Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 13, 1841, Image 3

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    l'Jitiiriril aiisnliiiiiv. I Tht .Vnu szariui.
Jnhn Randolph once stopped abort in otio of hi j Our money elicit' were somewhat levi risb last
jioiclirs, unJ Euit3, ''.Mr. Mpcakcr I have discovered week, although the rain tunned from 7 to
the philosopher' stone it i, pay you 0 per cent, per annum on first rate paper, fcveral
Ueethovcn, the gie-it coinpoa r, never ! of our Dank declarcJ semi annual dividends.
cnuld learn to dance wild time, unt! wan wilhil one j The list will he found Mow. It will bo seen that
of ihe moat uiiRiarcful and awkward men living.
Sonio of the rhil.idelphin rditura havo been sore-
in no instance was higher than 3 per cent, de
clared; while the (lirard, in order to bjvc its ('liar.
ly puzzled of lute, with some rcmarkakle exhibitions ter, only distributed on e. cent a share. It may he
nl magm'twin, in lh:it cny. feared, however, that even in a'l ihesO cases, the
War Mm ,iiei-.
Instructions ham been issued for buildinj at our
Navy Yard tho following .teiiin vcs-cli :
At Mori tlk, oho of inediurii t ie, say between
six hundred and scvi n hundred tons ; and oiij of
Coubs utitl C'tMi.
piiLoLI m y di-lrrssiiiat complaints t "f'l en lend
into rO.NrMi'MI'TION ilntmed in i;tei I nt ihe
first sltm'k. I would therefor mine thosu whose
couch bit-ills to In; troublesome, ill) I llio t xpee'to-
j ration e mlv, wild iimr.! ur lex fmep.s .if the
Fiiend Wisly of tliu Wi.kcsbarrn Advocate, re ink in thai plajp as bciiii;",is durable as
vhig principles." l'rolialdy a doubtful rccoiiuncn
lalion wild sonin customer.
Indian aummeis are said to he jieculinr to tho
liner, can climate. 'J'lio n one is said to h ive i s
profits wcro not wholly tlependci! upon. The
truth is several of out Dinks I.avo I irit pnni.nij
of llicir niii;d locked up in tho deht duo to ihem
lythn I'niled St itet llaiili ; and hence, having
hut htt'o funds to trade upon, tin y must have made
very hltle mc-nry. i?t. rks rontimie frightfully low;
rigin ioj the fact, id t the Indian humcd off tl.e i (j r,lrj K,,j j,iy or two aqo as low at 20 J for 5t
.Uerisive piuirits in the west about that tone.
('old water thrown down u well containing c. ir
onic acid rjis, will expel it immediately,
Recsidi , (he mail contractor, has a suit now try
ig in Philadelphia, with the government, in wliich
ie cum of J'JO.UUOis involte.1.
The ."'tale of Vermont has a balance in hor Trea
ty, of 513,33 ( 9, and owes "nothn to nobody."
The captured Alilcans am tJ bu sunt dame on
e G'li inst.
According to the I;tst census thete are upwards
two hundred person in South Carolina, wku
j a ii 1 to he over one hundred years of ago.
Fiiend Cin k of the llanvilie lleiiineiat, ca'l u
ii the merchants of that place to ndverliso their
paid. The Uni'cd Slate, has mo down In utmost
nothing, iavii3 in several instances aolj as low as
3, The Hank of Peniisylvau a is quoti d at COO
and 205 while llio Hank 'f I 'h I nli Iphii si Ms at
GO i,r 4t per cent. In hi par. The truth is, w.'
are in a sad way in l'tinns) lvan;a with regard to
Money and H oik matters. Most of tho Xow En::
I itid Institutions coniinno to pay specie, declare
fair and tegular dividend, while l!io r stock oclls t
p ir nr neariv so. Spteie psy ineiils a o ftill talked
of. Mud wu m .y expect s.nao action upiin the sub
ject, immediately after tho inecitng of llio I.eila
lure. Situated n the Slate is, ho.tcvei , nnJ wnh
the action of iho I isi I.ejlaturo lieforo in, it is mil
likely lliut my iinmoJia'o ruump'i in imII ho no
w god, lie can -call spirits from the vasty ,,riJ!,.4l Tl.e State i in s wret -bed a eondili m
." hut w ill they co'iie.
n.: 'ATLRvfhud- UbJsrU is said that
tU'.t ill the waureif ti.e Coni.eciieut wi.l no!
u on Sui.d.ivs.
Muro than 6000 thds. of tobacco h;ve Sjen in
c'ed at I'hiladi Iphia during tl.e prist nt year.
At a 'J'emperance (.'onvrhUou recently hciJ at
its', urn, 15 Tciiipetancc Sucielios were represen-
'. hv i!vltut?i), who represented about SS.tiUO i
t wild ipgar.l to fiiianees, that a'..e will ho eoinpnlled
, t i a t for expel tiny, ry. lier liun fr iijl.t. ii.'c.'.--.c.''i
A'ci rl r.
The annex cJ Ui'er al'.iw.i t ial our i.c'i'..:i.irs of
i I'hliu :i Ij'liii aro carrying rid" the largest poition of
i liio Tiile Water C'aii.d trade. The fad, in pil.ita
hie as it in iv be to admit it, ahmil I i.evi rlht ie.- ho
Ime fuind in rverv in-tinee t t rem .ve lb . nn-plea-a'
t ininoy ill' im m a few day. O IC jr:;?c
'frV will III iiin-l ca t'.- (in e ihl- us crl . Thru -t
oe y u who wish to e. c ip" llio i.aui.t m
Covc ii'i io, atu'.l yoinsiilM! vf ili.ii.ll in pur
I. nit epp irtUt.KV, and ri.iiu eiij iy tin' h'e in-t ef
he.vlh. JAM I-; M. lllKt:!!. K. r, Migtuii.
.. D. The a' nve w.u leli at tie.' I ft e I y .,i.e
who expciien" d llie tvuvd if .1 tie et ff the al i.v
uiiiiii loe. Jliiudii'ils ri'e llieie wit ilii.H iX.ris
the joyfal si riltiii' i l of tl.eii he rtn i:i I ,v ir . f -m li
a vjiiu ,h'c me.hc no a l)i Drsrxi's hii'i c i
HM.' I'l.M'Ut.tiut others Ul.iv liol iciili Hul l li.e
e.llllR Belli IC .
