Vi4 Tin Wiir.n Cawai. to riiiiAiiF.i.rniA. -Metsrs. Mackcy and Chamhcrlin received thoir ooda via Tide Water Canal from Phi!Jelthia in vo day. They w-rre brought in a vessel towed y simm to Haviode dace, and there pin on )arj dipt. ISwenk'f boat, and arrivtd on above .tod, allowing tho ndvantag. a Tf that route r our merchants, both for their produce, and for inging their goods. Milloniun. Stkam tSnii. .Wo we, with much pleasure, pioposala aic instiptl this moniintf for supply g timber to build a vesad for the United ales in the Navy Yaid nt Sou.hwark. 'J'lic und of the axo and tho ndzc, wo trust, will tint awin thnt place for a long time. Let tho oil lit in be launched and put out of the way, nnd ?n, tho limber and plank bring rc.nly foi the 'aiiirrs, I hey may upring into existence in a short j m. U. J, Gazelle, j saiik CiTiHEn. We barn a new Spuk ' itchrr ha been tried iipMi One of tho locomotives J tho Columbia Rail 15 ) id within a day or two it, and found to answer the with, entire isfactinn. I'hil. CnzrHe. As Incipknt. An Incident of peculiar in est occurreil during the burning of the Prchby .tn Church i.i Oawego. The sohoener Ensex s out owing to tho d irkmss and vnaw of the iit, was unable to discover the light hause, and tt in all probability have been I it but tor the it of the fire, which pointed hi r to the harbor, I lighted her safely into port. A'. V Sun. :'noriTAnt.K Kui. Ko.ip. Thu ISail road br 'Cil Uofcton and Lowell, a'.t.oi' ".) mil' s i:i g h, is one of the best in tVis country. The ndation is stone, the rails of the most iin i wc.l torn and the track a douVe ntic. An eastern ruul says th it it.e n It n venue of this ro-ij in JO, was f 149,003, which would give fir the j .stern road ( 1 54 miles in length from Wnrvcs- I lo Albiny) $51"', 253 divi len Is per annum, c- j I lo 1 3 J per cent. Il the Columbia roul could is well, what a sjur. e of pr lit it woul.l be lo iiiy Ivania. Xnlt Ameriat'i. ! JiiANCiur. i ho iiunitier ol ci n now in it eery Court of E.igland, is thirteen thou-iiitl i liunJie.l, invobiiig an iiiuouut of $21 0,0011, UllU. ' icily goo sum that. i' V. t. Ow:. ' . RiiitKtek The iiihshit,iut of the lower of tltc city, were surprised iwi Wednesday af a rtcc tlirough Chrisci m and some o- ! of the principal streets, in which Ihecompe s were a horse und a bull. Some gentleman's j nut had been exorcising his master's horse i n the Neck, and said hsrso was coveted, aH Ihe legs, wiih a bright red clutlu The fire of horhad inflamed the bull, and he had given ;e : but the vigorous WA became exhausted, ; the nobler anim il mJ his rider t'scaped (.". ' 'uzitte. . lIAvr Fall ok Snow. The I.iporlo (In- a) Wlitgol the 20th says: " cam- ced falling In this place on last Satmday, for , first time this fall. Although a large amount ' ed as fast as it fell, it covered tho eirlh lo lie 11 01 several nicies, oivuh-ii nines east in ue:e i r 1 L . :.. i ri as over two feet deep ; and ut Niles. Michig 111, 1 Would t'.inse persons resort to the nied.ciue thai inuWoin-l it was over three. It is supposed j has etabbsln d i s It" in th oiisands of c it s, which is ii! 1 ,. r . 1 . .1 . t Dr. HARLICH'S CompoiM) S iiilmi rn ii it would have been live feet deep at lb il place 1 .. . ..... ,. . , i a si it CiKiimav Ari.nttNT I I if., 1 prc-c.nlnenilv f ground bad Wen fiuzen. Tho pressure uj j leeininendjd lot di-ea-es incii'.nl lo the lunnai, he roofs of the In uts w.i so ercit that several ' race, they vvoul.l be replaced link ag liu lo "Lie" a lem were biokon in by it." i S1V' '1 blis-inj." which is "h alih." ! Vi e spiak Iriin occiiljr proof knoivbdge in tes i thk I'liin-e jinbdcn was very ford of ny instances, whine cutis have I e. 11 p rlor-md hv ies, which aui.nal housed to taiso in great j ""' jStf (,t this n.edit iue, vvilii inaiUe I snccc s in vai inus eomtil lints, such as D l"p-ia, Liv.r l.'on: ty. Ho could make them gro.v of lame or ! yUu ,,, M inllle U,0as., Side and I stature nt his pY.isure; and it is said o! him j H k t;.i iivcnc-s. N.