Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, October 16, 1841, Image 3

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    l-ii-l'JjJ'.U L .J-'J-IJ 11 !' J 'J
Election Notts.
Mam wit ton. rat Avalascii Hurrah for
Old Berks The honest Germane of old lieiks,
the home or Judge Dank, who were to be gullet!
Into hit Honor't eupport, hove given DavlJ R, Pom
ter 4383 majority. Whiggiee those Dutch aie not
a dumb a you look them to be.
fccHtttKut.. The yeomanry ofSchnylkill have
Jone iheir duty lliii time. A majority of 999 for
Porter proves that thry are atlll true to their old faith.
We give the following additional patlieulars,
which render it pretty certain that our patriotic and
faithful Governor David R. Porter ia re-elccieJ, by
upwards of 10,000 majority
The majorities are only given.
Oocirtus. Porter, Banks,
Adams, G
Bedford, 300
Derkt, 4SS5
Duck 405
Centre, U0
Chester, 200
Columbia, 1500
Cunl-erland, 800
Clinton, S00
Dauphin, 875
Delaware, SIC
Franklin, 500
Huntingdon, 726
Juniata, 200
Lnxerii, 1 200
Lancaster, 3164
Lebanon, 225
Lycoming, 600
Morvgomeiy, 1 000
Northampton, II 55
Noiihumberlar.d, 10.14
Peiry, 916
Philadelphia co. 2600
Philadel,.h city, 10CO
Schuylkill, 993
Union, C26
York. 1300
The Dcme-rsts have elected one member in D iu
thin ; also two senators in Cumberland, Adim and
'rsnklin. Stevens i elected in Adami, by 110 of
t insjority.
The Democrats of Maryland have obtained a qlo
ious victory. Thomas, the Democratic candidate
or Gov. is elected by upwards of 1000 majority.
The Houe of Delegates stand, Democrats 43,
A'higs 39, being a democratic gain of 211 Dinn
ers since last fall.
The Democratic Governor ha been elected in thi
ate, by a very large majority ; also a democratic
lajority in both branches of the Legislature,
Arrival of the Acadia.
The steamer Acadis of Cunard's line arrived at
tnrtoi) on Tursday of last wetk. with one hundred
a'fengci. The most important items of news
e the partial failure of the crops in England,
lid the attempt, on the 13th of Srpi., to alioot the
uc d'Aumale, fourth son of Louis Pliillippe, a he
is entering Paris at the hrn I of hia regiment,
r I. Peel, in the course of his exposition of the
ensures of government In-fore the newly elected
ouse of Commons, stated th it the permanent men
fen of fumncc, which would be necessary for the
u .button of revenue and expenditure, it was not
a intention of MiuLters in the present session to
nounce, and he mnst solicit a liko interval fur sta
g their intentions in rigird to other measures of
eat importance, the duty uf forming the new Ad
niiUralion had co occupied his lime, that it hail
rn impossible for him yet to mature hia decision''.
rd John Russol replied by staling, that he heard
th great regret it was not Sit Robert Peel's in
tion to bring forward any important measure in
) present session; he thought, the
ne which had clup-cd since the piincipil of the
w pending quektions had come under the public
iiideration, thut Ministers ought to have been
rpared with some proposals in connection wiih
j.-cts of so much Const qovnee to the country.
I't.o udv ces respecting the harvest in England
not s unfavorable as was uniicij atcd, the coin
the most purl being well housed and free fiom
iger ; there will, it is said, be a deficiency of s
jt one sixth or seventh of the usu.d average crop,
e general state of trade in the manufacturing
'.rict. have il ghtly improved.
Mr. James Cunia, of Ohio, has been making
eches in several large towns in England, shout
capability and willicignes f America to supply
gl nd with corn. The people of Manchester
I a-keJ him to write Lome that the corn laws
uld he repealed.
Janicl O'Cnr.nell continues to a'lend the Repeal
flings in Ireland, slid is very viylr.n', taint the
Cabinet. He boa-', f u,, ,j ne receive
n Anviiei, and say that a large remittance
n New 01'A teol ex peel, d soon.
The Manchcser Guardian states that C7 perons
re poisoned at Wh Iwoitli, by eating diseased
ai, and one person had died.
'Rases. The most important newa from Paris
hat respecting the to assassinate one of
Royal Family on the 12th ult. The French
e-s are occupied with l.tlle el-e of interest. It
ears thit lre Duke d'Aumale, who had marched
h the 17ili L'ghl Infantry through France fiom
rseilles, had just arrived in Paris, and while pro.
ding ol the heaJ of his regiment, together with
three brothers, the Dukes of Orlesns, Nemnura
Montpelier, an assassin named Psppard dis
rgej a pistol at him, but fortunately the shot
Dot take effect, Pappard was instantly arrested.
Bfl R r,tSl excitement prevailed in Paris.
,upa ih .raci. rs parked hc, ul.
ng edilou ciies "a bs Louis Pbilhppe a
i.Guixot wo must have blond," we heard. Tho
ia were dipir.d without a riot taking place.
t Census had caused very disagreeable events in
south of France, where frightful disordera had
n-plice. The people fired on the military at
Mioot in Avergne, killing and wounding sever
The troops suc-eedoJ putting tle riot dowu.
The disturbances in most plsces had nearly aubsi
dod by the last sccjunts.
Bfaih n PonTCOAt. Spdln and Portugal are
on the wort terms. Many fesr that a war between
them ia inevitable. The Regent of 8pain is well
disposed for a rupture with Donna Maria.
