Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 30, 1841, Image 4

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S"LJ1 -1
Tl e Wowing list shows the curr.nt vnfiin of all
Ppursvlvsnia If nt.k Notts. The mii'l imfl:c-it r
lint. co may le placed upon it, a il terry wtk
rnn fully compaied with at d corrected bom Biik
Hell's Importer.
Raubs lu riillartclrl.ln.
Namf. Location. V'f "
Bark of Nnrih Ameiica . ,
Rank of the Notlhern Liberties ,
Dmik of l'ci,rulvitiu , .
Bsnk of Penn Township . .
Comncrcinl Bank of PentiV . ,
FirTii and Mcchanica' Bank ,
Grar.l Bank , , ,
Kensington Bark . .
Mm ufncttirers & Mcchanici' Bunk .
Michnnics' Dank , ,
I '
Mu timensing Bunk , ,
Phi'tuli li bin Bunk
St hu Ikill I'.ni k
Southwaik Bank
Western Bunk . .
Country Hnnli.
IVtnk of Pittsburg Fiitsbuig
IImi U i f ' 'fester County Westchester
Bui k of Delaware County Chester
li n k of Gcrmiintown Gcimanlown
Bank nl Lcwirtnwn I.ewistuwii
liniik f Middled wn Middlelown
Bai k if .Voi.uoir.ery C Noiristown
ll t k of Northi, midland Northumberland
Bo'kf Cofnty Pai k Jttiiihng
I'ulufiil ia B ii k & Bridge co. Columbia
Carlisle Bank
Do) Ics'min Uil.k
Eaton Bai. k
Lx. I ai rc ll.n.k
Do iln branch of
F..incn' Bank of Burks co
Farmer' B nk of Innniftoi
I'.ii in is' Bin k ol Kitdu g
Danishlug Bank
1,'iiii'BH i r
I.i!"inon B.M.k
Miiihnn'' & Manuf Bank
Mmin,' B.n k ot i'oiuviiia
N' rth in piott B itik
Tom-a i da Bank
Wi nl Barch B ink
Wyoming Bunk
Oilire 1. 1 Bank of Pc r.ti'a.
Office do do
Office, do do
Cliico d.i do
Do) Its! own
I!oll daytburg
Eehnn. n
Pol's illu
'li.wai da
W tl tia ir sport
i keshnire
II airikbmg 1
Lanc.sur I i
Be. ding f ii
Easton J u i
Bai k of (lie United St..tik rhilailt Iplua 18
Office of Bunk of U. S. Putsl urg 1U
Do do do Erin 19
Do do do New Brighton 13
Knsii'gni S-"av. Ins. A to
I'i'iin 'I'ownnhip Sav. Ina. do
k ol t.'I'Biiilx ri-l'urg Chmlic rflutg 1J
)Jiii k ol Cicitjkliurg (Iili)klii'g
Bi.nk of S'uMjuel.aiina Co. Muiitioaii j
l.'rip Bhi k Eiiw -
Fii'tni r'& Plovers' Batik M'liyiirpl.urg 2j
Fianklin Bxok Vrsliiniou
H..i,i B.i k Iloi p-diile j
Mm i iignl.fli Bank of B. Brownsville Jj
Vo.k liaik Yoik Ij
N. 1), 'lie notri of ttoFC I ui ka on t liich vf
on ii qnn'uiii'i f, ni d Kili-liloti- a din-li ( ) sip r.oi
iirilanI li y tl.o J' di Ipl ia t.rckcr, will lie
vxtilioii ol tl . to lii(hliae a lent r ol fi li n net'.
If (J K E N BAN K S.
Pl.iUMi l his Sav, li,, 1 UiIhJi lt Ilia
1 liili.clf l tn liimii Co. do
r-'cltu Ikill Sar. Ins. do
Mnu'il Liili. r Bank (T. W Dvoit. prop.)
f,.i!i ii
f ilr.l
lio ah
rloti d
l loreil
1.. ll. ct
no n'e
no rule
no rale
lio sale
fa. lid
1)0 Kale
no full'
l Iuki d
lail.d il
clou d
All("i ni.v Bank ol 1'a. Bniloitl
Bar k ol lleuUT j!e.,fi
lijok nl walara Il.mi-1 urg
Bank of Washington Vul.ii,gtou
l.'intif L'ui.k Bill, f.inio
'i'y U;n k Pititl urg
l'nrntt'r'& Mftli'rs' Bunk l'ni.liirg
Fain'eis'St MrchV' Bank Fnjrlteco.
I'ioioi in' & Mt c h'ts' Bank (inenrat
lUiinnny Inriituto llaimoi y
llunui gtlor. Bank Huntingilou
.1i:niatii U.u.k .ciUionii
l.uuilirm. i.'ii B.nk anen
Noi'iliirn Baik of r.t. DoiiilufT
Nrw Hope Dil. Bridge Co. New Hope
Nuiilit:inl,'d Union Col. Bk. Milion
J cutli Wi stirn Baiik of Pa. Miodtillo
t)iri(c ol ff, In, Hull Bunk Pui t Cm l.on
I'm. Ait. & M.iniif. Bank ('arli.)o
Si.vri Lui k Moiiiii o
I'nion Bai k if Prni.'a. Uiivntown
tlt.ii.'!ai:il Bank Cn i i fI urs
ilkitlcirie Bridge Co,
W ilkisliarie nosulc
C All iii'trs ui oiling to le on any IVi inyl
vaniu B ii k not givtn in lire ohovc Inl, may be ret
dv.wu ax fiiiudn.
SEW JERfcEY. N Biui.swiik
' hkliie L'al k
t.'uilnicii I V, Bunk
inn i irial Bank
Cu:i.lirlii..l Baik
Faillli lb' B;.l k
I'btini ib' ui il Mrihaniev' Pk
Fuinnii' i: rul .Mi clmnirk' Bk
I tru.iio' i.nd Miilinniik' Bk
I'u.nk!in Bi k of .N.J.