For s.lo nt tho PiinciMil Oifi e, 13 N uth C'ghlh
etrrei, I'lol .til Ip'na. Aisj Mt ihe -no ot
Price, SI pert. etle. H. '(JX I'l I KIM P. it,
N..v. IDili, 1311.
r I 1 1 1 U Unvc teS ll ive III S i liy tlecl 1 1 t d a d I II' lid
J- o
S'limbcr 'J bur !h Titud Streil, lltihidc'jhiu
JJUPUC SAI.IIS f 1 s,y Cood-, ll nlnaie
known. l'lnljJeljilii.i
i he 15.ii. k of Cnifdo his f'oppid payviient.
l i.e main wuhi nv of II, ;p i-t Cnoith, now
cl ng ill Aew Vol., is -41 feet l.ili and feel
V hi-kev has In en tcllinr at I'.illiici iro u low as
ceil s pel gillmi: c.t"atl pitn. ip illy, il i said,
:!.e It inpenmcc tn iveiiieiil. Tocisaro eerjuin-aride-r
ohlig ilioils to the lempei jnce societies,
ty fust inviie them to heroine sjber men, but if
y will not, thtn tin y clauhtn 'heir liipior, so
t ihiy tan kill ir.eaisehes ml" with t'.ie utmost
patth, iilid le.isl possible t xj.m use.
uiiders'iiiids tho v.ihit' ol
(iro.-pcciive, ai d n lvit!i-
I tl.l.t traile, present nt
i st.iudiiig ihe disadvantages of pusi'i iti wild wilted
she has I eon end us cmpired w ith IJ ilttiimre,
hit t ii " . r a to hecure i s t'lijiyiiii ut hate lien put
f.ntli with ener'i tie. and e.uieerled in t .on:-if .i.'. .In.
tl.teo hundred tons, to he propelled by Lieutenant throat, diliii iill iaiii,c of the phlegm, cr , di t tin v
llfvr.u's paddle wheels. The engine fir the In- '"l,' ttiiiiMsli.itelv :;.! fir so,, .ble n..;,I:. ine
1 ... , . -v- . H Or. Ill ,(.1.N .S IAI'1., I I1'! .'. I
tens tone nuuo at llio , asntngr.m -i.ity iar,i, l;t.m..,lv f,,r ti,i, . eV.:. Tun me .i.ciiy I
whero it is undiTstood work cipjalto any in the
country has been timed oul.
Al Philadelphia, ono of six hundred tons, to he
propelled nil Captain Stock tux's plan ; and ono
of medium size!.
At New Yotk, ono medium size, six liuuilred
to seten hundred t ns.
The di.uriplion of onginrs for tho mo. Hum steam
rrs his tint yet Incu doicnnincJ uji.m. The
Conitiiisj o.iers of the .aty havo opened u c rres
Kindeuce null ihe most cxpcrieiicsd and sc en il'ic
g' litlerncn in tho countty, as t ) tho best iiunl'ds.
and have eollecltd a large amount of info1
upon tho subject, winch will ho increased by further
ci iimuri-Cati'ins before the lime arrives for makinj
a th c'sion. They will by these means have ihe
aid of tho l ost mperience tho country can aiTird
Captain SrncRTos and Lieutenant Hcmteit
willcach have, as a milter of tciurc, a general of iho building of iho v. a-tls, on
iheii ii s; ec itc pin-. Anry nnd Naty Chinn. foil ore these S eimers to us..-! This
issn itr poit.itil qiirstinit to l'eiinsi Ivania and to the
si rvieualsO. It C instructed lor t!ie Use t'fc-ul. us
"fcour o ih.y wi, ho, white can thai cod in1 foi
ii.shc.l so iradily, so cheaply, and of so x t llei t
la H'lihty as by i'emist lni a ' Ii nuiters nit
j wiie her tlic Steaimrs be intemh d lo u-e Li:imii
I linn or aulhr.ii itt' coal, vie c in lorn sli t ii';- r ki..d,
' We are, howetcr ef opinion that the a'.lin .ic.te
j tv.l. he found to he, all lUings considrird, the eilpe- j y. ' " '
, tii.r aiiielc. We would ri -peitifu'ly call 'he ilten-! r- i , ,, , , ' r
. , . . ,, i Lmljrcuu untl i'.irus.'l ianitijcturer.
Hull o! llie ot ert't i ry mi l t .O'iiinisiouels ol u.c . a- i
vy to the au'.j'tt. i U. illcllCnccr. (...,( ;..( )-: .; ' , .,,.,
. - ti .1 .it e - f 't -i ib eit e.'
two Old a ba'f per .cut. o.i lot; Caeiijl Stock,
for Ilia last all ill. Ml 111, piyuble o.l I
J. K. riUi.-il KEY,
Nov. 2, 1311 Ut. Cai.'tie:.
"Tl T. 'T ' d 'i 'V "l
WliolcsaL and K'.l.til Mice, Ucnnct,
nn i I'alm Leaf Wai
A'j. G o A'oii Vi . a J i iv ti'.Wi tiiif .ink,
I.vO Tiun!:-, ' in, ei li.i .s tvt f i t-jL'ai-
,!. ''l i't ion, ,r.t oi wii'.id l.e elieia lot
ta i i ll lb. i in.R,: n .1- i.-e'le Ii 1 11 ..
J'hiia lel. hi.i, .Not. -ruber 1.:, 1 - J I . iy,
Hiid t'ulliiv, D-i il,. ti itionar, Clo'.linn;
Hoot-, !in. n urn! tla nii.i in hiool ulin eit etei
01 i iip iiiii ofuoi'.'.. on I el, I nt it,:- 1 .-t lhli-hint nt
, tc ry etciii'.g li .o l.i rue .1I-0 sold I pna e Mile
ilurnni ihe it i v ' 'te a - ei i;i it',et en 1 tic . Si re-l-i-eier-
nnd ii i.'eis '.'. il! I'.iut 11 lo lbeir adtuiitugr
by alii ndi' g ti e - i'. 1.
i'.r.. ! S' KI'.V. Am lionrc. . .... r.,1. ; 11!, I-!1 I..
