Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 25, 1841, Image 3

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    From the Haiti mmir, Amcr'crm.
WARHtsoTon, Dec. 20, 184 1.
Mr. WRIGHT of N. Y, presented ihrce memo
rials from New Yoik, praying an amendment of
the Bankrupt Law. The mrinori its without read
ing were referred lo ihe Committee oil the Judicia
ry. Mr. CALHOUN presented a memorial of Ihe
Chamber of Commerce of Ch.ii lesion S. C, pri;'
ing the repeal of the uniform law of Congress upon
the subject of U mkruptcy. Referred to the Com
mittee on the Judiciary. Oilier memorials were
also presented from the Chamber of Commerce of
Charleston, in reference Vessels of VVur.
Mr. Bucha'nnan presented a memorial from mer
chants of New York, asking for an alteration of the
present Bankrupt luw, and if an alteration cannot
be clTected, praying fur its repeal. Mr. Uuchahtiau
stated thai ho was happy to inform the Senate that
one of theroposed alterations was to include banks
in the Act'cf Bankruptcy.
Mr. BARROW, of I. on. presented several reso
Iirtions from the Legislature of Lousiana upon va
rious matter nf interest to that Stale.
Mr. STURGEON of Ponmnl vafiia presented a
'petition from ciliceni of Pennsylvania, praying
that Iho Slaves of tho United Stales may be pcr
niillcd lo enjoj "lihcrly and the pursuit of happi-ncs-."
The motion to receive the mem rial, on
motion of Mt. KING of Al. wm laid upon the table.
Mr. VOUTON of Lou. presented a memorial
from Mont, Gonon, upon the subject of his new
telt'craiihic system. The mcmoiitl was referred to
the Committee on Military Affairs wi'h ah appeal
'from the Senator presenting It that the Committee
would give the subject their eaues! attention.
Mr. WOODU l'KY presented tho proceedings of
public meeting held at Hal fix Couit House,
V.i. adverse to Ihe Measures of the laic extra scs
i.iii of Congress, and in f.ivor of the restoration
of iho Subtrcasury li II referred to the Committee
'on Finance.
Mr. SNYDER of I'ennst Ivunia, asked leuve to
submit a resolution appnin iiiijan ail.lil u.nul Stan. I
in Committee of tlio H use, tvhu duly it ball
be lo superintend the
PnMtc Pi-lni'Ins-
O' jeclioh bc'iiH made from various qu triers,
Mr. SNYDER said that an tho resolution was,
in his opinion, of much importance, he would move
a sitspcnsibn of the rub s.
A division on this motion I cing had, H was ne
gatived. Mr. ADAMS theh made an inclTectn.i'l effort to
suspend the rules fir (he purpose f r,ceivm reso
lution from the States in their order.
After k dry debate on points of order, the consid
eration of 'the Various su ji-cts reft rred to in the
President's Message was announced a- tho fust
I usincss in 6rder.
'J'he question before the House was the amend
ment bfMr. Alherton, propositi); the n feiencc nf.-o
much of the Message as relates to tho taiilf to the
'Cmnmiiiee on Ways and Means.
Mr. SLADE being entitled to the fl ror, sp iko nt
-great lenijth against tlie amendment, and in favor
of a teferenco to the Committee On tun a.
He occupied aoni" homa in rending quotations
from British stat'Siit'ti snJ otheis, shewing the
importance of afl' .riling protect on to tho .Wanufic- '
turing interest.
Mr. SOLI.ERS next obi dried the flo r, but nt ;
tire suggestion of his friends, hi: Waived Ins remarks J
until te-in oi row.
from the Hiehmnnd 'h'g. j
KITeCts of A. Turin oil I lie Noilli nml South, i
We copy fioui ;hu SaVuiiimh Republican an in-
terest ng letter from a Boston gentleman, tout-hint;
the ellecis of a Tur.ff a subj et which is ngiin
beginning to attract great public consideration.
Too view of the writer may pits with the reader
fur what they are worth, and wilU some in the
mlh, who h.ito been in the habit of considering
u Tariff the deadliest Toe lo Soulht ru inteiests, they
may be considered next to treasonable. Hut this
hull not duler us fiorn endeavoring to put i.i pot.
scion of our re.ders the ablest views on every side
of every great quesiion of public concern.
"We taw it stated, hro ,dly uud roun-Jly, that a
Tariff was uucoustituti mat w looked to the Con
stitution its If, and found there the a-n. tiion flatly
toi.tiadiitcd for the power, full and U' qualified,
is expressly given to Connies t duties.
In f.ict, the coiislitulional nght of Congress, in this
-particular, was never quevtionud umil the lite
J udge B irhour, iu some oT his abstract vagaries,
luuihltd up .u it. It was capital for Ihe so cat vd
Virginia School and it has been ued in that wsy
to ihe present day.
Tho constitutional difiu clly removed, we have
looked to (he ruVeltofa Tariffupoii the North and
the Sooih so far as we tuuld ascertain and undei.
stand them. We have seen that all the prediction
of the wisest head, previous to the Tariff of '10
nd '28, have been falsified by the results. Mr.
Ilandofph, one of the most sag lcious men that ev
i r lived, affirmed, that the increased tariff would
destroy the revenue, and reinb r a resort to dfecl
taxation necessary lo the support of Ihe Oove-n-tnenl.
Mr. Clay nd Mr. Witi-ter both iidmilled
the probability of such a re.ult. And yet in a few
year, tlie gn at difficulty was to dispose of the im
mense iitrplui revenue ? Those articles, which il
was supposed, the Increased duly Would tit-lade
altogether, or render very dear, were bought cheap
er than ever. And during the greater period of the
high Tariff, the whole country, the Sou h as will
as the North, enjoyed a degree of mtionat pros,
pi rity, unprecedented in the annals of any people.
