Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 01, 1842, Image 3

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f CurrtsponJenct of the United Jlatet Gazette.
Wbi!kit, Dee, 20, 1841.
Th Patent Cyme Robbed.
Just after the House adjourned, the news reach
' ed the Capitol that a grant robbery hud been ef
' fsctcJ at noonday, in the robm over ihe Patent Of
fice, where the various valuable presents, made to
the Government anil its officer, relir of the Revo
lution, certain old Treaties with Foreign Power,
General Washington'! Uniform, and many valua
ble epecimena bf American rrranuftictUres), A.c are
Between 12 and 1 o'clock yesterday, the thief
auccceded, by the false key, in unlocking the door
of the am ill roorh at the end of the large sa'Oon,
which the attendant left but a few minute before,
where the moHt costly article's wore deposited, broke
' open the glass Ihrrcfrom the splendid
oolo au iiiavosd asurr riox, said to be woith
from three to five thousand dollars, which haj
been presented by the Emperor X'eiander, of Eiia
aia, to Mr. Harris, while ho wi 'ambassador to
that Court, and which was deposited in the archives
of the State Department by John Ij A Jams, whilst
lie wj President.
They also took the ric mi.' kcklick, which was
presented to our Government some two or three
year since by the Emperor bf Muscat, valued rit
acveral thousand dollars, though not considered
worth aa much as tho snull box. 'fhey completed
their spoils by taking the ooLb at ABRaan bf the
sword which had been presented to commodore
Diddle by the Viceroy of Peru, aome ten or fifteen
yeara since, during the trouble in South America.
The value of the three articles stolen is etimt
ted at about from ten to twelve thousand tlollirs,
for the recovery of which a rrwjrJ of $1(100 is of
fered by Mr. 'ElUwonh, the -Commissioner of Pa
I learned last evening, that two young English
'men, who arrived here yesterday, arc suspec'td
The police tif Baltimore bad their eyes 'upon them
there, in consequence of prrvuto information recei
ved ; and so strong were the suspicions againi-t
them there, that an officer from Baltimore came here
in the cara with them, to look ufler their move
ments. If that report i correct, they will prolnbly
be caught, as no I no k'ft here before 'the robl-cry
was made public Yours &c.
Huston nn J Uitltnlo. a
The great chain of Rail road, between Boston
and Butlalo, i made up of ten distinct links, all u
nititig with each other and presenting a continuous
line. Tho length and cost uf each woik ia thus
stated in Ihe New York Express. They are all
'comptoted except 39 miles, from Bjfcrvth (via Atti
ca) to Buffalo:
Length. Cost.
1 Boston and Worcester, 44 J $1,931,931
2 Western Wi,rcetcr to West
Slockbridije. 117 5.233 025
3 Albany &. St ckbridgo 38 1,1 12,480
Total Boston to Albany
4 Mohawk and Hudson,
6 Utica and Schenectady,
6 Syracuaa and Utica,
7 Auburn and Syracuse,
8 Auburn and Rochester,
V Rochester and Bataviu,
200 S 582,180
16 1,100.000
78 1,001.785
P3 1,011,0011
26 0:10,00(1
78 1 ,500,000
32 3'JO,870
483 15,125,1 17
30 500,000
Total completed,
Uatavia and Buffalo (via
Total Boston to L ike Erie, 622 15,025,1 17
In the above cost of railroads in the Stute of
New Yoik, west of the Hudson river, the depots,
engines, cars, etc.-, are included; it is probable that
a further auin should be added for thuse items on
part f Ihe eaktern lines, and t'.io aggregate cost of
the whole lino from Boston to Buffalo may lie put
down at 16,000,000 of dollars. The distance from
New Yrk city to Buf!a!o'hy the same r ute is -172
miles, of which over 100 mile of railrords are yet
to be made. From New York to Do nkirk O'l Lake
Erie, by Ihe New Yo k and Erie Railroad inclu
ding 22 miles of river navigition to Picrrnonl, the
distance will beabdut 468 mil s, and the cost of
the New Toik and Eric Railroad 'is estimated at
nine million of dollars. Difference of distance to
Lake Erie, in favor of New Yoik over Boston, fit
miles, and difference of coat of railroads 7,000,0011
of dollars, also in favor of New York when both
'chain shall have been contpleti d.
'published, at Ihe opening of its next Volume, in
February, Uhui the cash principle, and 'its sub
vcription price will be reduced to $2 00 per annum,
1n advance, for which sum subscriber will receivo
the piper senriweekly during tho session, find
weekly the remainder oftiie year.
'Office nf the Baltimore Amcbicast Dec
No transactions in uqnehanna Flour.
'G RAIN. We hear of no ailes of Wheat,
, and
therefore qu i'e noininally at $l,20al,30 for com
mon to prime. No receipt of Pennsylvania
We note sale of new Md. Corn to-Gay at 52
xetits for white and 53 cent for yellow.
Sale of Md.Oat lo-day at 42u43 rent.
