Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 04, 1841, Image 3

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    $4,12J perbbl., but holders how demand f4,35,
nJ the stock is very trifling. Corn Meal Stain
of PennV Meal in bbln. al $3 j hhda. ire held tt
1 4,25. Buckwheat Meal commands Jt3 in half
GRAIN. The priea nf Wheat ha rather ra.
ceded lalo in ihoweek. Sums oft5al6.000 bush
el Penn't. at from $1,40 to f 1,33 per bush, afloat
nJ in store, for fairlo prime quality 6.000 bush.
I rime Illinois, i New Orleans, at $1,41, afloat.
The receipts of Southern have cheifly been storrd.
'We quote Penn'a. Wheat at $1,39 to $1,41, and
Southern at $1,37 to $1,39, afloat, Rye a rale of
'Southern at 70 cla; Penn'a. would command 70
els. Corn Trice have receded ralea of Round
Yellow at 65n69 Penn'a. Flat do. 64aG5 i South
ern Flat Yellow 6.1afl5 ; old and new mixed 60,
and new 68 old White ia worth 60. 16 1 c. Week's
sales 80,000 bushels. Oat are scarce; a site a
' float at 4 1 cts.
WHISKEY. In bids. SO cla. per gallon, with
moderate tales.
Coal Trudc,
Amount of Coal carried on the Danville, and
Potlsville Rail Kond to Sunbury for shipping, du
ring the week ending on Dec, I, 437 Tuna.
Per last report, 20,9(58
Died, At Coming. Painted Pos StouhenCo.,
State of New York, Mm. Mart Cm rtrioiit,
Wn in October, 1773 she departed thia life Sep.
xember 9th, 1841, and was, thcrefoie, within one
month of being, fifl yeara old. One of the firBt
'children of while parent burn at Wyoming, ofa
tfamilythat deeply Buffered, herself a sufferer, it
seems fitting that something more than the ordina
Ty notice -should bet.kenofher disease. Mr
IfovvrftniHT win the daughter of Mr. John Ah
ho, one of the earliest settlers in Wilkes- Barrs
-owiwhipJac di'a Plains.) The place of her birth
vs tire farm now owned and occupied by Mr
Robert Winer. On the fust of July, 177S, her f.i
br lieinc at work mar iko flats, near the river,
hesTs1 the ahum-gun at Wilkes Barns Fort, unyoked
dia ooh, and h-aelined to put hi family j a
laoe, at Vast, oftetnpor.ny iecuiity. The British,
the savage, nd niorc savage Tories, were already
n the faoighrs -on tlie opposite side of the liver.
Almost ad the a?n proiir to bear arms betnii,
withdrawn in tin 'Conueejicut line, below the
mountain, in the Coiitinental servic, imperious
duty d.manilnl that wy ma.i who could cirry a
ipin should rally to tk standur.1 rais d by Cola.
ButJcr ami Dennison, far I he defence of the valley. I
Promptly answering th,U, Mr. .Abhot joined the
little army, fought bravely, witnea.Hl the mel in-
cholly overlhtow of our people, but via one of the '
lew who cacaped. At k retired, but he had
a beautiful harvest rining, ami a large family
wholly depending thereon for swWtance : he re
turned and ctidcavon d by praisrworthv cieitic ns, to
eave at least a portion aftlie aliaaiaace with, w hich
Heaven seeded to have ctomnni hi inc'ustry.
Ambushed by the savage. Ms. AIot ami Mr.
llano Williams, who waa with him, were ahol. to
mahawked and acalpcd, (about a mile above JIol
lenbuck'e Mill at the mouth of Mill Creek.) His
house and barn were burnt. His widow and ntiio
orphan children, the oldest 15, the yetngest an in
fant, expelled, without food at raiment, but the
slothes they woie, and thus wesstiveej to beg theii
ibread lo Wyndham county, Cormeclvcvit, from
whence Mr. A. had removed. Twen fcule girl
of 5 years old, Mary Abbot, the sul jeel of thia no
nice, accompanied the fimily on foot, f9 miles of
itlie 300 being uninhabited and dieary wiUJcrne.
The autlVringc said the sulTerera of those Von my
days of war anj woe, should not be forgotten
Mary was taken 4y her uncle Joseph Abbot, of El
lington, with ajinn she lived lo the age of twenty,
when he came back to I ho Wuufhanna was
miarrisil to Mr. 1 oliai Courlright, a very woeiliy
unnn of a vcty triptr4e family. They occupies!
for many years the huawe built on the ruins of
here she ww born ((but mrnt by the enemy
Total. 31,463
Amount of Iron Ore tranopntted, 8,423
JOHi! BUDU, w. m.
Sl'8lil:ICHA!l.A CoAt TNADK.
Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valley, lo
June 21st, Tons, 7,116
8cHi'r lkill Coal 'jVtnit.
To Nov 18, Tons, 530,679
ToNol8, Tons, 37,48fl
Drlawark & HriiaoH Coal Tmadr.
To Oct. n, Tons, 151,270
Pik (jiiori Coal TsAna.
To Aug. a, Tons, 13,000
. MnirjiT Carsh.v Hail Roab.
Amount transported to Oct. 21, Tons, 71,609
Mi! Hill & Scrdtlkill Havkv Rail Koao.
