'the Speaker appearing to sustain iho mil Can I not, hid Mr. F., refer lo precedent ! Tba Spca Iter sititt, tertainly-biit without going Irito the hie riUof the case. Mr. F. resumed.--! n the N. Jer sey cace, Sir, this Holfse wai at nitich'twctlfeJ aa it in now j anil Ihcn, aa now, the Oomrhlllee were ordered lo report .fnrthHdth bilt, "Sir, ndlwllh. landing the irltrme leelinfc that pervaded the House and the eon n Try, tht committee 'retained the report fnutor jti)e days and although it had lcen peremplariy demanded frhm (hem, ihc'llolise refused to crlforce ihe demand except m'thc'regiJinr orJertif business. I call Upon gentlemen to 'pause now (here Mr. F. spoke tviih much trilcthnlly, amidst the stillness that increased thia solemnity) I call upon gentle men to reflect what will he the conaequonre of thus "breaking down all the rules of this House. At any 'time, it will be competent for a 'h.ire 'majority -df thia House, lo pasa and 'repeal laws, without de bate without -giving to the minority the smallest opportunity to prews their 'opinions. In all the violence that accompanied the aotion -upon '(he N. Jersey case the Hdtrse still reiniiicd and 'enforced its rules-will It now lireuk -down and disregard 'them t I know, raid Mr. 'F., with greal feeling.) '(hat 'thia ia doomed question hi this 'House i hut, sir, can it not be reached soon enough, without thus trampling upon all the forms, and rules, mid dignify of this Legislative assembly. 'Once wore 'I arlk (If gentlemen, on all -aide, 'to consider the seriousness of the act which 'they rrre called upon to perform. After Mr. F. sal down, gre.rt eorrfusiou.pri-VBileil-; numerous questions worn asked of the Speaker, and Mr. W'ISS was loud in Itts ea'ls to order. When the House ni1! .proceeded 'to action, it found itself liking the yeas and -nays upon a mo lion to lay the appeal from the Speaker's dccUioti 1 upon the table. There were ayes 101, noes Irfi, Mr WIN'THROP contended here that the order ' of business could not be changed hut by a 'vote of 'two-thirds. A new question arose en to the faot whether -the 'Hill had been received. -Not hrrving been .presen- ted by the Chairman "of thc tludiciHry 'Committee, its reception was regarded as not in order, Mr. BARNARD now .rose and said 'that 'tinder the licremntorv order ..f the House he foil r.lle.i upon' to Report the Uill, and the Hill was aecord Jpglv amidst g-eiiornl.confution sent to the fca- ker-'a table. Mr. WINTHROP of Mires, sai l he ohjoptefl 13 the reading of the Bill, and as a question oforfler 'be contended that (he order of the House had been executed in the Report of the Dill. Action upon h was exhausted unless the (Mouse suspended its lules. The SPEAKER after along pawseto deciocd. Mr. WIslE look an jieul from the decision of the 'Hpealccr, whirih he briP.y argued amidst a general 'Uproar. Having closed, 'the previous question was moved. A motion was here renewed to adjimrn. Ww.'PHOPn T aeO (he yeas and nays, which 'Mng ordered, the adjournment was carried, 108 to '10". The volc was anwouncei in gcrscr! ta mult and received with a dipping f haiMs ami a general feeling on e ante, Cpoa the otlwr si5e a -strong opposition teHing was manifest, and Mr. Proffit declnred the vote t-pon the adjournment to be a 'legislative frsud. TVe adjournment, never theless wus ordered after an exciting session of six ' hours, and with the understanding that tire lftti ness will be renewed on M on d ay where it closed this evening. A Ot-iirrous Act, 'On Sunday 1si, a wene of cAckctng natMre took placic at the pond in the vicinity of Schuylkill Sec ond and Maiket streets. A number of boys were amusiikg themselvea with skating on the icetliat co vers the pond, and a numerous crowd of standi ra by were Kicking on, when auddeniy a shout of alarm aiose from rue aisJ all, as they beheld me i4" the kkuiers, a boy, struggling in tire waters, amidst (lie itaoken ice, which had given way under his feet. Two w ell dressed young moil plunged in, in the attempt to rescue tlie drowning Isiy, but incon sequence of the intense coldness of the water, aa wU as ihe iuterveniion of the ice, they became rx boosted very soon after lliey entered the water. The hwriliie prospect was In-fore the spccUtois of seeing three human beings peiishing before their eyes, without being able to turn hand to save thesn. tthoats of alarm and honor arose on every baml, and in the midst of confusion, a alout brawny and lubust piTson, was oliserved to dismount from the horse with which he had just liren seen cross, ing Market street ta-sige, and rushing through the crowd, he plunged without moment's delay into the water, and in a moment he emerged, bearing in his manly grasp the unfortunate sin lei. He followed up his beiievoknl woik by rescuiug the two young men, whose humanity had biought thetu into the dilliculty, and not sail lied with this, the generous stranger did Hot stay his rtforta, until be had saved the huts and caps of the sullen rs. We are sorry lo slate, that we are unable to give the first Am m of the geneious individual alluded lo. He imr4y k ft his Mum aa Mr. Mjwhall. 