Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 23, 1841, Image 3

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    "rum the flew York 'Courier and JuUrnal of
of Santa Annn against tha Gov
The bark Ann Lonsia, Captain CHrToio1, arrived
yesterday from Vra Crirt, hainft salted on tha 10th
Sept. We are indebted to the Cafrtahn Tor tie to
.he Uth Sept.
Our previoua IcceiJnt hat) "prepare.! di for the
.intelligence we now receive. Communication
"rom General Paretics, who we already know waa
n array, against the Government In Gaudalare,
vera received by the Chamber of Deputies on the
Hat August, and from General Santa Anna and
he Govcrner of Vera Cruz, the reading of which
aused great edternent, and on the 1st of Sept.
part of the girfison rose in arms and obtained pos
ration of Various points of trie capital. The
Chambers, in this emergency, invested the Preai.
lent Bustsroente with extraordinary power, who
lad declared the city in a atate of a siege and called
ipon the military chiefa to support him. At the
ast accounts the city of Mexico waa partly in p em
ission of the insurgents, and partly In 'that of the
-oops of the GdVer'nmen't.
Vera Cruz had recommenced Ihe estab'linment Of
junta, whose first iTtfty should ho "to dealgnate
le individual whose well known and heroic eervi
a to hia country tendered him worthy of exerci
ing the executive power." Choice wilt ho douht
ill on 'Santa Anna. "The insurgent' forces were
dvancing on th capital, and It would appear that
le odds are greatly against tire President Buata
onto, and the. regularly established government.
The Censor of lie 10th contains a spirited com
unicalion from Gen. Santa Anna, dated 8th to
e Governor of the Department, in the nature of
manifesto, in which he denounces the acts Of
esident Bustamente and declared his cordial adhe
in to the "plan" oT Gen. Paredcs arid Valencia.
The Cenaur of the Mth contains a still
.lger communication from Gen. Santa Anna to
.n. Almonte, (Bustarricntc' right hand mm,)
ted Fort Pcrote, Sept. Oth, complaining particu
of tho course of the President in declaring the
pital in a stage of siege, placing himself personally
the head of the aririy, and subjecting the civil
.cr to the military. He concludes by saying "I
use you and His Ex Gen. BuitameiUo, of huv.
; violated the Conslitutiifh in tho mattera spoken
and in consequence thereof, no longer acknowU
e the authority of said General, cither as the
tad of the Army or as President of tho Republic,
r do I acknowledge you as the legitimate organ
the government for communications relative to
ministry of war."
The 'plan of Paredcs as it is called i. e. the revo
ionary project broached by the General in the
ter part of August, finds many adherents. The
inrlment of Vera Cruz, Uaunaxnato, (jut-retaro,
:jtecas, &c, Are represented to have pronounced
,'avor of the niuvcinent. General Puredes, by
last accounts, was in Gxunaxnato, ut the head
000 men, in connexion with Gen. Cortazar.
era were r a mors that Tampico had pronounced,
Ibis is doubtful.
to the Edilorf the Commercial Advertiser,
Steamer President.
,Jho wreck observed near tho Azore, August,
h as published in your paper some days ago, is
loubt the same which was fallen in with last A
, about one-hundred miles from Cape Hattcras.
h accounts say that the beams were standing e
; and it was probably the wreck of tho ill-fated
n relation to the Pre iJ. nt, 1 am or opinion that
noble steamei would not have foundered from
violence of the wind and sea. She has been
royed by fire, the power of steam, or by com
g in contact with something, and I am very
ful that something was St. Coorgu's shoa I.
The gale was so severe that it was without
bt necessary to keep the boat's head to the wind;
from where she was last seen, St Geoigv's shoal
i directly to windward.
'here should be, in my opinion, an examination
lo of this shcal, as the ship was uf such strength
. if wrecked there some of ho; frame may still
.sail evidence of the great danger of this shoal,
following was related to me by Captain Nichol
. of the United States frigate Potomac, tht n ly
In I!io Janeiro !
Ve sailed from Boston, and with a strong wind
e soon up to Cape Cod. During the night ;"
Capt. Nicholson, "I examined my charts, and
suine anxiety about St. George's shoal. I sent
be pilot, who assured me that all waa well
we were then in the channel to the West of the
tl. I felt uneasy, and watched tho ship more
.'ly than I should otherwise have done. tu the
tiing I was sit ing in the cabin, and the ship
running oil" about ten knots, with a heavy
sterly wind, when I was startled by an unatu
tiotion uf the ship, which satisfied me of our
g in shoal water, and springing on deck, I jum.
bit one of the feather runs and discovered
ken ahead. "Hard up," I critd, and the helms
i ausworeJ the order with "Hard up sir." The
tie answered her helm, and falling oil about five
,U brought u,l This waa a fearful situation
he noMo vessel si.i six hundred souls on board.
moment more on the course we were running,
not an iiidwadual would have survived to relate
story connected with like loss uf the ship then
a few hours out of port
The ship struck three times, but aoon wore
id and we were aaved.
On going Into the rigging the shoal was seen
e bare, and the breakers weie very heavy."
. Ls painfully mortifying that so many vesels
l fallen in with various wrecks anj equipments,
jeetured lo belong to the Pre.iJent and not one
liken, the trouble to obtain any thing by which
one noble steamer could be identified.