-iT:u.5 V'l J.'.i-j.'tti um
'OII'llUill 1.1. V 1 lin I ibl ,'ilnl
M'qu.'ii.V'ii ji s , 1 ei ,l.j liiil lto sti 1 ei-n-tniue
In k" p al li.e o .1 t.ifi.!. .No. tilO Aolili o.i
sTci!, 1''.:' 1. 1 !i',i 1, kll'i.t et
TVli.lVCO .11F A.D fi:OAHS.
Wldi tlli.iV t .1 r-e.l nil liie 111 l jl
U1..I :e i 11.1l ! lei
A . 11. A ,i ..!. old v. i 1 be gu i.'jl.'.eed, Iid .d.
or '. I - pinii'i l'j in 1 1. 1I1 I lo.
I'll. tub I, hi'.. .Von n.ber 13, lNll --lv.
?ui. ' -I .il!.".i,;!! direct, ri,i!uilu! hia,
( I.-nr .';$ (..H ie t'lccitd.j
CHnn Fin. in. c nln..ys kepi en, "hied ,r
ofli rs for silo mi lie lottc-t terms. Cnumn
tit eh i.os me (latu ui o'y lo ulnlji dge let
l!' siineos 'n i .'i i In 11, ihe Counties u.' Nc.r
tiiuipl iilanil, Ti n 1. I.r- a 1 1 t.i.d i;.
J !!: in:
I ll'l tt .S 1 I t 'I I' eV l. ,
J. w 1 1: .V L t ' iion 1
I I t II V, If 'I'll Oil 'e. lit'. 1 .
!' I T MM liS. MlTo.llt.lij. Ci
ri: .1 r s i. ioi n 11 .
;.. ir.s y.,u.ri : ,-u!, I !.;!;.;. 1; 1
. V! I i-1 f o i;' 1 1 i oi ..I r 1 1 ; Mi r 1
g t 1 ihe r i x'i n 1 c 11 m 1 1 ' 1 . c 1 1 '. I IS i': -1: l'r
,1 ti Ann in 10 li y li 1 wn.c't il.c . 1" ill
oil ll III -t " '" i -'li t 1 1 1 1
I'.'ol d' b In 1. ...M r.b. r 1 J, 111 1 .-- b .
ri 111; . ; - 1 I . r I .1. j -i :t.
tin. I'. . o :'i , 1 ! ii-y 1 1 1'l he 1 II 'S I .1 SJ..' .ll I .e . . .'
.Net. 0, lal!. i'.
'I .1 1.
t.i. loelM'S.
I'bll.nVi. hill.
?''-r lo. lll I'
Importers an J L'ci.lcrs in Fnicicn and
Doiit'Jolic llatdwaic,
No. '7 Nun in l'n in j. stmit, l'iui.tttriHA.
T 1 1 '. 1 K 11 th ir ti . 1 d.. and t it"rni,rs wi'l iilv a s
I'l'd a I .in.! p. r e il a .'liie vt ef 1'ori t.'o
111.I 1) imi-s'ii' I! i'd., it.-, t I,;, ii they v.i'Utllal t..c
t pi. i s.
T1ST AS im1.i m i!j ! iv. 11 lie f.uin '."'. lb
V V m le .. : i tr 1 . .v 11 sii'. , '.. 'I . , 1 1 ' 1 . .b
I h ...1 lie, 111 I c. lo !. I'
llii'ii)' ri in I county, a I; !.' A '.; 1 .1
a whin hue, ;ib nt !7 i.r 1- in 1
ewtor i.- ie ill S'e.l lo e, ine In w..i !
pay cliar.-'e'i,, .11J It u'.vae.
A!i.MI. M l.ONC.
r.'ov. fi, 1.-41. IVVbliAA" Mll.I.r.U
1 ... t. '.i
.1. 'I l.o
pr. ,.'.11,
1-.-' -.-i :
r.' . J..J .
r .
I'l lb, I,
rr 13. Il.- Iv.
f-iorNTi;v . i
Tim Sunbiiiy American uMiounrfi the oprnii g ; ., ,-
in that ll ice nf a low 1'ie.', Ii riati Chinch, and efi
a r.eivlv built undav Sel.
in. 11 House u'la. I C.I I 1 in..
. l.-.'tt hele.
P.. 1. a eb'bi .. Nov-in' r l'J.
r. fe -n o-ite.
.1 l e le'.le p'jic'.n.: .1 ;
1-11. lv.
i- 1 1 ;Y !1CK!PT!0.V.
Xo. C'J North Water Street, I'hila.
11 , AM i" f 1 i.'i;i;i;s M..i d,.,i, is in oiu ,.i
.LVJ! 'Tiv ill eii io n b.i'h lor hi. 11 tiq mi l
iii.ine.bie' ti'.iio f ,ir jie'i , u l;i' h w ill le - 1,1 mi 1 h li.'.r.i tb. . eni le see le re, 1.!.!
tt , 1 1 '. ,1 11 t;:. , 1. , to t ;t: v ;n III lilt, Alt
u;:cL..i:f-At.:w izoz'ir.v.v, OLOVi: tu
fi 1. 1 I. It A t. V t ll 1 1 T Y S 1 .: ' ,
.Yd. 31 ."Tar'.'; ;'.. 'r.c'i.- 1 i'.zni' llAth
T'l!r!,i: C, v M. trh 11 1- r m 1 - r'ir r '!
y t 1 ii it n i' i. :: - .t e t ai . ; v f cbo ee a. .ic'. a
In I 1- bi e. !!. n ll ire et re.s. -iu' i' nr....
v. j; !, Isll U
(1 u !l?i 1:1 ol e. ,ii a" t l '.1.1 T.)