Pelvidi is
Mi I'loid
J'i nh A miry 1 tn
i; myelin jar
Mm nt lloily I ur
Ii'al.ivny "-2 1 in
N. Biiimwiik ('.iiliil
Midi!:. town l't. li m
Jt in v Cily
fail, it,!
fa. ltd
fad. d
I "I
10 Hill
Hl.l i ki li bl-t & li
J.iny City U ji k
I r.g Co Ilolx'ken
J.iny Ciiy
Milium,' U ik
:-'.ot cl irn r r,' B.nk
hit 11 t on pal ) Bhi k
Ji. nu i.Lin Bk it N.J.
Mit l al.n' Bui k
Mti l hi lo' o tul .Vti.uf. Bk
Mi in- Cmi i ai d Lkg Co
Port Noil a
Niv ink 1.1 g & Ir.s ('.
Niw II, pe Del Lndpe Co
N. J. Mai.u:..c. mil Bl.u Co
1 alt. isoii i
BilhviMa '
I'm hold
Jirsij City
fa. ltd
l.amU nsvilltf
Pol i km
N J l ion tin ii cx LuUibiiJ I k Ji r.t) C'i y
Orai ;i li i 1 (tlai ge
1 u-ir, n Bai k 1 n it,n
Fii'piiV I ai k do
I in.itioii Bank I'liicitrn
Bait III llai V. 1 1 g Co m
tii tc B'.nk Nnv. ik
Stun; Bunk :i.i .btiLtown k ;, ,.,d, ii
State Bai k of Morrit Icniftiiw ij
btttic Bank 'J in iiu
i-.iltn. i: mi PbileJ Mar.if Co iSu!. m
tu.nx Bank Ntwin
'1 union Bai V ing C 'l iei ton
l't ion Bal k Dour
N stint gun Bat king Co, II kt t.sack
Tk of Witm ii Brandy wint Wi mirgtnn
l ank if Dcluviaik W ilinn gi. n
B.nk ol bu jirs Bnyina
Do lianrh Milloid
Tstr. ci.' Ek cf fcis e of Pel Dover
Do bianch W ihnir.gton
Do bitncri Otorgiiowii
la lai.ih Ntuia-llu
l i i. I U i k il.n;i fcU o
1 1 ni
2 in
2; in
2j in
2 ui
f l"
:i III
1 r.m
tXj i i.ii.i (i s
CUj " "H lai ks mailed thus () there are rw loonleileit or aluied noils
AtitlliStUrUS, iu ciiculaliun.
tf ibe
vsliou C-
urpnn I'pli d Mn.ilv f,.r e, mm, n (.'ot.U.
'ouklii. A tlim-i.tiifliipi tii. Wh. ooim CkulIi.
B i on. hit is, i- rid all dlMi'c of dip Errnst ittid Duigs
IP'ii'inf toeoiitutnriti.ini coinin-rd of llie eoncpn
tratrd virtn-s of lion hmind. Bonnet, Blood Root,
l.iv. rwert i.nd evpinl mlicr Vf(f.tnl'l sultnuces.
IVpftrtdonlj ly J. M. Wisbiow, nchestcr, Nc
The innocrppp Ptid rniTpriil! admitted rrclornl
vimte of tlie llpibs from which the Duham vf
l,ortlnAirU in mailp, ate tro gmcrslly known to te
ijuue reei irn en. a i.n i it ia thetpforp only neerfsa
ly in ol er'C ilini iliia Mr.lirinc contains I lie whole
of tl'i ir Midei.Hl prnpeitien, highly coneentrHtcd,
i il m l:n (lily coinhiiiid w ith si-veisl other vege
table itl s fin-ei", a tn render il llie mrst speedy,
n i1,) and c 1 1 -in rmiidy, now in u.e, f r the coin
I li:ni9 al ovf n Pi tini cd.
The tlnfoiim rrmovi s nil imflammntion and sore
n. o! the I.tM-pr, looer,s toUll visid plilrgrn, en
.(.In g the pui. nl to txpeeloralu with fate and fee
d. in, nfHon cough, relieves athinatic and diffi
enlt n-fpiraiion, heids the injured pnnn, opens ihe
I oipi, nnd e tn en s the dinturhed nirve, nnd gives
r'niiii h to the tmdei lungs, and thus produces a
s, nnd lastinp euie.
InOHATITI ttt ! TUB nASfT CrilMI! 1 Ma.
We ure not ninorg that chits of Ednors who for a
f. v ('ol'ais Mill, (nl llie xper e of troth and ho
f.eioj) 'i-aik up1 un hriii le nnd Inina it int.i rapid
a!e ; i ri:l rr me we will to ipniain nilent. afn r
l.avii t; te r d the utility of nn irr rovemeut or di-
emeiy in m i. nee or mi Our readers will reoolleit
ve to.d linn we wi ip iniw. II wi h a aore throat and
viol.i t c. 1.1 pome few ve k aco. Well, we pur
el ared two t .iOhs of W INSl.OW 'S U.M.HAM
OF UOliF.IlOU.ND. and so sudden wn. the cure,
ill t we f.irgu' we er had a ro'd. 'J im e who
are ntliiced, inny tiy it I'pon our ne.nimi i-mlai.on.
Ltvitfon T'lrnTuyh. Formlehy
JACOB BKH.HT, fiorlhumlerlund.
Also, ly Drupci'is enir.lly throughout the
country. Piiee, 0 cents per bottle.
August 14m. IS'11. lv.
IMTOnTANT to rAniMEns.
"HPpk.W ENPllli'l 'SS Impmvrd Puicnt 'Phreshing
lBr larninc sou n.irro l ower, wnicti tinehrs
a.i.l e'eann at die inir.p time sn invention for
wliiih Farmi rs have lung lnokid in vain, and which
lenders the all. ivo m iihina erhct and pa-l further
nn rovi nteni. J huso w lio liae I eeii ailing fur
rOim thitig hi Iter than 1 1 ret.ifoie .11. nd fur rale,
will find thin to bo tl.o article. Come lie it and
jm'go for Voorst vr.
The sulwerdiers Iibvp piirrhfiscd the right of the
shnvp Machine and Hi r.-e Power, lor tlie roun
I PS of Numiit Moi.niAMi, Dtcomino, Ctis ros,
ai d L'mh nnd aluii, the privileges ol vending
tl rm in any other plai e for which the light has
not bei n ilt'vi(iu-lv sold.
