II A X K IV O T I i Li I ST. Tl f.tl'owing list shows the cuircttt vnhie of ill Pennsylvania Bark N.tr. Tlie ulo-t implicit re liance may he placed upon it, a ii i-every Wtik can fu!y cnmpaied with ai d coirectcd Iioiii Biik nil's Reporter. Hanks In Plilladclplrlu. Nam. Locat.o.v. V'"'"1" I (I I Li II. NOTES AT PAR, Pink of North America Bank f the Northern Liberties ll.ir k nf rrniimlvai in . B.it.k nf l'cnn Township . . Con.merriol Rank of PctnV . Formeis' ond Mechanic' Bank Granl Bank , , Kensington Bank . , Mui.u!a(turt r' A- Mechanics' Hunk Me ebonies Bank Movrtmensing Bank" I I i'odelphia Dank S,hulklll tlilllk , , tp.il; J'ank V i sicin Bank . . C'oimfry IJniilis. par par p.r I"" pr par par ii r par pr par (ir per '' Dunk of Filtshurg Pittshuig pr par par par rn pur limit; i f t heater County H. i k of D' l iwaro County D 11, k if (iortnaiitown ln nk r f l.cwistown llaiik i f Middlctotvn P.nk of iniiir;ornrry Co. B r.k of Nitihmnht'rh.nd D.ih County Bank ('. liimhi.i 1! ink & JJiiJgo co. Carlisle Dank Ili Icsitiwn Dmi'i E is'on Dai.k Exchange Bank Do ili branch cf Faniii !.' Bank rf Bucks co Farmers' B'tik if I.apcaslei Fa'tvcis' Dark nf Reading J I r i il m t Dank Luiiriisier Dank Lebanon Di'Vik Merchants' & Mnnuf Dank Minns' D.it k of Pptisville North.in pton Ujiik 'i'ow.mdi Dank Wist Biorch D :nk Wvuniiiiff Dank Office of Brink of rcntra. Office do do (iiicc do do Office do do WrstchtsUr Chester Gcimnntown Lew istoivn Middlelcwit Nomslovv ii par "Votlhunibcilaiid par Lending f 'olumlua Carlisle Dov Iralown lviKinn i;tt-t wf Hull daysburg Britol l.nr.cvtcr Riading Harrisbu'g Lauciisli r Lebnv n Pittsburg lctisvilla par par par par pur par par pal par par par par par par par AMcntown Towandn Williamsport par Wi.keshatro par Harrisbutg These Lancaster offices Reading f dii nut Elision J issue n. DISCO L N IV NOTES AT Ear.k of the Lnied States Philadelphia 18 Oiiicc of Dank of U. 8. Pittsburg 19 Do do do Eiie 19 Do do do Mew Brighton 19 Kemins'on Sav. Ins. A do Fenn Township Sav. Ins. i Bank of Chambirshurg Chambersburg E, l-.k ol Gettysburg Gi ttyil uig D. nk r f Su.-quelianna Co. Moiitiof I.rie D:ii k Drin Fanrr rs'A' Drovera Batik VVayiiwhurg Fituiklin Dank Wciliintiiuii lluincdate Djnk Honc.-d.ilo M.)i i nnlieU Dank of D. Drownsville Vi.ik Dank Yoik N. D. The notoa of thpe hanks on which we cmii quotation, and uhti(ut a da?h ( ) aie nut purchased hy the Phihidi Ipl.ia hn ker, wiih ti c txer; ;ion of tl:ieo which havo a letter of fi ftri nee. BROKEN B A N K S. rhiladc hia fcav. Ins. I'hiladi lj hia 1'hii.idplphii Loan Co. do cliuv Ik ill Sav. In. do M lr u.ll I,ali.r Ddlik fT. W Tlr.ni nnn failed f.uUd f.iled failed no tale elott d doted fail.d ik.Sl'cl no ra'e ffi'ed failed failed no alc A I leg! any Dank ff Pa. . t. . , v .' i"n D ,il foid J-5 . i k ol De.irr Lank of wntara Dai k ul Viibl,intan Crt tie Bank Ci y D .i k Fji;j cr' U MeihVa' Dank Fauiicrs' S: Mech'c' Dank I u u.i rs' cV. Mech'is' Dank l.a n ony Insiiltito Jlm.tir.p'Jon Dai.k J.il.i.'ilQ Dai.k I.uict'cnncii'a Dir.k Is'i-iihi-rii Dank i f Pa. Kiw liape V.. Dii.'pc Co. e(t.LIl.!.'d Union Cnl. Dk X- i:ih W. -t. rn Dar.k of Pa. Oiliee ol Schttjlkill Dank Pa. A:". Y..,nur. Lttnk S.lv( i J,;,ki Dark ii Dai k of Periii'a. Denver ilamt'.urg Wal.iiigtoii Dell, fi.nto P.ti.-ltiig Pitibhurg Fayi tie co. I'ufi.cate llanronv Hunliiigiloii i o mle J.eniiou no ,ilr I Warieii faikd Dundi ft no mlc New Hope cloned Milton iiof.de Mcadtillo cfiMil Poll Carbon fi.ilid Cuili-lo fuilid Mnntiito closi d Unit titown failed ('ri i.tl tirg clui-cd V. ffUnoitlai.il Dank ilkiilaire Dildgo Co. W ilki Gluirie no tale j" AH notrs m 1 1 ( o 1 1 i i j to l e on any Pcnni-yl-an;i l':..k not gum in the thove lit, 'may heiit dovMi aa frauds. SEW JFK sr. V. I r;i I; nt . rtv DiUi:siiek liiui fuiik fuilid Spm pai 1 in pai : par ) t iid if Dunk Di;:linlCii Co. Pnr.k t'i mri itcinl Dunk Df Ividt Mi clurd Penh Atnhey Dridcclon (uri.lieilai.il Dark FalHl'l' Dank Moi nt Ilo'dy Fatiot is' mid Mcdianies' Dk Tiuhwav ii ni Fetii.fis' and Mechanics Dk N. Pn'iimick fuilid ,k..io u uuioit jjii .t aij.i ioi n i n ltm I fllik'lll Dai.k Oi 1, J. J, .(.y Cty II iiu kell Lkcit UlUZ IlS Co ll.'h.il.ill fail.d h. I. d fiii'rd f.iilid f.-.o'i il jar f.nl.d 2,.n ar 1 1 eti i n Mile J I L.lv Li ink J i.-i y City Ptl Ii01 Di lit mIo Mi- r'bton ii I'ue h!J Ntik 'i'ri nton Jusiy City M.i I aims D. i k i'. n.uf.o tur, r' D.mk Ifi t'f.n.pHi.y Dank Mi mi'nuiii Dk of N. J. Mill anns' Dai k h.Cilianico' mid Mnruf. T.k Mo'iit, (.'anal and Li;g Cw I'l :t No'l S Kenmk Din & In Co Niw II.e JJil DiiJiie Co New ink I.ltllihrltbvilie -I"' ul faded failed 1 1 in fi.lled in pai IN. J. Minut-c. ni d Dkg Co Hot nken N J Pio'tclte.ii &. Lciui ld t k .lerfey C!y Oui'KO D i.k Dranpe l a ir.