GasrtK. The new Greik ministry is at an ond.
Mavrocordato, worn out by the obstacles thrown in
the way by King Otho, haa definitely resigned, and
another cabinet had been formed. The affairs of
Greece were daily becoming more complicated, and
an Insurrection against the Uavsriau rule was an
ticipated. Acstms. The Vienna correspondent of the
London Morning Post states that the notes of Prince
Mettcrnich had procured the absent of France to the
disarming of Europe. The reduction of the Aus
trian army is to tuko place in October, when it is
said, tho rntiro Latidwehr will be dismissed.
EetrTva-The Pcha, who was peifectly satisfied
with the present position of affair, Was amuning him
aelf in reading the Turkish translations of the cor
respondence telstive to the affairs ol the Eft, which
he had received from London. He had cauaed nne
of hia officers to be flogged to death in the very
hall where ho had promulgated the h ittischeriff of
Gulhtna, shortly after his submission.
Thi IIsavKST. The London Atlas says: "The
harvest ia now fiirlyendeJ In many of the southern
couutie, sltliough in the north it is still i xpord to
danger. Undoubtedly the result turns out much
belter than wne i'pecled a mouth or six weiks ago,
but still no one will deny that there will be n s-ii-ous
deficiency. From ol servrion nnd inquiry in
virions quarter, vvo are. lorlinrd to think it will
ie!d line six'h or ne frvemh b-a than an avi rige
rr.ipi or, in olher words, we may requ re two mil
por s and a half or ihrre millii-ns nf qua ters of
wheat from forrtgn coQntriia, in addition to oar il.v
meatic suppliee, to feed the pojiulation of Great Bri
tain until the autum of 1942."
IIaxkot E.votso. Tho meeting of the pro
prietora of the Hank of Eng'ond haa just closed,
and the dividend declared H the samn as that of the
la-it, being 3 per cent nn the half year ending the
10;h jirotimo. The nffairs of the corpoia'ion ap
peal to be progressing satiafact-wily, ns iho dividend
i made out of tho profit, leaving a surplus of 7723
to be carried to tho rest, which ia now 2,6C2,0CG.
A Sad Picture.
The New York Sun ghee the following as an
extract of a Utter dated,
Lfrtn CUMn,
Monterey, June 26, 1811.
"Catifonia is m a most wretched state ; there has
not been a drop of rain for ever thirteen months,
and all vegetation lias in con -equence ceased. On
,he whole const ihcro is not a month's supply of
bread ktuTs or vegc'aldea if any description. No
catde will be killed this year, and of course all bu.
siness in hides will be stopped. The distress will
be dreadful.
Gnowrn or Civciskati. By the recent publi
cation of some statistic il doeumen's, in relation 'o
this city, e learn in 1S00, its jopulit on was
only 720. In 120, it had increased to U.CJ'J ; in
IS 10 it was 21831; ii is no.v about 60 0110.
Theie are eleven hundred and thiitv-fivc miles of
canals, railroads and turnpikes concentrating on the
ciiy and connecting it with the interior country, t
iy nothing of the great national thoroughfare, the
Ohio, which communicates with the whole west.
Th ir) -three iteamliosU were built nt C ncinnuti
last year, with an aggregate tonuago of 6,301, aud
ut a Cost of 5582,000.
Joshua Lyon ik'parted this life on Satu day, Octo
ber 2nd, ut Greenwich, Coniiecti:ut, in the 00th
year of bis age. He eivcd a a drafted soldier lor
aix years in the army. lie was with
tieneral Washington at t e evacuation of New
Vork carried forago at the battle ol White Plains
und duiiug five years the continental guard was
quartered at his house, during which lirno he fur.
nished them with wood and proviaions without
compensation. For the last t.s or seven years he
has received a pension from the government he la.
boied with ao nvich zeal and patrio to isublish
und defend. For m.ny years he h a been the old
est inhabitant of the town in which be was born
and died. Drulhtr Jonathan.
Officer the Ualtimobc Amkiucak, Oct, 12.
FLOL'K. On Sauiday sales of limited parcels
of Howard street Flour of good standard brands
were miule from stores at fS. To-day huldois are
asking the same price, but buyers refu.e to pay o
ver $5,87. W e are not udvised. i,f any sales at ii pr ce. In the prect time ., ibe mnikel we
ate unable to 'suote a Hi finite nee pt nrire.
No i ilea uf City Mills Flour ri'jiiiinstiy lul l at
Sales of very limind pir.-el of S.itquchaun i
Flour at f 0.12 J eve (ju no G u ?G,1CJ.
GRAIN. t'lie ineipui f W heat ie ex'r. mely
limited, and the small parcels .it m irkol to-day were
sold at $1,1$ a 1,23 for lair to suicliy prime Md,
Thtre are no I'enn-y Ivania Wheals at market.
Small sales of Corn at CI a 65 CIS. for white, and
61 a G3 els for yellow.
M irjl uid Ro ia wonh 63 a 69 e'.s.
8m dl sab s of Oats at 44 a 45 cts.
1IISKE V The market is t x iemely dull and
piicea declining. LiuiiteJ sales of lilid. wero
made to-duy at S3 c s. and of bids, at 24 i ts. The
wagon price of bids, is 21 ct.. exclusive of the bid.
llicgsrii.'s Ri.ronTsa, Oct. 12, 1841.
