Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 08, 1842, Image 3

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    ' of three note promising In pay $100 717, has put
in an sfidavh of merits, in which ha swears that he
ft ret endorsed the eaid note, 6r authorized any
' oilier person to do o; nd thai he had no kriowl
' edge whatever of their existence twlil he receited
notice of their protest, N. Y. Com. Ai.'v,
For trie year of our L,ord
" 3
.ti 5"
2 a 4 5 0 7 H
0 in It 1J i M ir,
lrt 17 'H l!i yd yi ;
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'l.i 11 "15 '10 '17 H 1!
2d 21 22 L'M 24 2.- 2d
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H 0 Id 11 12 18 11
15 1(5 17 IS 1!) 20 21
22 23 21 25 Sti 27 2s
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i a a 4
5 C, 7 H 0 Id 11
12 1 14 15 1(5 17 is
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'2(5 27 2'J d
1 2
'3 4 5 0 7 8 0
Id 11 12 la 14 15 l(i
17 IS Id 20 21 22 2a
24 25 26 7 2S 2d d
4 2 a 4 r o
7 s o id li 12 la
14 15 10 17 H Id 2d
431 22 2a 24 25 20 27
25 2d 80 Ml
i 2 a
4 5 0 7 H d Id
11 12 la 14 15 10 17
15 Id 20 21 22 2a 21
25 20 27 2S 2d HO
a a 4 ft r, .7 8
Id li 12 la 14 15
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IS Id 20 21 22 2a 21
25 20 27 2S 2!) .'50 31
i;c KHur.a,
Trial of Jusltc 1VI1)-.
The trial of Mr. Justice Wiley, for receiving
'property, knowing it to be stolen, is going On in
New York. The following condensed notice of it
is prepared to our hands in the Atnerirnn.
The Disiiict Attorney staled the case, and the i
facts which he expected lo prove, concluding Willi
the remark that it was Wiley's duty io have srn sled I
'the roblmr at onre. His position as counsel was !
sjio protection. Dr Tyler, one rif the directors of I
the hank, who came on here to negotiate for the
recovery of the money, gave his te.-timohy at
length. The subilance of the car.6 is that on the
"Sfiih of May the Fredeiick Couu'y Kank received
an anonymous communication on the subject of
the robliery, which was r.-plird by an adveitisment.
This lead lo further negotiations, and of the
1B:h of June a ie'tler was received from Mr, Wiley,
stating that he had been requested to act in the
matter, and tlut he desired a personal iireivirw
wilh some of the directors. Two gentlemen ic
'cordingly came on, and after Homo negotiations, in
which various terms were reijuired by Wiley, it
was sot l led that the bunk should allow 8 per cent,
on the amount of bank issues restored, the bonJs,
checks, &x. to be given back free of churgo. This
was accordingly done, mid Wiley restored 1 1 ,
COO of'the notes of the bank, together with the
bonds, stock, &.c for which he received f !,H00.
M'en thousand dollar in gold was retained by the
fltief. This is the amount of ho evidence on the
:parl uf the prosecution, and was fully substantiated
lay Messrs. Tyler and Bealo, the gentlemen Wh-i
conducted the affair for the bank,
'Oil the part of the defence, it was contended
4hal the indici merit itself was defioi. lit. The
defendant's privileges as a member of the bar,
give him aright to act as he die!, and that his char
acter for 35 years was irTCa'ouchahle in every re
spect. The evidence en both aides cltiscd last
evening, and dfter the summing up of Messrs.
Price and Prcscoti Hall, the Court adjourned lo
this morning when the case will probably lie giv.
fa te the jury. We will publish the veidict ifre
ucived in lime. Hull. .1me,-irun,
BostoM tail A I lis H)'.
The celebration of the opening of the rail road
sVtween tSe riiies, on KiosnUy lant, was a spren
ilid affair. The txtrutruin left Boston punctually
at 7 o'clock, A. M. with 125 gentlemen from that
srity, Chtftlestown, Huteni and New Urtlford to at
tend the celebration at Albany. The triin reached
Woichcsler (45 miles) in 1 hours, wheie they
mleied the (ireat Western Railway, from Wor
rtiesier lo tpriligfickl 55 miles) the passage was
t fUcied with es in 1 Inmr and &5 miimtes;
frsm 8f rMifield to J'ittfifl.l, over the llerkshire hills
ad iae fcigh gradients of the road, (52 miles) in
2 J hours; and from SprinfMJ J Albany, (4
miles) over 15 aniles of the Hudson and Ueikshire
mad, sih! 23 miles of the new line just compVlcd,
in about 2j horns.
Tie train reached ferry Ovobit Albany at
sefrn iu th wWt6. "J "vl was anuouiiuij
by Salutes 6f artillery, discharges of rockets, and
the shoi'ita of assembled multitudes. The reccp
tion 6f the Boston folk at Albany waa wnrmand
brilliant. A lottei written at Albany at 8, t M
cm Monday says
Our city lain "commotion." The Boston Cum
mon Counsel have arrived. The cannon re now
pealing, and general joy and enthusiasm pn vail.