U It) be (ioied that if this wreck i again di
'" Ha j.ped tin) measured, and if possi
r J " ' ' tt ba- which the vessel
Meant Ship Clarion anSi Anthracite Coal.
Thia packet ship, provided, as our resdors are a
ware, with an auxiliary ateam power and the Erices
adh Prflpeller, made k tiitil ex!orsi6n Ih the Bay
last Sattnday, the result o'i" which may he cbnslder
ed o'f idrrte importafice in connexion with the fro
grena 6f Anfcrican stcarn tiaVigatUn.
h has long bceTl urged hy grave tnthorl(ies,that
nature hhs interposed an efleetnil harrier to prevent
the United States from coinpelihg vvith Great Brit
ain in ateam navigation, 6 wing to tho scarcity and
inferior quality of our bituminous coal. The ab
surdity of this opinion waa strikingly illustrated in
the trial alludod to.
The public generally arre riot aware thit the
Clarion's boiler have been constructed for burning
anthracite coal only, and that artificial draught was
employee! in order 'to dispense with the usual tall
and combroui smoke-pipe. Hitherto aome diffi
culty has bren experienced in keeping tip a suffi
cient supply of s eam in the "Clarion ;" but by the
addition of a small steam cylinder for working 'the
blower applied to the b tiler, thi difficulty has now
been most completely removed, and nothing con! J
be more perfect than the control which the engineer
had over the ateam during the trial. By simply
fuming a etop-cock attached to the amah cylinder,
the qujfity and frcs?'uYe of the steam in the hoilers
were raised at pleasure.
Considering the small quantity of stowage room
required by anthracite coal, its cleanliness, powerful
heating quailities, and the perfect absence of smoke,
wo hazard nothing in assorting, after what we wit
nessed on board the "Clarion," that ao fir from the
United States laboring under any disadvantage, res
pecting coal for steam navigation, we poss, in
oar inexhaustible stores of anthncito coal, an abso-
lote advantage of our I'ransaitanrtc neighbors. And
in warfafo we have an advantage of the mdst vital
Steamers burning bituminous coal can be "track
ed"' at ae at loasl seventy miles before their hulls
come Visible by the dense columns of the Mack
smoke pouring out of their pipe, and trailing along
the horizon. It is a complete toll talo of their
whercobouts, tVhich is not the cae with those burn
ing anthracite co.d, ns the latter kind sends forth no
smoke. Therefore all stcamnrs like the "Clarion"
and "Kimschalka," are decidedly superior to oil o.
thers in time of war. And we regret very much
that our new war steamers, the "Missouri" and
Mississippi," have been constructed to burn foreign
bituminous coal only ! We regret very much that
the "Board of Construction" had ao little foresight.
Uut this enpaxxant.
Having had the advarttngo of cnnvcrsintl with
some thorough-bred engineers who were mi board
the Clariort, We cannot avoid noticing the ierf.r-
mnnca of the propeller during the trial. The speed
of the engine beinq accurately tried, it was found to
give 4,700 revolutions to tho pripeller in running
over a space of 14 miles. Now, the propeller being
C feet in diameter; and its spirit! p lutes being set
at an angle of 46 degree at the circumference, its
progressive movement through the water will be
precisely d0 feet for each revolution l had therefore
tho resistance of the water been perfect, the Vessel
could only have piswd over a space of 95,900 feel.
But 11 miles is equal to 73,900 feet thus it
will be seen that only 2-9ths was lost by slip on the
receding of the water a remarkable fact-, consider
ing the large midship section of the) "Clarion," com
pared with tho small dimensions of the pmprtlei.
llespeeling the Consumption of fuel in the "Clar
ion," it has now been truly ascertained 3'JO pound
per hour is the average, w hich is loss than that re
quired by a British steamer of forty horse power.
A. Y. Herald.
I'roin Taniia liny.
The Ponsacola tia.ette of the 2d in t. siys:
"Yeiiterilay sftcrno in tliB Unite 1 Elates steamer
Col. W. S. Henry, arrived here from Tampa Bay.
On Monday last she was employed in blinking six
ty Indians from Charlotto Harbor to Tampa. She
is two day from Tampa, and is on her way to New
Orleans in order lo tiunsport the chief Tigertail
thence lo Tampa Bay, arrangements having been
made for his return thither fiom Arkansas. His
presence in Florida is found necessary by Colonel
Worth in order to ensure the surrender of Sim
Jones and his hand. Cut. W. waa at Tmpa when
the alranger left.'1
The French In A Trie a.
An officer of the 1 I-iyht Inlauiry, whore,
cently returned to France fioin Africa, states that
ol the whole regiment cent out, there aia now on
ly 165 survivow, the others having uicd In battle
with the Arabs, or in the hospitals.-Sickueir
In compliance with the proviaiau of the act pas
sed at the late ussion of Congress, the President
has directed the formation of a It nrd for the pttrpo-c
of "selecting a suitable site on the WesUiu Waters,
f or the Cklal'll-huieiit of a National Armory," and
has designated the fullowiug ofUcers to compose the
Uosrd, viz :
Brevet Biig, General V. K. Aimintesd, Presi
dent. I.ieul. Cul. S, H. I.uiig, Topogruphieal Engi
neer, Surgeon Gencnl T. I.a-.vsiii membei.