The Tariff may not have been, and we do not sup
pose it wsj, the sole etiuse of this palmy stale of
national affairs. But that it did not exert a baneful
influence is manifest ; and that on the
was a potent auxiliaty in the creation ef national
wraith, is greatly coirobora'ed by lha blight which
has come nrr ua since ils decline, alnioot to the
point of admitting articles free of duly.
Aa to the operation of a Turin" upon Ihe Soulh,
and Virgiha particularly, we c irtfosa thv "rve have
hot bcefc abre lo discover ila Injurious ('recti. All
the article! vie consumed, were obtains J as cheaply
(and maiiy of them more so) niter tho Tariff aa
before. Tn ivhat then'crins;st'e J the inj iry ! And
on the other hand, what hem P.t docs Virinii de.
rive from ihe onr-sidod Tree trale nt present exist
ing 1 Are her products favored in for, ign coun
tries, because of the admission of theirs into our
porta! Let (ho duly upon our Flour, amounting lo
prohibition, and tipdn our Tobacco, 3 shillings
sterling the pottnd, ans'vrr. The cot'oh of the
Sdii'h is tho only r-tnp'e nf much imporiance,
which is received abroad and ihe Vigo indicate
l li at thiit is only admitted temporality, until the
prndurtion of article in India, now rapidly on
the Increase, shall be sufficient 'to 'supply 'ike Eng
lish dertianl.
There is no subject so complicated, and the ef
fects nf which are so uncertain, ns that nf a Tariff
of duties. Tlio effects-of tin inrreiscol diniuni
linn of duly oh any aitiele, have not once in ten
limo-been anticipated. So far from it, in nino ca
ses out of ten, just tho opposite effect from that pre
dieted has ensued. Take one striking example:
Tho Tariff was increased upon Coffee, Iho price
fell tho Tiiriff was reduced; and that which be
foie sold for ten cent could not be f. iught for less
than 12, or in that proportion, i-ny similar in
stances ininht be adduced all goirg 16 sh nv the
uncertain effects of a duly and exploding thai axi
om 6f t"'e political economists, (but 1 lie consumer
pay's iho duly, lly the way, than ihis axiom,
there is no greater fallacy n nut, at least so far i s
it is applicable to t Lis coun ry as ha been amply
tested by exptrience. It may bo, that our peculiar
position con-titoles us an exception to ihe rule but
ine'ine to Ihe opinion th it the axiom itself is a plau
sible absurd ty like in. si of the o'her axioms of
tint refinrd system of political quackery, ycleped
Political Economy."
Letters from Philadelphia, p'ubli -lied In the New
York pup' rs, assert that one of the former Direct
ors of V.iO U. S. Bank had committed forgcirs b
ihe amount of sixty thousand doll irs, and lint the
f ic' wss known to the officer of the Bn-ik, who
peTmi'ted overdrafts to I e made to that amount,
in order to secure the Dirctor from cxpo-u.c.
This is one of the discoveries alleged to have been
made by the Grand Jury, but win ther true, or tint
remains to be set n. Jo. Auer.
OJice nf ihe Halt in our. Ammiic Dec. 20
FLOLIl. The demand for Ho.vaid Street
Flout continuis very limited, and hoi. If r are gen
erally o.-kil'g ffi. for good standard brands.
The only transaction reported lo lis-, is a Kale this
morn ng of '.DO barn Is at f 0,001. We quote the
wnuon price at f 6.
Ilol lers of City Md's i' nr genrrally ask ?l,
&, bat ve In-ar of no B'lles,
SiiK.uehaiiiin Flour is held at (,! J
tiK.AlN. Wheals are in fa r request, but lh
sopplies ate limited. The few paici Is Md. ml
ill it have reached Ihe ma ket h ive sold at fl.So a
l,tbi for fair to piime parcels- A side of a lot ol
I'enns;, It aiiia red Wa made to-day al 1.3G.
H ilea of new Cum. io good shipping order, at 4S
a 4!l els. for bolh white ami yellow.
Tho last sale of Md. live v..s al 75 a 77 els.
We noie s.des of .M.I. O ils ut 41a45 els.
.? .i u n 1 1: n ,
O.i the 4th ins', by the Kev. John F. M -sic, Mr.
.loitx S, I,i:s of Northu tiln i l iml t a Miss 'SaII.iii
H. iln ghter ef Mr. Nagle of tlarr.sburj.
Wf li..l)., iriin the p in h nl 1 1, u irhm-
key, lie and, now residing In the city of Lan
caster, I'a., 'takes tin method I o find nut his lull
uncle Thomns Groer, or Alex.ihder Stewart, bis
uncle by inhriagc, bolh supiosed to live in the
county of Not humbi rlaud, i'a. If th noli e
should bn fortunate niough to lin 1 one or both of
the al'oresai I gentlemen, a letter from either lo ihe
said Wile Hi, Lancaster, will be thankfully receivid,
h he feel anxious lo kn iw where they reside, so
ih il lie initfc be bIiIo to address a letter to them on a
lhalter of niiior'nnce. Lest ibis notice might escape
the eve ol either nf ih ise sentloinen, it is resicct
fully sugges'ed lo any f llii'ir l-iends nr acquaint
anees who may see it. to tiiaUo it known to citln r
of them, if alive, and if otherwise, to one of the re
lations, si ih il Ihe applicant may bear without de
lay from some brnlich il tlio lumlly ,
1) c. IS, 1M4I.