PROVIt?IONS. V.'e note a sale of 38,000 lbs
Old Western Sidrt Bacon to-day at 3 cts. A
kurted of the same descripiiou is held at 4 cents ;
dlsms at 4 to 7 cent and Shoulder al 3 lo 3
cents. In Other description of provision we are
not advised of any transactions. The last sale of
New Me Poik was at f 11 cash. New Baltimore
cured Mess Beef is held at $10 lo $10,50 ; No. 1
I $8 to $8.50, and Prime at $G lo $6,50, New
No. 1 Lard m kega ia held at 6 J lo 7 centa and in
l.mrels ot 0 to 6J tente. Wcst.Tn Duller is dull
al 7 to 8 ceiiU, and rwtail tali"a only of Glade are
making at 10 lo 20 cents ss in quality.
WHISKKY. We note ah of hhda. to-Jsy at
21 J cts. and of I b's. at 2 Ja23cens. These rates
show decline in the ailiete. We quote the wa
gon price of bbls. al Hci. nclusive of the barrel.
:iM)KIN(i Wl OYE. and few Coal Move
J- f r ule, cheap, by
Jan I. 1 Pi.
U. B. MAcisER.
On the SGth ult., by the Rev. J. P. Shindcl. Mr.
Mawti Brant to Miaa Luc Ahholi, both
of this place.
On ihn 23d ult., by the same, Mr. Jcwem Fa.
iiotri, to Mi Uathriib HmtTCKt., both of Au
gusta. On the 23J ult., by the Rev. John Doll, Mr.
Hannah Klirb to Miss Mart Dashkt, both of
On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. Joiiv Camp
hill to Miss Mart Wilcissuk, both of Irish
On the l'4'h lilt., by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr.
Nathaniel Lttlb to Miss Mart Kkiskh, both
of Augusta.
On the 19th ult., ly the sime, Mr. Marti n
(ss to Miss Eli'zareth Pi-hsiso, both of Sha
mokin. PRICE CURflENT.
Wheat, - .110
Rte, GO
Cons, ...... 40
Oats, ...... 30
Pork, ...... 6
FlA-xsricn, ... . 155
Birrricn, - ... 16
Dkkswat, - 25
Tallow, ..... 18
Dhieii Arri-tcs, - - 75
Do. Peaches, .... 200
Flax, .... .8
Heckled Flax, '- 10
Eons, - -12
C.'onnierrciU'rs' Oeath Blow.
The public will please bhsefve thhtno Urandieth
Pills arc genuine, Unless file Ufr has ihrce 1 i
liebj upon it, (the top, the eb'e and the bottom)
each containing a fic-sirtiile signature of my hand
writing, llius B. BrasiiIieth, M. D. These la.
helsftte cnnrnrvrd on steel, beailtifulry designed,
and done at on evpense of over $2,000. Therefore
it will be seen that the only thing necessary to pro
cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these
To tlic Public.
The superiority of Dr. HAULICH'S PILLS o
vcr any other medicine that has ever been ; lVered
to the public, is, thai they cleanse and purify and
ttrengthen. Thee aio iinortenl items, and their
importance rhould not be overlooked. The system
is liable, from improvidence andnigh-ct, to accu
mulate bile, and a vaiieiy of diseased humors. To
purge the system of ihe-e 'impurities, should be
eat ly attended t . If it bo neglected, the patient
imv besubjecteil lo painful disea-e ami protracied
sulf.tmg. 77; CEUMAN A I' Mill: ST
I' ILLS are admirably suited to this purpose
but in. ire than this while they tlkaxhk the sys
tem tiny ri'HiFr the m.oon, nnd assist nalu e
kindly in her operations. The CoMromh
Si knh riii.MNU Fills gives tone to the atom ich,
while th' y impart vigor to the while system ; hence
they are a uVsidcralurn. and no family should re
main without them. In fact they uro a sort of
"Family Physician," but unlike the "school ntcu"
for these PiiU may be taf. ly ctinsultid in all
c-sra they may be tak"n without injury in any
while they alloid posit. vo relief in many. We
only ask I. r a fair tiial of their merits, and are will
ing to abide the i.-tuie.
T. WOOLMAN, Burlington, N.J.
For sale ut the store of
Jan. 1st, IS 12. Agent.
THE ANNUAL MEE PINO of the Sunbury
Li'erary Society w.ll lake place at Mr. Adams s
Hotel, this evening, (Saturday.) Bu-iness of im
portance W ill demand the attention of the members
Jan. 1ai, IS 12.
";on1 Intent I'irc t'ompanj."
VWI'AI'EU MEETI.NO of the Company will
be held on Thursday evening next, at 6 o'chn-k,
at the Court House. Punctual ittlendaneo ia re
ipieslcd. O. M. YORKS,
Jan. 1, 1812. Secretary.
r.sitate of llciijamiii 1 la uh drc-M.
O TK'E Is hereby given, (hat letters of admin
istration have been granted to the subn-riber,
n sidmjj in Sliainokiu lotvnslnp, Nortliumli'iland
counlv, upon the estate of Benjamin llass, late of
the said township, dee'd. All persons bavmg ony
tcmanils against tho said cstaio, are reiju- sti d to
prcii nt them r peilv authenticated, and llio.o who
arc indeLtid, to p.iy lo the anbserili i w thout de
lay. rAUiA. HAAS.
Jan. 1,'D42 3vv. Alm'r.
