Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 23, 1841, Image 4

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    I! A Ml. KOTI! LIST.
The fnVow-lrg list shows tho rurri nt value of nil
Pcnrsv Ivanin But k Noti n. The mot implicit re
li ipoe may l placed upon it, a ii Utvirijuvik
catt fully computed with 01 il corrected funn link-l:i-ll's
Hanks In riillatlrlithhi.
Disp. I
Bank of North Ameiica .
Bank i f the Northern Liberties .
flunk nf rennatlvnnia ,
Bank nf IVim Township . ,
Commercial Dank of Pctin'a. .
Fmli'i is' ond Meclianks' Bunk .
Ceard Bank .
Kensington Bank . .
Manufacturers' At Mcchnnics' Bank
Mcilitiiiiis' l!ank . .
Movumer.sing Bunk
Philadelphia Bank . .
S.htnlkill Bunk
Houthwaik Bank
Western Bank
. I' t
p. I
. par
. par
. p,r
Country Raithn.
Bmk or Pittsburg
li nik of Chester County
lln.k of Delaware County of Grrntaiitowu
Bank i f I.enislown
Hank i f Middletown
Hank of Montgomery d .
H ,t,k of Nntihunibeilurid
lioiku County Bat k
W t stehester
Middled wn
Northumbf iland par
in ailing
Ceitiml ia Bank & Bridge co. Ci'luinlia
f.nrhsli? Bank C-ar'isle
Ess'oti Bai;k
Exchange Bunk
I do branch of
F juntos' Bank nf Ri cks en
Farmer.-' B nk if l.nn istei'
Farmeis' Bank nf Kudu y
ilariishu p Bank
Lsncascr Bank
Lehnm n Bunk
Men ban's' cV Mnnuf Balk
Mimr Bai k of Pnitsvillo
N rili-ni'oii Bnik
Tewai.dii Hank Bia:rh
Wy.-inine Bunk
Oii'u e of Bnk of Tc iiii'a.
Olice do do
Office do do
OflVe do do
l)nj It stown
Pittsl vtg
Hull d.i) iburg
B.i lul
1 ailing
1 J a r i 1 . 11 1 (j
l.chun' n
Witliamsporl par
Wikeshairo par
iloirishu'g There
Lnncftter 1 offices
Beading I ilo nut
Eastun J issue n.
Dank of the United Malta Tliilaili Iphia
Oiiirp of Bank of U. S. Pitt.l urg
Do do do Eiio
Do do do New Brighton
Kensington Ss'av. Int. A do
JYnn Township Sav. Int. do
Balk of Chamhi rshurg Chanibersbuig
Bank ol 'Gettysburg Gilts sling
Hank of Susquehanna Co. Mor.liose
Erie Eiitt
Fsiir.irs' ft Drovers' Bui.k W'oyiiefhure;
Fiai.klin Batik Wi.ahinpton
Uodale Biiik Hoi f fdule
i!orn.rgalii'li Batik of B. Urownavilla
York Bark Yoik
N. B. The notes of tboRC lai ka on which c
omit quotations, and snb.-titntc a dnsli ( ) ore not
iircbaMd by the Pbil idi Ipl.ia brckcrti, vvi'h the
exception of three which liave a Utter of rifinncc.
riii!adel.l)ia Sav. Irs. rhilaJtl, hit
riiilade'phii Loan Co. do
f-'i'luiylkill Sav. Int. do
Manual Labi r Bank (T. W Dyoli, prop.)
f iled
no sale
(li itCil
lit Sid
no fa!e
Li nl
fa. lid
no Mile
Aiii Bank of i'i
Dai.k ot Beaver
W ant ii.gton
Bi lb futile
J'uii-I urg
Faji ile co.
tin cr.i nst t
liank u Stvatara
L'aiik ol Wnbtiint.-in
('rn:iu Baiik
Ci'y Bai k
J'am.trt.' & Mcili'ca' Eurk
Farmers' A. N'feli'ei-' Bar k
Faiiiuifc'& .Mech'ia' Bank
liaiiuony Inmitulo
I ! uti : ii gi'ui. Bai.k
Jniat.i Bui k
J.i.ii.l t nia-ii'k Dirk
Ni r In rn Bank f i'n.
Ntw Iloje Di I. Biidpe Co.
Noiiliuiiii VI LTi.ii n I ol. Uk.
North W istirn Ba.-.k ol Pa.
Ofiiic of Srhulkill Bank
Pa. Ayr & .Vjnuf. Bu.U
Plivei E.ikc Bai k
L-i'.ii ii Bai k of Penn'a.
cMirdiclaml Bank
i kitluiiti' Biidcc Co.
Ilunlii gilen no utile isioun no (.do
Want n faded
Dt:r.J.ff no tale
New Hope cluted
M ilion no ale
Miadtillo clumd
PurtCuibon failid
Cr;ilo J
Muntnee cloni d
I'uicntiAvn fuilid
tin ei.f! utg eluded
W'llki s! ane nonle
All m tee pui0itii (? to be on any IVnntj l
vsr.u k not given ill the above lift, may be et
duvvn a frauds.
