mn THK AMKRICAX, Victualing House, An establishment of this kin J has lately been opened by Messrs. Wharton & Searls, at the aoulh weal corner of market Square, where fine Oysters and every thing else can be had, adapted to the loco of the moat fastidious EPICURE. From the Pennsylvania Reporter. lists of Mcmbm of the Pennsylvania Lrgisla tnrc 1S-I1. STATE SENATE. Dist 1. Philadelphia City. Henry S. Spack n, Jacob Gratz.-f II. County of Philadelphia Benjamin Crispin, Edward A. Pcnniman.f Thomas McCnlley.f- III. Montgomery, Chester and Delaware NVi thaniel Brooke, Abraham Drawer, John T Hud dleson. IV. Buck Samuel A. Smith. V. Beiks Samuel Figcly. VI. Lancaster and York John Strohm, Tho mas E. Cochran, William Wester. VII. Dauphin and Lebanon Lew Klinej VIII. Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry and t'nion Hubert '. Maclay, James Mathers. IX. Columbia and Schuylkill Samuel F. Ilea J- iy. X. Lehigh and Northampton John S. Gibbons. XI. Luzerne, Monroe, Wayne and I'ike Lu ther Kidder.-)- XII. Lycoming, Centre, Clinton and Northum berland itulwrt P. Fleming. XIII. Bradford and Susquehanna Asa Dim mock t r;:; XiV. Franklin, Cumberland and A Jims James X. McLauah in,-j- William Gorgaa XV. Bedford and Somerst t George Mulling XVI. Westmorland John 0. Plunirr. XVIt. Washington Jjhn Ewing. XVIII. Fayette and Greene William F. Cop Inn. XIX. Allegheny and Bulloi Char'.e s C. Sulli van, George Darsic. XX. Beaver an.l Mercer William Stewart. XXI. Craw ford ami F.ric- James W.Farrallv.f XXII. Jefferson, McKean, 1'olU-r, Tioga, Ve nango nnd Warren Samuel Hays. XXIII. Indiana, Arin-tiorig, Clation, Cambria and Clearfield William Biglir. New members thus t dcmociats 17, in ro tnan federal 1G, in italic, Mr. Farrally was elected by the democrats, and we have pretty sure information thai bis political course will be guided by their will. Ho has here tofore been counted a moderate whig. HOESE OF KEPUEsENTATlYES. Philadelphia City William A. Criddi, E.Joy Morris, William F. limine, James 11, liters, John Hush, George Sharswood, C. 11. Trego. Philadelphia County John Fcltoti, John W. Evan, Win. Bonsall, John Painter, Joseph I.. Han rock, John J. McCuhan, A. L. Koumfort, Thomas M. Scott. Bucks John Apple, Abel M. Griffiths, Joseph Thomas. Chester Emmnr Elton, Wm. A. Cnrrey, Hu bert Futhey, Hubert Laverty. Lancaster Christian Kieffer, Joseph McClurc, I'hilip Yon Keida, Jacob Foreman, Hugh An Ireii's, 'Benjamin l'ennrll. York Isaac Garrclson, Adam Ebaugh, Win. S Picking. Cumberland William IJarr, Joseph Culver. Perry (Jcoiije -Beaver. Berks Samuel Moore, John Sihcnk, John Pol .cijicr, John Baehmnn. Schuylkill Chris-tain . Slranh. Northampton and Monroe Joseph Kerr, Jef.'ei- j son K. Heckman, Asa Parker. j Lehigh Benjamin Fogel, Tcter Has. Wayne and Pike John II. Brodhetd. j Northumberland I). B. Montgomery. I Midlin, Jur.'ata and I.'nion John McCruni, William Ross, John A. Yanmlzuh. j Columbia Daniel Snvdcr. 1 i Wa-hington Wall ice McWilliams, James Mc parren, Jesso Martin. Westmoreland Samoel 11.11, William Johnston. Armstrong George W. Mjrehand. Indiana John Cummin. Jetrerson, McKean auJ Waren Lew is B. Dun in m. Fa;ctte Aaron Bughcr, John II. Deford. Bedford Abiaharn Wcisil. M. Ilolderbaum. Franklin Peter t.'ouk, Andrew Snivtly. Montgomery William Bean, Willi jiii B. J I .shit, 'hailes Kugler. Dauphin Samuel II. Clark, Benjamin Matter, Lebanon Jidin liruner. l.twreno llendrick B. Wright, A. Cort right. Susrpithtnna Calvin Leel. Uradf.'id William Elwell. Tioja and Potter D. L. Sherwool. Huntingdon J.