Wi.ir.-f1iil,i IWEAR X O T . '3wr-ir not nt all J neither by Heaven, fit it i Uc' three, nor by the earth, fur it it hi footstool." it . r. UTitlttrun, Oh ! aweer not by your Ood, iiu man ! Thy mightiest strength in frail.j Thy longest life is hut a upan, A brief, mournful talc j He fiom thy lip Hosanna heard, Tint oaths or eoffffe profane j LVmembf , He hntli aiJ the word, Tke not my name In vain. A nd fwear not by the holy IleaTen I It ii the Almighty Throne Nuf by tho burning start of evsn, l'..r they nre all his own ( K.rhcr, arise nt enly d iy, J. vk on the g'orjous sun, Swo.ir not ! hut how thpo down, and pray" Tolliin, the Holy Our, Pivcar not by earth, the hrtutoout raith, The f miptool of liia power I Hp cfivo! it every glory bitlh. In the primeval hour ; Lift to the loud rebukes that roll From ore-m, eerih, and iiirj Let ihr deep murmurs mute thy soul To wmship, not to swear. Oh'! swrnrnotby that blessed one Whom Hot, the Father, give. His we.il beloved and only Son, A fiitning worl.l to nave ; )ut v. rep thr:t thou so oil hast bent A worldly xt-rinc before : Turn to tliy Saviour nnd repent, iJcj oi l and tin no more. And "wear not ly tliino own weak nanwl For thou ait I ut the ilave Of nin and B rioiv,riii und shame, Of ylory and tho grave. Thy ho.m'rd hoily is but rl.iy, Horn of ihe dust you tread, Anl foon a swifi-approac'iii'tt diy Si n!) I cy thee wiih the dead 1 Sivainc Birret, Oclol cr lSih, 1811. Lvrrcxpviitieitct of tht Stnunnuh lltvrgiun) rr.on flohida. East Florida, Oct. 11, 1S-1I. Dear Sir A pnrty of from twe!e to twenty Ju lians, some ton days since, passed into the ailtle mints nt,d killed several people, nn account of which you have doublleis seen in tho St. Argus i'r, papers. It ia prctiy well ascertained, the Mine p any did nil the damage oud murders reported ; und lift the sc!:l rnenls through the It-ter-ni-ah .null. It to hapjcmd that this party asfd near the u.rompnicnt of Captain Fulton, 5d Dragoons, who was in charge of a train of wngans, hiscoinpi i.v'a h.ijgagf, &.C.. and in command oftweke men, about twelve miles north of Fort Russel, on tho rugM f the 25th ult., at he was going to join his company stationed at Fort White, on theSau-taiTce. Thu daring ratal's attacked the captaui camp a U'Ut 7 oMock in the evening, firing a void y and making n ruth into the encampment The surpiisd ra? ci nip'tle, co far oa astonishment wus CAtl it rt.ed, for the soldiers felt perfect security, no I tii! inn evei ha iug attacked e party of soldieis for . l long time since. I'nptiiin Fulton sonn ralliid his men, ejd with the assistance of Asshlanl Surgeon Hammond, who w is wiili him, iclurnrd the varmints' fire, ond charged them with great bravery und determination. II ii cour.se .vpi-cared to ho 84 uncii-cclcd to the Jndisr.s, as their firo was in the firt place to tlic soldini., Tiie Indians retreated, which give ('up t tin rullor. lime lo 1'ieuk i pen un mm clioit end urn) thr- ti'Mrtters wiih carbines. He hardly did iL: lefi.te lire Indians fin d another volley form the o'.lnr ride ol his camp, and rubied in, even to his vengnns, Tl c captain faced his men about, and this tiiiifl gavo thrui a quietus, fot the leamstcis K'ii.g armed w iih a pistol and rarhiue, gave good rtrittJhce , and drvo the infernal rmcult outol tight wild hi arirg fur lli.it riht There was one ujir woundrd by tho Indians, and a cvtuI horses; ruii't g the ii tt, the horsoof Acu Curg. Hammond. A Ii'inifcUT accidentally woui did himatlf with a , rArbii.e, 'i he i rws fiom Tampa Day is not rncouiaging, all upicied. Ilospitaiki's people have not all ton e ir, lo the Lumber promised nor probal ly will hunender lit nil. There is at that post about CCC L.dions Inrii'.dir.g ninny wairiors. it is be uvid i!:iy will Lo shipped in a fiw J ya to the West. On the IO:ti iiift. a met ting was eipccted wiih 1 i;l Tail, who was firmly Uiuved tobebontat und kiuci n in his pr.ifession i of pace, and willing to rniigrate jcihups he inter. d to be true, and it' Hull ( tht war." if to, tie country wi.l bend wf ixar Cli:(J rid kt- na that are t.