7ILL Ik) expos d to publ c tale, on the 7th of
?v pc,, 1941, n't 12 o'clock, on the Premises,
the Very valuable i'roierty biiefly described as
follows, having beeti part of the Jenkina Iv-t,tc,
vii': 215 acres, 76 'perches, with allowance, of which
about 100 acres are in cultivation, wi'.h a large
Apple Orchard ; the tesidue Woodland, inchrdmg
Limestone Land, fnd large vein of Iron Ore.
The premrs'B nre situ ,led in East BulTalo town
ship, Union county. Pa., en the west srdeef the
We-t Branch of Susipiehanna, alwiUt five miles
fioni Nortliuinlf r nn.l, and three from Lcwi-hurg
adjoining lands of Miss Jenkins, and .Mesr. fuook
V Penny.
There are two never failing ws'er powers form
ed by Turtle ('reek, which inieiseeis the tract, at
one of which there is a Clover Meed Mill on Hur
rah's patent, and a Millers ll..ii-e and at the other
a Merchant Flouring li M Mill of stone with o
ver hot wheels and three run of tones, and a Maw
Mill. Agnotlhriik and frame Dweil ng If .use,
wiih a Millets 11 on so convenient, and a large lo
Bank Barn are ul.u elected. The liact is Well
watered by springs and strea-ns, anJ ctigitdy situa
ted in a populous neighborhood.
The Iron Ore of Ahmttmrt liittgr, extending
into the premi-e, apiiears tn he in great abundance,
up m die uver bank, where it is laid oen, and is
iK-lieved to iervsde the continuous ridge an os. the
l"roierty. From an adjacent ttact-, the eihamokin
Iron Company now procure the Iron Ore for their
furnace, and both tnrts all'ird Coniun dious and
free navigation, promote.! by the stack-water nfibe
Shamokin Dam, to the Kjil Roud at Suubur,
which leads to the Shamokin Coal Mine and lion
Purchasers are invited lo view the premises
carefully, and U on inquiry tliey will find the title
fr. e from all donl.t and d.lficuliy.
Ilie terms of payment are . when Ihe lroprr
ly isatiuek oil' 500, and as soon as the deed is
tendered, w hieh will be within f ve day, the further
sum off 1700. Of the re due, f 5000 may le.
main unpaid for three years, and the rest in tqual
yeatly iiutalments of f 1,000 r ear, from tho tune
of tale. All not paid at the delivery tif the do. d,
to be ecu red by bond and mortgage, bearing in er
ect. Further mquiiiea mav le made of
HENRY W. SNYDER, Sclinsgrore,
As.igneeof Samuel Kitu' er ; or of
January, 1st, 142.
k;ool M ill l iie I'wiiiiHiiiy.
HllE iiirmlier i f the "ti oil V ill Fire Com--
ptny" are requestid lo meel at ihe Colin
House, on Monday Evrniug, Jan. 3d, al 7 o'
clock pricasely. Punctual mien. Inure is requited.
Dtc. 25. DANIEL MUNDEL, -Srr.
M. WILSON, Iroin the pan-h ol tileii.lrhoi-
' key, lieland, now residing In tha city of Lan
caster, Pa., takes this hiethnd lo find out hi full
uncle Thnmaa (ireer, rr Alexander Stewart, his
uncle by marriage, both supposed to lio in the
county of Norhurribcrland, P. If this noli, e
should be fortunate enough to Pnd one Or both of
Ihe aforesaid gentlemen, a letter from either to the
said Wilson, Lancaster, will be thankfully received,
aho feel anxious to know where they res'ulo, ao
thai he may be able lo address a letter to them on
matter of importance. 'Lest this notice might ecaie
the eye ol cither of those gentlemen, it Is resecl
fully "suggested to ony i f their 1'iends or acquaint
ance who may see it, lo make it known to eithir
of them, if alive, and if otherwise, to one of the re
lation, so that the applicant may hear without de
lav from some branch af ihe family.
Dec. 18, 1S41.
To the Honorable Ellin Lewit, President,
and hi Associate. -Judies of the Cmirt of Quar
ter Seisfoiis, nf the. county of Korthutnberlnnd : j
v a s it irn i at at, '
riliL. pttniun oi jAiiii rvnA.u, oi onaio
JL kin, In said county, humbly represents, that he
coi.tinui s 10 keep tavern at his old atntid, In the j
town bf Shaltiokin, and is well prepared for the PC- i
commixlation of travellers, cVc. Ho therefore prny !
your Honors to grant him a lircrfse to keep a ta
vern d ur ii m the ensuing year, and he will pray, eVc
To 'tliK JinriK a Wove mkbtiosjkIi ; Thesuli
senders, resident of Shamokin, hcrolry certify, that
Jacob Krrtm, tho applicant for the license, is a man
of good re Uto for honesty and Temper nice, and ia
well prdvided with houiC-ioom and conveniences
for the Udging and accommodation bfslranger and
travellers, and that a public house theie is necessary:
they lltcri'foie recommend him as a proper per
son to be licenced lo keep a public house.
Joseph Snyder, John Thompson,
Win. Finely, (ieoige Kriegur,
James Wallace, John Bouahner,
Wm. Kuebltr, William Farley,
John Trego, Jerimiah Zimmerman,
Dnniel Everett, M. ll.Kiri.
Jacob LI iip.
Dec. 11th, 1641. 31.