-ivona W'e',.iusi, Kmn ia i m. his Kio ilbr breed were no larger linn lm)i) I I iieral Dcbilnv. i.C, .Vc. T.n iiu-diiliii' con- , ., ., r rat. II hew iihc.i to stop the growth of a 1 icular animal, he would feed it upon mil',, in h had luen boiled daisy roots ; and afp r a vvou'd add nitre to this preparation. He bad ire-panding process to increase the growth ot , lies.. Al the tittie uf his death he kept ' 3uand dogs. ! London paper says 'the entire ntimber of ! ig creatures occuj ied in dirs-i nuking ill this is 15,000.' j letter fium Koine states that the Je.vs . f An give the Pope, iluiing his visit to that city, a ', with clasps mounted in diamonds. Lundun r. II tl.TIMOltK M.vitKirr. ricr if the liiLi iMoui A v khicav, Nov. LI. l'i There were :U heaJ of Peel C.i'- b red at the drove vinls this uniriiiii?, anJ all ' it ) 50 for iuferi,.', t 5 St) per too Ihs. f.,r ! .pnihty. (,. insider, hie si'ei of Live Hn. . lo to packers on a.tuul.iy ul J-J it 7 f per , i . IL" II. We note i-i advance of 23 ecu's per I in the store price of ILnvird S reet Finn I'll 1 iv. Sales of so uti parcels of good si. in brands were mido on tsaluidiy al rii, mi l to fuither transactions have taken place at fti 1CJ. ers are now generally very firin al f tl SS. The in piice is unsettled. ,le of fOO IhsCuy Mills Flour lo-day al H .. isoiiehsnns Floor w h,.,t i C ".iln.! . , fi -no sales, st iH-'s very sin-ill. IAIN. Supplies of When c.rre in sparinplv. i '- "--iej and Vi t relies, ahou' H ncics of wh ch ; . . , i ,., , ... ... , a e ch hied; Old ihe other coiil.uiiliK 21 acies ami : on Salurdiy and lo day at ?1 'iS a fl 3.) for ,. , , . ,., ,- i 7 , , 3 ; i, ,! perches, ahout li acres ol winch are clean J , o prime Md. teds. A s alo of Ptnusy '.vania j w ,1) be sold lo;;i ihtl, or si parule, to suit pur rs made on Sarurday at f I 35. i lu-eis. . les of old Mil. Com st 63 rts. for yellow, and 3 for white. W, quote new Cr,, ., 63 a .,..; a ,u in.. .wi.ii w ... v.iju t.i j rmi i. yellow ua. .old on Saturday a, fit da. sale ol ara lot ul ,MU. uye was inane lo. , (atlio siU on isaturday the I I ill day of I'eceniber rilliailt:lnia. .it 31 cts. Pennsylvania Rye is wanted a nexl'al the late dwt llins-houae nf John Cherry, of WjT EEP constanlly on band a piiiend rn.iil o .old on 8sturdty al 74 cents. Augusta township, in said county, dee'd., a eeriniu j J ment t.f books and Malionniy ; cminisiiiB . ,, .., , i r i. Utct of laud coniaiiiiiia twenty acres moie or le.s, 'J Law, Medical, CIh.sichI. MiscebHin ,)e of Md. Oats ,t It a 4. cU., and of I run a , )jliliu9 (tnJ ,Uiry MjHtf. K Ve tt 1!urllai oug aml n,hl, U,Mk,, U,r H.M.k. ull 1 rd- a 47 cents. I John D. Conrad, ami the heirs of Jacob Moore, j eers, do.. Family Uihlcs, I'm ki I ll b'o, Wiitiin HISKEY. There is a little better demand, ! whereon is elected a small log hou-e and stable. i Papers, Wrapping Papers, A-e. iVe.. which Ibev ul sle. to some were made to-day at SO , ' coiimieiie. al 10 uf saiJ day, when j l.r si the liaesl p.iccs to Conuny 1. haul's I n: i llie Ciiithiiiiiia will be m id know n tty ' le.-4ioiial t nllciiu n, I enclu-is, sml all it'.er . tin' for hhds, and 31 J lor bbl. 1 he wag.i price PI.TER s.NYDF.I!. ,nu fivnr d.eni v. ith tbt n u-n,m. s. is IV cents, ttclusive of iie barn I, ; suipuiv , Not , "Otb, I 1 1 , .ln'' Philadelphia. Not inl'i t II, IMl. ly OSZTUAXIV. t)IcJ, on TuB'dnv the II J mutant, at Pliila.1-1-phis, Him ANN H ALL, of this city. eldest d iugtv ter of Iho late Charles Hall, of Sunbury, Ph. By thoVith cif this lamented lady, ibi commu nity his sustained a icveio bereavement. Hot rx cfHenro of heart, amenity iT manner, ami una-su-ming dopnrtmcnt, the regard of all who knew herj active in a infilling the airrow-s ol the afflicted, ulnl ti l.eving Ilia wants of the poor, she lived belo ved, and closed tier useful and well s;ent life, uni versally I nietitc.l. Of Miss Hall it niiy be Irn'y aid llial she, pious without pretension, and chari table without osculation, t ho laboicd fervcnily in iho c, id woik, has uouo endy . fetivc her re tvatd. OV the sorrows of iho hi r, avej f.imily we t'are not speak, the datkness of their disttess cmi only be illnmiued by tlie. Tadm-nt hope of meeting in those blessed mansions, win To tho puro in heait thuil see Uod, K. Ijeinenxter Inttl. v " e ' r i.... 'ft sUjj,- -. t :, . . . -v-,?ST. J C a I Trade, rtmnmil ot iya,H carrieii on tlte jMiiviuo anu i I'ollsville Kail Knad to Sonlnirv fur shipping, till nog tho wcik ending nn Nov. 17, Ml Tolls. l'cr last ti poll, 10,4;i3 1 Tolil, i!l',:n:) Amount of lion Ote UaNpoiH il, ) JOilN liL'UI), v. m. Srm a Coil'I biuf. Totil ainnuul shipped hum Wyoming Valtay, lo June i Ul, Tons, 7,1 lb Sciu t i.k i lx. t.'oL I it rr. To Oct. 21, Ton. 4Gl,9Ui i Lrn i.l: Jv r.t lf 1 1.1. l.'cit Til ni:. To Oc. 21, Tons, :U,95S , 1'i.i.vwAiiE fi llvrtsov Coal TiiAnr.. To Oct. tl, J'oi.s, 151,270 j VlSL tiKCVI. t.l'AL l llil'V. To Aug. Ton, 18,000 Moi nt Cir.iio.i Kail limp. Anvcnt trr.n-poiied I 0.2l. Tons. 7-1.000 Mivi: Ihr.LcV Si'iiuti.kii.i. ll.vvi.M Rah. Euah, Amount transposed tut), l. 21, '1'ons 223, ls3 M i i.i. ( ui kk fan, Hoir. Amoiiiit iriiisnoried lo Oct. 21, Torra n,71fl ; foil i LKii.1. a 1.1.1 y Kaii limn. ! Amount lrii.