FLOUR AND MEL. The market isqmett
the doinand moderate supplies light, and the toek
small, The ruling price of tSupeifme Flour of
standard brands is f6,l2JanJ doll. Rye Hour fl,
60, demand Very limited. Pennsylvania Corn
Meal in bbts. f3; hhda. $14 14 25; U randy
wine Mosl, prices nominal.
FLAXSEED Small sale's have been made at
193 a l9&eonU per buiol ; the sIkU is Ukeo aa
il anives.
GRAIN. The reclpts of most descriptions are
eomparstively light the domand very moderate,
Sim ill sales of Pennsylvania Wheat liava been
made at 133 a 135, but this Is hot a fair
fur large lots; Southern do. at 130 a j 33. Corn
ia extremely dull, and pries declined. We eannt
quote Penn'a over CO a 62 ; Southern from 63 a
60 for white and yellow ; Rye 62 a 65 ct?., aud
Oats 44 cU. salei.
.71. R it I E D
On the flOih ult., at the residence of John II.
Vincent, Esq , in t'hillnqunque townahip, by the
Rev. Mr. Hirst, Mr. Thomas Raskr to MUs
EttJiBkTU KmoiiT BnoWjr, of Mobile, Alabama.
Coal Trade.
Amount of Coal carried on the Danville and
Pot U villi; Rail Rood to funhury for ahipping, du
ting the weik ending on Oct. 14, 7t'3 Tons.
l'er last report, IS SOj
Total. 16.276
Amount of Iron Ore transput ipd, 1,723
JOHN GUUD, w. x.
SusacniAKNA Coal Tnnt.
Total amount rhipped from Wyomine Vallev. to
June2Ut, Tons, 7,116
ScuciLKiLt Coal 'I'haiik.
To Oct. 7, Tons, 449,174
To Oct. 7, T 23.800
DkLawamc St Hcdsot Cost Tiiakk.
To Sept. 25, To. s, 139,070
Pt.a CftVk(;iAL TiiAra.
To Aug. 5, Ti-nv, 13,000
Mocmt I'anao.v lUri. Roan.
Amount transported to Oct. 7, Tons, 69 611
Mink Hill & Scbutlrill Havas Rail Roah.
Amouut tratifpor ed to Oet. 7, Tons 193,3d 5
Mill CitttK Rail Roan.
Amount irsnsjiorted to Oct. 7. Tons 4t,64fi
Amount transported to Oet. 7. Tons 62,003
Llbiou Coal Tuaiix.
To Kept. 30, Ton, 6S.55S
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxleimer.
Con v.
RkkswaX, .
Diiiku AerLX,
Do. Psscnks,
Hkcklcd Flax,
THE success which hns atiendid the ne of Dr.
Hitiich't IJerinnn Aperient anil Cumpmnid
ilrengthrning Tonic Pills, ik truly iis'oi.i-bini!. Il
is no vain boast to ray this nicdieine ha proved by
ils happy ilT. cU in the l ure ol a Vmietv "f diseases
to nhirh the human frame is loi'dc, to be vusilv su
perior to tho many preiiaraiions In fore the pubic.
Many of these ptep iiations are compounded by in
dividual who on pot-itivc'y icuorunl of the mysle.
ries of i ho liunmn S)Hein, und mere prelendi is o
medieal knowledge. Dr. Ilarlicli, however, is ceh
brated among the (ii ruian faculty hs a nun of the
highest scientific attainment", and equally ilistin.
guii-hcd throughout Europe, as a succeful medical
i rartnioiji r. kptnt most ol the years of a useful iile
in the HiUisiion of such knowledge as mipbt prove
iH'iiefieiul to his fellow creatuns. In the pihs which
he iiivi nie I, ami which In ar hU name, tl.e public apuri d of an ailiele that poKscs-ca. more than
oi.lilimv virtues. From the acknowledged latent
of this inventor, notl ing lees than a good article
could be fiuccii-d ; and tho ixpertenee uf many
years ban afforded demoiixtraiion of the virtues id
hi medicine. In Gi imiiiiy aud other parts of Eu
rOj, it r put.ition is e.-t .tlibshrd. In this countrv
into which it hue but been recently introduced, it is
rapidly cuining the mo-t mhtuntul reputation. The
nuini ious e rl fic.itea of cures nl the ino-l ob.-linaie
di.e ises i fft-cled by the ne of Harlivli's 1'dls, which
the proprietor is cnurtaiitly receiving, i proof of ilie
fact. Div alter day be iu-n
of iheir eiiij.iey, and week ufter w. Ii.creae the
demand lor iliein. Thi is n it niere uiikt-rilnii ; li.
nuiiieiu'ilc cer;,iicates sre open for the Int-pectiou ol
the pu1 'ic, snd tho doubts ol'anv who are tkeptieiil,
can le removed b) exuiiiiuliig theuj si the olliccol
ttie proprietor.
We lake the liherty, then, of sugcesting to every
family, thut they insko use ol Ur. llailieh's i'dl-.
Let tin in keep a supply i-oukIuuiIv on huml, to be
u-nd when occasion deound and they wi.l n reive
the most uneq livocal pro .1 of un ity. Medical
1'iineipal ffi e for the United Slutes, No. 19
.N'orl i r.igh'h sue. I, l'liila 'i Iplii".
W e tern Dp I. No. 41, M. Clair s'reel, P.t s-
i.urgh. iiEM.v ynxniEiuuR.