Amount tranopored lo Nov 18, Tons 253,181
Mill Chkkk Rail Koap.
Amount transported to Nov IS, Tons 56,918
HeiuitLRiLi. Vali.kv Rail Roa.
Amount trunsporlod to Nov Tons 77,299
JKsinn Coal Tradr.
To Nov. 1 1, '1'ims 117,72:1
I3lcpsla & HypwrhondrlnrlHni.
Cured by Dr. Httrlieh'g Ct It braird Mtdicinct.
AIR. WIM.IAM MORRISON, of Schuylkill
Pixin srreei, i'nitaiirini, afflicted tor sever
al years with the atavr d,treiniing diseswi siek-
nes at the stomach, headache, p limitation of the
heart, impaired appetite, acrid eructations, coldness
and weakness of the cxlremitiv, emari.ition ami
general debility, di-turbed rest, a pres-ure and
weight at the stomu-h nflor eating, i-evere flying
pains in the chest, back and iile, costivenesM, a
ditilikr for society or conversation, langonr and
si'ude upon llic hart cecasion. Mr. Morrison
had npfilml to the in.wt 'phyvicians, who
considered it beyond the powei of hum in kill to
restore him to health ; however, hs his afll clions
h id reduced him lo a deplorab'e condition, having
Iwen imluced by a friend of hixiotry t)r. Harlh h's
Medicines, ns tiny lieing h'ghly recommended, by
which he procured two packages for a trial ; hi fore
u-i"g the second package, he found hi..ielf greatly
lelieved, and by continuing the ne of them the
ditsatc entirely disappeared lis in now enjoying
nil the blessings of perfect health.
Principal ollice, 19 North Ktihth street, Phila
delphia. Also, fur sale at the ttore of
D.t. 4th, 1 84 1. Azmt
7(R rial in the Court of Common Picas ol Nur---
thum! erlaud County, to lie held at Sunbury,
on the first Moiidiy of January next, being the 3 J.
Joseph Tiego
Peter FiH-eit'a adtn'r
Com'lh of Penu'a
Badger for Badger
Charlea W.
John 1). Covtden
James Wetxel
Elijah Crawford
Com'lh for B Sayre
Henry Fr ck
Cum'ih for (iillierl Ro-
bins's ex'r.
rYichard Yarnell
va Martin A. Stock
va John Filbert
vs Weaver, Lloyd A. R.i-
vs Hugh He'las
va John JJ. Cowden
vs Richards & Kitchen
vs Solomon Uunklebeiger
vs Jesne Parker
vs John Flick
va Stephen Wilson
vs Martin Weaver
va E.G. Hr:idldrd'H adm'x
I. on, endorsee of Smith vs lliii;li H. Bellas
Andrew 1 ink
Dr. Thos. Vanvilzah
Bsrtlet for PiH r
Hein "r cc Follrm r
John M. Iusiel
Joseph Manx
Yaus A Mclntyre
James Tt'ed
sMv, Fiick A Mann
John R. Keibr
I Menrv Uarditlier
wM'.sseaMrcr.oiKe,(lealats family re assembled M john F. Dentler
VWosrVing, aurrouialvl! Vy plenty she eni yed William Fry
many years of health n4 happiiW'is. She has left
.7. ubildien. -Mrs. Courtriglat had but recently gone
tfeside with her aon-iniljiw, Mr. H. (J. Pheliw,
at whose house she t!iod. Her diiwnse wua billious
(fever, A member of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, her faith and hope. in s.dvation were cleir
rand almost' the last wortU j-he uttered were the
. beautiful lines
r Jesus cm tnke a, tying led
Seem soft as Jowixy ipill.iwa are.
WoTK.--Of the cbildien fco'l'by Mr. Abbot, and
nwho'fled on fuot through the wilderness, it may be
regarded us an interesting fact, 4lnit ix were living
' Ust July, their united ages exceeding 400 yeara.
Wdiu-Uarre Adrocalr,
ff f R it I K tt n
On the I lib ult., by the Kev. J. P. Shiudel, Mr.
IJiftitu Khikoi.r to Mua Arm Passu lh, both of
Jn the 9th 'ib., by the sime, Mr. Pv.Tr a Wilt
'HttiF to iMiss Elixamctu Stoks, os Nof thumber-
Corrected tvrekty by Henry Yoxtheimer.
. 110
. 50
. 30
. 125
. . 12J
. 75
. la
vs John A. Idovd
vs A. Sloughlou's adm'x
va Heniy Frik
v Mainuel lllsir
v l).ivid llartman
vs P. Purs. I cV J. Purix-I
vs Ed. Y. Blight
vs Jacob ll.iu-el
va Fagily &. .iinmerman
vs John Murray
vs Win. cV Kolit. Hunter
vs David Watson
va William A. Lloyd
vs Wilson A. liiiigen-
vs f!ei!dea WalUVtreen
vs Kenjamin Mathewa
va H oil in Jr. Cook
vs S. Wilson & II. I'ri
vs Sninuel Swinehait
IVethonotarv's Office, i I'rutli'y.
