""" 9 T U II ASK LIST. rrnVIVSYIl AIA. Tbe futlnwins VtM showa Ihii curr.ol vnlne of uji Pexuisylraxiia Bank Wi a. The mwl implicit rr nlir uwy b plnced Upon h, It i'tvrrg lor ewrefiltly aurnpaml with aid oorrrcusd f'OMt Hi k jT Importer. . ltaulil In rillnI-lpl;In. r( I J I - LoCATIuf. It 0 T II 9 AT PAR. i'HILit). I'snk of North A merica Bank i f the Northern Libeilies . Dank iff Peunef1vais . Bank of Penn Township . . fofuttierr inl Batik of Perm's. . Kb-Q'i' and Mechanic' Bank . ij'rj Hank , . Kcionnglon Dank . Mnru'octurfrs'cV Meshanrcs' Bsuk Mechanics' Bank Movsmcnsfng Bank . I hiladclphia Bank . . Schuylkill Hunk Smithwark Bank W ossein Dank par par pur phr par pur tCotuitrr UnnUi. llaiih or Filtsburg lJiuk of Chester County Bunk of Delaware County Bank of Germantown Bank f Lcwistown Bank 4.f Middletown Hank of Montgomery Co. ii.uik of fturthombeiland Bswks County Bank Plttsblllg vVrstcbestcr -ChcsWr Germantown LrwHlfwri Middletowo NoSristnwti Nollhuiubcrlali.l ar itcadins l, I iolumbia Bunk St Bridge co. 1 olurnbu Csrliale Dank" 'Csrtisle Dnylestown Bank Doylcstown K'.oii I'oT.k Emnm Ex.'i.y.ge Bot.k Pittsburg- Do do branch of ' Holhdnysburg Fainsr-as' Bank of Ilurka co. Urblol t'.-irrvcrs' Hank of Lencaelci 'i.anc1rr par 1 r.r par I 1 par pat par par par par par lar par Fanners Drink of Heading Reading Hittri-tlmtg Hank l.iicas:cr Bank Lebanon Bank Meiebonts' & Manuf. "Bank Meiers' Batik of Pnltcville tVorlharrpton Bmk Yowandu Bank Wat Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Office of Bank of Pct.n'a. Oflice do do Office do do Office do do llarriilwfg J.uncattci I.ebant n Pillaburg Potlaville Allenlown Ton a ml Williauiiporl par YVi kt'ibnrre far Hairisbuig Thete I.ajieuelcr 1 olTice Beading f do not wn J iuen. IUHCDIINT. NOTES AT BMikoftf.cViiite,lMi.wJ PbilHjiJphia OlTice of Bank of U. B. Pittaburg Do do do Kna Do do do Iv Brighton Reimijigten Ins. A alo I'enn 'J'onnthip Sa. Ina. do (5i.k of ("Latulx ikburg ChnmH.i.biiif 1 Hrak ot Oertjkl.urg GrUynburg Uwjk f f?uf liuaiiMins'Uo. Monuoae Krw Bank Tim lit FnfDKTa' & DtossW BaiJl Wsynraburg 5 J F.toJt'.i.) Bjiijt Waciiingiun 2j limnsh.il l)n.nk IIoei1iile i Mnr.ointnhrU Batah of U. Broills 94 Voik Hank Vo:k ) j N. r. 'I he note or thoiie hatk on whiah e ojiiii quomui'iis, anil eubMiluts s ditah ( ) sre not lual a.-rd by tbe PliiUdrlpfcia hrokera, wnii lie lia'j.tiou of i!iiu which hsvo s leitet of iiJuincJ B HO KEN BANKS. rhiWpW 8T. Ine, rbiladrliM faUeil rbUudtilphit Loan Co. do fioleit acliusiJtiU 8itv. Ins. do failed KUcual Labor IWiik (X. W Droit, nrou..) Ailed Allogha Bank of Pa. UMlford fie sale cloeeA closed failed el.ed no m'a fsHtxl f..lel Bank of UMei Maiib of Bwstar Bank of WatUngUft Cit Bat f.ra & MecVos' Bank Faitncra' & Mwh'cV Bank ratuiurs' A.Mecb'ce Bi.k Harmony Lisiiluas liuntiDiIoa Buik J rait ut Ilai.k Kurribennetat Dnlt Notthoru Batik of I's. Nw Hoj Dl. BiJge Cq. Notthumb'J Union Col. Uk. hnilh V'tlfU Bajikof Pa. OiLoe uf fechuyJkilt Bank V. Airr.iV Manuf. Vnk Kilvci I'tite Bat.fe I'otun Bm.k of Peon's. VVe aimotolaud Bank Beaver ilaiiisburg W'asLir.gton 1UI1. fonlu Pitubuig Ttiul'iirn Payellt' Kit. (JreeucaiCe llarmonv Isljed 'orai, Iluiitingifon Jio aale Lett i. low n tiuaile Warwn DainlalT Ne Uops Milton MinJ'illo Port 'Carbon CsrU.le Monti use Cnlutitown fa dud no ssla doted l.o talu closrd Isilid fsil.d closed faded closed (ir oi.sburg Wi!kebnrre Bridge Co. Wilkisbarie no sale ljr All uolea puipoiting to be on any Pennsyl vsm Bank not given in the almve lit, uay be set dowu as fraudtf. CW JCIISCT. Bar.S of New DlUDSwidt Bclvidsle Bank Burtinglan Co. Bank Comnicicial Bai.k Cumberland Bank Brunswick IkilviJeie MedforJ Prrlh Amboy Bridcelon failed Spin par Ipmj par par Fuimrts' Bnk Mount Holly FaiUiers and Mechanic' I)k Rahws tpm Furrecra' and Mechanics' lik N. Biunswir k failed furmers and MrchenieV Bit Middlctowu Pf. 1pm Frauk!in Bank of JN.J. Jerwy City tailed HoUiken Bkg& Grilling to tlob'keD Jeisry Citj Bank Jersvy I'l'y Mtjctianiis' Dank Pulieisou Maiiufatlur rs' Butik Belleville Morris oo.pii'y lisi.k Moiristown Moiiiiioutli lik .1 N.J. Fierhuld Mrchanisa' Bui W Nrwsik Meclianics' end 'anirf. Bk 'I'Trnlnn Mouis Canst and Bkg Co Jeiaiy C'ly Pot Note fail, d fulled full, d -fail, d par faihd 2pm par T- ro sale Ntwaik JJkg & Ins Co Nrwaik New Hope Del Uiiilo Co Lambaitstille N. J. Manuf.x. 9 1 d Bkg Co Hwbokeii N J Piolection iL LvuiUtJ Ik Jertey City Orange Bnk" Orange Paterin Bai.k Patcison Peoples' Bank do Princeton Babk Princeton Bale m Banking Co b.ib m Bute Bank Newark State Bank Elixl-it.iow h tale -Bank Camden fc'Uie B.u k of Moriia Mornlon Slate Bank Trmiou tislem and Philsd Mtnuf Co Kalrai fui-sex Bank Nrwtoa Trenton