'J he advantages w hirh this Msrl:in has over
all (iifrrs invent) d are n.biiy and ol viouo. One
boy and thrpp men ean do all the thrashing and
cleaning ol 1 50 huk I of wheal in one day and
this iitually liilrrs M ien hands one day and three
the net I. For field tt.n rhing it likt ttip lead of
any thing in this woilJ no grain is teal tired or
I' pi.
Suih is the rnprtinrity of the Horw Pocr,
hut ihn e Io tms ion ihrt.-h as much with it as
f. ui c.iii w it It nny other.
'J he Mat liii es and llorp Tovter will l e sold
lofi thi r oi sept nop. to tuil tin Inntif. Made and
(old til Mlltblt, by till' SUlSiribeis.
1.E.M.Y Fl.ILK.
Milicn, April 17, 1611.
TllPESflllM! & Wl.X.MiUINU MAf I1INE.
Having bud in Use, one .1 Dav. r oi.V Put. nl
'1 I re.hing i.nd W inn, witg Ma. I iiim, i.illeng
rr euiedlv eu'letl upon f.-r our opinion in ngaidto
ila ir value, dor.bilny nnd advantage, we make,
five v, state, that thiy nc nl in our rpininn, any
ll.itfhvg Maihine we rvi r lufoic wimismd in
life. 'J lir. Will thresh and clean, f.t 1. r inaikd
SCO hut-In I of Wt eat er day. and this with the
aid ol tlirip nai.04 htsnlts the driver. 1 be Mraw
ia af st d oil" from lU Crain on an incline planp, ex
tending about 12 f. 1 1 t,on, t,e Machine. Scarce
ly grain is lost. W hat it t.f some in' oitHine
n.d pm.tly so, ik ll.c fact thin no dust pasfia from
the .Machine to the nihil who lett4 jt, 'J ,t- llor-r
0'Atrfin to be ptr frit ion iifil(,r(e Imrfet.
nn y woik it with eate nnd l lie.r Ur-ltM cuit
only be the crdlnaiy lough V mutt
tl.eeiful'y tieoniineiitl the Mathtnc to Prn.-rf
tin y mc liianufuctuitd ill Mil'on l v Meters. V. cih
l otiii aid Fiick. 1 11 II. IP llIICEIiT.
Chilirqreque tfl p., N'miVd co, Match 20, 164 1.
In. ni.) i iiiiln.
fH-MIE SI !'& IilBLK :cfe.irully informs the
1 I ul lie. tl at hi ha itinnted fiom the town t f
( 'i.,'r. ti lira to i. r.t , si tl ll nl he Itat-1 urch.scd
lit that place, ll t Lu'gt cud Ct.muu dtt.US
It 11 1 Cli HOISE,
AT TatrollMII IT .Milt AMI M A It K KTST I ITS ,
f 0 j-t, le lie Cttrl l!tuif,J
l, . W hub be h-i fil e.l up ly ibe preetion
CVi'H of A DDI I ION A I. Bi:il,lUt.b. sn.l
;iextiiifiv STAl!l.l!, for the infrr-
.tLettuinment cf Trcvtl.'etM t nd Vititvrt.
We la now n pa. i d to an oimn. dj'p ull vv ho tnav
favor hint with a call, sod I e would state that no.
thu g in hia oer fball be I. ft t tulonr, to irndt I Vu
ru-ton.ri c. n forittt le nnd I a py while undei hi.
i aie. His n coinmoi'slion nre ample, ami bis room.
Ii li. tl.i tl in n.iVcrii s yle, f tul ih- ptoprii lor is tie
! in, ii. ..I ll at U-e.ial bkbin'rii thall ulain anil
l.ri p i p wit!, the er. wine repulalinu ulid tmpoi
ul i he town in which il is loc-t d.
IDs Ti an. i 1 1 p ri pi In .1 with every Jtnurv of
the s. sfoii, ami tin t!f.'l cud thoitett vcritty the
v t.tlil ton cfurf. His Bah villi le fl'ir.iwih
c!l tie Lett uititUs Ihut ran Le furtmhtd ly hut
cl-'t. and the whole wi.i tc tich us Ij g ve talis-
larHon lo evi rv t i.e.
W r I! V now ing tl at an i u'ich'er.rd pnM e will
s jui ge f r Ibcm thrs. hi leels confxt'nl thst
liiv nl favor him with thin p-imnage.
I'. r ii ! . Jan. 30.
I OK fcAW.Vll.l S.
B( LkkJlNIN N. ClH.WA.
I I'la eiubfciil r ik having un based lie rifht for
vt uuii.g nn,) ,.,,B th above valuable luven
lion, iur ixoiinuu, i t Uotlily, nllti to til-pore
... ...v . . . .ru.. wim msy Ot sua to ptrihiise,
i nc move in, nuon is now in t aiainn at the saw
mill i.l Ml. Ikl'I'ttilv . . w. ... i
tatinspicud by cwwis of mvs mil a and all ulhtrs
linerisieu. r. liOUI.N,
Much S7-f UAMl'EL GODI.N.
!Ji!LL JSJ.'BBJll L.LI -1 I JL.U1 J!'.LJ-
fMII K li'iiileisigntj lake pleasure in sulmutiing
I in tl e ul ic the fullouii g Kto nn ii.lnll..iis
of Prsti's Cisi I tin Bmul Mill at d C-raiii lluller t
all oi Vrr In Grain nnd manuf'.ctnn of Flour, I.
Iievintf ii to be sup. tu. r to an thing id the kind
pver iilT ied to the public. All aiders vddist'd t.i
Col.. I. M'FadJtn, Li W'shiirir, Uiiinn eoiini Trim
rylvuiiia. EBE.NEt-.ZEIl Ql t"E,
Uouts't Mill. Centre Co., March 30. 1811.
J. M'FaIiIiii Sni i I ch.ilully testify lo thp
foivlne s nnd d.tisbility of Prati'a Cast Ir..n Smut
Mill an) Grain Huller, as being a far superior ari
cle fur theclranii g of smutsnU all other impurities
that I have ev r seen, and 1 have len engnge.l in
the manufacture of Flour for a great in .ny years,
and h'tve alvtavs tntd lo have the best apparatus for
mauufacturii g that could be got, anil do say that the
al ovc machine is the hist apparatus I I eli. vo now
in use. Jon Mo Ait.