-utortc,1 to f ),. 21. Tons (17,lf! Ll.HIOH t.'oil. 'i'lllllS. ' t r ()t.t ,o Tin ?;1 ,-(, ( viuca) cuhrl:.t. Cnrrcctid weekly luj Henry Yu.rlheimer. WllKAT, .... 11 (1 SO 40 ao a 125 11 2o 12 J 75 200 fi 10 R 11 rr., Coll, Oats, I'Litsrin, 1Utti.ii, Uki.swav, Taviov, Diii i.u Arrt.M, Do. I' i. en .s, Elvt, H 11 K 11.11 F.A1. Elir.s, ANY of out r a lei 11 1 1I011' t , : . are posses U , ; , , .. 1 l, which I h. v iV 11 W1h llii- all iinooilsnl l lesin 111 iv Inns ro'nin. if nsrticuiar rcQiiid and care be tJ ih. ins Iv. s, thai, whenever they feci Ihe least indi.-po-od, lo procure n pioper medicine in due season. li nt, on the coinraiy, we lunj Ihou sands who art' labor ng under d seise, utid miny. . ,. -,. ,., ,v. ... lf , ..,.,i . lr . bis:s o livo diiiocl k mis, v 1 : nr. (ji.iimax Art- , , ., ' . n iiii.vt and ihe. loiiMi'vii Srui.NOTHi.siNo 1 u. .,,.,s ,!. ff,ei 1., i,.i,kiv hie and a I even- j in 'ntiiioiis mat cr thebo ly, thus cL ji s.i g ,n.l ; l'"-i.yii'H Ihe m. after which the laltei are useil tti ivc iiicng .1 ann vi,;it io 1: v wean unit uriun- j I. ilcd organs re-M e tin; l ist ap el If, and produce I tranijuil res't and wu l repon'. We highly upp ove , f the -'Doctnr's tbeoty" of Hi at ng disea .1 , which j certaiid is sal'a uml elleiiuat, an. I mlv.s- the ufillt ltd 1 to givo Ids tin iliiioe a f.iir Dili It Chrutti.L: j I'lincipal Oifice, No. l'J No th Ll-hlh street,, rhi a l. Iphia. IILMiV OATHELMl.ii, Novt n.hei 20 h, IS II. Agent, o:sibja7V core: t s a lain. Itate ol' foiBc lloinber s;or. TS pursutnee oiler of ihe Or, bans' Co :rt L nf V.,rtl,ll..l. .1 .,,.1 I.., 111. IV. UH.ll h I' V 11, .!-. 1 l.t publ c sa'e rn Knihn' the 17lh ilav of D.cemlei iipci. si ibe hue residi'i ie of (ieotce H. trill erirer nt Coil iiivviinhip, in siid county, dei'd., all that cer- ! lain tract or p:eee of land sitimt. on Mah.inoy cr.ek. in said lownsh p, silininini; hnils of llemy llanpt, t "" ' V',J,,W H"r,,,'fr?'r' 0IlUl"- ; iin; one htm .lieu unJ three acres ami littv-iwo pi r- llIk., measure; ah, ul Uv .my ace-' of w hich are cleared ami inn hi.h late ol cultivation. Al-t), cue other ifict or pieee ot laml stiu.itc in ) said township, nd joininif, lainls ol lieoli;e Long, Mi , ssiin ih Weaiy ami the i b.w llornbeiger, eon- ! lain ui? four acte- ami Ini pen-lie, si li I msa-iitr. a'loul ih tee r.rres of which a-e ch sit d, ami in a p I s ate of cultivation. Kali- t.i t-orarmence lit 10 o' tl tck ol said day, when tot f iidi'ioiis wi I be ma.le I known by I IHMS JiEMMiER, oi:ni;oE LONt;, Bv llie Court. J'.Vrv. ; JilllN (i. YOl'NIi.MAN, Ci';. U. C. i , Nov. 20ih in. at. j I N. U. '1' he lit l ahovo ib a. ribcd tract of land has . U-eii tlni led lino two part; one thereof contain. , arftE 'v w w I'KA.'. C OIU1 AM'a. Joliu C liorrj'ts i:lato. 1 E 71 ROM Ihn p'liini'es i f the fu'ise.iltcr, in Tc- t'-r-bntg, fh tmokin too n-hip. Nnit'ioui! rr. land entity, a DUtIC UKOWN COW, with vr. ry crooked horns. Any p"ison giving information ol the sum", will be reasonably rcwuoVil. by Nov. 20, istl. SOLOMON KELLER. "Kootl mil lire Company." rPITE members of Ihc "PikiJ Will Fire dm - piny" nrn rcq'ic-tid lo mccl nt ibe Ootitt House, on Monday Evening, Dee. Cih, at 7 clock priciselv. Punctual attendance is re jniied, November VO. DANIEL SHINDEI , N(c. HJUt rt'C'flVt! n-l f"T a, by II. It. M -9j sir llo t'ii Syrup, Sugar M u-fi and N O. Molase; Loaf, Lump, Crushed, Umwn and .'hrn tn'ued Siignrj Cranberries, I! itsins, ( .'rackets, A . ; F'cnih and L'nfjlish Mirni's; Meiini nrn) other f'ha.'l; t'lotha, Caiim-r and Ciis-inetts; Diy (Joo'li, !T. ml ware. Kadlcry, etc. of all kinds. N.v.VO.h. 1S1. N ait c e nil. uua e, for e cainim and lo ina a highly ibir.ilile and inoM brilliant p tos.l- J ver, (itrniMi ;iKer, Eri, Coppei, Uiitl.mia w if, i Till. Pt. el. t 'nllirv. hud lor restorinir thu limin- on vainilieil csrriae, &c. TKx I i'. IVp-ired an I 8 1,1 ai w-hnb-sa'c and retail, bv the S.if.i,ehaiuia t.'hrvsnlilo J'olith Company, Uwfgo, Tioa county . N. Y. WM. FDKSYTII, Agent f .r Northimi'd, II. U. MAf sEb", Aguit lor Suniit) . November 20tli, IHll. .ess .TTE. PP1IE Directoia hivcth g day dccijie.l a d nd of two mid a ha f tier cent, on the Capital Muck. f l,r Iho l.nt six uiouthd, payaliln on difin m l J. H. I'KILSI'LEY. Nov. 2, isn ;it. Cut liter. Wlmlt'siile oiul Retail Shoe, lkitnict, ami l'alm IyCaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. Cii Xurth 2tl street, a ft w u'uort uiuvt .irch. Vhtladtlphia. A LvO Tmiiks, Caipei Hags and Vnliccs, i f i v Ji ny di-ci ipti.'is ail of which l.e idl'vis for I sal. on itie most leas inaNe terms. I'hila lelphni, November 13, 1S41. - ly. T . A . II U VOl'D T ' ti '1 - f. t I I IV- 1 liitiii.t.lass and l,ivcrpoo aiclicHise No 104 X,rli Third street, third dtnr heluw Vine ' ttreit, I'hilai.'cjdiid. HERE they coiis.Hiilly knp on hand a l.ito.