Suafcary Dec. 4, 1841. 5
McMauus 6l Biivthers
Cm, K. Shoemaker
firtfeu 1). Cuminings
Drlnnh (Jrant
Ce4er for Wilson
Jitisn Jreeu et al
I FiATstr.p,
1 BuTTr.R,
1 lltSIWil, -
l' Stitu ArrLss,
tj O. I'SACMkS,
-S applied to
thoniberlnul Co
made for the rl
that thsJudfes
the first Momljr .
creditors at Ihs (
and where vl mi
Pec. t, l4l.
6 TAKE NOTICE. That we havs
bt Court of Common Pleas of Nor
unty, t'or the lneflt of the laws
iefof the insolvsnt debtoiss and
of the said Court have appointed
of Jan'y. next to hear ua and our
ourt Houss) in nunnury, wbsn
v attend if you think piuper.
J. IT. STJM1TEE, 1. D.
IS again at Mr. If. If. Bun's in Nonhumberl d,
nTere lie will be happy to receive the rails of
those wishing his prolesional services. Dr. S's
stay it limited to two week. Any person in Sou
bury wMnng to consult him, will, by addressing Unit
thrCif,1i :ht- po.-t ofTu n, receive a call from him.
Dec.mhrr 4th, 1841. St.
ITKCSII Oysters in the shell, and the be.t Am-
Voy Oysters by the can, will be served up in
cha-fimg dishes, roaa ed, Iryed or otherwise, n suit
the taste (f any (tentleman. Also all kinds of pas
liy.Ac. will be kept constantly on hand. All that
in f ivor of good living will ple.iso call al the old
Ojrter House, formerly kept by C. D. Whstton and
William Scartea, and I will endeavor to please all.
Sunbury, Nov. 27lh, 1841. ot.
''PHE u' arriber, formerly of the dm of Wharton
At Searlea, respetfully informs his Iriemls and
former customers, that be has dissolved with his
pirtner, and oned an esisblisUmeol "on his own
hoifc," umlrr Mr. Adams s Hotel, where Oenlle-
men can be supplied wrb Oysters, oiiened or in the
shell, stewed, roasted or fryed. Oyster Soup, Pigs
reet, J npe, ami l ies Ol various aunts, lis is
thankful lor pssl favors, and solicita a continu men
of their patronage. WILLIAM SEARLES.
Sunbury, Nov. 27lh, 184131.
TsOTICE Is hereby given, that John Miller, of
Augusta township, NoilhumheiUnd county,
has insdo an aasignmeut of all bis estate, goods and
chattels, rights and credits, to the sulverii ers, for
lbs benefit of his creditors. All pi sons indel t d
to the said John Mdler, or having claims wgsimt
him, are requested to present their accounts to the
eubschhere for settlement.
W. Hl'NTZINOEK, rihuylkiii-Harn.
!utmber SUb, IHl. Ji,
'TERMS $t torn tr sibsior.
'Phe undersigned being Tully aware of the im--
rtortalice of having a Daily Democratic Paper,
publielicd at the Seat of Government of Ponnst I
vania, during the sessions of the Legialaturn, in
compliance with the request ol e number of their
democratic friends, propose to publish the KEY
STONE DAILY, during the approaching seniinn,
on a Roysl Sheet at the low price orwo hollars
for the session, or two cents per singTc copy.
The grest object to be sttained by the publication
of Daily paper at Harrisburg during the session
of the Legislature, is to give reports of the Debates
in the two Houses, on all important public qtjes
lions, more al length than has heretofore been cus
tomary, and to get those reports put before the pub
lic, more expeditiously than by the alow prore-sof
a semi-weekly paper. There is an anxiety in Ihe
minds of the r.ading public lo obtain the earliest
information in regard to all public movements :
and as Ihe measures In be brought forward and dis
cussed, st the approaching session of our Legisla
ture, Will be of the first importance, to the people
al large, we conceive that theie can be no moro
aui able time than the present, for the commence
nient of an enterprise ol this kind.
As one of the proprietors of the Keystone is a
professional stenographer, and has long been en
gaged as a Reporter in Congress, in the Conven
tion lo amend the Const tulion, and in the St.ile
Legislature, he confidently hope lhat he will l
enabled to Conduct the Lcgihlative Department of
the paper, in a mtnner entirely eaiisfactory lo those
membera hne rem irks he may report, and the
public at Luge, lie will be assisted by comrielcnt
ieioriers, and will at all limes sttend in one Hou-e
himself to enruro fa thful and accurate n-norls of
debates in the Lecialaturc. The other prprii tor
will take charge of the Editorial Di-parim lit of the
paper, and aa be has heretofore hail considerable
exricnce in c inducting a Democratic Journal, in
another pari of the State, he h' pes t i be Mr to
make the Keystone ncceptsl Ic not only to his politi
cal frienils, but to the reeling public.
We shall a'o have a coriexpondciit si Wash
ington, who will give a daily synopsis of the busij
nevs transacted in the Naiionsl Lcuiidstttte i and
an account of all the political movements, which
imy bo made at tho set of the general Oovcrn
mint. (Ej As we shall incur a heavy expenditure, o
er and above our own labors, in geiting up our
Daily, and in employing RcpniUrs, Com s ond.-i ti.
&e. e trust our fi tends throughout the tale will
exert themselves to give our pajier as wide a circu
lation as possible,
Ti c very low rate al which we have plared our
Daily, will make it necessary for ua to adopt ilni
cash STSTf.x, so far at lcat .s it is cnii. eriml.
and n quire payments to hv made to it iluiii.g 'he
first month of the session.