1 am nov writing dy can. ilea made this day in
New BedforJ, f5 mile beyond Boston manu
factured on ttic morning uf one iUy, and hunting
the same evening at a distance of 235 inilea from
the spot! Verily the days of w.indera are not
past. Tho powerful lienii ih the Arabian Talea
had scarcely more wunderfut power attribu'ed
them, tveu Ih the teeming fancies of the marvel
lous. Indeed, our streets aeoin like 1 scene in fairy
land. Our noble avenue, Slate slrecl, is filled by a
ihmso mass of citizens, and the dancing of a sea of
lights, tho music of bands, the glancing of tin;
plumes of tho soldiery, the polished raps of our
firemen, all form a picture of the wildest and most
beautiful description.
1'iusrrv Why tho DiiAiuitKTii Vf.tabl U
irKRS4t. I'ills arc especially adup cd to this cli
mate :
No cue reijuiied in using theih.
No change of diet.
The lody les liable 'to take 'cold when und.-r
their influence, than at any other lime.
May be taken morning, noon, or night, w'th a
certainty of good results; that is, proviJcJ they o-
prratc freely upon the bowel.
Asa cathartic they arc the most mild and invigo
rating medicine that can possibly he admiliistetcJ.
Caution. No Drug Storo bus tho genuine
Brandrcth Tills fol a le.
(Xj Purchase in Sunbury, of II. B. Massrr, and
of the agents published in another part of this paper.
t -r-
TI Jl K It i H l ,
On tho 80th ult., by the Kev. .1. I. Shindel, Ma.
DaSIKL fJoHSKUT to Miss Maht Floelt, M tif
i r: i ,
At his reidenee, in Augu-la lownshii, Nurthnm-berl-inil
county, on the In iimt., SSAM li 1)1. AW I,.
Ksi., aRed fin years. The decerned w:is long a
respectable memh.-r f ( lie Soci ly of 'Krveinasoii.
A liirne nunilicr of his lellow member from
and the neighboring couiilid alteiuled tit his luiu r
ai, and walked in proci ss'on lo the grave. He was
buried in this place on Suudtiy hist.
Wheat, 110
Rtk, 60
Cohm, 40
Ovrs, SO
Pork, 5
FtAXsruii, - 125
Ul'TTKH, - 10
Dkkwa, - - - w S5
Tallow, - 12$
Dm ku Apples, ..... 75
Do. Pkaciiks, .... 200
Flax, .... - 8
Hkckleii Flax, 10
Kin;, - T2
ruiitiiupllon and Itlrnliii? at the
? the uxf. '" fr. HunranM Efftectoranl fltnudi.
l-'MIM.NK VEACE!!, nged 17 year,
jjf j was taken when at the age of sixteen wilh
a slight rdlil, which she neglected until 'the lungs
fell a prey lo that seeking destroyer, consumption,
when application to a phyHci in was made, but to
no effect. He con-idered her Cuse a hopeless one.
and present) d but In tie medicine for her. In the
meantime she discharged great ipinutitics of bin. id.
wi h much expectoration of thick phlegm and
cough. Her bodily frame ut lopg h b. catne reihiced
to a living sH;elc'on. Her last was anxiously .i ked
for by Uer fiiends, that her Mitrerings might end by
the pangs of di ath. During the time h r physician
freiptently called, and as the last re-ource, delernii
mil to test the virtues of Dr. Dl jii as' Kxpi.ero
haxt TisMKiiY, ha ing not C' l soiiie e x tiaordin ary
cure pert irmed by the medicine in similar cases.
He at ohCC obtained two boftlfs and administered
it to her. The foiirlh dry be found some ihanii,
which g ive hopes. He c.liiiinn'd giving the meili
ciun lor eighteen days ; at that time she was render
ed able to be walking in Ud chamber, to the
astonishment of her friend and relatives. (She con
tinued using the niedicwie for right weiks, uhen
she d- chired herself entirely tree from disuuse and
pain, and now pursues Ler daily oicupjtiofl in (ier
fect health.
A small p.irrr;ih'et accompanies this medicine,
which gives a full description of diseases, the nun
ner of treatment, Scc. cvc. For sale in Sunbury, at
the store ..f HEMtV VO.VT11KIMKK.
Jin. tVlli, IS 12. Anit.
fllHK New liarto Volume of the "NF.W
I Wt)I5Lli" acknowledged on all hands lo be
the hands imet, eheupest, and most popular and
entertaining perimrical in the world comihencing
January 1st, IS It. will Contain, simultaneous with
its publication in England theOmnd New Military
Novel, by iho audio,- of ' Charles O'Mulley," enii
tied o- c r it a kss,"d
('nmnieuciiig with the story of "Jack Hiliton, the
Lift! (iuardsutan."
No commend ition of this new work will Is- i.e
eessary to those who have read the delightful Nuv,4
of 'Charles O'Malli'.v.
Also, a new Novel by Miss C. M. Sedgwick, al
ready commenced, which d.ica g'eat credit to that
distinguished Authoress.
Many Original Tales of great interest, among
wdvcli we may ment on, asalieady in hand, "Mary
Tud r, a Tale of the Pasoions,'" by lCdnmnd Fl g.
Ksq , author of the 'Far West,' 'The l)uches sf
FeTiara,' 'lteatrice,' oic, a work of deep and tbiil
ling interest; Aliel Parsons," a Tale of the great
Fire in New York in Decemlsar, (h35, abounding
in powcifully wrinijht passages ; "The Ulai ksinitti
of Antwerp," by a popular original contributor.