To ti't liiiwrttb e :tl .i ,eu'r., L.n., Vrfnilenf,
and trit Aumciatr Judge of the. Cuttrt nf Quar
ter .Vt.inn.t, nf the muniy of ftorthttmbrrlimd :
rpHB p lili m of J ACOB KliAM, of Shai o
JL kin, in said county, hdmbly represents, that he
continit. s lo keep taverh at his oi l stand, in'the
town of S'viinnkin, and is well prepared for the ac-
commoilalioii nt travellers, &c. lie th. rehire, p ays
your Honors to grant him a license to keep a ta
vern during the ensuing year, and he will tiray,
To Tit a J I IMIES ABOV E MKNTIOIt t) t 'I'llO Slll)-
scriliers, residents of Shainokiri, heic'. y cerlify, that
Jacob Kiam, the applicant for the license, ia a nmn
ofgooil re Ule for honesty and Temp' r ince, and is
will provided with honae-ioom and conveniences
for the Udging and accooiniodation of strangers arid
travellers, and that a public house llleie is necessary:
ihey then foie tecnmin nd him a a proper per
son to be liccuci d to keep a public lions
To the lltmnruble Lew's. I'rtx dent,
und hi.r aSuJcinte Judgr nfthr Ctrtrt o f (rrc
frr &csiiirnit, nf the evunti of Nnrthnmlirrtund ,
r1AHE petition of CiuittK D. WtiAH iotv, nf ."mih-
bury, in sii I county, 'humbly repn-sents th it
he roniinues to keep h pubi c h iusu of enlerlain
in nt, hi his old stool opposite the Court Iboi-e,
and is well prepared for the tccouniio.bition i f tra
veller, &C. He therefore prays your II. .inns lo
grant him a license to ke.rp a tavern, during la
ensuing year, and he will prav, etc.
To tIik Jrnnn inirt Mi;srusm: I hesti'i-Hcrib-
r, residents ol Simbiiry, hereby re til'y,
Chailes 1). Wh.inon, Ihe applicant lor the license,
is a man of uood r pute for hnnes y And lempeiance,
and is well proviilcd with bouse-room mid conveiii
euces for the I aluing arid accommodation of slr.iti
cers and travel ers, ion! that a public house there is
iieiessary : ibev t'oenf fe recoinio nd him av a
proper person, lo bo lici'ns d to keep a politic house.
M.unuel D.,
John W. I'eal,
Charles VV. liegins,
John Bog ir,
Charles (i. I 'lim I,
Willi m L. Dewsri,
II. B. Masn,
Dee. I llli. 141.
W,l i mi Yoiinginaii,
'Fred, rick Lhz iius,
(eo. Mar1 in,
W.J. Martin,
(ieo. Briih',
Jleiny S. liobin,
l'eit r ous.
A en
Joseph .sndcr,
ni. I' agely,
.laines Wallace,
Win K wider,
John Trego,
Daniel Uvcrelt,
Ji.c ob B ir,
Dec. I 1th, 1 S i I
John Thompson,
tieorge htirger,
John lioughuer,
W i U I , in Farley,
Jer. ini.ih Zunincrman,
M. II. Ken.
To the HoHimibtt h'tin Lewis, l:., J'rrn dent,
and hia Ait inlet, Judgrn vf the Court nf Quar
ter Smulrus, tf the tnxtnti nf Xnrlhuiiihri land '
rPHE pctiri rt of KMiert Adams, ol Snnbury, in
-- s iid cc iiity, humbly tepresent", Ihnr he has
reti'tid ihtit wi II known tavern S'and in Soiibnrv,
formerly occupied by Hiram l'rice, fios;lc ihe
court house, slid is well prepared for the accommo
dation of travellers. Ac. He therefore prav s your
Honors lo grant h in a lii'enso to k-epa tavtrndu
liog the ensuing eai, and lie will pray, Arc.
To Tnr. .Ir linr.s inovr MKiTioin : The sub
seribiTs, resident ol'Sunbury, lnr bycertify,
Uobert Ad.tnis, the applicant for tl.c license, is a
man of good repute lor honesty snd lenq erance,
and is well pro ided for house-room and ce-nveiiieii-c,s
for Ihe lodging and accommodation of Mrangcis
and travellers, and that it public bouse (here is ne
cessary : tin y then fere recommend li m a a pro
per purs m to be licensed to keep a publ.c house.
::0CETK Ti;i) K conl of Medical S, i.
enee anil l.itH.aHire, nv Kotiert llunglison.
M. D , I'rob ssor of Hie Ins i 6'e of Medicine, etc.,
in .It ff.'ison Medical dllcire of, I'bi'ade pbia, pub
lished mont'dv by Ad mi W.ddie, No. 40 ("a' pen.
tir street, l' Iphia. Sobscrip'ion price, f 5 a
V ar. Subscription for tlie above work r cciu-d I y
tliesiib.ei.ber. H. II. MASSEIt,
Dec. 11th. ISU. Aanil.
rREDITt)l!S TAKE NO'ITCU. Thnt we have
applied to the Court ol Common l'h a of Nor
thumberland County, lor the beuel of the law
made for tlie relief nf the insolvent debtois ; and
that the Judges of the said Court have appointed
the first Mond iy of'v. next to hear us and our
creditors nt the Court ilansc in .Snnbury, when
ii till where you may attend if y mi ihmk pmp'-r,
De-. 4. Hll. KliHTH'H MI'IUMIY.
Corrected wukly hi Henry YuXlftt iiner.
Will AT, - - - -110
I!VK, f-t)
Chun, A,)
I)it, ......