1'hiL Spirit tif tlie 77c. The Uradford Purter has iqipendud to the olslua ry notre of (Jen, IS. M'Keau, the following inler a'sting statement of CoL Jjimit P, Uall relative to n last moments : Mr. Goodrich. ome time ago, but after lion. M' ;Kean's confinement to his td, t had a full conver j(loi .with him aliout his disease, the disuessiug wound W.Uieh he inflicted on himseli, and tlie utile ol loiiil fceiMKaJIv, which at his suggestion I com iniuej to p iper ion after il occurred, with a view W U y uULicfcUuu i nil any nonce that he thoaght propex to taL tf him afuer his deulh. To my grC4.t mortification 1 have uualaij the pajiei.ao that Bite a Jiligent search I cuiuA find it. I must, liieloie, liiujerlake to supply it as well as I ran, nhifh will be very iuqierfeclly, lrcause, depending on the per, I have tufi'erej the details to go fioin piy mm J. In relation ro his dihie, he thought his physi cians had ull tuulskt'ii iu fhaiscter- They sup- posed it was in the beginning, he thought it termi. nated in what the f.iculty call neuralgia. There ia at any rate no doubt that hisTKifforings from 'ner vous hritabilify were very great. He explained to me the state bf his hiind when he inflicted the wound apokon tif. I only remem ber in substance -that K whs llorre in a tit of mental distraction. AfteVll'wtoa over, and he came to him self he fillll it appeared to him like a dream. His MplalnUinh b'f this matter waa interesting, and I ex ceedingly regret that I cannot find my mctnoran dum, the more especially as it was written at his request. I had known that his mind hud been for a long time awakenrd to Ihe subject of religion. Ho had beer skeptical, 'bitt he told me that hM'tloubls werB entirely 'ramdvpil, (htft he thbroirgly believcU (he truth df divine revelation; that he hud intended in the spring of 1840, after makiig a tour lo the Western f tales, 'to mdke a piiblic 'pMfeasiimof re ligion, and unite with the church. 'Hut U'fore (he time airived which he 'had 'fixed lor leaving home, 'he was scteed tvlth 'new rfttaefe, and confined to his bed. 'I have, said he, no fears of dralh 1 know 'diKt'l am unworthy, but ft I'trst 'in -the mercy of; (tod 'through 'the 'Savious. 1 hve 'thus grvenrttj ft mere sketch, which is J the best I can do under the circumstances, nnd as ! was Gen. M'Kean'e desire, 4 have only to request that you will append it to whatever you mayipub- lish on the occasion of trrs death, i Yours, cVc. Deo. 54,1841. 3 A MUS P. B L'l.U ttjfftintmttmt In 4hl. M'efind in the refjribfrteport of irocee(llng in 'the Legislature of Ohio the foll.twing account, wliiih n fleets great credit on the wisdom of the law makers of the W-est : WuenHay., Jan. 1. Numerous trillions were piesenteil, and various 'bills were considered in committee of the whole of tio interest to the general reader, if we may rr cept (he bill, changing rhe name rtf fho'Crow 'fumr ly, the proceedings on which "wo copy 'from (he St.itesinim. House hill o Ifl.'lo rhlinge'lhe fisme of Josqih Crow, John tow, 'Crfr.fline H. ('row, ami severjl 'c'u,"6 " T'" supposes, ure wnmc -l : I.. 1 . . . . . i . i I. ('nrw fanr?ry. j Mr.lortke nurvefl to ameno fhc ird by ursertmg the wiird H'hapman," btfforo the word Crow, so I thai (he bHI wW.Jfcad "iniapmaii Otow." wlrich ' amendment xvas not agreefl to. t'n motion, the btH tt'Ss ftieni reported bad;, with out amemdment. Mt. 3ciikms then moved that tlie bifl lie imleii rfiery postporjed. Mr. 