-. n Dank J'e. ile' liank Pi. melon U.u.k t'all 111 Dal. king Co b'..tc Dunk bta'e pBiik fclate Dank Hale) Dank of Mortib tin lo Dank fcialtm Mid Philad Mantf Co t't.tii x Dunk Tteiili ii Dai king Cu Vi.ioii Dank W aihiiigtv.li Dai.k!ng Co. Pierin Pnnetii.n S. l in lcw. ik Dliialu thtow n (uinden Moriutowa 'I'm nton tali in Ne w tun Trenton I'ftver Hmkenaae k p.,f I 2, in ! "pi" j par l 2 Ml fii.le.l i t.1,1. il ! li,, V, ,1, j Ipu I faib.l i Tk of Wilm it Draiulywine; W'i mil (.ton pur pal par par I III p.r p.U pit par Dunk ol IH law ait Dunk of bn ) ma Wllimi gli h fn.yii JJo lianih Faiirn' Ek of Stale of Del Do tiamii , Do hraiicn ' l'o Lianih Unim B nk try Undi r S'n Miltorj Doier N ilm ngton (J. oigi tou n Ni wcai-tle Wilmington (Tj t'n kll hanks maikrd thus () there air n he t coutitii feit or kltemd note ot the vsnons dt swuinatioi.s, in circulattun. A N uiipatellclrd remedy f, eommon Colds, CfHtch. Ahina.Influei.M, Whoopinq Cough, Bronchitis, i tid all diseaes of the BreaM and Dungs, lemliiij to eonsoii-ption; cotnpnred of the concen trated villi e .,f lion hound, Bonnet, Blood Root, Liverwort ami Tveinl oilier vcgetiiMe suhstaricea. Prepaudoi.ly ly J. M. Wissmw, Rochcstir, New Yoik. . The innocence and iiniversnllv Admitted pectoral viitue ol tlie 1 1, ilis from w hich the liaham of i fiiiliovna ii iiiaoe, me loo gmcially known to ri ijuih tecoinn in, n i.in ; it h tin irfore only uccrFSV iv to ol cue that ihi Me.licinc contains ihe wihole of thcit M d e nut pro) eitie, highly concentrated, d pity eon. I'lmd with siveial other vece- t'.l'le s.il-a ni. !!', h to render it the meet speedy, in i:it ni !t ce il; in ti niMiy, now in Ui-e, f. r the com. I IhiiiIk nt nvi n entiolied. The Ilid-Mim reinovi-s all irrflammation and sore' n ol t)(- Lung-, Innccii tough viaid phlegm, en i.l lu g the paiiint to expectorate with case and free d in, amuoges cough, relieves athmntic and dilfn eu't iepiruiion, lieida (he injured ports, opens the po:c, i.t.d ectnposrs the uwiuihed nerves, and gives . r nu Hi to titn Innlci lungs, snd thus produces s, icily tnJ la-tinti erne. lNonTiTi iiE is Tns titsT eniMK iji Mtn, c are nr.t ainoi g that class r f Editors who for a t a dol'ais w ill, ('it the enper.ee of truth ond ho nes.y) "ciai k up" an srlicle and htiti it into rapid ale j . eill er nio we will rg to lemiiin silent, ufie r l avn g tesicil tlie utility of an irr.i rnvenient e r di et, ve-y m science or ait. Our renders will recollect wctoM trein wo were unwi II wnh a sore throat and vioU'i t ei LI some few week mj, Wc vee pur chased iwohottles of lXSLOW'S BALSAM OP IIOh'I.'IIOL'Nl), ond Kn siidihn was the cure, that w i' forgot wo ever had n cold. Thorn who aie sfllieied, mny t'y it upon our recommendation. Ltnii'c'i T- lcgrapi. For sale hy HENRY VOXTHEIMER, Hunl,iir, JACOU DL'iliilT, Korthumbtrland. Also, l y Hrugcibie gene rally ihrouchoul the country. ffj" '' lce o0 "' per bottle. August I4lli. 1641. ly. LLjCOCiDII LHJ 02 ZJlT'Z THIS MAC1IIM-: ACULNST TI1K WOULD. IIVIPOKTANT TO FARMERS. A V E.N PORTS Improved Patent Threading Machine and Ilortc Powei. which lluehes ami cleans at the fame time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which lenders the above machine perfect and pat further m.piovi menl. Those w ho have I een waiting for form thing better than heretofore ofli red for tale, w ill find this to he the aiticlc. Come sec it and juilgo (or yonrse ve. Tlie nitifcrders have pun based the right of the above Machine and IIore Power, for tlie coun ties of NotlTtll'M BI IILAMI, I.TCOMING, ClIHTOSJ, nnd L'mom and oIho, the privileges of vending Il cm in any other places lor which the tight has lint he ( n uevioii!.y sold. 'I he advantages which this Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men con do all the threshing and cle aning ol 150 bubhcl of w heat in one day ond this unually takes ktven hands one day and three the next. For field threfhing it takes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or hat. Such is the superiority of the Horse Power, lhat three hordes can thrceh as much with it as four can w ith any other. The Machines and Horse Power will be sold logeiher or septralc, to suit urchascrs. Made and sold in Milton, hv the sulscnhrr. WM. WELCH, WM. H. POM P, HENRY FRICK. Milt n, Apiil IT, 1811. iti: wlviwim no.v. THRESHLNO &. LNNOW LNG MACHINE. Huvir.ghad in life, one f Davcnpoil's Pale lit Threehing end Wimmwii g Machines, snd Icing n ieaiedly calle d upen for our opinion in rcganl l.) their value, durability and advanlapci, we make, lice to flute-, that liny exceed in our opinion, any 'J l.ickh tg Machine we ever lefoie witnessed in ukc. They will tl.re.bh and tie an, I'l lor tnaiket 200 bufhilnef W heal er i!h, and this uiili the aid of three hards In sides the diiver. Tie Ktiuw is afsid off from the grain on on iiu line plane, e x tending about 12 fut from the Machine. Scane ly grain