Also, a aeries of suptrb Fugiavings on Wood, by
the lest artists in England and America, wrll cm.
U llish the coining volume.
these NoVelitis, and a multituJe of o
iheis, for O.Mr TiinEK Dollaus, cuiri lit money,
remitted free if xtagc. In the usual book form
they would Cost ten times that amount.
Can he had by all new ubt-criWra who ih this
popular work, by onlrring their mlwciijiiioua lo
cummence with ihe 3J vjuario Volume, Ju'y 3d,
1841. For three dollirs on any solvent chartered
Uai.k in ihe I'nited Mutes or Csnudas, free of pos
lane, Iho New WoilJ w.ll be a.'iit ime year, from
the commencement nl 'Cbailes O'Malley,' including
the 1st volume gislis, pi.t.itmd in rxlra nuiuber.-s
Addrca . J. W .rill l i:K. Pubbbb.r,
UO Amu uUeit, New Vuik.
'PlinSunbury Teniperanre Hociety will meet
on M iiidsyit'venilig next, the lOtii Ins, at the
Jury room, when one or more adlresrs will be de
livered. JOHN I5i:i)l),
January 'ft, 1812. Sccrrtary.
I'clcr IMIci'h liHtrttc.
VL1. p1 rsons knowing themselves indebted to the
E-Mte of Peter Pifrr, late of l.i'tle Mahonny
township, NorthUmlieilahd county, for goods pur
chased at tho vendue of said deceased, or fir debt
contracted during his life, are Tcn.ueslcdTn call ond
settle (tie Snme, at Hie olBce of Abraham Kod.irmel,
ilq., in said township, on or before TooKilay, the
first lrtv of Fel runiy next. Persons who neglect
to a tend st that time, Will be Wailed upon by lliu
const irble for settlement.
Jan, 8tli, IS12. at, Adm'r.
Oil 111 A AS' OlItT NAM.
r.Klatc orcirorprc llornhcrKt'r.
IN pursu iree of an order of Iho Orphsim' Court
of Northiimbfi land county, will be exposed to
puhlie sale on Monday the 21 ih day of January
next, ai ihe I itc residence of George Hornbergcr of
Coal township, in iraid county, dee'd., all that cer
tain tract nr p ece of lalid situate on Mshtinoy rreek,
in said township. adjoining land of H nry Haupt,
fieorge Long and the idow Hornberirer, cltitain
ing one hundred and three acres an I fi'ly-two per.
che, strict measure; about twenty acres of which
arc rlcared and in a high stiteof cultivation.
A Is i, ono other tract or piece of land situate in
aid township, ndj lining land of George Long, Su
sannah Weary and Ihe Widow Hornberger, c n
tiiininj four a- res and 152 perches, strict measure,
about three acie of which are cburod, and in a
good state of cultivation. Sale to commence tit 10
o'clock of said day, when the condition will be
mode knjwn by THOMAS IIKM.MiKR, ,
Dy the Cottrt. fcjc'rs.
'Jan. Sth 1841. 3t.
N. U. The first above desciibed tract of land has
been divided into two parts ; one thereof contain
inn P1! acres and l!) perches, about 8 itcfes of
which are cleared ; and the other containing 21
acres and 33 perches, about 12 acres of wh ch arc
clea ell and will be rold together, or aejiarate to
suit pilrchasnrs.
7 the. Ilminrtilie I'.llis lni. 7(., President,
and his Associate Judges of he Court of Quar
ter St tston.i, of 'the county of Sorthuinlierlund .
rilHE peition of George Smith of Jackson tCiVn
1 ship, in s dd county, humbly teinesents, that be
continues to keep tavern at his old stand, in 'the
Brick House in raid township, and is well prepared
for ihe necninmoilaiion of travellers, fit. He there
fore pra your Hnnors'to grant 'him a license t.
kei p a tavern during the ensuing, and he will
prav, Ac. GEOIUil: SMITH.
To tii JrtioEs Anova nkntioxii : The sul
scrilier', residents of Jackson fsp. hefeby certify, that
teorge Smiih, the applicant for the license, is a man
of good rei'lilo for honesty and Tempi nnce, and is
well provided with house-ionm and Conveniences
for the Irtdging and accnnimoddtion of strangers and
travellers, and that a public house there is necessary:
they then fore recommend him ns a proper per
son to lie licenced lo heop a public liouae.
Win. Dei. pen.
Jeremiah Wclzel,
Henry lirauri,
Frederick 'I'rcim,
Henry Garmnn,
Jonathan Smith,
Jacob A, Malich.
John nans,
Daniel Hilliush,
Jesse Hensyl,
John Folk,
John Snyder,
Philip Hctricb.
Jan Sth, 1HI2.
'ouiil'iT-iUiV lcatli ltluw.
rT',lie public will please observe that no Hraudieth
Pills are genuine, unless rlie box has three li
bels upon it, (the top, the si.'e and the Imrtom)
cub coiitamiiic a fie-simile signature of my haml
wriliug, thus li. Hhahihkth, M. ). These la.
t del me en i; raved on steel, beautifully designed,
j and done at an expense of over f 2,IKKl. Tbi rel'.ne
I il will between thai the only thing iiereary to pro-
cure iheinedlcine in ils purity, is to obsere these
l.i be).
