Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 06, 1841, Image 1

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HENRY B. MASSES, ? Ph-ubrk.. is
JOSEPH EtSElY. SPm,rvoil.
t. It. MASS EH, Editor
orriet in hihiit itmit, hub. Be.
THE " AMERICAN" ii mrtKarea every Salur
ty at TWO IJOUAftS fcr anrrtim (o be
tiJ half yearly in advance. No paper diBconlin
hi till ill arrearag en are f aid.
No subscriptions received 'for ales period than
mouths, All communication! or letlera on
leinoss relating to the olfice, to insure attention,
uat be POST PAID.
Chronology and Statistic Of Tobacco.
The whole world, within the apace of about three
lituries, have become chewera, smoker and anuf
.'a. The Chincie chews and smokes his opium,
e East-Indian hia betel, and the European and
merienn Ihorr tobacco. Against iheee practice
is uacreca to leclnim. It waa in vain that the
ailiamcnt (J England discouraged he flagrant 7c
' of smoking ; in vain did James I. assure his
bject that the custom Was kthsome to the
c, hateful to the roe, harmful to the brain,
ingcrous to the lungs, and in trw black stinking
me thereof, nearest resembling the horrillo Sty
in moke of the pit that is bottomless." The
jng arm of the law opposed it i the priest and
i physician, the moralist and the philanthropist
ayed themselves agnirift it j all to no purpose,
'position only served to make proselytes, and the
itom has spread far and wide under persecution,
over the whole surface of the globe its fumes
se constantly to the atmosphere, and it is at this
mcnt, perhaps, the most general luxuiy in ex
nee. In the city of New York alone, the con
nption of cigars is computed at fen thousand
lart a day a mm greater than that which its
labilanlspay for their daily breaJ ; and m the
ole country the annual consumption of tobacco
stimateil at one hundred million poumls, being
en pounds to every man, woman and child, at
annual cost te the consumer, of twenty millions
hilars J
t may be curious to mnV by what gradations
use of tobacco ha reached this grand crisis.
3 subject attracted the attention of Prof. Beck
in of Gottigen, about the middle of the last
rary, who took great pains to ascertain the dates
ts introduction into the different countries of
rope, and from whose work somo of the follow
ite.iis are gathcied. He conjectures that even
re the discovery of the, fourth quarttr of the
ie, a sort of tolucco was smoVcd in Asia; and
opinion was also entertained by the celebrated
cller, M. Pallas, who aays that, "Among tho
iese, and among tho Mogol tribes who had the
it in'ercourse with them, the custom of smoking
) general, so frequent, and become so indispeu
3 a luxury ; the tobacco purse affixed to their
so necessary an article of dress ; the form cf
pipes, from which the Dutch seem to have la
the model oftheir'saa original; and, lastly,
preparation of the yellow leaves, which are mere
ibbed to pieces and then put into the pipe, so
liar, that we cannot possibly derive all this by
way of Europe from America, especially as In
where tho habit of smoking tobacco is not so
ral, intervenes between Persia and China." It
be too late now to investigate the subject, even
should be considered worth the trouble. But
? is one more important confirmation of Prof,
imann's conjecture to be adduced from Uloa'a
age to America, who says : "It is not probable
the Europeans learned tho use of tobacco
America ; f.,r as it is very uncirnt in the
rn countries, it is natural to suppose thai the
vlcdge of it came to Europe from those regions
leans of the intercourse carried on with litem
e commerciil slat son the Mediterioneau Sea.
here, not even in those pails of America where
obacco grows wild, ia the use of it, and that
for smoking, either general, or very frequent "
have nothing, however, authentic, earlier than
ollowing :
1190, Itomnnus Paine, a Spanish monk,
u Columbus, on hia second departure from A
:a had lefi in that country, published the first
int of tobacco, with which be Iwcarne acquaint
n St. Domingo. Ho gave it the name of
.a, eohahba, gioia.
1519, lotucc is saiil to have been discovered
,e Spaniards near Tobasco, though it is assign.
the next year.
1535, the negroes had already habituated
selves to the use of it, and cultivated it on the
ations of their masters, Eurojieana likewise
1y smoked it. We also find from a passage
irtier's Voyage, that it waa used in Canada.