is lot. W hat ia i f tome in.i oilanie ml greatly so, is the fact thai nn t'uft rastis from the Machine to ihe nit.n who feeds it. The Horce ower bcciiiB to be perfection ittclf three hoes may woik it w ilh cue and theii faxtest cait need only be the ordmaiy lough gii. W e miibt thterfury reonin;ctid ti e Machine to Fanners they aie nmnufactuiid in Mil'on ly Messr. W eh h Pomp at U Flick. IHIL1I' HIIOERT. J)IIN B HELLER- Chihtqusijue tfl p., Noit'i'd to, Maich CO, 1S41. BHADY'S HOTEL. IA?.TI'LS.r. Ctl.I-IItI.i (OIXTV, l'enii.) iv iinlu. fSlIIE Sl'BSCRIHER jcspcctfully informs the fZL public, that he ha iciimted liom il.c town of tatctvisia to L'unvil.'e, and that he has puich.se-d in lhat place, tht I.urge and Cviiiimtlitut it k 1 1 iv ii o i s i: , AT TDtConMlliT MILL 1 Ml 1 V II K LT STIIEKTS, C 0ifLi:tc lie Cuxirl'lh-utt.J I,-- W bich he ha fired up hv the erection f.7.;A 'f AHDI riONAI. DlTLIUNCiS, and i!!!.",:"'iv" PAllH". for the llnt.r. ksii la in , fut cf Ticvtl'ftt villi Vitilt.tf. He is now prepand to aecuinini dj'eall who may favor Li nt with a call, and Im would si ate that no thing in his power ehall be le I'l I ndone, to render his cu-toniets romfotiible and baj py while undci his coie. His accommodations are ample, nod his rooms le.rinhed in inia'eiu s yle. and ihe pioprirtor is de-lumine-il that hi e.ti! hfhuiriit fhall tUhlain and keep up with the (jr. wing reputation and impoitanee of die town in which it is loot. d. li s Tjmik w i I l e hiipi Ii,. with every luxury of the si ( on, and w bem and ttioicti-t rurirly tht mo.it ran vffird. His Dim will le stored with uii the be.y) urtirlt Ihul can le furnithtd by our olitf, and the whole, will be such as to give saiis l.i.Hon ni eve ty lie. V ell kmiwiiig iliat an rn'ighiene.l pul l'c will i.lwiH juoge f. r ihem ehcs. u- fools confident lhat tl.iy will havor him with their p,tionage. SAM I EL A. DRADY. Di nvi b'. Jan. 30. i:ia-Ai)ji;bTL(; i.ou mwev. FOR SAW-. MILLS. Di Divjamix N. Cisiiwi. 'I'l'D fuler,-eni bavin, , urchased the light for vemliiig oi.J using Ihe above valuable mveii. lion, for No,th,.,U ,ullj County, oile, 10 diM.oHi of Ihe same lo ,.. ,. who , , e'u "m.,"'""1 w no ' operation at the saw null ol Mr. M La.iy. ne.r Su,a,u,y, , ture u lie ii.fpeeted by owner, of saw nulls and all otheis interested. p,. ii'u M.rch 27. If. SAMl'EL OODIN i 1 1 - v iiMroRT. ;nt TO rH1E Undersigned tV pleasure in ubmitting X to the pub ic the following Reeo'iimendations of I'ratl s Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain I tiller lo all dealers In (train ond manufacture of Flour, be- hevinu. it io be supe rior lo any thing of Ihe kind ever oil' red to the public. All orders addressed to Col. J. M'Faddeli, Lewisburg, Union county Penn sylvania. EDE.NEF.ZER rQl.II'E, JACKSON M FADDIN. C K It TIH C.I TKS-t Monti'g Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811. J. M'Fanmsj Sin: 4 cheeilully testify to the goodne's and d.itability of Prali'a Cast Iron Smut Mill aid Grain Huller, as being a far superior it ri elo for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have len engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a grcm many years, and have alwavs tried lo have the beat apparatus lor manufacturing that could be got, ond do say that the nl ovc machine is the lest apparatus I believe now in use. Jon MoAit. Blonnifiburg, Dec. 26, 1840. Cot. J. M'FadI)?i Sin t In reply toyourfavor, rece ivrd a few days since, I have only to say, lhat the fact of my having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Ptatl'a Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I esn give you of ihcir ulihty, Yours truly, Wm. M'Km.tt. Miltm, March 17, 1841. J. M-Famis Sin : I do hereby certify without ony hca lation, that Pratl's Smut Mill and (train Holler is the most crfrct machine to cleanse grain of smut m, d oil other imperfection, that I have ever been, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that arc now uvd in Pcnnty Ivanio, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will c. me in competition with it. Gi.o, Eckckt. Cot. J. M-Faiidij! Sin: Dur.ng the past 24 yeaia have been constantly engaged in manufac turing Hour, nnd during the last 12 years have leen the owner of a grift and flouring mill, and among all the contrivance to remove impurities from grain I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iion ma chine is superior lo any with which I am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen months. Fiihihuck Haas. Yorkshire Milli, Dec, 1810. I want in my flouring mill as good an apparatus to prepare grain for flouring, as thref, and I want no better than Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will leiuove smut entirely no mistake. M. CtKASOtt. Sunburt, Deremher 22, 1840. Con. J. M-Famiis Sim 1 have in my mill one of