Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 30, 1841, Image 3

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    m the "New Era,' when we a'isll le bel'er queli
ej lo judge of id merits. Polhvilk Emporium
We see by (he annular statement oT tlie Socre
iry of Me Tieasury, that tlx mi Mont three hurt'
red and ninety teven thoiitimd, Ihrta hundred
nd e verity do'.tart Tvorth of tiir iron lone, -was
nporlcd into the TJ. S. daring the last year, lie
dtf article rnerrofactared of iron, amounting to
ne minion, 1wele thouiinfl three tinmrred and
vrlve dollars, making tn the aggregato even mil
inn, four hundred and nine thousand ecven hun
cd and eighty-two doHar. Here ia lielwecn Be
rt and eight millions of dollars exported In one
ar to pay for an article of which we have at
me an ineihauslitU eupply. We n.-ed n
onger argument in faver of a olective Inrifl than
Is fact alone. In our mountains are found inex
usiible ladies ef coal, rirrre and iron ore lying in
me conlrgaty, and aU that i needed (at their de
'opmenl ia the f.istcring aid of the government,
ve us a protective tariff slid wo will soon find
hill and vallies of Pennsylvania ringing with
busy din of the manufacturer, and tlx) Valley
the Susquehanna smoking with numerous furna
daily pouring out the mineral wealth of M mi
l's Ridge. We hope to see the attention of our
nufac'ures aud mechanic drawn to this subject,
i of vital importance to theiT iiftorcata as well as
avery friend or American industry. Wo hope
t the prea throughout ike countiy will speak
upon the subject ; let those who doubt our a
ly lo manufacture a sufficient supply ol iron for
own consumption, viit Columbia county
;re they will tin J sufficient iron cmbedcJ in
ntour'e Kidge to mpply the U. States for ages
oine. Danville Dem ocrut.
Denth of Mr. Foray III.
Vc regret to announce the death of the llono
a John Furaythe, late Sec etary of State of the
tied Elites. He expired at his residence in this
on Thursday evening, after a short illness from
restive fever.
Ir. Forsyth was horn at Fredericksburg, Vs., in
her, 178 1. He graduated at Princeton Col
in 17119. II entered the. practice of la-.v at
usta, Georgia, in 1802. Soon after he was ap
ted Attorney Gtucial of I he State, and r.ijjJIy
to distinction. In 1312 he was elected a Rd
ntative in Congress. From 1814 to 1313, he
chairman of the Committee or Foroign Affiira,
iiich posit i in he sustained Mr. Madison in the
with Great Britain. In 1818, ho was elected
mher of the Unite J Staler. Sen ite, where he
his seat ia November of that year. In 1819,
as appointed Minister to Spiin, white he be.
involved in the controversy in relation to our
y with that country settling differences, ceding
"loridns, Ac. which la. ted until October, 1820.
i the exception of a hiief visit to the Unite J
, lie continue.! at Madrid until 1S23, when he
.led to this country, and having in the mean
been re-e'ected to Congress, ho resumed his
n the House of Representatives in December
it year, and was restored lo the chairmanship
? Committee of Foreign Affairs, which he
nurd to occupy as long as he remained in that
In October, 1827, he was elected Governor
nrgia. After fi ling that post two years he
ted lo Washington as Senat r of (he United
i, in of Mr. Berrien; lhat poet he filled
1829 until the cummer of 1331, when, o'i of Mr. McLine as Secretary of
Mr- Forsyth was called tothit Department
emdeiit J ickson. Tn it office he filled during
siduc of General J tcksou't-' term, and rontni
i hold it until the close of Mr. Van Iluren'e
iLtrstinn, when he was succeeded in office.
. WchMer. Mr. Forsyth hue continued to
in this city during the past summer, and
'..tehed the age of 0 1 ycare. .VjoVfoiiirr'i.
npt to Destroy our War Steamer oh
Lake telle.
e mentioned brie fly, in a recent number of this
, a desperate attempt which was made on ihe
ngofthe 17th u't., lo destroy It. M steam
t Toronto and Minui, then I in 3 at anchor at
iewa. The following particulars may be rc-
1 as strictly correct.
about 10 minutes Ik-fore three, A. M, the
on the forecastle of ihe Toronto aiw a light
idling the veii-el, apparently two or tluee
d yard ahead. He hailed it twice, but re
no answer; he was in the act of calling the
on of the sergeant of the watch, when it ex
- with a tremendous noise, shaking Ihe ship
centre and as it afterward appeared, break
1 windows of several houses on shore. A
jke cleared away a boat was seen pulling
(real swiftness toward Grand (aland. She
mudialely pursued by a boat from the To
jut wiihout success.
next in r. ling a ca.k was seen sticking in !
d does to Ike tank near the spot where the
in look pi ice. On examination it m, found
jll of powder, ingeniously fined into a kind
'orm to make it float steadily, and with a
slfbi.rnt, fixed in Ihe bung-hole. To the
ere attached several fathom of whale line
ch it must evidently have been connected
0 one lhat exploded on J the use of which
d..utn to lak across ihe tws uf ihe vessel,
1 Liing a ck or; mher aide as they floatid
'i'1'. ihu stream;
he arrival of Comodore Sandom, on the 23J
inquiry by a board ol uugiatratis look place,
oral d. posi ior.s of parlies were taken j the
'cumslince of importance lhat was elicited,
at on the same morning a farmer on Giwud
in g )ing rounJ hia fiielils, found four men
tsleep in a shanty, and a boat hauled up to
ch clo by the men were aimed, and one
he kne 10 be from Buffalo, and an accout
re iiotoiiou Lett who has since openly
ad hia regret at tba failure cflha attempt,
rel bore the mrk of a brewer in Buffalo,
(sine J upwards of one hundred pounds of
der. A musket shot waa fired from the
,d of Nary ll,nd. at the TVonto's boil as
,J in pursuit:- Kinxtmt (('. C.) Chrn.
llama llrtrr-'Hctjl-ftcU y or Trade.