7b the Honorable. Ellis Islcis, Esq., I'restdent,
and his Associates, 'Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, nf the enUnly of Norlhumoei land :
rPHE petition of Robert Adams, of Sunbury, in
-- said ceunty, bunibhy represent, that ho has
rented that wi II known tavern s'and in Sunbury,
formerly occupied by Hiram Price, nppos.te life
couit house, ami is well prepared for the accommo
dation Of travellers, &c. He therefore pra yifut
Honors lo rant hirn a license to keep a tavern du
ring tile ensuing year, and he will yrny. cVc.
To TiiE.TrnnM aiiove sti riusin :--Tne ub
scribers, residents offSunbury, certify,
Robert Adams, the applicant for the Irceuve, is a
man of gtod repute tor honesty am temperance,
and hi vt'.'A provided for house-room and convenien
ce for 'the lodging and accommodation of strangcts
uud travellers, and that a public house there is ne
cessary : tiny theiefore recommend h m as a pro
per person to be licensed to keep a putd-i- house.
Samuel D. Joidan,
Henry llaiml.
H. B. Masser,
Peter W. liray,
Edward I'ystcr,
(ico. Martin,
John Emely,
Abraham Erwiii,
U....C. Wtlkcr,
Ceo. Weiser,
Xavier Eggcrt
Joseph Eiscly.
John Hog ir,
Dec. Uih, 1S41. 3r.
To the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Esq , 'resident,
and llln Associates, Jutlgcs of the Cottrt of Quar
ter Sessions, of the county u f Northumberland :
rPHE petition of Henry Bucher, ol Sunbury, in
said county, humbly represents, that he con
tinues to keep ft public house of entertainment, in
bis old stand, the Sunbury Ferry, and is well pre
pared for the accommodation of travellers, A.e. He
therefore prays your Honors to grant him u license
to keep a tavein, during the ni-uintr year and be
will pray, Ac. HENRY BUCHER.
To TnE J triors arovk mkxtioneii: The sub
rcril ers. residilila of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
11. iny Iiuiher, the applicant for the Ircen.e. is a
man of good repute for honesty and tempi ranee,
and is well provided with h'ouse-rooni and conveni
ences for the I dging and accommiHlalioii of .trail
girs and travelleis, and that a public hoino there is
necessary: they therefore nemtnend him aa a
proper person tube licensed to keep a puH'c houe.
John Randals, John P. Pursel,
Jos,') h Eiat ly, H. Bellas,
Henry Landau, Fraircit Burlier,
Bcnjimiii Krobn, John -Kpei re,
(eoige Mouiz, Wm. H. Miller,
Charlea Miller, Sunuel Moult.
Lhc. I lth 1841. 3
T -TEpriflf C TIGS.
To the ttonoraiilc Ellis hexvis, Esq., President,
and his Associates, Judges of Ihe Court of Quar
ter Sessimis, of the county rf Surthumln rland .-
TH B petition of Charles Weaver, ol Sunbury, in
said county, humbly reprrtenta, that he intends
keeping a public house of riiteilaimnent, u the
old .land now kept by Daniel tnWin, and is well
prepared for tiro accv mniodalion 'of travellers, &c.
He therefore prnya your honors to grunt h ni a li
cinse to keeps tavern, during the ensuing Veai. and
he will prav, Ac. CHARLES W EAVER.
'Po Tftr. Ji not aroVi r.5Tlovth :-The ul
scribers, res dent of Sunbury, hen-by rertily, that
Chaih's Weaver, the applicant f ir the license, is a
man of good repute for hnnekty and temperance,
and ia well provided With house-room and couvini
encrs for the bulging and accommvxlation of strin
ger and travellers, arid that t public lu.u-e there
is ii'cesary : they therefore ncommciid him as a
proper person 10 he Kcenstd to kerp public lo u-e.
Joseph Eiscly, Daniel Dim kemdler,
Daniel (iibsoii, Daniel liuas,
Henry Haax, Benjamin llc.druk,
n imuel Diuckemillelr, John Harp,
(ieO. M irtill,
;. Bower.
John Robins,
Dee. 1 i th. 181131.
Ww. Oulick.
To the Honortttile Ellis Lcu'ir, Esq., J'i evident,
uud his Associates, Judges of the Court if Quar
ter Session's, of the coXtnty of Surlhunibtrhind
rIMIE petition of Calhctme Boulton, wnlow ol
John Koultoii, late deceased, of ihe hoioi!"h nf
Sunbury, in said county, humbly represents, thai
she ronlinues to keep a pjhhc house ol enleitaiu
mi nt, at Ihe stand formerly kept by her huthaud,
and i well prepared for the accommodation of tra
vellers, etc. She theiefore praya your Honors to
grant her lu'cino to keep a Uvwn, during the rn
suing year, and she will prav, rVc.
To tni Ji nois aeuve nERTloaco : I he sub-
S'-nticis, resi.lrnis ol Sunbury, hereby ceitily, th it
Catherine Boulton, the applicant for license, is a
woman nf good repute Tor lioiiWty and li tn;
and is well provided with liouse-tootn a id coiiV' ii .
I'licea for the lodging and atrommndalion of stran
gets ami iravelleia, and lltal a public hou.e theie is
nece-saty t ttn-y tlierrlote recommeiid her aa a pr
per peiaot) to I licensed lo keen a i uMic house.
ttiO, C. Wt-MllT.
