Translated from the Sprtnith for the Cincinnati nrjJUblican, TH Ytllnvr Berni..t)laeover' of the Uu w 1 11 1 . I The people began lo hiss, nn l it was only after much trouble I lint order wasre-eslahliahed. Tlie ilave threw away the Coluber with disdain, and made a Onsj hundred and fiftjf year since, a mnlatto. gesture that he would explain the rireum'taiYres-' lave followed the current of tthe Piinoco, in the "This ia an instructive reptile, and was here with vicinty of Guyana, and not Ut fr.rh the place ut my knowledge." whero that river einptiri into the Atlantic ocean. Ho relumed to open his portmanteau, and drew NVandering ly chance many daya in thnae hot out a black serpent, whose bhe occasions cruel regions, the slevo travelled with the uneasiness find pnina, without cau-ing death. The public expec caution of a man who, in the midst of savannahs led snmeihing more ; they were not disappointed, abounding in poisonous reptiles, believes he might The slave bared h;s left arm, and drew to it the rest hts foot', when least expected, on the ecu iy body head of the ardent, which immediately caused the vf a serpen). He examined with much carat ry. iy Moo ImiW. trey j i nch (ti cket of brambles app, arej to luiu a- The slave p'a-t-d the portmanteau which was full 'to many thc'llen for wild beasts, whete t i eii u uf J-.mvp--, upon the rr.-imd. Hi eal ome of the the c.dut of which might bo confounded wilU iliu ! I tivct, and ml l.unscll about continuing his cxposi-l-l:.igc I ly in ambush, j, ...-:: - ! lion. Suddt ii!y he paused he cast -himself upon tl erv they raw raided above hwhend n vipri ground, and pretscd the earth even lo the j ints ol' ; W t "f w hi- h a t. unlet! the multitude. The Im limb. Without motion relying on an Indian J bi:e of that npnlo cause a slow death, but ino vi fig tre ns the only defence, he awaited l!ie re.-ult of j t.iVe. Tin1 sl-ivo vxt it d its ra.e by pro-ping its ''hot he anv. Without the cnnvulsivo trc.-.ibling j nick with his linger; honpplied it to his right arm, which agitated bis body, any one would have be l.e J thai ho was dead. Ho had just seen the most terrible of all the ser pents, whu-e lace ia yet found in tho regions. It wo not certainly a monstrous animal one of those : 1 1 I howed l.- the spectators tvt-o deep wounds. lie jet I tied tho pi incipal the last proof. He in '.I.' a sign to tho people, and they restrained their applause. In that rrwmcnt tho mulatto had arrived at tho r.ilos-T.I reptiles which, when sleeping on the banks ' height of bis exult tion. The humble and despised i.l a tivor, or in the dense woods, presents to the ' 'hive bad jist elevated himself by the force of cner traveller the a.-prct uf the liunk ol a tree, thrown to . gy nnd boldness to a pi.inl to which no man had the grt.und by a tempest, duicd : ami by that act gained the ascendency over Neither did it posscrs the gigatin'e prop ftintis J lb it numerous people, who contemplated his looks which the European people so much admire when j with rt 1 gious silence. they contemplate the skius stuffed with straw some til the kings of Otho. It wis tho Yellow Serpent. Whoever has seen its littleness, and examined its Hut the udmi at:o" wa complete when th it man exposed to the sight of hid spectators the terrib'c yellow serpent of the coast of Orinoco. He held the roplllo ly the b :ck of i s head, in such a man- Mnrder of Mr. Ailntns. The New York Express g vis the fallowing as Colt's account of the circumstances tinder which lie .killed Mr, Adams : He state that Adams came to his ro-imi on the fatal afternoon to dun him for an unsettled account about whii h there was some dispute. They both sat down at the table and settled the various items except $3, whon a dispute arose between them, and high words ensued, during which Adams called him 'a liur.' Exasperated at this he struck him, and a scullla thereupon enxued, Adams being the stronger man of the two, threw and fell upnn Colt, and clutched him s i violently by tho throat that he wq in da-tiger of choking. Colt was .then lying upon his hack on tho floor, and as his hand was slreiched out, it came in contact-with somi thing which ho i.t onro seized, (but as he avers he knew not what it wns.) ami finding Adxnis ' grip t.t II hard up in his throat, he brought his hand round and struck