The semi-weekly Keyttonc, ( Doub'e Royal si.e)
will be publislnd as usual during the tension at two
Cj" Post Mas ers and others sending us fne
suh-crittcrs accompintcd by ten dollaia, will b'
entitled to a cojy fur their trouble.
J. M. ti. LESCL'RE
Harrinburg, Dec. 4, 1811.
rPllt,J e.lilors of the State Capitol Oazetie, at the
- urgent solicit iti. hi of numerous Democratic
friends in almost every country of the Common
wealth, have come to the conclusion, lo publt.-h,
during the sittings of the approaching session of the
Legislature, the
The Daii.t Gaxlttr will I panted on a roy
al t-hect of line paper, wh'ch will be sulliciently
large to contain full repirrts of proceedings of both
branches of Hie l.ecislsture. In rhrrylng out our
intention of publishing a daily piper at the ceil i f
(Soveniment, we will of course subject ourselvis to
heay expenditures, and will coueiptentlv exieri
tlie Uetnociacy of f ennsyrvama lo rally round us.
and sustain us in our undertaking. To enable us
to give full reports ol I ho pTocccdin,! of tint Le-gi-lsture,
we bsve made arrangement for placing
in each llou-e a competep' " nographer the
and profiKsional rxperieiu.. f one ol whom at
leas', is tniivers dly sdmilted both hi re ami l ine
where. In sdditinn to this, we have engaged, at a
consult 'table exxne, the valuable services of our
lte WalHtigtim Correspondent, whose style ol
writing, the forcible, energetic, and fearleha man
ner in which be laid bare the doings of Federalism,
and the l.iithful predictions which he give, during
the eitmurdimtrfj session of Congress, is
to our numerous leaders, many of whom have
cheerfully admitted lo us, in person, that "Cleon"
is one of 'he hcl political writers of the day, and
have urged M again to procure his aid as our cor
respondent at the sal of the ticn ral (inveriniicnt.
As ngards the future course of the Cizeile, wo
di em tl unnecessary to aay more than 'hat it will al
ways Iw loiind ss heretofore, a worm ucporlrr i I
the great principlisol Democracy, snd hauling I'ai.h
ful'y, lor tl e wellaie, promotion, slid happ ne. of
the People at laige. The banking syli-m. as it is
at presriii conducted, believing, as we do, j
cslcula nl to spread ditiess, tni-eiy and ruin in e
very romuiuuity wln're its polluting iolli'jiice is
felt, sbull conttuuo to meet ftom lliu Caaeilu the
same duerniiued O po.iiion it alwas has nut i h,
until the hired cosliltuna and combinati jus of ban-
keis, t-peculators, and stock-joblH'is, uiall lie maJe
to tetd lhat the will of Ihe people is sr-ru .:. H.
ving Uen the ardent and zealous uporteis of the
re-election of our present worthy Executive, Daviii
R. Piirtvn, it shall he our prii'.e and pU'isiire to
give lo his administration a, dtciJtd and ho
nest support.
In pulili-limg a daily pier, we are well aware
of the heavy lesprinsibiliiy that wid re-t upon us,
aa ita editors and conductois. We are firmly con
vinced, however, thai a Democratic daily paoer -t
the svat of go .rrniio nt, is much, and at the
suggestion ! our Deinocial c friends, we have been
induced to commrnie the uude taking, provided a
rsasonablu rncouragemenl is given lo wairant it.
The very moderate terms at which we oiler our dai
ly paper to siihsciilx is, must convince eery one
that the object is not lo realize thenfioin an exlra
vagatil roiniensalion for our labors. On the other
baud, we shall be perfectly satisfied if our expenses
do nnt tall behind our Income.
The terms of Ihe Hun (Iasf rrc are such ss
willcomiiel us to adopt the i aru sisi sm, which
rule will lie strictly adhered lo.
The semi-wet kly SrsT t'lriroi CS a terra
(d iuble roynl size) will be publishtd as heretofore,
during the sitting of the Legislature.
Any person sending ua five subscribers accompa
nied by ten dollars, shall lective a copy for their
trouble, grati.
Persons sulifcribing for either of the above pa
llets, aie ri qoes'i d lo scud in their otders on or be
fore tits S5iu uf December.
Ds'tx OAZt-rrs for the session $3 00
Ssaw-Wsts.iT tiAXirrs, do. 'i 00
h'diivrt und i'rviirittir.
Hatssstmrg, Dec. 4, lei I.
Webb's 1'nlciil niniliiiir Oil
B IT ?v IT E !3
rphr ral'srriber.s resctltilly Inform the citV.ens
of Cohlnibin, NcjT:humberlniid a ml lluroncoon
lies, that they have pmrhaserl the sole privilego of
using, manufacturing and wiiidinir, thealtove namttd
aiticles in the afiiresiid cotintiet. They have just
received lare t-sortment of lamps of every do
script ion, consisting of
which they oiler for salo at reasonable term.
This light is a new invention, and issnpetior to
any thing yet discovered for illuminating largo and
small rooms, and dirlling tlm d nknessof the night.
It is infetlor to nothing mvc the light of the ln ;
wherevrr it hua bevn iutrndiiced, it has outshone
everything ofa luminous tiatttre, and sirmsalnuit
to become Hit lhl vf Ihe trwV.