1559, tobacco was introduced into Europe
St. Domingo, by a Hpanith genileman named
index de Toledo, who brought a small quin
lto Spain and Portugal. In the same year
Nicot, envoy from the court of France to
gal, first transmitted thence to Paris, to Queen
urine de Medicia, seeds of the tobacco plant ;
rom this circumstance it acquired the name
'ianiu When tobacco began to be used in
ce, it waa called herbe du grand prieiire, from
rand prieure of the house of Lorraine, who
hen very fond of it It was alto called herbe
. Croix, after Cardinal Prorper St. Croix
on his return from Portugal, where he bad
nuncio from the Pope, introduced the custom
ing tobacco. It was recieved at once in Trance
he Papal States with great enthusiasm, in the
of powder, or anun"; it was sometime after
M-riod, that smoking became popular.
1565, Conrad Oeoner became acquainted with
o. At that tima several botanists cultivated
their gardens. The same year Sir John
kins carried tobacco from Florida to EngUud,
"all men wondered what it meant."
1570, they smoked in Holland out of conical
: composed of palm leave, plaited together.
1575, fust appeared a figure of the plant in
Tlisvol's Cosmoirravhie.
' o
1565, tbe English first saw pipe madaof
' . . . .... . . .
among lh. native, of i.g.n.a, which M
f Absolute acquiescence indecision, of ,h,
Ily aiasser & Elscly
Just been discovered by Sir Richard Grcnville. It
appears likewise that the English oon after fabri
cated the first clay tobacco pipes in Europe.
In 1590, Schah Abbas of Persia, prohibited the
uso of tobacco in his empire i but the nraiice had
become so deeprontcd among his subject', that
many of them fled to tho mountains, and abandoned
everything elso to e.voy the luxuriea of smoking.
Tn tlie beginning oT the seventeenth century they
began to cultivate tobscco in the East Indies.
In 1604, James I. of England endeavorej by
means af heavy imposts, to abolish the use of tobac
co, which be held to bo a noxious wnccl.
In 1610, (he smoking of tobacco waa known at
Constantinople. To render the custom ridiculous,
a Turk, who had been found smoking, wss conduc
ted about the streets, wiih a pp transfixed through
his nose. For a long time after, the Turks dun
chased tobacco from tho English, and that the re,
fuse. It waa late before they began to cultivate
the plant themselves.
In 1615, tobacco began to bo sown about A
meTsfort, in Holland, which afterwards bcamo fa
moua for its cultivation
In 1616, the colonists began to cultivate tobacco
in Viiginia. It is not known whether tho plant
was indigenous, or whether it came from a more
southern country. It is supposed the seeds were
from Tobago. But it seems to have been in use
among the Virginia Indians at the limo thev were
visited by tins English, and was called by them
pttun, or peturn. Clavigero says, "tobacco is a
name taken from tho lluitine language." Hum
boldt also derive it from the same language, and
says that the terra was used lo designate the pipe,
or instrument made uso or by the native in mo
king the herb, which the Spaniards transferred to
the herb itself, and after them, the other nation of
the old world.
In 1619, James I. wrote his Vvunterbait tn
Tobaeca, and ordered that no planter in Virginia
should cultivate more than one hundred pound a
year. He also prohibited its sale in England or
Ireland until the custom should be paid and the
royal teal affixed. Twenty thousand pounds
were exported this year from Virginia to England,
the whole crop of the'preceding year.
In 1620, ninety young women were sent over
from England to Ameiiea, and sold to the planters
for tobacco, at one hundred and twenty pounds
each. Tho price at first was one hundred pounds.
King James issued a proclamation restraining the
disorderly trade in this obnoxious article. In the
same vear some Enelish rnmnnnin ;.,,.!..
ced the smoking of tobacco in Zittau, in Germanv
and Robert Konigsman, a merchant, brought the
tobacco plant from England to Sirasbuig.
In 1622, the annual import of tobacco into Eng
land from America, for tbe U.t acvon years, wai
142.1 85 pounds.
In 1621, the Pope published a decree of excom
munication against all who should take siiulV in the
church, because then ulready aome Spanish cedent-asti-.s
ed it during the celebration of ma-. King
James restricted the culture of tobacco in Virginia
nnd the Sonier Isles, and forbade its importation
from sny other quarter, considering England and
Wules "as uterly unfyt in icspcct of tho clymate,
tochiriih the same lor any mcdicinall use, which
is the only good to bo approved in yl."