him on the back of the head; this it would seem was hardly suiliclcnt to s'un him, and ha only rolled rather more on one side; Colt then struck him aga:n, and the blow n u-t have fallen on the side of die head. TiVse wounds, dreadful as the subsequent ciaminutioo proved ihem to be, weie not sulVn:ient to n lease the prisor.n's throat ; but even in the ngmy of death. AJams sli I continued 1 1 ImlJ fnmlv on. umil i'.uU seemed lo be at his I it i.n. nnd then the dread.ul ! Ure ,,,ld '" ,a'J ,lie-v ,0 ,l,c JT""i"n. "that we blow wis given on the front of the head, which de prived one wretched b. in of lif", and released the other I'r nn his grp. Colt then aruso, and found Adams a corp-e. TIIK RAVAGES OF THE YELLOW FK VKll. In a charily sermon preached In New Orleans, by the I'tv, Mr. Clopp, he aaid : "That he htd re sided twenty years, wanting only a few months, in New Orleans, and during that time had witnessed eleven epidemic yellow fever years, and two chole. ra ench epidemic carrying to a sudden grave nev er los than three thousand human beiogs, and of trn Gve thousand, within the space of twenty yeara one hundred thousand human beings had found a grave in New Orleans, and of that immense h at, twenty five thousand were young men between the ages of oighteen and twenty years, each ono the representative of some distant funily, with whose fate that family, was conneetcJ, rising when he lose, nnd with his full sinking hopelessly and for ever." Haiti mure Amrr, Yl"liolrMle Dcnllw We copy tho following parorph from the Lou isville Journal of tho 23t!i ull. "Two or three weeks ago, t'oroe hundred fireign emigrants arrived nt ihi; Dal io below New "Orleans. The city au thorities, heiring if their airival, and anxious that they thould not fall victims to the yellow fever, sent a deputation, warning thctn not to enter the city, and c Airing lo furnish them with the means of sub sistence until the c-ililence should subside. The emigrants thought it was nil a Yankee trick. " Wc For some time, he fays, ho 'mnainej s'upilied with drrad r.nd horror, l.e knrw not what to do, anil ot length c'cti uiiii cd lo moke bis b"0 her acipiain- Twenty s'rokrs of the knout are the maximum a mount of punishment ; and it is, probably, nearly the utmost that the human being I capable of en-duiing." MjTyg" 2tzs&j$ THE I AMSXIXCAN. Saturday, mVovtmbrr G, !84I, j i .... - j fjj" Under our obituary notice this week, we era cille.l upon to record the death of James Mer- ill, E-i. of Union county. About a year since Mr, Merrill became olllictcd with a disease in his left click, which upon examination proved to be n ' carreer. Tho most distinguished medical men of the state were consulted under this afflicting di- , prnsalion, but it was soon apparent that there was cwcii rop- of )rcerdinas of the inemliera of 'no hope" this aide the grave, and that the period '. Irtr lf ollhu,b,.rand county, in relation to ot tits existence in tniswnu must ue as lirtel as his l.fe and character had been useful and exempla ry. He died nt his residence in New Uirlio, on Friday the 29th u't., in the 0(. h year of hi ag'. integrity, public spirit, and purity of principle, wr exemplified in practice, richly merited the univen attachment and regard w hich he received. Itc fitted, That we aympathixe deeply with ' afflicted family in their bereavement, but reme !ering that the dispensations of Providence are dictulcd by Infinite wUdom and goodness, thou often beyond the feeble vision of humanity, it comes the duty of all to bow in submission and I mililf to the decrees of Heaven. Hcsolrtd, That the chairman of this meeti forward a copy of these proceedings lo the wid ami family of the deceased; that they be publisl in the pnpers of this distiict, and that the mcml of the liur bo requested to wear cmpe on the arm for thirty days, to evince the high estimation I which they held the deceased, and their sorrow i h'S loss. loev or A lkttkii r.sci.oiir TilR roHtoot , rnof KKin ns, iniiri Tr.n to Mas. Sarah M hill, wmnw or Jamks Mkhrill, Esq.., iik SUN liU KY, Nov. 2d, 184 Dr.AH Madam I am directed to transmit the c m make threo dollars a day in New Orleans', if the authorities will pay us that, wc will stgy w here we arc if not, not." The poor fellows hastened to the city ; nnd, nt tho last dates, it isaid that not