Bai king Co Tier.tnn Union Bank Davsr Wahiiigtun Unking Co. llackenaack Spin pr failed fated 1 1 m failed 3pm psr par I'-' S.iii , ' Soiu faile.1 ail.. I V in ll III fwil.it Bk of Wilm dt Brandy bit Wi miitoa Bank t f DeUwan. Wilniii.gtun Batdi of Smyrna Rn.yu.a Do I ranch Millard Farrrere Bk of Slate of Del Dove Do braaJ) Wilmington Da branch Georgetown Do biench Newcastle UhiinBink Wibmngtua ft"" UiJ'li r 6'a fXj- Oh all bai ks aturked ihm () lhea are rl the i eooDletlirit of aaWad notes ef ihe sariuus di aoaiMtniona, ia cvcuHtann. FUOSPECITJS or TIIK DAILY KEYtfTOXE. TERMS fi rtm rum stssios. rPhe li'idt rsSgncd Tu-ing -fully of the im- imrtanc.eol hiving a I) lily Di mocrstic Psper, pUlhsbed altho Seat of Government of Poiinejl vrsnirv. fining the seat-ions of the Legislature, in compliance witti the r quest ul a number of tbeir demo, rnlir friend, propter, to publish the KEY S I (Jr, DAILY, during ihe approaching session, on a Rural Sheet at the low (tier of two dollars for the session, or two cents per single copy. f Tl e g ral object t be attained liv the publication of a I) lily pRxT n( JInfis! ura, lin ing the session of ltd' .igj:nliir, i logive leporrs of (be Debstcs in tbe I ii ll.m-es, on all impnitmit public qnra liVlm. n orr ul lii (!tli li in h hi-rrt'ifoie leo run p n i' toinirv, on, I tit art I !).. reporU i Qt hffere the pulv )"' I lie. mo r fXKdiiioiii y than l y the a'ow pnre of par. a Miii-wr k!y njn r. Thrre i an nnneiy in the rtiii da r the r iid in g pub.ic to oniatn theeailiift inforinMiion in rrgard to a I public mrvcinenta : niul n Ibr miakUita to be brought forward and dia rtiMcd, hi i lie appr, arhing (ration ojour Lrginla tme, will It of the 4irt unioiliinie, to the people ai Ijrgc, we t'iMiieive that then can be no mote auiiablu time than tbe prrpcnl, for the commence ni' nl of an putrTpriae at thia kiml. Aa one of the proprietors of the Keystone 'ia a prol. i'Moiiiil sleiiographer, and haa long bren en gugrd a a Krportrr 'in Cutigreti, in the Conven tion lo aiuen.l the Cm at lutinn, and iu the Stnte I.eKitla'urr, he roi fuli'iiily hopes that he will be n alitetl to Cuinllii-I tho I.i'girlulive Department of rue paper, in a nisrmir rntnvly aai factory In those j mrinffnta hose rrta itka he may report, and the public st I ir e. Ho nil be onumtnl by competent eior'rrs, sud-viiil nl nil inr.P atlitul in one IIoiimi lmns If to rn.sure la lbful and nccurale reports of ilvl'ii'rs in the I. initial ore. Tbe oilier proprietor will t kcebargR of thi'Kditorial Di'pnnnient of tlx paper, ai d aa l.e tins heit'tol'ure bnd conaiih inble exprrieiire in c ndonirg a Id iiMcrjiic Jnurniil,iii ani'thn iart of the t.ite, be h'pra t i be :ib! io tiiake the Kejaliii.e sceetul le not only to his poliii cat, ftirni'a, but to Ihe tending ublii-. ANeal aM aloo have a correfpotidont at Wash iii(,tn, who will give a da Iv nynuprl-i of :he buai! nova uaiiSdclid in tbe Naiionul l.eisltltue ; ai d an account of all tin. 'political tnovi tuei.ls, which may be made at iLe se. t of the general liuverii mint. (Jj As we thsll incut heavy expenditure, o vcr and above our nwn Ubora, io getting up our Daily, and in employing H putters, Cori-S.ondeila, eke. we hu1 our fiirtuls throughout the stain will steit llivniK lvea to give our paper ss wide circu lation as p.Muiblr, Tie very low rate af which we have ptarcd our Daily, will tuake it tiesctMsry for us -to adopt the CAfit ttntii, so fir ut tat,t s it is con.eri.rd. mid r. (julre pkyuicoti to be made to it during ihe hut kniiUi os Uie tiWiKiiM'. The arroWwiiekW Jvey stone, (Doub'e Rovtfl' site) will l-e puliiiihtd t tiauaidufing '',e .fcViSiuu at iwo ilolwra, gj' Poaf Mas'er and odiers pending ff.Te rulin:iiNj avcomiMlued bv ton dollaia, will bt'v cali le J to acoi y toi thcV trouble. ISAAC Cr. MrKIXXF.Y Ilarri-lnrrg, Dec.V 184.1.. F51CSFSCTTJ3. 1)B THE DAILY STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE. 'Pilb' eililom of theSfnte Uapilol Gaxettcat ihe urgent aoli.-iuition of -najmroue DwnocraUcJ friends in almost eviry country of the Comimrr weallh, have mine to tbe conclusion, to publib, during the eitiings of be spptouchmg session jf die Ltfisls.uie, tho STATE CAFITCL GAZETTE, DAILY. Q'he Diivt (iitmi will l juiniej or rny id ahret i f fuie paper, whtcft will be sirtricinily l.i oe to eoi'tsiu foil reports of iirocerdiugs of Uith brnnrbis of ihe I.eMiliiturv. In carrying out our inleiitiiti i f publiahing a daily pnper at the seal i f r Government, we wtilrf ei trme subject ournilves to bavv en eiitlitiurs. atnl will coin emienllv esi iicl ' tbe Uemocraey if riling' lvnia h tally routnl us. and sustain w in cur undertaking. To enable us 1o give fv.ll ri ports of