W in mo I'm y c.i.m' in i . '.t'p n lii. tl j l.e;. r.l
I .iiIlt'iii U'.i .1,1 i,l. t.i.,1 1.1 .r,' ot,'), I t - t I ' j 1 . 1 I 1 1 ' 1 ' '
Ccnxfti-wLnct oftl.t I'hil. l S. liaztlt". , , , . . I 1 ' ,v ' v ' ' ' K ' v ' ' 1 ,J
I at iteini lit : not niilv beeaiHe ilettmisa r. rli r , .. ... 1 1 1 w 1
IIavui: 1.1: (On 1 1;, .Nov. 3. l-li. ., , C. I ; in : i , ( . 1 . t s ;i ; 1 1 1. 1 I W ;.:!; -i. u,
1 nt l'n -tii're.I 1011 l 1 Hi I o, 1
I .to 1 04 .(; . '0 - " ' . . . .C. te' tut
I tit id, i .:.
:l il I i e II
' '" ; I '
"i.t n-iy
v will 1 1
1. Ii.!,
, - I.I. ,1,
'.l.e J Ll-
! cr.CTr:r: c:.:t:
j ,lr..i : 1 .1
I 1; 1. j ' ' . tt , 1 1 t
! I I " . t I.: s
I 1
v i: '
1 1
We clip the I1.1I0U1114 exuuet from f c Ml
Pka it Jst it The steamboat Kiiiui' ii .nr.ved here ,
last eteiiin, wild eleven boats in tow, all heavily ,
lou.le.l paying iho larij. si aiiuniiit of toll 011 the
Title Water dual of ,u,y tow this se.ison.
'I 'he I., left immediate 'y ttitiiseti, innl
will return tiiis iiiori.iii lo lake oter four boats that 1
a ? now in ihebisiu. In bd.lrion to tiio above,:
tho I'bilad. Iphia Tow H0.1t Coiiitnmv chaste-rid an 1
I oy eonwi. -i -;i;',
ral iro-pe- .-o
b' .lourlad. Ina fi w we' ks we cxpict lo be
. to give a delade I ..c. unt 0. ti.e e;n ia.1011 of ihe
'he Company havo many a s in ;et:i; g
but bec.aii-e, in the !..inl of the l ie i-ioin
I. In r 1 y , tlie iv e. ti'ii of etui rein s by vnluul uy
huMon is nn uiilailiiio ivi.ienee ol general pro-(
u y and spirited eiiteip l.c anions the people.
iV.'.Y.'..-n.' Fa nur.
I'ickmill's IK.roit rt.H, .Nov. 'J. 1815.
CieA'.V Tiiereciipts h.te been rathi r ii'i.t
.I't b e:i
;..e (ii,--.
I .
li.e in,
ttuenl if i
Wan' w liit'h l..ev Will
s n.ible teio.s.
ll,il..i!ei bu. N.'tein'. ir I H, IS'.). Iv
le'l- I
extra slcuur, whuh bit last l.i;',ht al 1 2 o'i I e
null tiht bouls ill li.w, itiatktuu nineteen boils lor ( i,i week, in cni-eipienct! of ihe diilutiliiy of pro
Phi' delpbi 1, via llel iware and Ches in u!;o C 111. d. . cutin small ves.els fur eastern ports, at re s ni iblf
'l'in; Phil:. d-. I , -li i.t and Havre dc Ciat u Tow U 1 it I "r, (..dis. irie- keep d J'.Ml, mid the sab s utily 111 ...
f cittl tt the distnl uiion place iSunbury, Ma t "'"y 'd have to men a.o Iheir s, in I derate. Pcv. list Iv 11,1.1 round yellotv Corn to-day
1 Ian villi or.d Pi ttsville U.nlrond. The rail- l!l0 l"'-''it l.'fmeiits aru inndetpmle to liie in- j w is ml 1 ul (ij a Utic , and S.iulhern I'.jt d 1 al 0':.; ;
1 ents the C. in.Kiiit's vein, nt ri-l.t uuitl.s. ! c.eaved liie.h', i'. tin re wdl be business enough lor . l te HO 1 Cle iter hu-l cl ; S oiilli. ru ( 'a s all , ,t
e sciiuttsare ph.ced It the mo'itli of tho .iritis J J'ul ticularly li.e eliseo,- sei-.m. J0 ; 'en.-v Ivania d . f. oi,. tt . , ;,., lit -l. a 1 Se I
per busli' I. IS.iltii c.f P.111 .1 ileal utl ial at 1 3"i j
1 in' 1 tt'ir .11 j' r. tu u'.ir c .1:11 rv tc u i.iuc-s . ,, , ..... 1.. ,
" - 1 a lod,:: &.iullirru 00 l 'J a looc. life I
tionuhly Mirp i-e llial of any o'.'.i-r peoplo on ItiC
'niKOi ii.r.s ci Li-.
Ma.iuf.i. tin t-r a:ai Ii;. roller ct'
oleiy, 1 la 1 aie, r.
.Vo. 5 Svttl.'i T,..ea' '.-. 1 I.I r 0..1 u el um .1,
11 '(.;,'( .I'.'k'.
-. a
FT" '" I' P eoii-t .i.ily on Ii .1.1 a l.l'C'' mi 1 If I" m
ilsl. "s-ottuieiit I'oaed I.aiup-, Cm ,-e ll.iiids
I bit. 1 I 1,1 a'.i.i 1. i
11 tt ill 1 t' r It I'pl.l'i! .11
'1 lo ir k no.t 1:1 otoiv co...'iii'l tt.e follow iiif
. t :
V'i'S .'' .;.':.! a W ii.'.ci I'-eStl..: S;ei:n
On, 'I s-
n hi , c. 1,. i.-s ci', I '.
l.'., I J lit P. .1 :!.! ?j m - 1 . 10. 1;.!. -If
1" ' ( J t 1 t - ., lib 1 i 1, -, i
-i'.t t i t '- p.e.-.d v. bj, ;;:, !
1 t 1 '1 J.. :t 1 r ii i .to y -j I
IC,' I ll do t mi ' 1. V- bi.'e !!, ,
'. no U..m b M 1 '' 1 I h; i
;'' li it. I I 1 .1... t hi, :;
fi) do Nrisl" ,'. Ud, f j
'. :. 1 " i-K- i bite tt.;, r
P int e ! - 1 b .'. J V
r.. -
t II t ..', ;;r I
.i,;, 1 i-1, 1 1
N,t. b, is:.
t ru..
nnd 1 ers w ill
li .1. '1 t la;, .a.o
il t:
l- I"':' ar -. ' ((..:
tj $ frt.f. :! tl
.11 I r 1 . : r.