Bat kef New Biuiiawitk Bruienkk
Belvideie Bail: lielvideie
l.'uilingion Co. B.u.k Mic'firJ
CeiT.n ( icial Bank J'irih Ambny
t' rl.u il Balk Bridiclin
F.nmti Bal k M. ni.t Holly
1 1 m
t'Biniira Hi d ycctianicfc La
iVj m
'' end Mi clihliii a' Lk N. Pitnswiik failed
Fp.iiiirim' and Mtchoniik' Bk .Middlitown I't. 1pm
I- Hill. Ill I':,I,K i f N. J. JelM'V City
l!.!i. keii Blg& Gitiz.os Co Hob, ken
fad. .1
Jeitiy City B ink
Jei:ey City
Micbullilb' B .nk
Mui ufaiiur r.-.' B nk
Morii Con. jut y Balk
Miitiiicuth Lk it N.J. k' Bji k
Meel ai u iind A'ai uf. Bk
Mmiii. Canal ai,d L'kg Cu
Piot Nun
NuMnk Lin Ii Ci.
NiW ill -J l i 11 i lll!r Co
N.J. .V. I u: c a n Ll.C 'ii
1 blii'ianii
Ft HcviKo
p. (I hold
'J rti.ti n
Jtiwj City
N wnik
ii in
I 81
t o tale
i IT!
fa. hd
fa. led
J ni
ij in
"i in
fad. d
If lu
ii in
l pin
fall, a
1 dil I I llhviilu
1 u i ken
N J I 'in u i : S. l.Lial
Ui.n i.c li i k
I u ir-- n L.'i U
i ii pit ' I'ui.k
i'lll III. II Lai Ic
Su'l in Liui U:l g Cu
Si te 11 .nk
fcco e B'Hik
rotate Bank of Monia
retain Bank
aid I k Jem Ci y
( rai'fe
1 a
Pi . i cetcn
New. ik
1. 12 In .htow n
('. Ii.d. n
Mi riu'ow n
J li I. lull
boll III
N i ion
Hat kei.Skck
tSalern and Philad Manuf Co
iifbii Bank
Trenti-n Bunking Co
1'iiiun Bunk
W'ai liii.loli Banking Co.
I k of Wilm &. BranJjwini Wi n.ii gtun pai
I'unk of Delaware W iln.ii a t
JJ.i.k ol Siiijrna Snyu.a, par
Do Milloid ar
Fain era Ek of State of Del Dover par
Do brm th W ilni ngton ui
llo branch Giorgttowa j'ar
Do biaiicb NiWentilu pat
I'r.ii n Bi nk WilunrgUn par
fcj L'udi r ' 2
QJ tin all bail marked thus () there trc ei.
il.ii lounterfeit or altcied nouaul tbe jou dt"
inninalions, iu cireoUtiu.
uiiiairi l e'ul reinidv f.if eommun ('oMit.
mmlif. A tlinia. Inflnerra. Whi onin X 'ouch.
Bioih hilia. i in! all ilium-en i. f ihe Itrmi hnd I.urtf;,
lea.ling in (i.iiKuiiipli'Hi; con mrd of the roncen'
traled vinuea of lion hound, Bnnsii, Blo.'d Root,
Liverwort htid fernal oilier vegi tnbln aul'btnncrn.
Prrpand nidj ly J. M. Wisaiow, Hochester, New
'Phi' innorfnrr and iinivrmalh admitted pectoral
vinuen of He lliiba from which the Tialtam vf
Iwitl.ovna if moi'p, r ton generally known In r
iiniie rrct.ntirrin a i ui j it in theicfiiVe only necrssj-
y in oh r-ne that iliin Mo.lieine contains the whole
i f tin ii Mi d c i al pm ritie, hifihly concentrated,
a d . ha pity eon, bun d with siTeial other vrge
iui If ml a'nm r, a t" render it the miwt speedy,
n iM and certain rermdy, now in u.-f, f r the coin
i bi'tii al ove i ei iionnl.
The I'.ilaain removes all imfiammation and srirp
ni - of the Luncr, lnOFei s Inuch tisid phli gin, cn
al lu g the B'irnt in e rrtoralc w uh eae and fiee.
ib in, iifMiogca Cixigh, rehpve athinatic anJ diffi
cult rriirnlmn, beuls the injured parts, opens the
poe, in d ri'iiii oars the ilinluihed nrrvea, and give
nnn'h tn I he tinder lungs, and thus produces a
j redv and ladling eute.
IoiiATni in. itii nsrT rniMK in Maw.
W e tire not amoi g that class of Editors who fur I
few dollais will, (it the expeiF of truth and hn
tiPHty) i-ciaik up" on article and bring it into rapid
alp j neither aic we willing In lemain silent, ofur
having lon'od the Utility of on im rovenient or di-
cuveiy in n iinceor ait. Our readers w ill reenllert
we t.i'.d them wc weie unw. II wi h 0 sore throat and
vi.iln t ci hi some few weeks aim. Well, we pur
chased two bullies of VINSLOH"8 BALSAM
OF IIOUKJIOUND. and so sudden wa the chip,
that we furgoi we ever hod a cold. Tlo who
are nfllicied, nny t y it upon our n commendation.
faivittoH 1'fltgrvjh. For dale by
JAC(Jl) BRIliHT, Korthumbrrland.
Alan, by Dmpcii'ls geiien.lly throughout tho
country. Qy- 1'iiep, 0 cents per uolile.
AiikiiKl Hili. It 4 I . I v.
inroitTAKT to PARivicns.