ffie proceedings cf ibo Le ilarre, we have undo or'aiigi-oicLts fn: placir g i in each IJoue a cumr elent stenographer, the ability ' and profi-ssionaj experience of one of whom at lensf, is unrvrrs dly tdmilttd both bere and else' where. In addition to this, we have engaged, at a misideisble expense, the tatunble sert-icts oi our b.lc Washington Correrpondent, whoso style ul writing, thir forcible, eiiergetic, an. I fearless man- ncr'in which X.e Ivd I are the difngs of Fedrr.iliotii, anu me luiiniui iireuiei.ous wmoit fie ftve, uutir.g the extraordinary session of Congress, is familiar to our Numerous readers, many of whom have ' chei rfully admitted to os, in person, that Cleon" is one of the Leaf political waiere of lb day, and have urged us again to precure hie aid aa our cor reiponilrnt at the se at oi ihe General Government. Aategsrds the future course of the Gaxette, we deem it unnecesssry to ssy uiote'lhsu hat it will a' wayp lie sound, as heretofore, warm ui porter of tbe glial prit.cipli s of Demoirscy, and ballltug f dib fuly, lor tbe wrlla'e, proumlion, slid hs)i nts of the People at 'a'gi'. The banking system, as il is at presi nl eoiiiiucied, bel-v-ving, as we do, that it ia cali'ula'ed lo spread Ji.nes, mi-eiy and ruin in e very commuiuiy where its .po lulli g ii.flueiice is felt, sliall conliuiie to mtet limn the Gaxelto the sno.e d. leiin ncd O; po-i;ion -t always has nut wt b, until li e hirtil l oulili .lis sml comb. tuitions of ban ktf'S, peciimlors, and stock-jobbi is, shall be made to feel thai the ill of lle people is si nam;. Ha ving bi tn the ur.lent stul xenloua mpi one of the rr-t lection our piesenl woitliy I'-xeciilivi, DtTin It. I'liarta, n tba I be our pndd and pUin re lo give lo bis oJwiiiitli atlou a linn, dtciikd and ho nest support. In put lifh iig a daily p per, we are well aware of tbe hiavy n spnnsibiluy that wi 1 red upon us, as its editors ami coi ui.ciois. e srs ninny -e.-n-vimed, huwtvrr, thst a Di mocislic daily pa;r .1 ibe svat of gntrrnment, ia much ineJt J, slid si the siiggertinn of our DrmiH'ialiC frb mis, we have Leeu induced lo commence ihe uudc taking, proviiled reano al le eiireuragrment is pivn ift watrant it. The vi ly niotleiate U-ims at w hich weuffi r our dai ly p'r in subrciib' rs, n.ut eoiiVince every oas ibst the oljeil ii i ot to reulize tberefnun an etiis vsiiant coinpeniiajon for our lal u. On Ihe ether band, we toH be peifeclly satislied if uur cxpeuse do not Isll brhii.d o .r income. 'i'he lero.s of tbe Dilt (iinrri are anch aa wi. I compel us lo sdoft li e csnii minx, wliuh iu e wul l a -lr.ewy sdUreal I . The su.i-se.kly iNjts Ciairoi Gsxtrra (d ul le ro) rtze) wUJ be pubkl id as heretofore, ilunnn the siiiig of the Ligis:atiiai'. Any peiaon aenduig us live suUciiliers sermnfa ine.1 b) liu dollars, sbsll lective a cny ioi their iroulde, gruti$. Persons fuiacfiUng for eilhet if ihe alwvve pa peia, aiea quest, d to aeud in tU;tudrs on or be fore UiaU5iU of December. UERl3! i Ki.n.Griaa f.a.bsvaa,mit ft 00 stl-TVtii.i (iiimi, do. J no irEJvLOtTX & IrflArro.N. par par par par par par .sr par par Kdrtmt und WvarauaisaJ Hsnisburg, Dee. 1. 1841. IVIoOALLA 8c IU3RSD, 2W 51, JVortli Second Hit ret, (conwtn or coom's atLiT.) Where they conatanily keep on band I general aaaonment of CI.OTI1S, Ofl-SSIMEBEB, VEBTINQS, And a great variety tif artictti vf a tuperuir quality, which tlii-y ofTer to dinpoxu of nptiiv the must icmon ililo terms. COHNTI5Y MEKCIIANTS and others will find it to thiii advantage to roll and examine tbi'ir atiik befnre puri-haiig eUewbcie. Pbiladelpliia. Nov. l v a mi.i:.uii assuiiii:t or BUST anived from tbe city of Philndelphin, and fir sale, at tho most reduced price, for csh, si the new stote foimeily kept by John Bogur, as follows Clothing of nil soils and sixes, such as Warm Overco.it, Cojlteem, Pantaloon,, Vests, &c. AJsn, a large Fsnrtment of Pine Calf rkin and Wa terproof Boots, Lndiea' I.are Bool, and a vurinty of other Bonta and Htioea fur the winter, trimniud and unlrimmed Gum Shoes, and Men's, Boys' and Cbil Oi en's Shoes, of ail size. JOHN CHAM DEI! LAIN, Simburt Oi l. aOth 1841. if. MRS, BOLTON, RESPECTFULLY i.if.rms her friei,dK ami the public generally, thut the continues to keep that well known Tavern (Stand in Maikel strict, Sunbury, sign of the formerly kept by John Bolton, hvr hiii-bond ; and by endeavoring to cnmluel tbe establishment in a munner lo give suiiifartion to all, hopca to merit a liberal rbare of public pHtioimKO. Siii.Ihhv, OctoU r Uih, 1811. ABABIS'S HOTEL, Suiiburj, Xortliuntlirrland Count), PENNSYLVANIA. 