We understand that the Board will proceed with
out delay to the execution of the duty assigned to
than. .Mculisoiiiitii.
Bi'ckwucat. '1'heie is hardly a field of Buck
wheat to bo met with any wheie in these parts.
The drought about midsummer prevented the sow
ing of the seed. We hope our neighbors will be
able to supply u with Buckwheat cakes, or meal
at any rate. -Delaware Juurntit.
L'rrD Stat Oajiirie, Oct. 19, 1811.
FLOUR. Good PeuiiKylvania brands are firm,
with a fair export demand, al (6 per bhl. .alej of
aeveral hundred bbls. Rye Fluur at 3 37. Corn
Me is without ehunue sinco our Est review,
GRAIN. Wheat has been in rather belter re.
quest, and sale of prime Peims. red have teen
niado al 130 per bucket. Corn is improving, sales
Penna. round yellow at 'G-ic Southern flat f3c;
white Jo 61 a C2c per bushel. Oats 44 a 45 cts.
Cloveraced in demand nt fb fii a $ 6,50 for a primo
aiticlo. Flaxseed rather flat $1,05 per buhel.
WHISKEY dull at ft2 23e per gallon.
At,Tl.V10UK MAIlftfcV.
Cjictrthe BxtTiMOfcr AMaicstr, Oct. IB.
FI.OUR. Silica Friday the store price of How.
ard street Flour has further declined. Bates off good
standard brands were made on Saturday and alao
to-d iy to tome extent at ?5,Ci, and holder are
now ofleiing to sell at tho ame rate. Tho receipt
price is nnset'tled.
Vc are not advised of any transaction in City
Mill Flour, am) cannot therefore quote a positive
price. Sale of Susquehanna Flour by tho ttiay
load are making mddetately at $6 per bid.
Rye Flour ia scarce and wanted last sales were
at $:l,50 per bhl. for Ut.
GRAIN. There i very little Wheat in market
to day. We range from fair to prime Md. ind
Virginia reda at $1,15 a 122, per bushel.
We quote Md. white Corn to-day at 61 a 62 eta.
Pennsylvania yellow is dull at 62 cents.
A sale of 800 bushels. Pennsylvania Rye to
day at 65 ct. Ml Rye is worth '68 a 70 cent.
Oats are in fair demand to-day at 41 a 45 cents.
WHISKEY Market continues drill, at 23 cts.
for hhds. and 21 cents for bbls. Tho wpgon piice
of bbls is 2d cts., exclusive of the barrel.
rJjThe people aro invited to attend the opening
of the newly built S. 8choolhouso of the Lutheran
Church at Sunbury, on Thursday, the 4th of Nov.
next. Divine eervice to be in both the German and
English languages, to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
(JjT Tua Nw PncsBTTenti Cki-hcb, is
Suwnunr, will be opened Tor divino service, on
Sabbath, the 21th day of October instant, at 1 1 o'
clock. A collection will be taken up, to be applied
towards the payment uf tho balance rem lining un
paid on the building.
(Xj" There will be service hy the Rev. Mr.
Walker in the Episcopal Church, on Sunday the
2tlh. Services wilt commence at 11 o'clock, A. M.
On Sunday lat. PF.I EU GOOUIIAUT, long
a resident of" this place, at an advanced age.
In Augiirita lowm-hip, on Monday last, JONA
THAN BOW EN, nge.1 about 50.
In the samctuwnMitp, GEORGE BARN HART,
in the 50ih year uf his c;e.
Near this borough, on Sunday last, a chilJ of
Mr. Thomas Ray, agrd 4 years.
On the 14th inst., nt hia residence in Fayette
county. Pa., after a hhoit ami painful il ne.-s. HUtill
KEYS, Esq, Canal Commitoi her, in the 50th
year ol bis nfe.
Coal Trade.
Amount of Coal earned on the Danville and
Pottsville Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, du
ring the week ending on Oct. 11, St8 Tuns.
Per lul report, 16,278
Total, 17.0S4
Amount or Iron Oro transported, 2.21S
Total amount shipped frtiiu Wyoming Valley, to
June xlst, Tons, 7,1 18
CHl'ILKILL tUil i II All P..
I'o Oct. 14, Tor:, 439,674
l.itiLl: fecuui LKii.1. Coal Tin nr..
To Oct. 14, Tons,
Dr. la w a u k A. CuAt Th ipr.
To Oct. 2, Ton, 140,900
ri.M. (Jiiovt Coal 1 uaTp.
To Aug. 3, Turn, 13,000
Mol'.vt I'aiiho I! ail K A tl.
Amount trcni-poited lo Oct. I I, Tons, 7i,'4
Miik Hill & Si iu tlkii.l JIavi.n Uil Roah.
Amount transported to O.t. 7, '1'ous UJ,3;i.ri
Mill Ci.ikk Rail Roan.
Amount transported to Oct. 7, Tons 41,5-16
Schi ilkili. Valllt Rail Roai.
Amount transported In Oct. 7, Tons f!2,0C9
Lkuigii C'oal Tuale.