Bfoimfburg, Dec. C, 1840.
Cot.J. MFatiuiji Sin : In reply lo your favor,
reci iwd s few-days nine, I hate only to say, that the
fact of my having in mduccd into each of the four
mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast
Iron Smut Mills, is thp bet evidence I can aivc you
of iheir utility, Yours truly, Wr. M Kritt.
Mill-m, Mar. h 17, 1641.
J. M'Faim Siii : 1 do heiehy ornfy without
any hes latiou, that Pratt's Smut Milt and Oiaiu
Duller is Ibe most sifect msrhine to clensp grain
uf smut and all oilier imperfections, that I have ever
seen, and I believe I bate at en all the that are
now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there
is nothing of the kind ever been invented (hat will
c mp in competition with il. Uio. Ecki nr.
Cut. J. M'Famhm Sin : Durng the past 24
ye is I have been conriantly engaged in nianulac
turn i flour, and during the last 12 years have hi cu
the ow ui r of a griot snd flouiing n-dl, and
nil the Coni ri vamcs lo remove impurities from grain
I sin decidedly of the opinion that Piatt's iron nis
thii e is superior to any wiih wTiih I am aequnitit
e.l, having used one in my mill about ightcen
months, pHkiniiicK II as.
YarltMrt Miti, Dec, 1810.
I want in my flouring mill us c.ood an apparatus
to prep re grain for fl. Hiring, as tin tf.'f. and I want
no l etter tb-n Prnti' Iron Smut Mill. It will
leiiiovo stoui entirely no uiistakc.
M. Clsasox.
Sunbury. D(eember 25, 1840.
Cot. J. M'Fai.I'I Sim I have in my null one
of Pratt's cast and wiought iron spiral Smut Mills j
and Grain lluller, ami am confident that in repaid
to simpliciiy of construction, and durability of mute-
ial, il ia superior to any I am acquainted with.
Hear Gup Mills, Dec. 25, 1S40.
Col. J. MT'Anni.i Sin: 1 lime in ny flouring
mill one of Fruit's Cast lion Sp.ral Smut Mills,
and I am decideilly of the opinion that il is the best
machine to prepare pram for flourinr; ill . I I am ac
quaint, d vi itb, in. J a such t lie. t fully n commend it
to till who big engaged in the manufacture ol flour.
Jacob LiirmN0.
Aaronilurg, Manh 23. IMI.
Col. J. M' Siii : 1 luke pleakurv in t-sy-int
that Piall'a Caft Iron Smut Mill incite of Ihe
btht impiovt inents for the cleaning of gniin of all
kinds, ilml ha-i yet come r my observation, and
ihat I believe it far superior to any thing of the kind
ever invented. You may tice my name in any way
you think proper. O. P. Dckcak.
Cruon jiJeY, Jan. 14, 1841.
This is lo certify that I have had Plan's Cast and
wrought iron Smut Machine ami Giain llullrr in
use lor belter than 12 months, and find it to answer
every purpose thst it was intended lor. Smut can
be taken out of wheat I beline pveiy panicle of
il can be taken outwuliuut ticking the giain ul
the wheat. John Plack.
Antotultug, Msiili2:l, 1841.
Cot. M'Frin Sin : 1 have leeii engaged in
manufacturing Fb ui for many )iats, ai d
have at this tune one ul Pii.tiV Mil's ill each
of my nil's, em! I t'n I., u by rttetnini i d than ar llie
n on vain able in'plov. ii.t i.t lor e't ni.lig wht",t of
mi ut and nil oil. ir imj uiitiet, that I am acquainted
Willi. JaMlk Dt'M'AX.
Col. MTatTik : I lien rnsau.d in
ibe n at u'antiiii g of flour for 28 e is, tu d m. si
eh. frli ll iccoii inind the i.hoie, a, leu.p
bv fir the lu Ml B aiatus I. r clesntring giam that I
have evi r Uftd or set n. I e.u nil. i n an in. i-j t ri
il le atliclc lor any mill that pieici lu do any I u-
killlSl, JoilM FlMll.M.
Jqwduet Mills, Dc. 24, 1840.
Cm. J. M l Ai'tn Sni; Plan's Cast lion
Smut Mill was iutm.'uied into n y mill about thice
years since, ai d I 1 1 lit te il is the 1 1 ft ailit le of lb. I
kind now in use. It will in t only rtiuuve an ui
ri is a moit valuublv a paratus In clean
wheat and l)'e cf any char..ct. ', and pr. pine it lot
flouiing. BcvjtMiN Boojie.
Itvifl'urg, Dee. 28, 1840.
Ot. J. M-Fabi.j p-ih: After u c.ulul end
ml (I ixaminaiiiii. and tii I of il.e mathtne, in re-
emi toc.ii stiuclioti, utatniis anil depatih in rxe-
euiiuii, , con on, y in pre , and powei lo si t in 0 e-
ruiioii. i ..n, u lv e.IiMne. d tatirfiiJ. Ill .1 ihe
itiainit.v auiAe uiluOiJ to, is felCWI.u to no oi e in
J. Mo ii nc vv.
Mill, r and Fbuir Mannfiilurrr,
Caltutuitta, Dicunbir 25, 140.
Col. J. M-l AlUJih teia : Pratt's Cast and
Wii util tlr. il Spinlmut Mill and Grain Hulk r,
I renrn cr In be the last muilnne n it mov. tmui
n l tuhtr impuiities to which giain t subi. cl. that
I have used, or wi h wlikh I am arqurm d, in re
paid lo i um1 il iy of in.,1. nil, kiu plui y ul fnuui-
on, i.ea lii ui.u ii. - alt U m i xn ut.on.
Jon rtt PlITOK.
N. B. Tl e i. bote marhima are manura. lurid at
lie Diwisburg Ftindrv, Ui ion county nnd ut the
Bloom-burg Foundry. Culiuiibu county , Pa.
.) u ikhing, Jui e 19, 184 I.
.lititacl Weaver A; ioii,
rorn jyruEns & snirciiAKSLECs.
A'o. 13.Vori Water i-trect. J'.ilt.dclj. hia.