-sse Moure, Th.rnas We.lon. Beaver Mulheiu T. Kennedy, John Fergunoi.. Mercer Thomas Wilson, Jonts limits. Allegheny David Becler, John Murray, Win. v.irn, Isaac L'ghtner, Butler Samuel M. Line. Delaware Jjs.'tua J', Lyre. Somerset and Cambria J, Ihnni.J. Rnyrr. Lycoming, Clear liuld and Clinton Jas. Gamble, !eogc If. B irrett. (irecno Thoui . P. Po l k. SiamThat'deus Stevens, G. .. Fans. Ceil' re James Macihanus. Crawfoid Moirow B. Lowory, J. P. Brawlcy. Erie Jame C. Puidap, Stephen C. Fee. Venango and Clarion James R. Suowden. Dcinoraata in roinau antim isuu, whigs and deiahsts, in italic. RECAPITULATION. Democrats. Federal. Senate, 17 IB House, tit 34 No ra. Two members in Huntingdon were -led as working nu u. Woiking nutn are usually inoerats, and such, il is la r to class them. From the Vnited States Gazelle. Mr. Editor t I notice In the United States Gi cede of the 22J inst. communication signed "A Subscriber" requesting information on the subject of Anthracite Pig iron, and whether its Conversion into Malleable Iron has been effected without extra expense sufficient to render the manufacture un profitable. After having worked nearly COO tons of the va rious sorts Anthracite Pig Iron ; smelted in Penn. sylvatiia and New Jersey, I feel myself fully com petent to give an opinion on the subject, and would state that I have converted the above amount of iron into good sheet iron, rods, &c. Ac. with but trifling extra expense, if any, when compared with the ordinary brands of charcoal Pig Iron. I would not be understood to sty, that Anthra cite Pig Iron is fully equal in quality to tho very best brands of charcoal Pig Iron for conversion into Mclleablo Iron, but, much of the Antlira its Iron which I have tried, has proved greatly superior in quality to the ordinary sorts of charcoal Pig Iron, and was converted into the malleable state at about the same cost. I find too that its conversion is generally moie rapid and consequently ailendeil with rather less consumption of fuel than charcoal iron. I have reference now to its conversion by the ordinary process of puddling with Anihracito Coal as (uel, but by the boiling process (as it is termed I have with the same kind of fuel in a properly con structed furnace, converted the poorest No. U An llirac to Pig Iron into the most superior quality of Chain Iron, at an exin expense of . a $G per ton whin coinpsnd with the very be t charcoal Pi Iron. Willi lolcrenco to tho was e, I find it in tho best so:ts of Anihracito Iron todi.tlr but little from charcoal Pij. I have had no experience in its conversion by the procfBs ordinarily usad in Pennsylvania by means of charcoal as fu. I, but I have been infirm ed by an intil.igenl Iron mister, who has tried the experiment, that the Anthraeite Pij produced by tho LcUinh Crane. Lou Co. yielded a first r.ite quality of Bai Iron by that process. There is no doubt a great existing a inong Iron Masters with reg ird to the employment of Anthraeite Pig iron in their forges, this I t'.h.k lime will overcome, an.l I would su?.;.-.-t to th -smelters of Anthracite in Pennsylvania, whether at a matter of policy it would not bo,a! le f.-r them to conveit their more inferior sor's of Pu Iron, into Plate or leli.ied metal, and sell it to the Fomes in t'.iat State ; this, although it has not y. t been done cntiiely with Anthracite as fuel, can I j believe be elt'ecte.l or celainly by a mixture of char co.d and anthracite. By pursuing this course a much better article will be produced at no great ex tra expense, their Furnaces may be more heavily burdened so ns to produce the u'mo-t quantity ot Pig Iron possible for refining, and probably at more profit than running with lighter burdens for grey iron and its advantages to all puddling toei.U would be great, as the labor of puddling pig iron, particularly in hot weather, is cxccssie, the Plate Iron can more easily be converted in greater quantities, and with less fuel, and the wages for conversion would be reduced in proportion. One of the most intelligent Anlhiacite Furnace proprietors in Pennsylvania has essurcd me he shall pursue this c lurse, anJ I have no d.niht will be productive ol much benefit an I profit both to hinistVand the forge owners purchasing tho refined metal. A NEW JERSEY IRON MASTER. l iillril State Hunk. The news of the is ium.-iit by this institution, created, a was to be expected, lerahle ex -ite in lit in London. Joined to the news cariie.l mil by the same steamei in relation o M.l.eo the .i. : im.; ; i ..... .!. i lliai.yv- ... u... .