one ol ihem was livinp." lie Somrr litnc. disease of youi late and much lamented buibi James Merrill, E-o,. I'urticipatng with you i high reg.nd for the deceased, and in the depr ti "li which has been sulVered, permit us to mil (Iraliani'X Magazine I our sorrows with your', and to unilo with y The November number ol this excellent pcriodi- family in deploring our common bereavement, cal fully sustains the high credit which it Ins at- j Aware that the I ss is irreparable, and that y toined. The embellishments are superior to those j g'f i deep for human consolation, we can c of any o'her woik in this cmmirv. The rmbosred ,,l' ' '" 1 ig jJ eon of bllliction, the email n iew of 11' stun is s.miethin? new in periodical em I ellishiiien'.s. The engravim of the I'el'i" i Putsue that vocation for which yon nie fitted lis an ixcillcnt Mizzotimu. The cost of these thin buOy, could not believe that so weak a reptile m r, that it c .ul.l not wound him, until l.e was ,c 1 w ' the facts ; for this purpose he went lo l.ij . by nature, pursue it faithfully an I diligently. You I pi ,t. s v. ith ihe plate of fjsliions, is auid to be over could kill a partridge, although its bite will kill a mau in such a manner, that the wound being made jL- ith ciiuis in less thun three minuses. The slave knew it and Ircmblrd. His immobility was completo. For tho whole American empire he would not have dared lo raise Ins eyes, lie would havo given ten years of his lite to have found himself far from sin h a frightful enemy. Neither did tho serpent move, liaised up in his coil, he overlooked the rass of the savannah ui.h his head dotted with epota of the col -r of ocre of vrllow and o augo; his eyes like velvet, and bin ds the clouds of that region, Fpirklcd and appeartd t i en, it sparkles of fire liko a brilliant sii ne. lie breathed the air with voluptousnets, 1.11J olleied llt tlo by little, every part of his body t the burning rays of the sun. 1t a man ignorant of thedunger to stop in the pioxnnity of his reptile, it would be a real pleasure to contemplate rts delicatcncss, the expiession of its eyes, and the grace of its movements. The ser pent did not delay long in beginning to leip, draw ing in the air rapid circles, producing a weak sound like tilk coni ng in contact with a w.dl. The slave tretnbbd more nnd more, when he heard a strange noise which he believed came from the grass, which pinmk with force. His imagination presented an t-ntire family of serpents, ready to cast themselves upon him. Fear obliged him to enlarge his sight. What was his astonishment on seeing that the ser pnit Fustaint-d a terrible contest with a bird ! He Hit n knew that his life was riot threatened, nnd blessed heavon in the sequel disposing him to flee ; when, seeing thnt tho reptile had lost the grea'cr part of i's vigor, ho wished lo be picjunt .it the and of that strange combat. His post was not now dangerous, and cutiosity dc' lined him. ' The combat continued with ferocity. The l'r.l k'-pt in constant motion his sharp talons, and woun- d. d the sen cnl deeply with his pointed beak. The serpent biing much exasperated, dragged it self through the grass, nnJ divided the air in all i'i rectiot s, a; e iliiif to ita whole ferce and cunning, lhrjwii! hinwlf towards tho river lo avoid the blows of bis enemy. Hut thcbiid fallowed him in the air without t(op;:iig between the, to the brink of t'-.e river, and attacked him with each time with renewed rage. Only now end thon tho l iid gr .nted the terpen! n kind of truce. It left the place of combat covered vviih blood, and flew with rapidi'y to a shrub near by. lie picked ome of the leaves, and swallowed with ljj-to aomo pieces of the balk of the same tree, and rtiu i tie J to the altaik with the greatest e lurnge. The slave Wrvtd til mid could net conceive convinced the ieoj,lo had teeoenir.ed i's nature, j lodging"!, hut l.e was not at home, lie vhen. went I h'.ve a part lo ct, mfd the h-nor in perfo'tninti c ghtccn bundled dollars. He exposed his brea t, first s.vall owing some of the haves of the .ortntLiiti au ; he irritated the reptile, w hich became liiiious, iiinl bit him imuii diat' ly over hi ( heart. . . A geneml hout of horrer r. founded through the whole square. Tbe slave mthertd tbe net pent b"twten bis h md, and li.iiej i.lly wi nt io