I 1 I V. . : C 1 '.1 : l' I
I U t.v ' I .
II v
1 i:,e . n 0.
n which the cats are loaded. The consi ipicnre
his proximity to ihe rail load, renders the iie of
-e power about ihe uiines eii'.iiely unnecessary.
iluilroa.1 Coirip inv find all Ihe ears in which
co-.d is carrril, lor ih.eectntsa toll, per mile,
tiliitt. eteiy expense. 'I l.e w'r.uf e f ihe Com-
y at !-'u
y priva!
A vie A nut', I bplie ni mv
Country Merchants un.l
lone 1 11 Ihe. Inost ie i oi n l"i. I i ev w I I
toi l il lo tin ir .e.ltai. 1. .'-. to t ill an. I etuunno L s
us-o I :,'!,' bt 1" ill ji,: : e : ' III : 1 I-e.t J.e iO. I
Potlibbh'i. .N.'Mio ir 111, IMl.-lv. I ratlin
j- I'l, - Cn
.i d in Ibe
.01 e. I 11 ? .it bt..,
,'ii v 1. a- .11 1 r.l t'T i f Yi s-t .s iti
1 !'..'.! it, 'O il T..i 10 1 - 11. iy It
;i,, I, no s ( !f ,.- p,.te
.N. v. 1 .', 1--11. lv
as in. p.,: It el.
1 le. 1 ro, i Ij.'-M. 1. t-ll.- lee l;o 1 , ,
, 'hi 1 lb. ,t- 11: .1 ! . r-. I, r llie f I'l
nnti 'l Cu.oii. v , an.l Me..'.- L'.
eiitl. J Ot.O. s, Ol .1 I .1 -.
jt 'U C": ay..;
.' i'".' O t. blob is-! '. I.
' J
I 11 e .-!i,
L. r. 1 ,', as
. -. c I us
Y. - -. :.
.0. 1 .1
1 1 ..ti It 1 1
'..0 e -I
'a.- Cl-
-.., W . - -i. W. t
a lob.'; S tutheiii do I'l) a lboc. 1.' e bo a t.
perbi.s'i.'l, C'ieared tl.. we, U for foieicn poi's IC
: elobe, ami is eter at work in the cicatiott of c utn- j .... . 1 ,. ('
, vanees for the s nin of labor an 1 the g . 1.1 of time
cpi r:.t T ;
nf Pott,.:'c t,r 1
I'KDVK'-ltJ.N.'-. The s des hsto Itieti crn.iJ
era'ole 'his, but at rtJucd im -i't v I : Me
11 .1 .1 . ;.. i'l e.iil u tun' l.iu looioin, 11 'tt e m j nr.. t II. I.fl , I, J 7 , I , . . . ' .... t C I J I Cr (
,urv in riot much larei r than thtw ot 1 i o k , . i j;, , j. ti. . , '' , p nue , t
i , .1. i i, : ... i ...i ,
' pi JCtie il op' ration ai but vi.'.nity : !,i t. A-ncr
tin Tuesday wc ttib.e'cccd I he er.t o ', at M,
(iirin's rouiiili'., cl whit wo conretvo one of li.e
:in st valuable ii. n.'l. ill' cv r i'll'od'iecd int 1 the
eiini.lrv :t I n .1-I . : t:' l...'.1rn '!.' -.'
KLYNOLDS. yu 1 .Mil. AM) .V. C O. i.
Wlmlesal'j Ue.i'.'.'is in 1 ot fib'!! Lr.'
:nn! AitaM'i ah I h v C i i t tls.
.'.,. 10.1 M-rl; I .'.'"(.' '.'. ((.' Vi.rr.
""lOCNTUY .Men it nt-, mil . .'.b. -is en be
at -I
b b
t u . If
i a- w.
n ,.
' n n ! :i I .
it il o r I: e s'
' r tt i
, I i- I i
I'., C
Ipo r
;::e :
ii Ws lit
'"li. I. I . ;
. .be
III!.'. , e'Ml ;
"I at all tlllil s tt i '
. , .. . . . c r . . . 1 1 - . .1.
. ,i. .M'tUll lour Oo jis, Ol oo inns i. in u. ii r.u n, .
I t 1 .el. tl p.rd iv. The di-'auce ,',o o ."Snn- j
'o ii tre de (iiueenu the Che ipcake I! iy by
a', is l'Jfi miles, ..ctii.j- 11 , b it, overc. by j
,'ikf. 'Ph.! I, 11 nil ti e I t lii,-t Itan.J C inal is ,
a cert per toll nf two id u-onl pounds, per ;
a ? I er !,'.'. II ic ot ..! s 1 a f
' b ; bams ft a 0 ' per lb. I .a r.l S
I 7c. biuret 11 a 1 le per I: .
v . ; :
,; I Cn tl.e 1-' in-'., by l: e lb v. .1. 1". .s'.i , !, !, Mr. I A.;. 11.
I ill i!e iii s' it ei nil deal- IIlnkv I'iii'im mint, la .Mla .'.till .Mei.i.s,
et i e
I. t.. t;, .'.
s ; l - i v
i WibA'Mtlu ':u ci iii.tiTnti.iii.i .'
hli.iii'.Vr 3 a i '"'"' "! "
. ...... . I ll" -l
"c i I'-ll "
.. I I
e i '
t t tl I ,
'"! I
( I i Ihe ( :us.(iebiinn i and Tide V.'.itirlbe
e. The co-t if lie'i'lt fiom Son ury lo
ede Crace wi'lr.tnje fmui f K""' to C : ; I, 11,
V I h'ee rents ;i in (' too. The est of. 'inning
mil :he same u i i the r lber an'.' race n --af'dis
Mate, 'lh" Siainokin Coal .'v Ion
piny have ini.'.e.' the iiice-siry preoantions
1 i
l'j t.vo l.trne;ui-ilt' fuinacs aid iij
i?: tiuil. One r.f the furnaces is already
bed, and t, ill bo blow n in" in the course of I
. dits. The exterior of this fuiuseo is leiu-
and inipoeirij. in the ix'ie.iie, from its )
i ami the thorough and w mkm niM.e ma lie j
: .-i. l n . . . t -.. .1 . . l. : . ..i
I 111.; IO t, I'll I rtS ll, , il t Illicit I. 11 I ilil.