Its pmrniiicnl siisrior qualities arp brilliancy,
richness, splendour, Hemlines, and last but not
leai-l, rhrtpnrys. The kee s Mitirply fn'e
from dirt, and the binin am csmi'v le't in outer.
In the cities of Phita lelptiia snd New Ymk it has
been sulwlituled Vtry rtensively for gas, on ac
count of i s t hcHpness, and becau e il is in t so in
jurious to thr eves,
Direc. ions for using will be fuillished lo nil who
buy, ami orilers fioni a ili-l one. promptly HtirinbiJ
lo. FRIt'K, IIII.LMEYEH ,V UlsEl..
Danville, Nov. 27, 1 M i t if
ilaPtToi' 1 iirilliTuln.
NOI II.'F, is In reliy mven, tllitt the sulmcriU'r
lis- been appointed auditor, by tile Court of
Common Pless of Northumberland 'county, for the
purpose of apportioning the asscta in the hands i f
Fredi'iirk L7.rus. n. Liiie of l li ona-A. llillinL'.
Ion, and that he will nt'end for purposn at the
Prothonotaiy's ollice in Ftuul urv, on Motnlav the
Stltli day of Dect mlwr mxt, when si.d where ult
persons interested will atli tid.
Kiiiibnrv. Nov. Ss III. I S-l 1 . 4l.
jx. jvL .d:l ion!
ITOR aale n small Farm, coiitiininq about one
hnmbe I nnd ten nrre, more or le-s, sim ile
in Point township. Nonhumbi rlaiid countv, nb.nit
two milrs almve Noitl tiniln-il ind, on the m.iiu
road leading from lhat pl.iro to 1 1 in villi, ailjoiniurr
land-, ol John Leghoii, ,lee t Iloitnii nnd others,
now in the occupancy i f Nuinirl Payne. About
forty arrea of said tract are clraird, and in good
slat- ol cu livatioii, on whuh there is n small barn
erecli d. The property w ill lie sold on n aonble
teims. For further paiticulars, nisons are request
ed to spi'lv to ti e rul scnb r.
II. B. MASN.JR, Asen.
Nov. 27ih. l4 1. if Sunbury. Pa.
tMirii As m ic r sAi.i:.
lfat of .t oi no IIoi-iiIn-im'I'.
TN ptirsitsnrn of an imlcr of the Orphans' Court
A ol NorthumKrltiid couuiy. will le exposed to
pubic sale i n hndiy li e IV til day of Drccnilei
licit, at the late residence ol tie.irpe llnrnl erijer of
Coal township, in siid county, dee'd., all that cer
tain tractor ptei-e of land situate nn M.dionny creek,
in said township, adjoining lands of Henry Ifaupl,
(ieotge I.niig nnd the Widow Hornl-crgcr, contain
ing one hundred sud three acres and fifty-two per
ches, strict measure; about tunny acre of which
are cleared nnd in a high stale of cultivation.
Also, one other tract or piece ol land situate in
said township, adjnininq lamia nfticoige Long, Su
sannah Weary ami the Widow lloriihergcr, con
taining four acre arid 15'J perches, stiict measure,
almut thiee acres of which a-e dented, and in a good
state of cultivation. Sale to commence at 10 o'
clock of said day, when the conditions wiil be made
Bv the Court, I'x'ri.
Nov. 20th 1841.
N. B. The first above described tract of Ian j has
lieen divided into two parts; one thereof enntain
ing R2 acres ami 10 perches, shout 8 aciesof w hich
aiecl. sred; and the other containing 21 Bin s and
33 lurches, about 12 acres of which are cleared
and will be sold together, or acjmralc, to suit pur
r hat-crs.
John l lituyN i:slal.
IN pnisuance of an mile, of the Orphan-.' Court
1 of Northumteilaiid c utity, w II he rxpnsid lo
public sale on Saturdnv tho i lib day of Dccrndfr
next, at the late dwelling-house of John Cheiry, of
Augusta township, in s.dd county, dee'd., a certain
tract of land coul-iiii ng twctilv acres moie or less,
adjoining land of Hcnrv MasM'r, Esq. Peter Bums.
John D. Conrad, and the heirs of Jacob Moore,
w hereon is erected a small log hou-e ami still In.
S .lc to cotniiiMice at 10 o'clock of said day, when
tho conditions will lie made known by
SiMibuiy, Nov. SOtli. !!. .4(we.
Tlist I t'l t'lu d ami for" aieiH.lj."Mas-
ar II. i t ii sjrup. Sugar H. ue and N. O.
Mn!ascs; L..f. Luui, Crushed, Brown and Vhrvs
ta!i.ed Si.Rnr; t 'raiiherrn a, Kin-ins, I'racVers, Ar.;
Fieiieh ai d Eimh-h Mi rnn s; Merino and other
Shawl,; Cloths, t'n-i-iin. r and Cas-inetts ; Diy
(JoimIs, llanlu .tr.-. Sadlerv, Vc. of alt kinds.
Nov. !!0ih. 111.
A since uin qualieil lor cleaning and giving a
-Y highly durable and most brilliant polish to sil
ver, German Silver, Brass, Copper, lliittania ware,
Tin, Stiel, Cutlery, and IW restoring the lustre on
varnished carriages Ac. TRY IT.