- t UKs.rttif.-.-nt of t'li na, tla.s mil LiMtnonl , Vre, which they will dispose rf on llie 1111,1.1 u i- i S. Iialtle Ictti-i. , riul.idelphia, Ni.iriiiiiT 13, 18-11. ly. y Tiir.iM'iirci'Lr. MaiHifuclurcr ami Itnjortcrnl' fSad illcry, Hardware, Arc. iV;. .1 Snulh Third sfret.fvurefviiri Lt 'vt'' Muihtt I'h.httehihia. "T EEP constantly on hand a largo and general assortment Coach Lamps, Carriage Lands, AaIo Arms, l.liplic Springs, ratent Leather, dfce. (oniitry .Merchants and saddleis will he supplied nl i.ll limes on the most ic.1-01 aide ( ims. '1 bey wi l find it to tin ir i-dvantage to call and examine bis nssoi lincnt belore iiurch illli! beivherc. n. -, , , , o , I'hil.idi lilua. Nnvein cr 13, 1 b 1 1 . Iv, 1 UEYNOl.DS. .AIoFAIlI.AM) & CO. Whulesalo Dealers in l'ureiyii Iiritisli and American Drv CJoods. X. IO.') Market ttreet. fhi'adtldtia. COCNTKY Merchants, und others can le sop plied at nil tinu s with nn eMt i.s'ne a-smt-liifii t of the best and most fashionable tiuoda upon the mo-t icaona' le lefTn. I'-.l s'elphia, Novritilrr 13. I 1 1 Iv. Wlioli'salc Variety and Trinniiiti: iv'ntv.: 11. .VifiA Fmiith near Arch St., l'lt-lt th ) 'lu W ll EKE Country Men hull's cntl o ! t is can be sin I ii. tl. nl ill limes, u nli 11 latiio as -. 1'.:: tit I of lloMtrv, liittves, !eruio. Cotton, : I:1 Wo, b n j Shuts en. I Di ihi ih, Spool Cot'iin, P in 1.1 i l-.e .d. J Ci t on C. n's, Knttnns, '1'apia, I'ind t !', II !, I ami Lve-. I'n s. vVc, And a pcneral va i tv t l i. e I fill s, which hu ull- rs b.r sale at the lovM.-t i prices. Philadelphia, Ntivt-nilfr LI, 15-11. ly. i .liichat l Wtavti' &: Son, I ROrE MAKERS U SHIP CiIANB2.i: r.Z. ) ,V. 1 3 Xnrti Wtttrr Street. I'hiludr ; hiit If" W AVE eons'iinllv on hand, a pi'iu ml nfort- j Eh mint of Cordi(e, Seine T ims. :e., vi7 ! I ni'd holies. Fishing Ropes, White Ross, lani1- i la Ropes, To iv Lines lor C1111I II a's. Ab.i. a , I rotiiplcle assniltpriit nf Seine 'J'w ine-s, Ac. wet h a- J Hemp Shad ami ll,irini Twine, He-t I'alt nl lull I I .NVi Twit", I 'i.i:. .11 Snail ami 1 1 en in l' Tw me, .-In e . .. .... ,m. . ' " II liters, I r :cs. I mi 1. and Linen I rr.t t h- .. I . A .. V It... . I '.in . 1.,.. j Ac. all ..1 win.!, ll.ey w ill dsp, so of 0.1 tf?s .'. . teilllrf ; Phil.ide'phi i. Noviiiihei 1.1, 1s41. ly. i:siii:ivi( K, iiaxsi-:ll v n-s. WHOLESALE CRY GOODS STCKil. m. lt'.ii Morlvft 8trtft. I lii.j. ( 11 hue F.Jlh X.wA i'ie ) A .W Ys lo i p on bund a til! an ! i eni i it it.. 2 i. si rte'i-ur o'' ry. Lace, ai d 1" o i l.'no.! 1. mil. Iiv Mi ir'iaiits are lesjieellully reo'i- ltd n pive tin in a cull and examine fur tin m civ s. I' li.lna, Novemhtr 13, lstl. It .- iamimi.i.. ir v. r c THE sI . nier, Asml i t I on A. il u i-. Mat Main fu Oil IS, for N'WYelk, l'i. I ,'e't l'i,., I Itiiltiiiioie ini .her larpn cities, -a ! o--- h.'.t ire highly t-iiint I't' I ir fi:i.' t',1,1 tu t! i.' .':! httj. I has ol I and hr-t rate ss.i- tni -nt i I II1S n 1 ' CAI b, tu.te le f.r a .ie', wh rh .li c so! 1 J veiv low, foi cavl oi nppi ivi',1 ci, iht, nt the lit led ' cheetn tturt, Nn. 40, Nmlii I'h id s'it.:t. oj))i'ej ihe City Jl il. '. I'lnl i Idplns. ! Ol 1VLR N I'li At llt'.R. Arnt. , N. M. (iden lot ) I its I lite tiii. pioiiipltv iinende.1 to. 'i he l.ighi st iii o in !iui Mr l'u v , given (ar Fill 5'(IM.. i i'liua, lelphni, .Nov. inbi r l.t, lSll.--lv i WHOLE LE AND RETAIL LOOKsEL ; I 1.' Iw tVD W'l TIOV I No. 12 CllCM.Ut iSlrcct, b,l,W 4ll.. ! OITV AUCT3SON AMD COKu.HSilOr; &TOiTI3. iV.imW 29 Kurth ThhJ btrtrt, Ihihiiltlpkia EJUIJLIO SALES of Ury Coods, tr,lare ami Cutlery, Doolix, I itioti ny, ' ''othing, U oot-t, tshma ami Half, ulnl hi nhort ul.m' I evciy di fertpiion f j;o mIm, nre held nt lh; i st il.ii -him nt every ectiing. t iiuvU ate td-o .M t '! ntl" iluritig the day at the fin iaue aucl nn tici-s. (Store keeper.'