'IV I. lo. epei il. i I Wurliing o i Uit
L lallioii ul' olnnleiT-i will nie. l lot and diill, lolly iqi.'pt e I in u t. r
unit. .nil, a d p'iiidd Willi 21 roun.'a nl
I hiuk caring' s, ol unbu'V, mi baiuid iv
the ao 11 day ul Ociulei, ut 10 i'
cUU, A. M.
15y order of the M ij r .
JOHN E.M.wlT, Adj't.
Oct. ICth. 1S1L
T'OI ore required to meet for
i.aradeiu M irkel-siUare, Sun
lui), at 10 o'clock A. M. ol Sa uc
day, I lie
30lh day of Oct. Inst.,
in Winter mifonn, rach "Menthi r
to lxj 7,ovided with ruuiidsof
Dy older uf Cupluiu Di wait,
Orderly Sgt
Oe4.16ih, 1941.
a?. la...
.. - i . . ...
All Eieeiiitn vl I le held il ih - Dank 115 11 iisr,
en Mortiliy ill' I&1I1 day of Noveitt e( be
tween the hoUrs ol 10 A. M and 3 P. M , fir tliu
purpose of choosing th. teen Di'ertors t.i lerve for
the ensuing )sr. The annual mee ing of the
siockho'dera will be held on the first Tuesday in
November, at 10 A. M. J. R. PKIKa I LE Y,
Oct. 16. 3l Cat'irrr.
DIl. J. MAYaEll,
WILL at end 10 all npcriitoii in Denial Si.
geiy, aucb as Cleansing, I'luiigmg, Ex
tracting and tmerting Incurruiiille T. 1 th, fiom
one to a fu'l sett. He opiratea uftei the manlier nl
iho MiChanics of l'ii,beinu furni-hed with I 1 1.
tena Composition Blocking, (a new art e'e.) a f ,
oriicle, I ut hi comes h.ild in two lmur nftir iiihoi.
ing. Any crson not bthij t.itUUcd, w ill nut bu
compelled to pav,
(C"OrriCK at Hiram Piio-'a Hotel, Sjtibury,
anil at Mis. Wit'iingions, Noithuinheil oid,
N. II. Tl e Tootll Ache cureJ in five minutes,
wi-i 11. if r citiitar, Sin bury, t )et 9, HU
suxianoN sdesntsst,
f HAS retU'ni'd scain to piiiii uy, inol is re
B Lm bared to perforni hII o.iTatioii in Dki aL
Si'Huinr In h's u.-u I sseod iv'c.
'I h isii who Jcsiro their N itural Teetlt repaired,
or new ones imere l, will ph aso leavu woid soon,
ns hm slay wilt not pioliably be more than two
wei ks.
Residence at tho Hotel of C. D, Wharton.
Ociohri 9th. 141.
ESl'CCTFL'I.LY inf mwherfiie. dsan ith.e
jL pul lie ceni ro lv. th ! ho niiri .i.o lo keep
thai well known T.ivein Mand in Maik't sir. CI,
.""iiubury, sign of th
IIS.33li2JZI .ISLaslICLE)!',
foimeilv ke I ly lolm U dtoii 11-r hui-baiul ; mid
bv 1 ndeavo' n g lo comluct the i siahlik .m) nt in a
oniiiner to uive si a 14 aetiini to all, hopes .0 tin. lit a
libeiat barn of public p mo ar;e,
S 11 burv. (K- ol, r 9 h. 191 1.
CRFLITtihS TAKE N"l M.'E. I ha- we have
applied to the CuU't ol Couoii ti I'.ea of .oi.
tliumln-il Mil Couiny, lor tie leiiifitnf Hie I. w
made for the relief nf the iiioei,t iMiins; 01 d
that the Judtf. of lI'C said . ' I al apj d
the first Mond y of .Nm'r. next 10 beir i, . i d 0111
cridtlurs ut iho Com t House in Sunbuiy. wl.c.i
Slid where )ou may aticml if you ilimk piop'-r.
Or o'er O h. 1S41.
C'i'C2ilor.. Tiilt'c Notice.
EHEL-EblLK I.AZARI Asgnce i.f Th..
' in is A. lill inptnn, I ss fi. il in tin i.tliec o' the
t'liiihonotary nf t: e Couit ff Common I'leaa ol
Nor. hoii, tie. Und account if the re.ii, la
nod xpeilourea by him, of ihe said Tboiiias A.
lid iiiL'ion, for tlie 1 X'liion-ii.iii nf lliosu 11 ti ie-te.l,
on ur 1 1 fore tbc tlord day uf Nuvem1 ir next, when
iho -aniu wi.l be ulloweil by the court, uulcx c.lue
he tiliown to the contrary.
Prnthnnotarv's DITiee, 'rvtlt'y.
Snnbnry S. t.i 2'l. IS II. $ Pr.
Ft IK 111 the Court nl I'.eiS if
Noribuinbeil.iud (bounty, coiumeiieiiiii no llle
lii.t Mnndiiy f Novrinhir next, C'" " g-l-e Is.)
(.'oui.ty nf Noiihum'd. vs John 15 00111, l.iie Ticjs.
JokoiIi Tn go vs M.iriin M. St,,(.k
l'i 11 r Filbei 's sdms. vs John FiIIh-iI
C iniii'ib. ol I'.i. vs Wenv. r. I.lojd, ct al
11 dner I. r Ll.idgcr vs Iluh lie las
Wm. A. LI. ! vs J 'hu V.'iu.ginau
Ndntnoii Mengis vs Gi 015. () mi r
Lbssl'S W. liieharJi v D. tjowden
W 1II1.1111 Siii nun v- Aiigiis'ua l.'o.s 1 1 nl
.loll'. D.tlowdell vi bichsrd- iSi. Km hen
Jacob Dots vs 1'itnik It mpty
6aiah Etkirt s M. U. Liken vV C G.