To Oct. 7. Tohs C7.759
Corrected weekly by thnry Yuxthtimer,
WltKAT, 110
Rrr., 60
("or, 4o
Oats, ...... 30
I'll uk, ...... A
FLATsllfl, ... 125
Br-KSWAX, . -25
TAtlOW, 12 J
Dhilu ArrLKs, - . - - 75
Do. I'ttcHr.s, 200, 8
llt'caLEU Ylk, .... lo
F.-.US, ...... 8
THOSE who aro suffering from various diseasea
incident In the hum-in family, wool, I do well to
procure Dr. Harlich't Compound Strt-)!(:hcniii
und German Aperient I'iln, which nro so pie
eminently reicniiiinenili d for l)pcpia. Liver
C-nnplalnta. uina in the si.le, buck mid bieust,
Nervious Aff clinriH, Head-Ache, and s'l the dis ol the t.uiiich and liowU. Pi.mjihlets may
he oht iiied gratis, which contain full and rxpl.cite
directions for uiug. The reader is referred to sev
eral very interesting certificates of cufe in this
paper, w hich may be relied upon, da they are taken
from tha original. For ssle at No, 1 U, NOR I'll
EIGH I'll street, Philadelphia.
"i;ool ill Tire C'onipiiny.'
THE member of the "G md ill r ire (
ti.nv" sr. leoue-tcJ to meet at the t-utnl ,
HoiiMi, on Monday Evening, Nov. 1st, al 7 o'
clock precisely. Punctual attendance is ic piitcd.
Oct. 23. J. H. ZIMMERMAN. See.
kiiiiUtiry, ortliuinlci laud t'oaiit j,
rPHE aubacriuer has reni.J thai large and conrc
inenl Tavern I In use in Hunbu'y, lately occu
pied by Hiram I'ritt. and is p rpned to accommo
date all who will favor him with lliuir custom, in a
neat und couu'orluble .nuum r.
Hunbury, (Vt. S'JJ, 111.
OF a very superior quality, 'can be hud nt any
lime, by application to the sutirfCriber, in lots
to shit p'urchnseis. They kecplarg'e, egg, broken,
and fine cool, fit for burning lime.
Sunbury, Oct. 21. "
MMIE Indrprrtrlent WaHhing'ori Bat
talliort 6( Vilunteers will meet for
'parade and drill, fully qi.ipie. in wii Ur
uniform, and provided with 21 rnuni's ol
blatik eartrigi's, nt Suntniry, on Saiui.lnv
ttie 30ih day of October, inst., at 0 o'
clock, A. M.
By order of the Major."
JOHN EMM If, Artft.
Oct. tnth. 1841.
YOU nre required to meet for
parade in Maikct-squnre, Sun
bury, nt 8 o'clock A. M. uf S ur
day, the
30th dav of Oct. inst.,
in Winter unifiim, rach Membir
to be provided with 21 rounds of
blank caitiidge.
By Older of Captain Dewart,
Orderly Sctg't.
Oct. IBth, IS 1 1.
AN Eleetinn wi I I e liehl i't ilv U.l k li II l. sc.
Oil Monday ih-' 15th ilay of Noveiti ei, be
tween the hours ol 10 A. M and 2 P. M., f r tin
purpose i f c'io ing I i lee.n Di' i el't t serve for
the entitling jes. Tl annual nne.ini; of the
s'oekho dcrs will be held irt the IUhI Tin-siliy in
November, at 10 A. M. J. R. PRIESTLEY,
Oct. 16. .It, Cnshnr.
AS ietu:ncil acutn lo uni'Uiy, uinl I pre
pared to peiforoi nil i-ih mtiiios in 1)eTai.
Smikikht In Ins fcootl ht!e.
'1 lvse who disiro their Natural '1'ieth repiire.1,
or new one insoned, w ill ph ase leave word soon,
as hi stay will not piobably be more than two
rxj- Residence at the Hotel of C. D, Wharton.
Ocloliei li!i. 1S1 1.
ESI ECTFL'I.LY ii.f Vins h. r f-iw its an I the
pu! lie Ecncia ly, th it 'he ronlinuei to keep
that well known 1 averti Slund in Maikil street,
Sunbury, sien ol' the
f iimerly kept by John Bolton, h' r hurhaml ; ami
hy riuli'svonoc In coniuct the estalilihlmn nt in a
manner to give s;iinluclion tu all, bojus to tueril a
libeial -bate of publ.c palio- a(r,e.
Soiihurv, OcoUr 9ih, 1SII.
pnni l'i'tlRS TAKE NH'l ICE, That we have
"- applied to the Couit ot Coininntl Pleas of Nor
thumberland County, for the belli lit of the Ihws
made for the relief id" the insolvent ilebtois; m d
that the Juilis of the said Court have appoint, d
the firi.t Mondiy uf Nov'r. i:exl to bear us our
creditors at the ("null Houm in Suiibury, when
and where you may attend if you think pmpcr.
Oc'ober 9:h. 13-11.
C red it or Take Aolice.
REDE RICK I.AZARI'S, Asgnee ..f Tho.
' m is A. Bil itintuii, I a.i tilnl in theolVii e o! the
Piothonittiiry of the Court of Common Pleas of
Norihiiniiiei land county, nu -ifcount ifthp rp.-i t; t-
ami t'xpondnure !'v bun, of the said Th oma.i A.
lid inuion. for the t x ii;mi"ii.ti r thine intcir.-te,l,
on or 1 1 fore the thiril day ! November m xt, w hen
the ame wi.l be uI1u.miI by the court, udlcss C iUi-e
be .-hown to the contiaiv.