AYENPOIST'H Improved Piiteni Threshing
Machine ond Hnnp Powoi, which threihes
und cleans al the fOine time an invention for
whiih Farmers have lung looked in vain, ond which
tenders the abuve m.uliino peifect and pol further
improvement. Those w ho have I een waiting fur
fOinelhinit hi tler limn I erelofuie t,fli red for tale,
will find this tube the article. Come ace it and
jui!(je lor youtta Ivpn,
The subscribers have pntrhasfd the light of the
above Machine and Horse Power, fur tlie coun
and L' Mn it and also, the piivileges of vending
H em in any other phiies for which tLu right hat
not been picviouMy sold.
The advantages which this Machine has over
all others invented are many and obvious. One
boy and tlnee men con dn all the threshing and
cleaning ot 150 bushtU of wheat in one day and
this usually takes si ven hands one day and three
the next. For field threshing it takes tho lead of
any thing in this woild lio grain is scattered or
Such is the rupcriority of the Ilo'te Poer,
that three lnr-ea can thiesh as much with it ts
four can w ith any other.
The Maehinca and Horse Tower will l sold
together or sept rate, to mil urchasers. Made ond
sold in Milton, bv the sulscnbers.
Milton, April 17, 1611.
It F. COJUn f '.VM TtV.V.
Having hud ill ufc, cue i f Pavt npnti's PaUnt
'J'l.ierhilig und Wiiiin vvii g Mai l ines, n dlrnp
ri enieilly called upon fur nur opinion in ngaidtu
iheir value, durability and advai.toges, we inuke,
tiee to stale, that thty txcud in our oiii.icn, any
Thresh rg Machine we cv.r befuie witntSMd in
use. will thresh und clean, fit fur inaiket
SCO hushtly of l.iat er day, si.d this with li e
aid of thn e hands hi siiles the diiver. Ti e ciiran
is iukiI ell' ff. ni the grain un en incline plane, ex
it nding about 12 lu l firm the Machine, fc'corit
ly a grain is lost. What in if rune ini oitane
and ITutly so, is tl.C fact that mi dust passts fn,ni
tho Mitchine to the man who feeds it. 'J he Jlori-e
power set ma In be ptrlectimi itself li ne hurres
may woik it their Ikslttt gait need
only be the ordmaiy liigh guit. We must
cheerfully n commend ll e Muihine to Faimers
thty aie manufacturtd in Mihon ly Messrs. W elt h
l'oirp ti.UFiuk. JlilLIP HIIGEKT.
Cliilisquaque ts! p., Nonh'd co, Match 20, 1841.
D.4TII.I.r, CC! 1.131 III A C.OI'.M'Y,
i't linsj It unta.
THE S-fBSCniBEK .-Cfjectfully informs the
public, that he has removed fiuni the town i f
( lUltuitia to Lh.vville, and that he has purchased
in that place, f l uigc and Vomnn,dious
fOpp' llie Ciiiirt-lltutr.J
i . t W hieh he hu fifed tip by Itir ererliori
yfii-Sh of ADDiriONAI. lit ILDINCS. ami
1J,,,',tensive S PA Bl.l.Nti, for the llnlrr
mmilntfaituinjitfiil of Truvt !.'( tnci VitiHrt.
He is now prepaitd to aeioiiiimdaie all who m.iy
favor him with a call, and be wonl.l state that n'.
thit'g in his power shall be h fl t inlone, to leiidt r his
cu-li iners cni full -.hie and hn py whi!p undii Ins
t aie. II is ut ei inini'i'aiiiiiK are an p!e, and his rooms
(i ri, si. i d in iiini ein s y !r, and i he pruprit ti r is de
li iii.ii , J tl ai bis ciiii hsbiiii-ni thall .Uftuin and
k.. p up it: the er. wing if pntjliun ui.d impoitdiice
ol ihe luwh in V.I.11I1 it t Uie , d.
His Tauik wi I r si.pplied with every luurv of
1 ttie sr-ison, ai d tlt- ftsi cud ikoictst variety the
Vfiihit ton cflrd. IPs Bui will be stored wnh
j cl! tic Lttt ail, c is Ihal can te furniihed ly nur
1 eiui, and the whuh- will he such as to g ve nii
j f.iciiuti to 1 v ry 1 i.e.
I W ell knowing tl al an rn'ich'eurd pnbl'e will
ulwuys judge f. r 1I.11111 Ives, he (tela confident ihut
thty will favor hliu Willi ihrir p.tionajje.
I:.nii.', .lun. HO.
Bi Buvjaui N. Crsnw,
T,!E u,"riU'' 1,"vi,' B'-tw,l th nfcht foi
veiuhng and ubu;. M tbove valuable inven.
f 7h. ., J "l'":" W"""J Cotn.y. oili-r to di.pose
of the san e to p.r.o,,. wh lnu tl) ...
if rM "i?.,"'"'" ' now ' '-'ti. l. at the saw
mill of Mr, M tar.y, i.e., tn,hu.y, w h. re it tan
he inspnud by owmr .f taw nulls and all olhtis
lntesied. E. GtHUN,
!jrch.27-tf fAftl'EL COBl.N.
ri'HB Undersigned take pleasure in suhmitiing
. to tho puh'ic the followii g Been t mendntions
of Prstl's Cast Imn Smut Mill and Grain lluller to
II tlealers iu Grain and manufactory of Flour, be
lieving it to In; superior to any thing of Ihe kind
ever olf red to Ihe public. All oidett oddressed to
Col.J. M'Fadden, Lewishurg, Union county Penn
sylvania. EBEINEKZEK KQlilUE,
Mnctx'i Mill. Centre Co., March SO, 1841.