-..! i., .u change in our Cahinct. it seems to hive put (be London mercantile wmld into a term, lit for tw Ive hours quite as long as any lie as -is a gene ral sensation there. The Moiniug Herald thus speaks of the Bank : The final declaration of (he insolvency of that mighty institution ought not to be pissed over in silence. The d. rectors, by the assignment of ..II its remaining property to trustees for the liquidation of its debts, h ive consummated its now irretrievable bankruptcy a bankruptcy more prodigious, it may . , , ' I. i 4- ' be said, than ever the woil.l witnessed for it is the banktuptcy i f a uiaguiticint establishment which started wi h a of thirty-five millions of dolla s; and so total is (ha wreck, that it in iy be doubted if a single cent of surplus money will re in. .in, blur the indispensable payment of debts, for div.sion among the sbain'.iolders. The famous Mis sissippi associ ition of Law in France, or the South Sea Bubble in this country, were not. on their fl uid riplo-ion, to bit co i.pjrej this giguvic failure."!'. .V. Gazette. Kkowlfuhe hi GroMiAFiir. One of the litis religious newspipers of London, .nij one o( the a-bh-t .it ul ino-l intii'igeiit journals, ipcks of the Stjlo of Ciiu i'.n.iii, in Amciica." It is not ttrine that British writers nro ignorant of (he the ory of our government, when they cannot le.iu even the na. nes of the St it- s. It would be dilo iuIi to find a school l.,.y i i t'.i. cou itry whowoi.l.l miko such a blunder as I -p. ak of the Ki. g iotn of Liverpool," but it is no! long since wo read in a London pnpir tn ai count if a dtst' fno in a city in the 'Sute of Mobile." .V. Y, OLa.rir, It AI.Tl.HOllL; MAHUKT. i OJicenfihe LSiLTivioRK Auhiicas, Nov. 1. I CATTLE. Upwards of 1500 h ad of B.if ! Cattle were offered for sile this morning at the I drove y mis of which 45() were taken by the hutch ' ers and puckers in the city at?J to ft per 100 f.x common to prime quali ies. About 300 bead were taken Noith by the o-vnet ami the balance laid over. Live Hogs are plenty and e quote at $3 to (3,75 per H O lb. FLOUR. We are not advised of any trausac lions in Howard street Flour to-day. Holders are Bskiug f.), K 7 4 for good staiidaid braiiJj fiuiu stores, 'lliC wjgoit pi ice is unsteady. l l-JLJ '.lf'T"- J iJ. .!'.' .-; v . ' ' The last sa'ea of City Mills Flottr were at $(?, on 60 days credit without interest. Small Sales of Susquehanna Flour are making at f fl. GRAIN. Some few parcels only of Md. Wheats have been offered in market to day. We continue to quote fair to prime Md, and Va. Reds at $1,20 t 1 1,30. No Pennsylvania in market. We quote sales of family Flour Md. white wb-ats at f 1,40 a JM.4S. We quote Md. white Coin at 61 a 63 cents, and Md. yellow at 62 a 63 cents. Last sales of Md. Rye were at 69 a 70 cents. We qnoto M J. Oats at 43 a 4.1 cents. WH1SKE V. We quote hhds. nominally at 20 cents. Subs of bids, on Saturday at 21 cents, 4 month; to-day they are olfeied at 20 J eta. Tho vtogiii price of bids, is unsettled. PHlI.Ali:i.PItI.V MA UK 1ST, Bickskll's Rkforteb, Nov. 2, 1811. FLOUR cV MEAL. The stock of Flour is uncommonly small, and the reccip's are limits I, with a fair demand. Sales for export at G 12 per bbl. early in the week later at $6 25, and a pa'cel of extra quality at a higher price. Sales for homo Use at $0 25, and good b.ikei'a brands at $6 60 in lots. The sales show I2J cents advance. Rye Flour Sales at $3 37 j a $3 CO rer bbl Coin Meal is higher. Sales in bbls at f i To a 2 81 for Pennsylvania, and $.i for Brandy wine ; hhda at fit, and ex ra 214 25 each. GIJAIN. Wheat has advanced in price. Sales of si-viral lots of fair to pri re quality Pinns)lvi nia at $1 31 to ft 3G per bushel ; Southern at $1 29 a 1 33, nnd tome piime in Stoio at 1 3t Rye no falca, nnd it is wanted at about 67 cents. Corn largo sales of Pennsylvania at 67 to 61 cents f.r round yellow, and other kinds at 64 to 62; Sou'bcrn yellow 63, and white 61 cents. Oats sabs at 43 a 44 cents per bu-he). sswnrsvRcnnai DILI), At New Berlin, Pa., on Friday evening the 29;h till., J AMES MERRILL, Esq., in the 60 h year of bis .i'40. ('oiil Trade. Amount ol Coal carried on tho Danville and Poltsville Rail Road to unlniry for shipping, du nng t!.e. week ending on .N ov, J, 10:12 Toll. Pi-i lust riport, 17,71)3 TotO, l.s.7:).' 