-nub'.esoim fit II it &lntva uvv mill Army, 'iieifliiijl Am.y 1,'egimr for 1811, notee that the Li.i'id St.au army, in i Jliccrs und men, i.utn Uit IS JS9-ihe mi ilia. I,50:),t32. 'i he American navy i composed of Phipe of the linr, (74 and 120 gum-) It " t'l'r, (60 guru) ri'getre, t si class. (44 ku"') " i.J clafs, ("C guin-J Bloopicf war, (16 totO gun') llri,je (10 gun) Uchoonerg, ( (J 10 guru) Bli-anitis, (two fijjntrj tJ.orc , Lc Total, 11 K 1 4 e) 4 8 t5 Lead Ore. We Were Iiarn3-J, Iho other i'sy, specimen i.f 1 cad Ore, f.i'.i.d in the J.insinne Quairy uf M r. j Weti,cl.i l port uf the cargo of the Nam J. lluxy Baiih& Co., about three miles from this i gan-t4, by which) oil will ace that the total export p'ete The Ore eiy much ir-inbles the Galena icsdcre, end we would suppose yield at least 50 (rrrei t. Il was discovered hi iwcen the e'.rata ol l irnisloiir.and will, no doubt, upon propers exini natirn, le fovnJ ii) U'E eaniiiie. Jwnry Lit-mwcry. From .'if A'. V. American nf Stilunliiy, si:r. Lute und Highly Important from China. KM. YEN TUYd LATER. Attack us inn Cirt or Cmtoh, nt iak Cost hini.Ii UniTtiin Font'ts. Wi de-'p iic'ird the Rte.iinbo it Wave, at an tsr y hour ttti-- ni rniog, in search of tho Nnrngau sc t, and h ive t!io plea'UM ol laying iwfure our tea d rs of tho Aiiiiricao, nt Bts liter news from Clinton. Extract of a Is.ter, d ud Mico, 30th May, 1841. MiMsrs. (Jiiry t Ci. ijince the date of oar gcn ir.il udviois events of much import. rnce have tuns pint I, h luii f note of which may not be uuinle;el iti4 to you. Tiie nci'.emcnt ;.m mg the Cliiueao referred to, i c.'iitinued to iucte ise until the 1 8th inst. When (.'rrpi. Kliiot arrivd at Canton, it soon became k-i I'.vn thnt he had already ordered the whole Dri ll. h force, vcMil of war, tranrports, and troops, to the immediate vicinity of Canton ; and his advicn to Iih couiKrymen was to rlue their hustneu and for removal w iih af Ii t( to delay aa possible. Up to tho iOili iusl.tho Cuin.se oulhori:lea had avoided holding nny communication with C;i t Elliot, and w j e n very dubious and unsatisfactory aijct. 'I'lie local authoritioK, however, publUhod p ools insMous, ii nil s nt messages through the Hong mer chants and linguists, assuring all re.ident foreigners of their perfect safety in Canton. On the evening of ihe SJOlh. ull the English resi dents h.id emtaiked, and only four or five Anv ri cans, confiding in tho urance of the Chinese, remained in tiie Factories ; the same night tho Chi. be e e iminuiici tl hostuiics by sending a fleet of fire boats and rsfis egtinst tie vessels of war lying near the city, but wiihout doing them any damage. This act was avenged by the 1'ylades and steam cr Ncmcsrs, that attacked and de troyej a battery near the facu r.es, and abkut fjity fue lo its and as many Crc rafts. On the morning of the C2J, an Americint resi dent was scrtrd by the Chinese and taken fiom his factory ; t the same time that a boa', belonging to ihe American ship Morrison, with three messen ger ond seven seamen, was cap'.ured soon after leaving the factories for Whhnpoa, and tho petty carried prisoners into the ci'.y. Fiom (hi-, t'.e time was occupied by English in ronreiilratitig their forces near the city, until the 21th, at 4 P. M. The Hyacinth, 1 3, Mo les'e 1 8, P hides 18, Nimrod 18, Columbus 16, Cruiser 10, and Algerine 10, having tnkeii up their position in front of the city and suburbs, opened iluir fire upon every ofTensive point of the Chinese, who re turned it w ith considerable spirit at first, but were soon compelled to doiott their guns. At 6 P. At., a body of soldiers, about 400, were