Uenieinbi r the lo, llio siile, and the bottoui.
The lollow ing respective persons are duly auhi.ri, and hold
j For the sale ot linindrrth's Vegetable Vnivcrsul
j Northiimtieiland county : Milton M.ickey A
j I'liambeilin. Sunbury 11. B. M .laser. M'Erens
I villi; Inland it MelXi II. Noillltllill Cilau.l Win.
Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midlmgir A. Co.
t I'nion County: New Berlin J. hn Holl'man.
Selmsgruve Ker and Schnure. Miil.ileburg
Isaac Smith. Beavcrlown J. A F. Bina iinsn.
Adunsburr; H. A A. Smith. M tllinsbuig A Lainl Haitlelou Haniel Long Free
burn G. A V. C. Mojer. Ciiilrevde Siaiky
A Leuhari. Lewisburg WaHs A Green.
Columbia county : Hativillc V,. B. IK-vnol Is
A Co. Berwick Shumsn A Itiltenhouse. Cat
lawissa C. A. A I', ti. Brobts. Ulooinsburg
John 1!. Meyer. JtiseyTown LiviBisiI. Wa
shington Kobt. MCay. Limestone I). L,
Obseive llist each Ager.l has art Kngravnl Ci r
tificate of Agency, containing a icpiew nt.itio.i i.t
Dr BUAM)Ki:TH'S Manubiclnry at Sing Sine,
ami upon which will also be seen exact copies nl
ihe ntw labels nuw wid ujmn the llruwlrtth Pill
l'liilidelplaa, ofiice No. 8, North Hlh street.
J.inu rv 1st, 1842.
IMatf ot Ilfiijamlii I la .is ltl.
TO TICK is hereby given, that letters of admin
istration hive been granted to the subscriber,
siding in Shainokin township, ISorthmnln rhr.i!
county, upon the csiute of Benjamiu Huhs, late of
the said tonsh:p, dee'd. All persons having any
ileinaiuls Hg-ainsl Iho sa d estate, ate n n.stHlo
present them pr..peily authenticated, and those who
are iiidelltd, to pay to the subscribe! w lli 'Ut de.
Jan. I. 1S12 3w. Adm'r.
COOKl.Nti STOVE, and a few Coal Stoves
for sab-, cheap, by 11. B. MASSF.H.
Jan 1, 1812.
WM. WILSON, from the pari-h of Glendrhot
' key, lieland, now residing in the. City of Lap
caster, Pa., takes this method lo find out his lull
uncle I tiomas tireer, or Alexander rMewari, ins
uncle by msrriage, buih supposed to live hi the
county of NorthiimU-rl ind, Pa. If ibis imibe
should be foiruuate tuuUgh to find one or both of
the atoresai.l geiillcuieu, a letter from eithei lo Ihe
said Wilson, Lancaster, will he thankfully received,
as tie fieri anxious to know tvlieic they reside, so
that he may he able to addre a leltei to them nn a
matter of importance. Lest this notice luivibt ecspo
the eye ol either of those gemleme, it is resjvt
lully wiggested to any i f iheir blends or scipi iu,t
auces who may see it, io make il known to e.ihir
ol llieui, il'wlive, and if olln iw i-e, to oi e nf the re
lations, so ihal the appla-aul may heal witltimt de
lay from soini) biauch A lire lauiily,
Dt. IH, iMtl.
lif erpos d'to nbl c i-'BlfS, i" the Vih of
Feb. ISll.ntlil o'clock., on ihe Premina,
the very vain ible Property In iefl' described as
lollow', having been part of the Jenkins Estate,
viz : 2 1 5 acre,tB perches, with lWnre, of which
about 100 acres arc in "cu'tWfiltn'n, "vith a large
Apple (tichard ; lhciei liie Wmillanil. including
l.iini'-t iiie Land, and I irge iin8 of Iron Ore.
The jiremis'a are situated' i.i T'a-t lluffal i t"wn
ship, Uninn county. Pa., on die went side of the
We-I Prinrh f SusMehaiii'B, about five mites
from Nort'iuml cr ah.t, and three from L wi-btltg
ad jV-iuirtg I n. ds of Miss Jenkins, and Messrs. Snook
A. Penny.
There are I wo never failing wj er pnwers form
cd by Turtle Creek, which in'eisfcts the trai I, si
one of which there is a Clover Meed Mill on Uur
raUY"'patciil, and a Mdlers Hon e, and ul the oilier
a Merchant Flouring Mid of stono with ti
er Hot wheels and Ihtee fun of stones, and a Saw
Mill. A good brick mid frame Dwell ng II-Us.-,
with a Mil'ets Houko couveiiieiit, and n lurge loe
Hank Uarn aic uNo elected. The lirtcl is well
watered by springs and streams, and eligibly situa
ted in a populous neighborhood.