The recent Convention of ihe fiiends of dome tic
industry, lidJ tn New York, vvifl Constitute, w
truS an imprfrtairt step in the ptogrcss of the great
natioaal caort whkh H wis intended to promote.
1 1 ts no aeotionj) interest, nor the interest of any
particular class, which this movement seeks to ad
vance. On the other hand it is grounded upon the
large, comprehensivo basis of national polity, and
it resia upon the principles which must prevail, if
we are to hao any regaid to tlie dii'lites if com
mon piudonce and of aelf-protectinn in our com
mercial intercourse wiih other n.itions.
The Convention waa cvjmposci efiklegates from
tho State of New Vink, New Jersey, Connecticut,
New Hampshire, Michigan, Maryland, Virginia,
Rhode Island, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and Ver
muni. Florid and tho District of Columbia were
also lepresented. The Convention ed opted ne its
diatnictive title that of "Thk IIomk l.stoct for
the Promotion of American Induttry and Heei'
procal Com tntrec" Tlie following resolutious will
speuk fot themirlvcs :
Renoh'nd, That the primary object of this Hoii
Lkaoi-r will lie lo digest and recommend a Nation
al Fol ey for the promotion of the general interest
of Agriculture, Manufactures, Commerce and Fi
nance cxeicihing a conrinuavi influence for the
lienefit of ihe Union, independent of fecrional pre
judices, aloof from trammels and fiee from vasci'la
ling and temporizing f Xieiricn1s.
Ilerolvri, That no ind. pendmt nation fhould
tolerato any other than a reciprocal commerce; but
to rocieve the surplus products of nations which re
fnsfl ours in exchange is only another name for
lienolvtd, That tho estaUlishrr.ent and preseYvh
lion of a sound currency ran only, be promoted by a
steady security lo Domestic (uduslry,audany sys
tem ofcutrency nol a cured fromiJent ch mges
is liable to paislyre industry, pro trato Undo audi
and confidence, tmd till jeel the (nuiitry to revul
sions imminently dangerous to nur welfare.
llrtvhed. That the existing laws in regird t.i
revenue and the pro-vnt Tariff are nor only defec
tive in themselves, as well as in the mode of c illec
ting the duties, but by tho cflVct of the Compro
mise Act will soon becorno impraeticablo ; that the
provisions of that set conivng into opera ion in July
next, will, by a change of valuation on lilijorts.
varying in difljreiit sections of the country, not only
be unjust, if not unconstitutional, but by encoura
ging frauds and ireglocting countervailing restric
tions will sacrifice the hoirest enterprise, industry
and pecuniiry r. sources of thecouniry
Resolved, That in any adjustment of the Terif!
for the purpose of Revenue, due regard should be
had to ihe protection of such articles may reudii
every portion of the country competent to supply
its own Wknts from home resources in lime uf
War as well ss Peace,
A Committee of four was appointed to prepare
an Address to the People ofthe United Slate set
ting forth the views uf the Convention.
There aie two leading ideas indicated by the li
t'e adopted by the Convention and also set forth in
the resolutions. The first is that of protection to
A ineiican industry in a board national sense, as a
policy commended by its own merits and essentia!
to tho nature and development of those native re
sources which Providence has so bounteously be
stowed upon this land, but which, w thout due en
couragement oil the part of tlio Government are
likely to remain hut paitially improved and suljecl
lo tlio di'pre-aing influence nf fon ign policy.
The second relates to reciiirocily of t'aJo as tho
sinie is connected with an equal and stable curieii'
ry. This principle stands on its own bas s as well
as the other. It assumes the pl.m ground that il
we take the cnminod lies of lureign nations they
must lake ours in return. Wc cannot aft'ird 10 ab
stract coin from our currency lo pny for ferei
goods. Yet unless our rouimeri ial regulations
guard sg linsl it, the coin will go. Such has leu
the case for some years p 1st -and such is ihe cake
now. Hence the derangement of our curiency;
hence the diminution of our specie b isis, which has
become so weak and narrow that it will with diffi
culty support the superstructure of a redeemable
currency. There is no need of roaming here and
there to find out the causes of our financial dilli
cullies The simple fact of the continued eipor
t itions of specie thows cause nough especially
when it is rrincnibeied that these exportation! go
10 pay for foreign merchandise for which payment
will not be taken in the staple productions of nur
country. If F.ngland and France would receive
on fair terms nur flour, tobacco, beef, bacon, lumber
A c. we might indulge in foreign laiitin, if we
chose to do so, without fear of bringing revulsions
and embirrassmcnts upon the country, Bui the
case ia d IT rent ; we are ieriniltlng a one-aided
trade a liade of commodities on the mrt of for
eigners mid nf specie upon ours. It ii q 1I 0 (i no
that Congress un b r.t ind this mallrr. They woull
not spp lint a Committee at ihe last session t in
quire into tho r-ubj et Well thi subject will
come, lothem, and il will eominnnd their attention.
tiolti'Hort ,tm,iritan.