Pratt's cool and winught iron spiral Smut Mills and (train Duller, and am confident that in regard to siinpliciiy of construction, and durability of mate tial, it is supeiior to any I am acquainted wiih. Ilunr MAsxtn. ftrur Cap Mills. Dec. 22, 1810. Col. J. M-Fadius Sin : I hae in my flouring mill one of Pralt's Cast (ton Spiral Smut Mills, and I tin ek'ciik'dly of the opinion that it is the be.t machine to prepare grain for flouring that I am ac quainted with, and as such cheerfully leeomniend it to all who aie engaged in the manufacture ol flour. Jacob Lmsenhi.ho. A nron . burg, March 23, 1841. Con. J. M-Faiiihk fin : I take pleasure in say ing that Pi all's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kindn, lhat ha yet come unde r my observation, and that I believe it farsupnior to any tiling of the kind ever invented. You may use my name in ony way you think proper. O. P. Di scas. IVon Mill, Jan. 14, 1841. This is to certily that I have had Plan's Cast and wrought iron Smut Machine and Giain Hullrr in use (or better than 12 months, and find it lo answer every purpose that it was intended lor. Smut can lie taken out of wheat I believe eveiy particle of il can he taken out without breaking the grain of the wheat. Jon Plamr. Aarovthw g. Match 2:), 1841. Cot. M-Famiin Sin : I have been engaged in manufacturing Supeitine Flour for many years, and have st this time one e.t Pratt's fmui "ill in each of my mills, and I do hereby reeouimi l.d tin m osthe most valuable nnpiovi menl lor cleaning w heat o fmtit and all olhir iuq uiilicr, that I am acquainted with. Jamis Hi-max. Col. M'FAnni Sin: I have bren engaged in ihe manuioctuiini! ol flour I. r 28 years, and most chierli lly recommend the above machine, as It-ing by Or the lift a status lor eleaiibiug giain thai 1 have evir usid or seen. I conbidi r ii an imlisj en fil le article lur any miil that pielends to do any bu biness. Jon Fimii.r. .fyir-e'ic. Milk, Die. 24, 1840. Col. J. M'Kai.hin Sih : Piatt's Cast lion Smut Mill was intio.luied into my mill about thi.ee years f iree, ai d II elieve it is the best aitie le of lln.1 kind now in use. It will not only remove smut en'erely, but is a most valuable a paialus lo clean wheal and lyo of any character, and pre arc il foi Burning. Dknjamin Doi.se. l.fwitburg. Dee. 22, 1840. Col. J. M-Fanum tm: After a caieful and candid examination and trial of ihe machine, in re gaid toconstiuction, neatness and debated in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set in ope ration. I am fully convinced and ratified, lhat the maihiue ubuve alluded to, is second to no oi e in " J. Mon now, Miller and Flour Maruif,.clurcr. Cattuwiisa, Diciiuber 2."), 1840. Chi.. J. M-Pahdih Sin : Fran's Cast and W'ii ui;hi Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Huller, I eou.-ii'er to be the best machine to it mine nout and other nnpuiilies to which grain is subject, that I hove used, or wiih which I am acquainted, in re. gsnl lo dur.i' il ty ol material, simplicity of construc tion, nearness and dopatih in execution. Jusipii I'axtos. N. B. T! e above ma bines are manufactured at ti e Lewisburt; Foundry, L'i ion county and ul the Dloom.burg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Le wis! uig, June 19, 1841. iTlicliacl VaYi r ,V Sv.n R0FE MAKERS & SUIP CHANDLERS. No. 13 jVorrVi W uttr Istrtft. Vhiludt lphiit. t v r. constantly on hand, a ge neral assort ment of Cordace. Se ine Tw ines. Ac., viz ; 1 ai U hope, t isbing Ropes, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, 'l ow Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete sfsoilment of S, ine Twines, Ac. such a Hemp Shad and Heiriug Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cotton t-hoil and llening Twine, Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Ded Cords, Plough Lines, II alters, Tracts, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispisc of on reasonable teims. Philadelphia, Novemhei 7, 140. " j i m ii i k n i a : xsi ; i . 1 4 & wv. WHOLESALE BRY GOODS STORE. No. KiO 1-y Market .Street, l'liila. (IltluW Fifth St.ulhtiiU , LWAYS kee p on In.nd a full aril general si ft runout ot llo-ierV. Lac. Slill Kauri :.in.lu t-ounlry Meiehanl are refpeclfully requeued to bivr im in a rsu arm examine lor tttt ni elns. Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. ly. Isl'KfiliNuTticoi) No. las Market Street. liii!arl( Ir hia. tNV lTE the attention of Country Men hauls to their extensive aftortment of Uiiii.h French and American Dry Goods, which they oflir for sale on ihe mot resbortshls terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1 640. ly. CIT1T AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Sumber 29 North Third Street, Vhiladclphin IJUBLIO SALES of Diy Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoca and Hats, nnd in short almost evety description of gooda, are held at this atahlihmrnt every evening. Gooda are also sold nt private aale during the day at the average auction prices. Store keepers and traders will find it to their advantage oy aiienuing the shIih. U.C. MACKEY, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. .lac-ob rrlKiiiti'li &, foii. ESPECTFLLLY informs their friends and i aeiltlninlniirca (vitlitrnllu lh.1 llif,w .lilt rnru I .