'StrcBtnr opposed Aie fnolion; he -said ittvas a hard task for him lo be compelled lo rise and 'Orr deaxia; to freveiA the breaking up iti the Crow's nest. Mr. S., after some further remarks, read Ihe CrHownig few (incs-oT poetry m eiqiporl of hi argu ment ; The. m.rtkm ofiisrei! y my worthy frrenA, an Hidrtiiiireposipoiieiiieiit this hill lo send, i vhall for reiMins mrw oppose, I'idess lie ntme good reason (.hows, Why this motion should pr-vs4, And give his reasons n lt:laik I ask the aid of every rriond, That he will ttis assistance lenl, T keep tliis hi(l in statu iue. To change the murky fs..ie of Clow liaeh member, then, on his reiurit To his eousiiiyeulH, will h'scn A truth that they will not dixl.iin, The session was not spent in v nn, II speculators were negfochvl, Tho Faimitrg inrere was (otcclcd, For by our well directed blows, We killed, outiighi, a (lock ol Ciows, Great laughter. Mr. Jenkins said he whs satisfied with the gen tleman's argument, and withdiew his motion. The bill was then ordered to a thiid reading on lo morrow. From the X Y. WVr Tnfmnr. A FiTatit's Coi'mskl (FaoM rnt (itMX. Trtith will not accommodate itself lo usmy son, liut we must conform ourselves to tiulh. Hokl yourself too gmxl to do evil. What you ran see, lotsk at with your own eyes. Fear no man ao much aa yourself. Learn gladly of others ? and whenever they talk of wisdom, honor, happiness, light, fieedom, virtue, listen attentively. Hut do not Micve at once all that you hear. Words are only woids, and when they drive along so very ra-ily and swiftly, 1 on your guard; fur hoisea that diaw a valuaide load travel slowly. It is easy to despise, my son, but to undeisland is far 1ci tcr. Teach not others, until you have learned your self. Take care of your body, but not as if it were your soul. Meddle not with Ine affairs of others, but attend diligently to your own. Flatter mi man. and permit none lo fljiler you. lCicnd not on great nu n. Do w hat is worihy of trcord, but cure not to 1 rewarded. Mil not with women, for they are the moat mis erable of ull Ciealuio. Respect not canting religionists, but esteem and follow ainile-heaited good men. A man who has the tiue h'i ol ti.sl m hrs heart, is like the sun; he give light and heal, although he ssya nothing. EASi.r, V)n. ilAHKTM wishes mankind w consider this truth, that health solely depends on the stare of purity in which the blood is kept, every part of the body being supplied daily with new blood from tlie food ronstimed: consequently, according to the purenesa of that Mood, so must the slate of the bo dy be mo e it h'ss la? iltliy. To olwain, thervfoie, the miuit.diiccl purditr of the bkusl, is a question of no lillle importance to every individual. It ia well known fact, that ftttimlrttlii Vtge table I'ninrtul I'ifls ate the mosl dhect purifier of the blood, Theie will be no doubt of thia when it is considered that they have gamed their pieseM veiy extensive sale by their own intrinsic merit, proved by the numerous cures which they have ac complished in ev(ry variety of disease. fjj Purchase in jSiiubury, of 11. H. Massr, and ol the agents pul'liahcj in anolhei part of this paper. ' .1 K H 1 "K It , On thf; 13ih insl., by ihe Rpv.R. A. Fisher, Mr DilKL Smith lo Miss EtrV,AhTh Milium, both ofShamokin. On the 18th Ihst., by ihe same, Mr. Tirati Pm aiwn to Misa CiTnitB'iWK'FiffiiL'T, bdth of Shu mokin. On tho-aame ilay, by'the Rev. 'J P. Shlndcl, Mr. Cnwtap'Far, of Ihia 'place, lo Mia MsarAaivr HhTTisTKiw, of IVnns township, Uninn cntltity. On Ihe-srlhio day. by Iho Re. Mr. Hurst, Mr. Jjco.i SmwhM., df'thrs place, 'to Misa Abut 11a-i-n a wit, of Selinsgrcrve. On the same drly, by '(he Rev. Mr. Walker, Mr. l)iiti tloi.rmv, of Fsrrandsville, lo Mr-. Mint IN Ma an, of ihis place. On the 1f.th inst , by Oeorge Weiscr, Ksq., Mr. Kkijami St a a a it a, of Ohio, lo Wiss Maiit Ann UmnsTiAN of Augusta 'township. d'UlCE CURRENT. 'Corrctled'iocekly hy Henry Voxlhcintcr. Whkat, i in Itfv., Cons, 'Oats, PoHK, TiAxsrin, Hl'TTMl, Bufswax, - Til.li w, DiOrm AretKs, - Drt. PtACHKS, FtAt, HKcict.r.i) 'Fxi, TJr;rH, Ml 40 ao 5 ft.-1 lfi 05 Iti 75 200 8 10 13 luii4 an'si i;xi? (oraiit Itnnf--ly shiiMlit A4mI ITRONl ihe tiuack Syrupaand PafhRrtric'Crtrn- pounds whicli have of late become a buiden lo ihe public hftilh, and a stwpcrrxion'tn the purse, Why is'lt that these medicines fire ItiWen lepeoted ly by the aick without removing (he complaint in quesiion ! The reason is plain nnd ciiople, viz : llec iuse they me compo-'cdrhiefV df opium and its spiritual preparttfi.lfis Which nets fifi the sA'slem as a pnweifnl aiirnJlating anoiK'ne, Bn( ly Usiiip, Tcpmtedly, the sy.tem becomes haliiftiafeil 'to its narcotic influence, as of thane who are given lo intemperance. Tbis fiiel ha-s Income apparent to tbntisnmTs who Inrve experienced (he fatal e'lTecu of sueh medicines, nnd 'roninienced using Dr. DusreAN's lixrj'rro HNt IvKxifi'T.hieh i entirely free t'rotn opium nnd nil 'Other rporffinous ingredienls, and is 'ned witli wrfect s'ifaly by all under any circumstances. It immediately relieves ihe iliKlrrsHiim couuh sfrciiilie'ns mid mvig.irates 'the nervous system, causmi! tlie settled contagious mailer lo leiVe lis . hold tr 'm ihe lungs, and be iHscharued by Ihe pow- j Pr f lixpectoi.iti.in. t'nless this is done, the InniiK will soon Income coinamiualed from noxious mat UV' arA t'''"rare, nnd till a prey 'to 'the 'IhUl tv.n'rri .1 v .. 