2.300 Amount of Iron Ore lianspuiied, JOHN BUUI), w. m. Semi-tHASM Coil Thakk. Total amount shipped from Wyoming Valiev, to June lst, Tons, 7,1 I ti Son ilkii.l Coal J ii a nr. To Oct. 21, Tons, 461,092 Li ttlk ScHi'i LKiLL Coal Taani:. To Oet. 21, Tons, 31,958 Dil.iWAMr. cV Hi ii sox Coal Tnim. To 0.:l. :, Tons, 151,270 Pl.VK GllOVk Coal 1'haiik. To Aug. 5, Tons, 13,000 Moist Cahiio.h Rati. Kon. Amount transported to Oet. 5t, Tons, 74,609 Mi. si. Hill cc t-iHutLkiLL Haykm Rail Road. Amount lranspor-ed to O. t 2!, Tons 223,183 Mill Ci;i.kk Rail Roaii. Amount IranspnrtPil to Oct. 21, Tons 43,710 Si urtLKii.i. Vallkt Rail Rom, Amount traiispurted to Oct. 21, Tons 67,tS6 l.Liiii.ii Coal Tiiaiic. To Oet. 12, Tons 73,170 To those who loslre llrultli. B hereby certify, that I wss afilielerl for eight yejrs with a severe nervous disease, ntten.lej with constant pain in the bicil, sUle ami stomach, loss of appetite, no rcl at niyht, st. koess and diziness in ti e bead, pain in the s'oniach nfier e iting, and other symptoms which attend ind i;(Mioii, inv bow ..i ........ ..ok ...i ,.i ii....... .!..: ........ n ...... . I.i,ri..s .luri,, I. ,n . ... , i. ..I peite Used inuen nie.ln me vtn ell only p-o.iucei! temp.v r.irv relief. In the year 1S1I0, I was often unuhle I to lei veiny bouse, and being a pour widow, ilc- pei dent on niv own labor for a living, was obbged i to go from bouse to house to obtain it. I at length gave up nil hopes of recovery, mid tiusl.d to Hun 'lh it created all things," I fortunately was favored with work in Eighth street, when the family, disco verina mv miserable situation, iinn.e.lia'elv lecuni. mended Dr. II A It L I C M'S COMPOUND M'liENG THENING GERMAN APr.lilENT ,M,''S- hic,., i'"" l"'1,r,d fjr I them, an 1 continued for obout tbr.e moiths: during the lime mv strength rupi.lly i, my countenance and pi lid cheek returned to their former and natu ral colors. Since I have fully recovered, and at present enjoy perfect health. I feel il mv duty to iufoirn the public at latco of the gicat virtues of Ur. MAKUCIt'iS MEDICINE, that others may procure it, and be likewise cured. I am wed known in this citv ; any p. rsou wishing t see me, can c.i.l at my ce. M ARY H. FOFRsMAN', Jjck. in street, buk of 141 I'ool.r Line. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 19 NORTH EK II 111 street, Philadelphia, where testimonial n.av tie seen. 1 1 E N P Y YOXTIIE IMER, Sun! urv, November 0, Mil. A?tnt F ILL b.' exposed to sdo ly Publ.c Outciy oi ' Vendue, in ilia Borough ol Northu.iiberlaiid, on Wed. nsiliy ihu 10 li day f Noveiub. r next, at thH late ol Mrs. MAR I'll A CI I A PM A.N. dci'.alire and val.m'.ilo t..llec'ion ol llounhold and K tchei Furniture, suc'i as Led slid hedoinj, i rd s'eai's, liun ana, l.iU.s, -li .irs, l.i kl g gl .si s, cn.fis. &c.. Ai., loeiher wuh WAtiON AM) lit) .SE", cows authors, a two horse cai ri ie w .s it. i) e a. il enru, ai dtnr.oiia othei uitiel a not lines n v t) ilium. rie. Dne iil'i ce will he given an.l terms made ki.o-.iii on ih" d y of si'e I'V JOHN B. BvJ VD, Adm'r. ' Nort'.i'd.. Nov. f.lh Mil. 'PIIK suhserbir I. as josi ie.t iv.d a new u.. ilex- leu ive ssor ment of Dry Ciood- and (Jrocines, wbieh be i Hi is f., sale at Hie piiees. Nuv.U, Mil. II. U. MASSE II. Kff7AS lukeu tip sstray. on li.e farm where the y mb-criters now icside, sod nwis.l by Jo-s-ph Wallace, in Tuckiboe, Point lowna!iip, Nor Ihuuil.crUnd county, a BRINDLE S 1'ElHi with a while luce, about 17 or M mouths o'd. The owner is requested to com fo. ward, prove property, pay charges, and take it awav. ABRAHAM I.ONO. Nov.C, M41. NATHAN MILLER. PRICE CUHUKNT. Corrected weekly by lltnry Yorhcimcr, Wiikat, Rtr., 110 60 40 30 l 125 14 25 12 J 75 2110 8 10 6 CnHr, Oats, . Potts., . . FLAXsr.r.n, BnTTKII, Dkhswav, Tallow, Dim hi Applls, Do. PklCIIKS, Flax, Hvxklrd