! und li.uh is will lit. d il lo their ad. anlage by attending the sub f . C. C. MACKEY. Au -ti riiiladt Iphix, Nom nib I 13. Hll. Iv. ,I.'tof J rmutJi f: "! EMM C I'r'LLLV' in'onns lb it tm mis and .'icipiaiiitant:i s ivi' ih it 1 1 v ftl I eon tiune to ke-p ai ihe old t-t m l. N.i. 2ltj Nnrtii Sd sirn I. riiiliiilelphia, nil ktndj ot TUHACCU SM-FF ASD SEGARS. W'hi' Il tin y vi! Ri il nn the 111 st acconiiinidialiltg and ie n n ihle tetms. N. V. All co .U -oM ill be gu i rani fed, Mid nil orders prnmpt'y alleinled I ). I'b.lnl. Iplit.i. Novm!cr t-?. 'Ml --Iv. jvjTTT:li bKXvT-n No. 71 ';ti.iv!,i!l 'tii'cl, l;hil;t(k !.ii;i, C 1 f'"tc tliuirt t;!.,.:t SfO'ld. ) ll'HI I''imliii always kept on loin.!, w bieh be r oll'-ri for tale nil tl, ti lowe-t tcins. Coiintrv .Metili mts are parti, ui.nly I.i call and judge l.r theni-tcKr. I'f'il.i'li l, Ida, Novcni'" r 13. 1011 1- LOWEll r.AIMlON, IiiiiX'iters aic! IViil'-rs in l'roitrn Di'in-.'stic I l.iuJu are, No. 171 Noa nt Tniiii. 1 ai l r, I iiilahi ipiiia. "T 'I EH !' Ihi ir fi'n t'ds i-nl itstonvis v. ill nlw ays ' find a inn1 n-.ii' h s.ninn lit of 1'ort'icii and Domestic ll.u 1 , ,ie, ivhi, !, t'ney tt ill 11 at ti e lo.M'-t pt,'eH, i''d. I, In i, Nov, .;r 13. IS 1 1. Iv. E EVERY l'L.-Ciili'l itN. NFAV r.XC!.AM UlL a.i.Ml'ANY. No. '29 .(,r!!i Wnlrr Suttt. I'hila. ANtTACTT;Lri t-n! dealers in Oils i-f YS. evi rv tl i sc r i ; i n br'h f .r bum ng sinl loaiuit'.ic'nntic furpiiM s, w hi, t. will be sold much lower thr.ii iIkv c:m le pro, und r'sewhere, urd wiiriauted in qiralily to ciji hI any in the city. Any od sold by Ibe emi p.n y not mviug us if; r -t nleil, may be riinrned withoiit any ex pi nse to the ( ur- eh fer, and tin- no in v will l e it fmnl. tl. Tin ir stock now in '.tuie 1 1 iiK,st ol ihi following Is. vi.: ?l',t'l'll .."ii' in'.i f i'.aihtd Sjcili. " "il, r.tKui 11.1 no lii.nim 211.1 1 (1 tonii l5.n(M) t'o C, lotl. S til. I'.iil uinl S 1 flu S peim Oil, V. iiiU 1 a I'.b 1 hart, do I' l-std Oil. fuinincT ib do do I 'ini.ii'on W bule Oil, f -; 2' 11 K.oiels snifiii'i SiihiIs till, ::i 0 do 'h1 I'ank oil, f0 tl.) Nea s Foot Oil, 75 tVks):iwOil, Tanner's ' 'i!s. CC'This Comptir.r b.rt s imtnl'r of Vessel ell giped 111 the t'o.l I'lshirv, Mid Tanners insy rf ly i;j on rr-t i 1 , 1 al ail t.iiusOil s pi.te as imported. i'btla.lelpbia, Nov. lit, mi. ly. f BH E sptcitd aiiiiiti.ii if hiiveis tiom the tMih IL and west, tied for the slate Ira, e, is re-pfcifnl. Iv invited tot'.e lollowin; a-so'tint nt of GViJDS, which ibe sul scnl er 11 ill ih-n..e of al siuh prices us will an ply tepay hi- 1 , 1 m!s for ralhnp t.nd 1 X Kiiuiiint! Ins stock. To ('ASH puniiH-t i, at the I re-em time, cxliacuHnat inducements will be of f.ifd. nil p eees licnvv v. 11 icsati .1 Spanish it a'i ru. f.t'li 1 ce i-'an'on ni ll i'i.ii soile.l -1-4, ii- l and li-t wl i... cbet'ki'J in tl r.o'.ttr..l. It nO In ui ill 1 i.k-, a I f ml it til a o'lim lit 1 f V. il loli, II rus.-e!-', 'J'l.t'i il, I n key , und I letup ruvs. .'iM)i,ie- i,.,,l.t., v .ei!, c ittnn, I'.n.p, in Ci.nt'. 1 10 'i in 11 mi ! I 1 k t ' 1 1 pi 'inu-'. An 1 ii cant var civ "I U illi-n. I n --. 1-, JSctVi h "ei e'i.iu, D.'.iii.ih, ie. ,f.r. d l.i.ylisi!, ltnO t.'i.jeii 11 en nl l-nyt; ci) b etiatv.iiitv i.f I'.:', s. al. N.inni. Mu-.kiu', uml C. I.t v , liinl S. a'. '. ! ,1 I 'I., Ill C.. r. ll'U drill II Alllf o l -..t:-, ,t.--..lld h t -. 1( 0 do Mai oil i ii,t t'o t'o Mi do Mi. 1 1 ' ,., il do d 1 '.jt. b !.' !'.. 1 v i. I'. ., -he s, en plitii cveivilt-s.-r e-.i 11. I ijil p .ir Vi 111 ian Ii : .tn--, 4i-'d ll.;iics and ftil.n.-, SOi'O 1 fit' nt .:o .!.t d.i loot) ne-ts Cabas -t S-ittifl., afs'.i, t-it.l fd le.nht r, sf..w ar.l , i! ill!. 6000 ib.ja n l.'t in" s, ti rtoi-e shell. Piu Zilliitti do h. Ill, ivoiy , biass t.lnl wo nl, cotiiri lliij li ! a'.'f s titu.iiit . feveiy v.iritly. oi l 0 doiiui v hips ii-nutt .1, C'.', cai- j ttaije, sulky , j lai 'i is. tlrovct? or li.'ltif . o! nut. It :;. t Ii. r 'lid thrt iel, w ill, I !e: .11.111 sllvir, gut, ivoiy and I htine looiiiili I . ..... T 1 1 t o A ;. 1 . ....!!--.:-. W tlst iikt.riul. ,,, ...... 1 ..... -,i it.,t,.K. .1.,,. I Ci.urns Vl r,-,iVf. I .... . I . . Tit a: ove -, .t'.!. 1 1 iv i i iiiMt nsie assortmtut of f.n.i v c oils, lirifaiii.i ' In Milan stlvi r v live, , M a- feat! i r and In tli1 L'liisiiis, Li.i-kitij Clashes, bri;anv at-J lidl Fianus, if every sie nudde. i, ii. ate mam, la, lured, iiiipoitub and si In id ri t x- llJly loi the st i.thein. msliiii and slue Irailc. .i; x jti.M., . 's .lril, S,l Mtci I. I; liia. ,. v.n.f.r II, If-IL ty. - .. :r FFF.R FOR SALE, ..t Ihe s.uii, Ea - tf,., - iht of l'i;th u.l.i Mi.ihct ."-.'lit.'.', i'h.iadel- ..'iiu Mens' (.'.ill' I'oo's. t-fili hrd wanutitt d. do .1 . do i'i and .ho ' '' do Cull-.