'T'HE subscriber hs rented that large end eonvi--- tiient Tavern llnuse in Hunbury, lately oicu pied bv Hiram flirt, and la pcpait'd to Bccumirjcc dale sll who will favor bun with iheir custom, in a nejl and comfortable moiiiur. KOUERT ADAMS. Sunbury, Oct. 23d, 1641. SIIFCCIT & FP.T, TEr?PECTFi:iLY inform Ihe eiliiens of Sun 1 bury and vicinity, that Ibev have tnkiti the jhnp tali ly occupied by Win. Durst, whtrc they will retry on the TAXT.OHXKG 3USrNT?S, in all Its vsiious brsnehes. By stiiet alti filion and faiMiabln chiuges, they exnect lo uif lit a share of public patronage. fui.bwy, Setl. 4ih, 1s 41. MADEIRA WINE. g,i lire, for sale Jovy by Hpl. 1, 1841. If. B ijuahty Madb'ia MASSER, rOblilll PKOOK BKAMIY. A gtn""" article ahvoys on band and for sale by l-4'pt I, 1641. H, V, MASSEIl. HOLLAND GIN, Of the best rjuulity always un hand and for sale by fceyt. I, 1R4K II. B. MASSEK. LOAF AND LUMP hand- and for sale by SUGAR. .Mwaya on Hep't. I, 1S4J. II 0. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS tiUGAR HOUSE MO LA8ME8. Of ihe b-sl nuulity always un band and for sale by tVpt. I, 1841s H. B. M-ASSER. BROWN KUtiAR. t)fa go.nl oaalitT. for sule lowby Sept. 1,1841. II. B. MAS.-EH. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS.- Of tbe best quality nFwnvs on lisnd ojiJ t'. r ante by tiept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. COFK1E. Jsva, Rio Hint I.syuira Coffie, con sluiitly on hand ai.d for sale by SH-pt. I, 1841. 11. B. MAffER. HPERM OIL. Winter and Summer slrfiiti.il Npeim Oil, of the test quality, ulwuys oil lianJ ai.d fur sale by Sept t, I84f. H. B, MASSER. 8TEEL. Cast aiid BliMrr Hteil, for rate by Sept. 1,1641. H.B. MA8SER. IKIfH SALMON. Ot the Usl quality, von ataiitly on band and for sale by hept. I. I84t. H. B. MASS E IL LIQUORS. Of all kinds and of the best quali ties, always on hand and fur sale, by bept. I, 1841. II. U.MA8SER. ' hPRING STEfcL. Of vaiious tixes for Eliplic fcrimga, for sale by 8ePi. 1, 1841. H. B. MASKER. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES. For sale at very reduced prices by tep. 1, 1841. II. B. MASTER. BLANK BOOKS. Of all kki.ls, for sale by 8. pi. 1, 1841. IL B. MASSER. BLANK DKEDf. Bonds. MorlXs(es, Ac. for ale by KepU 1. 1841. H. B. MAS8 KR. JUSTK'ES' BLANKS. f, mWi by t-ept, I, 1811. II. II. MANNER. CLOTHS, kue, Ul.uk. Invisible Gruen, cVc, for ei.le by Pepl. l', 1841. H. B. M NNNER. CANNlMEKtS Mile very low by Sept. I, 1841. AND SATTl.N ETTS. For II. B. MANSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MANSER. BLANKETS For m1 cheap by Sept. I, 1641. II. B.MASSER. UNBLEACHED MUSl.INS.For asle ny Sept. 1, 1841. H. 11. MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS For ssle by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B- MANSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by KeplI.JMI. Hli!-MA.Si?EJ1, lOW ING UNES, CORDSAN DliOPEsi For sale bv Sepl, 1,181J H.B.MANSER. SELr-ADJUSfiXG U)(l IIHACK FOR SAW-Mll.LS. Bt Bkxjsmiw N. Crsiiwt. rPBE'Subscril'a)s having purrbaaed tbe nght for venJuig and using the above valuable inven linn, for fXanhuajbsilsnd County, ofl'ei to dispoH if llie same lo persotie who nisy deajie to purchase. The. above irvvifiiiiut ia liovs in 0ieialion al the saw mUl of Mr. kl't 'siyy, near Sunbuiy, w lirre ft can be tnrptcted by owiiers of saw nulla and all others litMsjsiaied. " E. GOU1N. Maw7. if. SAMUEL GOBIN. LIST OF BOOKS, row site at ' ANTIION'8 Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's do. Ainu worth's do J Cobb's do.; English and Herman do.; Ambon's Cesar; Anthnn'a (irammer; Atilhcn's Cicero; Mail's Latin Header; Ogilhy's do.; Andrew's Latin Iiein; Dnnnegsn's Lexicon; Pisk'stireik Exeirises; Davies'a Leeendet; (i races Majors; Adams's Ilomsn Alitiqniih'r; Pinnnek's Oiililstnith's England; do. Crceee; L) ell's Elements of (leology; Mrs. Lincoln's Bolnny; EJcments of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's lihetorirsl Hea ders Emirson'e Geography and History; Olney'a dn ; Perley'a do.; Smith's Grainmei; Kirkham'a dn.; Kay's Hesil.r; Cob! 's do.; Cobb's Arithmetick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Evangeliral Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do ; Collater al do mall Bibles and Trslamenlt; Parker's Ex rrcixra on Composition; Fruit of ihe spirit; Baxler'a S .iot's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad; CaMvhistn of American Laws; Lettereon Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginner; English Exercises adapted to Murray's Granimer; Scqusl to Coinlcy'e Spelling Bisik; Ami rican Clasa Bi.ok; Duboll's choolmaa let's Assistant; A greet variety of Blunk Books, dec. August 28, 1841. Vl'rk ol A at lire. IN a atste of health the intestinnl cunil may be compared to a river whoso wateia flow over the ad