-. . .... m.uu i.t nre-i hi ine oni bianu, io. nwo .oriu on alreet, Philadelphia, all kinds of 7yMCCO SIWFF AM) SEGAIiS. Which they will sell on the most accommodating and reasonable terms. N. B. All eoods fold will he guaranteed, and all order promptly attended to. Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. ly. ; rETEir DE w eks, LAST XVZAZCER, No. 74 Callovvl.ill Slreet, Philadelphia, ("I'hrct dooTt ubirvt .Sceonr.J CI HOE Findings always kept on hand, which he f offers for sale on the lowest terms. Country Merch mts are. particularly lo call ami judge for themselves. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. Ir. LOWER &l V,AUMC). Importers and Dealers in Foreitm and i-omesuc uaiawarc, No. 174 Noiitu Tnini. Stuki.t, I'HiL.nr.LpniA. "I TfHERE their fiiends and customers will always fmd a large ond general assortment of Foreign nnd Domestic Hatdwarc, which they will si II at the lowettt ptices. Philedelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 2J North Water Street, Phila. ANUFACTL'RERS ond dealers in Oils of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as ippri si iited, may lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the following oil, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Dleached Speini "II, XT 6000 elo do Celotlofs Oil, n 15,000 10,000 20,000 0000 i5,(;oo do Fail and Sprinc Sperm Oil, do Winter Ken Lb limit, do do Piesed Whale Oil, do Summer do elo do do Common Whale Oil. 2 2 200 Darrels superioi Straits Oil, 300 do Cod Dank Oil, 60 do Neais Foot Oil, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils. iXj This Company has a number of Yessels' in gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanner may rely upon gelling at all times Oil as pure as imported,' Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly. ATTE1TTIC1T. fF'UIE special attention of biiycis fioni the south jL and west, and for the state tratle, is res-pee lful ly invited to the following asortmeiit of (JOUl)fi, which the sul scril er will dispose of at sueh prices as will amply repay his fiiends for calling ond i x amining hi slock. To CASH purchasers, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish trotrng. 600 pieces Canton malting, assoited 1-4, .4 and 0-4 white, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rugs, a l eautilul assortment of Wil ton, Urustels, Tufte-d, Turkey, and Hemp rugs. 200 pieces woolen, wonted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and bloik Carpeting. An e legant variety of ilton, lliiisels, Sco ch and English, Venetian. Damafk, &c. Ac. 1000 dozen men ond boys caps, eompiising a gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Ntitiia, Muk.ijI, and Coney, Hair. Sealeltc and Cloth Caps. 100 dozin Allicaul Mats, atsoitcd size. 100 do Manilla do do do 60 do Shcep-fkiu do do do U0 bahs French Daskeis, cumprhing every de scription. tUO pair Venc ian Dliuds, ass'd figuies and colors. 3010 (attiit do do do 1000 nests Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, entboesed leather, straw and oil cloth. 6010 dozen Combs, assoilid tortoise shell, Bra zilian do hum, ivory, brass and wood, Ciitiipiising a large assortment t f eiery variety. 3000 dozen Whips asfoiled wagon, pip, car riage, sulky, plaliteis, drovers or titling, ol gut, lea ther and thread, with German tilver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 10(10 dozen painted pnils, Wilson's brir d. 10C0 mats cedar Tubs aid Duikc-ls; also, Churns, Piggins, Water Cons, Ac. The above loi-ether wiih an extensive assortment of fancy goods, Dritluuia and Geiman silvir ware, feather and Iri.tlo Drushcs, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany ond Gilt Fi ami s, nf eveiy s.ze and den up turn, are manufactured, import, .1, and sebctcd ex pressly lot the Scutheili, wistirn ami Mate trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 18 North 2d street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. g. vr. & 'if. b7 t aylcp.". OFFER FOR SALE, at Ihe fioiilh Easl Cor ner of Ftflh and Murhtt iftmtt, Fhiudtl pitta Mens' Calf-skiu Boots, stitched wairouted. do do do pegged do do do do water pioif, double coles and double uppers. do Calf skin do do do nailed and upper. do Heavy VVutcr Leather Bool, do do Ncata do do. do High quartet Kn es, (.'all-skill. do do do CiPckers do do Fine Mon rites warranted do Kip do do do Calf do do do Coarse do do do do