Henry llswvon,
Daniel Diuckuu.ller,
Daniel (iibson,
Jarail, Rliawn,
John B. Puce-,
H. B. Msr,
) 'leilef:l It L nrus,
Edwartl Ot.tir,
I 'h lies t. Dtiunrl,
Samuel 1). J.irdsn,
V. D. Wliattorv,
Jo.eph Eitily.
To the H.moraMc Ellis LtW'. Esq., President,
and his associate-Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, 'of the couii'y of Northumberland i
TlIE petition of Charles D. Sou
bllry, in said county, humbly represent that
he coniiiiiifs to keep r pulbc hou-e of entertain
mi nt, at bis bid t ind opposite tho Cobrt Hiihse,
and ia well prepared for Ihe iccomttiodation of tra
vellers, ekfi. Ho therefore prays ymir Honors to
gr.n ; him a leceoRo tn keep a ta'vern, during the
ensuing year, and he will prav, fee.
To the Jirnots Annva MESTiuJUih : The sub-
scribers, residents ofSuhhury, ben by Co lify.'lbat
Charles D. Wharton, the applicant for Ihe liccnAe,
is a man of good repute lor honesry and temperance,
and is well provided with house-room anil' conveni
ences for the lodiiing nnd accoininoil itioti Of stran
ger and travellers, nnd that a public house there I
necessary : ihdy then f ro recommend him as a
proper person lo be licensed to keep a'puhlic Iioiim.
Sainui I D. Jordan,
William Voungniaii,
John W. Penl.
Charles W. 1 logins,
John Bntrsr,
Charles (J. Dnnnl,
Willi m L. Dow art,
II. B. M .s-ir.
Dev. I Ith, 1M II. 31.
Freib'fiek Lazaius,
f.eo. Martin,
W. J. Martin,
t!eo. Bright,
Henry S. (inbin,
Pcicr Lnz.uus.
'Oil SiB.lV Fiesh Craij' ciries, Ti, e En
glish Cheese, Iveg liaif'iiis, H ct. pi r ib., by
Dec. 25, 1341. H. 11. MASSKR.
ETOUND, on Mr. McCurry'a Island, fifteen
Sliay Oei-sjc. The owner ia requested to
c .inc forvvard, prove property, pay charges, and lake
them awav. They will be found on tho p'cmise
of Piur Pursel. llOVl) PURM-IL.
Dec 13, 1811. CEOROE DEAL.
"To It', . not lo Ic" Sued,
S ques'.inn that we sciiooslv suemit lo the
coniilerufiou of a I who urc indebted to the
aulierileis. nod who i'o not, in a short time, 'come
forward and settle their arcounts.
Dec. 13, 1H11. II B. MASTER oV CO.
iti:!.i.i4.!:c :at.
ACONCENTRA I UD R.rord of Mc.Vcril Sei
enco and l.iteiature, bv Robert Duuglisou,
M. J , Profevsor nf the tnsfiift'es of Meidcine, etc.,
inJclli ison .Medical College of IMn'aile'phia, pul
lished montlilv liy Ad im WHldie, No. 46 Curpen
trr atreit, Pbilail. rphia. Subscrip.ion price, $3 a
y- ar. Subciiplioiis t"he above woik ri reived by
the MiUrriher. II. B. MASSF.R,
Dec. 11 th. 1811. Avent.
"CREDITORS TAM: NoTICl'., Thai wo have
"- tipplied to the Court of Common Picas of Nor
tburiiln ti .i:il Couniy, bT the leinTit of the laws
made for the relief of the insolvent ilebtots; and
ihat the Jodiie of the sard (."ourt have appointed
the first Mmid y of'v. I cxt to hear us mhl our
creditors tit the Court 1 louse in Sunbury, when
and where you may attend if you think proper.
John hack man,
D-jl. 1811. OR1FFITH MURPHY.
IJHtR trial in the Court nf Common Preas ol'Nirr
thCmberlnud County, to bo lurid at Suuhllry,
on the first Monday of January next, being the 3d.
Joseph l rego
Peter Fib eit' adm'r
Cum'th uf Peuu'a
Badger for Badger
Charles W. Richards
John D. Ctwdeu
James Vcf?.el
Elrj ill Craw ford
Com'ih for B. Sa) ro
lleiiTV Fr ck
Coin' li lor 011111 Ro
bin.'s ex'r.
v Manin A. Stock
vs John Filbert
v.s Weaver, Lloyd Jc Ro
bins Vs Hugh Be'las
vs John 1. ("owiren
ts Richards cV Kitchen
vs S..olnon Dunklcbcrger
vs Jeso Paiker
Vs John Fink
v Stephen Wilson
vs Martin V avi r
Richard Varued
vs E.O. Bradi'.rtrsoJin'x
Lvon, i ndorsee of Smiih vs Himh 11. Bellas
Andrew Turk
l)r. Th. s. Vimv ti ih
ll inbt f T l'ipr
Hemer e Follmir
John M. Russcl
Joseph Manx
Vatis iV M Inly re
James Reed
Baldy, Flick Matin
John R. K' tier
Hinry lianl.-'lier
John F. Dentltr
William Fry
McMants ii Brnthcia
vs John A. Lloyd
vs A. Stouehion's adui'x
v Henry Friik
V Sunuel Blur
Vs DjvUI Hartnian
vs P. Purs. I .V J. Purael
vs Ed. Y. Blight
v Jacob Hon-el
vs Far. ly A Zimmerman
Vs John Murray
vs Wm. oV Ro'bt. Hunter
Vs David Watson
vs William A. Lloyd
is Wilson it ILugen-
vs Ge.'des Walls A: fircen
Vs llenjinnn Mathews
vs Hottoii oV ('onk
vs s. Wilson & H. Prick
vs S niin I Swinehatt
Win. K. Shoemaker
Robt. D. Cuinmings
Delmrah fi-anl
Kepler for Wilson
John Green it al
Proilmiiot arv's Oifieo, Piuth'y.