Feat hiniM.ll' upon a s'Oi'.C. I Tue evhi 'iti in w is eoiic'uded. 1 One h .ur passid two hours and the hlave livcil. ' They then aked his scent, and l.e pointed to the portmanteau. They wishej to know in what manner he made the discoviry, mid then he tpeued the ca-k by the same side, und drew out a bi n k serpent, nnJ fiom the other side a bird whose wings were shortened. The pe "pie witmsstd a combat wjiieh the poor mulatto learned to explain at tho risk of hi life, in the savsntiuhsol (iuyana. Thchhd killed the serpent, and flu shed by con suming the leaves of the portmanteau, America from that time has one scourge 1. ss in its vast plains and interminable woods. The (Jo vi rnor approached the slave, and declared him fiee, in the naiuo of tiro people, conceJing the title of citizen, and assigning hun au annual rent of r,liUO dollars. And gnvu ifcc shrub, whose miracu lous powers he had first wi'.nrsscd, the name of the bud which had lineal it to the woilj calling it (iU ICO. 'J'he leaf of the Guaco figures to this day on alt the tables of that ountry. Many uaturalils inoculate tht'msilvcs with this lili.rveli'His antal ite, the oi.l v means of pteserving themsilvis from the h.tcs i f tlie lerrilile reptiles which luleot thai part of A uierica. The Doll -Mui.Wre.l. The latest v llaiiious utlcinpt at robbery, was that of a fillow in Cii-orgi", vtbj put o-i the livo y oftliu Devil, mid with matches nnd biiinstoi.e went out to do his n ati r's w ik. He ic.ipei hi i regard. The K-iliij'i (N. C.) K isp says: The fi How i!i.-!iur,d hiiiself with a club foot, went to the house of uii old I uly, a licit widow, sii.l called himself the devil, and frightened the funily off the premises, to. k the eld lady's money and eloped. In the net of rein at o,', he was met a mil or tvo from tl.e house by a ni.oi wah a gun who h id been to attend a muster, and was icturuing home; and who, loo, had taken s"lee:le" loo much of the over joy I ul. The man, upon meeting him retreated, leveihd his gun, and demauJed "who comes there ?" ""I n;i the 1'iitice of datkness, but it is not thee I'm alter, Jessa Ilrmld-Kk! I had into the Paik, r.nd w.ilk d ihere some time, be- ; that iiart deiirnils upon yourself. It is sickening to ing unable 1 1 make up his mind ns M the best course ' one to sec a p. reel of bile boys liHngiiii roui d a i Win. rum's Arm Chair, to be pilrsucd he nt one lime thought to tell some J f "'her sjie'nding the money which be has earned j While in !'hilide hia a few we k's sirce, we ftimd.but knowing aoinj stains upnn h:s char-I 'v liis industry, v.itiiout attpmp-ttug to do rtny j wenr invjtcd by Mr. J. W. Swain to call nt bis store acter, he refrained, lest they sh.niM not believ; his I thing for .themselves, lie ttmi.'iin, should be ' in North Third ttrei I, to examine the veiilable arm !ory, and so deliver hi.n up injustice. After Ira- ! ''u''r t'1"'!0- Every one Ia cap ibie of birr io some j chair once in the and occupancy of Win. veiling the Paik for manv and many a time, he at j 'raJo or mystery," and can earn roin;et n.e P, nn. 'i he fiao e of the chair is v, ry slender and for himself. He should Ae timrfhint;, at.d not I di iieat ly f. run d, ) et tight and firmly put toi liter, bring down the gray hairs of his father .soirow It aip.-ur to havo 1 ern u ode ef some white wood. gation of i-ur te nder condidence and heartfelt s; pathy. "e bnve, however, an abiding confiih that He, who is ever ihe sure suppott of the wi at.d the faiheilcss, will guard and bless those have thus le n deprived of their earthly (riend protettr; aid th it ihe Hand that "givch" "I kc;h owny" ni l strengthen you to submit pr. pir restitution to the Divine Will. Wi.h much rc-pect, yours truly, EI.LI3 LEW, To Mrs. Sarah Me-rill, New lierliu. Icnfjth returne l to his rooms air. I took tho dreadful means, with wrneH lliejiublie are uheady aequiu- ted to conceal the dci d. Sotiiiiaiiklmllaiii KxSi'uoriliunry. A most extr.u.diiury f' "t Wis perf last wet k, by a gen:eniail ol ('ityuj.i county, engaged ns ujuior. and lodgii g ia one ol the ho'il-i at Au burn. The jury had b. en enj tg"d on a very trying ca.e h vcraljiours not c!oieg their labors til! near midnight soon after which tlie individual nl luded to retired lo rest,' To in i';c use uf 1st -i own explanation since, he ha 1 not b.