I ivoodi'ti tslnel ab to' six feel in di i .iter 'in I S' i i
j chi ti lh cl(, R'lspen b d bv an axle llir"ll.'t the ceu
!tn. Ibi into f.fd of ins tti.iei p'a e I l,t t
, l.iiite "j i i lf d f n:t li .en t icli other, at d in far
fu.m Ibe tt be. I ash.' I o'e kue ..f llie tli u i cs are
i ii tib( d, a id nf com e, when i u tni sli.n ,'es, one
end of e it'll tn.le' I n. a or I t '.;;. 1 u e ol Ihe t .n i I
than the odier, un'..ii, llie sluules tsper frotii bu'.i
t i joint. A f '.'.ll. y is put noon tbe shaft whit d
(Hisses ihrou-d the centre nf llie' wheel, by whi.-li
the power is spplo'tl ban I, horse, water, nr
fleam. The wheel beinr; in ni ibon, Ihe Id icl.s are
I both ..I the p! i.'
I -vt-'
j y hi: ui: c, io irV Mi 1 1. .i
-in li, d. a' .11 i.i . , t , '.
1 11 -I, I '. .
: ,1-s io d V
C. f. hi tb i
ii. I i.t
lid a,: ,
.I 1 1
I I' s.
.1 . e
. I.i t
'I ll
,- Im i a. . .:
I ; i o i bar, i
lt.'b,.eet!l' nls t ,
...! -i .. i.'. ,, -.
It, ie
n el
I - llck
'. i- : -'ll
f .,n
' e' i. - o-
. r v.ib
.e . .-v ...
i i,
.i .i,
h.ih Ihe v.hnlt; I ui
is fiins'ieJ. Ii tt as
shovi d lli lo the bn-e of it nil tvllk ll the fc'.IVi a U'
u i ilt r the bin t.iiiii ol.Mr. Trcp'.ai
ieiiiuii tuinriitly 1 X li.e rc-p.iiio o
Ti e inl.ri.ii ar allot ments, . f ibe lun a e is
.ul nitable, f..i superior lo any li.u.Ur e.tah
ni ,n tl.e ! if, ii we i xcrpt tlie Valley I'ui
1 1 Me--r. 'I'.ij lor eV l.'o. I be d.Uo ns. o.,.,
f ill.: ha.i.o'.viu Fun 4cv aio us ldlo: Fioiu
!i to iuinici head 4-i hit lU bit bale l'J
. i. m. the lushes G ui'ne-s iho luniitl
'J lif eare thiee ch a ;; t do ii. Tho cal-
ni.ltt.', a:i
1 at i a It lit
11 shiill.s aie
' 1 he wbe. I o. io .l,ie:i al li.e ra e . f l.ij
lev.ileit oils in a inhiU'r, ..t course ;!.l'J shingles nro
1:1.1 u j r itidej ihe bl i.ks : e cans; .ntlj kc.ta.nns,
Io Y.r: rita, we are habitually prej nlice l aiin-t
new anj p Hi nt d tiiv, n i in, h tvn, o I in i.e.
i nf hltle u'l'uty i np ned up in the publie; but t'nt
' t :i 1 T i- ;ii!e.
All .. '.Ill Ot Cod Cat lit J I'll li.C D '! let
l'.n;. lie Pali i a I '.o i,nbi;r lo. so j ; ina,
1 1. a tbtf .t e. k cm', m .; o 1 A V. I J, ' .. I Te
Pel ia.-.'. It j ol I, 1 S.T J j
Tot i
10 1
A iiounl of Io.'i tlie ir.'"-i m rd, '.',dj.J
JUii.N PL'UU, w, m.
is by :; bu. 'i h.
e aie ttvo .-e!
pr.ju lice shoiil.l bo ihrowi a-i !o and tint menu ul
sucli iuvt iiii.u.H con-i'l.-re.!. As t-.u
uIk.i rve.1, the tloijiii 't'V i.ud sirei Jih oflhu in i
r"t siie i it . .n Cu il 'j ii
Put i! :n iui.1 a!i I J pe 1 liolll W t Hi o o Yi.l t'V, to
J allC 2 i at, 1. lis, V , 1 I L
tcU lLliIlL Lul'. lllltil,
P - Oct. 21, ions, JCl.O'J'C
1.1 r 1 Ll. ftilL VllilLL b;il Tl. .In.
1'e. 0. . v;i, I.,.,.-, ;ii,oct
Di.U.tWiiie eV i.CIIOO.I I'lliL J llll I.
To Oet. it, To . lit, ',70
chilli', .H Ul 't llie' m e.
VtO'.lJ IO I ll f,t li.Jll'.ilS IV.
t n t ut iif o ,ler, u;t ; l tlie
I i e. b..'ji l t..
i,;'iv.' o.t la ui ha-.d j
'elt el il:Z r ol IIS el- 1
a.bifas ul li.e koites, '
which the beiieiil dented In too llinli. r lilt reby '
ofiatly overoal inees.
Tun Ci vnii rcaMi.iia bad, up luthelViiil
lo li 'atoil .iter.i je't i
. , b oh'ie it nl f r two Ian. aie-. '1'i.e engines '
hi:iil in llos oii, for the I'arrai.d-til e Ir. n '
k- jiie of li.e iinist nilteent bubbb s t. ,
,.t al.iiii liii id ; Illlij. T.k y -le v, r.i.
nints und beiiulif.dly lii.isl.ed. The Muni
leiinpaiiy juuha.-ed iheii. lor the low pr.te ul
,00 ! 'Tin y aie ltoj horse power, 7 feet s'.reke.
e aie ten boilers, llll inches 111 eter, and Ion,'. The limine holloe Is I'd by 'M
liie I tub I house, t',0 by 15. Tlie rnine
ia 10 hih, and fij ly :ii f.ei inside, in
ear lo tl.e lop. It is t jtpiclt.1 tint the for
ttillti. klaiioult. il Inn. of iron per day. The
i Ui used tor ihe pieaeiit will be fiom Monteurs
', Dint die ; tie Company haviiiy made an
.IiiqC'ous urraiiemelit wild Diddle, Cliambt is
. ,,t ll. on, lie. for u lauo sunnlv. il wu mis-
. .-.iii . r ! of derniitura 1mm I.ivert'onl to iinivat in Ibtatoii,
. , ihe arrange incut i. the Cum any to fur- I 1 .