Uicksell's RtroMTLB, Oct. 26, IS4I.
flit A IN. Last week there Was considerable
flitness in the drain maikel, owing mainly lo the
dilfieully of 1 rocuring vessels for Eastern porta tit
reasonable feights vessels are now mora plenty,
and Corn m going firwa d l.ri-kloy ; we quote C.r.m
actual ssirs, l'ciiii. Round Yellow at 07 els., some
held al 18 els. 1 or bushel. Somher., FUi Yellow,
65 ds. ; White do. 62 cUn itli an ctive de
maud fir ull kinds. Outs iScts. V heat has im
proved, and sales bf rtouiliein ut I,38 tfl.SO
and good Penrii, Red al 131 iwr bushel. 'J'he
improvement in Flour has produced a correspon
ding firmness in the Grain niaiket, and the last
news from England will tend 10 untitle prices for
a tuna ; hut a lurtber improvement may be lelied
upon, in this eoeniry for liread Stuffs generally,
ClemeJ SOOO bushels Wheat, and 1640 l usliels
WHISKEY. In hhds. isdull at 21J, and some
al,s al SI els. Sjle. In l0 ,o;ivo r:ril at
2222 cts.
Ojiee 1 ihe Uilti.iokk A.mkbici, O.I. 35.
GRAIN. Wheat has odvuiced, and we now
quote fair to prime Md. reds at l,20sl,23 per
bushel. A stIb of of Pennsylvania reel waa made
toa iy t $1,23.
Corn has also improved t little. Sates of
whito art 6C a 3 eta. and irf yellow at 63 c a. A
lot of Pennsylvania yellow sold at '63 ct.
Wrqu to Md. Rye at ti8 a '0 c;a. and Tcnn
aylv ini 1 at 78 cs.
Sales of Md. Oat at 4 1 a 45 e'a.
hbligxous notices.
(tj The Naw FnasBrrxniaw CuvncA, in
Sc.vnuHT, will be opened 'fir divine seiviee.nn
Sabbath, the 3lst day nf Oebdier instant, at 1 1 o'
clock. A ccifleclion will be lalten up, lo Vie applied
towards the pivmrnt oftlie balance remaining un.
paid on the building,
(Xj The people are invited to attend ihe opening
ofthe newly Wift S. SchonlheAlse of the Lutheran
(Tiurtli at Sunbury, on Thursday, the 4th of Nov.
next. Divine aervice to tie in tooth the Herman nrtd
English languages, lo commence at 10 o'clock, a. m.
"fn Augusta township, on Tnesdiy the 19th inst.,
.1 A CO II the 35lh year of his age.
In Ihe Ksme township, on the lllh instant,
CHARI.F.S ECKMA.,agcd about Ci years.
!.-' I . L .'..fs,.;.. -J- L-tMU.
Coal Trade.
Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and
Poltsvilln Rail Road lo Sunbury for shipping, du
ling the week ending on Oct. 27, 019 Tons.
Per lost repoit, 17,084
Total, I7.7H3
VrriiTunt of Iron O10 lianspmied, 2,281
JOHN BUU1J, v.. m.
Susari ii a 'J'haiii.
Total mou n I sliijiped from Wyoming Vallry, to
June 21st, Tons, 7,1 IG
Sell I' 1 1. V ILL Cost J'MAriK.
To Oct. 21, 'J',,1,1, 161,092
I.itrLK cac v lk 1 ll C'OaL Tiunr..
To Oct. 21, Tuns, .11,958
Dr.uwint & Hvuson Coal'Tbaiie.
To Oct. 9, Tone, 151,270
Pim: Guovk Coal 1'iiapk.
To Aug. fi, Tom, 13,000
MorMT Carbhv Ratl Knari,
Amonnt transported lo Oct. 2t, Tons, 74,609
MlIK HlLL& Svfll'TLKIlL HaV.v RaIlRoaTi.
Amount transpor:ed to li t 21, Tons 223,183
Mill Ckkik Rail Road.
Amount transported to Oct. 21, Tons 43,710
Schctlkill Vallit Rail Roaii.
Amount transported tn Oct. 21, Tons 07,486
l.i.Hion Coal Tuaoi.
To Oct. 12, Tons, 73,170
Corrected weelity by Henry Yoxtheimer.
Wiikat, 110
Rtk, .',0
Conn, 40
Oats, 30
Pork, 6
FLAXsrr.n, ... . J25
Ucttkm, ..... 14
Dkiswax, ...... 25
Tallow, 12 J
Dm mi Arn.v.s, 75
Do. Paacres, .... 2(io
Flax, 8
MicKLtn Flax, .... lo
Eoos, ...... 8
THOSE V bo are suffering from various diseases
incident lo ine human family, wciuld do well to
procure Dr. larlich't Cvmpuund Sinngihening
und Cermtin Aperient I'ilh. which ure so pie
eminer.tlv rrceommeinh d for Dyspepsia, !.ier
Conipt.iliits. 1 aina in be side, buck and breast,
Nervioua AlTetions, Head-Ache, and all the (lis.
easea ol the "Momich and Howls. I'l.tnplilets may
le obi lined gratis, which contain full and eiplicite
directions for u-ing. Tlie reader is referred lo sev
eral very interesting certificates of cures in this
pier, which may be relied upon, as they nret iken
from Ilia original. For site at No. 19, NORTH
EIGHTH at reel, Philadelphia.