Prothonnt nv's Olfice, J J'mti'y.
.tnibiiry.Sepii2!i. 1M I. fit.
."V'U in lic t unit nt I -I'litui
t'lllllt I't C
11 I'.r.
orihtiliil ilund Counlv, cmun -ii. in-.- on . lu
ll ii-l Moiulay i f November lu ll, (tu p; be Is .)
Countv ol N uthum'd. t John lVniuii, la'e Ticit..
Joseph Tr, (;.
vs M.iit:u M. M .ik
vs John Fib e l
s i-v r, 1,1 .jd, el al
vs lluh lit' 1 IS
J ha Yi-ur,i,:r.aii
vs Gi-uigf 0 . r
vs Jiibii D. ('owdeti
vs Augustus Rons et al
ts hnbuiil & Krebeii
vs I'.t'uk II ,mp-ey
vs M. I!. Lckert &C C.
VS Christian Roliil:ni
vs .Soiouioii Uuiikeihergrr
Vs J 1'alkel
vs W lllinn M. Cot
I'rli r FiIIh r ' aduif.
C 'tnin'th. uf Pa.
U iler f.,r Bailgtr
Win. A.
..l.'iuon Mtngas
Chah W. K.charJs
iIIihiii Sliipiiiao
John 1). Cowdell
Jacob Ueet
umh Eckitt
Daniel Dielfenbuiher
J iine Weixd
Elj ih
John A. Lloxd
CtirnlMi nl Pn. or Say re v J)ni f'rek
Henry Frik tSte,.hiti W.lson
JohiiHunier John Hun er
Jacob I'hilip vs Jtme D ell'i-i.bjcht'r
Gilbert Robins's ex'r vs Manin W raver
Richard Yarnell v E.G Br idt'oM's adm-.
Kvon, eudorsie of Siiiili, ts UilS 11. Ibis
Aii'lmv Fiiek
Tlmiiias Vauxulzall
Ilartlelt lor Piper
lieiueii il Foi. mi I
John M. R isiii
vs J ihu A. I.lo.d
vs A. st. uuh-oii' aJmr
vs Hcniy frttlt
vs Siiiiui'l
vs ll.ivnl H.iiiniao
Joseph Mant
vs T. I'ur I .V. J
Prothonnt ary's OlTi e,
Sunbury, Oct S. IS II.
n e w a n d
S ottered for information thul w ill lead to the c in-
viciion uf uuy person or perMin who have laiJ
h ill herealli r lay stone or cthi r ulif'r'it lion-i on
tin.' rails of iho Danvilt.) and iVbMiie Kail.ojJ. An
ad f the. hgi-lature has made Ibis .'lb rice punish
able by io-prionrnent in the I'E.M 1 EN'J'IAR Y,
and the Company uiu ilcn i i.i.i.i d to prosecute ot
feii.brs In the utmost nut. I of li e taw.
Si pi. IS. 3i. S. R. W OOl), Mimui(tr.
11 Esl'EC TFL'LLY inform the eititen nl Sun
k btiry and vicinity, thnl (Lev have Isk li (he
Sh-qi lali ly ucrtipied ly Wui. Dursi, wheia (hey
will carrv On the
in all lis Vinous branches. By nicl aitunion and
reasonable chaises, they expect to merit a shaie uf
public patronage.
Siml'urv, ept. -lth, IHU.
Ilst(s Vr Jotm tiicrrj.
OIICE U'hpieby given, the Rrgis'er of
JJ Nortti'nml'crlaiol coumy has granted letters
testamentary iipon ihn estate nf John Cherry,
late nf Arinsta townlop, dee'd., to the subset-;
her, resiling its si il uiwiu-litp. All ii!on havtng
any ili'ihuiiiU an.iiiiHt i-at I i state, are leq'ui slpi to
present them, an, I tho.e lu libtid to m.iko pnymeut
to tHo subcriber.
Sept. 4. fiw. PETE ft SNYDER. Artm.
rilll SALK lit '
ANTIION'S I'tAxsiral Dii-'iniiaryt l.i-inprier's
do.; Amswrtr'th's ilo ; Ciibb' d English and
('eimsn do.; A'nthoii's Ca?ir; Anthoii's (irainiuei;
Authen's Orcein; MairV l.a'in Rendci; 'pilby's do.;
Andiew's I.ftiin l.rfS li; D-'Vinegan's I.exteon;
Fisk'a Gre k Exelc scs; DaVie's V.rpernlei; Graces
Msjora; Ailntil-'s R, luiill Ant qui ic; Pilil ock's
G'-ld-imith's Enal.irid; do. Gn eci ;'l' Elements
nf Geology; Mis. I.inti hi's Boinn; Elcitieiits of
Butany; Bridgi-'a Algebra; Porter' Ulu liirirnl Ri a-iler-;
Em rson'e Geography and History; Olnry's
do; Pur iy'sdo.j Smith's Grammer; Kiikhiini' ilo ;
K iv' Readers CoU ' do ; Cobb's Arithmeiick;
Pike' d i.; Einersnn's do.; C(lVa Spelling Uook-i;
Tow n's do.; ('obh's TmIiIc Cook;; Evant;eliciil Fa
mi'y Lillian', T'n-t me Bi'-le-; Family t!o ; Cull, ti-r-al
do.; rni iit bil it s m.l I'ivi ,mei-i-; P-nke. Ev
frcteii mi Cniiiposi!i'i:i; Fruit ol ihe Sj-irii; Ihix i"s
inl's Rcmi American Riii'mtioii: Mi.iyn'iV No
VcIk; Mr9. Phelps on C emnli; Ih.iil; (' ti.!.iiu
of American f.nwr; l.e lirsiui Naiuml Msii; l -niistry
lor Begiuiicr-; Enul hh Eiercis nil ,pn il ;u
Murray's Gr.iinnier; Sequi I to Comb y's Sp llii.K
B'Nil,; Ami ricon Class lb ok; IiabollV Sclio.,lm:ic
tei's A-itanl; A erenl variety of Bhu.k Do kn, &r.