'Consuiuiirinn. 1'rtee 1 'n.'r botlle. ! Tor ssrle irt No. I'fl Nor.h Eighth sticet, Pllil.i- di lpbi.i. Ahso at 'the Kt sre o( HENRY t)TII ELMER, Jan. Cd, 184'J. A?rif. A 1JL pi-rsims tfrc cieulioifd fr.im pris-h iiog or - n-cilviiig a'nole of hand, given ley me to OaYid Miller for T Doli.ams. Having received no val ue, I shall not pay the same unless comX'Kvl by hi. JACOtAM. ShrrieA.m, Snti'y. COd.lSlia. : a 'OM'iiri ON tlie roaik beiwei tris l,K?e -and Norihum beilanrl.a W'orstcd Keficrrio, 'containing a white linen handkerchief, A reasonable reward will be given to the findi", by having it at this office. Jan. Sid, IMC Prior 1 I 1 i'm r.Matr. VI.I. persons kuowiuit tin mselves mdebted lo the K-late of Peter Pifer, hue of Lillle Mshonoy township, NoithumU-iland eouirty, for goods pur chased at tire vendue eif sirid deceased, or for debt contracted during his life, are rcqMcsred lo call and rule the same, at the olhVe of Ahrsham RoJ.iro el, Esq., in sa'd lirwnslrip, " or Wfore Tue.-day, the fust dav of Fel ruuiy next. JVrsons who neglect to ailend at that time, will he waned upon by the conslaWe for settlement. JONATHAN PIFER. Jan, Sth, lVi. 3t, Adinr. OIU'll AAS' C'OI'KT nam:. i:Matt ol'fsCorK llornWi'Kt'i' IN sirsttairce of an nriletoflhe trrfihans' Court -- of Northumhci land county, will exposed lo publie sh tn Monday tire Stth day of January next, at the late residence ofKieorgV llorulierger of Oal township, iu said county, dirM . all that cer tain tnrrt nr fecc of law-l situate on Mahonoy creek, in said lownrhip. adjoining lairds of Henry ilaopl, (ieoige Long and the Widow Horubeiger, contain ing one hundred and three acres and li'lv-lwo ier. ches, sirict measure about twenty acres of which are cleared and m a hagh stale of cultivation. Also, one other tract or pi ere of land situate in mid township, adjoining lands Of Oeorge Iaii, fu aannah Weary ami the Widow Hottdierger, con boning lour a' res and 152 perches, s'riei measure, about three acies of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. Sale to commence at II) o'clock of said day, when Ihe rooditmns will be made knu by THOMAS llEMNliER, UEORCiE I.ONU, By the Court, I'x'rs. JOHN . "OUN(iM AN, CA. O. ( '. Jan. Kill 1841. Hi. N. 11. The first above dvaciihed trad of land has been divided into two parts ( one thereof contain ing 8"i acrca and ll perctu. about H ociea of which tire cleared; and tiro other containing 'J acres and '.Vi (lerches, shout 12 acres of which are cleareJ and w ill be sohl logelher, or sepaiatv to suit purchasers. TAVERN NOTICE. 7o the reomrrwiie Kill l.twit, .'., I'rrnidinf, and hm Annicivte Judge of the Court of (Juar 4rr JXtummS) of the county of Sorlhuiuftrkitid : fllllh peutlon of Cieoriio Smith el Jackson lown JL ship, it) said county, humbly if presents, that be cnnliiiliea to keep tavern ut his old stand, in the llriek House iu said lowiirhip, and is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers, Yc. lie I he re lore ptays your Honors lo giant turn a linnse to keep a tavern during ihet lisuinc year, aud he w ill pray, Ac. (lEOKtiE SMITH. To the Ji nun a a u y k htiovmi : The sul scnU rs, reri.l. nl uf Jackmm lp. hereby eernfv, thai (ieoige Smiib, the apphcanl for the license, is a man of good repute for honesty and TemM uiu e, and is well pinvided with house-loom and conveniences for the Udging and accommodation ofsUangeia and travellers, and that a public house tin is Is neiessar: ihey then line iccoiiitmiid him as a proper pei- soti in ie licenced to keep a public bouse Win. Dciipeu, Jeremiah elel, Henry llraun, Firilerick Tro 'fli Henry liarmaii, Jonathan Sinilll, Jae.ib A. Malub. John Haas, Daniel Hilhush, Jese llt'iiryl, John Folk, John Snyder, Philip llelrith. Jail Hih, ',' A. WORLD OF DELIGHT. nil'ORTAXr TO Tllli RDlMi Pl'l.LIP. rtlfft New tjirarlo Yoblhia of the "NKW I. XVOKL'T)'1- nckriowlcdtfed on all hwnils lo be Ihe handsomest, ('hespest, and most popular and enlettitlnlnrt periodical iu'lhe worlil cornrhenclng JaniAiry 1st, IS 12. will contain, siimilioneoiis with ils piiblicalion in Inglaiid.'