Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 13, 1841, Image 4

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    ("?"? '" 11,1 ""W - mjrmri
II A Si X ) T U IV I S T
T'i' CVoiv
,'5 '::i,lM,wi "'V""-1"1 v"'':p ,,fMii
i t n'.ty urn 1,1 l,ai,i; jS ,trs. I be i '-t itni
li iiu i' iii iv I c placed upon it, ni it i fee wn . j
!- t 1 1 i'iifiiiiieJ tv.lh ni d cm nt:it d lioiu En k
III. IV ii' :l"l!tT. V
.Na i:.
I.llt ATION.
lir. i
Tin! k nf North Aim lien ,
Ini.s. . f l!u- NoilLt-rn Liberties
Bank i f I n lis. It ani i .
P a l i I l'i rm Tow n- hip .
C 'on i:.rrii! Hank uf I .
F i n n' i.r.l Mcchanica' Bank
Or. .r.i Bank"
T.t '"-'liruii Bird; ,
M .i u i: -rs' r Mechanic.-,' L'.inl,
I' r
.'lii'v.'tu. tisnm II ink .
i I iIlM.I; l.ia Uu.k',. ;,!;;:!! II:,,, I;
. n' -.- ,,k I ' n 1 1 k
..HI; L'.:l !. .
Country I"r5iii.
B i of riitshur
W t it hitt-r
(Iiiiiini.tnn u
,rtvit,ii n
far l i
i! i l. i f 'Lester County
H i I; .-f Del, ware Count)
1! u ii i ! ( .'. I i j -. .i r 1 1 . 1 1
V:M ' ,' ! Utnwii
La- k i I M .iKlli-t. n
5i. i.k .(' 'ii.iii,:ir,ry Ci .
E nk i I' Ni'rihiiinLerl.aid
Berks Ci l.l.tV L.ilk
N.inhnn-.litw'jii'l par
I.. 1
'. Imtii i.'i II. ink & tritigCf-J. t-'oliiii.l a
far!.!.. i;.,i.l.
l..!t-.'.-.MI Hal;k
Ktt'Oii iiark
Ki. I ni l'o L'at.k
iJ.i il i l.rnnrh of
r ui'iia-' I'.mk i f I licks '
1 ) t 1 1 .s 1 1 ) -,v ti
1' aslmt
K.intr H .ik if 1 p.tit iit-tn I, nut' i.-tcr
F tinii-is" Hai k ol l.'tn J;iiy
ll .tn.-l ii! Bank
I. iiii'ns it Bun!;
I,, . iii. n Bank
!t u Ii.. ii'.-, .V Mannf Bunk
.Vint IJ.H.k of I'tlltnllllU
.''..r;!)'.;i.jii'ii B ink
'l'..v.....,l,i lj.ti;k
V. , :.'i J!.a:,cU
V. . iniiiLr Bank
Hire ol Bank cl IVnii'a.
K. uilint;
Km n. Inii;
I,t'l -iii. ii
T i.w it da
i;kt"! nin!
liaitii-'iini: TIk-m
l.alll' Ititrr ll'.Ct
Kfudiiig .li. not
Basil. n J i.ruc ii.
DISCO I ' . T.
A 'J'
N ( ) t i: s
Bi'i.k i f Ike irnilt-l W.tU I' iiia
l!:i'.vf ol Bank ol U. S. I'ltuLurg
l)o do do File
B.i do do cn Bii!.toll
1 Li
Kt riin '".li S"uv. Inr-. A t!o
T'l'liii 'l'i.uii.-l,ii ."Sal. Ins. do K of 'liiili.lnTiluirg fhmlH-i-Luig 1
l'ai.k oi (jfttytluru (i. ttysl iu JA
I'aiik r.f Surijuelianiia Co. Miiiiuu j
1-tut B.n.k Li m
Fii-ii.t is ; Drovcr' Uaiik V ayi.t sliiim i'J
f'iiiiik;iii Bank i.hlimii.ii il
i .i" FiLIc B.-i.k lloi,i' ;
Mo; . n'dit la Bank of B. BrimiibMlli! 2.'.
V. k liui.k Vo:k I
1j. i'he roll's rf ihtfu larks on uliicli Wf
t i.,ii (;uulaii.ins, aiid snlistitnti! a dali ( ) mr imi
jiiu-k.Tt d liy tlio 'nil::dil;i!.ia ItlLuk, m.i ii c
t.a j tiou ol tin k m huh Latu a Icut r ol i.k'i.tu..
! I.;;..iV' hi,i Sav. Ins. Philadi I, hi lail.-d ,
l'i. i' . de j !::n li.iaii Co. do t iiU-il
t-t !:n Ik.Si SaV. Ins. do I'. lied j
M i. I. il'( r Bank ( T. "A" Dyott, prep, faiied
A'hvl ai.y Bj.iIc of i'a. licdloitl no sule
Bank of Bf aver lie.tu-r cloud
Fa:. I; ol Suntara Ilnrri-hur il...-e.l j
Imii i. i l asliiiigtoii Waslaiiiou failed i
IVi,',:e Bn.k Biiiilnniu tl.-td
i'iv Buk I'.li f Im i ( ii. i tu o
P:.rn it' . MechVii' U..i.k Pittahurg in. id;
r.o;,;t is' t". iech'c" Bank Faytlteco. I'.nlt d !
1 .. i.a ia. .iciliB' Bai.k (.ut ncarl e fii.eti 1
liai.t.til.y li.sututu llam.oi.y J.o vale j
1 1 1. 1., H I'. !oi, Bal k lliilitilipJoli no .tl
Ji,! lat-i ll-.i k I.edisloliu I... ;
i.i. ii. 1 1 lu.iTiV IJ.'i k W'arii'ii J !
N. i;in rii B.n.k ol t'i. I'lilid. .If l.o aie j
.'in Bi I. B.i.'se Co. New llope t iosed j
NrKi.tiii.t.'d I'liii'Ii ( il, 15k. Milloti .
J...:h l. i fl. rn Ba-ik of I'a. Mtatirnle ih.Mti !
O ;;..( ,.l tv'.iiillktll Ual.k l'mt Cuiouu
l' i. A.-r. ilC M .i.i.l. iit-i.k Carli-lo f.ll.d I
t-i.v i 1...I.I- I'-ai k iVoiitleto t losidi
l iiii.ii Bin k 1 1 I'ciii.'j. I'nii nttivn f.nitd j
', t 1 11 J I i IS 1 1 1 1 l'M.k (in ITIbllirg lluri'd
. ,;l.i.l aire BilJ'.'O Co. 'i!kt s'.'ario nosule I
All in tcs ) li pot t ni; to ho on any PtTiny I
B.ii k i.el (jtviii in llie ahoie U-A, inui he Ml
a iiai..!.-,
.r.vy jr.::i'.::r.
k ni N " Biuiiettiik
i ;.!t I. I'ank
l:i;.!. li l.'o. Bark
im i teal Bank
1; mi, m iik
Pi rtli Ainiioy
I ur j
1 i m !
par j
' )' 1
12, m I
Ci.ii.i.i B.n k
I'aim i-' Bi.i.1."