Wl.'ST arnved from the rity of Philadelphia, and
s) fir s ilc, at the most reduced prices, foi cash,
al tlie new stoie fonueily kept by John Uogar, aa
follows. ' Mottling nl nil soils unit sizes, suca as
Warm Oveicoits Co. lice.. Pantaloons, Ysi. Ac,
Also, a large assortment ol Fine Culf ikiu and Wa
tcproof Hoots, L ulie,' Lace Uools, and a variety of
other Roots and Shore for the winter, trimmed and
untrimmed Cum Shoes, sod Men's, Do) s aud Chil
dieu's Pho.-s, ol all sixes.
Funbury O t. 30th 1341. tf.
i:stitto orCiiailt-ri Iciiiiian.
IVf OTK E is hereby given, tint L II ra of Ai'
JLl of the bstnla of liaibs .
man. late of Auusla townsbip, ibc'd,, h 4 iri.n
g'snted to the su' scriber by ihe Regi1',,, 0f Jor.
thuni'ii r'an I county. All persons having cl ims 01
deinan. Is sg iint the said ilece.'e',-, IIV nqUes ed 1 1 kn;AU the same to tho ,a tt ,vt mihoulde.
lay, aud all those io.lebli., ,0 ,!ecciiej Dt0 Uj
requested to cull und '.,,i,ke swtlemein.
J AME-i ECKMAN. Adinr.
Ru h Township, oa. 30, 4l.-0i
" O'od I.siteut Fire Company."
SJ'A IED MEETINU of ihe Cmpanr will
b' .it-Id on '1'hurs.tay evening i.rxl, al 7 o'clock,
at Court House. Punctual uttendanee ia re
quested. N. L. PRIC'R,
Oct. CO, 1341. Heei etary.
"Good Will Tlr Company."
HE memliers of the "Good Will Fire Com-
11 .11 s " aro icqoe-trd to meat al the Court
House, nn Monday Evening, Nov. 1st, at 7 11
clock prertsely. I'unelual alien. lance ia tequiied.
Oct 23. J. H. ZIMMERM AN. c.
Sunbury, XorlhnmUei laud County,
rPHE aulsA-riber hss rented thai laiiceassl rov -
-- uirBI Tavein House in Sunbury, lately oecu-
pisd bv Hiram I'mt, and is p rnnrd to accommo
date all who will favor him with their custom, in a
neat and comfortable maimer.
Sjo.bu'v, Ocl. 231, 1811.
OF a very superior quality, can bo had nl any
time, by application to the subscrilit'rs, in lots
to suit ptirchaseia. They keep large, egg, broken,
and fine coal, fit for burning lime.
J. 11. ri;i;uv & i;o.
RiifilrWry, Oct. 3.
rPHf3 Independent Wnshing On Uat--
thllirtn of Vobrn'tfers wi'l rtio.-l for
pnrsile and drill, fully equipped in wii t r
uniform, and provided with 21 rutin's nt
blnr.'' csrtrigcs, at Sunbury, nil Saiunlsv
the :0ih ilny of October, inst., at 10 o'
clock, A-. M.
By order of llie M.ijor
JOHN CM All T, Adt.
oet. Hth. m.
fAT' "T,, rnrred to meet for
parade in M 11kel.srrn.11e, Sun
bury, al 8 o'clock A. M. of tJa ui
il iy. the
30th day of Oct. itist.,
in Winter nrriform, ttrrh Mrmlut
to lie provide) with 21 munds of
IHank cailrklge.
By older of Cnplaiu Dewart,
VrJt'lj SeiV. 1S11.
A N Election wii lehcld nt ihe liSnkiiig House,
mi Mond.iy llm I5lh day of .Novern'ei, be
ten the h-nv3r of 10 A. M and 2 P. M., for the
purpose nf choosing lid 'teen Ih'rctnrs to serve for
the ensuing year. The annual ni -eilng nl" Hip
KtoHJin'ili'rs will be held i-tl Ihe first TileadnV in
.ovcml-r, at 10 A. M. J. K. PRIES I I. E Y,
Oct. 10. Hi, Casher.
AS returned aaain to unl.uiy, ami is pre
1 ared to peifnTin hII ois raiious in Dlntal
BvhiikrT In b's 11 11 il rcod st!e.
Thoso tho dcFiro their Natural Teeth repaired,
or new ones inser'ed, will ph ao leave wuril anon,
aa hia stay will not ptoba'oly be more than two
Cj' Residence at the Hotel of C. D, Wharton.
OcIoImh 9'h. lr4l.
RESPECTFULLY inf rms her f iei ds an I t!,e
puMie cenere'ly, thit 'ho rontii,ic to keep
lhat well known Tuverti Maud in Market str.ei.
."nnbiirv. sicn uf (be
foimeilv kept by John Itolton. her husband; ami
by rndeavoiing 10 con, loci the ettabbsliment in A
manner to give saiistaction tn all, hopea to merit a
liberal shale of public patronage.
Sunbury, Ocmls r 9ih, 1841.
pREDITOUS TAKE NiH ICE, Thai wc have
applied lo the Couit of Common Pleas of Nor
thumberland County, for tl.e I tin fit of the laws
made for the relief of the msoeiil iliMois; and
that the Judges of the said Court have oppninti J
the firal Moud iy of Mnv'r. next 10 bear ns and our
creditors al the Com I House in ISunhury, when
and where vou may attend it you think proper.