Pii nr., ,t
Fnxsrri), ... . rj.r
liirrtr., - - - - 17
Bfkhwat, 2S
Taliow, 12
Dal in AcrM.i.s, - - - - IS
Dr. FkAches, .... 2(10
Fl.Al, - -8
IHr-Ktrn Fiax, lo
Ee.cs, . - - i -. -18
IViitalt'ii, Ilewarc Ot t'oiiumptltui,
N I) not sulfer the early serdi to knit iu fatal
-i-- ihieuds iii yortr i-ysit m, but gu ird them as you
woubl the thief nt night. W'lb n you find the fa
tal enemy set king to destroy your hedih h f imli
bing the evil seeds ufa serious disease, Hem i.m li k r
Dh. DctKi Ax's Eirit-TORAM r IlKMirit will im
mediaiely destroy and lemove them. 'I'hoUsar.ds
of your sex die annually fiom the want of pnv er
treatment. Had tho-e known ihe wonderful l!i-i Is
of this medicine, and used il in lime, in my cull j (;hailea Wester, th applicant for the lieens-, ia a
htVe prolonged their lay, unit yet be t'.welling a- man ol goiul repute for honesty and temperance,
mongsl their dearest ft ends. Ttinsc who aie lalm- und is itr I provided With hoUse-rooni and conveiii.
ring Under ihe iiifiin-ucc of this diseise, loe no , eiue for Ihe lodging and accommodation of sinu
lime in proeniiug Dn. D I .'.X C AN'S E X I'KOTO- j gers and tr ivi Hers, and I lint a public hnu there
Samuel D. Jordan, Henry 1 1 an nr. Masser, Abraham Ilrwin,
Filer W.Gray, Geo. V. Wtlker,
Ed tnrd l xs'er, lieo. Weiser,
Geo. Martin, Xavier Eugeit
John 11'i.elyi Joseph Elbt'ly.
John lloa ir,
Dec. li b, 3t.
To the llnilirr.ible Ellin .cicrt. A'r , J'rctident,
n ml his Artociuffn, Judge of the Court of Ctwr
ti r SciMMtni, af the touiity of ft'urtliumhrrtand
rPHE petition nf Henry Doehtr, ol Sunbury, in
mu cninty, liumbly re, re-enis, that he con
tinual to kerp a public honse of entertainment, in
I is old stand, ihe Sunbury Ferry, nnd is well pre
pared f t the nceomirnd .tion of travellers, cVr. He
tberef r' p'avs jour Honors to giant him a license
to keep a tnvein, during the 111-11013 year snd be 1
wi I prav. Ac. HENbY llt'CHEIf.
To 1 11 1 .Ir nr. i s aiikvi: M 1 s i to tt : The sub-
M-ii'trs residcnls ol unbliry, herely certify, ih.i' j
lleniy l!u. hi", ihe pile ant for the lic.n-e, is u ;
man of j icl repute f r honesty nml temper -nee, !
anil Is veil provi,h-.l wi'h litni-e-rooin nml conveiii j
met a for the I tig ng and aceoininotbiliou ifstrau- j
p r and truell.-is, rind diat a pnblic house there is 1
nei-essaiv : they the. efore ne'inmeinl him as ni
pi, 1 er p. isnn to be licensed In kec 0 a publ c liou. I
J tin Uamlids, John I. Fuiel,
Jos.ih El. Iy. H.Bellas
llei,ry l.indaii. Francs Bochcr,
1't'i j mill Kr.ihn, John Spe ce,
Geo ge Moiiiz, V111. II. Miller,
Cbaiies M Her, Suiiuil Monti.
Dec. 1 lib 1 1 1 1 . 3t.
"" T ATSIr.1T 1TCTICI3. "
To tiie Hfiiiouitiic iUliS Iaii'iit,, I'ltt deiit,
0 ml It 1 Associates Judges if the Court of Quir
ter Si .wom, of the fnanti) "ef Northumberland :
nH II peiuion of Charles Weaver, ol Nnnbury, in
said county, humbly i prrserrs. liial he intends
kocpipjj a pnldie house of enteilnii nienl, nt ihe
old I. .ml now kept by Daniel (ubson, and ia well
oe a ed ft the ncet.mmndaiiou bf travellers, tVc. j
He thi tel'ore prays your honors lo giant htm a li-
ci use lo keep a iuvein,tliirinp; me ensuing v-hi . ami
he will Ji.av, At. CH AIiLF.S E A VEIL
'I'ti ru r. J i nuts laovr. MmTionirii : 'I he sub
scribers, res dents fif Sutdmry, hereby certify, that
JOI! trial hi ihe Court of Common I'lea-t of Nor-
lliuin' r rland Cooniv, to beheld at Snnbury-,
on the li l Monday i f Ja
Josenh I ice
vs John I lib, rt
Vs Weaver, Lloyd Sr. Ro
bins Vs Hugh ire 'In
s John D. Cowden
vs U.charils A; Kil.'hen
v. lomon Dnnklcheigcr
vs Je.-se I'aiki r
vs John Fink
S.t phen Wilton
vtv. ns. :i-ra:
. C2. SALE.
Ril''i! 'ale a sm 1 I Farm, containing nbout one
11" bu 'ti s" 1 iitnl t- Fi aces, more nr le-s, silnaie
in F..iol lownaVp N'Mr'hoinl'erlaiid', about
two mill iihnvt! N.nt iimlieil nd, 011 the 111 .in
nn I I. a bin ho. n ihat pl.t- e I t ptnvidc, 'udjoii'iiiig
land, ol ,f.i'. 11 I .' i m, ,ie-s C. Ilor' n and ulher-,
no v in the oceiip ii-ey if ."iaiiiii, 1 P. vie. Atom
forty acres of said trad are cb an it, 1.0. 1 in good
stat ofcu lit'aliou, on winch II ere r a small bam
reel d. 'I 'hit p-iipt ilv nip be mi. on r hoi able
terms. For furllii-r pailit ulais, persons are reipiesl
cd to t, u eul't iih r.
II B., .li,
Nov. 27th, 111 1. if Siinbniv l'n.
A N ii 1 1 10 e 1111. io..ll,' l lor e eanl.i.. dial :i,uig a
highly durable and ni.M briilninl p I sh lo sil
ver, German filter, Brass, Ihippei, Btillnnia ware,
Tin, Si el, Culh'rv. and lor rf -lori d tho lusirc On
vamisbed ca'riaii'e-, ."tc. VY II'.