J. M'Famiih iSi h 1 I chieifully testify to the
gnodne-s and diliability of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut
Mill at tl Grain Huller, ns being t far sueriiir arti
cle for the cleaning uf smut and oil other impurities
that I have ever seen, and I have len engaged in
the manufacture of Flour for greit many yesrs,
and have always tiied to have the best apparatus fur
manufacturing that could he got, and do say Ihal the
above machine is the hist apparatus I believe now,
in use. J'iiiv MoAit.
B!onmburg, Dcc.SC, 1S40.
Col.J. M-Fahiiin Sim In reply tn your Isvor,
rectivrd a few days since, I have only to say, that the
fact of my having in'rndiiced into etrh nf the four
mills that I am concerned in, oiip nf Piatt's Cast
Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you
of their utility, Yours truly. War. M'Kkitt.
Milton, March 17, 1841.
i. M'FAnnm Sin : I do heichy certify without
ony hes lation, that Piatt's Smut Mill and Giain
Huller is the moat peifect marlin e tn cleanse grain
of smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever
seen, and I believe I have seen all the kinda that are
now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that thtro
is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will
Ci mo in competition with it. G10. Ecki iit.
Co 1.. J. M-FsnniM Sin : Dur ng the past 24
years I hate been constantly engaged in manufac
turing flour, and during the Inst 13 years have hi en
the owner of a grist and flouting mill, and among
all the contrivances to remove impurities from grain
I am decidedly of tho opinion that Pratt's iron ma
chine is superior to any with which I am acquaint
ed, having used one in my mill about tighieen
months. FarnritirK lit as.
YurMiire Mill; Dec, 1810.
I wont in my fl, Hiring mill as good an apparatus
to prep. ire grain for flouring, as the test1, and I w ant
no t etlt r thnn Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cir.ASos.
Sunlmry, December 22, 1840.
Cot. J. M'Famhw 81 n 1 I have in my mill one
of Pratt's cast ond wiotight iron spiral Smut Mills
and Grain Huller, and am confident that in regard
to Finiplicny of destruction, ond durability of mate
rial, it if snpciior to any I am acquainted with.
Hknut Masnlh.
Betir Cap Mills, Dec. 22, 1810.
Cot. J. M 'Fa nn is Si n : I harp in try flouring
mill one of Frail's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mill,
and I am decidedly of the npininn that it is the best
machine I prepare grain for flouring that I am ac
quainted with, and as such cheerfully u commend it
to all who ate engaged in the manufacture of flour.
Jacob LttsKxniNo.
Aarontlurg, Man h 23, 1841.
Cot. J. M'Faiihi s Sib : I lake pleasure in ray
ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the
best improvement for the cleaning of grain of nil
kinds, that has yet come iiudtr my observation, and
ihal I believe il fr superior to any thing of the kind
ever invented. You may ue my name in any way
you think piepet. O. P. Diucah.
Union Mill. Jan. 14. 1841.
This ia to certify that I have had Piatt's Oast and
wrutght iron Smut Machine and Giain Huller in
use lur better than 12 months, and find it to answer
every purpose that it was intended lor. Smut can
be taken out of wheal I believe eveiy pnrtiele nf
it can be taken out without bieaking the grain ol
the wheat. Jon Planck.
Aaromlutp, Maid 2:1, 1841.
Cot. M'FsnriN Sm : I have been engaged in
manufacturing Supeifiup Fhur for many ars, at d
have at this time one ot Prnli's Smut Mills in each
of my nulls, 01,1! I do l.ett by m cmim rd them a the
most valtiable impiovum nt for c'taning wheat ol
smut and all other impuiitics, thai I am acquainted
with. JlttFS Dl'.NCAN.
Col. M'FAnniJt Si rt : I have hten cngauid in
the nianiilartuiing ot flour fi r 28 ye ns, and most
chicrfnlly it c, 11, nit nd the above machine, ss I cing
by fr the hist u psiaius b r cleansing grain that 1
have evt r usi d or setn. I Consult r il an iiu'i en
sil Ic article lur any null that pieiciuU to do any I u
sincSK. Juiin Fi silt 11.
.iijutdud Mills. Dec. 4. 1640.
Cot. J. M-l AMnx Sih: Fish's Cast lion
Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three
years since, and Iltlievp it is the best ailit le of that
kind now in use. It will not only remove smut
eneiely,hut is a most valuable a paiatua to clean
wheat and rye of any character, and pnpaie il for
flouting. BrvjAMis Boose.
Ituifburg, Dec. 22. 1810.
Cot. J. M'Fadhik Si 11 : After a cateful and
cand.d examination and of the mat bine, in re
gutd to construction, neatness and depalt h in eie
r in Km. rconoiny in price, and power to set in ope
ration. I am fully cmvincid and satiifird, thai the
mavhii.c above ulluded to, is ticond to no one iu
use. J. Moiinovv,
M i IL r and Flour Manufacturer.
Cattuwitta, Dicuiihir 5, 1S40.
Cot. J. MTappin Sim : Pratt's Cast and
Wirught Iron Spiral Smut Mill ind Grain Huller,
consider to be the last machine tn remove smut
and oilier impuiities to w hieh giain is subject, that
I have used, or w nh which 1 am acquainted, in re
paid to durj' ibty ol roati rial, simphciiy of construe
lion, i.cauies and despatch in ixet ution.