IV'olfr 9th. 1B41.
i.'rcdiiors 'In kc Notice.
REDEKK'K LAZ A R Assignee of Tin.
1'iotlioliot.ii v of 1 1 .as Couit- of Couimmi Pleas of
Nortbumliei bind county, 1111 account 1 f the te,iits
anil 1 Xpen. lollies by him, of ll'.o saiil Thomas A.
l!il;inton, for the 1 X iiiontii m uf inteie-tCil,
on or t t foie the third day of NuvrrnU r next, when
1 ho -aoie v. i l I slloMed by the court, unless cuus
be shown to lliu (unliaiy.
Prothonotarv's Office, J i'ruth'y.
Sunbury. RepL2!. lfill. $ i T.i.
It .10 K til il ill Hie I nun i f Colon. hi of
ISoribuiubeiland l.'oulity. Cnuiinencing 011 ihe
liist Mnnday of MoMinber Ik XI, tbcing the Is .)
County of Noitbuiu'd. vs John lilnom, jte Ticjt.
Josepti Tn go
vs Martin M. MLsk
vs John t
vs avi r, l.loj d, c ai
vs Hugh ' l is
vs John Yoiingmaii
vs Oeinge ttyslet
vs John D. Cnuden
vs Augustus IJnss tt
vs Kiel.arvls CV K vncil
Vs Patm k II ic ,p.,.y
Peter Filbert's sdms.
Collllll'ltl. of P.i.
11 dger for lia.lger
Win. A. Ll..d
Solomon Mrugis
Chtisb s W. Kicbards
1II1.1111 Sbq.inau
Jobs. D. Cow dell
Jacob Dfel a
Saiah Lckcrt
Daniel Dielli nbjihcr
J nnes elr. l
Elij.ib Cruwlord
John A. Llod
vs .11. l. J' ..Ull vV fj
' rUlian Robinnn
v. Soluaion Dunkelbeigcr
Vs Jesan Paiker
u VI .11. n. t, C.iu
Cnnil'ih nl Pa. f' djytt ,4 j,,,,,, L-ri(k
len.y riu H( hl. WiKott
John Hm-'tr John Hun rt
J;'t'i"u '' .i.lipa vs J D ell'ci.b.icber
J."1' cMl Rolnns's ex'r vs Mai 'in W e.ivei
.lulurj Yaiuell vs I'rsiltorJ's jJm .
Lyon, enilors. e of Sn itli ss Ih.b li. lias
An In w 1' 111 k
vs John A. J.lnx
vs A. Meiightoii's adtnr
vs Heury link
vs Samuel
is lljvid liaHman
vs P. Puril & J. Tursil
'I'll. .111 is Vauviilzah
ilarllell for Piper
llenien ct Foilinet
John M . Russcl
Joneph Manx
Prothon'itary'a OfTne,
IfTne, 2
Sunt.urv. Ocl 2, 1
S ofl'eird for lliforniHtion will lead t'i the C in-
viciion of any person r pc-ons who have lull
ur sli ill lien aiti r I. iy slot. rs nr oilier olisirucltous 011
the rail of ihe DauvilUi aud I 'otisville An
ai t of the li gllalure has nude It. la oil', ner pamsln
able by ioij iir.oiiii.enl in lliu PENI I'ENTlARY,
and tlie Company aie deiei mined 10 piusccute ut
leuib is lo li s utmost vxenl of Ibe I nv.
Sr-pr. IS. b. R. V OtD, Manager.
RESl'ECI FULLY infoun ihe ciii..s oi rfm
buiy and vicinity, lhat ll.ry line i.'k 11 lliu
Shop laisly occupied by Win. Dursi, wbvie lliey
will carry on ihe
TAiLonma business,
in all its vaiious braiiebes. Ry stud atiiiition and
uasoiiulila eluiges, they expect to ninit a ahare of
pul'lie 1 alronago.
Su bury, S,j,. .h, I9U.
VaIuIs nf Joint C'liorry.
NO I It 'E is herel y Riven, that the Register of
NorlliuniU rlaiel county has granted letters
lestaiitenlary upon the estate, of John Cherry,
late of Augusts tnwn-brp, dee'd., to the subscii-U-r,
resiilii.g in a il toA il.ip, All irsons having
any iiem inns against kirt I state, are lequeetcil lo
prigrn'l 'lheii, hml'lbft 'iriili-lited to make puyiuont
IA the subsciiber.
Sept. 4.-6. 1'ETER SNYDER, Adm.
fun mu m '
CO. 333. E'&iSSiZSaZlZ.
NTIION'S Classical l) 'i.nis'ry; l.ernirier's
d.i.', Ainsworth's do ; Cnl.b's doi; English BTid
GerrYiSn do.; Antlion'a t'rcssr; Ambon's tiramincr;
Antlien's ClCeioj Mail's 1 .iin Iceadert (lgilly'adii.