-en long asleep be fore bis mind became greatly agitated. Ho imagi ned hiui.-1'lf attacked by a body of Indians from whom, in alteinpiiug to 11. e, he jumped out uf bed and, after a few well directed blows at the win dow, bounded out. The distaticc.froui the window to the ground in twenty feel ; utid a solid walk of limestone was thero to tec. ivo him. His nlarm still continued, and he st tried off lo escape Ihe iuia gina y foe, for some fify rods, whi n he was overta ken by some gentleman, who, lodging in Ihe same room, had been awakened by his movements only in time to witness his exit foin the window, and had proceeded with ull h iste f r his lecovciy. totheg-ave. He should barn to depeml upon bints. IT. Idle boys living upon a parent wilh. nt any profession or vti bout nr y ruii .ymtui are illy qua ilied. for t;Ood n.etnlH is of society. Ar.d wc i regret to say it is t o ol'len the cise that it is ihe parentii' fuull th;.t thry a.-c thus brought up. They j should he laiight to be smm tiling ; to know how ! to provide f .r tht roseiv cs in e ise of n. eessity, to t ' aet wi II their part and tl.ey will reap the honor ; which therein lies. Hiitua Tiaiiscrijit. j A penny pamphlet lias recently nppeirc.l in London entitled 'Oppression, or the Fruits of.Mo ' nopoly.' It is by a poor man, who gives h; de mesiic nnd daily experience of the ell'ects uf taxa tion. The author takes the expenditures of twelve poor families, and with the table of import duties maple p. o'. ably, vsrnishi d, without piiu'. it has a cane The back nnd sides I. r the anus an" hilor than modern arm (.hairs. On tho cr ss piece of (he back, there is inlaid a silver plate, bear itij tlie following inscription: William PeiinV Chair, Fruitful of Heci.llcctioii, Kit and Muse ! ! This .Seat of Win. I'enn nnd .lames Login, A (lift to .1. F. Wa s n, 15 y Diboiah I.ojan, lil. Sit and Muse, litre is imbed food J,.r rcll-ftloi", Put li tle more than a ceiituiy and a half bus elup sed, since the illustrious s ate first set his foot upon its soil, tl.en in es-i..n (.f various hostile tribes of Iiidoius, who claimrii Ita and excise before him, calcula'ed what the atticles ! ll,rir ",,alivn l:,n''-" K-ti-linB his g wrrnmenl they consume cost, and what they pay to the gov ernment and privileged orders. Tho case of a wi dow and two children is given. The widow spi n!s for bread, butter, sugar, lea, meat and beer, I N. 51. u week. The cost of the artie'es is (m. 7,1., the tax on them 4s. 10.1. Four shillings and ten pence When taken, he was still asleep; and so continued lux n wrfll,S lu-usi Keeping at the ra'c ol Us.a.l. till his return to Ihe Exchange in llieir c ,re. j The onnual amount of Ihe poor widow's tax i.s Cue xi i ts. Adams, Al'egheny, Armstrong, Heaver, liedtord, llerka, Pradford, Puller, Puck, ('a.'libria, 'entre, ( 'bester, t'ia ion, Clearfield, Clinton, Culoiiibi i, Crawford, t 'nint etlatid, 1) aii bin, Delaw are, ' Erie, Fayette, ELECTION RETIBNS. Porter, Hingul ir enough, a slight pain, ai.d a little blister- XII 1 Is. 4d. out of Xi'J l:ts. Hd. ' J'be govern. . . . i . . J . t tai 1.1 t ... ingot Ws feet, are Ihe iiic.mveiiicuces this no- mem geis oi inisxi us., nuu ine monopolists .L ill table t x Joil has occasioned the perloimer. VliiUt- r,!,--,J-' The Age. it.lphiiiVuzdte. j Homk M iiiK Pou r. The lloston P..SI n t iles good k'ory , I..IJ by oi.e uf li e asbinglonian letotilb rs. He served bis time at the grocery busi ness, with a deacon, who w is in the habit ot tin- how il waS that the aerpeul wa. almost dead, and lm( 0M of ,W(J fU, j..,., ,j , , ,i;ive ai.,,u,c! C rnti Ifnst '. Am ing articles exhibited ut the Fuic of the A Ins'ti:uie, ssys the New Vo k Evpro.-.s, the Contiifugal Gun is well d- a- rving of attention, as on important invention, calcol ite i to projjeo tx tiai.idinary results. On the simple principle of the eoi:ii:i(n .'iif, a machine cotis'.rueled accordinj to the deriu of the inventor, will by hand or other power adapted to tho Wi ight of the shot, throw w ith distinctive tllects a vast numl cr of shot in a inii.ute. A lew engines uf thai ttescripti. n prop,). king his tiwu Port wine, from whom he often bad orders to "go up .lairs and grin ) some logwood, as the Port wino- ws out." tli.e rundiy the ib aeon was at work O'er a I irge ca-k witli a pole in bis baud, sliring uji the home made Port wine, when a men. her ol the same church entered unobserved. After lin king with i s'...i;i,.niei,l for aomo minutes, he exclaimed, ' 11 illo ! deacon. what aie you doing 1" The deacon jumped round i in great confusi .ii, and a'ter a Lit If liesitution, i replied " hy, I was afraid I im-Ll get nil" in a wilh a just regard for the rights uf the native sons of the soil, he concilia'etl tin ir lit" tul.