The Iron Ore if Muntmtr'i Hidgc, extending
into Ihe premise, npMMfs to be in g'c il abundance,
unnli (lie river bm. k, where it Is hid open, and is
believed to pervailo he continuous titlc. Across the
Property. Trim an adjicent tract, the Hhamoliin
Iron (yompany now procure the Iron Ore for their
Furnace, and Ulh ir .cls alTitd cotitni' dioUs and
fiee naviuation, prom. .led by Iho shii k-Water of the
Shamokiu Dam, to the Kail Hoa.l at Sunbitry,
which buds to the Shatnckiii Coal Mines ond'Iiuii
Pitreha'ser 'lire lnvitiil to iew the pr. ndses
carefully, and tii'nn ioipii'y they will lind the title
fne froili all doiibtnud d liieiilly.
The term tif':i iticit lire : when Ihe Proper
ly is stiuck i IV ?500, and as soon bs the deed is
tend. red. w hich will lie within five days, Ihe fut liter '
sumnf flVOO. 'til' the resdiic, $5,0,10 may ie
main unpaid for'lhreo year, and th rest in equal
yearly instalments nf f 1,000 a year, from tho time
of sale. All not paid at tho ile!(very of the '(lerd,
to be secured by bond and mortgage, bearing iu'er
est. Further in. mines irniy be mndo of
HH.NKY W. SN VDKK, X,li,lgrmv,
Assigueeof Samuul Kiuil'cr ; nr of
HUGH HKl.LAS, Sunhuri.
'1 mii-iry. I si, IH 12.
I III S I Fuih't r a n mn riesTF i-VKii.
kIisIi (Cheese, Keg Kaisirrs, H cts. per lb., bv
Dec. 25, 1811. H. U. MASSKIl.
"To lr, or nt to he" No!,
S a question ihiit we seriously submit lo the
consideration of a'l who are indebled to ihe
subscrilx'rs. and who t'o imt, in a short time, come
forward and sen to their ai Counts
i nr.
TCOM KNTKA l'Ll) K.tord ,f McVical S. i
ence and Lilern'ure, by Koblev lUiiglisn,
M. 1).. TWcssnr of the Institutes of Me licine, etc.,
in JetVeison Medical Colleen of Philade'phi'i, pub
lished monthly by Ad nil Waldie, No. 40 L'arn.
Iit rlreit, Pbilad. lphia. Subscription price, $5 a
y ar. Siibseiiplinns for the above work rect ived by
the subscriber.
Dec. Illh. IS 11.
OR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
thuinl'erlaiid ( 'utility, to beheld al Suubr.rv,
on the fust Monday of January next, being the 3J
Joseph neg.i
Prler Fib eit's adm't
CoruHh of Penn'a
vs Maniu A. Stock
vs John Filbert
vs Weaver, Lloyd A Ro
bins s Huih lle'la
s John D. Cowden
vs Richard A Kitchen
v S.ilounn l)uukletcrgei
Vs Jesse Pinker
vs John Fi'ck
vs Stephen Wilson
vs Martin Weaver
vs I'.O. I5mlf.rd'sedm"x
Badger for Badger
Charles W. Kichaids
John D. Cow den
J ames Welel
Hirjah Crawford
'om'ili Tor B. S.iyro
llenrv Frck
Coin' h for (iilbrrt no
bins' ex'r.
li chuid Varnell
Lynn, endorsee of Sini.h s lluuh H. llflla
' Andrew Tuik
s Join A. Lloyd
I Dr. 'I b is. Yanv .W ill
! U nllit I t Piper
j Hi iner A FollioiT
1 John M . Hus;'el
Joseph Mari7.
j 'a!e V Mi Inly re
' James Reed
l'aldv, Fuck A Mnn
( John R. Keller
Henry llardsber
John F. Dentler
! William Fry
: Mi: V.unus A Uiiflh'era
Win. K. Shoemaker
; Robt. 1). Ci,niinings
j Del'urah (i ant
vs A. Sloiuhton's adm'x
Henij Friik Illair
Dnid Hanmnii
P. I'o is. A J. PuislI
VS .
1M. V. B.ight
I acoli Hoti-el
s Fng. Iv A .uiiiiii iinaii
vs John Murray
s Wui. A Rolit. Hunter
s I a id Watson
v William A. Lloyd
vs Wilson A H.'Ben
doblei vs Gei'des Wall-A Green
vs L'eiij.iuiiu Mnthrwa
s Hort .n A Cook
v s. Wilson A H. Prick
v S iniuH Swimhait
Kepler for Wilson
John Giecu el al
Prothon.stary's Oll'uv, Protlt';.
Sunbury Dec. 4. ISll.
aXT011L.L Isbentiy iini, John Mili.-i, ul
Augusta tOAuship, N. rthuiub iliinl county,
has uudi' un ussignmenl of all bi estate, g.sids and
ehnltels, rights and cieuils, to the aul scri. ers, for
the Im ni fit of his creditors. All persona inile1 1 d
to the said John M.ller, or haviiie claims ugaiiist
him, aic requested to resent their account to the
sulwri ns for settl mom.
CH.M'LF.s M n.LKR, Sunhurv.
W. HL'. l .I.t;r.R. ScbuylkiicHavcii.
Noember 27ih. ISll 3t.