In 1631, smoking of tobacco was introduce! into
Misnia, by some Sucdi-h tro.ips.
In 1631, a I'ibunal, ca'lcd the chimbcr of tobac
co, was formed at Moscow, which prohibited mo
king under pain of having the nope slit; and the
Grand Duke defended the entrance of tobacco with
'.lie infliction of the knout for the first ofllnce, arid
death for tbe eecond.
In 1639, the grand assembly of V.rginia passed
a luw that all tobacco planted in that and the two
succeeding years, should be dcatroyeJ, except such
a proportion to each planter as should make in the
who'e 120,000 pounds, and that the creditors of
the planters should receive 40 pounds for every
100 pounds due them.
In 1653, smoking began in the canton of A pen
xell, Switzerland. At firat tbe children ran after
those who amoked in the elr et. They were like
wise cited the council and punished, and
the inn-keepers were ordered lo inform agaiut such
as should smoke in their horisvs.
In 1661, the po ice regulation of Berne, in Swit
zerland, was made, which was divided according
lo the len commandnii nts. In it, the prohibition
to smoke tobacco, stands under the rubric, "thou
shall not commit adultery," and was continued in
force until the middle of the last century.
In 1669, the crimes of adultery and fornication,
were punished in Virginia by a fine of fiom 500
to 1000 pounds of tobacco.
In 1670, and the two following years, smoking
ol tobacco was punished in the canton of Glaurus,
by a fine of one crown Swiss moi.ey.
In 1676, the whole custom on lobacro from
Virginia, collected in England, waa $600,000, In
the same year two Jew fust attempted the culli
Tstion of tobacco in the inargravate of UranJeti-
burg ; but which, however, was nut brouaht to
bear till 1681.
In 1689, Jacob Franii Viearoa, an Austrian
phytician, invented the lube for tobacco i
; " "r coniaimng piu of ,ponge.
however, about the year 1670. , .
, , .ruady pipes were
Used ht.0,o .1...
. , . ea appended to thero, to
collect tha oils . ' ' ....
, . "loislur exuding from tho tobacco.
I. '.u90f ,., xn communlc,lf j
majority, ,h. vital princrpl. of Republic, from which
SunlHUT, Kortliunibcrlaiul Co.
all who should bo guilty of taking tnuff or tobacco
in the church of St. Peter at Rome.
In 1697, great quantities of lobscco already were
produced in the palatinate of Hesse.
In 1709, ihe yearly export of tobacco from A
meriea for rtie last fen yeats. were E8 858,666
pmindi; of which 11,260,658 pounds were annu
ally consumed in Great Britain, and 17,598,007
pound in the counlrie of Europe.
In 1719, the Sennte of Strasburg prohibited the
culture of tobacco from an apprehension that it
would diminish the growing of corn.
In 1724, Pope Benedict XIV. revoked the Bull
of excommunication published by Innocent, because
ho had acquired the habit of taking nulT.
In 1732, tobacco was made a h-gal tender in
Maryland, at one penny a pound.
In 1717, and ihe two year previous, there were
annually exported lo England from the American
colonies, 4 0,000,000 pounds of tobacco, 7,000 000
of which was consumed in England. The annual
revenue was about (4,500,000.
In 1753, the King of Portugal farmed out ihe to
bacco trade for about $2,500,000. The revenue of
the King of Spain from tobacco, was $6,330,000.
In 1759, the duties on tobacco in Denmark,
brought in $ 10,000.
In 1770, the Empress sf Austria received a re.
venue from tobocco of $800,000,
In 177 3, the duties on tobacco in tho' two Sici
lies, amounted lo $446,000,
In 1 77.r, the annual cxpoit of tobacco from the
Unired Siatea, for the last four years, was one mil
lion pnunds 1 for tho last thirty years it averaged
40,000,000 pounds, of which 7,000,000 were cnn.
sumed in Great Britain, and 33,000,000 in the
other European countries
In 1780, the King of France received fiom lo
bacco a revenue of about $7,250,000.
In 1782, the annual export of tobacco daring the
preceding seven years' war of the Revo!u ion, had
been 12,378,504 pounds. Of the lolal seven years'
exportation, 33,974,949 pounds were captured by
the British.