I Mini I
Daniel Di fVeiibaihcr vs Chri-nau R. bin-on
J one Weilel vs mIiiiiioii Lui kcda iger
El j ih Cr iwloid va Jisao I'.oku
John A. L'ovd v William .NuC-y
('.nil'ih l I'd. for S-yre v J l.n Irik
llrinv Fruk Vs Kle, In 11 W Iron
John Hunter s John linn r
J ico'.i rlobps vs J 01 e- D ell', i.h ici er
Udt eit Rollins' ex'r vk Mainn W e..v.-i
Rich iid Vanu ll v E.i 1! r .d!. ru' adm .
L on, e i f S:i i'.h vs lli-uh U- ll
An In w I'm k vs J. .lm A. I.iomI
I Iiiiiii.i Vanvulz-ili v.s A. n uli i.i.'a kdiitr
llarlletl lor Piper Va Heln t iivk
Hciueii &r Fooniei vj b.unuel III or
John M. Ruel v Davtd Htutmon
Joseph Mar x a I. I'uri-tl cc J Purstl
Pr iihon' t iry's OfTu e, 2 l'rutl'y
Snnl uiy, Del 1 4 1. 5
T? V T A 1? D
V V Jk-d sat. Jfc-
S 0IX.K1J fur ii.lorin.ilion that w iti If ad ti ih1 C T
nf anu tt.aiL.iit fir VI' till iiiilt Itll.l
or li .Il hrrt uld r Ijv fetoi.c ur L lit r t-l'-'f uciiun on
Ihe rails ol Hie Uanville una I vtisvine nn
a t ff the I. gi-lalui has undo lids nth nee punish,
aide by iirpri-oiiii.enl in tho 1'E.M I L.NTI A li V,
nn J il e LoiiiiHiiy a e dru iiniio d 10 .ro.ecotc ol
lend r. lo Ihu nun. 'Si CX' nt ol ti t law.
S. pt. IS. :b. 5 K. DiD..i.,.W0rr.
11 LSI' EC I FL'I.LY ii.foiin the ittiieiis ol Sun.
k- duiy and vieiniiy. ihitl they bate Ink It the
Slinp Ian ly i'crii ied by Win. Dursi, w hi 10 they
will cam on ihe
in nil i's vaio'us hr-iin he. Uy stiiel h'Ii ioinn and
ira. liable cli ngrs, they expeit to (lit-1 it a shaie uf
Sunbniy. f..t. 4'h. 1"11.
rVtiiice to i r c(!itc. -.
T'lIE (' iilnors ol llitii-n l'me. nl On iJo'v -h
-a- if UIlllry, lire 1 eiehy Hi.'. ,i;t .1 ill it I i- b
ina le all Bn-iinnenl nf hi ( r.. eil V and IT c I .
Ihe uncler. ined, in liii..'( lor Ihe lemfii of sorb id
II I credilnis at (Xtrute a' tin-"
i-piciive clai'.,i, wi hin sixty days Irmn the date
Ities.iil assiiiineiil. ii : the laihufAuu.ii 1641.
A nleus i now riady si he oli'ice of l. W, lie-
una, lor Hie sigimiure nl ru-d-tor. i-M''.g lo avail
llieinsilve. u! Ibe benefit of I lie a-K,onn nt.
l.EOUlii; C EI-KEIt,
C. W. HLG1.NK,
Knnburv.Sept. 4, 111 fit "" IISI-
BERait)iVS, imUbled to 11. U. M-r Ac Co
aie mice more iiolilie.1 that tbeir account, il
i.oi settled in a lew weiks. will posmvely be olactd
in the bauds nf a magistrate for cohcttuu.
August H, 1611.
Cstnlc cf Jolin Chcrrj.
NO MINE 1 hereby Riven, that the lb gl.s'ef of
Niiilliuiiiln rhind rou-iiv ha p ran tod letter?
letiuniehiary tipim ihe estato of John Cherry,
III nf August! town.hip, dee'd , to the rulsKii
Ut, ri r m li d intVi.-hlp. All rsona having
sny ilfttnnd .n'itot said i stute, nm requesto I lo
prison! them, anj tlio.e indtbtrd to rtibku puyrmjul
io the stibseriber.
go,,,. 4 ,-ow. PC t'F.R PNYDER. ilim.
run halk iit '
133. 133. S5!3a3Bm.
ANTIIO.N'S I'Ii.-hii-.iI D.cioioiiv; la-niprier's
do.; A nwo!lh do Cobb's d English end
Geiman do.; Anthm s t.'xt ar; Aiitlimi'i Grainrnert
Amhcn's C'Cem; Man'-I .a in li'cidei' lpilhy'ad.i.