Josirit Paitov.
N. H. Tl e tihovc msrhines are manufaeturid at
il I.ewisburg Fnundiy, L'i ion county and at the
Ulotnii burg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa.
I, cu si me. Jiinr 10, 1841.
itlitltat'l Weaver V .Son,
Rcrc m Aliens & ship ciianclehs.
Nn. 13 North Water Street. Philadi phia.
A l"j constantly on liatiJ. a g.111 ( , i.ssort
mi nt of Cordnge, Seine Tw ints, &c . v 17. :
lai'tl Ropes, Fishing Ropes W hile Rones, Manil
la Boprs, 'J o iv Lines It r C'tnal Boats. Also, a
complete asxiitmei t nf Seine Twines, Ac. oeh as
Hemp S ud ami Hilling Twine, Best Putei t (nil
Net Twine, Cotton Shad and llening 'I wine. Shoe
Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bi d Coids, I'I. ugh Lines,
Halters, Tract a. Cotton and Linen Car el Chains,
Ac. all of whiih they will dispisoof on leasoiiablc
Philadelphia. November 7, 140.
No. 1C0 1-2 Market Street, I'hib.
(Btluo Fifth Scuff, side )
A ll'""::,. Lace, ., J Fsiicy Goods,
l ountry .Mi ;,anif ere respectfully letpae.ud Iu
t'v'. ifti'tn a call and examine lor tl-t in elvts.
Philutlt Iphia, November 7, 1 S40. I y.
No. 138 Market Street, Philadelphia.
INVITE the aliiiition of Count iv Mrreliants
to their t'Heiisite assortintniol ISiitltb
and American 1'iy d'ooda, which they jflti fui asle
on the nnt riasouabU terms.
PLII-dt Iphia, Novemrxr 7, 1M0. ly.
Sumber 89 North Third Street, rhHadefyhia
1)UBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware
and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing,
Boots, Shots and Hats, and in short a j moot eveiy
description nf goods, are held ot this establishment
every evening. Gooda ire alo told ut private sale
during the thty at the average auction piicos. Store
keepers and tradptt will unu it to their advantage
by attending the soles.
CO. MACKEY, Auctioneer.
Philadelphia, N'ovemhn 7, 1840
Jnrob rrlsimitli & Son.
ESPECTFLLLY informs their frienda and
acquaintances generally that they still con-
linuu tn keep at tho old aland, No. 246 North 3d
street, Philadelphia, all kinds of
W'hkh they will sell on the must accommodating
and reasonable tcini.
N. B. All (roods sold will ho guaranteed, ond all
ordera promptly attended to.
Phtladi Iphis, November 7, 1810. ly.
I 1U1 lilt Alj VV LlClCi
No. 74 Cnllow-hill 8lrect, Philadelphia,
("Three durirs al.tive Second. J
SHOE Findings always kept on ham!, which he
offers for sale on the lowest tertna. Country
Merchtntaare puilicularly to call and judge fur
Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. lv.
IrrSporters and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Hardware,
No. 171 North Tninn Stsht, PiiiLAnrirHiA.
TXTHERE their fiiends arid customers will always
' find a largo and general assortment of Foreign
and Domeatic Haidwaie, which they will sill al the
lowest prices.
Phtlt delphia, Novrmhrr 7, 1840. ly.
No. 29 North Water Street, Phila.
ANUFACTCREES nnd denlers in Oils of
every description both for burning and
inaiiulaciuring purposes, which will he sold much
lower than they can I procured e'sewhere, and
warranted in quality to ctpiol ony in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving aa teprct nted,
may he returned without any expense to the pur
chaser, and the money will be refunded.
Their slock now in store consists ot the follow ing
oils, vix :
30,000 gallona Winte! Bleached Spetm"
dn Colorless Oil,
Fall snd Spring Sperm Oil,
W inter Sea Elephant,
do Piesed W hale Oil,
Summer do do do
Common Whale Oil,
200 Burrels supetioi Stioitn Oil,
310 do Cod Bank Oil,
fiO dn Nea'e Foot Oil,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner s OiU
fXj This Company ha 0 mtmK-r of Vessels en
gaged in the Cod Fisht ry, ond Tanner may rely
upon getiing at all limes Oil as pure as imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1840. ly.
flHE special attention of huyeia liom the sninh
J. and west, ond for the state trn.'c, ia respectful
ly invited to the following asoilnit nl of GUVDS,
which the aubscril er will dispose of ot sin h prices
as will amply tepay his fiiends for calling anil t X
amining his stock. To CASH puichasers, at the
present time, extraordinary inducements will he of
fered. COO pieces heavy variegated Spanish niatl'ng.
5C0 pieces Canton muttmg, assmted 4-4, 5-4 and
6-4 white, chetked ami flowered.
1(100 In anh rugs, a I e.iutilut assoitnu lit 1 f Wil
ton, Brussels, Tufted, Turkey, tnd Hemp rugs.
"00 piece woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in
grain, Veiieiinn and block Catpetings. An elegant
vur.etv of VN ilii.u, HuiFnU, fHO ih and English,
Veneiiau, Damiisk, p. ice.
1000 dozen men and boys caps, comprising a
gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Nittii.i, Muskrat, and
Coney, Hair. Sealette snd Cloth Caps.
100 doztn Allicanl Mais, assoiltd tin s.