-! ui ao.l m i t i-. peii Wait-l lb. lloUl lo "f. 'Jo iia-h-d Ilcivx Wati r Li i.iln t Piiot-- 0.1 do ."Seals d.i ,, do ilti.ll ijiniiiii si.. i;s. t. ni.r.kin. do d.i llu CltiKeis do do I':ne Monro.'.-. w ai ranted do kip On tin C. If do tl.i CoUISU llo .1ft On ift do d I i! i .1.. .1,. !' ,if),l lb) 1 100 do Jv ,f) t'o Oil d,. iuf ami .sl km I'nn'ts. jf, List s, ik wan ai d uulii. ut soles. ih t 'ui 1 1 do do ilo do J'uieul S air intcil Watt i- uml Morcasliis. Ladle' tbl do do do Latins' lannrd 1: ..'la Co! her slims. t il llOcHieilh' till I ViriditM. iili cn iv other dese ij ti. n of boots and shoes. Fur Csts i f eitry description. Trjvell nc I nn ks ol every dttcrlplioii. i neii . li I ruvillini; liags. Patent tiom Elastic Shu.- lilaik:n(r. I..,n.t- ul ..II loin'; I'ubn l.t at llsl.t. I loa, No 1 . t-tl. - ly. A T T O .N V. V A T 1. A V , DiisinrM fi, ,.,t, ., , i!,c Cminii of Nor iIhiik!, l,'i i .. Lt oi) io( and ColuinP a. rtrl'r r lot I nn t il :it i. Co., ! . a V l! a nn !. )l in i, t imminos fit 11 hit, yVhilatl. hi IM'I lis. Mr I'as i.. it t-i C i'ft. I. I t, 1 itIOll I 'tt., J, V. S W A I N , Uinlfro!!i ;nitl I'jir.tM.I M.iniifncturcr. Au. Aco.'.'i 'ti '-.'l !'!!, :. f'nrt beiiAc the I'll'. Huh I. I) :..(',, ill. i OL'N I li V ,i en ha tils and in I em rtre solicited J lo examine his -.smii tun lit lufoie puichasing Is hem. i'i.ila rlfbii. Ni'vem'tir IH. ltl. ly. .Sl'KltLXn, COUU vSi CO. N'L KJS M trUt ;-V;ie..-!, Miihiflcli-hia. yNVir:: to .!.,.. .,, ,,( t.i 1 1. M.r.ini.- IJ t ' ihe r e V i nl l' it - - 'l 'i cut it lit 'i- h r'n ' h II.U A III. il' Ml- (.' s W..CII II Cj i IK I lol t -U nn ill- in t .is i n nn i. l' .di I, '..a. N.M ii.l .r 13, 1511. -ly. r 1 ,4lE snhsii has jnsi ! eivi tl ativvaitltx ten lvc stisoi meet il iiy Uond- aid (Sioccne-, which he. Hits d r sale ul ll.c lo.wst iiee, II. II. MASSE It. la. r3aL7 jE.ei jrsnsr TJl T AS 'a' en no .Ira v. t n Ihe farm w 1 en- ti e y r-nb-ciilers i.t.w icsitle, ami owtcil l-y .1 8' p!i uM ,n, in I Ut tieline. I innl ton lis lfi. ,. r- tlinint" ci ty, a KINDLE STl'I.R with a 'h'e free, i.tmiil l7or iStunii'ha o'd. '! he mum is rv iin F'ed to c. me lo w aid, mve propotv. I av vh,iii.-( s. and take it svvav. 1 I ADR All AM I.ONO. Nov. g, 1 54 1 . NATHAN MILLER. iiciiESAi.r! srerrRV, glovi: &. nv.vniAt VAr.n.TT sTonr, Vo. 31 Nr,' "A Fr.urtli st.. under Merchants' ILte't, PHILADELPHIA. "tajTlinRE Counliy M. -rehmits can bt supj l o-l t s i'li an extensive vsiiely ofrho'ce ait:L-es in his line, t: . 11 the most icnsonubie lirms. Nov. Clb I Mil ly McCALkA St. HERSE, No rK, North St-coiu) street, (roMM.u or con?m's siLtr.) W l.eie they constsntly ki ep on baud a genenl assortment i f CI.OTHS, CACfjIKZUrS, VESTXI70S, Anil (i g'Ct.t rfeirtcits if a supewr quul ty, wbuh Ihiy 1 fl'.-r lo dispose i.f vpoii the m st leamii tble t. rms. ClOt'NTRY MEKCIIAN'I'S and others wi'l J I'.ml it to tin it advantage lo call and examine t tit i r sink hoi. ire purcha-ina ebf where. Philadelphia. Nov. C. l?ll ly a ru:AUin ASNUiii3ii:T V-s- I'sT attivid from the ity uf Pbi'udelj hi ., and f ,r sa c, st the most reduced prices, foi cash. at the new Imiiictk kept Pv Juhn uoar, as j f 1 b ws : CI, ihii i', 1 f nl! s .its nn I size-, n e'.i as I W'anii l ive co I -, Co tiee-. I' .i tal tons. V,s -. 5,t . j Also, a I nge'itienl of Fine C .1 If tkln ami a letpr. of It, mis. Ladies' Luc Eo ,t-, and avuritly nl" iiilier Routs and Sines I. r the iviniit. and iiiitniinueil lioiii Snot--, Ri d Men's, 13, ty s' end I hd d. til's tfliois, ot u.I S.7( s. JOHN CI! AMLERLAIN, urv O.I. oOth IS 11. f. Kstate !' ih mit ts CXIsiuuii. I "R " O I II E is hen bv given. 'bitLttrs.f tl IN . ts - . - . !r.t on of ill.' L.tslf ol I h nl. s iek- I.i r . - of An. ut 1 lo-M -! in. tt. i-ii., I.a'elttli ! u-aot. ,! to t!i so sen'. 1 1 ly the lleci-ei of !Noi- I .1,, ...I , I ,, I.. A II ... 1. ., - !,,.., rl i.i.- ..r I ,,l.1)i 0(. .,)( llu raid I'ccc, 1 nl, on r, .jues'i- t , ! m l.e I, noun the same 10 III. su scnl cr w 1 hunt tie- I. iv, an, I :.! th,,- iin'ibtrd to s.nd .feceasel 010 ulb 1'.ij to c id aid 11 nil" -ei'feonn'. J ML-s hl'K MAN, Admr. Ro I) T.Hvn-hip, l l,-t. ;)0. 1 1 1 . Cl Suntjury. N'i !tunibT!antl Counts-, IEKNSY Xi V A. 'PEE snh eiii'i r lias len etl iha' la'i"f and conve. - 1 tint Taviin llu use in Sunhuty, latily oitu pit ,1 lo Hirnvi 1'iiie. and isp epi-rd to nrc.imni. tlu c all who wilt f.vot lit in villi llii'r ruffnni, in -a ne .1 and cnmlorlabic nai.n.r. l.