Sunbury Drv.'i, Is41. N
ZSDIGlTES'ifc T l5E .
"vajOTICE is hen by given, that John Miller, of
Augusta to.vutliip, N. r'thunibeilind county,
has made nil assignment of all bis e.late, goods and
chattels, rights and cietiits, to the suhscii'iers, for
the hem fit i f his cieJiti.r. All pcrxotis indel t d
li the said John M.tler, or having claims ugiiu-t
bun, are rt d to present their uccounls lo the
subscri cis for settb meut.
AV. lll'.M 'I.MiER, Scbuylkiil-Haven.
Novemlvir 27th, IN 11 3t.
ctrSt'N sali iil 1 aniptiiiic Oil
rPhte ml u rila r. lejpeeilully ii.form the citra-i.
-I nl Ci luinbia, Nnriliumbrrland and Union coun.
lies, that Miey have p'ticlia-id the .ie privilege of
us'i g, ui.innl.ic r.) vending the above named
ail lies in ll.e uf.r. s.iJ cniniio-. Tin y have just
reetived lArgo arsjrtirient of lamj uf every de
srriptiOu, rousis ing nf
wliieh'lhiy olTcr for .ibi ul icawnuMe l.-Vtn.
'I bis hglit Is a new iiivintioii, otid issiipeii-ir I i
ny thing yet tliscuVt ied for lllumiuul.t'S large and
mall rooms, and dunelbtm ihe d.nllnessoTlhc n'tiKt.
i is InlViior to nothing save the buht of the un ;
i wbercvir li h i been introduced. It has outshone
ever, thing ol a luminous r.ature, auJ s,emsa:0ut
i to become the VgM if the world.
Its prviuinenl supe ior qualities ate I ril inncv.
jrichmss, spl, inUiur, rU'vn'ines-, ah. I I isl but not
leai-l. rheupnem, Tho Wnk koc s inlirey f ie
i from dirt, ai.d the lamp are ea-l y kepi in iMiler
In the ciiir of Phila letpbia and New York it has
j Isreii utiiiutcd V,ry uteosiVely for g, on ar
I count of i s rheapntss, and lecai) it I Hot so in
i juri -us to the aves.
! lir fons for using will be futnislnd to all who
i ImJ. and n.'eis fioni a dirtsnea toiupilv alien. I,. I
mo. FRU-X, lill.LMEVER V Rl.ssLI . j
I Danville, Nov. 2T, 111.-It I
fJvJOR sale a small Farm, containing abotlt drie
hundre.l and rn acres, more or lea, situate
in Point township, Northumberland Coulitv, about
two mih above Nortbutnbeil tnd, on llln rnsin
road leading from that pl.u lo Danville, adjoining
lalid bl Jolm Leghou, Jesse C llnrnln and others,
no'V in the ncctipsnry nf r.iinor 'l'ny ne. About
forty hrres of sh'.I tract are denied, and In -good
slat.-of cultivation, u which there fa a small barn
erccb d. The property Will lie sold Oh reasonable
teltns. Fur further iiaitlciilnrs, neison are requeat-
cd to apply to the rut'erib r.
II. U. M ASSR, Aetnt,
Nov. 27'h, 18 1 1. If Sunbury. Pa.
AN uilic e uuequ.illej lor cieauiug anil giving a
highly 'durable and hiost brilliant p dish to sil
ver, German SiUer, Brass, Copper, BrtttHiiia Ware,
Tin, Sti e'l, Cutlery, and lor restori g tho iUstru on
varnWicd carriage-, &e. TR V I P.
Prepared an t sold ' tvhob's:i!u and retail, by the
JSiisiplelnniia l,hryso,lu I'dlish Cumpany, Owcgo,
Tioga county. N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH. Asjenl for Northum'd,
II. 11. MAKII, Ag nl lor Sunbury.
NoveinU-r 20th. IMII.
anj3 corartiissioN store.
Number 2'J North Third Street, Philjihlphia
tJUULIC SALES uf Dry floods, Hardware
"i tl Cutlery, Books, Stnfionary, "Clothing,
limits. Shoes nnd I lilts, anil In abort almost every
deseripiion of goods, ftro held at this establishment
every eveuitm. Iloods are also sold iit'ptivatn sale
during the day at the overage auction (trices. Store
keepers and iradern will find it to their advantage
by attending 'tile utiles.
O.C. MAOKEV, Auctioneer.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. I v.
Wliolesnto and Retail Shoe, iioiinet,
ami l'alm Ixmf Hft W&reliotisc.