1(0 do Manilla do do do
fiO do Sheep-skin do do do
30 baits French Baskets, computing every de
scription. f (Kl pair Venetian Blinds, ass'd figuies and colors.
3000 do do dn
1000 nests Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, embossed
leather, straw and oil cloth.
fiOl'O dozen Combs, assorttd tortoise shell, Brt
tillian do horn, ivory, brass and wood, comprising a
large assortment of evcty variety.
3000 dozen Whips awoitcd wagon, gig, car
riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, of gut, lea
thei mid thread, with Geimau silver, gilt, ivoiy and
bone lnoiinlir!(.s.
10( 0 dtizeu painted pails, Wilson's brat d.
10(0 nests cedar Tubs aid Butkcts; also,
Churns, Piggins, Water Cans, Ac.
The above together with an extensive assoitment
of fancy goods, Brittauia and Cieiman silvt r ware,
feather and I ristle Brushes, Looking (i lasses, Ma
hr.ganv and (itll Planus, i f eveiy size and ili i ri
lioii, arc manufactured, iuipnrted, and sehcied ex
pressly foi the southern, wi stern nnd state tiade.
No 18 North 2d stiett, Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, November 7, If 40. ly.
G. VA. & L. B. T-YLC?s.
FFKR FOR SALE, al the South Easi Cor
ner of Fifth and Murhct Stietts, t'hiludtl-
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do ugid do
do do do water pioof, double soles
and double uppers.
do Culf-skiu do do
and uppers,
do Heavy Watt r Leather Boots,
do do Ntats do do.
do High quarter Shoes, Call-skirt,
do do do Ci oilers do
do Fine Monroes warranted
do nailed
do Kip do
do Calf do
do Coarse do
do ' do Shoes
do Fine,
to Kip
do Calf and Seal Skin Pumps.
do List Socks with and without soles.
do Carpet do dn dn
do Patent Wai ranted Wtter-prnut Moccasins.
Ladies' do do do do
Laihta' tanned India Huller slims.
(1 iil'enieiis' dn Overshoes.
W nli every other desciption of boots and shoes.
Fur Caps of evt ry description,
Travell ng Trui ka ul eury description.
Vei eii- n 'J'rjvelling Baca.
Patent Gum Elastic riboe Blocking.
Bonnela of all kinds, Pslm Leaf Jlsta.
I'bilsdelj.hia, Noveiiiber 7, Ib40. ly.
OF t very superior quality, can lie had at ony
lime, by application to the auhscrihers, in lota
to suit purchasete. They keep large, egg, broken,
and flue coal, fit for burning lime.
J. II. ri'RDY & Co.
Sutihttry, Sept. 26. If.
Vholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet,
and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse.
No. C6 NbriA 2 ttreet.afttc dvon uboie .Itch,
ALSO Trunks, Cai pet Hogs snd Volices, nf ev
ery desciiption, all of which he offers for
sale nn the most reasonable terms,
Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly
r. w. tsuTTif;
Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer.
No. 37 Noolh Thitil street , two dimrs below the
Citil Haiti. Vhiliidehlih.
COUNTRY Merchants ond others ore solicited
to examine his assortment before purchasing
Philadelphia, N'ovrniher 7, 1840. ly
p . & a. irovtTLPr s
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse,
Ab 104 North Third strret, third door btloio Vine
street, I'hiluilelphia.
WHERE they constantly keep on hand t large
assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on the most rea
sonable terms.
Philadelphia, November 7, 1840.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware, &c.
A'o. 5 South Third tircet, four doors Lelou Market
1 hitudetplixa'
TTT" EEP constantly on hand t large ond general
fi igk, assortment Conch Lamp', Carriage Bands,
Axle Arms, t.liptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac
Country Merchants and saddlers w ill he supplied at
nil times on the moat leasonahle terms. '1 bey will
find it to their advantage to cull and examine hi
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Novemler7, 1840. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Britisl
and American Dry Goods.
No. 105 Market street, FhiUidilphia.
COl'NTRY Merrhant", and others can he sup
plied at all times with on extensive assort.
uient of the best and most faahionahle Goods upon
Ihe most reasonable term.
Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. lv.
J. S. lEE.Pi.,
Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store
An. 44, North Fourth near Arch .it., l'hiladilphia
TXTHERE Country Men hauls ond others can he
' supplied, st ll limes, with a large ns-ortmi nt
of Hosi. rv. Gloves, Merino. Cotton, ond Woolen
Shirts ond Drawers, Spool Cotton, Potent Thtend
Cotton Coids, Buttons, Tapis, Bindings, Hook,
snd Eves, Pins, Ac. And a crneral van tv of u-e
ful articles, which he offers f r sale at the lowest
Philadelphia, November 7, 1--40. Iv.
Brass Clucks,
For III Dollars
EQL4L for lime to atiy until by Cli.clc Ped
lars fur f 25, for sale by
March 1:1.
Cvred by the. use if Dr. II 111.1t h's Cnvteorun
STUJIOTIIlMIktl 1MI Ari:ltl.T Pll.l..
Mr. William Riciiaiiiis, Pittsburgh, Pa., rn
lircly cured of the above distressing disease : His
sytiiloms were, pain and wtight 111 the hft side,
loss ol appetite, vomiting, acitl eructaiions, disten
tion of the stomach, sick headache, furred tongue,
countenance changed to a citron color, difficulty ul
brra'hing, tli-luibuj rest, attended with a cough,
gieat debility, with other symtoms indicating great
deiangrment of the functions of the liver. Mr.
