H. B. IvIASSEP., ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'CTJITBTJRY, PA. Business iittended , to In tho ("ountics of Nor- thuipl trland, Union. Lvcotnhtg and Coluiubia. Iterer tot 'Tun mas IIabt Ac Co., 'LrwBit Ac BABRiry, Hast, G'ojtmmos 6: Haiit, ' RtisoLna, McFABLAnn A: Co. Sptmo, Ooou Ac Co., - P.'ulad. V. & A. UOVOUDT'S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse, So 1 04 fVrA Third street, third door beloio' Vint street,- Philadelphia, WHERE they constantly keep on bund a targe assortment bf China, Glass ami Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose nf on the moat ret soiiahle terms. Philadelphia,' November 3, 1841. ly. Jacob rrlsmut.li & Kod. UESPECTFCLLY inmrms llnir fnemls knd acrpiaintances generally that' they mill con tinue to keep sl the old stand, No. S46 North 3d stieet, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SNUFF AND SEOARS. Which they will soil on the moat accommodating and reasonable terms. iN.13. All tfoodn sold will be g'laran'ced, arid ill erders promptly attended to. ' Philadelphia, November 13, IS41 --ly. J PETEII DEWEKS, X AST IrlAKBlls "No. 74 Callowhill Street, riiiladclprri J, ("Three doors above Second. J CjJ HOE Findings always kept on hand, whitih ho offers for (title nn the lowest' terms. Country Merch mis are particularly to call iiJ judgo for themselves. PbiladelphTaNovemWr 'lS,' ls4 1. ly. tOWKU & BARRON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign1 ana Domestic HaidWare, No. 171 North Thihu STftKtT, I'liiiAUktiii'iA. THERE Ib'eir frir-nch and 'Mistnmers wilTalwsvs finifa rrie"nnd general a-soiiment of Foreig'i and DooitstlcTEudw arc, whir h they wilftrcHiit the lowest prices, ' Plnledeli hia.'S'oveiubrr 15, fSII. ly. T1IEOPJLUS CULP. MarrufacVjrer , and 'lifforicr of Sad dlery, Hardware, A:c. Ao. 6 South Third street, fur duors be'.oio AfurAi t Philadelphia. KEEP constantly on h.ind a lnrge and ccneral assortment Coach Lamps," Carriage Band)-, Axle Arms, Ebptic Springs, Patent Leather. cVc. I'ountry Mtfrchanls and saddlers will betupplied st nil trYnes bn the most reasonable terms. They w 1 T:nd it to their aiTvantage to call and exiuiine h assortment Tiefore purchm-ing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, 1941. ty. EAT" BP.OTHE, WHOLESALE AND KETAHV' BOOKbEL LEKS AND STATION! RS, No. 122 CJiesnut Street, Lclow 4tl. Phitadelphis. KEEP constantly on tifchd a genera! assort ment of Books arttl Sl'at'.onnry ; cornprising 'I beological. Law. Medical, Classical, Miscelane oua and 'School Books, Day Books, sfl sizes, l.id oers, do..' FSmily' Bil.e, Pocket Biules, Wrtlhis Pivpers, Wraprtbg Papers, Acc. Ac, which they 'oil let "a 1 tbe lowest '.Micea to Country Merchant's Pre fessi.mal Gv-nUetntn, Teachers, anJefl others fhat may faW.r Ihem with their custom. I'hilaiWphis., Nmember 1:1. IP41. ly. REYNOLDS, McFARLAND & CO. Wholesale Dealers in i?oreign British and American Dry Goods. No. 10f) Market street, Philadelphia. C10UNTKY Merchants, and othera can be tup J plied at ull 'times with an extensive asaoit nitMit of the beet rind most fashionable Goods upon the most reason a! ile lerm. Philadelphia, November 13.1S41. U. .Tlicliacl Weaver fc Son, KOPE MAKERS & SKIT CHANDLERS. No. 1 3 North Water Street. Philadelphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general atSor( ment of Cordage, Seine Twif.es, &C, 'z 'I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White hopes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Cnna1! Boats. Alsi, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ace, at Hemp Shad and Herring Tyvfri, flft't Patent Gill Net Twine, Coiton tsihad and Herring Twire.Bho Threads, etc. Arc. Also, Bed' Cords, Plough LTilc. II slters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains-, etc. ail of whitlj they r$i dispose of on r.tsoubN tetms. t'hil.ide'phia. Novemlier 13, 184.. ly. ESHERICK, HANSELL & CO'S. WHOLESALE DHY GOODS STORE. No. 1UG 1-2 Market Stfet;t, Phila. (BdoU) Fifth South side ) A LWAYS keep on hurrtd full and general aa ti rtir.entof Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goodr, Country Meichauta afa respectfully requested 14 give tljrm a call an.1 examine for themselves. Philadelphia. N'cVvembpr 13, 1841. iy. TO VVVTiTsVt MERCHANTS? rTHE f?ah.-.iir.cr. Agent ol l.von 6c Harris, jio Manuficturcrt, for New YoVk, Plirifi JerjWs, Ba'tfrriore and oilier large cltfet, mtosu ius.trti h'ghty comuunJrd f jr :od toht and durability, h'Sse: Land a first rule atjmtm'iit of HATS and CAPS, uila! le f,.r S1,Ymv sites, wh U will V to very lew, foi rat. or ai.pi ved credit, at ibt HfflfrT vhcap store, No. i', Noitt, atiel, Pf pjsiS the City IL.11, 1'iriUJclL.hili, OLIVER N, Ttl ACJlEfl. Aptnt. N. H. triVi lor Ha') i 1 the -ougl. promptly a.tei'dtrd to. The bijjhisi 1 nc tu uuh ix Ut'i given jt l ilt 1, in. Pi ila.h'tpliii,. Nov. mber 13, 181 1 - -ly J . W. SWA lW. X Umbrella 'and l'arasol Manufacturer- No. 37 Nocth Thitd street, t'uo doors leloxu the Ciu Until. Philadtlnhin. OUNl'lt Merihanta and otheia are toIiciUl lo rismine Ida tesoiturnt htfore ruichtsins elsewhere Phila 'elj hia. NoVfViilrr 11, 141. SPERLNG, GOOD Ai CO. No. 13S Mai'k"t Street, Hiiladeljihia: INVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their rltensne assortment ol Britbh Frei rh and American Dry Cooda, wbicn ihcy offer for Sal on the m.-t nss-'iisble trii)s, PhilsrJe'phis. Novemlwr 13, VS 4 1 . ly. .... Just recclvrtl tvi.t for sale b 11. B. Mus s.r ttonl 11 Syrup-, Sugar II, us and N. O: Mo't.ses; Loaf. Lump, Crushed, PioWh ahd Vhrr latied Si.gsr: Cranberriis, Rsittns, Crackers, cVt.i French snd English M-rih; Meiirio ahd bibeV shawls; Clotha, Cai-imtrs and Css.inettt; Dilf (o.hIs, Hardware, adlerv, dec. of all kinda. Nov. SOth, 1M1.