(he (traiid New Military Noeel, by the author of ' Charles O'Malley," I nu lled Cj'u O V II HI I! SS, .CO Commencing with lllu alory of "Jack Minion, (lie I, ile ( iliaidMinan.'' i'o commend ilion of this'nrw wofl; Will lie i.e. cesary lo'lliOse who hive read Ihe delightful Novel of 'Charles O'Mallev.' Also, a new Novel by Miss C. Sl."NediJWirk, al ready commenced, which does g-cul cirdu lo thai fli4tuiitiiHhed Ainliirress. I Mairy 'Original Tules of btelt iilleresi, among tvhlch we'hiiiy mention, as already in hand, "Mry Tud.'r, a Vale Of the Passrims," by IMnlnndl'l .gi, Ksq , author of 'the 'Fur West,' 'The lm ln-s cif j ri'rrara, 'Heiitriee, Vd, tt work of deep rtnd Ibid ling 'interest ; "AM Pardons," a T;lle nl lllu grHt I Tire in New York hi Tleceil.lM'r, lvo.") rihdtiiilllhg In 'powerfii'ly wrought passages ; "'l'lic lilitiiisnllth of Antwerp," iy a 'poptilar 'ofiglhal c.HiKilluttif. . A ho, a series of smieih Fngia'viitiis'Hii WhI, by 'the lest arttsrs in Knalan "hud Arhiricu, wlH clti liellish Ihe eoniina volume. tjj1 All there Nirveides. ild a multitude bf 'h. thers, 'for 'O.m.t Tunra Doi.lahs, rufr. ilt'inonv, remitied free postiiue. 'In ihe uu il 'bod 'tbrm they would est ten times that amount. CHAftt SS 6'MALLEV, VrtfTftiT3, '('an be had by all new suliscntH rs vvliotiisti ibis pi'l'iilar work, by order. tig their sdlnieMptio.ia to commence wnli ihe 3d WJonrto A'olilt!i, inly Hd, fS4l. For 'three lioll'irs tin tiny srltvVnt i h.n tered tlarrk in (he Vniled El ites ilr i'tinh'tas, free (if pos tage, the New Winld will bcs.'tfi one vi nr, fiom 'the cntiimeiteenlt'ttt lit Clia'ili s'O'Vladvy,' including the 1st volume gt.ftis, poMMlcd in ixl' mi'iiIhts. Addresa J. Si Ml'KM F.U. Vublisbet, Uh Ann nrei, New Ywifc. A 'ClUHx'iVt; M'OYK, mi, I n rw Coa( Nmvt, -'f.r - 'f .1 sale, cliean. ltv 11. il. MAfcMJK. 'Jitn 'I. 181'J. 'J.rn Co C oiiiittVIK-f-isi" i aiii HloV. rPho public w ill iplrase observe that tio IJrandrvih - Pills tffe -tJofnffne, unles the box has thrt'i; 1 1 bclx upon it.'th.' lo , tint snle ami the bottoml cbi'h rfihiMiniiifl a fje-sii jile siguaturv of mv h.ind w'rlfing, Cfti--1i. r.iiAMmKiii, M. I). I Ires.- la. Iiels aio 'I'tmhavitl on steel, l antiivilly ih-siniied. and ilotlc t ku e'.pei ,-c of over f 4,br0. Tberi'l'oie it will he vii that the only thing tic cessatv to pro- '"rc "1C T'l'U'luc in Us purity, is to olist'rW these 'Mbels. rei.i. inovr ine. i"p, hip ruiv, ami lire norroiii. Tit" following jcspiclive s isuiio are duly auhun ..'( I, 'and hoi. I CBRTIOATK3 OF AGENCY, or the sale ol Jtrimdn-ih'a if ftttifi'nirtrtil V.V. N'orthiimlieibii d county t Milton M.iekey i Cli.iiTiheiliu. ."unbiiry II. II. M wr, M'Ewens--vil'.e Irebind tV Mem II. Norib,imls'ilnd Win. Forsyth, (teorgetown F. MidhugervV Cn. Cnion (' iimty t New Uerliu John llollinan. selmsisrove Ever and ihimre. Miil.llehurg Isasc Smith, lleaver.owu J. S; F. lliiieamsn. Adamshuru -II. vV A. emith. Milllillsbuig Swope Laird. Haillcton Paniel Long. Free burn (i. iV F. C. Mover. Cetilrevil'e Slailey iV l.i iibart. Irfwisburt Walls 4 Ureen. Columbia county Uativitle E. It. Reynolds A Co. lletwick Shuman ,V R Henhouse. Cat tawissa 1 A. cV C, tJ. DrubtH. Hlooinsburi? John R. Meyer. Jeisey Town Levi Hisel. Wa shington Kobt. MiCay. Limestone D. L. fH'limcck. Obseive llmt ca h Agent hna on Engraved ('er tilieate of Agency, containing u re prcwutaiioii of lr llRA.MlRE I'll'S Manuf ieiory nl Smg Sum, ami upon which Will a'so lie Seen eiaet copies of the nrc IhMs hhW us-jiI uynn tlir Urundrith fill Phil idelphia, ofTice Nn. 8, North Slh street. M. IIRANURE I'll, M. U. J.uniiry 1st, 1S4 2 AT FITELIC J3-LE, ArAUM, GRIST AJtO SAW MILLS. il.l. Ik' exposul to publ c u,e, on Hie "i III ol ' Feb. '!!!, at 12 o'clock, on ihe Pn'misi s. the very valuable Prop, i ly blielly descrilied as lollow-, having been pa' I of the Jenkins I'.-t ile, viz i 2 1 ft at re-, t 'i perehei, wilh allow anee, of which shout lllll .icns are in cultivalion, with a huge A pplu Orchard ( IhciesiJuo Woodland, including LiuiC-toiie Laud, aud large veins ol Iron Ore. The piv'lni&t a are siluuled in Ea t l.ulliil.i town ship, I'm. n rountv. Pa., on ihe r( side of the Weit Urtuch of Susquehanna, about five miles from NorthtimU'rland, and tim e Irom Lewi-burg. ailoimng lands ol Mi Jeiikius, and Mvosr Snook A: PiTioy. 1'lrete are two n jver failing wa er powers form ed by Turtle Uiee', whirh iniei sects the tucl, at one er which theie is a Clover Seed Mill on Htlr rall's patent, and a Millers lloti-e, and atthe other a Men bant Flouring (iiist Mill ol slonu with o-wr-hot w'lei I and Ihiee inn of stmres, and a Haw Mill. A go's bru k and frame Owell ng II us. , with a Millers House rniiveiiient, ami a large Ik; Hank Darn aie also rtecied. 