Riciiaiiiis had the adv'ue of several physcians, but
rtceited no relief, until using Dr, Haiii.ii it's Med
icine, which t. rminated in t fli cling a peifect cute.
Ptiricipal Oflice, 19 Noith Eighth Sneet, Phila
delphia. AUo for s.ile at the diug smre nf
May 1. 1841. Agent.
Tin: cai si: of do-ease.
Nearly all classes of disease, are consul by some
obstiuction in the svstim, which prevent the tegu
lar and wholesome operation of the animal func
tions. This state of the system, is disease, which
is manifi sted in a variety of forms, mmo or less
malignant in their character. To restore the system
to a slate of health, then, ii is only necessary to re
move ihe cause of disease, and the end is aceom
plished. The cause ia ol atruction somewhere. Thm
can be removed by purgation, which is the only
means that should be rt sorted to, because, suggested
by reason, and by nature. Dr. Htrlich's Stiength
ening and German Aperient Pilla, arc allowed by
ihj thousands who have used ihiiu, to be the liest
purgative medicine in existence. Because, they
not only remove all oltruetions, and purge the sys
tem of its impurities, hut, because, and which is ex
tremely important, sliengihen and give proiei tone
to the stomach, and produce a healthy action of all
the parts. Besides, they are so mild or.d gentle in
their operation, as to rendt r them at all times a per
fectly safe and desirable remedy. The afllicled
would do well, then, to urehase a box or two of
this invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, in
stead of dialroying their systems with oft-repeated
doses tif calomel, and other drugs, so injurious 10
human life and happiness
The above nudeeine for ssjeot the Drug alore of
May 1. 1841. . f
Is a very common aflet tion. Its attacks are very
reveie, and chaiacteiizetl by spasmodic pjius, shill
ing from one pait of Ihe head to the other, fre
quently commencing in the morning, attended with
suknesa of the stomach, nausea, fanning r
stme.imes vomitiiig. giddiness, and ewltliti'on" 0V
sight, Ac Ac. II.,. drsesse ,. . j f
nous causes, peihap t1 , ,
11 ...-, iP most common, is a de
rangement Ol ... ....1 j:. :.
ein. ...... a,.u tiigrBiic organa.
1 r .fV I. ES are most subject to this affection, nar.
tieuiariy inose wno lead a stdentary life. Dr. liar
lich's Compound Slnngthtnitie; Tonie and Cer
mim Aper.ent Fills, are wairaiited to ant this
troublesome disease : firat by cleansing the stomach
snd b. wcls, purifving the blood, and lemoving all
disftsrd and excrementuous humors from the liver
and intestines. By the use, Cist, of t few doses
of the A Client German Pi!, afterwards two er
three d.-see of the Strengthtniiig Tonic Fills, w hieh
are used to strengthen and invigorate the nervous
hyttent, give t, no to the aiomach and organs of
Digestion, thus impurtii g to their subtile fluid its
pnsiine vigoi, this afflicting disease may beenliiely
lemoveil. 'J bis is the only mode of lieaiing this
annoying conipluint, and has I ten atletidid with
sucossin thousands of esses.
PbmpU ts jiving general directions, msy he ob
tained gttua, at No. 10 North Eighth Utttt, I'hilg.
delphit. HENKY YOX11IEI.MER.
Uy . Agent.
THE success which hsa tttendtd the ?, of Dr
llnrltch's German Aperient and Conipouni
ttrengthming Tonic Fills, is truly astonishing. I
is no vain boast to say this medicine has proved h;
its happy tlT.cts iu the rure or a vsiiety of disease
to which the human frame ia liable, to be voally au
pcrior to the mony preparations before the pubht
Many of these prep nations ore compounded by ir
divitlualo who ar. positively ignorant of the tnystc
ties nf the human system, and mere pretenders t
medical know ledge. Dr. Harlich, however, ia celr
bralod among the German fai uliy aa a man of th
highest scientific attainments, and equally distir
guished throughout Europe, st 0 successful medicr
practitioner, spent most of the years of a useful lil
in the aquisition of such knowledge as might prov
beneficial to hit fellow creatures. In the pills whic
he invented, and which bear his name, the puhli
are assurtd of tn article that possesses' more ilia
ordinary virtues. From the acknowledged taleu
of this inventor, nothing; less than a good artic
rouM lie expected j and the experience of man
years has afforded demonstration of the virtues
Ins medicine. InUetmanyand other parts of E'
rope, its r potation it established. In this counti
into which it hat hut been recently introduced, it
rapidly gaining the most substantial reputation. Tl
numerous cert ficatet ofcuiea of the most ohstina
diseases t fleeted by the use of Harlich's Pilla, w hit
me proprietor is constantly receiving, i proof of ll
laei. uay otter day he receives new lestimonn
of their efficacy, and week after week increases t
demand for them. This is not mere assertion; i
numetalile certificates are open for the inspection
the public, and the doubts of any who are skeptic
cm le removed by examining thein at the oflice
the proprietor.
We take the liberty, then, of suggesting to eve
family, that they make use of Dr. Hailich's Pit
Let them keep 1 supply constantly on hand, to
used when occasion demands, and they will rccei
the most unequivocal proofs of utility. Mcdii
Di finer.