joining land, through tbe rhaiiticls nature or art has made, and improves their qualities and to keep up tbe comparison of the river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pure at.d healthy ; but if by somo cause the course of tbe river is stop per1, then the wntenn the counts H n longer pure, lut eoon becomes stagnant. There is but one lew of circulution in nulue. Whin thiri' is a super abundance i f huraorial fluid (serocity) in the intes tinal tubes, and enhtivenesa takes phre, it fl ws back into the bloo.l tesi-els, and infibrates itst'lf in to the circulation. To enlubluh Ihe free course of the river, we must remove the olntrni tiotis which Flop its fiee roure.nnd tho e of its tr bulary stieam. VVuh the bisly, follow the same nslural principal ; r. move, by that taluable purgative medicine lirun iheth Vnivertal Vegetable I'ilL, which are an ef fi ctoal assistance of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in this practice, the ways of the circulation will then be leMored to ihe full exercise, of their natural func tions, iind a atale of health will l fiituly estblii-h ed Remember, never sulVei a drop of blood to be ' liiken fioni you' hvacuitle the humors is iiiieti and as lung as they are dej;i nernlfil, or us loi'g as you are sick. Dr. Urnndifth's OlTice in PhildiUlphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH stieet.wheic his pilli. can l 1 hail at So cents per box, with lull diieetioiis. (Xjl hily agent in Siiubury, is II. H. Mbmkt Y.ui. j lllbulv. Sept, 4, 1811. ' rrliiicatfs il' Agency. THE fiillowing are the duly ap.uiMed njerits in , their reseelive counties, for the mle ol liruwlrci's I Vegetable I'nivrrtal I'ills. i Norihiiinbeilai'O counlv : Milton Mickey A I t'hambeiltn. funbury H B. Mssscr. M'Ewei s- villo Geddrs, Green A. Walls. Geoigetown F. Midbng.-r V Co. ' Union counlv : Lew intiuri? Wulls & Geddes. I f Miniinburg Pcllmnn ct Beekly. New Berlin John M. Benfer. Selinsgrove EyiecVCo. Mid dleburg Isaac Smith. Lycoming county ; Willinmsport John Smith Newberry M. St J. C. Kun.ton. Muncy W. A. Pctriean. Jersey Miorc Janus H. Hepburn. Columbia county : Danville T. ek E. B. Rey nolds. Catlawisaa C. A. Brobls. Berwick Shu man & Kitten house. Bloomsburg-John R. Moyet Hunburv, Sept. 4, 1841. ATTENTION. J . MIU.EY J x i: s , T)EQLEltTS tho attention of hie country frimds XV who are in want, to his verv l.nge stock of Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, Slair Rods, Ac, Ac, that be has jusi opm.d, ai his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d streil, and No. '1 Church Alley, next door tofhiii-l Church, Phila delphia. Julv ill, 1M1 lv. JACOB ! MAHTIN7 ouiml!elit aitl romturtliug 1ESI'ECTFI LEY tnform his Iricnda and tbe j V Mrichaiits geuersilv, tbsl be cuatinu.s tin ' ('mmifion and Foiwar.ln.i; Busiunsn, at hiawnri house, foot of Willow al. Raitmad, I'tliwaio and Uehuylkill. Merchants hsving govls to le thipped, will find il much lo their advitags aa In time and prices of fivighl, to send their niticliLiii'iso lo the D'ot, corner of Front end Willow street Railroad, aa they can then be sent either routo by the Tide ater Canal, oi Schuylkill and Union Canals, aa boats will arrive and deprrl dnily lor tins Juniata and Susquehanna Canals by Tide-water in low of steam, or via Schuylkill and Union Canals (rum Fairuiount dum. Merchants will please he pr rtieulsr lo ser d all goixls destined for either route, lo the large Depot, conur of Frtsnt ami Willow ulrerl Railroad, with dirtctioiia accompanying ibeui, which route they wmIi them lo tw sbip(ed. CoaiM and fino Suit and Putter at wholesale prices, on ihe Delaware or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, June ft. 1U41 I v. WHOLESALE TZIOE, BONNET, Cap und I'alm Leuf I tut Nurr, No. 10 Sopth 4tb STUtar. PHILADELPHIA, AlfHERE an e-ltunsivs aaoiimei.t of the above ' ' arlielea are CJt.tlaiilly kept oil hand, for sale st Ibe most reasoiiubld toims. May 23, 184l. ly. SPANISH HIDES, TANNEHS' OIL AND LCATIICR. IX K 1 K K P A T KICK & S O N, No. 21, Korth Ttiird street, (aiTwixs M"Tjt j'.J,, J"T ,T"tlT,0 HAVE for ale a large and excellent ssortmenl of NpunuA Hidt, 1'utua kip; Tanner CHI, JC., al the lowest maiket prices, eill rr for cssb, it exchange for Leather, or iiV)n credit. Consignments of Leather received for ele, ci purchased at the highest maikel prices, (j Leatber aloiul free of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. aVrTKNtiaN MKIiCliANTS, cv E. P. tSt J. H. PRICK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FORWAD'NG A raoin rx roMMisamiv wsriisT, No. 297, Market itiert, fire ihxirt atwve Seventh, VlULAliEU'lllA, OFFER for asle, at ihe lowest maiket pricea, a