Mount Holly
Fuin.i is' i.i d Mi clianics' Bk liahwjv
I ..11111-.' liiiI M i chnnics' Bk N. l'lunswitk tuiic.l
i era' in d Mt 1 1. allies' Bk M id.llt ton n I'l. 1mi,
Fiui.k ill B .t k oi N. J. J.T.-ey City lad. d
iloLal.ui Bi.ifeV. (iiaz.llj Co Huhnken
Juiiy City link Jirwy City loled
Muhuniis' IS. .iik Palniiiiti la, ltd
.'.loiiidai lur. r' B ink lltlliiille l,.ihd
V.. vils Celt. p n y Rank n par
illi'IKIiOLtll 1-1, nl N. J. 1. III. .'Id J
Mt cnanlib' Bai-k Newaik 2piii
Nil cli.tiitcs' ninl 'anuf. Bk Tnntoii m
Motii- Canal iind Lhg Co Jt.t. C.ty lj.,n
P. t Not, s no sole
Nuirt't hi.; In. I'n' Newaik 2pm
ill w Hope 1 t I Rildu'e Co Bamtieilsiiila par
N. J. Maui :..c. 'in d Bku Co lU.loken fnled
N J I'lolet linn ti. uid I k .h i'-t y Cl'y l.nlt d
Oiuie B..i k I Ir mge 1 ; in
I'ulci-. u liai.k I'uli'UoU f alt J
I'ci pit ' Bank t!o 2pm
Pi. l it ion liai.k Princeton p .1
Sa'tin Hal l,,ny Co bthm p r
L! -te B..;k Ne.i. rk 2, m
i-'ia't B ird. r.iiz .U th'ov. n 2j m
Mule Dank I ' miuIiii p .i
Sla.e Bal k of Morris M..iulonn 2, ni
Stale Dank 'I'l.n-.oii failed
trait in klul Philad Msnuf Co S'alein tailid x Bunk N.wli.ii Wem
'1'it nli ii Bi.i kin,; Cu Tiei.tuii -j,,!,!
l'i. ion B.nd. Bur 1 ,10
Y. ii.kii toti Eauk:r.! Co. llaik.i..sik
Bk t f Wilm A Brandy whit Wpmirglnii par
Ban', of lh I ie aie N ilinii.fcu-u imi
I "
Dank of S.i wna Smyn a
Bo ' hunch MiiioiJ
Fain.1 r' Bk of Suite of Del Dour
Do Inula it Wilmington
l'O l l.ilK'll tj. lMiJI lllllll
l'o liaiuh JMi'U'cj-lle
I' r.i. n B nk' ilmaigt..n
I "
p a
p .r
fXLndtr&i 2
Vj On ml hanks iinakcd thug () thrie lire 1 1-
ikil counterfeit or aliersd noiii ol li.e
iwiiiiuatjoiis, in circuioUoe.
ToIIsokw x,Zio Desire KenU'i.
tu nly c ruiy, ll.i.t I was afllicied f,.r eight ye ,rs
jj ui'lt ,i -cure mrum li-i m-r, nt'emled with
,'' llMltllll f.llill III llli.M.t -1.1., A... I ...... n ...I. I,.-.
i "i ni i:.':n... ,,i u-,6u, Hhk.i.Rs i
I in li 1! I i ml, l. il.'i in lliB s'miiarh iifu r i ilimt. nnil
mill r n ni ium. ninth nil. nil ihibgrisiioii, m bow
i I- re t c k in t'nl.r. Having Imil nilvii-c
nl' v hi,. Ik In pii-intM during this liiii!! pciind, and
Usui iniii-li int-Jniiui which mily pioduced tempo
rary uLef. In the y.ur led!), I wna often uituLle
li li-1 vi- in v Inline, Hiil l ii'g poor widow, tit
ir tl. t I dm mi own labor fur u living, WaH obliged
I" no from I -i--e (u house, tit t btoin it. I ut length
g-ue liji ,11 I.. et . f recovery, i nd t'UMt d tn Him
'id. I in itii-.i nil thing-." I for l ut) ii li ly wan favored
win woik in Eielnh slretl, when the family, tllsco-
iriiiu ii. v mi-i i. .Mr M'lii tioii, immriliniplv tproin-
mi i.k.i ii,. ii a i: 1. 1 r, ii -s coiroi-M)
vri i;.(; u;kmm; (;i:i;man api.i;ii:.t
I'll. I b. itl n ii ' lit v I'locurt J fjr nir. 1 uct-il llirm,
"I t .'iiliiiiit .i I n ui nut llirm iiioitlis: timing ilu1
mm f iiu in it n-'li ii..i,lly ii t io.iHr.l, my cmintriinnri:
h.ii i i.i tlt.k iiiu-iitil to thoir l.irrncr Bud miiu
i;l t-i.l. rs. ."-'ii ti- I linio Uillv itrnifri-il, niitl ol
I . i t i i j.. j- rfnt In nl !). I I't-t lit my tlnly tn
'i i i in tii. , i, .r at l.,iue ut' Itio pu'at viittii'it of
i' . llAIM.ICIt'.H MEDICINE, tliBt olhffit may
1 1.-. ii.- ii, la-1 kcwii.o en it tt. I inn wfll kmiviii
ii. 1 1. in t ill ; any 1 1. rsnii iviKinn t" M-t) tin, enn call
it.y i-. ... MAIiV II. F()i:i:.1AN,
J.it1;uii fliffl, link t.f 1 44 I'ojilir l.nnp,
riJl.NCirAl. Ul'KK'L, No. 1'J MIKTH'l'll r!rt it, rii.laJt Ijiiiiu, wheit) Uliinuma!s
II.L'V I'l' M"'l.
nr.NltV YOX'niKI.MER.Sunlurv,
'whs of Mature.
IN tt Ntitc ol 1 a Hi the init-stiioil cuinl may be
roniinifil to a nut w!ihnc wutcm tlow over tlifud
J ' 1 1 1 1 1 r l .i..'. tlii iiiuiti llie t li.iii iit'lit tiiiliiio or art
Ii.i. l.i, ami iiii.iovi s tl.i-ir tjuuliiier; mid to ket p
up t! i- I'.iiiij.aii-oii t;f 1 lie rivt i, no loim as it runs
mr I mi Hti'ui.tlily llif iliaiiiit-lM arc kojil pure unil healthy;
p.n j hut if liy mnui itiu-' the courM- ol the NM'ribtop
pai I pci', lin'ii the wiilt i hi tti f cam It. ii liw longt r puie,
ir ; .nt .ouii hicnMien tui;iii.!it. 'l'litTt- is I ul t.tic law
pur i i.f iTii nlmi,.i ui r:iilu e. Win n tin rn ta a cupei
pur j .lUmduiico i f liiitiiotial duitl (mrocity) in the n.tes
par j tn, u ml,, , and ro-tivciiebi lakes place, it 11 vs
par i h.u k into the hli.o.l u.e', and iiidhralt's itM-lf iri
paf lo the firt'ulalinn. 'J'o f.stahli-h llie fit-e coUiso of
par iho riter, we lnuit ren.uve oltiUitioli which
pat Mop iu I'icc couim'. ninl tho e ol iu Ir hularV stieam.