Shoes do do Fine do do do Kip do do do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps. do List Socks wiih and w about soles. do Carl et do do do do Patent W at ranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Ladies' tanned India Rubber shoe a. Genllcmcnk' do liver shoes. Wiih every other desctiption of boots and shoeti. Furl 'apa of every description. Travelling Trui ks of eve ry description, Venetian Travelling Bags. Patent Gum Elastic Shoe Blacking, Bonnets of all kinds, Pslm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia, Nuecmbcr 7, 140. ly. MAYS, QLUOV, JuYON V OOSH WltolcNiilc Donlri-M. In Foreign, Itritith and American Dry Hood, No. 13 North Tmnn Stkbit, PmtAniLrniA OOUNTRY Merchants can be aupplied at all limea witk an extensive assortn ent of the above Goods, on the most reasonable and satisfactory lernis. May 29, 1R4 1. ly, PETER COITOVEP., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, arm ralm Leal Hat Warehouse. No. 66 North id $trftt,afew Joori above irch, t'liiuUtlihia. ALSO Trunks, C.rpet Bags and V alices, of c--ery desctiption, all of which he ofl'crs for sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly - j- Wt w a i rr; Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 AoofA Third ttrrrt, two doori btvw the Vtty Hotel, Philadelphia. aTOUNTRY Mrrebni. l .n... ... -i:.:.. l . - " vs us., n a i v Ki'l ll liru "4y to examine hia assoitmcut before purchasing t-t.rwin.-iv. Philadelphia, November 7. IMP, ly P . fc A . R O V O U D T ' S China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse No 164 North Third ttrrtt, third door below Vbit ttreet, I'lnlatlrlphia, T TfHERE they constantly k.epon hand a large " asfortment of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on Ihe most rex Bonnble terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. Til EOPI LUSCUL1 Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. iVo. 5 South Third ttreet, four doors below Market riiladcphia' KEEP constantly on hand a large and general assortment Coach Lamp, Carriage Bands, Axle Arm, Eliplic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied at all times on the most reasonable terms. '1 bey will find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. ly. REV NOLDS, McFAR LAN lTSTo. Wl lorosalo Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. Nit. 105 Market ttreet, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and others can be sup plied nt all times with an extensive assoit ment of the best nnd most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable term. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. J. s. loirZpfi holcsale Variety and Trimming Store No. 44, North Fourth near Arch st., 1'hiludclphia VtniEliE Country Menhnnls and others can he supplied, at til limes, with a large assortment of Hosiery, Gloves, Merino. Cotton, and Woolen Shiits and Drawers, Spool Cotton. Patent Thiead. Cotton Cords, Buttons, Tapis. Binding. Hook am! Eye, Pins, Ac. Ami a yonrral vain ty of llfC ful articles, which he oilers for tale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 7. 1840. ly. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, lor III DoII.ii-n, il QUA I. f,tr time to any told by Clock '.- ' M 111, t,. . I... lar for 25, for sale by March 13. II. B. MA 'ER. LIVER COMFI.AIXT, Currd by tht tr.ve Or. Hahlich's Compoi .mi Stlsotiixm mi Asn Ai'i:niKT Pill. Mr. William Richaiius, Pnisburgh, Pa., en liiely cured of the above distressing disease .- His yintoins were, pain and weight in the It fi side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid erud itions, disten lion of the stomach, sic k headache, fuiretl tongue, countenance changed lo a citron color. dilhVully ol breathing. dMuihed reft, attended with a cough, Bieal debility, with other symtoms indicating greal deriincement of the functions of The liver. Mr. Riciiahiis had the adviie of several phytcians, but received no leluf, until usina Dr. IIahlh h's Med icine, w hich terminated ill i lit ctu g a peifect cure. Plincijial Office, 19 Noilh Eighth Street, Phila delphia. AlfO for sale at the chug tore of HENRV VOXTHEIMDR. LV 1. 