F'repared hn ! s hi h wbolesa e and retail, by the
Sunpiehaiif;.! Chrvsobte I'oh-h Compttuy, Owcgo,
'J'lo,;!! connlv, N. Y.
WM". FdRtYTH, A3e.1t for Norihum'd,
H. B. MAIlil, A gi fit for Sunbury.
November 20th. is! I.
S.tmbir 21) Xn lli Third Sine, I'hiudi Iphia
B9UBLIC SALES ,,f Dry Good?, Hardwarn
U and t"t,tlery, Books, Stationary, Clolhiug,
Boots, Mlinea and Hals, and in short almost every
dcKcriptjuii of goods, are held nt this establishmeiit
every evening. Hoods are also sold at piiva'esnle
during the day at ihentemge auction pricts. ISiore-
heepi rs nml traders will hud il lu their advantage
by attending the snb s.
C. C. MA('KEY, Aueiionee'.
Philadelphia, November l;t, 1H4I. ly.
Wliolostile otiil Retail Shue, liontict,
n ml l'.ilm Leal" 1 lot Warehouse.
iVr, Cfi Xirth "d street, a fiw doors ubovt . Irch,
ALSO Trunks, Carpet l!r,s snd Valices, r.f ev
ery desciiplion, all of which he lilleis for
sale nn the most icrrt 'liable 1-rrns.
Philadelphia, November 1.1, IS4I. Iv.
'v'."'&TX7i o'Vor I) tv"
China, Glass anil Livurponl Warehouse.
A'o lt4 1Y0W1 Third slmt . third dour bcloiv Vine
ftreet, I'hilailrliihiii,
Bosinets iillerided to in the Counlles of Nor
ihiiii'l 1 rland, Union. Lvcnmb.ig and Co'ifnibla.
liefer loi
TirriMts Haht Ac Co.. "a
Low-Kit V BAno?r,
. H tut, t't;MMi A ITah't, yi'hi'ail.
Ill tMH.liS, Ml-I" ASIAMI tX tO
Sck.iiso, 'joou At Co.,
IiJst or CAUSES,
, to be belt) at Mmburv, j As -Jl EHr: ,llt.v rliH!!1,!v k. ep on hand a lare
nuary next. I t ir.u ihe 3.1. , Ssoilmeiit of Chiii.i (ilans nr .l Livrrponl
vs Mat in A. 1 Ware, which they will dtsnose nf on ihe mini iei-
Pelt r I'd t's a -lui'i
Com'lh nf l't iin'u
BadpT f ' Badijer
Chailes V. I! ii'h.uds
John I). Co" ileii
James Wr'nd
Eiij ill Cr iw ford
('.in'ih f..r I) i.ivriJ
Henry Fr ck
Com' h lor Gdheri Bo
bins' et'r.
Itic'iard Yarned
Vs Martin Weaver
v E.G. l!r nil' r.l's adtn'x
Lvoii.iiilorseeofSmlih vs Hu.h H. B-ilas
Andrew Tink
Dr.Th. s. Yanvdz.b.
II 11 tie t f r I'iptr
lleinr A; Folbiur
John M. Ilussel
Joseph Mar'z
Yalca V Mclntyra
James lleed
Baldt , Friik cV Mann
John If. Keller
Henry B t'dslier
John F. Dentlcr
Willi 1111 Fry
MrM.mli Brothra
vs Jubn A. Lloyd
Vs A. iStoiiqhion's adm'x
vs Henry Fiitk
vs Samuel Illatr
vs 1) ivid 1 1 an ma n
vs P. 1'urs.l t J. Turs l
vs Ed. Y. n.ifiht
vs Jacob Hou el
vs Fiigi'ly tt Zimincrinan
vs Joiin .Murray
vs Wm. cV. Kobt. Hunter
vs 1 'av ill Walsou
vs William A. Lloyd
vs Wilson iSt H Uijen-
vs tie. 'ties Wall tV (ireen
Vs llenjimiri Mathews
Hoit n A. Cook
vs f Wilson cV II. Frick
vs S iii-n I S.t on ha I
ProthonMary's (.trice, Vruth'y.
Sunbury Die. 4. Istl. 3
Vm'T" - f, I r""T' ""T""2 I
7111111 t)si,rs in ihe shell, mid the be t Am-
Win. K Shoemaker
I'ob'. D. (h.nnn.iiyj
De' irall (i nut
Kepler for Wilson
John tirt-in ft ut
sonahle terms.
Phil.ifiplii, November 13, lSll. ly.
.!; ' I'risiiititli & Son-
"J EsPKl.:TFI 'LLY ioloims their Iru nda and
1 iieiiiaintaiices Keneraliy that they still con-
linue lo keep al the old stand. No. S lG lid
siret't, Piiilailelphia, all kinds of
Which they will sell oil the most accommodating
and re isoiiable iciinc.
N. B. Ail ooods M)!d will be guaranteed, arid ; ll
nnlers promptly atlt iiiled lo.
Plulad. Iphia. November 11, 141 1 v.
7 i'kt" iTr i ) 1 v;7;7is7
Maiiuriicltiicr nml Importer of Sn'tJ
tllcrv, llniukvarc, iVcr. , (
So, fi Soulh Third tlrrrt. four duors bduw Market
l'lii hull Iphia,
7" EEI' conr-tiiiitly on band a lare and prnernl
aiisortment Loach Lamps, Carmine Eands,
Axle Arms, Elipiic Sprincs, Pali nt Lentlier. Ac.
Country Merchant and saddlers w ill be '.;pplied at
all times nn the most leasonablo lerms. 'J bey wi 1
find it lo their advantage to cull and 'examine l.ii
BBSnrtnient before purchasing rlscwncfo.