W lih the lnly, follow the fame imtuial principal ;
r. in. .to, l y Unit mliiuMr m i ti'it ni- ini'ilu n.e jViii
hth,K I n nrml 'rrl;ibt't J'i'lx, w Inch me an c I'
ll iTi, ul assii-t on e of naluii', the uptTnl uinlanco of
l.iunois in the iiitttine tanal. By piT.-ciering in
tins piat ticr, the w ays ol the circuI'Jtioil will then
In- it'Mtirt d to ll.e l'i. J 1 cm icisc i, ih.-ir natural I'mic
tioi.n, nil, I a M .If ot health will he lillnlv istiihhrh
(d B. Uii iiil t-i , lit-u-i rutVci u diup ol blood to he
i..l..ii In. in Ku. u..te the ht.ii. nsjs tilten as I. .tin at ihey Bic dci;i'inTuii-d, or - lorg uc
no are so i..
Dr. Hiainlit ihV Oini-e ill Philadelphia, in ot No.
H, MKiTU BU.iri'lI flictt, when- his pills can he
had i.t 2o ct ins per hox, wi h full tlirecliniis.
i'j Only uuenl in uiihuiy , in 11. B. Mai-ser Bsir.
f-unhut y. ."ept, 4. 1S4I.
THE follow in); are the duly appointed nueiitK in
ihcii n-tpt i iivi- ci.tiniii s, for ihe tale uHSrundrah'
V:-( ub.'- L'niv mil I'iik.
.Noiihuinlieilai d counlv : Miiton Mm key V
Ch uid'eihn. Sunl urv 1 1. B. Masscr. M'Ewens
idle (ji-ddiK, liiceii St W'ulU. (jcoiyetown F.
Mi'll'iii-.'r A. Co.
1 liiou coiiiil v ; Few ihur2 Walls it (ictldpt.
Mif'liiihuii; I'fioiiai: it Bit klv. New Beilin
Ji.iiii M. Bt iiler. !Si liiiBiovc EyiciLCo. Mid
dh huijj 1-aac fr'milh.
I.ycoiniiiK county : Willi iir.sp.irt John Sinitli.
Ntwhenj M. &. J. C. FuiiMon. Mtincy W. A.
t'eit ii nil. Jersty Mituc .laintu II. IB hum.
Coh.tnliia county : DanuKe T. A" B. B. Bel
li. .Id-. (.'. A. Brohts. Berwick Shu
ii. un A: li.tlt id.otiM'. Bloi.tiishiiri;-John B. Meier.
Sunliiiri . Sent. -1, In.) I .
W Kie, f t file h.iv I v
tcpt. 1, It-1 1.
I'list i;ua.i!y MaJuiu
II. It. MASr-ER,
FOl'RTU PRt Jt ;i'"T lJAN'iiY.-A
Ci! lie nl.lys on iui.J and lor ale hy
tt l.L.U-
Sept. I. If-ll. II. B. MASsiFR.
Bol.I.AND CIN, Ol llie hckt quality alwult
on hand and for ni.e I v
"VptJ. J-rS-JI ' II. 15. MAsSEIt.
ITaT" T'N DBL Mi"SL U.UiW Amuy s on
Land sud lor sail Ly
S,,t. BJvll. II. 15. MASTER,
NEW ell E A .VtfVUJA RJ 10i;C"Mo-
l.ASE. Oi llie beat t,Uahty uh.ulb oil hand
aid for sale ly
Sept. 1 , 1 S 1 1 . H .JIMA S S j H .
BRoW'.N al'ii.xi;. til u eoml iii.htv, lor sale
l.ivlv S,;,t. I, 1S4I. H. B..MASER.
7Tf. E B N"""n D u'Ca ciTn-:AS. Of the Li-rt
ij u u 1 1 1 v nlw aibou hi.nd and I.T sale I v
Sept. l.JH. 11- B. M AS?ER.
COl'l l B. Jai i, l.iu ninl l.ayuna C utile, con
b'.aiitlv on h ind and tor bide lV
S,'t. 1. IM. 1BB.MASSER.
M'EK.Ni Oil., Winter and Suimiar klruiiud
Sjii im Oil, i.,e Utl tpaal.ty, alwais oil Land and
fo; bale I'V
sept I, I'M. II. B. MASSER.
'1 ELI.. t.'a-l and Bi.'.tei !steel. I, a sale by
s..pij, i-h. il. B. MANSER.
U.IHF A l-Mf orilieheTn"alit7rion.
kl'jnllv on hand lu.d tot sals hv
Sept. I, It- II. II'. H. M AS.'-ER.
l.Ki:OliH.-.(ra';I kin Is an. I til ll.e I ct ciiali
lies, alii ai s on hand tor sale I v
Sept. I, l'-4l. II. B.'.MASSEK.
sr- CKiN( M Ll.l,, Uf imiuus tits h.r lhpitc
Springs, lor sde by
Se-i. 1, Is 1 1. H. l. MASTER.
BAIiOE ('l AK I O BiuI.BS For ".ale "al
i ry reduced pucib by
S"l'- I. IS4 1. II. II. MASTER.
BEAN iv liCUKs.-iil ali kiiiiis. Ir sue i i
St pi. 1. B-H. II. II. MASTER. "
t! ANK Dt-EB"'. IIjiiiI. .Moii(,imt, iVe. for
i't I v St t. 1. Is-il. II. II. MASSER,
JI s'j ICES' llI.ANUS. IniTale by
S'l'- 1. IMI. II. II.MAssER.
Cl.n l lis, B.i.c, i.iaik. Ininabie iirteu, '&
lor si It- hv
fep'. l'. I-.ji. V. B. M,SsER.
i! AND sa'1'1 INETTf. i .a
-id.' very low I y
I'.'l. It C M. B. MAssER.
( i !! I1 B I I Nli. For sale t Leap Li
ce(i. 1. 1 1--1 !. II. 1!. MASSER.
i BEAN K ETs Fi.i sale t in ap'i T
! S' ,i. i, is.i. i i?i .m'.sser.