AVli cons'snlly on liana, a gt,ti..l asort
nn til of Cor.hice, Si ine "1'w im p, &f .. v it :
lai'd Hopes, Fishing Hopes, While I'lorcs. Manil-
la P. fs, 'l ow Lines I. r Canal B..ats. Also, a
rou plcto suoilintnt of Twines, Ac. such as
Hemp S! ad nnd liming Twine, Beat Patrnt Gill
Net Twine, Cotton rhad snd Hcning 'i'winr.ShiM-
1', fur, Ac. AUo, Bi t! Coidf, I'I. tcli Lines.
II altera, Tracts, and l.iitcn Carpn Chains.
&c. all uf whuli thiy will dispisc cf on reasonable
I'hilni'elpl.ia. Noumtei 7, 140.
EfeUEKici;, 11ANKELT & co's.
No. 1G0 1-2 MaiKct Street, Tliila.
(littiw Fifth tnuthtide )
A l.WAYS ketpon b. nd a lull and general as-
JML s rtiiii lil of llumry, l.ace, and Fancy Goods,
tuunlry Mticlianta are ier)ecif ully requested tu
give tin in a call and i limine for Ihun rlns.
Philadelphia. November 7, 1840. ly.
No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the attention of Count. y Mtubanis
to their rxienkits asertnint of Briton French
and Amencsn Dry Goods, which ihey ofiir ful sale
tn tits mn leasonaMe trims. s, November 7, IMOIy. '
Number 29 b'urth TAhxt Street, l'hiludelphla
1JUI1I.IO MALES of Dry Goods, Hardware
mo I Cutlery, Honks, btaibinary, Cloihing,
l(,.oi. Mid. s and I la's, and in shoil iiIiiiohI eely
tli-enptioii i f, are bel.l nt this limenl
pvety iriilug (ioods are al-0 sold i.t piivaieanle
during ihe day nt thean rnte auction pliers. Siorc
keppi r ami un. let will find il to thair sdvantsgt
by silt tiding Ihe sat. s.
C. t:. MACKF.Y, Auciioncor.
rhllndt tphla, Noveinb. I 7, 1840
Jacob I'i Ismitf li & Son
EM'KCTFII.LY Im nils and
ncquninlsnct s g. nerally ihtl Ihey fti I con
Iniuo in keep at llie. old staii.l. No. 840 Nunh 3d
si ret t. Iphffi, all kinds of
Which ihey will sell on the sccuiiiii.oduliiig
and iess,,n.ihle lei ins.
N. B. All toods sold will bs guaranteed, anJ all
orders promptly atii iuled in.
I'bll id. I. Ins. Nitveinl-er 7, 1840. 1 y.
No. 74 Callowhill Street, Pliiladeljjliia,
('Three dwiri a Lute fecotid.J
HOR Findings always kept on baud, which he
eifft rs for sale on the lowe.-t terms. Country
Meich mis are particularly to call and Judge fur
Philadelphia, N'ovcmt'Pr 7, 1810. lv.
Importers and Denlcrs in Foreign and
Domestic Ilaidwarc,
No. 174 Nohtu 'I'll nil. Srai.AT, I'uiLAOELrutA.
T7'HERE iheir fr'n ndsand customers will always
find a large and general a-sortmc lit of Foreign
am) Domestic Hai'lware, which they will sill at the
lowpfl piii-pti,
Philedelphia. N.ivemlH r 7. 1810. lv.
No. 2a North Water Street, Pliikt
"imtTANUFACTUKEns and dealers in Oils of
JvJIl every description both for burning sn.l
manufacturing purpoki-s, which will be sold much
loner than ihey can be procured e'sewhere, ar.d
warranted in uunhty to equal any iu the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving ns iej r. si ntt d,
may be returned without any expenso to the pur
chaser, and the money will be it funded.
J heir slock now in stoic consists uf the fu.luuing
nils, viz:
30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Spein.
do C. loih-.S Oil,
do Fall and S riiic Sperm Oil,
do Winter sS-a Eb bant,
do do Pieced Whale Oil,
do Summer do do do
do Common Whale Oil,
200 Bands aupfiioi Snails Oil,
3(10 do Cod Bank Oil,
60 do Nca's Foul Oil,
75 Ca-ks Olive Oil,
Tanner's (Ids.
(T'This Company has a number of Vessels in
ga(.ed in the Coil Fifchtry, and Tanner-, may tely
upon pctung at all times Oil as pure as in. ported
Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly.
fl'MIE Fpt cial unentioii t.f buvets bom the soinh
M. and wed, and for the state tra. e, ia rr-p.t il.i.
ly invited lo the follow ing a-soilineut of GOODS,
which the subscriler will dispose off' siuh prices
as will amply lepny hia fiit nils for tailing uul ex
amining Ins. atnek, Jo bil.Vl puichasers, at In
I riven! time, exiiaotdmaiy iiiduceiucut will be uf-
fi reil.
200 pieces hravy vai iepatrd Spanish ma(t;ng.
fi00 puces Cnnion in nine, a-fuilid 4-4, 5-4 and
C-4 white, che. ked anil llowerol.
1000 In aril) iur, a I eautilul ussoitniint t f Wil
Ion, liiufrch, 'J'liflt d, Turkey, and Hemp rtiy a. wool, ii, worcied, roiton, lieTnp, in
grain, Wi.eiian and block Carpi linus. An ilt gant
var rlv of W illoii, Id urn Is, frioih and Englirh,
eoeiiau, Daiuar k, cVe. C.
1000 dozen nen i nd Uvs caps, comprising
gurit var elv of Fur, Seal. Nuniu, Mi skial, and
C. r.ey, 1 1 iur. St a'ette i-nd Cloth C.-.j s. .
10(1 dot. n Allieitui Mats, arsoitrd i M.
1(0 do Manilla do do tU
0 d.i Shup-fkin do do do
SO bait s Flit ch Bjbkcik, coinpiitii g every dc
too air Yrne Ian Blinds, ars'J figuirssr.d colors.
30t0 ist.nt do do do
I0CO i t .is Cabas or Satchels, ars'd, cn.botsid
leather, straw and oil ilutf..