In 1787, the quantity imported into Ireland waa
1,877,579; in 1829, 4,124,742 pound.
In 1789, the quantity exported from the United
States, togrther with the two previous years, avera
ged about 90.000.000 pounds.
In 1820, the quantity of tob.xco grown in France
had doubled the thrco years, lieing 32,887,500 lbs.
In 1828, the revenue on tobacco in the State of
Maryland was $27,275.
In 1830, the revenue on tobocco and snuiT in
Great Biitain was nearly thirteen million dollar.
In 1834 the value of tobacco used in tho United
States was estimated at $16,000,OIH) ; of
$9,000,000 were suppoa.d to have been for smo.
king Sjiani-h ciga-s; $6 500,000 fr stin king A
inerieaii tobacco and chewing ; and $500,000 snuff
In 1 838, tho annual consumption of tobacco in
tho United States waa estimated at one hundred
million pounds, valued at twenty million dolfari
cost to Ihe consumers, being seven pound to lach
individual of the whole population.
In 1810, it waa ascertained by a committee ap
pointed to procure and report statistical information
on the subject, lhat about eiie million Jice hundred
thousand persons were engaged in tho manufac
ture and cultivation of tobacco in the United States;
one million of whom were in the Siatea of Virginia,
Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri. Allowing the.
population of the whole country to be seventeen
millions, it will be tern that nearly one tenth nre
aome way engaged In cu'livaling or li,e manufacture
ofthia article. The v.due of the export during lhal
year was neaily $10,000,000. Northern Light.
Afoany, Septemlver, 1841.
J. C. Colt, the Murderer.
The Norwich (Ct ) Courier says: "We wish
we could transfer to tie minds of the thousands
who so esgerly read ail lhat is aid of him, the one
impressive lesson we are taught, as we trace tho
evil in thia case back to its germ. That germ,
whose growth has been so bitter, wa insubordina
tion from hi childhood upwards. Hi whole
course ha been marknd by self-will, breaking
through all the com in .111 restraints of the family,
of the school-room, of the counting-houe, ofs'cial
life, and oftlielaw of God. Joh'X C. Cull has
been for fourteen years a voluntary from the
paternal roof. Li t the child who will not submit
lo be checkeJ and guided, tremble for tha end i f
his own career; and let the parer.t tremble for the
c'nIJ who cannot bo made to )ield toju-t authority,
and let him never dire lo hope that the youih
whom he cannot control, will learn to control him
self, and curb his own wild passions.
Milt Culture.
Robert Sinclair, of Baltimore, a
member of the Scciely of Friends, rais
ed in bis cocoonery the present season,
as a commencement, one hundred tu
shels of cocoons, which he has S'V.a very
advantageously. Mr. A lie:, of Brook
port, in 1 this state, who devoted 8 acres
of his farm the praCnlyearto the si!
culture, haf Vaised a very large crop of
s'ki is so weii satisfied with his
suCccss lhat he is now plouhinff up 11
acres more for planting mulberry trees.
Several of bis neighbor! have with trU
(ling attention raised 50 to (50 bushels of
cocoons each, und in all cases at less
expense than the bounty allowed by the
State N. V. Snru
tnftr. 1, t. apnea! bet to force, ,h. vita, principle
Pa. Saturday, ovember C, is-ll
The Old Soldier' Story,
A few days since I stopped at a pub
lic house in Colerain, and while my
horse was eating, 1 sat down in the
bar room, and heard a sensible old
man relate tlte encloseJ account:
"During the Revolutionary var,
there was a point of land on the Jersey
side of the Hudson, and not far distant
from New York, which was the scene
of a bloody conflict. There was about
three hundred acres next to the river,
from which the wood and timber had
been cleared off; back of this was a
heavy forest. On this cleared point,
a large number of fat cattle, designed
to supply ihe American army, were
placed. Four or five miles distant in
New Jersey, there were three thousand
light infantry, under command of La
fayette. I was one of lhat detachment.