A'ubew's Lnnu Less n-t' Letieoti)
K'rk's Gre k Exercises; lavie' L-gendei; Gia.-ea
Majin' A I in-' R. .mini Anlqui icft I'mimek's
GoliUmith' Eiitjl iiid; tio. (ineci; Lje'l's E'ements
of Genlogv; Mis. Lineo,i,s H .intisS Elements of
Botlnv; Uridue's Algel Porter's Rlntorical Rea-tier-;
E.n rson'e Ger-nnii by and Hi.lory; Olnpy'a
do' Par ty's do ; Stnnh's t,'ramme.( Kiikharn'a do
Kiv'c Rent r.; Coil' do; l.'' Arilhnioickl
Pike's d Eiin-rs mi'-, do.. c,,t ,'g ,i i,i,k L!..nks
To.v ii'm do.; Ciihli' T .h'u Llooki.; Evoii lical Fa
mi'y Lib an; t.'mt ie 13 I b- J I'unnly do ; C.. II iter
nl do; S"ni di B.ldt-a .m l 'l'el oneiit-; Pnikei's Ex
it Le mi Composition; Fruit of ihe fidril; llax ci'k
M int' Re'; American lb volution; Ms'iy ill's No-Vi-V;
Mrs l'hrlps nn C .rinisuy; Iliad; Cite, hinn
i f Ameriran L-ivv.; l.n t. r-ion Si'U'sl Magie; t'be
misliy lor Lleunuiei-; Euul h Exerc'iMS ad pled tn
Murrsy's Grammer; Sji iim I lo Com'- y's Sp-lln g
Uook; Am lieau Claas 11 ok; 1 lain, 11'. Seboolmas
tsi's AkMMam; A -. icat variety of Ulai.k Bo- ks, etc.
August 21, I "4 1.
MADEIRA WINE Ftist quality Maditra
Wine, f -r s-do low by
Sept. 1, IS! I. H. D. MASTER,
FDL'RTil PRDDF LRAMiY. A ytiiuui.
aitirle lwnv mi hand and for sale by
fpi. 1. 'S4I. H. II. MAi-'SFR.
lIOl.LAM) GIN, Ul the best qu.ilily ulwsyn
nn band and lor sa o iy
N-pi. I, 141. IT. R. MASTER.
LOAF AND LUMP bL'G.VR. Alwuja on
hand and tor sale by
Kept. 1, 1641. II. D. MAPSER.
l..-l. Oi tliu bint iiu-.iliiy ulwsys on hand
ii d fir al bv
! 1. 1311. II. H. MAS-SER,
UlitJW N M tiAli. 1 u nn.l (IMl tv.lnr:ile
I wly Sen I , I "4 I. II. U. M AS." FR.
t.bLI N AM) UI.AI K I LA. Ol tho best
qua i ' v ii i w ii f on liaiiU I- r ale bv
S.i'l. 1. 1HI. H. II. MASSRR.
t i i i 1 . J in. lno Kim I. abulia Loll i , con-
slant v i n b ind ui.d I r Mile I y
'l. I. 1M l 11. 11. M.SC i?;
M'Eli.'il OIL. W mtt r and Si.niinir tr.iiiui'
Sp. i in Oil, ul the quul.ty, niwnys on bond in d
for sale bv
frcpt l", 1?4I. H. B. MASTER.
r J LLl.. Lai-i alio Uit.-tei foei I. I r! by
Sept. I. IS4I. H. U. MA.sFR.
IRISH AI.M')N. Ol tho tt-t quality, con.
stsiitly i n huml and lor sale bv
fet. I. lt.41. tl II. MASSER.
Lilil'tiliS. Ol rdi km I- uini ol l. e It. -I quah
tie-, iil:ivs in. bnlul uini f,r ale b
se i. I, 1P4I Ii. II. MASSKR.
""f-l'IMNG il.l L. ul vain us rats ur Llij in
S rn g-. h.r sole by
St,-i. 1, IS II. M. H. MAsSER.
LAb'Gt: lil.'AldO ElllLEs. F. r sale . i
vt ry lednci d oiei s l y
S..,.-. 1 1SU. ' H. Ii. VAER.
Ll.A.Mv lit It 1Kb. 1. L-41.
-Ill ..II A- St . I ' :. - ly
II. Ii. .i.LK.
liLA.NK lil.LD-. . . M.-mice-. A-e. f...
sale by .ip'. 1 111. II H MA-.l II.
JLs TTTl-Ts' ULAN Krr,T:i v
S.l. 1. lll. H. II. M." PR.
.LllTHf, ilitr, liiv.K. 1i.vimL.u- tu.fn, tVi-.,
for si It- bv
Sip'.l'. 1S41. V. I. M fF.R.
A.-.-IMLIiL"J A.D .'l i l-M 'i'l . I i"
ule verv :otv I y
tM t. L. 1M1. H. R. MAER.
LAUI L I I.Nli. I'm ti e .K
S. , t. I. IMI. II. II. MASER.
III. V A K I.T-1 1,1 s..le rlii ll,i II
svi.i. I. iF-ll. II. I". MAiFR.
I.I E it ill. DM LM INsF,r - .v by
S. pi. 1. IM I. 1!. I! MAs.-ER.
t nl i) Vai.N A.MiLUI T- . L.'tl'd
I HI - .1. I V
i l.'lMI. 11. H- MANSER.
l.'trrpAM I til MjN'J l l i . i-.r Mie
U s, i i. 1 ism I. II. Ii. M As I- It.
"TtTw i.inejT();;i..- .mTT.di Ls.--
l'or Fair l-v
Si... 1. IS 11. II. P. X'AssFR.
j . : i, v Jt) .cs,
rJEtlEblfei i I -ii i'l' b a nil lit i y I i.nd-
vvli.i me n, iv n.i, m hi ve.v loae imk nl
t'op'l ti:-, tn. f'i. ..!., M i. lines, I'm;, llmdirii;,
Sun R ...g. i.,- , &C, Hat be lis jul ni n ll, ill
hi- m in. in iwi. N i. 18 .N i rth Vd tl n t, and No.
t hutch Alley, Li U dour tot 'loi-t Cburrb, I'bi'a.
t'e t.h.M. .lulv -tl. I Kit tv.