Auco't 2S, 141.
Wine, fir siln low by
Sept. 1, 1?41.
-Fust iiuaiity
Fourth "pr(Ytf handyV a
artirle n1wnv- on hand and for rale y
l IIU.II -
Jepi. I, l41. H. P. MAsSER.
1 1 0 A V IjTNT ITlTluTbi l quTlTiy uIwu vh
on hand n ml f-r .V 1 v
r. pt. 1 , 1 "t-1 1 . " II. B. MANSER.
LOAF AND I.U.'iiP hUGAR. Aluya in
hand and br sale bv
Sept. 1, 141. ' H. B. M ASEK.
" NEW tRI EA.Nisl l. C Mill "VE"Mu-
LA.S'ES. Ol tbebml quai l- h!a,ijS nil lmriil
m i' for s i'i- b 1, 1811. ,'lJill!S,'J.;'
BROW A 1 1 'G A R. f a po. d qii ibtv. tor sale
low by Sept. I, KI. II. U.MAS.-EH.
"Ti .K EK NA N D"bTa I ' K 1 E A Ol the best
quality nlW- ijs on hand nml b r fufi' by
Sept. t, 141. II. II. MASsER.
COFFI E. Java, liio iilnl Lacuna Ci'lfi i', coi.-
btautlv on hand und for sale l y
S. pt. 1. 1811. II. B.MASSER.
S1ER.M OIL. Winter atid Suiiiiner slramrd
Speim Oil, iil tli'-' l.'csl quality, always on hand ai.d
for sate by
Sept 1, 1841. H. U, MASSER.
S'l EEL. Cart and Blister Steel, d r rale by
Sept. I, 1841. H. U. MASSER.
"llilSir sALMO.N. OTlho best q-Jabty. coi
slani'y mi harid and for sale bv
Se,,t. 1, ls-11. H. B. MASSER.
LIQUORS. Ol all km. Is ami ol the Le.t qual
tie;, nlwnsnu hand and for Hale by
Sept. I j If 4 1. 11. B.MASSER.
sl'RiNG fel ELL. Ut vaituussues Jur Eliptic
rj rings fnr sale liy
Se-t- 1, 1811. H. B.MASSER.
LARGE tjUAR I O BIBLES For sulo st
very reduced pr'cta by 1 . i ML . H. B. MASSE R.
BLANK? "BOOKS. Of nil fur sale." by
S. pt. 1. 18-11. ILB. M.XSSER.
BLANK DKEDs llDiiTlsTMortgan.-s &c. for
sale by Sept. 1. lull. II. B. MAssF.R.
Jl STICKS' BLANKS. l..r i-ale by
Sept. 1. 1S4 I.
11. B. MAssER.
CLOTHS, Biui , BUL Invisible Urivn, fcc,
f-r l le Vv
Sept. . 1 11.
l'.ssl.IEl;E& AND SA 1 i 1.NLT1 S. lor
sale verv low by
S.-pt.'l, lSll. II. B. MASSER.
V All PE'l'IN'lTFoi M?l'e"ebe..pT.v I, 15-11. H. B. MANSER.
i.L .KI.T.
jl hah'
- i".
Sept. I, IH4I.
i E .( i7
S.PI. 1, I ! !.
.L. Vt
Uli'i i;NY i.N AN D
Pur f ile I v
Sepb U'jf.' 1
l i E m 1' A .N i i ol TON
bv Sept. 1. IS11.
t.ti'1 i' 'N LAl'o
I. !: MAssER.
'i v i .N E. r or sale
For sale l-v
Sept. I."l311. II. B. M APFR.
j . s i s i: v j i: s ,
r Eyi Esf'I'S ib. utui ti if hi,-., in t . i.i i
k wh-i n:e i i want, in I v,-r. I -
C I'pftilics Oil Chui.s, Ma. I i.. ''..,., i. .-.!:;
Siuu R-his, Jce , iVe., n at p.- n !.
hia warritiaux-a, N-. IS V r'i '.' : : ., N.
Chuicil Alley, next do -r to ' i i . o-. : . I'b.
i'e plvi. Inl -11. I41 ly.