-lrp, nnd won I their rsttem by iho wisdom and virtu1 of his c.iuu i cils, whiih ennbltd bis desei iiihints, pursuing the same policy, to maintain those pmceful relali.uis up ! Franklin, to the time of the Kevolution, while some uf the Creiiie, neighboring colonies were frequently dienched in j Huntingdon, blood. Indiana, i Jt (Ters n, editorial Misrrlliiny. ; jimia!a. The debts of the several Slate4, ol Uht to ovtr j f taficasrr4 200 ljri,a1)I(, The Heading Cazi t e s ys, over fifty houses have , J, , high, been tit up in that place, thts year. i Luzerne, The number of clergyman in the United Slate, I Lycoming, amount to about 15 0011. There s daties are su- ' McKean, posed to amount to about lo mil ions auuu dly. j M,reer, J ihn U. Holler cf Allegheny has been appointed ' MifiVin, Canal ('ommissioner, in place. of 11 ugh Keys Es Monroe, deceased. Eight n.i'lions have been expended in Massachu setts for Kail Roads, all of which aie said to yield over 0 per cent. tiiu bird full ol life in spile of having his body ov ered with wounds, lie a4;td himself what species nt on J was venomous enough to kill the yellow set pent ; he was I At in conjectuic, su J believed him telf lo be in a dream. No doubt remained ; the aerp, nt luy without mo tion, being dead. The bird also was cast down ; his wings hung down, and his respiration was puinful; be made an effort, flew towards the shrub, eat some of tlis leaves wilh singular voracity, shook bis wings anj returned In the field ef battle ; he rested ahott time on the dead body of the serpent, clean ed to the lower regions." Jes.-e not being disposed to let his dev. I. hip puss, pre-ciitcd his gun and or dered him not to move. Nutan commenced swell ing, emitting the same li re, mid burning pb-adid hard for tltc inimiini y, fearing lea', he nnl.t -iu'phur. Jess-- not I kin the scent of the sti'phiii, luej, and laid his Satmio Maj-vy a iorpe at h - ! feel! He then m ide his way to ihe hnue of the old lady, where he found Iho family in the g'eiie,! distn s-. Upon iri.pi ry, In wa i tuld that the tbvili u. i i .i.. .... i .t n'l.. i ri.. I lino I'rni iit'ii., alio l'tt vti.u t i'iii i j lit i r , . . , J ' .1 semed wrh toe It vcr, and on batnlay evt rung, was llto wuods for protrclion, or beeirriid oft' by him ,. i ' . . Carrit d to graw. alive, ji s-e in i.trim i inein niai ne na t jtisi ainej Stetl pens can be mended by filing Ihe nib wilh . ' i . - . r .'i : ... li..... i . :. i. . .. . ,.. . , r r II'BI sunn- Ul tutsi; lllll, UIIU t WUV ICul.ltlli; HUM' ' a p:nutl nil-. led by steam in fl lating bat'cties ol h tuitablo form, ,, ..,,1 ,., , . . 1 ' , to scuu . I lie eviii't'ses tirkWeeniniv the s"ne!a iil.i"uf t The Knout. I Yo k amount to $150,01)11 ier annum, ami yet it An article in the last New M nthlv Magiiine, j cannot be compired to Philadelphia in point of ' cutitltd Kussii in 1811, thus dcsciil es the Kimul : I cleaniine-s. " I be tiovernor of .Moscow kindly directed nns of his niil de-cumti lo conduct me oer (be pnson. 1 Having inspected Ihe establishment in all its details, ! I was about to depart, when luv cieeimin pointed , to two mi tt who bud just intend the ve-tibuV of ( (lie ,(js.,n vou tvr , fB ,,. Vmj.llie; The Jt-w and Ms Ponml of l"let. J .,;1Py ar0 ur n(.c'ti,,trs. It is ihey v. ho inflict die Someday ag a eenlleman came 1 1 this city ' Miiiistiinenl at Ihe htumt, which y. n have doubt fw Orlean-i and while here was arres;ed fir !' often heard of." I lo. kel t ihe two men. v ' d bt, at the ins ance ul a cit z 'n of litis place. Ltail would pi oteet our hailuis and "tiv, rs agtinst the combined fleets of Europe ; and on land a hundreJ men in a frt or in the fit Id, could by hand power defend themstlves when opposed by as tinny thou sands. If will be ptoniotcd by improving and multiplying of destruction and d. t uue. I!. ith were la I and robust ; and alluceliirr their ep. I.e .raiiec rese.nbl. d the e nnm in el .ss of (he Pus- was f.iur.d ; but the iuexoia'da creditor refused to ri IU joisantry ; the one had a I lack and the other let the fctraugr return lo bis faini'y, lb. uh ho ; a r d bt anl. 