, I'.MTl.E iriiFii Ml.'l.i.s.-Fi,r s'lle by
st pi. l, lsii. , lt m
r ol tine I')'
iii. ii. ii- mwsi:i:
"HEMP AND 'rilTTON T 1NE.-I vr le
.v Sipt. I, IH-I I. IE li, MAssEII.
Tott I.(. USi.i, COR'BsTaMi RoPE's'r.
I'or suit' 1. 1
S'j't- l,lll. II. P. MAVsLR.
roil halm nr
AN'J'IION'S Cl-imiritl Diciionnry; Bpniprit-r'n
do.; AiU'woriliV il.n Cohh's do.; EiirIisIi and
(ItTnian tin.; Anlhon'n Cxtijir; AnllioiiV (naiiiiuer;
Aoilien's Cieeio; MitiiV l,ain Rctli i; (iilly'sdo.;
AndiPivV I .nt i it Bess 'Mi.; llolint can's Briii on;
F'k's (ire.k Jxfrcise?; l)uiie-'s Bici'IiiIit; (Inteis
M.ijar,,; Aili.lli..' Kellinll Alitiipiuies I'iiuinekV
('s Eoijland; do. O'lePct; I, I ell's Bli mt nls
ol (retitogv; Mis. Biucnlii's lio'sni; Elements of
Botiinv; liridtfe's Altfehra; Portei's lilietoiical IJes
uer; I'inirsoii's (leouiaihy nntl liisiorv; OlncvV
do; Park y' tlo ; Stiiiih's (irtimrtier; Kiikhuin's do;
IvsyVj Reiid-r.-i; Cohl 's do; Cohli's Arilhiiieiirk;
Pike's tin.; Emersi'ii's tlo.; Col h's Spellnii; Li. inks;
Town's do.; Cobh's '1'iihle B.mki-; EiBiipi'liriil Fa
mily lohiaii; Cmlasi! Bihlc; Family tlo; Coll, .fer
al tlo.; bin.. II Bil'h's and 'reslameut.; Puikei'a Ex-rrei.-i'M
on Conipnsilioii; Fruit of the KSpirii; l!a'eiV
iS .ini's Rtsi; American Revolution; Manyatl'ii N'i
ve!,-; Mrs. Phelps nil Ci.emiMiy; Iliad; Catechism
of American J.aiu; l.t'ilerson Natural Mnuit; ( 'lie
mistiy lor Beiuiieri-; l.'nulish Bxi rcisi h iiil.ipted id
Murray V (irammrr; S'eqiitl to Comity's Spelling
Bool.; Aimrican Class Bi.nk; DalmllV SchonliiniH
lei's Aksistniil; A eieat variely of Blank Books, tVe.
Aub"-i as,
rROrOSED A.11LM!j!EM' "
"HI.SCLlTIO.y lllLAl'IVK TO TIIK IMtl'li.Mk.lT of
"AV.toifr In Hit Sutalt aud limine of lit pre
tttiitaliirs in Ci-nirul Astciutili met, That the
Constitution ot this Commonwealth he aini'iitled in
the thin) section of tho second ai title, so that it
shall lend us follow :
"Thai the Coventor shall huh) his office during
three yeais, Irom the thirtl Tuesday of January,
next ensuitii; his election, and shall not he capahle
of holding it longer th in u .ii'ift tarn if llirce
years, in any Iciiii of nine vrr."
Itpttiktrvf tht lltiiitr i J" h'riri fnitutii r.i.
Sytalur vf the Senate.
Vcunit,lvi;w'a. jt..v (
Sli ultaiiv V llinrE. J I tlo herehv cer
tify that the forego
ing is a true copy of a Resolution (imposing an
amendment of the Constitution, which was agreed
to at the .iM m'ssioii i f tl.e Ei'tiislaiurr, l.y u ma
joiity of the mtTiihem ehclcd to eiicli houst', Iho
ori'ual of w iiich ri'ii itiiis lilt d in this ollice; and
in compliance wilh the tenth anicle of the Consti
tution of the Coiiiinoiiu eal'li, I ilo herehy cause
the s nne to ue puhii.-hed, as diluted l y '.he said
( t IN TESTIMONY wln-icof, I
. In S, j- haiu lureunio sel my hand and
( j seal i f said oiiice at Ilairishuig, this
..-v iav 14ih tlav ol June. IH-I I.
I RS. H. Mll'NK.
S-crtttiry of the Cumiiwnwttil.h.
.lulv .'?. Him.
j . s i i . i: v j o x i: s ,
I KlM'EaTS the utlcnli.ui of Ins coutitiy fiinids
H wlio are in waul, lo lii. leiv Inge dock ol
(' trprtiiiiis, Oil Cloths, Matin, (;s, Ruh1. Bindings,
Siuit Rods, Ac, Ac, tiial he has just opeind, al
his viiirrhouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alley, next door to Chiist Church, Phila
de phia. ' .lull III, lM-U. lv.
C'cttuiifririloii and I'ort anliit-r
l LSI'EC'l'FI I. BY inform' his Iricutlb and the
Ik Miu bants pom ra'ly, ibat he cininoiN the
i'mniiinsiuii ai d Forw uri'n.i; Bi..-anss. nl l iwait
l.niise. fool of ido.-' at. Rutin. ud, Ll iwaic and
la-huvli ill.
Merc. lauts hiii ,n'ii in I t. h p ed, will find
il nun li in iLcir adv.n.t i,;i , as to time and puns
ol lil'lhl, 111 St I.J I i.t I li.iu iiuln'ise t,i to Dt pol,
Corner ol I'ton". an. I (. illnti air. ct Railimiil, as ilu y
enn il.en he sil t iThvr rooie iiy tl,e Tide airr
Canal, nl Schij) inlll and l iiou Canals, in boats
will ainie a al ilip. itd ily I.a iLe Jurnats and
SJiinjui-li an i i.i ( 'iitials by TiJe-ii a It r in low if sieian,
or na and Lii.'in l.'uuil. Iioni Fun inLlil
Mt rchants will j h-asi e pniitular to set J all
l2oo,U ihsitiiid loi e liar mule, to the large Btpol,
cnrn.r ol 1'toiil mid Wdlow i.netl Rnilinad, u nh
din ct on-iicinii'p'ii i ing dura, iiLaL toule ihcy
wish l. iin lo be shipped.
Coaise and lino ..dl mil Pwter at tvholckkle
prices, on (Lo Dchiir.aie or Sclaiilkill. nl. Iphia. J ii ie 6, 1S41 'ly.
jc:-:its cjifCiniTc-s.
wrrotrsAiiE pkoe, eoiiitet,
Cap ititi' i't Im Ltiif Hut Snrf,
No. lit si ,n .im y-i-KikT. I IIIEADEEP1IIA,
llrllERE an eibi.-ive u.i.ii.inei.i of tl.e bboie
' trlii let ate i.ii.Ltaiiili kept on hand, for sale
at tl.e most reamiiuLLi ti iuik.