Prepared an I a.dd at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Company, Owego,
Tioga countv, Y.
W.Vf". FORsVTH. Agent for Norihum'd,
ii ,i . i t. . . . ...
I it, ."gini lor uuiiury
November 2uth, lull.
Wholesale utnl Retail Mine, lUmncl,
arid Palm Leaf Hal Wati'liouse.
No. liti Surth 'id tlrrrf, urMi iltmrs ubove .hch,
VLSO Trunks. Caipet Bags snd Vahces, nf ev.
cry descnpti.m, all of which he oilers for
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia, Novemlier 13, IHll. ly.
l 7i.n o r i r s "
( liina.Cilass utnl l.ivci'xui Watclnniso.
j 104 .orUi third ml. limit d,ior iih w lint
I ttrttt, I'hiliuhljiKut,
I ArilERE they constantly kirp on hand a large
assonment of 1'bilia, (iluss and Liverpool
j Ware, which they will difposu nf ou the litest iei
i sonabUi terms.
I Philadelpbiu, NovemU r 1.1, 1841. ly.
j TJIF.oril.U.S ( I'M'.
' 1 null Tf l 1 1 1 rnf tiit. 1 tt ma I jt r tS !Wiil
a.'a.s-iva)V nil V I t 1 ivl lll'j't'l IVI J I 'UU"
tilery, Hanlw art', &c.
No. ft South Third btri et. ftiur dut'i t btiuut Market
I'hiUiiit IpUiu,
KEEP constantly on hand a laige and general
assortment t ouch Lamps, Carriage Bai.ils,
Axlu Arms, Eliplic Springs. 1'uUnt Leuiher. Ac.
('ouiitry Mrrchanls and saddleis will be supplied al
all limes on the most icasoiiuhle In ins. 'J hey wi!
find it to their advantage to cull and ci annua his
assortiiient before purcha.-iuii i bewbeiv.
I'hiladilphia, Nuv.iulvf 13, It'll, -ly.
-Vnmr 2!l .lirh Third Stntt, Vhditdttphin
IJI'BMC'WALE of Drv t.'ort'U, Hardware
. and t'.ttlf.v, llool,-, pftnii.iiinrv, Clothing,
Uoots, Sho.n Hais, ami ni sliort idmost every
description or goods, sir held at this establishment
every eMpiiing tMods are also sold nl piiva'esale
dXtrtnn llm day at theavrrni-r auction, St.rfe
kcrpera and tTa.hTs Will ftml it lo their advantage
by attending tire ahm
J. O. MACK K Y, A net ioneer.
Philadi Ipliin, Nrtvemh .). N4 t. ly.
.fill ott I'l lotiiitlh ji. Son.
1 Esl'EC'i rt Ll.Y iiit..t. lb, i, Irn ndn and
l tiopjiiiiil.iiict yiiienilly ih il tbev slttl coii
Itnuc to keep at tho old stand. No. 210 North 3d
slteet. PhfUdelphin, nil kinds of
Which they will sell on the m st uccoiuiuudaliug
and icns.iiiablo terms.
N. II. AH cooiU sobl will lie guaranteed, titnl nil
orders promptly ntlemleil to.
PhibnUphi.i. November 1.1, INI I ly.
J'i,tj:u I)i:vkj:sT"
.. 7 I ('iill.twliill Slrerl, ritilaileli'hia.
C Thr, e diHir amre S((mid. )
HOE Findings always kept on baud, which he
(-j on, rs nir ssio on mc lowc-t terms. Uouutry
Merch tuts arc p.ntii ulaily lo call and judge for
PJi!mh-l.his, November 1,1, 18IL Iv.
U)vnit iuu(), '
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Doniesiio. I la nl ware,
No. I7I Noiirit TniRti Srwirr, I'HiLAnr.LrniA.
'.' ''"'ir f,'' '",H and customers w ill always
find a large and general aisorlment of Foreign
and Domestic llaidwaie, which they will sell at the
lowest prices,
I'hdedi lpbi.i. November 13. 18-11 . I v .
D D -B.
m:w oh. tompanv.
. SSI IWtli Water Street, Pliila.
MANI FACl-CRERS nnd dealers in Oils of
every description both for burning alnl
iiiauufacturing purposes, which will be sold much
lower than they can lie procured elsewhere, and
warranted in quality to equal any in the citv. Any
oil sold by the company not proving as represented,
may tic returned without any expense to ths pur
chaser, and the money will la-, refunded.
Their stock now in store cor.sihts of the following
oils, viz. :
30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spetrn
fiOOO do ) Culotless Oil,
Ift.tiOO do Pail and Spring Serm Oil,
lO.tilttl do Winter SraElephaul,
2IMM10 do do Pienscd Whale Oil,
I'OtUI do Summer do do du
15.noo ,!., Cm,,,,,,,,, Whale Otl,
200 tin I re Is siipenor Straits Oil,
3IKI do Cod Bank Oil,
r'0 do Nea's Foot Oil,
5 Cn ks Olive Oil,
Tanner's Oils.