Andcew's Latin I.ess'n-; Doriiiegan's I.rxicmi;
Kivk's fire, k Cxleises; Davies'a I.ecendei; Graeea
Mijira; Aibiinr's Roman Antiquities; Ptnirock's
Golilnniith's Knglmd; lo. Greece; I ,v rU's Elements
nf Geologv; Mis. Lincln's ltnlnnv; Elemenls nf
Ilotanv; Bridies Alwebri; Porter's Rhetorical Ilea-tier-;
Em T.i' GiKrapliy and Hi-tnry; Olney's
dot Par'ry'a ilo.; J'iiinli' (irsmmerj Kirkhiiin'a do.;
Ivav's Read, rs; ( 'obi's ilo; t'olib's Arithmeiiek;
Pike's do.; EiiiiTsoii's do.; tubb's Spelling lli4(s
ToAii'ado.) Cobb's Table Hooks; Evangelical Fa
mily I.ihtnix; Cmtupe Ril'le'; Family do ; Coll iter-
al do.; Ninall Iiil'les and Testjinenl-; Paikei'a Ex-
rrcises mi Coinpositlon; Fruit of the Spirit; Uaxtei'a
H din's Rest; AniericBii Kevnlutinn; Manyatl's No-
vets; Mra. Phelps on Ciivtinslry; lltaJ; Cnteehism
of American I.svvsi l.eilisifn Natsaral Maciet ("be-
mrstiy lor llrgiroicr Enttln.h Exercisra adapted m
Mllrra s tiTammer; Hcqiiel to Ctimlev a opi'lling
liool,;; 1)hImII s Scboolmas
lei's A k-m-tiiiit; A c 1e.1t variety id liluiik llooks, &.C
Aognsl EX, 141.
MADEIRA INE. I11M quality Madieia
me, for sile low by
artrcle utwaVs nn bund ulid lor siile by
Sepi.l, ISI1. II. It. MANSER.
Holland gi.v oniietust auuiny uiwavs
On build and fir sftie I y
Sept. I , Mil.
hand sod for ilc by
H. D. Masses.
rL'GAK. Alujs tn
!Sp. 1, 1S41. H. n. MASSEIL
LAE. Oi tlie tnsl quality ulwaa on hand
at d fir site by
Jt'yli H. R. MAssf.R.
liROW'N "Sil'li Ali. HI a -iood lor sulc
h.wby Sept . II. ll.MAS.i:U.
t.h'ELN AN D 11 LACK "J EA Ot the best
t)naliiv aKavfon band end for tnle by
S.-,'t. 1, lf.ll. 11. 1). MASTER.
l.'Ol'FI E. Java, bto;uua L'oH' e, ton
hi .1 1 it I v on b'liul in, J lor snle I v
f. pl. 1. 184 I. 11. H. MASTER.
" IS I 'ERA! OIL. Winter uml slrniind
Xpi 1111 Oil, ot the tvsi quality, ulwn) a on hand ai d
for s.ile liv
."vpt 1. IMI. 11. R. MASTER.
Sent. I. 1841.
-1 una Iiu..iti .'-un 1. lor ilc bv
II. 11. MAS!ER.
IRISH .-ALMO.Y Ol tho lKl quahl. ion
stantly oil Land and for sti! bv
f-'ept. 1,184L It" H. MASSE II.
LlQUoirs. Ol all km Is Hint nl ti e I t.t quali
ties, nluas on hand and lor sale bv
bepl. I, 1841. H. H.'MASSER.
SpiiING S'l LT.L. Of vaiiuiis sues l r Elq.tic
Si rings, lor anle by
8e,-i. 1,1841. H. D. MAS.-ER.
LARCK QUARTO 13 IDLES.-Tor tale ut
very reduced prices by
Sept. I. 1841. 11. R. MASTER
b I.A.N K HOOKS. Of all km. Is, for sale by
Sept. 1,1841. IL U. MASSEK.
L! LANK DEtiDS. Uonds," MortgsReV; c. fJr
stile by Sept. LJS4I. 11. 11. MA!ER.
L'ITCVS' EITaNKS. for tale t.y
Se(t. 1, lll. H. H. MASSER.
CLOTHS, Uluf, Lilack. Invisible UnCn, Ac,
for anle by
Srpt. 1.1841. It. 11. MASTER,
sale very low by
Sept. I, 1841. H. D. M.!Fr,
CARPETLNlt. Fui 'ale cheap hv
Sept. 1,1611. 11. II. M'e;sER
. 1 i tr balo t in ne
Sept. 1. 1841. li , o, MASTER.
i.n ui.e.m mlU Mts',.iNsrFo77irbJ
J:-!"- 1!. 11 MASTER.
..... . . w . o AAJJ LUJ l l;A Ai6
I Ol sole by
S'T'- '' "5J'l. If. H- MASSER.
11." nl V A 1 : -. . r .
1 1 EM P
.Mi fOTToN
I'W hE. I or sale
rpt. 1, 1841.
or sale bv
Sepi. I. 'lit 11.
It. R. MAEP..
.1 . S I I A i: V JO.VLS,
r)ElJI Ls l'b the otteiitiou of his countiy bunds
k- who are in want, to bis verv I . u s'nek of
t'lipe'iris, Oil Cloths, M.Hni(!S, lings, llint.'iugs,
Stan Rods, &.C., &C, that he baa jual opi rt. d, 11 1
hi. warehouses, .No. 18 .North Sid st e. t, and No. 2
t'burcli Alley, next door to ( bust Church, Plnla
de'phia. July Ml. IMI Iv.