Flax, Eons, WIIOIjESAIjH IXOSIEIIY, OLOVH & nrvt rtAL vnir.rr srone, No. 31 Sor'h Four! h it., undo" Merchants Hold, rillLADlH.PIII A. HERE Country Merchant mn I e supplied with an extensive varhtv -f chore oi tides in bi line, up. n the most reosoliil'lc ti rius. Nov. fi h IS4I ly BZcCAIiIiA Si. HBRSE, o 51, rt'urtti .vtroiKl Nlrcvt, (conii.n or coomr's ali.kt.) Where they constantly keep "n hand a genet il assortment '( CLOTHS, CASSISrlZSRSS, VUSTrNOS, And a grtot variety vf art c'is if a tuptrtnr . quality, which they oiler to dispose of up in tho 111 l leasonablu t rm. COUNTRY MERCHAN TS and others will find it to their advanligo to call anil examine their slock before purchasing il ewbcie. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1811. ly A siL.:i5ii A5smiTMi:.vr OP UST arrived (rent the city of Plu'adel hi i, and fir sale, at the inns! reduced i rices, foi cash, ot the new utote fomieilv kept by John Bogar, as follows . Clothing i f nil soils and io, such as Warm Overco ts, Co..tlres. I'.n.talooiis, Visrs. Ac. Also, a latij" s-s irtment of Pino t'alf sKin and W.i te proof li ints, L uiies' L i. e l!o..ts, and rtvari.ty of other Boots and S .oi s f..r the wint. i, trunriud and iintrimme I Coin Shoes and Men's, Boys' and Chd's Sho. s, of u l sires. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, S.u.burv O t. rOtb 18-11. 'f. IMatc of ClKirU-s IXUiniin. "UJOTIt E is hen by piven. th it I. tt rs f n.i i-lrst'on if ill.- Estate of t'liiirbs Eck man. late of A u.;iista low n-l ip, ihc'tl., havcl mi g.anted to tin- su' scril-er I y the Register of Nor ihiiiuhi Tan I com tv. All p. rs ms having el i ns or demands ag lilist the said I'ire.lent, are nqileseil ti rn ike know n the same to the sir scriU-r wrhou! de lay, and nb thus.- indebted to mid deceased ure ulso requested to call ai d IiiaKe setllemen'. J Mi;s ECKMAN, Adrn'r. Ru h Township, Oct. 30, 141. Gi ADAMS'S HOTEL, ,Sutl)UI .V, 0I lIlUllllMTlillHl C'Otlllt) , PE NNSYIiVANIA. rpiIE subscribi r has ren'ed that large nnd ronve. - nient Tavein House in Sunbury. lately occu jiied bv Hiram I'rite, nnd is p epared to accomm.v date all who will favor htm with their custom, in a ne jt and comfortable manner. ROBERT ADAMS. Sunhurv, Oct. 23d, Mil. tiK NORTHUMBERLAND. N Election wi I I e held at the Banking II. .use, oil Mond iv the 15th day of Novem er, l.e tweeri the hours ol 10 A. M and i P. M., f r the purpose of choosing thblcen Di'ictors to serve for the ensuing er. The annual meeting of the stoekho ih ts will he In hi i n the first Tuesday in November, at 10 A. M. J. R. PRIES I I. EV, Oet. 16. 3. Cashier. AI K S, l!OLTON, Bi I'.Si'EC TI I'kl.V inf rinsbi-r fuel dsan I the SSaV pill li.' neii.-Mily, lb it -he i-nntiMie to Keep thai well known Tavem JMalid ill Maik.l slnt-i, Sunbury, si;!ii of th H4SL .'B55 MED .ETTJ 21 T, f.imerly kept by lohn llolton, h r husband; nnd by i-lnleavoriiig to conduct the eaiiil-lisl un til in a manlier to liive sa'i-laetion to -all, ho; is 10 tin III u libeial s i:ii e of public patio'-age, Mimbury, Oet.iber lih, Mil. JsjlrsJi. W' 'J!. sJ rU-isJj T7tOR trial in the Court of t'omm m Pleie i f j Nonhumberl old County, commencing on ihe Iti.-l Monday of next, (hiu.g :.e Is .) t 'ountv of Noithuin'd. vs John Bloom, late Tieas. Josepti Trego Peter Filben's adiiis. Cmui'iti. of Pa. B d-i r for Badger Win. A. Lb.vd Sob. moii Mi ng is Chnsl. W. Rich H, Is W illtain Shipniati Job.-. It. t.'owdeil Jacoli Diets Sai ah Eckert Daniel Diellenbaihrr J ones Wetzel Elij ill Crawl .rd John A. l.'o d s Martin M. Stock vs John Fl'be t vs W e iv. r, I.I i i, it al v. lluh ! I .s s J dm Y.'Ung vs ti oige Ovsli r vs John D. Condon vs Augustus RlOS I t (il vs iV kin btu vs Pitii.'k II iiup-i'V ts M. B. I'.ekeit V C O. I tonni I vs Christian R..hinn vs Solum in Dnnki llterger vs J.s.