Mav '.".I. IMI.- ly.
Ailtfitl:, Vuitiliifct ii A: Siiislh.
tiuil'itt mid J'(.!m Bio Jwt U'urr.oli.vf,
N'o. lb? .'lUiiiit r si ii i a i . hoi t 4 ru SnikkT,
"'OI.'N'TB Y ierchkiitj iffrt u-s.t-t I fully it tuenti'tl
y lo call uml csainiiie their t steiibiiea-sortnient,
which they will el on the ;iiot leikonahle tt'iuih.
Miv 2'., 1MB It
I). Klli K I'A THICK iV SC)a,
A'o. 21, Kmth Third ttrttt,
1 I A"E for sale t l irpe and un llfot assoiimeni
of FjiauiJi Hues, I'utiui Kipn,'limurt (Ul,
Ac, at the lowt si inaiki t prices, inl.rr for ci-bh, ii
eichiii Re f,,r Leather, or upon credit.
Consipniiit-nls i.f Bciiher rrctiitd for stle, ol
purchsst tl ,:l ihe Inchest mniket piictb.
y f Leather stoied lite of chaige.
April 17, 1st I. l i.
S. P. & ti . H. rRICIC,
rSOlUr K I O M N IHslON M Ike II AVI ,
1 No. 29V, Marktt iluit,Jivt tluom ulwvt titrrnth,
i I'lm.AHF.WUlA,
FFKK for ate, at the nwt Itisrkel prices, a
! uential sssortu enl of 'Jam, Cfftix, Sugars,
j Min.:n-i, Wines, Lujwirs, Spice, 'Maceo, tf
j CtiiM Bt Piioiuei: rtciiu-d and 1.0I1I on ronmiis-
su n. Merchants, Hold ktejers, and oihcrs, will
find it to their a. haulage to call and examine our
slot k, hi lore j tirth.i.iiig 1I.-1 whine. Mir. halts
wishirg their pood, t Hit ted in this city, hy I avn f
an order, will have them 1 roinpliy lorwarditl, la
1 ihe most t-ipeditioiih hues,
I mwi t r. 1 an ., ;uim n,r)lti.
Tth. 6, 16-11.-1.
'r?i?T'lr';vlr".g' "' '".':";"". 1
AN' niipsrellelrd remtilv for rominon ('olds,
Cnncjis, Asl5ii))i, Infliift r.i, Wh- opin ('oi)ijl),
Bront hills, 1. lid till diseases of ihe Breast and Lungs,
le itlinj; to eonsmiiption J coinpnu d of the eoncen
I ruled lirlites of llori lioolid, Bi'lisit, Dim tl Root,
Bin rworl mid several olln r venilahle suLslaneiH.
Prepntcd only ly J. M. Wimilow, Bochesttr, New
'i'he innocence rind nnivrrstillv admitlnl prcloral
viilnes of the lleihs from which the W.sftm if
lliirtltoiittd is made, ate too penerally know n to it
quire recoinmeiit mi. hi ; it is theiefore only itect ss i
ty to oh-erip lliat this Me.licine rontains the Whole
of their Mi ihe mil propcities, highly concentrated,
ai tl so hn pily coitibiui tl with si vend nlher vrpe
table unbalances, 11 s to render il the most apeetiy,
milil and ceitain nmidy, now in u.c, f r ihe com
plain is above mentioned.
'I'he Balsam reinovts all inifls mnintion and anre
nr ss of the Lungs, loosens tough visit! phliRin, ens
nhliiig the palitnt lo e.peelorHte with ea.e and fiee
dom, asslinges cough, rt-hevet alllinattc and tlilli
cult lispiraliori, heals Ihe lojiired parts, opens the
poies, and coiiioses the disiuihed nerves, and gi'es
strtngih to the tinder lungs, aud thus a
speetly and Instiug cuie.
Inouatiti Sit is TiiK nisisT cm.MK in Man.
We are Dot among that clan of Eililois who fir a
few dollais will, (it the expense ol In, ill and ho
nesiy) "crack up" an article and hiiug it into rapid
sale ; neither ate we w illing to leinain silent, ufnr
having tested the utility of on im roveiuent or di
coveiy in science or uit. Our readers w ill recollect
we told them we were unw-t II widi a sore throat and
violent Cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur
chased iwo Lotties of WINSLOW'S BALSAM
OF HOREilOB'N D, am) so sudden iva the cure,
tlmt we forgot we ever had a cold, Thore who
are alllieled, limy tiy it upon our lecominendaiion.
Ix.iittu'i Tilirvph. For sale hv
JACOB BRHiHT, Murthumbvrluiui.
Also, ly Drugiiisis gener.illy throughout the
country. Pi ice, SO cenl per hottlc.
August 1-ltii, 1841. ly.
r Ir.olSiilo IJcalci ;,
lit Foreign, I'ritish aud Amcricun lJry ('omh.
No. 12 N'oHTll Till 111) SlllLLT, I'll 1 LA I'l 1 1'Ul A
OL'N'TR ' Merchants can he suppl ed nl ah
time v ill. an extensive assort 11 rut of the nh.ive
Goods, 011 the n.ost reasi liable and satisfactory terms.
May 2U, ls l 1. I t .
Tiii.s .machlm: a(;alsjt tju;
A YEN PORT'S Improved Paient Tlaeshmg
Machine aud Horse Power, which llire.-Lis
and cleans al the same time an liner, Iidii for
which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which
renders the ohole machine perl. tl und paM furibtr
iniprou liit-nl. Those w Im have been waiting fur
something better (hull I cretolotc olli red I. I sale,
wni find this lo be the ailiclc. Come sieil and
jadeo for yoiiiseites.
The subsi ribers have purchased the light of Ihe
ahoie Miichiiie and Hor.-e Power, tor tbe coun
ties uf NoH'l HIM Ufcll I. A Mi, Ll I Dili t, Ctl I ON,
and Lmon and idsn, the pmilegcs ol it nding
iLt rn in any other places for which tl.e right has
Hot hem pieciously sold.
The advantages w liii h Ihis Ma-Line hat over
all others inieuti J aie many ami ol iioUs. One
boy and tlaee men tan tlo all tl.e II, r, slang and
iliHilhgul 1 SO bushels ol w heat In one day aid
this usually Ihkt . seieii halitia one day and three
thu next. For field ll rci-hing it like, the lead ol
any thing in this woilj no grain is Matured ui
Sjh is 'he suptiiority of ihe Horse Pn'ir,
dial ihrte h asib can llimli as li.Uih Willi 11 at
b.ur can w ah mil oil. er.
'J he Mai I) 1 1 is and Horse Power will be told
lobelia r 01 si pi 1. oe. to suit mcliasiis-. Madtand
sulJ in Milion.hv t!.c b'al (ir.biTs.