T-t T1IS
Tllli sTA I k roMSTlTl'THlN.
"Rrsnlred by tiie innate 'jnd llmtte nf Itrprc
tentative in Gentrul Atimhif met. Thai ti e
Ci'ii-lt'iitiou ol this Loininoiiwralih l e usiriiiled in
the third section nf the second uinclv, so thai il
shall lead us follows :
'Thut the Governor shall hold his office durin(j
three yeais, the ll.iid Tuesday nf J.ii.unv,
next eii.u tig bis eitition, and s'niil nor he capable
i f boldiiij it loiojer than a tingle ttrvt if tfoie
ytwt, iu any lenu of nine ear.."
W M. A. CI.'ABB.
Speaker ef the ue tf Heprettntatitt.
i.0. II. V.W I.(i.
Speaker i f the Senate.
Pennfi,?van:a, tt.v
bitkHAUi's Oltict. 5 I do bi reby cer
tify 1 1, at lbs rr!0.
i.-? is n Ii-um ropv nf n Resolution proposing mi
jn.e- d neni ol l..e t'onlii.limi, wht.ll vv a aireil
I ai ih. I .'l sr-oimi i f tl e Lrt-laiuie, I y a m i-
j.iiiv.f ihe in. od eis el cted I i rai h, the
. i. ill nf wvhu-li r. H.ailM in Ihl- I'tliee; I
lo t tin,, ! him r nli il.s Milli uriii le ol Hm t on-li-tUlloll
bf ibe t.'o i inoiiweabh, I ll bi Irhy cans,
ibe s un lo bv pbbiLiiv'pui dilwlcd ly llle ahi
tii lit le.
-. L. S. Miave hfr.-uiiio .l mi band imtl
J -i al i f s lul olfice al llani.l.uig. tins
v-. vrN 14lh day nf June, I C4 I.
FliS. K. SHl'NK.
Steittary if the Commvniotul h.
Julv 3. 3im.
L1UU for s ile. Enquire at tb.a wUkc.
August Si, ls-11.
2. B. IsCASDEP.a
Bitsinesi allended to in ti e llountiea of Nof
ihuiul irlend, Union. Lironiin und Culuiub a.
nefer lot
Tiioata IIaht (c Co.,
Lowi.r At Uamiiost,
Habt, Ct?Mtnifis & Habt, yi'hita L
RxtaroLna, Mrl'inuMi & Co,
SfKllMO, 'lontl rlc '., J
UK siiberila-r. r.iiliHB in theli-wn nf Sliamn
km, offers f,.r ictit li s UhickamilM Sir p and
TooN. Any prison vtbhlint tu icnl th sutne, ran
have iitKM-Ksinn at any time I- twet'o I'd and the
flial nf Si ntelliber u-tl 'Van -I. - n..u1
and located in iho ten'.ro if tl.e town.
juw i7.-ir jo-eph ze: n.
'THE sul.Fcriner ha nceiVeO :m BiMtment of
- New Good-, whoh ho will sell oti lb" b wist
terms. Jun -l'J. II. II. MAS-ER.
Commlvsion acid B'cr ui tllugf
W i-s V' '
lr.-Z- i .TU '
0 ESI E(;TFl LI.Y mr.irrris his friends und the
- brilliants prm rally, lhat lm c.tiii'iiiis the
t 'onirni jiou m i) Foiw nrou a UuHuevs. nt I i. ware
houe, foot of Widow a'.. Rati. o-ad, Dclaiva -o aud
Mi rc.i.u.ts ItnvitiK pool's lobe flipped, find
it much to their advniil);r, lo toi. nnd piicea
nf height, to snnl tbeir nirirhmidie lo the Depot,
Corner of Front arid Willow Mr it Railroad, as tbiy
ran then be rent t-iilier route by the Tide Water
Canal, nr Si l tij Ikill nnd t.'rioti Canals, m bonta
will arrive nnd depnrl d i'y lor tl o .lunint-i nnd
Su-qurli'innn Canals by Tu!e-waii r in tow f steam,
or via Scliuy ikill and L'n.uii Caitals hotu FuiinioUht
Merrbanla will please le je.rtii utur torrid til
poods destined fm either roule, to ll c la'ge Dipol,
e.Tn.r ol Front and Willow stie.t Radrond, with
dincl mis afcniiipnriy iiii: them, which toutc they
Wish trcm to be shipped.
('i-otiMi and fine Suit and rinster at wholes J j
prices, on the Deluwato nr Schuylkill.
Philsib Iphia. June 5. 1S41 'ly.
Ccp and I'um Leaf Hrrt
No. 10 Sotrn 4rn Stklkt, I IIILADELT1ITA,
WHRRE an extenivr nvsiirtn.e. t nf ilealoia
article ate coiiNinuily kept on, for sale
at li e iin-st rea-onable teims.
May VI9, IS4I. ly.
It itolcsnle Ilnlcrs,
fi F'ireitx'i. ir.tlsh and dniericun Dry Gtmdt,
N-i. 12 iVmiiii 'In i hi Si tirt r, I'm la t v i Mil a.
COUNTRY Me-t I at l r'.n he- el nil
linu-s w i-.i nn i xienivo ..fS rto- nt . f the i.b. is
Good-, on the innst re .a. n.ible in d -uii-fui'liiiy N rn:!