geni-tal assortment of Tean, Coffiet, Sugar, Holaurt, Wines, Ltquurt, Sfiiee$, Tulmcen, 4r. Coi'HTar Pnouvtt r.ceieil snd sold on commis sion. Mewhanla, Hotel keriera, and othera, will find it to their advantage lo call and examine our itork, before parehavlng ilsewbere. Mir. hsnla avishirg their goods collected in ibis rily, by b aving sn order, will here them promptly lotwardeJ, by lint inost eipetlilioua lines. tnwis a. rates, Mats h. rates. Feii. 1841. -ly. MTlTiTraTiTflTnV, aMMsi r. f-fc ss a i at i AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Afthma, Influents, Whooping Cough, Bronrhitis, mid all diseases of the Breast snd Lungs, Infilling lo consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Honhoiind, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several olher vegetable aubst.incea. Prepared only by J. M. Wicsaow, Rochester, New Yoik. Tho innocence and nniverssllv admitted perioral viitues of the Herbs from which the liulrum vf llorehuund is made, ate too generally known to re ijuire recommendation ; it is ihetefore only necessa ry to ohrve that thia Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with seveisl other vege table substances, as lo render it the most speeily, mild and ccrbiin remedy, now in ue, f r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflemmation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens lough visit! phlegm, err aiding the patient lo expectorate with eae and fiee dom, assuages cough, relieves sthmatic and ditli cull respiration, beala Ihe injured parts, oieus the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strengih to ihe lender lungs, and thus produces siecil v and lenling cute. lflOU TITl UK IS THI aSKT cni.MK i Mxw. Wc are not among that class of Editors who fur a few dollais will, (it Ihe expenre of truth and ho nesty) "ci ark up an srtn le anil bring It Into rapul rale ; neither aie we willing to leniiiin silent. fu r having tested the utility of an im rovemi nt i.r di coveiy in science or art. Our readers will rcrollerl we told them we were u;iw II with a sore throat and 1 viulviit cold some few weeks sgo. Well, we pur j chased two bottles of VLSl,OW'S BALfAM ! OF HOREIIOL WD, and so sudden was the cine, I thut we forgot we ever bad a co'd. Thoe who I are afllirleil, may try it upon our recommendation. ! LtwiWo'i T'lfirriifih. For side by MbMlY 1 OA TIIEIMEK, tiuHl.ury, JACOB BRItiHT, Northumberland. Also, by Drugcisls generally throuitbout the country. OCT' P''cot oU cents per bottle. August Mitt, 1841. ly. BAYS, EliXJ-O'i, LYON & GCSH. M ltolOKalc llrulrm. In Foreign, llritish and American Dry Cnitdn, No. 12 Nortu Thiro STIIKI.T, PlIlHllLrilli COUNTRY Merchants can be supplied at nil limes wilt an extensive, assort rr .cut of the nb.ive Gols,nti the n.nst reasi t.able ot.d salifuctory terms. May 2J, 1841. ly. THIS MACHINE AGAINST THI". VVUKLD. imronTANT to AE.3EI:s. A YEN PORT'S Improved Pnlenl Threshing Machine and Ilorfe Powet, which lluei-hes ami cleans al the tamo time an Invention for whirh Farmers have long looked iu vain, and which renders the above m jchitio -erfi cl and past further improvement. Those who have leen waiting for tonn thing heller than I eretnf.iie nfli red foi ale, will find this to be tbe article. Come, see i uml fudge for yourselves. The suhecnheis have purchased the rinbt of the above Machine and Horse Power, lor tbe coun ties of NoRTHi'Masai!!, LicoMixn, I'li.iiok, and Unios and also, the privileges ol vending tbem in sny other places lor which Ibe right has not been ieviouly sold. The advsiitagea which Ibis Machine has over sit others invented are many sml ol viou.. One boy and three men can do all tbe threshing and clenniliB ol 1 ftO tubels of w heat iu one day and this usually lakes seven hjinls one day sml three the licit. For field tt ritlimg il lakes the lesd of any til n g iu Ibis vtotld uo grain is ceuttered or lust. Such is ibe superioiitv of ibo Hnre Po"er, 1I111I three bona can ibruah as inucli with it as four csu with any other. The Mm bines and llori-e Power will le sold logt tber 01 keprrsie, to null urrham ri. Mailt and sobl in Mihoii.bv iht- au' et'ribeis. M. El. I'll, WM. 11. POMP, HENRY FKICK. Milton, April 17, 1841. ti t: t o.v.n twiiA Tio.v. THRESHING & WINNOWING MA HINE. Having had in Use, one of Davenport's Pali nl Threshing and Winnowing Machines, snd being ropealeJIv called upon for our opinion in regaid to iheir value, durability and advantages, we make, free to state, that they exceed in our opinion, any Threshing Machine we ever befuie w Uncased in use. They will thresh and clean, fil for market 200 buahtle of Wheat per day. and this with ihe aid of three hands besides the driver. Tbe