Al chlw r.'tU'iil C aiiipliinc Oil
B "J r. IT S ?k s . .
rPbe su1 scrils rs le e. luby j. lurni Hie Clliirns
i ot d'himbin, I or liuinls rhmd and I nion couo
j ties, that Ibey have pircbased the sole privilege of
: using, msnulac iiTing and vending the above named
1 uilt'les in ihe uf.ires.itd cutiniies. Tbey have just
received a laige S'SJitmei.l of lami a of every de
; scription. Coiisis'iiii; nf
which they offer for sale ut ieisuiaMe term.
'J his light is a new invi'.iiiou, and issupriror lo
any Ibing yi t illH'overed lor iIIuuiiiiuiiiik I nge ami
small r.nmis, and di.iHImg the d oknes ul the
It is iufeiior to nothing save the tight i f ihe sou ;
wherr I' li a Is-en introduced, it has milsh.nie
every thing of a hitiiiiioos i.aturi-, anJ s. ems ul out
to l-vcome the I tiht if ihe World.
Its pn.inii.eiit supii lor ipialnie aie I ril.iancy,
richness, spbtiihrur, cleanliness, and I .! teat not
lust, elu-iipniss. 'J'he w ck kei- s ctili cy fu e
from dirt, ai:d tbe lamps are ca-t'y kepi in outer.
In the ciiies ol I'hila h :pbia and New Yoik i has
U"eu sulwli'uted . ry xtciisively for , on ac"
count of i s ehespneas, and Ik-cause it is in.t ao in.
juri.ius to thetyes,
Direc i- lis for using will I furnished to ul I who
biiv, and i-nleis l.niii a di-l on irompllv HHuidid
to.' FRII K, IUI.I.M i; V I'R A R S?LL.
Danvill, Nov. S7, lrll.-t
FOR sale a am I Faun, coiitsinirtg ahbUt one
htindie.l and leu acres, more or less, situite
in Point township, Norlhiihiberland CitUntv, about
two mib a above Noilhunibed md, on the main
road lea.lirvr. from lint place lo iMitvillc, adjoining
laud nl '.Inliii!iou, Jesse I'. Ilortoii ami others,
no in the orctipincy nl Samm I P.iyi e. Alnul
forty brre nf sni.1 tract areiband, and in good
slat - of cu'livation, Wb eh there a a sm dl bam
erect d. The pioperiy nil. lie sold iHi r a.u able
lei ms. For 111 ri In1 r pmlicubir, peisons are rei)uesl
ed lo apply to the suirciib r.
H. It. MAssK, Agent,
Nov. 27th, IHI1. if Sunbury IV
Al since uiifijiiiilieil loi ceaiiina ami giving a
highly durable mid most brilliant pilish to all-
vir, (irrm.'ii Silver, Urass, Coppei. liriU. liia ware,
Tin, St e', Ctitli'ri , and oir resiori' g the lustre bn
varrusbed carri.ine-, Ac. TKV IP.
Prepared an : s .1.1 ai Vvhulesa e and reini', by the
Sii,i nplin nun ( , li . ...I .li, I'.ilili I fiiiinuiiu tlici.1,1.
1 lo county, .. Y.
VVM. FOKSVTH. Agent lor Northum'd,
II. 11. MASSKK. Agent for Sunbury.
November SOlli. I H i I .
Knm'itr 20 A'i-rt Third Street, Philadelphia
fl"i:P.LIO WALKS f Drv Griods, Hardware
H. and Cutlery, Hooks, Si ltionrlry, Clothing,
hoots, Siior and Hats, and in short almost every
description of go.nls, fcro beild nl this elablislllneilt
every eicnin.- ore also sold ut ptlva'e sale
iluring the iltiy n the average auction prices. Snlre
kceiiers an'J traders Will find it Ib'thelr advrltitago
by afteililii'g'tlle ah'i s.
C.C. MACK BY, Auctioneer.
TfhilalVlohln, November '3, l-'l.ty.
NVholcsalo tiiiil Uolitil SIkio, :liincr,
and Pitlm J.cnf lint WaVeho'iidc.
Ao. 00 North 2i nreet, a few doors ubove .Irch,
LSO Trunks, Carpet IJuns and Valices, nf e.v-
ion, all of w hich he offers for
sale on (ho most reasonable terms,
Philadelphia, November 13, TR'-Tl . "Ty.
1 . vV A . 11 o V mi l ) T ' s
China, (!lss nnd I.iverfin Warcliotisc,
No 1 01 North Third slrtrt. third do&r bttoto Vine
street, Philadelphia.
ViniGRH they eoirstaptly keepdn h'rtdd a large
assoitincttt of ('lilnn, (ilaiis and Liverpool
Ware, which 'they will dispose of on the most ret
s uirible terms.
Philadelphia, NovemVr 13 IP ll. Ty.
.lat'ol I'riMiititli v Soii
1 LSPlM' l'FI LI.V in'orms their friemh ami
acuuniutfiiti'es ieiicrii!y tlrjt
liuue lo keen nl ihe old Stahd, No.
Ibey FtiH con
Sl Norlh 3d
street. Philadelphia, all kinds of
Toiucctt astrr and smjak's.
Which tbey will sell on the most accommodating
on rl reasonable term.
N. B. All cood sold will be guaranteed, and all
orders promptly attended to.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1 H 1 1 ly.