landed el (he fjicign factories, in the vicinity of which the A mericans, who hd been taken prisooer two daya before, and examined by the authorities, were re. icstd. Tho firing was continued until about 9 P. M. when ii';e suburbs were on firo in several places, and nearly tii the batteries on shore in possession of, or dcMroyed by the English. While this was gohfj! on in front of Canton, Cemrl Gjugh was landing h' troops, 800 men, at the foot of the heights, i:i the rear uf the city, arid on the morning of tho 25. h he orumenced operations; rticu!ars uf the day's work are not yet known further, than that, with thu loss of som. 40 killed and wounded, fjur batteries were taken fiom the Chinese, and great nutibe'e of their ofli cert and soldiers killed, the heights commanding the city taken, anJ the Biitith foicci entrenched upnn them. The loss of the Chinise nn this occsi n is arl oui'y estimaiej at from 3 to 6000, and even as high as 10,000 men; and they now find to their cost and extreme disappointment, that they are un able to cope with European troops on shore, as they have before proved themselves in their encounters with British forces afloit. On the S6'h, the vessels of wsr were engaged in rpiicting and destroying the few ismaiiis of oppo sition, and in the evening, mandarins called on the Captain with fligs of truce, to negotiate for the preservation of the city. Our advices from iha seal if uction and negotia tion are lo ike morning of 37ih, when it was Slid the Chinese had cipiluljted, and offered a Isrje sum of money T-r the riinsoin of iho city, which it was supposed, would then be sjvo.I. It is sfs.et'ly r.ecessiry for us lo say, that sinre ih.i 1 lit, i.nih.': ir has been done in tho way of sales of imports, etlj that e'l shipments of less, &e. reso on the Sltl; our I'stibiuhinrnt, in common whh all otliers, is again rrmoU'l M icao, and we fesi with a prospect of being obiiej t remain here for several months, in.much as in the event nt a suspension ef h-s i ities, and Canton Le,:g h'fl without further injury, we do not think tho Uriti.-h merchants will trust !hemtves there while the Bri tub tjrres am drawn ofTti tho northward. We think it will !e found urecssny to renew the bhirk add of the put, and tin! mosl tint we can hope for under utnioBt any circumstances is, that neutrals may proceed toCiu'on, to rea'iZJ llio foreign mer. chauilize dcKisi!J thire, and la compete the ta iling of the stups alreaJy in port. Wo ure with ut ! iutfllig' nee frjm India, but Coino.it.re 13 ri o.er is daily expected on i it the sic i in ir Qui en, lo resume coiii.rund of the uavul forei s, d it is umlf is:ood Hi.it a icinforeeinent uf t ifihl Kg'rirnts, ehout C600 nun, is now uu the way to ' China froh. Indie. since 1st of July of ast)ar, is only 00,000 chests. We doubt if iho lading of the American ships at Whoinpoe will be completed without much delay; and viewing the etate and prospects of foreigu re lations will Chini, in whatever light we may, MUI we look Upon it HI lt!)t teiisin, iu hhjh fris fur teas mini and will rule in Europe snd Ameries ' during the ensuing year or two From the Vniltd Stain Gotttte. Extract ef another letter, dated Macao, Mny 31. "E.vi-ryiU'mit heie at the preeenl inoinrnt ia in a j statu i. f mnr ih Mngcment and confusion, 'i'he Clilne-e are ut last paying dearly for their arrogance and nbslin irr, fjoliahly resisting nil acMrnrno I iilon, and irlyingou their nu nUri, and utterly ignorant of force and i-kill that can be brought to bear upon them by the Western nations. Canton ii at (lie mercy uf Ihe Brit ih, end it is siid the authorities ore negotiating for its ransom by the offer of eight millions, to be furthcoming immediately, or failing thai, hostilities to recommence. We know noth ing officiHlly oa yel, but if they pay up the city will be spared. There has ulrcndy been