601 0 dozen Cenil s, ai-soilt d t, itoife shell. Bra
zibiaii dohorn, ivmy, bulks and wood, Cuinprikiug a
large ars.inmtnt ofeiciy vanity
3000 dozen liipk attoiied wagon, gig, can
nage, sulky, planters, drovers or ittiing, of gul, lea
tin i mil thnail, with German silver, gilt,ioiy and
bone m.iiiiitmt'S.
ldOO dozen painted pniN, Wilsrn's brat d.
HCO ripfts cedar 'Pubs aid Bui kits; also
Churns, Pigcins, Wuter Cans, &e
The abote tocellit r wiih an exiei.siie assortment
of fancy c.ichIs, BriliautA and Gciman silvt r wan
ft alher mid I lii-tle Brushes, I.iHkiug li'asrt f, Ma'
begany and Gill Planus, if tvciy s i. anddeftri)
lion, are manulailurcil, imrnrtul, anil Mbrietl ix
pritslv fui the w. 1 1. rn and tlaie nadi'.
No IS N'otth2d Kieel, Philadelphia,
riiiladtlphia, Novimler 7, 1840. ly.
Ol "U. & L. 2. TAYLC?7. roll SALE, at the Si oih Ea.i Coi
ner of Fifth und Muktt Uittts, I'laLdd-
.Mens Cair-sktn Bootr.aijtcl.rd warrantid.
do do do i-iigid do
do do do waicr proif, diullc ao'.ts
arid double ut cn.
do Calf-rkiii do do
ai d up pis.
do Heavy Water Leather Boon,
do do Ntats do do.
do High quartet tsb. es. Calf-skin
do do do Ciockeis do
do Fine Monroes warranted
do niilid
do Kip do
do C. lf do
do Cosise do
do do Shoes
do Fin do
do Kip do
d.i Calf and Sesl Skin Pumps,
do List b.iks with and without soles,
do Can el do do do
do Patent Warranted Weter-rrnot Moccasins.
.... . r
j.auiis oo do do do
Ladita tanned India Euller shot a.
Gentlemen do Cverthoea.
Wiih every other description of boots snd shots.
Fur Cs of every description.
'I'ravell ng Trunks of ev.ry description.
Vtr.etian Jtsvillirg Usgs.
PstentGum Elastic Shoe Blacking.
Bonnets i f all kinds. Palm Deaf Hals.
I blladil) his, NoMluber T, H4P. y.
haw, sTaXxov, liVOir v oosn.
t holcnalc Hfcalrm.
In Foreign, llritith and American Ury Goods,
No. 13 Noam Taian Htbelt, I'HitAOULf in a
fTMlLNJ RY Merchants rsn be supplied at all
times w ilt an extensive assortment of the above
Goal, on the n,ost resst t;able ar.d satisfactory terms.
May tin, 184 I. ly.
Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet,
and l'ulm Leaf Hat Warehouse.
JS'o, G6 North id tlteet, a few ttcort above .treh.
I hiluilelblna.
A 1.0 Trunks, Cai pet Bags and Valices, of cv
TaV f ry desCiiplitin, nil of which
he bflers for
aaie on thi) moat renaoiinlile terms.
I'hila.h Ipbhi. NovemlH-r 7, 1840. ty
J. w. is W A I IN ,
Umbrella and l'arasol iManufacturcr.
Ao. 37 Abo h Tint it tfrrfl, two dimrt below the
Cit u I loli I, FhHudclnliia.
COL'NTHY Mi'ithanls and others are solicited
to examine hia assoitnicul Ufoie purchasing
Is. w here.
Phila.ielphin, Novfmbtr7. 1H40. ly
P . 5c A . R O V O U D T ' a
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse.
Ab 164 Nurth Third ilrret '. third duor betuw Vine
street, I'hilat.'elviia.
VITHEnE ihey eonsianlly k.ep on band a large
nssmiment of China, (ilnss and Liverpool
W are, w hich ihey will di-puso of on the utost ici
tunable terms.
Phihidelphia, November 7, 1840.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlerv, Hardware, &c.
Ab. 5 South Third ilrtit.fuur dvttrt be!vv Market
i ' himdeiphiw
EEP constantly on hand a large nnd general
ss-.urlin.nt Conch Lamp. Carriage Bands,
A.vlu Arms, l.hptic Springs, Patent Leather. &c
Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied al
II limes t n the moat icasoi ablc teims. J l ey will
find it lo their advantage to call and examine his
assortment b. fure-purcbai-ina elsewhere.
hiladt l.hia. Novrmber 7. 184(1. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in I-'orcign Brlti&I
and American Drv Gonds.
A'o. 105 Market street, i'hiladtlvliia.
ifPOUNTBY Men hauls and othera can be sup-
J I plied at nil times with an cxleiiKtte a.-sort-
meiil of tho best anil most faahioii,,b!v Guods upon
the nior-t reasonablu leims.
Phil u'elphia, November 7, ISI0. ly.
Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store
Ab. 44, North Fowth near Arch st., I'hiludtljihia
"1T7HEUE Country Merihnnla and others can be
supplied, at ill limes, wiih a large nssortmi lit
of Hofi. ry, Gloves, Merino, Collon, nnd Woolen
Shuts and Drawers, Spool Cotton. Paietil 'I hiend.
Cotton Cords, Buttons, 'Paps, Bindings 11. ik
nnd Eyes, Pins, Ac. Ami a genrrul vainty of um
ful articles, which he oilers f r talc at the lowest
Philadelphia, Novembei , lr-40. lv.
Brass Clocks.
For i:t Holla im,
EQUAL f r lime to cm toit ly Clot h- '
lurs for fib, for kale bv
March 13. "if. B. MASEU.
.t7:A'"CO.VP..1 INT,
Cured by the use f Dr. ll iHLicii'ft I'oMroi n
STKWOTHKMxa ivn Ariini.NT Pius.
Mr. WitttAM liicHAims, Ptttsburph, Pa., in-
I i rv ly cuit d ol the above distieasing diaease : His
vmti'ins wire, pain nnd wt ight in the l.fl fi.le.
loss of appt lite, vomiliiig, acid cruet n ions, difcitu
lion of Ibe St. uracil, sii k beadaehp, fui red loncue,
coiinii nuiice ihuuged lo a citron color, dtiiicullv ot
blea ili-tuiUd real, attended with a cough,
g. pal debility, w iih other symtums indie.iting great
deiangrnient of the functions of the liver. Mr.