No. CO Nbrlh d street, a few doors above .Irch,
ALSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and A' alires, of ev
ery desciiption, nil of which he offers for
sale un the moat reaaonalile terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. 1 y.
v 7 "ivTaTr o V1j u iTt 7
China, ( llass anil Liverpool Warehouse,
No 164 Nnrth Third street, third ttoor below Vine
atli'i, it I . (4 (if ijiii f ri.
"rHERE tfcey cons'aiilty keep on hand
assiiitiuent of China, (ilass arid Li'
street I'hUaiU Inhirt.
a large
fire, which they Wifl dispose of on tlic must rei
aonable terms.
Phil, delph'ia, November 13, '184 I. ly.
.;-.i 4t I'l islUlltlt &, Soil.
1) ESPECTFULLY inform their friends nnd
acquaintance generally that they slid con
tinue lo keep at the old ttand. No. 210 North 3d
street. Philadelphia, all kinds of
AA'hieh they will tell on the must uccouunodutiug
and riMS iiiabie terms.
N. U. All EOod. fold will be guaranteed, and nil
orders promptly attended lo.
Philadelphia. November 13JS41 ly.
No. 74 ('arlowliill Street, i'hihtdelphia,
f Three dmirs above Second. J
CJHOE Findings always kept on hand, which tic
offers for sule en the lowe.-t terms. Country
Merchants are particularly to call andjudgo fur
PI,iladel.hia, Novcmla-r '3.H1- Jy.
Intorters ami Dealers in Foreign and
Domestie Ilatilware,
No. 171 Noiitii 'Pimm STnifcl-, PniLinr.irniA.
ViniERE their ftierds and customers will always
find a large and general a-sortmrnt of Foreign
and Doines'ti'o Haidware, which they will sill at the
lowest prices,
Philed. lpliia. November 13, IS II. ly.
m:W oil company.
No. '2'.) North Water Street, Thila.
MANUFACTURERS and deatera in Oils of
every description both for burning and
inamilaciuring purposes, which will be sold much
lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving aa,
may be returned without Any expense to the pur
chaser, nnd the money will be refunded.
Their .tuck now in store coasists of the following
oils, vi :
30,1)1)0 gallons Winter Bleached Speim
i'o Coloilera Oil,
Fail and Spring Sperm Oil,
AV inter Sea Elephant,
do Pressed AVhale Oil,
Sumni'T d. d do
Common Whale Oil,
200 Barrel superior Slraita Oil,
300 do Cod Bank Oil,
f.t) do Neais Foot Oil,
? a Casks Olive Oil,
Turner ' his.
Qj This Company has a number of Ve.scls en
gaged in tho Coil Fishery, and Tanner may rely
upon eciiinr; al all lanes Oil aa pure us imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 13, 1811. ly.
FFER FOR SALE, at the South Fast Cor
ner nf Fifth and Market Streets, Fhiludtl-
Mens' Calf-skin Bool,atilched warrantee!.
(' do do peu'ged do
tlo do do water proof, double antes
and double uppers,
do I'alf-t-kin ilo do do nailed
find ll U'i.
do Heavy Water Leather Bool,
do do Nenta do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Calf-l in
llo do do Crook era do
Fine Monroes warranted
ilo Kip do do
tin Oi.lf do do
ilo Coaise do do
da ilo Sh.x ilo
ibi t'li.e do h
do Kip ilo 'I"
do Calf mid Seal Skin Pumps.
do List Socks Kill) uud without sole.
do Carpel da do do
i!o 'ui.-ut AA'ai ranted Water-priH)f Moccasin.
Ladies' do do do do ' lanniM India Kublarr sIi.n.
I . i.l!croen' do I 'ver hoc.
Wi'b ev ry other dow ipiion of hoot's and ahoii.
For Cap's 1 1 evi ry ihwiiplioo.
Tr avell tm 1'iiu.ks of every description,
A'ei eii .n I'rav, lling Bags.
Pa'ent I iom EUslie Shie Blaekms.
lb nneln of .11 k'nds. Palm Li si Hats.
PhiljJt li hia, No. i inl t t 13, 141. ly.
ti B. 1TASSEP.9 -
A T T O It N V, V' AT LAW,
SUlTBUilY, pa.
llu'sinefa iiflendcj 'lo Ih "the Counties "of Nor
lltutpberlotid, Union, Lycomiitg'and CotumHIa.
Iten-r tot
TtinntAS Haut tt Co., T
Low tn iV Dabiio;,
Haiit, CcMtsmo & IIaiit, yPkilad.
Rktxolii, McFahlard & Co.
Sl'KKI, 'jOOU ck Co.,
ManQiacturcr nnd Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, &c.
Ai. 6 South Third street, fout doors ttidui Market
Philadelphia. ,
"BTT" EEP constantly on hnrid a large and general
it wL nasortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Band,
Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather; cVc.
Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied at
all limes on the most reasonable terms. 'J'hey will
find it to their advantage to call and examine 'hi
assortment before piirchasinii elsewhere.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly.
No. lv'"i Chosniit Street, below 4th-,
ETT EEP crinslaiitly on hand a general asso'rC
ment of Books and Nta'.ionaiy ; comprising
'I heoiogical, Law, Medical, Classical,
ous and School Books, Day Bocks, ull siies, LriT
gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.b'es, Wiiting
Papers, Wrapping Papers, xc. Ac. which lliey ol
fcr ut the locst piices to Country Merchant's Pre
fcKoiotiaf vMtiitlcmcn, 'Peoehers, and all others tbA
may favor them wifl. iheir custom.