Philadtlphm. November 13, 1841. ly,
No. Chcstmt Si re;t be'low -itlrj
EEP cnnsfantly oil hand a general rssmP
mt nt of Books and Stationary ; cominTsing
1 hfolopjctil, Law, Metbcnl, t lassical, Misccllaup
ous ffrid School Bonks, Day Bocks, all, Lr'S
ceis, do.. Tamily Bible, Pocket B.b'es, Writing
Paper?, Wrapping Papers, Sit. A'C.whfoh t!iey of
fer at the b, (t est piices to Country Men haul's Prci
fessioiial t n'.lemen, Teachers, and ail cthtiru thi
m iy flivor ,h.",m wi'h their custom.
i'hihuh Iphia, N01 'mncr il, ISU. Vy.
RJ YNOLDS, McFA lill7& C(.
Wholesale Dealers in Porrjtg'n BriliblK
ami American Lrv Goods.
Ao. 105 Market street, l'hiudclpliia.
COt'NTKY Merchants, and others can be siipl
plied nt nil limes with nn extensive assi il
merit of the best ami niosl fas'.iionable Goods upoA
the most reasonablt! terms.
Philadelphia, November 13, !R41. Vy.
Wholesale A'aricly a mi Ti iinniini,' Stord
Ma. M, Xirh Fourth near Arch st.; l'liih:delj)hin-
AlTJIEflE Country MerrhnViis nd others can be
supplied, ot 11 times, with a large ansorlmrnt
of l-fosii ry. Gloves, Merino, Cot tori, nnd Won't rl
Shuts nnd Drawers, Spool Cot'oti. Piitetit ThieaiH
Ci.tton Cords, Buttons, 'I 'apes. Bind .na, lloiki
.md lives, Pins, iVe. And a central vaii ty of uei
fid artii leg, whicUhc uill.s fur File al iho loTA
Philadelphia, Novetnbei 13, IS4L ly.
Tlithiirl Weaver tV
.V,i. 1 3 JVor7i VV"r( r Street. I'hiludt .piiia.
At E cons'nntly on hand, a peneral assort
ment of Cnrdncf, ft itie Tw inr3, iic., vi !
Tai'd Kopes, Fisbiui; lioiies, White Popes, Manil
la Hopes, Tow Lines for Canal Bonis. Als.i, A
complete assortment of Seine Twines, oVc. such a4
Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill
o. 7 1 Callow hill Street. riliUilellihia. I Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llerriin? Twine, Sh
f'Thrtc doors above Stcond. ) Thn a !s. & c. etc. Also, Be,l Cords. I'l. us'i Lints;
hoy Ovslcis by lb.' can, will be fe'nd Up in
I t I1.1li.111; ilishi'S, roas ed, Irytd or other i-e, 'o suit
I the taaict f any taei.ll, lll.ill. Also nil Kill. Is el p:ls
i li v.vVc. will be k pi constantlv on hand. All th is
in fivor nl too. I iivinu will call at the old
' Oxster llnus- , fo mi r y kept liy C. D. Whilion and
t W, Ilium Si uilei, und I will endeavor to please all.
Suubiiry, Nav. h Is II. :'t.
XJOI'lt E Kit en. that John Miller, ol
Auttusts Intviirlnp, jN. rthumbeiltnd county,
has made Ml assignment of all bis estate, goods and
chattels, rights an I ere ills, to thn subscrii era, fo.
ll:e bein fn nf hi- ce. liters. A I! persons indo I d
t i the attl John M Her, or havinq claims a(;iiii-t
him, aie rupnsti d to present iheir ucuounU to the
subscri.iers for setll incnt.
W. HCM .IMillU, tscbujlkill-llaven.
Notember 27lh. lull 3t.
f 1 r. .s t'se W ,
JHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he.
yf nil. rs for sale nn tl.e lowe-t terms. Country
Uerch nils arc parlituluily to cull and jude lor
llu nisei vem
Pbila.leli.hiii. November 13, IS 11. 1".
V (7; iTiY 7t" x on 7
Importers and lealers in Foreign ami
I L mies! ic 1 laid va re,
No. IV I N011111 '1'nir.i' -iiii.i.T, I'm la ttr.Li'ii 1 a. j
A X r II E I.' E their friends and 1 ustnmers ill always
' lind a larue and trt-nernl u-soriin. nt of Foreicn
and D irnrstio IL ird are, w hich they will stl! al the
lowest prices.
Phib del hi i. November III, 1S4I. Iv.
No. 211 North Water Street, l'hila.
MANl'FACTITil.ItS and dealers in Oils of
every description bolh for huriiin; nnd
inaliiil'.ic!url:i purpo-es, which will b Sold much
lower then Ihey can le procured e'Scwhcre, ard
tvurrauted in .piality lo r.junl liny in the city. Any
I sold by Ihe company Hot proving as icpr. sentecl,
RANT REMEDY. It is safe find ct! ctu il, and
always qites relief in the 111. nt ho;s,- cases. Il
strengthens lb weak slid debilitated , r li. tee Ih-'
pain in the breast and side) sllpp e-t ihe. dis
tri.s!ii couh ; a'oppiuft t!it luetic fewr it tl n plr
swe i's, and fiu illy (if ihe case l e nol t jo f..r ud-tant-a'ti)
retiming peif cl hea th.
Full tlirections and a ire lise Is given In a pam
phlet, whiih accompanies the medicine.
For sale at the PRINCIPAL OFFICE.No. t!
North Eighth a reel, I'hilatleli hia. AImi at the
Dec.MS, 1R4L Agent.
;oul Mill VUv roiniiaiiy.'
rPHE niemliers of the "Good Will Fire C.m
pany" are rerjiieted 13 niret at the ('.mil
House, on Monday Evening, Jan. 3d, at T o'
clink precisely. Punctual attendance Is rciui't'd.