great dc-tlruc tion of property arid life among ihe Chinese, and it vfoulJ have been better for them had they listened lo rcMon before. It will bo e tcuded, however, witi. very beneficial effects on the f reign trade wi h ih e cotiJilry, and sooner or la er the Chinese Gov ernment will have to come to Iciiih, although to rtr. ct thi it jnay be necessary to carry the war ah ng ihe coaa anJ up to Pekin." Front Afrlcn. We copy ihe following ciliious and interesting announcement from the Souiiern I.itcraiy Mei sengnr for October. Authentic accounts from Tim buctoj will put th? literary world on tho al. rt. Dr. Charles Mathews, who left the United States shout fifteen years i-inee, with a view to make dis cov. ries in the interior of Africa, writes to a friend in Vermont from Abyssinia that he shall return in the Summer of 1642, and that he has been gener al')' successful in b's researches, lie had travelled from Morocco, across the Great Desert, to T.mbac loo, and fiom thai capital nearly to tho Cape of Good Hope, bark to Tnshuctoo, and to Abysiui i, besides in-. king several less important journeys, which had added much lo his knowledge uf the ge og'aphy of the country, and the social couditi m of its people. Bait. American. For the Lndira. The inoJels of Fashion at Paris have discarded the use of Corsets ! As the ieup'e of the United States, as well as tho.o of all other countr es, follow any fashion from Paris, however lidiculous, il miy be, it is lo be hoped, Ih at the I sit reasonable one, so long recommended by the rest but uufishieniible friends of suffering humanity, will be generally a dopted. It will be a glorious ein incipstion uf many imprisoned ribs, and the heait and lung of our f or country women will at least have a chance for life. It is a melancholy fcl that thousands of women have annually gone to wultt by ineons of the corset svstcrn. Tciiipcraucc. Judge Chasce, of Washington city, who is himself, a strict temperance man, in some advice, which lie gives to the advocates of the cause through the National Intelligencer, tays: "Men must be uersuaded. not driven. Hos tility must not be unnecessarily excited. Those who do not come in must be treated wiih kindness and left to the w'or tings it thf;ir own conscience; which, if not stifled bv passion, will generally be effectual. It is that still small voice, whispered to the soul, that is effecting the great reform. Let it not be drow ned in the voice of the angry passions. It is well to be ardent in good cause, the ardor itself may be come intemperate." A Cute ami Cm Ions AtTiklr. James E. Cole, wtio was sentenced to the State Pi'vpn fjr fifteen years, about a year aince, foi hih way rfbbery in this city, connived an ingenious mode of reeape, which, however, lacked the most mstrrial part, auccefS. It was afier ihis wise Cole hsd b'e.1 employed in thesh p making boxes in which mslert'J ere sent from the prison to the crty : he made one, Jid put buttons on the lid, so as to fasten it inside, and then drove iisila around the edge, breaking them off; thu. giving il the ap penance of being naileJ down: thm diiected it himself lo Mr. John I.aure, corner of Maduon end Pike streets in this ciiv. Having thus far arun ged, he employed a negro convict to place it, after he had fastened himself in, on board the sloop Fan ny, to Le brought to ibis city. The box was pla ced on the whsrf, html d.wn, and remained llieie i t about two hour', w hen it was put in the cabin tf ihe sloop. The sloop startrd during the g lie yenlerit iy, Vint was obliged to put back, and did not arrive unl I ibis morning. In the meantime, Mr. Lent, one of the keepers, miasrd Cole, end came down to the city to to. k for him ; not hesring i f him here and lesniing tlial the Fanny had not sr.ivs.l, he mik Irusiecl that ('ule was on board, he therefore board, ed her this morning