Straw ia paeatd olT from the grain on an incline plane, ex lending about 12 feet from Ihe Machine. Scarce ly a grain la lusl. What is of some iinpoilauce and greatly so, is Ibe fact that no dust pawes from the Machine lo tbe man who feeda it. The llor-e ; power seems to 1 rfei'tion ili-ili--three lmr-es I may work il with eare and then fatit g.iit tneil I only be tbe ordinary lough guit. We inusl ! cheerfully li commend tbe Mai tune lo Farmera Ibey aie iiiiinufrictuiid in Mibou bv Mesars. elth I Pomp ai d Fiitk. PHILIP I1IIGEKT. j JOHN B HELLER- I Chilifquaque li-l p., Notlh'd co, Match 20, 1841. BKADY'S HOTEL. D4WILI.L, COMM1IIA i OlWTl, Pruutylvauls. T1 Cuitu HE SUBSCRIBER lespeclfully informs the public, that be has removed from ibe lowo ol uJluwitta lo Dunville, and that be haspuichssed in that place, Mr Large and VvmumditAta UHICK HOI K , it tmrmiit or mill suhit sTaxtTt, C Oppuiite iht Curt-lhue,J huh he haa fitted up by Ihe erection of ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS, and extensive STABLING, for the Filter- !tyi s !aiaV? lainment of Tratvllert and Vititvrs. He is now prepared lo accoinmotlaieell who may favor him with call, and be woulj slate thai ins. thing in hia power ahall be left in June, lo render his customers comfortable and happy while undei his care. His accommodations ore ample, anil bis rooms luruikhi d in modern style, and ibe prorielor is de termined that bis etlablishnirnl shall sustain and keep up with ibe growing reputation and imoilaiice ut the town in which it ia locsted. HisTsbli will be supplied with every luxury of the season, and the btt nd choice! variety the viarktt can afford. His Baa will be stored wuh alt the bct arlietet thai can be furnished by our citiet, and the whole will be such aa to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing ibet an enlightened pubic will always judge for tbem-elvea, he feels confident thai tber will favor him with iheir patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. More I'oiit-liiftlte lrooft, 0 the ejjicaty f Dr. Harliek'i tttcbrultd Medi-' Cinr: Dssn Still I was afflicted with a bilious ami nervious disease to, a very alarming degree, with all tho aymptomn which so frequently cfTecta a re l.ixeil condition, vix! gii'diness in tbe head, viol, nt Iremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in Ibe right side, complexion bad, and rovivencs.; indeed I wss in most miserable condition, 1 had Iried niBny remedies, but found no permanent relief un til I had purchased Dr. Hitrlirh'i tnmpnund ttrrnfcthenin" nnd Cerman apirient Pills, which from Iheir superior vbtues, I wuc completely cured, and am able to prmue my employment, free from pain and ill-M ane, (signed) JOHN BOLES. Dated Xenis, Ohio June 7, 1840. Principle Office for the United States, No. 10, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dec. 18th 1841 . fHi' ioiiMJiiiptlun ! C'uiiftiiniptioii ! I DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY IS an infallible remedy for ai renting Pulmonary Complaints, Colds, Coughs, Spi'.ting of Blood, dilficulty of Breathing, Bronchitis, soreness of Ihe Throat and difficult Expectoration, Weaknesses, Debil.ty, Liver Complsmt, and all other afectinna .tf a consumptive nature. This medicine has a de cided advantage over mm', preparations of Ihe kind, as il regulatra the bowels, and strengthens the con stitution ; and docs not bind up the syMcm and encnurneo intemperance, as most of the medicines do, by the fatal opiates alcohol combined in them. Such medicines have a great tendency to bring misery and distress, and even death upon many valuable citizens. We find by the wiekly reconls of the bills of mortality, thai Ihtee four'.hs of the human snuls w ho so suddenly departed from iheir di west frtemt and relations, have been swept olTliy Ibstfital and frit dcalrover, Cori-umption, when msnv could have been saved if they had used ptoper medicine. Fellow beinis who yet dwelt with us, and are slllict. d with the premonetary "ympioms of this d.sesse, procure immediately Dr. Duncan's Expectoranl Remedy before it he too late, and not be led to la in ve that such symptom will aoon pan off without the ue of ptoper medicine; by sui h negbcenre, you m iy aoon lie led lo know your folly. One bi lite may al tho first attack, be sufficient. Pamphlets giving a full treatise, alwaya accompany the medicine. Price, ft perbolile. Office No. UJ Noilh Eichlh street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dec llth 1811. Agent. 