Dee. 25. DANIEL SHIN DEL, S,e.
ilX. SAIill, Fiesh C'laiilieiries, Fi a En
glish Cheese, Keg Raisin, M els. per Hi., bv
Dec. 25, ISll. H. B. M.SKR.
ailND, on Mr. McCariy's Is'and, llfteen
Siray G se. The owner ia rupieste l to
come forward, prove property, pay charges, arid lake
ihem awav. They i!l be found on the premises
of Peter Pursel. BOVD PCRsEL.
Dee. H, 1MI, GEORtiE DEALi
' ! Im, oi' uoi Jo he' .Sul,
18 a question dial we a. notify submit lo the
coiisitleralloii of a'l who are i nib b lid to the
subscribers, and who t'o not, in a shoil lime, Come
forward and svttle their accounla.
Dec. IR, IPil. H. U. MAStftR Co.
1 eIIS Patent C'aini'liitic Oil
la nies-ary : luey tner. rore rtcomineuu nun as a f sn -5 fsi
iroier person to be liUutstd Id keepa putdic hou e. j u iT sJ
Joseph Erst ly, Daniel Dun keui.lirr, ' rrbe su' scrits rs respe, ttully i. .form the cit'?.ens
D.iliii l (iibson, Duiiel Unas, i "I '", lumbiii, NorihUinhtrlaiid and I ,' coun
II. nry Hsas, lb njamiu Hei.di'tik', ii 'hal they have puichastd the sole privileB t.f
H mint I 1) uckemlltet, J bn Httrp, u-inc iiriln; abd teiidiliij the above named
ItW Mirliri, C. llower, I aitii lcs in ihe nf .r. s ,id cuinies. They have just
J din lliibirs. Wm. Oulick. I leeeiv.d a ti g'' isso tin, i.l of lamia of every de-
Dec 1 lib. LSH :5t. i seiiptiOii.c..lii'in of
: TAVKXlKf NOTICE. I astral, . ahle pending and
To tne H oo.ealle lUli, Iw E.y, . president, , w1,,rl , ofr.r f , ,nMtM lerms.
anon , mr,oj yue- u u f ilVtMllio ,, i. .p,nr to
nin"'?.'; '. T J n f tiy thins yel .liscove.ed for illu.i..liM li.o and
PHE iiCi iti.iri of C 1 ibrrine Uou ton, vtidnw of ., , . , ., ,, , , T 1 ... 1..
I . .' , , , , , . , , , 1 small ronius, snd tli'iielbna Ihe ilokuessoflhe niKbl.
1 John lJouhon. hifa dereased, of lha l.moUl5h of ,( (,( , ( ,f
Sunbtiry. ,n sa.d c unty. humbly represents, .hat ; w,,B,ev,r h ,.e,, ilro,!irff,,
Bl.e .ontn.ues to keep a pubbe hou of 'nleita.n- , . , UwillH r. lUll(, UllJ e al oul
,11. t... at the ..and fo.nK-r y kept ly her husbnhd, , ft , fl, f
and is we I prenar. d for Ihe aecmniuiMlalioii tit Ira- . , . , . .... . .
. I . , . .. ii . . . I' piouilneiil rniiisi mr quilnlea are I nl lancv.
vtlb rs cvc. Shetherefoiepiav. your Hot ors , ; i( ,1loor(1 ,.,,...,, iewS ,, 4tJ, ., , be, . Iim-hm to kep tavern, duill.S ni- , w fhe,,Le. The w ck keep. er,.i.e yf,. e
suing year, ihe , Hl prav. Ac. I frm lr,f 'm A , , , hM , oim.f
i Al HBKLNh LOl.l.10-. , n if ri)jM ((( lllln i.j, B1, , -New ylk i, n
l u mi Ji-im.. ov tl'.l:--l hol-- a rv vl. ns .. It lor as. on c
scribe... r.s..i,. of hunbury, her. by th.t t.auIil ,n ttl,j U,t,lU;ti ,1 it tu.t . in.
Cath.nno lloulton, the oppllemt for license. 1, a ,url ,,,
woman , f good repute for honesty .nd lcm.r.,,ce. i , f(,0 ,u( tti,, fullli)lhffl, , a. Hh
and is wrl provided With house-room and conv n , , f i)u ; ,.,..,.. , ri111v , lmitj
1 nets lor tlie lodging and acrumuioddtiou of Mn.n- (u - FRK'K IULI.MEVER & Rl"'!sEL;
yeis ami iravelleis, snd ikal a public hou- ibe.e is 1 'p.,l)v,,. .0v. 57 lr-4l if
necessaiy : tbiv then lore rer iniiiiend lief ass lm- I ' '' -' -
P tltl rt'lfliftl ufitl r..r sale l.y It. l. Mas
f p sir Uo.t n Syrup, Susar House and N. O.
Mola-s; l.oaf, Lump; CrusheJ, Urown and Clirts
la icd Sofaf; ('ranbe.rus, Raisin., Cracker, f.;
Fieni h and English M. nn ; Vleiin i and other
shavt; I'lolha, Cnasiiinrs and; Diy
(lomls, Sadlcfy, e. of all kinds.
i, -Nov. SOlli, IS J I.
I may be relurnul without r.ny CKpeinie to ihe p'ur-
i chaser, and the money will be rt fuiiileil.
Their stock now ia hloie cousistsol Ihe follow ih
oils, viz :
30,imn Ca!lon3 Winter Uleached Spihn
fiiint) do do C.doiVss Oil,
15.IUI0 ci Villi utid Sprjna Nperm Oil,
10.000 do Winter rea El.' haul,
CO.drUi do do d Whale Oil,
filU'O do Summer do do do
mmin .1.. f ...m.,,,n 'bi!ef)il. I 3
'Jdll UaiiVIs Siraita Oil,
3H0 do Cod Hank Oil,
CO do Nr.l i. Foot O I,
T5 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's Oils.