. . , . ( ,i . a . . 1 w ithout deducting time e f lit'rn at II al.fax.
, ton i f coal Ioi a ton i f iron o.e ; the coal and ,
i be delivered at uubury. 'Ibe Cuinpauy t l)i viukmh. Yis'.enlay the ljllowiii Uai.ks
otrral en ensive iron veins, the uro ot supeii ir ' declare I ludf r r r I y thvdeulsj
i, in I" 1 1 ion county, oppo.i'.e Suubuiy, which i Connnciciul Hank, ihree per cent.
iteiul woikunr. We do not llnnk the Com- j biouthnark Hank, Ibiee er ceni,
will long depeud on Iheir iieiyhtior for a sup- I .Norlhein Li eilies Dank, two and a half per cent.
iron uie, as ibe, e is etiry indication ut a ; (i.rai.l Dank, 1 cenl ir slura, in coioplianee
nry of oie ai In ine, and like wife tf lime- wild it. chrlr, whed reipiiiei a tiiiideii I t be
, declared outuf it. annjil rut pioti . I'hil. .l.;i,-.
To Aim.
IL 1 l.lPI-i
'i'. in, 13,Cl 0
It- I ,
.V... !I! A'. ) .' 'i UV.'tr.Vi-.ff V:.l.u
V Vf AYi: t.1.-.. i tiv i n I -.iid. a t'.oid
( fj r.l. nt of Cfi,1";,', ,i ,o In i , i
I ,..'.1 l.o; r. Pis' in.; K Wd.o- K ; s, il
ia Ropes. Tf". I. ii i . I ,' C lb a'-. Al e. a
roni '.eto a" utn rnt nt 1" ii-o Tit nes, A e, : , b :S
ll.o.p M a 1 ., ,! II, in:. Twii e. l!.--' P..'. : t C'l
Ne: I a lit . Cn' in M .i I o ii 1 If I'u e
I i i a 'f. A.e. eVc. Al , ii. d lb."!-. I'l ii.'b l.n i .
H li et-.'i'r e, f, ('.in i, al ,1 1. It ti t' .r j' I f .h e,
Ac. .dl ..! ttl i.h tbev will J r, i.'tf in i
. nr
'. d t.'.t
in p .', r t
. ci -ot. (,.
.1', in :) ailtl I
tt i it,-I'bl
1'rr 11V ti..!,, I,.
iiii:i;h k, ii..j;ll a. co's.
No. ICO l-'J MaiKct St: cu t, 1 hi!a.
I ii' it W C f': i )
A I.V.'.W I . i , ,, !, ,! : lid ..ill a.
jLV. " !;i'i ut o! 1 l.oi, 1 1 , 1. ...... a il p .i i t tioo.'s
ui 'n M- ' i. ai..n are ie-i ie f-.riy iepe.-liill
.ti tl, to a id I j..l . x im r.. I "i i ' io t .
I I i O 11
i.i.' r. : r,,:. a
.'"( IJ t-i nil t
J lb II lb. h rp, ie y , ', t .! - ,'I
I..",, a- r'!:i. nt t I eti ,y t .r.e'v.
but li i'"-;. n W Iii;. a- tot. .1 w "
i.i s: Iky, p' 1 1 i i - , i'r it 1 1 r i i bi
Ihl i li.lii.l, v .ill Uc. man r.ltt.',
I'l l' tin ll. I. ll'l. s.
1 1 t l' .b .en 1 ioi'f d id, Wit -en's br in.l.
li.U let, ltd r lib a d liithels; also,
Chun:, I' i::i s, Water t'..ll-. ilf.
I be a' ot e to. el hi i tt it h an i b i si' e awi!i:rrt
of I ii , v ( in':., II:.' 1 a, 1 1 ai d C nit. r ttine.
f. r M: l i 1 1-1 !t- Ln.fti's. I.. kii g t.i.i-es, M.i.
! ii v a'.d tiill Ki amis. . f ' eiy ii'nl di , rij
I inn, S'e In. II I l.o lined, lit: p.. Neil, and ft I. e id ex-
ji t be ti uti ei Ii. tt i so ri a n i -nee li aue.
.i. U'.m:y jom,
No Is' A'eitb Vd I. Pi nadi b hij.
riobn'-eoh:', . t.inlei Iii lf-ll. 1.
i !
t t
. o t.
rl m - - . jr t rn r- ; - f:
. l. . e : n i I i . e ' i" ' I
no M. no .t ii. 1 . ' , i .
Ittten l o' bn'lt- o' ill A. M
po'p. -e f e'.o .n ,; I : I ii i ,
li.e i.snn .; in', 'J': o . ' i
s nt 'eh.- .h :s tt '1 he lib! i ii
Anten.b.", m 10 t. M. J.
Oct. I').- :lt.
- 'V i.i
: 1 L V.
MUS. 15 OLIO A ,
jJ)Il t i' H l !.!. n.f rii..l;er! .
t ii. I i.i et n. a It, I'l it i.i- c.'i.i'
n.lttill 1.1, .'.tl, '1' it. 'I, Clal.J l.'l .M
Mile N I C llll el .1 pAlLliotl'.
I't-ilups, tvli.'.'u are and si nply sharpened. e... ...... I. - J . -.
Tl.e liiubei .'.e-aicnii ; oi before cut, j Mi.ti IIillA SriiuriiuiL liavis lint lintn. I ... , ( .'r,'. ,", v 'v .ti.pj ,:v'!i.
it il reserves liiem fi oin ci or sh .k. s in cu'- A mount liana p..r ed to ( l.-t. V !, Ti-n il.itoi.uie .. 1 1 I -- i r b.r. e i .;.-,-.'. 1 . . I !:!., me
Hills. Ihe exn-iiau and lio.iliii) ia tr.lli'.J, nod . ' 1 .ti. t.!t n .:. .'.!. d In ul i" i" '
I .. , i 1 and a I.r l r .'e -j I, . ' I I 1 1 A I S a .1
r tit I
1 v .
a-i - - - - yT '' j l.l.' ur. ll.ll o: l!i
' fl V t' 1 lit 1 III. .l I.I'., a! II e , Ul. I Ll- ,i.Sl.l.SZJ.J.JD .f-.-S-ili.!
i til nf -I i'-th ''id M'.r.'ut .:i.-.v, 1-hiLdt!' ! f.,ne,ly k. pi bt Job., 1J..' h. r 1. .