1811. Agent. the CACti: oFJJTi'ir.iiTT. Nearly all elafses of dise ase, are caused l y some obstruction in the system, which prevent the tegu lar and wholesome operation of ihe animal func tions. This siate of ihe system, is disease, which is manifi steal in a varieiy of forms, mote or less mal guitnl in their character. To restoie the sj Hem lo a state of he ahh, then, il is only necessary lo re move the cause of disease, and ihe end is accom plished. The cause is ols ruction somewhere. Th e can be removed by purgation, which is the only means that should be re sorted to. because, suggested by icason, nnd ly nature. Dr. Hulich's Mret gth ening and Geiman Aperient Pills, ate allowed by Ihi thousands who have used Ihem, lo be the test purgative medicine in existence. Because, ihey not only remove all obstructions, and purge Ihe fys tem e fils impurities, but, because, and which is ex tremely important, strengthen and give proper lone to ihe stomach, and produce a healthy action of all the parts. Besides, ihey are so mild ond gentle in their operation, as to render them at all limes a per fectly safe and desirable remedy. The afflicted would do wvll, then, lo purchase a box or two of this invaluable medicine, and give ii a fair trial, in stead of destroying their systems with oft-repeated doses of calomel, and other drugs, so injurious lo human life and happiness Flie above niideeine for sale at the Drug store of HENRY YOXTHLIMDR, May 1. 1841. ,1geul. i-Tc TT'heaUaI 1TL7 ? Is a very common affection. Its attacks are very severe, and characteiized by spasmodic pains, shill ing from one pat of the head lo the other, fre quently commencing in the morning, attended with sickness of the aiomach, nausea, faintings, and sometimes, vomiting, giddiness, and confusion ol sight, Ac Ac, This desc-ase is pioduced fioni va rious causes, perhopa the mosl common, is a de. rancciiient of the stomach and digestive organs. FEMALES are mosl subject lo ibis affection, par Ocularly thofe who lead a sedentary life. Dr. 7r lick's Compound Strengthening Tunic and rr iitiin Aptr.ent l'ik, are wairanled to ariest this troublesome disease : first by cleansing the stomach and bowels, purifying the blood, and lemoving all diseased and ciciementuous humors from the liver and intestines. By Ihe use, first, of a few doses of the Aperient German Pills, afterwards two or three doses of the &treitgthming Tonic I' ilk, w hieh aie used lo sliengthen and invigorate the nervous sisttn, give tone lo the stomach and organs of oigestiou, ihus imparting to their subiile fluid its piibtine vigor, ibis afllieling disease may be entire ly lemoveil. This is the only mode of treating this annoying complaint, and has been attended with success in thousands of cases. Psmplrls giving general direeliona, may be ob tained gratia, si No. 19 North Eighth siree i, Phila delphia. HENRY YO.VIHEI.MER. M.y 1, IMI. AgnL To THE VOMMVXITY. THE success which hns attended the use of Dr. Harlick's Orwrtm Aperient and Compound ttrengthening Tunic Pills, is truly astonishing. Il is no vain boast lo say thia medicine has proved by lie happy flcte in the trtue of i vaiiety of diseases to which the human framvj it liable, to he vastly su perior lo the many preparaiions before ihe public. Many of these preparations are compounded by in dividual who are positively ignorant of the myste ries nf ihe human ay stem, and mere pretenders td medical knowledge. Dr. Hsrlich, however, is cele brated among the German faculty a a man of the highest scientific attainment, and equally distin guished throughout Europe, as a successful medical practitioner, spent most of the years of a useful life In the aquisilton of such knowledge as might prove beneficial to his fellow cicatures. In the pills which he invented, and which bear his name, the public ere assured of an article that possesses' more than ordinary virtues. From the acknowledged talents of this inventor, nothing less than a good ankle eemld he expected ; and tho experience of many years hss afforded demonstration of the virtues of his medicine. In Geimnny and other parts of Eu rope, its r putation is established. In this country into which it has but been recently introduced, it is rapidly gaining ihe mo-t fubstantial reputation. The humciou certificates of cuies of ihe most obstinate diseases effected by the life of Harlich's Pills, w hich ine proprietor is constantly receiving, ie proof of tho fact. Day after day he receives new testimonials of their efficacy, and week after week increoses the demand for the in. This is not mere assertion ; in nuineiable certificates are open for the Inspection of the public, and the doubt of any who arc skeptical, can le removed by examining litem at ihe ollice of Ihe proprietor. We take the liberty, then, of suggesting lo every 'family, that they moke use of Ur. Harlich's Pills. Let Ihcni keep a supply constantly on hand, to bo used when occasion demands, and they will receive the most unequivocal proofs of utility. Mcdicut Drfiner. Piincijte.l office for the United States, No. 19 North higlnh sttect, Philadelphia. Western Depot, No. 41, St. Clair street, P;t!. burgh. HENRY YOXTHELMER, May 1, 184 1. Jlgcnt HEPATITIS, Oil LIVER COMPLAINT. Liver complaint is described lo be of two forms viz ; Acute nnd Chronic, which trredifTi rent in then seal and character, and arc produced from ulcers ot Ihe Liver, which is diseased on the surface or in ihi centre. In the former, the patient is attacked will sutlden pain, in the region of the