-e I'.uker vs W McCy Ooml'ih l Pa. lor 3 iy re vs John t'rik lle.nv Frtek s S;e, h. il W.Isoli John Huoier 's John Mini er J nob I'h bps vs J in es D elf. nbacber O h eri R o'.iiis's i x'r s lai iri We ivei Ricli.ud Yariull vs E ti. Bridt..ra's ad in--. I.v on, emb rs. e nf Su.i'.h vs II B. II is An. hew Fi n k vs John A. Liovd Thomas Va.iva! ill B.irilelt f r Piper Ileiiien ,t Fxltinei lohn M. Eossel J..S. i' Ma: i it A. l. million' admr vs Henry r i 'ek vs S iii in I l.'l.i r V- D v .l llmtinan v. P. & J. Piirl rami i:l d. Jordan. Pro h. ri t irv's OiTn-p, t'roih v. Sunbury, O. t 2, Mil. S ii i-: v A II D ES i.lTered foi ii.forni itiop that v.dl lead tnhs e n v ei i-mi of any person or pcr-oi s who have lai I or sti d heresfn r lay stones or other distraction on the r ills of the Danvillo end P. tisviile Kailroud. An a t I'fihw bgi.lature has nude this off nee punish able by imprisonment in ihe PENITENTIARY, and the Company a'f deuiioined In rusecute of fend rs to the utmost riunl nf the Isw, 't.'t.lS. -Jl. .S, K. Wt)01, Vijrr, RESPECTFULLY inform the cilitena of Sun bury end vicinity, that they have lakin the Shop 1st, y occupied by Win. Durst, whero they will carry nn the TAILOHIKa BUSINESS, in nil its various Ik indies. Ity strict atl nlion and ira 'tnibb' cb', tliey expitet to meiil a share of public patronage. Stndiury. Sept. 4th, M41. SHAHOKXN COAL. V A verv pitit' rior nn .luv. e..ii t lisd at anv i . J ' ' lime, li v Riiolie.itton In the Kiihri-yilierH. in lots . - .' to suit pun Lasers. 'They keep huge, egg, broken, nnd fine ic.ul, lit fur burning lime. J. 11. PL'RDY & Co. Sunbtiry, O t. 23. sSot or BOCKS, (nn sals sr AN'TI'ON'S t I Dictionary; Lemprier's do.; A'nstvonh's do ; t'ohh's do.; English end Ci'eiman do; Aiit'iou's Cicarj Anthon's (irammer; Anihcn's Ctce o; Man's I, a in Reader; t 'gilby's do.; Andrew's Latin Less n; Donnegati's Lexicon; Fifk'sOre.k Evercses; Davies's Lf gender; Greets Majiri; A.liin.'s IZ mian Antiquities; Pinnock's Goldsmith's Ei'C' md; do. Greece; I .jell's F.b ments if Gei.loijv; M rs. Lincoln's Botniiv; Elements of Bi taiiy; Bridie's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Reader-; Emerson's Geoctuphy and History; Olney's do; Parley's do.; Smith's (irammer; Kirkham'a do ; Kav's liui.l. r.s Cold's do.; Cnb'Vs Arithmetic!.; Pint 's d i ; Erin rs 'ii's do.; Cut h's Spelling Hm ks; Town's do.; C. bb's 'Table Book; Evanerlical Fa mily Librarv; t.?mt:ige Bible; Family do ; Coll it. r ul do.; Small Bihb s and Testaments Parker's Ex ercises mi Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S dot's Resi; American Revolution; Manyatl's No vets; Mis. Phelps on Cl.emistty; tliad; Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginner-; Enubsh Exercises adapted in Murray's Gratnmer; Sisi-.i I to Cntnlcv's Spelling Bool.; Ann riean ('lass II. ok; Daholl's Schooluias lei's Assistant; A variety of Blank Books, iNcc. August 8:s, Mil. MADEIRA WINE First uuulily Mu.hira Wine, for sile low by Sept. 1, Mil. 11. B. MASTER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY? A gcnu.u" ail irle alw.ivs nn band and for side by r-cpi. I. M4JL 11. B. MASER. HOLLAND GIN, Of ihe best quality always on band nnd for stile hy Sept. I, MIL IL B. MASS PR T.( ) VA ND LE.VtP nl GAR. Alwas in hand siul for sale by Sept. I, IS11. II. B.MASSEK. "NEW "or LEANS-?-1 1 ; a R i 1 0 C's ir"Mo- LAPSES. t)i the lust ipialily nlwnva on bond ui d for sate bv Sept. 1, Mil. 11. . MASSER. UliUiVN SltiAR. Ol a good ipialiivTtor sale l..w bv Sept. 1, Mil. II. B. MA'ER. GREllN AND BLACK TEAN Ol tho best quality alwavsun liulid utid f.T sale by fs.- t. 1. MIL II. B. MASTER. (yOl'i-1 E. Java. Rio mid Lacuna Collee, con stanllv on band and fur sulc by I, JMI. 11. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summir straimd Sperm Oil, ol the heal quality, always unhand and fur sale by Sept 1, M41. H. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cast and Bli.lci Mei I. lor sale hy ScpUlStl. H. B. MASSER. IRMil S.LM'ON.-"oT"tbo best iiualny. con stantly on hand and lor sale by sept. 1 . Mil. 11. B. MASSER. LlQllViKSeOl nil kinds and of the Le.l quail' ties, ulwavgun hand and for sale by Sept. I, Mil. H.B.IASSER. .-PRINti STEEL. Ul vaitoussucs lur Ehptic s'l rii g, fir s.-Ie by Se.