Principal office for the United Stales, No.
North bighth stteet, Philadelphia.
Western Depot, Nn. 41, St. Clair street, Pit
May 1, 1811. Age-
Liver complaint is deicribed to be of two furr
vit ; Acute nnd Chronic, which arcdiflVrcnt in th
scat and chaiRCter, and ore produced from ulcers
Ihe Liver, w hieh is deseased on the surface 01 in 1
centre. In the former, the patient is attacked w
sudden pain, in the region of the Liver, to sev
that even the I cd cl, thea arc insu portable ; the
tient cannot hear to turn or lay on his left side fr
the pressure exerted in that position of the infiarr
organs. The latter may go on in such a man
that the first symtoms of Liver Complaint are th
which mark the occurrence of suppuration. 'J
Acute ond Sub-acute varieties, almost always cc
mence with aome chilly feelings succeeded by h
of the skin, fevered tongue, having a yellowish 1
pcaiance. Ii regular stale of the bowels, coslivent
t ountencance ehanges to t pale or citron color,
yellow like tho?e i. Ill nted with jaundice, difficult
breothing, disturlicd rest, attended with couph,
verisli syrnt 111;, a dry and parched skin, diffici
of lying on ihe light side, urine sennty and h
Colored, the path nt pa-scs many bad nights am
fr (pi ntly troublid wiih Dianhrca, Teuamus e
IMi", i.mix.M nnd vomiting, and has a considers
ihirit. When the inftammaMnn aff.cts the per! coat of the Liver the puin i much more inte
in d the fever higher thon wlnn confined to the I
er. In chronic affections it is uncertain in its '
minntion ; the pain it intense, attended occosioi
ly w ith ft veiish symtoms, t dry and parched al
irregular bowels, sallow count nance, freqeunt
t eks i f jii:,i..!ii e, .he tongue is scarcely ever f
fu ni yi il.iw fur, the appitr.e had, and a coirupt
.It ic' s the face and h.n k, behind the shuuldeia, i
Du. II mum's Comp 'und Strengthening Ti
ic and A per , 1 ni Germ m Piilv, will, in a major
of eases, produce 1 peifect cure, and if used al
very olisi t of affliction will in every case arrest
disease. This is not meiely theory hut fact, wh
call be substantial. d by the testimonies uf vari,
persons who have wiinca-ed the astonishing eflt
of this invuluable medicinp. The diet must bi
ten Jul to, nn J the warm bath must not be neglt
ed wlun the p..lient can have access to it. i
and explicit d rections are di fined in the mrd
pamplel w hieh accompanies the medic, ne, and 1
i c obtained gratis of any of the u gulurly sppoiu
agents who st II this nieili. iue.
Plincipal Oll'.ce and Central Depot for the L
ted Slates, is at No. 19 North Eighth Street, I'h
dtlphia, where all communications for Agenc
Advertising and Medicines must be addressed (
paid,) wlmh will meet with immediate sil.nlion
May 1, 1841. Agent
Why Dr HARLICH'S Compound Strength
ing and German Aperient Pills are used by all c
ses of prople, in preference to other Medicines,
cause they are prepared from a pure eztract
herbs, a w holesome medicine, mild in its opertl
and pleasmt in its effect the most certain piesei
of health, t safe and cfli clual cure of Dyspt pi.
Indigestion, and oil stomach complaints, t preset
and puiifiei of the whole system.
Because they soothe the nerves of sensibility 1
fortify the nerves of motion, imparting to their n
subtle fluid its pristine tone, thus giving strcn
and clearness of mind.
Because they never destroy Ihe coatt of the 1
inach and bow 1 Is, aa all strong purgatives do.
Because science and exietieuce teach us that
mere purgative alone will cure the disease of
stomach and neivcs. Weakness it the prim
cause of 1 host of d'seases, and, by continually
sotting to Drastic puigslives, you make the disc
much worse, 111 -tend ol letter.
Because Dr. Hailieh'a Med cines are put up
on the common sense principle, to "cleanse 1
strengthen," which is the only course to pursue
ehVct a cure. Lastly,
Because these Medicines really do eure the t
eae lor which they are r commended. Prinei
t lilice for the Cnitid States, is at No. l'J No
Eighth street, Philadelphia.
Wr.y 1, 18-11, Age
The only sure and b;( enurae to pursue in
ting tlise. ses, 01 whatever nature they may be,
first, to cleame tnd purify the Stomach auj Be
els by gentle epeiients; secondly, to give slrcnj
and tone to those tender organs by the use of proj
Ionics. This mode it always pursued by regu
physicians, which they well know to he the 01
course to reso-t to. to , fleet t speedy and pennant
cure. Dr. Ha 11 lich's Compound Strengtlieni
Ionic and Aperient pills, are a sure medicine
eflect this grand object. The German Apetit
pilla are to rleonse the atoms, h and inleaiiuet,
ler whieh the Compound Stien'gening Tonic pi
tre used, to give strength tnd lone 10 .
gsns which requiie tinder treatment. Neerly iw
ihin't of tho discuses which we daily bcho
ate diseases of the nervous system, and by coot 111
al'y using drastic mineral purgatives the sutT. 1
will toon find him-eif a being too much refln
lo remain long in txislence. Full and explicit
rrctions both in English aid Geiwan, r;ggrxipj
tliia ooltce.
"I hs above mcdicint for ta' ,s, r),Ur
Mty I, 1841.