W'M. II. poMP,
Milton, Aptil 17, 1S1I.
if i;t tuv.mwn.i no.w
Having hud in use, 1 lie . I L'au npouV I'atinl
Threshing and W iiiiiow 11 g Mu.hii.ts, kiid Icing
repeatedly called upon for our opinion 111 i. gaid lo
iht ir value, durability and ad winlncs, ue make,
llie to ktute, lhal they eicidl in our opinion, si y
'ILuth i'g Mathine we ever hcfoie vt tint suit in
use. '1'hcy w ill tl.rt bh raid tleaii, f.l I. a linnktt
2P0 hiibht Is of W l eal it day, and this with ll.e
aid of ihrt e hands bi suits ihe diner, 'l i e Straw
is I lustd 1 IV Irnin the gruiu 011 an incline plane, 1 x
tenthng about 12 h. t lumi the Machine. Siaric
ly a gtain is lost. W hat is i f none im oilia.te
slid git ally so, Is the bill thai no dust as-i. fu in
the M.ichine to the man who letds it. The Horse
puiier kCtTiis lo he puliilioii itself llaee hoiscs
limy woik It wilhense ui.d theil Usii.i ail l ied
only he the uidniaiy gsit. We
chieifully It coiiaiii ud lie M ui Line lo Fainai.-
Iht V aie manuf.ictuiid in Mi I ion Iv Messrs. W elth
Pomp and Fink. 1 1111. IP Ell CERT.
Cliilisqi aiue Isl.p., N'oii'i'd 10, Maich 2U, ItrTI,
iavii.m:, ( Ol.l .11111.1 ( OlTY,
i'l it lis) lt aula,
rTnilK ST'BSCRIDER .'esetlfu!y informs the
y public, that he has reiiioied I10111 the town i,
( 'ultitwisiii to Dunville, and I hut he has puicL.sid
in lhal place, the Lurge and Cumin, daAis
II It I ( K II U I k K ,
AT THt loll Mil tl' MILL A Mi MAliKLT STKltls,
(" Oppitite the Cnurt-Jhiu.-r,J
., t W hich he h is tilted up bv the erectinn
IJJJ'lexiensive STABI.lNti, for the Filter-
1 w.k:-z-tainwf)it vf TmnllttK and 'iiturs.
He is now prepared lo accommoiljie all who may
Li 1 or him will) a call, and he would slate thai no
thing in hisower shall be left indone, to remit 1 his
customers comfortable and h py while undo! his
care. His accommodations are ample, and his rnoin.
lurnifclad in modern siyle, and the loprutor is tie
It ruiined that his eatablishmrut shall Mibiain and
keep up with the growing repulaliou und iinpoilaiice
of ihe town in which il is locattd.
His Tabl wid henipjilieil with every luxury of
the si'Bfcon, and the ben and tm'cr.. vnritty the
marktt ran offard. His Bah lull be M. rctiuiih
alt the bfl m tie.'m thut can be furnished by our
eitim, and the whole will he audi as to 110 'iu
fad ion to every nnf.
W ell knowing thai an enlightened pnhfc will
alwaiajudge fr Ihemn lvea, he h-els confideiil that
they will favor him with their pi.tmnsge.
Danville, Jsn. f.
Al(l for a tie. Faiijuhc at ihis olliiC.
J Alh '.I, IMI.
rilllE L'udeisigneil lake pleasure in submitting
1 lo the pub in the follow ing Reron 1111 mlations
of Pratt's Cnsi lam Smut Mill ami Grain Duller lo
all dealers in Grain and msnufiiclors of Flour, be
lieving it to be auprrior to any thing of the kind
ever oil' led In the public. AH ntdcia addressed to
Col.. I, M'Faddeti, Lcwishtirp. Union countv Penn
Muals't Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841.
J. M'Faiiiu.i Shi : I chteilully testify to ihe
ROodtie-a and ihinihihly of Piali's Cast Iron Smul
Mill 01 tl Grain 11 idler, as being a far superior arti
cle for the 1 b ulling nl smul and all other impunlu a
that I liaio ever seen, and I have I cm i ngage.l in
the iiiunulacliire ol Flour lor a great ninny yeais,
and have alwavstiuti to have ihe best apparatus lor
inanufiiciuriiig that could he got, and do say that the
above machine is the Ust apparatus I leliive now
" ue. John Moa iz.
Lhiomsbiirg, Dec. SC, 1S10.
Col. J. M'Faooin Sin: In reply to your favor,
reciivtd a lew days since, I have only to say, that the
Lictnfmy having iunoduced into each of the foul
mills that I am concerned 111, one of Pratt's Cast
Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you
of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M'ICki.v v.
Miltm, March 17, 1841.
J. M'Faihiin Sin : I do heieby ctrtily without
any hesitation, that Pratl'a Smut Mill aud (train
Duller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain
ol smut and all other impel lections, thai I have ever
seen, and I Leln-ve I have stt n ull the kinds that are
now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there
is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will
clue in competiliui) wilh il. Co. Eckliit.
Col. J. M'Fahdin Sin: Dur'ng the past 24
leas I have been constantly engaged in tnanifac
luring flour, and during the last 12 years haie hien
the owner of a prist and flouting n.ill, and among
all the contrivances to remove impurities from grain
I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma
chine is superior 10 any with which I am acquiiut
ed, having used one in tny mill about tighieeii
months. 1'iiKiimiiK Bias.
Yorkshire Mih, Dec, 1840.
I want in my (Inuring mill as goo'l aa apparatus
lo prepare grain for flouring, as the 4c... stid I want
110 heittr lleui Pr itl'sCast Iron Smul Mill, ll will
lenioie smut entirely no mistake.
M. Clkiion.
Sunbury, December 22, lMd.
Col. .1. M'Faihiin Si 111 1 Iihvc in my mill one
ot PrntlV cast and wiought iron spiiul Smul Mills
and twain Duller, ami am confident that in regird
In simplicity nt construction, and durability of male
ual, it is supeiior to any I .an acquainted wilh,
HiNliv Mahsi.h.
Jerri- Cap .i;.'.7.v. Dec. 22, 1M0.
Col. J. M'Faiiiii.n Sni : 1 have in my flouring
mill one of Pratt' Cast lion Spiral Smut Mill-,
and 1 am decidedly ol iht; opinion that il is the Le-l
machine to prepare gjaiu tor flouring 1l1.1t I hiii ac
quainted with, and n such chcctfuily rt counni i.d it
to ull who aie engaged 111 the ui.iuulacttire ol hour.
Jaioii Li.isi Mil o.
Aaiiriisluii;. Man h 2d, IMI.
CoL. J. M- Fa 11 01 Si it : I lake It asi. le in sav
ing that Piatt's Ca-l li .ii Smut Mill i- mic nf ihe
hesl improvements for the cleaning ol gram of all
kinds, that has yet come uii.l, rtnv nl -t 1 1 iiiou, and
that 1 believe il far superior loai.y time ol llie k.ini
tier invented. ) ou may i.m- my naioe 111 any way
you thii.k pinpi'i. O. ". Di m t,
I'niun Mi l. Jan. 11. IM I.