'I'll y wj loos- tlol'i pantaloons, iuj his bloodv bak on his nlumes. and. esustnr; the I . . , , . ,. , , . 1 'he tlevii. 1 in y rur to resounu v.itri a moui ui j ty, uirccteu nis ti;..t.. ,i, t, ,t. , i..u r . . ,-i .i .i , n il i- t i.i .1, i , i. . ti n I, i nil- t , u i , . i ii 1 1 u . 1 1 u.-y (liihl towards the South. .. i.A t, R.t, ... ., ,.; , j r .. . , j , Iiis -a-i , tool i il hu flu'" foot, recuveied the in -ney w'oi il lie h id foden, wished h'n f.iCi' uod lei ugnii. il l.i.r. Jt a man wliu had lived a neighbor j t o in loi in my j o n. widi tin ir boo's drawn ovei thi in. Tbo ob.r i or- li.ititt ,.!' itiM-r .Ir. r u.i.t..jl ..I a,r. .l 1 i.l fa.l a , rey lo the j ,,,.,., a,, ,r, 0, ,.,,U r,M-k, o, e,l in foiit, ln a day or two nfn-r, the unfortunate debtor was ' nnd coveiiug llu ir links and shuuliler-. 'i'liat which tlisplcasi d me mo t in liiein nm a ceriain iiir of gaiety and sell "satisfaction which I could not recooc.lo with their baiburous v..c.ti n. W hen Some matitha afterwards I s'.ranje notice ut ib city of Ctnacaa in cutntnotion, U Wjs a beautiful inoruing in aetutnn, the peop'e hurried with much confusion lo the public sjuaie. This was arranged in the same nmri'ier thtt we . e ours Ij day at the bull bailings ; the inulti'u.lo iH-eu pied nil tho steps and seat", and a military h i d .xeitited popul ir u,u-ic la foo whi-tuitbhtbec. il t.d the stage of the Uovcrnor. The Governor did not cause (hem lo wait long We h ive mert lv elven tlie outllno of th's hcait- nued ate'v lo k the road and ; . ,. . . . . . ' less transaclion ; but it is enough to damn t irever be rhvlotU who cot.ld II us delighl in the Jc ith of a man w ho chttt ei d to owe him a few paltry dollars. A". (), .l.ivW.Vrc. Tim c:uil and nic!.iiich-.!y case a'ludtdloty our New Oilcans conteiiiporaiy, is one wi h which our citizens have bei n nude famiii.r during ihe last ihree days. If that tuiiel-triii creditor be not An "d in it, who fi"! yeirs bad bet n a hard i lu'.tr, tut who j iine.1 a 'uh.ubtoiii ui Society m i e liniiiM s g ', du d u lew d iys since, in a sliiat; to vi. ii, (l,iiiii. c :.f ul. A sIk iI tn .e previous t his detlh' he called bis A prufound aihnce reigutd. A man S bed u family aiouiiil bun, and itild them that h iditnol line, the centre of iho squire, push.i g with hi- been fiu rum, he shoul I havo IkcIi ublo to have b f, hinds a cask, which he rolled to the same plate. ' iln in a hands one properly ; but, said he, tho rum. I bis man likewise cariied on bis I. ft slu ulder a por insuteau. He isas the inulstto slave of li e O liooco. He salu'ed ihe people, upent d ihe sjck, and look out a Colulier. It was an innuceiit reptile, a fiiend of the biids, .ut) friijutiiily mat with in the walks and yard.-. ulLr bssfiuwn nch from my la'xira, and I am now dhoul lo leave you p ioi ; but, I thank (iod, I leave you a te-nperulc family, ind 1 tlie at je ace wi b .t! Ihe World. A lew hours idler this good ul 1 man eip.ud. ciclsimiug, in alm. st his Ust words (iml I xptLd the Tauptruiue Cuius .V. V. (igim. ihey had advanced close to wlnie wc ".vtte st in I ing, the nids-iie-eamp ill ectfd mv !! iili oi a paikct which tat h of them carri.d r his h ft arm. Phut is the kn liit.'w.iiiid yo i like t examine it !' I r. ph.'tl the nlliruiviv. , The nid-dt -c nop h.w iots s.l Ir. ssi d lo Iho i xecnli.i ners uui wj'ils I'l Pus- ("Oil t. ns mure of tlie Heading Hail Ko id iron h is just been rtceived at Philatlrlpliia. Another trial bus been hud in Eng'and between Mr. Noma's Locomotive Poiludi Iphia," and an Engtisr-locomotive. Tl.o J'hllaJelphia locomotive drew up an ii.cliuid plun , au e.pial w. ight in half the time. The United r-Uiiies has recovered a judgment a gninst the U. S. fl ii.k, for the sum ot .5l S 13 ul gov ei nmeiit money retained by the Dai.k. Professional Xolicr of Hit lkalh of Jami's JltTi'ill, Esqiiirc. At a meeting ol the U .r, at the Court II use in Suiil ory, on .Monday tvenit g the 1st mat., the Hon. lil.t lS LEWIS was appotnUd in, and IIt LliLLis, Secretary. On motion, Hesa.'ii J, Thut a comuiiltfo of.ihrre be cp; oiiited by the chair, to report an cxpirs.