GO'This Companv bns a number of Vessels' en
gaged in the Coil Fishery, nnd Tanners may fcly
upo'i pctiinj; at all tunes Oil ns pure as imported,
Philadelphia, Nov. 1 3, 1 si 1 . y.
riHE special atieiiiinii of buyers ficnii the sou'Ti
1. snd west, and for the alnle trade, ia re-iecrfol-ly
invitrd lo the following assortment of O'OO'DS,
which the subscrit-er will -dispose of at sui h prices
as will limply repay bis friends for calling and ex
amining hit, stock. To CASU punmssers, at the
present lime, extraordinary inducements will "be of
fired. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spnnish matting.
600 pu ces Canton matting, assorted 4-1, 5-1 and
0-1 white, cbei ked and flowered.
ll'OO l.iii'ili rugs, n I t aolitul nssortment of Wil
ton, llriisMls, Tu'ftfd, Turkey, and Hemp rugs.
Still pieces rvoob n, SAorstcd, cotton, hemp, in
grain, no H in mid bliK-k I'arpeliiuis. An elegant
variety nf U ilton, Brussels, Sco'ch and English,
Yeneliiiu, Uamn-tk, Ac. oVc.
1000 ilo7en men nod bovs i-aps, composing a
great variety ol Fur, Seal. Nutria. Muskrat, and
Coney, Hair. Se-ilette nnd Cloth Caps,
mo doyen Allicanl Mats, assorted sites,
100 do Manilla do do do
fill do Sheep-skill do do do
o0 ball's French Baskets, computing every dc
sirqitiim. fitltl pair Yenetian Blinds, ass'd figuiesatrd colors.
3000 patent do do do
1000 nests Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, embossed
leather, straw and oil cloth.
filHIO dozen Combs, assorted tortoise stiell. Bra
.illinn do horn, ivory, brass and wood, cornpnsing a
large assort mini of eveiy variety.
30(10 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car
riage, sulky, planters, drovt-rsor tiding, of gut, ka
ther and thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory snd
bone mournings.
1 000 dozen paintcvl pails, Wilson's briud.
1000 nests Tutw and Buckets t atsn,
Churns, 1'igc.ins, Water Cans, Ac.
The above toin-ther with an extenstvr nssortment
of fancy goods Briltnuia and German silver ware,
feather ami I tistkt Brushes, Linikilig Glasses, Ma
hogany ami (iill Flames, i l evviy sine and descrip
tion, are manufactured, imported, and selected ex
pressly tot the solilhcni, western nnd stale trade,
No I NoilhSd si i eel. Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, November 13, I S4 1. ly.
G. V". & L.S.Ti.7LCf..
OFFER FDR SALE, at the South East Cos
lier of Fifth umi Murlttt tVrces, 'AiAnfV
Mens I. all-skin Hoots, studied unlimited,
do do do a CH' d do
do do do Water piuof, ilviullo soles
and iloiihl uppers,
do Cult-skin do do do nailed.
and ii Ti-i.
do Heavy Water Leslher Hoots',
do do NeSla do do. ,
no iiiku quariei nnoeo, v al' .-kin.
do tin t riH Leis do
Fine MotiriH's wi i ranted
do Kip do
111 Call (111
lii 1'oHise do
do do Shoes
do Fine do
do Kip ih)
do Calf an Seal Skill I'uiiu
do List ...ekswuh and without aolfe.
do Carpel do do do
do V atciit Wair-auled utrr-prnufMocrasins.
I adies' du du do do
Latins' tanned India Rubber sli,s.
lit mil lien.' do 1'virsl.o.s.
Wi'h every ether di sc Iptnm of bo..l slid shoes.
Fur Caps i I en i -. de-eiipliun,
Traveiinii! I rui k- ot i . rv description.
eiieli ill l lttv, liiiis! H.i,. a.
PaleiilGuin Elastic Shoe tin k If,
Id nnets f Mll kinds. Palm l.oaf U'4
1 kalsvUllns, NoHUlll Ivl, l',l. ly.
A TTOPv N I', Y A T I a 'vV
rt.'BoiiY, rvt.
Biminess iiltended to in it u Coi,..ihm "C '..r
thuti'l irlani), Union. Lvcmning oud Columb.B.
ItelVr li
uh i 11 a ii r Co.,
LitWklt iV llARRIItV.
Hart, Ct tviins c JIast, ; I'M hit.
I'rv Jioi.hs. McFa tt t A: V t
Sri-.HIRfl, Goon et Co.,
XjL"? a 3P.C TSESej"""
No. I'i-J L'lietinut Street, below 4tl),
BT" EEP cutislnirtly oh 1iHtid a genrrnl BM'itt
3 "" "I Books aiid Stationnrv ; eompririn
I heologicnl, Law, Mi drt-nl,'cnl, Miscrllnna
ous and Sellout Books, Day Books, llll, Leds
.rs, do., Family Bibles, rocket Bibles, Wiitma
Papers, Wrapping Papers, oVc. c, which they of
ler at the li.sesl piiccs lo Country Merchant's Pre
lessiotial Gt ntleiueii, 'J'cnchers, and all others that
may favor them with ibetr cusd.nt.
1'hilrl.lilphia, Noiomltr 13, 1811. ly.
It K YaNOM S, Md'AlTl AAlKt (T).
Wholcsalo Dealers in Foreign JiJitisli
and American Drv ("iomls.
No. 10ft Mirkrt ttrttt, FliiUuhlphla.
COCNTRY Merchants, nnd others con be sup
plied at all times with nn extensive assort
ment of the best nnd most fashion., Mi tioods upon
the most rcnsounhln terms.