Liver, so sever lhal even the led ch thes are insupportable ; the pa licnt cannot bear to turn or lay on his left side fror, the pressure exerted in that posiiion of the inflame organs. The latter may go on in such a manne that the first sy mtoms of Liver Complaint are thos which mark the occurrence of suppuration. Th Acute and SSub-acute varietie, almost always com mence with some chilly feelings succeeded by Ilea of tho skin, fevered tongue, having a yellowish a pearance. Ii regular state of tlie bowels, costivenesi countencanm chaniies lo a pale or citron color, c yellow like those afflicted with jaundice, difficulty i breathing, disturbed rest, attended with coup.h, fi veiish fymt, m. a dry and ( arched fkin, difficult of lying on the light side, urine scanty and hig colored, the patient passes many bad nights and : frtqu, ntlv troubled with Diarrhoea, Tenasmus an P.les, nausea and vomiting, and has a considerabl '.hirst. W hen the inflammation off. els the peril, neal roat of the Liver the pain is much more intern and the fever higher than when confined to the Li er. In chronic affections it is uncertain in its le munition ; the pain is intense, attended occasions ly with liverish symtoms, a dry and parched ski irregular bowels, saRow countenance, freqeunt a tacks of jum dice, ihe tongue is scarcely ever fre from ye llow fur, the appetite bad, and a Coiruptio attacks the face ond back, behind the shoulders, A Da,. Hahlich's Compound Strengthening Toi ic and Asenent German Pill, will, in a majori' of eases, produce a perfect cure, and if used at tl very onset of affliction will in every case arrest tl disease. This is not meiely theory but fact, whi. can be substantial! d by the testimonies of varioi a rsons who have wilms-cl the astonishing efl'cc of this invaluable medicine. The diet must bt a limli d to, and the warm bath must n, be neglei ed win n the patient can have access to it. Fi and explicit d reclions ore di fined in the medic pamplet which accompanies the medicine, and ci I c obtained gratis of any of the regularly appoint, agents who sell this medicine. Piincipal Office and Central Depot for the l.a ted Stiites, is at No. I 9 North Eighth Sued, Phi dtlphin, where all communications for Agcnci Advertising and Medicines must be addressed (pi paid.1 which will meet with immediate attention. HENRY VOXTHEIMER, May I, 1811. Agent. PRINCIPAL REASONS Why Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strcngthe ing nnd German Aperient Pills i, re used by all cl. ses of people, in pre fere nee to olher Medicines, I cause they are prepared from a pure ezlract herbs, a w hoh some mcilitine, mild in its operaii and pleasant in its effect the ino-t ce itaiu pieser of health, a sale ond ell. dual cure of D) epsia Indigestion, and all stomach complaints, a preser and puiiliei of the whole system. Because tl ey sooihelhe nerves of sensibility o fortify the ne rve s of motion, imparting to their m subtle fluid its pristine tone, thus giving strcni and clearness of mind. Because they never destroy the coats of the i roach and bowels, as all strong purgatives do. Because science and experience teach us that mere purgative alone will cure the disease of stomach and nerves. Weakness is the prim cause of a host of d'senses, and, by continually soiling to Drattie pingaiives, you make the disc much worse, instead ol letter. Because Dr. llailith's Med cines aie put up on Ihe common sense principle, to 'cleanse i strengthen," which is ihe only course to pursue effect a cine. Lastly, Because these Medicines really do cure the i ea-e lor which they are it commended. Princi Office for the I'nited Mates, is at No. 19 Ni Eighth btreet, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTHEIMER. Msyl.lSU. Age CLEANSE AND STUENdTllEN. The only sure anil best course lo pursue in ring elite, ses, of whatever nature Ihry may be, first, to cleanse and purify the Stomach and Bi els by gentle aperients; secondly, lo give siieni and luiie lo those tender organs by the use ofpio lonks. This mode is slwsvs pursued by regi physicians, which they well' know to be the o course to res.ul to, to nU-cl a speedy and permsn cure. Dr. Harlicm's Compound Strengthen J omc and Apeiient pills, are a sure mediein. cflect this grand object. The German Apeii pills are to cleanse the stomsch and intestines, ler which the Compound Sut-ntgening Tonic t are used, to give slre-nglli and lone to those gaiis which requite tender treatme nt. Neaily n thirda of the diseases which we daily beh ' aie diseases ef the nervous system, snd by conn al'y using drastic mineral purgatives (he tulK will soon find himself a being loo much refi lo remain long in existence. Full and explicit reclions both in English and Geiman, accomi ihis nonce. The above medicine for sale at the Dru May 1, 1641. .-illll.Vfc ' A,