-i. 1, Mil. II. B. MASSER. LARGE IJI ARIO BIBLES. Fir saie at very reduced piien l.y Sept. I. Mil. II. B. MASSER. ISLNK BOOKS. Ol "iTrkTrv's. foTTsTe .y"" Sept. I. Mil. II. B. MASSER. ' BLANK DEEDS. Iljoiis, .M,itatte, Ae. for sa'e I v s. pt. 1. M H- II. B. MAsKR. Ji""tnr:i:..V IuTAN KS. lor sale by s. pi. 1. MO. II. B. Ms.ER. CLO THS, Blue, Black, luvis.hli- Green, ic., for si le by S.-pt. 1. Mil. II. B. M SSER. t v. e ri:sa nTT'sa l'TiNT'rTsTPTr sale vi i v low l y S.,1.1. lull". H. B. MASSER. arpetTng.- -1 Ol sale cheap hv II. II. MASSER. Se,l. 1, Mil. BLANKETS Fur sjlc ilntti hv S.,,-. 1. Mil. II. P. MASSER. TN BEE M ' 1 1 i. D .V.LS.IN. For sale by Sept. 1. Mil. H. II MASSER. CtrrTIrNV'Ali. ANDCU'lToN l.Al'o Pot sale bv Sept. I." I fi 1 E IT. B' MASSER. 1 1 E MTAND COTTON TWINE. Ffr aule by 1. Mil. H. B. MAs.spR. TT) W I N G LI N EsTctTRD'. AN D liOFEsl For sale bv Sep.. I. Mil. II. B. MSSrR. rsorostu asemsem To THK CClTDTITvTTIOlT. "si si lv rum mi la ri ri to th. ism.sur or Tllk. STATK CONSTITfTtllJI. "e.'i.'ici bu the finale and House nf T'rrr sfntatif n f'l Gemrul Axtiiuldy met, 'That the Cousiiiuiinii nl CotniLoimeslih ta Uie',,)led ut tlie thtrit si en. in ot tlie second article, k,, niu j, si. ail lead n- follows ! 'J th Governor shall hold his nflice iliiring threu yens, Irom the il.u.l l'ui.l; v ,,f J;n,uaiv, next I. is rleetion, and s:..,! i.f,) rspnhle of holding a longer thin a sinl,, (tim of three i.i.:s, in at y let in of nine years,," ' , V M. A. I'KABB. Sjjtuiieruf tin !,f..Usc vf h.tri'intotiits. JNO.'D. F. WING, ijcur;r of the Se nate. Femisy'vania, Siii.iriuvls Oinr t. I d.v ben by cer. life th it ihe forego ing i a true opv nf s I''titn.n jr. posing an sm'.rd iient of M.m Cnnstiii.tioii, whuh was siiteid to at ihe bt erion el ti e 1 e. !;.i,.tu-e, l y a niv j.vliy i.f the inen.l c.a el. etc. t t i ivt. li bouse, tlitt oris r.Sl of which ri ins iis i.h , in l!,i nlfice ; un l in i oiripbau. e wild ihe t.nili snide of the Comii. tuliuli of the Co .moiiwcvph, 1 ,,, Innhy cause the s.iiio lo he pubiisiiiri), a. il;r.led ly the Mid at In k-. r-sy -vn C p IN TES'TIMO.NY whereof. I hen unto ,n my h.n.d and C J-i il of said i.lliee ut llarrishu.g, line v.-vvv Tilhday of Jufis, Mil. FKS. R. SHUN If, V f'c'n' rf ini Ct'Himtuxul. Jul) :.-;im.j ATTOIIM-IY AT LAW, ' Buirnuftv, pa Business atlendud to in the tJotmtie of Not4 thutvl rrland, Union, Lycoming end Columbia. Kefir In I I liriWAR J I A NT IX I O Lowrn At Barrow. Hart, VvMstisins cV Hart, yrhilad. Rsiwoliis, Mc Fa slash &. Co. SrKMtso, 'Jooij cV Co., ATTENTION. REO. TESTS Ihe attention of Ins country fiienda who are in want, to his very I uge stork nf Csrpelincs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Ron's, &c, etc., that he has just open, d, at his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d strert, anil No. Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, I'hila iVplns. July 31, 141. 1 jr. AltD for sde. Eirquiru kt th a ulHce. A AuiiU'l 21, Mil. . A JACOS lilARTIN, Coinnilsslon tnl rnrwmdiii? lYixlsP-tliAUT, I:ESPECTF1 LEY infomt his lrie.ids snJ thd t- Mrtchants getnra'ly, that he corrtinins ih' ('ommi'sion and Fotwordiiig Business, at bis ware hoiiFe, foot of U idovt si. liaih.jad, L'eLwaic ami Mchuvlkill. Merch ir.ts having gisida lol e sli pped, wiii find il much to their advantage, as to tune end piicrst uf freight, 10 sit. .1 their mrrcliruirlise lo the I.!epot Ci rmr ot Fioul and illovv utirtt Railroad, r tin y can then be sent either route by the 'Tide atet Ciinid, oi Soliuy Ikill and L'l ii.n Canals, as ho..t.s vvdl arrive ilep: rt d nly lor the .luniula nnd Susqtleh uiiia t.'nnuls by '1 n'e.w iiler in tow of slen'n. or ,a and L'uion Caiuls fiotn Fuiiincunt dam. Merchants will jleasi. be p.Tticulnr to fcr.d nil goods destined for tin r r.tute, to the large Dt pot. Corner of Fioul and How nlrerl Radioiid, Willi dinct'olis accumpaitv hia them, which tonic tbry wish 1 1 cm to be rJnppcd. CoBise and fine o.ill and Poster at whoici-ulj piice.t, on the Delaware or Schuylkill. Philad. Iphiii, Jmr ft, M41. ly. JCH1TS tC'iJiaCIlTGS. WHOLISALU rilOE, EONKJQT, Cop and I't Im l.i f Hut Srr-e, No. 10 Soitii 4tH Siiilkt. PHILADELPHIA. "T THERE an e:itu.siv? ai-nutmeiit nf the ahovn ' ' Bliiiles ute c kept on bund, foi suit at ti e most rcnsniuibte P'rinu. May "', Mil.