7 "i j-rri : k j : j ;n,
No. 71 Cnllowliill Street, rhiladchhia,
C Three dimes above Second. )
SlfOB Findiims always kept on hunil, which he
oilers for side nn the lowest terms. 'Country
Merchants are particularly to call and judge fur
Pl.iladeli hia. November 13, 1841. 1
importers ami Dealers m Torei;! ami
llomcMic Hardware,
No. 17 1 Noiirft Taie.n Sthilt, PHtLAiii.irtiVi.
1 7 II BRB their fiiemls a'ld customers will always
' lind a lar;e and general assortment of Foreign
and Domestic Haidwaie, w hich they w ill sell at the
lowet prices,
Phile.bdhi, November 13, 1811. ly.
cxx na a .ss
No. i;! Norllt Vater .Street, Tliila.
MANI FAIITI RKRS and dealers in Oils f
every ilecriptn. both for bunting and
mutiuljclurint: purposes, which will be sold much
lower thru they can be procured elsewhere, and
warranted in ipmlity to eijual any iu the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving ns represented,
may be relumed without uuy expense to the 'pur
chaser, and the money will l refunded.
Their slock now in stole consists of the following
oils, v'n :
80,01)0 gallons Winler Bleached Spemr 5"
do iVi . Colorless Oil,
do Fnil slid Spring Sperm Oil,
do Winter Sea Blepbanl,
ib. do Pressed Whale Oil,
do Summer do do do
do Common Wluire Oil,
SitH) Barrels supciinr Straits Oil,
SlHt do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Nea's Fool Od,
?r Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's Ills.
G" VThis Company has a nurtiU'r of Vessel cn-'.l in llif. 4!ibt l-'mln'rv. nnil 'l':ilillt-r mw r.'lu
upon getting at all l.-nes v j 1 1 as puro as iniorleil,
Pliiladelphi... Nov. 13, 1 S4 I . ly.
G. V. & L. S. T.YLC?.".
OFFBR FOR SAI.l", at the South Kat Cor
ner of Fifth und Market Street, FhitaJel
pi, if
Mens' Catf-skm Boots, slitch'ed warranted,
do do ito peiiged do
do do ilo water proof, doable Bohs double lipier.
do I'ulf-skiu do do Ao nailed
and iprs,
to Heavy Water Leather Iri.'.r-.
do h Ni'ls do i!n.
do Hush euar'fer Shite, ( ftlf-skin.
if. i ilo I ns hers ito
Vine Monroes Warranri-il
Kip ib do
C.lf do do
('naiso do do
do Slims do
'u.e .In du
Kip Ho ilo
Calf Slid Seal Skm P'i:ips.
do List .Sock wilh stu' withiiul soles.
do Car) i t do ilo il,
do I'-iii nl un, iii'ted W .iti i proof MoiVasius,
Ladies' do do do 'Jo
Lailus la'n'ned India UnMer sins a.
(ici.l'iiii -lis' do I iver shoes.
Wiih evi ry oilier dose ipliiti it hoots and shoeA
Fur Cups i t evi ry ilesi riplion.
Trave'.l ug Triu ls i l'eve'ty duscriplion.
iio-ll 'ii I rsvellrng Bags.
Client ti'iiin IHasile S1iim Blackinc.
Ib liuels iff ..'II kinds, I'aloi Leal 111-.
l'bri-..hl1hia1j ilnbcr 13, !ll. ly.
Biisinefs atlendej .to In Ihe'lToimtics 'of Nor.
lhuubirfand,'ITiiioti. 'Incoming and Coltvtnbia.
KrTrr tt
Trtn as Hkt A Co.,
Low in A Baaosr,
Ht, CtiJiian A. Hsa-p. -r,.'a..
"Rsisotus, McFatsn A'Co.,
'HpK.ttiii, 'Joi.ii A Co., J
ti imvn.vs cuu'.'
Manurarttrrcr nnd Importer of Sad
dlery, Ilanlware, iSie. ,
Ao. 5 South Third street. foiif doom btluw Alttrklt
F.FP constantly on hand a lafre and general
assortment Conch Lamps, Carri.iae Bands,
:xle.rms, Lliplic Spiiugs, Patent Leather. Ac.
(lountry Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at
ill! times on the most reasonable terms. Tbey will
find il to their advantage to call and examine ' hia
assortment belore pureliastuu elsewhere,.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1 84 1. ly.
" Z A? & 3P.C THE?s7""
No. C'llcstKit SStfeot, belo-vv 4b,
?"EIIP constantly on hand a choral a. BoJr-
mcnt of Books nnu stntionaiy ; comprisiork
I, Law, 'Medical, Classical, Miscclhne
ous and School Bonks, Day Bonks, all, I.elN
eers, do.. Family Bibles, Pinkct B.hles, XVitlinf
Pajiers, Vrapping Papers.'SiC. Ac., -which flltty il
ler ut (lie lowest piites'lo'Country MerchantV (rc
fessioual (.VnlleiiH-n, Teachers, and all others thrft
tiny favor them with their custom.
Philadelphia, Nombcr 13. 18'Vl. 'Ty.
Wholesale Dealers -tn Vorelgn British
and American Dry Uood.
Ao. 105 Market street, Philiuklpltiit.