o:i her arrival, ami going into ihe cabin aiw ihe lioxsnd opened il w here he found GVle nearly exhausted, fmm hia close confinement and rlti having eaten n thing since yesterday, Cole wae immediately taken lo the Tombs, and will be returned to his ulJ rju triers at 3 o'clock this afternoon. .V, V. American. AnMie.t WaoLR. uf the British Navy, began his career, upon the ocean, i an apprentice lo an honest old Quaker, C iptsin Hil!.', of Newport, lihodo Island. On the first Orious trial of h s met tle, be gave proof nf Hi ore qiulitiei si essential to a seaman, and especially an ollicer coolness and courage. His mailt r's ship, cnmmaudtd by his mi-Ur, was npproi hed by a piratical schooner, full of men, thirsting for spoils and fir blind. Captain Hull's quakeiism Would not allow hhn to defend hiutself or hia vessel but young Wager was no qusker, and determined that the guilt of his blood diouM nut, if he could help it, be upon the pirates' hesih'. Alter a goo I ileal uf earnest entreaty, and liule respectable force, he got the good opuin into tl.t rsbin, an 1 srridinlalK fastened 111 in in. Taking corarnind of the .hip he made hasty but elTicieiit preparations to run over the Pirate. Hull watched his movements with intenso interest and looking out from the comp iiiion and perceiving the object of the young Wager, could nut he'p observing to lii isi Vharlc$, if (let infendt to run over that uhooncr, tint mutt put itit fithn a -iittlt more to tht tfnrtxjard." Charles oheeiveJ the d rcction ofihequaker. The ship passed direcily the schoon er, which sunk insiantly, and every pirate pciishcJ. This exploit procured for Chalea a commission in the British Navy, and thus IjIJ the foui.d.iliun of hia f.ime and fjitune. Exeter Newt Litter. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, October 30, 1811. iaUul!"BlL' JJ 1 A-1. Li.. 1 'i.H.'.liL "Li More Acooiniiiodntions. An opposition lire of cars ond st igcn', from Phihi. lelphf.i to ihis place, by way of the Heading und Philadelphia rail road, and the Potlsvillc and Dan villa railroad, made its first trip on Monday. This line reaches Pollsville nhout o'clock in ihe af.er- noon, starts from thorn the next morning ufter hn ak fast nnd reaches here about 4 o'clock. Travellers by ihis line avoid the disagreeable journey over Ihe mountains by night. This line will be a great oc- rommodadon to travellers from Ihe city to the Sus quehanna, aa they have heretofoie been obliged to l'nvi'1 during the night boih by the Iiarrislurg and Pottsville mutts. i i Our AJvoiitngrs. The Philsddphia (ozctte, in copj ing an article upon "il.e anthracite iron buiiic" from our pijier uf the Sd of October, remaiks: "We copy the following from the Sunbury A- limit on of Oclol er 2. The ed.lor, il appears to us. has not a'uleJ all the advautnges of -4he position ol Sunbury, ciiber for iron or othir niai ufaclurrs. He has oniiltid any mention of the g'Cdt Water Power created there by the Mate. We will endea vor to supply the deficiency. To feed the Canal. from Shamokin Falls, at Sunbury, to Duncan's Island, on the Susquehanna, a distance Of about foity miles, it was nereary to make a dam across ihe rier al the beforeriM-nlioned pi ice. This dam ia about three thousand feet in leng'h, und nine feet four inches high, with a schute on the Union county shore, for the pis-age of sik ond raftv. There is, after allowing sufficient w iter tofeid Ihe Canal, a large surplus, to be applied to manufac turing purposes, width now rolls over the dim with ihe noise of thunder, snd forms the in ist magnificiei.t mtifcial water power in the world. A belie r tipporuniiy for capiiulists Joes not exist. And we hope lliey will not be long in taking ad vantage of it." We are glad to see an editor of a cry print cal ling the attenti- n of rspitalists to Ihe opportunities which the interior of Pennsylvania