'lire It set is well watered by springs and Mieains, and eligibly situa ted in a populous neighborhood. Thf. Iron Ore of Mvutour't Hidgr, extending ir.to the premises, appears to be Ml g'ejt uhund.iuce, Usn the liver bank, wlrere it is laid open, and is Is'litved lo iiervjdu die conlinuims cide acn'Salhc I'rois'iiy, From hii ail-'acint trael, the Sh.niiokiii I ion ('ompstiy Mow procure itie turn Ore fit their Furnare, and both tr o Is ulT ld romni dious sn.l bee navigation, promoted by the l.n k-w.iter ol the Shsmokin I'am, lo the Kail Roail ot runbnrv, which bads to the Hijniukni t'oul Mines nnd lion Winks. Purchawts sre invited to virw Ihe pr.-nd-es can full) , and UOtilinpii'y they will tind the li:le Ine fiotli all doubt and d llietilly. 'J'lte lirir.x ofp,,imvnt urc .---when the lroper ly Is sliuek oil jridll, and as mhui as the deed U lend, red, w In, li w ill be wnhni live days, the further sum of? IX'tl. Hi' the risduv. .t'trrt may ie ui tin utipuid lor three c ir, aud the nt in equal yeaily uisialuii nts i. fl.lMiil a ye n. Vtnm the ttni ofs.iie. All not pud at the di hVciy Of the d.'il, lo be MTtireJ l ImiiJ ami mortgage, beating in'.ei ert. Fiiillnr inquiiie may le made of HENRY W. SS YI'F.li, Srlinn .; As-igneenl Samuel Krtnt'Cr or of HHJli HELLAS, Kunl.ury, January. Isi, N2. AMEHICAN MEDICAIi XilBIliYIiy A II IMIIIIdliMllb CONCENTRATED Ktn.nl ot Medical S, i- ti nee and Lileraluri1, by Hoblrv llVingliwn, M. ) , Prolesnr ol the lusii tiles til Mftliciue, t ie., in Jt Hi lton Medical I 'i. Ilege of Phlladf pi ia, pul li-be.l month! by AiU'ti Walille, No. 4 Ca'ici). lersiiett, Pbil nl. Iphia. Sub-nip. ion price, 5 a y ar, Subscriptions lor the above woik ik . Im .I j the suhM-riber. II. U. MASS Ell, Dec. lllh, Irtll. Atrnt. i;oii Kii.i:. ri.-h i gbsh CheiM', Kig Kai'lhi lalll't'llivs, Fl. Ell- u liautns. Nets, pii in., by Dtt. 26, mi. II. U. M sLt. Wcbl H 4 ainpliiiir Oil UNO S XT'&'IT E ?. s . rPhe su' scnU rs tespo, tlully inlorm the citizens nl (yelllitiltia, NorlhmnlN rlmid and 1 1nion eoun ties, tint they haveqiuicliased iIih sole privilege of using. hiaililM'e ilrltin and vending llieu'iove named hilteles in lb af.iresliil c. nuiie-. 'I'lity have just received a 'htt" n-sinlnient of lamps of every de scription, ci.nsis ( 1 1 tr of ANTRAL, TXIJLF. WCsPKNliVu AND llJi: LA MI'S, wbieh'they olfer'i.ir Mile at reasonable litms. '1'hts Itghria a 'new iiivcntinn, and issupn'ior to Hhy lliing'yet ilhsi'overed fur illuiiiinnliiig I iikc and niull roittlis, .mil ilir ( f l line Oie il.,ikiieajol Hie uiglit. It i ilifefi.lr'to'tiiiihiug save the light "f the mil ; wherever 'i' h rs been introduced, it has onl-hone every Ilium rtf a luminous nature, and ai ems about to IVH-ohlc I'le lit lit of lir world. In ' ft; rtii urn i 'iimeiinr uualilies are brilliancy. rlclinrss, 'splinidntir, cle .ninies-s Huat bat Yiot lea-!, Vfr. iilit.n. The wrk Vea tlitire! fee from 'ilfrt, o -d the lamps are vasi.'y kept m oiih-r. In tllL-'ciiiea ol Pliilaiielphls arid New York (t has hei-n fu'-s'.itutid v. ry I'Xtitis.vily for gas, on ac C'lilnt ot i a cheapness, rM la-catlse ft la not so tn ijtfri'Hisi t the eves. D'rei li n, lor e.sing will Vie furnished lo all Vtlrn huv, oii'l rrilcs Viifl a ih-tn'nce pr.unpitv Ht'(ndVd to." FRK'K. UlLLMUYfiK KL'SSEL. Danville, Nov. 27, 1841. if lvt'v tO IM'' NHt'tl, !S a (tircsMim that wo seriously sitim'it to the cims'irvtalton nf a1 who arc indebted To ihe snliM Ti'ters, mid who do 'not, in ft short 'time, come forward and sellfo their accounts Her. irll. 11. It. MArn:rV& CO. '. jyzk. as 1 FO?. G-LE. file n smill Farm, coiit iiniiig ntniDI' one rbe. I find ten acres, more Or lesrt, srtiufe 7 U i 1 Vv.. in Point township, Niinhimihcrland coutit, iibotit two mihs abnVi Nortlidinbeil unl, on the main road lea.lmg iTiim that place to Danville, adjoining lands ol John Leghou, Jesse O. Hor'. n and otheri-, now in the oceup'ir:ty of Samuel Payne. About forty ai res of said Hart are clean d, and ill good slut.' of vu'ttvlitmii, on which there is u small burn ereeb d. The lO'T'TtV will tif sold O'.i ti asoitfthli! rcrms. 