-iun of iho sentiment of ilia meeting upon the su! ject Mon'gotnety, Noithampl'Oi. Not Perry, Philadelphia city, Philadelphia co. Pike, Potter, fehulkill, Someiset. Susquehanna, Tiog i, Union, Venango, Warren, Washington, Whyrie, We-tinoielaud, Yo k, ortt i s m .j .riy 159! 421 151 2.')o0 7195 2705 1074 4 412 S71 2:100 4. ill 5 10UC 8h6 78fi 2o(i'J 2S15 2721 2219 12S9 1 -155 2749 2779 1753 2551 1115 07S f.71 4914 I5li 2553 MCf. 22f.l 2PJ 23IH 1321 IPC 1262 UtitJ 210-i 127 43SO 11U9S 510 :I65 2108 792 1963 159S l)()l 1230 7 63 3131 1167 40?0 3825 I :,&" G I I ,57 J 23,003 Xi Jersey Lrf;lll til e. Ciovetnoi I'i.xm . oi iix Ins s ut m bis . message on the 20 Ii. It is a h ng-winded mcnt that might readily have been compress, h ilflhit sire. It opens with a dissertation lotu ly losl loev.rv feei ng of ,ei,s:bi.ity and hu- i ,1" " nuiiilnrt.1 b attier ihongs ol wi tch one only is i , . ', . .. , 1 tiM'd for Cich strnke the crlmnial it-eeives. I re manly, what to lures must loev uii.oi hi sou 1 , . . . ... ,i . i 1 ' quested the exeeutioneis lo apply up. oi Ihe wall a whin he r. lift ts that for s few tmllru du'.tar, he i i .....v.j nf the knout, with ibe s.ine d,oreof thai en-ployed vit potvt r su I is voiy lliankt'ul that the of the iceeiil i!ca'll of J AMES M Li U KILL, V,e., j (i veti.or has not got it I HI .Iter willi w'oi Stan, ihey salu'ed u.o with lespnt, and advancing j I'lgloy th-t nguist eil ami greatiy luiunled mem- ; il l.ovtrnor Das us much to Uo, i.i ins lo a table in the vestibule, Uo tolled their p icketa. I cr if iho Par of ill s judicial district, rotloiiat capacity, es he has with ihe Mi Lkoi The knout emisi Is of a shoit, sir, leulbrr handle, j The chuii aecordingly I, poin ed Messrs. t.ree lie had much better have di-cu.sed wheih If rinini'CU .v a IHO Kir. Ill Wll t n nm imm ii ii i nnugh, Ilej burii and a cnmnilti e for this , moon was mule of (re, u chees or not. TI purpose. After some imprtssive and appropiiute remaiks fiom Mr. Hepburn, upon the many ?n I excellent character of Mr. Merr.ll, in every re I, ... i, rrt ,. hid (.ilt.iiu in .. n b. .1 ..' I 1 U . 1..... . . it, a, Jifl-lilot't'd Ul 111 rieflltioO. '1 hi'V ..a. ......... ...u 1....1.U migi-ii .... .- - - -- -- : , , . .. took oil Hie r cans klil cassntks, mill liaung cue- mc, .uum; uu ,....u.., and sotrovv into an inter's ing family rircln, where not only coi. tei. Imeiit and l-.appincss, bill even opu h nee has bt en wont lo dt M. Du', we fear, not rvnthe widow's tea rs nor the orphan's cties will ever reach the be nt of such a man. Mubile Vhron. PiDhl.s There is a letter in the Dutch alpha bet, w hich named, makes a lady of tho lira rank in noUbiy ; walked on, il make a U ly of the second rank ; and, makes a laJy uf Ihe ihi.d lank. fully adjusted the either thong in the buckle above mentioned, and galhciuig up u!! their strengih, they struck the wall with sueh lo te lliai the hud plas ter willi which it was Covered led down in frag ments, I sbudd red with horror at tho reflection that such stiukes were inflicted on the living flesh of a hunt n Ix'ii g 'Eiou:h !' I exclaimed. It is in 'eed a boni' lo punishment,' observed my obli ging cicsrone, 'but it is indicted only for capital ollenee; ami, alter all, it is a tloubttul question whelhn the puuishmeiit uf death is preferable' following resolu ions, which wire unanimously a dopte.l .- Ktiotied, That in the death of Jam n Mluhill, Esq. , tha Par of this distiict has lost one of iu highest ornaments, whether considered in his pro fessional character as an ab'e lawyer, or as an a iniahle, honorable and highly respected man. lien riatly known, all who knew him esteemed and lo ved li'tui. His warm ai d gencru hi ait, inllcxiblc amount es to Sta'e nir.ceis is l3,72t adverts 1 1 the "litii.-ullies between the rail roa Iho Stat--, and favors uf the Lt'uislslure with i ie on Hanking. Tho State Pri-on is out and has a surplus on hand of $1272,GO-llit concludes by ad ising Ihem to adjourn as they can, inasmuch as they h&ve nothing to lo uitinJ to ihe business uf the 4ute, hav political squat't I. s on hand. He also tell how many ,iou Ihey should bokl in ad, that it ii (heir con-lilueiits' wi-h ihey shut I Ut one. How he ascertained this imports he doe nut stale. I'h.lud. L'auttr.