IilciiAliOK had the mime of several phvrcintis. but
r.itiie.l no Itbtf, nntil using Dr. HAbticn's Mtd
icine, which I. imiiialed in ill. fling apeifect cure.
Piimij al Ofliee, 19 Ninth Eighth Slieet, Phila
dclj hia. Also for a .le nt ihe diug ore t.f
May 1, 1641. Agent.
l tu: calm: of dh-i:al.
Nrai'y nil cl..-s.s nt ilino-e, are ibumiI by some
ol struct on in the sirt.rn, which preterit the iei:U
lar and wholes ine operation ol the animal film
lions. This s ale of the sysitm, is disease, whit h
is maiiiftsteil in a varicy uf forma, nunc or lers
mal gnuiit in their chancier. 'Po rt store the sy stem
to a slate of htabh, then, ii is nnlv litecrsary to ie
move ihe eaure of tli-earp, and the end ia arenm '1 he enure is obs ruction tcmewheie. This
i an be n moved ly puigation, which is the only
means that sh. u'd be r. sored to. In cause, slight slid
by icasoii, and ly nature. Dr. II n lub's Stiengih
tiling and Geimau Apeiieul I'dis, aie allowed by
' li J Un Ufiinds who have unil lb. in, lo be ihe beat
purgative niedicinn ill Bi enure, ihey
not only remove alt obstruction, and purge Il.e m
tun i f in-impuriliea, but, because, and which is ix-
tuintly iniporluiii, stienctl. in and giie propet tone
lo the stoii.Hch, ami pn.iluce a hi unity action of ull
ihe parts. Pi tides, th y an-so mil, I ai d gentle in
I hi ir opt raiion, as to lei il. t them nt all limes a pri
on !j salu and desirable remidy. Ti e atl'.tclid
would t o v. ll, tin ii, to pun-haM! a box or twuol
ih's iiivnlu..ble iiiidit iue, and give i a fair trial, it
kttatl uf dtstroviug their sy.tema with oft ieiauJ
doses ul lalomt l, and olhvr drugs, so linuriuus lo
human life ai d happiness
I l.e alove nndteii.e for saiest the Drug store ul
Ms I. 1841. .tL-rnf.
iCK llFADACJti:.
Is a very common alltt tion. Its aitaibs are veiv
ii'Uif, and chaiaclenzed by rpafinodic pains, shill
ing ta rn one a t ol llie btad lo the other, fie
quently commencing in the morning, attended w ith
an ki, ess of the stomach, iiaurea, fainting, and
soint limi a, vomilii g, giddiness, and contusion ol
sight, Ac cVc, This disease is pioduced fi u 111 va
iious csutes, peihaps the most common, is a de
isnetmt nt of the stomach and digt stive organs.
FEMALES are must subject to this afft-ilion, par-
liculaily lliose who lead a stdentaiy life. Dr. 7ir
ich's Vnnifoui.d Slmigthtning Tonic unrf 6Vr
iiii Fills, aie wairanted lo ariest this
Iriinblcioiiieilisi s.e : Cist by cleansing the stomach
snd Ik, w els, purifvu.g the blood, and lemoving all
dinasid and txcien.entuous buuiurs from ihe liver
ai d iiiicslnitf. By the use, fust, uf a few dosvs
of the Apcnei t Geiinaii Pil's, alleiwards two or cflhe hlrtugthtning Tonic Fills, which
aie tsed lo klrengthcu and invigoiate the nerivus
system, giv tone lo lbs stomach Hid oigms of
digestion, thus imparting to iheir tuhlile fluid its
piuiiiie vigoi, ibis s fllictmg diseaso may be entirely
iCDioved. 'J his is the only mode of liesiing this
annoying complaint, and has Ueu at U tided with
success in thou. suds of cases,
Psnipltt giving geneial directions, nay be (b
tsincd gislts, al No. IU North Eighth street, Philadelphia-
Msy I, 1811. Agent.
THE success which has attended the use of .
liarttch't tiermun Ancrienl and Compound
itrcngt tuning Tonic Pills, is truly astonishing. It
is no tain boast to say thia medicine has proved by
its happy IT. eta in the rure of a vaiiety of diseases
to which the human frame is liable, lobe vastly au
perior lo the many preparations Im fore the publ.c.
Many ol ttieae preparations aie comuounded by In
dividuals who an positive'; ignorant uf the myste
ries of the human system, nnd mora pretend. is to
meoteal knowitdgp. Ut. ijarlicn, however, is cele
brated among the German faculty as a man of ibe
highest scientific attainment, and equally distin
guisbed throughout Europe, as a successful tr.c.lica
practitioner, spent most ol the years of a useful lib
in the aquisiliun of such knowledge as might prow
hem fieiul to his ft How eicatun s. In the pills wbict
he invented, snd which bear bis name, the public,
nre Bcsurtd of an nilicle posscs-rs mure that
oidinary virtues. From the acknowledged talent
of this inventor, nothing less than a good arinb
could bu exH-cte.l ; ami the experience of man;
years has afforded demonstration of the virtu, so
his niedrcii.e. In Geimany and other parts of Eu
rC, it" r putatiou is established. In this Couiitr;
into whith it has hut I cm recently introduced, it i
rapidly gaining the nin-l suhitnnliul teputnlion. 'I'h
liuim ious cert ficates uf cures of Ibe most ohslinat
diteuaest fleeted by the Use ol Hailich's Pills, wliic
the propiitlur is lunstuntly receiving, u pruof of ih
fact. Day sfter day he nceives new testimonial
uf their efficacy, and week after week increases th
demand for limn. 1'liis ia not mere usserliun; ii.
iiuineiahle certificates arc open fur the Inspection c
the public, and the duiibia of any w ho are skeplica
can I e iein..veJ by examining them at the uiUce t
the proprietor.
VVe take the liberty, then, of sussesling to ever
family, that they make use of l)r, Hailich's Pill
Let them keep a supply coin-tantlv on hand, to I
used when oeca-ion tleinands, ami they will receiv
the most uueqiiivot il proufs uf utility. Medici
D finer.
l't . .llice for the L'uitcJ States, No. 1
North highlit slice), Pbihi.lelphii.