1)3 Mpr pfclu Si 1 ly h liith hV iNinf Cured by Dr. tlnrlieli't Ctltbratcd Medicinct. MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, of Schuylkill Sixth street, Philadelphia, a ill ic led for sevtr ul years wi;h the above distressing disease sick i.es st thn stomach, headache, palpitation ef the heart, impair, d npietne, acrid eructations, coldness .iii'l we ikinss ol 1 1 n- cxlremit e, emaciation and general debility, t'i-lutbed rest, a prea-ure and weight at llie stomach iTter eating, revere flying pains in the chest, back and sides, cosliveness, a ilinlik- for society or cooveis.ilion, tangonr and las situde up n the I ost occasion. Mr. Morbisox h.-i.l nppbed to ibe most eniiiv nl physicians, who considi-ied it hcvotid tbe power of human skill to restore Ui.it In be.iith; however, as his alTlicliolis h il redi.ced hi o to a di plorsb'e condition,, having lxen induced bv a fnend of histo try Dr. HtaLicii's Medicines, as lit-y being highly recommended, by which he procu ed two packages for a trial ; before usi g the second paiksge, he found bl.Jielf greatly le'itved, and bv continuing the use of ihvm Ihe disease entirely d sapieareil he is now enjoying all tbe blessings of ieifect health. Principal office, Itf North Eighth street, Phila delphia. Also, f . r tale nt tbe store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. D.e. 4th. 1841. Agent. Da. DUNCAN'S T S perfo - on rvc oiming some ol ihe most w. niisrtul cores cord. .Mr. vvsl. rK.AIiSU., ol 1J. lav. sre county, Pennsylvania, was talten iu tbe fall of 1840 with a disiress ng Cough, which ilaily increased until he 1 1 came so much reduced in flesh that ha wa ob'ts-il to be helped in and ouiofhtd. Hia I ' It su i. u s ut Ini nth (f ive up all ho; e, and pro noriic .1 bis lung futuly tiff, tied and incurable In tins lio.e!e-a situnln u he was for leu weeks ; w l.fiialiiei.dn! bis cal ed to s. e hi::i, an.ldisi o veiing hia an fnl eond tiou. He immeiliatelr pro Co el three ls llle. of I)l. Dl'NCAN'S EXPEC 'I GRANT REMI.DY, (Imv.ng witnessed Ihe ef fei Is i i a simil .r c.w. n.ilaceil him to procure Ihe meilic'u.e.) si d gve it nrrording to dirictiona, and to ibe a-loni-hnieut of all friends, the patient be gan lo feel belter In fore using the medicine one witk. After using il subtly six weeks the pa tient waa r ndi red tble to resume his dsily occu pation. How many tl.oo-anjs of valuable fiienda have been taken sway from ua for Ihe want of projier treatment. Tbe very many who ere yet among us. and laboring under alaiming tymptoms, to such I beg lo say, procure immediately Dr. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY, and if it lie not too late, you may be restored to ieifecl hi ahh. In the last atages there ia fonso latum found in tbia medicine, by its toothing and paliative effects. Fur nult ut Ihe P Rl N CI PAL OFFICE. 19 North Eighth slietl, Phil ni I(. hia. Also, at the etoce of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Sunbury, November 27, 184! Agent. HEALTH. MANY ofoui r aoeia, un iloubt, are pos essed with this all impoilant blessing, which they mnv long re; ii in, if pariisular n gard and cure be paid to thems Iv. s, (hat, whenever they feel the leasi indispo-ed, to ( r i ur a pioper medicine ia "due si'i.soii." Bui, on the contrary, we find thou sands who are labor ng under disease, snd many, we fear, will prove s. n us, if not a tended to early. Would those pi rsous resort to the medicine thsl bus establish) d i s If iu lb uaajids of ess. s, w hich is Dr. HARLICH'S Couroi-ND STMkaaTHiaise) tvu Gemma ArimiNT Pills, so pre-eminently lecunimendad for disea es incident to ihe human lat e, they would be replaced back again lo "bfe'a sweet bl.s-niii," which a "hialih." We sjesk from nccultr proof knowledge in ma ny insianos. where run a have been p- rformed by the use vf ibis medicine, with marked success in vaiious complains, such as Dyspepsia, Liver Com plaints, Rheumatism, Pain in Ihe Breast, Side and li ick Cosliveness, Neivoos Weakness, Ernst ialion, G. rural Debi'tty, Ac. Ac. This medicine con sist of two Jiaiiiiet kinds, v x: Tua Gtuxia Art mixkt and Ibe Com roc so STRKsoTHxaixo Ton ic Pixls, Ihe former lo remove bile and all excie mentitioua mat'er Irom the body, thus cl. ansing snd piiiifying Ihe system, after which the lallei are used to give ttiengih and viger lo tho weak and debili tated oigans. ie loie the loat appetite, and produce tranquil rest and sweet revise. We highly approve of ihe "Doctor's ihe.iiv" of Ireat ag diseases, which certainly is safe snd cllivtual, and advise the allllcled lo give bis medicine a fair trial Daily Chronicle. Piineipal Office, No. 19 Noilh Eichlh street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Novcrulier 20th. 1HH. Agent. WARRANTED 15rass Clocks, at ui a .m wiiuisi QVAl. fur live Iu any tola byCieek red iar$ for f XS, for asle by E w.rch 13. H. B. MASSER,