Philadelphia, Novmbcr 13, 1811. ly.
im;ynolds, McFahland & co.
Whulosalc Dealers in Foreign British
and American Dry'Goods.
AW. 105 Market street, Phihidtlphia.
COUNTRY' Merchants, and other can be' stop
plied .nt ull times with an extensive a?siif
fricnt of the brut and inrHt fashionable Goods ujRrri
the most reasonable tertiif-. r
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly.
Wholesale Variety and Trimming iStertb
No. 44, North Fuiii lh near Arch si., l'l.iudilphid
YiniEKE Country Merchant anJ others can bo
' Fiipplied. at all times, with a large assortment
of Hosii ry. (llo'ves, Merino, Cotton, and A'oiliri
Shirts and Draweis, Spool Cutton, Potent Threath
Cotton Colds, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hook
ond Eyes, Pins, Vo. And a general vatiity of use
ful orticlcis, which he oll'c.a fur ralo at the lowest
prices, .
Phnadctpliiii, S'ovi'inbri 13, I S I I . ly.
.flicltacl WcaVcf V Son,
Nu, 13 North Water Street. Philadehjihia.
A A E constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordnge, 'Seine Twine, '&c., viz:
Tar'd Rones. Fisliinir Rones. W hile Rone. Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines for Canal Boats. A Mo, a
complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ac, such a
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Bet Patent Oifl
Not Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twine, Shod
Threads, &c. Ac. Also, Bed Cordrr, Plough Lines',
11 alters, Tracts, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains-,
4c. oil of which ihey will ditiose of on reasonable
U'lms. ,
Phihiilc'phin, November 13, 141. ly.
No. 1H5 l-2 larkct Strcef, Pbiia. ,
(Ilrlmv Fifth South side )
A LAV ATS keep on hand a full ood general as"
si rtmcrit of llo-iery, Lace, and Fari-jy Goods-,
t.'ountry Merchants are respectfully requested (i
give tin m a call and examine for thrrnveW'.
Philadeljihia, November 13, 1841. ly.
'PHE Subscriber, Agent ol Lyon '& Harris, Ha
Miiunfaclurrr, for New York, Philadelphia',
Baltimore ami other Urgn cities, whoso Hats tit
highly comuicndcd for i,od cd-ii and dumlilify,
has oi hurv! a fir-t rale ascitmiit of HATS ami
CAPS, ruitai'le lit Springailcs, wh'rh will be kolJ
very low, I'm cast or ;ijrpi'ved credit, at lie ntle'X
cheat) storf, No. 4' Notln Third atiott, ofpjsi'i
the City Hotel, PhilaJrlpbia.
N. It. Order Ijt Hutu i I the rtmtfi, promptly
kitendi'J to. The highest nVo hi wsh or tra'Ja
given fur fiii' skint.
Philadelphia, Novi mbe'r 13, IS41. ly
Umbrella and Parasol Manufacrurer.
No. 37 Noolh Thit'l street, (wo doort bctdw ih'i
ry..i.i vi.;iJ.t..i,:..
1 1 V ita M is iuuii jsf imisj ,
10UNTRA Merchant and other are solic'Eed
to rxauiiim his aoiti.uut before purchatiti
elsewhere ,
Phila'eVhia, Novemlrr 11, loll. ly.
No. 1n Mai-kft Street, rhiladeiphia--
NVITE the attention of Country Merchants
.i iKeir eitensive assor:mrnt ol Britiih Freii'rS
und American Dry (iood, which they offer forsV
on Ino niort reasonable ti rmt.
Philadelphia, November 13, IS -11. I 'jr.
'PHE subscriber has just received anewinJ'ei-
len.-ive as.or:'nieut ol Dry Ooods and GrOccV'-e",
which he oll'era for sale at the lowest prices.
Nov.O.lsll. tl. B. MASSE R.
U. .rTi .U. Kd XiU- taisv. Ja sv
l ' W v. "S X7 T. .TA SUV T -
taken up astray, nn the farm where the
ubscriber now reside, and owned by, J0-
eiih Wall;
-jiti Wallace, in J ucketio,, mint jownsMjr, xoi-
thuinbirland county, a HR1N DLE STEER with
a white fare, about 17 or IS montba old. The
owner is requested lo come for ward, prove property,
pay charges, and take it awaV.
Nov, Lfi, 1S41. NATHAN MILLER".
No. 31 AVi Fourth si., undtr Merchithts' Holt'
"WTHEIM" Counliy Mirehatitsrtn I uppliei
f V 'i,n "i"'"""' vaiiety of choice aiilclr
in hi. I'.r.i', upon the most i-ascnb!c lirmfc
Nov. Cth l1l ly ,: . . .
F a ver superior quahry, roh be had at snj'
timf. by epnbr ilioii to the aulstcribets; Ih !ou
i . .' IHL1.
lo sol. purchahet. I ney n.ry ungr, egg, uroaen,
and fine coal, fit for burning linte,
J. II. PURDY bd.
Sunbury, Oct. tX .