COUNTRY Merchants, and dilfers'can hc"siir?
plied at alt times with tin pxh;nsivc "asaiirt
inent of the IvcVt niid most' fasli'uHialilc Goods 'ilpJT!
the tnost'ieasiinablo lerms.
Philadelphia, N bvember 13,1811 . ly.
W holesale Variety a nd Trni'ffiiwig Stdri
Ao. 44, North Fourth near Arch st., PhihtiMphiti
A'lrilBRC Country Merchants and oilier erinl
' supplied, al ll limes, with a largo (issorlmciit
of Hosii rv, G'loves, Mertiio, 'Cotton, arid Woolen
Shuts and fhawci, Spool Cotton, Patent Thread,
Cotton Ciird.i, Buttons, Tajics, Bindings, Hooka
and Lyes, Pins, Ac. And a general variify'bTujM.
ful articles, which he ofleia for sale at the IJWcil
Philadelphia, NovemWl 13.1 Pi 1. IV.
iVIicliacI Wc.TitT X. Son,
PM. 13 North Water Srrat.'Thiiadcphia.
A b constantly on liatnl, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, Ac., viz :
ur d Ropes, Fisbinc Ropes, Whltn "Khpes, Mrtntt-
lu Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, s'uch as
Hemp Shad and If erring Twine, Best Patent Gift
Net Ttvine.'Cotton Shad and Herring Ttvine, ?hoo
Thrends, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines,
Halters, Trace, Cotton and Lhlt'n Carpet Chains,
Ac. nil of which they will drsprsc of on reasonable
Philadelphia. NovemWl 13, lll. ly.
j :sil KUH K, iTa Ysl : iTlaTcos.
No. IttO Market Sttdet, I'hilar.
(Ih low Fifth Smiih side)
l.W S keep on liiind a full atid g'encral
yk " flment of Ho-iery, Lace, rind Fancy Goods1,
Coin. try Merchant are respectfully requested t6
give them a csll snd examine for thr ntelve.
Philadelphia. November 13, lt?tj ly.
rI,nK Subscriber, Agent of 1 yon A Harris, Hat
Manufacturer. Tor N'iw York, I'hHudvfyhia',
Baltimore and iHer large cities, whoro Huh are
highly cotntnc ruled I r good toiii and durability.
has oi bund a first rate asscitiifnt iff HATS mnA
I CAPS suitjl-le for Sprmg sales, wh'ch will Varolii
very low, loi cast or nppi ive.l cremt, al the rtcffrt
c'iCu) .t,ire. No. .tl, Nnrtlt Third s'ro-t, 0'pjsii
the City Hotel, I'bilaJi lphis.
OLIVER N. t ii At HF.I1. Aeiil.
N. il. Orders tor lists 1 1 ihe rutiK, promptly
atiende.i to. Tht bightt rice in rush ot lia fa
given Ijt Fin
Pl iladelphis, November 13, I611.--iy
J . w
I'liilnclla and
Parasol 'Manufacturer
No. 37
Ptuuth "21it d sfrret, two doors btloXo Hit
Vitv lletel, Philadelphia.
NTliS Meuhiiits aitd others are solicifeA
cxatniri'! his as.oitucjit before purchasnrj
Phila 'el( bta. Novrmler 13. 1841. ly.
sri:nlvi7GduDsi c).
No. 1SS Mai-kn Street, riiiladcli'hia'.
NYITE tho attention of tj0'ui(tiy Wcrch.i'.it
to their t-:teusiie assor.ment of llriti.b French
sud American Dry Hoods, Which they offer firtsif
on the most reasonuble terms,
Philadelphia, NovemVr S, 18lt. ly.
Jllsit le''l f'tl and for sale by H. B. Mass
ser Host, n Syrup, Sugar Hoa-e and NA.
Molasses: Loaf, Lump, t'rusheil, HroWn and ClrTys
lalizetl Sugar; Cranberries, Raisins, Crackers, Ac.
Ficnch and English Merfnolr, Meiino and 'ofhrt
Shawls; ('loths, Castnr'rs and Csssinells; DiJ
Com!, Hardware, Sf?lcry, Ac. of all kind.
Nov. 50th, IR11.
yWTA? taken up astray, im (lie farm where tlii
y s'ubsciiler now reside, and owned by So
eph Wallace, in Tuckc'Ii.w, Point township, Nor'
ihutnbi rlniul county, a BR1NDLE S'PEfR will
a white face, alum I 17 or IS month 'old. Ilia
owin r is roijai ste l lo come foi ward, p'iove property
pay charges, and take it twitr.
Nov. fi, l41. NATHAN MILLED.
f.tMHU saitTT SToar,
iV.. 81 A' .i Hi Fourth st.. umfrr Merchant UutX
7IIERE Countty M. rchsiitscsn I supplied
wilh an cxti'TisiVe nely 01 cnoiee aiunj
in bis line, uimTi the most reaaimabw tcrnrt.
Nov. (iih 1811 ty
OF a very su rior quality, can 1 had at any
lime, by application to the suhScvibers, iu hat
l suit purchasa'is. They kei-i 1arjc, egg, hnVi-lV,
and line Coal, fit ful Wriiliiji lime.
J. H. ITKDY & Vo.
Sunbu'v,tii. ;.t.