Our business was to see that c cattle
were not taken from the poinby the
r . ...
jna morning mtellia-ence was
brousht into thetamn that svm-.! !
sels had approached the nriint. nrol
a large bod v of British soldiers were
1 J: Vr . .
i.muing. My regiment was ordered
to march immediatdv to the point,
ttufus r utunm a nephew of the old
jcnur;n, was our colonel. lie was
well stocked with the Putnam mettre
lie was a brave officer. I could nev
er discern that lie was not int ns voir.
possessed when going into battle as
wnen suung in Ins tent. Ve made a
hurried march, and r.pproachinc the
edge of the wood, the colonel ordered
. 1 1 . .
uiu .Hiiuiani 10 co lorward and see
where the troops were, and what was
their number. Tho adjutant soon re
turned, and renorlod thnv wriro tVtrm.
ing upon tllS shore in three columns,
II I . . 1
at ire snouui think the colums contain
ed about one toiianil onrli." Tlmn
said the colonel, 'ride back to the camp
as soon as possible, and tell Lafayette
to come on.' When the adjutant had
gone, Colonel Putnam rode up to my
captain, who was Daniel Shays, of in
surrection memory, and said well' Cap
tain Shays, shall, we be playing with
them lilt the General comes?' That
must be as you please sir,' replied cap
tain Shays. Orders were soon given
to advance to the open land upon the
point. We now stood face to face to
our foes. I'lrins? soon commenrorl.
Cannon from the shipping in the river
poureu mrtii meir vollies; and small
arms did fatal execution. Colonel
Putman rode back and forth in front of
his regiment, as calm as a man at home,
though the balls were whistling nttst
him in every direction. Wu workivt
very fast, and for ont regiment, made
3 Cl'Oat 110l.s. I hu romnr.-il nr m-
left had recived a ball tin oti'-h tin?
dy, and fell dying. I Uas young, and
a dying man at my feet, bleeding and
gasping, might cause my color to fade
a little. Captain Shays stepped fur
ward, 'George,' said he never mind it ;
I will take his place,' and he was as
rrsrt f o lio . t r. . . I - 1 . . . . .
-rv, 11 mo itwiu , IIU Hill IV UIU lUrllfJ-
ral's gun and used it. Shays was the
best captain I ever served under. lie
was bold and kind. I was loading my
gun the twenty-second time, when the
infantry issued from ihe wood. Xvnr
shall I forget the feelings of that mo
ment. Wellington was hardly-more
pleased to see Biuchcr in the battle of
Waterloo than we were to see our bro
thers in arms.
The main body formed at once upon
our left. Lafayette rode forward, (an
excellent officer, and tever did he fill
my eyes so entirely as at that moment.)
though a stripling in appearance in
action he was a man ; and had Corn-
walhs seen him as we then saw him, ho
would not have called him 'the bo-,-.'
As he approached, he said, 'Colonel
rninam, now dared you i'-r Kr.r.M- 1
arrivei ?' 'Oh, said ylQ colonel, '1
thought I would bo paying with them
3 .r ,Va!:l-v'-',e at' ht moment
seemed full r, energy and lifu i turning
towards ',no ijne.f a,;,'j wj,n n(t
lic. voice marked by his French ac
cent, said he, 4we tire no more; the
whole line charge, bayonet, rush on
ward, and drive thent where the devil
drove the hogs !' The effect of his
presence and his word was astonishing,
every heart beat quick nnd full. We
did rush on, and such a scene and car
nage my eyes never saw. At first the
Itritish force charged to meet us, and
fled to the shore ; we followed them
into tho water ; of three thousand, a
bout fifteen hundred got aboard the ves
sels. The rest were slain, and most of
them at the point of the bayonet.
I have described to you the most
and immediate parent of dm.Ijr.rr.a.o,.
Vol. II o. VI.
painfully Interesting, and horrid scene
1 had ever witnessed. I never enjoyed
killing men. 1 fought because I thought
u my auiy. --i,rceiHieia Mercury.
A Dreadful Tiagc'dj- lu Florence.