Cj'Thia ("ompanv hrm rl ntimhcr nl" Viswl, en
ijaRed in the Co.1 Fn herv, and Tanner- may rely
upon petting at all tones I I I as pore 11s imported.
Philadelphia. Nov. Ul, I is 4 1 . ly.
Halters, Trac. s, Cntton nnd Linen Carpet (Miains;
Xr. all of which they will dfspesc Of un leaortaSIS
lermp. . .
Phil i.Te'phia, Novcrtib-T Id, mil. ly.
l::sl 1 1: uIck 7T axskiTiTT'O'sI
jN'o. Hit. 1-2 Marliel Sireet, l'hila. I
Heoto Fifth S-ntth side)
A IVAYS keep on hand a full and penrral as"
jLQ. ' rtmt'titof llo-iery. Lace, and Fancy (ioo.lsj
Coui.tiv Merchunla are icspectfully reqccaled li
give tin 111 a call un J examine for tht ni-elves.
l l.iladt Iphia, November IS41. ly.
rpiIE Subscriber, Anenl ,.( I von & Hams,
Manulaclurers, for N.w York, PliibiJolphia;
IJjIlm.ore an J other largo cities, w ! o. litis oro
highly comuiitided 1 ir iW i' uud durnl.,!ity,
has in l.iind a lirst role ustclin nt t.f 11A I and
CAI "i, suit-i' le ft r S.riri? Biles, b ih will le sold
very low, fji cah or appewed credit, al the wlcn
ekiun alure, So. til, Noilu T' s'rv.-l, njp.isj.ii
the City Hule!, l'hil.i.!c! hia.
OLIVER N. I'll' iU HEP. Afml.
N. H. Older lor Hals 1 1 the 1 uui; 'i , promptly
aiiendt Jlo, The liiht-bt 1 rico in uinh or Ua..t
given for Fin shin.i. , ,
Prd.iiiclplii.'i, November 13, lill.--ly
G. V-. & L. S.
X ,VFFEH FOR SALE, al ll.t South East IV
VlJV net of Fifth and Sim!, J7:Wi
pltiu flic ns' Call-skin 1 tools, lilehd.a. ranled.
do do tlo pfst;. d d
t!,i do do ivaier proof, dnnl.le soles
and double uppers,
do Cilf-skiu do do do ria'tli'J
nod uppei.s.
do llu ivy Water Leather Pu. s.
do do Neata do u'o.
do Hich qii trtvi Shoes, i
do tin do Clot kers do
tb fine .tniiroes warranted
J . W. S V A 1 iN ,
Umhrclhi and Parasol Manufacturer:
.Vo. 3T NooA Tthd street, t)ro doors le'vw thi
C'l'v HoUl, Ihiifdt Iphia.
CiONTR Meiihaiils and others are solicited
I 10 t xamine his aniiti.icul bifore purchusiiiij
Pliila 'Hj liia, November H. li4 1, ly.
No. 13S Maikt Street, PhibJUj hia;
SNV1TE the atlerilion "f (Country Merchants'
lo their extensive a.-sor.ucnt nl lluii.h
and American Dry Gj'ods, w hich they offer lol M
t.n ihe m 1st rcasoiuible b n.i'. . , ,
Poiladi Iphia, .November 13, IS4 i. ly.
r I II E subscriber has jiisl receivid a I f w and ex'
len-ive assoriment i t Dry liooiU and G'oeeficij
which heotlers for sale at the lowest prices ..
Nov. 3, 1MI. MASSER.
per pem, h to be licensed to keen a 1 wblic house,
I !.. VI'. .11 .. '..-
tleo. C. Welker.
Dauit I Druckt miller,
Daniel li.bson,
Jacob Rhawn,
t ieo, ei-er,
John H. Price,
H. b. Masser,
Henry Dawson,
Frederick Lazarus,
Ktiward Oyslrr,
Cb ties li. Doom I,
Stimiel D, Jordan,
C. D. Wharton,
Joseph Eiacty.
to Kip do
.! C.df do
tin Coarse tlo
ilo do Shot,
do I'll-S do
do kin do
do Calf anil Seal Skin Pump.
do l.isl Socks with and wiiIilUI sulci.
do I 'ar ct ilo do tb.
tin I'uieiil W arranted Watt Morr.isins.
Ladies' do do , do do
La. In a' lanrr-.t ludiii Rullier sho. .
t.'ent'emeiis' do lirsboes.
Willi every other desc ipliori id boots and shoes.
Fnf Caps i f every ties, rij tion.
Travel I nu Trunks of every dtucriptioii.
A i lieu .11 TiavellinK Hat:..
Paieiil tium Elastic Shoe Hla. k ne.
lb nuns , f ..II kind. Palm I.tsf H .it
riiilsdelih.a.No fn.ber Lt, tSH. ly.
Tt,"WAS laken op astray, on ll.e farm where tb
y mbscrilers now reside, and owned by Jo
s' ph Walbtc."., in Taikehoe, Point township. Nor
ihiimbirlunii courily, a ltRtNDI.E STEER wiiii
a white face, about 1? or IS months old. The
1 wm 1 is repainted lo come fm w ard, ptove propeity;
pay charges, and take il awav. . .,
Nov. fi, in It. NATHAN MILLER.
lovmil. omiii iii'Kr,
No. 31 Sut'li Fourlh s' under Merchct-ilt' Jhd.l.
Y.TJ.THF.RF. Country Mi ran Ic suppl ei.
J with an extensive aiit iy of cbo ce aitiele
io bis line, upon ihe most raeiisble ttruia.
. . 6ih IK4I ly . .
OF a very supt rior qualiiy, can be had at rnr
lone, by application to Ihe subscribers, in lots
lo il pin. haseis. They keep huge, eg 3, hr. ken;
and tine coal, til for huniliifl bine.
Simla r- S3.