'1S,S i'cl.t
Mill t.'i.ti i. lieu Kui).,
Amount traiis.urlcJ lo (Kt. 1,
July last, made l'J vutage
llda.s it) h' Ui lit vnyaje. 'J'he longest toy. I.1.J1L..I Ce.L '1'it I ut.
(;'ii wss that uf ine Ac ulia lu.Murcli and Apullmt , To Cit. I", Tens. 'J.l.liO
! d iv 1'-! hour ; the shnrtett that of llie Co- I fTftffXXSS.
lumbu in June Pi diva 2 liourn. Two vova.;is
tt t ie made in 12 d i 12 hotus, and four in IJ da.s j
13 hours. 'J'he is c i'ciilite.l from the In, ui I
'i'ullS 111,7 Ifl , I'M ti, - Hi'. .' le f.l Sijl I..'. . Wh id w-1. '.i
, . e 1. .v . t . ..vt ... ,. , .,,...,' 1 I it' lb. til ttl
t-CUClKlt.I. Vali.iv Rut Rut ii. ; e.t ,ri t.-Vr. No .. , ', ,d I n p si c i
Anmui.t iiaiirpuiled I., t lei. -I, i mis C7,lsG I ihe City lb '.' 1. I'io; a :i ., i. s.
'i r; n. iii m id;::, .h-.-it.
.N. 1!. Uiel. I. i 1,'i's i i .1 . it,:.:-'i pi pill
Cern.-.te u'tc'. Iy by Hairy '.x:!.f:.wr.
'ei ,1. I I.I. J I e'
t . ., I ..r i i.i :
i'bna.o '.p., is, N.
I.i0l.t l ; i . ' .u
t. 111, Is) I.
JI l.rf ,
Riki, . .
Hum ii,
Itkl.SWU, -
I'oii.u Aeri.i.s, -
Uo. PutHLa,
Y 1. 1 ,
lin a i r. u Knt.
- .a- ,, - ,ae ..i.-.a-
a.a.ll. M. K 0. . 1a m m.m m m1)
w;iui.i:.?i.:; am i;o i'aii. itii ui:!.
i.liii-s a.yi i'ai i f i:
i .i. . t ... . i .' ... t.i,
i . V i.l'l Hi i I 'I'l I , I I ,1'
- 1'.
1 1
2 UO
,-l"t t I,
j Lli.hi'Ii.!;
V.V.V r.i.-i.ilitlv "., i .-.i d a Rt ret: I M"t- !
-' in. ni i I li, k - o ! i.i . i .' t ; e " so I
; I i't , 1, l.uv. M.b .,.'. f. Mi ..' '.- !
aioi . i i.'i lJinks, ii ,v li. i . um -, i o-
.-.r-. l'o.. I'a'll'f 111 le., 1'. i Iti It I. -. W I' l l
l'... is, ra. p i it P ip' i.. tV.v . ,:. v.l... :i y . I !
I. r ..t lin' I a at i lee In Cm ii i l . n ha' l' I't.
I. -a : 'II, .1 ( ii li'lellllll, 'leitcbeis, nl.d nil it: tTa it at I
lil -v I i t . r .: i'i ii ti r o .1 i ,i i mi iii. i
P.. ill h Ipo ' N'.' 'u.l ei 11, 1 1 1 . - J y. j
I . ilo , 1 . J , .1 Jo
eli llo io Wa ll pieil, lioUll
Hid tb i.ti'P l. I Is.
ilo ilo do d.
at il lt t"s.
i'.i lit .it an r I.i .tin r Roots.
II I . , . A .t s ,!o 1.1.
do I! .''i on on i M.i'. t ail--K.:i.
ibi i'.i ibi ( bi t . .a eo
d i I i;ie .' I. i l ie. w i.ui'i d
t'o li i eio eio
lb. lb. if Hi. tb.
ilo Ceaise del ibi
bi do tlia do
mi I o e it t! t
do Kip ilo i'.i
l'o I I, f "In! s-:d s"li tl IV'!' ,
li.l l.'il ik Will. mI d W.'.l.i ut t'.'ct.
I 11 Cu ll .' I 1 1 I , ,,
,b. P.O.' it V... r .r.ted V. .-, i., . .: v.
.S'.i. t i- ' 1 I.i' s.
it o.1. .'i i lo it "
Ib.'.al -1 ale ft
i-'.u 1 mi. lb
.. to f t . I. I 1'
It" - . 1 - a '
..I : i.t. e t
, t t al
1 o a.e
t an tl.e
i .' ; ..n l
nt i i a
' ...el,; il
l' v - I'f-.
K ; f :. f )
li E V; A II D
en b
P S rlf.-rid tol il.f.iiln
v.en 'i. ol ..: t pi"
1,1 all Ol 1,11 ,.!'. I lit
he IHlta ul Ihe
a I i't lh - b e,. , I; to
ii le bt 111 risniiii c;,l in ;i
H'..l 1
:!. le el t i 'be r ip
i i i , r oi u . ,. : .te Ial 1
i -1 i :'.. .-1,' -" ' tion i on
i. I P. b.-t , R ,i r.. d. An
to oe ..- !' ' eo in s'l-
I I.Ml 1 A'l I '.1.V,'iv a :r d 't i ii. oo 1 i a i ! si C. ie ul
tl r. I., li.e l.'li,, al l 1.1 . 1 ll e la. v.
tS.'V. IS Hi. S R. UOi '!'.. V7nr;-r.
r- r
I i ;'i ieri
, I I !W
...'. e
I' . . i i..
P 1,1,1 Is 1
l-fl I f.
i'S n.d ihoe.
I ..!. k n.'s, lb
. . J, A el eili.t,
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