"urstLiTUi iii lativ to Tiir. vnsii.Mi..iiT or
"li'fulie'l hi tic ti'i'e nini nf ilfpre
ten'nl vr in Central i.-mn'da nut, ihe
Ci ii-ii tiiion ,1 ti is l ;i.mimiiieulili be amended in
the thinl n.ct,in nl i:,e second article, so that it
Sbsll H -.1 I : b"!,.U, :
'I li it t!i (in., l:iil hold hi- uttV.-B ilnrlng
three cais; trmn ihe ttiinl Tuisilav ol Jnu:r,
next . i,u.ii I i tl. -i ti hi, and i, i i-l nm In- raps' le
nf hoiJuu; it ion?er ih ill .'!'' trim of three
years, tu a,.y tciiu of nine ye,,..,"'
VM. A. t (.',!'!'-, tf the Ih u-. . y - . ... ;i
J.M: ! ;' .'. .Mi.
Ay th- r - J the Xtnate.
t'eiintyltanitt. t.v j
StliiklAUt's Unii .. I ill hereby Cer
tify tl. .1 the forego,
in); ii a true copy nf a Rcf''tumn t. pnsii's, n
aiiii'ii hoeiit of Hie ('oin-litulmii, w liich was sirred
to at tin' lot uioiiii if il e l.e-il nure, by a Ins
jo lty i f the meiiil e's rb i l P i s, Ii hnu-e, Ihe
original ol rcn.'i.ii lm l in i Ii i olliee; slid
In coiii,bu:iie with lh tenth nur lc ;it the l.'oni-li-lulion
of ihe Co i I'lnnweal.h, I ibi hereby cause
the same lo be published, it tlttttlidby the (aid
m l.i le.
C - IN tl --l iMONY whereof. I
s I.t S. brreuiilO nt riy hand and
J .nil i.f said .-Alice at tlarrisburg, this
vi-v-w, 14 ill day ut June, I hi I.
Secretary if the CvmiiiuiiiualK.
juiy a. Mn.
tit It I'm sale. Eii.pau al (his viili.c,
Au.c-l :i, lril.
m I-......,, i I i. i.,.,.,. , -mm. i.'Jt
Busine. stlended to in the Counties of I'or"
liiuii'l crlainl, U iii i'o. I. c. miing hnd Col ;'in u
Itef. 1- lot
TltnM s H A UT Co., "
I.nWIII A Uahiiox.
JIaht, CtMMtB cV II a n T, yi'lii''itf.
RttrcLiis, Mrt'ARiAMi cV Co.
Spr.lil vo, 'Jooii & 'n..
HE i:bcnt'er, tiii)iiin In the town nf Snnn;0
km, utters for rent bis fclmUinilh Ship and
Tools. Any pceon wij-hitiR to rent ihe same, rnn
have p"efion at any time betveen t'ds nnd the
(list of September next. The ahep i a good one,
and located in the centre of the town.
July 17.-1. JOSEPH ZERN1.
THE sii'Mn-er ha nci-ivi-,1 mi sKoitmcnt of
New GiimI, wbii h h will sell 'on (lie 1iwist
term. June IS. H. B. M ASTER.
C'omniliisloii mid I'ortvtwi ais
I , ESPECTFt LEY infirmi 1iU fue
ulid Ihe
t J ! i -1 1 u i Is
cemrn'iv, ibat he e uiii.o'" t'.o
'i inn i-cioii nml Foiwarilii.i! Jiui,i- ai ,-wan-i-ii
e foot of U i:lo-v Hi. la;ti"kd, laLwaie
i i huvll-ilt.
Mirch.u.'.s h v n pom' to 1 .h"ppcd, find
ii hnuli mi lb ir a I .;i;.;ai;e, ns to tune slut in8
nl fieiuhl. to si ti. I liii .r in -I''ip. to ti t- I.'i p'it,
cornc r uT Front unil W illow utu et Railroad, n. ti-cy
rfn then .e m.i.1 e-ittur r.uto by the 'I iilc aier
Ciii'til, i'i S.bujlkill bihI Union CunuU, ns b
will orrvc a - i J Uepi rt d ily lor the Jim.nti him
Siifqiieh .ru.a t -i.niils by 'I'lile-wuter in taw i f sleHiit,
or via Schuy M U ai.d Union Canals (oin Fiimuu;it
M'ri la . R 1! phaii be ' rtieuisr lo tei d ail
COOil ib t.ui d fr e tl cr r .tlte, to the Ib'CC Di p t,
e. rn-.r rf Fr tit an ' W (low utraet Raihoiul, : h
ihi. ct i in iicriui,p-i:,j ine 'Letn, w hich -i.uti.tL.ry
v. ish t: cm to I e h j pe.l.
C. niM: mid fiiu S nnd Pi.ittef at whoxhulo
price-, in li e Jiel , v.n.'B or Schuylkill.
l int o'l lpliin. Jn e ii, li-41 ly.
Cap uiwJ I'f 'i'i Lev f Hat Src,
No. lit Sm ra 4 xti ?THrt.r I IIILADELrillA;
f HERE an eiiil.siv.' ai'corlmeiil of the alno
articles sre c r .tlanlly kept on habd, lir sslu
nt the movt re.T-miMHe ti iinu.
May 29, K4l. ly.
" iiavs, ELiiXov, ifkori eTobsHT
Vlcnlosulc lHalt rr..
hi l'nrri'z'i, liritih and ,1m. n'rrvi Dry floods.