'S 1.81 IITI'IK llll.llVt TO Tilt HI.Mli.VkST ur
"licmlrtl li tlie Scnalt and Utiuse ef tirpre
Ktnttitivts in Gemrul j4tiiy rief. That the
Coiistiniiion ol tins Ciimmouweiilih If amended in
Hi tlniu section uf the second article, so lhat it
shall lead as follows I
"That llm CioviruoT shall hold his office during
three yens, ihe thud Tin s.l -v of January,
next 1 nsuing l.i- eleeliou, and sliall nst be rspal.le
of linloHig it longer than a sinlt teim if tkret
years, in ai y trim of nine year.."
Speulxr of the ll.we nf Krn'tfnilatives.
Speaker f the Senate.
rennH'ron'n, n v 3
Siti.LrAUi's Oirics. J I do 1 1 rebv Cer.
tify 1I1 it ibe forego
ing is a triu ropy nf a Resolution proposing- un
aiaend.oenl ol Hie Consliinln'ii, winch was aj'Tid
to al the I ist sc-lm if lie IisbnU'F, bj a inn
j joiiiv i l 1 11.' nun. 1 era 10 ra.,-( .ou-r, li e
mlgiiial nf wlilcll (eiiiaiuk liiril tl, othce; hihI
in am e w hh tl.e irlilb iiicl of Ihe Coiishv
Ion. .a ol the Co I'moiV.ealih, I do beiify i-juai'
lb s.llie lo t I u'-'.Ut J, as lllirikd by iSc .skI
artn If.
IN TE? 11VONY whereof, 1
-hat I. eri 1.1.10 irl ms h.uul and
1 al 1 sni.l .i.l.i i al Hamsl'ing, iUis
Wvsv Jrtn itsy . t June. Is) l.
. Ft!5. b. SlirNK," .
Stcrttary ef Ike Cumniuntvtulh.
July S.-.Miq.
iltl lor s.u. Kinjuuu al lb a uffive.
I Autul 21, Ifcil.
Buniness kttended to in the Counti a Of NoV.
rrrouil 'rlsnd, Union. I.vcnmlng mJ Columb a
II. r. r t o 1
Villi MAS II ANT & Co,
l.owin V Eaiihosi.
fN-Ktlt Vfll Ad
RKTnnLtis, MrFa'aiaMi &. Co.
Kea.itn, 'ino'ti iV t'o.,
V TT n rpnnlB.
THE subscrilier, i siding in the town tif Sl.emo
k'l, offers for rent b.s Plnckstnitli Sn 11 slid
Tools. Any tie-son wishing to rent the amne, can
have possession at any time Iwtivecn Ibis "d the
fniit of Siiptcmber next. J .e sl.i p 13 a good one-,
end located in tho cin'.ro of the town.
J'tlv 1 7.-tf J Or-E Pi! ZEPN.
THE aul'scrilier livs nceiveil mi asoitmerit r.f
Mew Goods, whiih be will sell nn lh I west
terms. Jutiela. II. U. M AS-ER.
C'oniiulsslon and ai'tflcj
RESrECTFI ELY infirm his friends and the
Mt ichants gpniTs'lv, ilial he rcniinuea the
Commiftion and Forwanlinrt ltusinrss. at I is w arc
lmue, fool of t li.-' st. Railioad, t'cljwa tt and
Mi rcll nits Vis . ni g'esV lo I h pjied, will find
il much to their ailvnli;t', ss to tune lend piicX
nf freight, to sii. 1 tbeir mmliMiili' In ll.v Depri,
Ci'rner ot Front and Willow stn el P. jilron.!, ns tiny
can then be sent rillu r ro'nfn by the Tido attr
('anal, l Schuylkill an. I Union Canals, a bo.ita
will arrive ti-nl depnrt il .ily for tl.e snj
SusqtieliHnnti (!arnlby Tiile-isu'er in low 1 f st.rn,
or via Scliuyii.ll ai.d Union (niis from I Urm ,vi,t
Mrreban'a w:ll ileare le prrtirn'sf 11 serf! 1 !l
goods disiiiod for r .ll.ef r ,its, to tbe lrc;s D-f.t,
cornir of FrmH and M -How i.irt ith
Uinct oi!S a.-enrnpr jln tim, "S..CU -fXi.' 11. y
v si, li eni 10 l liij.M.
Ciitre and fino ..ll sr.d r.ji'er tt f h Ai.l)
prrres, nn It-.o I)elnV'a nr yr ur 'i!t.
Phibil. rjihi:!. Ju e n, l.;i ly.
. rii C) S. ! r t f V
.ss ry
Cup ana iV Im l.f-f I'rt . r.
No. 10 Sni;-rn 4ru n rn I II II. ' IJi l. I i!I A
"THKI(Ean e.tli I ii.' a nr'rr. if eanvo
trii. !rs aie c u 1 ' ir,'l kej t .1 1 sj.d, ful salo
nt It e most renniuiM,t ti 1 ins..
M i 2'J, 1841.- ly.
KAYS, ILIiiO'i', li'JTJ ?; CCEI
lv Dolr fiale iitulci s,
t'i Fw'ct'i. tlritish und tiiuncu.11 Dry C'-rdi,
No. 12 Noun! Vi.Iiid titr.i.r. I 111 la 1 1 1 rut a
COUNTRY Mer.l.ants can le npi.lrtl hi xll
linos witL nn 1 ;Mirtii 1 r t .ft!', i.b. no
fionds, nn the I'.rsM tru5i i.o'.llf ui.d raiirfn 't 11 rn:;
Msv 29. 1S4L I v.