olTers for iho profitable investment of capital, and we join the Gazelle in the hope that capitalists will not be long in taking advantage of them. The gret watei power cieatrd by ihe Shamokin dsm is nor exceeded by ei y in ihe Union, and ihu pow er can be brought into immediate use al a roinpaiatively trifling c si. A company ol taimd a charter evi rat )ears since, loonslruct a can d 130 f. wide fiom th hn n form ed ly lie dsm in front of ihts place, to the Miami kin creek, which empties into the Susquehanna about a quarter of a mile below ihe darn. Part of iho slot k of ihis company has been subscribed, and the canal commenced ; but the prrtiurt uf the times has pre vented tin prosecution of the work. The length of the canal from the liver lo the creek is about a half a mile, and the fall obtained upwaida of eight feel. This fall, with ihe whole Susquehanna for a forebsv, afford a pnwer eofiicirnt lo drive any a mount of machinery, and the supply of water will be exhaustless as thu fountains of our noble river. The total cotls of the construction ol ihe canal, rea dy for the ereelion of iron or other manufactories, has been estimated by a competent engineer ut f 10,. 000. The facility of communication between this place and theseaboird is an impoitant cons 'deration. We have a canM down tho Su.quih.uins, reaching the Chesapeake bay at Havre de (inn-. Following the Penm-jlvaiiia Canal to Middlctnwn, thence by the Union and Schuylkill canals, we have a com munieatio!: by water to Philadelphia. A rail road is nearly constructed from Philadelphia lo Ihis place, by the wsy of Pottsville and Keading, and in addition to ihise we have canals running up both branches ef ihe Susquehanna, the one intended to connect with the Eiie Canal of New York, and the other wi'.b the great New York and Erie Kail Koad. t 'junoi the capitalis e of our cities who h ivo mil lions lo invest in fancy stock, erceive these ad vantages 1 We spe.k not lo ipeculaton who ex. pect lo realixe a fortune in a day, but lo Ihe man who ilrsins lo invest his capital in a sure and Im minent business, which will yield him e handsome profit. State Treasurer. The Upland Union names Calvin Blythe as a candidate for this office. Judge Bl the stands de sorveJIy high with the Demociaric paity, and his election would give general satisfaction. His talents and integrity, joined with bis thorough knowledge of the financial afTiirs of the alate, rim neatly I'll him for Ihu station. lntportaiire of Olle Voir. Gcorje Darsin has been elected lo tlic Senate in i the district composed of Allrgheny and Butler coun. (ice, by rmjority uf ono vutf, (here hiving hren upwaids uf 11,0 C vi.tr, p .11, J. China. i We refer our readers to enothei column for late and highly important newe from China, 1'ho Eng lith have bombarded Canton, destroyed lie t ween five and tin thousand human lives, and at the latest dales the Chinese were offering nn enormous a mount of money lo eivo their city from lot il de struction. There never was a more ur justifiable end outrageous war waged by any nation, infidel or christian, than this of Ihe Engl ah ngninat ibe Chi nese. The furmct import into ihe country of the latter e poisonous drug, destructive alike of mind and body. The aulhoihiea of Chine interfere to savo its inhabitants from the ruinous effects of the drug, destroy all they can find, and prohibit its fu ture importation. But the Eenglish determined not to suffer ihe bus nf so valuable a branch of trade, j OKsemhle a great military force and attack ono of their chief cities. The result we suppose will be, thut the Chinese must rat opium, as they will find il more digestable thn British iron. Yerily these poor Chinese are not so fur wrong when they call the English bnrlttriana. Spiric ruymeiih. The city papers are talking about a resumption of specie payments, but it will