Mav S9. 1MI.-Ii.
Additlvl ntichti-rii &. i:iitli.
V7HC'l.ZSaa,Z.'Z3 EHCF, CaT-P,
fS'innit at.d I'vbn Icif Hit Wvrliri",
No. 1C7 MaIiKit S-rnrrT. aiiuvk 4 in Stum t,
I IIIL Dri.l HI .
COLN'l'RY Ver b r iff f, i y ..qim.i.d
lo c ill I t xai.ii i i .1 '-. f if i" ' it ri.',
hihibevwll ell on the nn t ri s;i i.o. fii s.
M .v IH1I. 1.
Spanish nirrs,
D. K I U K V A T Ii 1 C K ,jONr
Ao. 1. AV,.i7- 7 - n' f act,
(bkivi:(. mirkit am i h i -i hTnr.i is,
PnIL-MH LI'lil .
H A V r f r s'l- l op.' "ii .! r v . I'e t -rn 'ire-f
. f Fprrxi h H-t'tf Voti ii Tit htr,' Or,
nl tl t b'f .1 in.nki t n. e , , n ei lor :!, iir
1 xehii p' f -r lo n'l't r. .nil on ec it.
'-.-it I no i.'s if I r. .f-ii.vid fur side, o
I nrt-'oi, .1 t il p bi n u,ki ' tie. r,
(j - I.f ml i ' i. r In e of cl.-ngr.
Ai r I 17 If 41.- It.
i oca r. Ta- y iv. z r. c virTzF.
'T"l'l Sol r.l r. A.-i i I ,, I tin &, Hat
I M; n, f... tor, i f.,i N.tvY.rk. I l l tie I i.-,
Itiib ii. on . ti.i o I i r In rt e i in. v 1 1 p.- .'o. i if
I. roiiiin. i J. it I m m.i ci l' r rt d f'r.rf 1,ity,
I a- on I nil a fir -1 ran . o I n i i t i t I A'i b nil
l. A I S. -u.: it b f..r .-, r i u if , '-!i ' h ih i f 1 1
ni I, vv f. r rash m in p ove I rnd.-.iit i!o imfiuf
r.hcup i-rC, No. 40, Ninth "i h id t. .-I, njputliO
ihe City II. .Ii I. I'bil e'i I a.
oi IVl I N. I l'A( T. ,r"t.
N. P. OritV.s f r IIu- r. ! . 1 4j ' ,...; ily
niii nib il m. lie i iijloi: :.. .-'. m l .-m
n ten fi-r Fm 'kin.".
I'tiihn'i Iplnu. A ii 'C, 14 1 lv
I'liol'l l I. I ov MI-ION l Kl II I VT',
Ao. 'J7, Miuktt i.t'en, 'r e ilivm alovi Hircnth,
OFFER f. r sale si ibe ..w. at rnvkcl prices, X
ui tu ill as.oriii cut if 'Juts. C:fn, ISugt.rSr
V.'rto rs. lt'.r.cs, L'liuiun, Sviett, T-.laici', 4c.
Ooi .vti. v I'nonict r reived tinl .!.! on ci-u ini--n
n. Mi 'dial. I, lloiel I.i i j ers, o. hers, tv ill
llnd it to lln ir sdv.tii ni;e lo null and ciaiiin e our
.Imk, Ixf-re iurha-iii2 ilMwItire. Mi ri bant
wishii f tin ir giMali. c llvcled in Il ls, by I- aviii
an order, v. ill h ive ihein y lorwatdtd, by
tho inohl exptditious lints.
nwi. r. mica:, joun u. rutCK.
Fib. 6, INI. Iv.
.o. 12'J Clictnut Street, below 4th,
EEP ennnai.tly on baud a geneial s? tri
olein of Books nnd Stslionarv ; eomnrising
1 heolopical, Medical, (.laincnl. Mtcclane
ous and School Books, U..y Docks, all s a. s, Led
err, do.. Family lithles, I'tH-krl 11 b e-, W it ng
Pajieis, V ra pmg Pap. is. tVe. Ac. which ihi y ol
ler si ihe I' Cbt p ices lo I'oun'ry M. .rh n i's Tro
h .sii.iial liciiilemen, Ti achers, and ul 1 ut.icr thut
may fivor .l.em with iheir iti'. -m.
I'hila lelpuia, No ndM-r 7. Is-M Iv.
C) Ii c a T in- w nvc.
I t At i I lilJU i ml sold l y ilie iil seri.
her in Snnhinv, of.helst 'I ns and ihs w .iriiilrd, which lu- idler, fur sa;e st ndneeil
eih, now as I .vv jl le'ail y s.dd by
whi.'sil.. G .od Waieiii g I'ols, I. ui.ei y .n'd hI
87, now si 75 i en's; L-nqs Beik.-t, lor.i.fily
75 and CI. now at ti ami Ml; Gill n C. rl e
To .. I'.niio ily a dJ t 'C, and lh.. q 50, noa
si 45 unj '.it rent, a ml al er uricle of Tn, Ujia
in pr .M.r loo. l .' i pe and siovrs tn -de ui. J
s 1.1 i beap I .r c sh. Sc -.
N. II. A" per- Ii. lit ! I t d lo ibe pnb-c i'er,
ii ij v ho w ill io .ave (os s. ile I, que. ..I 'u rat
ami nuke siU-lai ii.oi, vvibnut J. rwnb
Cash or Ly g vi .g heii note .
SvjuUi-y. Apul 1U. HENRY MASiL.'L