This is lo 11 riilt I bate bud Piali's 'asl ai d
wioUght iron Smut Macbini' and lii.t n Hullrr 111
use La better than 12 moult s, and find .1 10 answer
eieiy putposo thai it win inn 1. did lor. S,ut can
he tnken nut of w I'.eul I ht lit ie t teiy pailiLle of
it can Le takt 11 uulwnhoul hituking the grain ul
ll.e wheal. John Plamk.
Aarwitluig, Match 2d, Isll.
C01. M FaIiiun Sin : I huie been tngigtd in lunig So 1 ei fine I 'I. an lor inaiiv tais, ai d
hme it this l ine one ol Pn.tiV Smut Mills in 1 at li
of m mil's, and lit) I. fitly 11 1 iluti.t nd tht 111 as llie
musl nib, able mipioiitnii.l lor leaning wheal ol
smut and all olhir 1111; uiilns, t!i a I am actjiiaiited
with. Jam is Hi m an.
Cm. M Faiiihn Sin: I hme bun engautil in
ti e li anulut luiing ol flour I. a 2S ye ns, and iih si
t in t rtt. Ily lecoininind the i Lote n,ehine, as being
by hr tbe hi si a; aiatiab L r 1 Icanting gium that 1
have evi r Um d or n't n. 1 consnh r 11 an indi-i en
sii le ail. tie lor tny 11. ill pieu-nds lo do any l u
kil.lbS. .ItlllN I'l.-ti l 11.
.Ipucdvct NilU. Die. 24, lb-10.
Cm. J. M'Fahdi.n Sin : piatlV Cast lien
Smul Mill was iiiiioiluced nilo my mill ul.out tlaee
years since, and I Liheve il is ihe list ailnle of tL.I
kind now- in use. It wtil in t only remove an ut
ci.'etely, but is a most valuable upparatus to clean
wheal aud lye of any character, and pnpaie 11 lor
Mouilllg. Ul.sjAMIN UonNk.
Jtu-hburg, Dec. 22, 1MU.
Col. J. M'Fadiii Sin: Afier a caieful kiid
caml.d ciaiiiuiuiton and trial of the machine, in re
gaid to construction, nt aluess aud desj ati h in exe
cution, tconoiny in price, and power lo hit in ope
ration. I urn I inly ciliiinctd and, iha the
mathine above ulludij lo, is bicoiid lo no 01 e in
use. J. M011 now,
Muhr and Flour Muiiufaeiuier.
Cattuu-iita, Die. 11. her 2.r, I MO.
Col. J. M'Fahuin Si it: 1'iati'a Cast and
Wioughl Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Glaiu lluller,
consider 1. 1 be the lust machine to li mine binui
and ollni impuiittes to which giuin is kubject, lhal
1 bale ust d, or with which I am acquainted, in re
paid to tlur.d ll ly of umltiial, siinplui y of cuiisliui
lion, ueainos- and dei-patih in txecution.
Josirn I'a M o .
N. 15, Ti e above mat hines are inaimfai lUn d at
the Lewisburg Foundry, Union c unly and at the
Bloninshurg Foundry, Cnlumbitt county, Pa.
Lewtbbuig, June I'J, 1M1.
V li v a T i 11 - w a r v .
MANl FAC'JT'RED and sold I y theMibbrri
bcr in Sunhuiy, of ihe hist Tin, and the
woik wairaiilcd, which he oiler- for sale at itdocul
cash prices, now as low at leiail Ubforinerly sold hv
wholesale. Good Watering Pols, former Iv soid al
87, now at 75 cents; Large Bin kits, lortneilv so'tl
al 7 5 and (',2, now at b2 and &0 ; Gallon C, il. e
Pols, foimeily sold at fill, and llnee quart at SO, now
ut 45 and j'H cents, und other anicles of 'Fin-Ware
in proportion. Siuve pipe und Moves made and
ioltl 1 lieuti lor, Ac,
N'. 11. All persons indt I ted to the subset iht r.
ai d w ho w i-h lo save lokls, ate n quesitd to cad
and make sitisfactiou, w uhout dilay, eitht r with
Cash or by giving then note-.
Sunhuiy, Aptil 10. HENRY MASsER.
tSKLFTlTLJUsiUNVrilx: Liiack
rT,HE Subsciihers having pttrchnsed Ihe nshl for
lending ami using the above valuable inven
tion, for Noilhumheiland County, oiler to tlispo.e
of the same lo ptrsona who nisy dfbiie lo
Tbe above invention is now in iqn inti..n ul thebaw
mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunhuiy, while il ran
U nisptf ted by on not ol saw nulla, and all others
interesied. E. f.ODIN,
March '.';. if. SAML'EL GODI.N.
TliFJ success which his attended the llsfl of Dr.
Ihirlich't ticrmun Aptrient and Cumpuuiid'
itrenglhtning Tunic I'ilt, is truly astonishing. It
is no vain btiusl to say this medicine has proved by
its hnppy iflicls in the rure of a vaiit ty of diseases
to which the human fianic is liable, to lie vastly au
perior lo the many prt'iiHtaiitms bt fine tho puhl.c.
Many of these ptep aations arc compounded by in
dividuals who tin- piisiiiif '.y igmiraul of the tnysti
riesofihe human system, aud mere prelciithlR to
medical knowhtlge, Dr. Ilarlirh, however, is ct le
biittfd iiiiioiis the Gerinnn fu uliy as a insnof the
highest scientific, attainments, and equally distin
guished throughout Europe, aa a successful medical
piactitiunt r, spent most ot the yt urs of a useful life
111 the nquisition of such knowledge as might provo
bent I'u aal to Ins fellow cicatur. s. In llie pills which
he invented, ami which hear ho name, the public
me assort d of an article that posse -on unite ihan
oniinnry viituts. From the acknowledged talenlu
of this inventor, nolbing less ihan a good article
could be expected; and llie experience of many
years hat afforded demonstration of ihe values ol
Ins medicine. In Gei mnuy ami other parts of Eu
rope, its r puliilion ia established. In this country
into w hit h it has hut bet 11 rei enlly introduced, it it
rapidly gaining ihe mo-l substantial leput .11 ion. The
num. ions c. it Ileitis of cutis of lie most obstinate
diseases 1 fleeted ly the Use of Barbell's Pills, whic!
the proprietor is constantly receiving, is proof of iht
fact. Day after day he receives new testinioniuli
of their rlficucy, and week after vfeck increases tht
demand lot tin in. Tins is tint mere assertion; in
nuiuiTalile certificates are open for the Inspection o
the public, and the doubts of any who are skeplicul
can le removed by examining them ut the ollice u
the proprietor.