end in talk. There will be no resumption until the state repays the banks the money which she loaned from them last winter, or lays lax amply sufficient lo pay the ! interest upon the slate debt. This w ill restore con : fidence, bring r.ur stock to pir value, and en ible the hanks lo sell that which ihry hold, and thus put themselves in a situation lo resume. Unhss one or the other of these measures are adopted, we do not believe ibere will be a pci.nunent ic'uiT.ption for scvimt years to come. Lists of Members of t lie Pciiiisvlinuia Lcgislu turc 1S4I. ' STATE SENATE. Dist 1. Philadelphia City. Henry S. Spuek- rrir7i, Jacub Cratz. II. County uf Philadelphia Benjamin Cri-pin, Edward A. Pennirnan,-) Thomas McCulley.f III. Montgomery, Chester and Delaware A'r- j thaniel lironke, Ahtdiam Bruurr, JJm T Hud- j die son. IV, Buekc Samuel A. Smith. j V. Beiks Samuel Ftgely. j VI. I.nncastcr and York John Strnhm, Tho- ma '. Cochran, William Uiester. ' j VII. D iuphin and Lebanon ievi Kline. j VIII. Huntingdon, Mifflin, Juniata, Perry and j Union Robert ', Muclay, Janie Mathers. ; I V. Columbia and Schuv Ikill Samuel F. Hcad- X. Lehigh and Northampton .lohn S. (nblions. XI. Luzerne, Monroe, Wayne and Pke Lu ther Kidder.-)- XII. Lycoming, Cenlre, Clinton and Northum berland ivoberl P. Fleming. XIII. Bradford and Susquehanna Aa Dim nmck f XIV. Franklin. Cumberland and Adnm.s Jame, X. McLauali m, William Gorgas XV. Bedford slid Somerset (Jenrge Mulliii.j XVI. Westmoreland John t". Plainer. XVII. Washington John Ewintf. XVIII. Fayette and Greene William F. Cop Ian, XIX. Allegheny nnd Butler Char'.tt C. Sulli van, George I)araie. XX. Ileiver and Mercer William Stetvait XXI. Crawford and Erie 'James W. Farrallv.j XXII. Jefferson, McKenn, Putter, Tioga, Ve nango and Warren Samuel Haya. XXIII. Indiana, Armstiong, Clirion, Cambiia nnd Clearfield William Bigler.f New members thus democrats 17, in rn man federal 1G, in italic. Mr. Farrally was elected by the democrats, nnd we have pretty sure information thai his political course will be guided by their will. Ho has here tofore been counted a moderate whig. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Philadelphia Ciiy Wil.iatn A. Cn,lb, E.Joy Morris, William F. Boone, James B. Brers, John Ruth, George Sharavood, C. B. Ti ego. Philadelphia County John Felion, John W. Ryan, Wm. Bonsall, John Painter, Joseph 1.. Han cock, John J. McCahen, A. I.. Rouinfoit, Thomas M. Scot I. Bucks John Apple, Abel M. Giiffilhs, Joseph Thomas. Chesier Emmor Elton, Wm. K. Carrey, Rw Lert Fill hey, Robert Laverty. Lancaster Christian K'efftr, Joseph McCure, I'hil'p t'orr .Vt, Jacob Foreman, Hugh An drews, Benjamin Ftnnell, York Isaac Garrttsoti, Adim Eluugh, Wm. S. Pit king. Cumberland William Barr, Joseph Culvir. Perry George Beaver. Berk Samuel Moore, John Schenk, John Pot teiger.Jobn Bachman. Schuylkill Christain V. StrauV. Northampton and Monroe Joseph Kerr, Jeffer son K. Herkman, As Packer, Lehigh Benjamin Fogel, Peter It ias. Wayne and Pike John il. Brodhead. Norlhumlierland D. B. Montgomery. Mifflin, Jur.'ata and Union John McCrum, William Fws.John A. Vanvalzah, Columbia Daniel Snyder. Wa-hington Wallace McWilliams, Jamie Mc Farren, Jemr Martin, Westmoreland Samuel Hill, William Johnston. Armstrorg George V. Marchand, Indiana John Cummins. Jefferson, McKean end Wairen Lew is B. Dun ham. Fayette Aaron Bugher, John H. Dcford. Bedford Abraham Weierl, M. Holderbaum. Franklin Pelor Cook, Andre- bnivtly. Montgomery Williem IJcan, Willi ;n B. Hahit, Clisrhs K''gler, Dauphin Samuel Jf. Clark, Benjamin yfuntr. Lebanon Juui Bruver, J uerene Hendrlrk B. Viighl, A. Corlrig!i. Susquehanna Calvin Lift. Bradford William Ulweli. Tioga and Potter 1). I.. Sherwood. Huntingdon Jese Moore, Thumae Weston. Beaver MuiUiu ''. Kennedy, John Ftrguson , Mercer Thomas Wilsan, Janet Bankt. Allegheny