Western Depot. No. 41. Nt. Clair street, Pitt
May 1, 1811. Jtstn
Livtr con plaint is dt scribed to be of two fi rm
viz ; Acute tnd Chronic, which are d lft rent in thi
scat and eharae'er, and are product d from ulcers i
llie Liver, which it dcsiascd on the surface oi in tl
centre. In the foriiur, die is attacked wi
sudden pain, in tho region of the Liver, so sevc
that evi n the led cl. thes aie insupportable; tho p
tient cannot bear to (urn or lay on hia left side fro
the pressure exerted in ihal position of the iiiflatm
organs. The latter may go on in such a matin
thai the first symtoms of Liver Complaint aie tho
which insik the occurrence uf suppuration. 'PI
Acute and Sub-acute varieties, almost always coi
nit nee with some ehil'y feelings succeeded by he
of llio skin, fevered tongue, having a yellow ish a
peainnce. Imulir state of the bowels, cortivenci
louutencanre changes to a pale or citron color,
yill.iw like those i.fllicted w ill) jaundice, difficulty
br. iithing, disturbed rest, attended with couph, I
verisli rymti.ins, a dry and parched skin, dillicul
uf lying on ll.c light side, uiilie scanty and hit
Colored, the path i.t passes many bad nights and
fn qu nlly troubltd wiih Diarrl.cca, Teiiasmus at
Piies, niaiKt-a ai d vomiting, and has a considers!
ihi-st. ben the inflaiiiiiiation alp Cls the peril
ncal coit ol the Liver the pain is much more inten
and the fiver higher than when confined to tho Li
er. In chronic affections it is uncertain in ils tc
miiiatioii ; tho pain is intense, attended occasion:
lv with ttvi-iUh symtoms, a dry and parched aki
irregular boweU, sallow counti'iiauce, frcqcunt a
t a ka of jinn di.-e, ihe tongue is scarcely ever fn
from mIIoa fur, the appetite hud, and a cot ru pti.
atl'ick the face and bat k, buhind the shuuldcis, &
Dr. HaiilicuV Cuiip..uud Slientlieiiing Toi
ic ami A per. t tit Gcrmm Piil-., will, in a mujorit
of cases, produce a peif. ct cute, and if used al ll
very uustt of afiliclion will in (very case arrest tl
di-easc. 'Phis is nut meiely theory but fact, whit
can be MibotantMit. d by the teslin.onit s of v.iri.r
p. rsons who have wi:nts-ed the astonishing ellci
ot tin- iiivaluiiiil.' inet.icine. 1 he die! must hi r
ti mini to, anJ ti e warm baih uiust lo t bu liclei
ed whin the p..iicnt can have nccisa to it. Fi
and d reel ions are d. fined in the medic
pamplet Inch acc mpauiea the medic. tie, and c.
te ohtdintil grain, ol any of the icgularly vppoiul.
agents iho si II IIiih u.eiii, in.'.
principal Cfinc and Cei.sral Depot fur ihe IT.
ted Slates, is at No. 10 North Eighth Sneei, Phi'
dtlphia, where nil c inmuiiicntioiis for Agencu
A.lvt ri sing and Med. cue must be sJJus.-cd (j.
paid,) whiih will in. el W illi immediate alt. oli tl,
May 1, I S I I. en.
Why Dr HAKLKTI'S Compound Strtngtbe
ing and (icrmnitApi ii. nl Pills i re usr. I by ull cl.
ses of pioplr, in prt fen nee lo other Medicines, I
cause ihey aie prepared from a pure ezlract
herbs, a w hoi. some nit .li. ine, mild in its operali
and pl. asjiil in it- tllVil the most ciilain piesei
of health, a sate and effectual cure of P) t p.n
Iinligestioii, and nil stomach complaints, a preser'
and pu.ifiti ul the whole nst.ui.
Because tl ey k.iothe the nines of sensibility a
foilify the iiervts of inotiuii, iuipaitiiig to their ni
subtle fluid ils lis'.ine t, i,e, thus giving glicin
and clearness of mind.
Because they never destroy the coate of the s
much and lowtls, as ull sluing purgulives dc.
lle. nii-e seicuct- and expeiit nep teach us lhat
mere ur native alone v ill i uie the disease of t
st.uiacli and l.eivts. Weakness is the primi
cause of a host of d'tsiascs, und, by continually
soiling lo Druttlc pu'g.uiu s, y uu tiiukc ihe due.
much wuisp, lu-l.'idol Itlt.r.
Because Dr, Huiltih's Med cines nrs put up t
on the loimnoii tense iiiinciole, lo "cle uise a
s lengthen," which is the only cuuikC to pursue
i Hi el a cine. Lastly,
Because these Mitlicim s really d i cure ihe i
ea-e lor which thiy are I. commended. Priori,
OlHi-K fui tho l.'niltd Males, is at No. I'J Nul
Eighth strut, 1 liiludilphis.
May 1,1611. Agei
The onlv sure und 1 et course to pursue in
ling diseases, of whatever nature they niuy be, i
Cist, to ileanse and puiify the r-toniach and Bo
ils by gentle ajaiicnt.; aecondly, lo give sneiif
and tune lo those tender organs by lite I seof proj
tonus. 'Phis mode ia always pursued by regu
physicians, which they well know to be the oi
course lo icsoit to, to etVeel s speedy snd pcrmain
cute. lr. llAKtuus t oinp. und Sliei.gtheui
Tunic ami Apeiienl pills, are a sure medicine
( licet this grand object. The Girinsil Apei'l
pills sre to cleanse the stomai h sn l inteatincs,
let whiih the Cumiouiid Strenigening Tonic p
aie used, lo give strength snd tone ! th.M
gsns which requite tender treatment. Nesily lv
thirds of the diseaaes which we daily belli
are diseakes of the nervous system, snd by contii
si y usii g drastic mineral purgatives the suff.
will soon find himaeif a being too uiuch re'j.
to remain lung in existence. Full and cxplii.l
reciions toih in English and German, c-comp
this nobce.
'I'hs above medicine for Bale at the Drug Slot
nti.MiK 0.llEiMtT
Msv 1, 1811.