- ly. 1IA.YE, JELlLiCVriVON fiTcosIl. Yf lifllfsalo UralriH, 1 1 Foreign, ltritih and dmi rier.n Fry Gnndt, No. 12 North Vntim Si ntkr, FtruiA Ol'N'TRV Mcrchstits can be supplied at nil -' rimes w il". on i-xlci-.siw atwortn.eiit nf the abovn (oods.oii the most n-jsi l.ahlt and satisfactory terms. Miv 29, M41. Iv. ATldu J.s, :uiiiiijTV Niiiilli. WHOIKAID CIIOB, CAP, Bonnet and I't.lm Lti.f Hat Warehouse, No. 167 MaIIKKT STllf.FT, A BO VI 4B SrilLLT, PHILADELPHIA. COT,NTLY ierchi.iitj are resiarttfully riquestril In call stul ixitrnine iheir extensive n'sortnietit, which they -i!l sell on tl.o most retisonable letins. M iy St, M41. ly SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' Oil. AND LEATHER. D. Ivlli KPATU1CK & SO N, Ao. 21, Korth Third street, (ittTWItll M A II R V T ASIl rilHSCT STntfTt,) riHL,AI)KI.IJlllA. AYE for sale n larpe ami exeillent asrortment II of itpatn'ih Hides, Putia Kirs, Tanners' Oil, Vf at the lowest market prices, riil.n for cash, itr i-xchnt ge f..r Leather, cr ujoti creaht. Consipnmi nts of leather teceii'.d foi ade, ol purchased ul the highest maikct prices. (J 7 Leather stoied t.cC of tharge, Ar,l 17. M41- 1 y . TO COCK THY KEHCSIANTS. 'PllE Subscriber, Ai'.enl i l I von Harris, Ht Manufacturers, for New York, Fhilndelphb', Baltimore nnd other lart'C cilier., wl.nso Hals ara highly cotiitn.nd. J I ir e;;od CoLi r.nd durnliUy, has ot bund a ftr-t rate asset tm"nt uf HA'TS ai d CATS, iui:d b f. r s .Ies, wh i li will le soi l v. tv low, f..i eavl oi t pr'ived rred.t, al lite m ted cheap itore. No. 40, Nmlu ' VlilJ sit, OJ p jsi er the t.'itv Il.iti I, I'bil i.'elphiu. til IYER N. 1 At HER. Af tnt. N. D, Oidci lot Hals i i (he tm'-li. promptly atleude l lo. 'Tlr 1-tyhei.l tic' in unit it lraisr given l..r Fur ikins. I'hiUd.-lphis. A pnl 10, Mil.-.'iy A T T 1 i N T I OIn'-' j FiTrcI 1A XTS. to. S. P. iSi s5. K. PRICK, WHOLESALE C.ROCEIM, F)KWAUIN0 ii r-Koni'CK coMMissiiiir i.'ireiMTS Ao. CO', Market (Vjri above Seventh, I'HILA HELP UlA, 0 i i ..r saie ai trie w,t market prices, ft r. ncial aaeorlnent r.f Tu . .,,i,.. Multures,, L'Caori, Spicts, Tobtieeu, e Cot sTiit Pi.oi.iLS r.-ceived Mid sold on roimnis. "I.ltl n. .Meichai.tb, liotrl keepers, anil others, n i d il to tin it Bd,'ai;iai!e lo i and rxamine cm r.i "leauinse lo i :.ll anil rxamine cm sloik, In lore pUri hi,u, ilsi where. Mi r. b il ls withu n tb.u f,,,,.. c Ihvted in having ttn '!' i tv ill hive them rempt'y urwurded, 1 Ihe l' utt rxwdiiinua bio s. vnw-N f. rnics, jdiin h. trick. Feb. R, Mil. Iv. iusi & ?sC-:-:sPs, WHOLESALE AND KETA1L BOuKJ'EL LEIM AND STATIONERS 'o. li'i L'hrsntit Slrcet, In-low llli, l'liiladclpliia. "7"EEP e-vr-stantly on hand a pcneral gtY menl of Hooks and Simionary ; comprisini muioK.i-ni, mw, jvtruieal, Classical. Mb-ccllun ous and Sihon! Bonks. Dav Bocks. !l sizes. Lid. nrs. do.. Family Piblcs, Pocket D.bles, Writing Papers, rapptiiB Papers. c. Ac. which Ihrv ot ler ai tlie I., acsi puce lo Country Meuhai.t's Prcs Gentlemen, Teachers, and ail other thst mav lavor :,em with ibeir eusiom. Philadelphia, Noiouilicr 7, MX). 1r. ' l c n v 'V i ii . wa it. ir'tl ANl rA(:' I ';KL mid sold I v the subs, ti Vkl bcr in Sunhuiy, uf die lu at Tin. and iher worK wairanUd, which he offers for sv'e at iednc.1 eish prices, now as low at ictail as formerly s.dd by wh ilfiale. (lood Woterinr Puts, lonneiiy fold si S7, nnw at 73 cenia; Lirpe Bo. lets, lormeily sol 1 al 75 dud 62, now at C2 and 60 ; Ualton Cfi. e Pols, foi mrrly s. Id at C. und thro, cju irl al fi(, mi st i! and cents, and other articles of Tin. Wi me' in propuniou. Skivh pipe and stoves made and s. Id i heup (or csb, cVe. N. B. All arsons indtbud to Ihe suVrtibef. anJ who wish to save rusts, me reipjestid to es t and iiisk sitisfacli.m, wuhout delay, ritli. I wills i ash or by giving their notes. SiHdu.y, A, nl ft). 1IENHY M.Sf T.R.