David Beeler, John Murray, Wm Kerns, Isaae L'ghtntr. Builer Samuel M. L me. Delaware Jushua 1'. liyte. Somerset and Cambria J. lltnna.J. Hoyer. Lycoming, Clearfield and Clinton Jas. Gamble, George R. Barrett. Oreene Thorn is P. Po'l a k. Adarni Thaddcut Sltrtn, ft. f.. I'aus: Cen! re .lames Macn-.anus, Crawford Morrow B. I.owery, J. P. Brawley, Erie Jamtt ('. Dunhip, Strphin V. Let. Venango nnd Clarion James K, onowden. Democrats in roinan anlimas ns, whigs and federalists, in italic. RECAPI rUI.ATIOX. Democrat. Federal. Senate, 17 IH House, (I 34 81 50 Not. Two members in Huntingdon were e b eted as working ni"n. Working men are uhu dly denuvcrats, and such, it is fa;r lo class them. ELECTION KETIRNS. CllC51 IF.S. Adams, Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Bedford, Berks, Bradford, Butler, Bucks, Cambiia, Cenlre, Chesier, Porter, Banks, 1599 1911 1281 60G8 I8J2 100G 1851 2158 2550 2281 7495 2925 2705 2143 1C74 1716 4412 40CO 874 8t0 2300 IliC 45C5 4711 UI90 424 8S0 419 780 C03 250i 1103 - 6U0 0000 2721 1997 2219 2049 1289 1578 H65 2956 2749 1812 27 i9 2G3G 825 0000 1)000 726 0000 400 678 417 C7 1 60S 4914 BOSS 1512 1340 2553 2328 3426 2194 2261 1393 000 000 2316 2757 1321 1121 44(12 2C9 1262 3141 :14GC 2302 2162 1141 1K27 870 4390 6020 11C98 734S 450 C0C OU0 00C 2108 14 IE 792 1S53 1962 1152 159S 671 1&68 ' 212V 1290 5.r. 763 62? C434 3291 11G7 553 4080 2135 3825 2425 127.279 104.93 104. 938 22,346 j Clarion, i Clearfield, j Clinton, j Columbi i, Crawford, Cum! erl.iml, Dauphin, Delaware, Erie, Fayelte, Franklin, I fieeene, Huntingdon, I Indiana, ' ,ll tf. Moll, : .luniaia, Laneas'rr, . Leltinon, ! L.hih, I Luzfrne, ! Lycoming, MeKtan, j Mercer, i Mifflin. , Monioe, i Montgomeiy, i Noilllampl-m. Nollhurubtilaiiit, Perry, Philadelph city, Philadelphia co. Pike. Potter, Schuv Ikill, Homeiset. Susquehanna, Tiogi, Union, Venango, Warren, Washington, Wayne, Westmorland, Yoik, Purler's majority I'osNi'siciru MKSkHsEiiiToaa-eJTrlnit inn sgiin ihrongh your paiei tqtrTtho altenlion of the Canal Cum-niis-iouers In rejniring the guard bank and towing pjlh"V ihe Peuii's. Canal, 1-etween the Shamokir Dam and the mouth of Penna Creek Why noi put on a sufficient force and complete the work be fore the winter sets in, so that lire embankment' may settle ! 'I'll is woik would cost but a small sum and if done immediately will save the atate somi thousands next eas"n. The work ought to hsvi been Hone mmrhi ago. If it is not properly done j depend upon ii, a good part of the bunks of the ca nal will be swept off, and the cv rial rendered uselesi for miles between those points, neit Spiine;. A TAX PAYER. N'evv Km tit Hie Coal Trade. Much credit is due our pub ic spirit.-d fellow townsrn in, f'ul. Jon M. Ciioslamo, for his in dustry, perseverance and success, in otiening a di rt ct tiade with ihe riry nf New York, for Ibe pro duct of our coal mines, by means of Boats built eipressly for that purpose. For two seasons past uur coal ojierstiirs have ahippi d hige quan'ities of coal to that riiy, wiihout the delay, Ltwr end ei peue, incident, to a trsns-h pinenl al Philadelphia CoL t'eosiavii has just finished a ne: Cam Steam Bo il, of a novel and ingenious Construction, which he calls the "New Era," intended for the double purpose of ca'.ying c.',, ,) lowing Uors U Iween tb'i ,Ilr y0lk) TU fir, fittS of lhi, new Boa'., wa. roJle 'J'hursdsy last and ! ' 'Lough we had not the pleasure of witnessing Ihe I lnifim.t,l iv n.iis l,ji..,it wvb. al ffnltomrli : oak of it in the most flatu rLng terme. fshoukl I f .' ..v-. . 0 - the "New ra" prove successful, and as well adapted to. caps! navigation ae its friend anticipate il wi t not ouly ke fortune to its Ingi o ous prnjec lor, but uf immense benefit to our ciiiitms general ly, end especially lo Ihe Schuylkill Navigatio (Company , We hope aouii lo enjoy an rtcurs o-