Atltlii lis ttiztiurvin & Smiths
wxroi.E&ArB sifcr!, cas,
No. 1C7 V.rKT STiisrr. iiirt 4iu SiiiiiTg
Vii n lunl 1 are ie.- 'folly 11 quested
to e.ill riii' 1 xamiiie .hi ir 1 stenuve asortnicn!(
wh'ch tbey wHI ,1,. il. h,ti resoi, leiina.
IK41. lv
D. K 1 R.K r A T 1! 1 C K & S O Xf
.V. 21. A'oiA Third find,
(nxrwLLN MitniKT ash t-itvsiix itiiits,)
TT AVE for a'le n hrpe and rxcplipi t aFortmerf
1 oft?fiar;.A H.Jes, l'utna A'rj, 7n;nfr' (Ml,
ie., at the In acsI lnnikrt prices, rril rr for caah, i
exehnn'trr. jr I,tail,tr, or Upon credit.
v'o'.sigi'nii nit of I either leceivtd fui sde, ol
r i.'.clio'ed 1. 1 li e h'.ct.fh! ni.11 ki t pricis.
rxj- Leaiber stnied fit ol chaige,
April 17. 1641. I v.
'PI1E Siil.srril er, Aeenl ol I 111 & Ilairis, Hal
M'lnrt ra, fur N w Yolk, ule! bia
llaltitTiOio and u' lsre lilies, Huts me
highly commi.tidcd l ir 51 ud cil-t ai d duf.hilityt
has 01 I. and A lir-t rale ;.'i" tin "lit nf MA IB aid
CA P&., suit o le f. r s .In-, wh ih w ill I e sold
veiy li.w, foi cnl Oi b peivsj ried.t, al tut titled
cheap rtnre, .Nn. 40, Nintn T'niJ n'.ivl,'u
the City Hotel. Pbila.'rlpblh.
N. D. Oideis lot Hats i 1 il.e 1 out, 'i . pr.ioiptly
attended lo. The highest tito in Uah Or tjaiis)
given I n Fur ikinj.
Pbiladelpbia. April 10,
.vFri:NTioNiXuriL"5Ts, f.
s.p.t5cai. ii. rnicK,
raon res hixmissioh 4i wt Iiaxts,
No. 39V, Market it' ret, f.te .Are uUv tkrerlh,
I'lULAhLl 1'llIA,
OF LEU for sale, al the lowest n.aiket pvces, a
ci final nsinrtti cut if 7irn. Cifirt, Sngrrt,
Molrutri, U'iRMi L'qwir. Spied, Ti.Larcn, Jc.
(.'oOTSt VnMit ti. r.ceiud t.n.1 nil on c. mm'n
sioti. MeiChsi.ts, Hotel kit pcrs, to r! othi is. w i ,1
find It to tin ir advaii'iige to call and txatnii.o rur
toik, hi fore 'li j h 1 r. n ilsew l ire. ,M.r b i,ts
wishirg tin ir goods t llirted in flis city, I y I avog
an order, will hive them io.npty, by
the miiit rxpiditioua I'm -..
iiiwi r. rniCK, John h. riiicx.
F. h. (l, jell. I v.
iXo. 12vJ Cliestiut Street, lu'ow 4hf
I'hiJadclr hia.
"H7"EEP cor.stantly on l.m.rl 1 gorier id assmt.
111111I..I Bih .nd fiation'iiv ccanpnsii g
'I li.ol.nir.l. Law. M..l:(.,t, ( Vr-i-rliainJ
rtus and Seluidl Dool.a, D H..fks, all s x s, Lid.
eir. do.. Fairnly Hillo., To, U I U b
P..H-r, M rs.pmg !',, i, A-c. JLe.. l.ieli tb.v .i3
ter at the lctHj. ites I I ontiny M's I r. .
ss'onal Ci'viidcuit'ii.'iViclie.s, and all ototfa tlis
wiy f.iiol l.ein with ibe r 1 u-.i, n,
Pbiladilpnu, .pi iiiil'ir 7. t4il. Iv.
Cite K n T i ; Tiv"n rc7
AM FA I I I'LEU ml , n iv lU- mj! s 1 V
ber in Xoiilnnv, if I.e I. ,1 in., and 1I0
woik uir 1 oil d, Wo c!i he . Ik' 1 f su e at 1. dm . .
Cisb pr ce-, ni us I w at if a l ul.'i ' v s Is! I y
w In i.e s.i le. (1 oil W Hi 'li g Pir" l". 10 try -njnf
87, now at 73 in's; Lmar ft- k ' r . , - J
hi 75 and Ci. 1 ow i t .'i .1 ...I .ii ; (i 1 I'-irt'
Pols, foiiin ily a- I I t 1 6 an.1 I" e ij .'1' 1 o-v
at 4d und .T cente. ami mher .n i U a e'
li. nr p Lion. M .'' I
:pe ai
I ,i.I
a Id 1 be:io ii r sli. A.
N. H. All p rs. its HJ-d 1,. ... ,1 fi.r.ii.ei'.
aid !io w.sli 10 .,.. Cos's. 1. tn ra
and in ke siti.'.n li..i', wnhoul J. h.j , 1 ith. ( wnW
casi nr bv glw .g 'heii note-.
Su.bury, Aju: 10. UCNJiS MAS