W e take the liberty, then, of sugprsling to ever
family, thut they ine.ko use of Ur. Hnrlich's IMl iliim keep a supply constantly on hand, to In
used when otcn-ioii demands, and they will receiv
the mosl unequivocal proofs of Utility. Mt-dicu
Piincipal 1 lih-c for the United Slates, IV o. 1'
North bigh'h sliei t, Philadelphia,
Western Depot. No. 41, St. Clair street, Pitts
burgh. HENRY YO.Y I'll ELMER,
May 1, 1MB iseni
Liver complaint is described lo be of Iwo form:
tilt; Acute end Chronic, which uredilli rent in the
seal and chaiacier, ami lire product d from ulcers o
the Liter, which is dest ust d oil the surface oi in lb.
centre. In the torint r, ihe patient is attacked wit
fjiltien pain, in the region of the Liver, so setei
lhal even the I td el. thes are insupportable ; the p:
bent cannot hi ur lo turn or lay mi his L it side froi
the pressure exeited ill lhal position ol the inflame
01 tuns. 'Fin- latter may go on in such a manin
that the flrst sy mtonis of Liver Complaint aie tho
which lunik ihe occurrence of suppuration. Tt.
Aculc and Suh-acu'.e varieties-, alinoM always con
no tice with s.ent' chilly tellings succeeded hy hi 1
ol the skin, fevered tongue, hating a yellow i-h a
peaiimce. Ii reeulur stale of the bowels, eosti venes
t oiiuteiicanee chank't's to a pale or citron color, 1
yellow like those alllieled w nil jaundice, difficulty .
breathing, disiuihed rest, attended with couch, ft
veiish symt tilt, a dry and iircl ed skin, dillirul1
ol lying on the light side, urine sanity nud h'g
c, ion d, the pilnnl passes many had nights and
t ri 1 ti ntle tioubltd wi h DiuriLiea, Teua-inu-i ai
P ics, ntuisea and vmiiitiii, and Las a considcrah
ilnr-t. W Len ihe it, l!, iioni I'ion ull'. cts the pcra
neat co n nl the Liver the pain is much more inten
and the b u r higher than ttheii ciintined to the Li
er. In chronic i.fleiTions it is uncertain in its tt
munition ; the pain is intense, a'.leiidcd occasion.,
ly wall Itieiish symt. mis, a dry and parched ska
lingular hi. wcl. salon louhtiTiuuee. freqeunt a
I u ks ol ju 11 do e, ihe longue is scait ely ever fit
ti .'in yt I nr. the apptiite had, and a coiruptio
btiit-kb the la. e and h n k, behind the shouhleis. &
D11. II 111 Lien's Comp .und Strengthening Tot
ic and Aperunt Germ .11 Pills w ill, in a miijont
of cases, 1 rodiice a peth ct cure, and if used ut tl
very onset of affliction w ill in every case arrest ll
disease. This is not nuieiy theory but fact, whit
can he suliMni.U iti tl by the lestiiiioint s ot variot
persons wlio have ni nis-cil llie a.-toiiisLing ellei
uf tin- invaluable mciacine. The die: n.u. t bi a
limb d to, and ihe w arm bjih must 11. t be ltt
ed win 11 ihe p.aiuit en have access to il, Fi
and lit 11 d recti. 'in are di fined in the intdic
paiiq li t w Inch ai c iiipauies the medic, ue, and c.
Itr obtau.etl grnhs ol any ol ihe regularly uppoinli
ugeiitu v l,o sell tins 11 e Li, nit ,
PimiTpiii Cilice anil Ceunal Depot for the Ui
ted Staltb.isnt No. 19 Nonh Eighih Street, I hi
dtlphi.i, win re all cmiiiunit alioiik loi A genet
Atlvt ri sing und Mtd. can's must be i.ddicssiil (e
paid,) whlih will met t Willi llllll l ill.i'e Hll.nlKI,,
May 1. 1811. Agent.
Why Dr HARI.ICH'S Compound Strcrgthr
ing and German Aperient Pills ere Used by all ch
kes ul people, III prt fen lice lo other Midiciins, I
cauce they ate prepared from a pweiztiact
lierbt, a u holt some inetliiinr, imhl in Us opt rati
mid pleasant in it- flit t the mo-i ct rtain piesen
of health, a sale und elhctu tl cure ol Dyspt psu
Indigestion, and all si., much complaints, a rescn
and puiiliu ol ihe wLole sy stein.
Because tl ty aooihe the iieiies of kensihilily a
fortily the nerves of motion, imparting to their lie
subtle fluid its pristine tulle, thus (.ivinc; klienfc'
und clearness of iiiiniJ.
Becaubc they mifr destroy the coats of the a'
mat h and boiuls, as nil btiong ptirgalivcs do.
Bei dii-e nience and expeneuce leach us that
infie purgitlite alone will rule the disease of I
st.'Hiach und iicius, H eakness is ihe prinni
Ctuse of a host nl d'st ases, and, hv continually
soiling lo Ihvttic puigailu s, )oU make the disci
much worse, instead ol l elttr.
Because l)r, Hal hch's Med fines aie put up t
on ihe common sense princij Ic, lo cieanse a
b.reugiheii," which is ihe only couise to pursue
tllit I a cuie. Lastly,
Because these Mi dicints really do cure the d
ea-e lor which iluy are it commended. Princi
Oflice for the I'nilttl Sta e.-, is ul No. I'J N'oi
Eighlh Mutt, Philadelphia.
May 1, 1S4I. Ann
The only sure and bet course to pursue in c
ring tlise.n-b, ul wbuieier nature ll.iy may be, 1 ilfiiiise and puiify . Simnach and Bin
els by gei.lle apt lienls; Kt condiv, to gne kHeng
and tone lo those tender means by the I seofpiop
Ionics. This mode is alwsys pur.-uu) by regul
physicians, which they weli know to he "the on
course 10 i,.nt to, i t lit . t aspedv and cnnant
cine. Dr. IlAHiat h's CompoUhd Nln ngtlwini
Tonic mul Apctieiit (ills, are a sine inetiione
1 Heel lias gland oljecl. The German Apeiu
pills are to cleanse the kbimaeh and inlesiiiits, 1
ler whiih Ihe Couipoiind Sneuigt mng '1'onic pi
are umiI, 10 give strength and lone lo lb e ,
gans which requite l,il.i lieitnnni. Meaily iw
tliiidb 1. 1 the tli.e.istk whii li we daily LeL,.l
aie d.keibis of ihe iieiviius syMem, and ly conlm
aly liking ilrsstie mineral piagalivts the kulll
will aomi lind hiui-e.f Uing too much rt tin
to remain long in i listener. Full and explicit
lections lnh in English and Geinuu, uccoinpa
ihis nonce.
The above nud.cine for sale at tho Drug Stori
Mav 1, 1M1. Ai