The London Court Journal relate
the following particulars of a horrible
irageay inai is said to tiave recently
iaKe price at r lorence :
Two sons of Lord (who has
a villa near Florence) went into the
town a few days since to look at some
horses atjaiyery stable, w hen a quar.
rel ensued, and words ran high be
tween them : nevertheless, thev rn
turned home apparently reconciled to
eacn otner, and dined and slept as usua
tinuer meir lather's root. Ihe next
day they again went out ostensibly to
shoot ; but the younger brother, a lac
of eighteen, still nourished a deadly re.
sentment to bis elder brother, a young
man ot twenty throo, on account 'ol the
dispute of the preceding day, and upon
a oira getting up, he deliberately level
led his gun atod aimed at his brother
but only succeeding in slightly wound
ing h'm in the side, he drew a nisto
and took a surer aim by shooting him in
tbe back :rjf the neck, and raising up
part of tire skin of the head. As soon as
his brother had fallen this modern Cain
(lew into a neighboring vineyard, w hen
several contadini seized hi"n and, re
monstrating with him upon his horrible
conduct, told him that he would come to
the galleys at last. To w hicTTIie repli
ed, with great defiance, "No, no, thank
yoti I shall never come to the galleys?"
drew another pistol AxTrri his pocket, and
opening his mouth, shot himself dead on
the spot. The corpse of the unfortunate
suicide and fraticide was left to blacken
for many hours unheeded beneath the
scorching rays of an Italian sun, while
the wounded body of the elder brother
was conveyed home to his father's, who
is said to have exclaimed on seeing it,
"If that unnatural wretch escapes hv.
gallows, it will ; not be my fault.'" A
council of some hours' duration was
held at IjOjds Holland's as to whether
the suicide should be buried in conse
crated ground or not; it was at
length decided that he should ; so, ac
cordingly, by torchlight, with no other
attendants but the clorygman and the
sexton, the body was consigned to the
grave. The life of the wounded broth
er is still precarious.
Tlic Shower oflllodd.
This phenomenon, to explain which
so much learning has been expended
in vain, turns out, says Richmond (Va.)
Whigs, as we expected from the first,
a humbug; it had this advantage, how
ever, over many that had preceded and
we fear will succeed it, it cost nothing,
which is more than can be said of ma
ny of the humbugs, whether Political,
Financial, Agricultural or miscellane
ous, that meets us at every turn.
"The present may in truth be desig
nated the age of humbug. An editor
can scarcely make an acknowledge
ment to his readers for having uninten
tionally palmed oil' upon them some
miserable hoax, than a repetition of that
unpleasant becomes necessary. The
confession the press is now called upon
to maKO 10 tne puouc, relates to the sto
ry which went the rounds a few weeks
since, descriptive of a "shower of flesh
and blood" which was reported, on
what was then set down as unquestion
able authority, to have occurred within
the limits r.f Tennessee. The mystery
is thus explained by the Gazette, pub
libd at Kosr-iusko, Mississippi.-
As we expected, the story about the
"shower of flesh and blood," in Wilson
county, Tennessee, has turned out to be
a hoax. It appears that the gentle
man, upon whose premises the phe
nomenon was said to have occurred,
had become fill at once possessed of a
religious turn of mind, and joined the
church, whereupon his negroes con
ceived the idea that if they could play
some serious trick upon him he would
set thorn free; and they accordingly
procured from time to li'i o a cj'i '.ntity
of beef's livers, and d posited them in
a pond near the place, where it soon
putrified; they then, after having ob
tained a sufficient quantity of h!o,i!,
picked their time, and commenced the
"shower of flesh ami blood," by strew,
ing the liver and blood over the field,
which having been completed, they set
up a loud yell and started foV the house,
running all the way as if the "old boy"
had been at their heels. So endeth
this chapter." -
-..I.. ia
rniCES or advertising.
t square Insertion, '. . -10 fc&
1 do i 'do . 0 74
I do 3 dj . . 1 04
Efery subsequent insert!, h, - . 0 aft
Varl AftvArtlaame'ftfa Yurie, thm .J.Tu.1 ..J.
alteration) one column f 25 hair column, fid,
three It u ares, $12: two square, fi : one ran are.
$5. Wilh&trt tha privilege of Htsrtlion a lihtaji
discount will ba mie.
Advertisements U il without ilirrr'tinna as to iKA
tenqth of time tho arc to be published, will l
continued until ordered oat, and chrrgtHl accord
Cj"Sirtecn fine make a (juarc.
ftallroad Fare.