-orERl' ADAMS, f?. in! ury, Oct. .I, 1S-M. CSIAlOKIN COAk. - F a vc.v, ipn.iny.c .u ' e h ..i t nv , R B 1... .,,n.....,.. .,. ,n.. , i :. .. . i p7 , u, 1 '.se rt. Tl.rv ke..- ..,co .... L. u-, . , 1 ...... 6 ' b ' ' , and fine coal, lit for tn.l iiiny iu,i. J. 11. I'LTDY &. Co. Suitbuiy, Oct. "3. .M Ks BOLTON, K S 1I E'' i FI LLY i,.l ru.sherliisi dsnn I the , pul ic vein .s'lv. thnt -he c,ir.lii:ue lo keep , in it Wl-''. k,,.,n Tavern Stand in Mjik.1 ; so'.' . rv. ..i ii... , r y7- r-va rr -rm rpnr ; -- -o , . f".i .-ily kept ty John 11. .lion, her husband; and 1 y'i tie I, mo in; lo eomfiit-t i!ie i si.ii lisfiii" nl in u .liitlii, el lo (;ve s.i'l-lai lion to all, hopes IO flu fit a lib.':;, I -hull, of public palm. .nice, Sin bun , 0,.it, r yih, in I. $50 U E W A K I) ui'uiiil I'm ii l.iniiatmn that will icad lo ihe cm vicii. n ol unv pins, in .ti pr-'tlis vviio have ls,t I ui sli di heieulli i lay stoiiis or oil ei ..bstruclions nn he tails of the Danville and Pi Us' I r Rallro An H t of llie bgi-luluro has undo ll is if nee punish able by iinpii-.ititneiit in the PE .'v'l I ENTlAKY, and ll ti Company u.e d. i in. in ti In prosecute ul h ml n to the ii'Uiust iX't-iit ot li e law, fc'cpt. IS. ill. i li. OOD,.VtVOfT. :t-a ro ir s.Mf ciy 1 1 IPEC I FIT LY i. ioiui the e nz. iis ufScn l iny and uu it v. ih -.i il.ev have ink u Ihe Shop .,i,!v ecinpitd ly Win. Duisi, lino they w ill cai'v on the TA1X.0JXI2IG EC3IXTES0, in nil its wnm.i liriu lnti. li st 1 u t ml. mi n nntl 'f a?.'ii..Mo th-i -tii, t.uv firttt to mrut a 4ti4rc ol' 1 ftti' In 1 t r.i.i. 1 1 "1 i-h. t'll. BOSTON NOTION. THE LARGI.Si AD ' HFAl'E; T XLWS I'.ll Efl IX V.VJ WOULD. rPIIE spirit of the nge is uti'itiri n. tmprnvr on nt is Ft i r 1 t'cd ii nn I1 It :t -f i very thing. All il o nst lul iiIk art ti ,!r t-sinp with ui p .riu li.b d r tdity, ulnl the Art ' I lJio tt I! is ri.tnii g it Inr its lull Finn i- !' d.t c . un;.t-,v. met I. Hi te in ed in I to l;e (.tj:,io'i in st y lit nv lintt ptti. Piiiih to hi pi (' s ..! . v I,. fi 1 1, u li a la I c am o foi exeitn n i n i ei i ij i ti.c i.i 1 1 sii.i il I, a- tie ti'iniil.t d op; n i s li.' n ,-! te nw. tll- -Z I thu lio.ti.n V. ei i ; 'i ii,i s., f.ii s to take lie phito of thnt i iipci ' . :' 1; en iiiiu i; lit cuturr.iit iiinic niniti r il i " I f 1 i r Jomit'.nn. 'i hia i ';'!.": ON NOTION, and n . i l s..:-t iii n eoLittimi ii r. . n. i . vi ii nn the .'s ah- ' e'H. It will bc II, .... . r rill on i ii wiih mi ii II , I In'l d Oft tl hft t tl il'V 1' will le litl.d in inly t. ul t nir.iiii 'I tore Thou- '! ,'. 1. 1 1'y Eight jii us ii s. ah i: o' i I j rim iii fii o ,iu:n'. ci it. i root it. n.. rc rc U . i , Inn i i f 'i lirce I i uii'.lri'd lnit will be c .lln! t, it is d. tiiinini .1 foil ol ine.iiin hslli d ( hara.-l I .Aitr. i -T N i . eve, p' i., ; . , i Ft Vt li 1 i f . . . ' v.'!, r- ,i.;!i t, i. s I ' : i' i hi ui I - -ti.i! I l! d ! ,:u in: ill .li mi 'i o i i. i . Tlesi- dm. ci i s ,n t ;iat li-1 :r nu.ti' io J-:t'v hu .:t iv upon tin tv t :.,,ir pi ri, i!,ca a c:i ; i.'d a- tho e .n , II is I" li-.V. itn ii to cMrv t l'i . b'.'h An r i i-.i v:,! . t s a-t'.iui.H di It? ii.,n.le v.o'i vm a It is i iperu.'l to a oin. me I Holly. b.'Si.b s u lull t T"H'S.- ol tie cor relit nrH s . I" in d y.jas ul lisbe.l in ihe 15. sloii Daily T n.m,) it w l c li ain P:ntry, I'opi ! ir Tali s, Tin airie tl Jnti'.'-it -i, !' In.e ami ot'.it i C Juit Hl port-. H oil 01 . l:s A On -'. Cv c. c. 'I he iv ii le wo It! ol Lin.furc will 1.' ran-ncVei to fill li. I'toei lies !' y i-!'llio In!,... )b-r tl.i-.vr! t I'n 1" j. i. r-1 ii' ol r-'.'s !, poeny, 1 1 1 1 1 -. C ril l 1 till fit. til I II ! ,t e, w 11 uml the .r:-.. n tn M the p.i-l ai d I ui on) nl foi'y, ,C iildint tfilj 11-, to j 11 m nl f-1 'e.m.-.i; 'iitlii-il la iinbin.rni.i ul" ri'.i.i.o.i rn..i.(;l,t . no euiriut tv, n the vvti I I ein -ro py o' piucurv J'i'ts ir, our LiosiuN Nniitts." This grriit uueiimt i,f vvi..l . rn und fun c v. it ;u:d pl.ilo.-..phv ol mom i'.t.- ,.nd ui 1 !i.ui:tcs a j:c able to ell, r. m 1 KI;, I ir six i .vr CJj.y, t-nlv six cit.isl we cjii do it Ihcjosl n tho j f.n iii i'SOt m i .tts t rJ ollive, and I'.c iii .11 ' uf daily nr.d i" l;i n! for -i iihek iol- iahs v.e can sell a tat a v.i.ume.tqn .1 in qu tr'tty of maPer with every v-riity a on, Pi I "ifiy-iwo Vol ume rf NoviN, mch as sic is-111 d l.otn ihe p.-tcs i.f tins day. Fil'iv-'.w 0 Iiii-c Voinms fir '1 hitio Dulii-l L.Cecl.-ii ail by im r.oed m ihiiniy, and l y n di ivriiiiiitiliuii thai tit .Mil 1.1,-'. ! 1. u'j'.iiuiii; 1 tiitciprize und tisctu'iicns. TERMS: Tu 11 1:1: lioii-Aits a year, alwsn in no nidt is, no innttt r lioMi what source, will be hit. ndt d to unli .