'For lirrthit particulars, p isons are request ed lo apply lo the sut senh. r. H. U. MASSKR, Affrnt, Nov. 57th, I ! I . if Snnbury. Pn. N artie'e uriequalred lor cleaning and giving a hit;lilydiir.lMc and most hrilhant polish to sil ver, (iciin.oi Silver, Uriss, t'ups'T, Urittatiia ware, Tin, Suel, t'utlery, and lor restoring the luslre on vainirhed carriage, c. TRY' IP. Prepared an t sold at whoVsa'e and retail, by ihe Susquehanna Chrysolite !rit.h Company ,'Owego, Tioga county, N. ". A M". FOKsY I'll, Agent lor Northuru'd, II. 11. M AsSF.R, Ag.ut for Snhury. November 2lllh. 1811. CI T V AUCTION AND COITIIVUSSIONI STORE. Snmhir 29 Xurlfi Third .Stmt, Thiludelphiz 1JUHLIC SALES f Dry (ioods, Hardware and L'utlery, Hooks, Stationary, -Clothing, I tools, Musk ami Hats, and in short almost every description idT goods, are held at this csrslilishlhent every evening. lioods are also sold ut private sale during Ihe day at the average auction prices. Store keepers aud trailers w iM find it t'J their advatiluge hy attending Ihe sale. C. C. MA (.'KEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. ' PETECCITCI"" Wliulo-'al; nml lie-tail Shoe, lJmitiet, titiil l'atin Leaf Hat Wul'dioiise. .V). fl'l S'rrth 'id ttrti l, n fnv dvws ul.vc .Ircli, I'hiludi 'AiiJ. A LO Trunks, Caipct Ilags and V nllces, of ev JBl, ery diriiption, till of which he friers for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, ISII. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NKW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 20 North Water Street, l'hih. MANTFACTTKERS and dealers In Oils of every dt st riplioti both for burning mid niaiiuthciuring purposes, which will he sold much lower than they can bo procored elsewhere, and warranted in quality to cfpinl any in the city. Any oil sold by (he company not proving as represented, may lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their sioi'k' now in store consists of Ihe following oils, vi?. : 3i),lill0 gallons Winter Bleached Speim filitlt) do i'o Coloiless Oil, 1 n 15.lllrT) lil.OdO fiO.dllll tillbtl l!o Fall and Spring Sperm Od, do Wilder Sea El. hant, do do Pre.sed Whale Oil. do Summer do do do 15,000 dn Ooirniion thaleliil, 200 ll.niels superior Straits Oil, ;o0 do Cod Hank Dil, fill do Neais Foot Od( 15 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's ' bis. 0 '' "This Coiopntv has a ntimbr-r of YpsktIh en gaged in the Cod Fisherv) and Tanners may i!y Uj'ini felling at all l.mesOil as pure as imported, PhUaill Ipltia, Nov. 13, lSlt.ly. G. V. & L. S7T-TL0P.. rfXFFER FOR SALE. t the sili Fa-t Cor N't ol l ijth nnd M.rlut Si,ettt, MXadtt- t '"" . Men Calf skill Ilo.il., s'.itehed warranted, tbi do tin pegged i'o d i do do water prwif, J.iutle soles fill. I double Uppers. do Oull-skiii do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leaihel joo, ilo do Neals th iio. ilo High tpi iiiei shnf 5, 1 'alt'.-k in. do ilo dl Vin'keis do do nailed do ,lo lio do 11 itl, lb. Fhie Mo" tiroes vvarranii'd K'P i:. CM do Ciiaise do do Shot Fine do Kio do lo do do dl. if.' do Calf nnd Sear Skitt .Pump. . do List Sock With and w ilhoUl toll'.. do Caipel do do do do Patent aiiniifed a'ter-prool .f.")cV,rsius. Ladica' if" do ilo do Ladies' t'Oi'c'd tiiiRn ItnbWr sinus'. t.Viitlv'rmu.' ilo UtirsbiWs. lb every other dorlptinh of hools and shoes. Fur I '( . Vvi iy decripll n. TV.ive;! iitf Tiunks ot every description. Vei.eli .li Trutelling Haas. I'.ilei t ISuiH t'lsslTe Shoe Plaekinir. M..iliels ,.1 ..tl Vnuls, I'ulm Leal Mats, i'lul idelphiu, Noviiiiber 13, IMl-ly. ATl'OUNKY AT LAW, BUirBunv, pa. IliiVirieitd iit'lendcd 10 in the Counties 'of Not tlinii'l r'r'raiHl, Union, Lycoming and Colutiibia. Hehr loi TltriMs Hw r eV. 'L'Oi, Liiwr.ii & lUntiot, TIT,'(Tutians ck. HnT, XV.hihd. Ur. i xniiDii, McFsBimiti A: Co.: SpKHl to, ' ihOll ft Co., V. & A. KOVOUDT'S 'lima, Cilass and Liverpool Warehouse, No 164 A'ori Third ytrrt t. third do-tr below Vine fitml, I'hiiiut'.tpMii. VlfHERR tbey eflnRtl,tly keep on bond a large. assoirment of China, lllsss and Liverpool Ware, Which they ill dispose of on the most ret aontiMe terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. Jacob I'i ImiiiiIIi & Son. RESPECTFULLY informs their frit-mis rfni acquaintances generally that they sli'l con lin'ne lo 'eep al the old fctirnd, No. 246 North Sd slrret, l'lnlndelpliia, bll kiniis of ToHACCO SM'FF A$D &EGAltt. V f tit li they will sell on the tn. st acco'innidiiating and reas liable leims. N. K. A II fiot'ds t'ol'1 will be gii iMfi'tHiM, "fid orilcrs pfonrjitty ii'tli'ii.teil to. Plnlndelphia. November 13, loll Tr. TiTinr ue w lj;s, LAST WEAKER. No. 74 Cnllowhill Streot, l'liilnrfelph: f I hrrc triors utmve Tirana. J H'" tHOE Finding altvay-kepi on haml, whtrli'h'e lli rs for sale on the lowc-t te.ms. Cimt'try Merch nils ore piitiii.iil.iily to cfd aiiil.indg'c fii (heinsetvps. Piril.nb li.litit, Nnve'mbrr 13, 1S-11. lr. LOWi:ii 6c DAUllON, Importers and 'Dealers in P'ieth :&n& Domestic 1 laid ware, No. 174 Nobtu Thiiih Smw, I wf Afiii'MnX. "II Til ERE their frii'tids and tustitmers will alwaya ' tind a larne and ireiieial a sorttni'ht of totd'urrt anil OornesTia Hardware, which they yvllUfiliitHIrt lowest "prices, PhileileVf.liia, November 13, lS-il. ly. 