Philadelphia, Novrmbrr 1.1, 1 S4 1 . ly.
W holesale Yariety ant! Tritninin Slorc
No. 44, JWrVr Ftiurth nrnr Arch itn Fiiadttph-a-
YiniEKE Cmintry Mcnli-nits and others csn liv
' supplied, nl 1 times, with a large nasortmenl
of Hosiery. Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen
Shuts nnd Draweis, Spool Cotton. Patent Thread,
Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapes, Bindings, Hooks
nnd Eyes, Pins, Ac. And a general variity of use
ful articles, which he offers for tiir at the lowest
Philadelphia, November 13, 184 1. ly.
.Tlichacl Weaver A: Son,
No. 13 fiarlh Witcr Strt rt. PhihiiLphia.
nAYE cmiCantly on Iiain1 a -general assort
nient nf Cordage, St ine Twines, Ac, vir
Tar'd h'lqies. Fishing Ropes, While Ropes, Maiiil
la TJopes, Tow Lmes for Cmal B. ats. Al.o, assoitmet't of Si ine Twines, Ac. such n
Henm 'Shad nnd Herring Twine, lies; i'ntent fii!
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llcriini! Twine, Shot
Phreads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Limv
Halters, Traces. Cotton and Linen Carpet Cham
Ac. rill of which they will dispose of on icasoiiuLI
Philade'pliia, November "13, 1841. ly.
icsiTiTr iv k ."lMTXrt5;s.
No. 1 1 -i Market Street, Pliila.
(. Fifth Kmth udt )
ALWAYS keep on hi. ml a full and general
soTtmrntof Ho-trry, Lace, uml Fancy Good'
Country Mer.-iants are rcspirlfully requested t
give flioma cnll and examine for tbein-elvrs.
Philadelphia. November 18, lll. I v.
rJ",Hli Subsri.ii. Aeni to 1 M.i, & Harm",
-- Mnnuturturi.i for N-wYirk, 1'I.ibnlelp!"
Baltimore nnd ii n.t hire i t i i, w ! os. Hutu ;
highly conmiLUibil t ir l;r and dvriVti
has 01 I. snd a fir rale. ic ttnoit of HATS i
CAPS, suitai le f, r S( r up s ies wh ch w di Yv
very low, fui rnyl n. appi-.ved credit, al ibe tlr',
cheap store. No 40, Norln T' id s'n.-t opp v,
the City II I. !, I'lnU irlphit,.
Ol IVKU N. TtUCHF.i;. Alttut
N. B. Orders lor Hals 1 1 ihe tnu;4, pnimpl
sllende-.l to. The highest rice :u a$1i or lis
given lor Fui ikint.
Philadel(ihia, Novmiber 13, I'jll.-.y
J. V. S Y A IN,
UmbreHa and Tarasul M.tnuractiui
No. 37 Smith Thitil ttrrei, tm hiUtf
at 1, ih,t,i,i'hUv. ! iph;(,.'
COL'NTK . Mstehatits and ot'jMa ie stlci
to examine his ar-s;rti. mi before rwchas
elsew here.
Piula elplda, N'.ven.'oer 1 1. isil. ly.
Sl'llUIMi, liOui) & x
No. K M.tik-t S'.recl, r.iiladelli
INVITE tho attention of ( Mcrcha
to their exntisivn uoi incntot Bnli.h Frci
and Amernnn Dry Goods, which they offer lot 1
on the most reasouu'.ilu ti cms.
PhiludelpUia, NvivemU-r 13, I Ml. ly.
rPIIE subscnlKT 'jas just received anew 1
-- tensive awonncnt of Dry (roods and Gr
which heorters f.n sale at tlm lowest prices.
Nov.6, 1M1. fl.U. MASSEK
WAS taken up sislray, on the farm where
'oltscfilter now reside, mid owned bv
ph W "r m-kohtve. P.snt hwssbip,'N
thunillaiil coi. tVl a BKINDI.U STEEK w
a wliite ftce, ur,out 17 or IS months old.
ownst Is repre, ll( f0II1B f.nword.ptovf propr
payvharg,,,,,! take il awsv.
v. ABU All AM ItlNf.
Njivjv, xh 1 1 . N .THA NMlU.E
tmiii utikii htdiii,
No. 31 Xtr'A Fmirlh st.,uiuhr Mirrhulit It
MfH c"'RE Country M. rchatils ran U aup
T u"h eAteiisive variety of choice um
in bis line, upon the mos reasonable terms.
NoV. Oih IH-U ly
Xo 51, Xuilli S roiid str t t
CroRRxa or cihixi'i At-i -fX.)
Wheie they constniidy kiep n ,1 g ef. tr
asortir.,tl 0f
And a 4Tcf rur;,,v t,j0,i f ,t ,ru
quality, trfhieh they . ff. r to (lisp.-. . f
"I'oii, tlie must ieaoii.i''l' t im-.
ftnd it to thcil advauif'te ;iU si d .a
i"e:t alock beToia punbs-i' 1 .
lhilade'l(,Lia. Nov. 0,11'
OF a very sui nor
time, by applu iiti
-i it i-urchoseis. I 1
1 1, J fine coal, til lot I u
-CU t'f.
bimhuM , Oct. ?3.