-s m c irpantcJ w ah tho CAHL f1 n.uie 10, ! s -ix ci ims scii. Post Ma-it is or nlhers r. uiitt'ng Twrntj T- ' la s kh'i.l have Kighl 1 opit i ent lo fccih peis.ri and plans us Ihey n, y i:c-iuna1. UOhM.E KOiiEiiTc', Puh'isbe'. The Ilrotlicr Toun(haiK THE largest and n.ot bearliful newspaper in tl.n World larger by fifty spine im bes t!,.,r. imy other i.ewspafcr tn the United States. Pii'-''sh.-J SSaiurd ivf, ai l'j- Nassau tlttci. New rrli. Pi ice tl'.tee dollars yt a;- two copies for I'r.cdui las. V The prip.ieto s of ibis msrr.H'Cth r'.'Ct tlit "( W estern" mi1nt:g ll.c in -.tspsj.i r.-- have th-.' ( h'SBiiic ul s, riadini; bclnre th" li.iuli g public a wiik'y piiio hcal contaiiiiin; t jjnaltr ;. nn tint and vaneiy of u-t lul and inier s!,in; mts eell ny, than is lo bc toutid in any urmlar uhlicu Hon in the w othl. l'..ich number of tho pajer Contains tis I arcr fin iiiioiint uf leaning tna'.tir is is b und in volumes ufordinsiy I'uodi i imo, which cost and ban is contain! d in i volume ol L vmp's C li:u bus t r tancrit.' History uf A meric a, w luck co-t t'3 a volunu and .ill P r 1 'I tree 1 'u' , rs u v ur. For io two c. ies will le lonv juliil oi e yt.r, ur oin t rpv lw o v i rs. S'lier the pli1"'ii froin rii.'tu.l f rorp.-ttlts, the Jir-.ti cr .1 ithai. ha l c'.i LNLARt.LD and it. , uini ly 1 . hire, e , n fo mm h in rt ma d, hi , l iiiucli more tl tin thd ,...,ir ijUiM:;y ot iho iiin-t nniiesiint; li la fe ,,! ) e il y is cfiil'.ucid ir lis iniiniiue ty. f'.-elect'oii, fn.m all toe nin-t pruininent and ci b b; i' t, ,1 , tcrs ot li e day tis st in swiOini; n.-con i.r.i und whalrvei is, rich, ir I in-, ir. i:iie.h,e.v' v ll.mi-;. nt'd to its e ll nius. Ail ihe in, tn.iitii ii. ny lu r,Jit-i,;s , I Ainiricaii writci . f leputc :i( pi;' r in lis arid the itsues of til foicio'i i.r ,.fl. it ,1 uniii-r coiiti bu i.ins, as sooij striciivcl ia this country. 'I o t e misci llam ous and Lilcir.iy Di p .it tn. ir, he ch sest ut .-mum is paii'; an' t In ai; u,e m-'u ct uns ut d or.Eina' conlii1 u tiont, v.tia ca'O is ilevnftil to moid all ih.lmay 't'uc'.i npi n the opinions of any ps'ty in icloionoi pf' lies. Cxictiaine l.uvini; laui-ht us tlist wc hsu til out a pnli (oi iursvUs. in which ad sort a of 1 e.. le di lijhtv if. I..II...V, tl e En ther Jonathan shall continue, as it begun, to In a ! old, gent e, wei b'y, iil.t, isiave, xuen,set u g, wify, stuoo h, tbi-bin, ml, res 112, iiEil'.'!, nil inr :r,;nnllo nes;..i( er. It had le u stop i dou n.ii for w ,.etc In ali llie w.ild w ill t-t inn ritbciiii, Il t-hiill c ou tain the nn si biautilul of Novel-, 1! ::innc. i ai d S orn-a lor t i.lti sexes l aity '!'..!, foi lovris of he uiMvill .;is Leg, iids !Vr ant ijoirc.- i'a.-tpa nail. .- for w l iiioiij rt Nuis ami rat-ins forot. rt. w n ib il ii a.leis-i reiia.les for iiui-ii jl lovt : S,,i . i ets foi L.nltis, S, nt.ineiit f,,r eld bacbeb r. Sii. tistu- I r p. hlii nins and Leeliin s, s, rn:oi.t , Criii eisios, Lpia.rams, Sic, A.C., etc , I jT all the ttuild. Li'ttt-ia .- h-'ti 111 'ie Jildit .sseil to II s i. & COMPANY. i rut!..-.'ur t.ftht " 'other Jo tat'.ar.," X V. II A JE A 1 ' S f .MI FIi sTAl l s COMMERCIXi. AND hTA IS IICAL LEO is PER. C.iniu:im; doc I uineiil-, f ic' hi d oliur u.f iluatioli. liiustra live nt ihe l.istoiy an. I resource of i tie Anuricsn I nil 11, n il ul e:ch t-lutc-; eiuhntv-ii g cjmn.erie, i iininul..ciute-, a.'tii uftuic. Hilt ru il iinprovcinents, I b.ii.ks.cmreiicv , ti' kiio., cduiuiiou, cs.c. &.C. L.'.i I (id by Samuel llaia d. ! Piibli lud every tdues-l.iy, ot TO Do(li street. I The prict-to sub.-etihus in fit pir aunutii, puyahlo on the tirst of J .iinaiy ut eaih ye it. No subscrij.. limi icceivcd lur less tli.n a year Su! nul'tis cut t f the prim itail citiis lo j ay in advance. ATTENTION MKUCIJANTS, V-. c. p. u a . ii. ruicir, WHOLE-SALE .i.OCERS, FORWADING & ran net k nivtsivjitji mikcuakis, .Vo. 20V, Market tlvvrt al-st S:UKth. rmi.ADEJFHIA, OrrtU f. r aale. t the hmesi ma-ket ptiecs, a Ren, lal astorttnf nt i f C-f'"' "g'f Mii'iif". W'mm, Lnjutir.1, Xpteta, Tl.'.eeo, Covsrat Piionrtt nceivul ull. I H..M on ct n ini--.1, II. Mitrhsiils, Hotel keepers, anJ olhtrs, wi'l find it to their uilv 4,i:.i!-e to call and rxaiuina our .loik, In foie put. h.i-ii'ir, ilsewlnre. M.rihtnt wisbu R lilt u pnuds (.llected in Hastily,!') I. SVu-J an on !t-r, will have ihttii piumjty luivvsrjej, ly ihe iiiu-l iKi!iiii iis lines. itiwis r. isitr, ji air a. ?mc, f.t. f, liil. ly.