'TniLrsTuTrp. IManirrarliirer and Imporler'of Sad dlery, Hardware, cYc. Ao. Soulh Third K'rhl.fotir iA. -rs lebm 'Wf I'lnhnhhi.'iiu. EEP cnnstawly on hand a larfce and gerie'ral Bnsortmiiiu Clinch Lamp, l!arrinye tiarnls. AvInArms, ElipVr. Sprinc. I'alert Leatti':. Ac. Country Merchants and sHiK'feVa'win be kapiftil at nil limes on the most leasnnable terms. Thrr will find it to their ndtiiiilage to call and exim' ie lii.- assortment before pureh.isiiiL' elsewhere. Phil.idel.hia, November 13, IS 1 1. ly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOfKsEL l.ERs AM) STATIONEIls, No. 12M Chepntit Street, !bc1- Itiii 'Pliiladdphia. KtEP constantly on haml gchefai ii.'sorl menlof Dooks iiinl Sisimuary ; Kipiising 'i hcoiogical. Law, Mulicul, CUjichI, .Nfir-eellano ous and School liooks. Day Books, h11 Bt7es, Led pers, do., Tamily Bible, Pocket Hdiles Wtiting Papers, Wrapping Tapers, iSc. AcwliKh they ol fer at the Ir.w'est piice.t to I "ountry Merchtrril's Pre VeSsiniial (iotitieiuen, Teachers, 'and rill 'rjra thai may LiVor them with their custom. Philadelphia, Nnveinber 13, 1SII. fy. UKVNOLDS, Me FA II LAND Wholesale )ealors in Foreign British nrul Ameriean Dry Cloods-. No. 105 Nurkt-t ttrett, i'ltitacWphur. '"iOl'NTKY" Merchants, and others can be sup1 tilled nt all times with an cxtenflti? assort incut of the best mid most fsibift.iabte'Oo'ods upo?1 the most rraunnable terms. ' Phi! iih-lpMa, Novrmber 13. 1841. ly. .Iliclincl Vtav X, fcon, HOrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS-. A'i. 1 3 X)rth Wu'rr Stcet. rhilude'phia. HA YE constantly' an nand, a general osaor'ii metil of t'ord.i, Seine Twihca, &C, Vii: 'I ar'il Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Whit R.lpeS, Maliih la itopes, Tow Lines for Cnnat Boats. AtiJ, '4 complete assortment nf Seine Twiiiea, &'c, such as Hemp shad niid Herring Twine, BlSst Patent til'. Net Ttt'iTie, Co'.lnu Shad and Fltrrihq Twme, Ja's Threads, cYc.'&c. Also, Bed Cord-, Pl.'Ugh l.Yiw, H:iH.Kr, Trflc.es. Cotton nnd LH.cn CiVjiel Clialiii', &c. all of which they witf rlispisc of ort teasoabfit tetms. Pbltadeiphia, NoverrtbSV 3. 1841. f. sTliTRi( K, 11ANSELL & CO'& 'WHOLESALE DRV GOODS STORE. No. luiil-y Market Street, Thih-. ( ftrlin- Fifth SottH side ALWAYS keeV'i h.ml full and ge-ie'i-si -si rtmi'lilol llo-icry. Lace, M'.d Fency (loot, Ctiuntsy Merchants are respectfully .'eiiueitcl W civs them a tall and examine for thern-eics', il.i.leljia November 13, 1 141 1 r. 6 COUNTRY WiRCIIANITS rrllE Sut'scill'tr, Agent ol l.von HaT'ia, iliA Maniifacturi rs. for N.w York, Priii iJAjlpoiuj Baltinioie an. I (jih'er large cities, ! nan ifjt3 arM liigMy eo tn an tided I n joorf dfoi uud durnhriify has in band u lir-l rate at hj.Iiic i. ol HA 19 anil CATS, suit tt le li r Spr.ng a ile, l. eh will l e totJ very low, foi cad or upprivcl rred.l, ill the nrltA cheap store. No. 40, N'oin Third s'rort, "ipji' ihe City Hob I, I'hfU.lflpriik. oi Tver n. thai her, Aftn't. N. IJ. Ordeii lot Halai i ihe rotifK. prampllj attended to, Ths bigheat nee ill 'Vck Ot Va i given lot fut t'il.. I'l iUdelphi.v, Novi'mher 13, lRil.-.jv :J7 i a"1 "NT ."itihi'eHn nn! l'ahisul Manufacturcfi Ao. 37 iYoTiA TVmJ sfr,fi. two i.Uri bthw Ihi t iflj Holt , Vhihidelphir. CiOirNTltV Men hauls and Ptht-rs are solicil'e.i J to rtamiuc his uu.oili.ieni tit hue purchasiuj i Im-w hero Plnla ;el hi i, NovrsdcT 1S41. 1; Sl'Lia.Ml, CA K)i" )""& ca Nt.. 13S M'.nk' t .Street, l'ltiladetpiiia-. 1 NVITV. h sAh-'ution "f Coutdiy Meriha'm to ibeif etrti-usiie -,ir,ineill ul llritull Frei.cti und Ainrrrcnn l)iy CoimIs, w hich ihey oiler lur slt on the is t reasonable . rins. Phikidelvia, Novciiilier 1.1, tSII. ly. JWs( l'fl l u'i'l l"r ale by II. 11. Mat,-" ,r llu,t. n S)rup. Sanr H..u.-e and N. O. Mi.!assi's; Loaf. Lump, CHUheil; Blow n aiil I hrt : Isy'.led Sugar, Crsiihcri. s, lil Mnl, I'raekefs, e. i . i Fieiii hand Fnli-I' Mi rui s; Meiiho and alhir shavtts; Cloths, Caa.nin rs and Css-inetts ; lbf' ti.uulk, llaidware. S.i.lli ry, &c. of all kinds. Nuv. '.'0th, 1s t I.