No. 12 North Thinn Siiilit, I'hilai iiphia..
CtOUNTRY Mrnbai.ts can be mppbed at nil
' lime will, an exteneive assorimrnl of the above
Omul, on the rmitt ri ufi'l.title and satisfactory terms.
May 29. 1S1 1. I v.
AtT'icli?, iiKtiiesili &c Siaitli.
Bonnit und 1'uim Lett llct Warehouse,
No. 107 M.riKi r STH,rr.r. a eovn 4 m Sthkit,
COUNTRY ieri lii:nt . are irrprt fully n quested
to call an I examine .lit ir xteiibivcii-ioiiment
which they will M-l! on U.o most reusoiia'.de teims.
May 2f, 184 1. 1 v.
D. K 1 U K I A T 11 ICR cv SO X,
Ifo. 21, iVnA Third Hmt,
(betwcin maiikf.t ami rm-utT STntiTS,)
T-TAVE for sile a targe and excellent a?oitmfnt
-- otSptmieh 11 dtt. toina Kips. Vhr.nrrs' Cil,
J,e.. at the lowest, inaikft prbe-, ml f i f..r c:nb, iv
exchange fir Lraiher. nf ii'-oi cie-'tt
('oiiStin:eni vt l.pitl i-r u-e. . .) f i le,
piir'ba-'d ; ihe hul.f-t nirnt.-.- ptivt.
fjj L .-ntl.rr P'otcl fn p of c
A l '. d 17; 18-11. tv.
to cccKTAiy r.'trc;
HE fui
Ti rri,
.. '..r I-
.:. .1 I :
i . ; . . .
i IV :c 'a , . . f.
ihe up -Lire, No. -. .' i
the City ll,.t' '. I'i. i' . i-I
Oi I I h N
N. H. Cideis fr H.'s
Bltl'lidl d tO, '1 I e I lijhlrt
I t K( llr'.::.
I ,lf I ti' A; 'l
''i a t.
t-i li- e
i in:
li 'Ui.l
given fur ur skint.
Philadelphia. April 10. Isl. ly
AT T L M T ivS .a i J ! U C l TXK'l
Lf. s4' C-'. V . Js, JTl '. Jr....
V!i'.'i.i:':A',i:' : '
i- .: i'C i. . i' ! Miantnvi
.'.C. j' , .'iLrkrt Plitn. fiit ... . ni.-fr.
ft I U.AVE I : i ..1
pr: z. :'. r
R. I I .' SS'
"i!p at the '. a o - ';. ' i
s-orinii if 7,..,. CiITh', .Vic-, rs.
AVn.'n.w. W:t.t L-8Uarn. firxit. TLmei.' Ar.
iifMi-v I'eoi 4-c. r, c. i-.ed : n i s ,ii' i i . n ni!--.11.
Mi cliai b, Eolel I,-: . A n In i, v i I
find it to tin ir mlra. use to ei It anil e.tndi e i-ur
toi k, bif.or Urihi-irr :c. V. r h -nt
wishn tin ir ( licrte.1 in this i ly, I v s' .ip
n order, wi'l ha liieni i.tompt v li.iw,.!j. t. I t
the inot i -tin 'litmus 'iii.i.
ir'i r. i hick, jlp p h.ic-k.
Ffb. ti, I PI I. ly.
A 9? -.'. -.
I.Elis AND statu . r;
' -iv-'iJi
Xo. )24 C'lifsiiut Street. I t!i
av 4:h'
rs i.i.i e-Tsiatillv c
mi nt nl lln. l. ,
" i n e- nr-ihl ac irt
' cii,
( ... .,.-:.l 11, .I-.
i In ol. iic il, T.a'v , M,
m,s a, ,d Sct n.,1 Bonks. l),y Bo. k. all Ics. L.J.
rainily l. , 1'o. kii B.b'-, Wiiii:
Pnpn. W ra, p,hg l,p, ,.. A-e. Ac.nhich thiy
ter ut the If est p. ices to ( '.mn.ry M.-itluut'i Pre Gcnilciii. i,, Teac'.e.s, d'id ail other that
may. favor .hem with their rust. m.
I'l.iiud.lpiiia, No.'mbc-r 7. lelo. ly.
V he a ii T in. 1 '
AM'F.M I UREU mhI sold ly iha.atscrj-
btr III Sullbuiy, best Tin. sn.l ihsf
work wairanted, which he ..tfer for ss at r.doc. J
cash prices, now as l,.w at i0i,, ,g formerly old bv
wholrbale. G.ii.d Watering Pols,- formeriv fold l
87, now at 73 ceii'sj LinS. Bufji. u, lorni'erly so j
at 75 und 63, now at US and S0 Gall u C.dl e
Pots, formerly s .1.1 at ;.6. snd ihiee quart si 50, now
ut 40 am! cents, and other ankles of Tin. Wditi
in proportion, htove pipe nd staves nudu anJ
SivW c heap lor cash, cVc.
N. B. All persons in Jilted to the sufac nU-rj
ai d who wih lo save insls,' cio requested lo m'
and make satisfaction, wjihout dtlsy, t-alu-r wii3
rash or by giving their natc.
Sunbuly, Apiil la, HENKY .MASSER-
be rccngnie.d P"' dispute. A -