A committee was appointed somft
time since, by the Government in Eng
land, to make inquiries in different
parta-ef'Europe, concerning the com
parative advantage of high and low
fares on railroads. The-result of these
inquiries, with oil ihe details, contain
ing th answers to upwards of eleven
thousand questions, put by tbe commit
tee, has teen published by the British
Parliament, and has uniformly pre"
sented in every case, the conclusion,
that a low rate of freight creates great
quantities of goods to be carried, and.
thereby becomes the most profitable';
that great masses of passengers are
crea'tcd by the low fare ; and that a rise
of fare has Invariably diminished the
net income, and a red uction of fare has
invarably increased it. Philad. Amer.
We find in Judge Kent's sentence oi
Peter Kane, for stabbing and killing i
woman, the following remark :
"Prisoner, your life is safe, but ifi
sending you to State Prison, the Court
will mark the sense of your dreadful
conduct ; and if not punished to tho full
extent the law allows, it is by reason of
the good character you had previously
sustained. To your w ife also you are
indebted for a mitigation of your punis'h
ment. Her conduct on that occasion
has excited the ndiniration of the Court;
she seems to have been to you as a
guardian angel pursuing you, whore
conduct was more like that of a beast
of prey than a human being, and stri
ving by every means in her power to
save you -from sin and guilt."
There are very few evils to which a
man is subjected that he might not a
void if he would confer more" with his
wife and follow her advice. Few gra
tifications are meted out t i, which
he does not owe in part to woman; no
pleasure perhaps which she does not
heighten by her participation. Philad
U. S. Gazette.
, A Geranium at a Window. h was
the remark of Leigh Hunt, that it swee
tens the air, rejoices the eye, links yoti
with nature and innocence, and is
something to love. The very feel of
the leaf has a household warmth in it(
something analogous to tlolhing and
Mtii! Slates til a Ha)-.
Some gentleman on board the stennv
cr Diamond the other day, were con
versing about tho wonderful powers of
steam, the g.tat facilities it had given
to travelling. One gentleman rr::atk-i
ed that a man might leave Ve rk
in the morning, and arriv.- tl o same
night in Ualtimore, thus bring in f. re
states in one day. "Oh five." is it yj
say?" said an Irishman present, "and
its mccself w ho was in nine state? on
ruonday last." The company were in
credulous, mid called on pa tidy to fx-
plain how such a thing could be possi
ble, which he did as follows: "Well
ye see gentlemen, I was married in
iew Vork last Monday morning at 0
o'clock, and went with my dear hridgcl
to Baltimore the same day, and 6iire"
before I got there, I was after gctcrt
drunk as a baste, so ve pcrsave 1 wa
in the State of Xew Vork, the state of
Sobriety, the state of single Blessedness
the state of New Jersey, the state of
connubial Felicity, (that's what ye call
matrimony) the state of Pennsylvania
the state of Delaware, the state of Ma
ryland, and the state of intoxication all
in one day, and the whole of which
was owin to the wonderful powers o(
stame." N. Y. Evening Mail.
It h aaiJ lhat the inhal iianls of London con
sume annually 63 000 pipe of wine, and 2,000,000
barrels of porter and ale, betide Urge rjuanti iea of
apiritou liquor. The inhahitarits ol Pari con
sume annua'ty alout 10,000,000 giMoiii of wine,
600 000 gallon of, an. I 2.0 bairchj of beer.
We remember it waa irv Portland many year a
go that wo fiHt heird ih-) tory cf ihe Country chap
u ho ein.e to th t city one ime, ari l L.t l.ia sugar
b x. S he rjoe lliro ig i the atr'eta p.'p, log hi
h d in'o every h p m d ft re where he in ght ty
pout'iiity have e-l-r d, prav!y en.juir.Rg verb
te n ct ipo'iMuu, a f II.vas j
'.N'ol'ody hi'n't seen nothin oVo itJ u;ir bnrf
nor iio'hin, wlth' Ut n. thin in it n r no kiver oj: n."
th n. je ha'n'lhaveye Mast )er ryt.t" J'url.'and
A EiiSAicrasr Co r n. 'My dear, nhat '
f'.vk Jo you su; j: ia it m v. In n jou cair.e ken;.'
la t night V
Hu.liand 'I believe it was niaily cr.e, t,r vou.'
lamp wa out.'
Wifa 'Vf, but ihen you know the sun wui i,p.
Thi reply produced. exprrive silence on th
pail of hubby, who gav hi lea an eitra alirr